List of Students With Attendance Below 65%: S.No Roll No Name of The Student Percentage (%)

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List of Students with attendance below 65%

List of Students with attendance between 65% and 75%

S"!o ROLL !o !a#e of the Student Pe$centa%e&%'
1 N.Madhu sudhan 62.25
2 P.Dinesh 6.62
P.Maheshwar Reddy 52.32
4 S.Sai Mahendra 56.07
5 S.Pradip Kumar 48.34
6 Sudharshan 57.62
7 Y.V.Ramaneneya Reddy 36.64
! Dandina Ra"i 11.92
# Man$ Nai% Me&&a 10.82
1' R.Si"apra%ash Reddy 48.72
11 K.Kiran Kumar 41.06
S"!o ROLL !o !a#e of the Student Pe$centa%e&%'
1 M.Man$ Kumar Reddy 66.98
P.Vamshi Krishna Reddy 66.23
3 P.Vasan&hi 71.96
4 P.M$ses 66.11
5 P.(ari (ara Vara Prasad 66.06
6 P.Surendra Reddy 67.33
7 S.Sa)eem 72.85
! S.K.M$u)a)i 74.09
# S.M$hisin *%ram 68.65
1' +.Rama,handrudu 70.42
11 Pinari -smai) 70.20
12 M.Mura)i%rishna 74.39
13 D.Kar&hi% yada" 73.07
14 *.Sreeni"au)u 65.12

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