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Intro to Art – Unit 4, Color Name:

Color Study Guide Class:

Use pages 134 – 149 in Art Talk to answer the following questions.
1. what is a hue?

2. What are and list the primary colors?

3. What are and list the secondary colors?

4. What are and list the intermediate colors?

5. What is and how do you make a shade?

6. What is and how do you make a tint?

7. What is a complementary color?

8. What is a color scheme?

9. What are analogous colors and how do you find them on a color wheel?

10. What is a color triad and how do you find them on a color wheel?

11. What are split-complements and how do you find them on a color wheel?

12. Complete this sentence: Warm colors seem to move ___________ the viewer and cool colors seem
to ________ or move ___________.

Turn to pages 294 – 302 to answer the following:

13. What is harmony? How can color be used to create harmony?

14. What is visual unity?

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