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Brave brave brave little heart.

Where you see loss, I see another gap claiming it can never be filled and I see a sad little boy sitting in a
corner claiming he can never be fixed, and I see her screaming from the top of her lungs that she and no
one else will take the responsibility to take care of his broken lungs.
Where you see starvation and lack of courage to stand up, I see a boy with dark lines under his washed
up blue eyes and I see him hopelessly giving up on love, and life, and
I see her
And shes pretty and fearless
And she loves to paint and
She writes him a letter and sais
Youre not
The only one..
Where you see regret, I see a chubby dorky little boy with glasses and pimples and a bad habbit of bitting
his lower lip while talking because his mother helped him take out his last milk tooth the day before she
Died. And I see him not believing that anyone in this world would ever love him.
And I see her and shes standing tall and
And shes taken out all of her milk teeth herself
And shes giving him one on cristhmas eve and kisses his cheek sais, You dont have to be scared
anymore and I love how you bite your lip, and I like your cheeks and your glasses, and your pimples look
like galaxies of stars on your skin
And all these things happen because
Of love,
Love thats selfless and doesnt need approval or..a status or or even words, love that only few can feel
because only few really need it. And thats why its so rare. And thats why only few undesrtand it. Only
few are brave enough to see it for what it really is.

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