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The Yoga Institute -

.. Santacruz
'C' NAME:.

1. Avoid jerky movement~. Do not get up sl,Jddenly, or look around

suddenly. Be mindful of your steps.
2. Use hot water bag advantageously on affected parts, Knees,
shoulders, back. Use hot water, bag on the abdomen and feet also.
3. .Try and have sunlight on affected parts.
4. While sleeping have a single pillow and sleep on a cot with a firm
5. Be very aware when lifting and bending. After continuous sitting
for an hour, take a stroll and, exercise hand, neck, trunk, and
stretch the body carefully.
6. Be positive, as taught, at The Yoga Institute, by reading suitable
books like 'self Devlopment' or other scriptures.
7. DoYogic practices taught, at The Yoga Institute, in a relaxed way
twice a day.
.. 8.. Avoid daJ, D90.-y~getarian food, eggs, do not drink more than
8-10 glasses of water.
9. Keep warm. Avoid direct fan, open window. If in A C Keep extra
10. Take an optimistic view of life. Participate in recreational and
hobby activities at least for an 'hour daily. .
11. Do not sit on floor if it increases pain. Avoid any act that causes
such discomfort and pain.{Onlywhen in Acute Stage of Disease).
12. Be aware of your body posture and keep the functions to the

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