Differentiation Connected Rates

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Warm Up

The Ladder
The foot of a ladder is slipping away from a wall at a constant rate. Does the top of the
ladder slip down the wall at a constant rate? Discuss!
The Balloon
Air is escaping at a constant rate from the balloon. Draw a sketch of how the radius
changes with respect to time.
Setting up the Problem
Rate of Change of Volume
Water is flowing from a tap at a constant rate. It takes 2 minutes for a cube !cm by !
cm by !cm to be fille "see #ideo$ #ol%of%cube&.
'ketch a graph of the #olume of the water in the cone #s time.
(alculate the rate of change of #olume

Experimental Evidence
The same tap is left running and is used to fill a cone "the radius if the cone is half its
Discuss what happens to the rate of change of the height of the cone as the cone fills.
Is the rate of change of height increasing at a constant rate?
Connected rate of Change Ref!
Draw a sketch of
against time.
)sing the #ideo "cone& estimate the rate of change of height of the cone when the height
is *cm by noting the time taken for the height to increase from * to +cm "Top Tip, -ou
can slow the #ideo down and get more accurate measurements for the time taken&.
(ompare this to the rate of change of height when the height is .cm.
Are these estimates like to be o#er estimates or under estimates?
Write a formula for the #olume/ 0 of the cone in terms of h only.
1rom the chain rule we know that
dV dV dh
dt dh dt
1ind an formula for
Is the rate of change of height increasing at a constant rate?
)se this to find
when h 2 *cm and when h 2 .cm.
(ompare these #alues to the e3perimental e#idence.
)se technology to plot a graph of
#s t and compare this to the sketch you drew

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