Curse of The Damned - Script

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Sebastian Bundhoo

Curse of the Damned: Shooting Script

Lucys death
(Mahmoud goes to investigate the figure Lucy believes to be a person watching them)
(As Lucy is waiting on her own)
(She hears a sudden noise within the area)
Lucy: Is somebody there
(As she goes to investigate she hears another noise)
Lucy: !ello "his isn#t funny$
Lucy: %ust& %ust come out$
("he 'iller comes out from hiding and 'ills her)
Lucy: A!!!!!!!!!!
Community service (Trash scene)
("he teens are all pic'ing up litter within isolated woods)
(Being fed up some of them start to complain)
Mahmoud: "his is so boring$
Lucy: I 'now( why do we need to pic' up rubbish
)mily: *ell we did all brea' the law
Lucy: +h shut up you little virgin
,iran: !)- .+/#" "AL, "+ !)0 LI,) "!A"
(Lucy goes towards ,iran in an aggressive manner)
Lucy: +r what
Seb: Both of you shut the hell up$ -ou#re giving me a head ache
(!e splits ,iran and Lucy apart)
Lucy: Arh& *hatever$!ey .aniel right111 why don#t we go have a little fun in the woods$
(She ta'es Mahmoud#s hand and pulls him into the woods)
,iran: 2lassy1
Sentencing teens (voice overs)
Sebastian Bundhoo
3oiceover (4udge) : I hear by sentence you to serve a 5 month community service
programme( for some reason you( somehow believe that you are above the law( where I can
assure you are not1 -ou#re defiance will be punished( and you shall learn from your mista'e
of defying your community1 -ou are to report to head social wor'er (unnamed) at (random

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