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STaRS (Formerly Know as PRPC)

Release News for November 6, 2009

Releases With A Global Impact:

 TD 4361 / REQ 966 - When updating contact communication information, the

fields for “Date Updated” and “Updated By” will contain the date and user

 TD 4602 / REQ 976 – The calculations for the column header of DUN (Days
Until Next Action) have been updated

 TD 4832 / REQ969 – The View History (audit trail) time stamp and time zone is
now consistent with the time stamp and time zone with CITIFT

 TD 4867 / REQ 995 – The status of a detached message will default back to
pending for further action

 TD 4915 / REQ 976 – The routing tables for Broadcast Messages has been
updated to ensure the message is being routed correctly

 TD 4991 / REQ 971– Divided messages will route to the correct baskets with no
interference from connection problems

 TD 5214 / REQ 965 – Pertinent information from the payment transaction

(amount, value date, and batch track) will auto populate when creating an

 TD 5253 / REQ 966 – When updating a case created from an interaction via the
account number, the old details of the case will not be overwritten

 TD 5262 / REQ 971 - Changes made to an internal message that was sent for
repair will be visible to the verifier during the verification process

 TD 5273 / REQ 973 – When attaching a message to a resolved case a user will
have the ability to reopen a case if needed and the message will be apart of the
attachments of the case

 TD 5285 / REQ 995 – When sending a correspondence from a CPM case a user
will have the ability to send the correspondence to a CC receipt
 TD 5336 / REQ 967 – When attaching a note, screenshot or email with a
correspondence the title of the attachment can be updated by the user

 TD 5430 - MT999 correspondence templates that are avaible today in STaRS

will not be routed to the verification que

 TD 5445 – The GMPS correspondence templates have been renamed with the
case type names

 TD 5446 – When sending a email correspondence, if the email address is invalid

user will receive an error message when submitting the correspondence

 TD 5453 – The Change of Return Screen button label has been renamed to “You
have Just Let STaRS”

 TD 5454 – A listing of the Workbasket and Departments names will be available

to users in STaRS under the Dashboard tab

 TD 5455 – Under the View Profile tab, users will be able to submit a request to
have their profile information updated (ie name, phone number, reporting

 TD 5461 - When creating a email correspondence the email will list the TO
receipts and CC receipts

 TD 5487 – When exiting a case the user will not longer receive a blank screen and
the user will not have to refresher the internet explorer

 TD 5488 – When an adjustment is created by the Lisbon team, users will no

longer encounter an error message

Releases – Identified and/or Impacting Asia:

 Nothing to Report

Releases – Identified and/or Impacting CEEMEA:

 Nothing to Report

Releases – Identified and/or Impacting Dublin:

 Nothing to Report

Releases Identified and/or Impacting EB (Electronic Banking):

 TD 5456 / REQ 655 – When creating an Interaction case using the Find and FMS
Client via the search parameter of the account name, the table has been updated to
pull back the correct results

Releases Identified and/or Impacting North America:

 TD 4620 / REQ 391 – Updates to the M-TD Reports (wrong user departments,
resolve counts for CPM, detailed views, auto resolve for CPM cases, transfer
counts updated for cases not belonging to a user and transferred out)

 TD 5241 / CR 1005 – Users can add the sender information like the routing
address and short name to the sender header field

Releases Identified and/or Impacting Securities:

 TD 3771 / REQ 343 – Auto Resolve Case Post Correspondence – allows a user to
select a post-correspondence status and will save a user the additional clicks to go
back to the resolve the case

Releases Identified and/or Impacting - Self Service Pilot:

 Nothing to report
Releases Identified and/or Impacting – TCS India

 TD 4132/ REQ 995 – Attachments on a email correspondence is available for

viewing to a user and the user can also respond to the correspondence

 TD 5049 / CR 1087 – When transferring a case to a user, if the user does not have
the proper entitlements (department, branch, workbasket) an error message will be
displayed to inform what is missing from that users profile

 TD 5243 / CR 1074 – When coping a message a user will be able to copy and
transfer both to a workbasket/worklist and the copied message will have a
reference of the original message in the copied message header

 TD 5248 / CR 1183 – Updating of detail on the format of a transaction reference

 TD 5410 - CitiFT Euro Same Day search is up and operational

Releases Identified and/or Impacting – Technology

 Nothing to report

Releases Identified and/or Impacting – SWIFTNET E&I

 TD 5392 – Messages resolved and attached to a service case, the case status of
that message will be displayed as Resolved/Attached

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