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1he ulgesLlve SysLem 8eporL

8y: Shanla Lee

Pave you ever wondered where your food wlll
go and how lL comes ouL of your body afLer you eaL
your food? Well, your food wlll go Lhrough a process
called Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem.
1he dlgesLlve sysLem helps you geL nuLrlenLs
and energy from your breakfasL, lunch or dlnner. 1he
dlgesLlon sysLem ls a group of organs worklng
LogeLher Lo converL food lnLo energy and baslc
nuLrlenLs Lo feed Lhe enLlre body.
1he maln organs of
Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem are
Lhe mouLh, Lhe
esophagus, Lhe sLomach,
Lhe llver, Lhe pancreas,
Lhe gallbladder, Lhe small
lnLesLlne, and Lhe large
lnLesLlne. 1hese organs
are all really lmporLanL for Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem. 1he
dlgesLlve sysLem process sLarLs from your mouLh,
Lhe mouLh helps molsLeln your food wlLh your
Longue and LeeLh. 1hen Lhe food wlll go down a Lube
LhaL connecLs your mouLh Lo your sLomach called
Lhe esophagus. 1hen Lhe food wlll go Lo your
sLomach, Lhe sLomach has glands LhaL produce
dlgesLlve llquld, Lhe dlgesLlve llquld helps break
down food parLlcles. AfLer Lhe sLomach helps you
break down your food, Lhese food wlll go Lo your
small lnLesLlne, Lhe small lnLesLlne
ls Lhe longesL parL of Lhe dlgesLlve
sysLem, food sLays ln Lhere for
several hours. All Lhe food LhaL
cannoL be dlgesLed wlll go Lo Lhe
large lnLesLlne, all Lhese food wlll
become wasLe/poo. 1he llver
helps clean your blood, so lf you
eaL someLhlng really unhealLhy
Lhe llver wlll Lry Lo clear lL ouL of your sysLem. 1he
gallbladder helps sLore blle, blle helps you break
down faL. 1he pancreas ls locaLed deep ln Lhe
1here are many
dlseases LhaL are
assoclaLed Lo Lhe dlgesLlon
sysLem, some of Lhe
dlseases are: AppendlclLls:
AppendlclLls ls an lnfecLlon
of Lhe appendlx. Slgns paln
and vomlLlng LhaL gradually
geLs worsL over 6-24 hours.
AnoLher dlsease ls Anorexla nervosa: AffecLs people
who belleve Lhey are overwelghL and sLarve
Lhemselves Lo become Lhlnner. And anoLher dlsease
ls 8ullmla nervosa: An eaLlng lnfecLlon. vlcLlms eaL
huge amounLs of food and force Lhemselves Lo vomlL.
A really bad cancer ls called Lhe Colon Cancer: A
slow-growlng cancer, eople wlll ofLen survlve lf lL ls
found ouL early. CL8u ls anoLher dlsease, lL ls a
dlgesLlve dlsease LhaL affecLs Lhe lower esophagal
sphlncLer. All Lhese dlseases are really harmful and
wlll make Lhe resL of your llfe mlserable, so you
should Lry Lo keep your dlgesLlve sysLem as healLhy
as you can.
1o keep your dlgesLlve sysLem healLhy, all you
need Lo do ls eaL a healLhy dleL, Lo do LhaL, follow
Lhese sLeps. 1
sLep ls Lo eaL aL leasL 7 servlngs of
frulLs and vegeLables each day, and Lry Lo be
advenLurous and Lry food you have never eaLen
before. 2
sLep ls Lo choose whole gralns more
ofLen. 3
sLep ls Lo
don'L eaL beef, pork,
lamb and any oLher
processed meaL. ?ou
should choose poulLry
or flsh more frequenLly.
sLep ls Lo Lry Lo
follow cooklng meLhods
from cook books more frequenLly. uon'L [usL Lry Lo
make up your own food. 3
sLep ls Lo alm for more
vlLlmln u. LasL sLep ls Lo geL acLlve! uon'L [usL slL
Lhere and so noLhlng, you have Lo geL up and do
1here are many lnLeracLlons beLween Lhe
dlgesLlve sysLem and oLher sysLems. 1he dlgesLlve
sysLem lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe urlnary sysLem by
provldlng nuLrlenLs Lo Lhe kldneys so LhaL Lhey can
clean your blood of wasLes produced by Lhe oLher
sysLems. 1he dlgesLlve sysLem lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe
nervous sysLem by
provldlng energy for
Lhe braln Lo all Lhe
Lhlnklng and
conLrolllng of all Lhe
oLher sysLems. 1he
dlgesLlve sysLem
lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe
muscular sysLem by provldlng nuLrlenLs for muscles
Lo do work weLher lL ls smooLh, cardlac or skeleLal
muscle. 1he dlgesLlve sysLem lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe
skeleLal sysLem by provldlng nuLrlenLs for bone
growLh and repalr. 1he dlgesLlon sysLem lnLeracLs
wlLh Lhe resplraLory sysLem by provldlng Lhe
dlaphram nuLrlenLs ln order Lo faclllLaLe breaLhlng.
1he dlgesLlve sysLem lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe clrculaLory
sysLem by provldlng Lhe hearL wlLh nuLrlenLs so Lhe
hearL can keep beaLlng.
1hls ls Lhe dlgesLlon sysLem! 1he organs, whaL
Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem does, Lhe dlseases, how Lo keep
Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem healLhy, and Lhe lnLeracLlons!
?ou should know much more abouL Lhe dlgesLlon
sysLem now. l hope you guys llke my reporL. 1he
dlgesLlve sysLem ls baslcly [usL a group of organs
worklng LogeLher Lo converL food lnLo energy and
baslc nuLrlenLs for Lhe whole enLlre body.

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