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The Effects of

Adolescents growing up in poverty
are at risk for both mental &
physical problems.
Physical Risks
Higher rates of substance
Sexual activity at earlier
ages (1)
Teen pregnancy (1)
More criminal activity;
drugs & violence (2)
Mental Risks (4)
Future learning disorders
Higher high school drop out
Self-esteem and self-
mastery are much lower
Understandably, living in poverty is
something you sometimes cant
avoid. Here are some things you can
do as a parent or guardian to get the
best out of your adolescent. (3)
Motivation is a key factor;
always use encouragements
Watch school work closely; an
education is the most important
thing at this time in life. Monitor
is closely and be sure they are
Extracurricular Activities; get
your child involved. Keeping
them busy with positive things
keeps them off the street.
Set goals; give your child
something realistic to work
towards and always push for
What can you
do to help as
a parent?

Brian Wittreich
1) Atkins, R., Sulik, M., Hart, D., Ayres, C., &
Read, N. (2012). The
effects of school poverty on
adolescents sexual health
knowledge. 231-241.
2) Bolland, J., Bryant, C., Lian, B., McCallum,
D., Vazsonyi, A., &
Barth, J. (2007). Development and
risk behavior among african
american, caucasian, and mixed-race
adolescents living in high poverty
inner-city neighborhoods. doi:
3) Tomlinson, M., & Walker, R. (2010).
Poverty, adolescent well-
being and outcomes later in life. doi:
4) Abernathy, T., Webster, G., & Vermeulen,
M. (2002). Relationship
among poverty and health among
adolescents. 55-67.
5) Rodgers, K., & McGuire, J. (2012).
Adolescent sexual risk and
multiple contexts : Interpersonal
violence, parenting, and poverty.
doi: 10.1177/0886260511432148

Parenting an adolescent can be
difficult at times, but being a
parent on top of living in poverty
is a different story. Find out what
steps you can take, as a parent, to
help your adolescent develop into
a successful adult.

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