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Waste (Solid and Hazardous) and Waste Reduction

Monday 5/5

Tuesday 5/6

Introduction to Solid Waste

Complete the following:
1. Solid Waste Cornell
2. Solid Waste Pie

Wednesday 5/7

Trash Inc.
Intro to Recycling

Complete the following:
1. Trash Inc Questions
and Reflection
2. Recycling Cornell
Thursday 5/8

Recycle City

Complete the following:
1. Recycle City Worksheet
Friday 5/9

Edison High Doesnt Recycle

Complete the following:
1. Edison High Doesnt
Recycle Letter
Monday 5/12

The Effects of Landfills

Complete the following:
1. Landfills Cornell Notes
2. Label a Landfill
3. Contaminated Soil

Tuesday 5/13

Solid Waste and
Waste Reduction

Wednesday 5/14

Intro to Hazardous Waste

Complete the Following:
1. Hazardous Waste
Cornell Notes
2. Hazardous Waste
Symbols WS

Thursday 5/15

Hazardous Waste Reduction

Complete the following:
1. Venn Diagram on
Waste Reduction

Friday 5/16

Toxic Waste

Complete the following:
1. Toxic Waste Dump
Monday 5/19

Waste Wrap Up

Complete the following:
1. Waste Poster
Tuesday 5/20

Waste Quiz

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