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Shanti Vihar Colony,
Sithora Road, Madhinath,
Bareilly (U.P.) Pincode 243001
Contact No. +1!"0213#22
Objective :-
$Stri%e to &ro' (ro)e**ionally in a career dri%en or&ani+ation and ac,-ire co.(rehen*i%e .ana&e.ent */ill*
re,-ired to ,-ali)y )or hi&her le%el* o) re*(on*i0ility 'ithin the or&ani+ation.1
Academic Qualiication:-
2i&h School )ro. U.P.Board in the year 2010.
3nter.ediate )ro. U.P.Board in the year 2012.
!"oe##ional Qualiication:-
P-r*-in& Polytechnic (4lectrical and 4lectronic*) )ro. Sai 5ath Uni%er*ity Ranchi.
!e"#onal $etail#:-
6ather7* 5a.e8 Mr. San9ee% Rathore
:ate o) Birth 8 20 ;-ly, 1"
<ender 8 Male
Marital Stat-* 8 Un.arried
=an&-a&e >no'n 8 2indi, 4n&li*h
5ationality 8 3ndian
3 here0y declare that all a0o%e .entioned in)or.ation are tr-e to the 0e*t o) .y /no'led&e and
certi)ied 0y %ario-* certi)icate* and .ar/ *heet* o) co.(lete a-thoritie* ? 0oard@-ni%er*ity.
:ate 8!
Place 8! Bareilly %Ajeet Rat&o"e'

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