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Chika : hello (with her cynical face)

Dara : (Dara was smiling to Chika)

Bell istirahatpun berbunyi : the bell was ringing
Rezki : hai say, boleh pinjam pr mtknya gk !y frien", may # borrow your math
Dara : eemmm , boleh(smiling to Chika)$ %ih$ &h sure
rezki : maksih ya saaay thank you$ 'hanks "arl$
Dara : (Dara kept smiling at her without saying a wor")
Chika : (r apaan tuh$ )hat home work
Dara : mtk math
Chika : oohhh () oohh
Dara : eem lo kalau mau liat juga boleh kok hum$ if you want to see my homework
that*s okay
Chika : siapa yang mau liat+ )ho wants
Dara : yaa kalau lo mau aja, gak mau juga gpp$ ,eah if you want, if you "on*t that*s
Chika pun ber"iri "ari bangkunya$ Chika was stan"ing from her sit
Chika : -iapa nama lo what is your name
Dara : "ara
Dan chikapun men"atngi kelompoknya rezki, hanif "an sahar$ -o, chika was coming
to her group rezki, hanif an" sahar
Chika : liat prnya "ara "ong$ .ay # see your homework
-ahar : gabung aja "isini$ /ets 0oin us
Chika : mejanya gak muat (Chika 1rabbe" the book from the others )$ 'he table was
-ahar : eeh apaan sih lo$ )hat*s goin on with you
!anif : heeh ngantri "ong$ .ain rebut aja$ !eeh stan" in line please$ Don*t
-ahar : taau nih, lo u"ah blng "ara blm$ ,eah right, ha2e you sai" to Dara
Chika : u"ah$ ,es, # ha2e$
SAHAR : "ar lo gmn siih$ 3an kita yng "luan pnjm $what are you "oing )e
borrowe" it first$
Dara : eem mks" gue hbis rezki "an tmn4ya chik$ 5mm # mean after Rezki an" the
others Chik$
rezki : iya nih, sabar napa say$ ,eah, be patient please$
Chika : gue cuma mau liat, bukan mau nyalin (sambil tertawa kcl juteknya)$ # just
want to see not to cheat (Chika was smiling
!anif : iihh apan sih ini orng$ #ih what*s goin on with her
-ahar : iya nih gak jelas$,eah not important$
6khirnya chika pergi "r mejanya tasya "an tmn4$"an menyamperiin "ara
7inally chika got up from her sit an" approache" Dara
Chika : lo juga, "i bayar brp sih sama mrk$ ,ou, how much ha2e you pai" by them
Dara : (Dara was speechless)
chika pun klr kls$ Dan "ara menegornya$ 'hen chika got out from the class, an" "ara
calle" her$
"ara : mks" lo t" apa sih$ )hat "i" you mean
Chika : hehe, gue t" bercn"a aja sih$ !aha ne2er min"$ # was just joking
Dara : iya tp gue g ngerti mks" lo$ ,eah # un"erstan" what you meant$
Chika : makanya punya otak jgn tuk org lain$ 0a"i bego$ 8se your brain for your self
not for others$ )hat a stupi" girl+
Dara : lo ngatai gue bego$ 6neh lo (langsng msk kls)$ ,ou say that # am stupi"$ !ow
o"" you are
Chika : maksih$ 'hank you
Beel bertan"a plng sklh, semua siswa "an siswi pulng kerumah masing4$
3eesokannaya9 bell was ringing, all stu"ents went to their home
Dara : niel$ .in$ kok kalian kmrn gk msk$%iel, min why "i"n*t you come to class
Daniel : iyaa kmrn bokap "an nyokap gue suruh gue anter berkas mrk ke kantornya "
ban"ung$ ,eah because yester"ay my parents aske" me to pick their "ata to office at
Dara : waaah repot juga yaa jauh "r ortu$ 'rs lo min, knp gk msk jg$)ah your
parents so busy$ -o, why "i" you not come also min
,amin : iyaa "ar, Daniel mnt gue nemeni "ia ke ban"ung$ ,aa sekalian mau liat
uni2ersitas " ban"ung sih hehehe$ ,eah "ar, Daniel aske" me to accompany him to
ban"ung hehehe$
Dara : waaah lo mau kuliah " ban"ung min waahh "o you want to get uni2ersity at
,amin : iyaa "ar gue pingin banget masuk "i sana$ ,es , # want to atten" a uni2ersity
in Ban"ung after we gra"uate$
Dara : gitu yaa, semoga lo "i terima " sana ya min, gue "ukung lo kok tenang ajaa$
(sambil memukul oun"ak yamin )$ 'hat*s goo", then # wish you get what you want
min (Dara hit ,amin*s -houl"er as a sign that she will support him)$ # support you
,amin : semoga aja ya"ar gue msk sana$ 1ue hrs giat4 nih supaya lulus sklh$ ,eah #
wish "ar$ # ha2e to stu"y har" to pass the e:am
Dara : sip "ah minmin semnagat yaaaalkk$ -ip, keep fight$
'rs lo mau "mn niel -o which 8ni2ersity you will atten"
Daniel : gue maunya negri itu " ui, tapi kalau " swasta maunya trisakti$ # want to
atten" 8# or 'risakti$
Dara : bagus banget pilihan lo niel (sambil memukul pun"ak"aniel ) pokoknya gue
"oain kita semua lulus un "an " terima "i uni2 yg kita inginkan$ 'hat*s 2ery goo"
choice, # pray for us, may we get a uni2ersity that we want$ amen
,amin "anil "ara : amiinnnnn
Dara : oooh yaa kalian u"h tau blm bahwa " klskita a"a anak baru$ &h yeah, "i" you
know about new stu"ent in our class
Daniel : hah siapa ra, pin"ahan "r mana $ huh who is she )here "oes she come
,amin : iya nih siapa$ ,eah who is she
Dara : namnya chika, pin"ahan "r kalbar$ Dia "u"uk sama gue$ !er name is chika, she
mo2e" from kalbar an" she sits besi"e me$
Daniel : waah gue mau liat "eh orngnya gmn$ )ah # want to see her
,amin : cantik gk ra #s she beautiful
Dara : liat aja sen"iri min (smbl tertwa kcl) yau"ah, gue mau kekantin "lu yaa$ ,ou
ha2e to see her by yoursel2es (Dara was chuckling), okay # will go to canteen$
Daniel : okee "ar bye
,amin : byeee
Daniel : min, mau kekls gk 1ue kepo sama anak baru itu "eh$ .in, "o you want to
go to class # want to see this new stu"ent
,amin : boleh, gue juga nih kepo banget$ ,eah # am also$ # am 2er curious about her$$$
Daniel : yau"ah yuuk$ Come on
,amin : iyaiyaa (oh yes)
SAHAR :bro, pa"a mau kmn nih$ !ey Bro, where are you going
Hanif : iya nih, trs kok pa"a smngt, a"a apa $ yeah, why are you guys so e:cite",
what happen
DANIEL :kita mau kekals, mau liat anak baru$ )e woul" go to class an" see the new
Sahar : oohh iyaa "eh$ 1ue "an hanif kekanti "lu yaa bro$bye$ &uhh okk$ !anif an" #
want go to canteen then$ Bye$
YAMIN : bye
DANeIL :ayoo min, kita kekls$ (min come on, /et*s go to the class)
,amin "an "anielpun otw kls$ ,amin an" Daniel were on the way class to their class$
)hen they arri2e" at the class
yamin : eeee hallo, kamu chika kan anak baru eehh haloo, are you chika a new
stu"ent in our school right
chika : klo iya knp ,eah why
,amin : yaa gue kan hanya bertnya$ # only ask
Daniel : iyaa nih, galak amat $ kan kita nanya baik4$ ,eah why are you so cynical
$you scare me, we just aske"$
Chika : haaaa iyaiyaa gue baru " sini$ /o p" siapa yaa$ 'hat*s right+ # am new
stu"ent here, who are you guys
Daniel : waaah iyaa gue Daniel tmnya "ara$ # am Daniel, "ara*s frien"$
,amin : gue yamin tmnnya "ara jg$ # am yamin, "ara*s frien" also$
Chika : ooo, iya "eh$$ oh &kay
,amin : niel, geu kira nih anak baru cntik (brbisik ke Daniel)$ %iel, # think she is
beautiful (!e whispere" to Daniel)
Daniel : gue jg berpikir gitu min, ternyata jutek abis (berbisik balik)$ ,es # think so,
but she is so arrogant (he also whispere" to ,amin)
Chika: heh lo ber"ua ngapaim msh " sini (ergi sana (sambil mengusir)$ !ey you,
why "i" you here$ 1o away+
Daniel : iyaiyaa galak amat$ ,eah, you are so ru"e$
,amin : iya nih galak bnget sih $ yeah you are so ru"e$
Daniel : semoga aja "ia gk buat mslh " sklh$ # hope she will not make trouble in our
YMIN : #ya betul nil$ 'hat right nil$
,amin "an Daniel pun kembali ke bangku mrk$Dan "ara "atag kkls$ ,amin an"
Daniel back to their chairs$ 6n" "ara came to the class
Dara : ("u"uk sambil menghela napas) sit with e:hale$
Chika : "ara, gue mnt maaf yay g krmn, gue ngatain lo segala$ Dara # am sorry for
what # sai" to you before
Dara : eeemm iya gpp kok chik, gue ngerti mks" lo (smbl senyum) ne2er min" # am
Chika : (sambl memukul bahu "ara, Chika hit Dara*s shoul"er) oohh yaa, nnt plng
sklh lo mau ikut gue gk jalan4$ ,aaa ke mall "eeehh$ 6fter school, let us go to mall
Rezki ; apa 3e mall, gue ikut "onggg ayayayaya plisss$ )hat .all .ay # go with
you please
Chika : apaan sih tbtb nyamber aja$ )hat
Rezki : yaa gpp "omngggg$ Blh ya guee ikuttt plissss$ .ay i please
Chika : iyaiyaaa blh$ ,eah, you can go with us
Rezki : yeeeyyy asiikk$ yeaaayyy
Chika : eeh "ar, lo ajak aja tmn lo itu sih siapa itu "ua orng itu namanya$ 1ue lupa$
Dara bring your frien" together, what are their names i am forget
Dara : Daniel "an yamin chik$ Daniel an" ,amin
Chika : nah iya ajak aja$ /et them join us
Dara : yau"ah nnt gue 'anya mrk mau ikut atau gk$ &kay # will ask them
Rezki : eeh gue jg jak sahar "an hanif yaaa$ Bleeehhh yaaaa$ .ay # ask sahar an"
!anif too
Chika : yau"aah serah loo "aaah$ 8p to you
Rezki : asiikkk$ ,eayy$
Dara : hanya tersenym (she was just smiling)
Bell msk pun berbunyi$ #bu tasyapun msk "an menagih pr
'he bell was ran"$ 6n" .rs$ 'asya aske" for the homework ter her stu"ents
'asya : selamat pagi semuaaa (goo" morning stu"ent)
.uri"4 : selamat pagi buu (goo" morning miss 'asya)
'asya : okeey, hari ini ibu mau kalian kumpulkan pr kalian$ ,ang t"k mngerjakan
akan ibu beri hukuman$ ,ang t"k ngerjai$ .aju ke"pn$ Dan kamu yamin, kumpulkan
tgs4 "an letakan " meja(oke now, # want you all gi2e to me your homework$ )ho
"oesn*t "o the homework if anyone "i"n*t "o it # will gi2e you a punishment $ the
one who "i"n*t "o the homework please mo2e forwar"$ 6n" you, ,amin put all of the
homework in my table$)
,amin : iyaa ibu (yes miss)
TASYA :stlh itu tlng kamu hpskan papan tulis (after this all, please you erase the
white boar")
-ahar, hanif "an rezki maju k"pn krn t"k mengerjakan tgs mrk$(sahar hanif an" rezki
mo2e" forwar")
'asya : rezki nurmayng sari$ -har ab"ulah$ !anif sayi"$ (menggelng kpl "an mnghela
napas) setiap saya mmberi tgs, pasti kalian ber< yg selalu maju ke"pn$ 6pa lg alas an
kalian skrng$(.rs$ 'asya shook her hea" an" sighe") e2ery time # gi2e a homework to
you, always all of you "i"n*t "o it, what is your reason now)
Rezki : eemm saya lupaa buuu (smbl senyum centil )$ (uhhh # forget it miss) (smiling
'asya : gk ush sok manis kamu, cewk tp malas$ !aniiiif (you "on*t make such a sweet
face with me, crazy girl$ !aniff)
!anif : saya juga lupa bu (smbl menun"ukan kpl) (#*m forget too miss) he lowere" his
'asya : begitttuu (smbl mengngguk kpl) sahaaar (all right)( .rs$ 'asya no""e")
-ahar : buku saya hilang bu (my book is missing)
'asya : alas an sprit apa itu, memangnya buku " "unia ini hanya satu hahhh$ (sambl
menghentakan tangan kemeja) a"a4 saja alas an kalian$ .alas ya malas, t"k ush
beraslan$3alian ibu hokum lari lapangan >? kali$ .negertii$( what kin" of the reason
is that Di" you think in this worl" there is only one book hah #f you are lazy just tell
me you are lazy$ # "on*t nee" such reasons like that, # punish you to run at the fiel" >?
times, un"erstan")
Rezki : yaah bu jgn gitu "ong( ah miss "on*t be like that)
-ahar : ampun "eh bu ampuunnn( # sorry miss)
!anif : iya buu jgn gitu "ongggg( yes miss "on*t be like that please)
'asya : jgn harap ibu kasihan sama kalian ber<$ /ari skrng jg, ataaau ibu tambah
menja"i 4? keliling( "on*t you e2er think # will gi2e my sorry for you all$ Run now or
# will a"" the punishment)
!aniiff : yahyahayaaaahh jagan ibuuu ( ahhh miss "on*t "o that)
Rezki : iyaiyaa kita lari buu (yes we run miss)
-ahar : a"uuhh jgn " tambah buuu, iyaaaa kita lari "ah buuu(please miss "on*t a"" the
6khirnyapun mereka pun ke lapangan "an setlah itu9(after that they all go to the
Rezki: a"uh gue mager banget nih(ahhh # am so lazy to "o this)
-ahr: iya nih gue juga males (hmm #*m tire" too)
!anif: yau"ah kita cabut aja (lets just go)
Rezki:boleh itu nif, kita ke kantin aj yuk(that*s the goo" i"ea, lets go to canteen)
-har: i"e bagus tuh ki,(that*s a great i"ea)
HANIF : lagi pula gue jg laper nih (anyway, # feel hungry)
6khirnya mereka pun kekantin "a mereka makan, tba tiba9$(an" the en" of the chat,
they go to the canteen)
1uru: rezki,sahar, hanif $ siapa yang suruh kalian kekantin + ibu kan su"ah memberi
hukuman kalian untuk lari keliling lapanga sebanyak sepuluh kali$ )ho aske" you to
go to canteen, # ga2e you punishmet to run >? times ("engan emosi) (she tol" them
Rezki,sahar "an hnif: e e e em iya bu (sambil menun"uk) yess miss$$$ (they lowere"
their hea"s)
1uru: baiklah kalo begitu saya tambah hukuman kalian menja"i >@ keliling lapangan$
.engerti+ &kay then, # will a"" your punishment, now you run for >@ at the fiel",
!anif: mengerti buuuu (# get it miss)
SAHAR :iya bu menegrti$ 'p jgn sering4 marah "ong bu, nanti cpt tua$ ,ess miss$
But .iss "on*t get angry so often or else you will get too ol" at early age
TASYA :saya marah jg krn ulah kalian sen"iri$ Don*t get angry with me because
what you guys ha2e "one+
REZKI :iya bu, kita mnt maaf$ ,ess miss, we are sorry$ ( the teacher back to the class
1urupun kembali ke "alam kelas$
-ahar: mampussss, gimana nih (we*re "ea") what we shoul" "o
Rezki: a"uh tuh guru bawel banget sih$ !uh, she is so captious
!anif: tau tuh kaya bebek aja g berhenti ngoce, that*s right, she is just like a "uck, she
cannot stop speaking
Sahar :yau"a kita lari aja$ Dr p" nnt " tambah lg$ /et*s jun run, or she will a"" the
6khirnya mereka ber < pun kelapangan "anmelaksanakan hukuman yg tlah "i
berikan ibu tasya$ 'hey finnaly went to the fiel" an" ran aroun" the fiel"
-elanjutnya bel pelajaran pun selesai "an muri" muri" pulang kerumah masing4$
Dara,chika, "anil, yamin, rezki, sahar, "an hanif pun pulang kerumah masing4 "an
akan bertemu "i mall$ 'he bell was rang an" they went to their home, an" they ha"
ma"e an appointment to meet in .all
Rezki: a"uh u"a lama bnget gue g kesini, biasanya gue ama nyokp bokp gue ke taman
anggrek$ #t has been so long # "i"n*t come here, # usually came here with my mom
an" my "a"
Chika: i"ih nora bat sih loh, you are so arrogance
Dara: yau"h g apa kali cik, let him be chik, that*s okay
Rezki: ih chika jgn gitu "ong temen sen"iri juga$ 'hat*s right Chika, "on*t be like
that$ !e is also your frien"
Danil: yau"ah yau"h jgn ber"ebat$ 3ita kemana sekarang$ !ey Don*t argue+ )here
are we going now
HANIF : tauu nih cewk, berisik banget$ 1irls, you are noisy
sahar: yau"ahlah$gimana kalo kita main "i timezone aja /et*s play in the timezone
hanif: boleh tuhpasti seru$ Right, that must be fun
Danil: yoiii, gimana kalo kita a"u siapa yg kalah "ia traktir kita4$ ,eah, /et*s
compete, the one who lose will buy the winners foo"
!anif: oke tuh, ayo ayo$ 'hat*s a goo" i"ea$ /et*s go
Rezki: ih gue g mau, gue maunya ke tempat aksesoris cewe$ # "on*t want to$ # want to
buy some accessories
-ahar: apaan sih lo, lo kira gue bncong$ )hat*s with you Do you think # am a sissy
Danil: yau"ah gini aj guys yang cewe4 ke tempat aksesoris aja, kalo cowo4nya ke
timezone$ !ow about this, the girls, you may go an" buy the accessories$ 6n" we,
boys play at timezone
Dara: yau"h kita mencar aja$ ,eah, let*s just split
Chika: yau"h gue ikut "gn cowo4nya aj, emangnya gue kayak kalian ber4$ Centi
banget sih$ &kay, # will go with the boys, we are "ifferent girls, # am not like you$
!ow co=uettish you are$
Rezki: ih emngnya kita kayak lo kecowoan$ #ih, you are so boyish
Dara: ya ampun u"ah "ong jgn berantem$ !ey guys, "o not fight$$$
,amin: yau"h nanti kita ketemuan "i kfc aj sekalian makan$ &kay then, after we
finish, let*s meet in kfc guys$
!anif: ok, pokoknya kalian ber"ua stlh "pt sms "r gue lngsng ke kfc ya$ &kay, as
soon as # get your message # will go to the kfc
REZKI : okay
6khirnya mreka bepncar$ 7inally they split up
Rezki: ayo "ong ra lama bangt sih jlannya(sambil narik tangan "ara) come on Ra,
,ou are as slow as snail (Rezki grabbe" "ara*s han")
Dara: iy rezki sabar$ &kay, rez, be patient please+
-ampaipn "i aksesori, they finnaly arri2e" in the accessory store
Rzki: yaampun ini imut4 bangt $ra ra ambilin keranjangnya "ong$ &h .y, they are so
cute$ Dara can you take the basket
Dara: iyaiya rezki$ &kay Rez$$
Rezki: ra ra menurut lu ini lucu g buat gue, pasti gue cntik kayak prinses$ Ra, "o you
think these are cute # must be 2ery beautiful like a princess if # wear this$
Dara: boleh tuh ki lucu ko kalo lu yg pake$ 1oo", that must be cute if you wear those
Rezki: yau" gue bli 4 yk buat lo jg$ &kay # will buy two then, #t*s for you also
Dara: terserah rezki aj$ #t*s up to you
.eanwhile, the boys were in the timezone
Danil: eh kita a"u maen pam aja yuk /et*s play pam
Chika: boleh siapa nih mau lawan gue "uluan$ &kay, who will play with me first
-ahar: gue ,gue "ulan lawan lo$ .e, # will play with you first
,amin: gue ngeliati aj yak$ &kay, # will just see you play guys
Danil: ok &kay
: yes gue menang, yess, # am the winner
: yah kala lagi$ # lose agai
"anil: yau"h gue ma anif lagi yg maen, yuk nif$ &kay, i will play with hanif$ /et*s
play nif
hanif: ayoayo siapa nih yang menang$ Come on+ )ho will become the winner
: gue menang nih$$$ i am the winner
: yaelah iyaiya$$$ okay, okay
yamin: berarti yg menag chika nih karna skornya paling tinggi$ 'he winner is chika,
because her score is the best
: yah skor gue paling ren"ah$ !uh, my score is ba"
yamin: asikkk "apat traktiran nih$ ,es+ )e will be brought some foo" by the loser
hanif: yau"h kita lngsung ke kfc aj yuk, sekalian gue bbm min "ara ma rezki$ &kay
then, let*s go to the kfc
DANIEL : oke, suruh mrk cpt yaa$ &kay, ask the girls to hurr
"ara: eh eh ki a"a bm nih "ari hanif kita "isuruh ke kfc sekarang$ 3i, # get the
message from !anif$ 'hey tol" us to hurry to 3fc
rezki: yau"h tunggu gue bayar "ulu$ &kay, wait a moment, let me pay this first$$$
"ara: gue tunggu sini yak$ &kay #*ll be waiting here
rezki: yak$$ okay
setelah itu mereka pun langsung ke kfc, smpai sana mereka bertemu "gn yg lainnya$
7innaly they arri2e" in kfc an" met the others
: yau"h kalian "u"uk gih entr gue psenin$ (lease take a sit, # will or"er for you guys
:masAmba: gue mesen pket 6 yak untuk B orng$ 5:cuse me, #*ll or"er for se2en
mas: okay
: yau" nih "uitnya$ !ere is the money
mas: trima ksih$ 'hank you
: nih nih makan nih, boke "ah gue$ 'he foo"s has arri2e"$ !uh, # ha2e no money left
semua: kwkwkwkwkkw
rezki: siapa suruh lo kalah$ )ho ask you to lose
: ahhhhh iyaiya$ &kay okay
akhirnya mereka makan, selesai makan merekapun pulang kerumah$
3eesokan harinya "isekolah, "ipagi hari chika "itertangkp basah merekok oleh ibu
tasya$ 7innaly they finishe" an" went to their home$ #n the ne:t "ay, chika ha" been
caught smoking by the teacher
$chika: (chika was smoking)
guru: chika apaapaan km$ Chika what are you "oing
chika: ah ibu(langsung mematikn rkoknya) ah miss (she throw the ciggarete
guru:ikut saya ke ruang guru$ 7ollow me to the teacher office+
sesampainya "iruang guru when they arri2e" at the teacher office
guru: maksu" kamu apa meroko "i "lam toilt, apaka km tau peraturan "i sklah ini$
)hat is that 6re you smoking in the toilet ,ou know the rule in this school about
smoking, right chika
chika: iya bu maaf$ ,es miss sorry
guru: maaaf maaf$ -ekarang km sy skor selama sebulan$ %o sorry, # will gi2e you a
punishment, "on*t atten" the school for one month
chika:yah bu jgn bu, nnti org tua saya tau gimn$ -y jnji t"k akn mengulangi nya lgi$
%o miss, "on*t be like that$ #f my parents know about this the will get angry$ #
promise i wil not "o it again
guru: itu bukan urusn sy, skrng kamu beresin buku4 km sekarang juga pulang$ #t is
not my bussiness$ %ow, you can go home
chikapun kekelas mengambil buku lalu pulng tnpa berkata apapun
su"ah seminggu chika t"k msuk sekolah, "ara "an kawan kwan pun heran "an mereka
berencana sepulng sekolah untuk prig kerumah chika$
-etibanya "irumah chika$ Chika went to the class an" took her book without saying a
wor"$ #t ha" been a week Chika "i"n*t atten" the school, "ara an" her frien"s were
curious, they planne" to come to her house
Rezki: (toktok)
hanif: mbak, kita mau bertemu "engan chika, e:cuse me, we want to meet chike
.bak : ooh iya silahkkan$ &h yes, please$$$
-mpai "i"alam semuanya melihan chika se"ang menangis$ )hen they arri2e in
chika*s room
rezki: chika lo knpa, cerita "ong sm kita$ Chika what*s going on 'ell us+
hanif: iya cerita "ong chik$ 'hat*s right, just tell us
Chika: emmmmm gue kthuan merokok "i toilet, trus gue "i skor selama sbulann
p"ahal kita kan u" mau un, gimana nilai gue$ .mm i ha" been caught by the teacher
smoking, then # coul"n*t go to school for one month
!anif: yau"h kita coba bantu ngomong ma bu tasya biar hkman lu "i ringanin$ &kay,
we will ask mss tasya to lighten the punishment
sahar: iya tapi lo harus jnji lo g akan ngulangin lagi$ But you ha2e to promise not to
smoke again
Rezki: iya gue bakal bntu lo jg mskipun gue ksel sama lu$ 'hat*s right, i will help you
e2enthough you are so annoying
-ahar: iya gue jg bakal bantu lo jg$ ,es, i also will hep you
Dani: gue jga$ .e too
,amin: gue jg cik, mee too
Chika: mksih yah semuanya p"ahal gue sering buat lo kesel tpi lu pa"a msih bntuin
gue$ 'hank you guys, e2enthough i am annoying but you guys still want to help me
Rezki: g apa apa ko cik gue maapin lo ko, iya kan semua$ #t*s okay guys, i forgi2e you
-emua: iya, yoi$$$$ that*s right
6khirnta chika pun "iberi keringann oleh bu tasya "an "ia pun berubah t"k mnja"i
ank yg bn"el lgi$ -etlah kj"ian ini t"k hanya chika yg brubah ttpi rezki, shar, hnif pun
berubah mnja"i ank yg rjim "n t"k malas lgi$
8n pun tiba "n selesai$ -ebulan kemu"ian pengumumumn pun keluar "n mereka
semua lulus "gn nilai yg memuaskan$ 7inaly, the punishment ha" been lighten by mss
tasya$ 6n" Chika change" become a goo" girl an" she wasn*t naughty anymore,,,
after what happene" to them, not only chika but sahar, hanif an" rezki weren*t lazy
anymore$$$ an" the fina e:am arri2e"$ &ne month later they ha" passe" the test with
best score

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