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Name: Ariel Borgman Date: 2!"#
S$%ool: &a$'( Valle) Elementar) S$%ool
Gra*e: 3
Gra*e S+,-e$t: Rea*ing
1. Provide e.i*en$e (what you saw and what you heard) for each component of the domain.
2. Indicate /%i$% element of each component was addressed.
3a: Communicating with Students
Cri( &e0e' i( an ama0ing tea$%er1 S%e i( .er) 'no/le*gea,le in Litera$)2 S%e al/a)( $omm+ni$ate( t%e
o,-e$ti.e( 3or learning to t%e (t+*ent( in a remar'a,le /a)2 In t%e g+i*e* rea*ing le((on t%at I o,(er.e*4
(%e /a( rea*ing a ,oo' $alle* 5eat%er4 a( 6art o3 t%eir to*a) on t%eir /eat%er +nit2 S%e engage(
t%e (t+*ent(4 in$l+*ing 7)lie4 in a 8+alit) *i($+((ion a,o+t t%eir to6i$2
Element: Dire$tion( an* 9ro$e*+re(4 Gro+6ing o3 St+*ent(
3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Mr(2 &e0e' lea*( t%e *i($+((ion ,) o33ering t%o+g%t 6ro.o'ing 8+e(tion( to t%e (t+*ent( a( /ell a( lea*ing
t%em in an intere(ting *i($+((ion a,o+t %o/ o+r /eat%er $%ange( an* %o/ man) *i33erent $%ara$teri(ti$(
t%ere are in /eat%er 6attern(2 S%e %a( t%e (t+*ent( *i($+(( man) t%ing( /it% t%eir (%o+l*er 6artner(2
:So 7)lie /%at *o )o+ li'e to *o /%en it i( (no/ing o+t(i*e;<
:Diego4 /%at %a66en( to )o+r ,o*) /%en )o+ 6la) o+t(i*e in t%e (+mmer an* it i( "== *egree(;<
Element: >+alit) o3 >+e(tion( an* Di($+((ion Te$%ni8+e(
3c: Engaging Students in Learning
T%e (t+*ent( %a.e 6lent) o3 o66ort+nitie( to *i($+(( t%eir e?6erien$e( /it% *i33erent t)6e( o3 /eat%er an*
%o/ t%e) are a33e$te* ,) t%em2 T%e (t+*ent( are al(o en$o+rage* to (%are t%eir ($%ema an* a(' an)
8+e(tion( t%at t%e) ma) %a.e a,o+t t%e (+,-e$t2
Element: St+*ent 9arti$i6ation
3d: Using Assessment in Instruction
Mr(2 &e0e' +(e( 3ormati.e 3orm( o3 a((e((ment t%ro+g%o+t t%e le((on a( (%e a('( t%i$' 8+e(tion(4
en$o+rage( *i($+((ion4 an* 6ro.i*e( t%e (t+*ent( an o66ort+nit) to (%are /%at t%e) %a.e learne*2
S%e al(o +(e( :Fi(t to Fi.e< to *etermine t%e le.el o3 +n*er(tan*ing o3 t%e (t+*ent(2
Element: St+*ent 6arti$i6ation an* A$ti.itie(
3e: Demonstrating Fe!ibiit" and #es$onsi%eness
A( al/a)(4 tea$%er( nee* to ,e 3le?i,le /it% le((on( an* 6lan( t%at t%e) ma) %a.e2 To*a) all t%ing( /ent
(moot%l) an* a( 6lanne* 3or t%e le((on ,+t I %a.e /itne((e* ot%er *a)( /%en a*-+(tment( /ere ma*e2
Element: A$ti.itie( an* A((ignment(
Form: 003
!" 2#2$#0$
%nhancin& Professional Practice: ' Framewor( for )eachin&
". !anielson

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