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Gordon Liu

Ketogenic Diet!nic-dit-4"92#$213
% rcnt dit that has bn incrasin!ly popular o&r th last coupl o' yars is th
kto!nic dit. (his dit has bn usd b'or in th 1920)s and was ori!inally usd to
trat patints with pilpsy. *octors usd this dit to minimi+ si+urs 'or thir patints.
(h practic dclind dramatically, how&r, onc modrn antipilptic dru!s bca
a&ailabl. (h kto!nic dit rcntly bcam popular a!ain bcaus it is known to b an
''cti& mthod o' wi!ht loss and has othr halth bn'its as wll.
(h kto!nic dit is basically a way to !t our bodis to ntr a condition known
as ktosis. -ur bodis normally rly on !lucos 'or 'ul. .ost o' our !lucos coms
'rom carbohydrats. /arbohydrats ar brokn down to !lucos which thn bcoms
con&rtd to nr!y. 0hn a prson is not consumin! nou!h carbohydrats 'or th body
to us as nr!y, our li&r starts to produc ktons. (hs ktons ar !nratd durin!
'at mtabolism. (h body is thn undr th stat o' ktosis, a procss whr th body
utili+s 'at as nr!y. 1opl can rach ktosis undr n!ati& mans such as star&ation,
diabts, or alcoholism. 2t is &ry unhalthy 'or th body to rach ktosis throu!h thos
mans bcaus ktons ha& acidic chmicals that can caus kidny and li&r dama!.
3ow&r, i' don corrctly, th kto!nic dit can b ''cti& in wi!ht loss as wll as
othr halth bn'its.
(h !nral ida o' th kto!nic dit is that carboydrat intak must b cut down
to no mor than 40 !rams pr day only. %lso, th carbohydrats consumd should only
com 'rom 'oods such as &!tabls, nuts, dairy, and tc. 5tarchy and r'ind
carbohydrats and su!ars should b a&oidd such as pasta, ric, and hi!h su!ar 'ruits.
.als should thn consist mostly o' 'at and protin. % !nral rul to 'ollow whn on th
kto!nic dit is th #0/34/4 rul. (his rul compriss o' #0 prcnt 'at, 34 prcnt
protin, and 4 prcnt carbohydrats. (oo much protin should not b consumd ithr,
bcaus that can pr&nt a prson 'rom !oin! into ktosis. (hr mi!ht b som sid
''cts such as nausa and constipation in th b!innin! whn th prson)s body is 'irst
!ttin! ad6ustd to ktosis. 7sids usin! this dit 'or wi!ht loss and pilpsy, kto!nic
dits is also bn'icial 'or popl with diabts bcaus it is ''cti& in impro&in!
!lycmic control in diabtic patints. 8to!nic dits ar also known to impro&
cardio&ascular halth bcaus tri!lycrids ar lowrd and 3*L, which is th 9!ood9
cholstrol, is incrasd. (h kto!nic dit mi!ht also b hlp'ul in 'i!htin! o'' crtain
cancrs and tumors, such as brain tumors.
2 think that th in'ormation !i&n in this articl is rliabl bcaus th author
shows whr h !ot his sourcs 'rom. (hr ar multipl links that h pro&ids 'or th
studis and rsarch that has bn conductd about this sub6ct. 2 was &ry intrstd
whn 2 'irst hard about this dit 'rom anothr 'rind. :&n thou!h 2 ha& n&r actually
trid this dit yt, 2 think that 2 will try it somtim in th 'utur bcaus 2 am intrstd
in losin! wi!ht. 2 'l lik it will tak som tim to !t ad6ustd to this dit bcaus
carbohydrats is ;uit a bi! 'actor in my dit. 2 will d'initly try this dit in th nar
'utur not 6ust to los wi!ht but 'or th othr halth bn'its that this dit has to o''r.
Ketogenic Diet Facts Sheet
What is the ketogenic diet?
2t is a dit that is supposd to put your body in a stat o' ktosis. 0hn your body is in
ktosis, ktons ar producd and 'at is !oin! to b utili+d as nr!y instad o'
How do I put my body into ketosis?
/arbohydrat consumption is !oin! to ha& to b dcrasd si!ni'icantly. <o mor than
40 ! o' carbohydrats should b consumd pr day. % !nral rul is #0/34/4, which is
#0 prcnt 'at, 34 prcnt protin, and 4 prcnt 'ats.
Are there any side effects to ketosis?
0hn th body is 'irst ad6ustin! to ktosis, thr may b som sid ''cts such as
nausa, hadach, and constipation. 7ut onc th body has radily ad6ustd to ktosis,
thr shouldn)t b any sid ''cts.
What are the benefits of ketosis?
.any popl us this dit bcaus it is an ''cti& 'orm o' wi!ht loss. (his dit also
o''rs som halth bn'its as wll, such as incrasd cardio&ascular halth. (his dit
also trats popl with pilpsy, diabts, and may b hlp'ul in 'i!htin! som cancrs
and tumors.

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