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- title: string
- author: string

create route in config/routes
get "/books/list" => "books/list"

go to app/views
create new folder books
under books create list.html.erb
go to list

<table border="2" style="width:450px">
<td>A Brief History of Time</td>
<td>Stephen Hawking</td>
<td>Alice in Wonderland</td>
<td>Lewis Carroll</td>
<td>The Lord of the Rings</td>
<td>J.R.R Tolkien</td>
<td>The Hobbit</td>
<td>J.R.R Tolkien</td>

go to the roll.html.erb

<% puts x = rand(5)+1 %>
<% puts y = rand(5)+1 %>

<img src = "<%= x %>.png"> <img src =
"<%= y %>.png">

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