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Dear Friends,

The McMillan Family Fundraising Committee would like to extend our sincere appreciation to all
who supported the fundraiser, which was held on March 29, 20!" The e#ent was a tri$ute to
%fficer Michael McMillan and a cele$ration of his life"
The tremendous success that e#ening was due to the o#erwhelming support from so many
community mem$ers, local $usinesses, family, friends and many others from surrounding
communities" Tickets sold out and the hall was filled with family and friends who came to show
their support" & !'page ad $ook was filled with remem$rances and well wishes $y local
$usinesses, organi(ations and indi#iduals in support of %fficer McMillan)s family" Donations
ranging from products and ser#ices, to gift cards, sports memora$ilia and more o#erflowed at
the silent auction and raffle ta$les" The 209 Fund logo on t'shirts, stickers and wrist $ands were
#ery #isi$le at the e#ent, and are also seen throughout Town in Michael)s memory" *e#eral
family mem$ers and friends were on hand that e#ening to ensure an en+oya$le night was had $y
all who attended" The highlight of the e#ening was comments from Michael)s wife ,risten, who
attended with their children, Matt, ,ayla, Tommy, Meg and -iam" ,risten offered a heartfelt
thank you to all who made the e#ent possi$le" .e are certain that Michael would $e #ery proud
and hum$led to see all those that contri$uted to this e#ent in support of his family"
The loss of %fficer Michael McMillan has left a #oid that can ne#er $e filled" The e#ent on
March 29, 20! was significant not only in raising funds to support Michael)s family, $ut e#en
more so to remem$er and cele$rate Michael and what he meant to all of us"
Thank you again for your o#erwhelming generosity and support" .e will continue to honor
Michael)s memory, and pro#ide support to his family"

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