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1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Passive Voice:

1. Ford cars ________________ (make) in Valencia.
2. The motorway __________________ (not build) yet.
3. They __________________ (arrest) by the police yesterday.
4. y house __________________ (!inish) in two months.
". #o$s _____________________ (use) by the police to !ind dru$s.
2. Chane the !ollowin sentences into the Passive Voice:
1. They manu!acture these dolls in Taiwan.
2. %obody can sol&e this problem.
3. They should !orbid smokin$ in schools.
4. 't was so dark that nobody could see us.
". (omeone will ha&e to tell him the truth.
). The headmaster !ired three employees last week.
*. +ur school is $oin$ to make a special ,alloween party.
-. .enni!er $a&e him a !antastic present.
/. They are answerin$ their e0mails e&ery day.
11. The town council will repair the roads ne2t year.
". Chane the !ollowin sentences into the Active Voice:
1. (he had been nominated by the +scars 3cademy !or her last !ilm.
2. The students are admitted by the 4ni&ersity accordin$ to their results.
3. The problem would ha&e been sol&ed by us with a calculator.
4. 5reat 6ritain was in&aded by the %ormans in 11)4.
". The museums are bein$ &isited by a $roup o! retired people.
). ' was $i&en a copy o! his homework by .ohn.
*. The !amous picture has been sold !or 3 million dollars.
-. ,e was told to clean his room by his mother.
/. 7our 8uestions can9t be answered now.

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