Sub Plan Oct 17 Am

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Thursday Routine: If you need photocopies of anything my photocopy

number is 02013
Supervision On Thursday I have supervision from 10:3010:!" in the
e#ementary p#ayground$
%#assroom &obs: The classroom jobs are on the lunch cupboard door, titled
Gods Helpers. I have put the days helpers up.
Student 'ai#y &obs:
Line Leader:
Line Folloer:
!alender Helper:
"aterials "ana#er
"aterials Helper:
Supervision 10:3010:!2 (#ementary )#ayground$
*:20 +orning )rayer ,Teachers +eet in %hape#-
Set out .I am /ere0 sheets.
*:!02:00 +orning Routine
"eet the children at the east entrance and lead them to the class %&ut my
door and turn le't toards ashrooms(.
)emind them to *rin# in Library *oo+s, as+ them to pile them beside the
pass-in bas+et on my des+. They should also brin# in their lunch ba# to
the lunch cupboard and homeor+ 'older in the pass-in bas+et %the to
latter are routines they should +no(.
.tudents can do their mornin# chores then si#n in on their /I am here0
sheet. "a+e sure everyone has put their indoor shoes on and si#ned in
be'ore they #et out their hiteboards out. 1lease chec+ to ma+e sure
students only do their name on todays date. Have students put 'inished
names in a pile in the /1ass-In0 bas+et on my des+. They can rite and
dra on their hiteboards hile they ait 'or classmates to catch up.
Ta+e the attendance %class list is in the red binder( and send the materials
mana#er and helper to the o''ice to drop o'' attendance sheet, and to the
library to drop o' library boo+s. The library boo+s ill be a ne routine so
youll have to prompt students to ma+e sure they brou#ht their boo+s in
'rom their loc+ers. Ive le't to cloth ba#s 'or you to divide them into and
#ive one to each student helper %2ustin and 3atana(. )emind them to be
4uiet in the hall and stay to#ether. I' one o' these to are sic+ as+ 3ai to
help. Hes a #reat #o-to student 'or any 4uestions you have or help you
"a+e sure students are 4uiet durin# announcements and prompt them to
stand, and push in their chairs be'ore &!anada starts. They should stand
strai#ht and still li+e soldiers, and not sit don until the music has
completely stopped.
5hen everyone is 'inished si#nin# in, please have them push in their
chairs, put their hiteboards in their bas+ets and join you at the carpet.
2:002:1" %irc#e Time
Have students clean up the mornin# activity and sit in a circle at the
6urin# this time #o around the circle to #reet the children one at a time
ith /#ood mornin#0 and as+ them each to tell you one thin# about them.
1ai#e ill be very shy ith a ne person so tell her its o+ay i' she doesnt
'eel li+e sharin#. The rest should be prompted to share. I' they need a
minute to thin+ come bac+ to them. They ill respond to you ith a #ood
mornin# and an anser to your 4uestion. )emind them to practice #ood
listenin# and you can send a student bac+ to their des+ i' they are not
listenin#7are disruptin#. %28en ill have the hardest time ith this(.
1rayer: &nce everyone is 4uiet, e say prayer. 5e alays start and end
ith the /si#n o' the cross0. .ay this prayer and the children ill do the
actions ith you: /6ear Lord, please help my hands to or+ today %hold
hands up(, please help my body to play today %hands on lap(, and help my
heart to love today %hands on heart(. In 9esus name, 2men0. %&n 5hite
board as ell(
"ovement brea+: ;ou may notice students #ettin# a little s4uirmy at this
point. 5e do the Good "ornin# *oo#ie
Go over the schedule 'or the day ith them %It is a ne schedule so they
ill be curious about it(.
2:1"2:3" 3ho#e 4roup 5iteracy
5e then sit in our 4uiet spots %#reen sheet on des+( 'acin# the hite board
to read the mornin# messa#e.
.tudents ill read alon# ith you. 2s+ students to do their noticin#s< %2t
the be#innin# o' the year this is alphabet letters they +no, numbers,
'riends names or small ords. =ach child has a turn 'indin# somethin#.
2s+ them hat they 'ound and hat sound it ma+es, or i' they chose
punctuation the name and hat it does.
I' the students are antsy 'rom sittin# you may ant to have them stand up
and do a short .imon .ays. They love this #ame and it #ets them
Letter o' the day: .ho the students the * pa#e in 2nimalia. 2s+ each
student to come up and pic+ somethin# on the pa#e to see i' it starts ith
.in# the * son# to them. Have them sin# ith you once or tice then
challen#e them to sin# it on their on hile you hum.
2:3"10:1" 3riting
Have the "aterials "ana#er and Helper pass out ritin# sheets. Give
them the daily ritin# prompt: /5hat be#ins ith the letter *>0 They have
already done the letter 2, so they should be com'ortable ith this 'ormat.
.ho them my ritin# model, %on chart paper(. *rainstrorm * ords on
chart paper. )emind them to use my model to try to 'inish their sentence.
1ut both sheets up here they can see %there are hoo+s above the hite
board(. .ome students ill do this independently, hile others ill need
promptin# or li#ht scribin# 'or them to trace. )emind them to ma+e their
pictures neat and detailed. I have tau#ht them that the top line o' their
ritin# sentence strips is the s+y? the dotted line is the 'ence, and the
bottom the #round. I' they complete their ritin# prompt they can start a
ne piece o' their choice. !ollect their ritin# at about @A:@B. 5ritin# #oes
in their #reen 'olders in their hite bins on the 'ar all.
10:1"10:30 Snac6 and 3ashroom 7rea6
Have everyone meet at the carpet to pray 'or snac+. 1lease be#in and
end the prayer ith the si#n o' the cross. I use the prayer /6ear Lord,
please bless the hands that prepared our 'ood. 2men0.
2'ter prayer have students line up to #o to the ashroom, sin# the Line
Cp .on# %posted on the all by the door( al+ 4uietly to the ashrooms
and remind them to ash their hands.
.tudents can then pic+ a healthy snac+ 'rom their lunch. I' students are
thirsty they can have ater 'rom the ater 'ountain or 'rom his7her ater
bottle %unless they brou#ht to drin+s(.
&nce students have completed their snac+ have them clean up their
#arba#e and #et ready to #o outside 'or recess. 5hen the bell rin#s
students can #o to their loc+ers to #et their jac+ets, then the boot room
and then outside. 1lease ma+e sure all students have made it out o' the
boot room and to the play#round.
10:3010:!2 Recess 8ou have duty in the e#ementary p#ayground$
10:!211:!! +ath
!alendar %there is a calendar helper o' the day(
Have students sit in their 4uiet spots in 'ront o' the calendar. 2s+ the
calendar helper to come up. 1lease as+ the #roup hat the day is, month
is, and year. =8, /I' yesterday as the @Dth then today ill be> Ho do e
ma+e that number> %!alendar helper puts the ne date up(, i' yesterday
as 5eds, then today is> !horal read to#ether, /Today is %day( the %date(
o' %month(, EA@F.0
Ge8t is days o' the ee+ animals %belo calendar(. Ta+e the F coboy
hats o'', let the helper choose hich hat to sho the children. Hands
raised and the helper chooses 4uiet students to read the hat %today,
yesterday, or tomorro(. 2s+ them to raise their hands to 'ind the
appropriate animal 'or that hat and say hat day o' the ee+ it is %I call on
individuals ho are 4uiet ith their hands raised? encoura#e them not to
shout out.( !alendar helper ill put the hat on the animal.
.in# HThere are .even 6ays in a 5ee+H son# %.on#s and )outines
section o' this binder(.
Then e do the eather. The "aterials Helper ill #o loo+ out the
classroom indo and report hat they see. The !alendar helper moves
the arro and puts up the appropriate eather card under the ri#ht day o'
the ee+.
"ath Iuestion o' the 6ay %=nvelope is on the board by the calendar(. The
!alendar Helper pulls out the 4uestion o' the day and hands it to you. ;ou
read it to the class, and then do the arm up. 1lay 'or about 'ive minutes.
%"aterials and instructions on blue counter(.
6ivide the remainin# math Time up to do p.@J and @B o' "ath "a+es .ense.
;ou ill prob have time to do *e'ore and 6urin#. 6ont orry i' you dont #et
this 'ar, just leave me a note sayin# here you stopped %on my des+(.
!lean-up 'or lunch at @@:JAish.
11:!!12:00 5unch Routine ,I may be bac6 at this time or soon after9 I0m not
sure :hen your ha#f day is done9 so :hen the he#pers come into the room
#et them 6no: you are #eaving if you have to go9 and as6 them to he#p the
;0s get ready for recess and :ash the tab#es do:n-$
2nnounce that it is time to #et ready 'or lunch. Lead the children in the
same prayer routine as snac+ time. !all 4uiet students to line up 'irst. Line
leader #oes to the 'ront o' the line. Ta+e students to the ashroom.
)emind students to ash their hands. They can #et lunch +its out. There
are usually @-F lunch helpers 'rom #rade D ho ill come to eat ith the
+ids and help you #et them ready 'or outside. I eat ith the children.
1lease remind the lunch helpers to chec+ lunches to ma+e sure there are
no nut products in them as e have several aller#ies in our school.
Ta+e a deep breath:: ;ou are done 'or the day::
Than+ you so much:
1lease let me +no o' any problems or concerns that you had.
=liKabeth Hutchinson
<otes about the 'ay:
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Students =bsent or

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