Ode To Death (Ghulam Mustafa)

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(Ghulam Mustafa)
O death! O destruction! O pale faced monster!
Tell me! Where is your stay?
Cast gloom where is your name.
Tell me! Where from do you come?
Why are you so cruel?
O, dark dark ghost, why are you so formidable?
O, repulsive lady!
Though you bring calm for some;
Yet you work like a saw.
Why are you so unkind?
You snatch pulses and leave the body motionless.
You come like a voiceless storm in joyful hearts,
And autumnal the springed garden.
You bring the waves of sorrows and glooms.
Tears come out from measureless fountain of eyes.
Why do you celebrate to destroy smiling faces?
In-spite of your entire dirty game, why are you blameless?
O, death! You haunt like unseen phantom,
And takes the helpless in your clutches;
Grind under your bloody stones.
O, death, O, secret, solve the riddle.
Who are you, why is you clipped with the name of death?

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