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Zane N

Per 2
Theme Collage Analysis

Racism is still a Modern Issue

Ever since 1619, when the first slave trade ship arrived in America racial diversity
has been an ongoing thing. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
its all about social rankings and statuses, but there is also a lot of racism. In To Kill a
Mockingbird Atticus Finch is the lawyer of a African American who is being accused of
raping a white lady. Atticus Finch struggles to defend the his client since when its a
white mans word against a black mans word, the white always wins. Theyre ugly, but
these are the facts of life (pg 252). This is an example of the racism in Maycomb,
although being falsely accused with the only evidence of being the word from a white
man, most African Americans lost. Although we dont have as much racism as Maycomb
there are still those few who bring up old ways.

In todays society racism is a common thing. Its gotten better over time, but its
still everywhere in the world. Things such as memes, pictures, videos, etc can include
racial slurs. Most do. If you look on any social media website or app you will see dozens
of racist stereotypes, I admit some are funny but also some are very offensive. While
searching google for memes, I actually found a picture of a black baby with the caption
Arrest black babies before they become criminals. This just show how easily racism
can spread. Images on google can spread all over the world, who knows who will tell

Another example would be the most recent Donald Sterling comments. Donald
Sterling, the coach of the LA Clippers apparently found images of his Maiden with
African Americans and was discouraged by these photos. He actually got mad at her and
told her the its bad to do what she did. The whole time she didnt know what she did
wrong until he mentioned it. Donald Sterling was raised in a different time which really
impacted his perspective on African Americans. People like Donald Sterling are all over
the world, it might not be something about African Americans, but still racial. Racism is
a Modern Issue.

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