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Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2014).

Retrieved: 08/05/2014

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2014). Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers: Graduate Level. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from

Eagleby State School Website.
Sourced:May 8/2014

Readman, K. & Allen, B. (2013). Practical Planning and Assessment. South Melbourne, VIC: Oxford
university Press

Ministerial Council of Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs. The Melbourne Declaration for
Educational Goals. (2008). Sourced: May 8/2014

Queensland Government. Queensland Studies Authority. (2013).
assessment.html Sourced: May 8/2014

Russell- Bowie, D. MMADD about the arts: An Introduction to Primary Arts Education. Frenchs Forest,
N.S.W. : Pearson Australia, c2012

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