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Pamala Carlson HLAC 1096- 7-May-14

Name Course Date

HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper
Write a paragraph on each of the folloin!"
1# What $i$ you learn a%out &lifelon! ellness' from ta(in! this a)ti*ity )lass+
,he main thin! that - learne$ from this )lass as that anythin! you $o )an %e you /ust ha*e to !et u0 an$ $o somethin!# - alays thou!ht that to !et in a
!oo$ or(out you ha$ to !o to the !ym or or( out for hours# With this )lass it has
hel0e$ me reali1e that e*en if you /ust al(e$ aroun$ the %lo)( a )ou0le times a
ee( it is still !oo$ for you an$ it $oes hel0 %uil$ en$uran)e#
2# Ho oul$ you a00ly this information to your life+
3*erythin! - learne$ in this )lass - )an a00ly to my e*ery$ay life# ,he thin!s that -
oul$ %e a00lyin! is time mana!ement for so that - am alays or(in! out
at least 4 times a ee(# Another thin! that - oul$ a00ly to my e*ery$ay life is
healthy )hoi)e in foo$ items that - am eatin!# Not only is it im0ortant to or(out an$
!et your %o$y ener!y %ut you ha*e to fee$ it the ri!ht foo$ to maintain a healthy
4# What is your intention to )ontinue to in your life an$ hy+
- inten$ to (ee0 or(in! out on a re!ular %asis an$ to also )ontinue to im0ro*e my
$iet# - oul$ li(e to )ontinue this %e)ause hile - as in this )lass - noti)e$ that - ha$
more ener!y an$ - ante$ to !o an$ or(out %e)ause i (ne that it oul$ ma(e me
feel %etter# ,his is also the same ith healthy foo$ that - as eatin!# -f - ma$e !oo$
foo$ )hoi)es then - as more li(ely to !et full faster for lon!er time 0erio$s# ,his may
not )han!e all at on)e %ut - oul$ li(e to )ontinue to )han!e my %eha*iors an$ also
)ontinue to learn a%out fitness an$ healthy foo$s#
4# 5eneral i$eas for im0ro*in! this )ourse+
6efore - too( this )lass - as *ery ner*ous %e)ause - $i$n7t or( out or eat the %est
so - $i$n7t (no hat to e.0e)t or ho - as !oin! to $o# While ta(in! the )lass -
%e!an to un$erstan$ hy e or( out an$ hy it is im0ortant to eat healthy asell# -
en/oye$ this )lass an$ learnin! all a%out fitness an$ ho to ma(e my life %etter not
/ust in short term %ut also in lon! term thin(in!# At this time - $on7t ha*e any i$eas on
ho to im0ro*e this )lass#

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