MSC Courses Offered in Exclusive Partnership With Robert Kennedy College

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MSc Courses

ofered in exclusive
partnership with
Robert Kennedy College
About the University of Salford
Founded in 1896 the University has a successful global
presence and a turnover of 189m. Our four colleges,
nine schools, 20,000 students and 2,500 staff have all
grown to serve the needs of industry, commerce and
Salford University Business School
At Salford Business School we have a clear vision to
excel in teaching, research, innovation and engagement;
core beliefs that lie at the heart of the success of the
School, its graduates and its business partners.
We are committed to developing business leaders and
managers that are equipped for next-generation practice
in the global marketplace. The contemporary business
world operates on an increasingly global scale and this
agenda sits at the very heart of how Salford Business
School engages with its students and partner organisa-
From Salford to the World
Thanks to an exclusive partnership with the Robert
Kennedy College in Zurich, Switzerland, the University
of Salford Business School MSc Programmes in Global
Management, Project Management, Financial Services
Management, Marketing, and Procurement, Logistics
and Supply Chain Management are now available on a
Global basis via online learning. You can beneft from
the outstanding teaching and research expertise of the
University of Salford from wherever you are in the world,
by combining the best of both online and face to face
interaction all students are required to attend a manda-
tory residency in Salford, England or Zurich, Switzerland.
About the University of Salford
About the University of Salford
MSc Programmes at a Glance
MSc in Global Management
MSc in Project Management
MSc in Financial Services
MSc in Marketing
MSc in Procurement,
Logistics and Supply Chain
MSc Programmes at a Glance
MSc Programmes at a Glance
Minimum 12 months, maximum three years
Delivery Method
Blended learning mostly online via OnlineCampus (an
interactive online learning environment) with intensive class
discussion and collaboration, plus a one-week compulsory
residency. The residency will be held in Salford, England or
Zurich, Switzerland.
Strictly limited to 90 per intake (5 start dates per year)
Tuition Fees
10,000 CHF (Swiss Francs). Fees are payable in interest
free installments. This includes library access, OnlineCam-
pus access, graduation fees, and University of Salford
matriculation fees. Fees are payable in interest free
installments. The fees are for the entire programme, and
include all the courses as well as supervision for the fnal
innovation project.
The Residency costs, such as airfare and accommoda-
tion, plus a 2,000 CHF fee for the residency, and some of
the textbooks that you will need for the course are not
included in these fees.
Worldwide Recognition
All the University of Salford M.Sc. degree programmes
offered online are Recognised Worldwide. The University
of Salford received a Royal Charter in 1967 by Her Majesty
the Queen. The University of Salford is fully recognised by
the British Government.
Admission Requirements
Normally a minimum 2:2 honours degree or equivalent.
A wide range of professional qualifcations are also ac-
cepted either in partial or complete fulflment of entry
We welcome applications from students who may not
have formal/traditional entry criteria but who have relevant
experience or the ability to pursue the course successfully.
A student whose frst language is not English will be
required to achieve IELTS 6.5 or above with no individual
element below 5.5, or equivalent recognised English test.
Alternatively suitable evidence of working or studying in
an English-speaking environment will usually be suffcient
to demonstrate an acceptable English level.
Applicant profle
The suite of Salford online Masters programmes is ideal
for graduates and working professionals across sectors,
who would like to increase their academic credentials
with a postgraduate qualifcation recognized worldwide
while pursuing their career. Applicants must be able to
demonstrate a high level of fexibility and appreciation of
blended learning methods, which will contribute to their
success on the course.
MSc Programmes at a Glance
The University of Salford Online Masters
Founded in 1896 the University of Salford expertise
is helping to transform individuals and communities
through excellent teaching, research, innovation and
Salford Business School enjoys an excellent national and
international reputation for its courses, teaching quality
and the progression of students into responsible posi-
tions across a variety of industries.
Through an Exclusive Partnership with the
Robert Kennedy College the Salford Business School
M.Sc. programmes are now available online through a
unique blended learning format: you can study mostly
online but beneft from face to face interaction through
a one week mandatory residency in Salford, England or
Zurich, Switzerland.
All programmes can be completed in as little
as one year.
recognised worldwide
All the University of Salford M.Sc. degree programmes
offered online are Recognised Worldwide, whether un-
dertaken online or on campus.
The University of Salford received a Royal Charter in 1967
by Her Majesty the Queen.
The University of Salford is fully recognised by the British
Government and is duly listed on the United Kingdoms
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills list of
recognised UK awarding institutions.
After successfully completing your studies online and
attending the mandatory residential week in Salford or
Zurich, Switzerland you will receive the same internation-
ally recognised degree granted to on-campus students.
The University of Salford Online Masters Programmes
MSc in Global Management
3 good reasons to study Global
Management at Salford:
Take a Business Innovation Project module, increasing
your practical skills and experience
Understand management within a range of organisa-
Enhance your career with formal business and man-
agement knowledge attaining a fexible career path
MSc (Minimum 12 months, maximum three years)
Course Details
Strategic International Business Management
You will gain a thorough grounding in the major issues
and perspectives of management, with a particular focus
on strategic, global and organisational issues in an in-
ternational context. You will also get an overview of key
issues and decisions relating to the legal, social and ethi-
cal responsibilities of corporate management. You will be
encouraged to think critically about theory and practice
in an ethical and professional manner, in particular in
light of key issues and decisions related to the strategic
organisation in both national and international contexts.
This module draws from fndings from research into work
and particular emphasis is placed on a number of theo-
retical and practical perspectives to enable you to better
understand the world of work.
International Financial Management
Examine the impact of such factors as exchange rates,
infation rates and interest rates on the management of
frms in an international/global context. You will be able
to devise and evaluate a risk management strategy for
the uncertain world of international fnancial markets
using fnancial instruments such as swaps, options and
futures. Emphasis is placed on factors that differentiate
multinational from domestic fnancial management. This
module also offers the opportunity to develop practical
analytical and presentational skills by applying theory and
concepts to international fnancial databases.
Marketing and Services Management
Develop an understanding of the role of marketing with-
in the global organisation and the processes involved,
with particular emphasis on the service sector. You will
MSc in Global Management
gain knowledge and skills applicable to managing qual-
ity and a wide-ranging analysis of the issues involved in
managing the strategic marketing/management func-
tions within a global service context. In drawing from
fndings from research and practice, emphasis is placed
on a number of theoretical perspectives that enable you
to develop the ability to critically evaluate and analyse
service management opportunities and problems at a
global scale.
Operations and Information Management
Develop an in-depth understanding of the increasingly
important feld of operations and information manage-
ment at a global scale. You will gain an overview of how
to improve different types of operations and information
systems, to contribute to a companys competitiveness
and strategy. You will develop an understanding of con-
cepts, techniques and models that are used for planning,
managing and improving operations and MIS within
manufacturing and service organisations in a global
Business Innovation Project
Choose one from:
1. Live Project: work as part of a team on a project pro-
vided by a UK or international business organisation. The
allocation of teams and responsibilities will be depend-
ent on the type of organisation.
2. Dissertation: a conventional dissertation of 12,000 to
15,000 words, consisting of research question, aims
and objectives, rationale for undertaking the study,
literature review, research methodology, analysis of
fndings, conclusions and recommendations.
MSc in Global Management
MSc in Global Management
MSc in Project Management
3 good reasons to study Project
Management at Salford:
Project management is a profession operating in all
organisational contexts, and this course offers a route
into that profession, which is suitable for graduates
from a large range of backgrounds
Gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become
a Project Management Practitioner (PMP) of the PMI
and/or a member of the APM (MAPM)
Developed with project management specialists, this
course represents cutting-edge knowledge for those
wishing to become practitioners in a feld faced with
signifcant growth and opportunities
This course will provide you with a comprehensive and
systematic understanding of project management. You will
be exposed to new insights of best practice applications
in the feld of project management through the most up-
to-date academic research and case studies. The skills that
you will develop will enable you to manage projects within
manufacturing, service, social enterprise, charity or public
MSc (Minimum 12 months, maximum three years)
Course Details
Strategic International Business Management
Gain a thorough grounding in the major issues and
perspectives of developing and implementing business
strategy both at national and international level.
Operations and Information Management
Develop an understanding of different types of opera-
tions, information, systems and business approaches,
along with knowledge of concepts, techniques and
models used for planning, managing and improving
operations and management information systems in a
global context.
Project Risk and Procurement Management
Gain the skills and knowledge to manage the probability
and consequences of positive events, and minimise the
impact of adverse events, on project outcomes. You will
also gain useful insights into the management of pro-
curement processes in project environments.
Project Management, Leadership and Skills:
Planning and Control
Develop an understanding of the approaches, skills and
methods of project management and the tools and tech-
MSc in Project Management
niques of planning, control, teamwork, leadership and
other processes in order to develop your ability to lead
complex projects.
Business Innovation Project
Choose one from:
1. Live Project: work as part of a team on a project pro-
vided by a UK or international business organisation.
The allocation of teams and responsibilities will be
dependent on the type of organisation.
2. Dissertation: a conventional dissertation of 12,000 to
15,000 words, consisting of research question, aims
and objectives, rationale for undertaking the study,
literature review, research methodology, analysis of
fndings, conclusions and recommendations.
MSc in Project Management
MSc in Project Management
MSc in Financial Services Management
3 good reasons to study Financial
Services Management at Salford:
Gain a management qualifcation to boost your em-
ployment prospects in the rapidly expanding fnancial
services industry
Learn about the most up-to-date developments in
fnancial services from our expert staff
Take a Business Innovation Project module, increasing
your practical skills and experience
This course provides an exciting opportunity if you wish
to be involved in one of the worlds most complex in-
dustries and in activities such as property, transport and
shipping insurance, credit cards, wealth management
and home and commercial mortgages.
The current, demanding, fnancial environment also of-
fers signifcant opportunities. The banking and fnancial
services sector has now recognised that it needs to
re-think its strategies. The opportunity to develop long
and proftable client and customer relationships is open
to frms that can think and act strategically, embrace new
approaches, work creatively and innovate, manage costs
and improve their understanding of individual customer
MSc (Minimum 12 months, maximum three years)
Course Details
Accounting and Finance
Gain a critical perspective of theoretical and practical is-
sues in accounting and learn to distinguish between and
evaluate the trading characteristics and capital raising
abilities of sole traders, partnerships, limited and public
limited companies. You will apply and evaluate tests of
proftability and solvency to a range of trading organisa-
tions and learn to interpret, evaluate and criticise ac-
counting regulation, especially in relation to International
Financial Reporting standards (IFRS).
You will also learn to apply and evaluate the principles of
fnancial management and develop the expertise to eval-
uate the relationship between an organisations context
and its corporate fnancial decisions in the real world.
International Financial Management
Examine the impact of such factors as exchange rates,
infation rates and interest rates on the performance of
frms and assess their signifcance in decision making in
an international/global context.
Risk, Regulation and Compliance
Learn to employ critical refection and thinking regard-
ing domestic and international regulatory frameworks
for fnancial and non-fnancial companies. You will also
develop an understanding of the economics of regulation
and the problems of compliance.
Marketing and Services Management
Develop an understanding of the role of marketing with-
in the global organisation and the processes involved,
with particular emphasis on the service sector. You will
MSc in Financial Services Management
gain knowledge and skills applicable to managing qual-
ity and a wide-ranging analysis of the issues involved in
managing the strategic marketing/management func-
tions within a global service context.
Business Innovation Project
Choose one from:
1. Live Project: work as part of a team on a project pro-
vided by a UK or international business organisation.
The allocation of teams and responsibilities will be
dependent on the type of organisation.
2. Dissertation: a conventional dissertation of 12,000 to
15,000 words, consisting of research question, aims
and objectives, rationale for undertaking the study,
literature review, research methodology, analysis of
fndings, conclusions and recommendations.
MSc in Financial Services Management
MSc in Financial Services Management
MSc in Marketing
3 good reasons to study Marketing
at Salford:
Gain specialist knowledge and skills on this CIM ap-
proved and accredited course
Develop expertise in Search and Social Media Market-
Take a Business Innovation Project module, increasing
your practical skills and experience
At Salford we integrate marketing theory and practice
through four core modules in order to provide you with
a critical understanding of marketing in both commer-
cial and non-commercial sectors. We are approved and
accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM),
which means that as graduates you will be eligible for
direct entry onto the CIMs Professional Postgraduate
Diploma, subject to you also obtaining appropriate senior
marketing management experience.
MSc (Minimum 12 months, maximum three years)
Course Details
Marketing and Services Management
A wide-ranging analysis of the issues involved in man-
aging the strategic marketing management functions
within a variety of organisation types but particularly in
a service context. Emphasis is placed on a relationship
approach to the management of customers for the devel-
opment of marketing theory and practice.
Contemporary Issues in Consumer Research
Enhance your awareness of the importance of under-
standing consumers in the development of marketing
strategy and in the wider context of sustainable business.
You will gain an in-depth understanding of contemporary
issues in both consumer behaviour and marketing intel-
Search and Social Media Marketing
Evaluate how organisations communicate with various
target audiences in the context of dynamic changes
within society both technological and social. You will
develop your understanding of the latest theories, trends
and techniques in the use of Search Engine Optimisation
(SEO) and Social Media Marketing.
MSc in Marketing
Marketing International Business: Branding,
Communication and Relationships
Develop your understanding of the various communica-
tions methods used to establish and maintain cross-
cultural relationships with a variety of stakeholders. You
will gain an overview of culture as a basis on which to
develop the themes of international branding, marketing
communications and business relationship development.
Business Innovation Project
Choose one from:
1. Live Project: work as part of a team on a project pro-
vided by a UK or international business organisation.
The allocation of teams and responsibilities will be
dependent on the type of organisation.
2. Dissertation: a conventional dissertation of 12,000 to
15,000 words, consisting of research question, aims
and objectives, rationale for undertaking the study,
literature review, research methodology, analysis of
fndings, conclusions and recommendations.
MSc in Marketing
MSc in Marketing
MSc in Procurement, Logistics and Supply
Chain Management
3 good reasons to study
Procurement, Logistics and Supply
Chain Management at Salford:
Prepare for a managerial, consulting or operational
role within this area of specialism
Accredited by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing
and Supply (CIPS)
This course is informed by the most up-to-date aca-
demic research
This course provides a thorough knowledge and under-
standing of procurement and e-procurement, warehous-
ing and stores management, transportation and shipping,
inventory planning and contract management within an
overall supply chain context.
This course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of
Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) and full membership is
available to graduates of this course.
MSc (Minimum 12 months, maximum three years)
Course Details
Strategic International Business Management
Gain a thorough grounding in the major issues and per-
spectives of developing and implementing business strat-
egy both at a national and at an international level. You
will be encouraged to think about global management
issues within the context of your respective course and in
your future career. In addition, you will be encouraged to
think critically about theory and practice in an ethical and
professional manner, in light of key issues and decisions
related to the strategic organisation in both national
and international contexts. You will be introduced to
major debates about leadership theory and practice, and
understand the links between leadership and motivation
practices with a view to attaining positive organisational
Operations and Information Management
Develop an in-depth understanding of the increasingly
important feld of operations and information manage-
ment. You will gain an overview of how to improve
different types of operations and information systems,
and how to contribute to a companys competitiveness
and strategy. This module will also provide knowledge
of concepts, techniques and models that are used for
planning, managing and improving operations and MIS,
within manufacturing and service organisations in a
global context.
MSc in Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Project Risk and Procurement
Develop an overview of project risk in order to maximise
the probability and consequences of positive events and
to minimise the probability and consequences of adverse
events to project objectives. You will gain the skills to
effectively manage procurement processes in a multitude
of environments.
Global Supply Chain Management
Develop an in-depth understanding of the critical nature
and meaning of global supply chain management and its
application in various types of organisations and sectors
Gain an overview of an analytical framework of global
procurement, logistics and supply chain systems, their
design, monitoring and control, together with the skills
sets to facilitate a critical evaluation of the contribution
of global logistics and supply chain to an organisations
competitive advantage.
Business Innovation Project
Choose one from:
1. Live Project: work as part of a team on a project pro-
vided by a UK or international business organisation.
The allocation of teams and responsibilities will be
dependent on the type of organisation.
2. Dissertation: a conventional dissertation of 12,000 to
15,000 words, consisting of research question, aims
and objectives, rationale for undertaking the study,
literature review, research methodology, analysis of
fndings, conclusions and recommendations.
MSc in Procurement, Logistics and Supply
Chain Management
MSc in Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Application Form
If you prefer you can also apply online at
Please fll this form and send it back together with:
- Your full rsum/curriculum vitae
- A 300 words personal statement about your ambition and motivation to study in this master programme
- Copy of your degree certifcates and/or diplomas.
via telefax +41 44 445 33 36 or scan it and email it to
You can also send the application via air mail to:
Robert Kennedy College Admission Offce SPB 6135 Paradeplatz 1 8001 Zrich Switzerland
First Name ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Last Name ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of Birth ................................................................... Residence Address .........................................................................................
Country .......................................................................... Email .............................................................................................................
Profession ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
Highest Academic Qualifcation ...............................................................................................................................................................
Daytime Phone ............................................................... Evening Phone ...............................................................................................
I will be paying the 100 Swiss Francs application fee by: BANK TRANSFER - CREDIT CARD
(In either case we will send you the payment instructions as soon as your application is received)
Tuition Agreement
The College is committed to provide you with an outstanding learning experience. I understand that if for reasons independent
from the college I will be unable to follow the course I applied to I wont be able to claim a refund on paid tuition fees.
The total tuition fees that I will have to pay is 10,000 Swiss Francs. I have carefully read and understood the Catalogue of Academic
Programmes. I understand that any amendment to the Catalogue will be reported on the college website at
I know its contents and I am bound by its conditions and rules.
I understand that the college might extend a tuition installment payment plan to myself. If I fail to timely pay under the method or
plan agreed upon admission, then the Robert Kennedy College is entitled to claim the unpaid balance I owe.
The place of execution of this contract and competent legal authority is the Canton of Jura, Switzerland.
I hereby apply to enroll at the Robert Kennedy College.
Date................................ Signature ................................................................................................................
Please return this application via Telefax +41 44 445 33 36 or scanned via email to
or via air mail to Robert Kennedy College Admission Offce SPB 6135 Paradeplatz 1 8001 Zrich - Switzerland
Secretariat SPB 6135 Paradeplatz 1 8001 Zrich Switzerland Head Offce and Campus Technoparkstrasse 1 8005 Zrich
T +41 44 445 33 35 F +41 44 445 33 36 -
Registered Offce in DELEMONT Canton Jura Switzerland
MSc courses offered in exclusive partnership with:
University of Salford
MSc courses offered in exclusive partnership with:
Technoparkstrasse 1 8005 Zrich Switzerland
T. +41 44 445 33 35 F. +41 44 445 33 36

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