Price Action Scalper

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December 2011

The easiest price action manual trading system
without indicators!
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Cop#ri+ht ? @A33
*ore; Scalpin+
Scalpin+ in the fore; (arket in'ol'es tradin+ currencies based on a set of real)
ti(e anal#sis! "he purpose of scalpin+ is to (ake a profit b# bu#in+ or sellin+
currencies and holdin+ the position for a 'er# short ti(e and closin+ it for a
s(all profit! Man# trades are placed throu+hout the tradin+ da# and the
s#ste( that is used b# these traders is usuall# based on a set of si+nals deri'ed
fro( technical anal#sis chartin+ tools, and is (ade up of a (ultitude of
si+nals, that create a bu# or sell decision when the# point in the sa(e
direction! A fore;scalper looks for a lar+e nu(ber of trades e;pectin+ a s(all
profit each ti(e! Scalpin+ is a (ethod where traders allow their positions to
last onl# for a (atter of seconds, to a full (inute and rarel# lon+er than that!
=if a trader holds a position for (ore than a (inute or two it is not considered
scalpin+, but rather re+ular tradin+!>
*ore; Scalpin+ S#ste(s
A fore; scalpin+ s#ste( can be either (anual, where the trader looks for
si+nals and interprets whether to bu# or sellB or auto(ated, where the trader
CteachesC the software to look for si+nals and how to interpret the(! "he
ti(el# nature of technical anal#sis (akes real)ti(e charts the tool of choice
for fore; scalpers!
:h# Scalpin+D
"he purpose of scalpin+ is to (ake s(all profits while e;posin+ a tradin+
account to a 'er# li(ited risk, which is due to a quick open0close tradin+
"here wouldnt be an# point in scalpin+ for (an# traders if the# werent
allowed to trade with hi+hl# le'era+ed accounts! ,nl# the abilit# to operate
with lar+e funds of, actuall#, still 'irtual (one#, e(powers traders to profit
fro( $ust a @)E pip (o'e!
4ow do the# do itD
Suppose a scalper opens a tradin+ position of F3AAA with the E%R0%SD! *or
each pip he will now earn F3AG Closin+ the trade with onl# a H pip profit
brin+s it up to FHA I not bad for less than a (inute of workG
*ore; brokers for Scalpin+
Ask #our broker if the# allow scalpin+G :hich brokers allow scalpin+D
=Scalpin+ ) holdin+ a position for less than 3 (in>
M& *in &roup
M/ tradin+
&lobal *ore; "radin+
CMC Markets
I*7 Markets
*7 Solutions
Interacti'e /rokers
CMS *ore;
*7CM =*ore; Capital Markets>
INTRODUCTION: Price Action Scalper
Dear traders! :e all want to (ake fast (one# with *ore;! "here are 3AAs of
scalpin+ tradin+ strate+ies in *ore;, but JJ,JK of the( do not work or are $ust
'er# difficult to follow!
Scalpin+ usin+ the (t2 indicators can be 'er# difficult due to si+nal dela#s,
la++in+ etc! In this case so(eti(es is (uch (ore profitable to use a price
action scalpin+ s#ste( that uses no indicators! "he price will tell #ou what to
do! "he price is #our si+nal and #our best indicator! "here is one price action
scalpin+ s#ste( that in'ol'es no indicators, no robots L onl# #our tradin+
screen! "he followin+ scalpin+ s#ste( has pro'en to work $ust fine and #ou
will be able to (ake a +ood profit if #ou follow all the rules and risk
(ana+e(ent reco((endations!
"he MPrice Action ScalperN uses no co(plicated rules and will be 'er# eas# to
use for an# trader L e'en if #ou ha'e ne'er traded *ore; before!
All #ou need to know is how to open a couple of tradin+ charts on #our tradin+
ter(inal! "he s#ste( does not require a trader to follow (a$or *ore; rules
likeO do not trade a+ainst a trend, i+nore si+nals a+ainst a trend L because the
s#ste( itself L confir(s trend followin+P
Scalpin+ is not eas# for be+inners, please tr# the s#ste( on #our de(o account
for at least one (onth before +oin+ li'e!
The System:
"he CPrice Action ScalperN is a tradin+ strate+# usin+ 2 screens L it is a no
indicators *ore; strate+#! It +i'es a +ood chance of profit, with proper risk
(ana+e(ent ) and the possibilit# of a stable inco(e!
"his uni'ersal s#ste( can be used for a 'er# short scalpin+ tradin+ session as
well as for a re+ular da# of tradin+ lon+er trades! :e will discuss both
(ethods =when to place orders, take profit, set a stop loss> for both scalpin+
and nor(al da# tradin+!
"he CPrice Action ScalperN is based on a 2)screen s#ste(, and uses the 43,
MH, M3H and MEA ti(e fra(esB protecti'e stop orders includin+ a trailin+
stop, a stop loss as well as take profit le'els!
In order to i(ple(ent the s#ste( L all #ou ha'e to do is to open =in #our
tradin+ ter(inal> four windows with the currenc# pair =for e;a(ple
E%R0%SD> ti(efra(es of 43, MH, M3H, MEA! If #ou choose C5erticalC in the
C:indowC (enu Metatrader 2 four screens in the ter(inal will be placed in
ad$acent windows in order!
How it wors:
"he MPrice Action ScalperN s#ste( based on a stron+ current trend
confir(ation entr# si+nal which is 'er# eas# to see on #our tradin+ ter(inal L
2 windows =charts>! -ou will +et a si+nal once per hour =al(ost e'er# hour>!
"o use this s#ste( #ou dont need to sit and watch the (arket all the ti(e L
$ust +et read# at the last (inute of the current hour L if there is a si+nal L
place a trade, if not L #ou are free a+ain for the ne;t HJ (inutes until the ne;t
tradin+ opportunit#! =if #ou want (ore si+nals ) #ou can open H)Q pairs at the
sa(e ti(e L 2 ti(efra(es for each> Si(ple and con'enientP
!U" entry:
# :ait for a current hour candle to close
) If all 2 of the last candles =MH, M3H, MEA and 34> closed in M+reenN L wait
for the price to +o another E pips abo'e the close and instantl# place a /%-
*ro( the screenshot abo'eO
3! ,n 34 chart ) a JOAA candle closed +reen at 3AOAA!
@! ,n MEA chart L a JOEA candle closed +reen at 3AOAA
E! ,n M3H chart L a JO2H candle closed +reen at 3AOAA
2! ,n MH chart L a JOHH candle closed +reen at 3AOAA
H! "he price +oes another E pips abo'e the close!
If all the abo'e conditions (et L place a /%- order at current priceO
It is 'er# i(portant to wait until the price (o'es another E pips abo'e the
close L it is #our double confir(ed entr# si+nal!
ATTENTIONO If the price does not break E pips of #our entr# le'el within the
first H (inutes of the hour L Do not enter a tradeP 9ust wait for another
tradin+ opportunit# at the be+innin+ of the ne;t hour!
If #ou prefer to use the s#ste( as a scalper L (ake sure to keep #our take
profit and stop loss orders 'er# ti+ht! :e will discuss all the scalpin+ and0or
lon+er da# tradin+ entries below! En$o# +reat and fast profit, see the sa(ple
below =take profit and stop loss for this trade will be e;plained below>
An opposite rule for a SELL entr#!
SELL entry:
# :ait for a current hour candle to close
) If all 2 last candles =MH, M3H, MEA and 34> closed in MredN L wait for the
price to +o another E pips below the close and instantl# place a SELL order!
*or e;a(pleO
3! ,n 34 chart ) an 33OAA candle closed red at 3@OAA!
@! ,n MEA chart L an 33OEA candle closed red at 3@OAA
E! ,n M3H chart L an 33O2H candle closed red at 3@OAA
2! ,n MH chart L an 33OHH candle closed red at 3@OAA
H! "he price +oes another E pips below the close!
If all the abo'e conditions ha'e been (et L place a SELL order at the current
"his e;a(ple is, of course, perfect! In realit#, a candle, sa#, M3H (a# be closed
+reen! In this case, other candles bein+ red, we will ha'e to wait for the ne;t
' options
3! Place a fi;ed stop loss at @ pips below the low of the pre'ious 3 hour candle
for a bu# trade or @ pips abo'e the hi+h of the pre'ious 3 hours candle for a sell
trade! "his is the best option for a short ter( scalpin+ trade!
@! Place a fi;ed stop loss at @A pips awa# fro( #our entr# pointO
:hen the price reaches 3H pips L stop loss is transferred to breake'en!
Dependin+ on #our tradin+ preferences, #ou can resort to the trailin+ stop!
E! Place #our stop loss order near the (a$or hi+hs0lows L (a$or support and
resistance le'els! "he MPrice Action ScalperN s#ste( can be successful onl# b#
strict co(pliance with the rules! "ake)profit should alwa#s be @)E ti(es
+reater than the stop loss!
Place a fi;ed tae pro(it at EA)2A pips awa# fro( #our entr# pointO
%suall# -ou can e;pectO RH)SATK of #our trades to be profitable !
1ote for "his s#ste(O do not trade ri+ht before, durin+ or i((ediatel# after
(a$or news releases!
I)PORTANT: Recommen$e$ set*p o( the +Price Action Scalper,:
I reco((end to use the s#ste( on a couple of pairs at the sa(e ti(e!
In order to do so ) trade H)Q (a$or pairs at the sa(e ti(e L in this case #ou
will ha'e to open 2 charts for each pairO MH, M3H, MEA and 34!
"his setup will +i'e #ou a lot of si+nals e'er# da# and RH)SAK of the( will be
Scalpin- tips:
/ut there are se'eral thin+s that newer *ore; scalpers (ust take into
consideration! "his is the (ain point of this article! So please pa# attention
and I assure #ou that #ou will beco(e a proficient *ore; scalper in no ti(e
3! Alwa#s ask if it.s allowed!
"his is the first and bi++est thin+ that #ou need to do when scalpin+ *ore;! So
alwa#s (ake sure #our brokera+e allows #ou to trade with this a(a<in+ st#leP I
like to call and talk to a (ana+er or so(eone i(portant! I ha'e asked people
on the chat if scalpin+ fore; was allowed andthe# all said that it was! Call and
ask #our broker, it was well worth it!
@! Scalpin+ in nu(bers is the secretP
Re(e(ber earlier when I told #ou that scalpin+ a sin+le pair won.t (ake #ou
(uch (one#D 4a'e #ou e'er heard of the sa#in+, C"here.s power in
nu(bersDC :ell this is a scientific fact that has been pro'en o'er and o'er
a+ain! :hen #ou scalp a pair (ake sure that #ou purchase a hi+h a(ount!
"his is to (a;i(i<e #our profits! So if #our trade (akes @ pips #ou can (ake
upwards of a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars!
E! /e careful!
"his is probabl# +oin+ to be one of the (ost i(portant tips e'er! Alon+ with
the quick profits, #ou can and (ost likel# will co(e across a couple losses on
this (a+ical *ore; scalpin+ $ourne#P "his is wh# #ou ha'e to be able to accept
these losses! "radin+ on a s(all scale can be easier for so(e! I alwa#s su++est
that newer traders should reall# tr# to scalp on a de(o account! &et
co(fortable with tradin+ on a short ter( scale! I would ad'ise that #ou should
onl# scalp on a li'e account when #ou feel 3AAK co(fortable with e'er# trade!
I(a+ine the de(o account bein+ #our (one#! I(a+ine takin+ a hu+e loss in
real life when #ou (ake a (istake! :hen #ou feel full# co(fortable with
e'er#thin+ e'en after a bi+ loss, then #ou are read# to trade for real!
2! Scalp the *ore; (arket with a planP
"his is the best wa# to a'oid losses durin+ #our ad'enture! %se that de(o
account that we talked about earlier to find a suitable set of indicators or
oscillators or e'en bothP "he de(o account allows #ou to trade in a real ti(e
settin+ while tr#in+ out different s#ste(s! "his can +reatl# increase #our odds
of (akin+ a +ood profit! "r# e'er# sin+le co(bination of technical indicators!
Do this until #ou find a pair that #ou like! ,nce #ou find one then #ou will
trul# be on #our *ore; scalpin+ $ourne#! Please (ake sure that #ou use (#
:ar( re+ards
6arl Ditt(ann
Dece(ber @A33

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