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1200 S. 8lordan 8anch SLreeL #136
Cell: 480.202.4233
Lmall: ldskayla[

+,-./001-234 +,-.14/

l am well acqualnLed wlLh soclal conLacL skllls. l can sLay poslLlve desplLe varlous challenglng slLuaLlons.
l am good aL followlng dlrecLlons and can work efflclenLly. l am currenLly aLLendlng nAu on a
scholarshlp, l am ma[orlng ln Secondary Lngllsh LducaLlon. l have a loL of experlence worklng ln
Leachlng envlronmenLs, cusLomer servlce, and love worklng wlLh people of all ages.

+,-./001-234 /5+/,1/26/

237 6"$$ 6('8(9: .$";<8"==: 3>: 6?99('8$# (@A$B#(C
Supervlsor: Lrlk !ohnson
Admlsslon SpeclallsL (Lead ln Lralnlng): call Lo schedule appolnLmenLs and lnvlLe sLudenLs Lo school
evenLs. Conflrm appolnLmenLs, answer quesLlons abouL Lhe school, and resolve lssues. erform
mallroom duLles wlLh lncomlng and ouLgolng mall.

2"''#: D?((' 69((E: 3>: -F8BG(9 HIJIK-FB8BG(9 HIJH
Lmployers: !esslca and Sean 8erry
Care glver, carlng for, enLerLalnlng, and Leachlng chlldren. 1aklng Lhem Lo school acLlvlLles and
fulfllllng oLher responslblllLles asked of my by my employers.


D?((' 69((E M*;N 0FNBB$: D?((' 69((E: 3> -CraduaLlon 2012
2B98N(9' 39*OB'" 7'*P(9<*8#: .$";<8"==: 3>- CurrenLly aLLendlng on AlMS Plgh Ponors 1ulLlon Walver
Scholarshlp, ueans LlsL, Ponors College, 1he naLlonal SocleLy of ColleglaLe Scholars, Lngllsh Ma[or,
LducaLlon Ma[or.

6-QQ721LR 0/,S16/

l parLlclpaLed ln many Lown lmprovemenL pro[ecLs such as, palnLlng flre hydranLs, presenLlng plans for Lhe
communlLy park, cleanlng up Lhe wash, and parLlclpaLlng ln many Lagle ro[ecLs. l was a speclal educaLlon
menLor and a member of Llnk Crew (Lo help freshman LranslLlon) ln hlgh school. l also was a LuLor ln
chemlsLry and aL mlddle schools. l also parLlclpaLe ln ScouL uay Camp every year Leachlng dlfferenL merlL


Jessica Berry (Nanny Employer)

Robyn Martin (Honors Course Instructor)

Jason Bagley (Church leader)
Jeanne (Friend)

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