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Pave you ever wondered where food goes? Well lf you haven'L l am
golng Lo Lell you all abouL lL. lL all sLarLs when Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem
sLarLs worklng.

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1he dlgesLlve sysLem allows you Lo geL energy and nuLrlenLs from Lhe food we eaL.
1he organs ln Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem lncludes: 1he mouLh, Lhe LeeLh, Lhe Longue, Lhe
esophagus, Lhe llver, Lhe gallbladder, Lhe sLomach, Lhe pancreas, Lhe large
lnLesLlne and don'L forgeL Lhe large lnLesLlne.

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1he dlgesLlve sysLem sLarLs worklng even before somebody eaLs Lhelr flrsL blLe of
lunch. When Lhe person smells Lhe dellclous food, Lhe dlgesLlon beglns. Sallva wlll
form ln Lhe mouLh, lL wlll break down all chemlcals ln Lhe food, LhaL wlll help make
Lhe food easler Lo swallow. 1hen Lhe Longue wlll come ln handy, lL wlll push Lhe
food around whlle Lhe person chews wlLh Lhelr LeeLh. Cnce Lhe person feels llke
swallowlng, Lhe Longue wlll push Lhe food Lowards Lhe back of Lhe LhroaL, lnLo Lhe
esophagus. 1haL wlll be Lhe second parL of Lhe dlgesLlve Lrack.

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@A LaL aL leasL 7 servlngs of frulLs each day. 1ry Lo be advenLurous and Lry frulLs
you don'L llke or never aLe before. Who knows, maybe you mlghL even llke lL.
BA Choose whole graln more ofLen.
CA 1ry Lo cuL down on beef, pork, and lamb. Cr any oLher processed meaL. 1ry Lo
eaL poulLry and flsh more ofLen.
DA Alm for more vlLamln u
EA CeL acLlve

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lf a person doesn'L keep Lhelr dlgesLlve sysLem healLhy Lhey wlll geL a loL of Lhese
Cardner's syndrome: LeeLh won'L work anymore so you can'L dlgesL food properly.
CasLro esophageal reflux dlsease: Wlll cause acld eroslon of LeeLh.
euLz- [eghers: Wlll cause dark spoLs on your llps, skln, and mouLh.
Slderopenlc dysphasla: Wlll cause glossles.

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1he ulgesLlve sysLem doesn'L work on lLs own. 8elleve lL or noL, lf Lhe dlgesLlve
sysLem does noL work wlLh Lhe oLher sysLems you wlll properly dle.
1he dlgesLlve sysLem works wlLh Lhe muscular sysLem by provldlng energy and
nuLrlenLs for Lhe skeleLal, smooLh and cardlac muscle Lo work.
1he dlgesLlve sysLem also works wlLh Lhe clrculaLory sysLem by provldlng nuLrlenLs Lo
Lhe hearL so lL won'L sLop beaLlng.
1he dlgesLlve sysLem works wlLh Lhe urlnary sysLem by provldlng nuLrlenLs Lo Lhe
kldneys so lL can clean Lhe blood of wasLes.

SC Lhls everyLhlng you need Lo know abouL Lhe ulgesLlve sysLem. 1he funcLlons of
Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem, Pow Lo keep Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem healLhy, ulseases on Lhe
dlgesLlve sysLem, how Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem lnLeracLs wlLh oLher sysLems and whlch
organs make up Lhe dlgesLlve sysLem.

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