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Briana Russo
Prof. Havey
English 114B
9 May 2014
The Perfect City: Britasticville
If there was a city that was nothing but perfect what would it contain? Even though the
perfect city does not exist I can only imagine what the perfect city means to me. The name of my
perfect city would be called Britasticville and it will contain aspects that other cities may or may
not have. Every city is different and it has their own uniqueness that makes them better than
other cities. An example of a better city to live in is Sydney, Australia because the crime rate is
very low unlike East St. Louis, Illinois; which is the worst city to live in. To be able to have a
perfect city the proper problems need to be fixed or replaced with a better alternative. Though
there are many things that a city needs to have to become a perfect city there are characteristics
that are more important than others. The important ones include the safety of the citizens,
education and job opportunities, an organized well-prepared city council, and a variety of
entertainment areas. A family that is growing wants to live in a secured area that will be safe for
their children.
The city of Britasticville will be a family/communityorientated city, so safety will
definitely be enforced and taken seriously. Community is important because multiple voices are
better than one. Unity and togetherness are the key elements that will be followed by all the
citizens in order to keep the city running smoothly and calmly. In order to hear what the people
want, once a month there will be a city meeting that allows any suggestions and/or issues to be
brought up and immediately be changed and/or fixed such as crimes. Yes, there will be minor
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crimes because without it the city will be boring. Due to minor crimes more job opportunities
will be available such as policemen, firefighters, homeland security and etc. In New York City,
the crime rates are low because of the amount of cops that are available; to keep the streets safe
there will be a cop car around almost every corner and emergency lights for those that are
walking in the night. Also there will be an alcohol check outside every club that determines if
one has the capability to be able to drive themselves or others safely home. Absolutely, no gang
violence will be allowed because all children, teens and adults need to have an education to
pursue a career in the future. The way it will be regulated is that each person will automatically
be accepted to college and never denied an acceptance and the only test that will need to be taken
is a placement exam to know where the student stands academically.
The children and the teens are the future so in the city of Britasticville education will be
highly encouraged, and will be taught with fairness to each student. There will be many rules that
must be followed in the school areas. The rules include the following: no technology inside the
classrooms, internet will only be used for education purposes, no bullying will be tolerated,
parents are not allowed to get involved in any school decisions, grades will be given by the effort
the student puts it to learn.No child will get left behind would be the motto because each child
will receive the opportunity to become whatever it is they want to be. To reinsure that the motto
is being followed each student will be monitored by an adult that can keep them on track and if
they are not learning as fast as others and falling behind, then tutoring and individual teaching
will be forced on them. Also the grade scale system will be similar to the one in the United
Kingdom, where 35% is a passing grade compared to 59% as a fail so that students are not
constantly giving up. The system of education will always be providing job opportunities in
order for students to have individual attention with an instructor to be able to learn the best way
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they can. Some of those job offers will be for tutors, teachers, counselors, teacher assistants,
advisors and etc. With all these jobs available no one will be left without a job. The education
system can only work if there is a proper, organized and well-structured government/council in
The city of Britasticville will have the perfect government and be better than any other
city. The government will be well organized and fair to every one of its citizens. In the
government the people will be diverse so, no decision will exclude any race. Another thing about
Britasticville government is that it will be a democratic government. By having a democracy it
will allow the citizens to choose what they want instead of one person deciding the outcome.
Allowing the people to vote will help because the government can view all the different
perspectives. Being fair and equal will definitely be one of the goals that the government will
succeed in. For safety the government will have boundaries around the city which forbids any
gangs or anyone dangerous to enter the premises. Even though there are going to be premises
around the city it does not mean that no one from the outside can ever visit. There will be
tourism available that will allow tourists to come and see this perfect city. Since this is a perfect
city there will always be enough money because it will never run out. All the money that will be
provided will directly go into the education system and the communitys developments. No trick
or lies will be allowed by those involved in the government because they will be for the people
as a whole and not an individual. Another great aspect about this city is that unemployment will
not exist because there will a job opening every day, every hour, and every minute so when
someone is ready to work all they have to do is search. It will be very strict, but not so strict that
no one will be free to do what they please. As much as the government and the city of
Britasticville seem too boring and really strict it is actually the complete opposite.
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Actually, in this perfect city there will be a lot of entertainment, amusement parks and
many more fun things that will be available each day. In the city there are many amusement
parks for all ages from 0-100 years old, so no one can be left out. Being fair there will also be
rides in the amusement parks that are for special needs people because they should not miss out
on any fun activities at all for rocking an extra chromosome. Also there are entertainment arenas
that always have some kind of show going on and are different every single day. The movie
theaters will have a new movie opening every other day so everyone will have multiple options
to choose from. Since there are people that actually just want to relax and have a quiet area there
will be a beach that has wifi and silence is required and if a noise is made then there will a $500
fine for every sound that is made. Also if there is a place that is not available then with just a
request from a small handle full of people the building or whatever is being requested will be
built immediately. Since there is not a chance of ever running out of money all of these places
will be free, donations will be asked for, but not required. So much food will be available, but the
twist is that every citizen must apply for a gym membership because being healthy is very
important. Everyone can get exactly what they want in the city of Britasticville, but only if they
are a true citizen and follow the rules. The way to become a true citizen is by respecting the city,
people and rules and always doing and thinking positive about everything. All of the things that
were mentioned are available in Britasticville because it is the perfect city.well in my
perspective. This can happen if there was such a place as Britasticville also known as A Perfect
Unfortunately, there is no such place as the Perfect City because there is always
something missing or wrong. Having a perfect city requires safety, schooling, job opportunities,
structure and fun in order to keep the citizens happy. Since money is an issue, sometimes it
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makes it impossible to have all characteristics in one city. The perfect city cannot and will never
exist because there are too many necessities one city needs, but there is nothing wrong about
that. If there was a perfect city than it would be over populated because that would be the place
that everyone wants to live. Living in an imperfect city has helped me appreciate the good and
somewhat bad qualities that each city has. I like where I live which is Los Angles and I will not
want to change one thing about it because being imperfect makes it perfect in its own way.
Again, there is no such thing as a perfect city and there might never be one close to becoming
perfect, but if given the opportunity to create a perfect city what would be some things that will
be important to have?

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Work Cited
Joe Garza, Mr. Garza. What are the qualities of a good government? Wanderings in the
Classical World. 28 April 2011. Web. 17 February 2014

Surendra Hiranandani What makes a good city?. The UrbanVision: Expert Diary. The

UrbanVision. 10 April 2010. Web. 17 February 2014

Top 100 Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. Neighborhood Scout, n.p. 2014 n.d

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