Psy 7

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Psycho sexual stages

Most important development occurs during
the early years of last 6 years.
In this period child derives sexual satisfaction
from stimulation of his or her own body parts
such as lips, cheeks, nipple or genital organs
stimulated by the mother, feeding and
Oral stage (0-18 months)

It begins in the first year of life. In this stage
stimulation of mouth gives rise to pleasurable
eg: Putting the objects into their mouth, food
with their mouth.

Not resolved? aggression or dependency later
in life-- fixation with oral activities (smoking,
drinking, nail biting etc.
Anal Stage:

It occurs during the ages of 1.5 -2.5. In which
libidinal pleasure is obtained in connection
with activities of lower bowel.
Not resolved? (rigid and obsessive personality)
Phallic (3-6 years)
In which manipulation of sexual organs is the
chief source of erotic pleasure.
Focus: genital area and difference between males
and females.
Electra Complex or Oedipus Complex

Oedipus Complex (boys)
Unconscious sexual desires towards mother, father is
Simultaneously fears the dad- castration anxiety
Electra Complex (girls)
Unconscious sexual desires towards father.
Penis envy

Latency (6 yrs to puberty)

Sexual interest is repressed.
Kids play with same sex others-- until

Genital (puberty and beyond)

Sexual urges awaken
If developed properly develop these urges towards
opposite sex members with fixation on the genitals.

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