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Research and Performance:

The Keys to Finding the Perfect Job for You

Prepared for Jason Charnesky
English 202C

Prepared by Lexi Golestani
25 February 2014

Executive Summary

This white paper is written for people who may be unsure of what career they wish
to have, and aims to span a wide range of interests and possible position
applications. I have chosen an open application for an exploration grant, and a
performance position as my two job opportunities for this presentation of well-
analyzed career possibilities. The specific career options stem from my own
personal interests, but the analysis spans nearly any possible career choice.

The two positions researched arent the average engineering-based, run-of-the-mill
jobs, or companies for that matter. I have chosen to research both National
Geographic, a well known not-for-profit regarded highly in the scientific and media
communities, and the Walt Disney Company, which is currently the highest grossing
media conglomerate in the world. Each is an incredibly global company that is well
known, received, and respected, in its respective fields.

Rather than provide a white paper tailored specifically to those looking for a career
in geoscience, which happens to be my designated field, and is evidenced in the
abstracts for the online career search resources (Appendix III), I aimed for a broader
approach. I made this choice because many constituents of Generation Y will
experience 20-25 jobs in a 50 year working career
, and often in different and
sometimes unrelated fields. Thus, it seems reasonable, and intelligent even, to
explore various career opportunities in order to give yourself the most robust trunk
possible from which to extend branches.

The criteria I used to evaluate the chosen companies and positions are strictly
personal; though offer a how-to example for whom this paper is primarily written.
Whilst both the companies that I chose comply, and in part exemplify my personal
criteria, the National Geographic Young Explorers grant is the best fit for my current
goals, and the position most closely aligns with my chosen criteria. The challenge,
global travel opportunity, and overall the ability to advance a field of my choice and
interest in some way, though the last is not technically one of my chosen criteria, all
make the National Geographic Young Explorers Grant the more attractive
opportunity of the two.

Table Of Contents
I. Executive Summary i
II. Table of Contents . ii
III. Analysis 1
A. Introduction 1
B. Company Information & Analyses 3
i. National Geographic3
ii. The Walt Disney Company4
C. Position Information & Analyses ...................5
i. National Geographic5
ii. The Walt Disney Company 6
D. Decision ............................................7
IV. Appendices 8
i. Introduction9
ii. Job Ads 10
iii. Abstracts 11
iv. References 13
Research and Performance:
The Keys to Finding the Perfect Job for You


Are you looking for a job? Are you unsure of how to find the best position, at the
best company, for you? Youre in the right place. The following expanse of words
contains several keys to finding the best job for you. The two most important keys
are research and performance. Finding the perfect job requires having some idea,
however vague, of what you may want to do, and a high performance in diligent
research on those companies and positions that you select.

Getting Started

When looking for a job, finding the right company can be just important as tailoring
your resume. There are countless job search tools out there, ranging in service from
online search engines to personal career coaches. However, if you are unsure of
what career path youre looking for, these can serve as a starting place, and a mode
of exploration. A few abstracts of online search engines can be found in Appendix X.
The best way to determine a possible career path is to begin by researching
companies that fall into your areas of interest.

Determination of Criteria

One way to evaluate a company, or a specific position, is to determine a set of
personal criteria before beginning the search. It is helpful to have a separate, though
related, set of criteria for each the company, and the position. The list does not
necessary have to be long, but it should reflect the most important qualities and the
deal-breakers as determined by you. As an example, Ive included my two short lists
of criteria below, and a brief explanation of why each criterion is on my list.

Company Criteria:

1. Community:
The community that the company fosters must be strong and cohesive; the
community should share a purpose. Company culture is inextricably intertwined.
Community is important to me because I believe that two (or more) minds work
better than one, but only when all are working together to achieve a common goal.
2. Mission & Purpose:
The mission and purpose of the company, often they are intertwined, must be in line
with my personal beliefs, moral code, and must be working towards the betterment
of humankind, or at the very least, not working against it. People generally work
best when they are furthering a passion; it is this way for me. I would not be my
most productive, nor would I be the best contributor that I could be if I was not
working for something I believed in.
3. Diversity & Lack of Bias:
The company must employ people from a diverse background, and from diverse
areas of thought. The company must believe in discovery through uninhibited
modes of thought, and be unbiased with regard to humanity, and with regard to
varied methodologies.
4. Location:
The company must be located in a place that is conducive to raising a family, and is
environmentally conscious. There must be trees; preferably by the ocean, or in the
mountains. Ohio, for me, would be a deal-breaker, along several other mid-western
states, as the flatness makes me quite anxious.

Position Criteria:

1. Community:
The community of people with whom Id be working must be friendly, goal oriented,
open minded, driven, challenge accepting, and non-risk averse. I am an incredible
people person, and, as seen above, the types people with whom Id be working are
very important with regards to my job search.
2. Challenges:
I prefer to be in a workplace where I am required to learn new things and to adapt; I
am looking for an adventurous job, a job where challenges are the normal, rather
than a rare occurrence.
3. Travel:
I would like a position where there is at the very least a large opportunity for travel,
if it is not required. I would be amenable to many types of travel, including brief
trips and extended stays, both abroad and domestic.
4. Hours:
I am looking for a position with balance. In this technological day and age, not being
on call, for medical professionals and business people alike, is nearly impossible. I
am looking for a position that is respectful of personal time, though I am not
opposed to working unusual hours.

I determined my criteria by means of first listing what is most important to me in
general, and deriving a career related list of criteria from that initial list. There are
many important aspects to consider when determining what position and which
company will be the best fit: Choose criteria that will help you to narrow down the
vast options, and will lead you to a company and a position that will be conducive to
fostering your happiness and productivity.

Company Information and Analyses

National Geographic

National Geographic, often referred to as NatGeo, originated in Washington D.C. 126
years ago, and its headquarters remain there today, though its reach is global. It was
founded as a society, a prestigious club, by 33 explorers and scientists from diverse
fields, as a society for an esteemed group of scholars and wealthy clients interested
in travel and the further acquisition and dispersion of geographical knowledge.
Gardiner Greene Hubbard was the original president, a former president of the
company that is AT&T today. The inventor, Alexander Graham Bell, was his son-in-
law, as well as his successor in 1897. In 1899, National Geographic began utilizing
the photographs from the travels to further popular interest and to complete the
journalistic aspect of the magazine.

Organization and Products
NatGeo is a not-for-profit organization, and one of the largest scientific and
educational societies of its kind in the world. Its main product lines include its main
magazine, and television channel, six other periodicals, as well as various other
books, educational products, maps, and web and film forays. NatGeo is also
responsible for the funding of grants for individual and institutional research to
further the exploration of the planet and bolster geographical education.

NatGeo is a community of scholars and academics, and its message is a green one.
The purpose of the company is to inspire people to care about the planet and
inspire people of all ages to want to learn about the planet and the world around
them. It is incredibly competitive to receive an internship or job with this company;
NGs magazine is world-renowned for its breath taking photos and strong
journalistic pieces.

Personal Analysis
According to my aforementioned list of criteria for my ideal company, NatGeo does
quite well in fulfilling them. Their community is strong, as it was founded originally
as a club of scholars, and has diversified over time to include scientists and
academics from all backgrounds and all areas of the world. Their mission is fully
inline with my personal goals; they aim to gain and spread knowledge throughout
the world in order to inspire the general population to care for the planet. The
location is also ideal, as it could be literally anywhere, or everywhere. As Im looking
for a position with the opportunity for much travel, this would be a fantastic fit.

The Walt Disney Company (Disney)

Walt and Roy Disney founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio on October 16 of
1923, originally as an American animation company, before it diversified its
business forays into film production, travel, television, theatre, radio, publishing,
and more. Its most recent product was the 2013 animated fantasy Frozen, which
grossed over 866 million dollars in the box office.

Community and Specifics
Disneys company headquarters is located in Burbank, California at Walt Disney
Studios, though it has locations worldwide. It is currently the highest grossing media
conglomerate in the world. It is a publically traded company, and its stock is
currently at $75.67 a share. A year ago, its stock was at $54.66 a share. Its work
culture believes in teamwork, creativity and hard work, with a strong emphasis
placed upon customer service and satisfaction; it is after all the place where dreams
come true, and the happiest place in the world.

Personal Analysis
As an incredibly well known company, and a common household utterance, Disney
as a company is a solid choice for a career, especially in performance, marketing, or
theme park management. The company, with regards to my personal criteria above,
aligns well. It has a strong sense of community, with a positive mission and
purpose. Whilst capitalistic, it is positivethe happiest place on Earth is difficult
to achieve with a company full of negatively minded people. In addition, it is a global
company, so location worldwide is a possibility, which is greatly intriguing for me.
Disney as a company strives for diversity and lack of bias to what some consider a
fault; there are instances of groups condemning the company for being too
progressive. I however, find progressiveness and commitment to diversity and lack
of bias to be deserving of respect, and thus this company matches my views on
diversity well.
Job Analyses

Young Explorers Grant

This job position is actually a grant for independent research in a given field, for
emerging scientists aged 18-25. It is thus outside the normal career hierarchy so
to speak, but would be incredibly important in aiding new discoveries and getting
involved as to become a regular contributor to the NG magazine and company on
the whole. Typical duties vary greatly based upon the subject or project that the
grant is given for, but generally some type of media publication, as well as a
scientific paper perhaps, and a blog, not to mention budgets and a good deal of
paperwork, in addition to experiments and/or observation and good record-
keeping. Rarely would I supervise anyone, as it is a grant without much hierarchy. It
would be necessary to coordinate with a professor, acting as an advisor, here at PSU,
as well at least one local contact. I would report to National Geographic, including
scientists and committee members responsible for awarding the Young Explorers
Grant. The work product would ideally be some type of scientific discovery, through
experimentation or observation that benefits the world and upholds NGs motto,
though it could also be a project with a journalistic outcome, such as the
documentation of an endangered group. A good candidate is between the ages of 18
and 25, has lab and field experience, and though does not necessarily need to be
published, is hard working, reliable, and ultimately has a brilliant idea for a study or

Personal Analysis
This opportunity matches nearly perfectly with my criteria for an ideal position.
Travel is not only probable, but also encouraged, and location is a personal choice,
along with hours and work balance as well. Challenges are immense, as it requires a
great deal of personal time management, as well as focused scholarship. The open-
ended aspect of this grant appeals to me because it would allow me to hand select
the community of people, for the most part, with whom I would work. That said, my
community, challenges, travel, and hours are all self-determined, so I am in control
of all of my criteria, which makes this opportunity extremely attractive.


Performer (Vocal, Acting, Dance, or some combination thereof)

This job is more or less contained within its own branch of the company; there isnt
really a normal hierarchy, but the position would rather be viewed as lead,
supporting, or ensemble, which would differ by show. Typical duties require
multiple performances a day, knowledge and continued training in the discipline,
punctuality and a strong commitment to customer service at all times. No
supervision of others really, unless was selected to be a dance captain, or given
responsibilities by the director, to whom Id report. The work product for this
position is a summer of shows, as well as a great resume builder for performing arts
and the possibility of networking in the theatrical department, in addition to many
childrens smiles. Ability to work hard, strong training in all disciplines (for dance,
such as tap, there are certain requirements such as pullbacks and wings),
willingness to work hard, and a very positive attitude, are all qualities a good
candidate for this job would need to possess.

Personal Analysis
As an avid performer, this position is rather attractive mostly due to its enjoyment
factor. It is not as serious of a position academically, but for a performer, it could be
a jumpstart to a career in the performing arts. There has to be a positive community
in order for the show to work, so Ive no qualms about the people with whom Id be
working. Though the hours and the work would be demanding and thus challenging,
enjoying the actual work would more than make up for it. As for travel, it would
likely be domestic, but it would not be in Ohio, and it would be somewhere differing
from the current personal norm; thus, this position fulfills that criterion as well. In
short, it would be an incredibly enjoyable summer position that could very well act
as a springboard for a career in the performing arts.



Ultimately, the company and position that are mostly closely aligned with my
personal criteria are National Geographic, and the Young Explorers Grant
respectively. Another factor that plays into my decision, in addition to the
aforementioned two sets of criteria, is subject interest. The National Geographic
grant would allow me extreme control over my area of exploration, where as the
performance based Disney position would be very limiting, though enjoyable. As
such, the grant through National Geographic would be the best choice between the
two examined.

It is this decision, among the various others that stand between you and your ideal
position, which will sway what career you find yourself in down the road. The
choice to make this decision a conscious one will greatly improve your chances of
finding a position and company that are in line with your personal criteria, and thus
a position that will be of utmost benefit to you in the future, both near and extended.

Best of luck in finding the perfect job for you!



The following appendices have been included for the benefit of the reader. Two job
ads for the positions explored in the analysis above compose the first appendix. The
second appendix is composed of three abstracts of various job search online
research tools. The third is a list of references used in the creation of this paper, and
can serve as further reading or possibilities for further research in the given area.
Job Ads

National Geographic Young Explorers Grant

Disney Performer (specifically Belle)


Academic Peer-Reviewed Journal

Location and Availability:
Science, a well-respected journal of scientific discovery and research, is circulated
weekly. Select articles and party of the site can be accessed by the public, or those
who register freely with the site, though the journal is available to those who are
members of AAAS, the publisher of Science, and certain site-licensed institutions.

Science is one of the worlds leading scientific journals; nearly all-major scientific
discoveries, by way of articles and papers, are published in Science. This includes a
vast number of geologic and paleontological discoveries, which makes it a prime
resource for those researching the geosciences, among other topics. Science was first
published in 1980, circulated weekly, and has a substantial print subscriber base.
The AAAS, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, publishes it.
Competition for publication is fierce; all papers are peer-reviewed before
submission for publication. Science is an academic peer-reviewed journal; an
excellent place to conduct research on original research and discovery, as well as
scientifically related news.

American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Nonprofit Organization of Geophysicists

Location and Availability:
The AGU website is open to the public, though is a member based association, that
promotes discovery both on Earth and in space for posterity and the betterment of
the world as it is now.

The AGU is an association of American geophysicists. Its primary purpose is to
promote scientific discovery on Earth and in space. It was created in December of
1919 to represent America in an international union focused on geology. Over
62000 members comprise AGU today. AGU publishes Eos, a weekly newspaper,
along with nineteen other peer-reviewed journals. The AGU is responsible for many
colloquiums, assemblies, fellowships, awards, scholarships, and networking events.
Its website is prime for anyone considering a career within geosciences.

Career Intelligence Website

Location and Availability:
Vault is a public career and internship search engine. It is available for free with a
valid email address and a registration. It allows for company, internship, and
graduate school research by discipline, region, subject interest and varied other

Vault is a website dedicated to career intelligence. It allows the public to research
jobs, internships, and graduate schools organized utilizing many factors such as
discipline, region, subject interest, and others. It is beneficial as long as the subject
of interest is contained within the resources of the site. Earth Sciences however, did
not turn up any results, even when used as the only job search material. For that
reason, Vault would not be a valuable resource for those inclined to a career in the
geosciences, as of yet. However, it is a prime research engine for other disciplines,
such as law firms or med schools, as it provides multitudes of rankings.


Babbitt, M. (2013, October 9). 25 Jobs in a 50 Year Career: Is Gen Y Ready?. The
Savvy Intern. Retrieved February 23, 2014, from
Wikipedia. (2014, February 18). National Geographic Society. Wikipedia. Retrieved
February 14, 2014, from
About Us. (n.d.). National Geographic. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from
Company Overview. (n.d.). The Walt Disney Company. Retrieved February 14, 2014,
from http://thewaltdisneycompany.com/about-disney
Wikipedia. (2014, February 22). The Walt Disney Company. Wikipedia. Retrieved
February 14, 2014, from
Explorers. (n.d.). National Geographic. Retrieved February 16, 2014, from
What is it like to be a Disney Cast Member?. (n.d.). Life as a Disney Entertainer.
Retrieved February 16, 2014, from http://disneyauditions.com/disney-life/

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