Online App Paper

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Devin HLAC 1096- 08-May-2014

Name Course Date

HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper
Write a paragraph on each of the foo!in"#
1$ What %i% you earn a&out 'ifeon" !eness( from ta)in" this a*tivity *ass+
,hat it is Lifeon"$ -t is somethin" that nee%s to &e %one throu"hout the *ourse of a
!hoe ife$ Not .ust !hie one is youn" or in s/orts$ -t is somethin" that is nee%e% to
)ee/ ones &o%y heathy an% fun*tionin" /ro/ery$ ,here are many intrestin" fa*ts -
%i% not )no! &efore ta)in" this *ass$ - have a!ays ha% a /retty re"uar e0er*ise
routine &ut my %iet has never &een very *onsistent$ -t !as "oo% to earn ann% &e
remin%e% ho! it a !or)s to"ether$
2$ Ho! !ou% you a//y this information to your ife+
- !ou% a//y it in my ife &y *ontinuin" to use it throu"h my o% a"e$ - *an a//y
some s/e*ifi* thi"ns ri"ht no! !ith my %iet an% im/rove on that for sure$ - have trie%
to im/rove my see/in" ha&&it throu"hout this *ourse an% - nee% to *ontinue to !or)
on that$
1$ What is your intention to *ontinue to e0er*ise in your ife an% !hy+
My intention to e0er*ise in my ife is to never sto/$ - /an on %oin" it a throu"h my
o% a"e$ - have a!ays &een fairy heathy an% - %on2t !ant to ta)e it for "rante% an%
sto/ e0er*isin" an% en% u/ !ith a ot of heath /ro&ems that - *ou% have /revente%
may&e &y e0er*isin"$
4$ 3enera i%eas for im/rovin" this *ourse+
,he ony thin" i !ou% su""est is may&e turn in a !ee)y e0er*ise o" every !ee) for
si0 !ee)s$ Wou% he/ may&e to remem&er to fi it out rea time an% not miss %ays$
3reat *ourse4

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