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Alicia Collard

Dr. Cozens EDUC 342

Practicum Lesson Plan and Reflection
Lesson Plan
I. Objectives:
After playing a rhyming game, the student will be able to connect and
form words to write down from a word box that all rhyme with play.
During and after reading the text How Many Rhymes, the student will be
able to identify the rhyming words within the text when retelling what is
happening in the story aloud in an ongoing discussion, and complete an
oral comprehension quiz scoring 4/6 or better.
II. Materials:
Book How Many Rhymes
Word Box dry erase worksheet
Dry erase board
Assessment comprehension quiz
III. Vocabulary:
High frequency words: how, many
Enrichment: calf, fancy
IV. Summary:
The student will play a rhyming game with teacher by tossing a football
back and forth each time saying a word that rhymes with play and then
with ball. Next, the student will trace lines on a word box to create words
that rhyme with play, then write down the words as they are found. The
student will then write one sentence including at least two of the rhyming
words found in the box. Next, the student will read the book How Many
Rhymes and be able to retell what is happening in the story, as well as
discuss why the words they are reading rhyme.
V. Assessment
Student will go back through the book and count how many rhymes were
on each page, and recognize what sounds are making the words rhyme in a
Student will complete a quick oral comprehension test with the teacher
after reading How Many Rhymes.
Student will be able to write a rhyme using two rhyming words with the
prompt from the story I had a _______; and it ______.

Candidate Name______Alicia Collard________Date____04/03/14_______
School______Columbia Elementary_______Teacher__Mrs. Grosbeck_______Grade
Practicum Reflection-Guided Reading Lesson

Name of Book__How Many Rhymes______________Level___G (11)__________

1. What was the area of focus today during the lesson? What activities related to the area of
focus did the teacher include in the lesson today?
a. The area of focus today was rhyming. All of my activities involved rhyming. Our
first activity was a game that involved saying a word that rhymed with the
previous word. We also played a game involving searching for words inside a box
of letters that spelt a word rhyming with play. The student read a book called
How Many Rhymes and completed a comprehension test afterwards.

2. What went well with the instruction? What did students learn?
a. Everything during the duration of this lesson I thought went really well. My
student was so excited about all the activities I brought for him to do, and couldnt
wait for the next one. He wanted to continue making up his own rhyming
sentences even though I only asked him to write one. He wanted to play the game
again and make up his own rhyming word to play with, which I thought was
creative. He also wanted to read the book twice. This is the same student who told
me he would rather shoot himself than read. Normally, it is a constant struggle
to get this student motivated to read or pay attention. During this lesson I did not
have any trouble keeping him on task. He learned many new things from this
lesson and from the book that he read. He also learned new words from reading
the book and learned that the part at the end of the word would make a word
rhyme. This book was a level higher than what he has been reading, so there were
many words he did not know how to sound out. This did not discourage him like
it would normally, and I really felt like he did so well with it.

3. Explain a growth moment for yourself where you realized, learned, or confirmed
something from today dealing with student achievement in the area of reading.
(phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, before/during/after
a. I think I learned just as much if not more than the student did while working with
him today. I learned that it is effective to model how a sentence would sound
before asking a student to read it, and they really listen to how you say it, and
repeat the sentence exactly the way you had said it. I learned that it is ok to try
having the student read a book with you that is a level higher than the level they
are on, as long as you are there to help them along with bigger words. I learned
that motivation is of the utmost IMPORTANCE for all students to learn! I learned
that it is really hard for students at this age to decipher from d and b. I learned that
it is also really hard for the students to remember that some letters have multiple
different sounds and it is not always the one same initial sound they think of in
every word. I learned that just because there are some students that are slower at
their fluency of reading and have more trouble sounding out words, does not
necessarily mean they are also sacrificing their comprehension.

4. Describe a moment when a student grasped an idea/concept-that got it! kind of
moment. How was the teacher able to facilitate this experience? Explain the situation.
a. I loved when the student figured out how to make his own words without help
within the 9-letter box square game. I also loved when the student wanted to read
the book again, and to play the rhyming game again, and to write more rhyming
sentences after the first one. Once he was getting more confident with his rhyming
words, he wanted to make sentence after sentence that rhymed and he thought it
was fun to make up silly ones, which was great motivation. By that time I felt like
I could give him almost any word and he could make a rhyming sentence out of it.
I also loved the way the student tried to use the rhyme to figure out a word he did
not know in the sentence. He got really excited (as did I) when he was able to
figure this out!

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