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Trends in marketing

What is marketing?
Marketing is a proses wich identifais, antisipeits and satisfais customar needs efisienti and
profitably. It also comiunicats with the customar in a way that criats competisian. This helps meintein a
fer or accsepteibal praising polisi. The aim of marketing is olueiz to creat for one prodact over anatar.
Market risarch
Market risarch wich investigheits consumar purcheising atitiuds and biheiviar can include a
varaiati of metodologis.
Difarent taips of market risarch include
-telefone or online sarvis
-customar loialti cards
-grup discasans or focus grups
-home prodact traials
-reghiular household purcheis monitoring
This provaids informeisan abaut what customars ar baing, uethar they like sartein prodacts and
uethar they ud bai a partichiular prodact again. Market risarch can be focusd on a waid varaiati of
aspects including the prodact, sels, baiar biheiviar, promosan, distribusian, pacchaging.
The role of marketing in tha organizeisan is olso changing. Trahdisionali, markets have plaid the
role of midalmen, chargd with andarstending customar nids and transmiting tha vois of customar to
varaias fanctional arias in the organizeisan. In tudais markets, companies nid to take a holistic viu of
marketing to bring to tha marketpleis customar-parsaivd veliu ofarings that will satisfai and dilait

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