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Adapted from Developmental Reading Reflection document created by Sarah Mwangi, 06/13

Candidate Name______Alicia Collard________Date____03/16/14_______

School______Columbia Elementary_______Teacher__Mrs. Grosbeck_______Grade level____1
Practicum Reflection-Guided Reading Lesson

Name of Book_____________________Level_______________________

1. What was the area of focus today during the lesson? What activities related to the area of focus
did the teacher include in the lesson today?
a. I worked with a little boy on writing spelling and reading his sight words with the 100
sight word cards and a white board and marker.

2. What went well with the instruction? What did students learn?
a. I watched as the student used what he knew about the sounds that the letters make to
spell each word. I also noticed how the student used clues he knew about silent letters
in words.

3. Explain a growth moment for yourself where you realized, learned, or confirmed something
from today dealing with student achievement in the area of reading. (phonemic awareness,
phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, before/during/after reading.
a. I learned that it is easier for kids to learn something when you isolate the concept and
make it a mini lesson and tie it to something they can remember. I also learned that if
they say it themselves or make up a way to remember it themselves, they are more
likely to retain it.
4. Describe a moment when a student grasped an idea/concept-that got it! kind of moment.
How was the teacher able to facilitate this experience? Explain the situation.
a. I was able to take a moment to isolate three words (could, would, and should) to give a
short mini lesson on them because I noticed it was a consistent struggle for this student.

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