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Michael Calara

9105 Ghost Mountain Ave.

Phone # 702 580 0751
To specialize in Radiation Technology by utilizing my knowledge in Health &
Nevada State College Henderson, NV May 2015 (expected graduation date)
Bacelor o! te "rts, #nterdisci$linary St%dies &egree 'it concentrations in Healt (
)ellness and B%siness
Centennial Hig Scool *as Vegas, NV May 2010 2015 (Honors diploma)
$eva!a %tate Colle&e %tu!ent 'ibrar( Assistant Au&ust 201) * Present
&evelo$ed +etter c%stomer service a+ilities
,-$erienced in general researc metods
Strengtened management s.ills
Higly e-$erienced in Microso!t )ord, ,-cel, /o'er/oint, ( Millenni%m
Circ%lation $rogram !or te li+rary
Hig Vol%me inventory services and delivery
$eva!a %tate Colle&e %tu!ent Govern+ent %e#te+ber 2012 * Au&ust 201)
0e$resented te st%dent +ody
Comm%nicated 'it oter st%dents regarding ne' +%ilding !ees and t%ition
/romoted events on cam$%s
,sta+lised in!ormed decisions tat re$resented te st%dent +ody in regards
o! te develo$ment o! !%t%re +%ildings !or te college
Centennial -i&h %chool * .echnical .heater / .heater %ta&e Cre0
/re!ormed +asic constr%ction
1rained 'it oter tecnicians
,sta+lised g%idelines !or training o! ne' tecnicians
2$erated so%nd +oard3mi-er d%ring So's
/er!ormed as Stage Cre' and Stage and !or ma4or $rod%ctions
5ollo'ed sa!ety oriented $roced%res3 $rograms.
1e2erences Available 3#on 1e4uest

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