Week 5 Term 4 2009

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Citizenship is everyone’s Term 4

Room 3
Week 5
Quality homework please http://room3nelsoncentral.blogspot.com/
This term I am again looking for
Quality homework that is:
• Written neatly in your homework Dear Parents,
book, • Our next Suter visit is next
• Ruled off (with a ruler), Wednesday (Nov 18) NOT this
• Has a neat heading, week. Please note : I will out of
• Written in HB pencil, the classroom and Dave Palmer
• Has coloured pencil for will take the children to the
illustrations and/or headings. SUTER.
NO FELT PENS ! • The Calendar art work can be
viewed on our BLOG and in the
1. Write a book review about classroom. Please note that the
a story/book you have read date for orders has been
recently. extended and ORDERS NOW
Include title, author and a NEED TO BE WITH ME BY THE
brief summary of the story END OF THIS WEEK November
and your personal response
Please support this Community
to it.
Group fundraiser.
Illustrate it
• Room 3 is having a book swap next
Monday. Look for note coming
2. SPELLING home soon.
1. Spelling. Learn your spelling for All homework books back on Friday
our spelling test on Friday. please.
2. Each night choose 2 or 3 of
your spelling words and write an
interesting sentence for each word 4. BASIC FACTS and times tables
in YOUR HOMEWORK BOOK. Learn 2 basic facts and x tables you
Date each days work. By Friday got wrong every night so your score
you should have 6 good sentences improves.
with Capital letters, full stops and
careful spelling. 5. Play a game, go for a walk with
family or friends. Record what you
3. Read every night for at least have done in your book.
10 minutes.

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