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Marines Basic Training

Phase 1: weeks 1-4

The rst part is the transition of civilian to recruit and it takes place at the
Marines Corps recruiting depot (MCRD). Recruits undergo strenuous physical
training, martial arts and classes on such areas as Marine Corps history and rst
A recruit's rst stop is called Recruit Receiving. This is where recruits spend
the rst few days of their recruit training experience. They receive their rst
haircut and initial gear issue, which includes uniforms, toiletries and letter
writing supplies. During this time they are also given full medical and dental
screenings, and take the Initial Strength Test. This test consists of a one and a
half mile run, sit-ups and pull-ups to test recruits to see if they're in shape to
begin training. Recruits will also learn the Marine Corps values of honor, courage,
and commitment. The rest of this phase is spent learning weapons handling from
trained experts and completing the Condence Course.
Phase 2: weeks 5-9
The second phase starts when recruits move up north to Edson
Range, Weapons Field Training Battalion. learn close combat skills
and master Marksmanship Training. Every Marine is a rieman rst.
It is during this time they will develop prociency and condence
with their weapon. During this phase, they spend most of their
time conducting Field training and rie qualications. Recruits
undergo gas chamber training, Field Firing range and the Crucible
Phase 3: weeks 10-13
For the third phase, recruits move back to
the Depot where they undergo swim
qualications, a defensive driving course,
testing of Marine Corps history, rst aid,
physical training, drill, and inspections and
nally Family Day/Graduation.
Courses and Training in
Condence Course
The Condence Course is an 11-station
obstacle course, that helps you build
condence as well as upper-body strength.
You will complete this course twice during
your 13 weeks of training.
Physical Training
Physical Training, or "PT" as it is often called, comes
in many forms. Recruit training uses a progressive
physical training program, which builds up recruits to
Marine Corps standards. Recruits will experience Table
PT, a period of training in which a drill instructor
leads several platoons through a series of demanding
exercises while he demonstrates on a table. Recruits
will also run, either individually or as a platoon or
squad. Other PT consists of obstacle courses, circuit
courses, or 3, 5, or 10 mile marches.
Marksmanship training
Marksmanship training teaches you the fundamentals of
marksmanship with their M-16A2 service rie. This training takes
place over two weeks, the rst of which is called Snap-In Week.
During this week, you are introduced to the four shooting positions
(standing, kneeling, sitting and prone) and a Primary Marksmanship
Instructor shows you how to re, how to adjust your sights, how to
take into account the effects of the weather, etc. You also have the
opportunity to re on the Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Training
machine. During the second week of marksmanship training, you
actually re a known-distance course with ranges of 200, 300 and
500 yards. Be prepared, rie qualication will be on that Friday.
Field Training
Field Training introduces you to eld living
and conditions. During the 3-day eld
training evolution, you will learn basic eld
skills from setting up a tent to eld
sanitation and camouage. Also during the
Field Training you get the opportunity to go
through the gas chamber.
Field Firing Range
Field Firing Training is a portion of training
devoted to ring weapons in a eld
condition. During marksmanship training, you
learn how to re at a single target while in a
stationary position. During FFR you learn how
to re at moving and multiple targets, while
under low light conditions and wearing your
eld protective gas mask.
Combat Water Survival
Combat Water Survival training develops your
condence in the water. All recruits must pass the
minimum requirement level of Combat Water
Survival-4 (CWS-4), which requires recruits to
perform a variety of water survival and swimming
techniques. If you meet the CWS-4 requirements, you
may upgrade to a higher level. All recruits train in
the camouage utility uniform, but if upgraded you
may be required to train in full combat gear, which
includes a rie, helmet, ak jacket and pack.
Drill is the basic way in which platoons
march and move from place to place. At rst,
you will practice by just staying in step with
the rest of the platoon and the drill
instructor. During you drill training, platoons
will also compete in two drill competitions.
Drill is mainly used to instill discipline, team
pride and unit cohesion.
"Marine Corps Boot Camp Timeline At a Glance |"
Marine Corps Boot Camp Timeline At a Glance | N.p.,
n.d. Web. 07 May 2014.

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