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Name: Septimus Hanyeq Class: A Regular

Student Number: 1105085022

Mini Lesson Plan

Students Grade Level : 4 grade
Concept/skill targeted : vocabulary of items found in a supermarket
Strategy used : games
Times needed : 10 minutes

1. Objective
At the end of learning process, young learners are expected to be able to mention
the names of items found in a supermarket.

2. Method
Whole-class activity

3. Learning Activities
a. Opening (12 minutes)
Teacher asks the students some questions related to the materials that they
are going to learn.
b. Main presentation (5-7 minutes)
Teacher and students discuss the materials.
Teacher asks the students to make a big circle.
Teacher explains the games entitled I go to the Supermarket and I buy a
Students do the I go to the Supermarket and I buy a games.
c. Closing (12 minutes)
Teacher asks one student to conclude what they have learnt from the games.

Penjelasan games:
1. Guru menulis I go to the Supermarket and I buy a di papan tulis saat siswa
membuat lingkaran besar.
2. Satu siswa akan memulai menyebutkan kalimat di atas dan menambahkan satu item.
3. Siswa selanjutnya akan mengulangi kalimat siswa pertama dan menambah satu item
4. Dilanjutkan terus sesuai dengan urutannya.
5. Jika ada siswa yang salah menyebutkan item atau lupa,siswa tersebut keluar dari
permainan dengan menyebutkan Sorry, youre out!. Siswa disebelahnya melanjutkan
permainan seperti awal kembali.
6. Pemenangnya adalah siswa yang tersisa paling akhir atau paling banyak menyebutkan
item dengan lancar.

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