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Jordan Kennard Tecm 2700

Proposal to Create a Reference Manual for the

University of North Texass Basketball Student Manager Staff

The University of North Texass basketball team does not have a Reference Manual for their
student managerial staff. Your student managers need a manual because every great team has a
great student managerial staff to go along with it. Student managers have a vital role on the
team. They are responsible for gathering film, handling equipment, among other things. The
team could use this manual to ensure that the managers are doing exactly whats expected of
them. With the staff only consisting of 3 managers per team (Mens and Womens), it should be
simple to instill the manuals into the system.

I can complete the rough draft by April 15. The labor, materials, and supplies will cost
approximately $1034.83. However, I will donate my labor time to write and prepare the manual.
This donation will reduce your cost for the manual to $34.83 for supplies and materials. IF the
rough draft is satisfactory, you will receive the final draft on April 22.

Current Problems within North Texass Basketball Managerial Staff
Both North Texas Mens and Womens basketball teams have a good student managerial staff,
but I know your ultimate goal is to make everything in your program great. One step to
achieving this goal of greatness is consistency, and naturally thats an area where the staff lacks
thereof. The managers have to create their own way of doing things. This usually becomes
routine to them, which is fine until its time for someone to take their place. College isnt
forever, and the managers eventually move on with their life. This causes someone else to come
in, and have to come up with their own way of doing things. You wouldnt want managers
interrupting a coach during practice to ask where the rack of balls go. It interrupts the flow of
practice, which is never good for a team. A coach shouldnt have to worry about a manager;
they should just be there to help.

Often, the managers will do things their own way instead of asking a member of the coaching
staff, doing so causes problems with the team. For example, a newly installed manager may not
know that coach doesnt like for the ball rack to be out until a certain time because he wants to
players focused and not messing around. Oblivious to this the manager puts out the rack
anyway, which causes the players to start playing around before practice, and ultimately gets the
coach mad and the players in trouble all because of one simple mistake. Student Managers are
also responsible for recording video for the teams film sessions, as you all know there is a
specific way you have to record when it comes to scouting and/or studying film. As a coach you
dont want to have to repeatedly explain how you want the film done, but without a manual this
seems to be necessary if not there could be consequences. For example, you send a manager
over to one of your rival teams game to scout their defense, but instead having the camera
focused on defense the manager is basically making a highlight team for one person on the other.
This leads to a whole unsuccessful day of practice, as you had a whole day dedicated to running
against a scout defense, and watching film on their defense. A missed day of preparation is not
qualities of a great team.

Jordan Kennard Tecm 2700
The purpose of a basketball student managerial staff is to make sure practice runs smoothly, have
equipment ready to go, prepare the team for games, and gather film for the team among other
things. When the staff performs inefficiently and makes mistakes because of no set way of doing
things, it negatively affects the team, which ultimately prevents North Texas of being that great
team we all want you all to be.

Proposed Solution: A Reference Manual
The proposed reference manual will provide new and current student managers with the
information to perform the following tasks to their best ability and to the teams best interest.
Control the flow of practice
Gather film for the films sessions
Accommodate the team
Handle Equipment

The Reference manual will include the following sections.

Practice Schedule
Lifting Days


Drill equipment
Practice Jerseys
Game Jerseys (Home & Away)
Travel Gear
Shooting Tops

During Game

Jordan Kennard Tecm 2700
Home Games
Away Games
Gathering Film

Study Hall
Grade Expectations
Behavior Expectations

My Qualifications for Writing the Proposed Manual
I have been a manager my junior year of high school, as well as been a player whose worked
with managers my senior year. I have been on both sides of the spectrum, so I know first-hand
what its like to be a manager, and what the players/coaches want out of a manager. In addition
Ive done an ample amount of extra research on managerial staffs in college.

The following table reflects the estimated cost of writing and printing the manual:

Items Time and Supplies Cost($)
Writing and Editing the Manual 100 hours @ $10.00 per hour $1,000.00
Binding Costs Vinyl Front and Back Spiral
Colored Illustrations 8 pages @ $2.50 per page $20.00
Tab inserts $0.89 for 5 pages x 4 packets $3.56
Copying Costs 100 pages @ $0.05 a page $5.00
Total Cost $1,033.74

I will donate my time in return for a receipt for my donation. Your cost for materials and
supplies will be $48.74.

I am elated about the possibility of creating this vital manual for your team. This manual make
things run so much smoother, and lead to you all becoming that great team we all know you can.
I look forward to the possibility of working with you on this manual.

Jordan Kennard Tecm 2700

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