25 Juice Recipes

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25 Heal t hy
25 Heal t hy

Jui ce Reci pes
Jui ce Reci pes

Easy, Del i c i ous Reci pes Easy, Del i c i ous Reci pes
f or Gl owi ng Hea l t h f or Gl owi ng Hea l t h

by Car ey Ki ngsbur y by Car ey Ki ngsbur y

2011My Juice Cleanse All rights reserved.
2 http://www.myjuicecleanse.com
Ta bl e of Cont e nt s Ta bl e of Cont e nt s


Preparing to Juice.4

Starter Juices.5

Green Juices..6

Cleansing Juices...8

Veggie Juices..10

Fruit Juices...11

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I nt r oduc t i on I nt r oduc t i on

Fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices provide an amazing gift of
nutrition delivered in a balanced and complete form that is easily
absorbed by the body. Juicing is a quick and easy way to get a jump
start on radiant glowing health and abundant energy. Start drinking
at least one juice per day for the next two weeks and feel the

This ebook is offered freely to readers of My Juice Cleanse. You may
share this ebook with others provided that you: not charge for the
information and present the ebook in its entirety including title page
and all headers and footers.

Hugs and happy juicing!

Carey Kingsbury

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Pr e pa r i ng Pr e pa r i ng t o J ui c e t o J ui c e

To begin juicing you will need a juice machine. If you dont have one
already you can visit My Juice Cleanse online for a list of some of the
most popular juicers http://myjuicecleanse.com/juicer-
machines/popular-juicers-and-books/ . You can expect to pay
anywhere from $60-$400 for a juicer. Its a great investment for your
future health.

Purchase fruits and vegetables that are ripe and have vibrant color,
texture and smell. Organic foods are preferred but not absolutely
necessary. Wash and prepare your produce when you get home
from the store or market. This will save time when you are making
juice. Berries and grapes however should be washed only when you
are using them. The water droplets left behind from washing can
lead to mold in the fridge.

You can make your own all natural vegetable wash. Here is the

Vegetable Wash
1 cup water
1 cup vinegar
2 T baking soda
2 T lemon juice

Mix ingredients in a large bowl. Some fizzing will occur. Pour into a
clean spray bottle. Use this mixture by spraying your produce and
allow them to sit for five minutes before rinsing well.

Most vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled. Citrus fruits
should be peeled with some white pith remaining. Apples may be
cored or left whole if they will fit into your juicer chute. Pineapples
should be cored and skin removed. Remove pits from fruits such as
cherries, peaches, and plums. Green leafy vegetables can be rolled
to make them more dense and produce more juice.

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St a r t e r J ui c e s St a r t e r J ui c e s

Ra di a nc e J ui c e Ra di a nc e J ui c e
1 apple
1 orange
4 carrots
! ginger root

Br i ght a nd Al e r t J ui c e Br i ght a nd Al e r t J ui c e
" pineapple
1 carrot
1 apple
1 celery stalk

He a l t h Pr ot e c t or J ui c e He a l t h Pr ot e c t or J ui c e
2 apples
2 carrots
1 green cabbage wedge
1 red cabbage wedge

Re d Fus i on J ui c e Re d Fus i on J ui c e
1 cup red grapes
" head red cabbage
1 red apple
1 carrot
1 lemon

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Gr e e n J ui c e s Gr e e n J ui c e s

Me a n Gr e e n J ui c e Me a n Gr e e n J ui c e
6 kale leaves
1 cucumber
4 celery stalks
2 green apples
" lemon
piece of ginger root

Gr e e n Powe r J ui c e Gr e e n Powe r J ui c e
1 green apple
2 handfuls spinach
6 kale leaves
3 carrots
" ginger root

Bl ue Gr e e n Le mona de Bl ue Gr e e n Le mona de
3 kale leaves
1 cucumber
2 pears
" cup blueberries
1 lemon

Green Earth Jui ce Green Earth Jui ce
! head cabbage
3 celery stalks
1 cucumber
1 cup packed spinach
2 green apples
" ginger root

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Potassi um Boost Jui ce Potassi um Boost Jui ce
1 cup spinach
6 kale leaves
1 apple
1 pear
6 strawberries
1 cup coconut water

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Cl e a ns i ng J ui c e s Cl e a ns i ng J ui c e s

Cl eansi ng Jui ce Cl eansi ng Jui ce
3 carrots
" beet root
1 cucumber
small handful parsley

Reboot Jui ce Reboot Jui ce
2 apples
4 carrots
1 beet
6 leaves swiss chard

Brai n and Brawn Jui ce Brai n and Brawn Jui ce
2 beets
3 celery stalks
1 pear
1 carrot
1 handful spinach

Pi neappl e Cl eansi ng Jui ce Pi neappl e Cl eansi ng Jui ce
! pineapple
1 apple
" beet root
2 carrots
! cup parsley
! ginger root

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Anti oxi dant Jui ce Anti oxi dant Jui ce
1 sweet potato
1 handful spinach
1 carrot
1 handful black grapes
1 apple
" ginger root

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Ve ggi e J ui c e s Ve ggi e J ui c e s

Vegetabl e 8 Jui ce Vegetabl e 8 Jui ce
2 medium tomatoes
1 cucumber
2 carrots
2 celery stalks
1 cup spinach
! head cabbage
" red bell pepper
1 green onion

Ve ggi e s n Spr out s J ui c e Ve ggi e s n Spr out s J ui c e
4 celery stalks
1 cucumber
2 handfuls spinach
8 lettuce leaves
" cup packed alfalfa sprouts

Sal ad i n a Gl ass Sal ad i n a Gl ass
3 carrots
2 green onions
" bell pepper
6 romaine lettuce leaves
2 medium tomatoes
handful parsley
lemon wedge

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Fr ui t J ui c e s Fr ui t J ui c e s

Berry Appl e Jui ce Berry Appl e Jui ce
1 cup raspberries
1 cup blueberries
2 apples
2 pears

Subl i me Frui t Jui ce Subl i me Frui t Jui ce
2 cup strawberries
1 cup blueberries
2 figs
1 pear
" lemon

Joi nt Support Jui ce Joi nt Support Jui ce
" cup pitted cherries
2 pears
1 apple
2 celery stalks
2 kiwi fruit

Gorgeous i n Green Gorgeous i n Green
2 cucumbers
1 green apple
4 kiwi fruit
4 stalks celery

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Sweet Mel on Jui ce Sweet Mel on Jui ce
! honey dew melon
2 cup grapes
1 cucumber
" lime

Orchard Twi st Jui ce Orchard Twi st Jui ce
2 apples
2 pears
1 mango, peeled and pitted
1 cup strawberries
4 basil leaves

Frui t Passi on Jui ce Frui t Passi on Jui ce
1 cup strawberries
! pineapples
1 cup black grapes
1 pear

Ki wi Twi st Jui ce Ki wi Twi st Jui ce
2 kiwi fruit
" pineapple
1 celery stalk
" cucumber
1 handful cilantro

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