The Court-Annexed Mediation Process

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The Court-Annexed Mediation Process

* based on the Flow Chart displayed at the PMC Office at the Hall of Justice
Pre-Mediation Activities
Judge issues order referring case for mediation
Parties present Court Order to PMC
PMC unit orients parties on mediation process
Parties agree on Mediator
If Parties cannot agree, PMC unit assigns Mediator
Mediation Proceedings
Parties appear for mediation conference
Mediator facilitates discussion between Parties
Mediation after 30 days
1. Parties have not yet settled but want to pursue mediation
Parties, through Mediator, request Judge for extension of 30 more
Judge approves extension
Parties prepare Compromise Agreement (CA), assisted by Mediator &
Parties, Mediator & Counsels (if representing Parties) sign CA
Mediator submits CA to Court
Judge approves CA & renders judgment based on CA

2. 60 days have lapsed but Parties still want to pursue mediation
Parties, through Mediator, request Judge for extension beyond 60
Judge approves extension
Mediation resumes and Parties agree to settle
Parties prepare Compromise Agreement (CA), assisted by Mediator &
Parties, Mediator & Counsels (if representing Parties) sign CA
Mediator submits CA to Court
Judge approves CA & renders judgment based on CA

3. After resumption of mediation, Parties decide not to settle
Case is sent back to Judge for resumption of pre-trial

Mediation within 30 days
1. Parties agree to settle
Parties prepare Compromise Agreement (CA),
assisted by Mediator & Counsels
Parties, Mediator & Counsels (if representing Parties)
sign CA
Mediator submits CA to Court
Judge approves CA & renders judgment based on CA

2. Parties refuse to settle
Case is sent back to Judge for resumption of pre-trial

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