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Leftover chapattis 3
Onions 2 medium
Oil 2 tablespoons
Red capsicum 1 medium
Green capsicum 1 medium
Garlic,chopped 2 tablespoons
White Sauce 2 cups
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder 1/2 teaspoon
Tomato puree 1/2 cup
Boiled potatoes 2
Mozzarella cheese,grated 1/2 cup
Preheat oven to 180 C. Slice onions. Heat oil in a non stick pan, add onions and saute. Chop red
and green capsicums.
Add garlic to the pan and saute. Add capsicums and continue to saute. Spread a little white sauce
at the base of a baking dish and place a chapatti over it.
Add salt to the pan and toss well. Add black pepper powder and mix well. Add tomato puree and
mix. Add cup water and mix.
Slice potatoes and layer them over the chapatti in the dish. Spread a little more white sauce and a
little vegetable mixture. Place another chapatti, spread a little white sauce over it, top with
vegetable mixture and place one more chapatti over and spread white sauce over it.
Make a few slashes through the layers with a sharp knife. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle
remaining vegetable mixture on top and bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

White sauce
Heat butter in a pan. Add maida and saut lightly, taking care that it does not change colour. Add
milk, gradually, stirring continuously so that there are no lumps formed. Add grated cheese and
keep stirring. After adding cheese the sauce will thicken further, so add more milk to adjust the
consistency. Add salt, white pepper powder and mix

Corn kernels 100 grams
Bean sprouts 250 grams
Refined flour tortillas 4
Mozzarella cheese 1/2 cup
Salt to taste
Black peppercorns,crushed 10-12
Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
Tomato,chopped 1 medium
Lettuce,shredded 1/2 cup
Spring onions,chopped 2
Green chillies,chopped 2
Spicy salsa 1/2 cup
Sour cream to serve
Preheat the oven to 200 C. Mix cheese, salt, crushed black peppercorns, lemon juice and
sprouted beans in a bowl. In another bowl mix together tomato, lettuce and spring onions well.
Add corn kernels and green chillies and mix. Place the tortillas on a plate. Arrange cheese and
beans mixture, corn and tomato mixture in layers. Sprinkle salsa and fold each tortilla over.
Arrange in a baking dish and bake in the preheated oven for twenty minutes. Serve hot with
chilled sour cream.

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