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Teacher KLA Leader Assistant Principal Date

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Mater Dei Catholic College

Subject 7 Music
Task Instruments of the Orchestra Research Task

Date Issued:
Week 2, Term 2, 2014
Date Due:
Week 4, Term 2, 2014
Assessment Weighting:

Outcomes Being Assessed:
4.7 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through listening, observing, responding, discriminating,
analysing, discussing and recording musical ideas.
4.11 demonstrates an appreciation, tolerance and respect for the aesthetic value of music as an artform.

Context for the Task:
The current topic in music is Instruments of the Orchestra. Students will research, perform and listen to a
variety of instruments that are used in the orchestra. There are four sections of the orchestra: brass,
woodwind, strings and percussion.

Outline of Task:
Students are to, in groups of 2-4, prepare a presentation on the internet program Prezi. They are to choose an
instrument of their choice from one of the sections from the orchestra. They must include the following criteria in
their presentation:
1. Investigate and discuss the history of the instrument include:
a. Where was the instrument made?
b. In what historical time period was it made?
c. How has the instrument changed over time?
2. Compare your chosen orchestral instrument to ONE other from the same section:
3. Describe the orchestral instrument & how it works, include:
a. Identify which section of the orchestra the instrument belongs and indicate on a diagram.
b. Label a diagram of the instrument
4. Create and present your informed research in a Prezi including referencing

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Teacher Comment
Areas you have done well -

Areas you could improve upon -

Where can I improve?

Marking Criteria
A student demonstrates:
An extensive investigation and discussion of the history of their chosen instrument.
An extensive comparison of two orchestral instruments, referring to pitch and tone.
Comprehensive identifies and describes how an instrument works, the appropriate section and
labels all components in a diagram.
Created and presented a well -informed Prezi presentation encompassing all of the criteria
utilising extensive tools and techniques. Has accurately included Sub Headings.
A well-developed investigation and discussion of the history of their chosen instrument.
A thorough comparison of two orchestral instruments, referring to pitch and tone.
Accurately identifies and describes how an instrument works, the appropriate section and
labels all components in a diagram.
Created and presented a well -informed Prezi presentation encompassing all of the criteria.
Has accurately included Sub Headings.
A developed investigation and discussion of the history of their chosen instrument.
A sound comparison of two orchestral instruments, referring to pitch and tone.
Identifies and describes how an instrument works, the appropriate section and labels most
components in a diagram.
Created and presented an informed Prezi presentation encompassing most of the criteria
utilising extensive tools and techniques.
A sound investigation and discussion of the history of their chosen instrument.
Has made some comparison of two orchestral instruments.
Identifies and describes how an instrument works and listed the appropriate section.
Created and presented a Prezi presentation encompassing some of the criteria.
A basic investigation and discussion of the history of their chosen instrument.
A list of orchestral instruments.
Identifies and describes how an instrument works.
Created and presented a Prezi presentation encompassing little of the criteria.

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