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Name: ____________________________ Date: _______

Falling Expressions

Create a fall leaf mobile by translating a word phrase to an algebraic expression. Write a word phrase on
the top of the mobile (you can use a phrase from the textbook or make up one on your own). Using the
key words, make a leaf for each part of the algebraic expression (the variable, the operation, and any
coefficients or other numbers involved). The last leaf should have the complete algebraic expression
written. Once you are done with the math, have fun with your project by coloring the leaves red, green,
and yellow and celebrate the beautiful fall season! We will begin and work on the projects in class. Your
fina project will be due on November 16th. Please cut out the rubric below and attach it your mobile.

Name: ____________________________ Date: _______

Level Expectations
Project is missing many key components. Little/no effort is placed into the
70 or ↓
presentation of the project. Math done is incorrect and incomplete.
Project has several key components. Little effort is placed into the presentation of
the project. Several math mistakes are present.
Project displays most of the key components asked for in the task sheet. Project
exists with few mistakes and is presented neatly and creatively.
Project is complete with key components and exists error-free. Project is complete
in a timely manner. Much effort is placed into neatness and presentation.
Teacher Comments:

Grade: ______

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