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Collaboration in

What might be the
benets of
scientists sharing
and discussing
their work?
Science is a
collaborative process

by sharing work with others, scientists

develop a deeper understanding of the
problem they are working on, and they
generate new ideas for future work.
How is solving a
problem in science
like solving a
Science is a
collaborative process

solving a problem in science is like

collaborative problem solving - with each
scientist bring unique skills and knowledge
to the process.
Science is a
collaborative process

collaboration can also include time spent

alone before coming together
Share your lab and results with others at your table.
Answer these questions:
How did this process help you to revise your own thinking?
Did others contribute their ideas? Were these ideas helpful? Why or
why not?
What are other ways you might engage in the collaborative process?
How effective, based on conversations, was your scientic thinking
throughout the process?

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