7 Ways To Fail and Maintain

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7 Ways to Fail and Maintain Credibility?

By Dan Rockwell

Failing well enhances leadership credibility; failing poorly destroys it.
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life
spent doing nothing. George Bernard Shaw
Failures are inevitable. Youll fail because of:
1. Unrealistic goals
2. Misappropriated resources
3. Changing conditions and circumstances
4. Lack of skill
5. Poor preparation
6. Inadequate or inaccurate information
7. Wrong assumptions
While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making
mistakes and becoming superior. Henry C. Link
How to fail well
1. Dont overreact when you fail. It makes you look weak and insecure.
2. Dont pretend everythings OK. That makes you look disconnected and out of touch.
3. Take responsibility dont blame. People respect responsible leaders.
4. Say, I was wrong.
5. Accept your limitations while committing to improving them. No one expects you to know
everything. They do expect you to improve.
6. Say, Next time. It helps as long as its not over used. Next time well seek more input.
7. Maintain positivity. Getting down on yourself and others wont take you where you want to
go. Leaders press through failure into the future.
What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.Mary Pickford
Success buffers failure
1. Youre done if you dont frequently get the job done.
2. Keep successes in the spotlight by highlighting the contributions others make.
3. Focus on progress while addressing problems. Are we making progress?
4. Build and fuel momentum. Momentum makes failures seem smaller.
Failures are inevitable and seldom final.
However, nothing sustains your credibility if you consistently fail. Therefore, youll go
farther if you adopt a failure philosophy that keeps you and your organization leaning
into the future rather than stuck in the past.

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