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A Simple Template for PIERS Full Papers

F. M. Lastname
, F. M. Lastname
, and F. M. Lastname
Author Aliation, Country
Author Aliation, Country
Abstract| The abstract should summarize the approach and the article's major contribu-tions,
emphasizing the importance and signicance o! the results" The abstract should not contain
literature citations, or allusions to the illustrations" #ene all nonstandard symbols and
abbre$iations" %se running te&t only and a$oid e'uations" #o not include tables, gures, and
The main body o! the article should start (ith an introductor# para$rap%, in (hich presents a
brie! re$ie( o! past contributions rele$ant to this article (ith proper cited re!erence to be listed in
the re!erence section at the end o! the article"
&. SE"TION 1
)'uations, gures, tables and re!erences should !ollo( a se'uential numerical scheme in order
to ensure a logical de$elopment o! subject matter"
*or e'uations,
@B+r; t,
r E+r; t, -
@t +1,
Fi$ures and Tables. /i$e each gure and table a separate concise caption" 0t begins (ith
*igure or Table, !ollo(ed by the appropriate Arabic numeral and period" The ma&imum (idth o!
gure or table may not e&ceed 11 cm" 2a3e symbols, line thic3ness, and lettering in proper
scale in relation to the o$erall gure size" *or best publishing 'uality, (e recommend the )45
!ormat !or gures"
6ther 5ections """
Conclusion 4aragraph should be here"""
0! any, including all !unding in!ormation, should be gathered into a brie! statement in one
paragraph at the end"
1. 7astname1, *" 2", 8Title o! the journal paper,9 Journal Title Abbreviation, :ol" ;<, =o" 1>,
1>?<@1>1?, 1AB?"
2. 7astname1, *" 2" and *" 2" 7astname2, 8Title o! the journal paper,9 Journal Title Abbrevi-
ation, :ol" ;<, =o" 1>, 1>?<@1>1?, 1AB?"
3. 7astname1, *" 2", *" 2" 7astname2 and *" 2" 7astname;, 8Title o! the journal paper,9
Journal Title Abbreviation, :ol" ;<, =o" 1>, 1>?<@1>1?, 1AB?"
4. 7astname, *" 2", Book Title, Ciley-0nterscience, =e( Dor3, 1AB?"
5. 7astname, *" 2", 8Title o! the con!erence paper,9 in Proceedings of International
Conference, City, Country, August 2>>;, 1>?<-1>1?"
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