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Dear _________________,

We proudly invite you to the presentation of our QUEST

Freshmen Career Research ro!ects" Throu#hout the
month of $arch, %e have &een researchin# careers and
composin# presentations &ased on the research' To #ive
students an opportunity to share %hat they have learned,
%e %ill &e hostin# the presentations in the $illi(an
)i&rary on Thursday, *pril +
, from ,-+. to /-0. p'm '
Water and li#ht snac(s %ill &e provided' Than( you for
all you do to support our students" We loo( for%ard to
seein# you there"
$rs' 1rothe
En#lish ,2/ *ccelerated
lease tear off and return &y Friday, $arch /3
to RS4-
5ame- ____________ Student- _____________
____ *ccept %ith pleasure" 65um&er of attendees- ____7
____ Decline %ith re#ret'

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