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Grading Determination Formula Just Follow the Steps and supply the data. The formula does all the rest. the work *
How to calculate your Grade at any point in
Semester Grading Standard: the semester:
Tests 75% 1 Total Test Points Earned: 344.27
Attendance 15% 2 Total Test Points Available: 360 344
Other Points 10%
Total 100% 3 Total Days of class elapsed: 39 1.85
Total Class Points available: 72 57
94 100 A 4 4 Total Days of class attended: 31
90 93 A- 3.7 5 Total Other points earned: 623 8%
88 89 B+ 3.5 48 47
84 87 B 3 6 Total Other points Available: 639
80 83 B- 2.7 Total Grade Points Earned: 448
78 79 C+ 2.5 Total Grade Points Available: 480
74 77 C 2
70 73 C- 1.7
68 69 D+ 1.5
64 - 67 D 1
60 - 63 D- 0.7
59 and Below E 0 *Just fill in the gray boxes, no others
NOTE: Lowest score of all qualifying exams will be dropped (NOT FINAL)
All exams must be taken in order to drop one exam
Instructor may designate before hand, certain exams that cannot be dropped
Final exam, and some quizzes, will be taken in the econ/finance lab
Each student is expected to keep track of all his/her points from assignments quizzes, exams, attendance
Homework does not count toward points but must be completed before an exam can be accessed.
Any student with overall score of 93% or more after last exam (not final) can opt out of the comprehensive final

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