Hindu Code Bill

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Hindu Code Bill referred to Select Committee (17th November 1947 to 9th April 1948)
The r!ft Hindu Code Bill b" r# B# $# Ambed%!r !lon& 'ith the then e(i)tin& Hindu
Code !) !mended b" the Select Committee
i)cu))ion on the Hindu Code !fter return of the Bill from the Select Committee (11th
*ebru!r" 1949 to 14th ecember 19+,)
17th NOVEMBER 1947
9th APRIL 1948
H.N/ C01
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter for 3!')4 Sir5 . move4
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!' be continued# 6 2r#
Spe!%er 4 2otion moved 4
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!' be continued# 6
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad (7e)t Ben&!l 4 2u)lim)4 2!" . %no' the pre)ent )t!&e of thi)
ver" import!nt Bill 8 . under)t!nd there h!) been ! con)ider!ble !mount of !&it!tion !mon&
our Hindu friend) over it !nd it i) better 'e h!ve ! picture of the )t!&e !t 'hich the Bill i) !t
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar4 .t '!) onl" introduced# No further )t!&e '!)
Shri R. V. Dhulekar (U. P. : General) : .n the ne' )et up 'e )hould h!ve no Hindu 3!'
!nd 2u)lim 3!'# 7e )hould h!ve ! &ener!l 3!' !nd therefore####
Mr. Speaker 4 Honour!ble 2ember i) )pe!%in& on the merit)# He 'ill h!ve !n opportunit"
of )!"in& it 'hen the Bill come) before the Hou)e# At pre)ent the onl" 9ue)tion i) 'hether
the Bill )hould be continued or not continued#
Shri R. V. Dhulekar : So5 Sir5 . oppo)e5 it )hould not be continued#
Mr. Speaker : The 9ue)tion i) 4
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!' be continued# 6
The motion '!) !dopted#
H.N/ .NT1$CAST1 2A$$.A:1 $1:/3AT.N: AN
Shri Mohan Lal Saksena : (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 )ince the 3!' 2ini)ter h!) informed me
#th!t he propo)e) to m!%e ! motion for reference of the Hindu Code to ! Select Committee
durin& the pre)ent )e))ion5 . do not '!nt to move thi) motion#
Mr. Speaker 4 o . under)t!nd th!t the Honour!ble 2ember doe) not '!nt to m!%e !
motion no'5 but he 'i)he) to %eep it !live8
Shri Mohan Lal Saksena: <e)5 Sir5 .n c!)e the 3!' 2ini)ter doe) not brin& in hi) motion5
. m!" h!ve to move mine#

H.N/ 2A$$.A:1S =A3..T< B.33
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava (East Punjab : General) : Sir5 . be& to move tor le!ve to
introduce ! Bill to provide th!t m!rri!&e) bet'een Hindu)5 Si%h)5 >!in) !nd their different
c!)te) !nd )ub?c!)te) !re v!lid#
Mr. Speaker : The 9ue)tion i) 4 6 Th!t le!ve be &r!nted to introduce ! Bill to provide th!t
m!rri!&e) bet'een Hindu)5 Si%h)5 >!in) !nd their different c!)te) !nd )ub?c!)te) !re
v!lid#6The motion '!) !dopted#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava4 Sir5 . introduce the Bill#
H.N/ C01
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (Minister for Law): . be& to move4
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 be referred to !
Select Committee con)i)tin& of Shri All!di @ri)hn!)'!mi A""!r5 r# B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd5
Shri 2# An!ntth!)!"!n!m A""!n&!r5 Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i5 Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi5
Shri /# Sriniv!)! 2!ll!""!5 Shri 2ihir 3!l Ch!ttop!dhv!"5 r# ;# S# e)hmu%h5 Shrim!ti
$enu%! $!"5 r# ;# @# Sen5 B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h5 Shri @i)horimoh!n Trip!thi5 Shrim!ti
Ammu S'!min!dh!n5 ;!ndit B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm!5 Shri @hur)heed 3!l5 Shri Br!Ae)h'!r
;r!)!d5 Shri B# Shiv! $!o5 Shri B!ldeo S'!rup5 Shri =# C# @e)!v! $!o !nd the 2over5 'ith
in)truction) to report not l!ter th!n the l!)t d!" of the *ir)t 'ee% of the ne(t )e))ion of the
A)embl" !nd th!t the number of member) 'ho)e pre)ence )h!ll be nece))!r" to con)titute !
meetin& of the Committee )h!ll be five#6
Sir5 it i) ! m!tter of &re!t pit" !nd !l)o of &re!t re&ret both for m")elf !nd . believe !l)o for
the member) of the Hou)e th!t )o import!nt ! me!)ure !) the codific!tion of Hindu 3!'
)hould h!ve come for di)cu))ion before the Hou)e !lmo)t !t the f!& end of the )e))ion# 7e
h!ve5 !ccordin& to the !rr!n&ement !nnounced b" the Honour!ble )pe!%er thi) mornin&5 to
conclude the deb!te on thi) motion b" 7 0Bcloc% from no'5 'ith !n interv!l of h!lf !n hour# .
thin% it m" dut" th!t 'ithin the limit!tion) in 'hich 'e !re pl!ced . )hould &ive more time to
2ember) of the 3e&i)l!ture to e(pre)) their vie') on the v!riou) point) r!i)ed b" thi) Bill
!nd . )hould li%e to contribute m" o'n mite to the fulfilment of thi) 'i)h 'hich . h!ve
e(pre))ed# The onl" '!" b" 'hich . could do it i) to )et !n e(!mple b" m")elf to m!%e m"
openin& )peech !) brief !). c!n po))ibl" m!%e# . re&ret it ver" much to h!ve been re9uired to
come to th!t deci)ion bec!u)e thi) Bill i) of )uch ! v!)t ch!r!cter th!t if one 'ere to e(pound
it full" !nd thorou&hl"5 !nd to e(pl!in it) provi)ion) !) !&!in)t the b!c%&round of the e(i)tin&
Hindu 3!'5 . h!ve not the )li&hte)t doubt th!t )uch !n effort 'ould t!%e not le)) th!n four or
five hour)# But th!t i) impo))ible5 !nd the Hou)e therefore5 'ill for&ive me if . confine
m")elf to pl!cin& before it the mo)t )!lient point) 'hich m!r% ! dep!rture from the e(i)tin&
l!' !) 'e %no' it tod!"#
Sir5 thi) Bill5 the !im of 'hich i) to codif" the rule) of Hindu 3!' 'hich !re )c!ttered in
innumber!ble deci)ion) of the Hi&h Court) !nd of the ;riv" Council5 'hich form !
be'ilderin& motle" to the common m!n !nd &ive ri)e to con)t!nt liti&!tion5 )ee%) to codif"
the l!' rel!tin& to )even different m!tter)# *ir)tl"5 it )ee%) to codif" the l!' rel!tin& to the
ri&ht) of propert" of ! dece!)ed Hindu 'ho h!) died inte)t!te 'ithout m!%in& ! 'ill5 both
fem!le !nd m!le# Secondl"5 it pre)cribe) ! )ome'h!t !ltered form of the order of )ucce))ion
!mon& the different heir) to the propert" of ! dece!)ed d"in& inte)t!te# The ne(t topic it de!l)
'ith i) the l!' of m!inten!nce5 m!rri!&e5 divorce5 !doption5 minorit" !nd &u!rdi!n)hip# The
Hou)e 'ill )ee 'h!t i) the !mbit !nd the peripher" of thi) Bill# To be&in 'ith the 9ue)tion of
inherit!nce# /nder thi) he!d the Bill en!ct) ! ne' principle5 !t le!)t for cert!in p!rt) of
Briti)h .ndi!# A) m!n" member) 'ho !re l!'"er) in thi) Hou)e 'ill %no'5 )o f!r !)
inherit!nce i) concerned5 the Hindu) !re &overned b" t'o different )")tem) of l!'# 0ne
)")tem i) %no'n !) Mitakashara !nd the other i) %no'n !) Dayabhug. The t'o )")tem) h!ve
! fund!ment!l difference# Accordin& to Mitakshara, the propert" of ! Hindu i) not hi)
individu!l propert"# .t i) propert" 'hich belon&) to 'h!t i) c!lled ! cop!rcen!r"5 'hich
con)i)t) of f!ther5 )on5 &r!nd)on !nd &re!t &r!nd)on# All the)e people h!ve ! birth?ri&ht in
th!t propert" !nd the propert" on the de!th of !n"one member of thi) cop!rcen!r" p!))e) b"
'h!t i) c!lled )urvivor)hip to the member) 'ho rem!in behind5 !nd doe) not p!)) to the heir)
of the dece!)ed# The Hindu Code cont!ined in thi) Bill !dopt) the Dayubhag rule5 under
'hich the propert" i) held b" the heir !) hi) per)on!l propert" 'ith !n !b)olute ri&ht to
di)po)e it of either b" &ift or b" 'ill or !n" other m!nner th!t he choo)e)#
Th!t i) one fund!ment!l ch!n&e 'hich thi) Bill )ee%) to m!%e# .n other 'ord)5 it
univer)!li)e) the l!' of inherit!nce b" e(tendin& the Dayabhag rule to the territor" in 'hich
the rule of the Mitakshara no' oper!te)#
Comin& to the 9ue)tion of the order of )ucce))ion !mon& the heir)5 there i) !l)o
fund!ment!l difference of ! &ener!l ch!r!cter bet'een the rule of the Mitakshura !nd the rule
of the Dayabhag. /nder the Mitakshara rule the !&n!te) of ! dece!)ed !re preferred to hi)
co&n!te)C under the Dayabhag rule the b!)i) of heir)hip i) blood rel!tion)hip to the dece!)ed
!nd not the rel!tion)hip b!)ed on co&n!tic or !&n!tic rel!tion)hip# Th!t i) one ch!n&e th!t the
Bill m!%e)C in other 'ord)5 here !l)o it !dopt) the rule of the Duyabhag in preference to the
rule of the Mitakshara.
.n !ddition to thi) &ener!l ch!n&e in the order of )ucce))ion to ! dece!)ed Hindu5 the Bill
!l)o )ee%) to m!%e four ch!n&e)# 0ne ch!n&e i) th!t the 'ido'5 the d!u&hter5 the 'ido' of !
pre?dece!)ed )on5 !ll !re &iven the )!me r!n% !) the )on in the m!tter of inherit!nce# .n
!ddition to th!t5 the d!u&hter !l)o i) &iven ! )h!re in her f!therB) propert"C her )h!re i)
pre)cribed !) h!lf of th!t of the )on# Here !&!in5 . )hould li%e to point out th!t the onl" ne'
ch!n&e 'hich thi) Bill )ee%) to m!%e5 )o f!r !) the fem!le heir) !re concerned i) confined to
d!u&hterC the other fem!le heir) h!ve !lre!d" been reco&ni)ed b" the Hindu 7omenB) $i&ht
to ;ropert" Act of 19D7# Therefore5 )o f!r !) th!t p!rt of the Bill i) concerned5 there i) re!ll"
no ch!n&e in the Bill !t !llC the Bill merel" c!rrie) the provi)ion) cont!ined in the Act to
'hich . h!ve m!de reference#
The )econd ch!n&e 'hich the Bill m!%e) )o f!r !) the fem!le heir) !re concerned i) th!t the
number of fem!le heir) reco&ni)ed no' i) much l!r&er th!n under either the Mitakshara or
the Dayabhag.
The third ch!n&e m!de b" the (Bill i) thi) th!t under the old l!'5 'hether the Mitakshara or
the Dayabhag, ! di)crimin!tion '!) m!de !mon& fem!le heir)5 !) to 'hether ! p!rticul!r
fem!le '!) rich or poor in circum)t!nce) !t the de!th of the te)t!tor5 'hether )he '!)
m!rried or unm!rried5 or 'hether )he '!) 'ith i))ue or 'ithout i))ue# All the)e con)ider!tion
'hich led to di)crimin!tion in the fem!le heir) !re no' !boli)hed b" thi) Bill# A 'om!n 'ho
h!) ! ri&ht to inherit &et) it b" re!)on of the f!ct th!t )he i) decl!red to be !n heir irre)pective
of !n" other con)ider!tion)#
The l!)t ch!n&e th!t i) m!de rel!te) to the rule of inherit!nce in the Dayabhag. /nder the
Dayabhag the f!ther )ucceed) before in preference to the motherC under the pre)ent Bill the
po)ition i) !ltered )o th!t the mother come) before the f!ther#
So much for the order of )ucce))ion of heir) to ! dece!)ed m!le Hindu# . no' come to the
provi)ion) in the Bill 'hich rel!te) to inte)t!te )ucce))ion to fem!le)# A) 2ember) of the
Hou)e 'ho !re f!mili!r 'ith Hindu 3!' 'ill %no'5 under the e(i)tin& l!' the propert" held
b" ! Hindu fem!le f!ll) into t'o c!te&orie)C one i) c!lled her stridhan, !nd the other i) c!lled
6 'om!nB) propert"6# T!%in& fir)t the 9ue)tion of stridhan, under the e(i)tin& l!' stridhan
f!ll) into )ever!l c!te&orie)C it i) not one )in&le c!te&or"5 !nd the order of )ucce))ion to the
stridhan of ! fem!le under the e(i)tin& l!' v!rie) !ccordin& to the c!te&or" of the stridhan;
one c!te&or" of stridhan h!) ! different l!' of )ucce))ion th!n !nother c!te&or" !nd the)e
rule) !re !li%e both !) to Mitakshara !) the" !re to the Dayabhag. So f!r !) stridhan i)
concerned the pre)ent Bill m!%e) t'o ch!n&e)# The one ch!n&e it m!%e) i) th!t it
con)olid!te) the different c!te&orie) of stridhan into one )in&le c!te&or" of propert" !nd l!")
do'n ! uniform rule of )ucce))ionC there i) no v!riet" of heir) to the stridhan in !ccord!nce
'ith the different c!te&orie) of the stridhan!ll stridhan i) one !nd there i) one rule of
The )econd ch!n&e 'hich the Bill )ee%) to m!%e 'ith re&!rd to the heir) i) th!t the )on !l)o
i) no' &iven ! ri&ht to inherit the stridhan !nd he i) &iven h!lf the )h!re 'hich the d!u&hter
t!%e)# 2ember) 'ill re!li)e th!t in formul!tin& thi) Bill !nd m!%in& ch!n&e) in rule) of
)ucce))ion5 it i) provided th!t 'hile the d!u&hter i) &ettin& h!lf the )h!re in the f!therB)
propert"5 the )on i) !l)o &ettin& h!lf the )h!re in the motherB) propert" )o th!t in ! cert!in
)en)e the Bill )ee%) to m!int!in !n e9u!lit" of po)ition bet'een the )on !nd the d!u&hter#
Comin& to the 9ue)tion of the 6 'om!nB) e)t!te 65 !) member) of the Hou)e 'ill %no' under
the Hindu 3!' 'here ! 'om!n inherit) propert" )he &et) onl" 'h!t i) c!lled ! B life e)t!te B#
She c!n enAo" the income of the propert"5 but )he c!nnot de!l 'ith the corpu) of # the
propert" e(cept for le&!l nece))it"C the propert" mu)t p!)) !fter the de!th of the 'om!n to
the rever)ioner) of her hu)b!nd# The Bill5 here !&!in5 introduce) t'o ch!n&e)# .t convert) thi)
limited e)t!te into !n !b)olute e)t!te Au)t !) the m!le 'hen he inherit) &et) !n !b)olute e)t!te
in the propert" th!t he inherit) !nd )econdl"5 it !boli)he) the ri&ht of the rever)ioner) to cl!im
the propert" !fter the 'ido'#
An import!nt provi)ion 'hich i) !ncill!r" to the ri&ht) of 'omen to inherit propert"
cont!ined in thi) Bill i) ! provi)ion 'hich rel!te) to Dowry. All member) of the Hou)e %no'
'h!t ! )c!nd!lou) !ff!ir thi) dowry i)C ho'5 for in)t!nce5 &irl) 'ho brin& enormou) lot of
propert" from their p!rent) either b" '!" of dowry or stridhan or &ift !re tre!ted5
nonethele))5 'ith utter contempt5 t"r!nn" !nd oppre))ion# The Bill provide) in m" Aud&ment
one of the mo)t )!lut!r" provi)ion)5 n!mel"5 th!t thi) propert" 'hich i) &iven !) dowry to !
&irl on the occ!)ion of her m!rri!&e )h!ll be tre!ted !) ! tru)t propert"5 the u)e of 'hich 'ill
inure to the 'om!n !nd )he i) entitled to cl!im th!t propert" 'hen )he come) to the !&e of
185 )o th!t neither her hu)b!nd nor the rel!tion) of her hu)b!nd 'ill h!ve !n" intere)t in th!t
propert"C nor 'ill the" h!ve !n" opportunit" to '!)te th!t propert" !nd m!%e her helple)) for
the re)t of her life#
Comin& to the provi)ion) rel!tin& to m!inten!nce5 there i) mo)tl" nothin& ne' in thi) p!rt
of the Bill# The Bill pre)cribe) th!t the dependent) of ! dece!)ed )h!ll be entitled to cl!im
m!inten!nce from tho)e 'ho inherit hi) propert" either under the rule) of inte)t!te )ucce))ion
or 'ho inherit the propert" under hi) 'ill# There !re .. different %ind) of depend!nt)
enumer!ted in thi) Bill# . believe5 !t le!)t )pe!%in& for m")elf5 it i) !n unfortun!te thin& th!t
even ! concubine i) included in the c!te&or" of depend!nt)5 but there it i)C it i) ! m!tter for
con)ider!tion# The li!bilit" to m!inten!nce i) c!)t upon tho)e 'ho t!%e the e)t!te of the
dece!)ed# A) . )!id5 there i) nothin& ver" ne' in thi) p!rt of the Bill#
There i) !nother p!rt of the Bill 'hich i) import!nt !nd it rel!te) to the ri&ht) of ! 'ile to
cl!im )ep!r!te m!inten!nce 'hen )he live) )ep!r!te from her hu)b!nd# :ener!ll"5 under the
provi)ion) of the Hindu l!'5 ! 'ife i) not entitled to cl!im m!inten!nce from her hu)b!nd if
)he doe) not live 'ith him in hi) hou)e# The Bill5 ho'ever5 reco&ni)e) th!t there !re
undoubtedl" circum)t!nce) 'here if the 'ife h!) lived !'!" from the hu)b!nd5 it mu)t be for
c!u)e) be"ond her control !nd it 'ould be 'ron& not to reco&ni)e the c!u)e) !nd not to &ive
her )ep!r!te m!inten!nce# Con)e9uentl" the Bill provide) th!t ! 'ife )h!ll be entitled to
cl!im )ep!r!te m!inten!nce from her hu)b!nd if he i) (1) )ufferin& from ! lo!th)ome di)e!)e5
(E) if he %eep) ! concubine5 (D) if he i) &uilt" of cruelt"5 (4) if he h!) !b!ndoned her for t'o
"e!r)5 (+) if he h!) converted to !nother reli&ion !nd (F) !n" other c!u)e Au)tif"in& her livin&
The ne(t topic to 'hich . 'i)h to m!%e ! reference concern) the 9ue)tion of m!rri!&e# The
Code reco&ni)e) t'o form) of m!rri!&e)# 0ne i) c!lled 6 )!cr!ment!l 6 m!rri!&e !nd the
other i) c!lled 6 civil 6 m!rri!&e# A) member) 'ill %no'5 thi) i) ! dep!rture from the e(i)tin&
l!'# The e(i)tin& Hindu l!' reco&ni)e) onl" 'h!t i) c!lled 6 )!cr!ment!l 6 m!rri!&e5 but it
doe) not reco&ni)e 'h!t 'e c!ll ! 6 civil 6 m!rri!&e# 7hen one con)ider) the condition) for !
v!lid )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e !nd ! v!lid re&i)tered m!rri!&e5 under the Code there i) re!ll"
ver" little difference bet'een the t'o# There !re five condition) for ! )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e#
*ir)tl"5 the bride&room mu)t be 18 "e!r) old5 !nd the bride mu)t be 14 "e!r) old# Secondl"5
neither p!rt" mu)t h!ve ! )pou)e livin& !t the time of m!rri!&e# Thirdl"5 p!rtie) mu)t not be
'ithin prohibited de&ree of rel!tion)hip# *ourthl"5 p!rtie) mu)t not be sapindas of e!ch other#
*ifthl"5 neither mu)t be !n idiot or ! lun!tic# 1(cept for the f!ct th!t )imil!rit" of sapindaship
i) not ! b!r to ! re&i)tered m!rri!&e# )o f!r !) other condition) !re concerned5 there i) no
difference bet'een the )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e !nd the civil m!rri!&e# The onl" other
difference i) th!t the re&i)tered m!rri!&e mu)t be re&i)tered in !ccord!nce 'ith the provi)ion)
in the Bill 'hile ! )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e m!" be re&i)tered if p!rtie) de)ire to do )o#
Comp!rin& the rule) of m!rri!&e cont!ined in the Bill !nd the e(i)tin& l!'5 it m!" be noticed
th!t there !re three difference) 'hich the Bill m!%e)# 0ne i) thi)5 th!t 'hile the e(i)tin& l!'
re9uire) identit" of c!)te !nd )ub?c!)te for ! v!lid )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e5 the Bill di)pen)e)
'ith thi) condition# 2!rri!&e under the Bill 'ill be v!lid irre)pective of the c!)te or )ub?c!)te
of the p!rtie) enterin& into the m!rri!&e#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l)4 .f the m!rri!&e i) bet'een per)on)
belon&in& to different c!)te)5 'ill it be v!lid8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 4 3et me proceed 'ith m" )peech# .f the
Honour!ble 2ember put) the 9ue)tion 'hile m!%in& hi) )peech5 . )h!ll repl" to it#
The )econd provi)ion in thi) Bill i) th!t identit" of gotrapravara i) not ! b!r to ! m!rri!&e
'hile it i) under the e(i)tin& l!'# The third di)tinctive fe!ture i) thi)5 th!t under the old l!'5
pol"&!m" '!) permi))ible# /nder the ne' l!' it i) mono&!m" 'hich i) pre)cribed# The
)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e '!) ! m!rri!&e 'hich '!) indi))oluble# There could be no divorce#
The pre)ent Bill m!%e) ! ne' dep!rture b" introducin& into the l!' provi)ion) for the
di))olution of m!rri!&e# An" p!rt" 'hich m!rrie) under the ne' code h!) three remedie) to
&et out of the contr!ct of m!rri!&e# 0ne i) to h!ve the m!rri!&e decl!red null !nd voidC
)econdl"5 to h!ve the m!rri!&e decl!red inv!lidC !nd thirdl"5 to h!ve it di))olved# No'5 the
&round) for inv!lid!tion of m!rri!&e !re t'o4 0ne5 if one p!rt" to the m!rri!&e h!d ! )pou)e
livin& !t the time of m!rri!&e5 then )uch ! m!rri!&e 'ill be null !nd void# Secondl"5 if the
rel!tion)hip of the p!rtie) fell 'ithin 'h!t i) c!lled the !mbit of prohibited?de&ree)5 the
m!rri!&e could be decl!red null !nd void# The &round) for inv!lid!tion of the m!rri!&e !re
four# *ir)t5 impotenc"# Second5 p!rtie) bein& sapinda. Third5 p!rtie) bein& either idiotic or
lun!tic# *ourth5 &u!rdi!nB) con)ent obt!ined b" force or fr!ud# .n order not to %eep the
)'ord of di))olution h!n&in& on the he!d5 the Bill5 in m" Aud&ement ver" 'i)el"5 h!)
provided ! limit to !n !ction for inv!lid!tion# .t provide) th!t ! )uit for the inv!lid!tion of
m!rri!&e mu)t be filed 'ithin three "e!r) from the d!te of the m!rri!&eC other'i)e the )uit
'ill be b!rred !nd the m!rri!&e 'ill continue !) thou&h there '!) no &round for inv!lidit"#
The Bill !l)o provide) th!t even thou&h the m!rri!&e m!" be inv!lid!ted !nd m!" be decl!red
inv!lid b" ! court of 3!'5 the inv!lid!tion of m!rri!&e 'ill not !ffect the le&itim!c" of the
children born !nd the" 'ould continue to be le&itim!te Au)t the )!me#
Then comin& to the 9ue)tion of divorce5 there !re )even &round) on 'hich divorce could be
obt!ined# (1) de)ertion5 (E) conver)ion to !nother reli&ion5 (D) %eepin& ! concubine or
becomin& ! concubine5 (4) incur!bl" un)ound mind5 (+) virulent !nd incur!ble form of
lepro)"5 (F) venere!l di)e!)e) in communic!ble form !nd (7) cruelt"#
Comin& to the 9ue)tion of !doption5 there !&!in5 mo)t of the rule) embodied in the Bill !re
in no '!" different from the rule) obt!inin& under the pre)ent l!'# There !re t'o ne'
provi)ion) in thi) p!rt de!lin& 'ith !doption# *ir)tl"5 under the Code5 it 'ill be nece))!r" for
the hu)b!nd if he '!nt) to m!%e !n !doption to obt!in the con)ent of hi) 'ife !nd if there !re
more th!n one5 !t le!)t the con)ent of one of them# Secondl"5 it !l)o l!") do'n th!t if the
'ido' '!nt) to !dopt5 )he c!n onl" !dopt if there !re po)itive in)truction) left b" the
hu)b!nd !uthori)in& her to !dopt !nd in order to prevent liti&!tion !) to 'hether the hu)b!nd
h!)5 !) ! m!tter of f!ct5 left in)truction) to hi) 'ife5 the code provide) th!t the evidence of
)uch in)truction) )h!ll be either b" re&i)tered deed or b" ! provi)ion in the 'ill# No or!l
evidence 'ould be !dmi))ible5 )o th!t ch!nce) of liti&!tion !re con)ider!bl" miti&!ted# The
Code !l)o provide) th!t the !doption m!" !l)o be evidenced b" re&i)tr!tion# 0ne of the mo)t
fruitful )ource) of liti&!tion in thi) countr" i) the 9ue)tion of !doption# All )ort) of or!l
evidence i) m!nuf!ctured5 concoctedC 'itne))e) !re )ubornedC 'ido') !re fooledC the" one
d!" decl!re th!t the"# h!ve m!de one !doption !nd )ub)e9uentl" the" m!%e !n !vo'!l th!t
the" h!ve not !dopted !nd in order th!t !ll thi) liti&!tion m!" be put ! )top to5 the Code
m!%e) ! )!lut!r" provi)ion th!t there m!" be re&i)tr!tion of !doption b" ! Hindu#
Then there i) the 9ue)tion of minorit" !nd &u!rdi!n)hip5 the l!)t )ubAect 'hich the Bill
)ee%) to codif"# There i) nothin& ne' in thi) p!rt of the Code !nd5 therefore5 . do not propo)e
to )!" !n"thin& )o f!r !) th!t p!rt in the Bill i) concerned#
A) member) 'ill re!li)e5 the point) 'hich !ri)e out of thi) Bill for con)ider!tion !nd 'hich
!re ne' !re the)e4 *ir)t5 the !bolition of birth?ri&ht !nd to t!%e propert" b" )urvivor)hip# The
)econd point th!t !ri)e) for con)ider!tion i) the &ivin& of h!lf?)h!re to the d!u&hter# Thirdl"5
the conver)ion of the 'omenB) limited e)t!te into !n !b)olute e)t!te# *ourthl"5 the !bolition of
c!)te in the m!tter of m!rri!&e !nd !doption# *ifthl"5 the principle of mono&!m" !nd )i(thl"
the principle of divorce# . h!ve )ou&ht to enumer!te the)e point) )ep!r!tel" !nd c!te&oric!ll"
bec!u)e . felt th!t in vie' of the limited time 'e h!ve !t our di)po)!l5 it 'ould be of help to
the 2ember) of thi) Hou)e if . could point out 'h!t !re the point) of deb!te on 'hich
!ttention m!" be concentr!ted# The)e dep!rture) 'hich !re m!de in thi) Bill undoubtedl"
re9uire) Au)tific!tion5 but . thin% it 'ould be ! '!)te of time if . !t thi) )t!&e undertoo% !n"
defence of the dep!rture) en!cted b" thi) Bill# . propo)e to he!r Honour!ble 2ember) !) to
'h!t the" h!ve to )!" on the point) 'hich . h!ve enumer!ted !nd if . *ind th!t it i) nece))!r"
for me to enter upon ! Au)tific!tion5 . propo)e to do )o in the cour)e of m" repl"# Sir5 . move#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 2otion moved4
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 be referred to !
Select Committee con)i)tin& of Shri All!di @ri)hn!)'!mi A""!r5 r# B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd5
Shri 2# An!ntih!)!"!n!m A""!n&!r5 Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i5 Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi5
Shri /# Sriniv!)! 2!ll!""!5 Shri 2ihir 3!l Ch!ttop!dh"!"5 r# ;# S# e)hmu%h5 Shrim!ti
$enu%! $!"5 r# ;# @# Sen5 B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h5 Shri @i)horimoh!n Trip!thi5 Shrim!ti
Ammu S'!min!dh!n5 ;!ndit B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm!5 Shri @hur)hed 3!l5 Shri Br!Ae)h'!r
;r!)!d5 Shri B# Shiv! $!o5 Shri B!ldeo S'!rup5 Shri =# C# @e)!v! $!o !nd the 2over5 'ith
in)truction) to report not l!ter th!n the l!)t d!" of the fir)t 'ee% of the ne(t )e))ion of the
A))embl" !nd th!t the number of member) 'ho)e pre)ence )h!ll be nece))!r" to con)titute !
meetin& of the Committee )h!ll be five#6
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya (Madras: General) 4 2r# Ch!irm!n5 Sir5 . ri)e B!t !n e!rl"
moment in order to c!tch "our e"e in the hope th!t . )h!ll h!ve the e!r of the Hou)e 'hile
h!vin& the e"e of the Ch!irm!n# Thi) i) ! ver" intere)tin& piece of le&i)l!tion 'hich h!) been
pre)ented to thi) Hou)e5 ! piece of le&i)l!tion for 'hich the countr" h!) been 'hitin& for
lon&# Thi) countr" h!vin& p!))ed under the rule of forei&ner) for ne!rl" ! thou)!nd "e!r) h!)
not been !ble to effect th!t )oci!l pro&re)) 'hich i) incident!l to ch!n&e) in )ociet" in the
'orld !nd 'hich t!%e) pl!ce imperceptibl" b" force of ever?ch!n&in& cu)tom# Cu)tom i) !
force 'hich i) &ener!ll" p!troni)ed5 !ppreci!ted !nd reco&ni)ed b" the ruler)# /nfortun!tel"5
thi) countr" h!) h!d no %in&) for ! lon& time to 'ho)e in)pirin& e(!mple the )ubAect) could
loo% up for !n" ch!n&e) in )ociet"# .n the 7e)t5 even tod!"5 if ! )oci!l ch!n&e i) re9uired !ll
th!t i) to be done i) for the @in& to initi!te th!t ch!n&e !nd !ll the people 'ill follo' !) !
m!tter of cour)e# <ou mi&ht h!ve he!rd the )tor" of 1d'!rd the 1i&hth5 'ho5 'hen he '!)
;rince of 7!le)5 'ent to ! f!r di)t!nt i)l!nd !nd h!vin& he!rd from the people th!t their
occup!tion '!) &one bec!u)e of the ch!n&e of f!)hion)5 !)%ed 'h!t the f!)hion '!) 'hich
h!d mined the occup!tion# The" )!id formerl" the" 'ere m!nuf!cture) of )tr!' h!t) !nd no'
)tr!' h!t) h!d &iven pl!ce to felt h!t) !nd therefore5 the" h!d lo)t their occup!tion# The ne(t
d!" he !ppe!red in public on ! ceremoni!l occ!)ion 'ith ! )tr!' h!t !nd the )tr!' h!t
indu)tr" '!) !t once revived# Th!t i) the po'er of the %in&C he i) not merel" the politic!l
he!d of ! St!te5 but he!d of )ociet"5 the e(empl!r5 the mentor !nd the monitor# A) )uch he
ev!lu!te) the cu)tom) !&e lon&5 tr!dition!l !nd ho!r"G)!nctified b" !&e !nd it lie) in hi)
po'er to ch!n&e th!t cu)tom one '!" or the other# But 'h!t h!) been our f!te )ince the
Briti)h rule h!d come into e(i)tence8 So lon& !) the 2u)lim) 'ere rulin& thi) countr"5 the"
copied our cu)tom) !nd 'e copied their cu)tom)C there '!) !n inter?mi(ture !nd
intercurrenc" of cu)tom) !nd therefore5 )ome me!)ure) of )oci!l pro&re))# But !fter the
Briti)h c!me5 'hen the" c!me to be loo%ed upon !) untouch!ble) !nd even un!ppro!ch!ble)
b" the v!)t m!Aorit" of the popul!tion of thi) countr"5 the )itu!tion '!) th!t the" 'ere !fr!id
to touch the cu)tom) of thi) countr" 'ith the lon&e)t pole# The" 'ere !fr!id of !n"
interference 'ith the )ocio?reli&iou) )tructure 'hich '!) ! delic!te )tructure !lmo)t li%e !
chemic!l b!l!nce !nd bore the repercu))ion) of the )m!lle)t ch!n&e comin& from !bro!d !nd
from !dventitiou) )ource)# The" 'ere !fr!id th!t )uch repercu))ion) 'ould be ruinou) to the
)t!bilit" of their empire in thi) countr" !nd therefore5 the" !dopted the pl!u)ible !nd
)eemin&l" re!)on!ble !ttitude of not interferin& 'ith the reli&ion or the cu)tom of the l!nd# .n
thi) m!nner the >ud&e) of the Hi&h Court) !l'!") helped to re&i)ter the cu)tom !) it h!d
e(i)ted for lon& centurie) behind5 !nd never re&i)tered ! ch!n&e in the cu)tom !) m!r%in& !
pro&re)) in )ociet"# Thu) cu)tom bec!me petrified !nd 'hen cu)tom bec!me petrified5
pro&re)) bec!me impeded !lto&ether5 !nd for ! hundred !nd fift" "e!r) our )ociet" h!) not
been !ble to m!%e !n" pro&re))# .f )oci!l evil) h!d been pointed out b" mi))ion!rie) !t one
)t!&e the" 'ere )o pointed out in ! )pirit of c!rpin& critici)m r!ther th!n in ! )pirit of
pro&re))ive helpfulne))# And !) time !dv!nced !nd 1n&li)h educ!tion too% root !nd !)
democr!c" )pre!d it) tent!cle) !nd &ot firm hold upon the !ffection) of the people !nother
ch!n&e c!me into bein&# The ver" mi))ion!rie) !nd cler&"men 'ho 'ere )o %een on educ!ted
.ndi!n) thro'in& off the tr!mmel) of their orthodo(" bec!me )uddenl" con)erv!tive !nd
critic!l of the dr!)tic ch!n&e) 'hich the 1n&li)h educ!ted people 'ere t!%in& to 'ith !
cert!in !mount of irre)pon)ible c!)e# The" be&!n to in9uire 'hether !fter !ll the)e people
'ho 'ere )o re!dil" t!%in& to the)e ch!n&e) me!nt to t!%e to the)e ch!n&e) or 'hether the"
'ere )impl" &ro'in& !'!" b" '!" of rel!(!tion the ri&id cu)tom) of !&e !nd of )ociet"#
The" did not li%e it bec!u)e the )pirit of reform i) !l'!") de)tructive of their o'n po'er# .n
the encour!&in& of reform them)elve) the" )!' the d!n&er) to their rule !nd the mi))ion!r"
)!' !t once th!t he '!) encour!&in& ! cert!in !mount of rebelliou) )pirit in the n!tion# No'
Brahmoism '!) loo%ed upon !) the )!vin& f!ctor in thi) countr"5 but Brahmoism '!)
thereupon condemned b" the mi))ion!r" bec!u)e it provided ! h!ltin& hou)e for the reform
)pirit of the n!tion# Thu) the mi))ion!r" him)elf bec!me con)erv!tive# 1n&li)hmen bec!me
con)erv!tive5 cu)tom bec!me ri&id5 )ociet" bec!me petrified !nd con&e!led !nd co!&ul!ted5
!) it 'ere5 in ! ch!mber 'hich '!) not 'ide or e(p!n)ive5 thu)5 'e h!ve )uffered5 )o much
)o th!t the i))ue of ! po)t?pubert" m!rri!&e in the ;unA!b '!) decl!red ille&itim!te b" the
Hi&h Court# Thi) '!) the l!)t )tr!' th!t bro%e the b!c% of pro&re))ive )ociet"# .mmedi!tel"5
there '!) !n !ttempt to bre!% the bone) of cu)tom5 b" tr"in& to reform the m!rri!&e l!'# Act
D of 187,5 popul!rl" %no'n !) the Brahmo 2!rri!&e Act5 re9uired5 ho'ever5 ! cert!in deni!l
)t!tement5 6 . repudi!te th!t . !m ! Hindu or ! 2u)lim or ! Chri)ti!n or ! ;!r)ee or ! >!in or !
>e'# 6 Thi) obno(iou) decl!r!tion '!) !))oci!ted 'ith the provi)ion) of th!t Act# Therefore5
it did not become popul!r# 3!ter on the Sarda Act c!me into bein&C fortun!tel" it h!) )et the
)e!l of !uthorit" upon th!t piece of )oci!l reform 'hich the he!d) of orthodo(" 'ere
impo)in& !nd 'ere impedin&# A ne' er! h!) be&un# The .ndi!n N!tion!l Con&re)) 'hich h!d
)t!rted in 188+ h!d till 1919 !))oci!ted 'ith it !) !n !ncill!r" !nd !n !u(ili!r" ! )oci!l reform
or&!ni)!tion 'hich de!lt 'ith the )oci!l evil) of the countr" !nd )u&&e)ted v!riou) le&i)l!tive
me!)ure) !l)o# But there '!) ! non 'illin&ne)) on the p!rt of the Briti)h :overnment to
effect tho)e le&i)l!tive ch!n&e) !nd !) time pro&re))ed there '!) !l)o !n un'illin&ne)) on the
p!rt of )ociet" to !ccept the )oci!l reform !t the h!nd) of forei&ner) in thi) countr"#
*ortun!tel"5 Sir5 tod!" 'e h!ve )urvived tho)e time)5 . !m &l!d . !m !live to )ee the !&e
'hen on the initi!tive of the N!tion!l :overnment ! pro&re))ive me!)ure of reform5
comprehen)ive in outloo%5 f!r?re!chin& in it) re)ult5 medic!l in it) n!ture5 i) bein& put
for'!rd5 'hich embr!ce) the ri&ht) of 'omen in re&!rd to inherit!nce5 in re&!rd to m!rri!&e5
in re&!rd to propert"5 in re&!rd to divorce5 in re&!rd to per)on!l freedom# And . hope5 !) lime
!dv!nce) 'e )h!ll h!ve more !nd more of reform) in thi) direct ion to 'hich thi) me!)ure
point) tod!"#
3et u) )t!rt 'ith the full ri&ht) th!t h!ve been conferred upon the 'om!n !fter the de!th of
her hu)b!nd# .n our Shastras it h!) been briefl" de)cribed th!t the 'om!n i) the bond )l!ve of
her f!ther 'hen )he i) "oun&5 to her hu)b!nd 'hen )he i) middle !&ed !nd to her )on 'hen
)he i) ! mother# 0f cour)e !ll epi&r!m)5 !phori)m)5 proverb)5 pl!titude) !nd trui)m) !re h!lf
truthB)# There i) ! core of truth !bout them# 7e )ometime) find it u)eful to 9uote the)e thin&)
but there i) ! core of untruth !l)o !bout them !nd 'e )hould tr" to under)t!nd the full
)i&nific!nce of !ll the)e#
Accordin& to the me!)ure) before u)5 ! 'om!n 'ill h!ve propert" in her o'n ri&ht !nd be
!ble to di)po)e of her propert"# . h!ve been tr"in& to )ee 'hether the 3!' 2ini)ter 'ould
e(pl!in 'hen the)e ri&ht) 'ould come into force# Suppo)in& !fter the p!))in& of thi) me!)ure
! m!n die) !nd hi) 'ido' inherit) hi) propert"4 'h!t !re her ri&ht) comp!red 'ith the ri&ht)
of ! 'ido' 'ho)e hu)b!nd died one "e!r !&o8 The l!tter po))e))e) limited e)t!te)# 7h!t i)
the ch!n&e )ou&ht to be introduced8 C!n 'ido') 'ith onl" limited e)t!te) convert tho)e
limited e)t!te) into full ri&ht e)t!te) 'ith the ri&ht to &ive !'!"5 to mort&!&e5 to )ell !nd )o
on5 irre)pective of 'hether there i) le&!l nece))it" in the intere)t) of the f!mil" or not8 Th!t
i) ! point 'hich . h!ve been tr"in& to under)t!nd b" turnin& up the p!&e) of the me!)ure
before me but . h!ve not been !ble to under)t!nd it# . d!re )!"5 in hi) repl" the 2over of the
Bill 'ill be )o &ood !) to elucid!te the point#
The B ri&ht) B of the d!u&hter i) ! m!tter on 'hich . h!ve been feelin& ver" %eenl"# 7hen
)pe!%in& to 1n&li)h people or 'hen di)cu))in& .ndi!n condition) !nd )ociet" 'ith )!v!nt)
!nd )chol!r) comin& from !bro!d5 . h!ve never been tired of?pr!i)in& m" o'n )")tem# .f "ou
'i)h to under)t!nd the b!)i) of ! )")tem5 or !ppr!i)e !n" of it) )oci!l cu)tom) or pr!ctice)5
"ou mu)t not t!%e it in it) pre)ent de&ener!te condition# But "ou mu)t t!%e it in !ll it) pri)tine
purit" !nd &lor"# . loo% upon child m!rri!&e !) ! )plendid in)titution !) our !ncient)
conceived it bec!u)e the" conceived it &ood for the !ver!&e m!n !nd the !ver!&e 'om!n to
be m!rried# And thi) m!rri!&e i) ! &ood thin& bec!u)e the child h!) to be &r!fted into !nother
f!mil" !nd &r!ftin& )hould t!%e pl!ce 'hile the pl!nt i) "oun& !nd not 'hen the pl!nt h!)
become old# But then5 the conception it)elf h!) ch!n&ed# No' 'e live in !n !&e 'hen it i)
much more h!pp" to be b!chelor) !nd critici)e other)B 'ive) th!n to m!rr" !nd be&et
children# Therefore5 our ide!l) h!ve ch!n&ed !nd therefore5 the principle of child m!rri!&e
m!" not be bindin& upon u)# 1!ch one i) !t libert" to live hi) or her o'n life !ccordin& to her
or hi) ple!)ure !nd there i) no obli&!tion impo)ed b" )ociet" !nd )oci!l condition) h!ve
ch!n&ed# /nder the circum)t!nce) 'e )hould not indeed be the victim) of p!)t tr!dition5 p!)t
cu)tom)5 p!)t event)#
But ho' )h!ll 'e de!l 'ith the f!ct) 'hich e(i)t !t the pre)ent d!"4 )o m!n" d!u&hter) !nd
)o m!n" )i)ter) !re not merel" ve&et!tin& but the" !re rottin& in their home)# 7hile 'e pr!i)e
our )")tem) to other)5 'e c!nnot )hut from our o'n e"e) the f!ct th!t our )i)ter) !nd
d!u&hter) !nd other rel!tion) !re rottin& in their o'n home) un!ble to &et !n" relief# 3!tterl"
. h!ve )u&&e)ted ! love )tri%e for our 'omen# Th!t i) the onl" remed" 'hich . h!ve thou&ht
out !nd . h!ve been !ble to thin% it out !) ! remed" directed !&!in)t thi) cu)tom# . re!d !
boo% c!lled 6 The .mpre&n!ble 7omen 6 'hile . '!) in the Ahmedn!&!r *ort# There '!) !
'!r in 1n&l!nd !nd !ll the 'omen '!nted to re)i)t the '!r# Ho' could the" re)i)t8 The men
!re &reed"# The men !re pu&n!ciou) !nd blood?thir)t"# The" '!nt to fi&ht# The" '!nt to
me!)ure the )tren&th of the ti&er !nd !pe it them 'ith the )tren&th of the !pe !nd ti&er in
other)# Therefore5 the 'omen )!id4 let u) h!ve ! love )tri%e# No "oun& m!iden 'ould )pe!%
to her loverC no 'ife 'ould )pe!% to her hu)b!ndC no mother 'ould )pe!% to her )on# The
men 'ere bo"cotted# There '!) no )oci!l life bet'een men !nd 'omen until the '!r !bout to
be decl!red '!) c!ncelled# The" )!id the" 'ould not mi( 'ith the)e people# But5 . 'ill not
pu)h the m!tter further# . Su&&e)t th!t if in ! vill!&e5 or to'n5 or moh!ll!5 there i) ill?
tre!tment of ! )in&le 'om!n5 !ll our 'ive) h!d better h!ve ! club !nd &o !'!" from our
hou)e) !nd live there for E4 hour) !nd ver" )oon the rec!lcitr!nt hu)b!nd 'ill be brou&ht to
hi) )en)e)# All the men 'ill brin& their mor!l influence to be!r upon thi) m!n !nd the" 'ill
tell him4 6 7h!t the hell !re "ou doin&8 All our home) !re bro%en up !nd the" 'ill rem!in
bro%en unle)) "ou t!%e b!c% "our 'ife# 6
<ou m!" l!u&h no'# But 'h!t el)e !re "ou &oin& to do8 Are "ou &oin& to pro)ecute the
m!n8 He 'ill brin& up hi) ch!r&e)# Are "ou &oin& to pro)ecute the 'ife8 She 'ill brin& !
number of ch!r&e)# <ou )hould not enter into the 9u!rrel) bet'een hu)b!nd !nd 'ife# 0nce .
found ! hu)b!nd be!tin& hi) 'ife# . 'ent !nd interfered# The 'om!n turned round !nd c!me
do'n on me li%e ! 'olf on the fold# She )!id4 6 .t i) m" hu)b!nd 'ho i) be!tin& me# 7ho the
hell !re "ou to interfere86 Therefore5 it i) not po))ible for "ou e!)il" to interfere in dome)tic
!ff!ir)# After !ll the Kowravas !nd Pandawas 'hen the" fou&ht5 the" u)ed to )!" 4 6 'e !re .
(H) !&!in)t + but !&!in)t ! third p!rt" the" )!id 'e !re 1,, plus + 6 So in the)e dome)tic
9u!rrel) both !re !&!in)t u) 'hen 'e meddle in their !ff!ir)# So if the d!u&hter i) to be h!pp"
)he mu)t be !ble to inherit propert" in her o'n ri&ht . find th!t the po)ition of ! 'ife i) mo)t
ob)e9uiou)# Her )i)terB) )on come)# Her brother come)# She '!nt) to &ive them ! &ood
pre)ent# But the 'ife h!) to '!it upon the &ood'ill of her hu)b!nd in order to &et even $)# +4
After !ll thi) m!n h!) hi) mood)# And he m!" be in ! &ood mood or ! b!d mood# So )he mu)t
h!ve )ome propert" 'hich )he c!n c!ll her o'n# 7ould "ou 'i)h her to &et rid of )ome of
her Ae'el)8 The ide! i) f!nt!)tic# No 'om!n 'ill )ell !'!" her Ae'eller" even !fter her
hu)b!ndB) de!th bec!u)e !fter her hu)b!ndB) de!th th!t Ae'eller" )t!nd) !) the )"mbol of the
unit" of her)elf !nd her dece!)ed )pou)e# . %no' it# . h!ve )po%en to m!n" 'omen#
Mr. Chairman : oe) the Honour!ble 2ember '!nt to )pe!% for ! lon&er time8
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya: . !m )orr"# . '!) not loo%in& !t the time# . 'ould li%e to
Mr. Chairman 4 The Hou)e 'ill no' !dAourn for h!lf !n hour !nd re!))emble !t H!lf ;!)t
*ive of the Cloc%#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till $alf Past %iv! of th! &lo'k in th! aft!rnoon.
The A))embl" re?!))embled !t H!lf ;!)t *ive of the Cloc%5 'ith 2r# Spe!%er (The
Honour!ble 2r# :# =# 2!v!l!n%!r) in the Ch!ir#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya: 2r# Spe!%er5 . '!) de!lin& 'ith the 9ue)tion of ! )h!re for
the d!u&hter from the p!trimon"# . !m in the h!bit of t'ittin& m" l!d" friend) b" !)%in& them
6 7h" do "ou '!nt ! )h!re 8 <ou !re &oin& to become the 9ueen) of !nother home# 2" 'ife
h!) become the 9ueen of m" home !nd )he i) the un9ue)tioned he!d of the f!mil"# She i)
&ettin& the %e") of her o'n )!fe !nd )o 'ill "ou &et the %e") of the )!fe of !nother home#6
But th!t i) not enou&h# .t i) not enou&h to be !t the merc" of ! hu)b!nd5 ho'ever de!r th!t
hu)b!nd m!" be# A 'om!n mu)t h!ve her o'n ri&ht !nd 'hen )he h!) her o'n ri&ht )he i)
better re)pected b" the hu)b!nd !nd !lthou&h the doctrine of )elf?eff!cement on the p!rt of
the 'om!n h!) been c!rried on in our countr" !nd )ociet" for !&e) lon&5 "et the f!ct rem!in)
th!t in the modern d!" the conception of )elf?re)pect h!) completel" !ltered the po)ition# 0ne
mu)t be !ble to )!" th!t )he h!) ! little mone" to de!l 'ith in her o'n ri&ht#
Hitherto . h!ve h!d ! little doubt !) to 'hether 'e !re not deprivin& !ll the )on) of the
)h!re to 'hich the" !re le&itim!tel" entitled if the d!u&hter !l)o come) in for her )h!re# No'
the Bill before u) &ive) ! )h!re in the stridhana to the )on) to the )!me e(tent to 'hich the
d!u&hter i) &iven ! )h!re in the f!therB) propert"# Th!t l!r&el" e9u!li)e) thin&) !nd '!rn) !ll
p!rent) th!t the" )hould h!ve !n e9u!l number of )on) !nd d!u&hter)# Th!t i) the onl"
condition th!t i) impo)ed upon u) !nd th!t 'ill be !ble to b!l!nce our econom"# 7e mu)t
!l)o b!l!nce our pro&en"#
But there i) !nother difficult"# After !ll !) thin&) )t!nd5 it loo%) !) thou&h 'e c!nnot )!"
here!fter in m!rri!&e invit!tion) th!t m" d!u&hter i) bein& &iven in m!rri!&e to )o !nd )o#
there 'ill be ! ne' l!n&u!&e !dopted# 2" d!u&hter !nd )o !nd )o 'ill m!rr" e!ch other# Th!t
i) the ne' l!n&u!&e !dopted# Still the f!ct rem!in) th!t e(cept in 2!l!b!r5 'here the
hu)b!nd) &o to their 'ive)B hou)e)5 here our d!u&hter) &ener!ll" &o to their hu)b!nd)B hou)e)#
0f cour)e the po)ition in 2!l!b!r i) entirel" the rever)e of our condition) !nd it 'ill t!%e
hour) to de!l 'ith the 9ue)tion# . !m not &oin& to )tr!" into th!t ver" intere)tin& topic# <et
the f!ct rem!in) 'hen the d!u&hter &oe) !'!" from her f!therB) home5 the 'onder i) 'hether
)he i) !ble to enAo" the propert" th!t i) &iven to her b" her p!rent)# . h!ve !)%ed m" 2u)lim
)i)ter) !nd brother) !) to 'hether the !&e?lon& cu)tom of &ivin& ! h!lf )h!re to ! d!u&hter5
h!lf of the )onB)5 i) re!ll" pr!ctic!ll"5 enAo"ed# The" )!id th!t e(cept in to'n) it i) not
enAo"ed# Someho' or other the brother doe) the )i)ter in the e"e !nd %noc%) off her propert"
!nd &ive) her )ome compen)!tion# Th!t m!" or m!" not be )o but the f!ct rem!in) th!t there
i) th!t )upreme d!n&er !nd the &re!te)t d!n&er in thi) m!tter i) th!t 'hen "ou reco&ni)e the
f!ct th!t 8, per cent of pattadara !re !ble to p!" onl" $)# 1, !) t!( on E1IE !cre) of 'et l!nd
or four or five !cre) of dr" l!nd5 'here on e!rth i) there ! ch!nce for them to &ive ! )h!re to
the d!u&hter5 'hich )he c!n c!rr" 'ith her or 'hich )he c!n enAo"# . doubt ver" much from
the pr!ctic!l )ide but on the theoretic!l )ide !t !n" r!te the thin& i) un9ue)tion!bl" 9uite
7hen thu) "ou h!ve r!i)ed the )t!tu) of 'omen in )ociet" !nd 'hen "ou h!ve conferred
upon her the ri&ht to !b)olute propert" then "ou mu)t !l)o &ive her cert!in ri&ht) 'hich )elf?
re)pect en&ender) in her n!tur!ll"# The condition) of m!rri!&e !re not condition) of )l!ver"#
.t i) !ll ver" 'ell to )!" th!t m!rri!&e) !re m!de in he!ven !nd th!t once ! hu)b!nd !l'!") !
hu)b!nd or once ! 'ife !l'!") ! 'ife# .t i) ! ver" &ood rule but !t the )!me time there !re
condition) li%e drun%enne))5 per)i)tent cruelt"5 immor!l ch!r!cter on the p!rt of the hu)b!nd5
di)e!)e) li%e lepro)"5 impotenc" !nd v!riou) other condition) 'hich !re enumer!ted b" the
3!' 2ini)ter 'hich Au)tif" ! )ep!r!tion of the hu)b!nd from the 'ife# .f ! m!n feel) free !nd
h!) the ri&ht to )tr!" !bro!d !nd to 'h!tever he '!nt) to do5 if he c!n m!rr" ! )econd time
'hen the fir)t 'ife i) !live5 then of cour)e it mu)t be e9u!ll" open for the 'ife !l)o to m!rr"
! )econd hu)b!nd 'hile the fir)t one i) !live# .m!&ine th!t condition# . )ometime) !)% friend)
'hen . )ee ! "oun& m!n dre))ed in h!t5 boot !nd )uit !nd b" the )ide &oe) ! nicel" cl!d
Hindu l!d" dre))ed in !ll the be!utiful fold) of the Hindu )!ree 6 7ill "ou %indl" rever)e
"our dre))e)8 7ill the hu)b!nd 'e!r ! dhothi !nd the 'ife ! h!t !nd )%irt of ! 1urope!n
'om!n## ho' 'ill it loo%86 .t 'ill loo% !b)urd5 !) !b)urd !) 'hen "ou )i&n "our n!me in
"our mother ton&ue over !n 1n&li)h document# 0nce !n officer !)%ed me not to )i&n in
Telu&u over !n 1n&li)h document# Then . )!id th!t the rever)e )itu!tion of !n 1n&li)h
)i&n!ture over ! !lugu document i) e9u!ll" incon&ruou)# Therefore5 'e mu)t &ive full
freedom to our )i)ter)5 mother) !nd d!u&hter) !nd en!ble them to h!ve Audici!l )ep!r!tion5 if
nece))!r" !nd divorce# But . tru)t !nd hope th!t the di)tin&ui)hed l!die) 'ho !re here !nd
'ho h!ve been l!bourin& for "e!r) in the c!u)e of ri&ht) for 'omen 'ill pre!ch !nd
prop!&!te the f!ct !nd the doctrine th!t divorce i) ! re)erve fund not to be dr!'n upon for
current e(pen)e)5 th!t divorce )hould be the ultim!te re)ort for c!u)e) 'hich !re other'i)e
irremedi!ble# ;ublic opinion5 per)on!l influence5 f!mil" per)u!)ion5 !ll the)e !re there# <ou
mu)t remember th!t the 9u!rrel) bet'een ! hu)b!nd !nd 'ife durin& the d!" !re &ener!ll"
clo)ed up in the ni&ht !nd therefore5 there i) not much ch!nce of perpetu!tin& the)e 9u!rrel)#
7e )hould not m!%e much of them# .n Americ! there i) ! St!te c!lled .ndi!nopoli)5 'here the
porter crie) 6 .ndi!nopoli) St!tion5 T'ent" minute) for divorce#6 The divorce court i) in the
r!il'!" )t!tion it)elf# An" hu)b!nd !nd 'ife h!vin& ! 9u!rrel in the tr!in5 could !ppl" for
divorce !nd &et it before the tr!in dep!rt)# Th!t )hould not be our po)ition# 0ur divorce mu)t
be ! %ind of re)erve fund li%e the Ae'eller" on ! 'om!nB) per)on5 !l'!") to be dr!'n upon
under condition) of the &re!te)t nece))it" !nd never to be li&htl" utili)ed#
The 9ue)tion of !doption i) ! ver" difficult 9ue)tion5 the Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter h!)
!))imil!ted the Mitakushara pr!ctice to th!t of the Dayabhaga. . )uppo)e Dayabhaga obt!in)
in Ben&!l !nd Mitakashara in South .ndi! !nd in Bomb!" there i) ! l!' c!lled Muyuka,
!ccordin& to 'hich !mon&)t the non?Br!hmin) it i) not nece))!r" for the hu)b!nd to &ive
permi))ion !nd the 'ido' c!n !dopt ! child# . h!d re!d ! Aud&ment of the ;riv" Council
)ome ten or t'elve "e!r) !&o# . '!nt th!t l!' to be copied in other p!rt)5 'here )uch
!doption i) not permi))ible !ccordin& to Mitakshara. After !ll 'h" doe) ! f!mil" !dopt ! bo"
8 To perpetu!te the f!mil"# .) it not the ri&ht of the 'ido' to perpetu!te the f!mil" !) much
!) of the dece!)ed hu)b!nd8 .) it onl" the e(clu)ive ri&ht of the m!n 'ho i) dece!)ed to
perpetu!te the f!mil"# .f ! bo" could inherit the propert"5 'h" )hould it not be open to the
mother to !dopt the bo" in her o'n ri&ht !p!rt from the 'ritten or the re&i)tered permi))ion
of her hu)b!nd either b" ! document or b" ! 'ill# .n 1n&li)h l!' or!l 'ill) !re permi))ibleC
'here!) 'ritten 'ill) re9uire t'o )i&n!ture)5 or!l 'ill) re9uire no )uch thin&# After !ll5 b"
or!l 'ill) propertie) 'orth l!%h) !nd crore) !re !lien!ted# 6 All to 'ife 6 on ! ne')p!per bit i)
held to be ! v!lid 'ill# Then 'h" )hould it not be permi))ible in l!' for ! hu)b!nd to &ive
permi))ion or!ll" to hi) 'ife in order th!t )he c!n !dopt# The)e !re point) 'hich the Select
Committee 'ill h!ve to &ive it) con)ider!tion to# ("n $onourabl! M!mb!r) 6 7h"
permi))ion !t !ll8 6) Th!t i) m" contention# .f permi))ion i) nece))!r" 'h" not or!l
permi))ion8 $el!( the l!' re&ul!tin& !doption !) much !) po))ible#
Then there i) the 9ue)tion of mono&!m"# . !m ver" )orr" to note th!t "oun& &irl) in their
bloomin& "outh do not under)t!nd !ll the condition) th!t mu)t be ob)erved in re&!rd to the
proper )election of m!tch for m!rri!&e# 7e h!ve !n !ncient )!"in& 'hich 'hen rendered into
1n&li)h )!")4 <ou mu)t con)ider the pro)perit"5 &ood loo%)5 tr!dition5 pedi&ree5 cultureG!ll
the)e thin&) "ou mu)t con)ider before "ou )elect ! hu)b!nd# But no' it h!) become r!ther
commonG!nd ! ver" di)tin&ui)hed !uthorit" h!) confirmed the )t!tementGth!t educ!ted
&irl) h!ve the h!bit of pic%in& re!d"m!de hu)b!nd) 'ho h!ve !lre!d" &ot ! 'ife !nd five or
)i( children# 7h" doe) thi) h!ppen8 .t i) due to the '!nt of educ!tion durin& their colle&e
d!") !bout the)e m!tter)# Someho' the)e thin&) !re con)idered t!boo !nd ever"bod" )hrin%)
from t!l%in& !bout them !lthou&h ! lot of priv!te t!l% i) inevit!bl" done in re&!rd to the)e
m!tter)# The forbidden fruit h!) never rem!ined unt!)ted# Therefore5 it i) nece))!r" th!t 'e
provide te!chin& in re&!rd to the)e m!tter)# . once )po%e to ! cert!in friend of mineGhe h!)
&iven freedom to hi) d!u&hter 'ith re&!rd to the )election of hi) )on?in?l!'G!nd in the
cour)e of hi) conver)!tion he told me ! )tor" 'hich . l!ter rel!ted to hi) d!u&hter !nd )on?in?
l!' much to their !mu)ement# She '!) !)%ed b" him5 6 o "ou 'i)h to m!rr" )o !nd )o5 !
bo" 'ho i) h!nd)ome5 &ood?loo%in&5 i) 'ell educ!ted5 p!))ed B#3#5 or i) in the profe))ion5 i)
the )on of ! rich m!n !nd h!) !n up)t!ir hou)e 6 !nd )he )!id 6 No5 f!ther5 h!) he &ot no
motor c!r !nd electric li&ht)8 .f he h!) &ot ! motor c!r !nd electric li&ht)5 no m!tter to 'hom
"ou &ive me in m!rri!&e . !m 'illin& to m!rr" him6# Such !re the temper!ment)5 tendencie)
!nd trend) of untutored "outh !nd therefore5 it i) ver" nece))!r" th!t 'e )hould te!ch them
!bout !ll the)e m!tter)# .t i) not enou&h to m!%e l!')4 but it i) nece))!r" to prop!&!te the)e
l!') !nd prop!&!ndi)e the)e l!') in order to educ!te our "oun& &irl) in the direction of
mono&!m"# Th!t i) ver" nece))!r"#
. 'elcome ever" !)pect of thi) Bill# .f there !re defect) 'hich !re obviou) here !nd there .
d!re)!" the" 'ill be remedied b" !ll the di)tin&ui)hed per)on!litie) 'ho)e n!me) h!ve been
mentioned in connection 'ith the form!tion of the Select Committee# . h!ve t!%en ! little
more time th!n nece))!r"# ;erh!p)5 . c!n hold forth for hour) to&ether# . h!ve &ot the
e(perience of F8 "e!r) coverin& ! c!reful )tud" of !ll %ind) of condition) !nd . 'ould h!ve
li%ed ver" much to continue e(cept for the f!ct th!t tod!"B) time i) limited !nd 'e mu)t !ppl"
the &uillotine !t 7 0Bcloc% !nd )ome of our )i)ter) !nd brother) !re ver" !n(iou) to )pe!% !nd
. !m !l)o !n(iou) to he!r them#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad (West Bengal : Muslim) 4 Sir5 . !m in the mo)t unfortun!te
po)ition of h!vin& been ch!r&ed 'ith the communic!tion of cert!in vie') 'hich h!ve been
entru)ted to me b" )ome of m" friend)# The" !re )ome critici)m) of the Bill# . mu)t ho'ever
!))ure the Hou)e th!t per)on!ll" . 'ould full" )upport the Bill# .t) provi)ion) !re l!r&el" in
!ccord 'ith the l!') 'hich prev!il in m" o'n communit" !nd the Bill trie) to do !b)olute
Au)tice to !ll re&!rdle)) of pr!ctic!l re)ult)# .t i) ho'ever5 'ith )ome !mount of nervou)ne))
th!t . h!ve ri)en to )pe!%# 7hen . find th!t )turd" member) of the Hou)e 'ho 'ould h!ve
)po%en !&!in)t the Bill h!ve 9u!iled before ! po'erful !rr!" of five di)tin&ui)hed member)
of the f!ir )e(5 re!d" to )t!nd to their &un)5 little cour!&e c!n . mu)ter in &ivin& out the vie')
'hich . !m ch!r&ed to communic!te#
Sir5 the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter h!) not told u) !n"thin& !bout the opinion) th!t h!ve
been collected !nd printed in the p!mphlet) 'hich h!ve been circul!ted to u)# The" 'ere
m!de !v!il!ble to u) !t ! ver" l!te )t!&e# .f it '!) de)ired th!t Honour!ble 2ember) )hould
re!d them5 !n!l")e them !nd tell the Hou)e the re)ult of their !n!l")i) . thin% the time i) too
)hort# There i) ! p!mphlet the $eport of the Hindu 3!' Committee 'hich cont!in) ! l!r&e
number of opinion)# . !m )orr" thi) '!) not circul!ted !mon&)t the member)#
("n $onourabl! M!mb!r ) 6 .t '!) circul!ted 6)# .t '!) not# Thi) boo% '!) not circul!ted#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 4 .t '!) %ept in the 3ibr!r" for ! ver" lon& time#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 .t '!) not %ept in the 3ibr!r" for ! ver" lon& time# .t h!) been
pl!ced in the 3ibr!r" ver" recentl"# . h!d to bu" it from the m!r%et# .t i) onl" recentl" th!t
)ome copie) 'ere %ept in the 3iber!r"#
Prof. N. G. Ranga (Madras: General): 7h!t i) it8
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: 7hen !n Honour!ble 2ember li%e ;rofe))or $!n&! !)%) B 'h!t
i) thi)8B it onl" )ho')#
Prof. N. G. Ranga4 . !)%ed 'h!t i) it "ou !re referrin& to#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad4 The $eport of the Hindu 3!' Committee#
Prof, N. G. Ranga4 Th!t i)5 the $!o Committee# .t) $eport h!) been before the public for !
Mr. Speaker4 7h!tever it be5 the Honour!ble 2ember m!" proceed#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 The $eport h!) been publi)hed onl" recentl"# . )ubmit th!t in thi)
$eport there i) ! di))entient minute of the l!te >u)tice # N# 2itter# He h!) collected ! l!r&e
number of opinion) !&!in)t the Bill# . do not 'i)h to re!d them# He h!) cl!))ified them
province b" province !nd )ubAect b" )ubAect# There i) no time to de!l 'ith them5 but he h!)
)!id th!t the principle) of the Bill !re oppo)ed b" the entire Hindu communit"5 th!t i) the
orthodo( )ection of the communit"#
. h!ve )tudied !) c!refull" !) it '!) po))ible for me 'ithin the )hort time !v!il!ble5 the
recent opinion) on the Bill obt!ined b" the :overnment !nd circul!ted to u)# . find there i) !
volume of opinion !&!in)t the Bill# .n f!ct5 !t the time 'hen the Committee '!) he!rin&
evidence the evidence in Ben&!l '!) !l)o !ll one '!"# No' in the opinion) circul!ted . find
the opinion in 7e)t Ben&!l i) !ll one '!"# .t i) cle!rl" !&!in)t the Bill# 7h!t i) rem!r%!ble i)
th!t there i) !n opinion b" the Secret!r" of the :overnment of Ben&!l in the 2ini)tr" of 3!'#
Th!t opinion i) to be found in p!per No# 45 opinion No# 17# Th!t opinion i) !&!in)t the Bill# .t
)!") th!t thi) i) not ! proper time to t!%e the Bill# ("n $onourabl! M!mb!r 4 B 7hen '!) th!t
B8) .t be!r) no d!te# .t h!) been circul!ted onl" recentl"Gfive or )i( d!") !&o# .n f!ct it )!")
th!t the Bill i) of f!r?re!chin& import!nce !nd enou&h con)ider!tion h!) not been &iven to the
opinion) e(pre))ed# The Hou)e 'ill be ple!)ed to con)ider the different c!te&orie) of
obAection)# 0ne i) th!t5 thi) Bill )hould not be con)idered b" ! mi(ed 3e&i)l!ture con)i)tin&
of member) of v!riou) communitie)# .t i) for thi) re!)on th!t . !m p!rticul!rl" !n(iou) to
)pe!% !) it '!) fe!red th!t men of different communitie) 'ill r!ther )upport the Bill !nd )poil
the c!u)e of orthodo( Hindui)m# .t i) for thi) re!)on th!t . h!)ten to decl!re th!t . !m not
)upportin& the Bill !) the Hindu communit" i) much !&!in)t it#
0ne of the obAection) i) th!t the introduction of 'omenB) )p!re) 'ould introduce liti&!tion#
There !re m!n" opinion) th!t thi) 'ould le!d to e(ce))ive fr!&ment!tion th!t it 'ill le!d
ultim!tel" to the de)truction of th!t Aoint f!mil" )")tem !mon&)t the Hindu) 'hich h!) )!ved
the communit" from the de)tructive effect) of fr!&ment!tion from 'hich the 2u)lim) mo)t
terribl" )uffer# .t i) )!id !l)o th!t the Hindu l!'Gthe *!di' liter!ture !nd the post *!di'
liter!ture %no'n !) the 6 Srutis 6!nd the 6 Smritis 6 h!ve ! divine ori&in# But the pre)ent Bill
&oe)5 it i) )!id5 !&!in)t the ver" )tructure5 the ver" reli&iou) b!)i) !nd the ver" reli&iou)
)tructure of the Hindu)# .t i) on thi) &round th!t i) )eriou)l" oppo)ed# .t i) !r&ued th!t "ou
c!nnot5 re&!rd !ll thi) reli&iou) l!'5 !ll thi) )!cred liter!ture !) )o much non)en)ic!l
)uper)tition# The" h!ve %ept the Hindu )ociet" !live for !&e) thou&h it i) 9uite true th!t
)ociet" c!nnot rem!in )t!&n!nt# .t mu)t move# But it mu)t move c!utiou)l" !nd 'ith
The pre)ent Bill m!%e) ! ch!n&e 'ith ! )'eepin& )tro%e# Another point th!t h!) been m!de
!pp!rent in the)e obAection) is th!t the pre)ent 3e&i)l!ture '!) elected on one i))ue5 n!mel"
the !tt!inment of independence# The pre)ent Bill5 'hich i) re!ll" of ! ver" )'eepin& !nd
complic!ted ch!r!cter5 !nd it) principle) h!ve not been before the public !nd it 'ould
therefore5 be better to '!it to di&e)t opinion) !nd to p!)) ! con)titution !nd hold election)
m!%in& thi) ! definite i))ue before the public# .t 'ill then be )een 'hether the public !t l!r&e
re!ll" de)ire it# .n f!ct it i) )!id th!t the Bill '!) not properl" circul!ted# 2!n" !))oci!tion)
&ot onl" ! fe' d!")B time or even ! fe' hour) time to con)ider !nd &ive their opinion)# .n
the)e circum)t!nce) it i) !r&ued th!t the Bill )hould not be t!%en into con)ider!tion !t thi)
Then there i) !nother import!nt !)pect of the 9ue)tion# The Bill !ttempt) to m!%e the l!'
!pplic!ble to Hindu) uniforml" throu&hout .ndi!5 but it h!) been pointed out th!t the effect of
uniformit" 'ill not be !tt!ined in vie' of the )hortne)) of time# .t i) 'ell %no'n th!t
!&ricultur!l l!nd i) be"ond the purvie' of thi) Hou)e# .t i) ! provinci!l )ubAect# 7h!tever l!'
'e m!" p!)) 'ill !ffect onl" non?!&ricultur!l l!nd5 'h!tever th!t e(pre))ion m!" me!n# Th!t
e(pre))ion i) !l)o v!&ue# .t h!) been defined in the .ncome T!( Act for the purpo)e of
t!(!tion !nd thi) Bill !) 'ell !) m!n" other Act) h!ve t!%en th!t !) the b!)i)# There m!" be
l!nd) 'hich lie mid'!" bet'een !&ricultur!l !nd non?!&ricultur!l l!nd)# .n f!ct5 !p!rt from
thi) di)tinction5 ! l!r&e proportion of our propert"G!bout 8, per centGcon)i)t) of cultur!ble
l!nd# Thu) it i) perfectl" cle!r th!t the ;rovince) 'ill h!ve to de!l 'ith?them !nd the" m!"
de!l 'ith them in ! different m!nner !nd )ome province) m!" not de!l 'ith them !t !ll# And
then !&!in 'e h!ve the !cceded St!te)# Thou&h Hindu 3!' i) to be the )!meG!nd it i)
!ttempted to m!%e it uniformGthe St!te) people m!" le&i)l!te or m!" not le&i)l!te5 !nd in
c!)e the" le&i)l!te the" m!" m!%e different provi)ion)# .n f!ct the ;rovinci!l :overnment)
!nd the St!te) 'ill be l!r&el" &uided b" loc!l cu)tom !nd loc!l opinion !nd . believe it 'ill
be e(tremel" difficult for the 7e)t Ben&!l 3e&i)l!ture to p!)) ! l!' 'hich i) )o much !&!in)t
the opinion of th!t ;rovince# .t 'ill therefore come to thi) th!t if 'e p!)) thi) l!' the re)ult
'ould be th!t in the c!)e of ! m!n h!vin& t'o cl!))e) of propertie)G! hou)e or buildin& !nd
cert!in !&ricultur!l l!ndGone )et of l!' 'ill !ppl" to non?!&ricultur!l l!nd !nd !nother )et of
l!' 'ill !ppl" to !&ricultur!l l!nd# 7h!tever l!' "ou p!))5 it )hould be uniform !nd it 'ould
be f!r better to collect opinion) from the ;rovinci!l :overnment) !nd to !)% for their con)ent
to &ive Auri)diction to thi) Hou)e to p!)) ! comprehen)ive le&i)l!tion !) 'e h!ve done in
)ome c!)e)# .f comprehen)ivene)) !nd completene)) i) the obAective5 it i) better th!t the
Centr!l 3e&i)l!ture )hould be !rmed 'ith their con)ent !nd de!l 'ith it on !n !ll?.ndi! b!)i)5
!nd it 'ould !l)o be ! proper thin& to !)% the St!te) to co?oper!te in thi) m!tter# The)e !re
)ome of the difficultie)# A) 'e !re 'or%in& !&!in)t time5 it i) impo))ible5 !) the Honour!ble
the 3!' 2ini)ter h!) pointed out5 to de!l 'ith even )ome of the )!lient fe!ture) of the Bill# .t
i) !l)o impo))ible to de!l 'ith )ome of the obAection) e(cept from the border point of vie'#
0ne thin& th!t )tri%e) me i) th!t the opinion) h!ve not been ver" c!refull" )tudied# 7e h!ve
not &ot !n" !n!l")i) of the)e opinion) collected point b" point !nd )upplied to the member)
to en!ble them to de!l 'ith them# .t i) ver" difficult for priv!te 2ember) to re!d the opinion)
!t ! hi&h )peed !nd to !n!l")e them5 )tore them in different comp!rtment) of their br!in) !nd
u)e them in ! cl!))ified form# 0n ! m!tter of )uch &re!t import!nce !) thi)5 it 'ould h!ve
been e(tremel" de)ir!ble for the Honour!ble 2ini)terB) ep!rtment to cl!))if" the opinion)5
!) '!) done before in )uch c!)e)5 !nd circul!te them to en!ble member) to con)ider e!ch
point in the li&ht of the obAection) or )upport in re)pect of e!ch of them#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharati (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 .t i) there in the $eport of the 3!'
Committee5 cl!))ified5 !n!l")ed !nd !ll th!t#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad4 . !m &r!teful for the rem!r%5 but the opinion) of 'hich . !m
)pe!%in& h!ve been received !nd circul!ted !fter the report# .n f!ct the opinion) 'hich h!ve
been circul!ted b" the ep!rtment 'ere received onl" recentl" !nd the" !re on the Bill !) it
i)# But the opinion) collected in the $eport of the Hindu 3!' Committee 'ere collected
before the dr!ftin& of the Bill5 th!t i) durin& the en9uir" )t!&e# The Honour!ble 2ember h!)
mi))ed the point th!t the opinion) . !m )pe!%in& of !re not tho)e publi)hed in the $eport#
The" 'ere )ep!r!tel" printed !nd circul!ted# The)e !re the opinion) 'hich . t!l% of# . thin%
the)e )hould h!ve been c!refull" !n!l")ed !nd printed !lon& 'ith the v!riou) point)# Sir5 . do
not 'i)h to l!bour the m!tter# ;er)on!ll" . !m in f!vour of the Bill5 but the)e !re )ome of the
obAection) 'hich . h!ve been !)%ed to put for'!rd b" cert!in of m" friend)# Th!t i) the
re!)on 'h" . h!ve put them before the Hou)e# There !re ! l!r&e number of other point)5 but
the" !re of ! minor n!ture# .n vie' of the )hortne)) of the time !t our di)po)!l . thin% . )hould
cut )hort m" )peech# Then !&!in le&i)l!tion )hould r!ther follo' public opinion# .t )hould
follo' r!ther th!n cre!te or override public opinion5 !nd . !m &ivin& ! 9uot!tion from !
f!mou) !uthorit"5 the f!ther of modern politic)5 1dmond Bur%e# He )!id on ! f!mou)
6 To follo'5 not to force the public inclin!tion)5 to &ive direction5 ! form !nd technic!l
dre)) !nd ! )pecific )!nction to the &ener!l )en)e of the communit" i) the true end of
But it h!) been pointed in the obAection) th!t there i) no public opinion behind thi) Bill# .t i)
pointed out in )ome of the obAection) th!t onl" )ome of the educ!ted )ection !nd )ome of the
ultr!?modern )ection !re behind it5 but the m!))e)5 mo)t of 'hom !re i&nor!nt5 !re indifferent
to it !nd it h!) not been full" circul!ted in the '!" ! )ubAect of thi) import!nce )hould h!ve
been# .n the)e circum)t!nce)5 . )ubmit thi) for the con)ider!tion of the Hou)e th!t it 'ould
h!ve been better if the Hou)e &!ve direction) to the Select Committee in m!tter) of !
di)puted n!ture5 but in thi) c!)e 'e !re )endin& the Bill 'ithout !n" direction)# . )hould )ee%
! little cl!rific!tion from the Honour!ble 2ini)ter for 3!'# 7ith the)e fe' 'ord)# Sir5 . hope
the point) r!i)ed in the obAection) 'ould be c!refull" con)idered !nd due deci)ion) 'ould be
7ith re&!rd to the per)onnel of the Select Committee5 nothin& could be )!id# The !ble)t5
the mo)t !uthorit!tive !nd mo)t 'ell?informed of the 2ember) h!ve been t!%en in it !nd .
hope !nd believe th!t the" 'ill do full Au)tice to the obAection) r!i)ed !&!in)t the Bill#
Shrimati Hansa Mehta (Bomb!" 4 :ener!l) 4 2r# Spe!%er5 Sir5 . con&r!tul!te the
Honour!ble 2ini)ter for brin&in& thi) Bill even !t thi) l!te hour of the Se))ion# . !l)o
con&r!tul!te or r!ther . e(pre)) m" )en)e of &r!titude to Sir B# N# $!u !nd hi) colle!&ue) for
the &re!t l!bour the" h!ve be)to'ed on the $eport on 'hich the)e recommend!tion) !re
b!)ed# Thi) Bill to codif" the Hindu 3!' i) ! revolution!r" Bill !nd thou&h 'e !re not 9uite
)!ti)fied 'ith it5 it 'ill be ! &re!t l!ndm!r% in the )oci!l hi)tor" of the Hindu)# But )ince thi)
Bill '!) dr!fted m!n" thin&) h!ve h!ppened !nd one of the bi&&e)t thin&) th!t h!) h!ppened
i) the !chievement of our politic!l freedom# 0ur ne' Con)titution i) in the m!%in&C 'e h!ve
!lre!d" !&reed upon the fund!ment!l principle) on 'hich thi) ne' Con)titution i) to be
dr!fted# The ne' St!te i) &oin& to be ! democr!tic St!te !nd democr!c" i) b!)ed on the
e9u!lit" of individu!l)# .t i) from thi) point of vie' th!t 'e h!ve no' to !ppro!ch the
problem) of inherit!nce !nd m!rri!&e etc# th!t !re before u)# The Select Committee 'ill
therefore5 h!ve to )ee th!t the ne' Bill i) dr!fted on the)e principle)#
.t i) true th!t the Code h!) !boli)hed the )i( di)crimin!tion 'ith re&!rd to inherit!nce# A
'om!n i) reco&ni)ed !) !n heir !nd )he i) !l)o entitled to enAo" her propert" in her full ri&ht)C
th!t i)5 the Code h!) !boli)hed the limited e)t!te of the 'om!n# 1ven then 'e feel th!t it doe)
not &o f!r enou&h# A d!u&hter 'ho i) reco&ni)ed !n heir inherit) the propert"5 but )he inherit)
h!lf the )h!re of the )on# Thi) viol!te) the principle of e9u!lit" on 'hich 'e h!ve !&!in !nd
!&!in )!id th!t our ne' Con)titution i) &oin& to be b!)edG! Con)titution 'hich !im) to
)ecure for the people of thi) countr" Au)tice5 )oci!l5 politic!l !nd economic# 7e5 therefore5
feel th!t the d!u&hter )hould &et !n e9u!l )h!re in the propert" of her f!ther 'ith the )on !nd
the )on !l)o )hould &et !n e9u!l )h!re in the propert" of hi) mother 'ith the d!u&hter# .t i)
!l)o !r&ued th!t ! d!u&hter &et) her )h!re from her f!ther !) 'ell !) from her hu)b!nd5 'hile
the m!n doe) not &et !n"thin&5 from hi) 'ife# 7e h!ve !lre!d" propo)ed5 th!t i) the 7omenB)
0r&!ni)!tion) h!ve )!id5 th!t the hu)b!nd c!n !l)o inherit the propert" of hi) 'ife in the )!me
'!" th!t the 'ife inherit) the propert" of her hu)b!nd# .n the .ndi!n Succe))ion Act the
provi)ion for the inherit!nce of hu)b!nd i) !lre!d" there !nd . thin% 'e )h!ll do 'ell to cop"
th!t provi)ion#
;eople h!ve !r&ued5 !nd the honour!ble friend 'ho )po%e before me h!) )!id th!t if !
d!u&hter i) &iven her )h!re5 e)peci!ll" in ! l!nded propert"5 there 'ill be fr!&ment!tion of
l!nd# But 'h" i) thi) !r&ument trotted out in the c!)e of ! d!u&hterB) inherit!nce8 The )!me
thin& !pplie) if ! m!n h!) more th!n one )onC if he h!)5 )!"5 four or five )on) the l!nd h!) to
be fr!&mentedC 'h" i) the !r&ument not trotted out then5 !nd onl" trotted out 'hen the
9ue)tion of d!u&hter) inheritin& the propert" come) up8 The better thin& 'ould be th!t there
)hould be l!' !&!in)t fr!&ment!tion !nd the propert" )hould be )old if it &oe) belo' the
pre)cribed limit# 0r there i) !nother !ltern!tive !nd th!t i) collectivi)!tion of the l!nd#
Then 'ith re&!rd to the 9ue)tion of m!rri!&e# . !m &r!tified5 !nd the 'omen of .ndi! 'ill
be ver" h!pp" to %no'5 th!t the principle of mono&!m" i) reco&ni)ed5 !nd if the Code come)
into bein& then the principle of mono&!m" 'ill be e)t!bli)hed# Sir5 'e h!ve felt th!t !ll
civili)ed n!tion)5 !ll civili)ed communitie) h!ve !dopted the principle of mono&!m"#
i)re)pect for 'omen !nd !ll the !trocitie) th!t 'e he!r of perpetr!ted on 'omen !re . thin%
due to the f!ct th!t thi) principle of pol"&!m" e(i)t)# .f 'e h!d mono&!m"5 . do not thin% th!t
'omen 'ould h!ve been !bducted5 m!rried off or other thin&) 'ould h!ve h!ppened to them#
Thi) i) ! ver" 'hole)ome principle !nd . hope the Hou)e 'ill !ccept it# ?
But 'ith re&!rd to )ome of the condition) of m!rri!&e there !re one or t'o point) th!t .
'ould li%e to )u&&e)t# 7ith re&!rd to the m!rri!&e of the sapindas !nd the definition of
sapinda, that re9uire) ! little revi)ionC 'e !re not 9uite )!ti)fied 'ith the definition th!t i)
&iven in the Code# Then !&!in5 'e 'ould li%e the !&e of m!rri!&e !l)o to be ! condition of !
v!lid m!rri!&e# 7e h!ve &ot the S!rd! Act but th!t i) not )!ti)f!ctor"C th!t h!) not )!ti)fied
the people bec!u)e it h!) not been !ble to prevent child m!rri!&e)C it i) not effective# *or th!t
re!)on 'e 'ould li%e the l!' to be more dr!)tic# .f 'e '!nt )i(teen to be the !&e of m!rri!&e5
then it i) ver" nece))!r" th!t it )hould be included !) one of the condition) of v!lid m!rri!&e
!nd . 'ould li%e the Select Committee to m!%e th!t ch!n&e#
Then 'ith re&!rd to divorce5 even th!t from the point of vie' of )ome doe) not &o f!r
enou&h# There i)5 ho'ever5 one thin& th!t . 'ould li%e to brin& to the notice of the member)
of the Select Committee !nd th!t i)5 the time &iven for de)ertion# .f ! m!n or ! 'om!n de)ert)
hi) or her )pou)e5 it h!) been provided5 he or )he c!n divorce her or him !fter five "e!r)# *ive
"e!r) i) the period &iven in the Code# 1ven in 6 +arad Smriti , it i) &iven th!t ! childle))
'om!n )hould '!it for three "e!r)# After three "e!r) )he c!n m!rr" !&!in# So 'h" not !l)o
brin& th!t p!rticul!r provi)ion here th!t if ! 'om!n i) childle))5 )he need not '!it till five
"e!r)5 but c!n divorce her hu)b!nd !fter three "e!r)8 .f ! 'om!n h!) &ot children5 then five
"e!r) 'ould be the ri&ht period5 but for ! childle)) 'om!n three "e!r) 'ould be ! re!)on!ble
7ith re&!rd to &u!rdi!n)hip5 here !l)o the Code h!) not m!de !n" ch!n&e) in the pre)ent
l!'# *!ther i) the n!tur!l &u!rdi!n of the children# The mother doe) not come in# 7e 'ould
li%e the mother !l)o to be ! co?&u!rdi!n of the children 'ith the f!ther#
7ith re&!rd to !doption5 . thin% the 'hole ch!pter )hould be )cr!pped# 7e !re ! )ecul!r
St!te# 7e '!nt to be ! )ecul!r St!te# Adoption in Hindu l!' i) for reli&iou) purpo)e)# 7h"
)hould ! )ecul!r St!te h!ve !n"thin& to do 'ith ! reli&iou) cu)tom8 7h!t 'e !re concerned
'ith i) 'hether !doption 'hich i) for reli&iou) purpo)e) )hould be reco&ni)ed b" the St!te
for purpo)e) of inherit!nce# 7e )!" th!t it )hould not# .f ! child i) !doptedG'hether it i) !
bo" or ! &irlG'e 'ould li%e ! d!u&hter !l)o to be !doptedGif ! child i) !dopted not for
reli&iou) purpo)e5 but for re!l purpo)e5 i#e# th!t the p!rent) '!nt ! child5 then th!t child
)hould h!ve the )!me ri&ht) !) the n!tur!l child# But5 if there i) !doption for reli&iou)
purpo)e)5 onl" then . thin% th!t !doption )hould not be reco&ni)ed for purpo)e) of
The)e !re )ome of the import!nt point) th!t . 'ould li%e the Select Committee to con)ider#
Speeche) h!ve been m!de5 !t le!)t m" Honour!ble friend r# ;!tt!bhi h!) m!de ! ver" lon&
)peechGpr!i)in& !ll )ort) of timin&) !bout our p!)t tr!dition)# 7e h!ve loo%ed too much to
the p!)t# 7e mu)t no' loo% to the future# .t i) for the future &ener!tion th!t 'e !re m!%in&
thi) l!'# .t i) not for u)5 but for the future &ener!tion th!t i) comin& !fter u) th!t thi) l!' 'ill
be !pplied# 7e h!ve to loo% to the future condition)# After !ll5 it i) the condition) th!t
determine the l!'# The l!' reflect) the )ociet"# The l!' reflect) the condition) in 'hich the
people live# 7e h!ve to )ee th!t the future &ener!tion i) not fettered b" our o'n preAudice)
'ith re&!rd to m!rri!&e or divorce or 'ith re&!rd to !n" other ide!) th!t 'e m!" h!ve tod!"#
. hope the Select Committee 'ill con)ider th!t !nd produce ! Bill 'hich 'ill be ! &re!t boon
to the future Hindu )ociet"#
Shri Ram Sahai (:'!lior St!te)4 (-nglish tmnslution of th! $indi sp!!'h. 2r# Spe!%er5
Sir5 . h!ve nothin& to )!" p!rticul!rl" in reference to the Bill# . !ppreci!te the m!nner in
'hich thi) Bill h!) been dr!fted !fter %eepin& in vie' the need) of the pre)ent d!" Hindu
Societ"# But5 . find in it one or t'o defect)5 !nd . thin% it nece))!r" to e(pl!in them for the
con)ider!tion of the Select Committee#
.t h!) been l!id do'n in Section D(F) of ;!rt .= of the Bill th!t in c!)e of minor &irl)5 the
con)ent of her &u!rdi!n mu)t be obt!ined for her m!rri!&e# But )o f!r !) the 9ue)tion of
decl!rin& the m!rri!&e !) inv!lid i) concerned5 it h!) been )t!ted in Section + th!t it )h!ll not
be deemed to be inv!lid merel" on the &round th!t )uch con)ent '!) not or h!d not been
obt!ined# . f!il to under)t!nd 'h" it )hould not be deemed to be inv!lid 'hen it h!) been
e(pre))l" l!id do'n
th!t the con)ent of the &u!rdi!n mu)t be obt!ined# .f the con)ent of the &u!rdi!n h!d been
obt!ined b" me!n) of fr!ud or force5 th!t m!rri!&e c!n be deemed to be inv!lid5 but if the
con)ent h!d not been obt!ined !t !ll5 then 'h" )hould not the m!rri!&e be deemed to be
inv!lid8 0n the contr!r" it h!) been l!id do'n th!t the m!rri!&e 'ill not be deemed to be
inv!lid merel" for thi) re!)on# Thi) i) the one defect 'hich )hould be con)idered b" the
Select Committee#
Another point 'hich . h!ve to mention i) in re&!rd to B Succe))ion B !nd 'hich 2r)# H!n)!
2eht! h!) Au)t referred to in her )peech# But . do not )ee e"e to e"e 'ith the vie') e(pre))ed
b" her !nd !m of the opinion th!t the m!nner in 'hich the order of )ucce))ion h!) been
pre)cribed i&nore) the fund!ment!l tenet) of Dharam Shastras (Hindu Code of 3!')# . do
not me!n th!t the 'omen )hould not be &iven !n" ri&ht)# . !m of the opinion th!t5 the" h!ve
been &iven more ri&ht) here th!n men# . m!" point out th!t 'hile ! d!u&hter &et) ! )h!re both
in her p!trimon" !nd the propert" of her hu)b!ndB) f!mil"5 there doe) not e(i)t !n")uch
provi)ion in thi) Bill 'hich &ive) ! m!n ! )h!re in the propert" of hi) f!ther?in?l!' in
!ddition to hi) p!trimon"# The men !re thu)5 bein& )ubAected to the )!me inAu)tice 'hich h!)
uptil no' been done to the 'omen# 0n the contr!r"5 it c!n be !r&ued th!t the )h!re 'hich hi)
'ife 'ill &et in her p!trimon" 'ill m!%e up the deficienc"# But !fter con)iderin& obAect)
underl"in& the Bill !nd the 'orldl" condition) 'hich h!ve nece))it!ted it5 it i) felt th!t the
re!l problem rem!in) un)olved# The re!)on for thi) i) th!t the propert" 'hich ! 'om!n
!c9uire) out of her p!trimon" )h!ll be tre!ted !) her Stridh!n! !nd her hu)b!nd 'ill h!ve no
ri&ht to th!t5 therefore5 he 'ill not derive !n" p!rticul!r benefit from thi)# .n thi) '!"5 .
)ubmit thi) )econd point for con)ider!tion b" the Select Committee 'hich i) ver" e))enti!l#
. h!ve "et to )!" !nother thin&# 7h!tever m!" be the difference) bet'een the tenet) of
Dharam shastra !nd the pre)ent d!" condition)5 . feel th!t 'e mu)t follo' the fund!ment!l
principle) propounded thereinC !nd %eepin& the)e in vie' 'e )hould decide !ll the i))ue)# 7e
)hould m!%e onl" tho)e ch!n&e) 'hich !re con)idered nece))!r" in vie' of the pre)ent
condition) !nd trend of the )ociet"# 7e )hould not re)ort to introduce !n" ch!n&e merel"
under e(citement or in imit!tion of the 'e)tern civili)!tion 'hich m!" ob)truct the &ro'th of
our )ociet" !nd produce )ome )ort of difficultie) th!t m!" not be de)ir!ble#
Therefore5 . 'ould )ubmit th!t tho)e 'ho !re member) of the Select Committee )hould
con)ider the)e thin&) !nd tr" to m!%e nece))!r" !mendment)#

Dr. B. V. Keskar (/#;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 . t!%e thi) opportunit" of con&r!tul!tin& the
Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter for brin&in& thi) Bill for'!rd in )pite of the inordin!te del!"
th!t h!) t!%en pl!ce )ince thi) ide! '!) fir)t conceived# Sir there i) no doubt th!t thi) i) !
ver"5 ver" import!nt Bill# A) m" Honour!ble friend# r# ;!tt!bhi )!id5 . do not thin% there
h!) been !n" bill )o r!dic!l !nd )o revolution!r" 'hich i) tr"in& to ch!n&e the ver"
found!tion) of Hindu )ociet"5 ! )ociet" 'hich h!) rem!ined fo))iliJed for the l!)t thou)!nd
"e!r)# No doubt !nd it i) to th!t th!t . '!nt to dr!' the !ttention of thi) Hou)e !nd the
member) of the Select Committee5 the ver" f!ct th!t thi) )ociet" h!) rem!ined fo))iliJed for
the l!)t thou)!nd "e!r) !nd h!) developed )uch inerti!5 )uch leth!r&"5 in the bod" politic th!t
!ll m!nner !nd !ll %ind) of force) 'ill come for'!rd to impede the p!))in& of thi) Bill !nd
p!))in& of !n" Bill to ch!n&e the e(i)tin& )tructure of Hindu )ociet"# .t i) to thi) inerti!5 thi)
leth!r&" of Hindu )ociet" 'hich h!) prob!bl" become it) b!ne5 th!t the member) of the
Select Committee !nd the honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter 'ill h!ve to loo% to5 bec!u)e . h!ve
no doubt th!t until thi) Bill i) p!))ed5 to the ver" l!)t moment ever" )ort of effort5 'ill be
m!de to )ee th!t thi) Bill doe) not become ! l!'# The ch!n&e) th!t !re )u&&e)ted !re )uch
th!t there i) ! fund!ment!l ch!n&e in Hindu l!'# . %no' th!t orthodo(" 'ill tr" in ever" '!"#
2" honour!ble friend5 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d '!) &ood enou&h to voice the !l!rm of !
cert!in )ection of the orthodo( )ociet" !bout the revolution!r" n!ture of thi) Bill# No doubt5
)ome of the ch!n&e) )u&&e)ted !ppe!r revolution!r"# But !) r# ;!lt!bhi ri&htl" ob)erved the
ch!n&e) !re re!ll" not revolution!r"# The" !re due to the f!ct th!t for the l!)t )o m!n"
centurie)5 Hindu )ociet" h!) not been !llo'ed to evolve# So 'e h!ve to tr" to ch!n&e in ! fe'
d!") 'h!t 'ould h!ve been done in centurie)# . 'ould5 therefore5 !)% the 2ember) of the
Select Committee not to f!ll ! pre" to the pre))ure of 'h!t i) c!lled the )o?c!lled orthodo(
opinion 'hich i) re!ll" the opinion of the inerti! of )o m!n" centurie) 'hich doe) not '!nt
!n"thin& to ch!n&e5 but !fter thin%in& over it for "e!r) !nd "e!r)5 'hich re!ll" con)ider) th!t
!n" ch!n&e i) !n !tt!c% on Hindu reli&ion# . 'ould !)% them to &u!rd !&!in)t the)e !nd &o
for'!rd in )pite of !ll thi) pre))ure#
There i) no doubt th!t 9uite !p!rt from the 9ue)tion of m!%in& !n" r!dic!l ch!n&e in Hindu
l!'5 the nece))it" for con)olid!tin& the Hindu l!' '!) ver" ur&ent# Sir5 the pre)ent d!"
Hindu l!' i) ! m!JeC it i) ! Aun&le li%e the urai or Sund!rbans in 'hich !ll )ort) of pr!ctice)
!nd tr!dition) come upC in 'hich !ll th!t purani' boo% !nd prev!ilin& cu)tom) in m!n" p!rt)
of .ndi!5 in m!n" re&ion) !nd province)5 in m!n" c!)te)5 )ub?c!)te)C )ub?)ub?c!)te) come into
pl!" !nd 'hich i) n!tur!ll" ! p!r!di)e for l!'"er)# Thi) to ! cert!in e(tent mi&ht not h!ve
been unde)ir!ble5 but it h!) &ro'n to )uch !n e(tent th!t the time h!) come 'hen thi) m!Je
of tr!dition) !nd counter?tr!dition) )hould be put !n end to !nd 'e mu)t r!tion!li)e !nd
con)olid!te the l!'# Thi) i) 9uite !p!rt from !n" 9ue)tion of ch!n&in& the Hindu 3!'# So
from both point) of vie'5 . con)ider th!t ! bill of thi) %ind i) overdue#
. r!ther 'ould '!rn the member) of the Select Committee to )ee th!t the Bill i) not del!"ed
too much# Alre!d" the fir)t Committee '!) !ppointed in 1944# The ide! !nd )ome of the
propo)!l) !bout the Bill h!ve been circul!tin& for the l!)t )o m!n" "e!r) !nd even no' 'e
find before u) propo)!l) 'hich 'ill circul!te it the more# No'5 . 'ould li%e them to tr" to
curb thi) period of di)cu))ion !) little !) po))ible !nd to brin& thi) Bill before the Hou)e5 the
l!te)t before the ne(t )e))ion# Sir5 . 'elcome thi) Bill#
Begum Aizaz Rasul (/#;#4 2u)lim) 4 Sir5 . do not de)ire to t!%e up much time of the
Hou)e5 bec!u)e . %no' th!t the time i) ver" limited5 but . thin% . 'ould be f!ilin& in m" dut"
if . do not )t!nd up !nd 'elcome the me!)ure th!t h!) Au)t been brou&ht before the Hou)e b"
the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter# Sir5 it i) in the fitne)) of thin&) th!t 'ith the !chievement
of freedom in thi) countr" !nd the e)t!bli)hment of ! N!tion!l :overnment5 ! me!)ure of thi)
%ind )hould h!ve been brou&ht before thi) Hou)e# . onl" hope th!t the Select Committee 'ill
not del!" &ivin& it) report !nd th!t thi) Hou)e 'ill h!ve !n opportunit" of p!))in& thi)
me!)ure into l!' !nd puttin& it on the )t!tute boo% !) e!rl" !) po))ible#
There i) no doubt# Sir5 th!t the provi)ion) of thi) Bill !re e(tremel" f!r?re!chin& !nd the
provi)ion) !bout m!rri!&e5 divorce5 inherit!nce !nd !doption th!t !re bein& brou&ht for'!rd
!re e(tremel" r!dic!l me!)ure)# .t i) !n e(tremel" import!nt m!tter !nd the codific!tion of
Hindu l!' 'ill cert!inl" be loo%ed upon !) one of the mo)t momentou) piece) of le&i)l!tion
th!t h!) ever been brou&ht for'!rd in thi) Hou)e#
Sir5 'ithout &oin& into the different cl!u)e) of thi) Bill5 . 'elcome thi) me!)ure# Sir5 it i) b"
the )t!tu) of the 'omen of ! countr" th!t the )ociet" of th!t countr" i) Aud&ed !nd there i) no
doubt th!t the Hindu 'omen 'ere ver" b!c%'!rd in .ndi!# The 2u)lim) h!ve t!%en pride in
the f!ct th!t the Shariat l!' &ive) them &re!t ri&ht)# . !&ree 'ith m" Honour!ble friend# r#
;!tt!bhi 'hen he )!id th!t !lthou&h the Shariat h!) &iven m!n" ri&ht)5 the" !re not follo'ed
in the letter !nd . do %no' th!t there !re m!n" p!rt) in .ndi! tod!" 'here in )pite of the f!ct
th!t 2u)lim 'omen do enAo" !ll the ri&ht) &iven to them b" Shariat, th!y !re not bein&
follo'ed in the letter !t !ll# .n the ;unA!b the cu)tom!r" l!' )till prev!il) !nd the d!u&hter)
!re !b)olutel" di)inherited from the propert" of their f!ther)# .n the )!me '!" in the /#;#
!lthou&h in )ome p!rt) of the ;rovince Shariat h!) prev!iled5 2u)lim 'omen do not )h!re in
the propert" !mon&)t the talukdars !nd therefore5 . !m &l!d th!t thi) piece of le&i)l!tion th!t
i) bein& brou&ht for'!rd 'ill put the Hindu 'omen on ! p!r 'ith 2u)lim 'omen !) f!r !)
their ri&ht) !re concerned# A) . )!id# Sir5 . hope th!t no )ection of )ociet" 'ill oppo)e thi)
me!)ure# There i) no doubt th!t thi) bein& )uch ! fund!ment!l tre!)ure !nd !l)o connected in
m!n" '!") 'ith reli&ion5 there 'ill be cert!in )ection) of )ociet" !mon&)t the Hindu) 'ho
'ill oppo)e it5 but# Sir5 it need) cour!&eou) mind) to brin& for'!rd cour!&eou) me!)ure) !nd
therefore5 . hope th!t orthodo( opinion in the countr" 'hich loo%) 'ith di)f!vour upon thi)
le&i)l!tion 'ill not )t!nd in the '!" of it) bein& p!))ed !nd . hope th!t thi) Bill th!t i) &oin&
no' to the Select Committee 'ill come out even in ! more improved form !nd th!t thi)
me!)ure 'ill not be del!"ed# Societ" )hould not be )t!tic !nd !) 'e &o for'!rd on the ro!d to
pro&re))5 it i) nece))!r" th!t 'omen )hould come into their o'n !nd unle)) the 'omen of
.ndi! )t!nd on their o'n feet economic!ll"5 it i) !b)olutel" impo))ible for .ndi! to &o for'!rd
on the ro!d to pro&re))# 7ith the)e fe' 'ord)5 . &ive m" 'hole?he!rted )upport to thi)
Shri Rohini Kumar Chaudhuri (A))!m 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 . thin% . mu)t con&r!tul!te the
Honour!ble 2ini)ter?in?ch!r&e of thi) Bill# He mu)t h!ve &re!tl" li%ed thi) hour of the d!"
'hen he h!) received )o much ov!tion from cert!in )ection) of the Hou)e# But5 . thin%5 .
)hould not be con)idered to be critici)in& in ! 'ron& )pirit 'hen . )!" th!t the title of thi) Bill
i) ! mi)nomerC it i) not ! Hindu Code but it )hould more !ppropri!tel" h!ve been c!lled !
Hindu 7omenB) Code# Sir5 . do not under)t!nd 'h" onl" three or four d!") !fter 'e p!))ed
the $e)olution !bout h!vin& ! )ecul!r :overnment !nd )toppin& of commun!l or&!ni)!tion)
'e )hould h!ve &one out of our '!" to le&i)l!te in )uch ! h!)t" m!nner onl" for ! p!rticul!r
communit"# After h!vin& decided to e)che' !ll commun!l or&!ni)!tion) . )hould li%e to
%no' 'h" 'e )hould not h!ve been &iven time to thin% out !nd dr!' up ! piece of le&i)l!tion
'hich 'ould include !ll )ubAect) of the St!te5 Hindu5 2u)lim5 Chri)ti!n5 etc# .f the
Honour!ble 2ini)ter i) not led !'!" b" f!ir influence) in thi) Hou)e5 . thin% it i) not "et too
l!te to 'ithdr!' thi) Bill !nd if he 'ithdr!') it 'ith ! promi)e to brin& in ! more
comprehen)ive Bill !t ! l!ter d!te5 hi) !ction in )o 'ithdr!'in& 'ould h!ve &re!ter merit th!n
the 'ithdr!'!l 'hich he m!de ! fe' minute) !&o# . %no' th!t )ome 'omen of our countr"
!re ver" !n(iou) to )n!tch !'!" ! portion of inherit!nce from their brother)C . %no' )ome
influenti!l 'omen of thi) countr" !re !n(iou) to put !n end to m!rri!&e) to 'hich the" 'ere
un'illin&l" led !nd 'hich the" h!ve found unbe!r!ble# .t i) !l)o perh!p) ! f!ct th!t )ome
educ!ted !nd pro&re))ive l!die) of our countr" 'ho c!nnot thin% of pol"&!m" of !n" %ind !re
no' !n(iou) to h!ve le&i)l!tion for the remov!l of the)e thin&)# B" en!ctin& thi) Hindu Code
"ou !re revolutioni)in& the 'hole )tructure of Hindu life !nd l!' !nd cu)tom# But for 'hom
!re "ou doin& it !nd 'ho i) &oin& to be benefited b" it8 The l!r&e m!)) of people 'ho
depend on !&riculture !nd !&ricultur!l propert" !re out)ide the p!le of thi) le&i)l!tion# Are
the poorer Hindu) in our vill!&e) cl!mourin& for divorce8 Are the" cl!mourin& for propertie)
to be &ot from their p!rent)8 Not !t !ll# <ou '!nt thi) le&i)l!tion for 'h!t "ou c!ll the
enli&htened )ection of our people5 men !nd 'omen# .t i) for the rich m!n 'ho &!ve hi)
d!u&hter in m!rri!&e to ! poor m!n 'ho hoped to &ive hi) 'ife )ome po)ition but h!) not
been !ble to &ive it !nd hi) d!u&hter h!) become unh!pp"C !nd )o he '!nt) to &et rid of thi)
m!rri!&e# Thi) le&i)l!tion i) &oin& to help th!t %ind of individu!l#
Then5 Sir5 'ith reference to cu)tom !nd u)!&e5 cu)tom pl!") ! ver" import!nt p!rt in Hindu
l!' !) !dmini)tered in m" province# . '!nt to l!" p!rticul!r )tre)) on our province bec!u)e
there i) no one 'ho repre)ent) u) in the Select Committee# A) !ll l!'"er) 'ould %no'5 the
cu)tom) 'hich h!ve t!%en the pl!ce of Hindu l!' in A))!m !re ver" peculi!r# . c!n cite the
;riv" Council c!)e of 6 Muniram Katita 6 ver)u) 6 K!ri Kalitani 6 'hich h!) pr!ctic!ll"
revolutioni)ed Hindu l!' !) !dmini)tered !mon& the Hindu)#
Then there i) the 9ue)tion of trib!l people# Accordin& to thi) Bill the" 'ould be con)idered
Hindu) !nd the" !re re!ll" Hindu) if the" h!ve not !dopted .)l!m or Chri)ti!nit" or
Buddhi)m5 etc# Are "ou &oin& to thru)t on them thi) piece of le&i)l!tion8 .f "ou !)% them to
h!ve thi) )")tem of inherit!nce the" 'ill )impl" revolt !&!in)t "ou# There !re different %ind)
of cu)tom in A))!m# Amon&)t the Khasia people of A))!m the "oun&e)t d!u&hter inherit) the
propert"# No' "ou !re &ivin& it to the 'ido'5 the )onB) 'ido'5 the 'ido'ed d!u&hter5 the
)onB) d!u&hter?in?l!' !nd )o forth# 7ill the" toler!te it for ! moment if "ou introduce thi)
le&i)l!tion !mon& them8 <ou h!ve introduced )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e !nd civil m!rri!&e# Sh!ll
. tell "ou ho' the &a'haris &et m!rried8 Some bo" !nd &irl come to %no' e!ch other !nd the
&irl i) forcibl" t!%en !'!" from the p!rent) !fter 'hich the ceremon" of m!rri!&e t!%e)
pl!ce# 7ill "ou !)% them to &ot to the $e&i)tr!rB) 0ffice !nd &et m!rried there8
Then 'e !re ver" much !&!in)t do'r"# The)e rich people 'ho c!n !fford to &ive do'r" &et
their d!u&hter) m!rried ver" 9uic%l"5 even thou&h the" m!" be blind or u&l"# .f . h!d no
mone" . 'ould mort&!&e m" hou)e !nd ever"thin& th!t . po))e)) in order to &ive ! do'r"
!nd thu) &et rid of m" d!u&hter# But 'h!t 'ill h!ppen no'8 The d!u&hter 'ill inherit p!rt of
the propert"# So 'hen . )ee% bride) for m" )on)Gfortun!tel" . h!ve five )on)G1 )h!ll loo%
for'!rd to th!t f!mil" 'here the d!u&hter) 'ill inherit )omethin& !nd not &o to !n ordin!r"
per)on 'ho 'ill h!ve to borro' or mort&!&e hi) propert"# Are "ou &oin& to le&i)l!te for poor
people in thi) '!"8 Amon& the poor there i) onl" !&ricultur!l propert"# .f "ou include the te!
&!rden) th!t i) different5 but there i) no !&ricultur!l propert" !mon& them# And there i) no
9ue)tion of bi& inherit!nce !nd therefore5 the poor m!nB) d!u&hter5 ho'ever be!utiful !nd
!ccompli)hed )he m!" be h!) no ch!nce# . thin% thi) me!)ure re9uire) ver" )eriou)
con)ider!tion5 )o f!r !) cu)tom) !nd u)!&e !nd other point) !re concerned !nd it i) not proper
to p!)) thi) le&i)l!tion in )uch hurr"# . )hould h!ve )!id )omethin& more !l)o# Sir5 but in thi)
Hou)e there !re per)on) 'ho !re )till unm!rriedC )o it 'ould not be f!ir on m" p!rt to
di)clo)e !ll m" obAection) to thi) Bill#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar4 2r# Spe!%er5 m" t!)% i) con)ider!bl" li&htened
b" the f!ct th!t the Bill h!) received )uch !n !mple me!)ure of )upport from thi) Hou)e# .
)h!ll5 therefore5 confine m")elf to repl"in& to )ome of the point) 'hich h!ve been m!de b"
the )pe!%er) 'ho h!ve p!rticip!ted in thi) deb!te#
. 'ould be&in 'ith the ob)erv!tion) m!de b" m" honour!ble friend5 2r# N!Jiruddin
Ahm!d# Sir5 . thou&ht th!t the 3e&i)l!ture '!) not ! court !nd th!t ! 2ember of thi) Hou)e
'ho i) ! l!'"er cert!inl" doe) not come here either to pr!cti)e or to ple!d# But )omeho' m"
friend either for fee or out of pure &enero)it"5 undertoo% the t!)% of repre)entin& the vie') of
)ome of hi) client) 'ho prob!bl" h!d not the cour!&e to )!" 'h!t the" h!d in their mind# .
)h!ll5 ho'ever5 not r!i)e !n" technic!l obAection) but de!l 'ith the point) th!t he h!) m!de#
Sir5 hi) compl!int '!) th!t the Bill h!d no )ufficient publicit" !nd th!t the public '!) not
&iven !) !mple !n opportunit" !) the import!nce of the me!)ure re9uired# . )hould h!ve
thou&ht th!t the client) of m" honour!ble friend h!d r!ther mi)informed him on thi) point#
Thi) Bill h!d it) ori&in in ! le&i)l!tion 'hich too% effect in the "e!r 19D7# 1ver )ince th!t
"e!r the provi)ion) of thi) Bill h!ve been b!ndied from one )ide to the other5 from committee
to committee# *or in)t!nce in the "e!r 19415 the Home ep!rtment !ppointed ! Committee to
con)ider )ome of the difficultie) th!t !ro)e out of the 7omenB) $i&ht) to ;ropert" Act of
19D75 to report upon the difficultie) !nd to )u&&e)t remedie)# Thi) Committee 'hich i)
%no'n !) the $!u Committee m!de it) report on the 19th >une 1941# 2" Honour!ble friend5
if he h!d referred to thi) report 'ould h!ve )een the immen)e !mount of publicit" th!t
Committee &!ve to it) propo)!l)5 the number of 9ue)tionn!ire) th!t it i))ued5 the )t!tement)
th!t it received5 the 'itne))e) th!t it e(!mined !nd the pere&rin!tion) it undertoo% from
province to province in order to !)cert!in loc!l public opinion# A&!in in 194E thi) ver"
Committee )ubmitted t'o dr!ft Bill)5 one on )ucce))ion !nd the other on m!rri!&e# The
Hindu Succe))ion Bill '!) introduced in the A))embl" in 194D# Th!t '!) referred to ! Aoint
Committee of both Hou)e)# Th!t Aoint committee !&!in invited public opinion !nd ! volume
of them 'ere collected !nd circul!ted to the then le&i)l!ture in e(i)tence# H!vin& re&!rd to !ll
the)e5 . !m )ure th!t the )t!tement m!de b" m" honour!ble friend th!t the :overnment h!d
not &iven )ufficient publicit" c!nnot be !ccepted !) truth#
He !l)o referred to the report5 the 2inorit" $eport of >u)tice 2itter5 'here !l)o he h!)
!n!l")ed the pros and 'ons of the v!riou) point) cont!ined in thi) Bill# Sir5 . do not li%e to
)!" !n"thin& dero&!tor" of ! member of ! Committee5 'ho h!) done )uch u)eful 'or%5 but .
c!nnot help )!"in& th!t thi) member re!ll" r!n !'!" from hi) o'n opinion# .f m" honour!ble
friend5 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 'ere to re!d the report of the m!Aorit" he 'ill find th!t !ll the
propo)ition) cont!ined in th!t Bill 'hich &ive ri&ht) to 'omen 'ere re!ll" b!)ed upon !
public!tion of thi) member of the Committee in the "e!r 19D,# .n th!t boo% he h!d
propounded the vie' th!t the c!)e l!' 'hich h!d limited the ri&ht) of the 'omen h!d nb
found!tion# /ltim!tel" for re!)on) be)t %no'n to him he did no )ubmit th!t there i) no point
in thi) !r&ument#
2" honour!ble friend !l)o referred to the f!ct th!t thi) Bill i) !fter !ll confined to propert"
other th!n !&ricultur!l l!nd# The conclu)ion he dre' from th!t f!ct '!) th!t thi) codific!tion
'!) onl" ! p!rti!l codific!tion5 bec!u)e ! l!r&e p!rt of the propert" 'hich i) the )ubAect
m!tter of inherit!nce i) felt untouched b" the provi)ion) of thi) Bill# Sir5 there !re t'o
e(pl!n!tion) for the non?inclu)ion of !&ricultur!l propert"# 2" honour!ble friend5 if he refer)
to the Schedule) to the :overnment of .ndi! Act5 'here the )ubAect m!tter of le&i)l!tion for
Centre !nd the ;rovince) h!ve been )et out 'ill find th!t l!nd i) put in the 6 ;rovinci!l 3i)t 6#
A) ! re)ult of the Audici!l interpret!tion &iven b" the *eder!l Court it '!) held th!t the 'ord 6
l!nd 6 or item 6 l!nd 65 'hich i) included in the 6 ;rovinci!l 3i)t 6 not merel" covered
ten!nc" l!nd but !l)o covered )ucce))ion to l!nd !nd con)e9uentl" !n" provi)ion 'ith re&!rd
to the )ucce))ion to l!nd m!de b" the Centr!l 3e&i)l!ture 'ould be ultra vir!s. .n order th!t
thi) m!" not h!ppen5 the Committee ver" deliber!tel" e(empted !&ricultur!l l!nd from the
provi)ion) of thi) Bill# But 'h!t . 'ould li%e to )!" i) )omethin& different# . )hould h!ve
thou&ht th!t the omi))ion of l!nd from thi) Bill f!r from bein& ! fl!' or ! f!ult in the Bill '!)
prob!bl" !n !dv!nt!&e bec!u)e . believe there i) no nece))it" th!t ! uniform l!' of
inherit!nce )hould !ppl" to !ll )ort) of propert"# ;ropert" v!rie) in it) n!ture5 v!rie) in it)
import!nce in the )oci!l life of the communit" !nd con)e9uentl" it m!" be ! m!tter of no
me!n !dv!nt!&e for )ociet" to h!ve one )et of l!' of inherit!nce for !&ricultur!l propert" !nd
!nother )et of l!' for non?!&ricultur!l propert"# .t m!" be th!t on ! better con)ider!tion of
the )itu!tion5 .ndi!n or Hindu )ociet" m!" come to the conclu)ion th!t l!nd 'hich i) the
found!tion of it) economic life h!d better be &overned b" the l!' of primo&eniture )o th!t
neither the Aunior )on) nor fem!le) m!" t!%e p!rt in the inherit!nce# A) . )!id5 the 9ue)tion
h!vin& been left open it i) to the !dv!nt!&e of the )ociet" th!t it m!" con)ider the m!tter d!
novo !nd !fre)h# . do not5 therefore5 re&!rd th!t the comment m!de b" m" honour!ble friend
on the p!rt of thi) Bill i) re!ll" ! m!tter to be !polo&i)ed for#
Comin& to m" friend5 2r# Ch!udhuri5 he con)ider)5 thi) piece of le&i)l!tion !) ! commun!l
le&i)l!tion# . !&ree th!t in !) much !) it refer) to Hindu )ociet"5 'hich i) one of the m!n"
communitie) inh!bitin& thi) countr"5 it mi&ht 'ell in ! lo&ic!l )en)e be c!lled ! commun!l
piece of le&i)l!tion# But 'h!t i) the !ltern!tive8 .f m" honour!ble friendB) !ltern!tive '!) th!t
there ou&ht not to be commun!l l!') of inherit!nce !nd commun!l l!') of m!rri!&e but
there ou&ht to be ! common civil code5 !ppl"in& to !ll )ection) !ll communitie)5 !ll per)on)4
in f!ct !ppl"in& to citiJen) 'ithout di)crimin!tion !) to reli&ion5 creed or c!)te5 . !m cert!inl"
one 'ith him# Cert!inl"5 th!t i) not hi) conclu)ion# Hi) conclu)ion i)5 if . under)t!nd him5 th!t
thi) le&i)l!tion b" re!)on of the f!ct th!t the other d!" ! vie' '!) e(pre))ed th!t the future
)ociet" here )t!ted 'ould be )ecul!r h!d no ri&ht to le&i)l!te for ! )ecul!r communit"4 th!t
'ould be ! mo)t di)!)trou) conclu)ion# Thi) countr" i) inh!bited b" ver" m!n" communitie)#
1!ch one h!) it) )peci!l l!') !nd merel" bec!u)e the St!te de)ired to !))ume ! )ecul!r
ch!r!cter it )hould 'ithdr!' it)elf from re&ul!tin& the live) of the v!riou) communitie)5
undoubtedl" 'ould re)ult in nothin& but ch!o) !nd !n!rch"# . cert!inl" m")elf !m not
prep!red to )ub)cribe to th!t )ort of ! propo)ition#
Hi) )econd comment '!) th!t the Bill h!d not t!%en into con)ider!tion the cu)tom!r" l!'#
He cited )ome rulin& of the ;riv" Council# . )hould h!ve thou&ht th!t !t thi) hour of the d!" it
'!) unnece))!r" to cite the !uthorit" of the ;riv" Council bec!u)e it h!) been 'ell
e)t!bli)hed b" ! lon& cour)e of deci)ion)5 th!t )o f!r !) the Hindu) !re concerned cu)tom
'ould override the te(t of the 6 Smriti ,. 7e !ll %no' thi)# But 'h!t !re 'e doin&8 7h!t !re
'e doin& i) thi)# 7e !re )huttin& do'n the &ro'th of ne' cu)tom)# 7e !re not de)tro"in&
e(i)tin& cu)tom)# The e(i)tin& cu)tom) 'e !re reco&ni)in& bec!u)e the rule) of l!' 'hich
!re prev!lent in Hindu )ociet" !re the re)ult of cu)tom)# The" !re born out of cu)tom !nd 'e
feel th!t the" h!ve no' &ro'n )o )turd" th!t 'e c!n indeed &ive them fle)h !nd life in the
bod" politic b" our le&i)l!tion#
He !l)o )!id th!t 'e h!d not t!%en into con)ider!tion the 9ue)tion of the trib!l people5
'ho)e life i) undoubtedl" &overned in ! l!r&e me!)ure b" cu)tom!r" l!'# .f m" friend h!d
re!d the definition in thi) code !) to 'ho i) ! Hindu !nd 'ho i) not !nd to 'hom thi) Code
!pplied5 he 'ould h!ve )een th!t there i) ! cl!u)e 'hich merel" )!id th!t per)on) 'ho !re not
2u)lim)5 ;!r)i) or Chri)ti!n) )h!ll be pre)umed to be Hindu)4 i)4 not th!t the" !re Hindu)#
The re)ult i) th!t if ! trib!l individu!l choo)e) to )!" th!t he i) not ! Hindu it 'ould be
perfectl" open to him under thi) Code to &ive evidence in )upport of hi) contention th!t he i)
not ! Hindu !nd if th!t conclu)ion i) !ccepted b" the Court he cert!inl" 'ould not be obli&ed
b" !n"thin& cont!ined in thi) Bill#
Shri Rohini Kumar Chaudhuri 4 2" point i) th!t he did not li%e to be c!lled ! Hindu !nd
)till '!nted to ret!in !ll the cu)tom) of the HinduK
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 4 The po)ition t!%en i) thi) 4 th!t once ! per)on
choo)e) to c!ll him)elf ! Hindu5 he mu)t !ccept the &ener!lit" of l!' 'hich i) pre)cribed for
the Hindu# 7e do not '!nt thi) !n!rch"# A Hindu i) ! Hindu for !ll purpo)e)# .f ! trib!l
per)on doe) not '!nt to be ! Hindu the '!" i) open to him to prove th!t he i) not !nd the Bill
'ill not !ppl" to him#
Then m" friend# r# Sit!r!m!""! !)%ed me to tell him 'hether the rule of l!' cont!ined in
thi) Bill5 'hereb" the 'omen 'ill !c9uire !b)olute e)t!te in the propert" 'hich the" inherit5
'ill !ppl" to 'ido') 'ho h!ve !lre!d" t!%en the e)t!te before the p!))in& of the Act# . !m
!fr!id . mu)t )!" th!t the Bill h!) no retro)pective effect#
Nor 'ould it be po))ible to &ive retro)pective effect to the principle) of the !b)olute
propert" of 'omen for the )imple re!)on th!t lon& before thi) Bill 'ill come into e(i)tence5
ve)ted ri&ht) 'ould h!ve been cre!ted in th!t e)t!te !nd it 'ould not be ri&ht !nd proper to
dive)t them ho'ever much our )"mp!th" m!" be 'ith the 'ido'#
2r)# H!n)! 2eht! r!i)ed )ever!l 9ue)tion) indic!tin& th!t the 'omen !nd p!rticul!rl"
her)elf 'ere not )!ti)fied 'ith )ome of the provi)ion) cont!ined in the Bill rel!tin& to the
ri&ht) of 'omen# .t m!" be th!t in !n ide!l )en)e the Bill doe) not come up to e(pect!tion)#
But . 'ould li%e to tell her th!t )he mu)t remember th!t thi) )ociet" i) !n inert )ociet"# The
Hindu Societ" h!) !l'!") believed th!t l!'?m!%in& i) the function either of :od or the 6
Smriti , !nd th!t Hindu Societ" h!) no ri&ht to ch!n&e the l!'# Th!t bein& )o5 the l!' in
Hindu Societ" h!) rem!ined 'h!t it '!) for &ener!tion) to come# Societ" h!) never !ccepted
it) o'n po'er !nd it) o'n re)pon)ibilit" in mouldin& it) )oci!l5 economic !nd le&!l life# .t i)
for the fir)t time th!t 'e !re per)u!din& Hindu Societ" to t!%e thi) bi& )tep !nd . h!ve not the
)li&hte)t doubt in m" mind th!t ! )ociet" 'hich h!) buc%ed up cour!&e enou&h to toler!te the
l!r&e )tep th!t 'e !re !)%in& it to t!%e b" re!)on of thi) Bill5 'ill not he)it!te to m!rch on the
p!th th!t rem!in) to be trodden !nd re!ch the &o!l th!t )he h!) in mind#
Sir#much h!) been m!de of the f!ct th!t there i) ! &re!t de!l of public opinion 'hich i)
oppo)ed to thi) Bill# . h!ve cert!inl" not 'ei&hed the opinion) th!t 'e h!ve received but . do
li%e to )!" thi)5 th!t thi) i) h!rdl" ! 9ue)tion 'hich 'e c!n decide b" countin& he!d)# Thi) i)
not ! 9ue)tion 'hich 'e c!n decide in !ccord!nce 'ith the opinion of the m!Aorit"# 7hen
)ociet" i) in ! tr!n)itor" )t!&e5 le!vin& the p!)t5 &oin& to the future5 there !re bound to be
oppo)in& con)ider!tion)4 one pullin& to'!rd) the p!)t !nd one pullin& to'!rd) the future !nd
the te)t th!t 'e c!n !ppl" i) no other th!n the te)t of oneB) con)cience# . h!ve not the )li&hte)t
doubt in m" mind th!t the provi)ion) of thi) Bill !re in perfect con)on!nce 'ith the
con)cience of the communit"5 !nd . h!ve therefore5 no he)it!tion in puttin& forth thi) me!)ure
!lthou&h it m!" be !) ! m!tter of f!ct th!t ! l!r&e m!Aorit" of our countr"men do not !ccept
Mr. Speaker: The 9ue)tion i)4
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 be referred to !
Select Committee con)i)tin& of Shri All!di @ri)hn!)'!mi A""!r5 r# B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd5
Shri 2 An!nth!)!"!n!m A""!n&!r5 Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i5 Sim 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi5
Shri /# Sriniv!)! 2!ll!""!5 Shri 2ihir 3!l Ch!ttop!dh"!"5 r# ;# S# e)hmu%h5 Shrim!ti
$enu%! $!"5 r# ;# @# Sen5 B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h5 Shri @i)horimoh!n Trip!thi5 Shrim!ti
Ammu S'!min!dh!n5 ;!ndit B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm!5 Shri @hur)hed 3!l5 Shri Br!Ae)h'!r
;r!)!d5 Shri B# Shiv! $!o5 Shri B!ldeo S'!rup5 Shri =# C# @e)!v! $!o !nd the 2over 'ith
in)truction) to report not l!ter th!n the l!)t d!" of the fir)t 'ee% of the ne(t )e))ion of the
A))embl" !nd th!t the number of member) 'ho)e pre)ence )h!ll be nece))!r" to con)titute !
meetin& of the Committee )h!ll be five#6
The 2otion '!) !dopted#
Mr. Speaker: Thi) brin&) to ! clo)e our lon& )e))ion 'hich commenced on the E8th of
>!nu!r" !nd . he!rtil" th!n% !ll the 2ember) for the )incere co?oper!tion5 'hich . h!ve
!l'!") h!d from them#
(h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d sin! di!..
Section II
DE - Con)tituent A))embl" of .ndi! (3e&i)l!tive) eh!te) LHerein!fter c!lled C#A# (3e&#) #3 =ol# .5 17th
November 19475 p# 41#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .5 11th *ebru!r" 19485 p# +99#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 EFth *ebru!r" 19485 p# 1E88#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .=5 9th April 19485 pp# DFE8?DD#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .=5 9th April 19485 pp# DFDD?D9#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .=5 9th April 19485 pp# DFD9?4E#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .=5 9th April 19485 pp# DF4E?44#
DE C#A# (3e&#) M 9th April 19485 pp# DF4F?47#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .=5 9th April 19485 pp# DF47?48#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .=5 9th April 19485 p# DF48#
DE C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .=5 9th April 19485 pp# DF48?+,#
DE C#A# (3e&#) M =ol# .=5 9th April 19485 pp# DF+,?+D#
DE - 2i)printed !) B non?!&ricultur!l propert"5 in the eb!te) !t p# DF+1#
S1CT.0N ..
TH1 $A*T H.N/ C01 B.33
In order to give a clear picture of the amendments which the Government propose to
move, the Code as proposed to be further amended is set out in this book on the left-hand
side. For the sake of convenience the existing provisions of the draft Code as amended by
the elect Committee are printed on the right-hand side. !he actual amendments which are
to be moved are shown on the left-hand side by having them either underlined or sidelined.
"ortions omitted are shown by asterisks# and where any page on either side of the book
appears blank, it means either that there is no corresponding provision in the elect
Committee$s Code or that a portion of the elect Committee$s Code has been omitted .
%& "'("()* !( +) F,'!-)' &.)/*)*0
(Changes to he made are underlined or side-lined and portions to he omitted are shown
by asterisks)
to amend and codify certain branches of the Hindu Law
+) it enacted by "arliament as follows23
Short titl !"# $t"t .3
456 !his &ct may be called the -indu Code, 5789
4:6 It extends to the whole of India except the tate of ;ammu and <ashmir
%& "'("()* !( !-) )1)C! C(..I!!))0
to amend and codify certain branches of the Hindu Law
>hereas it is expedient to amend and codify certain branches of the -indu 1aw as now in
force in the "rovinces of India# It is hereby enacted as follows23
hort title, extent and commencement.3
456 !his &ct "art I, may be called the -indu Code, 57?@
4:6 It extends to all the "rovinces of India.
4A6 It shall come into force on the first of ;anuary, 578 .
%. A&&li'!tio" o( Co#.3456 !his Code applies3
4a6 to all persons who are -indus by religion in any of its forms or developments, including
Birashaivas or 1ingayatas and members of the +rahmo, the "rarthana or the &rya amaC#
4b6 to any person who is a +uddhist, ;aina or ikh by religion#
4c64i6 to any child, legitimate or illegitimate both of whose parents are -indus within the
meaning of this section.
4ii6 to any child, legitimate or illegitimate, one of whose parents is a -indu within the
meaning of this section 2 provided that such child is brought up as a member of the
community, group or family to which such parent belongs or belonged# and
4d6 to a convert to the -indu, +uddhist, ;ain or ikh religion.
4:6 !his Code also applies to any other person, who is not a .uslim, Christian, "arsi or
;ew by religion 2
"rovided that if it is proved that such person would not have been governed by the -indu
law or by any custom or usage as part of that law in respect of any of the matters dealt with
herein if this Code had not been passed, then, this Code shall not apply to that person in
respect of those matters.
4A6 !he expression D -indu D in any portion of this Code shall be construed as if it included
a person who, though not a -indu by religion is, nevertheless governed by the provisions of
this Code.
). D(i"itio"*.3In this Code, unless the context otherwise reEuires,3
4i6 D &liyasantana law D means the system of law applicable to persons 3
who, if this Code had not been passed would have been governed by the .adras
&liyasantana &ct, 57?7 4.adras &ct IF of 57?76#
4ii6 the expressions D custom D and D usage D signify any rule which having been
continuously and uniformly observed for a long time, has obtained the force of law among
-indus in any local area, tribe, community, group or family2
"rovided that the rule is certain and not unreasonable or opposed to public policy#
A&&li'!tio" o( Co#.3456 !his Code applies,
4a6 to all -indus, that is to say, to all persons professing the -indu religion in any of its
forms or developments, including Birashaivas or 1ingayatas and members of the +rahmo,
the "rarthana or the &rya amaC#
4b6 to any person who is a +uddhist, ;aina or ikh by religion#
4c6 4i6 to any child, legitimate or illegitimate, both of whose parents are -indus within the
meaning of this section.
4ii6 to any child, legitimate or illegitimate, one of whose parents is a -indu within the
meaning of this section# provided that such child is brought up as a member of the
community group or family to which such parent belongs or belonged# and
4d6 to a convert to the -indu religion.
"art I. & page 5.
4:6 !his Code also applies to any other person, who is not .uslim, Christian, "arsi or ;ew
by religion 2
"rovided that if it is proved that such person would not have been governed by the -indu
law or by any custom or usage as part of that law in respect of any of the matters dealt with
herein if this Code had not been passed, then, this Code shall not apply to that person in
respect of those matters.
4A6 !he expression D -indu D in any portion of this Code shall be construed as if it included
a person who, though not a -indu by religion is, nevertheless, governed by the provisions of
this Code.
Part I, section 6, Page 2 and Schedule 1, page 30
4?6 /otwithstanding anything contained in the pecial .arriage &ct, 5@G: 4III of5@G:6, this
Code shall apply to all -indus whose marriages have been solemnised under the provisions
of that &ct prior to the commencement of this Code.
"art 5, secs. ? andf 8, page :.
). D(i"itio"*.3In this Code, unless there is anything repugnant in the subCect or
4i6 the expressions D custom D and D usage D signify any rule which having been
continuously and uniformly observed for a long time, has obtained the force of law among
-indus in any local area, tribe, community, group or family2
"rovided that the rule is certain and not unreasonable or opposed to public policy2 and
"rovided further that in the case of a rule applicable only to a family it has not been
discontinued by the family#
"art 5, sec 8 4d6, page :
4ii6 the expression D district court D means the principal civil court of original Curisdiction and
except in sections ?? and ?7, includes the -igh Court in the exercise of its ordinary original
civil Curisdiction2
"rovided further that in the case of a rule applicable only to a family it has not been
discontinued by the family#
4iv6 D full blood D and D half blood D3two persons are said to be related to each other by full
blood when they are descended from a common ancestor by the same wife and by half
blood when they are descended from a common ancestor but by different wives#
4v6 D uterine blood D.3 two persons are said to be related to each other by uterine blood
when they are descended from a common ancestress but by different husbands#
Explanation.In Clauses 4iv6 and 4v6 D ancestor D includes the father and D ancestress D
the mother#
4vi6 D .arumakkattayam law D means the system of law applicable to persons23
(!) 'ho5 if thi) Code h!d not been p!))ed5 'ould h!ve been &overned b" the 2!dr!)
2!rum!%%!tt!"!m Act5 19DE (2!dr!) Act HH.. of 19DD)5 the Tr!v!ncore N!ir Act .. of 11
(H)5 the Tr!v!ncore 1Jh!v! Act5 ... of 11,,5 the N!nAin!d =ell!l! Act5 11,15 the Tr!v!ncore
@!)h!tri"! Act5 11,85 the Tr!v!ncore @ri)hn!v!%!G2!rurnu%%!lh!"ee Act5 111+# the
Cochin Thi""! Act =... of 11,75 the Cohin N!"!r Act5 HH.H of 111D5 or the Cochin
2!rum!%%!th!"!m Act5 HHH... of 111DC or
4b6 who belong to any community, the members of which are largely domiciled in the tate
of !ravancore-Cochin or .adras and who, if this Code had not been passed would have
been governed by any system of inheritance in which descent is traced through the female
line# but does not include the &liyasantana law#
4vii6 D /ambudri law D means the law applicable to persons who, if this Code had not been
passed, would have been governed by the .adras /ambudri &ct, 57A: 4.adras &ct FFI of
57AA6, the Cochin /ambudri &ct 4FBII of 555?6 or the !ravancore .alayala +rahmin &ct of
559H 4'egulation III of 559H6# 4viii6 D "art D means a "art of this Code#
4ix6 D prescribed D means prescribed by rules made under this Code# 4x6 Drelated Dmeans
related by legitimate kinship2 "rovided that illegitimate children shall be deemed to be
related to their mother and to one another and their legitimate descendants shall be deemed
to be related to them and to one another# and any word expressing relationship or denoting
a relative shall be construed accordingly#
4xi6 D son D includes an adopted son, whether adopted before or after the commencement
of this Code, but does not include an illegitimate son.
See. 5(e)
(iii) 6 full blood 6 !nd 6 h!lf blood 6Gt'o per)on) !re )!id to be rel!ted to e!ch other b"
full blood 'hen the" !re de)cended from ! common !nce)tor b" the )!me 'ife !nd b" h!lf
blood 'hen the" !re de)cended from ! common !nce)tor but b" different 'ive)C
S. +,-
4iv6 D uterine blood D3 two persons are said to be related to each other by uterine blood
when they are descended from a common ancestress but by different husbands#
Explanation.In this Clause D ancestor D includes the father and D ancestress D the
4v6 D "art D means any "art of this Code#
4vi6 D prescribed D means prescribed by rules made under this Code# 4vii6 D related D means
related by legitimate kinship
"rovided that illegitimate children shall be deemed to be related to their mother and to one
another and their legitimate descendants shall be deemed to be related to them and to one
another# and any word expressing relationship or denoting a relative shall be construed
part II, sec. :4c6. page A.
4viii6 D son D includes an adopted son, whether adopted before or after the commencement
of this Code, but does not include an illegitimate son.
.. O/rri#i"0 (('t o( Co#.3ave as otherwise expressly provided in this Code,3
4a6 any text, rule or interpretation of -indu law or any custom or usage in force
immediately before the commencement of this Code shall cease to have effect with respect
to any of the matters dealt with in this Code# and
4b6 any other law in force immediately before the commencement of this Code shall cease
to have effect in so far as it is inconsistent with any of the provisions contained in this Code.
"art I, sec. A, page l.
?. (verriding effect of Code.3ave as otherwise expressly provided in this Code, any
text, rule or interpretation of -indu law, or any custom or usage or any other law in force
immediately prior to the commencement of this Code shall cease to have effect as respect
any of the matters dealt with in this Code.
PART II..&''I&G) &/* &//,1.)/! (F .&''I&G)
C-&"!)' I
+. I"tr&rt!tio".3In this "art, unless the context otherwise reEuires,3
4a6 D district court D includes any court subordinate to the district court which may be
specified in this behalf by the tate Government by notification in the (fficial GaIette#
4b6 D apinda relationship D3a man is a sapinda of any of the persons mentioned in the
first column of the First *ivision of the !hird chedule and a woman is a sapinda of any of
the persons mentioned in the second column of the said *ivision#
4c6 D degrees of prohibited relationship D3 a man and any of the persons mentioned in the
first column of the econd *ivision of the !hird chedule and a woman and any of the
persons mentioned in the second column of the said *ivision are within the degrees of
prohibited relationship.
Explanation.For the purposes of clauses 4b6 and 4c6 relationship includes,3
4i6 relationship by half or uterine blood as well as by full blood#
4ii6 illegitimate blood relationship as well as legitimate#
4iii6 relationship by adoption as well as by blood#
and all terms of relationship in those clauses shall be construed accordingly.
Part VI, sec.1, Page 14
+. I"tr&rt!tio".3In this "art, unless there is anything repugnant in the subCect or
4a6 4i6 D sapinda relationship D with reference to any person extends as far as the third
generation 4inclusive6 in the line of ascent through the mother and the fifth 4inclusive6 in the
line of ascent through the father the line being traced upwards in each case from the person
concerned, who is to be counted as the First generation#
4ii6 two persons are said to be D sapindas D of each other if one is a lineal ascendant of the
other with the limits of sapinda relationship or if they have a common lineal ascendant who
is within the limits of sapinda relationship with reference to each of them.
4b6 D degrees of prohibited relationship D.3 two persons are said to be within D the degrees
of prohibited relationship D if one is a lineal ascendant of the other or was the wife or
husband of a lineal ascendant or descendant of the other or if the two are brother and sister,
uncle and niece, aunt and nephew or the children of two brothers or two sisters.
Explanation.For the purposes of clauses 4a6 and 4b6 relationship includes,3
4i6 relationship by half or uterine blood as well as by full blood# 4ii6 illegitimate blood
relationship as well as legitimate# 4iii6 relationship by adoption as well as by blood# and all
terms of relationship in those clauses shall be construed accordingly.
4i6 C, the common ancestor is the father$s mother$s father$s father of & and the mother$s
father of +. &s C is the fifth generation from & in &$s father$s line and the third generation
from + in +$s mother$s line, & and + are "apindas of each other.
4ii6 & and + are consanguine brother and sister. !heir descendants within the limits of
sapinda relationship, will be sapindas of each other. !he descendants of their father and his
ancestors will also be sapindas of & and + and their descendants within the limits of sapinda
relationship. +ut the maternal grandfather of & will not necessarily be a sapinda of the
maternal grandfather of +, nor will a son of the former maternal grandfather necessarily be a
sapinda of a son of the latter.
4iii6 &. and + are uterine brother and sister. !heir descendants, within the limits of sapinda
relationship, will be sapinda of each other. !he descendants of their mother and her
ancestors will also be sapindas of & and + and their descendants within the limits of sapinda
relationship. +ut the paternal grandfather of & will not necessarily be a sapinda of the
paternal grandfather of +, nor will a son of the former paternal grandfather necessarily be a
sapinda of a son of the latter.
2. 3or4* of Hi"#5 4!rri!0.3ave as otherwise expresely provided herein, no marriage
between -indus shall be recognised as valid unless it is solemnised3 4a6 as a #harmik
marrige, or 4b6 as a civil marriage, or
4c6 in accordance with the provisions of section :?& in cases to which that section applies.
General provisions for a Dharmi marriage
G. )ssentials for a valid *harmik marriage.3& .arriage between any
two -indus solemnised in the #harmik form shall be a valid marriage, if the following
conditions are fulfilled, namely23 4i6 neither party has a spouse living at the time of the
marriage# 4ii6 neither party is an idiot or a lunatic at the time of the marriage#
4iii6 the bridegroom has completed the age of eighteen years and the bride the age of
fifteen years at the time of the marriage# 4iv6 the parties are not within the degrees of
prohibited relationship#
4v6 the parties are not sapindas of each other unless the custom or usage governing each
of them permits of a #harmik marriage between the two#
4vi6 where the bride has not completed her sixteenth year, the consent of her guardian in
marriage has been obtained for the marriage.
General provisions for a Civil marriage
6. E**"ti!l* (or ! /!li# Ci/il 4!rri!0.A M!rri!0 7t8" !"9 t8o
Hindu) )olemni)ed in the Civil form )h!ll be ! v!lid m!rri!&e5 if the follo'in& condition)
!re fulfilled5 n!mel"4G (i) neither p!rt" h!) ! )pou)e livin& !t the time of the m!rri!&eC
4ii6 neither party is an idiot or a lunatic at the time of the marriage# 4iii6 the bridegroom has
completed the age of eighteen years and the bride the age of fifteen years at the time of the
marriage# 4iv6 the parties are not within the degrees of prohibited relationship#
4v6 each party has, if he or she has not completed the age of twenty one years at the time
of the marriage, obtained the consent of his or her guardian in marriage2 "rovided that no
such consent shall be reEuired if the bride is a widow.
"art IB, ec 5. "age 58.
H. Forms of -indu marriage3ave as otherwise expressly provided herein, no marriage
between -indus shall be recognised as valid unless it is solemnised either as a sacramental
marriage or as a civil marriage in accordance with the provisions of this "art.
"acramental marriage
"art IB, sec.A, page 58.
:. Co"#itio"* rl!ti"0 to ! *!'r!4"t!l 4!rri!0.3 & marriage between any two
-indus may be solemnised in the sacramental form, if the following conditions are fulfilled,
456 neither party has a spouse living at the time of the marriage#
4:6 neither party is an idiot or lunatic at the time of the marriage#
4A6 the bridegroom has completed the age of eighteen years and the bride the age of
fourteen years at the time of the marriage#
4?6 the parties are not within the degrees of prohibited relationship#
486 the parties are not sapindas of each other unless the custom or usage governing each
of them permits of a sacramental marriage between the two#
4H6 where the bride has not completed her sixteenth year the consent of her guardian has
been obtained for the marriage.
"art IB, sec. G, page 5H.
;<. Co"#itio"* rl!ti"0 to ! 'i/il 4!rri!0.3or ! 'i/il
marriage between any two -indus, the following conditions must be fulfilled, namely23
456 neither party has a spouse living at the time of the marriage#
4:6 neither party is an idiot or a lunatic at the time of the marriage#
4A6 the bridegroom has completed the age of eighteen years and the bride the age of
fourteen years at the time of the marriage#
4?6 the parties are not within the degrees of prohibited relationship#
486 each party has, if he or she has not completed the age of twenty one years, obtained
the consent of his or her guardian in marriage2 "rovided that no such consent shall be
reEuired in the case of a widow.
Formalities for a Dharmik marriage
=. Cr4o"i*.3456 & #harmik marriage shall not be complete and binding on the parties
unless it is solemnised in accordance with such customary rites and ceremonies of either
party thereto as are essential for such marriage.
4:6 >here such rites and ceremonies include the "aptapadi 4that is, the taking of seven
steps by the bridegroom and the bride Cointly before the sacred fire6 the marriage becomes
complete and binding when the seventh step is taken.
4A6 /otwithstanding anything contained in this section, no marriage solemnised in the
#harmik form shall, after the solemnisation thereof, be deemed to be invalid merely by
reason of any irregularity in the performance of any of the customary rites and ceremonies
of either party thereto
;<. R0i*tr!tio" o( Dh!r4i> 4!rri!0.3456 For the purpose of facilitating the proof of
any #harmik marriage the tate Government may by rules, provide that3
4a6 particulars relating to such marriage shall be entered in such manner and under such
circumstances as it thinks fit in the -indu #harmik marriage 'egister kept for this purpose#
4b6 the making of such entries shall be compulsory in the tate or insuch areas or such
causes as may be specified in the rules. 4:6 In making any rules under sub-section 456 the
tate Government may provide that a contravention thereof shall be punishable with fine
which may extend to one hundred rupees.
$ormalities for a Ci%il !arriage
II. M!rri!0 R0i*tr!r*.3!he tate Government may appoint one or more persons to be
'egistrars of -indu .arriages, in this "art referred to as D the 'egistrar D, for the tate or
any part thereof and the area for which any such 'egistrar has been appointed shall be
called his district.
5:. /otice of marriage to 'egistrar.3>hen a civil marriage is intended to be solemnised
under this "art, the parties to the marriage shall give notice thereof in writing in the form
specified in the Fourth cheduled to the 'egistrar of the district in which at least one of the
parties to the marriage has resided for a period of not less than thirty days preceding the
date on which such notice is given.
"art IB, sec.?, "age 58
6. Cr4o"i* r?5ir#3456 & sacramental marriage shall not be complete and binding
on the parties unless it is solemnised in accordance with such customary rites and
ceremonies of either party thereto as are essential for such marriage.
4:6 >here such rites and ceremonies include the "aptapadi 4that is, the taking of seven
steps by the bride4x6in and the bride Cointly before the sacred Fire6 the marriage becomes
complete and binding when the seventh step is taken.
4A6 /otwithstanding anything contained in this section, no marriage solemnised in the
sacramental form shall, after the solemnisation thereof, be deemed to be invalid merely by
reason of any irregularity in the performance of any of the customary rites and ceremonies
of either party thereto.
"art IB, ec H, page 58
=. R0i*tr!tio" o( S!'r!4"t!l 4!rri!0*.3456 For the purpose of facilitating the proof
of any "acramental marriage the "rovincial Government may by rules, provide that3
4a6 particulars relating to such marriage shall be entered in the -indu "acramental
marriage 'egister kept for this purpose in such manner and under such circumstances as it
thinks fit# and
4b6 the making of such entries shall be compulsory the such causes or in such areas as
may be specified in the rules.
4:6 In making any rules under sub-section 456 the "rovincial Government may provide that
a contravention thereof shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one hundred
"art IB. ec @, page 5H
II. M!rri!0 R0i*tr!r*3!he "rovincial Government may appoint one or more persons
to be 'egistrars of -indu .arriages, in this "art referred to as D the 'egistrar D, for the
"rovince or any part thereof and the area for which any such 'egistrar has been appointed
shall be called his district.
"art IB, sec 7, page 5H
;%. Noti' o( 4!rri!0 to R0i*tr!r.3>hen a civil "art IB, marriage is intended to be
solemnised under this "art, the page 5H. parties to the marriage shall give notice thereof in
writing in the form specified in the !hird cheduled to the 'egistrar of the district in which at
least one of the parties to the marriage has resided for a period of not less than thirty days
preceding the date on which such notice is given.
;). M!rri!0 Noti' Boo> !"# &57li'!tio".3456 !he 'egistrar shall keep all notices
given under section 5: with the records of his office and shall also forthwith enter a true
copy of every such notice in a book furnished to him for that purpose by the tate
Government to be called the D-indu Civil .arriage /otice +ookD and such book shall be
open for inspection at all reasonable times, without fee by every person desirous of
inspecting the same.
4:6 !he 'egistrar shall also publish every such notice in such manner as may be
;.. O7@'tio" to 4!rri!0.3456 &fter the expiration of thirty days from the date on which
notice of an intended marriage has been given under section 5:, the marriage may be
solemnised unless it has been obCected to under sub-section 4:6.
4:6 &ny person may, before the expiration of thirty days from the giving of any notice of an
intended marriage, obCect to the marriage on the ground that it would contravene one or
more of the conditions specified in section @.
4A6 !he nature of the obCection made shall be recorded in writing by the 'egistrar in the
-indu Civil .arriage /otice +ook, and shall, if necessary, be read over and explained to the
person making the obCection and shall be signed by him or on his behalf.
;+. Pro'#5r o" r'i&t o( o7@'tio".3456 If an obCection is made under section 5? to
an intended marriage, the 'egistrar shall not allow the marriage to be solemnised until the
expiration of thirty days from the receipt of such obCection, if there is a court of competent
Curisdiction open at the time or if no such court is open at the time, until the expiration of
thirty days from the opening of such a court.
4:6 !he person obCecting to the intended marriage may File a suit in the district court
having local Curisdiction, for a declaration that such marriage contravenes one or more of the
conditions specified in section @ and the court in which such suit is filed shall thereupon give
the person presenting it a certificate to the effect that such suit has been Field.
4A6 If the certificate referred to in sub-section 4:6 is lodged with the 'egistrar within thirty
days from the receipt by him of the obCection, if there is a court of competent Curisdiction
open at the lime or if no such court
"art IB, sec 59, page 5H
;). M!rri!0 Noti' Boo> !"# &57li'!tio".3456 !he 'egistrar shall keep all notices
given under section 5: with the records of his office and shall also forthwith enter a true
copy of every such notice in a book furnished to him for that purpose by the "rovincial
Government to be called the D -indu Civil .arriage /otice +ook D and such book shall be
open for inspection at all reasonable times, without fee by every person desirous of
inspecting the same.
4:6 D!he 'egistrar shall also publish every such notice in such manner as may be
"art Iv, sec55, page 5H
5?. (bCection to marriage.3456 &lter the expiration of thirty days from the date on which
notice of an intended marriage has been given under section 5:, the marriage may be
solemnised unless it has been obCected to under sub-section 4:6.
4:6 &ny person may, before the expiration of thirty days from the giving of any notice of an
intended marriage, obCect to the marriage on the ground that it would contravene one or
more of the conditions prescribed in clauses 456, 4:6, 4A6, 4?6 and 486 of section 59.
4A6 !he nature of the obCection made shall be recorded in writing by the 'egistrar in the
-indu Civil .arriage /otice +ook, and shall, if necessary, be read over and explained to the
person making the obCection, and shall be signed by him or on his behalf.
"art IB, sec 5:, page 5G
;+. Pro'#5r o" r'i&t o( o7@'tio".3456 If an obCection is made under section 5? to
an intended marriage, the 'egistrar shall not allow the marriage to be solemnised until the
expiration of thirty days from the receipt of such obCection, if there is a court of competent
Curisdiction open at the time, or, if no such court is open at the time, until the expiration of
thirty days from the opening of such a court.
4:6 !he person obCecting to the intended marriage may file a suit in the *istrict Court
having local Curisdiction 4or in any other Court empowered in this behalf by the "rovincial
Government and having such Curisdiction6 for a declaration that such marriage contravenes
one or more of the conditions prescribed in clauses 456, 4:6, 4A6, 4?6 and 486 of section 59 and
the court in which such suit is Filed shall thereupon give the person presenting it a certificate
to the effect that such suit has been filed is open at the time within thirty days from the
opening of such a Court, the marriage shall not be solemnised until the decision of such
court has been given and the period allowed by law for appeal from such decision has
elapsed, or, if there is an appeal from such decision, until the decision of the appellate court
has been given.
4?6 If such certificate is not lodged in the manner and within the period laid down in sub-
section 4A6, or if the decision of the court is that the marriage does not contravene any of the
conditions specified in section @, the marriage may be solemnised by the 'egistrar to whom
the notice of marriage has been given.
486 If the decision of the court is that the marriage contravenes any of the conditions
specified in section @, the marriage shall not be solemnised.
;2. Po8r o( 'o5rt to (i" 8h"A o7@'tio" "ot r!*o"!7lA.3If it appears to the court
before which the suit is filed that the obCection was not reasonable and bonafide& it may
impose on the person obCecting a fine not exceeding one thousand rupees and award it or
any part thereof to the parties to the intended marriage.
;:. D'l!r!tio" 79 &!rti* !"# 8it"***.3456 +efore the marriage is solemnised, the
parties and three witnesses, shall, in the presence of the 'egistrar, sign a declaration in the
form specified in the Fifth chedule and where either party has not completed the age of
twenty-one years, the declaration shall also be signed by his or her guardian, except in the
case of a widow.
4:6 )very declaration made under sub-section 456 shall be countersigned by the 'egistrar.
4A6 If the certificate referred to in sub-section 4:6 is lodged with the 'egistrar within thirty
days from the receipt by him of the obCection, if there is a court of competent Curisdiction
open at the time or if no such court is open at the time within thirty days from the opening of
such a Court, the marriage shall not be solemnised until the decision of such Court has
been given and the period allowed by law for appeal from such decision has elapsed or if
there is an appeal from such decision, until the decision of the appellate court has been
4?6 If such certificate is not lodged in the manner and within the period laid down in sub-
section 4A6, or if the decision of the court is that the marriage does not contravene any of the
conditions prescribed in clauses 456, 4:6, 4A6, 4?6 and 486 of section 59, the marriage may be
solemnised by the 'egistrar to whom the notice of marriage has been given.
486 If the decision of the court is that the marriage contravenes any of the conditions
prescribed in clauses 456, 4:6, 4A6, 4?6 and 486 of section 59, the marriage shall not be
"art IB, ec 59, page 5G
;2. Po8r of 'o5rt to (i" 8h" o7@'tio" "ot r!*o"- If it appears to the court before
which the suit is tiled that the obCection was not reasonable and bonafide& it may impose on
the person obCecting a fine not exceeding one thousand rupees and award it or any part
thereof to the parties to the intended marriage.
"art IB, ec 5?, page 5G
;:. D'l!r!tio" 79 &!rti* !"# 8it"***.,56 +efore the marriage is solemnised, the
parties and three witnesses shall, in the presence of the 'egistrar, sign a declaration in the
form specified in the Fourth chedule and where either party has not completed the age of
twenty one years, the declaration shall also be signed by his or her guardian, except in the
case of a widow.
4:6 )very declaration made under sub-section 456 shall be countersigned by the 'egistrar.
;6. Pl!' !"# (or4 o( *ol4"i*!tio".3456 !he marriage may be solemnised,3 4a6 at
the office of the 'egistrar, or
4b6 at such other place within reasonable distance there from as the parties may desire,
upon such conditions and on the payment of such additional fees as may be prescribed.
4:6 !he marriage may be solemnised in any form2 "rovided that it shall not be complete
and binding on the parties unless each party says to the other in the presence of the
'egistrar and the three witnesses, I 4&6 take thee, 4+6, to be my lawful wife 4or husband6.
4A6 !he marriage shall be solemnised in the presence of the 'egistrar and the three
;=. Crti(i'!t o( 4!rri!03456 >hen the marriage has been solemnised, the 'egistrar
shall enter a certificate thereof, in the form specified in the ixth chedule in a book. to be
kept by him for that purpose and to be called the D -indu Civil .arriage Certificate +ook D
and such certificate shall be signed by the parties to the marriage and the three witnesses.
4:6 (n a certificate being entered in the -indu Civil .arriage Certificate +ook by the
'egistrar, the certificate shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of the fact that a civil
marriage has been solemnised and that all formalities as respects the signatures of
witnesses to the marriage have been complied with.
%< Wh" 4!rri!0 "ot *ol4"i*# 8ithi" thr 4o"th* !(tr "oti'B "8 "oti'
r?5ir#3>henever a marriage is not solemnised within three calendar months after notice
thereof has been given to the 'egistrar, as reEuired by section 5: or where the person
obCecting to the intended marriage has filed a suit in a court of competent Curisdiction and the
decision of such court has been given, within three calendar months of the date on which
the period allowed by law for appeal from such decision expires, or if there is an appeal from
such decision, within three calendar months from the date of decision of the appellate court,
the notice and all other proceedings thereon shall be deemed to have lapsed and no
'egistrar shall allow the marriage to be solemnised until a new notice has been given in the
manner prescribed in this Chapter.
"art IB, ec 5G, page 5G
;6. Pl!' !"# (or4 o( *ol4"i*!tio".3456 !he marriage may be solemnised,3
4a6 at the office of the 'egistrar, or
4b6 at such other place within reasonable distance there from as the parties may desire,
upon such conditions and, on the payment of such additional fees as may be prescribed. 4:6
!he marriage may be solemnised in any form2 "rovided that it shall not be complete and
binding on the parties unless each party says to the other in the presence of the 'egistrar
and the three witnesses, I 4&6 take thee, 4+6, to be my lawful wife 4or husband6.
4A6 !he marriage shall be solemnised in the presence of the 'egistrar and the three
"art IB, ec 5G, page 5@
;=. Crti(i'!t o( 4!rri!0.3456 >hen the marriage has been solemnised, the 'egistrar
shall enter a certificate thereof, in the form specified in the Fifth chedule in a book to be
kept by him for that purpose and to be called the D -indu Civil .arriage Certificate
+ookD and such certificate shall be signed by the parties to the marriage and the three
4:6 (n a certificate being entered in the -indu Civil .arriage Certificate +ook by the
'egistrar, the certificate shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of the fact that all
formalities as respects the signatures of witnesses to a Civil marriage have been complied
%< Wh" 4!rri!0 "ot *ol4"i*# 8ithi" thr 4o"th* ,N8- !(tr "oti'B "8
"oti' r?5ir#.3>henever a marriage is not solemnised within three calendar months
after notice thereof has been given to the 'egistrar, as reEuired by section 5: or where the
person obCecting to the intended marriage has Filed a suit in a court of competent
Curisdiction and the decision of such court has been given, within three calendar months of
the date on which the period allowed by law for appeal from such decision expires, or if
there is an appeal from such decision, within three calendar months from the date of
decision of the appellate court, the notice and all other proceedings thereon shall be
deemed to have lapsed and no 'egistrar shall allow the marriage to be solemnised until a
new notice has been given in the manner prescribed in this Chapter.
'egistration of #harmik marriage as ci%il marriage
%;. Pro'#5r (or r0i*tr!tio" o( 'rt!i" Dh!r4i> M!rri!0*.
456 >here any two -indus have gone through a #harmik form of marriage,3
4a6 before the commencement of this Code, and doubts are entertained as respects the
validity of any such marriage by reason of the provisions of any text, rule or interpretation of
-indu 1aw or any usage or custom in force at the time of the marriage, or
4b6 after the commencement of this Code and such marriage is invalid by reason of the
fact that it is in contravention of the provisions contained in clause 4v6 of section G.
such persons may, at any time apply to the 'egistrar of the district in which either of them
has resided for not less than thirty days immediately preceding the application to have their
marriage registered as if it were a civil marriage solemnised before the 'egistrar.
4:6 ,pon receipt of any such application, the 'egistrar shall give public notice thereof in
such manner as may be prescribed and after allowing a period of thirty days for obCection
and after hearing any obCections received within that period the 'egistrar, if he is satisfied3
4a6 that the ceremony of marriage was performed on the date mentioned in the application
and that the parties have been living together as husband and wife ever since#
4b6 that the conditions specified in clauses 4i6, 4ii6, 4iii6 and 4iv6 of section @ are satisfied as
between the parties to the marriage on the date of the application# and
4c6 that, where either party not being a widow at the time of the marriage has not on the
date of the application completed the age of twenty one years, the consent of his or her
guardian in marriage has been obtained to the registration of the marriage as a civil
marriage. shall enter a certificate of the marriage in the -indu #harmik .arriage 'egister in
the form specified in the eventh chedule and such certificate shall be signed by the
parties to the marriage as well as by three witnesses. 4A6 ,pon the entry of any such
certificate as is specified in sub-section
4:6,the marriage shall be deemed to have been valid for all purposes and all children born
after the date on which the parties went through the #harmik form of marriage 4whose
names shall also be entered in the Certificate and the -indu #harmik .arriage 'egister6
shall, in all respects, be deemed to be and always to have been the legitimate children of
their parents.
4?6 &ny party to such marriage aggrieved by any order passed under this section may
appeal against that order to the district court as defined in section A within the local limits of
whose Curisdiction the 'egistrar exercises Curisdiction and the decision of the district court on
such appeal shall be final.
"art IB, ec 5@, page 5@
;6. Pro'#5r (or r0i*tr!tio" o( 'rt!i" S!'r!4"t!l M!rri!0*.3456 >here any two
-indus have gone through a sacramental form of marriage,3
4a6 before the commencement of this Code and doubts are entertained as respects the
validity of any such marriage by reason of the provisions of any text, rule or interpretation of
-indu 1aw or any usage or custom in force at the time of the marriage, or
4b6 after the commencement of this Code and such marriage is invalid by reason of the
fact that it is in contravention of the provisions contained in clause 486 of section G.
such persons may, at any time apply to the 'egistrar of the district in which either of them
has resided for not less than thirty days immediately preceding the application, to have their
marriage registered as if it were a civil marriage solemnised before the 'egistrar.
4:6 ,pon receipt of any such application, the 'egistrar shall give public notice thereof in
such manner as may be prescribed and after allowing a period of thirty days for obCection
and after hearing any obCections received within that period the 'egistrar, if he is satisfied3
4a6 that the ceremony of marriage was performed on the date mentioned in the application
and that the parties have been living together as husband and wife ever since#
4b6 that the conditions in clauses 456 to 4?6 of section 59 are satisfied as between the
parties to the marriage on the date of the application# and
4c6 that, where either party not being a widow at the time of the marriage has not on the
date of the application completed the age of twenty-one years, the consent of his or her
guardian in marriage has been obtained to the registration of the marriage as a civil
marriage# shall enter a certificate of the marriage in the -indu acramental .arriage
'egister in the form specified in the ixth chedule and such certificate shall be signed by
the parties to the marriage as well as by three witnesses.
4A6 ,pon the entry of any such certificate as is specified in sub-section 4:6,the marriage
shall be deemed to have been valid for all purposes and all children born after the date on
which the parties went through the acramental form of marriage 4whose names shall also
be entered in the Certificate and the -indu acramental .arriage 'egister6 shall, in all
respects, be deemed to be, and always to have been, the legitimate children of their
4?6 &ny party to such marriage aggrieved by any order passed under this section may
appeal against that carder to the district court within the local limits of whose Curisdiction the
'egistrar exercises Curisdiction, and the decision of the district court on such appeal shall be
(se of marriage records
%%. M!rri!0 r'or#* to 7 o&" to i"*&'tio" t'.3!he -indu #harmik .arriage
'egister and the -indu Civil .arriage Certificate +ook shall, at all reasonable times, be
open for inspection and shall be admissible as evidence of the truth of the statements
therein contained.
Certified extracts there from shall, on application be given by the 'egistrar on payment to
him of the prescribed fee.
%). Tr!"*4i**io" o( 'o&i* o( "tri* i" 4!rri!0 r'or#* to th R0i*tr!r G"r!l
o( Birth*B D!th* !"# M!rri!0*.3!he 'egistrar shall send to the 'egistrar General of
+irths, *eaths and .arriages for the tate within which his district is situate at such intervals
as may be prescribed, a true copy in the prescribed form and certified by him of all entries
made by him in the -indu #harmik .arriage 'egister and the -indu Civil .arriage
Certificate +ook since the last of such intervals.
"art IB, ec 57, page 5@
%%. M!rri!0 r'or#* to h o&" to i"*&'tio" t'.3 !he -indu acramental .arriage
'egister and the -indu Civil .arriage Certificate +ook shall, at all reasonable times, be
open for inspection and shall be admissible as evidence of the truth of the statements
therein contained.
Certified extracts there from shall, on application be given by the 'egistrar on payment to
him of the prescribed fee.
"art IB, ec :9, page 5@
%). Tr!"*4i**io" o( 'o&i* o( "tri* i" 4!rri!0 r'or#* to th 0i*tr!r G"r!l o(
Birth*B D!th* !"# M!rri!0*.3!he 'egistrar shall send to the 'egistrar General of
+irths, *eaths and .arriages for the "rovince within which his district is situate, at such
intervals as may be prescribed, a true copy in the prescribed form and certified by him of all
entries made by him in the -indu acramental .arriage 'egister and the -indu Civil
.arriage Certificate +ook since the last of such intervals.
)uardianship in marriage
%.. Priorit9 !4o"0 05!r#i!"* i" 4!rri!0.3456 ubCect to the provisions of "art IB,
wherever the consent of a guardian in marriage is necessary under this "art the persons
entitled to give such consent shall be the following in the order specified hereunder, namely,
456 the father#
4:6 the mother#
4A6 the brother#
4?6 any other relative, the nearer being preferred to the more remote.
Explanation.In determining which of the two relatives is nearer for the purposes of entry
4?6 above, the test shall be, which of them is first entitled to inherit to the ward$s heritable
properly according to the rules of intestate uccession in "art BII.
4:6 /o person shall be entitled to act as a guardian in marriage under the provisions of this
section unless such person has himself completed his or her twenty first year.
4A6 >hether any person entitled to be the guardian in marriage under the foregoing
provisions refuses or is by reason of absence, disability or other cause, unable or unfit, to
act as such, the person next in order shall be entitled to be the guardian in marriage.
4?6 /othing in this "art shall affect the Curisdiction of a court to prohibit by inCunction and
intended marriage arranged by the guardian in marriage, if in the interests of the minor, the
court thinks it necessary to do so.
"art IB, ec ::, page 57
%.. G5!r#i!"*hi& i" 4!rri!0.3456 ubCect to the provisions of "art IB, wherever the
consent of a guardian in marriage is necessary under this "art the persons entitled to give
such consent shall be the following in the order specified hereunder, namely,3
456 the father#
4:6 the mother#
4A6 the paternal grandfather.
4?6 !he brother by full or half blood, a brother by full blood being preferred to one by half
blood and as between brothers both by full or half blood, the elder being preferred#
486 the paternal uncle by full or half blood, subCect to the like rules of preference as are set
out in entry 4?6 above#
4H6 the maternal grandfather#
4G6 the maternal uncle, subCect to the like rules of preference as are set out in entry 4?6
4@6 any other relative, the nearer being preferred to the more remote and as between
relatives related in the same way, subCect to the like rules of preference as are set out in
entry 4?6 above.
Explanation.In determining which of the two relatives is nearer for the purposes of entry
4@6 above the test shall be, which of them is first entitled to inherit to the ward$s heritable
property according to the rules of intestate succession in "art BII.
4:6 /o person shall be entitled to act as a guardian in marriage under the provisions of this
section unless such person has himself completed his or her twenty-first year.
4A6 >here any person entitled to be the guardian in marriage under the foregoing
provisions refuses or is by reason of absence, disability or other cause, unable or unfit, to
act as such, the person next in order shall be entitled to be the guardian.
4?6 /othing in this "art shall affect the Curisdiction of a court to prohibit by inCunction an
intended marriage arranged by the guardian, if in the interests of the minor, the court thinks
it necessary to do so.
"pecial pro%isions for a %alid marriage between !arumakkattayees& etc.
%.A. Co"#itio"* rl!ti"0 to 4!rri!0 o( M!r54!>>!tt!9!4 or Ali9!*!"t!"! (4!l.3
456 & marriage solemnised after the commencement of this Code between a female who, if
this Code had not been passed, would have been governed by the .arumakkaltayam or
&liyasantana law and a male -indu, shall be a valid marriage if the conditions specified in
section G are fulfilled#
"rovided that the condition specified in clause 4v6 of the said section shall not apply to any
such marriage.
4:6 )very marriage under this section shall be openly solemnised in accordance with the
customary rites and ceremonies, if any, prevailing in the community to which the parties
belong or either of them belongs#
"rovided that no such marriage shall be deemed to be invalid merely by reason of any
irregularity in the performance of any of the rites and ceremonies aforesaid.
4A6 /otice of every marriage under this section shall be given by such person to such
authority in such form and within such time as may be prescribed.
4?6 >here a marriage is solemnised under the provisions of this section between a female
who, if this Code had not been passed, would have been governed by the
.arumakkattayam or &liyasantana law, and a male -indu who would not have been
governed by such law, it shall be lawful for the parties to make a declaration in the notice
given under sub-section 4A6 that they desire to be governed by the special provisions
contained in this "art with respect to annulment of .arumakkattayam or &liyasantana
marriages, and unless any such declaration is made,3
4a6 nothing contained in any such special provision 4except this section6 shall apply to
either of the parties# and
4b6 Chapters II and III of this "art shall apply to, or in relation to, such marriage as they
apply to, or in relation to, a #harmik marriage.
486 If any person fails to give notice of a marriage as reEuired by subsection 4A6, he shall
be punishable with fine, which may extend to fifty rupees#
"rovided that the failure to give any such notice shall not invalidate the marriage or affect
the legal rights of the parties to, or of the issue of, such marriage.
*enalties& etc
. 25. Bi0!4o5* 4!rri!0 !"# &5"i*h4"t thr(or.C3&ny person who during the
lifetime of his or her spouse, if the marriage of such-person with such spouse has not been
annulled in accordance with the provisions of this Code, or, at any time before the
commencement of this Code, in accordance with the law, custom or usage in force at the
time, contracts any other marriage after the commencement of this Code, shall be subCect to
the penalties provided in sections ?7? and ?78 of the Indian "enal Code 4&ct F1B of 5@H96
for the offence of marrying again during the lifetime of a husband or wife.
%2. P"!lt9 (or *i0"i"0 (!l* #'l!r!tio" or 'rti(i'!t.3)very person making, signing
or attesting any declaration or certificate reEuired under this "art, containing a statement
which is false and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be
true, shall be guilty of the offence described in section 577 of the Indian "enal Code 4&ct
F1B of 5@H96.
"art IB, ec :?, page 57
%+. Bi0!4o5* 4!rri!0 !"# &5"i*h4"t thr(or.
&ny person who during the lifetime of his or her spouse, if the marriage of such person
with such spouse has not been dissolved by a Court of competent Curisdiction, contracts any
other marriage after the commencement of this Code, shall be subCect to the penalties
provided in sections ?7? and ?78 of the Indian "enal Code 5@H9 4F1B of 5@H96 for the
offence of marrying again during the lifetime of a husband or wife.
"art IB, ec ::, page 5@
%2. P"!lt9 (or *i0"i"0 (!l* #'l!r!tio" or 'rti(i'!t3)very person making, signing
or attesting any declaration or certificate reEuired under this "art, containing a statement
which is false and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be
true, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence described in section 577 of the Indian "enal
Code 5@H9 4F1B of 5@H96.
C-&"!)' II
'estitution of con+ugal rights and +udicial separation
%:. Ptitio" (or r*tit5tio" o( 'o"@50!l ri0ht*.3>hen either the husband or the wife
has, without reasonable excuse, withdrawn from the society of the other, the aggrieved party
may apply, by petition to the district court for restitution of conCugal rights and the court, on
being satisfied of the truth of the statements made in such petition and that there is no legal
ground why the application should not be granted, may decree restitution of conCugal rights
%6. A"*8r to &titio" (or r*tit5tio" o( 'o"@50!l ri0ht*.3/othing shall be pleaded in
answer to a petition for restitution of conCugal rights which would not be a ground for Cudicial
separation or for a decree of annulment of marriage.
%=. D5#i'i!l *&!r!tio".3)ither party to a marriage, whether solemnised before or after
the commencement of this Code, may present a petition to the district court praying for a
decree for Cudicial separation on the ground that the other party3
4a6 has deserted the petitioner without cause for a period of not less than two years
immediately preceding the presentation of the petition#
4b6 has been guilty of such cruelty as to render it unsafe for the petitioner to live with the
other party# or
4c6 has, for a period of not less than one year immediately preceding the presentation of
the petition, been suffering from venereal disease
in a communicable form and not contracted from the petitioner# 4d6 is suffering from a
virulent form of leprosy# or 4e6 has been habitually of unsound mind since the date of the
marriage# or
4f6 has committed adultery during the marriage. Explanation.In this section, the
expression D to desert D with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means to
desert the other party to a marriage without reasonable cause and without the consent or
against the wish of such party. /ew
);. Ptitio" (or r*tit5tio" o( 'o"@50!l ri0ht*.3>hen 4/ew6 either the husband or the
wife has, without reasonable excuse, withdrawn from the society of the other, the aggrieved
party may apply, by petition to the district court for restitution of conCugal rights and the
court, on being satisfied of the truth of the statements made in such petition, and that there
is no legal ground why the application should not be granted, may decree restitution of
conCugal rights accordingly.
)%. A"*8r to &titio" (or r*tit5tio" o( 'o"@50!l ,N8- ri0ht*.3/othing shall be
pleaded in answer to a petition for restitution of conCugal rights which would not be a ground
for Cudicial separation or for a decree of dissolution of marriage.
,udicial "eparation
*art -.& "ec /0& page 12
)). D5#i'i!l *&!r!tio".3)ither party to a marriage whether solemnised before or after
the commencement of this Code, may present a petition to the *istrict Court praying for a
decree for Cudicial separation on the ground that the other party3
4a6 has deserted the petitioner for a period of not less than two years# or
4b6 has been guilty of such cruelty as to render it unsafe for the petitioner to live with the
other party# or
4c6 has been suffering from incurable venereal disease in a communicable form, not
contracted from the petitioner for a period of not less than one year immediately preceding
the presentation of the petition# or 4d6 is suffering from a virulent form of leprosy# or 4c6 has
been habitually of unsound mind since the date of marriage# or
4f6 has committed adultery during the marriage. Explanation.In this section, the
expression D to desert D with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means to
desert the other party to a marriage without reasonable cause and without the consent or
against the wish of such party.
)eneral pro%isions relating to annulment of marriage
)<. No 4!rri!0 to 7 !""5ll# $'&t 79 or#r o( 'o5rt.3 /otwithstanding anything
contained in this "art, no marriage solemnised, whether before or after the commencement
of this Code, shall be deemed to have been lawfully annulled except by a decree of a
competent court passed in that behalf.
)<A. Mo#* o( !""5l4"t o( 4!rri!0.3& marriage may be annulled by a decree of
nullity, if it is void for any of the reasons set out in section A5, or by a decree of dissolution, if
it is voidable for any of the reasons set out in section A:, or by a decree of divorce for any of
the reasons set out in section AA, as the case may be.
3ullity of !arriages
);. Gro5"#* (or ! #'r o( "5llit9.456 &ny marriage solemnised before the
commencement of this Code may be annulled by a decree of nullity3
4a6 if by$ reason of the provisions of any law in force at the time of the marriage such
marriage was invalid on the ground that either party had a spouse living at the time of the
marriage or
4b6 if the parties at the time of the marriage were within the degrees of prohibited
relationship as defined by clause 4c6 of section 82 "rovided that no such marriage shall be
annulled under the provisions of clause 4b6 of this sub-section if it was valid under the
provisions of any law in force at the time of the marriage.
4:6 &ny marriage solemnised after the commencement of this Code may be annulled by a
decree of nullity3
4a6 if, purporting to be a #harmik marriage, it contravenes any of the conditions specified
in clauses 4i6, 4iv6 and 4v6 of section G.
4b6 if, purporting to be a civil marriage, it contravenes any of the conditions specified in
clauses 4i6 and 4iv6 of section @2 "rovided that nothing contained in this section shall apply to
any case falling within the prohibition contained in clause 4v6 of section G, if, before the
institution of any proceeding for the annulment of marriage, the marriage is registered as a
civil marriage under section :5.
).. No 4!rri!0 to 7 !/oi## $'&t 79 or#r o( 'o5rt.3/otwithstanding anything
contained in this "art, *o marriage solemnised, whether before or after the commencement
of this Code, and whether such marriage is void or voidable, shall be deemed to have been
lawfully dissolved unless a decree has been pronounced by a Competent Court declaring
that the marriage is dissolved either on a petition for dissolution or in any other proceeding
in which the validity of the marriage is in issue.
"art IB, ec :7 4:64ii6, page :
:@. Boid marriage.3456 &ny marriage solemnised before the commencement of this Code
shall be void
4a6 if by reason of the provisions of any law in force at the time of the marriage such
marriage was invalid on the ground that either party had a spouse living at the time of the
marriage# or
4b6 if the parties at the time of the marriage were within the degrees of prohibited
relationship as defined by clause 4b6 of section 8# "rovided that no such marriage shall be
deemed to be void under the provisions of clause 4b6 of sub-section 456 if it was valid under
the provisions of any law in force at the time of the marriage.
4:6 &ny marriage solemnised after the commencement of this Code shall be void3
4a6 if, purporting to be a sacramental marriage, it contravenes one or more of the
conditions specified in clauses 456, 4?6 and 486 of section G#
4b6 if, purporting to be a civil marriage, it contravenes any of the conditions specified in
clauses 456 and 4?6 of section 592 "rovided that in the case mentioned in clause 4a6 of sub-
section 4:6 the condition specified in clause 486 of section G shall not apply when the
marriage is subseEuently registered at any time as a civil marriage under section :5, before
any petition for dissolution is presented to any Court.
4A?6 #issolution of !arriage A:. Gro5"#* (or ! #'r o( #i**ol5tio"B34 I 6 &ny
marriage solemnised before the commencement of this Code may be annulled by a decree
of dissolution on the ground that either party to the marriage was an idiot or a lunatic at the
time of the marriage.
4:6 &ny marriage solemnised after the commencement of this Code may be annulled by a
decree of dissolution3
4a6 if, purporting to be a #harmik marriage, it contravenes any of the conditions specified
in clauses 4ii6. 4iii6 and 4vi6 of section G#
4b6 if, purporting to be a civil marriage, it contravenes any of the conditions specified in
clauses 4ii6, 4iii6 and 4v6 of section @2
"rovided that, unless there was force or fraud, a #harmik marriage shall not, after it has
been completed, be deemed to be invalid or even to have been invalid merely on the ground
that the consent of the bride$s guardian in marriage to the marriage was not or had not been
:7. Boidable marriages.3456 &ny marriage solemnised "art IB, before the
commencement of this Code shall be voidable if page 58. either party to the marriage was
an idiot or lunatic at the time of the marriage.
4:6 &ny marriage solemnised after the commencement of this Code shall be voidable3
4a6 if, purporting to be sacramental marriage, it contravenes any of the conditions specified
in clauses 4:6, 4A6 and 4H6 of section G#
4b6 if, purporting to be a civil marriage, it contravenes any of the conditions specified in
clauses 4:6, 4A6 and 486 of section 592 "rovided that unless there was force or fraud, a
sacramental marriage shall not, after it has been completed, be deemed to be invalid or ever
to have been invalid merely on the ground that the consent of the bride$s guardian to the
marriage was not or had not been obtained.
4A6 &ny marriage, whether solemnised before or after the commencement of this Code,
shall be voidable on any of the grounds specified in section A9.
4?6 >here a period of limitation is prescribed for the presentation of any petition under this
"art and no petition is presented within the time prescribed, the marriage shall be deemed
to be valid and always to have been valid for all purposes.
)2. Di**ol5tio" o( 4!rri!0.3456 ubCect to the provisions of section A8, either party to a
marriage may at any lime present a petition for dissolution of marriage to the *istrict Court
on any of the ground$s which makes a marriage void or voidable.
4:6 /othing in sub-section 456 shall be deemed to authorise a Court to pass a decree3
4i6 in the case of marriage solemnised before the commencement of this Code which was
valid at the time of solemnisation, on the ground3
4a6 that a former wife of the male party was living at the time of the marriage# or
4b6 that the parties are within the degrees of prohibited relationship as defined by clause
4b6 of section 8#
4ii6 in the case of a voidable marriage, whether solemnised before or after the
commencement of this Code, on the ground that either party was an idiot or lunatic at the
time of the marriage or that the respondent was impotent at the time of the marriage and
continued to be so until the institution of the proceeding, unless the petition for dissolution is
)). Gro5"#* (or ! #'r o( #i/or'.3&ny marriage, solemnised whether before or after
the commencement of this Code, may be annulled by a decree of divorce on any of the
following ground$s namely23
4i6 either party to the marriage was impotent at the time of the marriage and continued to
be so until the institution of the proceeding#
4ii6 the husband is keeping a concubine or the wife has become the concubine of any other
man or leads the life of a prostitute#
4iii6 either party to the marriage has ceased to be a -indu by conversion to another
4iv6 either party is incurably of unsound mind and has been continuously under treatment
for a period of not less than Five years preceding the petition# and
4v6 either party is suffering from a virulent form of leprosy. 4vi6 either party has not resumed
marital intercourse for a period of two years or upwards after a decree or order for Cudicial
separation had been passed against the other party#
4vii6 either party has failed to comply with a decree for restitution of conCugal rights for a
period of two years or upwards presented within three years after the solemnisation of the
marriage, or in the case of a marriage solemnised before the commencement of this Code,
within two years of such commencement# or
4iii6 in the case of a voidable marriage, whether solemnised before or alter the
commencement of this Code, on the ground that the consent of the petitioner or where the
consent of his or her guardian is reEuisite, the consent of such guardian was obtained by
force or fraud, unless the petition for dissolution is presented within one year after the force
had ceased to operate or the fraud had been discovered2 "rovided that the Court shall
dismiss such petition if3
4a6 in the case of a voidable marriage solemnised before the commencement of this
Code the force had ceased to operate or the fraud had been discovered before such
commencement and the petition for dissolution is presented more than one year after the
commencement of this Code# or
4b6 4b6 the petitioner has, with his or her free consent, lived with the other party to the
marriage as husband and wife after the force had ceased to operate or the fraud had been
discovered, as the case may be.
)<. Othr 0ro5"#* (or #i**ol5tio" o( 4!rri!0.A P!rt I1B
ect$s :7 J marriage, whether solemnised before or after the commencement of this
Code, may be dissolved on any of the following grounds, namely, that3
4i6 either party to the marriage was impotent at the time of the marriage and continued to
be so until the institution of the proceeding#
4ii6 the husband is keeping a woman as a concubine or the wife has become the
concubine of any other man or leads the life of a prostitute#
4iii6 either party to the marriage has ceased to be a -indu by conversion to another
4iv6 either party is incurably of unsound mind and has been continuously under treatment
for a period of not less than five years preceding the petition# and
4v6 either party is suffering from a virulent and incurable form of leprosy.
)6. 35rthr 0ro5"#* (or #i**ol5tio".3)ither party to a 4/ew6 marriage whether
solemnised before or after the commencement of this Code, may present a petition to the
*istrict Court praying that his or her marriage may be dissolved on the ground that the other
4a6 has not resumed marital intercourse for a period of two years or upwards after a
decree or order for Cudicial separation had been passed against the respondent# or
4b6 that the respondent has failed to comply with a decree for restitution of conCugal rights
for a period of two years or upwards.
A?. 'ight to have marriage annulled.3456 & decree of nullity of marriage may be obtained
either by a party to the marriage or by a "roctor or by any person affected by, or having an
interest in, the marriage either on a petition for annulment by a decree of nullity or on a plea
raised in any other proceeding.
4:6 & petition for a decree of dissolution or for divorce shall lie only at the instance of a
party to the marriage2
"rovided that no party shall be entitled to take advantage of his or her own default or
disability for the purpose of relief.
)+. A&&oi"t4"t o( Pro'tor*.3456 !he tate Government may appoint one or more
"roctors for the tate or any part thereof who shall have the right3
4i6 to appear or intervene either suo moto in any proceeding for the annulment of any
marriage, where in the opinion of the "roctor it is expedient in the public interest so to do or
at the instance of any court#
4ii6 to initiate any proceeding for the annulment of any marriage where the appropriate
remedy for annulment is by a decree of nullity.
4:6 !he tate Government may make rules regulating the manner in which the right of the
"roctor shall be exercised and all matter incidental to or conseEuential on any exercise of
the right.
)+. Pr*o"* "titl# to &r*"t &titio" (or #i**ol5tio".3456 >here a marriage,
whether solemnised before or after the commencement of this Code, is impugned on the
ground that it is a void marriage, the plea may be entertained by the Court either3
4i6 on a petition for dissolution presented by either party to the marriage# or
4ii6 on an issue being raised in any proceeding by any person affected by or having an
interest in the marriage.
4:6 >here a marriage, whether solemnised before or after the commencement of this
Code, is impugned on the ground that it is a voidable marriage, no such plea shall be
entertained by the Court except at the instance of either party to the marriage2
"rovided that no party shall be entitled to take advantage of his or her own default or
disability for the purpose of relief.
AH. /o petition for divorce to he presented within three years of marriage.3456
notwithstanding anything contained in this "art, it shall not be competent for any court to
entertain any petition for a decree for divorce, unless at the date of the presentation of the
petition three years have elapsed since the dale of the marriage2
"rovided that the court may, upon application made to it in accordance with such rules as
may be made by the -igh Court in that behalf, allow a petition to be presented before three
years have elapsed since the date of the marriage on the ground that the case is one of
exceptional hardship to the petitioner or of exceptional depravity on the part of the
respondent, but, if it appears to the court at the hearing of the petition that the petitioner
obtained leave to present the petition by any misrepresentation or concealment of the nature
of the case, the court may, if it pronounces a decree, do so subCect to the condition that the
decree shall not have effect until after the expiry of three years from the date of the marriage
or may dismiss the petition without preCudice to any petition which may be brought after the
expiration of the said three years upon the same or substantially the same facts as those
proved in support of the petition so dismissed.
4:6 In disposing of any application under this section for leave to present a petition for
divorce before the expiration of three years from the date of the marriage, the court shall
have regard to the interests of any children of the marriage and to the Euestion whether
there is a reasonable probability of a reconciliation between the parties before the expiration
of the said three years.
Effect of annulment of marriage
AG. Li7rt9 to &!rti* to 4!rr9 !0!i".3>hen a marriage has been annulled by a decree
of a competent court and no appeal has been presented against such decree or when any
such appeal has been dismissed, it shall be lawful for the respective parties to the marriage
to marry again as if the prior marriage had been annulled by death.@6
+<. Li7rt9 to &!rti* to 4!rr9 !0!i".3>hen six 4/ew6 months after the date of an
order of a -igh Court confirming the decree for dissolution of marriage made by a *istrict
;udge have expired,
or when six months after the date of any decree of a -igh Court dissolving a marriage
have expired and no appeal has been presented against such decree,
or when any such appeal has been dismissed or when as a result of such appeal any
marriage is dissolved, it shall be lawful for the respective parties to the marriage to marry
again as if the prior marriage had been dissolved by death.
A@. ConseEuences of annulment of marriage-3456 >here a marriage is annulled by a
decree of nullity, the parties thereto shall be deemed never to have been married, nor to
have been related to each other as husband and wife2
"rovided that where a marriage is annulled by a decree of nullity on the ground that a
former husband or wife was living and it is adCudged that the subseEuent marriage was
solemnised in good faith and that one or both of the parties fully believed that the former
husband or wife was dead, children begotten before the decree is passed shall be specified
in the decree and shall in all respects to be deemed to be, and always to have been, the
legitimate children of their parents.
4:6 >here a marriage is annulled by a decree of dissolution or a decree of divorce, the
parties shall cease to be related to each other as husband and wife from the date of the
decree, and any children begotten of the marriage shall in all respects be deemed to be, and
always to have been, the legitimate children of their parents and their names shall be
specified in the decree.
,urisdiction and procedure
)=. E$t"t o( &o8r to 0r!"t rli( 5"#r thi* P!rt.3/othing contained in this "art shall
authorise any Court.3
4a6 to make decrees of nullity of marriage except where the marriage has been solemnised
in India and the petitioner is resident in India at the time of presenting the petition.
4b6 to make decrees of dissolution or divorce, except where the parties to the marriage are
domiciled in India at the time of presenting the petition# or
4c6 to grant any relief under this "art other than a decree of nullity of marriage or a
decree of dissolution or divorce, except where the petitioner resides in India at the time of
presenting the petition.
4d6 AG. )ffect of declaring marriage null and %oid.456 >here a marriage is dissolved on
the ground that it is a void marriage, or where a marriage has been declared to be void, the
marriage shall be deemed to have been void ab initio& and any children begotten of the
marriage shall be deemed to be, and always to have been, illegitimate2
"rovided that where a marriage is dissolved or declared to be void on the ground that a
former husband or wife was living and it is adCudged that the subseEuent marriage was
solemnised in good faith and that one or both of the pities fully believed that the former
husband or wife was dead, children begotten before the decree is made shall be specified in
the decree and shall in all respects be deemed to be, and always to have been, the
legitimate children of their parents.
4:6 >here a marriage is dissolved on any of the grounds "art IB, specified in sections :7
and A9, any children begotten of the page :5. $ marriage shall in all respects be deemed to
be, and always to have been, the legitimate children of their parents and their names shall
be specified in the decree. 4?96
,urisdiction and procedure
)=. E$t"t o( &o8r to 0r!"t rli( 5"#r thi* P!rt.3/othing contained in this "art shall
authorise any Court.3
4a6 to make decrees for dissolution of marriage3
4i6 in the case of a void marriage or in the case of 4/ew6 a voidable marriage which
contravenes the provisions of clause 4:6 of section G or clause 4:6 of section 59 or which can
be avoided on the ground that either party to the marriage was important at the time of the
marriage and continued to be so until the institution of the proceeding, unless the marriage
has been solemnised in a "rovince and the petitioner is resident in the "rovince at the time
of presenting the petition# or
4ii6 in the case of a voidable marriage, not falling within sub-clause 4i6 of clause 4a6 of this
section, unless the parties to the marriage are domiciled in a "rovince at the time when the
petition for dissolution is presented# or
4b6 to grant any relief under this "art, other than a decree for dissolution of marriage
except where the petitioner resides in a "rovince at the time of presenting the petition. 4?56
.<. Co5rt to 8hi'h &titio" *ho5l# 7 4!# !"# h!ri"0 in camera. 3 456 )very
petition under this "art shall be presented to the district court within the local limits of whose
ordinary original civil Curisdiction the marriage was solemnised or the husband and wife
reside or last resided together.
4:6 & proceeding under this "art shall be conducted in camera If either party so desires or
if the Court thinks tit to do so. 4?A6
.;. Co"t"t* !"# /ri(i'!tio" o( &titio"*.3456 )very petition presented under this "art
shall state, as distinctly as the nature of the case permits, the facts on which the claim to
relief is founded and every petition for the annulment of any marriage or for Cudicial
separation shall state that there is no collusion between the petitioner and the other party to
the marriage.
4:6 !he statements contained in every petition under this "art shall be verified by the
petitioner or some other competent person in the manner reEuired by law for the verification
of plaints, and may at the hearing be referred to as evidence.
?:. A&&li'!tio" o( th Co# o( Ci/il Pro'#5r.3ubCect to the other provisions
contained in this "art, all proceedings under this "art between party and party shall be
regulated, as far as may be, by the Code of Civil "rocedure, 579@ 4&ct B of 579@6.4?86
?A. *ecree in proceeding.3In any petition presented under this "art, whether defended or
not, if the court is satisfied that any of the grounds for granting relief exists and that the
petition has not been presented or prosecuted in collusion with the respondent or that the
adultery complained of, if any, has not been connived at or condoned, the court shall decree
such relief accordingly.
ec. A4: I"#. Di/.
?9. Co5rt to 8hi'h &titio" *ho5l# 7 4!#.3)very petition under this "art shall be
presented to the *istrict Court &ct within the local limits of whose ordinary original civil
Curisdiction the husband and wife reside or last resided together.
?@. uits may be heard within Closed doors.3& proceeding under this part shall be
conducted in camera at the instance of either party or if the Court thinks fit to do so. 4?:6
.;. Co"t"t* !"# /ri(i'!tio" o( &titio"*.,;- E/r9 S'. ;<
Ind. *iv. petition presented under this "art shall state, as distinctly as &ct.
the nature of the case permits, the facts on which the claim to relief is founded and every
petition for a decree of dissolution of marriage, or of Cudicial separation shall state that there
is no collusion between the petitioner and the other party to the marriage.
4:6 !he statements contained in every petition under this "art shall be verified by the
petitioner or some other competent person in the manner reEuired by law for the verification
of plaints, and may at the hearing be referred to as evidence. 4?A6
.%. A&&li'!tio" o( th Co# o( Ci/il Pro'#5r. S ;+B I"#. Di/. A't
ubCect to the other provisions contained in this "art, all proceedings under this "art
between party and party shall be regulated, as far as may be, by the Code of Civil
"rocedure, 579@ 4B of 579@6. 4??6
?A. D'r i" &ro'#i"0.3In any petition presented under this "art, whether defended
or not, if the court is satisfied that any of the grounds for granting relief exists and that the
petition has not been presented or prosecuted in collusion with the respondent or that the
adultery complained of, if any, has not been connived at or condoned, the court shall decree
such relief accordingly. 4?86
4?H6 4ther orders that may be passed in annulment proceeding
??. &limony, pendente lite.>here in any proceeding under this "art, it appears to the
court that the wife has no independent income sufficient for her support and the necessary
expenses of the proceeding, it may, on the application of the wife, order the husband to pay
to her the expenses of the proceeding, and monthly during the proceeding such sum not
exceeding one-fifth of her husband$s net income as to the court seems reasonable.
?8. Pr4!""t !li4o"9.3456 &ny court exercising Curisdiction under this "art may, at the
time of passing any decree or at any time subseEuent thereto, on application made to it for
the purpose, order that the husband shall, while the wife remains chaste and unmarried,
secure to the wife, for her maintenance and support, if necessary, a charge on the
husband$s property of such gross sum or such monthly or periodical payment of money for a
term not exceeding her life as, having regard to her own property, if any, her husband$s
property and the conduct of the parties, shall be deemed Cust.
4:6 If the court is satisfied that there is a change in the circumstances of either party at any
time after it has made an order under sub-section 456, it may, at the instance of either party
vary, modify or rescind any such order in such manner as the court may deem Cust.
4A6 If the court is satisfied that the wife in whose favour an order has been made under
sub-section 456 or 4:6 has remarried or has not remained chaste, it shall rescind the order.
.2. Custody o( 'hil#r".3In any proceeding under this "art, the Court may, from time to
time, pass such interim orders and make such provisions in the decree as it may deem Cust
and proper with respect to the custody, maintenance and education of minor children,
consistently with their wishes wherever possible, and may, after the decree, upon
application by petition for the purpose, make, revoke, suspend or vary, from time to time, all
such orders and provisions with respect to the custody, maintenance and education of such
children as might have been made by such decree or interim orders in case the proceeding
for obtaining such decree were still pending.
?8. &limony, pendente lite.>here in any proceeding ee. H, under this "art, it appears
to the court that the wife has no +ombay independent income sufficient for her support and
the necessary expenses of the proceeding, it may, on the application of the wife, order the
husband to pay to her the expenses of the proceeding, and monthly during the proceeding
such sum not exceeding one-fifth of her husband$s net income as to the court seems
reasonable. 4?H6
ec. H +ombay Curisdiction
.2. Pr4!""t !li4o"9.3456 &ny court exercising under this "art may, at the time of
passing any decree or at any time subseEuent thereto, on application made to it for the
purpose, order that the husband shall, while the wife remains chaste and unmarried, secure
to the wife, for her maintenance and support, if necessary, a charge on the husband$s
property of such grass sum or such monthly or periodical payment of money for a term not
exceeding her life as, having regard to her own property, if any, her husband$s property and
the conduct of the parties, shall be deemed Cust.
4:6 If the court is satisfied that there is a change in the circumstances of either party at any
time after it has made an order under sub-section 456, it may, at the instance of either party
vary, modify or rescind any such order in such manner as the court may deem Cust.
4A6 If the court is satisfied that the wife in whose favour an order has been made under
sub-section 456 or 4:6 has remarried or has not remained chaste, it shall vary or rescind the
4?G6 +ombay &ct. sec.l8, "art
?G. Custody o( 'hil#r".3In any proceeding under this, the Court may, from time to time,
pass such interim orders and make such provisions in the decree as it may deem Cust and
proper with respect to the custody, maintenance and education of minor children,
consistently with their wishes wherever possible, and may, after the decree, upon
application by petition for the purpose, make, revoke, suspend or vary,, from time to time, all
such orders and provisions with respect to the custody, maintenance and education of such
children as might have been made by such decree or interim orders in case the proceeding
for obtaining such decree were still pending. 4?@64?76
?G. Di*&o*!l o( &ro&rt9.3&ny court exercising Curisdiction under this "art may at the
time of passing any decree make such provisions in the decree as it may deem Cust and
proper as respects3
4i6 any property which belonged Cointly to the husband and the wife immediately before the
4ii6 any property which belongs to the wife, whether by way of dowry as defined in section
7A or otherwise, and which is in the possession of the husband.
4896 Execution of& and appeals from& decrees and orders
?@. )nforcement of, and appeal from, decrees and orders.3&ll decrees and orders made
by the court in any proceeding under this "art shall be enforced in like manner as the
decrees and orders of the court made in the exercise of its original civil Curisdiction are
enforced, and may be appealed from under the law for the lime being in force2
"rovided that there shall be no appeal on the subCect of costs only.4?76
?7. )nforcement of and appeal from orders and 4new6 decrees.3&ll decrees and orders
made by the court in any proceeding under this "art shall be enforced in like manner as the
decrees and orders of the court made in the exercise of its original civil Curisdiction are
enforced, and may be appealed from under the law for the time being in force2 "rovided that
4a6 there shall be no appeal from a decree of a *istrict 4/ew6 Court for dissolution of
marriage or from the order of the -igh Court confirming or refusing to confirm any such
4b6 4b6 there shall be no appeal on the subCect of costs only.
4896 4856
C-&"!)' IB
"pecial pro%isions for annulments of !aruakkattayam
or 5liyasantana marriage
?7. &nnulment of .arumakkattayam or &liyasantana marriage.3 456 ave as provided in
sub-section 4?6 of section :?&, a marriage solemnised under that section may be annulled3
4a6 by a decree of nullity under section ?7&# 4b6 by an order of divorce under section ?7+# 4c6
by a registered instrument of dissolution executed by the parties to the marriage2
"rovided that, if the female party to the marriage has not completed the age of eighteen
years, no marriage shall be annulled by an order of divorce before she completes that age.
4:6 !he annulment of a marriage by a registered instrument of dissolution shall take effect
from the dale of the registration of the instrument. 48:6
?7&. Grounds for a decree of nullity of .arumakkattayam or &liyasantana marriage.34 56
&ny marriage solemnised before the commencement of this Code under the
.arumakkattayam or &liyasantana law may be annulled by a decree of nullity,3
4a6 if by reason of the provisions of any law in force at the time of the marriage, such
marriage was invalid on the ground that either party had a spouse living at the time of the
marriage# or
4b6 if the parties at the time of the marriage were within the degrees of prohibited
relationship as defined by clause 4c6 of section 82 "rovided that no marriage so solemnised
shall be annulled under the provisions of clause 4b6 of this sub-section, if it was valid under
the provisions of any law in force at the time of the marriage.
4:6 ave as provided in sub-section 4?6 of section :?&, a marriage solemnised under that
section, may be annulled by a decree of nullity if it contravenes the condition specified in
clause 4i6 or clause 4iv6 of section G.
4A6 >here a marriage is annulled by a decree of nullity under this section, the parties
thereto shall be deemed never to have been married, nor to have been related to each other
as husband and wife2
"rovided that where a marriage is annulled by a decree of nullity on the ground that a
former husband or wife was living and it is adCudged that the subseEuent marriage was
solemnised in good faith and that one or both of the parties fully believed that the former
husband or wife was dead, children begotten before the decree is passed shall be specified
in the decree and shall in all respects be deemed to be and always to have been the
legitimate children of their parents.485648:6 48A6
.=B. Ptitio" !"# &ro'#5r (or #i/or' i" r*&'t o( M!r54!>>!tt!9!4 or
Ali9!*!"t!"! 4!rri!0.3456 ave as provided in sub-section 4?6 of section :?&, any party
to a marriage under that section may present a petition to the district court for the annulment
of such marriage by an order of divorce.
4:6 !he petition shall specify the place where, the date on which, and the name and
address of the guardian, if any, with whose consent, the marriage was solemnised.
4A6 & copy of such petition shall be served on the respondent at the cost of the petitioner.
4?6 (n the motion of the petitioner, made not earlier than six months and not later than one
year after the date of the service of the copy of the petition aforesaid, if the petition is not
withdrawn in the meantime, the court shall, on being satisfied, after such enEuiry as it thinks
fit that a marriage which is valid under section :?& was solemnised between the parties and
that such marriage complied with both the conditions specified in clauses 4i6 and 4iv6 of
section G, by order in writing declare the marriage annulled.
486!he annulment of the marriage shall take effect from the date of the order, and either
party to the marriage shall then be at liberty to marry again subCect to the provisions of this
4H6 >here a marriage is annulled by an order of divorce under this section, the parties
shall cease to be related to each other as husband and wife from the date of the order, and
any children begotten of the marriage shall in all respects be deemed to be and always to
have been the legitimate children of their parents.48?6
+<. A&&li'!tio" o( 'rt!i" &ro/i*io"* to M!r54!>>!tt!9!4 or Ali9!*!"t!"! 4!rri!0.
3456 !he provisions of sections A7 to ?@ inclusive shall apply, as far as may be, to
proceedings for the annulment under this Chapter, whether by a decree of nullity or by an
order of dissolution, of any marriage solemnised under section :?&.
4:6 /othing contained in this section shall affect the operation of subsection 4?6 of section
:?&, and save as provided in sub-section 456, nothing contained in Chapter II or Chapter III
shall apply to, or in relation to, any marriage solemnised under that section.48A648?6 4886
C-&"!)' B "a%ings
+;. S!/i"0 o( &rior 4!rri!0* !"# *&'i!l &ro/i*io"* thr(or.3456 & marriage
solemnised between -indus before the commencement of this Code, which is otherwise
valid, shall not be deemed to be invalid or ever to have been invalid by reason only of the
fact that the parties thereto belonged to the same gotra or pra%ara or belonged to different
castes or sub-divisions of the same caste.
4:6 & marriage which was solemnised before the commencement of this Code between a
female who was governed by the .arumakkattayam or &liyasantana law at the time of the
marriage and a male -indu and which is valid and subsisting at the commencement of this
Code shall continue to be a valid marriage, and the special provisions contained in this
Code with respect to annulment of .arumakkallayam or &liyasantana marriages shall apply
to, or in relation to, such marriage in like manner as they apply to, or in relation to, a
marriage between persons both of whom are governed by that law.
4A6 & conCugal union of a female belonging to any of the communities specified in clause
4b6 of the definition ofD .arumakkattayam law D in section A with a male -indu, whether
governed by that law or not, which was openly solemnised before the commencement of
this Code with the customary ceremonies prevailing in the community to which the parties
belong or either of them belongs shall be deemed for all purposes %including sub-section 4:60
to be and always to have been a valid marriage if the parties to the union are not related to
each other in such degree of consanguinity or affinity that conCugal union between them is
prohibited by any custom or usage of the community to which they belong or either of them
"rovided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall be deemed to invalidate any
dissolution of the marriage effected before the commencement of this Code in accordance
with the custom prevailing in the community to which the pities belong or either of them
+1 A# i))olution before or !fter Code of cert!in v!lid m!rri!&e) not to effect ri&ht) of children#
G7here ! m!rri!&e )olemni)ed before the commencement of thi) Code bet'een ! fem!le
&overned b" the 2!rum!%%!lt!"!m or Ali"!)!nt!n! l!' !t the time !nd ! m!le Hindu i) ! v!lid
m!rri!&e b" re!)on of !n" l!' 5 'hether in force !t the time of the m!rri!&e or p!))ed
)ub)e9uentl"5 or b" re!)on of )ub?)ection (D) of )ection +15 the di))olution of the m!rri!&e5
'hether b" de!th or other'i)e !nd 'hether before or !fter the commencement of thi) Code5 )h!ll
not !ffect in !n" '!" the le&!l )t!tu) or ri&ht) under thi) Code of the children of )uch m!rri!&e or
of their de)cend!nt)#
;!rt .= p!&e 1+
:G. aving of prior marriages .3& marriage solemnised between -indus before the
commencement of this Code, which is otherwise valid, shall not be deemed to be invalid or ever
to have been invalid, by reason only of the fact that the parties thereto belonged to the same
goira or pra%ara or belonged to different castes or sub-divisions of the same caste.
P!rt I page :: sec 5G
+;. avings.3456 /othing contained in this "art shall be ,
deemed to affect any right conferred by the .adras,
.arumakkaltayam &ct, 57A: 4.adras &ct FFII of 57A:6 to obtain the dissolution of a
sacramental marriage, whether solemnised before or after the commencement of this Code.
4:6 /othing contained in this "art shall affect any proceeding under any other law for the
time being in force for dissolution of marriage or for nullity of marriage or for Cudicial
separation pending at the date of the commencement of this Code, and any such
proceeding may be continued and determined as if this Code had not been passed.
85+. aving of pending proceedings=3/othing contained in this "art shall affect any
proceeding under any other law for the time being in force for the annulment of any marriage
or for Cudicial separation pending at the date of the commencement of this Code, and any
such proceeding may be continued and determined as if this Code had not been passed.
C-&"!)' I 5doption generally
8:. Prohi7itio" o( !#o&tio" i" 'o"tr!/"tio" o( thi* P!rt.3456 /o adoption shall be
made after the commencement of this Code by or to a male -indu except in accordance
with the provisions contained in this "art.
4:6 )xcept in the cases referred to in sub-section 4:6 of section HH, any adoption made in
contravention of this "art shall be void.
4A6 &n adoption which is void shall neither create any rights in the adoptive family in favour
of any person which he could not have acEuired except by reason of the adoption nor
destroy the rights of any person in the family of birth.
+). R?5i*it* o( ! /!li# !#o&tio".3/o adoption shall be valid unless3 4i6 the person
adopting has the capacity, and also the right, to lake
in adoption#
4ii6 the person giving in adoption has the capacity to do so# 4iii6 the person adopted is
capable of being taken in adoption# 4iv6 the adoption is completed by a physical giving and
taking# and 4v6 the adoption complies with the other conditions mentioned in this "art.
48@6 Capacity to take in adoption
8?. Capacity of a male -indu to take in adoption.3&ny male -indu who is of sound mind
and has completed the age of eighteen years has the capacity to take a son in adoption#
"rovided that a -indu who has a wife living shall not adopt except with the consent of his
wife or, if he has more than one wife, except with the consent of at least one of such wives,
unless the wife or all the wives, as the case may be, is or are incapable of giving consent.
Explanation.For the purposes of this section, a wile shall be deemed to be incapable of
giving consent if she is of unsound mind or has not attained the age of eighteen years.
PART IIICADOPTION CII&B!-' I 5doption generally
+%. Prohi7itio" o( !#o&tio" i" 'o"tr!/"tio" o( thi* &!rt 1IB *'*. ;B ;:B
P!rt.3456 /o adoption shall be made after the commencement of this Code by or to a
male -indu except in accordance pages :?, :G with the provisions contained in this "art.
4:6 )xcept in the case referred to in sub-section 4:6 of section HH, any adoption made in
contravention of the provisions of this "art shall be void.
4A6 &n adoption which is void shall neither create any rights in the adoptive family in favour
of any person which he could not have acEuired except by reason of the adoption nor
destroy the rights of any person in the family of birth. 48H6
"art BI %page :?
8A. 'eEuisites of a valid adoption.3/o adoption shall be valid unless
3 4i6 the person adopting has the capacity, and also the right, to
take in adoption#
4ii6 the person giving in adoption has the capacity to do so# 4iii6 the person adopted is
capable of being taken in adoption# 4iv6 the adoption is completed by a physical giving and
taking# and 4v6 the adoption complies with the other conditions mentioned in this
P!rt. 48G6
Capacity to take in adoption
*art .- sec. 8456, page 16
8?. Capacity of a male -indu to take in adoption.3, &ny male
-indu who is of sound mind and has completed the age of eighteen years has the capacity
to take a son in adoption2
"rovided that a -indu shall not adopt except with the consent of his wife or, if he has more
than one wife, except with the consent of at least one of such wives, unless the wife or all
the wives, as the case may be, is or are incapable of giving consent.
Explanation.For the purposes of this section, a wife shall be deemed to be incapable of
giving consent if she is of unsound mind or has not attained the age of eighteen years. 48@6
88. Capacity of widow to take in adoption.3456 &ny -indu widow who is of sound mind
and has completed the age of eighteen years has the capacity to take a son in adoption to
her husband. "rovided that3
4a6 her husband has not prohibited her from adopting, and 4b6 her power to adopt has not
4:6 /othing in sub-section 456 shall be deemed to prevent a -indu widow who has not
completed the age of eighteen years from adopting a boy named by her husband in any
authority conferred on her in the manner hereinafter provided. 4H96
8H. &uthority or prohibition in regard to adoption.3456 &ny male -indu who has the
capacity to take a son in adoption as aforesaid may authorise his wife to adopt a son to him
after his death, or prohibit her from doing .so.
4:6 >here there are more wives than one, the authority may be given to, or the prohibition
imposed on, any or all of them.
4A6 >here a -indu who has left two or more widows, has expressly authorised any one or
more of them to adopt a son, he shall be deemed to have prohibited the others from
8G. M!""r o( 0i/i"0 !5thorit9 or i4&o*i"0 &rohi7itio" or r/o>i"0 th *!4.3456
/o authority to adopt, and no prohibition of adoption, shall be valid unless given or imposed
by an instrument registered under the Indian 'egistration &ct, 579@ 4FBI of 579@6, or by a
will executed in accordance with the provisions of section HA of the Indian uccession &ct,
57:8 4FFFIF of 57:86.
4:6 &ny authority or prohibition @9 given or imposed may be revoked either by an
instrument registered, or a will executed, as aforesaid.
4A6 If the authority or prohibition is given or imposed by a will, it may also be revoked in
any of the other modes set out in section G9 of the Indian uccession &ct, 57:8 4FFFIF of
57:86, as modified by chedule III to that &ct.
88. Capacity of widow to take in adoption.3456 &ny part BI, -indu widow who is of sound
mind and has completed the page :?. age of eighteen years has the capacity to take a son
in adoption to her husband# "rovided that3
4a6 her husband has not expressly or impliedly prohibited her from adopting# and
4b6 her power to adopt has not terminated.
4:6 /othing in sub-section 456 shall be deemed to prevent a -indu widow who has not
completed the age of eighteen years from adopting a boy named by her husband in any
authority conferred on her in the manner hereinafter provided. 4876
+2. A5thorit9 or &rohi7itio" i" r0!r# to !#o&tio". &!rt 1IB i" &!0 :? 456 &ny male
-indu who has the capacity to take a son, adoption as aforesaid may authorise his wife to
adopt a son to him after his death, or prohibit her from doing so.
4:6 >here there are more wives than one, the authority may be given to, or the prohibition
imposed on, any or all of them.
4A6 >here a -indu who has left two or more widows, Dhas expressly authorised any one or
more of them to adopt a son, he shall be deemed to have prohibited the others from
adopting. 4H96
"art BI page :?
8G. .anner of giving authority or imposing prohibition, or revoking the same.3456 /o
authority to adopt, and no, prohibition of adoption, shall be valid unless given or imposed by
an instrument registered under the Indian 'egistration &ct, 579@ 4FBI of 579@6, or by a will
executed in accordance with the provisions of section HA of the Indian uccession &ct, 57:8
4FFFIF of 57:86.
4:6 &ny authority or prohibition so given or imposed may be revoked either by an
instrument registered, or a will executed, as aforesaid.
4A6 If the authority or prohibition is given or imposed by a will, it may also be revoked in
any of the other modes set out in section G9 of the Indian uccession &ct, 57:8 4FFFIF of
57:86, as modified by chedule III to that &ct. 4H56 4H:6
+6. Ri0ht to !#o&t as 7t8" two or 4or widows.3>here a -indu has left two or
more widows with capacity to take a son in adoption to him, the right to adopt is determined
as between them in accordance with the following provisions 23
4a6 If he has granted to all or any of them authority to adopt, indicating the order of
preference in that behalf, the right to adopt shall follow that order.
4b6 If he has given no such indication, the right to adopt shall follow the order of the
seniority of the widows to whom authority has been granted, as determined by section 87.
4c6 If he has neither authorised nor prohibited an adoption, the right to adopt shall follow
the order of the seniority of the widows as determined by section 87.
4d6 & widow having the right to adopt under clause 4b6 or clause 4c6 may renounce it in
favour of the next senior widow by a registered instrument, if she does not so renounce it
and if, without Cust cause, she either refuses, or fails within a reasonable time, to exercise
her right when called upon to do so by the next senior or any other widow, the right shall
pass to the next senior widow, and so on down to the last widow in the order of seniority.
87. eniority among wives and widows.3For the purpose of this "art, seniority among the
wives or widows of a person is determined by the order in which they were married to him,
the woman who was married earlier being reckoned senior to the woman who was married
later. 4H?6
2<. Wi#o8A* ri0ht to !#o&t "ot $h!5*t# 79 &r/io5* $r'i*.3 & widow may,
subCect to the provisions of this "art, adopt several sons in succession, one after the death
of another, unless the authority, if any, conferred upon her by her husband otherwise
"art BI, page :8.
8@. 'ight to adopt as between two or more widows.3 >here a -indu has left two or more
widows with capacity to take a son in adoption to him, the right to adopt is determined as
between them in accordance with the following provisions 23-
4a6 If he has granted to all or any of them authority to adopt, indicating the order of
preference in that behalf, the right to adopt shall follow that order.
4b6 If he has given no such indication, the right to adopt shall follow the order of the
seniority of the widows to whom authority has been granted, as determined by section 87.
4c6 If he has neither authorised nor prohibited an adoption, the right to adopt shall follow
the order of the seniority of the widows as determined by section 87.#
4c6 & widow having the right .to adopt under clause 4b6 or clause 4c6 may renounce it in
favour of the next senior widow by a registered instrument, if she does not so renounce it
and if, without Cust cause, she either refuses, or fails within a reasonable time, to exercise
her right when called upon to do so by the next senior or any other widow, the right shall
pass to the next senior widow, and so on down to the last widow in the order of seniority.
4d6 4H:6 "art BI, page :8.
4e6 87. eniority among wives and widows.3For the purpose of this "art, seniority
among the wives or widows of a person is determined by the order in which they were
married to him, the woman who was married earlier being reckoned senior to the woman
who was married later. 4HA6
"art B page :8.
4f6 H9. >idow$s right to adopt not exhausted by previous, exercise.3-& widow may,
subCect to the provisions of this "art, adopt several sons in succession, one after the death
of another, unless the authority, if any, conferred upon her by her husband otherwise
4g6 4H?6 4H86
H5. !ermination of widow$s right.3456 & widow$s right to adopt terminates3
4a6 when she remarries, or
4b6 when any -indu son of her husband dies leaving him surviving a -indu son, widow or
son$s widow, or
4e6 if she ceases to be a -indu.
Explanation.In this sub-section, son means a son, son$s son, or son$s sons$ s son,
whether by legitimate blood relationship or by adoption.
4:6 !he widow$s right to adopt shall not revive after it has once terminated. 4HH6 Capacity
to gi%e in adoption
2%. Pr*o"* '!&!7l o( 0i/i"0 i" !#o&tio".3456 /o person except the father or mother
of the boy shall have the capacity to give the boy in adoption.
4:6 ubCect to the provisions of clauses 4b6 and 4c6 of sub-section 4A6, the father, if alive,
shall alone have the right to give in adoption, but such right shall not be exercised save with
the consent of the mother where she is capable of giving consent.
4A6 !he mother may give the boy in adoption3 4a6 if the father is dead,
4b6 if he has completely and finally renounced the world in any of the modes set forth in
sub-section 456 of section 559 of "art BII,
4c6 if he has ceased to be a -indu, or 4d6 if he is not capable of giving consent2
"rovided that the father has not prohibited her from doing so by an instrument registered
under the Indian 'egistration &ct, 579@ 4FBI of 579@6, or by a will executed in accordance
with the provisions of section HA of the Indian uccession &ct, 57:8 4FFFIF of 57:86.
4?6 !he father or mother giving a boy in adoption must be of sound mind and must have
completed the age of eighteen years.
Explanation.For the purpose of this section,3
4i6 the expressions D father D, or D mother D do not include an adoptive father or an adoptive
mother# and
4ii6 a father or mother shall be deemed to be incapable of giving consent if he or she, as
the case may be, is of unsound mind or has not completed the age of eighteen years.
"art B, sec. l9 page :8.
H5. !ermination of widow$s right.3456 & widow$s right, to adopt terminates3

4a6 when she remarries# or
4b6 when any -indu son of her husband dies leaving him surviving a -indu son, widow or
son$s widow# or
4c6 if she ceases to be a -indu.
Explanation.In this sub-section, son means a son, son$s son, or son$s son$s son,
whether by legitimate blood relationship or by adoption. 4:6 !he widow$s right to adopt shall
not revive after it has once terminated. 4H86
Capacity to gi%e in adoption
P!rt 1B &!0 :8.
2%. Pr*o"* '!&!7l o( 0i/i"0 i" !#o&tio".456 /o person except the father or mother
of the boy shall have the capacity to give the boy in adoption.
4:6 ubCect to the provisions of clauses 4b6 and 4c6 of sub-section 4A6, the father, if alive,
shall alone have the right to give in adoption, but such right shall not be exercised save with
the consent of the mother where she is capable of giving consent. 4A6 !he mother may give
the boy in adoption3 4a6 if the father is dead#
4b6 if he has completely and Finally renounced the world in any of the modes set forth in
sub-section 456 of section 559 of "art BII# 4c6 if he has ceased to be a -indu# or 4d6 if he is
not capable of giving consent2
"rovided that the father has not prohibited her from doing so by an instrument registered
under the Indian 'egistration &ct, 579@ 4FBI of 579@6, or by a will executed in accordance
with the provisions of section HA of the Indian uccession &ct, 57:8 4FFFIF of 57:86.
4?6 !he father or mother giving a boy in adoption must be of sound mind and must have
completed the age of eighteen years. Explanation.$or the purposes of this section,3
4i6 the expressions D father D, or D mother D do not include an adoptive father or an adoptive
mother# and
4ii6 a father or mother shall be deemed to be incapable of giving consent if he or she. as
the case may be, is of unsound mind or has not completed the age of eighteen years. 4HH6
Capacity to be taken in adoption
HA. >ho may be adopted.3456 /o female shall be adopted by or to any male or female
4:6 /o boy shall be capable of being taken in adoption, unless the following conditions are
satisfied, namely, that3 4i6 he is a -indu# 4ii6 he has not been married# 4iii6 he has not been
already adopted# 4iv6 he has not completed the age of fifteen years. 4H@6
2.. Crt!i" &r*o"* #'l!r# '!&!7l o( 7i"0 !#o&t#.3For the avoidance of doubt,
it is hereby declared that the adoption of the following persons is permissible, namely 23 4i6
the eldest or the only son of his father#
4ii6 the son of a woman whom the adoptive father could not have legally married, and in
particular, is daughter$s son, sister$s son, or mother$s sister$s son2 and 4iii6 a stranger
although near relatives of the adoptive father exist.
4H76 Essential ceremonies
2+. Co4&ltio" o( !#o&tio".3&n adoption is not valid and binding unless the boy to be
adopted is physically given and taken in adoption by the parents concerned or under their
authority, with intent to transfer him from the family of his birth to the family of his adoption.
Explanation.!he performance of the #atta homan is not essential to the validity of an
P!rt 1IB S'. )B &!0 %..
P!rt 1IB *'. ;)B &!0 %2.
Capacity to be taken in adoption
2). Who 4!97 !#o&t#.3456 /o female shall be adopted by or to any male or female
4:6 /o boy shall be capable of being taken in adoption, unless the following conditions are
satisfied, namely, that3 4i6 he is a -indu# 4ii6 he has not been married# 4iii6 he has not been
already adopted# 4iv6 he has not completed the age of Fifteen years.
4HG6 P!rt 1IB page :H.
2.. Crt!i" &r*o"* #'l!r# '!&!7l o( 7i"0 !#o&t#.3For the avoidance of doubt,
it is hereby declared that the adoption of the following persons is permissible, namely23
4i6 the eldest or the only son of his father# 4ii6 the son of a woman whom the adoptive father
could not have legally married, and in particular, is daughter$s son, sister$s son, or mother$s
sister$s son# and 4iii6 a stranger although near relatives of the adoptive father exist.
Essential ceremonies
P!rt 1IB *'. ;+B &!0 %2.
2+. Co4&ltio" o( !#o&tio".3&n adoption is not valid and binding unless the boy to be
adopted is physically given and taken in adoption by the parents concerned or under their
authority, with intent to transfer him from the family of his birth to the family of his adoption.
Explanation.!he performance of the #atta homan is not essential to the validity of an
4G96 4ther conditions for adoption
22. Othr 'o"#itio"*.3456 In every adoption, the following conditions must be complied
with 23
4i6 !he adoptive father by or to whom the adoption is made must have no -indu son, son$s
son, or son$s son$s son 4whether by legitimate blood relationship or by adoption6 living at the
time of adoption.
Explanation.& person not actually born at the time of adoption, although he may then be
in the womb and is subseEuently born alive, is not said to be living at the time of adoption for
the purposes of this clause.
4ii6 !he same boy may not be adopted simultaneously by or to two or more persons nor
may two or more boys be simultaneously adopted by or to the same person.
4iii6 )very adoption must be made with the free consent of the person giving and of the
person taking in adoption.
4:6 >here the consent of the person giving or of the person taking in adoption has been
obtained by coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake, either party may
sue for a declaration that the adoption is invalid2 "rovided that the Court shall dismiss such
4a6 if the suit is Filed more than two years after the coercion or undue influence had
ceased or the fraud, misrepresentation or mistake had been discovered# or
4b6 if the person whose consent has been so obtained has confirmed the adoption after the
coercion, undue influence has ceased, or after the fraud, misrepresentation or mistake has
been discovered, as the case may be, and such confirmation does not preCudice the rights of
others. 4A6 >here no suit is brought within the lime limit specified in clause 4a6 of sub-section
4:6 or >here an adoption has been confirmed under clause 4b6 of the said sub-section it
shall be deemed to be valid and effectual for all purposes as from the date of adoption.
"art BI, *'. ;2B page :H.
4ther conditions for adoption HH. (ther conditions.3456 In every adoption, the following
conditions must be complied with 23
4i6 !he adoptive father by or to whom the adoption is made must have no -indu son, son$s
son, or son$s son$s son 4whether by legitimate blood relationship or by adoption6 living at the
time of adoption.
Explanation.& person not actually born at the time of adoption, although he may then be
in the womb and is subseEuently born alive, is not said to be living at the time of adoption for
the purposes of this clause.
4ii6 !he same boy may not be adopted simultaneously by or to two or more persons nor
may two or more boys be simultaneously adopted by or to the same person.
4iii6 )very adoption must be made with the free consent of the person giving and of the
person taking in adoption.
4:6 >here the consent of the person giving or of the person taking in adoption has been
obtained by coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake, either party may
sue for a declaration that the adoption is invalid2 "rovided that the Court shall dismiss such
4a6 if the suit is filed more than two years after the coercion or undue influence had ceased
or the fraud, misrepresentation or mistake had been discovered# or
4b6 if the person whose consent has been so obtained has confirmed the adoption after the
coercion, undue influence has ceased, or after the fraud, misrepresentation or mistake has
been discovered, as the case may be, and such confirmation does not preCudice the rights of
others. 4A6 >here no suit is brought within the time limit specified in clause 4a6 of sub-section
4:6 or where an adoption has been confirmed under clause 4b6 of the said sub-section it shall
be deemed to be valid and effectual for all purposes as from the date of adoption.
4G56 C-&"!)' II Effects of adoption
HG. )ffects of adoption.3&n adopted son shall be deemed to be the son of his adoptive
father for all purposes with effect from the date of the adoption and from such date all his
ties in the family of his birth shall be deemed to be severed and replaced by those created
by the adoption in the adoptive family.
"rovided that3
4a6 he cannot marry any person whom he could not have married if he had continued in
the family of his birth#
4b6 any property which vested in him before the adoption shall continue to vest in him
subCect to the obligations, if any, attaching to the ownership of such property, including the
obligation to maintain relatives in the family of his birth#
4c6 the adopted son shall not divest any person of any estate which vested in him or her
before the adoption, except in the manner and to the extent specified in section H@. 4G:6
26. Di/*ti"0 o( *t!t* 79 !#o&tio".3>here, after the commencement of this Code, a
widow makes an adoption, the adopted son shall take3
4a6 one-half of the estate inherited by her and her co-widows, if any, as the heirs of the
adoptive father
= = = =#
4b6 if the adoption is made after the death of a son, son$s son, son$s son$s son of the
adoptive father, one-half of the estate the adoptive mother and her co-widows, if any,
inherited from the adoptive father, and in addition, one-half of the estate inherited by the
adoptive mother as the heir of her son, son$s son, or son$s son$s son, the share in the estate
in each case being determined as it stood immediately before the adoption2
"rovided that if the whole estate or any part thereof inherited by her or them is impartible
by custom, usage or by the terms of any grant or enactment, the adopted son shall have the
whole of such impartible estate as it stood immediately before the adoption in addition to
what he may be entitled to under clause 4a6 or clause 4b6.
= = = = =
C-&"!)' II )ffects of adoption "art BI, page :G
HG. )ffects of adoption.3&n adopted son shall be deemed to be the son of his adoptive
father for all purposes with effect from the date of the adoption and from such date all his
ties in the family of his birth shall be deemed to be severed and replaced by those created
by the adoption in the adoptive family.
"rovided that3
4a6 he cannot marry any person whom he could not have married if he had continued in
the family of his birth#
4b6 any property which vested in him before the adoption shall continue to vest in him
subCect to the obligations, if any, attaching to the ownership of such property, including the
obligation to maintain relatives in the family of his birth#
4c6 the adopted son shall not divest any person of any estate which vested in him or her
before the adoption, except in the manner and to the extent specified in section H@. 4G56 "art
BI, sec. 57, page :G.
H@. *ivesting of estates by adoption.3456 >here, after the commencement of this Code, a
widow makes an adoption, the adopted son shall take3
4a6 one-half of the estate inherited by her and her co-widows, if any, as the heirs of the
adoptive father as it stood immediately before the adoption#
4b6 if the adoption is made after the death of a son, son$s son, son$s son$s son of the
adoptive father, one-half of the estate the adoptive mother and her co-widows, if any,
inherited from the adoptive father, and in addition, one-half of the estate inherited by the
adoptive mother as the heir of her son, son$s son, or son$s son$s son, the share in the estate
being determined as it stood immediately before the adoption2
"rovided that if the whole estate or any part thereof inherited by her or them is impartible
by custom, usage or by the terms of any grant or enactment, the adopted son shall have the
whole of such impartible estate as it stood immediately before the adoption in addition to
what he may be entitled to under clause 4a6 or clause 4b6.
4:6 !he provisions of sub-section 456 shall apply in respect of agricultural land, wherever
situate in the "rovinces of India. 4G:6 4GA6
2=. 'ight of adoptive to dispose of their properties.3ubCect to any agreement to the
contrary, an adoption does not deprive the adoptive father or mother of the power to dispose
of his or her property by transfer inter %i%os or by will. 4G?6
G9. Dtr4i"!tio" o( th !#o&ti/ 4othr i" '!* o( !#o&tio" 79 8i#o8r.3456
>here a -indu who has a wife living adopts a son, she shall be deemed to be the adoptive
4:6 >here a -indu has more than one wife living3
4i6 that wife in association with whom or with whose consent he makes the adoption, or
4ii6 if more than one wife has been so associated or has so consented, the senior most in
marriage among the wives so associated or consenting# shall be deemed to be the adoptive
mother, and the other wives the stepmothers, of the adopted son.
4A6 >here a widower adopts at any time after his wife$s death, the wife who died last
immediately preceding the adoption, shall be deemed to be the adoptive mother, and any
other predeceased wife or any wife subseEuently married by him shall be deemed to be the
step-mother, of the adopted son, unless the adoptive father has directed or given a clear
indication that some other of such wives shall be deemed to be the adoptive mother# in
which case, any predeceased wife who is not the adoptive mother and any wife
subseEuently married by the adoptive father shall be deemed to be the stepmothers of the
adopted son.
4?6 >here a bachelor adopts, any wife subseEuently married by him shall be deemed to be
the step-mother of the adopted son.
"art BI, page :G.
H7. 'ight of adoptive parents to dispose of their properties.3ubCect to any agreement to
the contrary, an $ adoption does not deprive the adoptive lather or mother of the power to
dispose of his or her property by transfer inter %i%os or by will. 4GA6 P!rt 1IB *'. %% page
:G, :@.
:<. Dtr4i"!tio" o( th !#o&ti/ 4othr i" '!* o( adoption by widower.3456 >here
a -indu who has a wife living adopts a son, she shall be deemed to be the adoptive mother.
4:6 >here a -indu has more than one wife living3
4i6 that wife in association with whom or with whose consent he makes the adoption, or
4ii6 if more than one wife has been so associated or has so consented, the senior most in
marriage among the wives so associated or consenting#
shall be deemed to be the adoptive mother, and the oilier wives the stepmothers of the
adopted son.
"art BI sec ::(/)& page :@.
4A6 >here a widower adopts at any time after his wife$s death, the wife who died last
immediately preceding the adoption, shall be deemed to be the adoptive mother, and any
other predeceased wife or any wife subseEuently married by him shall be deemed to be the
step-mother, of the adopted son, unless the adoptive father has directed or given a clear
indication that some other of such wives shall be deemed to be the adoptive mother# in
which case, any predeceased wife who is not the adoptive mother and any wife
subseEuently married by the adoptive father shall be deemed to be the stepmothers of the
adopted son.
4?6 >here a bachelor adopts, any wife subseEuently married by him shall be deemed to be
the step-mother of the adopted son. 4G?6 4G86
:;. Dtr4i"!tio" o( th !#o&ti/ 4othr i" '!* o( !#o&tio" 79 8i#o8. 3456 >here
one of several widows of a deceased -indu makes an adoption, she shall be deemed to be
the adoptive mother, and the other widows the step-mothers, of the adopted son.
4:6 >here two or more widows Cointly make an adoption, the senior most in marriage
among the widows shall be deemed to be the adoptive mother, and the other widow or
widows the step-mother or step-mothers, of the adopted son. 4GH6
G:. 1!li# !#o&tio" "ot to 7 '!"'ll#.3/o adoption which has been validly made can
be cancelled by the adoptive father or mother or any other person, nor can the adopted son
renounce his status as such adopted son and return to the family of his birth. 4GG6
GA. Certain agreements to he void.3&n agreement not to adopt, or curtailing the rights of
an adopted son, is void.
P!rt 1IB &!0 %6 sec. :A
:;. Dtr4i"!tio" o( th !#o&ti/ 4othr i" '!* o( !#o&tio" 79 8i#o8. 3456 >here
one of several widows of a deceased -indu makes an adoption, she shall be deemed to be
the adoptive mother, and the other widows the stepmothers, of the adopted son.
4:6 >here two or more widows Cointly make an adoption, the senior most in marriage
among the widows shall be deemed to be the adoptive mother, and the other widow or
widows the step-mother or step-mothers, of the adopted son.
G:. 1!li# !#o&tio" "ot to 7 '!"'ll#.3/o adoption which has been validly made can
be cancelled by the adoptive father or mother or any other person, nor can the adopted son
renounce his status as such and return to the family of his birth. 4GH6
P!rt BI, page :G. 4GG64G@6
:). Crt!i" !0r4"t* to 7 /oi#.3&n agreement not to adopt, or curtailing the rights
of an adopted son, is void.
C-&"!)' III
'egistration or record of adoptions
G?. R0i*tr!tio" !"# &roo( o( !#o&tio"*.3456 !he tate Government may, by
notification in the (fficial GaIelle, direct that in the tate or in such areas as may be
specified in the notification, no adoption made under the provisions of this "art shall be valid
unless evidenced by a document in writing duly registered under any law for the time being
in force relating to the registration of documents.
4:6 >here an adoption is reEuired to be evidenced by a registered document under sub-
section 456 no evidence shall be given in proof of such adoption except the document itself.
G?&. 'ecording of adoptions in cases to which section G? does not apply.3>here no
notification has been issued under section G?, the tate Government may, for the purpose
of facilitating the proof of any adoption made under the provisions of this "art, by rules,
provide that particulars relating to such adoption shall be entered in the 'egister of
&doptions maintained in this behalf by such authority as may be appointed for this purpose
by the tate Government2
"rovided that an application is made to such authority in the manner specified in section
G8. 4G76
G8. A&&li'!tio" 8h" to h 4!# !"# &!rti'5l!r* to 7 *t o5t thri".3!he
application under section G?& shall be signed by the person taking, and the person giving, in
adoption and shall be made within ninety days of the adoption, it shall state the following
particulars and such other particulars as may be prescribed23 4i6 the date of the adoption#
4ii6 the form of the adoption#
4iii6 the name or names, and the age or ages, of the person or persons taking in adoption#
4iv6 if the adoptive father is a married man, the name of his wife# and if he is a widower the
name of his pre-deceased wife#
If there are two or more wives or pre-deceased wives, their names, the order in which, and
the dates on which, they were married to him, and the name of the wife or pre-deceased
wife who is the adoptive mother, if any#
4v6 if the person adopting is a woman, the name of her husband and the names of her co-
wives or co-widows, if any# 4vi6 the name and age of the person giving in adoption# 4vii6 the
name of the adopted boy in the family of his birth# 4viii6 the age of the adopted boy# and 4ix6
the name of the adopted boy in the family of his adoption.
C-&"!)' III 'ecord of adoptions
P!rt BI, page :7.
G?. A&&li'!tio" (or r'or#i"0 o( !#o&tio".3>hen an adoption has been made under
the provisions of this "art and the parties thereto desire to have the adoption recorded in
the 'egister of &doptions maintained for this purpose, they may apply in this behalf$ to such
authority as may be appointed for this purpose by the "rovincial Government, by notification
in the official GaIette, and who has Curisdiction in the place where the adoption was made.
P!rt BI, page :7.
G8. A&&li'!tio" 8h" to 7 4!# !"# &!rti'5l!r* to 7 *t o5t thri".3!he
application shall be signed by the person taking, and the person giving, in adoption and shall
be made within ninety days of the adoption. It shall state the following particulars and such
other particulars as may be prescribed 23
4i6 the date of the adoption# 4ii6 the form of the adoption $,
4iii6 the name or names, and the age or ages, of the person or persons talking in adoption#
4iv6 if the adoptive father is a married man, the name of his wife# and if he is a widower the
name of his pre-deceased wife#
If there are two or more wives or pre-deceased wives, their names, the order in which, and
the dates on which, they were married to him, and the name of the wife or pro-deceased
wife who is the adoptive mother, if any#
4v6 if the person adopting is a woman, the name of her husband and the names of her co-
wives or co-widows, if any# 4vi6 the name and age of the person giving in adoption# 4vii6 the
name of the adopted boy in the family of his birth2 4viii6 the age of the adopted boy2 and 4ix6
the name of the adopted boy in the family of his adoption. 4G76 4@96
GH. 'ecording of adoption.3If the authority appointed under section G?& is satisfied that
the application has been signed by the person taking and the person giving in adoption and
that the adoption has taken place as stated, he shall cause a record of the adoption to be
made in the 'egister of &doption.
:2. R'or#i"0 o( !#o&tio".3If the authority appointed under section G?& is satisfied that
the application has been signed by the person taking and the person giving in adoption and
that the adoption has taken place as stated, he shall cause a record of the adoption to be
made in the 'egister of &doption. 4@96
4@56 "&'! IB3.I/('I!K &/* G,&'*I&/-I"
GG. D(i"itio"*.3In this "art3
4a6 D minor D means a person who has not completed the age of eighteen years#
4b6 D natural guardian D means any of the guardians referred to in section G@, but does not
include a guardian3 4i6 appointed by the will of the minor$s father, or 4ii6 appointed or
declared by a court, or
4iii6 empowered to act as such by or under any enactment relating to any court of wards.
G@. /atural guardians of a -indu minor.3!he natural guardians of a -indu minor, in
respect of the minor$s person as well as in respect of the minor$s properly are3
4a6 in the case of a boy or unmarried girl3the father, and after him, the mother 2 provided
that the custody of a minor who has not completed the age of three years shall ordinarily be
with the mother#
4b6 in the case of an illegitimate boy or an illegitimate unmarried girl3 the mother and after
her, the father#
4c6 in the case of a married girl3the husband2 "rovided that no person shall be entitled to
act as the natural guardian of a minor under the provisions of this section3 4a6 if he has
ceased to be a -indu# or
4b6 if he has completely and finally renounced the world in any of the modes set forth in
sub-section 456 of section 559.4@A6
G7. /atural 05!r#i!"*hi& o( !#o&t# son.3!he natural guardianship of an adopted son
who is a minor passes, on adoption, from the family of his birth to the family of his adoption.
"art B, page ::.
GG. D(i"itio"*.3In this "art3
4a6 D minor D means a person who has not completed the age of eighteen years2 4h6 D
natural guardian D means any of the guardians referred to in section
G@, but does not include a guardian3 4i6 appointed by the will of the minor$s father, or 4ii6
appointed or declared by a court, or 4iii6 empowered to act as such by or under any
enactment relating to any Court of >ards. 4@56
"art B, page ::
G@. /atural guardians of a -indu minor.3!he natural guardians of a -indu minor, in
respect of the minor$s person as well as in respect of the minor$s property are3
4a6 in the case of a boy or unmarried girl3the father, and after him, the mother 2 provided
that the custody of a minor who has not completed the age of three years shall ordinarily be
with the mother#
4b6 in the case of an illegitimate boy or an illegitimate unmarried girl3 the mother and after
her, the father#
4c6 in the case of a married girl3the husband2
"rovided that no person shall be entitled to act as the natural guardian of a minor under
the provisions of this section3
4a6 if he has ceased to be a -indu# or
4b6 if he has completely and finally renounced the world in any of the modes set forth in
sub-section 456 of section 559.4@:6
"art B, page ::.
G7. /atural guardianship of adopted son.3!he nature sec. 8 guardianship of an adopted
son who is a minor passes, on adoption, from the family of his birth to the family of his
adoption. 4@A6
6<. Po8r o( "!t5r!l 05!r#i!".3456 !he natural guardian of a -indu minor has power,
subCect to the provisions of this section, to do all acts which are necessary or reasonable
and proper for the benefit of the minor or for the realiIation, protection or benefit of the
minor$s estate# but the guardian can in no case bind the minor by a personal covenant.
4:6 !he natural guardian shall not, without the previous permission of the court3
4a6 mortgage or charge, or transfer by sale, gift, exchange or otherwise, any part of the
immovable property of the minor# or
4b6 lease any part of such property for a term exceeding five years or for a term extending
more than one year beyond the date on which the minor will attain maCority.
4A6 &ny disposal of immovable property by a natural guardian, in contravention of sub-
section 456 or sub-section 4:6, is voidable at the instance of the minor or any other person
affected thereby.
4?6 /o court shall grant permission to the natural guardian to do any of the acts mentioned
in sub-section 4:6 except in case of necessity or for an evident advantage to the minor.
486 !he Guardians and >ards &ct, 5@79 4BIII of 5@796, shall apply to, and in respect of, an
application for obtaining the permission of the court under sub-section 4:6 in all respects as if
it were an application for obtaining the permission of the court under section :7 of that &ct,
and in particular3
4a6 proceedings in connection with the application shall be deemed to be proceedings
under that &ct within the meaning of section ?& thereof#
4b6 the court shall observe the procedure and have the powers specified in sub-sections
4:6, 4A6 and 4?6 of section A5 of that &ct# and
4c6 an appeal shall lie to the -igh Court from an order of the court refusing permission to
the natural guardian to do any of the acts mentioned in sub-section 4:6 of this section.
4H6 In this section, D court D means the district court within the local limits of which the
immovable property in respect of which the application is made, or any part thereof, is
situated, or a court empowered under section ?& of the Guardians and >ards &ct, 5@79
4BIII of 5@796.
@9. "ower of natural guardian.3456 !he natural guardian of a -indu minor has power,
subCect to the provisions of this section, to do all acts which are necessary or reasonable
and proper for the benefit of the minor or for the realiIation, protection or benefit of the
minor$s estate# but the guardian can in no case bind the minor by a personal covenant.
4:6 !he natural guardian shall not, without the previous permission of the court3
4a6 mortgage or charge, or transfer by sale, gift, exchange or otherwise, any part of the
immovable property of the minor# or
4b6 lease any part of such property for a term exceeding five years or for a term extending
more than one year beyond the date on which the minor will attain maCority.
4A6 &ny disposal of immovable property by a natural guardian, in contravention of sub-
section 456 or sub-section 4:6, is voidable at the instance of the minor or any other person
affected thereby.
"art B, page :A.
4?6 /o court shall grant permission to the natural guardian to do any of the acts mentioned
in sub-section 4:6 except in case of necessity or for an evident advantage to the minor.
486 !he Guardians and >ards &ct, 5@79 4BIII of 5@796, shall apply to, and in respect of, an
application for obtaining the permission of the court under sub-section 4:6 in all respects as if
it were an application for obtaining the permission of the court under section :7 of that &ct,
and in particular3
4a6 proceedings in connection with the application shall be deemed to be proceedings
under that &ct within the meaning of section ?& thereof#
4b6 the court shall observe the procedure and have the powers specified in sub-sections
4:6, 4A6 and 4?6 of section A5 of that &ct# and
4c6 an appeal shall lie to the -igh Court from an order of the court refusing permission to
the natural guardian to do any of the acts mentioned in sub-section 4:6 of this section.
4H6 In this section, D court D means the district court within the local limits of which the
unmovable property in respect of which the application is made, or any part thereof, is
situated, or a court empowered under section ?& of the Guardians and >ards &ct, 5@79
4BIII of 5@796.
6;. R/o'!tio" o( !5thorit9 79 "!t5r!l 05!r#i!".3>here the natural guardian of a
-indu minor authorises another person to take charge of the minor, the authority is
revocable except3
4a6 where it is not in the interests of the minor to permit revocation# or
4b6 where the natural guardian has ceased to he a -indu# or 4e6 where for any other
sufficient cause, it is not desirable to permit revocation.
@:. !estamentary guardian and his powers.3456 & -indu father may, by will, appoint a
guardian for any of his minor legitimate children in respect of the minor$s person, or in
respect of the minor$s property, or in respect of both#
"rovided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorise any person to act as the
guardian of the person of the minor if the mother is alive and is capable of acting as the
natural guardian of her minor child.
4:6 !he guardian so appointed has, after the death of the father, the right to act as the
minor$s guardian, and to exercise all the rights of a natural guardian under this "art to such
extent and subCect to such restrictions, if any, as may be specified in the will.
4A6 ubCect to the provisions of this "art, a -indu widow may, by will appoint a guardian for
any of her minor children in respect of the person of the minor#
"rovided that her husband has not already by will appointed any person to be the guardian
of the person of such child.
4?6 !he right of the guardian so appointed shall, where the minor is a girl, cease on her
@A. *uty of guardian regarding religious upbringing of minor.3it shall be the duty of the
guardian of a -indu minor to bring up the minor in the religion of the father of the minor.
6.. D (!'to 05!r#i!" "ot to #!l 8ith 4i"orA* &ro&rt9.3&fter the commencement of
this Code, no person shall be entitled to dispose of, or deal with, the property of a -indu
minor merely on the ground of his or her being the de facto guardian of the minor.
P!rt 1B page, :A.
6;. R/o'!tio" o( !5thorit9 79 "!t5r!l 05!r#i!". >here the natural guardian of a
-indu minor authorises another person to take charge of the minor, the authority is
revocable except3
4a6 where it is not in the interests of the minor to permit revocation $. or
4h6 where the nature guardian has ceased to be a -indu# or 4c6 where for any other
sufficient cause, it is not desirable to permit revocation. 4@86
"art B, sec. @,
@:. !estamentary guardian and his powers.3456 & -indu father may, by will, appoint a
guardian for any of his minor legitimate children in respect of the minor$s person, or in
respect of the minor$s property, or in respect of both#
"rovided that nothing in this section shall be deemed to authorise any person to act as the
guardian of the person of the minor if the mother is alive and is capable of acting as the
natural guardian to her minor child.
4:6 !he guardian so appointed has, after the death of the father, the right to act as the
minor$s guardian, and to exercise all the rights of a natural guardian under this "art to such
extent and subCect to such restrictions, if any, as may be specified in the will.
4A6 ubCect to the provisions of this "art, a -indu widow may, by will, appoint a guardian
for tiny of her minor children in respect of the person of the minor2
"rovided that her husband has not already by will appointed any person to he the guardian
of the person of such child.
4?6 !he right of the guardian so appointed shall, where the minor is a girl, cease on her
marriage. 4@H6
"art B, page :A.
@A. *uty of guardian to bring up minor as a -indu3It shall be the duty of the guardian of a
-indu minor to bring up the minor as a -indu. 4@G6
"art B, sec. 5<. page :A.
@?. *e facto guardian not to deal with minor$s property.3&fter the commencement of this
Code, no person shall be entitled to dispose of or deal with, the property of a -indu minor
merely on the ground of his or her being the de facto guardian of the minor. 4@@6
@8. >elfare of minor to be paramount consideration.3In the appointment or declaration of
any person as guardian of a -indu minor by a court, the welfare of the minor shall be the
paramount consideration and no person shall be entitled to the guardianship by virtue of the
provisions of this "art or of section :?, if the Court is of opinion that his or her guardianship
will not be for the welfare of the minor.
P!rt B, page ::.
6+. Wl(!r o( 4i"or to h &!r!4o5"t 'o"*i#r!tio". In the appointment or
declaration of any person as guardian of a -indu minor by a court, the welfare of the minor
shall be the paramount consideration and no person shall be entitled to the guardianship by
virtue of the provisions of this "art or of section :?, if the Court is of opinion that his or her
guardianship will not be for the welfare of the minor. 4@76
4796 "&'! B.3;(I/! F&.I1K &/* C(-"&'C)/&'K
C-&"!)' I )eneral
@H. &brogation of right by birth and survivorship generally.3)xcept in the causes and to
the extent expressly provided in this "art, no -indu shall after the commencement of this
Code, acEuire any right to or interest in3
4a6 any property of an ancestor during his lifetime merely by reason of the fact that he is
born in the family of the ancestor, or
4b6 any Coint family property which is founded on the rule of survivorship.
@G. ;oint tenancy to be replaced generally by tenancy-in-common.3 )xcept in the cases
and to the extent expressly provided in this "art, all persons holding, on the commencement
of this Code, any property Cointly as members of a Coint family shall be deemed to hold the
property as tenants-in-common, as if a partition had taken place between them as respects
such property on such commencement and as if each one of them is holding his or her own
share separately as full owner thereof# "rovided that nothing in this section shall affect the
right to maintenance and residence, if any, of the members of the Coint family other than the
persons who have become entitled to hold their shares separately, and any such right can
be enforced as if this Code had not been passed.
"art III&, page 5:.
@H. +irth in family not to give rise to rights in property3(n and after the commencement of
this Code, no right to claim any interest in any property of an ancestor during his lifetime,
which is founded on the mere fact that the claimant was born in the family of the ancestor
shall he recognised in any Court.
Explanation.In this section, D property D includes both movable and immovable properly,
whether ancestral or not and whether acEuired Cointly with other members of the family or by
way of accretion to any ancestral property or in any other manner whatsoever.
P!rt IIIAB sec, :, page 55.
6:. Doi"t t"!"'9 to 7 r&l!'# 79 t"!"'9Ci"C'o44on.34n and after the
commencement of this Code, no Court shall recognise any right to or interest in any Coint
family property, based on the rule of survivorship# and all persons holding any Coint family
property on the day this Code comes into force shall be deemed to hold it as tenants-in-
common as if a partition had taken place between all the members of the Coint family as
respects such property on the date of the commencement of this Code and as if each one of
them is holding his or her own share separately as full owner thereof2
"rovided that nothing in this section shall affect the right to maintenance and residence, if
any, of the members of the Coint family other than the persons who have become entitled to
hold their shares separately, and any such right can be enforced as if this Code had not
been passed2
"rovided further that in the case of any female who becomes entitled to hold any share
separately under the provisions of proviso, this section, she shall only take the limited estate
known as the -indu woman$s estate under the law in force before the$ commencement of
this Code and on her death such estate shall revert to the persons entitled thereto under the
law in force prior to the commencement of this Code.
66. R5l o( &io5* o7li0!tio" !7ro0!t#.3456 &fter the commencement of this Code, no
court shall, save as provided in sub-section 4:6, recognise any right to proceed against any
male lineal descendant for the recovery of any debt due from tiny of his paternal ancestors
or any alienation of property in respect of or in satisfaction of any such debt on the ground of
the pious obligation of such descendant to discharge any such debt.
4:6 In the case of any debt contracted before the commencement of this Code, nothing
contained in sub-section 456 shall affect3 4a6 the right of any creditor to proceed against any
such descendant, or 4b6 any alienation made in respect of or in satisfaction of any such debt,
and any such right or alienation shall be enforceable under the rule of pious obligation in the
same manner and to the same extent as would have been the case if this Code had not
been passed.
Explanation.For the purposes of sub-section 4:6 the expression D such descendant D
shall be deemed to refer to the male lineal descendant who was born or adopted prior to the
commencement of this Code.
6=. Li!7ilit9 o( 447r* o( @oi"t (!4il9 (or #7t* 7(or Co# "ot !(('t#.3>here a
debt has been contracted before the commencement of this Code by the meager or 7urta of
a Coint family for family purposes, nothing herein contained shall affect the liability of any
member of the Coint family to discharge any such debt, and any such liability may be
enforced against all or any of the persons liable therefore in the same manner and to the
same extent as would have been the case if this Code had not been passed.
@@. 'ule of pious obligation of -indu son abrogated3456 &fter the commencement of this
Code, no court shall, save as provided in sub-section 4:6, recognise any right to proceed
against a son, grandson or great-grandson for the recovery of any debt due from his father,
grandfather or great-grandfather any alienation of property in respect of, or in satisfaction of,
any such debt on the ground of the pious obligation of the son, grandson or great-grandson
to discharge any such debt.
4:6 In the case of any debt contracted before the commencement of this Code, nothing
contained in sub-section 456 shall affect3
4a6 the right of any creditor to proceed against the son, grandson or great-grandson, as the
case may be, or,
4b6 any alienation made in respect of, or in satisfaction of, any such debt, and any such
right or alienation shall be enforceable under the rule of pious obligation in the same manner
and to the same extent as would have been the case if this Code had not been passed.
Explanulion.For the purposes of sub-section 4:6 the expression D son, grandson, or
great-grandson D shall be deemed to refer to the son, grandson or great-grandson, as the
case may be, who was born or adopted prior to the commencement of this Code.
6=. Li!7ilit9 o( 447r* o( @oi"t (!4il9 (or #7t* 7(or Co# "ot !(('t#.3>here a
debt has been contracted before the commencement of this Code by the manager or 7arta
of a Coint family for family purposes, nothing herein contained shall affect the liability of any
member of the Coint family to discharge any such debt, and any such liability may be
enforced against all or any of the persons liable therefore in the same manner and to the
same extent as would have been the case if this Code had not been passed.
C-&"!)' II
!itaksham Co-parcenary
=<. A&&li'!tio" o( Ch!&tr.3!his Chapter applies to -indus who would have been
governed by the mitakshm$a school of -indu law if this Code had not been passed.
=<A. Dti"itio".3In this Chapter,3
Dancestral properlyD means any properly acEuired by a male -indu by way of inheritance
from his father, father$s father or father$s father$s father, and includes3
4a6 any share in the property of any such paternal ancestor allotted to him on partition, and
4b6 any accretions to ancestral property# but shall not be deemed to include3
4i6 any gains of learning as defined in the -indu Chains of 1earning &ct, 57A9 4FFF of
57A96, acEuired by him#
4ii6 any property acEuired by him otherwise than by way of inheritance#
4iii6 any property acEuired by him by way of inheritance from any person other than any of
the three immediate paternal ancestors, and
4iv6 any other separate property in his possession, although all or any of such properties
are for the time being shared by him Cointly with a co-parcener.
Explanation.&ccretions to ancestral property include income from such property,
property purchased or acEuired out of such income or with the assistance of such properly,
the proceeds of sale of such properly, and property purchased out of such proceeds#
=<B. CoC&!r'"!r9.3456 & person becomes a co-parcener if the following conditions are
fulfilled, namely23 4i6 that he3
4a6 has either inherited any ancestral property, or 4b6 is born in the family of the person
who has inherited any such property and is a lineal descendant of such person in the male
line# and
4ii6 that in the case of any person referred to in sub-clause 4b6 of clause 4i6 he is not for the
time being removed more than four degrees3 4a6 from the person who has inherited any
such property, or 4b6 from any of the descendants of any person who has so inherited and
who is the oldest living paternal ancestor of that person in the male line.
4:6 For the purpose of computing the number of degrees under sub-section 456, the person
concerned and the person with respect to whom the relationship is to be traced shall each
be counted as one degree.
4A6 >hen there is a partition among the members of a co-parcenary, the co-parceners who
have separated shall cease to be co-parceners with respect to each other# but it shall not be
presumed, until the contrary is proved 23
4a6 that each of the persons so separating has, by reason only of such separation, ceased
to be a co-parcener with respect to his own descendants in the male line# or
4b6 that, where only one co-parcener has so separated, the remaining members of the co-
parcenary have, by reason only of such separation, ceased to be co-parceners as amongst
themselves. 4?6 D Co-parcenary D is a body of two or more male persons who are for the lime
being co-parceners.
=<C. I"'i#"t* o( 'oC&!r'"!r9 &ro&rt9.3!he following rules shall apply to any
ancestral property acEuired, whether before or after the commencement of this Code, by a
member of a co-parcenary23
4a6 every co-parcener shall by reason of his birth in the family of the person acEuiring
ancestral property have an interest in the property eEual to that of his father#
4b6 all the members of the co-parcenary shall hold the property as Coint tenants#
4c6 on the death of any co-parcener 4other than the sole surviving member6 his interest in
the property shall devolve by survivorship on the surviving members of the co-parcenary
and not by succession on his heirs #
4d6 notwithstanding anything confined in clause 4c6, where a coparcener dies, his widow
and daughter shall amongst themselves have in the property3
4i6 in the case of the widow, an interest eEual to that of the son, 4ii6 in the case of an
unmarried daughter, an interest eEual to onehalf of that of the son and, in the case of a
married daughter, one Euarter of that of the son.
=<D. E$t"t o( ri0ht o( 'oC&!r'"r to !li"!t 'oC&!r'"!r9 &ro&rt9.3/either any
co-parcener nor any female who acEuires an interest in any ancestral property by reason of
the provisions contained in clause 4d6 of section 80C shall, by reason merely of the fact of
being a co-parcener or of having acEuired such interest, be entitled to transfer or charge in
any way the property except his or her undivided or other interest therein, and no court shall,
in execution of any decree passed against any such member or female, proceed against
any ancestral property otherwise than against the interest in the property belonging to such
co-parcener or female, as the case may be.
=<E. Ri0ht to 'l!i4 &!rtitio" o( 'oC&!r'"!r9 &ro&rt9.3456 &ny co-parcener and any
female who has acEuired an interest in ancestral properly by reason of the provisions
contained in clause 4d6 of section 79C may, at any tune, claim partition and separate
enCoyment of his or her share in the properly whether or not the other parties concerned are
agreeable thereto. 4:6 >here any female who has acEuired any such interest as is referred
to in sub-section 456 dies without claiming partition and obtaining separate enCoyment of her
share in the property, her interest in the property shall, on her death, revert to the members
of the co-parcenary.
79F. 'ight of co-parcener to buy off the share of another co-parcener, etc., in certain
cases.3/otwithstanding anything contained in section 79* a co-parcener may reEuire any
other co-parcener who has ceased to be a -indu by conversion to another religion or a
female who has acEuired an interest in ancestral property by reason of the provisions
contained in clause 4d6 of section 79C to take his or her share in the ancestral property for
separate enCoyment and thereupon the provisions of the "artition &ct, 5@7A 4IB of 5@7A6,
shall apply as if there was a partition and as if the co-parcener who has ceased to be a
-indu or the female, as the case may be, were the transferee of a share of a dwelling house
belonging to the co-parcenary.
79G. &llotment of shares on partition.3!he following rules shall apply to regulate the
allotment of shares to the members of a co-parcenary on a partition being made amongst
them, namely23
4a6 where the petition is between a father and his sons, each son shall take a share eEual
to that of his father#
4b6 where the partition is between brothers, they. shall lake eEual shoes$, 4c6 where the
partition is between co-parceners belonging to different branches of the family, the property
shall be divided amongst the branches eEually per stripes9
4d6 where the partition is between co-parceneras belonging to the same branch, the
property shall be divided eEually amongst them per capita.
=<H. Tr4i"!tio" of coparcenary.3o long as there is no other coparcener in the family,
every person who acEuires any ancestral properly shall be entitled to hold the property as
an absolute owner, and on his death, the property shall devolve on his heirs by succession
and not by survivorship.
45956 C-&"!)' III
!arumakkattayam& 5liyasantana and 3ambudri +oint families
=<;. S&'i!l &ro/i*io"* r&'ti"0 M!r54!>>!tt!9!4B Ali9!*!"t!"! !"# N!4h5#ri
@oi"t (!4ili*.3/othing contained in this "art shall apply to any tarwad& ta%a:hi& kutumba&
ka%aru or illom to which the .arumakkattayam, &liyasantana or /ambudri law would have
applied if this Code had not been passed, and, notwithstanding anything contained in this
Code, all matters relating to the rights 4whether by way of succession or otherwise6 of any
person in, or the management or partition of, any such tarwad& ta%ashi& kutumba& ka%aru or
illom and of its Dproperties shall continue to be regulated by the law which was applicable
thereto immediately before the commencement of this Code, as if that law had not been
repealed by this Code.
C-&"!)' IB
=<D. avings.3/othing contained in this "art shall apply lo3
4a6 any estate which descends to a single heir by a customary rule of succession or by the
terms of any grant or enactment# or
4b6 any estate attached to a sthanam 4position of dignity6 and enCoyed by a single person
from time to time in accordance with any law, custom or usage in force in the tate of
!ravancore-Cochin or in the districts of .alabar, outh Canara and /ilgiris of the uite of
.adras# or
4c6 the following estates situated in the tate of !ravancore-Cochin, namely23
Idapally, "oonCar and <ilimanoor )states and the Baliamma !hampuran <ovilagam )state
including the "alace Fund.
=<. aving of impartible estates.3/othing contained in this "art shall apply to any estate
which descends to a single heir by a customary rule of succession or by the terms of any
grant or enactment.
459A6 PART 1I.
>(.&/$ "'(")'!K
=;. /ature of woman$s property.3456 &ny property acEuired by a woman after the
commencement of this Code shall be her absolute property.
4:6 /othing in sub-section 456 shall apply to any property acEuired by a woman by way of
gift or under a will where the terms of the gift or the will, expressly or by necessary
implication, prescribe a restricted estate in such property2
"rovided that no such implication shall arise by reason only of her sex. Explanation.In
this section D property D includes both movable and immovable property acEuired by a
woman, whether such acEuisition was made before, at or after marriage or during
widowhood and whether by inheritance or devise, or on partition, or in lieu of maintenance
or arrears of maintenance, or by gift from any person, whether a relative or not, or by her
own skill or exertion or by purchase or by prescription or in any other manner whatsoever.
=%. D/ol5tio" o( 8o4!"A* &ro&rt9.3456 >here any woman dies after the
commencement of this Code any property acEuired by her whether such acEuisition was
made before or after the commencement of this Code, shall, in so far as it consists of
heritable property, devolve on her own heirs in the manner laid down in "art BII.
4:6 /othing in sub-section 456 shall apply to the property of a woman in which she had, at
the time of her death, only the limited estate known as the -indu woman$s estate, and such
property shall devolve as hereunder3
4i6 where such limited estate was obtained by inheritance it shall devolve on the persons
who under "art BII would have been the heirs of the last full owner thereof if such owner
had died intestate immediately after her# 4ii6 where such limited estate was obtained by
partition or in any other manner not herein provided for it shall devolve on the persons who
would have been entitled to it if this Code had not been passed.
PART 1I>(.&/$ "'(")'!K
=;. /ature of woman$s property.3456 &ny property "art II acEuired by a woman after the
commencement of this Code page 7. shall be her absolute property.
4:6 /othing in sub-section 456 shall apply to any property acEuired by a woman by way of
gift or under a will where the terms of the gift or the will, expressly or by necessary
implication, prescribe a restricted estate in such property2
"rovided that no such implication shall arise by reason only of her sex. Explanation.In
this section D property D includes both movable and immovable property acEuired by a
woman, whether such acEuisition was made before, at or after marriage or during
widowhood and whether by inheritance or devise, or on partition, or in lieu of maintenance
or arrears of maintenance, or by gift from any person, whether a relative or not, or by her
own skill or exertion or by purchase or by prescription or in any other manner whatsoever.
P!rt IIB sec. A, page A.
=%. D/ol5tio" o( 8o4!"A* &ro&rt9C3456 >here any woman dies after the
commencement of this Code any property acEuired by her whether such acEuisition was
made before or after the commencement of this Code, shall, in so far as it consists of
heritable property, devolve on her own heirs in the manner laid down in "art BII.
4:6 /othing in sub-section 456 shall apply to the property of a woman in which she had, at
the time of her death, only the limited estate known as the -indu women$s estate, and such
property shall devolve as hereunder3
4i6 where such limited estate was obtained by inheritance it shall devolve on the persons
who under "art BII would have been the heirs of the last full owner thereof if such owner
had died intestate immediately after her, 4ii6 where such limited estate was obtained by
partition or in any other manner not herein provided for it shall devolve on the persons who
would have been entitled to it if this Code had not been passed.
7A. *owry to be held in trust for wife.3456 In the case of any marriage solemnised after
the commencement of this Code, any dowry given on the occasion of or as a condition of or
as consideration for such marriage shall be deemed to be the property of the woman whose
marriage has been so solemnised.
4:6 >here any dowry is received by any person other than the woman whose marriage
has been so solemnised as aforesaid such person shall hold it in trust for the benefit and
separate use of the woman and shall transfer it to her on her completing the age of eighteen
years or if she dies before completing that age to her heirs as specified in "art BII.
Explanation.In this section, D dowry D includes any property transferred or agreed to be
transferred by or on behalf of, either party to the marriage or any of his relatives, to any
relative of the other party, whether directly or indirectly on the occasion of or as a condition
of or as consideration for such marriage, but does not include any small customary presents
made to the bridegroom or to any relative of either party to the marriage.
"art IB, page :9.
7A. *owry to he held in trust for wife3456 In the case of any marriage solemnised after the
commencement of this Code, any dowry given on the occasion of or as a condition of or as
consideration for such marriage shall be deemed to be the property of the woman whose
marriage has been so solemnised.
4:6 >here any dowry is received by any person other than the woman whose marriage
has been so solemnised as aforesaid such person shall hold it in trust for the benefit and
separate use of the woman and shall transfer it to her on her completing the age of eighteen
years or if she dies before completing that age to her heirs as specified in "art BII.
Explanation.In this section, D dowry D includes any property transferred or agreed to be
transferred by or on behalf of, either party to the marriage or any of his relatives, to tiny
relative of the other party, whether directly or indirectly on the occasion of or as a condition
of or as consideration for such marriage, but does not include any small customary presents
made to the bridegroom or to any relative of either party to the marriage.
459H6 "&'! BII.
C-&"!)' I 5pplication
7?. Certain estates excluded from operation of "art.3!his "art shall not apply to3
4i6 any estate which descends to a single heir by a customary rule of succession or by the
terms of any grant or enactment, or to any other estate specified in section 79;, or
4ii6 any property which devolves by survivorship on the surviving members of a co-
parcenary in accordance with the provisions of "art B, or
4iii6 any property belonging to a tarwad, ta%a:hi& kutumba& ka%ara or illom to which the
provisions of section 795 apply.
=+. A&&li'!tio" o( P!rt.3ave as otherwise expressly provided in section 7?, this "art
regulates the succession to the property of a -indu dying intestate after the commencement
of this Code in the following cases, namely23
4a6 where the property is movable property, unless it is proved that the intestate was not
domiciled in the territories to which this &ct extends at the time of his or her death#
4b6 where the property is immovable property situate in the said territories, whether the
intestate was domiciled in the said territories at the time of his or her death or not.
Explanation.For the purposes of this "art, the domicile of a -indu shall be determined in
accordance with the provisions contained in section H to 5@, both inclusive, of the Indian
uccession &ct, 57:8 4FFFIF of 57:86.
7H. /o distinction between divided and undivided sons, etc., for purposes of succession.3
For purposes of intestate succession, no distinction shall be made,3
456 between a son who was divided and a son who was undivided from the intestate or
between a son who was divided and a son who was reunited with him#
4:6 between a female heir = = = who is a widow and one who is not a. widow or between a
female heir who is poor and one who is rich or between a female heir with issue and one
without issue or possibility of issue.
C-&"!)' I
"art II, page :
7?. Certain estates excluded from operation of "art.3
!his "art shall not apply to
4i6 agricultural land in Governors$ "rovinces# or
4ii6 any estate which descends to a single heir by a customary rule of
succession or by the terms of any grant or enactment.
459H6 P!rt IIB page A
=+. A&&li'!tio" o( P!rt.3ave as provided in section 7?, this "art regulates the
succession to the property of a -indu dying intestate after the commencement of this Code
in the following cases, namely 23
4a6 where the property is movable property, unless it is proved that the intestate was not
domiciled in any of the "rovinces of India at the time of his or her death #
4b6 where the property is immovable property situate in any of the "rovinces of India,
whether the intestate was domiciled in any of the "rovinces of India at the time of his or her
death or not.
Explanation.For the purposes of this "art, the domicile of a -indu shall be determined in
accordance with the provisions contained in section H to 5@, both inclusive, of the Indian
uccession &ct, 57:8 4FFFIF of 57:86.
459G6 P!rt IIB "age H. sec. .
=2. No #i*ti"'tio" between divided and undivided sons, etc., for purposes of succession.
3For purposes of intestate and succession, no distinction shall be made,3
456 between a son who was divided and a son who was undivided from the intestate or
between a son who was divided and a son who was reunited with him#
(1) between a female heir who is married and one who "art II,
sec. 5?4?6 is unmarried or a female heir who is a widow and one who page 59.
is not a widow or between a female heir who is poor and one who is rich or between a
female heir with issue and one without issue or possibility of issue. 459@6
45976 C-&"!)' II
-ntestate succession to the property of frulles
)eneral *ro%isions
=:. D(i"itio"*.3456 In this "art, unless the context otherwise re-Euircs,3-
4a6 D agnate D3a person is said to be an agnate (gotra+a) of another if the two are related
by blood or adoption wholly through males#
4b6 D cognate D3a person is said to be a cognate4 bandhu) of another in the two are
related by blood or adoption wholly through males#
4c6 D heir D means any person, male or female, who is entitled to succeed to the property of
an intestate under this "art.
4d6 D intestate D3a person is deemed to die intestate in respect of properly of which he or
she has not made a testamentary disposition capable of taking effect#
4:6 In this "art, unless the context otherwise reEuires, words unsporting the masculine
sender shall not be taken to include females.
7@. General rules of succession in the case of mules.3ave as otherwise expressly
provided in sections 598& to 598; inclusive, the property of a male -indu dying intestate
shall devolve according to the rules set out in this "art23
4a6 firstly, upon the preferential heirs, being the relatives specified in class I of the )ighth
4b6 secondly, if there is no preferential heir of class I, then upon the preferential heirs being
the relatives specified in class II of the )ighth chedule#
4c6 thirdly, if there is no preferential heir of any of the two classes, then upon his relatives
being the agnates specified in section 59:# and 4d6 lastly, if there is no agnate, then upon his
relatives being the cognates specified in section 59A.
77. (rder of succession amongst preferential heirs.3&s amongst the preferential heirs
those in class I of the )ighth chedule shall take together, and those standing in the first
entry in class II shall be preferred to those standing in the second entry, and those in the
second entry to those in the third entry and so on in succession.
C-&"!)' II intestate succession part --.
"uccession to the property of a Hindu male sec. :, page :,
P!rt II page :.
=:. D(i"itio"*.3456 In this "art, unless there is anything
sec. 8, repugnant in the subCect or context,3
4a6 D agnate D3a person is said to be an agnale ;gotra+a) of another, if the two are related
by blood or adoption wholly through males#
4b6 D cognate D3a person is said to he a cognate (bandhu) of another in the two are
related by blood or adoption but not wholly through males#
4e6 D heir D means any person, male or female, who is entitled to succeed to the property of
an intestate under this "art.
4d6 D intestate D3a person is deemed to die intestate in respect of property of which he or
she has not made a testamentary disposition capable of taking effect#
4:6 In this "art, unless there is anything repugnant in the subCect or context, words
importing the masculine gender shall not be taken to include females.
45976 "art II, page ?
7@. 'ule of succession in the case of male -indu.3 ubCect to the provisions of this "art,
the properly of a male -indu dying intestate shall devolve according to the rules set out in
this "art23
4a6 firstly, upon the preferential heirs, being the relatives specified in class I of the
chedule BII#
4b6 secondly, if there is no preferential heir of class I, then upon the preferential heirs being
the relatives specified in class II of chedule BII #
4c6 thirdly, if there is no preferential heir of any of the two classes, then upon his relatives
being the agnates specified in section 59:# and
4d6 lastly, if there is no agnate, then upon his relatives being the cognates specified in
section 59A.
45596 P!rt IIB page H.
==. Or#r o( *5''**io" !4o"0*t &r(r"ti!l hir*. &s amongst the preferential
heirs those in class I of chedule BII shall take together, and those standing in the First
entry in class II shall be preferred to those standing in the second entry, and those in the
second entry to those in the third entry and so on in succession. 4Ill6
;<<. Di*tri75tio" o( &ro&rt9 !4o"0*t &r(r"ti!l hir* i" 'l!** ;.3 456 !he property
of an intestate shall be divided among the preferential heirs in class I of the )ighth schedule
so that the share of the widow shall be eEual to that of each son, including a predeceased
son leaving a son or a son$s son living at the intestate$s death, and the share of each
unmarried daughter shall be half that of each son and the share of each married daughter
shall be one-Euarter of that of each son2
"rovided that where a predeceased son leaves no son or son$s son but leaves his widow
or his son$s widow living at the intestate$s death, then the share of such predeceased son
shall be half that of a son of the intestate.
4:6 !he share given to a predeceased son of the intestate under sub-section 456 shall be
divided as follows23
4a6 If such predeceased son has left a son or a son$s son living at the intestate$s death
then his share shall be divided so that the share of the widow of such predeceased son shall
be eEual to that of a son of such predeceased son including any son who may have died
before the intestate leaving a son living at the intestate$s death2
"rovided that if any son of such predeceased son dies before the intestate leaving a
widow but no son living at the intestate$s death then the share of such son of the
predeceased son shall be half that of any other son of such predeceased son.
4b6 !he share of any son of the predeceased son who may have died before the intestate
shall be divided between his widow and his sons in eEual shares.
4c6 If such predeceased son has left a widow or a son$s widow or widows of two or more
sons but has not left a son or a son$s son living at the intestate$s death then the share of
such predeceased son shall be divided between his widow and his son$s widows so that the
share of the predeceased son$s widow shall be double the share of the widow of each son of
such predeceased son.
4A6 For the purposes of this section where a person has left more than one widow all the
widows shall take between them eEually the share which a single widow would have taken.
"art II page H.
599. *istribution of property amongst preferential heirs in class 5.3456 !he property of an
intestate shall be divided among the preferential heirs in class I so that the share of the
widow shall be eEual to that of each son, including a predeceased son leaving a son or a
son$s son living at the intestate$s death and the share of each daughter shall be eEual to that
of each son2
"rovided that where a predeceased son leaves no son or son$s son but leaves his widow
or his son$s widow living at the intestate$s death, then the share of such predeceased son
shall be half that of a son of the intestate. 4:6 !he share given to a predeceased son of the
intestate under sub-section 456 shall be divided as follows23
4a6 If such predeceased son has left a son or a son$s son living at the intestate$s death
then his share shall be divided so that the share of the widow of such predeceased son shall
be eEual to that of a son of such predeceased son including any son who may have died
before the intestate leaving a son living at the intestate$s death2
"rovided that if any son of such predeceased son dies before the intestate leaving a
widow but no son living at the intestate$s death then the share of such son of the
predeceased son shall be half that of any other son of such predeceased son.
4b6 !he share of any son of the predeceased son who may have died before the intestate
shall be divided between his widow and his sons in eEual shares.
4c6 If such predeceased son has left a widow or a son$s widow or widows of two or more
sons but has not left a son or a son$s son living at the intestate$s death then the share of
such predeceased son shall be divided between his widow and his son$s widows so that the
share of the predeceased son$s widow shall be double the share of the widow of each son of
such predeceased son.
4A6 For the purposes of this section where a person has left more than one widow all the
widows shall take between them eEually the share which a single widow would have taken.
4i6 !he surviving heirs of an intestate are three sons. &, + and C, five grandsons by a
predeceased son *, and two great grandsons by a predeceased son of another
predeceased son ), &, + and C take one share each, and the branches of * and ) get one
share each. !he grandson in *$s branch and the great grandson in )$s branch divide the
stare allotted to their respective branches eEually. )ach son of the intestate, therefore, takes
one fifth of the heritable property, each grandson one-twenty-fifth, and each great-grandson
4ii6 (nly a widow or daughter survives an intestate. he takes the whole of the heritable
595. .ode of distribution amongst preferential heirs in class II.3 !he property of an
intestate shall be divided between the preferential heirs in any one entry in class II of the
)ighth chedule so that they share eEually.
59:. &gnates who are heirs.3In the absence of any preferential heirs specified in class I
or class II of the )ighth chedule, agnates of the deceased, related to the intestate within
Five degrees, shall be entitled to succeed in accordance with the rules set out in this "art.
4iii6 !he surviving heirs are a widow and two grandsons by a predeceased son. !he widow
takes one share and the grandsons together take one share. !he widow therefore, takes
one half of the heritable property and each grandson one fourth.
4iv6 !he surviving heirs are a daughter and the widow of a predeceased son. !he daughter
takes one share, and the widow gets half a share.
4v6 !he surviving heirs are a son, a daughter, and the widow of a predeceased son. !he
son gets one share, the daughter gets one share, and the widow of the predeceased son
gets half a share.
4vi6 !he surviving heirs are a son, a daughter, and the widow and the son of a
predeceased son. !he son gets one share, the daughter gets one share and the widow and
the son of the predeceased son get between them one share, which has then to be
distributed eEually between them. 4vii6 !he surviving heirs are3 4a6 a widow,
4b6 a son,
4c6 a daughter,
4d6 the widow of a predeceased .son,
4e6 the widow and two sons of another predeceased son. !he widow gets one share# the
son gets one share# the daughter gets one share# the widow of the first mentioned
predeceased son34d6 above3gets half a share# and the heirs mentioned in 4a6 above
between them get one share, which has then to be distributed eEually among them. 4viii6!he
surviving heirs are3 4a6 a son,
4b6 the widow and three sons of a predeceased son, 4c6 the widow of a predeceased son
of the predeceased son referred to in 4b6. !he son gets one share and the heirs in entries 4b6
and 4c6 together, get one share. !he latter share should be distributed so that the widow and
each of the sons in entry 4b6 get portion each and the widow in entry 4c6 gets one-half of
such a portion. In the result, the intestate$s son gets one-half of the heritable property, the
widow of his predeceased son gets one-ninth, each of the three sons of such predeceased
son also gets one-ninth, and the widow of the intestate$s grandson gets one-eighteenth
;<;. Mo# o( #i*tri75tio" !4o"0*t &r(r"ti!l hir* i" 'l!** II !he property of an
intestate shall be divided between the preferential heirs in any one entry in class II of
chedule BII, so that they share eEually. 455?6
"art I, page G.
59:. &gnates who are heirs In the absence of any preferential heirs specified in class I or
classs II of chedule BII, agnates of the deceased, related to the intestate within five
degrees, shall be entitled to succeed in accordance with the rules set out in this "art. 45586
59A. Cognates who are heirs.3In the absence of any preferential heir and agnates,
cognates of the deceased related to the deceased within five degrees, shall be entitled to
succeed in accordance with the rules set out in this "art.
59?. (rder of succession amongst agnates and cognates.3!he order of succession
among agnates or cognates, as the case may be, shall be determined in accordance with
the rules of preference laid down hereunder23
'ule 2.(f two heirs, the oneD who has fewer or no degrees of ascent is preferred.
'ule 1.>here the number of degrees of ascent is the same or none, that heir is
preferred who lias fewer or no degrees of ascent.
'ule /.>here the number of degrees of descent is also the same or none, the heir who
is in the male line is preferred to the heir who is in the female line at the first point 4counting
from the intestate to the heir6 where the lines of the two heirs can be so distinguished.
'ule 6.>here the two lines cannot be so distinguished, the heir who is a male is
preferred in the heir who is a female.
'ule <.>here neither heir is entitled to be preferred to the other under the foregoing
rules, they take together.
"art I. sec. @, page G.
59A. Cognates who are heirs.3In the absence of any
preferential heir and. agnates, cognates of the deceased related to the deceased within
five degrees, shall he entitled to succeed in accordance with the rules set out in this "art.
455H6 "art II. ec. 7, pages G J @ .
59?. (rder of success inn amongst agnates and cognates.3!he order of succession
among agnates or cognates, as the case may he, shall he determined in accordance with
the rules of preference laid down hereunder23
'ule 2.(f two heirs, the one who has fewer or no degrees of ascent is preferred.
'ule :.3>here the number of degrees of ascent is the same or none, that heir is
preferred who has fewer or no degrees of ascent.
'ule /.>here the number of degrees of descent is also the same or none, the heir who
is m the male line is preferred to the heir who is in the female line at the first point 4counting
from the intestate to the .heir6 where the lines of the two heirs can he so distinguished. 'ule
6.>here the two lines cannot be so distinguished, the heir who is a male is preferred to
the heir who is a female.
'ule <.>here neither heir is entitled to be preferred to the other under the foregoing
rules, they take together.
In the following illustrations, the letters F and . stand for the father and mother
respectively in that portion of the line which ascends from the intestate to the common
ancestor, and the letters and * for the son and daughter respectively in that portion of the
line which descend from the common ancestor to the heir. !hus ." stands for the
intestate$s mother$s father$s son$s son 4mother$s brother$s son6 and F* stands for the
intestate$s father$s daughter$s son 4sister$s son6.
4i6 !he competing heirs are 456 * 4son$s daughter$s son$s son and 4:6 F** 4sister$s
daughter$s son6. /o. 456 who has no degree of ascent is preferred to /o. 4:6 who has one
degree of ascent.
4ii6 !he competing heirs are 456 F*** 4sister$s daughter$s daughter6 and 4:6 .F*
4maternal uncle$s son$s daughter6. !he former who has only one degree of ascent is
preferred to the latter who has two such degrees.
4iii6 !he competing heirs are 456 F* 4sister$s son$s son6 and .F* 4material uncle$s
son$s daughter6. !he former who has only one degree of ascent is preferred to the latter who
has two such degrees.
4iv6 !he competing heirs are 456 .F* 4mother$s sister$s son$s son6 and 4:6 .FF*
4mother$s father$s sister$s son6. !he former who has two degrees of ascent is preferred to the
latter who has three such degrees.
4v6 !he competing heirs are 456 .F. 4mother$s father$s mother6 and 4:6 FFF* father$s
father$s sister$s son$s son6. !he number of degrees of ascent in both cases is the same, viI.,
three, but the former has no degree of descent while the latter has three such degrees. !he
former 456 is therefore preferred.
;<+. Co4&5t!tio" o( #0r*.3456 For the purposes of determining the order of
succession amongst agnates or cognates, relationship shall be reckoned from the intestate
to the heir in terms of degrees of ascent, or degrees of descent, or both, as the case may
4:6 *egrees of ascent and degrees of descent shall be computed exclusive of the
4A6 )very generation constitutes a degree either ascending or descending.
4vi6 !he competing heirs are 456 F.F 4lather$s mother$s father6 and 4:6 ."FF 4mother$s
father$s father6. !he number of degrees of ascent in both the cases is the same, and there
are no degrees of descent. D!he lines of the two heirs diverge at the very first point. /o. 456
being in the male line and /o. 4:6 in the female line. /o. 456 is preferred to /o. 4:6.
4vii6 !he competing heirs are 456 F* 4sister$s son$s son6 and 4:6 F** 4sister$s
daughter$s son6. !he heirs are eEually near both in ascent and descent. !he dissimilarity in
the lines occurs at the third point. &t this point. /o. 456 is in the male line and /o. 4:6 father$s
mother$s sister$s son6. !he former is preferred.
4viii6 !he competing heirs are 456 F.F 4father$s mother$s brother$s son6 and 4:6 F.F*
father$s mother$s sister$s son6. !he former$s preferred.
4ix6 !he competing heirs are 456 F** 4sister$s daughter$s son6 and 4:6 F*** 4sister$s
daughter$s daughter6. !he former is preferred.
455G6 "art II, page G.
598. Computation of degrees.3456 For the purposes of determining the order of
succession amongst agnates or cognates, relationship shall be reckoned from the intestate
to the heir in terms of degrees of ascent, or degrees of descent, or both, as the case may
4:6 *egrees of ascent and degrees of descent shall be computed exclusive of the
4A6 )very generation constitutes a degree either ascending or descending.
4i6 !he heir to be considered is the father$s mother$s father of the intestate. -e has no
degrees of descent, but has three degrees of ascent represented in order by 456 the
intestate$s father, 4:6 that father$s mother, and 4A6 her father 4the heir6.
4ii6 !he heir to be considered is the father$s mother$s father$s mother of the intestate. he
has no degrees of descent, but has four degrees of ascent represented in order by 456 the
intestate$s father, 4:6 that father$s mother. 4A6 her father, and 4?6 his mother 4the heir6.
4iii6 !he heir to be considered is the son$s daughter$s son.$s daughters of the intestate. he
has no degrees of ascent, but has four degrees of descent represented in order by 456 the
intestate$s son, 4:6 that son$s daughter, 4A6 her son, and 4?6 his daughter 4the heir6.
4iv6 !he heir to be considered is the mother$s father$s father$s daughter$s son of the
intestate, -e has three degrees of ascent represented in order by 456 the intestate$s mother,
4:6 her father and 4A6 the father$s father, and two degrees of descent represented in order by
456 the daughter of the common ancestor, viI., the mother$s father$s father and 4:6 her son
4the heir6.
455@6 "uccession to the properly of male !arumakkattayts& etc.
598 &. 'ules of succession to male .urumakkattayis, etc. dying intestate.3
/otwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter the separate or self-acEuired property
ofa male -indu who dies intestate in respect thereof, shall3
4a6 in the case of a person to whom the .aruinakkatlayam or &liyasantana law would have
applied if this Code had not been passed, devolve in the order and according to the rules
contained in sections 598-C to 598-5 inclusive# and
4b6 in the case of a person to whom the /amhudri law would have applied if this Code had
not been passed, devolve in the order and according to the rules set out in section 598-;.
;<+ B. Li"!l #*'"#!"t #(i"#.In sections 598C to 598; inclusive and in section
597& and 597+, the expression Dlineal descendantD, used with reference to any person,
means any descendant of that person, whether in the male or female line or partly in the
male and partly in the female line, and includes any child of that person. .
598 C. *evolution of property, where there is a lineal descendant.3 456 >here the
intestate has left him surviving a lineal descendant or descendants and his mother or a
widow or widows or both his mother mid a widow or widows, the whole of the intestate$s
properly shall devolve on them.
4:6 In the absence of the mother and widow, the whole of the property shall devolve on the
lineal descendant or descendants.
;<+ D. R5l* o( #i*tri75tio".3>here there is a lineal descendant, the distribution of the
property among the heirs referred to in section 598C shall be made in accordances with the
following rules, namely23 4a6 each child 4son or daughter6 shall be entitled to an eEual
share# 4b6 where a child has predeceased the intestate, the lineal descendants of such child
shall, subCect to the provisions of clause 4e6, be entitled to the share which the child would
have taken had he or she survived the intestate#
4c6 grand-children of the intestate by a deceased child shall be entitled in eEual slides to
what such child would have taken had he or she survived the intestate#
"rovided that where any such grand-child has also predeceased the intestate, the lineal
descendants of such grand-child shall, subCect to the provisions of clause 4e6, be entitled to
the share which the grand-child would have taken had he or she survived the intestate#
4d6 the property shall devolve in the like manner on the remoter surviving lineal
descendants of the intestate#
4e6 the descendants of a child, grand-child or other lineal descendant of the intestate shall
not be entitled to any share in his property, if such child, grand-child or other descendant is
living at the time of the death of the intestate#
49 the widow, or, where there is more than one widow, all the widows together, shall be
entitled to a share eEual to that of a child, such share being taken eEually by the widows
where there is more than one# 4g6 the mother shall be entitled to a share eEual to that of a
598 ). *evolution of property, where there is no lineal descendant but there is a widower
mother.3456 >here the intestate has not left him surviving any lineal descendant but has
left his mother and a widow or widows, one-half of the property shall devolve on his mother
and the other half on his widow or widows in eEual shares.
4:6 In the absence of a widow, the whole of the property shall devolve on the mother.
;<+ 3. D/ol5tio" o( &ro&rt9 8hr thr i* "o 4othr h5t thr i* ! 8i#o8 or li"!l
#*'"#!"t o( 4othr.3456 >here the intestate has not left him surviving any lineal
descendant or his mother but has left a widow or widows and also a lineal descendant or
descendants of his mother, one-half of the property shall devolve on the widow or widows in
eEual shares and the other half on such lineal descendimt or descendants.
4:6 In the absence of any lineal descendant of the intestate$s mother, the whole of the
property shall devolve on the widow or widows in eEual shares and, in the absence of the
widow, the whole of the property shall devolve on the mother$s lineal descendants.
;<+ G. D/ol5tio" 8hr thr i* 4!tr"!l 0r!"#C4othr or hr #*'"#!"t or th
(!thr.3456 >here the intestate has not left him surviving any of the heirs mentioned in
sections 598C, 598) and 598F but has left his father and his maternal grand-mother or
lineal descendant or descendants, one-half of the property shall devolve on his father and
the other half on her maternal grand-mother or, in her absence, on her lineal descendant or
4:6 In the absence of any lineal descendant of the maternal grand-mother the whole of the
property shall devolve on the lather, and, in the absence ol$ the lather, the whole of the
property shall devolve on the maternal grandmother or her lineal descendant or
descendants, as the case may be.
;<+ H. D/ol5tio" i" othr cases.3456 >here the intestate has not left him surviving any
ol$ the heirs mentioned in sections 598C, 598+, 598F and 598G, the whole of the property
shall devolve on his mother$s maternal grand mother, or, in her absence, on her lineal
descendant or descendants.
4:6 In the absence of any such descendant, the whole of the properly shall devolve on a
remoter female ascendant of the intestate in the female line or, in her absence, on her lineal
descendant or descendants, the nearer ascendant and her descendants, excluding the
more remote ascendant and her descendants.
;<+ ;. R5l* (or #i*tri75tio" !4o"0 li"!l #*'"#!"t* o( 4othr or othr
!*'"#!"t.3!he distribution of the intestate$s property or any share thereof to which two or
more lineal descendants of his mother or other ascendant are entitled under the forgoing
sections shall be made in accordance with the rules specified in clauses 4a6 to 4e6 of section
598CD, as if the mother or other ascendant had died intestate in respect of such property or
share leaving her surviving the descendants aforesaid.
598 ;. pecial rules of succession to /ambudri males.3/otwithstanding anything
contained in this Chapter, the separate or self-acEuired property of a male -indu who, if this
Code had not been passed, would have been governed by the /umbudri law, shall, if he
dies intestate in respect thereof, devolve in the order, and in accordance with the rules,
specified below, namely23
4a6 where the intestate has left him surviving any lineal descendant or descendants or a
widow or widows or both such descendant or descendants and a widow or widows, the
whole of the property shall devolve on them in accordance with the rules specified in
clauses 4a6 to 4f6 of section.
4b6 where the intestate has not left him surviving any of the relatives referred to in clause
4a6 the property shall devolve in the order, and in accordance with the rules, specified in
sections 7G to 59@.
-ntestate "uccession to the property of female
)eneral *ro%ision
;<2. Hir* o( ! Hi"#5 8o4!".3)xcept as otherwise expressly provided in sections 597&
and 597+, the property of a female -indu dying intestate shall devolve, according to the
rules set out in this "art,3
4a6 Firstly, upon the husband and children, including the children of any predeceased child,
4b6 secondly, if there is no heir specified in clause 4a6, then, upon the heirs specified in
section 597 in the order named therein.
59G.*ivision of shares among heirs.3456 >here a -indu woman dies-intestate leaving
husband and children, the property of which she dies intestate shall be divided among her
husband and children so that they share eEually.
4:6 >here a -indu woman dies intestate leaving children but no husband, the property of
which she dies intestate shall be divided among the children, so that they share eEually.
4A6 If any child of a -indu woman dying intestate has died in her life time, leaving children
alive at the time of her death, the children of such child shall take the share which such child
would have 1iken if living at the intestate$s death.
59@. -usband succeeds where no children.3>here a -indu woman dies Intestate leaving
husband but no children, including children of any predeceased child entitled to succeed
under section 59G, the property of which she dies intestate shall devolve upon the husband.
"uccession to the property of a Hindu woman
"art II, sec. 5?, page 7.
59H. -eirs of a -indu woman.3ubCect to the provisions of this Chapter, the property of a
-indu woman dying intestate shall devolve3
4a6 Firstly, upon the husband and children, including the children of any predeceased child,
4b6 secondly, if there is no heir specified in clause 4a6, then, upon the heirs specified in
section 597 in the order named therein.
Co"t"t* Co"ti"5#F
1E7 - 0ri&in!l p!&e number) of the :overnment of .ndi! public!tion !re put !bove !nd belo' the re)pective
portion) in br!c%et#
5:G *r. &mbedkar$s remarks in his personal copy by blue pencil3 $omitted, unnecessary . ee new
definition of *istrict Court.3)d.
5:G 4,nder this section 57 *r. &mbedkar$s remarks in pencil in his personal copy are as under, $ It is not
enough to say that formalities have been gone through. It carries us nowhere, conclusive evidence must
be of solemnisation and not of formalities.$3)d.6
5:G = *r. &mbedkar$s note in pencil on his personal copy, $'ecognises custom also to make matter clear
1E7 Dr. "mb!dkar/s r!makrs, in his 'opy /+ot to b! mov!d/1d#
H.N/ 2A$$.A:1S =A3..T<A B.33
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 . move 4
6 Th!t the Bill to provide th!t m!rri!&e) bet'een Hindu)5 Si%h)5 >!in) !nd their different
c!)te) !nd )ub?c!)te) !re v!lid5 be referred to ! Select Committee con)i)tin& of :i!ni
:urmu%h Sin&h 2u)!fir5 S!rd!r Hu%um Sin&h5 Shri 2# An!nth!)!"!n!m A""!n&!r5 Shri
e)hb!ndhu :upt!5 Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i5 Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"5 Shri $!mn!th :oen%!5 r#
B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd53!l! Achint $!m5 Ch# $!nbir Sin&h5 Shri 2!h!bir T"!&i5 !nd the 2over
!nd th!t the number of member) 'ho)e pre)ence )h!ll be nece))!r" to con)titute ! meetin& of
the Committee )h!ll be five# 6
Sir5 in m!%in& thi) motion5 'ith "our permi))ion5 . 'ill Au)t )t!te 'h!t the pre)ent
condition of the l!' i)# At pre)ent in !ll m!tter)5 Hindu)5 Si%h) !nd >!in) !re bound b" the
Hindu 3!'# .n re&!rd to m!rri!&e tod!" !ccordin& to the term) of the Hindu 3!'5 ! m!rri!&e
bet'een ! m!n !nd ! 'om!n belon&in& to different c!)te) i) not v!lid e(cept in Bomb!"
'here !nuloma m!rri!&e) !re !llo'ed but the pratiloma m!rri!&e) !re not !llo'ed# .n
All!h!b!d5 2!dr!) !nd C!lcutt!5 the Hi&h Court) h!ve been ple!)ed to hold th!t even the
anuloma m!rri!&e) !re not v!lid#
A) r!&!rd) per)on) belon&in& to different reli&ion)5 . )hould )!" here !l)o the po)ition i)
ver" indefinite# Accordin& to cu)tom !n" m!rri!&e i) !llo'ed 'hich m!" not be !llo'ed
!ccordin& to the )trict principle) of the Hindu 3!'# *or in)t!nce5 in the ;unA!b even karvari
!nd 'handradari m!rri!&e) !re !llo'ed5 !nd thou&h !ccordin& to )trict Hindu 3!' m!rri!&e)
bet'een member) of different Hindu communitie) !re not !llo'ed5 b" cu)tom in m!n" pl!ce)
)uch m!rri!&e) !re !llo'ed# *or in)t!nce5 in Nep!l )uch m!rri!&e) !re held to be v!lid# .n the
;unA!b5 'hich i) not ! c!)te?ridden ;rovince5 m!rri!&e) bet'een the Si%h) !nd Hindu) h!ve
been held to be v!lid not b" the court) but b" the )ociet" in &ener!l# Their children h!ve been
!llo'ed to inherit !nd the" h!ve been tre!ted Au)t !) thou&h the m!rri!&e) h!ve t!%en pl!ce
!ccordin& to l!'# A) bet'een >!in) !nd Hindu) previou)l" no m!rri!&e) u)ed to t!%e pl!ce5
but !t pre)ent the pendulum h!) )'un& the other '!" !nd m!rri!&e) t!%e pl!ce bet'een >!in)
!nd Hindu)5 e)peci!ll" >!in A&&!r'!l) !nd Hindu A&&!r'!l)5 but it i) ver" doubtful if ! >!in
A&&!r'!l could m!rr" v!lidl" ! Shudr! or ! Br!hm!n# A) re&!rd) )ub?divi)ion) !nd )ub?
c!)te) !l)o5 before the Act of 194F '!) p!))ed m!rri!&e) bet'een )ub?divi)ion) of the Hindu
communit" 'ere decl!red le&!l in )ome pl!ce) !nd in other) ille&!l#
But th!t i) be)ide the point here# .f )ub?divi)ion !nd )ub?c!)te i) the )!me5 then . !m )orr"
to h!ve u)ed the 'ord 6 )ub?c!)te 6here# The m!rri!&e bet'een the member) of the )ub?
divi)ion) of the princip!l c!)te h!ve !lre!d" been le&!li)ed# .n re&!rd to the re)t5 for in)t!nce5
if per)on) belon&in& to different reli&ion) !nd different c!)te) '!nt to m!rr"5 m" humble
)ubmi))ion i) th!t !ccordin& to the pre)ent l!' )uch m!rri!&e) !re not le&!l# At pre)ent5
public opinion cle!rl" dem!nd) th!t thi) mu)t &o !nd the m!rri!&e bet'een per)on) of
differnet f!ith) !) 'ell !) of different c!)te) )hould be m!de le&!l# At pre)ent there !re m!n"
"oun& men !nd 'omen 'ho '!nt to m!rr" be"ond their c!)te)# So f!r !) public opinion &oe)5
. !m on )ure &round th!t 'e !re ! )olid roc% of found!tion for thi) me!)ure#
T!%in& it from ! n!tion!l )t!ndpoint5 m!" . humbl" )ubmit to the Hou)e th!t to re)olve
the pre)ent friction bet'een Hindu) !nd Si%h) in the ;unA!b !nd to m!%e them one )olidified
people if hundred &irl) of Si%h) !nd Hindu) 'ere m!rried to hundred bo") of Hindu) !nd
Si%h)5 the 'hole trouble 'ould h!ve &one# .n f!ct5 . believe th!t if the Hindu) !nd 2u)lim)
h!d m!rried 'ith e!ch other5 thi) ;!%i)t!n 'ould not h!ve been brou&ht !bout# .f 'e !dopt
thi) inter?m!rri!&e !) ! )")tem !mon& our)elve)5 . !m prefectl" )ure th!t !ll the bitterne))
bet'een the c!)te) !nd the bitterne)) bet'een per)on) of different f!ith) 'ould &o !'!"# . do
not under)t!nd 'h" 'e )hould not !dopt thi) me!)ure# .t m!" be )!id th!t the true principle)
of Hindu) h!rm )t!nd in our '!"5 'e !re not 'ell !dvi)ed in !doptin& contr!r" me!)ure)#
2!" . humbl" )ubmit th!t the fir)t sloka in 2!h!b!r!th! be&in) in thi) m!nner th!t bec!u)e
there !re not m!n" @)h!tri"!) in the l!nd5 therefore )ome Br!hmin) m!" be brou&ht !nd
!)%ed to procre!te @)h!tri"!)# All our reli&ion !nd our =edic lore do tell u) th!t !mon&
Hindu) )uch m!rri!&e) 'ere not infre9uent# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 before the c!)te )")tem
bec!me )tereot"ped5 it c!n ver" 'ell be im!&ined th!t there '!) no prohibition !mon& the
Hindu) for interm!rri!&e )o f!r !) c!)te '!) concerned# Therefore t!%in& it from the r!dic!l
point of vie'5 . )hould under)t!nd th!t there i) no )peci!l difficult" 'ith re&!rd to thi)
But !ll the )!me5 the point th!t . 'i)h to m!%e i) th!t it i) !n en!blin& me!)ure# .t doe) not
force !n" per)on to m!rr" out)ide hi) c!)te# .f ! per)on )o 'i)he)5 if ! "oun& m!n !nd !
'om!n !re )o minded5 if their p!rent) !re )o minded5 !ll . '!nt i) th!t the couple )hould be
en!bled to m!rr" !nd their off)prin&) )hould be le&itim!te#
At pre)ent5 if ! Hindu '!nt) to m!rr" out)ide hi) c!)te5 it i) not !) if he c!nnot effect hi)
purpo)e b" re)ort to f!l)ehood# Accordin& to the Ar"! 2!rri!&e =!lid!tion Act he c!n ver"
'ell m!rr" !n" Hindu out)ide hi) c!)te# Suppo)in& ! per)on doe) not belon& to Ar"! S!m!A5
'h" )hould he h!ve recour)e to f!l)ehood to effect hi) purpo)e 8 Therefore5 the thin& 'hich
the l!' )hould c!re !bout i) th!t per)on) be en!bled to do thin&) in ! le&!l m!nner# . !l)o
%no' th!t !ccordin& to the provi)ion) of the Speci!l 2!rri!&e Act (Act ... of 187E) it '!)
po))ible for ! Hindu to contr!ct ! m!rri!&e under it) un!mended provi)ion) provided he
decl!red th!t he '!) ! non?Hindu 'hile continuin& to be ! Hindu# A ver" nice p!r!do( i)
&iven in the Hindu
Code b" H# S# :our in p!r! 4+7# Thi) i) 'h!t it )!")4
6 .t 'ill thu) be )een th!t the Speci!l 2!rri!&e (Amendment) Act h!) cre!ted !
p!r!do(# .f the Hindu decl!re) him)elf to be ! non?Hindu !nd m!rrie)5 he rem!in) )ubAect
to Hindu 3!'# .f he doe) not )o decl!re5 he ce!)e) to be )ubAect to Hindu 3!'5 &ivin& ri)e
to ! conundrum 4 7hen i) ! Hindu ! non?Hindu 8 The !n)'er i) 4 7hen he m!rrie) !) !
Hindu under the Speci!l 2!rri!&e (Amendment) Act# 6
7hen the Act of 19ED '!) p!))edG1 h!ve re!d the proceedin&) of th!t timeGit !ppe!r)
th!t r# :our '!) driven to ! corner !nd he h!d to !ccept ! )itu!tion 'hich 'ould never h!ve
been !ccepted h!d he been free# Accordin& to the Speci!l 2!rri!&e (Amendment) Act5 the
)itu!tion i) ver" )tr!n&e# .f ! per)on '!nt) to m!rr" out)ide hi) reli&ion5 )!"5 ! Hindu '!nt)
to m!rr" ! non?Hindu5 then under the Amendment Act5 6 their previou) ri&ht) !re un?!ffected
to the e(tent provided in the C!)te i)!bilitie) $emov!l Act# 6 But "et 'h!t h!ppen) if the"
m!rr" 8 The di)!bilit" 'hich the" 'ill )uffer from5 . !m &oin& to de)cribe from :ourB) Hindu
3!'# 6Their previou) ri&ht) !re un!ffected to the e(tent provided in the C!)te i)!bilitie)
$emov!l Act# The" no lon&er po))e)) the ri&ht of !doption# And if the per)on )o m!rr"in& i)
!n !dopted )on5 hi) !doptive f!ther m!"5 if )o choo)e)5 m!%e !nother !doption# 6 So th!t the
poor m!n 'ho '!nt) to m!rr"5 hi) ri&ht) !) !n !dopted )on &o !'!" !nd hi) f!ther i)
competent to h!ve !nother !doption# Then5 6 )uch m!rri!&e h!) the effect of di))olvin& the
Aoint f!mil"# 6 Thi) i) !nother ver" &re!t di)!bilit"# .f ! per)on '!nt) to m!rr" ! non?Hindu5
he mu)t ce!)e to be ! Hindu )o f!r !) the Aoint f!mil" i) concerned# Then5 6 )ucce))ion to
their propert" !nd to the propert" of their i))ue i) re&ul!ted b" the .ndi!n Succe))ion Act# 6
2" humble )ubmi))ion i) th!t there i) no re!)on 'h" 'e )hould under&o the)e di)!bilitie)#
7h" )hould ! m!n '!nt) to m!rr" ! non?Hindu )uffer from the)e thin&)5 'hich &o to )ho'
th!t !) ! m!tter of f!ct he mu)t renounce !ll the l!') 'hich !re de!r to him !nd 'hich he h!)
inherited from &ener!tion)# Thi) i) ! 'ron& provi)ion !nd le!d) to fr!ud !nd m!n" other
evil)# There i) no doubt th!t from the old po)ition the pre)ent po)ition i) ! bit better# . %no'
of c!)e) in 'hich Ar"! S!m!Ai)t) m!rried before the Ar"! 2!rri!&e =!lid!tion Act '!)
p!))ed !nd for "e!r) to&ether the" did not decl!re them)elve) !) hu)b!nd !nd 'ife# The"
'ere !fr!id of decl!rin&5 !nd 'h!t 'ould h!ppen to their off?)prin& 8 .t m!" be )!id th!t !t
pre)ent the Hindu Code Bill i) on the !nvil5 )o 'here i) the nece))it" for thi) me!)ure !t thi)
)t!&e 8 . 'ould be& of "ou to !llo' me to meet thi) point#
.n the fir)t pl!ce5 m!" )ubmi))ion i)5 . do not %no' 'hen the Hindu Code Bill 'ill be
p!))ed# .t i) doubtful if it 'ill be p!))ed in thi) )e))ion5 ne(t )e))ion or )ome other )e))ion#
7e do not %no'# Secondl"5 if thi) Bill i) !ccepted5 it 'ould p!ve the '!" for )uch of the
provi)ion) of the Hindu 3!' !) !re &iven there !nd )o it 'ill be ! help to p!))in& th!t l!'#
7h!t 'ould h!ppen to m!n" people 'ho 'ould not m!rr" on !ccount of thi) l!' not bein&
there 8 0r if ! per)on die) 'ill hi) ri&ht) to propert" not be !ffected 8 At the )!me time5 if thi)
Bill i) not !llo'ed to be p!))ed into l!'5 m!n" c!)e) 'hich could be &overned b" thi) l!'
'ill be &overned b" the pre)ent l!' !nd people 'ill )uffer# The 'hole n!tion )h!ll )uffer in
)o f!r !) 'e 'ill not be !ble to m!%e for condition) 'hich 'ould &o to )olidif" the n!tion !nd
m!%e it homo&eneou)#
.t m!" be )!id5 it i) ! c!)e of pieceme!l le&i)l!tion# 7e !ll %no' m!n" in)t!nce) of )uch
pieceme!l le&i)l!tion# 7e %no' th!t 'e p!))ed in 194F the Act rel!tin& to v!lidit" of
m!rri!&e) bet'een )ub)ection of c!)te) !nd then 'e p!))ed in Bomb!"5 the prevention of
Bi&!mou) 2!rri!&e) ActC !nd m!n" other l!') h!ve been p!))ed# . do not %no' of !n" other
obAection) th!t m!" be r!i)ed to thi) Bill# .t i) ! ver" )m!ll me!)ure !nd thi) i) ! one?cl!))
Bill# All th!t it )!") i) th!t previou) m!rri!&e) 'ill be re&!rded !) v!lid !nd in future )uch
m!rri!&e) 'ill be v!lid# .t doe) not propo)e to do !n"thin& el)e# . did not5 !) ! m!tter of f!ct5
venture to come before the Hou)e 'ith ! )tr!i&ht motion th!t it be p!))ed into l!' bec!u)e .
!m !fr!id it i) ! convention of thi) Hou)e th!t !ll the)e me!)ure) )hould be t!%en to the Select
. !m !n(iou) th!t in thi) )e))ion5 'e )hould be !ble to p!)) thi) me!)ure into l!'5 )o th!t )o
f!r !) the public i) concerned5 the" 'ill feel convinced th!t 'e me!n bu)ine)) !nd 'e '!nt to
evolve ! cl!))le)) )ociet"# . %no' 'h!t . !m )!"in& m!" not be li%ed# . '!) t!%en to t!)% for
e(pre))in& )uch !n opinion in the p!per) !n opinion 'hich . re!d tod!" to the Hou)e but in
thi) vit!l m!tter5 'e !re not to fe!r !n"bod"# 2!h!tm! :!ndhi h!) told u) 'e mu)t h!ve !
cl!))?le)) )ociet"# Thi) i) the ri&ht '!" to h!ve ! cl!))?le)) )ociet"# All difference) bet'een
tho)e people 'ho !re oppo)ed to e!ch other from the point of vie' of )oci!l ri&ht)5 economic
ri&ht) !nd politic!l ri&ht)5 'ill di)!ppe!r !nd 'e 'ill h!ve one cl!))?le)) )ociet"5 if 'e !dopt
! me!)ure li%e thi)# . 'ould be)eech the Hou)e to %indl" p!)) thi) me!)ure in thi) )e))ion
!fter referrin& it to the Select Committee tod!"#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 2otion moved 4
6Th!t the Bill to provide th!t m!rri!&e) bet'eenHindu5 Si%h)5 >!in) !nd their different
c!)te) !nd )ub?c!)te) !re v!lid5 be referred to ! Select Committee con)i)tin& of :i!ni
:urmu%h Sin&h 2u)!fir# S!rd!i ..u%nm Sin&h# Shri 2# An!th!?)!"!n!m A""!n&!r# Shri
e)hh!ndhu :upt!# Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i# Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"5 Shri $!mn!th :oen%!#
r# B!%)hi Te% ch!nd# 3!l! Achint $!m# Ch# $!nbir Sin&h5 Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i !nd the
2over !nd th!t the number of member) 'ho)e pre)ence )h!ll be nece))!r" to con)titute !
meetin& of the Committee )h!ll be five# 6
The u)u!l pr!ctice i) to fi( ! d!te b" 'hich the report m!" be )ubmitted to the Hou)e#
7ith in)truction) to report b" 'h!t d!te 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: B" the end of thi) month5 )!" the E8th of *ebru!r"#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 7ith in)truction) to report b" the E8th of *ebru!r"5 1949#
Shri K. Hanumanthaiya (2")ore St!le) 4 Sir# . h!ve &re!t ple!)ure in 'elcomin& thi)
Bill# ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! h!) !dv!nced ver" &ood re!)on) in )upport of it# The"
h!rdl" need !n" )upport or !ddition# Before Au&u)t 1947# our '!tch?'ord '!) B freedom B
!nd 2!h!tm! :!ndhi &!ve u) the phr!)e B 9uit .ndi! B !nd !fter the !tt!inment of freedom5
S!rd!r ;!tel h!) &iven u) the 'ord con)olid!tion# He i) doin& it on the politic!l front !nd th!t
i) the &re!te)t !chievement th!t thi) countr" c!n bo!)t of# (0nt!rruption.. And 'e h!ve to do
it !l)oGm!" . )!" humbl" 'ith !ll )incerit" !nd not 'ith !n" levit"Gon the )oci!l front !l)o#
The &re!t d!n&er to .ndi! i) B di)ruptive tendencie) B5 'hich !re c!lled commun!l tendencie)
!nd the m!rri!&e in)truction i) the b!)tion 'hich %eep) the)e v!riou) difference) int!ct !nd in
perpetuit"# Thi) me!)ure in ! ver" humble f!)ion m!%e) ! be&innin& to !boli)h tho)e
di)tinction) in time) to come !nd con)olid!te the Hindu )ociet" to be&in 'ith # . he!rtil"
'elcome thi) me!)ure !nd . )u&&e)t to the mover of thi) motion th!t he c!n t!%e !nother
2ember into the Select Committee !nd . )u&&e)t Shrim!ti Annie 2!)c!rene5 2#A#B#3# bein&
t!%en into the Select Committee#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I h!ve no obAection to !dd the n!me#
Shri K. M. Munshi (Bomb!" 4 :ener!l)4 . be& to )upport thi) motion# 2" honour!ble
friend# ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! '!) ple!)ed to de)cribe thi) me!)ure !) ! )m!ll me!)ure#
. be& to differ from him# .t i) ! ver" bi& me!)ure !nd ! ver" import!nt one# .t )hould h!ve
been p!))ed not no'5 but fort" "e!r) !&o# 7hen the 9ue)tion '!) fir)t r!i)ed before the
court) !nd 'hen the court) held in different province) th!t m!rri!&e bet'een the Hindu) of
different c!)te) 'ere inv!lid for one re!)on or the other# But in tho)e d!") the :overnment
benche) 'ere not prep!red to !llo' the Hindu communit" to be d"n!mic !nd '!nted to
perpetu!te the old cu)tom) 'hich 'ere en)hrined in te(t boo%) compo)ed 7,, or 8,, "e!r)
!&o# . remember ! c!)e# Sir5 . thin% it '!) )ome 4, "e!r) !&o5 'hen the v!lidit" of the
m!rri!&e of ! 'ido'5 'ho)e hu)b!nd h!d died )ever!l "e!r) !&o '!) r!i)ed before the
Bomb!" Hi&h Court !nd the Hi&h Court held th!t !fter lon& "e!r) of m!rried life !nd le!din&
c!)e 'here . tried for four "e!r) to e)t!bli)h th!t the m!rri!&e bet?!fter h!vin& &r!nd children5
her m!rri!&e '!) inv!lid bec!u)e )he h!ppened to belon& to ! hi&her c!)te th!n her hu)b!nd#
. '!) concerned in !nother le!din& c!)e 'here . tried for four "e!r) to e)t!bli)h th!t the
m!rri!&e bet'een ! Hindu of hi&her c!)te 'ith ! 'ife of ! lo'er c!)te '!) inv!lid# But for
the f!ct th!t Sir 3!llubh!i Sh!' '!) ! Aud&e of c!tholicit"5 perh!p) . 'ould h!ve 'on the
c!)e5 but even then the v!lidit" of anuloma m!rri!&e !) 'e c!ll them5Gbet'een the hu)b!nd
of ! )uperior Hindu c!)te !nd the 'ife of !n inferior Hindu c!)teGi) not !ccepted !) v!lid in
)ome of the province)# The 9ue)tion h!) !l)o ri)en 'ith re&!rd to Hindu) !nd >!in) in p!rt of
the countr"# Hindu) !nd >!in) m!rr" freel"5 but the point h!) !l'!") come before the l!'"er)
for opinion 'hether ! m!rri!&e bet'een ! Hindu !nd ! >!in '!) v!lid# No' the)e !re
9ue)tion) 'hich ou&ht to h!ve been )olved5 !) . )!id5 "e!r) !nd "e!r) !&o# But 'e h!ve
re!ched ! )t!&e 'hen thi) mu)t be )olved immedi!tel"#
2" honour!ble friend# ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! referred to the )peci!l c!)e of the
;unA!b# .t i) not ! )peci!l c!)e of !n" p!rticul!r provinceC it !ffect) the 'hole of the countr"#
0n !ccount of educ!tion5 on !ccount of freedom m!rri!&e) bet'een member) of different
c!)te) t!%e pl!ce# But the" find them)elve) in &re!t difficult" on !ccount of thi) doctrine of
Hindu 3!'# . %no'5 not one or t'o5 but doJen) of c!)e) 'here the p!rtie) merel" profe)) to
m!rr" under the Civil 2!rri!&e Act5 thou&h the" do not '!nt to do itC the" h!ted doin& itC
the" do not '!nt to di)turb the Aoint f!mil"C the" do not '!nt th!t the )ucce))ion Act )hould
!ppl" to themC the" do not '!nt to )ep!r!te them)elve) from their p!rent)C but bec!u)e of the
unfortun!te )t!te of the l!'5 the" h!ve to m!rr" under the Civil 2!rri!&e Act# Therefore5 .
)ubmit# Sir5 thi) ! cr"in& &riev!nce 'hich re9uire) to be remedied !) e!rl" !) po))ible# . !m
&l!d th!t the mover h!) !ccepted "our )u&&e)tion !bout the E8th of *ebru!r" !nd thi) Bill
)hould be p!))ed !) e!rl" !) po))ible#
There i) one little point 'hich . )hould li%e to mention !nd . !m )ure thi) deffect 'ill be
dul" rectified in the Select Committee# The
'ord) !) the" )t!nd !re4
Not'ith)t!ndin& !n" te(t5 rule5 interpret!tion of Hindu 3!'5 or !n" cu)tom or u)!&e to
the contr!r"5 no m!rri!&e !mon& .lindu) i) or 'ill he deemed to be inv!lid b" re!)on of the
f!ct th!t the p!rtie) thereto belon& to different reli&ion)5 c!)te) or )ub?c!)te)#
Thi) mi&ht le!d po))ibl" toB ! con)truction th!t thi) provi)ion onl" !pplie) to m!rri!&e)
bet'een p!rtie) 'ho !re !live# . thin% it )hould be m!de perfectl" cle!r th!t even m!rri!&e)
of thi) ch!r!cter 'hich h!ve t!%en pl!ce in the p!)t !nd in re)pect of 'hich the 9ue)tion of
)ucce))ion !ri)e) )hould be deemed v!lid here!fter# . !m )ure proper rectific!tion 'ill be
m!de in the Select Committee# . therefore# Sir5 he!rtil" )upport thi) motion#
Shri Deshbandhu Gupta (elhi)4 . ri)e to )upport the motion 'hich i) before the Hou)e
Au)t !) m" honour!ble friend5 Shri 2un)hi h!) pointed out5 . !l)o feel th!t it i) ! re!ll" ver"
import!nt me!)ure# *or m!n" "e!r) one thin& 'hich h!) been )t!ndin& in the '!" of Hindu
)olid!rit" !nd !l)o in the '!" of our n!tion!l )olid!rit" i) thi) divi)ion of the Hindu )ociet" in
c!)te)# . feel the time h!) come 'hen 'e )hould p!)) ! me!)ure li%e thi) 'hich )ee%) to
!boli)h the)e !rtifici!l b!rrier) 'ithout !n" further del!"# . %no' of in)t!nce) 'here )ome of
m" clo)e friend) 'ho did not believe in civil m!rri!&e) h!d to re)ort to civil m!rri!&e)5
)impl" bec!u)e the" h!ppened to choo)e ! m!te 'hich belon&ed to ! different c!)te# <ou !re
!'!re# Sir5 th!t the Ar"! S!m!A h!) !l'!") been ! believer in c!)te )")tem b" B 1una !nd
Kama B# .n )pite of the f!ct th!t the founder of the Ar"! S!m!A pre!ched th!t cult !nd from the
ver" be&innin& the" !dvoc!ted th!t there '!) no c!)te b" birth5 Ar"! S!m!Ai)t) !l)o h!d to
)uffer from the )!me di)!bilit" from 'hich other people !re )ufferin& tod!"#
.t '!) !fter m!n" "e!r) of )tru&&le th!t the Ar"! 2!rri!&e =!lid!tion Act '!) p!))ed#
But5 . find public opinion !mon&)t Hindu h!) !l)o !dv!nced )ufficientl" !nd not onl" Ar"!
S!m!Ai)t) but tod!" m!n" more Hindu) do not reco&ni)e the !rtifici!l b!rrier) pl!ced b" the
c!)te )")tem b!)ed on birth# Therefore5 there i) no re!)on 'h" the" )hould be forced to h!ve
recour)e to the Ar"! 2!rri!&e =!lid!tion Act or to the Civil 2!rri!&e Act# Tod!"5 'hen
public opinion h!) !dv!nced5 !nd 'hen the c!)te b!rrier) th!t h!ve )tood in the '!" of the
)olid!rit" of the Hindu) !nd in the '!" of cre!tin& ! n!tion!l feelin&5 h!ve &one5 . feel the
p!))!&e of ! me!)ure li%e thi) )hould not be del!"ed#
There m!" of cour)e be )ome point in )!"in& th!t the Hindu Code i) comin& !nd
therefore 'e )hould not h!ve !n" pieceme!l le&i)l!tion# But !lon& 'ith m!n" of m" friend) .
too believe th!t ! me!)ure of thi) n!ture5 'hich i) in no '!" oppo)ed to the reformi)t ide!)
cont!ined in the Hindu Code5 )hould not be del!"ed# Althou&h5 m" honour!ble friend r#
Ambed%!r 'ould li%e the Hindu Code to be p!))ed into l!' thi) ver" )e))ion5 m!n" of u) do
not )h!re th!t vie'# .t m!" t!%e time# After !ll5 th!t i) ! ver" import!nt me!)ure !nd h!) &ot
m!n" controver)i!l cl!u)e)# Therefore5 . 'ould ur&e th!t thi) me!)ure )hould be 'elcomed
b" u) !nd it) p!))!&e )hould not be del!"ed#
. 'holehe!rtedl" )upport the motion moved b" m" honour!ble friend ;!ndit Th!%ur !)
Bh!r&!v! !nd . hope r# Ambed%!r 'ill !l)o !ccept it !nd th!t the hou)e 'ill p!)) thi) )m!ll
me!)ure 'hich i) of &re!t import!nce to Hindu Societ"5 in thi) ver" )e))ion#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 . 'holehe!rtedl" )upport the motion
'hich ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! h!) m!de for referrin& thi) Bill to the Select Committee#
The Bill h!) )o f!r received )upport from v!riou) 9u!rter) of the Hou)e !nd . do hope th!t not
! )in&le di)cord!nt note 'ill be r!i)ed !&!in)t it#
The Bill5 if . m!" )!" )o5 i) no ne' me!)ure# A Bill !lmo)t on identic!l term) '!)
introduced in the old .mperi!l 3e&i)l!tive Council !) it '!) then c!lled5 in 1919 b" the l!te
2r# =itth!lbh!i ;!tel# Th!t Bill '!) circul!ted for opinion# 0f cour)e5 different opinion)
'ere e(pre))ed5 the orthodo( element oppo)in& it5 offici!l) oppo)in& it !nd ! number of
per)on) !nd )ocietie) )upportin& it# But5 before the Bill could come up for con)ider!tion
before the Council5 the 2ont!&u Chelm)ford $eform) c!me into oper!tion the council '!)
di))olved !nd the Bill l!p)ed# After th!t# r# :our !ttempted in 19ED to modif" the old Bill of
187E but then !l)o5 there '!) oppo)ition !nd the Bill h!d to be modified in )ever!l
p!rticul!r)# .t '!) onl" in the form of ! civil m!rri!&e th!t per)on) of different c!)te) or
different )ub?c!)te) of Hindu) could m!rr"5 )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e) !re not permitted# 7ith
re&!rd to )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e) under the Hindu 3!'5 the po)ition i) different in the differnt
province)# Some province)5 !) h!) been pointed out5 permit 'h!t !re c!lled "nuloma
2!rri!&e) C other province) do not !llo' th!t# .n the l!tter province)5 the court) h!ve held
th!t thou&h in )ome of the Smiritis, "nuloma m!rri!&e) 'ere permitted5 the" h!ve become
ob)olete !nd the" !re not no' reco&ni)ed# .n !lmo)t !ll ;rovince)5 it i) held th!t Pratiloma
m!rri!&e) !re inv!lid# .n the punA!b !nd in )ome other province)5 'here cu)tom i) the rule of
deci)ion5 m!rri!&e) bet'een cert!in c!)te) !re !llo'ed5 but bet'een cert!in other c!)te) !re
not !llo'ed# . thin% the time h!) no' come 'hen ! bold )tep )hould be t!%en !nd thi)
me!)ure )hould be pl!ced on the St!tute boo%# No doubt5 under the Hindu Code 'hich i) no'
before u)5 provi)ion) to thi) effect h!ve been m!de# The Hindu Code Bill i) ho'ever ! ver"
comprehen)ive me!)ure de!lin& 'ith different )ubAect) !nd cover) ! ver" much 'ider field#
There i) much oppo)ition to )ome portion) of it# 7e do not %no' ho' lon& it 'ill t!%e for
the Bill to p!))5 in 'h!t form it 'ill be p!))ed5 or 'hether it 'ill be p!))ed !t !ll# (Shri 2
Krishnaswami Bhuralhi) 6 .t 'ill be p!))ed# 6) .t 'ill cert!inl" t!%e time# There i) no re!)on
therefore5 )o f!r !) thi) m!tter i) concerned5 to del!" the p!))!&e of thi) )imple me!)ure5 'ith
'hich . thin% mo)t people !re !&&reed# . therefore )upport the motion#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi (/#;# 4 :ener!l) 4 . do !l)o '!nt to h!ve the honour of recordin& m"
)upport to thi) Bill of &re!t reform !) m" honour!ble friend 2r# 2un)hi h!) )!id#
.t i) lon& )ince indi! h!) )uffered on !ccount of commun!l difference)# 2!rri!&e) !re the
root c!u)e !nd election) the B fruit?c!u)e B for !ll the)e difference)C bec!u)e5 it i) prim!ril" !t
the time of the m!rri!&e th!t one en9uire) into the c!)te of the other# 1ver" time 'hen
m!rri!&e) !re held5 c!)te) !re en9uired into# The ne(t occ!)ion5 'hen the c!)te of ! per)on i)
en9uired into5 i) 'hen one )t!nd) for election# No' th!t 'e h!ve decided to h!ve5 Aoint
elector!te)5 'e h!ve to ! &re!t e(tent done !'!" 'ith the B fruit?c!u)e B of the commun!l evil#
Thu) politic!ll" 'e h!ve put our)elve) on the ri&ht tr!c%# And !) m" friend 2r#
H!num!nth!i"! h!) Au)t no' )!id5 the credit &oe) to the Honour!ble S!rd!r ;!tel for &ivin&
u) politic!l con)olid!tion in the countr"# After thi) politic!l con)olid!tion5 our ne(t
immedi!te need i) to h!ve )oci!l con)olid!tion# Thi) Bill 'ill provide thi) need# . !m )ure5 if
thi) Bill i) p!))ed into l!'5 m!rri!&e) 'ill be free# . !m ! believer in free m!rri!&e)# No' th!t
.ndi! i) free m!rri!&e) mu)t !l)o be free !nd there )hould be no re)triction)# . !m )orr" th!t
the Bill h!) come !t ! ver" l!te )t!&e in our live)4 but let u) p!)) thi) bill for our future
&ener!tion) to pr!ctice it# . hope th!t the countr" 'ill enAo" the freedom &iven b" thi) Act# .
'holehe!rtedl" )upport the motion#
Shri Upendranath Barman (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 . !l)o be& to !ccord m" 'hole
he!rted )upport to the Bill !nd it) reference to the Select Committee# .n m" mind5 . !m
convinced of one thin&# The circum)t!nce th!t )t!nd) in the '!" of our n!tion!l )en)e i) the
c!)te b!rrier# So lon& !) it l!)t)5 the different )ection) of the Hindu communit" !nd other non?
2u)lim communitie) c!nnot unite to&ether !nd imbibe ! )en)e of n!tion!lit" in it) true )en)e#
So lon& !) one %no') th!t he c!nnot m!rr" hi) )on or d!u&hter 'ith the )on or d!u&hter of
hi) nei&hbour5 the true )en)e th!t the" !re one c!nnot come# . thin% th!t b" p!))in& thi)
me!)ure th!t b!rrier 'ill be 'on# .t i) the )en)e of %in)hip th!t i) the re!l b!)i) of n!tion!l
)en)e !nd . 'holehe!rtedl" )upport thi) Bill !nd . hope th!t it 'ill be p!))ed into l!' !) )oon
!) po))ible#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter for 3!') 4 7ith re&!rd to thi) Bill5
there c!nnot be !n" difference of opinion bet'een m")elf #!nd m" honour!ble friend the
mover for the )imple re!)on th!t the Bill i) merel" ! p!rt of the Hindu Code 'hich . !m
)pon)orin&# 2" onl" obAection to the Bill i) th!t the 3e&i)l!ture h!vin& !ccepted the principle
th!t the Hindu 3!' ou&ht to be codified5 it i) 'ron& no' to proceed piece?me!l 'ith the
le&i)l!tion# . h!ve no obAection5 !) . )!id5 to the principle) underl"in& the Bill# .n f!ct tho)e
!re the ver" principle) 'hich !re embodied in the Hindu Code !nd therefore 'h!t . 'ill
)u&&e)t to m" honour!ble friend i) th!t either he )hould 'ithdr!' thi) Bill or po)tpone the
con)ider!tion of the Bill )o th!t 'e m!" %no' e(!ctl" 'h!t h!ppen) to the Hindu Code#
. !m !fr!id h!vin& re&!rd to the f!ct th!t5 . !m )pon)orin& the Hindu Code !nd h!vin&
re&!rd to the f!ct th!t there bein& the motion before the hou)e for con)ider!tion of the Bill !)
reported b" the Select Committee5 . !m !fr!id . c!nnot t!%e !n" other !ttitude th!n the one .
h!ve t!%en#
Ch. Ranbir Singh ros!
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi (2!dr!)4 :ener!l)4 Ho' c!n he be !llo'ed to )pe!% 8
The clo)ure motion h!) been put#
Mr. Deputy Speaker4 . !llo'ed r# Ambed%!r to )pe!% !nd he i) not the )pon)or# The
9ue)tion '!) not put#
Ch. Ranbir Singh (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l)4 (-nglish translation of th! $indi Sp!!'h. 2r#
eput" Spe!%er5 Sir5 . h!ve &re!t ple!)ure in )upportin& thi) me!)ure bec!u)e . belon& to th!t
communit" !mon&)t the Hindu) 'ho h!ve !l'!") believed in the principle of thi) Bill from
the ver" out)et# .f there '!) !n" communit" !mon&)t the Hindu) 'hich ever e)t!bli)hed
rel!tion) out)ide it) o'n )phere !nd th!t there e(i)ted no difference)5 it '!) the >!t
communit"# .t i) true th!t there did e(i)t )ome )uch element of difference !nd )oci!l
o)tr!ci)m but th!t '!) ne&li&ible# The ver" f!ct th!t thi) Bill 'ill &o ! lon& '!" to e)t!bli)h
throu&hout our countr" ! principle in 'hich 'e h!ve believed )ince centurie) p!)t5 !fford)
me &re!t ple!)ure to )upport thi)#
Secondl"5 Au)t !) m" honour!ble friend 2r# T"!&i h!) )t!ted5 thi) 'ill b!ni)h our mutu!l
difference) 'hich 'ere re)pon)ible for our )l!ver"# B" the inte&r!tion of )m!ll )t!te) our
le!der the Honour!ble S!rd!r =!ll!bhbh!i ;!tel h!) con)olid!ted our countr" into one !nd
th!t problem h!) been 'ell )olved# Thi) Bill i) ! ver" &ood me!)ure for )olvin& our )oci!l
So f!r !) the Hindu Code Bill i) concerned th!t i) ! bi& thin&# .t i) not "et %no'n 'hether
or not the countr" or thi) Hou)e !ccept) it# .t cont!in) )ome provi)ion) over 'hich our
le!der) h!ve e(pre))ed )ome )ort of difference# .5 therefore5 f!il to under)t!nd ho' f!r it i)
correct to )helve or reAect thi) Bill )impl" for the re!)on th!t it form) p!rt !nd p!rcel of th!t
Bill5 bec!u)e if the Hindu Code Bill i) p!))ed5 thi) me!)ure 'ill n!tur!ll" be incorpor!ted in
it# .f th!t i) not p!))ed5 thi) Bill 'ill !t le!)t h!ve ch!nce) of bein& p!))ed#
7ith the)e 'ord) . 'hole?he!rtedl" )upport thi)#
Shri K. M. Munshi 4 .) it permi))ible for me to !n)'er ! point m!de b" r# Ambed%!r8
An Honourable Member: ;!ndit Bh!r&!v! c!n de!l 'ith it#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Sir# . !m ver" &l!d th!t !ll )ection) of the Hou)e h!ve
)upported thi) me!)ure# .t i) ! me!)ure of )uchB ! %ind th!t . could not fore)ee 'ith the
hi&he)t fli&ht of im!&in!tion th!t !n" )ort of obAection could be r!i)ed !nd . !m ver" &l!d th!t
thi) me!)ure i) li%ed b" ever"bod"# 0ne obAection h!) been r!i)ed !nd th!t i) th!t )ince the
Hindu Code Bill i) on the !nvil therefore5 'e )hould not proceed 'ith thi) Bill# .f the
principle) of thi) Bill !nd the principle) 'hich !re the )ubAect m!tter of the Hindu Code 'ere
!nt!&oni)tic to e!ch other5 . could under)t!nd the obAection5 but 'here thi) me!)ure proceed)
on the )!me b!)i) !) the Hindu Code Bill5 if 'e p!)) it in !dv!nce5 it 'ill re!ll" p!ve the '!"
for the p!))in& of the Hindu Code# . c!nnot under)t!nd ho' the p!))in& of thi) 'ill ob)truct
the p!))in& of the Hindu CodeGre!ll" it 'ill !cceler!te it) p!))!&e# 2!" . en9uire 'here i)
the l!' or rule or convention th!t if ! Bill li%e the comprehen)ive Hindu code Bill i) on the
!nvil therefore !nother Bill c!nnot be p!))ed# There i) no )uch convention# . c!nnot
under)t!nd th!t if ! me!)ure i) there 'hich cover) one of the point) covered b" !nother
me!)ure5 therefore the )econd me!)ure )hould not be p!))ed#
B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd h!) pointed out th!t thi) me!)ure '!) ! )ubAect m!tter of ! Bill in
1919 !nd thi) me!)ure i) !))oci!ted 'ith the n!me of our revered ;re)ident =# ># ;!tel# No'
in point of time . thin% )o f!r !) Hindu Code i) concerned5 thi) %ind of me!)ure i) much
!nterior# .n ! m!tter of thi) %ind5 the)e technic!litie) even if the" be v!lid5 )hould not be
!llo'ed to )t!nd# 7h!t 'ould h!ppen to tho)e thou)!nd) of men !nd 'omen if thi) Hindu
Code Bill i) not p!))ed !nd . thin% it i) not &oin& to be t!%en cl!u)e b" cl!u)e thi) )e))ion !nd
it m!" &o on to September or 0ctober !nd not p!))ed in thi) Se))ion bec!u)e it i) !
controver)i!l me!)ure !nd it m!" t!%e ! "e!rC 'h!t 'ould h!ppen to tho)e "oun& men !nd
'omen 'ho de)ire to m!rr" !ccordin& to the provi)ion) of thi) Bill !nd our !ctivitie) 'hich
cert!inl" conduce to the form!tion !nd con)olid!tion of one n!tion 8
Sir5 it i) not ! m!tter of Ao%e# . !m onl" helpin& r# Ambed%!r 'ho)e m!rri!&e !l)o 'ill
be le&!li)ed b" thi) Bill# 7h" )hould he l!u&h !t thi) 8 Thi) m!" or m!" not be !pplic!ble to
him "et the di)!bilitie) if !n" 'ill be removed# . %no' hundred) of people '!nt to m!rr"
under thi) !nd i) it 'ron& to m!rr" under thi) rule 8 . for one deprec!te th!t !n"one )hould
pl!ce !n" ob)t!cle to thi) Bill bein& p!))ed in thi) )e))ion# .f thi) me!)ure i) not p!))ed in
thi) Se))ion !ll our effort) !nd :!ndhiAiB) effort) 'ill be futile# So m" )ubmi))ion i) thi) !nd
. be& r# Ambed%!r to %indl" 'ithdr!' hi) obAection !nd !&ree to the p!))!&e of thi) Bill !)
)oon !) po))ible bec!u)e thi) 'ould !l)o help him in &ettin& thi) relev!nt portion of the
Hindu code p!))ed#
Shri K. Hanumanthiya: H!) the honour!ble member !ccepted the n!me of Shrim!ti
Annie 2!)c!rene 'hich . h!ve )u&&e)ted 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: <e)5 . )uppo)e the honour!ble the 3!' mini)ter '!nt) to %no' the
number of men on the '!itin& li)t#
The 9ue)tion i)4
6 Th!t the Bill to provide th!t m!rri!&e) bet'een Hindu)55Si%h)5 >!in) !nd their different
c!)te) !nd )ub?c!)te) !re v!lid5 be referred to ! Select Committee con)i)tin& of :i!ni
:urmu%h Sin&h 2u)!fir5 S!rd!r Hu%um Sin&h5 Shri 2# An!nth!)!"!n!m A""!n&!r5 Shri
e)hb!ndhu :upt!5 Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i5 Shrini!ti $enu%! $!"5 Shri $!mn!th :oen%!5 r#
B!%h)hi Te% Ch!nd5 3!l! Achint $!in5 Ch# $!nbir Sin&h5 Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i5 Shrim!ti
Annie 2!)c!rene5 !nd the 2over5 'ith in)truction) to report b" the E8th *ebru!r" 19495 !nd
th!t the number of member) 'ho)e pre)ence )h!ll be nece))!r" to con)titute ! meetin& of the
Committee )h!ll be five# 6 The motion '!) !dopted#
H.N/ C01G?contd#
Mr. Speaker4 The honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r#
Pandit Thakur Das BhargavaGros!.
Shri 1aspat Rai Kapoor (/# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 2r# Spe!%er5 Sir5 . h!ve to r!i)e ! point of
order 'hich5 if !ccepted5 'ill b!r !n" further di)cu))ion on the point of order r!i)ed in the
previou) )e))ion b" m" honour!ble friend 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d# . therefore5 )ubmit th!t .
be permitted to pl!ce m" point of order for "our con)ider!tion#
Mr. Speaker 4 A) ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! '!) on hi) le&)5 . thin% . ou&ht to he!r
him fir)t# . do not !nticip!te 'h!t he i) &oin& to )!"C . h!ve m" o'n vie') on the point of
order r!i)ed but . 'ill con)ider 'h!t ;!ndit Th!%ur !) h!) to )!"#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 on the l!)t occ!)ion 'hen
the motion '!) m!de b" the Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r5 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d too% ! point
of order on the point th!t the Bill con)idered b" the Select Committee '!) not the Bill
referred to it b" the Hou)e# 7hile th!t point '!) bein& con)idered# . '!) )ubmittin& for "our
con)ider!tion )ome &round) 'h" the point of order '!) of &re!t )ub)t!nce# 7hile th!t '!)
bein& done5 "ou 'ere ple!)ed to )top the di)cu))ion !nd )horten the m!tter5 !) 'ould !ppe!r
on p!&e 778 of the ;roceedin&)5 d!ted D1)t Au&u)t 1948# At th!t time5 Sir5 "ou 'ere ple!)ed
to tell u) 'h!t '!) p!))in& in "our mind !nd "ou told u) th!t "ou 'ill con)ider !t the proper
time t'o or three 9ue)tion) 'hich !re &iven on p!&e 779 of thi) report# The t'o 9ue)tion)
'hich )eemed to !&it!te "our mind 'ere5 fir)tl"5 'hether the Select Committee 'ent out of
it) '!" !nd 'ent be"ond the )cope5 !nd )econdl"5 'hether the Select Committee h!) &one
be"ond the )cope of the reference# The)e 'ere the t'o 9ue)tion)# The deb!te '!) t!%in&
pl!ce 'hen ultim!tel" "ou decided !) &iven on p!&e 78,5 th!t "ou 'ould )tud" !ll the f!ct)
!nd then &ive ! rulin&# 7ith re&!rd to th!t5 . be& to l!" )ome point) for "our con)ider!tion in
re&!rd to the point of order r!i)ed b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d#
Mr. Speaker4 A) . )ee from the report5 'h!t . )t!ted there '!) thi)G1 h!ve not &ot the
printed report but . h!ve &ot the proof?)heet) here# After the Honour!ble member Shri
Bi)'!n!th !) h!d r!i)ed ! point5 . )t!ted !) follo')4G
6 A) . )!id5 . !m not decidin& thi) m!tter !t !ll# . !m %eepin& open the 'hole thin&
includin& the point of order5 bec!u)e it 'ill be )een th!t it involve) l!r&e 9ue)tion) of f!ct
!nd . mu)t )tud" !ll the)e thin&) m")elf5 'hich . h!ve not "et done# Sh!ll . le!ve the m!tter
!) it i)86
Therefore5 . left it for me to )tud" it !nd . c!n no' )!" th!t . h!ve )tudied it# 7h!tever
m!" h!ve been )!id b" honour!ble member) 'ith reference to the point of order5 . h!ve
)tudied the report of the Select Committee5 . h!ve )tudied the fir)t Bill !nd . h!ve )tudied5 of
cour)e5 the other dr!ft 'hich '!) !lle&ed to h!ve come before the Select Committee# .f the
honour!ble member h!) to )!" !n"thin& 'ith reference to th!t he m!"#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : .t i) onl" 'ith reference to th!t th!t . propo)e to- )pe!%
Au)t no'# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 . !l)o r!i)ed thi) ver" point of order5 but 2r# N!Jiruddin '!)
more fortun!te in c!tchin& "our e"e# Therefore5 . h!ve )omethin& to )!" on thi) point#
Shri Mohan Lal Gautam (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 0n ! point of order to thi) point of order#
Sir5 !ccordin& to the $ule) of ;rocedure5 . do not find !n" provi)ion for !n" point of order
!fter ! report h!) been pre)ented to thi) Hou)e# . 'ould re9ue)t the honour!ble member to
9uote th!t rule )o th!t . m!" con)ult it !nd )ee for m")elf 'hether the point of order r!i)ed b"
the honour!ble member i) not out of order#
Mr. Speaker 4 The)e !re obviou) m!tter) 'hich need not be !r&ued# .f 'e differ on the
)ub)t!nce of the m!tter5 let u) devote time to th!t )ub)t!nce r!ther th!n t!%e up the time in the
technic!litie) of the m!tter# .f people !re !&!in)t the Code then it i) ! m!tter of )ub)t!nce# .f
the" !re in f!vour of it5 even then it i) ! m!tter of )ub)t!nce# But let u) not t!%e the time of
the Hou)e in technic!litie)#
Sub)e9uentl"5 the point of order mentioned '!) th!t the Bill 'hich '!) referred to the
Select Committee '!)5 on f!ct)5 not the Bill 'hich the Select Committee con)idered !nd th!t
therefore the report i) b!)ed on )omethin& el)e# Th!t i) the point of order5 put in )hort5 !nd on
th!t point of order !r&ument) 'ere !ddre))ed# .f the honour!ble member ;!ndit Bh!r&!v! h!)
to !ddre)) or )pe!% on f!ct)5 m!tter) 'ould )t!nd differentl"C the m!tter i)5 . believe5 covered
!mpl" b" 'h!t 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d h!) )t!ted# H!) he to invite m" !ttention to !n" other
f!ct) 8
Shri 1aspat Roy Kapoor : 2!" . re)pectfull" re9ue)t "ou# Sir to permit me to pl!ce m"
point of order before "ou 8 .t rel!te) to the competenc" of thi) Hou)e5 in the pre)ent )e))ion5
to de!l 'ith thi) 9ue)tion !t !llC !l)o5 'hether the point of order r!i)ed b" m" friend 2r#
N!Jiruddin )hould be di)cu))ed in thi) )e))ion !t !ll8 *or5 if m" point of order i) !ccepted it
'ill )hut out !ll di)cu))ion on the )ubAect in the pre)ent )e))ion#
Mr. Speaker4 . thin% . 'ill &o )tep b" )tep# 3et the fir)t point of order be di)po)ed of#
A))um)in& th!t the fir)t point of order &oe) in f!vour of the Bill5 then the )econd point of
order 'hich the honour!ble member h!) r!i)ed i) competent !nd therefore he m!" r!i)e the
point l!ter on#
Shri 1aspat Roy Kapoor: 2" )ubmi))ion i) th!t even the di)cu))ion of the point of
order r!i)ed b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d i) ! point 'hich )hould be con)idered b" thi) hou)e
!nd the 9ue)tion i) 'hether it i) competent to di)cu)) the )ubAect !t !ll#
Mr. Speaker4 . do not !&ree th!t . )hould t!%e th!t point fir)t# .t 'ill be for the Ch!ir to
decide 'hether the Select Committee con)idered the Bill th!t '!) referred to it or )omethin&
el)e5 !nd 'hether5 therefore5 it) report )hould or )hould not be t!%en into con)ider!tion# After
th!t i) decided5 it i) perfectl" competent for the honour!ble member to point out to me !n"
point) or !n" l!' or !n" pr!ctice b" 'hich thi) Hou)e i) not competent to t!%e into
con)ider!tion the pre)ent Bill# Th!t i) the better '!"# 3et u) )!ve time#
Shri 1aspat Roy Kapoor: 2!" . )!" one 'ord# Sir 8
Mr. Speaker: No5 no ;!ndit Bh!r&!v!#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Sir5 . onl" propo)e to l!" before "ou )ome f!ct) !nd
)ome l!' !) it 'ould !ppl" to tho)e f!ct)# *or in)t!nce5 . be& to point out th!t the
proceedin&) before the Select Committee '!) !n !bu)e of the rule) of thi) Hou)e# The
privile&e of thi) Hou)e h!) been viol!ted b" the Select Committee !nd b" the procedure of
the 3!' ep!rtment# Secondl"5 if m" f!ct) !re correct5 !nother Bill '!) con)idered !nd not
the Bill 'hich '!) referred to it b" the Hou)e# The 9ue)tion 'hich !ri)e) then 'ould be !
9ue)tion of l!'5 'hether )uch ! procedure '!) Au)tified !nd 'hether thi) Hou)e )hould
con)ider thi) report !) ! report on thi) Bill 'hich '!) referred to the Select Committee or
'hether it i) ! document 'hich i) not v!lid in l!' !nd i) not ! le&!l document# . 'ill
therefore confine m")elf to the t'o t"pe) of 9ue)tion) 'hich . )ubmit !re 9uite rel!ted# .n
re&!rd to the )ub)t!nce !l)o5 'ith "our permi))ion5 . 'ill )ub)e9uentl" h!ve )omethin& to )!"
provided "our rulin& i) th!t thi) 9ue)tion i) !l)o relev!nt# .n m" humble opinion5 the 9ue)tion
divide it)elf into t'o p!rt)# Number one5 'hether the report 'hich h!) been pre)ented to the
Hou)e i) ! &ood report from the procedur!l point of vie'# Number t'o5 'hether the report
h!) &one be"ond the )cope of the Bill# . propo)e to !ddre)) the Hou)e on the )econd 9ue)tion
*ir)t of !ll5 'ith "our permi))ion5 . 'ill !ddre)) the Hou)e on the fir)t 9ue)tion before
l!"in& cert!in f!ct) before the Hou)e# 2" humble )ubmi))ion i) th!t !ccordin& to 'h!t 'e
h!ve &ot in the Select CommitteeB) report !nd from the p!per) 'hich h!ve been circul!ted to
u) !nd 'hich !re found in the 3ibr!r"5 . h!ve come to the conclu)ion th!t !fter the Bill '!)
referred to the Select Committee5 the 3!' dep!rtment Au)t )ub)tituted !nother Bill for thi)
Bill5 !nd thi) Bill '!) con)idered b" the Select Committee# . do not %no' 'hether the)e f!ct)
!re !b)olutel" correct5 but . h!ve con)ulted )ome member) 'ho 'ere in the Select
Committee !nd the" h!ve informed me !bout it !nd !t the )!me time from the report of the
Select Committee !l)o it !ppe!r) th!t !) ! m!tter of f!ct #####
Mr. Speaker: . !m !fr!id the honour!ble member i) pr!ctic!ll" repe!tin& 'h!t the
honour!ble member 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d h!) )!id# .t i) the )!me thin&# . h!ve &one
throu&h the report m")elf be!rin& in mind the point) r!i)ed !nd 'hile . 'ould li%e to &ive the
honour!ble member the fulle)t libert" to pl!ce !n" other f!ct) not included in 2r# N!Jiruddin
Ahm!dB) )peech5 . do not thin% 'e )hould &o into the )!me repetition#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava4 I do not li%e to repe!t# . onl" '!nt to %no' if the)e f!ct)
!rc t!%en to be correct# .f ultim!tel" !nother honour!ble member &et) up !nd )!") the)e f!ct)
!re 'ron&5 then the 'hole !r&ument 'ould f!ll do'n# Therefore5 . '!nt to pl!ce before "ou
ho' . h!ve come to the conclu)ion th!t the)e f!ct) !re correct# .f "ou t!%e them !) correct5 .
do not '!nt to trouble the Hou)e !nd "our &ood)elf# . )ubmit th!t !) ! m!tter of f!ct it
!ppe!r) from the report of the Select Committee it)elf th!t the )ub)tituted Bill '!) !lone
con)idered5 bec!u)e from the m!Aorit" committeeB) report !) 'ell !) the di))entientB) report it
!ppe!r) th!t no other Bill '!) con)idered !nd the Bill 'hich '!) referred to the Committee
'!) not !t !ll con)idered#
No'5 Sir5 r# Ambed%!r h!) %indl" pl!ced before u) ! comp!r!tive )t!tement# .f "ou 'ill
%indl" )ee the)e t!ble)5 there !re t'o p!rt)5 one )ho') ho' from thi) Bill the ori&in!l Bill
'!) different# He h!) &iven !nother t!ble )ho'in& the difference bet'een the r!ft Bill !nd
the Select Committee report# Thi) !l)o )ho') th!t onl" the re?dr!fted Bill '!) con)idered !nd
not the ori&in!l Bill# An" '!"5 t!%in& thi) to be the ri&ht thin&5 if it i) !ccepted th!t the re?
dr!fted Bill '!) onl" con)idered5 the 9ue)tion !ri)e) before "ou 'hether the re?dr!fted Bill
could be con)idered b" the Select Committee or not5 !nd if thi) !ction of their) i) not
t!nt!mount to the bre!ch of privile&e) of thi) Hou)e #!) 'ell !) !bu)e of the po'er) th!t thi)
Hou)e &r!nted to the Select Committee# No'5 Sir5 . m!" not be t!%en to )!" th!t there '!)
!n" 'ron& motive behind itC )uch ! cour)e m!" h!ve been intention!l or non?intention!lC it
m!" h!ve been done 'ith the be)t of motive) or 'ith the 'or)t of motive)C . !m not
concerned 'ith th!t# . !m concerned 'ith one centr!l f!ct th!t the ori&in!l Bill 'hich thi)
Hou)e referred to the Select Committee '!) never con)idered b" the Select Committee# ###
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam (2ini)ter of St!te for $!il'!") !nd Tr!n)port) 4
0n ! point of order5 . 'i)h to %no' 'hether thi) Hou)e c!n &o into the m!nner in 'hich !
Select Committee h!) de!lt 'ith ! Bill# .n th!t c!)e5 it 'ould re9uire verb!tim report) of !ll
proceedin&) in ! Select Committee# 7e c!n reAect the report or !ccept the report or do
!n"thin& 'ith the report but ho' the Select Committee de!lt 'ith it i) ! m!tter 'hich5 . thin%
i) not relev!nt !nd it i) not the pr!ctice of the Hou)e either to &o into it# 0ther'i)e5 ever"
fi&ure Select Committee 'ill h!ve to &ive u) ! verb!tim record of it) proceedin&)5 )o th!t 'e
c!n Aud&e of the propriet"# # # #
Mr. Speaker : . !m !fr!id v!riou) point) of order !re bein& r!i)ed !nd )t!ted too 'idel"#
A) re&!rd) the pre)ent point5 if the po)ition i) th!t the Bill 'hich '!) )ent b" thi) Hou)e '!)
not con)idered !t !ll b" the Select Committee5 . thin% it 'ould be perfectl" competent to &o
into the 9ue)tion !) to 'hether the Select Committee did or did not con)ider# Then the
9ue)tion 'ill !ri)e !) to ho' f!r it 'ould be permi))ible to &o into the proceedin&) of the
Select Committee !nd to th!t m" pre)ent re!ction i) th!t thi) Hou)e or m")elf 'ill not be
)ittin& !) ! f!ct?findin& committee or court5 but 'e )h!ll t!%e into con)ider!tionG'e !re
entitled to t!%e into con)ider!tionG'h!t the Select Committee it)elf h!) )t!ted in it) report5
!nd therefore5 the m!tter 'ill be more or le)) one for inferenceGcomin& inferenti!ll" to
)ome conclu)ion !) to 'h!t the Select Committee did !nd not b" t!%in& evidence of ever"
member of the Select Committee !nd t!%in& e(tr! evidef!ce# No' . m!" point out to m"
friend ;!ndit Bh!r&!v!5 th!t in )piteof !ll th!t he h!) )!id the !r&ument i) not bein& !dv!nced
!n" further# 7hether "ou c!ll it ! bre!ch of the privile&e) of the Hou)e or !bu)e of
procedure5 the !r&ument5 in )hort5 come) to thi)Gth!t the Select Committee con)idered !
)ub)titute BillC th!t it did not con)ider the ori&in!l Bill )ent b" thi) Hou)e5 !nd th!t thi)
conclu)ion i) b!)ed on cert!in rem!r%) or ob)erv!tion) in the Select Committee reportG
m!Aorit" !) 'ell !) the minorit" reportG!nd therefore he infer)Gto )t!te more correctl"G
from the)e document) th!t the ori&in!l Bill '!) never con)idered# Th!t5 in )hort5 i) the point
of order# The 9ue)tion of bre!ch of privile&eB or !bu)e of procedure 'ill !ri)e5 if 'e come to
the conclu)ion th!t the Select Committee did !) he infer)5 but if 'e come to the conclu)ion
th!t the Select Committee '!) not &uilt" in the m!nner in 'hich he infer) it to be5 then the
9ue)tion of bre!ch of privile&e or !bu)e of procedure doe) not !ri)e !t !ll# . c!n !))ure
honour!ble member) th!t . h!ve c!refull" &one throu&h ever" point th!t the honour!ble
member i) &oin& to re!d from the report of the Select Committee !nd5 perh!p)5 )omethin&
more !l)o5 !nd . h!ve m" o'n conclu)ion) !bout it# . thin% . c!n m!%e the 'hole thin& )hort
b" )t!tin& 'h!t . h!ve felt !bout the Bill !nd decide the m!tter r!ther th!n t!%e up the time of
the Hou)e# Th!t i) m" feelin& in the m!tter# (Som! $onourabl! M!mb!rs4 6 Nuite )o# Sir# ,.
An"'!"5 'e !re not &oin& to fini)h thi) Bill tod!"# 7e c!n Au)t cle!r the &round !nd . thin%
'ithout further &oin& into !r&ument)5 . m!" perh!p) ####
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . do not '!nt to &o further into !r&ument) !fter h!vin&
he!rd from "ou ho' thin&) h!ve t!%en pl!ce5 but . do 'i)h to pl!ce before "ou )ome of the
rulin& 'hich . h!ve &ot 'hich &oto )ho' th!t thi) Bill !) emer&in& out of Select Committee
i) !bo)ultel" un'!rr!nted5 ille&!l !ndB viti!te) the entire report of the Committee !nd before
the Hou)e there i) no report !t !ll# Thi) i) m" )ubmi))ion# .f "ou 'ill permit5 . 'ill pl!ce
)ome rulin&) before "ou#
Mr. Speaker4 Ho'ever5 the rulin&) follo' cert!in f!ct)# .n thi) c!)e5 it i) !lle&ed th!t5 !)
! m!tter of f!ct5 the Select Committee h!ve f!iled to con)ider the ori&in!l Bill# .f th!t i)
e)t!bli)hed5 then 'e )h!ll h!ve !mple time to con)ider the rulin&)#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Nobod" i) den"in& thi) f!ct#
Mr. Speaker : Th!t i) Au)t the point5 !) the honour!ble member 'ill )ee# 7hen . &ive m"
rulin& 'hich . h!ve c!refull" prep!red !fter re!din& !ll the p!per)# .f !n" further point) !ri)e
!fter the f!ct) !) )t!ted b" me !re !ccepted5 then tho)e point) of order m!" be con)idered#
Shri M. Tirumala Rao (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Before "ou &ive "our rulin&5 i) there no
other method of %no'in& the truth e(cept b" inference 8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter for 3!') 4 2!" .5 'ith "our
permi))ion5 intervene for ! minute to correct !n impre))ion 'hich m" friend ;!ndit Bh!r&!v!
h!) )ou&ht to cre!te in thi) Hou)e th!t the ori&in!l Bill 'hich '!) referred b" thi) Hou)e to
the Select Committee '!) never before the Select Committee 8 . thin% it i) ! &ro)) mi)?
repre)ent!tion# .f m" honour!ble frined 'ere to refer# # ###
Mr. Speaker : . h!ve m")elf )tudied the po)ition in &re!t det!il)# . )h!ll cl!rif" it b"
re!din& out m" deci)ion#
Pandit Mukut Bihari Lal Bhargava (AAmer?2er'!r!)4 . h!ve !ddition!l f!ct)#
Mr. Speaker: 0rder5 order#
Pandit Mukut Bihari Lal Bhargava: There i) one !ddition!l f!ct 'hich h!) not come to
the notice of the Ch!ir# . 'rote ! letter to the 3!' ep!rtment to find out 'hether !n" re?
dr!fted Bill '!) printed# The inform!tion &iven to me '!) th!t onl" ! fe' copie) 'ere
printed !nd the" 'ere !v!il!ble in the libr!r" of the Hou)e# . h!ve referred to th!t Bill !nd it
i) ! f!ct th!t ! re?dr!fted Bill '!) printed in >ul" 1948 prior to the meetin& of the Select
Committee# Th!t Bill '!) con)idered cl!u)e b" cl!u)e b" the Select Committee !nd th!t i)
the Bill th!t h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee 'ith it) report# The report mention) thi)#
Therefore m" re)pectful )ubmi))ion i) th!t th!t re?dr!fted Bill m!" be t!%en into
con)ider!tion to find out 'hether the Select Committee !pplied it) mind to the Bill th!t '!)
referred to it or )ome other re?dr!fted Bill th!t '!) printed under the )i&n!ture of r#
Ambed%!r5 !fter )crutin" of the ori&in!l Bill !nd !b)olutel" in ! different form# Th!t i) ! ver"
import!nt m!teri!l !nd !ddition!l f!ct 'hich . re)pectfull" brin& to the notice of the Ch!ir
before the rulin& i) &iven#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I h!ve &ot ! cop" of th!t Bill 'ith me#
Mr. Speaker: . h!ve )ome f!ct) 'hich honour!ble member) do not h!ve#
The ;oint of 0rder th!t the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)terB) motion for con)ider!tion of
the Select Committee $eport on Hindu Code i) incompetent !) r!i)ed b" the honour!ble
member 2r# N!Jiruddin !nd )upported b" ! fe' other member) on D1)t Au&u)t 19485 i)
b!)ed on ! n!rro' limit of f!ct)# The obAection r!i)ed i) pre)ented !) ! ch!in of re!)onin& in
the follo'in& form4
6 7h!t the Select Committee con)idered '!) ! B )ub)titute B of the ori&in!l Bill in the
form of B ! revi)ed dr!ft B# Therefore the Select Committee did not con)ider the Bill referred
to it5 but B ! ne' document B5 !nd the pre)ent report of the Select Committee5 bein& ! report
on ! ne' document5 there i) no Select Committee $eport on the ori&in!l Bill# The
Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)terB) motion for con)ider!tion of the Bill5 !) it emer&ed from the
Select Committee5 i)5 therefore5 incompetent 6# Th!t i) the )ub)t!nce of the ;oint of 0rder#
(Shri Mahavir yagi ) , .) th!t "our rulin& 86) . believe . h!ve )t!ted the point correctl"#
None of the member)5 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d5 ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! !nd SriAut
Bi)'!n!th !)5 'ho r!i)ed or )upported the ;oint of 0rder5 'ere member) of the Select
Committee !nd# n!tur!ll"5 therefore5 h!ve no per)on!l %no'led&e !) to 'h!t '!) con)idered
!t the meetin&) of the Select Committee# The"5 therefore5 relied upon )ome )t!tement) in the
report of the Select Committee !nd inferred th!t the ori&in!l Bill5 !) referred to the Select
Committee5 '!) not t!%en into con)ider!tion b" them#
The B9ue)tion thu) r!i)ed i) purel" ! 9ue)tion of f!ct)5 n!mel"5 'hether the Bill referred
to the Select Committee5 me!nin& thereb" the v!riou) )ub)t!ntive provi)ion) thereof5 !)
di)tinct from the form or )e9uence in 'hich the" 'ere put5 'ere or 'ere not con)idered b"
the Select CommitteeC 'hether the Select Committee did or did not !ppl" their mind to the
)ub)t!ntive provi)ion) of the Bill !) referred to them#
.t i) not di)puted th!t the Select Committee h!d ! ri&ht to !dd to or to delete from or to
improve upon the provi)ion) of the Bill !) referred5 provided the !ddition)5 deletion) or
improvement)5 etc# )u&&e)ted b" the Select Committee !re 'ithin the )cope of the Bill# . need
not therefore5 enter into thi) !)pect5 !) no )uch 9ue)tion !bout the Select Committee h!vin&
&one be"ond the )cope of the Bill i) r!i)ed before me#
. m!" no' e(!mine5 in the li&ht of the 'ritten !) 'ell !) or!l evidence before me5 the
)t!tement of f!ct) !) formul!ted b" the honour!ble member) 'ho h!ve r!i)ed the ;oint of
. m!" )hortl" )t!te the f!ct) !) to ho' the Bill th!t '!) introduced c!me to be fr!med# A)
)t!ted in the St!tement of 0bAect) !nd $e!)on)5 the Centr!l :overnment5 b" their $e)olution
d!ted the E,th >!nu!r" 19445 B !ppointed ! Hindu 3!' Committee for the purpo)e) of
formul!tin& ! Code of Hindu 3!'5 'hich )hould be complete !) f!r !) po))ible# B Thi) '!)
done in pur)u!nce of B ! &ro'in& public opinion in the countr" in f!vour of ! con)olid!ted
!nd uniform Code de!lin& 'ith the different topic) of Hindu 3!' for !ll the province) !nd
for !ll )ection) of the Hindu Societ" B# .t '!) !l)o felt th!t5 in vie' of the B pre)ent condition)
!nd trend) in Hindu Societ" B there i) ! &re!t need to !lter the l!' )o !) to m!%e it fit the ne'
p!ttern5 to 'hich the Hindu )ociet" )eem) to be r!pidl" !dAu)tin& it)elf# B
7hen the motion for reference of the Bill to the Select Committee '!) c!rried on 9th
April 19485 there '!) h!rdl" !n" time for honour!ble member) to e(pre)) them)elve) on the
)ub)t!nce !) 'ell !) the form !nd the dr!ftin& of the Bill# The 2ini)tr" of 3!'5 h!vin& felt
th!t the Bill B!) dr!fted b" the Hindu 3!' Committee did not conform to the c!non) of !
Code B5 decided to revi)e the dr!ft of the Bill !nd to remove tho)e defect)5 )o !) to en!ble one
to h!ve B ! full !nd complete picture of the provi)ion) of the Code /. The"5 therefore5
undertoo% the t!)% of re?!rr!n&in& the p!rt) !nd divi)ionB) of the ori&i!nl Bill in con)ecutive
)ection) !nd in ! lo&ic!l )e9uence5 !nd !l)o m!de )ome further )u&&e)tion) !) the" thou&ht
proper for con)ider!tion b" the Select Committee# The 2ini)tr" of 3!' )impl" pl!ced before
the Select Committee ! )ort of ! proper form in 'hich the ori&in!l Bill could h!ve been
)h!ped b" the Select Committee them)elve) !t their meetin&) or the" could h!ve directed the
dr!ft)men to c!rr" out the ch!n&e)#
.t m!" be noted here th!t5 'hile circul!tin& the Code in ! revi)ed form5 the 2ini)tr" of
3!' )upplied to the member) of the Select Committee !n inde( !l)o &ivin& therein5 for
f!cilit" of reference5 the pl!ce of ! )ection in the revi)ed Code 'ith the corre)pondin& )ection
in the ori&in!l Bill5 !) prep!red b" the Hindu 3!' Committee# The member) of the Select
Committee h!d thu) belore them5 !t !ll time) !nd !t ever" )t!&e5 the provi)ion) of the Code
!) cont!ined in the ori&in!l Bill# The 2ini)tr" of 3!' further invited the !ttention of the
member) of the Select Committee to ch!n&e) of )ub)t!nce )u&&e)ted b" them in the revi)ed
dr!ft# .t '!)5 therefore5 cle!r th!t !t !ll )t!&e) of deliber!tion) b" the Select Committee of the
provi)ion) of the Bll5 both the revi)ed !nd the ori&in!l 'ere before them !nd the deliber!tion)
h!d proceeded on ! comp!r!tive )tud" of the ori&in!l provi)ion) !nd the provi)ion) cont!ined
in the revi)ion !) )u&&e)ted b" the 2ini)tr" of 3!'#5
Comin& to the 9ue)tion of evidence !) to the !bove f!ct)5 the onl" member of the Select
Committee 'ho )po%e 'ith reference to the ;oint of 0rder '!)# ;!ndit B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm!#
;!ndit B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm! )t!ted in the Hou)e4 6 The Bill 'hich the Hou)e !)%ed u) to
con)ider '!) !l'!") before u)# 6 The evidence on record con)i)tin& of the m!in report5 !)
!l)o the di))entin& minute5 !mpl" )upport thi) )t!tement# The honour!ble member)5 'ho
h!ve r!i)ed thi) obAection5 rel"in& upon p!))!&e) in the Select Committee $eport or the
i))entin& 2inute) )eem to t!%e cert!in p!))!&e) out of the conte(t !nd b" them)elve)# Thi)
i) 'h!t the m!in report )!")4
6 7e5 the under)i&ned5 h!vin& con)idered the Bill 6Gnot the revi)ed dr!ftG 6 h!ve
no' the honour to )ubmit etc# 6 Thi) i) ho' the" be&in the $eport#
The" )pe!% of h!vin& con)idered the Bill !nd not the revi)ed dr!ft#
But further the" )!" !) follo')4G
6The r!ft Hindu Code5 !) introduced in the 3e&i)l!ture did not receive !n"
dep!rtment!l )crutin" prior to it) introduction !nd the 2ini)tr" of 3!' h!ve no' produced
! revi)ed dr!ft5 'hich5 in our opinion5 i) more )!ti)f!ctor" in )ever!l re)pect)# Thi) revi)ed
dr!ft doe) not m!%e !n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) in the bod" of the ori&in!l Bill# but 'ithin the
fr!me'or% of the ori&in!l Bill5 it h!) rec!)t it )o !) to be in the form in 'hich Bill) !re
u)u!ll" pre)ented to the 3e&i)l!ture# 6
So it 'ill be cle!r th!t the Select Committee h!d !pplied their mind to the ori&in!l Bill
!nd h!d come to the conclu)ion th!t there '!) revi)ion thereof5 not in )ub)t!nce but in
re)pect of the form onl"#
The" !l)o mention the re!)on) 'h" the" con)idered the revi)ed dr!ft !) better th!n the
ori&in!l one5 !nd then the" )!"4
6 Con)e9uentl" 'e decided to confine our deliber!tion) to the revi)ed dr!ft of the Bill#
The 'ord 6 con)e9uentl" 6 i) import!nt# H!vin& )een the )ub)t!ntive provi)ion) of the
ori&in!l Bill !nd the revi)ed dr!ft5 it '!) n!tur!l !nd more !ppropri!te to deliber!te on the
revi)ed dr!ft5 'hich '!) nothin& el)e th!n the )ub)t!nce of the ori&in!l Bill in !n improved
form# The Select Committee further )!"4
6 $eference) !re &iven in the m!r&in to e!ch )ection indic!tin& the corre)pondin&
)ection in the ori&in!l Bill# 6
Thi) i) ! further co&ent proof th!t5 thou&h their deliber!tion) 'ere confined to the revi)ed
dr!ft for fin!li)in& their conclu)ion)5 the" h!d before them the vie' of e!ch !nd ever" cl!u)e
of the ori&in!l Bill# Thi) i) m!de further ver" cle!r in the note) on cl!u)e) in 'hich the" de!l
'ith v!riou) p!rt) !nd cl!u)e) of the Bill !nd )t!te 'ith reference to e!ch p!rt or cl!u)e the
corre)pondin& p!rt or cl!u)e of the ori&in!l Bill#
The Aoint minute of di))ent of r# B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd !nd ;!ndit B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm! )!")5
in p!))in& !t one pl!ce5 th!t 'h!t the Select Committee con)idered '!) the revi)ed dr!ft !nd
not the ori&in!l Bill# Thi) h!) to be interpreted in the li&ht of 'h!t h!) been )!id !bove# The
pl!ce 'here the" m!%e ! mention of the revi)ed dr!ft bein& con)idered5 the point of their
contention i) th!t the ch!n&e) )u&&e)ted b" the revi)ed dr!ft 'ere not merel" ch!n&e) of
form5 but rel!ted to m!tter) of )ub)t!nce# .t m!" be remembered th!t5 in their det!iled !nd
!ble minute5 the" did not m!%e !n" point th!t the ori&in!l Bill '!) not con)idered b" the
Select Committee# 7hether the ch!n&e) )u&&e)ted b" the revi)ed dr!ft !re &ood or other'i)e5
i) the point the" !re m!%in& in their minute of di))ent#
0n the f!ct)5 therefore5 !) di)clo)ed b" record)5 . !m cle!r th!t the Select Committee h!d
&iven full !nd due con)ider!tion to the )ub)t!ntive provi)ion) of the Bill th!t '!) referred to
them5 !nd the pre)ent motion of the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter i)5 therefore5 competent5
!nd in order#
No'5 thi) bein& the deci)ion on f!ct)5 'h!t i) the point of order of 2r# @!poor8
An Honour!ble 2ember4 7e m!" !dAourn no'C it i) p!)t five 0Bcloc%#
2r# Spe!%er4 The hou)e m!" no' !dAourn#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till a 3uart!r to -l!v!n of th! &lo'k on %riday th! 45th
%!bruary 4676.
(11?4+ A#2#)
H.N/ C01G'ould.
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 7e 'ill proceed to the con)ider!tion of the Hindu Code#
Shri 1aspat Roy Kapoor (/# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 2!" . r!i)e ! point of order 8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: ros!
Mr. Deputy Speaker: A point of order h!) been r!i)ed b" 2r# @!poor#
The Honourable Dr.B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter of 3!') 4 . '!) &oin& to refer Au)t to
th!t# Sir5 the 0rder ;!per cont!in) )i(teen different motion)5 )ome of them r!i)e point) of
order !nd )ome of them !re )iub)t!ntive motion)# . '!) &oin& to e(pre)) m")elf on them
before . !ctu!ll" )po%e on m" mention# Ho'ever5 if m" friend h!) to )!" )omethin&5 let him
do )o#
Mr. Deputy Speaker4 3et u) he!r hi) point of order#
Shri 1aspat Roy Kapoor : Sir5 on the previou) occ!)ion 'hen the motion '!) bein&
t!%en up . )tood up to r!i)e ! point of order# . '!) then directed b" the Honour!ble Spe!%er
to '!it until the point oforder r!i)ed b" m" friend 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d h!d been di)po)ed
of# Th!t point of order '!) di)po)ed of th!t d!" e(!ctl" !t + p#m# there!fter the Hou)e ro)e
for the d!"# . hope "ou 'ill be %ind enou&h to !llo' me to r!i)e th!t point of order no'# But
before . do )o . '!nt to !))ure the Hou)e th!t m" obAect # # #
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The honour!ble 2ember 'ill %indl" )t!te hi) point of order# There
need be no !polo&" or !r&ument# . )hould li%e to he!r the point of order#
Shri 1aspat Roy Kapoor : 2" point of order rel!te) fir)tl" to the ri&ht) !nd privile&e) of
the member) of thi) Hou)e !nd )econdl" to the competenc" of thi) Hou)e in the pre)ent
Se))ion to de!l 'ith )uch !n import!nt !nd controver)i!l me!)ure !) the Hindu Code Bill
'hen ! l!r&e number of member) of thi) Hou)e !re not !llendin& !nd c!nnot !ttend5 not for
per)on!l re!)on)5 or p!rt" re!)on)5 but for re!)on) of )t!te !nd in the intere)t of the countr" !)
! 'hole5 bein& !t pre)ent bu)" in the provinci!l le&i)l!ture) 'ith the bud&et )e))ion)5
!lthou&h the" !re ver" !n(iou) !nd e!&er to !ttend thi) Hou)e !nd p!rticip!te in the
di)cu))ion of thi) motion m!teri!ll" !ffect) the 'hole Hindu )ociet"#
Honourable Members: Thi) i) no point of order !t !ll#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . !m here to decide 'hether it i) ! point ofBorder or not# <ou 'ill
%indl" be!r 'ith me# . e(pect he 'ill conclude hi) )entence )oon#
Shri 1aspat Roy Kapoor: . %no' m!n" of m" friend) here !rc ver" imp!tient to proceed
'ith the Bill# .t '!) therefore# Sir5 th!t . !t the out)et '!nted to !))ure the Hou)e th!t m"
obAect i) not to )!bot!&e the Bill 'ith m!n" provi)ion) of 'hich . !m in !&reement# 2"
obAect i) th!t thin&) )hould be done con)titution!ll"5 the ri&ht thin& )hould be done !t the
ri&ht time !nd in the ri&ht m!nner# A) "ou !re !'!re ####
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . h!ve he!rd the point of order# The honour!ble 2ember feel) th!t
thi) Hou)e i) not competent to proceed 'ith thi) Bill# Thi) i) number one# Number t'o i) th!t
cert!in member)5 'hom he 'ould li%e to h!ve in thi) Hou)e5 !re not here# Neither i) ! point
of order !&!in)t the motion for con)ider!tion bein& t!%en up# Thi) i) ! )overei&n 3e&i)l!tive
A))embl" fit to p!)) !n" le&i)l!tion it li%e)5 . h!ve he!rd the point of order !nd do not '!nt
to he!r !n" more !r&ument) in f!vour of it# A) re&!rd) the !b)ence of )ome member)5 it i) no
doubt true th!t ! number of member) could not be here both from the ;rovince) !nd the
Sl!te)# But it i) !l'!") open to them to come here !nd l!%e p!rt#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh (Bih!r4 :ener!l)4 2!" . )!"5 ####
Mr. Deputy Speaker: So f!r !) the Ch!ir i) concerned !nd )o f!r !) thi) Hou)e i)
concerned5 no )uch direction h!) been &iven !nd therefore the Hou)e i) competent to proceed
'ith it) bu)ine))# Honour!ble 2ember) c!n come in !t !n" time !nd t!%e p!rt in the deb!te# .
rule out thi) point of order#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh: 7ith !ll re)pect to "ou # # ##
Honourable Members: 0rder5 order#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: I 'ould not he!r !n"thin& more#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh: The previou) rulin& &iven b" "our# ####
Mr. Deputy Speaker : . h!ve con)idered !ll the previou) rulin&)# . h!ve &ot them here#
Shri V. S. Sarwate (2!dh"! Bh!r!t)4 . 'i)h !l)o to r!i)e one point of order#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .) it !n" point of order 8
Shri =# S# S!r'!te4 <e)#
2r# Deputy Speaker : The Honour!ble 2ember 'ill %indl" briefl" )t!te the point of
Shri V. S. Sarwate: . )h!ll be ver" brief# 2" point of order i) thi) 4 Th!t for the purpo)e)
of thi) Bill the provi)ion) re&!rdin& public!tion h!ve not been )!ti)fied# .t i) due to the Ch!ir
to )ee th!t tho)e provi)ion) !re ob)erved# . refer to rule No# E, 'hich )!") 4 6 A) )oon !) m!"
be !fter ! Bill h!) been introduced5 the Bill5 unle)) it h!) !lre!d" been publi)hed5 )h!ll be
publi)hed in the 1a8!tt!. 6 There i) !l)o ! provi)ion th!t ! report of ! Select Committee h!)
to be publi)hed 'ith the !mended Bill# 2" )ubmi))ion in thi) c!)e i) thi) 4 th!t the Bill '!)
publi)hed ori&in!ll" )ometime in April 1947 before the .ndependence d!"# The politic!l )et?
up of .ndi! h!) )ince ch!n&ed !nd ch!n&ed for the better# 7h!t . '!nted to dr!' "our
!ttention to i) thi) 4 Th!t the .ndi!n St!le) 'hich 'ere not ! p!rt of the then Briti)h .ndi!
'ere not to be !ffected b" thi) Bill# Sub)e9uentl" )ome St!te) h!ve mer&ed !nd )ome h!ve
!cceded to the /nion in !ll )ubAect) in Au&u)t 1948# Thi) i) )ub)e9uent to the public!tion#
There h!) been ! Coven!nt of the)e St!te) !) the Ch!ir m!" %no' )ometime in Au&u)t 1948#
6The re)ult of th!t Coven!nt i) th!t the St!te) 'ould no' be !utom!tic!ll" &overned b" !n"
le&i)l!tion 'hich the Centre p!))e) either in it) po'er) of e(clu)ive Auri)diction or concurrent
Auri)diction# . therefore )ubmit th!t it i) the dut" of the Ch!ir to protect !nd &u!rd the ri&ht)
of the people of the)e St!te) concerned 'ho !re !ffected b" !n" Bill# . )ubmit th!t the obAect
of thi) i) t'o?fold# Such provi)ion enAoinin& public!tion en!ble) the con)tituencie) or the
people !ffected b" !n" Bill to e(pre)) their re!ction)5 their opinion) !nd their feelin&) !bout
it# . believe thi) i) ! fund!ment!l principle of democr!c" th!t no Bill )h!ll be p!))ed unle))
the people !ffected thereb" !re &iven !n opportunit" to e(pre)) their opinion thereon#
Secondl"5 the obAect of thi) public!tion i) th!t the member) of thi) A))embl" m!" h!ve !n
opportunit" to !)cert!in 'h!t their con)tituencie) feel !bout it# . need not )!" th!t it i) the
dut" of the member) here not to repre)ent their individu!l vie')# The" h!ve to repre)ent the
vie') of their con)tituencie) 'hen import!nt m!tter) !re concerned# A) f!r !) det!il) or
minor m!tter) !re concerned the" m!" h!ve di)cretion to e(pre)) their vie')# But 'hen !
me!)ure !ffect) the 'hole life5 the 'hole )tructure of )ociet"5 then in )uch c!u)e)5 in )uch
vit!l m!tter) it i) the dut" of the member) to !)cert!in the vie') of their con)tituencie) !nd
repre)ent them here correctl"# The" )hould not )t!te 'h!t the" feel# The" )hould )t!te 'h!t
their con)tituencie) feel# *or thi) purpo)e5 it i) nece))!r" th!t the Bill )hould be publi)hed# .
)ubmit th!t the Bill '!) publi)hed in the :!Jette5 but it '!) not publi)hed !t the time 'hen
the people of the !ccedin& St!te) !nd mer&ed St!te) 'ere in ! po)ition to# &ive th!t )eriou)
con)ider!tion to thi) Bill5 'hich thi) Bill de)erve)# Therefore . )ubmit it '!) not ! proper
public!tion5 !) f!r !) tho)e people !re concerned !nd no'5 )ince the Ch!ir i) here to &u!rd
their intere)t)5 . !ppe!l to the ?Ch!ir to order th!t the Bill be publi)hed before it i) t!%en up
for con)ider!tion#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: 2" repl" to the point of order r!i)ed b" m"
honour!ble friend i) t'o?fold# .n the *ir)t pl!ce5 there i) never !n" obli&!tion c!)t upon thi)
Hou)e for circul!tin& !n" Bill for public!tion before the Hou)e c!n t!%e the m!tter into
con)ider!tion# .t i) onl" in )peci!l c!)e)5 'hen the Hou)e b" ! $e)olution or the :overnment
b" !n" e(ecutive !ction de)ire th!t the Bill i) )o import!nt th!t public opinion mi&ht be
invitedC th!t public opinion i) invited# There i) no )uch ri&ht5 no obli&!tion !t !ll on the
3e&i)l!ture or on the :overnment !nd therefore5 from th!t point of vie' the point of order i)
no point of order !t !ll#
2" )econd )ubmi))ion 'ith re&!rd to the point of order i) thi)5 th!t 'e h!ve deliber!tel"
confined the oper!tion of thi) Bill to the province) of .ndi!5 !nd )o f!r !) the ;rovince) !re
concerned5 the opinion h!) been c!nv!))ed three lime)5 !nd . do not thin% !n" more purpo)e
'ould be )erved b" c!nv!))in& public opinion for the fourth time# 7hen the occ!)ion come)
for the e(ten)ion of the Bill to the .ndi!n St!te)5 no doubt5 thi) 3e&i)l!ture 'hen ! proper
motion i) pl!ced before it5 or the :overnment of the d!"5 'ill t!%e c!re th!t the 'i)he) !nd
the intention) of the St!te) 'hich h!ve come into the .ndi!n /nion5 'ill be con)ulted#
1E N00N
Mr. Deputy Speaker : I !&ree 'ith the Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter th!t in!)much !) the
)cope of thi) Bill i) confined in the fir)t in)t!nce onl" to ;rovince) of .ndi! !nd it i) hi&hl"
problem!tic!l 'hether it 'ill be e(tended to the !ccedin& Sl!te) !nd if )o5 on 'h!t term) !nd
condition) of !cce))ion5 it 'ill be time for them to con)ider 'hether the" c!n come in or not#
A) re&!rd) the other one5 it i) not obli&!tor" to )end the Bill for circul!tion unle)) b" !
motion !ccepted b" the Hou)e# The Select Committee h!) con)idered thi) m!tter
!nd h!) found thi) h!) not been )o m!teri!ll" !ltered !) to nece))it!te ! republic!tion in
the 0ffici!l :!Jette# *or the)e re!)on) . rule out the point of order#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Sir5 before . proceed to )pe!% on m" motion5 .
thin% it 'ould be de)ir!ble if . ############
Shri B. Das (0ri))!4 :ener!l) 4 There i) ob)truction ever"'here# 1ver"bod" ri)e) to !
point of order# 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d ro)e )i( month)C !&o#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad (7e)t Ben&!l 4 2u)lim) 4 .t i) ! different point of order# 2"
honour!ble friend) )hould h!ve ! little p!tience#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . c!n onl" )t!le th!t honour!ble member) 'ill %indl" con)ider
'ell before the" r!i)e ! point of order# . !l)o e(pect the" 'ill con)ider th!t if it )hould turn
out to be ! di!l!tor" motion5 the" 'ill invo%e upon them)elve) the critici)m of the Hou)e#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: 2" point of order i) not di!ltor"#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .t i) open to !n" honour!ble member to r!i)e ! point of order# An
honour!ble member c!n t!%e !) m!n" point) of order !) !re re!)on!ble !nd proper#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: The obAection to the point of order i) dil!tor"# 2" point of
order i) thi) 4 the honour!ble 2ini)ter for 3!' h!) !lre!d" )po%en on thi) motion# He
completed the fir)t p!rt of #the motion !nd then the )ub)e9uent )t!&e) be&!n# He h!) ! ri&ht
to repl" !t the end of the deb!te# No' the motion h!) been m!de th!t the Bill be t!%en into
con)ider!tion !nd ! )peech h!) been delivered on the D1)t of Au&u)t5 1948# 7e h!ve on the
!&end! ! li)t of !mendment)# 7e h!ve to proceed )tr!i&ht to the !&end! !nd then 'hen !
motion i) m!de the Honour!ble 2ini)ter cert!inl" h!) ! ri&ht of repl"5 !nd in the end !
&ener!l ri&ht of repl"# At thi) )t!&e5 the Honour!ble 2ini)ter c!n not m!%e ! )econd )peech
on the motion#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . find from the proceedin&) on the D1
of Au&u)t5 1948 the
follo'in& 4G
6 h! $onourabl! Dr. B. 9. "mb!dkar (2ini)ter for 3!')4 Sir5 . move4 6 Th!t the Bill to
!mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 !) reported b" the Select Committee5
be t!%en into con)ider!tion# 6
Mr. +a8iruddin "hmad (7e)t Ben&!l4 2u)lim)4 Sir5 on ! point of order#
2r# Spe!%er 4 . )h!ll he!r the Honour!ble 2ini)ter fir)t !nd then t!%e the point of order#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Sir5 in vie' of the ur&enc" of other :overnment
bu)ine)) 'hich i) on the !&end! !nd to 'hich :overnment feel) it mu)t &ive precedence5 .
do not propo)e to m!%e ! )peech in )upport of m" motion5 bec!u)e it i) 9uite obviou) th!t
if . 'ere to m!%e ! )peech in )upport of m" motion5 th!t i) bound to &ive ri)e to ! deb!te
'hich 'ill re)ult in the con)umption of ! &re!t de!l of the time of the :overnment# 7e
h!ve !lre!d" fe' d!") let before the Hou)e i) due to ri)e5 !nd .5 therefore5 re9ue)t "ou to
!llo' thi) motion to )t!nd over for further con)ider!tion in the ne(t )e))ion of the
A))embl"# 6
.n vie' of thi)5 the Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r i) entitled to proceed# . !m e(ceedin&l"
)orr" th!t thi) point of order h!) been r!i)ed# .t i) onl" ! dil!tor" motion#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: A) . '!) &oin& to )!"5 it 'ould f!cilit!te m"
'or% ! &re!t de!l if . 'ere to %no' from "ou 'h!t procedure "ou propo)e to !dopt 'ith
re&!rd to the 1F motion) th!t h!ve been t!bled !) !&!in)t the motion 'hich . h!ve m!de5 !nd
!bout 'hich . propo)e to )pe!% durin& the )ub)e9uent period# The)e 1F motion) f!ll into
three different c!te&orie)# There !re cert!in motion) 'hich propo)e th!t the Bill be further
circul!ted for elicitin& public opinion# There !re cert!in motion) 'hich propo)e th!t the Bill
be referred to ! Select Committee5 'hich i) different from the Select Committee 'hich
!lre!d" reported on the Bill# And there !re motion) 'hich propo)e th!t the Bill m!" be re?
committed to the )!me Select Committee 'hich h!) !lre!d" reported#
There '!) one other or r!ther t'o other motion)5 one )t!ndin& in the n!me of m" honour!ble
friend5 Shri ;r!bhu !"!l Him!t)in&%! !nd the other )t!ndin& in the n!me of m" honour!ble
friend5 Shri Bi)'!n!th !)5 'hich propo)e th!t the Bill )hould be circul!ted to people
re)idin& in the !ccedin& St!te)5 before the Bill could be t!%en into con)ider!tion# 7ith re&!rd
to the)e t'o motion)5 ! point of order '!) r!i)ed recentl" b" m" honour!ble friend5 Shri =#
S# S!r'!te5 'hich "ou h!ve been &ood enou&h to di)po)e of !nd . therefore t!%e it th!t
motion)# No)# 7 !nd 8 mu)t be t!%en to h!ve been deleted from the !&end! of tod!"# The
other motion) rem!in !nd . '!nt to %no' 'hether it i) "our de)ire th!t the)e motion) m!" be
put )imult!neou)l" !lon& 'ith m" motion5 )o th!t !ll of them m!" be deb!ted to&ether !nd
ultim!tel" e!ch motion m!" be put to the Hou)e )ep!r!tel"5 or 'hether "ou propo)e to h!ve
the)e motion) t!%en up before m" motion5 )o th!t the" m!" be di)po)ed of !nd the &round
m!" be cle!red for m" )peech on the motion5 'hich . h!ve t!bled#
. mi&ht )!" one or t'o point) 'ith re&!rd to the motion) th!t h!ve been m!de# There !re
cert!in motion) 'hich "ou !re bound to put5 . !&ree5 unle)) the mover) of the)e motion) b"
them)elve) volunt!ril" de)ire not to move the)e motion)# There !re cert!in motion) 'hich !re
'ithin "our di)cretion5 !nd unle)) "ou !re )!ti)fied th!t the)e motion) !re not dil!tor"
motion) but h!ve behind them cert!in point) of )ub)t!nce5 it 'ould not be open in !ccord!nce
'ith the rulin&) 'hich h!ve been &iven b" previou) )pe!%er)5 'ho h!ve de!lt 'ith the)e
9ue)tion)5 to put the)e motion) to the Hou)e5 Bec!u)e the Ch!ir mu)t be )!ti)fied th!t the"
!re motion) behind 'hich )t!nd )ub)t!nti!l &round) !nd the" !re not purel" di!ltor"# *or
in)t!nce5 the motion th!t5 the Bill )hould not be t!%en into con)ider!tion no'5 but )hould be
t!%en into con)ider!tion !t )ome l!ter )t!&e i) one of tho)e motion)5 . )ubmit5 'hich
!ccordin& to the rulin&) of the Ch!ir heretofore could f!ll 'ithin "our di)cretion5 'here "ou
!re )!ti)fied th!t the re!)on) !dv!nced b" m" honour!ble friend) !re )u)b)t!nti!l re!)on)5 !nd
therefore5 "ou )hould put the motion to the Hou)e# *or in)t!nce5 the motion for recommitt!l
i) one )uch motion5 bec!u)e if "ou 'ill %indl" refer to the)e t'o volume) of $ulin&)5G1 !m
)ure "ou h!ve ############
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 7h!t . propo)e to do i) thi)#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : I )hould li%e to h!ve "our &uid!nce in thi)
Mr. Deputy Sopeaker: I h!ve con)idered thi) m!tter !nd the number of motion) th!t
h!ve been t!bled# So f!r !) motion) 1 !nd E !re concerned5 motion . i) th!t the Bill !)
!mended b" the Select Committee be 'ithdr!'n#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 . do not propop)e to move it !t
thi) )t!&e4 not th!t . !m not entitled to move it#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: Then it i) not nece))!r" to &o into the 9ue)tion 'hether it i) in
order out of order# The )econd motion i) ############
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . !m not movin& it !t thi) )t!&e#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: Then there i) the !mendment b" 2!)ter N!nd 3!l th!t the
con)ider!tion of the Bill be po)tponed to the Bud&et Se))ion of 19+1#
Master Nand Lal (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l)4 . !m not movin& it#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The)e three 'ithdr!'!l) cle!r the &round# B" 'h!tever n!me the"
m!" be c!lled5 the)e three motion)5 )ub)t!nti!ll" !re for !dAournment of the deb!te# . thou&ht
th!t5 before the Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter5 the mover of the Bill proceed) the mover) of the)e
motion) mu)t h!ve ri)en in their )e!t) !nd pre))ed for the t!%in& up of the)e motion)5
bec!u)e5 before their motion) !re di)po)ed of5 the honour!ble mover could not be !llo'ed to
)pe!%# .n!)much !) the" 'ere not moved5 . %ept 9uiet# No' it i) cle!r the" !re 'ithdr!'n#
The other motion) vi8., tho)e for re?circul!tion or for reference to Select Committee5
'h!tever their n!ture mi&ht be5 the" !re motion) 'hich under the $ule) !n" per)on i)
competent to m!%e# .t i) ! 9ue)tion for the Hou)e to de!l 'ith them# So f!r !) the Select
Committee motion) !re concerned5 . mu)t be )!ti)fied in the fir)t in)t!nce5 !bout their need#
Ap!rt from th!t5 there i) ! motion for recircul!tion 'ith re)pect to 'hich )ome )uch
re9uirement) h!ve not been l!id do'n5 )o f!r !) . c!n )ee in !n" rule or rulin&)# Therefore5 .
propo)e !t thi) )t!&e to !llo' the mover of the Bill to m!%e hi) )peech !nd !fter he conclude)
hi) )peech5 !llo' the motion) for Select Committee !nd Circul!tion to be moved 'ithout !n"
)peech# Then5 the di)cu))ion 'ill &o on on !ll the motion) !nd . 'ill put them one !fter
!nother to the Hou)e#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : . !m obli&ed for "our &uid!nce# Sir# A) u)u!l
'hen pre)entin& ! motion for the con)ider!tion of ! Bill !) reported b" the Select Committee
it i) the dut" of the Ch!irm!n of the Select Committee5 in the fir)t in)t!nce5 to dr!' the
!ttention of the hou)e to )uch ch!n&e) !) m!" h!ve been m!de b" the Select Committee in
the ori&in!l Bill 'hich h!) been referred to the Select Committee# . propo)e to follo' th!t
procedure in the fir)t in)t!nce#
Sir5 the fir)t p!rt of the Bill de!l) 'ith m!rri!&e !nd divorce# So f!r !) thi) p!rt of the Bill
i) concerned5 the Select Committee h!) !dded t'o cl!u)e) 'hich rel!te to the re)titution of
conAu&!l ri&ht) !nd to Audici!l )ep!r!tion# The)e provi)ion) )pecific!ll" !b)ent from the
ori&in!l Bill# The dr!ft)men of the ori&in!l Bill felt them)elve) content b" reference to the
.ndi!n ivorce Act of 18F9 'hich cont!in) provi)ion) rel!tin& to the re)titution of conAu&!l
ri&ht) !nd Audici!l )ep!r!tion# The ori&in!l dr!ft)men of the Bill felt th!t ! reference in thi)
Bill to the .ndi!n ivorce Act 'ould be 9uite )ufficient to invo%e the)e t'o provi)ion) 'hich
'ere cont!ined in the .ndi!n ivorce Act !nd con)e9uentl" it '!) not nece))!r" e(pre))l" to
mention the)e t'o m!tter) in the Code# The )elect Committee felt other'i)e# The )elect
Committee felt th!t !) thi) '!) &oin& to be ! complete Code of Hindu 3!'5 it '!) 'ron& to
le!ve the code incomplete5 !nd )o to )!"5 le&i)l!te b" reference# The" therefore thou&ht th!t5
in)te!d of le!vin& thi) m!tter to be invo%ed b" reference to the .ndi!n ivorce Act5 it 'ould
be de)ir!ble to embod" in the Code it)elf the provi)ion) cont!ined in the .ndi!n ivorce Act
rel!tin& to the)e m!tter) !nd con)e9uentl" the p!rt de!lin& 'ith m!rri!&e !nd divorce h!)
been e(p!nded b" the Select Committee b" the !ddition of the cl!u)e) rel!tin& to the)e t'o
m!tter)# The Hou)e 'ill )ee th!t there i) no ch!n&e !) ! m!tter of f!ct bet'een the ori&in!l
Bill !nd the Bill !) dr!fted b" the Select Committee# All th!t i) done i) th!t 'h!t '!) done b"
reference to the .ndi!n ivorce Act h!) been done e(pre))l" !nd po)itivel" b" the inclu)ion
in the Code of )pecific )ection) rel!tin& to the)e m!tter)#
7ith re&!rd to !doption5 the Select Committee h!) introduced ! fe' ne' ch!n&e)# The
fir)t ch!n&e th!t the" h!ve m!de i) th!t 'hen ! f!ther i) di)9u!lified b" re!)on of the f!ct th!t
he h!d ch!n&ed hi) reli&ion !nd ce!)ed to be ! Hindu5 the mother h!) been &iven the ri&ht to
&ive ! bo" in !doption# .n other 'ord)5 ch!n&e of reli&ion b" the f!ther from Hindui)m to
)ome other reli&ion h!) been introduced !) di)9u!lific!tion in the m!tter of the ri&ht to &ive
in !doption# Con)e9uenl"5 ! mother in tho)e circum)t!nce) h!) been empo'ered to &ive !
bo" in !doption# Simil!rl"5 if ! 'ido' '!) there !nd there '!) ! bo"5 th!t bo" cert!inl" could
be &iven in !doption b" the mother 'hen the f!ther '!) not livin&# There !&!in5 ! di)!bilit"
h!) been introduced to the effect th!t if the 'ido' ce!)ed to be ! Hindu5 )he 'ould lo)e her
ri&ht of &ivin& the bo" in !doption5 'hich )he 'ould other'i)e h!ve#
Another ch!n&e 'hich h!) been m!de b" the Select Committee i) 'ith re&!rd to the
different mode) of t!%in& ! bo" in !doption# Hitherto5 !) the Hou)e %no')5 there !re v!riou)
form) of !doption# The m!in form of !doption 'hich i) reco&ni)ed b" the Smriti) i) 'h!t i)
%no'n !) the !tt!%! form of !doption# .n !ddition to the !tt!%! form of !doption5 there
h!ve prev!iled in the v!riou) p!rt) of .ndi!5 cu)tom!r" form) of !doption )uch !) :odh!
Adoption5 @ritrim! Adoption5 '"!mu)h"!"!n! Adoption# The Select Committee felt th!t
!) the" 'ere codif"in& the l!'5 it i) de)ir!ble not to !llo' !n" room for cu)tom) to &ro'5
bec!u)e the effect of cu)tom) bein& permitted 'ould b! to e!t into the Code !nd m!%e the
Code !fter cert!in time null and void. Therefore5 the Select Committee decided th!t if
!n"bod" '!nt) to !dopt under thi) Code5 nobod" c!n m!%e !n" !doption e(cept in
!ccord!nce 'ith the provi)ion) of thi) Code5 !nd !tt!%! )h!ll be the onl" form !nd no other#
Then5 Sir5 'e come to the 9ue)tion of the ri&ht of the !dopted bo" to dive)t the per)on) in
'hom propert" h!) been inve)ted before the !doption t!%e) pl!ce# A) ever" member of thi)
Hou)e5 'ho i) !'!re of the provi)ion) of the Hindu 3!'5 'ill %no'5 under the e(i)tin&
Hindu l!'5 it i) permi))ible to ! bo" 'ho h!) been !dopted5 no m!tter !t 'h!t )t!&e he h!)
been !doptedGhe m!" h!ve been !dopted fort" "e!r) !fter the de!th of the f!therGtime
m!%e) no ch!n&e !t !ll in hi) ri&ht)Gto file ! )uit to )et !)ide !n" !lien!tion or tr!n)fer of
propert" m!de b" the 'ido' 'ho h!) !dopted him# An" !mount of liti&!tion &oe) on on thi)
p!rticul!r point# .n f!ct5 if !n"one 'ere to e(!mine the tot!l !mount of liti&!tion !mon& the
Hindu) on the v!riou) point) of Hindu l!'5 . !m )ure the" 'ill find th!t liti&!tion on the
9ue)tion of dive)tin& the propert" b" the !dopted bo" 'ould be the l!r&e)t volume# .t i)
therefore de)ir!ble th!t thi) m!tter )hould be )ettled once !nd for !ll# The $!u committee
!dopted the procedure of dividin& !doption into t'o c!te&orie)G!doption m!de three "e!r)
before the de!th of the f!ther !nd the comin& into oper!tion of the Code4 !nd !doption m!de
!fter the Code# The" l!id do'n th!t ! bo"5 if he '!) !dopted three "e!r) before the de!th of
the !doptive f!ther 'ould be entitled to the ori&in!l ri&ht) 'hich !n !dopted )on h!d under
the Hindu Code# But if he 'ere !dopted three "e!r) !fter he 'ould not be entitled to )et !)ide
The )econd thin& th!t h!ppened !) ! re)ult of !doption under the Hindu 3!' '!) th!t he
completel" dive)ted the 'ido'ed mother 'ho m!de the !doption5 'ith the re)ult th!t the
entire corpu) of the propert" p!))ed into the h!nd) of the !dopted bo"5 'ho5 in ! cert!in )en)e
'!) ! )tr!n&er5 !nd not'ith)t!ndin& the notion!l ch!n&e th!t he entered into the f!mil" of the
!dopted f!ther5 he pr!ctic!ll" continued hi) !ffili!tion) 'ith the member) of the n!tur!l
f!mil"# The re)ult '!) th!t !fter the !doption h!d t!%en pl!ce5 in)te!d of the !doptin& mother
&ettin& !n" %ind of )ecurit" for here)elf !) ! re)ult of !doption 'hich ! n!tur!l mother 'ould
&et from ! n!tur!l )on5 )he found th!t thi) ne' !dopted bo" r!n !'!" 'ith the propert" !nd
left the mother 'ith notin& but the ri&ht of m!inten!nce# 7e thou&ht th!t th!t '!) not !
de)ir!ble )t!te of !ff!ir) from the point of vie' of &ivin& )ecurit" to 'omen5 !nd
con)e9uentl" cert!in ch!n&e) 'ere m!de# The ori&in!l di)tinction th!t '!) !dopted in the
$!u Committee '!) deleted !nd ! provi)ion '!) m!de th!t the ri&ht) of the !dopted )on )h!ll
!ccrue to him not form the d!te of the de!th of hi) !doptin& f!ther but )h!ll !ccrue to him
form the d!te of hi) !doption5 )o th!t !n" !lien!tion th!t m!" h!ve been m!de prior to hi)
!doption 'ere be"ond hi) re!ch5 'ere unch!llen&e!ble b" him#
The )econd provi)ion th!t 'e h!ve m!de '!) th!t the !dopted )on )h!ll not !) ! re)ult of
!doption deprive the !doptin& mother completel" of her ri&ht of propert"# 7h!t the Bill )!")
in it) !ltered form i) th!t onl" one h!lf of the propert" of the 'ido' 'ill &o to the !dopted
)on# The other h!lf5 not'ith)t!ndin& the f!ct th!t the 'ido' h!) !dopted 'ill continue to be
in the po))e))ion !nd enAo"ment of the !doptin& mother# The re)ult i) th!t the Committee h!)
permitted !doption 'hich the Hindu communit" feel) i) ! nece))!r" thin& for the purpo)e of
perpetu!tin& the f!mil"# But !t the )!me time 'e h!ve t!%en c!re to )ee th!t the !doption
doe) not be&&!r the mother !lto&ether#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : .) not th!t the re)ult under the e)hmu%h Act8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: No# A) . )!"5 )he &et) onl" the m!inten!nce#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: She &et) h!lf the )h!re of the propert"#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : A) )oon !) the !doption t!%e) pl!ce !ll th!t
p!))e) to the )on#
Shri Prabhu Dayal Himatsingka (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 Accordin& to the 19D7 Act
)he i) ! co?heir 'ith the )on#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l)4 The )on come) l!ter on#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Th!t m!" be )o# No' . !m comin& to minorit"
!nd &u!rdi!n)hip# Here there !re onl" t'o ch!n&e) m!de b" the Select Committee in thi) p!rt
of the Bill# The fir)t ch!n&e i) th!t the po'er of the Hindu f!ther !) ! n!tur!l &u!rdi!n of hi)
minor )on h!) been t!%en !'!" if he renounce) the 'orld or ce!)e) to be ! Hindu# The
ori&in!l l!' '!) th!t the f!ther '!) the n!tur!l &u!rdi!n !nd no m!tter 'h!t ch!n&e too%
pl!ce in hi) condition either b" hi) reli&ion or in !n" other '!"5 he )till continued to be the
&u!rdi!n of hi) minor )on# The Committee felt th!t !) thi) '!) ! Code intended to
con)olid!te the Hindu )ociet" !nd their l!')5 it '!) de)ir!ble to impo)e thi) condition5
n!mel"#5 th!t the f!ther )h!ll continue to be the n!tur!l &u!rdi!n )o lon& !) he continue) to be
! Hindu# The Code in it) !ltered form !l)o h!) introduced !nother ch!n&e5 n!mel"5 th!t !
Hindu 'ido' h!) been &iven po'er to !ppoint ! te)tment!r" &u!rdi!n if her hu)b!nd h!) not
!ppointed !n"one# She h!d not !n" )uch po'er !nd thi) po'er h!) been &iven to her b" the
Select Committe#
No'5 Sir5 . come to the p!rt of the Bill 'hich de!l) 'ith )ucce))ion !nd . 'ill fir)t refer
to ch!n&e) m!de in the )ucce))ion to m!le)# No' )o f!r !) 'h!t !re c!lled the comp!ct )erie)
of heir) under the Hindu 3!'5 'hich !re pl!ced in c!te&or" . b" the $!u Committee i)
concerned5 the Select Committee h!) m!de no !lter!tion !t !ll# The comp!ct )erie) rem!in) !)
it i)5 both in the line of heir) !) 'ell !) in the order of heir)# Th!t m!tter h!) not been !ltered
!t !ll# But 'ith re&!rd to per)on) 'hich !re included in cl!u)e) . to 4 of the $!u Committee5
cert!in ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de both in the m!tter of the line of )ucce))ion !nd !l)o in the
m!tter of priorit" of )ucce))ion# The Committee h!) follo'ed both the principle)5 n!mel"5
propin9uit" !) 'ell !) n!tur!l love !nd !ffection5 !nd it i) on th!t b!)i) th!t the Select
Committee h!) m!de cert!in !lter!tion) in the heir) )et out in cl!u)e) . to 4 of the ori&in!l
Bill# The )elect Committee h!) !l)o done one thin& more 4 it h!) curt!iled the number of
de&ree) of !&n!te) !nd co&n!te) 'ho c!n become heir) to the dece!)ed5 !nd !l)o it h!)
removed the other heir)5 )uch !) for in)t!nce5 heir) 'hich !re not rel!ted5 )uch !) S!m
Br!hmch!ri :uru !nd )o on# The re!)on 'h" the Select Committee h!) curt!iled the number
of heir) !) provided for in the ori&in!l Bill i) thi)# 7e !re under thi) code &ivin& the ri&ht to
m!%e ! 'ill to ever" Hindu# A line of critici)m h!) been levelled in ! ver" import!nt Aourn!l5
n!mel"5 the Aourn!l of Comp!r!tive 3e&i)l!tion5 in 'hich ! ver" eminent l!'"er h!) m!de
the point th!t 'hen "ou &ive the ri&ht to m!%e ! 'ill5 it i) unnece))!r" to provide )uch ! lon&
li)t of heir) 'hich e(tend to the fourteenth de&ree from the dece!)ed# .f the dece!)ed i)
intere)ted in ! m!n 'hich i) rel!ted to him in the fourteenth de&ree !nd i) !live !t the time of
hi) de!th5 it i) open to him to m!%e ! 'ill !nd to &ive ! p!rt of hi) propert" to the p!rticul!r
per)on in 'hom he i) intere)ted#
.f the dece!)ed him)elf durin& hi) lifetime h!) not cho)en to remember ! rel!tion 'ho i)
rel!ted to him b" the 14th de&ree there i) no p!rticul!r re!)on 'h" bec!u)e of mere inte)t!c"
he )hould be permitted to come in for ! )h!re# Th!t i) one of the re!)on) 'h" the Select
Committee !dopted thi) provi)ion#
. mi&ht !l)o dr!' the !ttention of the Hou)e to the f!ct th!t 'ith re&!rd to 'ido') !
di)9u!lific!tion h!) been introduced b" the Select Committee 'hich )!") th!t ! 'ido' on
rem!rri!&e )h!ll lo)e her ri&ht of inherit!nce#
Then 'ith re&!rd to the d!u&hterB) )h!re5 'hich of cour)e e(i)ted in the ori&in!l Bill
it)elf5 the Select Committee h!) m!de ! )ome'h!t import!nt !lter!tion# The ori&in!l Bill )!id
th!t the d!u&hter )h!ll &et ! )h!re e9u!l to h!lf the )h!re of the )on !nd in order to m!%e
e9uit" e9uit!ble in devi)in& the line of )ucce))ion to the Stridh!n propert" of the 'om!n the"
h!d !l)o provided th!t in th!t c!)e the )on 'ill t!%e one h!lf of 'h!t the d!u&hter t!%e)5 )o
th!t the d!u&hter 'ill t!%e one h!lf in the f!therB) !nd the )on 'ill t!%e one h!lf in the
motherB) propert"# . c!nnot )!" th!t th!t '!) !n ine9uit!ble propo)ition but )omeho' the
Select Committee !nd . believe . c!n )!" !&!in)t the be)t p!rt of their Aud&ement incre!)ed in
their enthu)i!)m the )h!re of the d!u&hter in f!therB) propert" from one h!lf to one full )h!re5
e9u!l to th!t of the )on# ("n honourabl! M!mb!r ) 6 The )on i) !l)o &iven# 6) . !m !'!re of
th!t# 7ith re&!rd to )ucce))ion to fem!le) there !re onl" t'o ch!n&e) 'hich the Select
Committee h!) m!de# /nder the e(i)tin& rule the hu)b!nd of ! 'om!n in the c!)e of
)ucce))ion to fem!le) come) much l!ter under the Hindu l!' !nd th!t provi)ion '!) included
b" the old $!u Committee# The Select Committee felt th!t th!t '!) r!ther unAu)t5 bec!u)e it
m!" be (it i) often po))ible) th!t much of the propert" 'hich i) c!lled Stridh!n propert" or
propert" 'hich come) into the h!nd) of ! 'om!n m!"5 !nd perh!p) doe)5 to ! ver" l!r&e
e(tent come from the hu)b!nd !nd if the hu)b!nd i) the princip!l )ource of the propert"5 th!t
come) into the h!nd) of the 'om!n5 it i) not proper th!t it )hould be po)tponed to other heir)#
Con)e9uentl" the Select Committee !ltered the provi)ion !nd brou&ht the hu)b!nd in line
'ith the other Stridh!n heir)5 )o th!t the hu)b!nd no' )h!re) )imult!neou)l" 'ith the heir) of
! 'om!n5 'ho )h!re in the Stridh!n propert"# A) . )!id th!t bec!u)e th!t incre!)ed the )h!re
of the d!u&hter in the f!therB)5 the" !l)o pari passu m!de the )h!re of the )on in the motherB)
Stridh!n propert" e9u!l to th!t of the d!u&hter#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The" b!l!nced the )on !nd d!u&hter#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : No ch!n&e h!) been m!de in the l!' rel!tin& to
m!inten!nce 'hich i) 'orth" of re9uirin& !n" mention to thi) Hou)e#
Then . come to the 9ue)tion of the Aoint f!mil"# .t h!) been )!id th!t the provi)ion)
cont!ined in the Bill !) it h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee cont!ined provi)ion)
rel!tin& to Aoint f!mil" 'hich !re !b)olutel" ne'# . 'ould li%e to t!%e thi) occ!)ion to
repudi!te th!t )u&&e)tion# No ch!n&e h!) been done b" the Select Committee# The provi)ion)
of the 2it!%)h!r! Aoint f!mil" 'ere ori&in!ll" cont!ined in the Bill !) dr!fted b" the $!u
Committee !nd it '!) pl!ced before thi) Hou)e on the 9th Au&u)t5 'hich the Hou)e !ccepted
!nd )ent to the Select Committee# ($onourabl! M!mb!rs ) 9th April#) Therefore m" fir)t
)ubmi))ion i) th!t no ne' ch!n&e h!) been m!de b" thi) Select Committee# All th!t the
Select Committee h!) done i) to !dd t'o ne' cl!u)e)Gcl!u)e No# 88 !nd cl!u)e No# 89#
Cl!u)e 88 de!l) 'ith the doctrine of 'h!t i) c!lled piou) obli&!tion)# Cl!u)e 89 de!l) 'ith
the li!bilit" of the Aoint f!mil" to p!" Aoint f!mil" debt)# .t '!) unnece))!r" to include the)e
cl!u)e)5 bec!u)e once "ou bre!% up cop!rcen!r" propert" it i) not nece))!r" to m!%e !n"
e(pre)) provi)ion 'ith re&!rd to the doctrine of piou) obli&!tion5 bec!u)e the doctrine of
piou) obli&!tion i) nece))!r" 'here there i) )urvivor)hip propert" 4 bec!u)e b" )urvivor)hip
'here A t!%e) the propert" of B !nd the propert" of B i) encumbered 'ith debt)5 no )peci!l
doctrine i) nece))!r" to impo)e !n obli&!tion upon BC bec!u)e in heredit!ment 'hich !
per)on &et)5 he t!%e) both the profit !nd the burden of it# But in vie' of the theor" of the
2it!%)h!r! th!t ever" cop!rcener &et) the propert" b" )urvivor)hip5 'hich doe) not belon& to
the dece!)ed5 the ;!tn! hi&h Court5 if . m!" )!" )o5 !) 'ell !) the Bomb!" Hi&h Court B!r
pre))ed upon u) ver" )tron&l" th!t it '!) ver" de)ir!ble th!t the)e t'o thin&) 'hich 'ere
implicit5 )o to )!"5 in the 2it!%)h!r! doctrine of Aoint f!mil"5 )h!ll be )t!ted e(pre))l" in the
Code5 )o th!t 'hen the 9ue)tion of Audici!l interpret!tion !ri)e) there m!" be no occ!)ion for
!n" %ind of di)pute5 doubt or controver)"# A) one of the obAect) of the code '!) to m!%e the
l!' cle!r not merel" to the l!'"er) but to the ordin!r" citiJen) !nd !) it i) ! )u&&e)tion 'hich
c!me from )uch ! 'ei&ht" !uthorit" !) the ;!tn! Hi&h Court !nd the Bomb!" Hi&h Court
B!r5 'e thou&ht it de)ir!ble to introduce the)e t'o thin&)5 n!mel" no obli&!tion to p!" debt)
on the ori&in!l &round of piou) obli&!tion !nd the li!bilit" to p!" prim!r" debt) 'hich belon&
to the f!mil"# Be)ide) th!t there h!) been no ch!n&e !t !ll# .f m" friend) h!ve )ome doubt )till
on the )ubAect th!t 'e h!ve m!de fund!ment!l ch!n&e) in re&!rd to the Aoint f!mil" of the
mit!%)h!r!5 . 'ould li%e to dr!' their !ttention to )ection 8F (;!rt v 4 >oint *!mil" ;ropert")#
Section 8F of the ne' Bill !) it h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee i) the )!me 'ord for
'ord5 e(cept for ordin!r" verb!l ch!n&e)5 !) p!rt ...?A )ection E5 on p!&e 1E of the ori&in!l
Bill !) dr!fted b" the $!u Committee# Simil!rl" )ection 87 'hich !l)o de!l) 'ith Aoint
propert" i) 'ord for 'ord the )!me !) p!rt ...?A5 )ection E5 p!&e 1E# An"bod" 'ho comp!re)
the t'o . !m )ure 'ill !ccept the propo)ition 'hich . h!ve enunci!ted in thi) Hou)e th!t thi)
i) not !n innov!tion b" the Select Committee !t !ll but the" form p!rt !nd p!rcel of the
ori&in!l Bill !) dr!fted b" the $!u Committee#
. )hould li%e to di)pel !n" further doubt th!t m!" e(i)t on thi) point b" referrin& to the
$!u CommitteeB) $eport (p!&e 1D)# Thi) i) 'h!t the $!u Committee )!") (p!r!&r!ph +1)4
6 Turnin& no' to the content) of the r!ft Code the m!in propo)!l) on 'hich
difference) of opinion h!ve m!nife)ted them)elve) in v!r"in& de&ree !re the follo'in&4
(1) the !bolition of the ri&ht b" birth !nd the principle of )urvivor)hip !nd the
)ub)titution of the Dayabhaga for Mitakshra in the Mitakshra ;rovince)C
(E) &ivin& of h!lf ! )h!re to the d!u&hterC
(D) the conver)ion of the Hindu 'om!nB) limited e)t!te into !n !b)olute e)t!teC
(4) the introduction of mono&!m" !) ! rule of l!'C
(+) the introduction of cert!in provi)ion) for divorce#6
. thin% Hon# 2ember) 'ill )ee th!t the $!u Committee in )ettin& !bout it) 'or% m!de it
perfectl" %no'n to ever"bod" in thi) countr" th!t the Code th!t the" h!d fr!med !nd 'hich
)ub)e9uentl" '!) embodied b" them did cont!in the )pecific provi)ion# . h!ve no doubt
!bout it th!t !n"bod" 'ho h!) re!d the volume) of evidence 'hich h!ve been collected b"
them previ)oul" b" the Aoint Select Committee !ppointed b" thi) Hou)e5 b" the $!u Comittee
!nd b" thi) :overnment b" !n e(ecutive orderG'ould find th!t there i) no per)on either in
thi) Hou)e or out)ide5 'ho h!) p!id !n" !ttention to thi) p!rt of the Code5 'ho 'ill be under
!n" 'ron& impre))ion th!t the $!u Committee h!d decided or prop)oed th!t thi) co?
p!rcen!r" )hould not be!boli)hed# .t i) therefore not ! ne' innov!tion of the Select
Committee !t !ll#
The Select Committee h!) m!de )ome ch!n&e) 'ith re&!rd to the !pplic!tion of the
Hindu Code# The $!u CommitteeB) Bill cont!ined ! provi)ion th!t the Bill )hould not e(tend
to !re!) to 'hich the 2!rum!%%!tt!"!m !nd Ali"!)!nth!n!m l!') !ppl"# Someho' the
Select Committee in it) enthu)i!)m tr!n)&re))ed5 if . m!" )!" SN 7ithout !n" di)re)pect5 the
bound) of re!)on!binne)) !nd c!me to the conclu)ion th!t there ou&ht to be no !re! 'hich
ou&ht to be e(empt from the oper!tion of thi) Code# Con)e9uentl" the" deleted the provi)ion#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: In the intere)t) of uniformit"#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : . do not %no' 'hether it '!) done ri&htl" or
'ron&l"C th!t i) ! m!tter 'hich the hou)e 'ill con)ider !t ! l!ter )t!&e#
Pandit Mukut Bihari Lal Bhargava (AAmer?2er'!r!)4 2!" . !)% 'hether the
honour!ble )pe!%er '!) di))entin& from th!t vie' 8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: . 'ill di))ent !t ! l!ter )t!&e perh!p)# . h!ve no
empt" mind but . h!ve )till !n open mind#
Shri H# =# @!m!th (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l) 4 Not ! v!c!nt mind K
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: 0n ever" 9ue)tion . hope#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Sir5 in the ordin!r" cour)e ! )peech of the )ort
'hich . h!ve m!de i) &ener!ll" re&!rded not onl" !ppropri!te but )ufficient for the occ!)ion#
But it 'ould be futile on m" p!rt to di)&ui)e the f!ct th!t there i) ! )ectionGif not ! l!r&e
)ection5 ! )ection in the hou)eG'hich feel) ! cert!in !mount of compunction over cert!in)
p!rt) of the Bill# Neither c!n . di)&ui)e from m")elf the f!ct th!t out)ide the Hou)e there !re
m!n" people 'ho !re not onl" intere)ted in the Bill but5 if . m!" )!" )o5 ver" deepl"
concerned !bout it# . therefore thin% th!t it i) onl" ri&ht5 if "ou 'ill permit me5 to !dd ! fe'
&ener!l ob)erv!tion) 'ith re&!rd to the point) of controver)" 'hich . h!ve noticed in )ever!l
ne')p!per) 'hich . h!ve been per)uin& ever )ince the Bill h!) been on the !nvil# . 'ill t!%e
thi) m!tter !l)o p!rt b" p!rt !nd )ection b" )ection# . 'ill de!l onl" 'ith 'h!t . re&!rd h!ve
been con)idered !) point) of controver)"# 3et me t!%e m!rri!&e !nd divorce# Here . find th!t
there !re three point) of controver)"#GThe fir)t point of controver)" i) !bolition of c!)te) !)
! nece))!r" re9uirement for ! v!lid m!rri!&eC the )econd point of controver)" i) the
pre)cription of mono&!m"C !nd the third point of controver)" i) permi))ion for divorce#
. 'ill t!%e the fir)t point of controver)"5 n!mel"G!bolition of c!)te re)triction)# So f!r !)
thi) Bill i) concerned5 'h!t it doe) i) to !rrive !t ! )ort of compromi)e bet'eeen the ne' !nd
the old# The Bill )!") th!t if member of ! Hindu communit" '!nt) to follo' the orthodo(
)")tem 'hich re9uire) th!t ! m!rri!&e )h!ll not bev!lid unle)) the bride !nd bride&room
belon& to the )!me varna, the )!me c!)te or the )!me )ub?c!)te5 there i) nothin& in thi) Code
'hich c!n prevent him from &ivin& effect to hi) 'i)he) or &ivin& effect to 'h!t he re&!rd) !)
hi) dharma. .n the )!me '!" if one Hindu 'ho i) ! reformi)t !nd 'ho doe) not believe in
vama, c!)te or )ub?c!)te5 choo)e) to m!rr" ! &irl out)ide hi) vama, out)ide hi) c!)te5 out)ide
hi) )ubc!)te5 the l!' re&!rd) hi) m!rri!&e !l)o !) v!lid# So f!r !) the m!rri!&e l!' i)
concerned there i) therefore no %ind of impo)ition !t !ll# The vydhikas, the orthodo(5 !re left
free to do 'h!t the" thin% i) ri&ht !ccordin& to their dharma. The reformer) 'ho do not
follo' dharma but 'ho follo' re!)on5 'ho follo' con)cience5 h!ve !l)o been left to follo'
their re!)on !nd their con)cience#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Are the" permitted to m!rr" out)ide their reli&ion
!l)o if their con)cience direct) them in th!t m!nner 8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : 7ell5 'e 'ill h!ve !nother Bill for th!t# . do
not %no' 'hether m" honour!ble friend 2r# T"!&i i) unm!rried# .f he i) . 'ill hurr" it up#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi: . '!nt to m!%e '!" for other)#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Con)e9uentl"5 'h!t 'ill h!ppen in Hindu
)ociet" )o f!r !) m!rri!&e l!' i) concerned if there 'ill be ! competition bet'een the old !nd
the ne'# And 'e hope th!t tho)e 'ho !re follo'in& the ne' p!th 'ill 'in )ub)e9uentl"# But5
!) . )!"5 if the" do not5 'e !re 9uite content to !llo' t'o p!r!llel )")tem) of m!rri!&e to be
oper!tive in thi) countr" !nd !n"one m!" m!%e hi) choice# There i) no viol!tion of ! shastra,
no viol!tion of ! smriti !t !ll#
7ith re&!rd to mono&!m" it m!" be th!t it i) ! ne' innov!tion# But . mu)t point out th!t
. do thin% th!t !n" 2ember in thi) hou)e 'ill be !ble to point out h!vin& re&!rd to cu)tom!r"
l!' or h!vin& re&!rd to our shastras th!t ! Hindu hu)b!nd h!d !t !ll time) !n unfettered5
un9u!lified ri&ht to pol"&!m"# Th!t '!) never the c!)e# 1ven tod!"5 in cert!in p!rt) of South
.ndi! there !re people 'ho follo' thi)5 ! )ection of the N!ttu%ott!i Chetti"!r)Gthe c!)e h!)
been reported in the $eport) of the ;riv" Council it)elf5 . !m not dependin& on mere here)!"
evidenceGbut !mon& the N!ttu%ott!i Chetti"!r) there i) ! cu)tom th!t ! hu)b!nd c!nnot
m!rr" ! )econd 'ife unle)) he obt!in) the con)ent of hi) 'ife# Secondl"5 'hen ! con)ent i)
obt!ined5 he mu)t !llot to her cert!in propert" 'hich . thin% in the T!mil l!n&u!&e i) c!lled
moppu. Th!t propert" become) her !b)olute propert" )o th!t if !fter her con)ent the hu)b!nd
m!rrie) !nd ill?tre!t) her5 )he h!) ! cert!in !mount of economic competence in her o'n h!nd)
to le!d !n independent life# . cite th!t !) !n illu)tr!tion to )ho' th!t there h!) not been !n
un9u!lified ri&ht for pol"&!m"#
A )econd illu)tr!tion 'hich . 'ould li%e to &ive 'ould be from the Arth!)h!)tr! of
@!util"!# . do not %no' ho' m!n" 2ember) of the Hou)e h!ve peru)ed th!t boo%5 . )uppo)e
m!n" of them h!ve# .f the" h!ve5 the" 'ill re!li)e th!t the ri&ht to m!rr" ! )econd 'ife h!)
been con)ider!bl" limited b" @!util"!# .n the fir)t pl!ce5 no m!n c!n m!rr" for the fir)t ten or
t'elve "e!r) bec!u)e he mu)t be )!ti)fied th!t the 'om!n i) not c!p!ble of producin&
children# Th!t '!) one limit!tion# The )econd limit!tion impo)ed b" @!util"! on the ri&ht of
)econd m!rri!&e '!) th!t the hu)b!nd '!) to return to the 'om!n !ll the stridhan th!t )he
h!d !c9uired !t the time of m!rri!&e# .t i) onl" under the)e t'o condition) th!t @!util"!B)
Arth!)h!)tr! permitted ! Hindu hu)b!nd to m!rr" ! )econd time#
Thirdl"5 in our o'n countr"5 in the li&i)l!tion th!t h!) been p!))ed in v!riou) ;rovince)5
mono&!m" h!) been pre)cribed# *or in)t!nce in the marumakkathayam !nd the
aliyasanthanum l!' both of them pre)cribe mono&!m" !) ! rule of m!rit!l life# Simil!rl"5
'ith re&!rd to the recent le&i)l!tion th!t h!) been p!))ed in Bomb!" or in 2!dr!)5 )imil!rl"
in B!rod!5 the l!' i) the l!' of mono&!m"#
. hope the Hou)e 'ill )ee from the in)t!nce) . h!ve &iven th!t 'e !re not m!%in& !n"
ver" r!dic!l or revolution!r" ch!n&e# 7e h!ve precedent for 'h!t 'e !re doin&5 both in the
l!') th!t h!ve been p!))ed b" v!riou) St!te) in .ndi!5 !l)o in the !ncient shastras )uch !)
@!util"!B) Arth!)h!)tr!# .f . m!" &o further5 'e h!ve &ot the precedent of the 'hole 'orld
'hich reco&ni)e) mono&!m" !) the mo)t )!lut!r" principle )o f!r !) m!rit!l rel!tion) !re
Shri Deshbandhu Gupta (elhi) 4 7h!t !bout the 2oh!mm!d!n 3!'8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: 7e )h!ll come to 2oh!mm!d!n l!' 'hen 'e
di)cu)) the 2oh!mm!d!n l!'#
Comin& to the 9ue)tion of divorce5 there !&!in . )hould li%e to )ubmit to the Hou)e th!t
thi) i) in no '!" !n innov!tion# 1ver"bod" in thi) Hou)e %no') th!t communitie) 'hich !re
c!lled shudra h!ve cu)tom!r" divorce !nd 'h!t i) the tot!l of 'h!t 'e c!ll shudra 8 Nobod"
h!) ever prob!bl" m!de !n" c!lcul!tion !) to the tot!l number of shudras 'ho &o to compo)e
the Hindu )ociet"5 but . h!ve not the )li&hte)t doubt in m" mind th!t the shudras form
pr!ctic!ll" 9, per cent of the tot!l popul!tion of the Hindu)# 7h!t !re c!lled the B
$e&ener!ted B cl!))e) prob!bl" do not fill more th!n ten per cent of the tot!l popul!tion of
thi) countr"5 !nd the 9ue)tion th!t . '!nt to !)% of honour!ble 2ember) i) thi) 4 !re "ou
&oin& to h!ve the l!' of the 9, per cent of the people !) the &ener!l l!' of thi) countr"5 or
!re "ou &oin& to h!ve the l!' of the 1, per cent of the people bein& impo)ed upon the 9, per
cent 8 Th!t i) ! )imple 9ue)tion 'hich ever" 2ember mu)t !n)'er !nd c!n !n)'er#
So f!r !) the B re&ener!ted B cl!))e) !re concerned there '!) ! time5 if one refer) for
in)t!nce to the time 'hen the N!r!d! smriti or the ;!r!)h!r! smriti 'ere 'ritten5 'hen the
smritis reco&ni)ed th!t ! 'om!n c!n divorce her hu)b!nd 'hen he h!) !b!ndoned her5 'hen
he died5 'hen he h!) t!%en parivri#u, !nd )he '!) entitled to h!ve ! )econd hu)b!nd#
Con)e9uentl"5 it m!" be th!t !t ! l!ter )t!&e . )h!ll re!d to "ou )ome e(tr!ct) from "our
shastras to )ho'# ("n honourabl! m!mb!r ) 6 <our shastras 6)# <e)5 bec!u)e . belon& to the
other c!)te#
. )h!ll re!d the e(tr!ct) to )ho' th!t 'h!t h!) h!ppened in thi) countr" i) th!t )omeho'5
unfortun!tel"5 unnoticed5 uncon)ciou)l"5 cu)tom h!) been Allo'ed to tr!mple upon the te(t
of the shastras 'hich 'ere !ll in f!vour of the ri&ht )ort of m!rit!l rel!tion)# 2" )ubmi))ion5
therefore5 to the hou)e i) th!t )o f!r !) !n" ne' principle) h!ve been introduced in the l!' of
m!rri!&e or divorce5 'h!tever h!) been done i) both Au)t !nd re!)on!ble !nd )upported b"
precedent not onl" of our shastras but the e(perience of the 'orld !) ! 'hole#
7ith re&!rd to !doption5 there !re !&!in three point) of controver)"# 0ne point of
controver)" 'ith re&!rd to !doption i) thi)5 th!t li%e the old Hindu l!' 'e do not m!%e
)imil!rit" or identit" of c!)te ! re9ui)ite for ! v!lid !doption# 7e follo' the )!me rule th!t
'e h!ve follo'ed 'ith re&!rd to m!rri!&e# Here !&!in5 . m!" )!" th!t if ! Brahmin '!nt) to
!dopt ! Brahmin bo"5 he i) free to do )o# .f ! Kayasth '!nt) to !dopt ! Kayasth bo"5 he i)
free to do )o# .f ! Shudra '!nt) to !dopt ! bo" of hi) o'n communit" he i) free to do )o# .f !
Br!hmin i) )o enli&htened !) not to !dopt ! bo" belon&in& to hi) o'n communit" but !dopt)
! Shudra, he i) !l)o permitted to do )o# There i) therefore no %ind of impo)ition#
Seth Govind Das (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l)4 7h" do "ou con)ider )uch ! Br!hmin
enli&htened 8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: 7ell5 . do not %no'# *rom m" point of vie'
cert!inl" he i) enli&htenedC from "our point of vie' he m!" be ! ver" d!r% m!n5 but th!t i) !
difference of opinion#
7ith re&!rd to the 9ue)tion of the limit!tion on the ri&ht of !n !dopted )on to ch!llen&e
!ll !lien!tion) m!de b" the 'ido' before !doption5 . do not thin% th!t there c!n be !n"
controver)" !t !ll# There i) no re!)on 'h" 'e )hould continue the notion th!t ! bo" 'hen
!dopted become) the )on of the !dopted f!ther ri&ht from the time 'hen the !dopted f!ther
died# Thi) i) ! pure fiction# .t h!) no v!lue !t !ll# .t i) not merel" ! fictionC it i) ! fiction 'hich
&ive) ri)e to tremendou) liti&!tion !nd tremendou) difficultie)# .t i) therefore ri&ht th!t the
!doption )hould be )imult!neou) 'ith the ve)tin& of the propert"# . do not thin% !n" member
of the Hou)e 'ill thin% th!t thi) i) ! propo)ition 'hich 'e ou&ht not to !ccept !t thi) )t!&e#
(Shri B. Das) 67e !ll !ccept6#)
Simil!rl"5 !) . h!ve )t!ted5 the limit!tion upon the ri&ht of ! bo" 'ho i) !dopted to dive)t
the mother completel" !nd to m!%e her nothin& more th!n ! depend!nt '!itin& for )uch
m!inten!nce !) the !dopted bo" m!" &ive5 . do not thin% th!t there i) !n" member of the
Hou)e 'ho 'ill thin% th!t )uch ! )itu!tion c!n be Au)tified on !n" &round 'h!t)oever# . thin%
it i) ri&ht th!t 'e pre)erve the ri&ht of !doption 'hich the orthodo( communit" cheri)he) )o
much5 but# Sir5 . do not under)t!nd 'h" there )hould be !doption# 2o)t of u) 'ho m!%e
!doption) h!ve no n!me to be recorded in hi)tor"# ;er)on!ll"5 . m")elf cert!inl" 'ould not
li%e m" n!me to &o do'n in hi)tor"5 bec!u)e m" record i) prob!bl" ver" poor# . !m !n
unu)u!l member of the Hindu communit"# But there !re m!n" 'ho h!ve no record) to &o
do'n !nd . do not under)t!nd 'h" the" )hould indul&e in !doptin& ! )onG?! )tupid bo"5
uneduc!ted5 'ithout !n" ch!r!cterGnot %no'in& hi) po))ibilitie) !nd f!)tenin& him !nd
f!therin& him upon !# poor 'om!n5 'hom he c!n deprive of ever" propert" th!t )he
po))e))ed# Therefore5 m" )ubmi))ion i) thi)5 th!t if "ou do '!nt to cheri)h "our old notion)
'ith re&!rd to !doption !t !n" r!te m!%e thi) provi)ion th!t the !dopted bo" doe) not
!lto&ether deprive the mother of the propert" 'hich i) her m!in)t!"# . do not thin% th!t th!t
limit!tion c!n be !t !ll ! point of controver)"#
7ith re&!rd to the 9ue)tion of the !bolition of cu)tom!r" !doption5 . 'ould li%e to )!"
t'o thin&)# There i) ! &ener!l !r&ument 'hich the Hou)e 'ill be !ble to !ppreci!te# .t i) thi)#
A Code i) incon)i)tent 'ith cu)tom!r" l!'# Th!t i) ! fund!ment!l propo)ition# .f "ou !llo' !
Code to rem!in !nd !t the )!me time permit cu)tom to &ro' !nd cu)tom to ple!d !&!in)t the
Code5 there i) no purpo)e in h!vin& ! Code !t !ll5 bec!u)e ! cu)tom c!n !l'!") e!t into the
Code !nd m!%e the Code null and void. 7ith re&!rd to thi) p!rticul!r m!tter of cu)tom!r"
!doption )uch !) Krithrim !doption5 1odha !doption !nd Dwaimushayan !doption5 m"
)ubmi))ion i) thi)5 th!t the)e !re re!ll" not !doption !t !ll# A) the ;riv" Council in one of it)
rulin&) h!) definitel" )t!ted5 !doption i) purel" ! reli&iou) !ff!ir# The &ettin& of propert" b"
the !dopted )on i) ! )econd!r" m!tter# He m!" &et propert"5 he m!" not &et propert"5 !nd
even thou&h he m!" not &et propert" hi) !doption from ! reli&iou) point of vie' m!" be
v!lid# Therefore5 m" )ubmi))ion i) thi)5 th!t !ll the)e cu)tom!r" !doption) !re nothin& el)e
but device) to %eep propert" 'ithin the t'o f!milie) 'hich enter into thi) b!r&!in5 !nd in m"
Aud&ement5 )ince 'e h!ve p!))ed the Con)titution !nd included in the irective ;rinciple)
one !rticle )!"in& th!t the St!te )hould t!%e )tep) not to !llo' propert" bein& concentr!ted in
the h!nd) of one or ! fe'5 )uch device) li%e the Dwaimushayan 'here t'o p!rtie) merel"
!&ree to )h!re the propert" !nd %eep it 'ith them ou&ht not to be toler!ted# Be)ide)5 there i)
no re!)on 'h" p!rtie) 'ho '!nt to m!%e ! &enuine !doption )hould not conform to the rule)
!nd re&ul!tion) re&!rdin& the Dattaka !doption 'hich i) permitted b" the l!'#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: It i) no' one oBcloc%# The honour!ble 2ini)ter m!" continue !fter
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d for 2un'h till half Past wo of th! &lo'k.
h! "ss!mbly r!;ass!mbl!d aft!r 2un'h at $alf Past wo of th! &lo'k, Mr. D!puty
Sp!ak!r (Shri M. "nanthasayanam "yyangar. in th! &hair.
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: I '!nt not to t!%e up the point) of controver)"
rel!tin& to the topic of co?p!rcen!r" l!'# The 9ue)tion i) r!i)ed4 7h" doe) the Bill 'i)h to
)ee% to !boli)h the co?p!rcen!r" 'hich i) pre)cribed b" 'h!t i) c!lled the 2it!%)h!r! l!' 8
No'5 Sir5 h!vin& !pplied m" mind in the be)t '!" . c!n for the proper e(po)ition of thi)
)ubAect)5 . thin% thi) i) ! 9ue)tion 'hich re9uired to be con)idered from three different point)
of vie'# 0ne i) ho' l!r&e ! volume of propert" i) included 'ithin the !mbit of 'h!t i) c!lled
co?p!rcen!r" propert"# .f the volume th!t i) compri)ed 'ithin 'h!t i) c!lled co?p!rcen!r"
propert" i) ! ver" l!r&e p!rt of the propert" 'hich ! m!n in the)e d!") hold)5 then no doubt
)ome )eriou) !ttention 'ill h!ve to be p!id to thi) 9ue)tion# Therefore5 th!t i) the fir)t !)pect
of the 9ue)tion th!t one h!) to e(!mine#
The )econd !)pect th!t 'e h!ve to con)ider 'ith re&!rd to the retention of 'h!t i) c!lled
co?p!rcen!r" propert" i) 'hether !n" cop!rcener h!d individu!ll" the ri&ht to !lien!te
propert"# Thirdl"5 'hether !n" cop?p!rcener h!) ! ri&ht in him)elf to bre!% up the
cop!rcen!r"# 0bviou)l"5 if the propert" included 'ithin the cl!)) of propert" c!lled co?
p!rcen!r" propert" i) ! )m!ll p!rt of the propert"5 different 9ue)tion) 'ill !ri)e# Simil!rl"5 if
!n" co?p!rcener5 under the pre)ent e(i)tin& Hindu l!'5 h!) !lre!d" &ot the ri&ht to !lien!te
hi) )h!re in the propert"5 then obviou)l"5 the 9ue)tion 'hether thi) l!' or thi) Bill i)
!bro&!tin& co?p!rcen!r" propert" 'ould )t!nd on ! different footin&# Simil!rl"5 if under the
e(i)tin& Hindu l!' ! cop!rcener h!) !n inherent ri&ht to bre!% up ! co?p!rcen!r"5 then m"
)ubmi))ion i) th!t the 9ue)tion th!t thi) Bill bre!%) up the co?p!rcen!r" become) ver" much
le)) momentou) th!n i) thou&ht of b" mo)t member) of the Hou)e !) 'ell !) people out)ide#
3et me therefore t!%e the fir)t 9ue)tion 4 7h!t i) the e(tent of the non?co?p!rcen!r"
propert" 'hich ! co?p!rcener m!" hold5 not'ith)t!ndin& the f!ct th!t he i) ! member of the
co?p!rcen!r" 8 No'5 m" friend)5 'ho h!ve p!id !ttention to thi) )ubAect !nd %no' 'h!t the
po)ition i) under the Hindu l!'5 'ill %no' th!t there i) no di)9u!lific!tion upon ! co?
p!rcener to hold )ep!r!te propert" 'hile he continue) to be ! co?p!rcener# A co?p!rcener m!"
h!ve c!p!cit" to hold t'o different )ort) of propert"Gpropert" 'hich belon&) to the co?
p!rcen!r" !nd propert" 'hich doe) not belon& to the cop!rcen!r"5 but belon&) to him)elf !nd
doe) not &o5 b" 'h!t i) c!lled )urvivor)hip#
3et me &ive the Hou)e )ome ide! of the e(tent !nd n!ture of the propert" 'hich ! co?
p!rcener c!n hold5 !lthou&h he i) ! co?p!rcener# . h!ve t!%en from the e(i)tin& te(t boo%) on
the Hindu l!'5 the follo'in& c!te&orie) of propert" 'hich ! co?p!rcener c!n hold5
not'ith)t!ndin& the f!ct th!t he i) ! co?p!rcener# *ir)tl"5 propert" inherited b" ! hindu from !
per)on other th!n hi) f!ther5 &r!nd?f!ther !nd &re!t &r!nd?f!ther# .f ! Hindu &et) propert"
from ! per)on 'ho i) not hi) f!ther5 &r!nd?f!ther or &re!t &r!nd?f!ther5 th!t propert" i) in hi)
h!nd !nd i) )ep!r!te propert" !nd doe) not belon& to the cop!rcen!r"# Secondl"5 propert"
inherited b" him from hi) m!tern!l &r!nd f!ther5 thirdl" &ift of !nce)tr!l move!ble) m!de to
him b" hi) f!ther !nd fourthl" propert" &r!nted b" &overnment to !n individu!l 'ho i) !
member of the co?p!rcen!r" become) hi) per)on!l propert" !nd not the propert" of the co?
p!rcen!r"# Then fifthl" 'e h!ve !nce)tr!l propert" lo)t to the f!mil" !nd recovered 'ithout
the !id of the f!mil" propert"# Th!t !l)o5 !lthou&h ori&in!ll" co?p!rcen!r" propert"5 become)
hi) priv!te propert"# Then )i(thl"5 there i) the income from )ep!r!te propert" !nd purch!)e)
m!de from the income of )uch propert"# The" !re !l)o priv!te propert"# 75 )h!re of ! co?
p!rcener b" p!rtition if he h!) not m!le i))ue# 85 propert" held b" ! )ole )urvivin& co?
p!rcener 'hen there i) no 'ido' 'ith the po'er to !dopt# 95 )ep!r!te e!rnin& of ! member of
! Aoint f!mil" co?p!rcen!r" !nd 1,5 &!in) of le!rnin&# Such v!)t !mount of propert" included
in the)e 1, c!te&orie) i) tod!" under the 2ith!%)h!r! l!' the priv!te propert" of ! co?
p!rcener# .t doe) not become the propert" of the co?p!rcen!r"#
3et me illu)tr!te thi) b" one pl!in illu)tr!tion# There !re hundred) !nd hundred) of cler%)
in our Secret!ri!t5 )ome dr!'in& )m!ll )!l!rie)5 )ome dr!'in& hu&e )!l!rie) more th!n the
)!l!rie) of the 2ember) of the C!binetG$)# 45,,, (Honour!ble 2ember) 4 6 Cler%) 8 Are
the" cler%) 8 6) . me!n officer)# .n ! cert!in )en)e the" !re &lorified cler%)#
The point . '!nt to put to the hou)e i) thi) 4 th!t )uch l!r&e income !) &!in) of le!rnin&5
'hich come up in individu!l c!)e) to $)# 45,,,5 if there '!) ! Aoint f!mil" in the true )en)e of
the 'ord5 ou&ht to &o to the Aoint f!mil" for the Aoint m!inten!nce of th!t f!mil"# 7h!t
h!ppen) 8 /nder the :!in) of 3e!rnin& Act p!))ed onl" ! fe' "e!r) !&o5 thi) ver" A))embl"5
not . me!n the 2ember)5 p!))ed ! l!' th!t )uch &!in) of le!rnin&5 'hich form5 !) . )!"5 the
princip!l p!rt of the income of ! Aoint f!mil" !nd 'hich ! member i) en!bled to e!rn b"
re!)on of the educ!tion th!t '!) &iven to him out of the f!mil" income5 h!ve no' been m!de
hi) per)on!l !nd priv!te income# 2" )ubmi))ion to the Hou)e i) thi) 4 'hen )o l!r&e !
propert"5 !) . h!ve mentioned5 included in the)e ten different c!te&orie) h!ve !lre!d" been
m!de in modific!tion of the ori&in!l l!') of 2it!%)h!r! priv!te propert"5 'h!t i) the b!l!nce
of propert" th!t i) left 'hich c!n be )!id to compri)e the co?p!rcen!r" propert" 8 2"
)ubmi))ion i) th!t re!ll" ver"5 ver" )m!ll volume of propert" i) left to compri)e 'ithin 'h!t
i) c!lled the co?p!rcen!r"# 3et me t!%e the other 9ue)tion# .t i) )!id th!t the co?p!rcen!r"G1
hope 2ember) under)t!nd th!t cop!rcen!r" i) )omethin& ver" n!rro' !nd ver" limited !nd it
i) not the )!me thin& !) ! Aoint f!mil"5 'hich i) 9uite ! different m!tterG )")tem en!ble) the
Hindu) to pre)erve the propert"5 to ret!in it5 th!t there c!n be no bre!%?up5 there c!n be no
)9u!nderin& of mone" )o to )!" on the p!rt of !n" member of the f!mil"# A 9ue)tion th!t .
'!nt to put to the Hou)e i) thi) 4 .) it true under the e(i)tin& l!' of the 2it!%)h!r! th!t thi)
propert" c!nnot be !lien!ted 5 c!nnot be )9u!ndered 8 The !n)'er i) completel" in the
ne&!tive# 3et me &ive "ou one or t'o illu)tr!tion)# . !m t!%in& the c!)e of the f!ther# The
f!ther c!n !lien!te Aoint propert" for !ntecedent debt# All th!t the f!ther h!) to do i) to fir)t of
!ll cre!te ! debt5 )!" one thou)!nd or t'o thou)!nd rupee) on ! per)on!l promi))or" note#
Sub)e9uentl"5 !fter )i( month) he become) entitled to )ell the 'hole of the co?p!rcen!r"
propert"5 if th!t become) nece))!r" for the purpo)e of meetin& th!t !ntecedent debt# No'5 !
)ubmi))ion th!t . '!nt to m!%e to the Hou)e i) thi) 4 oe) the lod&ment of )uch enormou)
po'er in the h!nd) of ! f!ther to )ell the propert" for purel" !ntecedent !nd per)on!l debt) 8 .
'!nt the hou)e to be!r in mind th!t the 2it!%)h!r! l!' m!%e) ! di)tinction bet'een the
f!ther !nd the m!n!&er )o f!r !) the !lien!tion of propert" i) concerned# True ! m!n!&er
c!nnot !lien!te ! propert" belon&in& to the co?p!rcen!r" unle)) !nd until it i) proved th!t
there i) ! f!mil" nece))it" for 'hich !lien!tion i) nece))!r"# But 'ith re&!rd to the f!ther5
there i) no )uch obli&!tion !t !ll# A f!ther c!n cre!te ! debt per)on!ll" for him)elf !nd he
become) entitled to !lien!te th!t propert" for ! purel" per)on!l debt 'hich h!) not been
incurred for the prupo)e) of the f!mil"# The onl" limit!tion th!t i) impo)ed upon the ri&ht of
the !lien!tion of the f!ther under the 2it!%)h!r! l!' i) th!t the debt mu)t not be impiou)5
mu)t not be for !n immor!l purpo)e !nd if it i) not immor!l5 then the f!ther c!n !lien!te the
'hole of the propert" of the co?p!rcen!r"# There i) no limit !t !ll#
Simil!rl"5 t!%e the c!)e of the )on# .t i) !l)o under the 2it!%)h!r! l!' 'ithin the
competence of ! )on to dem!nd the p!rtition of the f!mil" propert" !t !n" time he li%e)# .
could h!ve 'ell under)tood the !r&ument for the con)erv!tion of the co?p!rcen!r" propert" if
the rule of Hindu 3!' '!) th!t no co?p!rcener '!) entitled to !lien!te the propert"5 th!t the
propert" mu)t rem!in the propert" of the cop!rcen!r"5 but th!t i) not the c!)e# The root of
di))olution5 the root of de)truction of the co?p!rcen!r" propert" i) in the co?p!rcen!r" it)elf5
bec!u)e it i) the co?p!rcen!r" l!' th!t &ive) ! ve)ted ri&ht5 ! ri&ht from the ver" birth to
dem!nd p!rtition of the propert" !nd di)rupt the 'hole of the )ociet"#
Thirdl"5 even if ! )on doe) not !lien!te hi) propert"5 he c!n cre!te ! debt on the propert"
for hi) o'n per)on!l prupo)e) !nd the creditor 'ho h!) !dv!nced th!t mone" under
2it!%)h!r! l!' h!) ! perfect ri&ht to )ue for the p!rtition of the co?p!rcen!r" in order to
recover hi) debt# A )tr!n&er5 therefore5 under the 2it!%)h!r! l!' h!) ! ri&ht to bre!% up the
co?p!rcener# . 'ould li%e to !)% m" honour!ble friend)5 'ho !re 'orried !bout thi) m!tter5
'here ! l!r&e p!rt of the e)t!te5 of the !))et) lie) out)ide the co?p!rcen!r" propert" !nd )o f!r
!) the co?p!rcen!r" propert" i) concerned5 the f!ther h!) ! ri&ht to !lien!te 'ithout !n" %ind
of limit!tion e(cept the immor!lit" of the debt5 the )on h!) ! ri&ht to bre!% up the propert" !t
!n" time he li%e) !nd the )on h!) ! ri&ht to cre!te ! ch!r&e on the propert" en!blin& the
creditor to )ue for p!rtition5 i) it )omethin& 'hich mi&ht be c!lled ! )olid )")tem5 'hich i)
fool?proof !nd %n!ve?proof 8 2" )ubmi))ion i) thi)5 th!t the co?p!rcen!r" propert" l!' !) it
)t!nd)5 cont!in) 'ithin it)elf the element) of di)ruption# Therefore5 the Bill i) doin& nothin&
ver" r!dic!l in )!"in& th!t the )h!re )h!ll be held )ep!r!tel"# A) 'e !ll %no' to?d!" the
condition i) )uch th!t ever"bod" '!nt) to live )ep!r!tel"# The moment ! f!ther die)5 the )on)
cl!im th!t there )h!ll be ! le&!l reco&nition to f!ct)5 !) the" e(i)t to?d!"# There i) nothin& th!t
i) r!dic!l !t !ll in thi) p!rt of the Bill#
0f cour)e5 . )hould )!" one thin& 'hich . thin% i) &ener!ll" not re!liJed# . )t!rted b"
)!"in& th!t ! di)tinction h!) to be m!de bet'een co?p!rcen!r" !nd Aoint f!mil"# Thi) Bill
'hile it doe) !'!" 'ith cop!rcen!r"5 m!int!in) the Aoint f!mil"# .t doe) not come in the '!"
of the Aoint f!mil" bein& m!int!ined# The onl" thin& i) th!t the Aoint f!mil" in the 2it!%)h!r!
l!' 'ill be on the )!me footin& !nd of the )!me ch!r!cter !) the Aoint f!mil" under the
!"!bh!&! l!'# .t mu)t not be )uppo)ed th!t bec!u)e the mit!%)h!r! l!' doe) not prev!il in
Ben&!l th!t there i) no Aoint f!mil"# There i) ! Aoint f!mil"# The onl" di)tinction 'ill be th!t
the member) of the Aoint) f!mil" in)te!d of holdin& their ri&ht) !) Aoint ten!nt)5 'ill hold
them !) ten!nt) in common# Th!t 'ill be the onl" di)tinction th!t 'ill be bet'een the e(i)tin&
l!' in the 2it!%)h!r! !nd the Bfuture l!' in the 2it!%)h!r!#
No'5 . come to 'om!nB) propert"# . do not %no' ho' m!n" member) of thi) hou)e !re
f!mili!r 'ith the intric!cie) of thi) )ubAect#
So f!r !) . h!ve been!ble to )tud" thi) )ubAect5 . do not thin% th!t there i) !n" )ubAect in
the Hindu 3!' 'hich i) )o complic!ted5 )o intric!te !) the 'omenB) propert" (An honour!ble
2ember 4 6 A) the 'om!n her)elf 6) 4 A) the 'om!n her)elf# .f "ou !)% the 9ue)tion5 'h!t i)
stridhan, before !n)'erin& th!t 9ue)tion5 "ou h!ve to !)% !nother 9ue)tion !nd find !n
!n)'er for it# <ou mu)t fir)t of !ll !)%5 B i) )he ! m!iden B or B i) )he ! m!rried 'om!n B#
Bec!u)e 'h!t propert" i) stridhan !nd 'h!t propert" i) not stridhan/ depend) upon the )t!tu)
of the 'om!n# Cert!in propert" i) stridhanam if )he h!) obt!ined it 'hile )he i) ! m!idenC
cert!in propert" i) not stridhan if )he h!) obt!ined it !fter m!rri!&e# Con)e9uentl"5 if "ou !)%
the 9ue)tion 'h!t i) the line of inherit!nce to the stridhan, "ou h!ve !&!in to !)% the 9ue)tion
'hether the stridhan belon&) to ! m!iden or the stridhan belon&) to ! m!rried 'om!n#
Bec!u)e5 the line of )ucce))ion to the stridhan of ! m!iden i) 9uite different from the line of
)ucce))ion to the stridhan belon&in& to ! m!rried 'om!n# 7hen "ou come to the 9ue)tion of
)ucce))ion to m!rried 'om!nB) propert"5 "ou h!ve !&!in to !)% the 9ue)tion5 doe) )he belon&
to the Ben&!l School or doe) )he belon& to the 2it!%)h!r! School# .f "ou !)% the 9ue)tion
'hether )he belon&) to the 2it!%)h!r! )chool5 "ou 'ill never be !ble to find ! definite
!n)'er unle)) "ou probe further !nd !)% 'hether )he belon&) to the 2ithil! School or the
Ben!re) School or )ome other School# Thi) i) ! mo)t complic!ted )ubAect# At the )!me time5 .
)hould li%e honour!ble member) to be!r t'o thin&) in mind# 0ne i) thi) 4 )o f!r !) 'omenB)
propert" i) concerned#5 &ener!ll" )pe!%in&5 it f!ll) into t'o c!te&orie)# 0ne c!te&or" i) c!lled
her stridhan !nd the other i) c!lled 'ido'B) propert"# The l!tter propert" i) propert" 'hich
)he inherit) from ! m!le member of her f!mil"5 !nd !ccordin& to the e(i)tin& l!' propert"
'hich )he o'n) onl" durin& her life time !nd )ub)e9uentl" th!t propert" p!))e) to the
rever)ioner) of the m!le heir# Th!t i) the po)ition#
Therefore5 )o f!r !) 'omenB) propert" i) concerned5 'e h!ve t'o different )ort) of
inherit!nce !nd t'o different )et) of propert"5 stridhan propert" !nd 'ido'B) propert"# The
heir) to stridhan propert" !re 9uite different !nd di)tinct from the heir) to the propert" )he
inherit) from ! m!le member# The 9ue)tion5 therefore5 'e h!ve to con)ider in codif"in& thi)
p!rticul!r br!nch of the Hindu 3!' i) thi)# Are "ou &oin& to m!int!in the t'o princip!l
divi)ion) 'hich e(i)t !t pre)ent5 n!mel"#5 stridhan propert" !nd 'ido'B) propert" 8
Secondl"5 !re "ou &oin& to m!int!in the double line of )ucce))ion C one line of )ucce))ion for
the stridhan propert" !nd !nother line of )ucce))ion for 'ido'B) propert" 8 The)e !re the t'o
princip!l 9ue)tion) 'hich !ri)e 'hen one be&in to codif" thi) l!'# The Committee c!me to
the conclu)ion th!t )o f!r !) codific!tion '!) concerned5 it) purpo)e 'ould be defe!ted if 'e
!llo' the pre)ent ch!o) to continue# 7e mu)t either decide th!t ! 'om!n 'ill not be entitled
to h!ve !b)olute propert" or 'e mu)t decide th!t ! 'om!n )hould h!ve !b)olute propert"# 7e
mu)t !l)o decide 'h!t )hould be the line of heir) for ! 'om!n4 'hether the" )hould be
uniform or the" )hould be different# The Committee c!me to the conclu)ion th!t )o f!r !)
ri&ht to propert" i) concerned5 there )hould be uniformit" !nd uniformit" )hould reco&ni)e
th!t the 'om!n h!) !b)olute propert"#
. %no' ! &re!t de!l of the !r&ument th!t i) !l'!") ur&ed !&!in)t 'omen &ettin& !b)olute
propert"# .t i) )!id th!t 'omen !re imbecileC it i) )!id th!t the" !re !l'!") )ubAect to the
influence of !ll )ort) of people !nd con)e9uentl"5 it 'ould be ver" d!n&erou) to le!ve 'omen
in the 'orld )ubAect to the influence) of !ll )ort) of 'il" men 'ho m!" influence them in one
'!" or !nother to di)po)e of propert" both to the detriment of them)elve) !) 'ell !) to the
detriment of the f!mil" from 'hich the" h!ve inherited the f!mil" propert"# The vie' th!t5
the Committee h!) t!%en i) ! ver" )imple one# .n cert!in m!tter) or cert!in %ind) of propert"
'hich i) c!lled stridhan propert" the Smriti) !re prep!red to inve)t 'om!n 'ith !b)olute
ri&ht# There c!n be no 9ue)tion !t !ll th!t ! 'om!n h!) !n !b)olute ri&ht over her stridhan
propert"# She c!n di)po)e it of in !n" '!" )he li%e)# 2" )ubmi))ion to the Hou)e i) thi)# .f
the 'om!n c!n be tru)ted to di)po)e of her stridhanam propert" in the be)t '!" )he li%e)5 !nd
nobod" h!) ever r!i)ed !n !r&ument for the obliter!tion of th!t rule of 2it!%)h!r!5 the burden
of proof lie) upon the opponent) 'ho )!" th!t the other p!rt of the propert"5 n!mel"5
'ido'B) e)t!te5 'hich the 'om!n h!) inherited5 )hould not become her !b)olute propert"# .t
i) the" 'ho mu)t prove th!t 'hile the 'omen !re competent to di)po)e of ! cert!in p!rt of the
propert" 'hich the" po))e))5 the" !re not competent to di)po)e of ! cert!in other p!rt# The
Committee5 on ! ver" c!reful e(!min!tion5 f!iled to find ! )!ti)f!ctor" )olution of thi)
dilemm!# The Committee5 in m" Aud&ement5 ver" ri&htl"5 c!me to the conclu)ion th!t if in
cert!in c!)e) 'omen 'ere competent !nd intelli&ent to )ell !nd di)po)e of their propert"5
the" mu)t be held to be competent in re)pect of the di)po)!l of the other propert" !l)o# Th!t
i) the re!)on 'h" the Committee h!ve m!de thi) rule th!t 'omen )hould no' po))e))
!b)olute propert"#
The other 9ue)tion th!t !ri)e) on thi) i))ue5 n!mel" 'omenB) propert" i) the )h!re of the
d!u&hter# . %no' it 'ould be ! ver" &re!t under?)t!tement to )!" th!t thi) i) ! tic%li)h
9ue)tionC it i) ! ver" !n(iou) 9ue)tion# There !re m!n" people in thi) 'orld5 in .ndi! tod!"5
both orthodo( !nd unorthodo( 'ho c!nnot help producin& d!u&hter)C the" do# . do not %no'
'h!t 'ould h!ppen to thi) 'orld if d!u&hter) 'ere not born# At the )!me time5 the" do not
'!nt to e(tend to the d!u&hter the )!me love !nd !ffection 'hich ! p!rent i) bound to e(tend
both to the m!le !nd fem!le i))ue# But5 . !m not &oin& to u)e !n" )uch hi&h level of !r&ument
in f!vour of the propo)ition 'hich h!) been enunci!ted b" the Select CommitteeC . !m &oin&
to )pe!% on ! much lo'er tone# The fir)t thin& th!t . 'ould li%e to !ddre)) m")elf to thi)
hou)e i) thi)# The inclu)ion of the d!u&hter !mon& the heir) i) not !n innov!tion 'hich i)
m!de b" thi) Committee# Honour!ble member) 'ho !re f!mili!r 'ith the l!' of inherit!nce
!) it prev!il) both under the 2it!%)h!r! !nd !"!b!&h!5 . !m )ure5 'ill !dmit th!t the
d!u&hter i) included b" both of them under 'h!t i) c!lled the comp!ct )erie)# A) member)
'ill %no'5 Hindu heir) !re divided into )ever!l c!te&orie)# The fir)t c!te&or"5 i) c!lled5
comp!ct )erie)# After th!t5 there i) ! )erie) of heir) )po%en of !) Sapindas, then come)
samanoduks. After th!t come) the bandhus. Bandhus !re divided into three c!te&orie)4 "tma
bandhus, ;itru bandhus !nd 2!tru bandhus. The comp!ct )erie) i) re!ll" ! )peci!l cl!)) of
heir) 'hich doe) not conform )trictl" to the b!)ic principle) of heir)hip )urrounded round
gotra#a, samanodaka !nd bandhus, bec!u)e it i) ! mi(ed c!te&or"# .t i) ! c!te&or" 'hich i)
b!)ed on double found!tion# .t i) b!)ed on propin9uit"C it i) !l)o b!)ed on reli&iou) effic!c"#
The" do not conform to !n" of the criteri! 'hich h!ve been l!id do'n for determinin& the
c!te&orie) of sapindas, samanotlakas !nd bandhus.
D ;#2#
.f "ou t!%e both the l!')5 the 2it!%)h!r! !) 'ell !) the !"!bh!&!5 "ou 'ill )ee th!t the
d!u&hter i) included 'ithin the c!te&or" %no'n !) comp!ct )erie)# The onl" di)tinction
bet'een the 2it!%)hr! !nd the !"!bh!&! i) thi)# Accordin& to the !"!bh!&! the nece))!r"
element in heir)hip i) the c!p!cit" to offer obl!tion# Con)e9uentl" the !"!bh!&! m!%e) !
rule bet'een ! d!u&hter 'ho i) unm!rried5 ! d!u&hter 'ho i) m!rried5 ! d!u&hter 'ho i)
m!rried but h!) ! )on5 !nd ! d!u&hter 'ho i) ! 'ido'# The" &ive preference to ! d!u&hter
'ho i) m!rried !nd h!) ! )on# Ne(t to th!t the" &ive preference to ! d!u&hter 'ho i) m!rried#
The unm!rried d!u&hter come) third# But it i) 'ithin th!t c!te&or"5 the re!)on bein& th!t !
d!u&hter 'ho i) m!rried !nd h!) ! )on5 i) re!d" there to offer obl!tion5 bec!u)e her )on c!n
offer obl!tion# A d!u&hter 'ho i) unm!rried5 h!) no )on5 !nd therefore hi) po))ibilit" of
offerin& !n obl!tion doe) not e(i)t# Th!t i) 'h" )he h!) been %ept do'n# But the point . '!nt
to emph!)iJe5 !nd 'hich . '!nt the Hou)e to be!r in mind i) th!t there i) no innov!tion !)
)uch in the inclu)ion of the d!u&hter in the c!te&or" of comp!ct )erie)# She h!) !l'!") been
there both !ccordin& to the 2it!%)h!r! !nd !ccordin& to the !"!bh!&!# The onl" innov!tion
'hich the Bill )ee%) to m!%e i) to r!i)e the )t!tu) of the d!u&hter# /nder the Bill )he become)
)imult!neou) heir5 !lon& 'ith the )on the 'ido'5 the 'ido' of the predece!)ed )on5 )on of !
predece!)ed )on of ! predece!)ed )on5 'ido' of ! predece!)ed )on of ! predece!)ed )on#
The point i) thi) th!t ori&in!ll"5 !nd p!rticul!rl" !ccordin& to the 2it!%)h!r! 3!'5 no
fem!le '!) entitled to !n" %ind of )h!re !t !ll# Thi) l!' '!) ch!n&ed in the "e!r 19D7
'hereb" the 'ido' of the dece!)ed5 the 'ido' of the predece!)ed )on !nd of hi) &r!nd)on
!nd &re!t?&r!nd)onGthe" 'ere !ll m!de )imult!neou) heir) !lon& 'ith the )on# The onl"
omi))ion th!t '!) m!de '!) in re)pect of the d!u&hter# The &overnment !t th!t time '!) not
prep!red to lend it) )upport to put the d!u&hter on the )!me level !) the 'ido' !nd the
'ido') of the predece!)ed )on !nd the predece!)ed )onB) )on# Thi) i) therefore the onl"
innov!tion th!t the Bill m!%e)# .t merel" r!i)e) it up in the order of heir)# .t i) not th!t for the
fir)t time )he h!) been m!de !n heir#
No' . come to the 9ue)tion of her )h!re# A) the $!u Committee h!) pointed out5 !nd !)
m!n" of the 'itne))e) 'ho %no' the Sh!)tr!) h!ve pointed out5 th!t it i) impo))ible to den"
the f!ct th!t the d!u&hter !ccordin& to the Smriti) '!) ! )imult!neou) heir !lon& 'ith the )on
!nd th!t )he '!) entitled to one?fourth )h!re of her f!therB) propert"# Th!t h!) been !ccepted
!) ! te(t from the <!&n!v!l%"! !nd !l)o from 2!nu# . once counted 1D7 Smriti) !nd . do not
%no' 'h" our !ncient Br!hmin) 'ere )o occupied in 'ritin& Smriti) !nd 'h" the" did not
)pend their time doin& )omethin& el)e it i) impo))ible to )!"5 !))umin& th!t th!t occup!tion
'!) ! p!r!mount occup!tion of the d!"# There i) no doubt th!t the t'o Smriti%!r) 'hom .
h!ve mentionedG <!&n!v!l%"! !nd 2!nu5 r!n% the hi&he)t !mon& the 1D7 'ho h!d tried
their h!nd) in fr!min& Sniriti)# Both of them h!ve )t!ted th!t the d!u&hter i) entitled to one?
fourth )h!re# .t i) ! pit" th!t )omeho' for )ome re!)on cu)tom h!) de)tro"ed the effic!c" of
th!t te(t 4 other'i)e5 the d!u&hter 'ould h!ve been5 on the b!)i) of our o'n Smriti)5 entitled
to &et one?fourth )h!re# . !m ver" )orr" for the rulin& 'hich the ;riv" Council &!ve# .t
bloc%ed the '!" for the improvement of our l!'# The ;riv" Council in !n e!rlier c!)e )!id
th!t cu)tom 'ill override l!'5 'ith the re)ult th!t it bec!me 9uite impo))ible to our >udici!r"
to e(!mine our !ncient code) !nd to find out 'h!t l!') 'ere l!id do'n b" our $i)hi) !nd b"
our Smriti%!r)# . h!ve not the le!)t doubt !bout it th!t if the ;riv" Council h!d not &iven th!t
deci)ion5 th!t cu)tom 'ill override te(t5 )ome l!'"er5 )ome >ud&e 'ould h!ve found it 9uite
po))ible to une!rth thi) te(t of <!&n!v!l%"! !nd 2unu)mriti5 !nd 'omen tod!" 'ould h!ve
been enAo"in&5 if not more5 !t le!)t one?fourth of the )h!re of their propert"#
The ori&in!l Bill h!d r!i)ed the )h!re of the d!u&hter to one?h!lf# 2" Select Committee
'ent ! )tep further !nd m!de her )h!re full !nd e9u!l to th!t of the )on#
. !m not entitled to di)clo)e 'h!t h!ppened !t the Select Committee !nd ho' thi)
provi)ion c!me to be m!de# . !m perfectl"#########
Shrimati Renuka Ray (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 /n!nimou)l" K
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 7!) it ! compromi)e bet'een t'ice the )h!re of ! )on cl!imed
!nd h!lf the )h!re provided in the Bill 8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : .t '!) not ! compromi)e# 2" enemie)
combined 'ith m" enthu)i!)tic )upporter) !nd m" enemie) thou&ht th!t the" mi&ht d!mn the
Bill b" m!%in& it !ppe!r 'or)e th!n it '!)#
Shri. H. V. Kamath: H!ve "ou !n" enemie)#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Ho'ever5 thi) i) the po)ition5 n!mel"5 )o f!r !)
the d!u&hterB) )h!re i) concerned5 the onl" innov!tion th!t 'e !re m!%in& i) th!t her )h!re i)
incre!)ed !nd th!t 'e brin& her in the line 'ith the )on or the 'ido'# Th!t !l)o5 !) . )!"5
'ould not be !n innov!tion if "ou !ccept m" vie' th!t in doin& thi) 'e !re merel" &oin&
b!c% to the te(t of the Smriti) 'hich "ou !ll re)pect#
. mi&ht !l)o )!" th!t in di)cu))in& thi) 9ue)tion !bout the )h!re of the d!u&hter5 m")elf5
!nd the member) of the 3!' ep!rtment e(!mined ever" )")tem of inherit!nce# 7e
e(!mined the 2u)lim )")tem of inherit!nce 4 7e e(!mined the ;!r)i )")tem of inherit!nce 4
7e e(!mined !l)o the .ndi!n Succe))ion Act !nd the line of )ucce))ion th!t h!d been l!id
do'n !nd 'e !l)o e(!mined the Briti)h )")tem of inherit!nce5 !nd no'here could 'e find
!n" c!)e 'here ! d!u&hter '!) e(cluded from ! )h!re# There i) no )")tem !n"'here in the
'orld 'here ! d!u&hter h!) been e(cluded#
No'5 Sir one 9ue)tion h!) been brou&ht forth con)t!ntl"Gth!t the &ivin& of the )h!re to
the d!u&hter me!n) di)ruption of the f!mil"# . mu)t fr!n%l" confe)) th!t . c!nnot !ppreci!te
the force of th!t !r&ument# .f ! m!n h!) t'elve )on) !nd one d!u&hter5 !nd if the t'elve )on)
on the d!" of the de!th of the f!ther immedi!tel" decide on p!rtition !nd obt!in ! t'elfth of
the tot!l propert" of the f!ther5 i) the p!rtition &oin& to be much more 'or)e5 if there '!) !
d!u&hter5 the thirteenth5 'ho !l)o dem!nded ! )h!re 8
T'elve )h!re or 1E fr!&ment) i) not ! better )itu!tion th!n 1D fr!&ment)# .f "ou '!nt to
prevent fr!&ment!tion 'e )h!ll h!ve to do )omethin& el)e5 not b" the l!' of inherit!nce but
b" )ome other l!'5 'hereb" propert" )h!ll not be fr!&mented )o !) to become le)) u)eful
from ! n!tion!l point of vie' for purpo)e) of n!tion!l production#
Shri T. A. Ramalingam Chettiar (m!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 .) the Hindu Code !pplied to
!&ricultur!l l!nd 8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: .t i) not# . !m )!"in& &ener!ll"#
. thin% . h!ve5 )o f!r !) . %no'5 e(h!u)ted 'h!t . h!ve to )!" on the v!riou) point) of
controver)" 'hich . h!d )een r!i)ed both b" member) of thi) Hou)e !) 'ell !) b" the
member) of the public# . hope th!t the cl!rific!tion 'hich . h!ve &iven on the v!riou) point)
'ill !ll!" the fe!r) of member) 'ho !re not 'ell di)po)ed to'!rd) thi) me!)ure# The" 'ill
re!li)e th!t thi) i) in no )en)e ! revolution!r" me!)ure# . )!" th!t thi) i) not even ! r!dic!l
me!)ure !nd . )hould li%e to dr!' the !ttention of the member) of thi) Hou)e to one
import!nt f!ct5 n!mel" the con)itution !nd compo)ition of the $!u Committee# There 'ere
four member) of th!t committee but . )hould li%e to point out th!t t'o of them 'ho h!ve
)i&ned the report !re f!r from r!dic!l member) of the Hindu communit"# 2" friend 2r#
:h!rpure5 'hom . h!ve %no'n for ! lon& number of "e!r)5 i) one of the mo)t con)erv!tive
member) . %no' #####
Shri H. V. Kamath: ;olitic!ll" or Soci!ll" 8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: ;olitic!ll" !nd )oci!ll" !l)o# .n f!ct . h!ve no
he)it!tion in )!"in& th!t he m!" on cert!in occ!)ion) find it ver" difficult to touch me even
'ith ! b!r&e pole# He i) )o con)erv!tive# 2" friend 2r# T# $# =en%!t!r!m! S!)tri i) no doubt
! liber!l but he i) cert!inl" not ! r!dic!l )o f!r !) . %no'# .f the)e people con)erv!tive in their
!ttitude h!ve )i&ned the report . thin% 'e c!n t!%e it for &r!nted th!t the me!)ure to 'hich
the" h!ve put their )i&n!ture could not be revolution!r" !nd cert!inl" could not be de)tructive
of the found!tion) of the Hindu Societ"# So f!r !) . !m concerned . !m ! ver" con)erv!tive
per)on 4 Althou&h )ome people m!" not !ccept th!t f!ct# . !m indeed ver" con)erv!tive# All .
)!" i) th!t . !m ! pro&re))ive con)erv!tive !nd . )hould li%e to tell the Hou)e one import!nt
f!ct 'hich . thin% ever" one of u) mu)t be!r in mind5 p!rticul!rl" the con)erv!tive member)
of thi) Hou)e# The &re!t politic!l philo)opher 1dmund Bur%e 'ho 'rote ! bi& boo% !&!in)t
the *rench revolution bec!u)e of it) r!dic!li)m !nd revolutioni)m did not for&et to tell hi)
o'n countr"men 'ho 'ere ver" con)erv!tive5 one ver" import!nt truth# He )!id th!t tho)e
'ho '!nt to con)erve mu)t be re!d" to rep!ir !nd !ll . !m !)%in& of thi) hou)e i) thi) 4 th!t if
"ou '!nt to m!int!in the Hindu )")tem5 the Hindu culture5 the Hindu )ociet"5 do not he)it!te
to rep!ir 'here rep!ir i) nece))!r"# Thi) Bill !)%) for nothin& more th!n rep!irin& tho)e p!rt)
of the Hindu )")tem 'hich !re !lmo)t become dil!pid!ted#
Shri H. V. Kamath : Sir5 on ! point of reminder5 the Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r
promi)ed )ome cit!tion) from the Smritie)# 7ill he %eep promi)e8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : . )h!ll do )o !t the end# *ortun!tel" for me .
h!ve )ecured ! cop" of 2r# '!r%!n!th 2itterB) o'n boo% 6$i&ht) of Hindu 7omen6# . '!)
&oin& to cite cert!in te(t5 'hich )ho' th!t the ri&ht) 'hich the =ed!) h!d &iven to 'omen
'ere t!%en b" the Smritie) in the me!ntime !nd )ome other )mritie) tried to re)tore tho)e
ri&ht)# . )h!ll cite them in the cour)e of m" )peech#
Shri Deshbandhu Gupta: Could the Honour!ble 2ini)ter enli&hten the Hou)e !) to the
evidence 'hich '!) produced before the Select Committee8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : A) Honour!ble 2ember) %no' t'o bodie)
c!me to u) !nd !)%ed for evidence to be t!%en# The Committee decided th!t their evidence be
t!%en# 0ne bod" c!me !nd one bod" )ent in ! 'ritten repl"# Th!t bod" '!) the h!rm!
Nirn!"! 2!nd!l# .n &ener!l the" !re !b)olutel" in !&reement 'ith the provi)ion) cont!ined in
the Bill# The other &entlem!n 'ho c!me obviou)l" '!) not#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 2otion moved 4
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 !) reported b"
the Select Committee5 be t!%en into con)ider!tion 6#
T'o !mendment) 'ere not pre))ed# 7h!t !bout the ne(t !mendment 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Sir5 . !m not in ! po)ition to move !n" of m"
Mr. Deputy Speaker : A) . h!ve !lre!d" )t!ted in !n)'er to the )u&&e)tion m!de b" the
Honour!ble the 2over of the Bill . )h!ll !llo' tho)e motion) to be m!de 'ithout !n"
)peeche) !t the time of movin& the motion# After !ll the !mendment) !re moved 'hichever
!re relev!nt !nd !re !dmitted5 there 'ill be di)cu))ion on them !) !l)o on the ori&in!l motion#
Shri Deshbandhu Gupta: 0n ! point of order# Sir5 i) it open to !n honour!ble 2ember
to )!" th!t he i) not in ! po)ition to move hi) !mendment)8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .t i)#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: Sir5 . !m directed # ## ##
An Honourable Member: B" 'hom 8
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad : . !m directed to move m" !mendment 'ithout ! )peech !t the
fir)t in)t!nce# ("n honourabl! M!mb!r) , 7ho h!) directed "ou 86) . !m directed b" the
Honour!ble eput" Spe!%er# . find th!t honour!ble member) !re e(tremel" imp!tient#
Shri R. K. Sidhva (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l) 4 No5 'e !re not# ;roceed#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad : . h!ve been directed5 . repe!t5 to move m" !mendment
'ithout ! )peech# 0n !ccount of the elo9uence of m" honour!ble friend the 3!' 2ini)ter .
'!) !lre!d" )peechle)) #########
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: <ou !re !lre!d" di)obe"in& "our m!nd!te#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: There !re the bri&ht l!die) 'ho h!ve !l)o cre!ted ! profound
impre))ion upon me !nd Au)t before . )tood up ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v!5 ! ver" po'erful
member5 )!id th!t he '!) not in ! po)ition to move#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : .) thi) pre!mble nece))!r" for movin& hi) !mendment8
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad : I '!) !lre!d" rendered )peechle)) !nd th!t i) 'h" . '!)
e(pre))in& m" &r!titude for )u&&e)tin& th!t . )hould not m!%e !n" )peech#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The honour!ble 2ember 'ill )pe!% l!ter# 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4
Sir5 . be& to move 'ith con)ider!ble !mount of nervou)ne))4
6 Th!t the Bill be circul!ted for the purpo)e of obt!inin& further opinion thereon b" the
end of 1949# 6
Mr. Deputy Speaker: Amendment moved4
6 Th!t the Bill be circul!ted for the purpo)e of obt!inin& further opinion thereon b" the
end of 1949#6
Shri B. Das: Sir5 !) thi) i) ! dil!tor" motion . )u&&e)t it m!" be ruled out of order#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi : 0n ! point of orderC in the mornin& !l)o there '!) )ome rulin&
!bout dil!tor" motion)# . )ubmit# Sir5 th!t the" !re the privile&e of ! 2ember# Althou&h .
)t!nd b" r# Ambed%!r in m!n" re)pect) 'ith re&!rd to thi) Bill5 . )ubmit th!t dil!tor"
motion) !re the privile&e of tho)e 2ember) 'ho !re not in po'erGof individu!l 2ember) !)
'ell !) p!rtie)# 3et it not be t!booed# .t i) ! democr!tic ri&ht of 2ember) to del!" bu)ine)) if
the" choo)e to do )o# Therefore ! motion )hould not be di)!llo'ed bec!u)e it i) con)idered to
be di!tor"# il!tor" motion) !re the privile&e of ! Hou)e of democr!c"#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . do not )ee !n" point of order in 'h!t 2r# T"!&i h!) )!id# He
'!nt) full di)cu))ion to be !llo'ed on thi)# A) re&!rd) the point r!i)ed b" 2r#B# !) . !m not
!ble to under)t!nd it# oe) he me!n to )!" th!t under !n" of the $ule) )uch ! motion i) not
!llo'!ble 8 .f )o 'hen $eport i) pre)ented5 the procedure i) thi)# ("n honourabl! M!mb!r4 6
7h!t $ule) !re the" 86) The rule) th!t 'e !dopted l!)t )e))ion#
The $ule )!")4
6 .f the member in?ch!r&e move) th!t the Bill be t!%en into con)ider!tion5 !n" member
m!" move !) !n !mendment th!t the Bill be re?committed or be circul!ted or re?circul!ted for
the purpo)e of obt!inin& opinion or further opinion thereon# 6 Therefore under the $ule) thi)
%ind of motion i) !llo'ed# . '!nt to %no' ho' . !m e(pected to di)!llo' thi) motion#
Shri B. Das : . !m !'!re of th!t $ule# But . '!) &uided b" the rulin& of thi) mornin& th!t
no dil!tor" motion) 'ould be !llo'ed# . therefore r!i)ed the point of order#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: 2!" . be permitted to )!" )omethin&8 . thin%
the point r!i)ed b" m" friend 2r# B# !) i) ! perfectl" correct point of order5 bec!u)e of
thi) ######
Honourable Members: No#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: 7hen the eput" Spe!%er h!) &iven ! rulin& it c!nnot
be 9ue)tioned#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The honour!ble 2ember) 'ill not )pe!% !ll to&ether# The" 'ill
ri)e in their )e!t) !nd )pe!% one !t ! time# 3et me he!r the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ember# .
'ill !llo' !n opportunit" to ever" 2ember to )pe!% on thi) point provided he i) !ble to m!%e
! proper contribtion to the deb!te# Nobod" need be imp!tient#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar4 Sir5 !) "ou 'ill rec!ll the motion) 'hich !re
permi))ible under the $ule) of Bu)ine)) f!ll into t'o c!te&orie)4 0ne )et of motion) !re )uch
th!t the Spe!%er mu)t put them to the Hou)eC the other )et of motion) !re )uch th!t the
Spe!%er mu)t fir)t be )!ti)fied th!t the" !re proper motion) before he c!n put them to the
Hou)e# 3et me illu)tr!te thi) b" reference to ! motion for !dAournment# /nder the $ule)
ever" honour!ble 2ember i) permitted to move !n !dAournment motion# But merel" bec!u)e
! cert!in member h!) t!bled !n !dAournment motion th!t in it)elf doe) not !uthori)e5 en!ble
or empo'er the Spe!%er to put it to the Hou)e5 bec!u)e it i) l!id do'n th!t unle)) the motion
i) held to be !dmi))ible b" the Spe!%er the motion )h!ll not be put# . c!n &ive v!riou) other
illu)tr!tion)# 7ith re&!rd to ! motion li%e thi)5 n!mel"5 the !dAournment of the con)ider!tion
of the Bill !nd circul!tion) for further opinion5 m" )ubmi))ion i) th!t )uch ! motion f!ll)
'ithin th!t c!te&or" of motion) 'here the Spe!%er i) re9uired to be )!ti)fied before he c!n
put the motion to the Hou)e# .t h!) been the univer)!l pr!ctice in thi) Hou)e th!t !n" )uch
motion for the po)tponement of the con)ider!tion of the Bill or for circul!tion5 m!de !fter the
Select Committee h!) m!de it) $eport5 i) prima fad! dil!tor"# /nle)) the member 'ho m!%e)
the motion !dv!nce) )ub)t!nti!l re!)on) for )uch ! motion !nd the Spe!%er i) )!ti)fied th!t
the re!)on) !dv!nced !re )ub)t!nti!l )uch ! motion 'ill not be !dmi))ible# There !re m!n"
rulin&) in the)e boo%) but . )hould li%e to dr!' !ttention to rulin& No# . in boo% No# 1# .n
re&!rd to thi) motion no )ub)t!nti!l re!)on) h!ve been &iven#
An Honourable Member4 But he h!) not )po%en !t !ll# 2r# eput" Spe!%er4 3et the
honour!ble the 3!' 2ember conclude#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : I '!) onl" dr!'in& "our !ttention to ! rulin&
(No# 1) in thi) boo%# There !re v!riou) other) !l)o# .t )!")4
6 urin& the di)cu))ion on the Cotton 1(ci)e ut" Abolition $e)olution ! motion '!)
moved to !dAourn the deb!te) on the $e)olution# (<hi'h pra'ti'ally m!ans s!nding it away
for 'ir'ulation or to l!av! it up..
6The ;re)ident 'hile !cceptin& the motion on thi) p!rticul!r occ!)ion 'ithout cre!tin&
! ;recedent rem!r%ed 4
6 The Ch!ir c!nnot !llo' ! motion to !dAourn con)ider!tion of ! propo)ition to be
moved merel" in order to en!ble !nother item of bu)ine)) to come for'!rd# .t mu)t be
)upported on )ub)t!nti!l &round)# 6
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: The rulin& )!") it i) not ! precedent but "ou '!nt to
m!%e ! precedent of it#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: The ;re)ident )!") B . !m rulin& but . !m not
cre!tin& ! precedent#B
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : .n thi) m!tter . 'ould c!ll "our !ttention to p!&e 81 of B
eci)ion) of the Ch!ir B 'hich )!") th!t there !re cert!in motion) 'hich c!n be )t!ted to be of
! dil!tor" n!ture# The 9ue)tion of circul!tion i) not cert!inl" one of )uch n!ture# But there !re
motion) of ! dil!tor" n!ture !nd it i) in the di)cretion !nd po'er of the Ch!ir to !llo' them
or not to !llo' them# 0ne p!&e 81 of thi) boo% in re&!rd to re?committ!l of motion) it h!)
been held th!t thou&h to )t!rt 'ith5 it m!" be re&!rded !) ! dil!tor" motion5 if )omethin&
h!ppened in the Select Committee or )ome event) h!ve tr!n)pired )ince5 the Ch!ir i)
perfectl" !uthori)ed to )!" th!t it i) not ! dil!tor" motion# No' the honour!ble 2ember h!)
not been !)%ed 'h!t the re!)on) !re !nd before th!t m" honour!ble friend &et) up !nd )!")
th!t it i) ! dil!tor" motion# .t i) !b)olutel" 'ron& for him to )u&&e)t !t the ver" out)et th!t it
i) ! dil!tor" motion# A circul!tion motion i) not ! dil!tor" motion# /nle)) the Spe!%er come)
to the conclu)ion th!t nothin& h!) tr!n)pired in the Select Committee or no further event)
h!ve t!%en pl!ce 'hich Au)tif" him to ret!rd th!t motion . thin% the Spe!%er i) not entitled to
)!" th!t !n" of the motion) !re !l)o dil!tor"# 0rdin!r" motion) counten!nced b" the rule)
c!nnot be re&!rded !) dil!tor" motion)#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: Sir5 . thin% m!tter) c!n be cut )hort in ! minute# The precedent
relied upon b" the Honour!ble the 2ini)ter of 3!' doe) not !ppl" to thi) )itu!tion !t !ll# The
he!din& i)5 6 AdAournment of eb!te 65####
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Thi) i) !n !dAournment of deb!te5 if the motion
i) c!rried#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: No5 it i) entirel" different !) . )h!ll )ho'# The )ub?he!din& i) 6
AdAournment of eb!te4 2otion 'hen !llo'ed to be moved4 B B# . do not move for !n
!dAournment of thi) deb!te5 'hich cert!inl" could be done under !mendment No# E5
th!t i)4
6 Th!t the con)ider!tion of the Bill5 !) reported b" the Select Committee be po)tponed#
2" obAect i) continu!nce of the deb!te5 con)ider!tion of the motion5 !nd . '!nt the
con)ider!tion to be t!%en !lon& 'ith m" motion# A further re!din& of the rulin& relied upon
b" r# Ambed%!r 'ill m!%e it !b)olutel" cle!r4
6 urin& the di)cu))ion on the Cotton e(ci)e ut" Abolition $e)olution ! motion '!)
moved to !dAourn the deb!te on the $e)olution#
6 The ;re)ident 'hile !cceptin& the motion on thi) p!rticul!r occ!)ion 'ithout cre!tin&
! precedent5 rem!r%ed4 The Ch!ir c!nnot !llo' ! motion to !dAourn con)ider!tion of !
propo)ition to be moved merel" in order to en!ble !nother item of bu)ine)) to come
for'!rd# .t mu)t be )upported on )ub)t!ntive &round)# 6
A) . under)t!nd it5 there '!) !t the time one motion before the Hou)e !nd there '!)
!nother perh!p) more intere)tin& or more import!nt in !dv!nce# A 2ember propo)ed the
!dAournment of the di)cu))ion of ! re)olution 'hich '!) under con)ider!tion )o th!t !nother
more intere)tin& 2otion m!" be t!%en up# .t '!) the !ttempt to !dAourn the fir)t 2otion th!t
'!) )!id to be un!ccept!ble# Here . do not propo)e !dAournment of the deb!te#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: .t !ll come) to th!t#
Mr. Naziriruddin Ahmad: Here 'e !re concerned 'ith the interpret!tion of $ule +E#
The pl!in re!din& of thi) rule 'ould )ho' th!t the motion i) in order# 7ithout !bro&!tin& the
rule it c!nnot be held th!t it i) out of order#
Pandit Hirday Nath Kunzru (/# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 Thi) Bill !dmittedl" h!) cre!ted ! &re!t
de!l of feelin& !nd it 'ould be mo)t unde)ir!ble to !dd to it b" re)tr!inin& the di)cu))ion in
!n" '!"# . thin% the onl" '!" of m!%in& ever" )ection of the Hou)e feel th!t full opportunit"
'!) bein& &iven to it to e(pre)) it) opinion on thi) !nd to !llo' the di)cu))ion# 7h!tever our
individu!l vie') re&!rdin& the merit) of the Bill before u) m!" be5 th!t )hould be no &round
for oppo)in& the 2otion of m" honour!ble friend 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d#
r# Ambed%!r 9uoted ! rulin& of the Ch!ir in re&!rd to ! m!tter th!t i) not on !ll four)
'ith th!t under con)ider!tion no'# .n the fir)t pl!ce the rulin& '!) &iven in re&!rd to !
$e)olution !nd not in re&!rd to ! Bill# .n the )econd pl!ce5 the rule) l!" do'n cle!rl" th!t )o
f!r !) ! Bill i) concerned ! 2otion m!" be m!de not merel" th!t the Bill be circul!ted but
th!t it m!" be recircul!ted5 not merel" th!t it )hould be referred to ! Select Committee but
th!t it )hould be recommitted to it# The l!n&u!&e i) therefore !b)olutel" cle!r# .f5 'henever !
2otion i) m!de for the re?committ!l or re?circul!tion of ! Bill5 it i) oppo)ed on the &round
th!t it i) ! dil!tor" 2otion5 the cle!r ri&ht)5 the ri&ht) mo)t une9uivoc!ll" &iven to 2ember)
b" the $ule) 'ill be completel" null and void. 7e m!" feel imp!tient th!t ! 2otion li%e th!t
of 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d m!" be ruled out# 7e m!" be re!d" to turn it do'n5 but th!t i) no
re!)on for not !llo'in& it to be moved# .n m" humble opinion5 it i) mo)t !))uredl" in order
!nd 'e )h!ll be doin& ! &re!t inAu)tice if in order to p!)) ! l!' in 'hich 'e !re %eenl"
intere)ted 'e 'hittle do'n the ri&ht) of 2ember) !nd tr" to interpret the $ule) in ! m!nner
convenient to 'h!tever m!" h!ppen to be the m!Aorit" !t !n" p!rticul!r time#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi : Sir5 the onl" point i) th!t under $ule +E(E) no doubt
ever" 2ember h!) ! ri&ht5 but the import!nt point i) th!t it i) )ubAect to !dmi))ibilit" 'hich i)
!t the di)retion of the Spe!%er# All th!t r# Ambed%!r )!id '!)5 th!t 'e h!ve no doubt the
ri&ht to !)% interpell!tion)5 but th!t cert!inl" doe) not me!n th!t !ll interpell!tion) )hould be
put on the A&end! ;!perC it i) )ubAect to !dmi))ibilit"# There bein& the di)cretion5 !ll th!t "ou
h!ve &ot to decide no' i)5 'hether it i) in the n!ture of ! dil!tor" 2otion# <ou m!" !)% 2r#
N!Jiruddin Ahm!d to &ive hi) re!)on)# .f "ou !re )!ti)fied th!t he h!) ! &ood &round to move
hi) 2otion5 then "ou h!ve &ot the di)cretion to !llo' him to move it# Therefore5 it i) no' for
"ou5 Sir5 to !)% him !nd be )!ti)fiedC !nd if "ou !re )!ti)fied th!t he h!) v!lid &round)5
cert!inl" he c!n move the motion# Th!t i) ! point 'hich r# Ambed%!r r!i)ed# 1ver" 2ember
i) entitled to )pe!% !nd t!%e hi) ch!nce# All th!t "ou !re concerned 'ith5 i) ! m!tter of
procedureC the procedure bein& th!t ! 2otion i) )ubAect to !dmi))ibilit"5 'hich i) 'ithin "our
di)cretion# . m!" )u&&e)t th!t "ou m!" !)% 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d to &ive hi) &round) !nd it
i) ultim!tel" for "ou to decide 'hether it i) in the n!ture of ! dil!tor" motion5 in 'hich c!)e
"ou h!ve to rule it out of orderC but if "ou !re )!ti)fied !bout the &round) then5 "ou m!"
!llo' the motion to be moved#
Mr. Tajamul Hussain ros!
Babu Ramnarayan Singh : Sir5 . h!ve )omethin& import!nt to )!"#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 0n the point of order 8
Babu Ramnarayan Singh: <e)5 Sir#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: All ri&ht#
Mr. Tajamul Husain (Bih!r 4 2u)lim) 4 Sir5 . c!u&ht "our e"e fir)t# . h!ve !l)o &ot !
point of order#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : After thi) point of order i) di)po)ed of 2r# T!A!mul Hu)!inB)
point of order 'ill be con)idered#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh : Sir5 "ou h!ve !lre!d" 9uoted the rule# . !m )ure no rulin&
c!n be &iven b" !n" ;re)ident !&!in)t ! $ule# The thin& i) thi) 4 there m!" be ! )ubAect under
di)cu))ion in the Hou)e on 'hich opinion) m!" be dividedGit i) 9uite n!tur!l# 0ne )ection
of the people m!" loo% upon the )ubAect !) ! boon5 !nd the other )ection m!" loo% upon the
)ubAect !) ! d!n&er5 !) ! pl!&ue5 !) ! cur)e# Th!t )ection of the people 'ho loo% upon the
)ubAect !) ! cur)e h!) the ri&ht not onl" to del!" the 2otion5 but even to %ill it# Here !l)o5 .
thin% thi) )ection h!) the ri&ht to move the 2otion !nd . thin% Au)tice dem!nd) th!t the" m!"
h!ve !ll the privile&e) !nd !ll the ri&ht)#
Mr. Tajamul Husain ros!
Mr. Deputy Speaker : There i) !nother point of order 'hich the honour!ble 2ember i)
r!i)in&5 . 'ill come to it ne(t#
. !m !fr!id the honour!ble 2ember 2r# N!Jiruddin h!) him)elf invited !ll the)e point) of
order bec!u)e he )t!rted one thi) mornin&# Ap!rt from !n" technic!litie) 'e m!" !)% 2r#
N!Jiruddin 'h!t hi) purpo)e i) !nd 'h!t import!nt point) he h!) in vie' in m!%in& hi)
motion for circul!tion#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: . thin% thi) 9ue)tion #########
Pandit Hirday Nath Kunzru: 2!" . !)% "ou5 before 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d replie)5
'hether "ou h!ve come to the conclu)ion th!t the ri&ht of the member to move the re?
circul!tion of the Bill i) )ubAect to the di)cretion!r" po'er of the Ch!ir 8
Honourable Member ros!
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 0rder5 order# 2ember) mu)t re)pect the Ch!ir# 7hen . )t!nd up5
the" 'ill %indl" )it do'n# . thin% . h!ve he!rd )ufficientl"# .) it not open to the Ch!ir to !)%
for re!)on) 8 .t doe) not me!n th!t . h!ve come to ! conclu)ion one '!" or the other# . !m
tr"in& to m!%e up m" mind# . h!ve he!rd 2r# Bh!r!thiB) point# Ap!rt from the 9ue)tion !) to
'hether the Ch!ir5 under the rule)5 h!) &ot the ri&ht to !llo' or di)!llo'5 . '!nt to %no' on
'h!t &round)Gif there !re !n"Gthi) motion )hould be !ccepted# After he!rin& th!t5 . )h!ll
&ive m" rulin&#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: 2" repl" to th!t i) t'o?fold# The fir)t i) the !dmi))iblit" of the
motion !) ! m!tter of l!'5 !nd )econdl" !) to the re!)on) for the motion5 the" !re m!tter) of
merit# At pre)ent5 . h!ve been !)%ed b" the Ch!ir not to m!%e ! )peech !nd . h!ve been
entirel" prevented from &ivin& the !r&ument) on the merit) !) to 'h" thi) motion )hould be
!ccepted# . )ubmit ! di)tinction )hould be m!de bet'een the le&!lit" !nd !dmi))ibilit" of the
motion !nd the &round) on 'hich it i) b!)ed for the !ccept!nce of the )!me b" the hou)e# .
)ubmit th!t !t thi) )t!&e5 in order to !dmit the motion 'hich . h!ve m!de5 . thin%# Sir5 . m!"
not )!" !n"thin& !t !ll#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . h!ve he!rd )ufficientl" on thi) m!tter# So f!r !) 2r# !)5 point
th!t thi) motion i) one of ! dil!tor" n!ture5 . con)ider th!t thi) motion differ) m!teri!ll" from
the one referred to b" the Honour!ble the 2ini)ter for 3!'# He 9uoted the rulin&) of the
Ch!ir !nd &!ve the in)t!nce of rulin& No# . on the po)tponement or !dAournment of the
deb!te# 7hen motion) for po)tponement for 'hich there !re no p!rticul!r rule) of procedure
!re m!de5 it i) open to the Ch!ir to tre!t them !) dil!tor" motion) !nd re9uire to be )!ti)fied
on 'h!t )ub)t!nti!l &round) !n !dAournment of the deb!te i) nece))!r"# So f!r !) the pre)ent
motion for circul!tion i) concerned5 it i) one for 'hich provi)ion i) m!de in $ule +E(E)# The
honour!ble the 2ini)ter for 3!' referred to the !n!lo&" of !dAournment motion)5 but
re&!rdin& !dAournment motion) there !re )pecific rule) l!id do'n here5 &ivin& po'er to the
Spe!%er to come to ! conclu)ion !) to 'hether prima fad! ! motion i) in order or not# . !m
referrin& to rule DF# The ri&ht to m!%e !dAournment motion) depend) upon cert!in condition)
!) in the c!)e of 9ue)tion)# /nle)) ! 9ue)tion come) under one or other c!te&orie) provided
for under the rule) it i) open to the Spe!%er to di)!llo' itC )imil!rl"5 'ith re)pect to
!dAournment motion) !l)o5 there !re )i( condition) 'hich mu)t be )!ti)fied# There i)
provi)ion !l)o for !)%in& for le!ve# *ir)t of !ll5 it i) open to the Ch!ir5 if it )o choo)e)5 to )!"
th!t ! motion i) not in the public intere)t5 it i) old !nd )o on# Secondl"5 even if he choo)e) to
!dmit it5 he mu)t !)% if the motion h!) the )upport of !t le!)t t'ent" five member) of the
Hou)eC then le!ve i) &r!nted# .n )uch c!)e) )peci!l provi)ion) h!ve been m!de# Thi) pre)ent
motion for circul!tion doe) not f!ll in the )!me c!te&or" !) the other)#
A) re&!rd) rulin& 1E, on p!&e 815 it refer) to Select Committee motion)# . do not find !n"
rulin& of the Ch!ir till no'5 in either of the)e t'o boo%) 6 eci)ion) of the Ch!ir 6 in point
)t!lin& th!t ! motion for re?circul!tion i) ! dil!tor" motion# .n the)e circum)t!nce)5 . do not
'!nt to curt!il the po'er) of the hou)e# .t doe) not me!n5 if . !llo' the motion5 the Hou)e i)
obli&ed to !ccept it# 1ven if it i) moved5 the Hou)e m!" reAect it !fter deb!te if it i) not
)!ti)fied# /nder the)e circum)t!nce)5 in!)much !) the rulin&) !re not cle!r on thi) point5 . do
not '!nt to throttle thi) motion# The honour!ble 2ember m!" proceed# . h!ve !lre!d" )!id
th!t honour!ble 2ember) 'ill fir)t move the motion) )t!ndin& in their n!me) !nd then there
'ould be ! deb!te on !ll the motion) to&ether# The ne(t !mendment )t!nd) in the n!me of
;!ndit 2u%ut Bih!ri 3!l Bh!r&!v! !nd Shri AunAhun'!l!#
Pandit Mukut Bihari Lal Bhargava : The motion moved b" m" honour!ble friend 2r#
N!Jiruddin Ahm!d i) )ub)t!nti!ll" the )!me# Therefore5 . 'ould li%e to )upport hi) motion#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: He need not &ive hi) re!)on) for not pre)entin&# 7h!t !bout 2r#
>hunAhun'!l! 8
Shri B. P. 1hunjhunwala (Bih!r 4 :ener!l) 4 . Aoin m" friend 2r# Bh!r&!v!#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : So he doe) not pre))# No)# 7 !nd 85 . h!ve !lre!d" )!id !re out of
order# The )cope of the Bill i) confined to the province) !nd not to !n" !ccedin& St!te#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad : .n re&!rd to St!te) 'hich h!ve entirel" united them)elve)
'ithin the .ndi!n ominion5 the" )t!nd on ! different footin&# The 1!)tern St!te) h!ve
combined 'ith the province of 0ri))!# The" !re no' p!rt of .ndi!# The bill 'ill !ppl" to
Mr. Deputy Speaker : . c!n under)t!nd it onl" thi) '!"5G7hether the" h!ve become
p!rt of ! province or not if the" !re p!rt) of ! province5 the Bill 'ill !ppl"# .t i) not nece))!r"
th!t ! cop" of the :!Jette )hould be )ent to ever" vill!&e !nd ever" corner of the countr"# .f
the St!te h!) become ! p!rt of province5 it t!%e) !ll the ri&ht) !nd li!bilitie) of the province# .
do not )ee !n" re!)on 'h" the Bill )hould be once !&!in circul!ted# Therefore . rule
!dmenment No# 7 i) out of order# No# 8 i) !l)o out of order# No# 95 doe) 2r# Bh!r&!v!
move 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava 4 . h!ve !lre!d" )!id th!t . do not propo)e to move#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : Then the ne(t !mendment# 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad : Sir5 . be& to move !) !n !ltern!tive to the one 'hich . h!ve
!lre!d" moved4
6Th!t the Bill be re?committed to the )!me Select Committee5 to 'hich it '!) )ent5 for
! further report thereon 'ith reference to the ori&in!l Bill 'hich '!) referred to it on the
9th April5 1948# 6
Mr. Deputy Speaker: Amendment moved4
6Th!t the Bill be re?committed to the )!me Select Committee to 'hich it '!) )ent for !
further report thereon 'hich reference to the ori&in!l Bill 'hich '!) referred to it on the
9th April 1948# 6
Shrimati Renuka Ray : .n vie' of the Spe!%erB) rulin&5 it i) out of order# .t &oe) !&!in)t
the Spe!%erB) rulin&#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The re?circul!tion motion i) before the Hou)e# 7h" )hould the
Hou)e not con)ider thi) motion !l)o !fter !ll 8
Shrimati Renuka Ray: .t &oe) !&!in)t the Spe!%erB) rulin& of the other d!"#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 2!" . !)% the 3!d" 2ember ho' it &oe) !&!in)t the Spe!%erB)
rullin& 8
Shrimati Renuka Ray : The Spe!%er ruled th!t the Bill i) the )!me !) committed to the
Select Committee !nd therefore there c!nnot be ! motion for recommitt!l to the Select
Committee# There h!) been no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e in the Bill#
Mr.Naziruddin Ahmad : There !re m!n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) !) . )h!ll )ho'#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : No )peeche) !cro)) the benche) ple!)e# So f!r !) the !r&ument)
!dv!nced b" the 3!d" 2ember !re concerned5 'h!t . feel i) thi)# The Spe!%er cert!inl" )!id
th!t the Bill con)idered b" the Select Committee i) not different from the one committed to
it# But recommitt!l m!" be on v!riou) other &round)# Therefore5 unle)) !n" obAection i) t!%en
on other &round) ############
Shrimati Renuka Ray: The 'ord) 6 ori&in!l Bill 6 !re there#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 0ri&in!l Bill i) the )!me !) the other Bill# Therefore5 he h!) )!id 6
ori&in!l Bill 6# 7e 'ill drop the 'ord 6 ori&in!l 6#
Shrimati Renuka Ray: I 'ould humbl" )ubmit th!t the 'ord 6 ori&in!l 6 i) there#
Therefore5 'e c!nnot drop it no' from the motion#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : The Spe!%er ruled th!t the Bill th!t c!me out of the Select
Committee '!) the ori&in!l Bill !nd therefore there i) no h!rm in u)in& the 'ord 6 ori&in!l 6#
The obAection t!%en '!) th!t the ori&in!l Bill '!) not con)idered b" the Select Committee#
HonBble the Spe!%er ruled th!t it '!) the ori&in!l Bill it)elf th!t '!) con)idered b" the )elect
Committee# Therefore5 the honour!ble 2ember h!) )t!ted in hi) !mendment th!t the ori&in!l
Bill be recommitted to the Select Committee# The !r&ument !dv!nced b" the 3!d" 2ember
i) !&!in)t her o'n obAection# . find there i) nothin& 'ron& in thi) motion#
Shri R. K. Sidhva: The 2overB) intention i) 9uite different# He doe) not con)ider thi)
Bill !) the ori&in!l Bill !nd therefore he '!nt) thi) to be )ent to the )!me Select Committee#
Shri H. V. Kamath : Thou&h the intention of the 2over i) cle!r5 . thin% m" honour!ble
friend ;!ndit N!Jiruddin Ahm!d5 in dr!ftin& the !mendment h!) )li&htl" over?re!ched
him)elf# . 'ould )u&&e)t to him th!t he m!" recon)ider the 'hole m!tter !nd brin& it up !&!in
)ometime l!ter#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : . do not con)ider th!t the u)e of the 'ord B ori&in!l B !ffect) the
po)ition !t !ll# 0n the other h!nd5 the Spe!%erB) rulin& '!) th!t it '!) the ori&in!l Bill th!t
'!) referred to the Select Committee !nd th!t it '!) th!t Bill th!t c!me b!c% in ! modified
form# . c!nnot !ccept th!t !) !n obAection# There i) no &ood5 )pendin& more time over thi)
m!tter# Amendment No# 1D m!" be moved#
Pandit Mukut Bihari Lal Bhargava : 2" !mendment i) )ub)t!nti!ll" the )!me !) the
one moved b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d# . 'ill )pe!% in )upport of it !nd not move mine#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : The honour!ble 2ember 'ill then h!ve to t!%e hi) turn !fter th!t
of the 2over) of the other !mendment)# Amendment No# 14 i) not moved#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: . intend movin& m" ne(t !mendment if m" !mendment No# 1,
i) p!))ed#
Shrimati Renuka Ray: I ri)e to !point of order# Amendment No# 1+ &oe) !&!in)t the
Spe!%erB) rulin&#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The Spe!%erB) rulin& doe) not cover thi) point# Thi) Hou)e m!"
not be )!ti)fied 'ith the re?!rr!n&ement m!de b" the Select Committee# Therefore the
ori&in!l motion th!t it be referred to the Select Committee c!n )t!nd# There i) no point of
order )o f!r !) thi) m!tter i) concerned# 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Then5 Sir . move4
BB Th!t the Bill be re?committed to the Select Committee 'ith in)truction) for report on
the ori&in!l Bill !) pre)ented to the Hou)e re)torin& the ori&in!l !rr!n&ement of )elf?
cont!ined )ep!r!te ;!rt) !nd Ch!pter) for en!ctment )ep!r!tel"6#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . !m !fr!id5 . mu)t di)!llo' thi) !mendment# A) there c!n be no
obAection to the re?!rr!n&ement of ;!rt) !nd Ch!pter)5 . rule thi) !mendment out of order#
Shri B. Das4 Sir5 before the ne(t !mendment i) moved5 . '!nt "our rulin& !) to 'hether
one member c!n move five !mendment) 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker 4 Altern!tive !mendment) c!n be &iven notice of# The honour!ble
2ember h!) been )ufficientl" lon& in thi) hou)e to %no' thi)#
.n the ne(t !mendment of 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d5 the onl" !dddition i) of the 'ord) 6D1)t
ecember 1949 6# . do not thin% he need move !mendment No# 1F#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad : The Select Committee referred to there i) ! )ep!r!te )elect
Mr. Deputy Speaker : I do not thin% . c!n !llo' thi) !mendment to be moved# The
honour!ble 2ember mu)t h!ve &iven the n!me) of the 2ember) for the Select Committee !t
the time of &ivin& notice of the motion#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: . h!ve divided it into t'o p!rt)# *ir)t of !ll there i) the ide! of
the Select Committee# .f it i) !ccept!ble #####
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The hou)e c!nnot be !)%ed to &ive it) opinion fir)t in ! m!tter of
thi) %ind# A) the honour!ble member h!) not &iven the n!me) of the 2ember) for the )elect
committee to the Ch!ir e!rlier5 hi) !mendment i) ruled out of order#
i)cu))ion on the &ener!l motion m!" no' be re)umed# . c!ll upon Seth :ovind !) to
)pe!% no'# Seth :ovind !)4 Sabhapalhi#i #####
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi 4 urin& &ener!l di)cu))ion the honour!ble 2ember
'ho h!) moved !n !mendment h!) the fir)t ri&ht to )pe!%#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The honour!ble 2ember 'ill le!ve it to the Ch!ir# The Ch!ir
%no') the procedure#
Mr. Tajarnul Husain : . h!ve been tr"in& to r!i)e ! point of order for ! lon& time# Sir5 .
)h!ll be ver" brief# The honour!ble member 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 'ho i) ver" %een on
punctu!tion5 on comm!) !nd lull )top) etc# h!) &iven notice of thi) !mendment th!t thi) Bill
be circul!ted# Thi) i) !b)olutel" out of order# The honour!ble member )hould h!ve 'orded
hi) !mendment thu)# Thi) Bill be re?circul!ted# Th!t i) m" point of order# Thi) i) 'h!t the
relev!nt rule )!") 4 B !n" member m!" move !) !n !mendment th!t the Bill !) reported b" the
Select Committee be re?committed or re?circul!ted !) the c!)e m!" be for the purpo)e of
obt!inin& opinion or further opinion thereon B# Therefore5 the honour!ble member 'ho i) ver"
%een on comm!) !nd full )top) etc# )hould h!ve put the 'ord) 6 re?circul!ted for further
opinion 6# 2" point of order5 therefore5 i) th!t !) the 'ordin& of thi) !mendment i) not
!ccordin& to the rule)5 it m!" be ruled out of order#
4 ;#2#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : .t i) true th!t the honour!ble member 'ho h!) t!bled thi) motion5
'ho i) ordin!ril" c!reful 'ith reference to punctu!tion) h!) committed there error of not
puttin& the 'ord B re B . ou&ht not to decide it i) ! m!tter of form5 but !) one of )ub)t!nce !nd
thi) motion for circul!tion come) !fter the report of the Select Committee h!) been received#
Therefore5 it me!n) under
the circum)t!nce) onl" B re?circul!tion B# . h!ve !lre!d" &iven the rulin&# The rulin& 'ill
)t!nd# The deb!te 'ill be continued b" Seth :ovind !)#
Shri V. S. Sarwate: 2r# eput" Spe!%er5 Sir5 . '!nt to brin& to "our notice th!t . h!ve
!lre!d" &iven ! motion for re?circul!tion !nd it i) b!)ed on tho)e t'o motion)# . do not %no'5
'h" it '!) omitted in the con)olid!ted li)t# The)e t'o motion) !re d!ted the E1)t Au&u)t
1948# . do not 'i)h to t!%e further time of the hou)e# . 'ill re!d the motion )o th!t it c!n be
t!%en up for further di)cu))ion# The motion )t!nd) thu)4
6Th!t the Bill !) reported b" the Select Committee be re?ciurcul!ted for the purpo)e of
obt!inin& further opinion thereon 6
Mr. Deputy Speaker: H!ve honour!ble member) &ot copie) of thi) notice 8 ("n
honourabl! M!mb!r) 6 <e)5 Sir 6) . 'ill !)% the honour!ble member to re!d it out#
Shri V. S. Sarwate: The motion run) !) follo')4
6 Th!t the Bill !) reported b" the Select Committee be re?ciurcul!ted for the purpo)e of
obt!inin& further opinion thereon 6
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 7hen '!) thi) notice of !mendment &iven 8
Shri V. S. Sarwate : Notice '!) &iven on 1)t Au&u)t 1948# The !mendment form) p!rt
of Supplement!r" li)t No# E#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : The motion '!) m!de on the 1)t Au&u)t !nd the 1Eth of Au&u)t
i) the d!te of the Select CommitteeB) report !nd po))ibl" ! 'ee% l!ter it '!) pre)ented to the
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi : The motion '!) m!de on D1)t of Au&u)t#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The motion need not be m!de# .t i) !fter the pre)ent!tion of the
report# But !ll notice) l!p)e !fter the )e))ion i) over# A fre)h notice )hould h!ve been &iven# .
do not %no' if honour!ble 2ember) h!ve &ot copie) of thi)#
Shri 1aspat Roy Kapoor: I h!ve &ot ! cop" of thi)# .t i) ! con)olid!ted li)t C Notice of
Amendment)############ Thi) '!) )ent from the office on the E8th Au&u)t 1948# There !re
t'ent"?four !mendment) mentioned in thi) li)t !nd 2r# S!r'!teB) !mendment )t!nd) !) the
fourth on thi) li)t#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : The)e notice) 'ere !ll for the l!)t )e))ion# The)e notice) h!ve !ll
l!p)ed !t the end of th!t )e))ion# 0nl" tho)e !mendment)5 copie) of 'hich h!ve been pl!ced
on the t!ble before e!ch honour!ble 2ember no'5 the)e onl" 'ill h!ve to be t!%en for
con)ider!tion# The other notice) h!ve l!p)ed# Therefore further deb!te 'ill be continued b"
Seth :ovind !)#
Seth Govind Das: (-nglish translation of th! $indi sp!!'h. 2r# eput" Spe!%er5 . find
th!t the )upporter) !nd opponent) of thi) Bill c!n be divided into four &roup)# 0ne of the
opponent &roup) con)i)t) of tho)e per)on) 'ho oppo)e thi) me!)ure 'ith the )!me vie'point
!) '!) e(hibited b" cert!in !nt!&oni)t) !t the time of en!ctment of l!' for the !bolition of
Sati, the l!' 'hich '!) &ot p!))ed b" the l!te Shri .)h'!r Ch!ndr! =id"!)!&!r for 'ido'?
rem!rri!&e !nd the me!)ure put forth b" 2r# Sh!rd! for the prevention of child m!rri!&e)
bein& brou&ht on the St!tute Boo%# At the time of Sh!rd! Bill5 . '!) ! member of the Council
of St!te !nd . per)on!ll" %no' the oppo)ition th!t '!) then meted out to thi) Bill# Thi) &roup
i) of the opinion th!t no ch!n&e c!n be m!de in th!t 'h!t h!) been pre)cribed in the te(t of
our *!das, Shastras !nd Smritis. . do not belon& to th!t &roup# .t 'ould be noticed even from
reference to our Dharmashastras th!t if one 9ishi (S!&e) )!id )omethin& from time to time5
the other )!id )omethin& el)e# H!d thi) not been the c!)e5 our 9ishi 'ould not h!ve 'ritten#
Smritis numberin& more th!n one hundred# .f "ou &o throu&h the)e Smritis, "ou 'ill find th!t
the tenet) l!id do'n in one Smriti differ tho)e cont!ined in the other# 1!ch of the)e Smritis
enunci!te) ! different principle# Then Au)t !) . h!ve )t!ted5 . !m not one of tho)e &roup) 'ho
h!ve oppo)ed !lmo)t !ll the reform) th!t h!ve been introduced hithertofore#
The )econd oppo)in& &roup i) th!t 'hich on the one h!nd believe th!t there i) obviou)l" !
nece))it" for m!%in& reform) in the)e !ff!ir)5 but on the other h!nd5 it hold) th!t thi) i) not
the proper time for the en!ctment of )uch ! le&i)l!tion# Thi) )hould be brou&ht forth onl"
!fter the ne' election) h!ve t!%en pl!ce5 !nd 'hen our ne' repre)ent!tive) h!ve been
elected# . 'ould li%e to )!" th!t there 'ill not be !n" h!rm if in)te!d of m!%in& !n" ch!n&e in
the Hindu 3!' !t pre)ent5 'e do thi) even three "e!r) hence# Thi) i) ! )ubAect over 'hich the
'hole countr" h!) &ot to thin%C !ll of u) h!ve to thin%5 !ll of tho)e 'ho !re )ittin& here h!ve
to thin% !nd tho)e 'ho !re li%el" to occup" the)e )e!t) in thi) Hou)e in the future )h!ll h!ve
to thin%# Therefore# . feel th!t there i) ! &ood de!l of force in the !r&ument) !dv!nced b" the
)econd &roup th!t it i) neihter the proper time nor the pl!ce to brin& forth )uch ! me!)ure5
!nd for thi) re!)on5 . 'ould ur&e th!t 'e )hould con)ider thi) !)pect#
>u)t !) . h!ve )t!ted5 even the )upporter) of thi) Bill c!n be divided into t'o &roup)5 one
'hich doc) not !t !ll li%e to )ee !n" of our old tr!dition)5 !nd doe) not '!nt to reco&ni)e the
f!ct th!t thi) countr" i) one of the !ncient countrie) h!vin& ! brilli!nt p!)t5 &loriou) hi)tor"5
hi&h culture !nd &re!t tr!dition)# Such t"pe of reformer) do not !t !ll c!re !) to 'h!t our p!)t
herit!&e i) !nd ho' !re 'e to recon)truct our countr" tod!" 8 The)e reformer) h!ve been
con)ider!bl" influenced b" the 7e)tern educ!tion5 !nd h!ve )c!nt re&!rd for the !ncient
hi)tor"5 culture !nd even the old tr!dition) in the )phere of )oci!l reform)# . 'ould li%e to )!"
th!t if )uch )ort of reform) !re introduced in thi) !ncient countr"5 (hi) Bharatvarslul (.ndi!)
'ill not lon&er rem!in !) Bharalvurshubut it 'ould become )omethin& el)e# The other
&roup of reformer) i) th!t 'hich believe in the nece))it" of reform) bein& introduced but
!fter h!vin& due re&!rd to our !ncient hi)tor"5 culture !nd tr!dition)# . do not belon& to the
fir)t &roup hut to the )econd# . !dmit th!t it h!) become !b)olutel" nece))!r" to introduce
reform)5 but in )pite of !ll thi)5 'e )hould c!rr" out (he reform) !fter %eepin& in vie' our old
tr!dition)5 !ncient culture !nd civili)!tion#
At thi) time 'hen 'e !re fr!min& our Con)titution5 'hen 'e h!ve !lre!d" p!))ed the
cl!u)e) rel!tin& to the fund!ment!l !nd Au)tici!ble ri&ht) !nd 'hen it i) hoped th!t our
Con)titution 'ill be fin!ll" !dopted )ometime durin& the period intervenin& bet'een the 1Fth
of 2!" !nd 1+th of Au&u)t ne(t5 it 'ould h!ve been 9uite in order h!d thi) me!)ure been
brou&ht forth in con)on!nce 'ith the provi)ion) of the ne' Con)titution# Tod!" 'hen 'e c!ll
our countr" ! B Secul!r St!te B5 'hen 'e !dmit th!t !ll the per)on) in thi) countr"G'h!tever
reli&ion the" believe in5 to 'h!tever communit" the" m!" belon&5 m!" be Hindu5 2u)lim#
Si%h5 ;!r)iG'hoever he m!" beGhe )hould be &iven e9u!l ri&ht) of citiJen)hip# Therefore5
. 'ould )!" th!t the Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r )hould h!ve pre)ented to thi) Hou)e )uch !
Bill 'hich 'ould h!ve concerned not the HinduB) !lone5 but 'ould h!ve been m!de
!pplic!ble to !ll the citiJen) of thi) countr"# 7hile !dmittin& thi) countr" !) ! B Secul!r St!te
B5 the ide! of introducin& ! Hindu Code Bill )eem) to me 9uite in!ppropri!te# Then !&!in if
'e no' )ee thi) Bill5 'e )h!ll h!ve to !dmit thi) th!t it############
Shri R. K. Sidhva: The Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r referred to the !ncient Shastras. <ou
m!" !l)o point out 'hich of the Shastras &o !&!in)t the provi)ion) of Hindu Code 8
Seth Govind Das : No' if 'e )ee thi) Bill5 'e find th!t it cont!in) m!n" )uch Cl!u)e) to
the !ccept!nce of 'hich there )hould not be !n" obAection# And if !t !ll thi) Bill i) not
po)tponed but i) p!))ed into 3!'5 . !m )ure 'e )h!ll !ccept the)e Cl!u)e) 'ithout indul&in&
into !n" )ort of controver)"# But !lon& 'ith thi)5 'e !l)o feel th!t it cont!in) m!n" )uch
Cl!u)e) the !ccept!nce of 'hich i) )ucceptible of bein& con)ider!bl" h!rmful# The
Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r h!) him)elf !dmitted tod!" th!t m!n" of the Cl!u)e) !re of
controver)i!l n!ture !nd he h!) !l)o thro'n )ufficient li&ht on the)e controver)i!l i))ue)# The
fir)t controver)i!l i))ue i) B m!rri!&e B !nd B divorce B# .f 'e t!%e up the B m!rri!&e B !nd B
divorce B5 . 'ould be prep!red to !ccept one thin& !t le!)t th!t 'e )hould m!%e )ome )uch
ch!n&e in our le&i)l!tion 'hich 'ould do !'!" 'ith the C!)te S")tem# And if !n" Brahmana
'!nt) to m!rr" ! Sudra or ! Sudra ! Brahmana; or )ettin& !)ide the c!)e of Brahmana !nd !
Sudra, if !n" Hindu '!nt) to m!rr" ! 2u)lim or !n" 2u)lim ! Hindu5 or if the member) of
!n" communit" '!nt) to h!ve inter?commun!l m!rri!&e)5 there )hould not be !n" b!r to )uch
m!rri!&e) bein& )olemni)ed# Thi) C!)te S")tem h!) ruined our countr"# .t h!) re)ulted in the
remific!tion of our countr" !nd )ociet" into )m!ll p!rt)Gm!" even the )m!lle)t )ection)# All
of u) !re ver" 'ell !'!re of the di)!bilitie) th!t e(i)t in the m!r&in!l )phere tod!" !nd 'hich
!re the outcome of thi) di)memberment# The old people !l)o %no' thi) !nd even tod!"Gthe"
loo% upon the )olemniJ!tion of )uch m!rri!&e) 'ith !bhorence# The" )!" th!t the" h!ve to
m!rr" their )on) !) 'ell !) d!u&hter) !&!in)t their 'i)he)# But . full" )upport )uch ! freedom
bein& &iven# . !m even ! )upporter of B divorce B# . 'ould )ubmit th!t not'ith)t!ndin& the f!ct
th!t no B 2!rri!&e Code B h!) )o f!r been invented in the 'orld 'hich m!" be re&!rded !) the
p!n!ce! for the remov!l of !ll ill)5 )till 'e h!ve &ot to )ee th!t if the hu)b!nd !nd 'ife c!nnot
live ! h!rmoniou) life5 the" )hould be &iven the ri&ht of divorce# The Honour!ble r#
Ambed%!r h!) )t!ted th!t the )")tem of divorce !lre!d" prev!il) !mon& 9, per cent# of the
people in thi) countr"# The)e 9, per cent# !re c!lled Sudras. .5 on m" p!rt5 do not find !n"
difference bet'een the Brahmana !nd Sudra, !nd feel th!t it 'ould be the &re!te)t crime to
c!ll them Sudras even####
The Honourable Shri 1agjivan Ram (2ini)ter of 3!bour) 4 oe) it not cut !t the root of
Hindu reli&on 8
Seth Govind Das: ivorce e(i)t) !mon&)t the 9, per cent55 of the Sudras. .n thi) c!)e
too5 it )o loo%) to me th!t if 'e p!)) thi) le&i)l!tion in utter di)re&!rd of their cu)tom) !nd
u)!&e)5 then 9, per cent# of the people ## ##
Shri Raj Bahadur (/nited St!te of 2!t)"!) 4 Sir5 m!" . re9ue)t the honour!ble member
to u)e !n" Hindi e9uiv!lent for the 'ord 6 ala= 6 (divorce) 8
Seth Govind Das: . feel th!t the honour!ble member doe) not under)t!nd the
implic!tion) of the Hindi l!n&u!&e# All tho)e 'ord) 'hich h!ve been included in Hindi
belon& to Hindi !loneGm!" it be B tala= / or !n"thin& el)e# .f he )till '!nt) to %no' the Hindi
e9uiv!lent of B tala= / 51 'ould tell him th!t thi) c!n be )ub)tituted b" the 'ord 6 =iv!h
=ichhhed 6 (di))olution of the conAu&!l ri&ht))#
. '!) Au)t tellin& "ou th!t if thi) le&i)l!tion i) p!))ed !fter bru)hin& !)ide the cu)tom) !nd
u)!&e) prev!lent !mon&)t tho)e 9, per cent# of the people5 then it 'ould me!n th!t the"
'ould not be !ble to divorce in their tr!dition!l m!nner !nd the" 'ould thu) be confronted
'ith m!n" difficultie)# Therefore5 it i) bound to &ive ri)e to ! ver" &re!t difficult" in!)much
!) it run) counter to the 'i)he) e(pre))ed b" the honour!ble r# Ambed%!r th!t ever"bod"
)hould be &iven the lull libert" to m!rr" !nd divorce# . !m in f!vour of )uch )ort of libert"
bein& completel" &iven to !ll the men !nd 'omen#
The Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r !l)o pointed out th!t 1, per cent# of the people !mon&)t
u) 'ho !re c!lled C!)te Hindu) =iJ#5 Brahmana, Kshatriyas, or *aishyas '!nt to thru)t )ome
thin& upon tho)e 'ho form the 9, per cent# .t )o loo%) to me th!t tho)e of u)G'ho !re ten
per cent# in numberG'ho form the intelli&ent)i! '!nt to lo!d ! fe' thin&) on tho)e
compri)in& of 9, per cent# .t i) not the Brahmana, Kshatriyas !nd *aishyas 'ho put the
burden5 but thi) i) done b" tho)e people 'ho h!ve m!n!&ed to come to thi) A))embl" in
)ome '!" or the other# . 'ould !l)o tell m" )i)ter) th!t . !m not prep!red to !ccept thi) vie'
th!t m" )i)ter member)5 Shrim!ti) :# ur&!b!i !nd $enu%! $!" !nd other l!d" member)
'ho !re )ittin& in thi) Hou)e repre)ent the 'omenC or tho)e )i)ter) 'ho )it in the vi)itorB)
&!llerie) repre)ent them# . !dmit th!t tho)e 'ho !re not pre)ent here5 tho)e 'ho do not come
in the vi)itorB) &!llerie) c!n repre)ent thi) countr" better th!n tho)e 'ho !re )ittin& here# 7e
)h!ll h!ve to !dmit th!t the !lle&!tion 'hich i) bein& m!de tod!" th!t )ome hi&h?c!)te people
'!nt to thru)t their opinion upon the lo'?c!)te) i) not correct# But in re!lit" the po)ition i)
th!t the ten per cent# educ!ted people '!nt to thru)t their opinion upon the rem!inin& 9, per
cent# 7ithout %no'in& !n"thin& !) to 'h!t i) the 'ill of the people in thi) countr"5 the"
)hould not thru)t their opinion upon them# . do not '!nt th!t !n" le&i)l!tion )hould be p!))ed
in thi) Hou)e 'hich i) !&!in)t the 'i)he) of the people#
Shrimati Renuka Ray : o 9, per cent# of the people %no' th!t "ou !re dr!'in& up !
con)titution 8
Seth Govind Das : 7e %no' th!t the people !re 'ith u)# To t!l% !) if thi) i) "our o'n
concern i) not correct# 7e h!ve come 'ith ! m!nd!te from the people in th!t re)pect#
The other thin& 'hich h!) been mentioned here i) in re&!rd to B Succe))ion B# .t h!) been
)t!ted th!t 'e !re re9uired to c!rr" out dr!)tic reform) in the l!' rel!tin& to Succe))ion# .
!&ree th!t there i) ! &re!t )cope of reform) bein& m!de in the Succe))ion S")tem# And . !l)o
!dmit th!t it 'ould !mount to the &re!te)t po))ible inAu)tice bein& done to the fem!le) if the"
!re not conferred upon the ri&ht of )ucce))ion !nd thu) precluded from inheritin& the
peopert"# The 'omen )hould be &iven the ri&ht of )ucce))ion# No' the 9ue)tion !ri)e) !) to
'h!t e(tent )hould )uch ri&ht of )ucce))ion be ve)ted in the fem!le)# The Honour!ble r#
Ambed%!r h!) in )upport of thi) 9uoted from the Smrilis of 2!nu !nd <!&n!v!l%"! !nd
pointed out th!t the)e Smritis !l)o confer upon the fem!le) the ri&ht to inherit propert" to the
e(tent of one fourth# . 'ould li%e to )!" th!t in m" opinion )ome improvement )hould
nece))!ril" be m!de in the dom!in of )ucce))ion even if the)e !re the vie') held b" 2!nu
!nd <!&n!v!l%"!# There '!) ! time 'hen the m!tri!rch!l )")tem e(i)ted in thi) countr" or
even in the 'orld# But in the pre)ent d!" )ociet"5 the m!tri!rch!l )")tem h!) been repl!ced b"
the p!rtri!rch!l# So lon& !) the m!tri!rch!l )")tem e(i)ted in thi) countr" !) 'ell !) in the
'orld !nd the hu)b!nd u)ed to come !nd )t!" !t the brideB) hou)e !fter m!rri!&e5 it '!) 9uite
!ppropri!te th!t the d!u&hter )hould h!ve ! )h!re in her f!therB) propert"# But !ccordin& to
m" vie'point no' 'hen the p!tri!rch!l )")tem i) in vo&ue !nd the &irl le!ve) her f!therB)
hou)e for th!t of her f!ther?in?l!'C it 'ould not be proper to &ive her !n" )h!re out of the
f!therB) propert"# .nB m" opinion the d!u&hter?in?l!' )hould be &iven the ri&ht to )h!re her
f!ther?in?l!'B) propert"# A) )oon !) the m!rri!&e i) con)umm!ted5 the d!u&hter?in?l!'
)hould be &iven the )h!re e9u!l to th!t of the )on# Tod!" the )on enAo") the full ri&ht5 !nd if
!n" 'om!n become) 'ido'5 )he i) entitled to the ri&ht of m!inten!nce onl" vi8., food !nd
clothin&# . !m tot!ll" !&!in)t it# Therefore5 . 'ould ur&e th!t the 'omen )hould undoubtedl"
be &iven the ri&ht to )h!re in the propert"5 but th!t )hould be re)tricted to her f!ther?in?l!'B)
propert" onl" !nd not th!t belon&in& to her f!ther#
Shri Muhan Lal Gautam (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 .f there i) no f!ther?in?l!' 8
Seth Govind Das: Then in the hu)b!ndB) hou)e#
Shri Mohan Lal Gautam: .f there i) no hu)b!nd#
Seth Govind Das: Then in the )onB) hou)e#
Shri Mohan Lal Gautam 4 And if there i) no )on 8
Mr. Tajamul Husain : And if )he i) not m!rried then 'h!t 'ould )he do 8
Seth Govind Das : Th!t i) ! )ep!r!te thin&# The" do &et from )ome )ource or the other# .n
the e(!mple 'hich h!) been cited here th!t 'hen there !re t'elve )on) !nd thirteenth !
d!u&hter5 !nd the t'elve )on) h!ve &ot the ri&ht to di)tribute their f!therB) properl"5 then 'h"
)hould not the thirteenth d!u&hter be &iven the )!me ri&ht 8 . 'ould )!" th!t !ll the t'elve
)on) live in their f!therB) hou)e# The di)tribution 'hich the t'elve )on) m!%e i) m!de !t the
)!me pl!ce#
Shri Krishna ChandraSharma (/# ;#4 :ener!l)4 .f the d!u&hter !l)o '!nt) to live in the
f!therB) hou)e 8
Seth Govind Das: Since the d!u&hter h!) &ot to !dopt !nother hou)e5 thi) c!nnot be
m!de !pplic!ble in her c!)e# Another thin& th!t h!) been !dded in re)pect of )ucce))ion to
properl" i) th!t the ri&ht of )ucce))ion 'ill not be &overned in !ccord!nce 'ith the content)
of the 'ill# .n c!)e)5 'here the 'ill) !re not e(ecuted5 di)pute) 'ill !ri)e# Not onl" thi)5
di)pute) 'ill !ri)e even other'i)e# The Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r 'ho i) ! reno'ned l!'"er
i) !'!re of the f!ct !) to 'h!t percent!&e of the 'ill e(ecuted hithertofore 'ere brou&ht up
before the Court) !nd on ho' m!n" 'ill) 'ere the )uit) in)tituted 8
. !m !fr!id th!t !) )oon !) the 'ill come) in5 neither th! )on) nor the d!u&hter) 'ould be
!ble to )h!re the propert" under the provi)ion of thi) l!' 'hich )ee%) to confer upon them
the ri&ht of )ucce))ion# All th!t propert" 'ill be &r!bbed b" the l!'"er)#
Then !&!in !nother thin& 'ill h!ppen# The Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r '!nt) th!t the
d!u&hter) )hould !l)o be &iven the ri&ht of )ucce))ion to the propert"# Then . 'ould )ubmit
th!t in our )ociet" 'hich i) undivided !t pre)ent5 'hen the f!ther) e(ecute the 'ill5 the" 'ill
not be9ue!th !n"thin& to their d!u&hter)5 but 'ould &ive to the )on) !lone5 !nd thu) thi)
'ould defe!t the ver" obAect 'ith 'hich "ou '!nt to confer the ri&ht of )ucce))ion on the
'omen# .n re&!rd to )ucce))ion5 . 'ould li%e to )!" th!t Au)t !) r# Ambed%!r h!) him)elf
!dmitted5 it i) ! ver" intric!te )ubAect# .t )o loo%) to u)G'e mi&ht or mi&ht not be Soci!li)t)
or Communi)t)Gth!t on the one h!nd the indu)tri!li)t) h!ve r!i)ed the voice th!t the
indu)trie) !re not bein& developed in thi) countr" !nd on the other h!nd the 9ue)tion of
)ucce))ion h!) been mooted out# Therefore5 the be)t thin& 'ould be th!t "ou )hould !boli)h
the )")tem of priv!te propert"# .f !fter the li9uid!tion of thi) priv!te o'ner)hip5 ! ne' )ociet"
i) evolvedG1 do not )!" th!t the )tructure of th!t )ociet" )hould be b!)ed on the principle) of
Soci!li)m !nd Communi)mGbut . h!ve )ince formed thi) opinion th!t ! ne' cl!)) of )ociet"
)hould be built !fter the li9uid!tion of the individu!l holdin&)# .f our c!pit!li)t) )ee to thi)
the" 'ill no doubt find th!t thi) 'e!lth i) no lon&er ! )ource of )ol!ce to them# . belon& to
th!t ver" cl!)) 'hich c!n be termed !) c!pit!li)t# But 'e )ee 'ho i) derivin& the re!l ple!)ure
out of thi) ho!rded 'e!lth 8 . h!ve not come !cro)) !n" )uch c!pit!li)t 'ho c!n fill hi) bell"
b" e!tin& !nd di&e)tin& 1, or E, )eer)5 'hile ! poor m!n c!n be )!ti!ted b" t!%in& h!lf ! )eer
or three 9u!rter of ! )eer# . h!ve !l)o not )een !n" )uch c!pit!li)t 'ho put) on !bout 1,,5 E,,
or 4,, "!rd) of cloth !t ! time5 'hile ! poor m!n c!n cover hi) bod" 'ith onl" five or )i(
The Honourable Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (2ini)ter of 1duc!tion) 4 Some people
do '!r K
Seth Govind Das : I !m !ccu)tomed to live in p!l!ce)5 !nd . 'ould li%e to )!" th!t if !n"
c!pit!li)t i) m!de to )leep in one of the l!r&e h!ll) of hi) p!l!ce5 he c!nnot enAo" the )leep#
*or )leepin& purpo)e5 onl" one room me!)urin& !bout 1E or 14 feet i) re9uired# No'?!d!")
'e!lth h!) become !n !fflictionGfor the 'e!lth" too# Tho)e people 'ho do not &et thi)5 the"
de)ire to !c9uire it !nd tho)e 'ho h!ve &ot it )uffer &re!t h!rd)hip) !nd on !ccount of th!t
the" c!nnot live pe!cefull"#
The Honourabel Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad : And the" do not '!nt u) to &ive up
Seth Govind Das : The" do not '!nt to &ive up bec!u)e the m!n 'ho di)c!rd) th!t
'e!lth i) loo%ed upon 'ith &re!t e)teem in the )ociet"#5
Shri Sita Ram S. 1ajoo (2!dh"! Bh!r!t)4 The m!n 'ho renounce) thi) or &ive) it in
ch!rit" i) !l)o e9u!ll" re)pected#
Seth Govind Das : .t i) !lle&ed b" our Soci!li)t) !nd Communi)t) th!t !ll the c!pit!li)t)
!re robber)5 d!coit) !nd '!"f!rer)# Some of the Soci!li)t)5 Communi)t) mi&ht differ from
thi)# . c!nnot !)cribe thi) to !ll of them# But m!n" of them 'ould renounce their Soci!li)tic
!nd Communi)tic creed if the" c!n !c9uire thi) 'e!lth# The ho!rder) of 'e!lth !re even
tod!" held in e)teem b" the )ociet"# 7e )hould tr" to overh!ul the conception) !nd v!lue) of
the )ociet" in )uch ! m!nner )o th!t the c!pit!li)t) m!" in re!lit" be tre!ted !) d!coit) !nd
robber)C !nd then onl" . 'ould )!" th!t no c!pit!li)t 'ould li%e to 'e!r thi) coll!r !round hi)
nec%# Therefore5 'ith ! vie' to t!c%le thi) %nott" problem of )ucce))ion5 . 'ould ur&e th!t
our Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter r# Ambed%!r m!" brin& forth )uch ! me!)ure 'hich )hould
)ee% to !boli)h the )")tem of priv!te o'ner)hip !nd thu) !melior!te the condition of tho)e
people 'ho h!ve f!llen ! victim to thi)#
Shrimati G. Durgabai (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 7ill "ou not oppo)e th!t8
Seth Govind Das: .n m" opinion the)e !re the onl" t'o point) in thi) Bill 'hich !re
)ubAect to &ood de!l of controver)"# . !m !l)o of the opinion th!t %eepin& in vie' the trend of
the time !nd 'ithout indul&in& into !n" )ort of controver)"5 'e po)tpone the en!ctment of
thi) Bill till the form!tion of the ne' A))embl" !nd in the me!ntime invite the opinion of the
people in thi) connectionC !nd !fter !)cert!inin& the 'i)he) of the people5 'e )hould brin&
forth thi) me!)ure !) )oon !) the fre)h election) !re held# 7e )hould not pre)ent thi) me!)ure
in the form of ! Hindu Code but the proper cour)e 'ould be to p!)) it in the )!me m!nner in
'hich 'e h!ve p!))ed our con)titution 'hich provide) for the ri&ht) of ever" citiJen in the
Dr. Mono Mohan Das (7e)t Ben&!l C :ener!l)4 0n ! point of order# Sir5 i) there no time
limit for !llo'in& thi) %ind of di)cu))ion 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: There i) no time limit#
Seth Govind Das: 7ith the)e 'ord) . 'ould conclude5 !nd )!" th!t . feel it !b)olutel"
nece))!r" th!t reform) )hould be m!de in our )oci!l l!')# . !l)o !dmit thi) th!t tho)e people
'ho oppo)e thi) Bill in the )!me m!nner in 'hich the" beh!ved !t the time of the en!ctment
of l!') rel!tin& to the !bolition of S!ti5 'ido'?m!rri!&e !nd prevention of child m!rri&e) !re
not follo'in& the ri&ht cour)e of !ction# But !lon& 'ith thi) . !l)o !dmit th!t thi) Bill h!) not
been moved !t the opportune time !nd 'e )hould po)tpone it) con)ider!tion !t the moment#
7e )hould pre)ent it onl" !fter !)cert!inin& the public opinion# 7ith the)e 'ord)5 neither .
)upport thi)5 nor oppo)e thi)#
Shrimati Sucheta Kripalani (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 ever )ince 'e h!d ! )overei&n
le&i)l!ture5 no piece of le&i)l!tion h!) &iven ri)e to &re!ter e(citement !nd controver)" th!n
thi) Hindu Code Bill# .f !ll thi) controver)" h!d been b!)ed on re!)on !nd on the merit) of
the ch!n&e) propo)ed in Hindu 3!' it 'ould h!ve been to the &ood but much of the
controver)" i) clouded b" irrelevent i))ue)# The !r&ument of $eli&ion in !n&er h!) in)pired
much of the prop!&!nd! !&!in)t the Code# .t i) ur&ed th!t it 'ill )h!%e the found!tion of the
Hindu reli&ion# Tho)e 'ho put for'!rd )uch !r&ument do ! &re!t inAu)tice to their o'n
Hindu reli&ion i) prim!ril" concerned 'ith the )piritu!l em!ncip!tion of the individu!l5
hi) pro&re)) to'!rd) )elf?re!li)!tion# The )elf?fulfilment of !n individu!l )t!nd) in need of
cert!in mor!l !nd )piritu!l principle) !) truth5 Au)tice5 non?violence5 etc# The)e !re embodied
in our )cripture)# The)e !re unch!n&e!ble !nd fund!ment!l# The )oci!l !rr!n&ement)5
in)titution)5 conver)!tion) !nd cu)tom) th!t h!ve evolved throu&h the !&e) !re not reli&ion#
The Hindu Code doe) not )ee% to di)turb the Hindu reli&ion but to !mend !nd modif" the
Hindu civil l!'# The l!' h!) ch!n&ed from time to time# .t i) different from reli&ion !nd h!)
never been unch!n&e!ble !nd )t!tic# The !uthor) of the Dharma Shastras ch!n&ed the l!'
from time to time !ccordin& to the con)ciou)ne)) of the communit" !t the time# The ri&ht to
m!%e ch!n&e) '!) 'ell reco&ni)ed b" the Dharma Shastra. The Hindu l!' bec!me ri&id !nd
)t!tic onl" !fter the !dvent of the Briti)h#
.t h!) been the bo!)t of Hindui)m th!t 'hile the fund!ment!l) h!ve rem!ined unch!n&ed5
the Hindu )oci!l in)titution) h!ve ch!n&ed to )uit ch!n&in& circum)t!nce)# Continuou)
!d!pt!bilit" h!) been the )tren&th !nd e))ence of Hindui)m# /nle)) Hindu )ociet" i) to
rem!in )t!tic !nd de!d the l!' mu)t ch!n&e to fit 'ith the ch!n&in& circum)t!nce)# 7e !l)o
%no' th!t the Smriti!s h!ve not rem!ined unch!n&ed# The smriti!s did include other br!nche)
of l!' be)ide) tho)e of )ucce))ion !nd m!rri!&e# The)e h!ve been de!lt 'ith b" the .ndi!n
le&i)l!ture !nd )ome of them h!ve been )uper)eded# Hindu reli&ion did not flounder# Hindu
reli&ion h!) )urvived th!t )hoc%# .f Hindu reli&ion could )urvive the )hoc% of the)e ch!n&e) .
!m )ure Hindu )ociet" !nd reli&ion c!n )urvive the )hoc% of ! little more ch!n&e#
7e h!ve !l)o brou&ht in )oci!l le&i)l!tion of &re!t import!nce# 7e h!ve !boli)hed the
Sati) 'e h!ve !boli)hed child m!rri!&e 4 'e h!ve !l)o !boli)hed to ! &re!t e(tent
untouch!bilit"# Hindu reli&ion i) ! ver" c!tholic !nd liber!l reli&ion# So the !r&ument of
reli&ion in d!n&er doe) not behove u)# 7ithin the fold of thi) liber!l !nd c!tholic reli&ion
people of v!riou) vie')5 co)tom) !nd m!nner) h!ve found )helter !nd lived# Tod!" 'h!t h!)
h!ppened 8 7h" h!ve 'e lo)t our f!ith in our o'n reli&ion th!t 'e !re r!i)in& the cr" of
reli&ion in d!n&er 8 .t doe) not me!n th!t . '!nt to )!" th!t !ll tho)e 'ho oppo)e u) !re
orthodo( !nd !re re!ction!rie)# . onl" '!nt to point out th!t in forcin& "our point of vie'5
"ou !re onl" doin& inAu)tice to "our reli&ion 'hen "ou put for'!rd thi) !r&ument#
Another !r&ument i) thi) th!t thi) Bill )hould not h!ve been t!%en up for con)ider!tion
no' !nd th!t 'e h!ve not &iven the countr" )ufficient opportunit" to &et !c9u!inted 'ith the
provi)ion) of the Bill# A) f!r !) . %no' thi) Bill h!) been before the Hou)e !nd before the
countr" for !bout the l!)t ten "e!r)# Some of the me!)ure) embodied in the Bill !) Succe))ion
Bill !nd 2!rri!&e Bill5 . thin%5 'ere introduced in the Hou)e in 194D# The Hindu 3!'
Committee '!) !ppointed in 1944# .t) $eport '!) publi)hed5 . thin%5 in 194+ or 194F !nd the
dr!ft Bill h!) been tr!n)l!ted into thirteen .ndi!n l!n&u!&e)# Thou)!nd) of copie) of thi) dr!ft
Bill h!ve been circul!ted# 1ven !fter thi) if 'e do not %no' the provi)ion) of the Hindu Code
Bill5 then5 it i) our f!ult !nd not the f!ult of the :overnment# Be)ide) th!t the Bill 'onBt be
p!))ed in ! d!" here# 7e 'ill t!%e ! lot of time to con)ider it# .t 'ill t!%e ! &ood de!l of time
'hen 'e con)ider it in det!il# At th!t time 'e 'ill h!ve enou&h opportunit" to &o to the
public5 to !c9u!int them 'ith the provi)ion) of the6 Bill !nd !l)o to !)cert!in their opinion#
There i) ! 'hi)perin& propo&!nd!5 ! ver" )tr!n&e propo&!nd!5 th!t thi) Bill )hould be
po)tponed till !fter the ne(t &ener!l election# 7h" )hould it be po)tponed 8 Bec!u)e thi) m!"
!dver)el" !ffect our p!rt"B) popul!rit" 8 .) it befittin& or 'orth" of the Con&re)) to put
for'!rd )uch !r&ument) 8 H!ve 'e ever con)idered our popul!rit" before our dul" 8 .f 'e
thin% th!t ! Bill i) Au)t5 if 'e con)ider th!t ! Bill i) for the &ood of the people then it i) our
dut" to &o !he!d 'ith it# To )helve ! Bill Au)t in order to c!tch vote) for the ne(t election i)
not ri&ht# . thin% it i) not even hone)t# *or u) the &ood of the people h!) !l'!") been the
)upreme con)ider!tion# .f 'e donBt t!%e thi) point of vie'5 if 'e donBt %eep thi) !ttitude
before u)5 'e 'ill never be !ble to )pon)or !n" r!dic!l ch!n&e# 7h!tever be the field of our
life 'hen ! r!dic!l ch!n&e i) )ou&ht to be m!de5 'e !re bound to come !&!in)t )ome ve)ted
intere)t) !nd )ome e)t!bli)hed cu)tom# There i) !l'!") bound to be ! cr" !&!in)t )uch
ch!n&e)# .f 'e &ive up reform on th!t )core then 'e )h!ll never ch!n&e !n"thin&#
. 'ould li%e to )!" thi)# 2uch h!) been )!id !bout the volume of opinion !&!in)t the
Hindu Code Bill# . 'ould li%e to )!" 'ith !ll humilit" th!t there i) !l)o ! ver" &ood &roupG
!n intelli&ent5 thou&htful &roupG)upportin& the me!)ure too# And th!t intelli&ent5 thou&htful
&roup doe) not con)i)t of 'omen !lone# 7e h!ve ! lot of brother) 'ith u) in thi) me!)ure#
7e h!ve !l)o )een in hi)tor" in other countrie) 'henever ! r!dic!l ch!n&e '!) introduced5
'henever !n" reform '!) )ou&ht to be brou&ht into bein&5 it '!) ! )m!ll con)ciou) minorit"
th!t form) up the c!u)e5 th!t educ!ted the public5 th!t did propio&!nd! !nd !fter )ome time
public opinion veered round it# So . !m )ure thou&h it m!" be th!t there i) ! volume of
opinion !&!in)t the Hindu Code5 if 'h!t 'e !re tr"in& to do i) Au)t !nd ri&ht5 . !m more th!n
)ure th!t public opinion 'ill come 'ith u)# Not onl" 'ill it come 'ith u) but it 'ill ble)) u)
!fter ! time for the &ood ("n $onourabl! M!mb!r ) 6 .t i) !lre!d"t 'ith u) 6) me!)ure th!t 'e
h!ve p!))ed# The" )!"5 the" h!ve &ot the m!Aorit" 'ith them# So thi) i) m" !n)'er#
.n the he!t !nd controver)" m!n" lime) 'e for&et th!t the Bill doe) not con)i)t of merel"
the Succe))ion !nd the 2!rri!&e provi)ion)# 7e h!ve tried to m!%e ! uniform !nd entire
)")tem of l!'# .n thi) entire )")tem of l!' or Code 'e h!ve tried to put ri&ht ! lot of
di)crep!ncie)5 ine9uitie)5 !nd inAu)tice)# *or in)t!nce thi) mornin& r# Ambed%!r in hi)
le!rned )peech told u) ho' the provi)ion) re&!rdin& &u!rdi!n)hip5 m!inten!nce5 !doption etc#
!re &oin& to be benefici!l to the )ociet"# Tho)e 'ho !re tot!ll" oppo)ed to the Bill h!ve been
for&ettin& the &ood )ide of the Bill5 the non?controver)i!l )ide5 !nd h!ve concentr!ted !ll their
!tt!c% on )uch the entire Bill#
3et u) come to the 9ue)tion of Succe))ion it)elf 'hich i) &re!tl" oppo)ed b" l!r&e
)ection) of the people#
Mr. Tajamul Hussain: .t i) oppo)ed b" ve)ted intere)t) onl"#
Shrimati Sucheta Kripalani : .t i) oppo)ed b" l!r&e )ection)# The" h!d levelled t'o
point)G!&!in)t the bre!%!&e of the Aoint f!mil" !nd the &r!nt of !b)olute ri&ht) to 'omen# .
'ill t!%e the )econd point fir)t# 7e !re )ee%in& to h!ve ! )ociet" 'here men !nd 'omen
)hould be e9u!l5 'here people of !ll c!)te) 'ill be e9u!l# 7e !re tr"in& to brin& !bout !
perfect democr!c" of 'hich 'e h!ve dre!med !ll the)e "e!r)# 7e !re pled&ed to &ive 'omen
e9u!l )t!tu) in )ociet"# 7e !re pled&ed to do !'!" 'ith !ll )e( di)crimin!tion !nd thi) peid&e
doe) not )t!rt from the time 'hen 'e brin& into effect the Ne' Con)titution# . 'ould li%e to
remind "ou th!t in the @!r!chi re)olution the)e peid&e) !re embodied# After th!t 'hen 'e
!ccepted office5 then !l)o 'e !&!in reiter!ted th!t there )h!ll be no di)crimin!tion on the
b!)i) of )e(# .f men !nd 'omen !re to 'or% e9u!ll"5 if the" !re to function !) e9u!l citiJen)
of the )t!te5 if the" !re to fulfil their obli&!tion) to'!rd) the )t!te5 ho' c!n 'e h!ve )uch
di)crimin!tor" rule) in the m!tter of propert" ri&ht) of 'omen 8 /nle)) 'om!n &et) her full
)h!re of propert" "ou c!nnot e(pect her to fulfil her obli&!tion) to the )t!te# 0f cour)e
'henever 'e m!%e !n" ch!n&e)5 e)t!bli)hed cu)tom !nd e)t!bli)hed rule) !re di)turbed# .t
c!u)e) ! cert!in !mount of di)loc!tion !nd inconvenience5 but 'e h!ve to toler!te them !nd
t!%e them !) inevit!ble# 7e mu)t not tr" to enl!r&e the import!nce of the inconvenience th!t
i) c!u)ed to u)# r# Ambed%!r !nd other) h!ve told u) th!t the Smritis reco&ni)e the ri&ht of
propert" of 'omen# 7h!t l!' &!ve u) pr!ctice denied u)# .n pr!ctice the ri&ht '!) !bro&!ted#
7h!t 'e !re tr"in& to do tod!" i) onl" thi)#G7e !re not &oin& !&!in)t the fund!ment!l) of
Hindu reli&ion or Hindu cu)tom or Hindu l!'C 'h!t '!) &r!nted to u) b" Hindu l!' but
'hich '!) !rbitr!ril" denied to u)5 'e !re no' tr"in& to t!%e b!c%Gor r!ther "ou !re &ivin&
it to u)5 thi) 'hich h!) been denied to u) b" )ociet" !ll the)e "e!r)# .t i) merel" Au)tice done
Glon& deferred Au)tice#
.f "ou come to modern time)5 b" the Act of 19D7 "ou h!ve &iven propert" ri&ht to the
'ife5 to the d!u&hter?in?l!'5 to the &r!nd)onB) 'ife !nd )o on !nd )o forth# The onl" per)on
'ho i) left out i) the poor d!u&hter# .t i) but in the fitne)) of thin&) th!t no' it )hould be
included here# Therefore . do not )ee 'h!t i) there to !r&ue much !bout it# .f 'e h!ve &iven
to other 'omen thi) ri&ht5 if 'omen c!n inherit from the hu)b!ndB) )ide let her inherit from
the f!therB) )ide 'hich i) ver" n!tur!l !nd ri&ht#
The Honourable Shri 1agjivan Ram : The" '!nt her to develop to the other )t!&e)#
Shrimati Sucheta Kripalini : .n re&!rd to Aoint f!mil" there i) ! ver" &re!t feelin& !bout
it# . do not %no' 'h" there i) )uch ! feelin&# 2o)t of the people . come !cro)) !re !n(iou) to
&et out of the Aoint f!mil"# The )on) do not li%e to )t!" 'ith the f!ther# . )ee mo)t of the
f!milie) di)tributed !ll over the countr"# So Aoint f!mil" i) ! ver" r!pidl" crumblin&
in)titution !ccordin& to me# 1ven the le&!l po)ition of the Aoint f!mil" i) ver" f!ult" !) r#
Ambed%!r h!) pointed out to u) in the monrin&# 1ven under 2it!%)h!r! )")tem ! member of
the Aoint f!mil" merel" b" e(pre))ion of hi) 'ill c!n brin& !bout ! p!rtition#
. 'ould therefore li%e to !)% "ou 'here i) the Aoint f!mil" !bout 'hich "ou !re cr"in& )o
loudl" 8
2uch '!) )!id !bout the protection th!t i) &iven to the unportected 'omen in the Aoint
f!mil"# . %no' in the p!)t in the Aoint f!mil" unprotected 'omen did &et protection# 1ven
no' )ome of them do &et protection but !t the )!me time 'e %no' hundred) of 'omen 'ho5
f!ilin& to &et !n" )helter in the Aoint f!mil"5 h!vin& no economic re)ource) of their o'n5 !re
bounded to ! life of de&r!d!tion !nd )h!me# 2!n" of u) 'omen5 'ho !re doin& )oci!l 'or%5
come !cro)) innumer!ble )uch c!)e)# Therefore5 not onl" i) it ri&ht5 not onl" i) it Au)t to &ive
'om!n her portion but it i) !b)olutel" e))enti!l to &ive her the )h!re if "ou '!nt to )!fe&u!rd
the Hindu )ociet" !bout 'hich "ou )pe!% )o loudl"#
The Honourable Shri 1agjivan Ram: And )omethin& more#
Shrimati Sucheta Kripalani : So much the better# :ive u) ! little more# <ou h!ve
denied u) in the p!)t5 m!%e it up no'#
A) re&!rd) m!rri!&e5 the Bill merel" )ee%) to introduce uniformit" of pr!ctice to !void
confu)ion !nd uncert!int"# Thi) m!" ent!il ! little difficult" to tho)e cl!))e) 'hich !re
&overned b" the cu)tom!r" l!' but the propo)ed )!cr!ment!l !nd civil m!rri!&e) !re )uch
th!t it c!n be put into pr!ctice b" the poore)t !nd the mo)t b!c%'!rd cl!))e)# So . do not
thin% it 'ill cre!te !n" &re!t difficult"# There i) )ome obAection to the re&i)tr!tion of
)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e)# . thin% it i) purel" )entiment!l bec!u)e re&i)tr!tion i) onl" permi))ive#
.f "ou do not '!nt to !v!il of the re&i)tr!tion "ou !re free not to !v!il of it#
An Honourable Member4 .t i) compul)or"#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: No compul)ion#
Mr. Tajamul Hussain: No compul)ion5 either 'ould do#
Shrimati Sucheta Kripalani : .f . !m 'ron&# r# Ambed%!r 'ill correct me# .t h!) been
put there !) ! )!fe&u!rdC th!t i) !ll#
7e come to the 9ue)tion of inter?c!)te !nd sagothra m!rri!&e)# . '!) he!rin& m" friend
'ho preceded me# . do not %no' ho' 'e c!n '!( elo9uent over the obAection to sagothru
!nd inter?c!)te m!rri!&e) bec!u)e . find ! ver" l!r&e number of )uch m!rri!&e) t!%in& pl!ce
in the )ociet"# .f 'e did not h!ve )uch m!rri!&e) it '!) !ll ri&ht5 but 'hen ! ver" l!r&e
number of )uch m!rri!&e) !re t!%in& pl!ce5 either 'e compel them to h!ve irre&ul!r m!rri!&e
or 'e drive them out of the Hindu fold or 'e m!%e them &o )ome'here or the" h!ve to &o to
the civil re&i)tr!tion office !nd &et it done# 7hen it i) there5 'h" not !ccept the f!ct 8 7hen
it i) ! pr!ctice 'h" not reco&ni)e it !nd &ive it le&!lit" 8 Therefore5 it i) but ri&ht !t thi) )t!&e5
'hen .ndi!n )ociet" h!) ch!n&ed )o con)ider!bl" to !llo' inter?c!)te !nd sagothra m!rri!&e)
'ithin the Hindu fold#
About mono&!m"5 here !l)o . feel th!t the )ociet" h!) on the 'hole !ccepted mono&!m"#
;ol"&!m" i) loo%ed do'n uponC pol"&!m" *ind) no f!vour in our )ociet"5 thou&h c!)e) do
occur# A&!in5 'e reco&ni)e the current pr!ctice !mon&)t !n over'helmin& m!Aorit" of
Hindu) !nd 'e le&!liJe it# 2oreover !) 'e !re tr"in& to brin& !bout ! )ociet" 'here men !nd
'omen !re e9u!l5 'e c!nnot !fford to h!ve ! double )et of mor!lit" for men !nd 'omen !nd
. )hould thin% the men )hould be h!pp" to h!ve thi) introduced bec!u)e b" the provi)ion of
mono&!m" 'e !re levellin& up the )t!nd!rd of menB) mor!lit" to th!t of 'omen# . )hould
thin% th!t the men )hould be th!n%ful to u)#
An Honourable Member: =er" th!n%ful# 7e c!n &et e!)" divorce) !nd m!rr" !&!in#
Shrimati Sucheta Kriplani: A) for divorce5 thou&h 'e do not den" the )entiment) of the
orthodo(5 men !nd 'omen5 !n!l")in& it5 'e find5 th!t divorce did e(i)t in our !ncient
)cripture)# The &round) of divorce th!t 'e h!ve !llo'ed !re e(tremel" re!)on!ble !nd Au)t#
7e h!ve not !llo'ed !n" divorce on frivolou) &round) !) it h!) been in )ome p!rt) of the
7e)tern 'orld# C!re h!) !l)o been t!%en to formul!te )uch ! procedure th!t divorce 'ould be
re)orted to onl" under ver" &r!ve circum)t!nce)# .f 'e )ee the record) of B!rod!5
Tr!v!ncore5 Cochin !nd 2!l!b!r 'here divorce i) !llo'ed5 ver" fe' people h!ve !v!iled
them)elve) of the l!'# 0nl" under e(ception!l circum)t!nce) it come) to help the people to
&et of ! ver" difficult )itu!tion# Hindu )oci!l tr!dition i) )uch th!t 'e 'ill not on flim)"
&round) ru)h to the court !nd bre!% up ! m!rri!&e# The people 'ho fe!r th!t the &r!nt of the
ri&ht of divorce m!" !mount to di)ruption of the f!mil" life of the Hindu) !re !b)olutel"
Then . t!%e r# Ambed%!rB) !r&ument of the mornin& th!t divorce prev!il) !mon& 9, per
cent# of the Hindu)5 )o 'h" not e(tend it to the other 1, per cent# .t 'ill be ver" ri&ht !nd Au)t
'hen 'e )ee th!t the)e 1, per cent# divorce c!)e) !re occurrin&# .f there h!d been no divorce
c!)e) then . 'ould h!ve under)tood it5 but 'e )ee th!t 'henever our men !nd 'omen '!nt !
divorce5 the" le!ve the Hindu fold !nd become 2u)lim) or Chri)ti!n) !nd b" doin& )o the"
in)ult tho)e reli&ion) of 'hich the" m!%e ! mere utilit"# Therefore5 'e )hould reco&ni)e the
e(i)tin& circum)t!nce) !nd !llo' divorce)#
Sir5 . h!ve nothin& more to )!" e(cept th!t . '!nt to tell m" brother) here th!t 'e 'omen
even 'hen 'e pre))ed for our ri&ht) h!ve never for&otten the &re!ter &ood5 the l!r&er &ood#
7e h!ve been ver" con)erv!tive in thi) m!tter# <ou %no' even for our politic!l ri&ht) 'e
h!ve never encour!&ed thin&) 'hich 'e h!ve con)idered 'ron&# 1ven 'hen the Briti)h 'ere
there5 'e h!ve !l'!") )tood for Aoint elector!te)# 1ven in the ne' Con)titution 'e h!ve never
pre))ed for )ep!r!te ri&ht) for over)elve)# 7e 'ould h!ve pre))ed for the)e if 'e did not
thin% th!t the" &o !&!in)t the benefit of the entire )ociet"# .f Hindu 'omen benefit5 . !m )ure
the Hindu )ociet" )t!nd) to benefit# Thi) i) for the l!r&er &oodC th!t i) 'h" 'e !re pre))in&
thi) point#
Here5 . 'ould !l)o li%e to )!" th!t our men on the 'hole been ver" co?oper!tive !nd
helpful to u)# The" h!ve not )tood !&!in)t our pro&re))# .t m!" be th!t thi) i) due to the
benevolent influence of 2!h!tm! :!ndhi# <ou !ll %no' th!t :!ndhiAi '!) one of the
&re!te)t )upporter) of 'omenB) ri&ht)# The tr!dition th!t he h!) e)t!bli)hed h!) been follo'ed
b" our menC bec!u)e of :!ndhiAiB) influence5 bec!u)e of the )"mp!thetic !ttitude of our
le!der)5 'e h!ve never h!d to fi&ht for the politic!l ri&ht) !) 'omen of other countrie) h!d to
fi&ht# Therefore5 . !m more th!n )ure th!t no' 'e 'ill follo' the &ood tr!dition)5 'e 'ill
%eep up the )pirit of co?oper!tion th!t 'e h!ve h!d !ll the)e "e!r) !nd !ll m" brother
2ember) 'ill )upport thi) Bill !nd con)ider thi) Bill not !) ! me!)ure of ri&ht for the 'omen5
not !) ! me!)ure of Au)tice th!t "ou !re &ivin& to the 'om!n5 but !) Au)tice done to the
)ociet"# Thi) i) ! me!)ure b" 'hich 'e !re tr"in& to m!%e Hindu )ociet" he!lth" !nd
'hole)ome# The Hindu )ociet" i) full of defect)# 7e !re no' independent# .f in the 'orld 'e
h!ve to t!%e our )t!tu)5 'e h!ve to )et our hou)e ri&htC unle)) 'e do it 'e c!nnot t!%e our
po)ition in )ociet"# Therefore5 let u) &et to&ether !nd remed" the defect) th!t !rein the hou)e#
. onl" !ppe!l to "ou !nd . !m )ure 'e 'ill h!ve the )upport of !ll of "ou for thi) &ood
"ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till a 3uart!r to -l!v!n of th! &lo'k on %riday th! >?th
%!bruary, 4676.
Mr. -Deputy Speaker: The Hou)e 'ill no' proceed 'ith the further con)ider!tion of the
follo'in& motion moved b" the Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r on the D1)t Au&u)t 19484
Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 !) reported b"
the Select Committee5 be t!%en into con)ider!tion# ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v!#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad (7e)t Ben&!l 4 2u)lim)4 Sir5 . h!ve moved !mendment) !nd .
thin%5 it 'ill be proper for me to !dv!nce !r&ument) !nd for other) to )pe!%# .n)te!d of th!t if
. h!ve to li)ten to them no' !nd then )pe!%5 'here 'ould be the )cope for them to repl" 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . thin% the honour!ble member 'ho h!) moved !n !mendment to
the motion 'ill be in ! better po)ition if he )pe!%) l!ter bec!u)e !) he %no') he 'onBt h!ve
!n opportunit" to repl"#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: . do not 'i)h to repl"#
Mr. Deputy Speaker4 .n th!t vie' it 'ill be ri&ht th!t the honour!ble 2ember )hould
he!r cert!in )peeche) for !nd !&!in)t hi) motion )o th!t he m!" be !ble to repl" !nd he m!"
)pe!% once for !ll# . h!ve c!lled ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! (0nt!rruption.. The dut" of
re&ul!tin& the order of )pe!%er) i) 'ith the Ch!ir# . feel it ri&ht to c!ll upon ;!ndit Th!%ur
!) Bh!r&!v!#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 (-nglish translation of th!
$indi sp!!'h!s. 2r# eput" Spe!%er5 Sir5 the Hindu Code Bill th!t h!) throu&hout .ndi! ## ##
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .n 1n&li)h ple!)e#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: A) thi) m!tter i) of vit!l import!nce )o for thi) ver"
re!)on . 'i)h to )pe!% in Hindi#
Dr. Mono Mohan Das (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 7e c!n under)t!nd the Hindu)t!ni
)po%en b" the honour!ble the 2ini)ter of 1duc!tion# .t i) entirel" different from the Hindi or
Hindu)t!ni )po%en b" Seth :ovind !) or ;t# Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v!# A) be&inner) 'e do not
%no' 'hich i) Hindu)t!ni#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: There i) no )et )t!nd!rd 'hich i) copied here# 7h!tever i) )po%en
i) Hindu)t!ni#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Before . be&in m" )peech5 ($onourabl! m!mb!rs.) 6
1n&li)h ple!)e 6) !) ! number of honour!ble member) de)ire th!t . )hould )pe!% in 1n&li)h .
h!ve not the le!)t he)it!tion in p!"in& deference to their 'i)he)# But !ll the honour!ble
member) %no' th!t it i) e!)ier to e(pre)) one)elf in hi) o'n mother ton&ue r!ther th!n in
1n&li)h# So5 if the" !llo' me . 'i)h to )pe!% in Hindi# But if the" 'ould in)i)t on m"
)pe!%in& in 1n&li)h then . 'ould not h!ve the le!)t obAection in commencin& m" )peech in
1n&li)h# ($onourabl! m!mb!rs ) , Hindi5 Hindi 6)# A) . thin% th!t ! m!Aorit" of the
honour!ble member) do not# in)i)t upon m" )pe!%in& in 1n&li)h )o . li%e to )pe!% in Hindi#
Shrimati G. Durgabai (2!dr!)4 :ener!l)4 @indl" )pe!% in )imple Hindi )o th!t 'e !l)o
m!" be !ble to under)t!nd#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava4 I 'ill tr" to )pe!% in )imple)t Hindi# Tod!" 'hen . h!ve
)tood up to deliver ! )peech before the Hou)e !bout the Hindu Code Bill ! number of
conflictin& thou&ht) !re cl!)hin& 'ith one !nother in m" he!rt# At the ver" out)et . be& to
)ubmit th!t . !m not one of tho)e people 'ho decl!re thi) Hindu Code Bill to be the de!th
%nell of the Hindu culture5 !nd Hindu CiviliJ!tion# . 'i)h th!t the Hindu culture5 the Hindu
Societ" !nd the Hindu CiviliJ!tion m!" )urvive till eternit"5 till the end of thi) 'orld# . !m5 in
no '!"5 !n opponent to thi)# . !m not !t !ll !fr!id th!t thi) Bill or !n" !nother Bill 'ould in
the le!)t be !ble to put the Hindu Culture or CiviliJ!tion to h!rm# . 'i)h th!t tho)e evil) th!t
h!ve crept in the Hindu Societ" )ince lon&5 !nd !bout 'hich r# Ambed%!r m!de !n !ppe!l
before the Hou)e in the concludin& p!rt) of hi) )peech5 m!" be er!dic!tedC !nd the !ppe!l
m!" be con)idered over ver" thou&htfull" 'ith ! cool he!rt# But in f!ct if the Hindu Societ"
i) to be pre)erved then there i) no doubt th!t if nece))it" 'ould be felt for rep!irin& the
)ociet" then rep!ir) 'ill h!ve to be done#
1E N00N
. )tron&l" oppo)e tho)e per)on) 'ho hold th!t thi) Bill 'ould put the Hindu Culture to !n
end# . !m not prep!red to !c%no'led&e even for one moment the f!ct th!t thi) A))embl" or
the Honour!ble member) of thi) hou)e5 'ho h!ve the )!me !bilit" !) the Smritikars of the
old5 do not h!ve the ri&ht of m!%in& !n" ch!n&e) in our Sh!)tr!) or 3!')# . hold th!t the
member) of e!ch !nd ever" communit" h!ve &ot the fulle)t ri&ht) to fr!me l!') !ccordin& to
the need) of the time# Tod!" if )ome one m!%e) !n !ppe!l th!t thi) bein& !n old cu)tom )o 'e
mu)t !ct !ccordin&l"C then !bout )uch !n !lle&!tion . 'ould )ubmit th!t there i) not ! )in&le
cu)tom th!t .ndi! h!) not e(perimented 'ith# There !re cert!in pl!ce) in .ndi! 'here the
)")tem of inherit!nce i) 9uite different from the other p!rt) of .ndi!# o 'e not %no' th!t
!mon& the @h!)i tribe) !nd in )ome p!rt) of Southern ;unA!b the entire in)titution of
inherit!nce depend) upon the f!ct th!t the entire propert" devolve) upon the d!u&hter)
in)te!d of )on)# There !re cert!in p!rt) in .ndi! 'here in)te!d of the &irl &oin& to her f!ther?
in?l!'B) pl!ce the hu)b!nd of the &irl i) imported info the 'ifeB) f!mil"## .ndi! i) )uch !
countr" 'here ever" t"pe of cu)tom !nd l!' h!) been in vo&ue# .) there !n" )uch )oci!l
)")tem th!t 'e h!ve not tried# 0nl" "e)terd!" r# Ambed%!r told th!t in )ome Smriti!s it i)
mentioned th!t d!u&hter) )hould be decl!red )imil!r heir) !lon& 'ith )on)# So thi) provi)ion
'!) pre)ent )ince lon&# Ap!rt from thi) . do not %no' of !n" other l!' th!t c!n be c!lled !
ne' one# ivorce i) cu)tom!r" in m!n" pl!ce) even tod!"# 0n &oin& throu&h the old
Smriti!s it i) found th!t divorce i) mentioned there !l)o# . !m not prep!red to !ccept th!t 'e
mu)t revert to tho)e old ide!l) )impl" bec!u)e for the re!)on th!t the" !re mentioned in the
old Smriti!s. .f 'e thin% th!t tho)e ide!l) do not )uit our pre)ent d!" )ociet" then 'h" )hould
tho)e ide!l) be %ept up# . %no' th!t in .ndi! there '!) ! time 'hen even the in)titution of
m!rri!&e it)elf '!) not in vo&ue in .ndi!5 !nd the people did not %no' !n"thin& !bout
m!rri!&e)# .n olden d!") the )")tem of +iyog continued for ! lon& time in .ndi!# The Hindu
3!' mention) 8 %ind) of m!rri!&e)# Some of tho)e %ind) of m!rri!&e) c!nnot even be c!lled
m!rri!&e)# C!n !n"one !))ert th!t tho)e ide!l) )hould be re?introduced in the pre)ent time)# .
do not thin% there i) !n"# So . do not '!nt to con)ider the 9ue)tion th!t i) before u) tod!"
from thi) vie' point !) to 'h!t '!) in vo&ue in the olden d!")5 ho' our !nce)tor) u)ed to
re&ul!te the )ociet" b" fr!min& l!') of their o'n# The 9ue)tion before me i) th!t in the
pre)ent time) 'h!t thin&) 'e re9uire !fter full" t!%in& into con)ider!tion our need)5 our le&!l
conception) !nd our nece))itie)# Thi) Code h!) cre!ted throu&hout the 'hole countr" ! &re!t
de!l of unple!)!ntne))5 re)tle))ne)) !nd une!)ine))# Some 'omen decl!re th!t the" 'ould
h!ve ri&ht) e9u!l to tho)e of men# Thi) Code f!vour) the 'omen# Some decl!re th!t 'omen
h!ve no ri&ht)# =er" humbl" . be& to )ubmit to thi) Hou)e5 th!t till the time the Bill i) under
con)ider!tion here5 'e mu)t never p!" !n" !ttention to the v!riou) )lo&!n) or !n" )uch thin&)
li%e the !lle&!tion) th!t thi) Bill i) f!vour!ble to 'omen or it i) f!vour!ble to men# 7ith !
cool he!rt 'e mu)t thin% over 'hether thi) Bill i) !ppropri!te or not# 7hich m!n c!n )!" th!t
he h!) not been born of ! 'om!n5 !nd 'hich 'om!n c!n )!" th!t )he i) not the d!u&hter of !
m!n# So in ! m!tter li%e thi) 'ill 'e not tre!t our )i)ter)5 our d!u&hter)5 !nd our mother) 'ith
%indne))# o our mother)5 )i)ter) !nd d!u&hter) dem!nd th!t the" 'ill not beh!ve properl"
'ith their hu)b!nd)5 their brother) !nd )on)# So it i) not nece))!r" to introduce !n" bitter
controver)" in thi) m!tter# . %no' th!t thi) i) ! ver" delic!te problem# 7e ou&ht to con)ider it
in the proper m!nnner !nd 'ith ! cool he!d#
Before . di)cu)) thi) point !n" further5 . 'i)h to )ubmit ! fe' thin&) !bout ! 9ue)tion )o
th!t !t le!)t the honour!ble5 member) of thi) Hou)e !nd m" honour!ble )i)ter) in p!rticul!r
m!" not thin% th!t . oppo)e or )upport thi) Bill 'ith )ome )et ide!)# At the ver" out)et . 'i)h
to )ubmit th!t . belon& to th!t )chool of thou&ht 'ho believe) th!t till the 'omen !re not
&iven their proper ri&ht) in both the immov!ble !nd mov!ble propertie) their per)on!lit" 'ill
not !tt!in full development# . ver" )tron&l" oppo)e the economic dependence of 'omen# . do
not li%e th!t sloka of Sit!Ai 'herein )he h!) )!id4
mitam dadati hi pitam bhrata mitam sutah
amitashyatu dataran bhartarn na pu#ayat!
. hold $!m!"!n in ! ver" hi&h e)teem but . !m not5 for one moment5 prep!red to !ccept
the principle th!t the 'omen )hould !l'!") be %ept dependent# . !m not5 for one moment5
prep!red to !ccept the verdict of ! fe' of the Smriti!s th!t ! 'om!n till )he i) not m!rried
mu)t rem!in under the control of her f!ther5 !nd !fter m!rri!&e under the control of her
hu)b!nd5 !nd if )he become) ! 'ido' then under the control of her )on# . oppo)e thi) verdict
of the Smriti!s not for the re!)on th!t it i) p!inful to 'omen# . %no' th!t till the 'omen of
.ndi! 'ill not !tt!in ! )tron& per)on!lit"5 till the 'omen 'ill not improve their condition
economic!ll" !nd till the" 'ill not h!ve !n !ll round development our &ene!lo&" 'ill not5
improve# 3i%e men the 'omen !l)o )hould be &iven !ll %ind) of opportunitie) for their
development# . thin% th!t it i) not !t !ll Au)tifi!ble to loo% !t thi) 9ue)tion from ! n!rro'
!n&le of vi)ion# 7e h!ve to decide thi) 9ue)tion ver" prudentl" !nd %eepin& in vie' the
'elf!re !nd !dv!ncement of our entire n!tion !nd countr"#
Since thou)!nd) of "e!r) 'e h!ve been believin& in cert!in prev!ilin& cu)tom) !nd rite)
!nd h!ve !l)o been pre)ervin& them# But !lon& 'ith thi) 'e h!ve !l)o to decide our line of
!ction !) to ho' 'e )hould !ct upon the )lo&!n) th!t !re bein& r!i)ed in the pre)ent d!" 'orld
li%e 6'omen mu)t h!ve ri&ht) e9u!l to men6# 7e m!" not !ccept thi) principle in toto but 'e
!t le!)t )t!nd committed to !fford them )cope !nd f!cilitie) e9u!l to men for their
development# 7e 'ill h!ve to %eep thi) principle in vie'# Therefore5 . 'i)h to )ubmit
'ithout !n" re)erve th!t 'omen mu)t &et their l!'ful ri&ht) in the mov!ble !nd immov!ble
propertie)# . !m )tron&l" in )uport of thi)# . !l)o con&r!tul!te r# Ambed%!r for hi) !cceptin&
in thi) Bill the principle of the Abolition of C!)te in m!rri!&e) !nd !doption# . do not po))e))
)ufficient elo9uence to let "ou %no' ho' import!nt . con)ider thi) 9ue)tion to be# . loo%
upon thi) 9ue)tion in thi) li&ht th!t it i) 9ue)tion of n!tion?buildin&5 it i) ! 9ue)tion of our life
!nd de!th# Thi) pert!in) to b!)ic principle)# .f !n" thin& h!) mined .ndi!5 m!rred her pro&re))
!nd bec!me !n in)trument in cre!tin& ;!%i)t!n5 it i) thi) c!)te )")tem# .f there i) !n"thin& th!t
h!) entered our )ociet" !nd i) e!tin& into the vit!l 4 th!t h!) m!de Br!hmin) enem" of other)5
the >!t) enemie) of non?>!t) !nd the @)h!ttri"!) the enem" of !ll other communitie)5 it i) tlli)
c!)te )")tem onl"# . do not %no' ho' c!n 'e refu)e to follo' the p!th of form!tion of !
cl!))?le)) )ociet"5 the p!th pointed out to thi) countr" b" 2!h!tm! :!ndhi5 the *!ther of the
N!tion# The t'o thin&)5 th!t !re in)trument!l in unitin& the people of thi) countr"5 !re inter?
dinin& !nd inter?m!rri!&e)# A) f!r !) the 9ue)tion of inter?m!rri!&e) i) concerned5 till thi)
9ue)tion i) not re)olved the problem of n!tion buildin& in .ndi! c!nnot be )olved# Therefore5
!) f!r !) thi) 9ue)tion i) concerned5 . !m )tron&l" in it) f!vour#
A) f!r !) the 9ue)tion of mono&!m" &oe) there m!" not be ! )in&le member !&!in)t it# A)
f!r !) the con)e9uence) of mono&!m" !re concerned . %no' th!t it) p!))in& 'ould b!dl"
!ffect the !re! . come from# Bec!u)e even tod!"5 !ccordin& to the circum)t!nce)5 it &ener!ll"
h!ppen) th!t 'hen )ome one die)?le!vin& hi) 'ido'5 the 'ido' i) re?m!rried to the "oun&er
brother# . %no' th!t in the comin& time) 'e )hould not continue the)e out of d!te?cu)tom)# .
thin% th!t if the defect) of thi) out of d!te )")tem 'ould be told !nd e(pl!ined to tho)e people
'hom it 'ill !ffect then the" 'ould !l)o re!dil" !&ree to renounce it#
A) re&!rd) the 9ue)tion of mono&!m" !nd the people !bout 'hom . !m t!l%in& . 'i)h to
)ubmit th!t the)e people !ccordin& to their need) !nd intelli&ence thou&ht out !nd !dopted
thi) principle in th!t time 'hen 'ido' rem!rri!&e '!) not in vo&ue in .ndi!# 7ithout !n"
re)erv!tion5 . 'i)h to )ubmit th!t !) f!r !) the 9ue)tion) of mono&!m"5 !bolition of c!)te
)")tem !nd &ivin& of the fulle)t ri&ht) to 'omen5 !re concerned . !m full" in )upport of them#
A) re&!rd) the 9ue)tion of divorce . %no' th!t the )")tem of divorce e(i)t) in ! m!Aor
portion of .nid!# The)e d!") to )ome people thi) )")tem of divorce !ppe!r) to be b!d# .n f!ct
in ! countr" li%e our) 'here !ccordin& to our cu)tom) the 'omen u)ed to commit Sati, the
oppo)ition of the )")tem of divorce i) not ! thin& to be 'ondered !t# Accordin& to our belief)
m!rri!&e con)titute) !n indi))oluble rel!tion)hip5 !nd from thi) point of vie' the ri&ht of
divorce )hould not be &iven# But . li%e to )ubmit th!t the )")tem of divorce h!) !l'!") been
in our countr" !nd i) )till pre)ent to thi) d!"# .f the people 'i)h to '!l% 'ith their e"e)
clo)ed5 if the" do not '!nt to )ee !) to 'h!t i) h!ppenin& in the 'orld !round them#5 then it i)
upto them to do )o# r# Ambed%!r told u) th!t thi) )")tem i) found in 9, per cent# of the
people of thi) countr"# . be& to )ubmit th!t the)e fi&ure) !re under?e)tim!ted r!ther th!n over?
e)tim!ted# A) re&!rd) the 9ue)tion of divorce !nd !) f!r !) it i) in pr!ctice in .ndi! . !m
entirel" in )upport of it5 not for the re!)on th!t it i) in vo&ue in the pre)ent d!" )ociet" but for
the f!ct th!t it i) one of our o'n cu)tom)# Therefore . !m in f!vour of divorce#
The 9ue)tion !ri)e) th!t in thi) Hindu Code Bill5 !) it h!) emer&ed from the Select
Committee the m!in defect i) th!t it doe) not &o f!r enou&h# .n f!ct the cu)tom) prev!lent in
our countr" !nd the reform) )u&&e)ted b" the Select Committee f!ll f!r too )hort# The people
in ;unA!b !re not )o b!c%'!rd# A) re&!rd) )oci!l reform) the people of ;unA!b !re f!r !he!d
th!n tho)e of the re)t of .ndi!# Thi) Code doe) not &o to th!t e(tent even# *or them thi) Code
i) not ! %ind of )oci!l reform but it dr!') them b!c% in)te!d# .f thi) Code 'ould be )ho'n to
!n" Hindu or Si%h of the rur!l !re!) of ;unA!b then he 'ould )!"5 6 0h Sir5 'h!t !re "ou
doin& 8 <ou !rc retro&re))in& u) to ! &re!t e(tent# 7e !re f!r !he!d of !ll thi)# <ou '!nt to
t!%e u) )till b!c%'!rd# 6 The people of ;unA!b 'ill not be benefited b" thi) Code# The pre)ent
Code h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee in )uch ! form th!t the need) of the people of
;unA!b h!ve l!&&ed f!r behindC the need) h!ve not onl" been left behind but cert!in thin&) in
thi) Bill compel u) th!t 'e 'ill h!ve to thro' thi) Bill out if it rem!ined in the pre)ent form#
.f 'e '!nt to pre)erve our in)titution) then the" c!nnot be pre)erved in the pre)ent form of
the Bill5 !nd thu) thi) Bill become) !nno"in&#
Shri Mohan Lal Gautam (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Nuote !n" e(!mple#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . Au)t &ive !n e(!mple# After thi) introduction5 'ith
"our permi))ion Sir5 . be& to )ubmit the obAection) th!t . h!ve to r!i)e !&!in)t thi) Bill !nd
)!" to 'h!t e(tent . h!ve to )upport thi) Bill# There !re m!n" )uch provi)ion) in thi) Bill
!bout 'hich no one m!" h!ve !n" obAection# There 'ould be ! ver" fe' per)on) 'ho 'ould
)!" th!t the" !re !&!in)t !ll the provi)ion) of the Bill# But Sir5 if "ou 'ere to &o throu&h the
Bill "ou 'ould find th!t there !re note) of di))ent from 11 out of the 17 member) of the
Select Committee5 !nd 'ho !re the" 8 Shrim!ti Ammu S'!min!dh!n !nd Shrim!ti $enu%!
$!" !re !mon& them# Note) of di))ent from both of them !re there#
Shrimati Renuka Ray (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 The)e note) !re not on fund!ment!l
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava 4 . !m comin& to th!t# To tell the truth the)e 11 member)
'ho h!ve 'ritten note) of di))ent5 them)elve) oppo)e thi) Bill !) it h!) emer&ed from the
Select Committee# . '!) )ubmittin& !) to 'ho h!ve 'ritten note) of di))ent# 0ne of the note)
of di))ent i) from B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd 'ho h!) 'or%ed for )oci!l uplift throu&hout hi) life !nd
i) prep!red to &o to !n" e(tent for )oci!l reform)# 7hen he !l)o 'rite) ! note of di))ent then
it i) for u) to thin% !) to 'here !re 'e &oin& 8 .f the)e note) of di))ent he c!refull" re!d then
it 'ould become cle!r th!t out of 17 member) !t le!)t 11 )tron&l" oppo)e thi) Bill !) it h!)
emer&ed from the Select Committee# After thi) introduction . be& to )t!te 'h" . !m prep!red
to move )uch motion)5 'hich !re &ener!ll" con)idered dil!tor" !&!in)t thi) Bill !) it h!)
emer&ed from the Select Committee#
Mr. Tajamul Hussain (Bib!r 4 2u)lim) 4 Sir5 . be& to r!i)e ! point of inform!tion# The
honour!ble member h!) )t!ted th!t 11 out of 17 member) of the Select Committee h!ve
'ritten note of di))ent# .f the" !re oppo)ed to thi) Bill5 then . 'ould li%e to en9uire from the
honour!ble member) ho' thi) Bill c!me to be recommended b" the Select Committee )o th!t
'e m!" p!)) it#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: 2r# eput" Spe!%er5 Sir5 in m" opinion thi) 9ue)tion i)
neither ! point for inform!tion nor ! point oforder even# <ou m!" &o throu&h thi) Bill
"our)elf Sir# 2r# Bh!r!thi h!) !l)o 'ritten ! note of di))ent#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi : (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 2ine i) little !he!d of the Bill# .
'!nt to enl!r&e the )cope of the Bill# Th!t i) m" di))entin& minute#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : Should honour!ble member) &o on e(pl!inin& ever" rem!r% !nd
ever" )entence 8 .t i) not nece))!r"#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: No5 Sir5 . '!) ####
Mr. Deputy Speaker : The honour!ble memberB) note of di))ent i) in print# He 'ill h!ve
hi) turn if he '!nt) to offer !n" e(pl!n!tion# .t i) no &ood &oin& on interruptin& ! )pe!%er !nd
other honour!ble member) !l)o b" )imult!neou)l" )t!ndin& up#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: 2!" . )!"# Sir ####
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . h!ve he!rd the honour!ble member )ufficientl"#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi : 0n ! point of per)on!l e(pl!n!tion5 Sir 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 0rder5 order#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Sir5 . 'ould not &ive 2r# Bh!r!thi the trouble of
e(pl!inin& hi) vie'point before the Hou)e# . m")elf pre)ent hi) vie' point# The note of 2r#
Bh!r!thi i) th!t he i) no '!" !&!in)t the fund!ment!l principle) of thi) Bill# He '!nt) th!t !)
! lo&ic!l con)e9uence the 'omen mu)t be &iven the ri&ht th!t !ll the)e 'omen 'ho o'n
limited e)t!te)5 he '!nt) th!t the" !t once be m!de !b)olute o'ner)# . !m correct5 .
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi4 . !m not permitted to repl"#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : The honour!ble member ;!ndit Bh!r&!v! m!" &o on#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: *or thi) ver" re!)on Sir5 . '!) )ubmittin& th!t ! number
of member) of the Select Committee h!ve 'ritten note) of di))ent on th!t form of the Bill !)
h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee# 7ith 'h!t inten)ion the)e note) of di))ent 'ere
'ritten5 . 'ill )ubmit l!ter on5 but . 'i)h th!t . m!" not be interrupted in the cour)e of m"
Sir5 . '!) )ubmittin& th!t !lthou&h thi) Bill doe) &o to ! cert!in e(tent !nd . !m prep!red
to &o even be"ond th!t in )oci!l reform) "et )till . do not find m")elf in ! po)ition to full"
)upport thi) Bill# And thi) i) 9uite n!tur!l# 1ven r# Ambed%!r him)elf5 b" 'ho)e %indne))
the Bill h!) t!%en thi) form !nd 'ho h!) delivered )uch ! )peech of 'hich ever" .ndi!n !nd
e)peci!ll" ever" Hindu mu)t feel proud5 i) not in )upport of !ll the provi)ion) of thi) Bill#
Therefore he told th!t !t pl!ce) the Select Committee h!) &one out of re!)on# . do not '!nt to
u)e h!r)her 'ord)# But . )!" th!t he !l)o i) !&!in)t thi) Bill !nd in thi) '!" there !re 1E note)
in it) di))ent# So . '!) )ubmittin& th!t 'hen 1E out of 17 member) !re !&!in)t thi) #Bill then
in )uch ! condition the Hou)e )hould not feel !)toni)hed if . 'i)h to )upport the !mendment
moved b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d# The re!)on i) 9uite cle!r# . do not 'i)h th!t !n" of "ou
m!" mi)under)t!nd me# There !re m!n" )uch )ection) of thi) Bill !bout 'hich . do not 'i)h
th!t their p!))in& be del!"ed even b" ! minute H!d hi) motion been dil!tor" . 'ould not h!ve
)upported him# 2!n" of m" motion) !l)o 'ere not dil!tor"# . %no' th!t thi) Bill i) not &oin&
to be p!))ed in thi) A))embl" i.!. in thi) Se))ion of the A))embl"# A )peci!l )e))ion of the
A))embl" 'ill h!ve to be c!lled to p!)) thi) Bill# The ne(t )e))ion 'ill come off !fter !bout F
month)# The obAection th!t . !m r!i)in& c!n ver" e!)il" be decided in thi) period of )i(
month)# 7ith "our permi))ion Sir5 . 'i)h to )ubmit th!t . do not '!nt th!t the Bill m!" not
!&!in be )ent b!c% to Select Committee 4 !nd for )uch ! move m" re!)on) !re 9uite different#
;erh!p) )ome of the honour!ble member) mi&ht be thin%in& th!t . 'i)h thi) Bill m!" !n"ho'
come to !n end# . do not '!nt to %ill thi) Bill# . 'i)h th!t thi) Bill be p!))ed# . 'i)h th!t !ll
the &ood point) of thi) Bill be !ccepted# So it i) nece))!r" to loo% upon thi) Bill 'ith ! cool
he!rt# .t i) not nece))!r" to infu)e he!t# Therefore5 . 'i)h th!t 'h!tever . '!nt to )ubmit5 "ou
mu)t he!r it 'ith ! cool he!rt !nd . thin% th!t r# Ambed%!r 'ill not mi)under)t!nd it# . 'i)h
to )ubmit !ll thi) ver" humbl" !nd not 'ith the )pirit of !nt!&oni)m# But . mu)t h!ve the
cour!&e to )!" 'h!t . '!nt to )!" !nd . 'i)h th!t other) mu)t interpret it !t le!)t f!irl" if not
&enerou)l"# . )ubmit !ll thi) ver" re)pectfull" !nd !tt!ch no le)) import!nce to thi)# No' .
'i)h to )ubmit th!t !) e!ch !nd ever" honour!ble member of the hou)e %no') th!t ne'
election) !re to be held# All the pre)ent member) h!ve come here b" indirect election# The
member) th!t !re to come !fter u) 'ill come from direct election !nd !dult )uffer!&e#
Accordin& to the re)olution p!))ed b" u) in the Con)tituent A))embl" the election) 'ill be
held in 19+,# 0nl" then . 'ould be prep!red to c!ll th!t5 !) "ou "our)elf Sir5 h!d )!id5 !n
!b)olute )overei&n bod"# <et )till on the principle of propriet" . be& to )ubmit th!t in)te!d of
u) decidin& ! m!tter th!t concern) the d!il" life of D, crore) of people it 'ould be better th!t
tho)e people# 7ho !re to come from direct election !nd !dult )uffer!&e5 )hould decide thi)
i))ue# . 'ould )ubmit th!t thi) 'ill be the proper cour)e# . 'i)h to )ubmit on the principle of
propriet"# Some people feel th!t thi) A))embl" c!n fr!me the con)titution onl"# Thi) i) the
)!me !r&ument th!t '!) !dv!nced "e)terd!" th!t 'hen fr!&ment!tion doe) not t!%e pl!ce on
dividin& ! propert" !mon& t'elve )on) then there c!nnot be !n" if it i) further divided )o !)
to include ! d!u&hter !) 'ell# But . )!" th!t 6 one 'ron& c!nnot Au)tif" !nother 6#
Shri 2oh!n 3!l :!ut!m h!) )!id th!t thi) A))embl" i) not !l)o competent to fr!me the
con)titution even# . do not !&ree 'ith hi) vie') but if "ou do !&ree then 'h" !re "ou
repe!tin& the mi)t!%e 8 Thi) i) 9uite 'ron&# .f "ou do not hold thi) vie' then it i) !nother
thin&# .n m" opinion thi) con)titution fr!min& A))embl" i) ! )overei&n bod"# .t i) perfectl"
le&!l !nd in the )!me '!" thi) hou)e i) full" !uthori)ed to p!)) tod!" !n" l!') th!t it li%e)#
<et )till the )en)e of propriet"5 the )en)e of proportion5 dem!nd) of u) th!t 'e mu)t not m!%e
h!)te in thi) m!tter# 7e h!ve been follo'in& the)e principle) )ince thou)!nd) of "e!r) !nd
therefore . 'i)h to )ubmit th!t in the ne(t F month) the )%" 'ill not f!ll do'n upon our
he!d)5 )o th!t 'e m!" p!)) the Bill immedi!tel" 'ith undue h!)te# Therefore . 'ould ver"
humbl" )ubmit th!t !) "ou Sir5 h!ve 'ritten in "our di))entin& note4 out of the)e t'elve
per)on)5 the t'elve )i&n) of the Oodi!cG"ou !re one of themC !nd !lon& 'ith "ou B!bu
$!mn!r!"!n Sin&h h!) !l)o mentioned on p!&e .. 4
6 The member) h!ve been elected indirectl" !nd h!ve no m!nd!te from the elector!te#
The m!)) of opinion !nd the m!Aorit" i) !&!in)t mo)t of the provi)ion) of the Bill !nd the
Bill )ee%) to !lter the fund!ment!l )tructure of the Hindu Societ"# 6
. ver" humbl" be& to )ubmit th!t Au)tice dem!nd) th!t the
repre)ent!tive) of direct election !fter bein& elected to thi) A))embl" )hould be &iven the
opportunit" of decidin& thi) m!tter# 0ur much re)pected !nd ! true le!der of the countr" r#
$!Aendr! ;r!)!d5 !&reein& 'ith thi) principle5 h!d !l)o 'ritten ! letter th!t thi) Bill !) !
'hole be pre)ented before the comin& repre)ent!tive A))embl"#
Mr. Tajamul Husain : 7h!t it '!) th!t the :overnor?:ener!l h!d 'ritten 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Sir5 'h!tever "ou )!" !bout the :overnor?:ener!l h!)
been mentioned here# But . ver" re)pectfull" be& to )ubmit th!t . hi&hl" honour !nd e)teem
the opinion of the elder)# Thi) m!tter tod!" concern) me5 concern) ever" 'om!n 'ho live) in
!n" di)t!nt vill!&e# 1ver"bod" 'ill be !ffected b" thi) !nd )o ever" one h!) &ot ! ri&ht to
e(pre)) hi) opinion# 7h" . do not !&ree i) th!t "e)terd!" m" honour!ble )i)ter Shrim!ti
Suchet! @rip!l!ni h!d )!id th!t in thi) m!nner centurie) 'ould p!))# Thi) Bill h!) been on
the !nvil for the l!)t ten "e!r)# .t '!) dr!fted in 1941# Thi) !r&ument doe) not !ppe!l me#
2!" . !)% ho' much liter!c" i) there in thi) countr" 8 2!" . !)% ho' m!n" 'omen of thi)
countr" !re liter!te 8 . 'i)h to !ddre)) m" honour!ble )i)ter) here5 'ho !re the member) of
thi) hou)e !nd 'ho)e opinion . hi&hl" e)teemC but . 'ould )!" 'hether thou)!nd) of their
)i)ter) 'ho live in vill!&e) !nd to'n) h!ve the ri&ht to e(pre)) their opinion in thi) m!tter#
*or thi) re!)on . 'ould ur&e m" honour!ble )i)ter) here th!t the" )hould h!ve p!tience in thi)
m!tter !nd e(erci)e )ome re)tr!int# .f . 'ere to )ubmit th!t the opinion of tho)e !l)o be
included5 'ho h!ve full ri&ht to e(pre)) their opinion5 then thi) m!" not be con)idered !
crime# =er" re)pectfull" . be& to )ubmit th!t the people livin& in to'n) !nd vill!&e) !re not !t
!ll !'!re 'h!t the Bill i) !nd 'h!t it) provi)ion) !re# Some honour!ble member) )!" 6 $!ar
, , $!ar ,. =er" re)pectfull" . be& to )ubmit th!t tho)e people 'ho h!ve not )tudied the
provi)ion) of thi) Bill !nd ! number of member) of thi) Hou)e h!ve not !t !ll re!liJed 'h!t
it) import!nce i)#
Shrimati G. Durgabai : 7hen "ou con)ider 'omen of thi) countr" fit enou&h to
under)t!nd the provi)ion) of "our other Bill) for reform5 donBt "ou thin% the" 'ill be !ble to
under)t!nd the provi)ion) of thi) Bill8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I 'elcome thi) interruption5 bec!u)e it &ive) me !n
opportunit" to e(pl!in the re!l point# Sir5 !n obAection h!) been r!i)ed th!t once upon ! time
the S!ttee Bill '!) p!))ed5 'ido' m!rri!&e Bill '!) p!))ed5 Sh!rd! Act '!) p!))edC !nd the
Bill th!t i) before the Hou)e tod!" i) !l)o of the )!me c!te&or" 'hich5 !ccordin& to Shrim!ti
ur&!b!i5 i) )omethin& hi&her in level from tho)e th!t c!n be p!))ed t!%in& into
con)ider!tion the opinion of the common people#
Mr. Tajamul Husain : 2!" . be !llo'ed to move ! point of order 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 7h!t i) the point of order5 ple!)e 8
Mr. Tajamul Husain: 2" point of order i) thi)# Sir5 th!t the contempt of the 'hole
Hou)e h!) been committed b" m" honour!ble friend in thi) '!"C "ou he!rd him out !nd he
)!") th!t there !re member) of thi) Hou)e 'ho h!ve not under)tood the Hindu Code Bill#
Thi) !mount) to ! contempt of thi) Hou)e !nd . '!nt ! rulin& on thi)#
Mr. Deputy Speaker 4 . do not thin% th!t there i) !n"thin& in thi) point of order# All th!t
the honour!ble member me!n) i) th!t the full implic!tion) of the Bill m!" be under)tood
differentl" b" different )ection) of the people# Accordin& to him the" h!ve not been
under)tood in the m!nner in 'hich he 'ould li%e honour!ble member) to under)t!nd it#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Be)ide) thi) Sir5 . do not cl!im !nd . !m not !t !ll
prep!red to )!" th!t . h!ve under)tood the provi)ion) of thi) Bill !n" more th!n the other
honour!ble member) of the Hou)e# About m")elf . !m prep!red to )!" th!t . h!ve not
under)tood full" !ll the provi)ion)5 !ll the cl!u)e) !nd !ll the implic!tion) of thi) Bill !nd thi)
. c!n )!" !bout !ll the honour!ble member) !nd m")elf in p!rticul!r# The honour!ble
member) here5 'ho !re not l!'"er)5 c!n )!" th!t the" h!ve full" under)tood the BillC but the
l!'"er) pre)ent here c!nnot )!" 'ith confidence th!t the" h!ve under)tood !ll the provi)ion)
of the Bill !) h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee# . !m not permitted in thi) Hou)e but5
if . be permitted then . li%e to put t'o or three 9ue)tion) to 2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in !nd he
)hould &ive !n !n)'er 'hether he under)t!nd) or not# .t i) not !t !ll m" intention) to commit
contempt of the Hou)e# =er" re)pectfull" . be& to )ubmit th!t it i) not !t !ll m" intention # # #
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 1ver" citiJen i) pre)umed to %no' the 3!'5 ever" honour!ble
member i) pre)umed to h!ve re!d thi) Bill# The honour!ble member c!n &o on 'ith hi)
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I '!) )ubmittin& Sir5 !fter thi) introduction5 . '!)
)ubmittin& 'h" . !m in f!vour of 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!dB) !mendment# Sir5 . )ubmitted )ome
f!ct) for "our %ind con)ider!tion5 th!t thi) Hou)e i) not )o repre)ent!tive !) it i) to be
tomorro' !nd thi) i) not to t!%e much time5 in ! fe' month) the ne' hou)e 'ill come into
bein& !nd therefore it 'ould h!ve been proper to (po)tpone the di)cu))ion on thi) Bill till the
ne' hou)e come) into bein&)#
A )till )tron&er !r&ument in f!vour of m" )ubmi))ion i) th!t "ou5 Sir5 !re 'ell !'!re of
the f!ct th!t tod!" propert" include) t'o different t"pe) of thin&# 0ne i) l!nd) !nd the other
hou)e)# A) f!r !) the l!nded propert" i) concerned thi) Bill doe) not !ffect it# 7h!t 'ill be it)
effect on )ucce))ion in ! countr" li%e .ndi! 'hich i) m!inl" !n !&ricultur!l countr" !nd
'here 9, per cent of the people live in vill!&e)# After the de!th of ! per)on hi) l!nd) 'ill be
&overned b" one l!' !nd hi) hou)e in the vill!&e 'ill be &overned b" !nother l!'# 7h!t 'ill
h!ppen to me 8 .f . h!ve )ome propert" in elhi then thi) propert" 'ill be overned b" one
l!' !nd m" l!nded propert" in B!h!dur&!rh 'ill be &overned b" !nother l!'# 2" hou)e built
in m" field) !t B!h!dur&!rh 'ill be &overned b" one l!' !nd m" hou)e !t elhi b" !nother
l!'# .) thi) uniformit" 8 .f )uch ! thin& i) bein& m!int!ined then 'h!t the re)ult 'ould be8
The !ppointment of !n heir t!%e) pl!ce !t B!h!dur&!rh 'hom the Hindu Code doe) not
reco&ni)e5 then th!t bo"5 'ho i) the !ppointed heir5 'ill of cour)e inherit the l!nded propert"
!t B!h!dur&!rh but on the re)identi!l hou)e of the dece!)ed )ome one el)e 'ould h!ve !
cl!im# The bo" 'ill &et the l!nded propert" but 'ill h!ve no cl!im on the hou)e5 then !fter !ll
'here the bo" 'ill &o 8 The effect of thi) Bill 'ould be th!t it 'ill not !ppl" on l!nded
propert"# . thin% th!t r# Ambed%!r 'i)he) to p!)) ! Bill 'hereb" economic holdin&) could
be m!de !nd the l!nded propert" of !ver!&e m!n m!" not be p!rtitioned# But 'hen thi) Act
'ill come into bein& !nd 'hen the !bolition of J!mind!ri t!%e) pl!ce5 . !m not !'!re of thi)#
Shrimati Renuka Ray: <ou c!n introduce )uch ! Bill immedi!tel"#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : $e)pectfull" . be& to )ubmit th!t intention) !re not )o
e!)il" fulfilled in thi) 'orld !) m" honour!ble )i)ter thin%) th!t )impl" b" introducin& ! Bill
thi) intention 'ill be !ccompli)hed# Thi) i) ! Bill for the benefit of the countr"5 but ho'
m!n" ob)t!cle) thi) Bill i) encounterin&# Ho' much time the 3!ndB) Bill5 'hereb" the ri&ht)
of ever"bod" 'ill be u)urped5 'ill t!%e !nd 'here 'ill it be p!))ed 8 Thi) i) under the po'er
of the ;rovinci!l :overnment# . 'i)h th!t 'e m!" m!%e )uch ch!n&e) in our con)titution
'hereb"5 !) f!r !) the 9ue)tion of l!nd) i) concerned5 under the con)itiution5 thi) m!" !l)o be
'ithin the po'er) of the Centr!l :overnment# .f thi) Bill i) p!))ed then . )ee in it the defect
th!t it doe) !ffect the re)identi!l propert" !nd doe) not include the l!nded propert"# Thi) i) !
&re!t confu)ion# A ch!n&e h!) no' been m!de in the ori&in!l Bill th!t no' thi) Bill 'ill !l)o
!ppl" to the l!nd) in the Centr!ll" !dmini)tered !re!B)5 i#e#5 it 'ill be !pplic!ble on both the
re)identi!l !nd l!nded propertie) of AAmer 2er'!r! !nd elhi# .n other province) thi) Bill
doe) not !ppl" to l!nd)# .n elhi !nd AAmer?2er'!r! thi) 'ill !ppl" to both the rur!l !nd
urb!n propertie)# Thi) i) ! &re!t defect of thi) Bill !nd 'hich %noc% out it) bottom#
A) "et the people !re not !'!re ho' thi) Bill 'ould !ffect them# *or thi) re!)on onl" .
h!d )ubmitted th!t full publicit" h!) not been &iven to thi) Bill# . %no' th!t if tod!" people
'ere to %no' th!t throu&h thi) Bill )uch f!r re!chin& !nd fund!ment!l ch!n&e) !re bein&
m!de in their l!' of inherit!nce5 ch!n&e) 'hich 'ill h!ve !ffect on e!ch !nd ever" f!mil" of
.ndi!5 then !t one time the people of the 'hole of .ndi! on comin& to elhi 'ould pre)ent
their !pplic!tion) th!t thi) l!' m!" not be p!))ed# 2!n" people !re not !'!re of thi)# The
%no'led&e i) )h!red b" the member) of thi) Hou)e# B!r !))oci!tion) !nd ! fe' of tho)e 'ho
re!d ne')p!per)# <ou c!n 'ell under)t!nd ho' )m!ll the number of )uch per)on) i)# Such !
Bill5 'hich !ffect) the entire Hindu Societ"5 h!) not been &iven )ufficient circul!tion !nd no
opinion) on thi) h!ve been t!%en# A committee '!) )et up5 it too% evidence) !t m!n" pl!ce)
!nd the report of the committee i) 'ith me# .f "ou 'ould )ee !) to 'here the member) of thi)
Committee 'ent5 'h!t the" did !nd 'ho)e evidence) the" recordedC then "ou 'ould find th!t
the committee h!) !)%ed the opinion of )ome 'ell pl!ced !nd educ!ted per)on) onl" !nd the"
h!ve not t!%en the opinion of ! m!Aor p!rt of the countr"# .n thi) there i) no 9ue)tion of
educ!tion# *or thi) Bill ever" mother !nd f!ther5 'ho full" re!liJe their re)pon)ibilitie)5 c!n
&ive their opinion)# 1ver"bod" i) !ffected b" thi) !nd )o ever" per)on i) competent to &ive
hi) opinion# Be)ide) thi) . 'ould )ubmit th!t nobod" h!) the %no'led&e of the ch!n&e) th!t
h!ve been m!de b" the Select Committee in the ori&i!nl Bill# 0nl" the member) of the
A))embl" h!ve inform!tion of the)e ch!n&e)5 the re)t of the people do not %no' 'h!t
ch!n&e) the Select Committee h!) m!de# No' the 9ue)tion !ri)e) th!t !) the Select
Committee h!) m!de ch!n&e) in thi) Bill )o it) circul!tion h!) become ver" nece))!r"# 3e!ve
!)ide the old 9ue)tion th!t no l!' )hould m!%e r!pid ch!n&e) in the cu)tom) of the people till
the opinion of ! m!Aorit" of tho)e people5 'ho !re to be !ffected b" it5 be not t!%en# The Bill
th!t i) bein& introduced tod!"B) one 'herein the Select Committee h!) m!de )uch ch!n&e) !)
!re of vit!l import!nce !nd !bout 'hich ever"bod" mu)t h!ve full inform!tion# *or thi)
re!)on onl" it) circul!tion i) !ll the more nece))!r"#
Before . )ubmit !n"thin& !bout the)e ch!n&e)5 . 'i)h to dr!' the !ttention of the Hou)e
to'!rd) one point# . re&ret to )!" th!t the 3!' ep!rtment it)elf 'hich i) !n embodiment of
l!' bec!u)e it) n!me even i) 3!' ep!rtment5 the)e )!me people do not re)pect the l!'#
7hen the)e people them)elve) e)t!bli)h )uch ! procedure th!t the" mu)t not h!ve
e)t!bli)hed5 then . 'ill h!ve to )!"G
Urdu script
. do not '!nt to touch the 9ue)tion th!t h!) been decided b" "our predece))or# Th!t
9ue)tion h!) been decided# Th!t rulin& i) fin!l for me# . do not 9ue)tion it# . hi&hl" honour
th!t rulin& !lthou&h . %no' th!t thi) rulin& !ccordin& to m" opinion '!) not correct5 "et . do
not '!nt to 9ue)tion it#
Mr. Tajamul Husain : No one c!n )!" in)ide the Hou)e th!t the rulin& of the Ch!ir i)
Mr. Deputy Speaker : . !m )orr" the honour!ble member h!) not under)tood 2r#
Bh!r&!v! !t !ll# 7h!t he )!") i) th!t he doe) not !&ree 'ith the rulin& but he c!nnot 9ue)tion
the rulin& here# .t i) open to !n" member to thin% for him)elf !nd !l)o to )!" th!t in hi)
opinion he doe) not !ccept it5 but he i) bound b" the rulin&# . thin% there i) nothin& 'ron&#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: . !m ver" )orr" th!t 'henever m" honour!ble friend 2r#
T!A!mul Hu)!in r!i)e) !n" point of order it doe) not )urvive even for ! minute# . 'i)h th!t he
m!" r!i)e )uch ! point of order 'hich . m!" !l)o be !ble to repl"# . %no' th!t !t thi) time he
i) en9uirin& from !nother honour!ble member 'hether thi) Bill !pplied to l!nd) or not but he
pretend) !nd )!") th!t he under)t!nd) thi) Code Bill# Then . li%e to )ubmit th!t . !m perfectl"
'ithin m" ri&ht) if . )!" th!t on the rulin& . hold ! different opinion# . 'i)h to )ubmit ! fe'
other fund!ment!l) th!t h!ve not !t !ll been touched b" the Honour!ble the Spe!%erB) rulin&#
2o)t humbl" . be& to dr!' the !ttention of the Hou)e p!rticul!rl" to'!rd) the f!ct th!t thi)
Hou)e 'hich i) ! con)titution m!%in& Hou)e5 i) ! m!)ter of her l!')# None of our m!tter)
c!n be referred to !n" court in the countr"# .f thi) hou)e for)!%e) it) principle) for the )!%e of
p!))in& ! cert!in Act then 'e commit )uch ! mi)t!%e th!t 'e c!nnot be !b)olved of it)
re)pon)ibilitie)# . be& to )ubmit th!t in thi) redr!fted Bill5 reported b" the Select Committee5
the mi)t!%e) th!t 'e h!ve committed therein !re of three t"pe)# *ir)tl" 'hen ! Bill come)
before the Hou)e5 come) in the po))e))ion of the Hou)e5 !nd i) introduced in the Hou)e5 then
!fter thi) e(cept for the Hou)e no member of the Hou)e5 ho'ever bi& he mi&ht be5 ho'ever
&ood he mi&ht be5 c!nnot even ch!n&e ! comm! therein 'ithout the con)ent of the Hou)e# .f
there be !n" cleric!l mi)t!%e) then it i) !nother thin&C !nd if th!t !l)o be ! m!teri!l mi)t!%e
then it 'ill h!ve to be printed !&!in !nd re?circul!ted !nd !fter !&!in bein& introduced in the
Hou)e c!n be referred to !n" committee# =er" re)pectfull" . be& to )ubmit Sir5 th!t . !m
pre)entin& t'o or three technic!l point) for "our %ind con)ider!tion## About the)e point) .
'ill h!ve to )ubmit ver" humbl" to the other honour!ble member5 but not to r# Ambed%!r
!) he i) f!mili!r 'ith technic!l rule) !nd thin&)5 !nd he %no') ho' much inAu)tice c!n be
done b" for)!%in& the)e technic!l rule)# So . '!) )ubmittin& th!t b" for)!%in& the)e technic!l
rule) e(cept inAu)tice !nd unl!'ful thin&) nothin& benefici!l c!n be !ccompli)hed# 2r#
0)lo' h!) been ! ver" f!mou) )pe!%er of the hou)e of Common)# He h!d )!id th!t no 'or%
)hould be done in contr!vention of the technic!l rule)# *or the protection of minoritie)5 for
the protection of the Hou)e !) ! 'hole5 there !re technic!l rule)5 !nd the)e rule) !re of )uch !
fund!ment!l ch!r!cter th!t 'henever the limit) 'ill be tr!n)&re))ed nothin& e(cept mi)t!%e)
c!n be !ccompli)hed# Thi) principle h!) been l!id do'n in the 2!"B) ;!rli!ment!r" ;r!ctice5
'hich i) the convention of the mother of ;!rli!ment)# The convention i) th!t !) )oon !) Bill
i) introduced it p!))e) out of the h!nd) of the member introducin& it !nd come) 'ithin the
po'er of the Hou)e# . !m tr!n)l!tin& the 'ord) of 2!"B) ;!rli!ment!r" ;r!ctice 'hich . 'ill
)oon re!d out to "ou#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : . do not thin% !n"bod" in the Hou)e doubt) th!t !n" honour!ble
member even thou&h he m!" be the mover h!) &ot the ri&ht to ch!n&e the Bill 'hen once it
h!) been pl!ced before the Hou)e# A) . under)t!nd it5 the Honour!ble Spe!%erB) rulin& i) th!t
the ver" )!me Bill '!) con)idered in the Select Committee# Therefore5 there i) no &ood
c!nv!))in& th!t po)ition# The Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter did not )!" th!t !nother Bill '!)
con)idered in the Select Committee thou&h the other dr!ft 'hich he pl!ced before the Select
Committee '!) con)idered !lon& 'ith the ori&in!l Bill# A) !n" honour!ble member i)
entitled to pl!ce !mendment) before the Select Committee in)te!d of )endin& pieceme!l
!mendment)5 !ccordin& to him5 he printed !ll hi) !mendment) !nd pl!ced them before the
Committee# Th!t i) the rulin& of the Honour!ble the Spe!%er# B!rrin& th!t5 the honour!ble
member c!n &o on# Nobod" doubt) the po)ition )t!ted in 2!"B) ;!rli!ment!r" ;r!ctice th!t it
i) not open to ! member even thou&h he m!" be the mover of the Bill5 to ch!n&e the Bill
'hen the hou)e i) )eiJed of it# The Honour!ble the Spe!%er h!) )!id thi) h!) not been done#
7e !re bound b" th!tC other'i)e the honour!ble member m!" &o on#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . '!nted to )ubmit onl" thi) much th!t !fter he!rin&
"our opinion . h!ve become )till more )t!unch on m" belief#<ou h!ve decided th!t if it i)
)omeho' proved th!t in f!ct no !mendment) on thi) controver)" c!me before the Select
Committee then it )hould be !ccepted th!t the redr!fted Bill )hould not h!ve been con)idered#
*or thi) re!)on . 'ould )ubmit th!t . h!ve no need to 9uote the rulin& !&!in before "ou# Sir5 .
h!ve &ot ! rulin& of H!n)!rd =ol# E1+ of 187D 'herein !t p!&e D,E it h!) been l!id do'n th!t
if ! member &ive) notice of introducin& ! Bill !nd thi) Bill i) printed then th!t member
c!nnot m!%e !n" ch!n&e) in the Bill before the )econd re!din&5 !nd if he m!%e) !n" ch!n&e)
then the Honour!ble the Spe!%er &!ve the rulin& th!t the Bill be 'ithdr!'nGthe Bill c!nnot
be further di)cu))ed#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The po)ition of l!' i) !ccepted5 there i) no need to conv!)) th!t# .
do not thin% the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter denie) the po)tion of l!' th!t he i) not entitled
to ch!n&e) # # #
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter of 3!')4 No#
Mr.. Deputy Speaker:. # ## !n" comm! or )emi colon e(cept !) !ccepted b" the Select
Committee# But it i) open to him to pl!ce m!tter) before the Select Committe# . thin% th!t
'!) the rulin& of the Ch!ir# The honour!ble member m!" &o on#
Pandit; Thakur Das Bhargva: Sir5 ver" re)pectfull" . 'i)h to )ubmit th!t if the other
ori&in!l Bill i) pl!ced before the Hou)e then . 'ill h!ve no obAection# H!d thi) Bill been
con)idered in the Hou)e in thi) m!nner then nobod" 'ould h!ve !n" obAection)# After bein&
introduced in thi) m!nner the Bill )hould h!ve been technic!ll" con)idered cl!u)e b" cl!u)e
!nd 'ord b" 'ord# .f thi) procedure h!) not been !dopted !nd if the Bill '!) )ent to the
Select Committee !nd in the Select Committee it '!) not con)idered 'ord b" 'ord !nd
cl!u)e b" cl!u)e then . 'ould li%e to !)% if the fir)t Bill '!) before the honour!ble member
or '!) it in hi) pocc%et or h!d he come !fter re!din& it !t hi) hou)e# . 'i)h to dr!' "our
!ttention Sir5 to'!rd) ;!rli!ment!r" ;r!ctice# No member of the Select Committee h!) !n"
cl!im) !&!in)t thi)# . h!ve 'ith me )tron& re!)on) !nd . 'i)h to dr!' "our !ttention Sir5
to'!rd) them# .n the fir)t pl!ce perh!p) in the m!Aorit" report it i) 'ritten4 6 7e confined our
deliber!tion) to thi) redr!fted Bill# 6
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: 2!" . interrupt 8 Thi) i) not correct#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: The ori&in!l Bill h!) not been con)idered cl!u)e b"
cl!u)e !nd 'ord b" 'ord in the !ctu!l )en)e of the term# .n the popul!r )en)e !) the
Honour!ble the Spe!%er )!id before !nd in the )en)e in 'hich Shri B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm!
)ubmitted before the Hou)e5 the Bill '!) before u)5 then . h!ve no obAection !&!in)t the Bill#
. !m prep!red to !ccept th!t 'h!tever Shri B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm! !nd the Honour!ble the
Spe!%er h!ve )t!ted #### (-nglish translation of $indi sp!!'h!s is ov!r.
Shrimati G. Durgabai : 0n ! point of order# He i) 9ue)tionin& the rulin& of the Spe!%er
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . under)t!nd the honour!ble member5 thou&h . do not under)t!nd
ever" 'ord th!t he )!")5 . !m bound to )!fe&u!rd the rulin& of the Spe!%er# . !m not
intere)ted in )eein& th!t 'h!t . m!" h!ve )!id tod!"5 m!" be up)et b" ! Ch!irm!n 'ho
follo') me# The rulin& of the Spe!%er i) there# Thou&h the honour!ble member )pe!%)
forcibl" on one or t'o point)5 . under)t!nd th!t he '!nt) to per)u!de the hou)e to !llo' the
countr" !n opportunit" to con)ider the Bill# Th!t i) !ll th!t he me!n) (Honour!ble 2ember 6
N0# no# 6# . m!" )!" immedi!tel" . do not intend to &o behind the rulin& of the Spe!%er#)
An" !r&ument) th!t m!" be !dv!nced for con)ider!tion b" the hou)e of the countr" !t l!r&e i)
'elcomed but not in ! )pirit to 9ue)tion the rulin& of the Spe!%er#
Dr. Mono Mohan Das : 0n ! point of inform!tion# . '!nt to be informed 'hether the
ne(t ten minute) 'ill be t!%en up b" the honour!ble 2ember )o th!t 'e 'ho do not
under)t!nd Hindu)t!ni could return to our hotel)#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Since "ou h!ve been ple!)ed to )!" th!t "ou do not
follo' me !nd . '!nt ever" 'ord to be follo'ed b" the Hou)e !nd b" "our &ood)elf . 'ill
)pe!% in m" bro%en 1n&li)h#
Shri T. A. Ramalingam Chettiar (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Hitherto "ou h!ve h!d no
con)ider!tion for tho)e 'ho did not %no' Hindi# There i) ! l!r&e number of them here !nd if
"ou do not c!re for them !nd "ou do not '!nt them to li)ten5 it i) "our o'n loo% out#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: . h!d !lre!d" decided to )pe!% in 1n&li)h !nd m"
friendB) order) !re onl" )upplement!r"# But !fter 'h!t "ou h!ve been ple!)ed to )!"5 . 'ill
continue in 1n&li)h#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 7h!tever h!) been be!red h!) been be!red in Hindu)t!ni#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I !m not &oin& to repe!t !ll th!t . h!ve )!id !) it 'ill not
be po))ible# .n future . )h!ll )ubmit to "ou 'h!t . h!ve to )!"5 )o th!t . m!" not be ch!r&ed
for !ttemptin& ####
Mr. Tajamul Husain: There )hould be no repetition#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: . do not '!nt to be ordered b" 2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in# .f
he doe) not '!nt to ####
Mr. Tajamul Husain: . !m !ddre))in& the Ch!ir#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . do not '!nt 2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in to m!%e unintelli&ent
Mr. Deputy Speaker : . !m )orr" th!t5 2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in &oe) on interruptin&
repe!tedl"# . !m here to protect the hou)e )o th!t there i) no repetition# .t i) unfortun!te th!t
'e !re )pendin& much time in thi) '!"#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . do not '!nt to repe!t# . )ubmit th!t the m!nner in
'hich the Honour!ble the Spe!%er &!ve hi) rulin& . re)pect it !nd . 'ill not )!" ! 'ord
!&!in)t the rulin&5 thou&h . m!int!in# Sir5 th!t rulin& i) not the l!)t 'ord#
Mr. Tajamul Husain: .t i) the l!)t 'ord in thi) Hou)e#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . !m not &oin& to be t!unted b" the)e thin&)# . thin% the
Hou)e c!n revi)e it) o'n order# . c!n 9uote ! rulin& to thi) effect from the boo% B eci)ion)
of Ch!ir B# At the )!me time5 let the hou)e not thin% th!t . !m !)%in& the eput" Spe!%er to
revie' th!t order !t thi) )t!&e# . !m not doin& )o# 3et the Hou)e not be imp!tient# But m!" .
!)% 'here i) the rule th!t ! rulin& once &iven c!nnot be revi)ed 8 There i) no )uch rule# Since
. !m not !ttemptin& to &et the rulin& revi)ed#5 thi) doe) not !ri)e# 7h!t . '!) )!"in& '!) th!t
the rulin& of the Spe!%er '!) to thi) effect th!t the Bill '!) con)idered !lon& 'ith thi)
redr!fted Bill not in the !ctu!l )en)e nor in the technic!l )en)e in 'hich 'e under)t!nd 'h!t 6
con)ider!tion 6 i)# . )ubmitted for "our con)ider!tion th!t in the technic!l )en)e in 'hich 'e
u)e the 'ord 6 con)idered 6 thi) Bill '!) never con)idered#
Shri Mohan Lal Gautam: . be& to )t!te th!t thi) i) ! repitition of 'h!t he )po%e in
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .n )o f!r !) to en!ble me to under)t!nd the full implic!tion)#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: 7ithout the)e prelimin!r" rem!r%) . could not m!%e
m")elf under)tood !nd tho)e 'ho %no' 'ould h!ve re!liJed th!t . could not do more th!n
. '!) )ubmittin& 'ith ! vie' to convince "ou th!t !) ! m!tter of f!ct the re!l
con)ider!tion5 technic!ll" )o c!lled5 '!) onl" &iven to the redr!fted Bill# . )!id th!t . '!nted
to )ubmit cert!in !r&ument)4 fir)tl"5 the report )!") th!t 6 'e confined our deliber!tion) to the
r!dr!fted Bill 6# Secondl"5 Sir5 the di))entin& note of B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd !) 'ell !) of
B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm! )!") the )!me thin&# . do not '!nt to re!d further bec!u)e the member)
h!ve re!d it !nd it 'ill be '!)te of time to re!d it !&!in# 7hen 2r# B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm! )po%e
the Honour!ble the Spe!%er '!) ple!)ed to !ccept hi) )t!tement# He !&!in repe!ted in hi)
)peech th!t 6 'e confined our !ttention to thi) redr!fted Bill 6 4 !nd 'hen "ou )ee the report
"ou 'ill find th!t in the report it)elf there !re )ome indic!tion) for in)t!nce in cl!u)e 99 th!t
onl" the re?dr!fted Bill '!) con)idered in the technic!l )en)e#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : I !m not !ble to follo' 'h!t the honour!ble 2ember i) drivin& !t
)o f!r !) thi) i) concerned#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : I !m )orr" . h!ve not he!rd 'h!t h!) f!llen from 2r# @#
C# Sh!rm!#
Honourable Members : 0rder5 order#
Mr. Tajamul Hussain : Sit do'n K
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .f "ou 'ill permit me . 'ill tr" to &et !lon&#There !re t'o
9ue)tion)# .f it i) ! 9ue)tion th!t 'e ou&ht not to proceed 'ith thi) Bill5 then th!t point h!)
been decided# The Bill h!) been t!%en into con)ider!tion# The Spe!%er h!) )!id th!t thi) Bill
'!) before the Select Committee !nd 'ith the other !mendment) th!t h!ve been t!bled#
Therefore5 )o f!r !) th!t m!tter i) concerned5 1 m!" immedi!tel" )!" . !m not in ! po)ition to
&o be"ond the rulin& of the Spe!%er# Ap!rt from the 9ue)tion of ! )imil!r c!)e in the Civil
;rocedure Code5 ! rulin& h!) been &iven !nd it i) not de)ir!ble to &o over it in the )!me c!)e#
.t m!" not be ! precedent for )ome other)#
7hen it come) up in !n" other connection it 'ill be open to the Ch!ir or member) of the
hou)e or 'hoever mi&ht occup" the Ch!ir for the time bein& to &o behind the previou) rulin&#
At thi) )t!&e in the )!me proceedin&) . !m not prep!red to &o behind it# .n the)e
circum)t!nce) . 'ould li%e to !)% the honour!ble member for 'h!t purpo)e the)e !r&ument)
!re r!i)ed# .f !) . under)tood )ometime !&o5 it i) onl" for the purpo)e of per)u!din& the
Hou)e to !ccept the motion for circul!tion in vie' of the f!ct th!t the Select Committee did
not loo% into the ori&in!l dr!ft but the other one5 both of them 'ere before the Hou)e# So it i)
not !) ! point of order but for the purpo)e of per)u!din& the Hou)e5 'hich . c!n under)t!nd#
*or th!t re!)on 2!"B) ;!rli!ment!r" ;r!ctice !nd other rulin&) need not be referred to# So f!r
!) the m!tter of l!' i) concerned enou&h h!) been )!id !nd . 'ould re9ue)t the honour!ble
member5 if po))ible5 to conclude thi) portion of hi) !r&ument !nd proceed to )ome other
Siri R. K. Sidhva (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 the previou) )pe!%er# ;!ndit Th!%ur
!) Bh!r&!v! )!id th!t the Spe!%erB) rulin& i) not fin!l# 2!" .5 Sir5 dr!' "our !ttention # # #
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . do not '!nt !n" further !r&ument) on the m!tter# . h!ve !lre!d"
&iven m" rulin& th!t )o f!r !) thi) proceedin& i) concerned the Spe!%erB) rulin& i) fin!l# .
c!nnot !llo' !n" 9ue)tionin& of th!t# .t i) therefore unnece))!r" to reinforce the !r&ument or
to )tren&then m" h!nd)#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Sir5 it i) f!r from m" mind to invite "ou to &ive ! rulin&
contr!r" to the Spe!%erB)# . !m not &oin& to re9ue)t "ou to do th!t# . c!n 9uite under)t!nd th!t
it i) not de)ir!ble to revie' ! rulin& 'hen it i) &iven in the )!me c!)e5 thou&h . %no'
!ccordin& to l!' "ou !re perfectl" competent to &ive !nother rulin&# The l!' i) not )o n!rro'
!) not to provide for c!)e) in 'hich inAu)tice i) perpetr!ted# So . )h!ll de)i)t from )pe!%in&
!n" futher on thi) )ubAect th!t the rulin& of the Ch!ir m!" be loo%ed into# 7h!t . !m
)ubmittin& i) th!t there !re )ever!l motion) before the Hou)e !nd it i) not the onl" motion for
circul!tion# Thi) Bill could &o before the )!me Select Committee !nd it could come b!c% to
the Hou)e in 1+ d!")# A) . )ubmitted !lre!d" it i) not ! m!tter of dil!tor" t!ctic)# All th!t .
'!nt i) th!t the hou)e )hould !dopt ! procedure 'hich i) !ccordin& to l!' !nd 'hich i)
fund!ment!ll" ri&ht# . !m ! member of thi) Hou)e !nd !) )uch . h!ve ! ri&ht to )ee th!t the
Bill )ent to Select Committee i) con)idered in ! m!nner 'hich the l!' re9uire)# There i) no
e)c!pe5 therefore5 from it) recommitt!l to the )!me Select Committee# Thi) i) the re!)on
'hich . '!nt to )ubmit before "ou# After !ll the t!(p!"er h!) to p!" for ever" minute of the
time t!%en in thi) Hou)e !nd . h!te to t!%e ! dil!tor" or ob)tructioni)t) !ttitude# All the )!me #
# #
Mr. Tajamul Husain: <ou !re doin& it !ll the )!me#
An Honourable Member: He i) !&!in on the Spe!%erB) rulin&#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . hope the hou)e 'ill be!r 'ith me for ! little more time
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .) the honour!ble 2ember li%el" to t!%e more time 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: <e)5 Sir#
(h! $ous! ros! for lun'h.
The Assembly re-assembled after Lunch at Half Past Two of the Clock
Mr. D!puty Sp!ak!r (Shri M. "nanthasayanam "yyangar. in th! &hair.
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava4 Sir5 'hen the Hou)e ro)e for 3unch . '!) )ubmittin& for
"our con)ider!tion th!t the function) of ! Select Committee !re to &o throu&h the te(t of the
Bill 'ord b" 'ordC the function of ! Select Committee i) to &o into the te(t of the Bill cl!u)e
b" cl!u)e5 !nd if nece))!r"5 'ord b" 'ord# . 'ould refer to 2!"B) p!rli!ment!r" ;r!ctice#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 2!" . re9ue)t the honour!ble 2ember to proceed to !nother
point bec!u)e . h!ve !lre!d" &iven ! rulin& 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . re)pect "our rulin&# <ou 'ere ple!)ed to )!" th!t "ou
!re not &oin& to rever)e the rulin& &iven b" the Ch!ir !nd . do not '!nt it to be rever)ed# A) !
m!tter of f!ct . !m unfortun!te th!t . h!ve not been !ble to m!%e m")elf full" !ppreci!ted#
The rulin& of the Ch!ir )!") th!t thi) Bill '!) 'ith the Select Committee !t the time 'hen the
dr!ft '!) bein& con)idered# . do not di)pute th!t !t !ll# 2" di)pute i) th!t the function) of !
Select Committee 'ere th!t the" )hould h!ve &one throu&h the ori&in!l Bill cl!u)e b" cl!u)e
!nd 'ord b" 'ord# .t i) not onl" thi)# A) the Hou)e i) bound )o i) the Select Committee
bound to con)ider the Bill cl!u)e b" cl!u)e !nd 'ord b" 'ord#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : 7e 'ill !))ume th!t under the rulin& both the ori&in!l Bill !nd
the !mended dr!ft 'ere there !nd the" loo%ed into it cl!u)e b" cl!u)e# 7h!t follo') ne(t8 .)
it the 9ue)tion th!t 'e ou&ht not to &o into thi) !nd it i) not competent to do )o8 .f th!t i) so,
it h!) !lre!d" been ruled# 7hen once it h!) been ruled ho' i) it open to &o into it !&!in 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: 0n ! 9ue)tion of f!ct . 'ould )till re9ue)t the 2ember)
of ! Select Committee5 to %indl" enli&hten the Hou)e 'hether both the Bill) 'ere t!%en !nd
con)idered to&ether# A))umin& th!t thi) i) correct m" contention i) th!t unle)) !nd until ever"
cl!u)e of the ori&in!l Bill '!) t!%en5 unle)) !nd until it '!) con)idered cl!u)e b" cl!u)e !nd
'ord b" 'ord the re9uirement of l!' !nd procedure i) not complied 'ith#
Shri H. V. Kamath (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l)4 H!) not the 9ue)tion of competence of
the Select Committee been di)po)ed of b" the Spe!%er once for !ll 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: I !m tr"in& to meet th!t point m")elf# 7henever . find it difficult5
. 'ill !)% the honour!ble 2ember 2r# @!m!th to help me#
. h!ve !lre!d" )!id . !m !n(iou) to %no' 'h!t follo')# . 'ill !))ume for the moment th!t
both the Bill) 'ere there !nd th!t the other dr!ft Bill '!) con)idered cl!u)e b" cl!u)e# 7h!t
ne(t 8 7h!t i) the le&!l obAection 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . re9ue)t "ou to &ive me t'o or three minute) to e(pl!in
m" po)ition# There i) !nother !)pect of the c!)e !l)o# Be)ide) thi) bein& ! fund!ment!l rule
th!t the ori&in!l Bill )hould be t!%en cl!u)e b" cl!u)e !nd 'ord b" 'ord the '!" in 'hich the
entire Bill i) to be con)idered i) th!t e!ch cl!u)e mu)t be con)idered of the ori&in!l Bill5 then
the ne' cl!u)e5 then the Schedule5 then the ne' Schedule# ;!rli!ment!r" ;r!ctice &ive) th!t#
The ne(t 9ue)tion i) 'h!t i) the effect# 7h!t follo')Gthi) i) the 9ue)tion before "ou# . be&
to c!ll "our !ttention in thi) connection to the &ener!l principle) of pr!ctice !nd l!' !) 'ell
!) the p!rticul!r point involved# .n re&!rd to the &ener!l pr!ctice the rule of l!' i) !b)olutel"
cle!r th!t 'hen !n" l!' or !n" pr!ctice or the &ener!l principle re9uire) th!t ! cert!in
procedure i) to be ob)erved5 unle)) !nd until th!t procedure i) ob)erved the thin& c!nnot be
re&!rded !) h!vin& been v!lidl" done# *or thi) principle . 'ill 9uote !nother !uthorit" of the
;riv" Council it)elf 'hich i) 19DF ;riv" Council p!&e E+D#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: . !m !))umin& the ne(t )tep !l)o# . !m onl" t!%in& the honour!ble
2emberB) !r&ument )tep b" )tep# 3et u) !))ume it i) )oGth!t the Select Committee did not
con)ider thi) or con)idered )omethin& el)e# Then the honour!ble 2ember evidentl" '!nt) to
)!" th!t . h!ve no Auri)diction to &o into the m!tter# .t i) 'ith re)pect to th!t . '!nt to )!" th!t
it h!) !lre!d" been ruled b" the Spe!%er# . )h!ll he!r the honour!ble 2ember if he i) !ble to
)!ti)f" me th!t th!t rulin& doe) not cover the point he h!) )t!ted# So f!r !) . !m concerned .
h!ve con)idered it c!refull" !nd . believe the )!me h!) been covered# . 'ould therefore
)u&&e)t to the honour!ble 2ember to proceed futher 'ithout t!%in& !n" more time# Alre!d"
'e h!ve t!%en much time on thi)# There !re other )pe!%er) !l)o '!itin& to )pe!%# . 'ould li%e
the honour!ble 2ember to di)po)e of thi) point !) e!rl" !) po))ible !nd &o to !n" other point
if he '!nt) to#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava4 2" humble )ubmi))ion i) th!t the previou) rulin& of the
ch!ir did not con)ider thi) point# The onl" point r!i)ed b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d '!) th!t
the motion c!nnot be !llo'ed to be m!de !) onl" the redr!ft '!) con)idered# Th!t '!) the
)imple point# Thi) point 'hich . !m ur&in& in re&!rd to t!%in& up cl!u)e b" cl!u)e '!) not
even !r&ued# The effect 'ill be thi) th!t ! Bill 'ill be )ent to Select Committee !nd if "ou
donBt ob)ervethi) fund!ment!l rule5 !n" other 2ini)ter m!"5 !fter the Bill5 put ! redr!ft5 &et it
con)idered !nd the re!l purpo)e of thi) fund!ment!l rule th!t it )hould be con)idered cl!u)e
b" cl!u)e 'ill be defe!ted# Thi) i) )ufficient &round th!t no per)on h!d ! ri&ht to m!%e !n"
!lter!tion 'h!tever in the BillGfor thi) . 'ould refer "ou# Sir5 to the rulin& of the Spe!%er in
the Common) (p!&e D,1 of H!n)!rd5 =olume E1+)# .f "ou !&ree 'ith me in thi) !nd in the
Committee bein& re9uired to &o throu&h it cl!u)e b" cl!u)e then the po)ition i) !b)olutel"
cle!r th!t thi) Bil mu)t be recommitted to the )!me Select Committee# 3et the Select
Committee devote t'o hour)G1 do not '!nt th!t the $eport )hould not come in thi) )e))ion
G . '!nt them to devole t'o hour) !nd con)ider the ori&in!l Bill cl!u)e b" cl!u)e5 !nd 'e
'ill con)ider it then# Thi) point5 . m!" )ubmit '!) never con)idered b" the Spe!%er !nd . be&
of "ou %indl" to con)ider thi) point#
3e!vin& !)ide thi) point !) "ou h!ve !)%ed me not to )pend !n" more time on it5 . 'ould
t!%e up the other point)# No' the 9ue)tion i) 'h!t i) the effect of thi)# 0ne met !) . h!ve
!lre!d" )ubmitted i) th!t 'e mu)t !bide b" the rule)5 !nd the rule) in ! m!tter of thi) %ind !re
fund!ment!l rule) 'hich c!nnot be di)obe"ed# Then 'h!t i) the re!l effect of it8 Th!t . !m
)ubmittin& to "ou# No' the difference) or di)crep!ncie) bet'een the provi)ion) of the
ori&in!l Bill !nd the Bill !) it h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee rel!te not onl" to
m!tter) of procedure but to m!tter) of &re!t )ub)t!nce# .n the i))entin& Note &iven b"
B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd !nd ;!ndit B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm! it h!) been pointed th!t !) ! m!tter of f!ct
in the redr!fted Bill ver" dr!)tic ch!n&e) 'ere m!de !nd the" h!ve &iven e(!mple) of the
ch!n&e)# . !m not )!ti)fied th!t the" h!ve e(h!u)ted !ll the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) in the minute)
!nd . 'ould be& of "ou to con)ider it from th!t point# 7hen . be&!n m" )peech . invited "our
B!ttention to the f!ct th!t in thi) me!)ure5 !) it h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee !fter
the redr!fted Bill '!) con)idered5 m!n" ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de 'hich !re cert!inl"
de)tructive of the in)titution) 'hich 'e h!ve not in the ;unA!b# . 'ill fir)t of !ll c!ll "our
!ttention to the in)titution of !ppointment of !n heir# .n re&!rd to the !ppointment of !n heir
'e %no' the vie') of the Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r# He him)elf )t!ted th!t he thou&ht th!t
the !doption of heir) i) !n !rtifici!l !ff!ir# . !l)o thin% )o# 7e remember the )peech m!de b"
2r)# H!n)! 2eht! !t the time 'hen the Bill '!) )ent to the Select Committee# She !l)o m!de
cert!in rem!r%)# No'5 !ccordin& to the pre)ent me!)ure5 no per)on could !dopt !n heir in !n"
form e(cept in the D!but! form 'here!) !ccordin& to the ori&in!l Bill the Kritrim !nd 1oda
form) 'ere !l)o !llo'!ble# So f!r !) !doption i) concerned !doption of ! )on i) ! mere
fiction# Ho' c!n )uch ! )on become ! re!l )on8 But the Hindu l!' provide) for it !nd . h!ve
no 9u!rrel 'ith tho)e 'ho believe in it# But in re&!rd to !ppointin& heir) to propert"5 Au)t !)
the $om!n) did b" '!" of +ominis $!r!ditio, if the people in the ;unA!b h!d &ot pr!ctice)
li%e th!t nobod" h!) the ri&ht to touch them# Accordin& to our in)titution)5 in the !ppointment
of !n heir5 thou&h it i) in effect Au)t li%e !n !doptionC there i) no reli&iou) effic!c"5 there !re
no p!rticul!r ceremonie)# There i) no 9ue)tion of !&e# The )on i) not en&r!fted in the f!mil"
of the !doption but he continue) in hi) o'n f!mil"# There !re v!riou) rule) !nd the ;unA!b
Hi&h Court h!) &iven hundred) of rulin&) over thi) point# Th!t in)titution i) too )tron&l"
fi(ed in the public mind !nd "ou 'ill be t!mperin& 'ith the cu)tom of !t le!)t ! crore of
people if "ou !re not !llo'in& it in thi) Code# Accordin& to the Hindu Code no other form of
!doption 'ill be !llo'ed5 th!t i) the provi)ion in the pre)ent4 it doe) not &o f!r enou&h# .
under)t!nd th!t )o f!r !) cu)tom i) concerned5 cu)tom h!) been ruled out e(cept to the e(tent
'hich h!) been reco&ni)ed#
7hen . re!d the )peech of r# Ambed%!r him)elf 'hich he '!) ple!)ed to deliver !t the
time 'hen the 2otion '!) referred to Select Committee5 . found th!t hi) !ttitude '!) ver"
re!)on!ble !nd he m!de cert!in )t!tement) in re&!rd to cu)tom 'hich !re ver" much oppo)ite
to the provi)ion) of the Bill# Sir5 . doubt ver" much 'hether thi) 3!' ep!rtment Committee
h!d on it) per)onnel our 3!' 2ember him)elf# . do not %no' 'ho tho)e per)on) 'ere 'ho
t!mpered 'ith the Bill5 but !t the )!me time . c!n cert!inl" )!" th!t . ver" )tron&l" )u)pectG
thou&h . do not %no' itGth!t r# Ambed%!r mu)t not h!ve been there bec!u)e he i) ver"
!n(iou) to )ee th!t the cu)tom) of the ninet" per cent of the people !re not !ffectedG!) . !m
!n(iou) to )ee# 1ither thi) thin& mi))ed himGhe m!" not h!ve !ppreci!ted itG or )ome other
per)on) mi&ht h!ve been there 'ho 'ere not 2ember) of the Select Committee# The"
entirel" ch!n&ed the f!ce of the Bill5 'hich the" h!d not the ri&ht to doC then it '!) the other
Bill 'hich '!) con)ideredGit i) ! fiction th!t the ori&in!l Bill '!) there !nd con)idered# Sir5
. 'ould refer "ou to p!&e DF+E of the proceedin&) (9th April 1948 ) in 'hich r# Ambed%!r
6 Hi) )econd comment '!) th!t the Bill h!d not t!%en into con)ider!tion the cu)tom!r"
l!'# He cited )ome rulin& of the ;riv" Council# . )hould h!ve thou&ht th!t !t thi) hour of
the d!" it '!) unnece))!r" to cite the !uthorit" of the ;riv" Council bec!u)e it h!) been
'ell e)t!bli)hed b" ! lon& cour)e of deci)ion)5 th!t )o f!r !) the Hindu) !re concerned
cu)tom 'ould override the te(t of the 6 Smriti 6#7e !ll %no' thi)# But 'h!t !re 'e doin& 8
7h!t !re 'e doin& i) thi)# 7e !re )huttin& do'n the &ro'th of ne' cu)tom)# 7e !re not
de)tro"in& e(i)tin& cu)tom)# The e(i)tin& cu)tom) 'e !re reco&ni)in& bec!u)e the rule)
!nd l!' 'hich !re prev!lent in Hindu )ociet" !re the re)ult of cu)tom)# The" !re born out
of cu)tom) !nd 'e feel th!t the" h!ve no' &ro'n )o )turd" th!t 'e c!n indeed &ive them
flech !nd life in the bod" politic b" one le&i)l!tion#
Dr. Ambedkar was referring to the speech of Srijut Rohini Kumar Chaudhuri : He
also said:
6 th!t 'e h!d not t!%en into con)ider!tion the 9ue)tion of the trib!l people5 'ho)e life
i) undoubtedl" &overned in ! l!r&e me!)ure b" cu)tom!r" l!'# .f m" friend h!d re!d the
definition in thi) code !) to 'ho i) ! Hindu !nd 'ho i) not !nd to 'hom thi) Code !pplied5
he 'ould h!ve )een th!t there i) ! cl!u)e 'hich merel" )!id th!t per)on) 'ho !re not
2u)lim)5 ;!r)i)5 or Chri)ti!n)5 )h!ll be pre)umed to be Hindu)4 not th!t the" !re Hindu)#
The re)ult i) th!t if ! trib!l individu!l choo)e) to )!" th!t he i) not ! Hindu it 'ould be
perfectl" open to him under thi) Code to &ive evidence in )upport of hi) contention th!t he
i) not ! Hindu5 !nd if th!t conclu)ion i) !ccepted b" the Court he cert!inl" 'ould not be
obli&ed b" !n"thin& cont!ined in thi) Bill#
The po)ition i) thi) 4 if . !ccept m" in)titution) !) &ood5 if . !ppoint m" heir) !ccordin& to
the cu)tom 'hich &overn) me5 then !ccordin& to r# Ambed%!r . !m not ! Hindu# Th!t i) m"
difficult"# 1ither "ou mu)t provide for the)e one crore of people !nd !ccept their cu)tom)
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter of 3!') 4 . h!ve no de)ire to interrupt
m" friend5 but . mu)t )!" th!t . do not !ccept the interpret!tion th!t he put) upon th!t p!rt of
m" )peech# .t refer) to 9uite ! different m!tter#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : I !m ver" &l!d th!t . !m 'ron&# .t &ive) me )!ti)f!ction
th!t r# Ambed%!r did not '!nt th!t the one crore of people )hould &o out of the p!le of the
Hindu l!'# But !ll the )!me5 the !r&ument . '!) !dmittin& '!) thi)# .f thi) cu)tom '!) &ood
G!nd . cl!im it i) &ood bec!u)e !ccordin& to the definition &iven in thi) ver" code5 the
cu)tom i) !ncient5 re!)on!ble !nd not oppo)ed to public polic" or mor!lit"G1 cl!im thi)
cu)tom )hould h!ve been reco&ni)ed b" the Code# But thi) cu)tom i) not reco&ni)ed# To !
cert!in e(tent the kritrima form '!) !dopted !) ! &ood form b" the ori&in!l Bill but the
pre)ent Bill )!") th!t no !doption 'ill be reco&ni)ed e(cept thi) %ind of !doption 'hich
!ccordin& to r# Ambed%!r i) &overned b" cert!in rule)# 7h!t !re the rule)8 A m!n mu)t not
be more th!n 1+ "e!r) of !&e# He mu)t be &iven b" )omebod" in !doption# He mu)t not h!ve
m!rried# 1ven !ccordin& to the pre)ent l!' of !doption the)e rule) !re not there# Suppo)in& !
HinduB) d!u&hter !nd )on?in?l!' h!ve died then the d!u&hterB) )on c!nnot be !doptedC the
)i)terB) )on c!nnot be !dopted5 even the nephe' c!nnot be !dopted if the p!rent) !re not
there# .t i) common %no'led&e th!t even tod!" thi) rule th!t if ! per)on i) m!rried he c!nnot
be !dopted5 i) not in pr!ctice !nd !ccordin& to l!' in vo&ue5 it i) not nece))!r" th!t ! per)on
)hould not h!ve m!rried before he i) !dopted# Simil!rl" !bout !&e# So5 !ll the)e me!)ure)
h!ve been ch!n&ed in )uch ! '!" th!t the" c!nnot fit in 'ith the pre)ent condition)5 or the"
c!nnot be u)eful to u) or c!nnot &overn u)#
7e p!))ed in the Con)tituent A))embl" th!t 'e '!nt ! Civil Code# 1ven if thi) 'ere not
the Hindu Code !nd if r# Ambed%!r '!) ch!r&ed 'ith the dut" of fr!min& ! Civil Code5 (.
thin% he 'ill be )o ch!r&ed !fter the Con)titution i) p!))ed#) he 'ill cert!inl" include thi)
civil in)titutionGthe nomin!tion of !n heirGin the Civil Code !l)o# A m!n m!" be !ble to
help5 in their old !&e5 tho)e 'ho !ppoint him the heir# 2" )ubmi))ion i) th!t thi) point !lone
i) )ufficient to )ee th!t !) ! m!tter of f!ct the re?dr!ft i) much 'or)e th!n the ori&in!l Code
!nd full !ttention '!) not p!id to the ori&in!l Bill# .f full !ttention h!d been p!id5 thi) thin&
'ould h!ve been con)idered# H!d it been con)idered cl!u)e b" cl!u)e5 "ou 'ould not h!ve
!rrived !t thi)#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Thi) p!rt of the Bill '!)5 if . m!" )!" )o5 ver"
much con)idered#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I !m ver" &l!d# Sir5 th!t the ori&in!l Bill '!) con)idered#
Then the onl" technic!l point rem!in)5 th!t it '!) not con)idered cl!u)e b" cl!u)e5 there i)
intrin)ic evidence th!t it '!) not )o con)idered# 7h!t i) the effect8 Suppo)in& there !re
provi)ion) omitted# Ho' 'ere tho)e provi)ion) con)idered8 7hen the entire !ttention '!) on
the dr!ft of the other Bill tho)e cl!u)e) could not h!ve been con)idered# Thi) i) not !
technic!l m!tter# # #
Mr. Deputy Speaker : The honour!ble 2ember i) !'!re th!t the Hou)e i) not bound b"
'h!tever the Select Committee h!) done# The Select Committee h!ve )ent !
recommend!tionC it i) open to the honour!ble 2ember to !ccept or not to !ccept itC if he doe)
not !ccept it5 he c!n per)u!de the Hou)e not to !ccept it# 7e need not &o into th!t !&!in#
After !ll5 )ome 2ember) 'ere there# .t i) not ri&ht to &o into 'h!t the" con)idered or 'h!t
the" did not con)ider5 the honour!ble 2ember 'ould do better in !ddre))in& the Hou)e !) to
'h" 'e ou&ht not to !ccept ! provi)ion or 'h" 'e )hould !ccept it#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: . 'ill !ccept "our !dvice# Sir5 . 'ill not refer in future to
'h!t h!ppened before the Select Committee# . 'ill onl" )!" thi) point5 'ith "our permi))ion#
1ven if the Select committee !c9uie)ced in thi) fr!ud th!t the ori&in!l Bill i) not to be
con)idered !nd the )ub)titute Bill i) to be con)idered5 'e !re not bound# An !ccu)ed5 before !
crimin!l court5 !c9uie)ce) in ! cert!in procedure 'hich i) ille&!lC then it doe) not bind him#
2!" . 9uote )ome rulin&)8 A Court i) re9uired to &o into ! 9ue)tion !nd find out for it)elf
'hether there i) &ood evidence or record to bind !n !ccu)ed under )ection 1,7 Crimin!l
;en!l Code# The !ccu)ed )!")5 6 . !&ree to be bound in th!t evidence 6# The Court )!")5 6
<ou !re bound 6# But the !ppell!te Court )till rule) th!t the ri&ht procedure '!) not ob)erved
!nd the !c9uie)cence of the !ccu)ed in ! 'ron& procedure doe) not m!%e the order le&!l#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .) not the honour!ble 2ember )!ti)fied 'ith te!rin& the report of
the Select Committee in piece) 8 Should he !l)o )!" the" !re 6 !ccu)ed6 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Tho)e 'ho !re &uilt" of di)re&!rd of the fund!ment!l
rule) of procedure 'hich &overn ! Select Committee !re tod!" !ccu)ed before the Hou)e# .
!m )orr" . h!ve to )!" )omethin& 'hich m!" not be 'hole)ome to )ome of m" friend)5 but .
do )o in !ll humilit" !nd 'ith ! vie' to )!fe&u!rdin& the ri&ht) !nd pre)ti&iou) of the Hou)e#
. no' le!ve thi) point !nd come to the )econd point#
.n re&!rd to m!rri!&e !nd divorce 'hich !re ver" import!nt 9ue)tion)5 'h!t doe) the
Code )!" !nd 'h!t !re the f!ct) !t pre)ent 8 .n ;unA!b no )pecific ceremonie) !re re9uired for
m!rri!&e) 'hich !re c!lled Kar!wa !nd &hadar, "rda8i marriag!s. The 'om!n put) on the
b!n&le) )upplied b" the hu)b!nd or the hu)b!nd put) the &hadar on the 'ife !nd there the
m!tter end)# (Shri Mahavir yagi ) 6 Ch!rmin& m!rri!&e 6) .t i) ver" e!)" for 2r# T"!&i to
!v!il him)elf of )uch ! procedure# .t i) not ! )!cr!ment!l or civil m!rri!&e# A&!in5 in the
ori&in!l Code there '!) ! loophole# Such per)on) could come to court !nd &et them)elve)
re&i)tered# The ch!n&ed rule) i) th!t unle)) the m!rri!&e i) )!cr!ment!l5 it c!nnot be
re&i)tered# There !re other point) on 'hich . )h!ll h!ve occ!)ion to )pe!% before "ou5 but .
'i)h to m!%e cert!in &ener!l ob)erv!tion) inre&!rd to 'h!t i) h!ppenin& in re&!rd to m!n"
per)on) !nd 'h!t h!) not been con)idered from the point of vie' of the common m!n#
.n the mofu))il !re!)5 the people !re illiter!te# The" !re poor# The" do not %no' the
intric!cie) of the l!'# 0n the 9ue)tion of divorce5 'hen r# Ambed%!r )!id th!t he '!)
)pe!%in& for ninet" per cent# of the popul!tion5 . %no' th!t he '!) )!"in& nothin& but the
truth# .n re&!rd to thi) ninet" per cent# Ho' doe) the divorce t!%e pl!ce tod!" 8 The" &o to !
petition 'riter !nd &et ! letter of rele!)e# Another '!" i) the" con&re&!te to&ether !nd put !
'hite )heet on the 'om!n#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : And )uppl" ! &ood de!l of li9uor to the fello')
!))embled K
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Th!t m!" be )o5 but it i) not p!rt of the ceremon"# 7h!t
i) the pre)ent l!'# Sir 8 7h!t h!ve our le!der) done for "ou 8 . !m ! repre)ent!tive of tho)e
poor people# . include m")elf in them# But 'hen r# Ambed%!r Au)t b" hi) fin&er indic!te)
th!t he i) one of tho)e he 'ill e(cu)e me if . do not !&ree# r# Ambed%!r live) here in !
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : I h!ve lived in .mprovement Tru)t ch!'l) for
)ever!l "e!r) 'ho ch!r&ed me rupee) three !) rent#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava 4 <ou c!n cru)h them under "our feet4 "ou c!n cru)h
them under "our thumb5 but Sir5 do "ou thin% th!t !n" poor vill!&er &ettin& !bout $e# . or $)#
1I8I? ! d!" could &o to ! di)trict Aud&e 'ithout the help of ! l!'"er 8 r# Ambed%!r i) !
l!'"er# He '!nt) th!t thi) 'orld m!" be peopled b" l!'"er) !lone li%e me !nd b" nobod"
el)e# 7h!t 'ould h!ppen to the)e people 8 7ill the" &o to ! di)trict Aud&e for di))olution of
m!rri!&e or divorce 8 ("n honourabl! M!mb!r, 6 .mpo))ible 6) And thi) i) not )ufficient#
1ven if he obt!in) ! decree5 it )hould be confirmed b" ! Hi&h Court5 'hich )o f!r !) ;unA!b
i) concerned5 to the Hi&h Court !t Siml!# No'5 thi) procedure i) un%no'n to people# .t i) !
&re!t t"r!nn" upon tho)e people# <ou !re le&i)l!tin& for tho)e 'ho live in the 2!rine rive
in Bomb!" or in the p!l!ce) of C!lcutt! !nd elhi !nd not for the)e poor people for 'hom
"ou h!ve )uch ! )oft corner in "our he!rt#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharati: He '!nt) to m!%e it difficult# o "ou '!nt to m!%e it
e!)" 8
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Another !n)'er i) th!t the" '!nt to m!%e it difficult# .
do not '!nt to m!%e divorce e!)"# Ab)olutel" not# . !m in f!vour of divorce on one condition
onl"5 th!t "ou en!ct l!') in 'hich it m!" be ver" difficult to brin& !bout condition) in 'hich
divorce m!" t!%e pl!ce# Ch!)tit" !nd continuit" of f!mil" life !re the ver" pivot of our
culture# But if . !&ree to divorce5 it i) bec!u)e . )ee )o m!n" de)erted 'omen# .t i) on !ccount
of th!t . !&ree# Ho' c!n ! poor m!n 'ho i) !b)olutel" illiter!te be !ble to en&!&e ! l!'"er
!nd &o to ! di)trict or hi&h court 8 .t i) impo))ible to !ccept thi)# Thi) old Act of 18F9 '!)
en!cted5 not for the poor people of the ;unA!b or !n" other p!rt of .ndi!5 it '!) en!cted for
Chri)ti!n) 'ho 'ere of the )!me c!)te !) the then ruler)# There i) ! 'orld of difference
bet'een them !nd the)e people# .f "ou &o throu&h the provi)ion) from !rticle D8 to +, of the
Bill5 "ou 'ill come to the conclu)ion th!t )uch ! complic!ted !nd intric!te procedure h!)
been l!id do'n th!t it i) ver" difficult to follo' it# .f "ou thin% deepl"5 "ou 'ill find th!t the
'hole Hindu )ociet" 'ill rebel !&!in)t "ou if "ou p!)) tho)e provi)ion)# Accordin& to "our
l!'5 if ! m!n m!rrie) hi) !untB) (f!therB) )i)ter) d!u&hter5 th!t m!rri!&e i) &ood C if he m!rrie)
the d!u&hter of hi) m!tern!l uncleGit i) in vo&ue in cert!in p!rt) of Bomb!"5 .
under)t!nd###### ("n honourabl! M!mb!r) 6 And 2!dr!)#6)# But )o f!r !) 'e !re concerned it
i) re&!rded !) hi&hl" ince)tuou)# There i) ! ver" &re!t difference# (Shri Mahavir yagi) , The
m!n m!" be %illed#6) 2r T"!&i i) not ver" f!r bein& correct# .t i) ! f!ct th!t in !ll the vill!&e)
of 1!)t ;unA!bG!nd . )pe!% 'ith )uch feelin& not bec!u)e . '!nt to )pe!% 'ith force but .
re&!rd it !) true if "ou !llo' thi) thin& to be done5 th!t m!n )h!ll be %illed !nd nobod" 'ill
!))oci!te 'ith him# (Mr. a#amal $usain) 6 .) there !n" compul)ion 86)# .f ! m!n m!rrie) hi)
)i)ter or mother5 i) there !n" compul)ion 8 .) thi) !n en!blin& me!)ure 8 Thi) i) &oin& into
the ver" vit!l) of the )ociet"# .t i) intoler!ble# .t i) impre))ible for u) to be reconciled to thi)
)itu!tion )impl" bec!u)e in re&!rd to )ome people there i) )uch ! cu)tom# . do not )!" th!t
tho)e people )hould not be protected5 but for them provi)ion c!n be m!de#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharati : 1(!ctl" th!t h!) been provided if "ou refer to cl!u)e
7(+)Gthe p!rtie) )hould not be )!pind!) of e!ch other#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: 2!" . humbl" en9uire if ! d!u&hter of the !unt c!n be
m!rried to ! m!n 8 . h!ve )een the rule)# . )ubmit for "our con)ider!tion th!t in the)e m!tter)
the l!' h!) been ch!n&ed5 !nd unle)) the l!' i) brou&ht to )uit our condition) it i) difficult
for u) to )upport thi) me!)ure# Th!t c!n be done# .n the Select Committee !mendment) c!n
be moved# . do not '!nt th!t the Bill )hould be throttled or %illed4
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: .t c!n !l)o be done b" !n !mendment in thi)
An Honourable Member: I hope "ou 'ill !ccept#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: I )h!ll be prep!red to !ccept !n" re!)on!ble
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . !m ver" &l!d5 !nd to th!t e(tent . !m !&ree!ble to
)upport thi) Bill#
Mr. Tajamul Husain: oe) the honour!ble 2ember intend to fini)h tod!" 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The honour!ble 2ember )eem) to be intere)ted in thi) th!n other
per)on5 'ho !re !ffected b" thi) Bill# . h!ve been noticin& it# . c!nnot !)% the honour!ble
2ember 'hen he propo)e) to fini)h# .t i) open to him to t!%e ! re!)on!ble time 'ithout
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : .t i) not m" intention to t!%e one more minute th!n i)
nece))!r"# .f . !m repe!tin&5 . m!" be c!lled to order# .f ! Bill i) there 'hich !ffect) the live)
of thirt" crore) of people5 it i) not too much to con)ider it for )ever!l d!")#
No' . come to the provi)ion) m!de b" the Select Committee !nd to the mo)t cruci!l
9ue)tion) in thi) m!tter# The" !re5 'hether in re&!rd to )ucce))ion !nd m!inten!nce5 'h!t
)hould be our !ttitude# . fell )tron&l" on the)e# A) . )ubmitted in m" e!rlier ob)erv!tion5 . !m
in f!vour of &ivin& to the 'omen of .ndi! ri&ht) over propert"5 move!ble !) 'ell !)
immove!ble5 )o th!t the" m!" be economic!ll" independent# But5 !t the )!me time5 . !m
oppo)ed to &ivin& the d!u&hter ! )h!re in the propert" of the f!ther#
D ;# 2
. '!nt th!t5 )o f!r !) !n unm!rried d!u&hter i) concerned5 )he m!" be &iven full )h!re li%e
the )on !) lon& !) )he doe) not m!rr"# But !) )oon !) )he i) m!rried the po)ition become)
different# . )ee th!t there i) ! l!cun!e in our l!'5 but it m!" be met b" en!ctin& th!t5 !) !
'om!n m!rrie) ! m!n5 then the m!n !nd 'om!n5 'hen the" !re united in love5 the" m!" be
united in propert"# /ltim!tel" the m!n !nd 'om!n m!" be Aoint o'ner) !nd5 'hen the f!ther
of the hu)b!nd die)5 both of them m!" )ucceed e9u!ll"# *urther on5 the devolution of the
propert" m!" t!%e pl!ce in ! p!rticul!r '!"# . %no' th!t perh!p) the dem!nd for e9u!lit"
m!" not be full" net thereb"# But in ! m!tter of thi) %ind5 . do not thin% our )i)ter) !re 'ell
!dvi)ed in 'ei&hin& ever" 9ue)tion in &olden )c!le)# The "!rd?)tic% emplo"ed b" them i) not
2!" . )ubmit th!t5 in re&!rd to m!inten!nce5 the" h!ve )uch l!') !nd )uch provi)ion) the
e9u!l of 'hich i) not to be found !n"'here el)e# Sir5 the 9ue)tion of )ucce))ion !nd the
9ue)tion of m!inten!nce mu)t be con)idered to&ether# .f the" !re not con)idered to&ether5 the
difficult" 'ill be th!t the full implic!tion) of the provi)ion) 'ill not be re!li)ed# No'5 in
re&!rd to m!inten!nce the dutie) of ! hu)b!nd or ! m!n !re 9uite different from the dutie)
l!id upon 'omen# Accordin& to the Ch!pter on 2!inten!nce5 the 'ife h!) ! ri&ht to be
m!int!ined b" the hu)b!nd5 but h!) the hu)b!nd ! ri&ht to be m!int!ined b" the 'ife 8 . !m
onl" )!"in& th!t the ri&ht) !re not e9u!l# . m!int!in th!t the ri&ht) c!nnot be e9u!l# The" !re
diver)e# 3!die) !nd men h!ve to do different 'or% in life !nd on thi) b!)i) it )hould be )o
!rr!n&ed th!t the 'om!n &et) her full ri&ht !nd not !n !b)olutel" e9u!l ri&ht#
Then !&!in# Sir5 ! f!ther h!) ! ri&ht to m!int!in ! minor )on C but5 )o f!r !) the d!u&hter i)
concerned5 'h!t !re the ri&ht) of ! d!u&hter# Sir 8 .f ! d!u&hter i) 'ido'ed or i) m!rried or
unm!rried5 in ever" e!)e !nd 'h!tever the !&e of the d!u&hter5 her m!inten!nce i) !b)olute
obli&!tion# A) ! m!tter of f!ct )o f!r !) the provi)ion) for m!inten!nce !re concerned5 .
cert!inl" '!nt to con&r!tul!te r# Ambed%!r for propo)in& th!t the l!die) )hould be
protected in ever" '!" !nd th!t the" )hould be 'ell provided for# But 'hile thi) u)eful
provi)ion i) there5 there i) !l)o the other thin& th!t the l!die) )hould &et ! )h!re in the f!therB)
The Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r told u) "e)terd!" th!t in time) of old there '!)
)imult!neou) devolution of propert" !nd th!t the d!u&hter &ot !bout one?fourth !ccordin& to
N!r!d# . do not %no' 'h!t '!) the b!)i) of )oci!l e(i)t!nce in tho)e d!") !nd 'hether the
f!mil" '!) then con)tituted !) it i) tod!"# . do not %no' 'hether thi) point h!) been de!lt
'ith in )ome te(t) of Hindu 3!'# Th!t i) not !n !ccepted propo)ition# Some )!" th!t thi)
provi)ion of )imult!neou) heir)hip refer) onl" to unm!rried 'om!n# But5 le!vin& th!t !)ide5 .
)ubmit th!t5 if in the)e time) it '!) con)idered ri&ht5 the 9ue)tion of 9ue)tion) i) 'hether
tod!"5 !) 'e !re )itu!te !fter h!vin& ob)erved the theor" of A&n!c" for ! thou)!nd "e!r) or
more5 !re 'e Au)tified in !cceptin& the propo)ition th!t the d!u&hter )hould &et ! )h!re 8
7h!t h!ppen) in ! f!mil" 8 A) lon& !) the f!ther i) !live5 the )on) 'or% 'ith him in hi)
bu)ine)) or in the field !nd the" combine to&ether to produce 'e!lth# 7hen the f!ther die) of
old !&e5 th!t propert" 'hich &oe) in the f!therB) n!me i) thu) the re)ult of the Aoint effort) of
the )on) !nd the f!ther# No'5 to )!" th!t the d!u&hter )hould &et ! )h!re of )uch ! propert"
'hich )he h!d no )h!re in producin&Gperh!p) )he '!) in )ome other pl!ce producin&
children5 i) not f!ir# 3et me not be mi)under)tood# . do not '!nt th!t the d!u&hter )hould not
be &iven full ri&ht)# She m!" h!ve them# But . do not '!nt th!t thi) innov!tion5 'hich i) of
)uch ! fund!ment!l ch!r!cter th!t it 'ill !ffect ever" home in our countr"5 )hould be m!de# .
%no' m" people !ll ri&ht# Choudh!ri $!nbir Sin&h 'ho i) ! >!t %no') ho' hi) )on?in?l!'
'ill be received in the f!mil"# . h!ve been ! pr!cti)in& l!'"er tor fort" "e!r) !nd . %no' th!t
in the c!)e of )elf?!c9uired propert"5 the d!u&hter &et) ! )h!re 'hen there !re no )on)# .f thi)
innov!tion i) introduced in the vill!&e)5 in re&!rd to entire propert" the re)ult 'ill be endle))
trouble# .n ever" home if "ou let the )on?in?l!' !nd the f!ther !nd the mother of the )on?in?
l!' to live to&ether 'ith !untB) )on !nd hi) f!mil"5 it 'ill cre!te !n impo))ible )itu!tion# Thi)
i) not bec!u)e 'e do not love our d!u&hter)# 7e do ever"thin& for them# .n our pl!ce5 if !
d!u&hter come) home to her p!rent)5 )omethin& i) !l'!") &iven to her b" '!" of love#
Shrimati Renuka Ray: !u&hter) )hould not be born in thi) countr"#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: To th!t . %no' 7h!t r# Ambed%!r 'ill )!"# He 'ill
)!"5 B .n)te!d of )on5 d!u&hter) )hould be born# o 'e not %no' th!t !mon& m!n" $!Aput)5
the d!u&hter) 'ere %illed 8 . do not '!nt th!t to be done# .t i) unnece))!ril" 'ron&# 7h!t .
!m )ubmittin& i) th!t for hundred) of "e!r) 'e h!ve lived in )uch ! )ociet"# 7e h!ve
re&!rded the )on !) the ver" pivot of the f!mil"# 7ithout ! )on the d!u&hter doe) not count in
the f!mil"# .t i) the )on 'hich protect) ! m!n from hell# ( ) .f 'e 'ere li%e the 2u)lim)5
'e 'ould cert!inl" !ccept it5 but it i) ver" difficult# Thi) interruption b" $enu%! $!" onl"
brin&) into relief m" !r&ument th!t )o f!r !) the conception) of the people !re concerned !nd
their ment!l outloo%) !re concerned5 )uch !n innov!tion 'ould )pell nothin& but di)!)ter#
Thi) i) m" humble )ubmi))ion !nd 2r)# $enu%! $!" onl" )upport) me in thi)#
Mr. Krishnaswami Bharati: I do not %no' 'hich p!rt of the countr" he come) from5
but it !ppe!r) th!t he doe) not %no' the cu)tom in the ;unA!b# .n no other province . c!n )!"
the condition) !re the )!me# 7h!t !re the)e condition) due to 8 The" !re due to the f!ct th!t
for thou)!nd) of "e!r)5 our polic" !nd our theor" !nd our conception !bout the f!mil" h!)
been e(!ctl" 'h!t h!) been in the ;unA!b# Son)?in?l!' !re not !ll b!d# Son) !re not e9u!ll"
Shri Mahavir Tyagi (/#;#4 :ener!l)4 .t i) the brother?in?l!' 'hich m!tter)#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: There i) ! proverb 'hich run) !) follo')4
(ranslation of @rdu prov!rb.
(The follo'in& !re the efficient c!u)e) of )trife4
(1) Con)truction of hou)e in the pl!ce me!nt for depo)it of vill!&e refu)eC (E) A field in
the vicinit" of vill!&e common C !nd (D) The h!bit!ment of )on?in?l!' in the
vill!&e#) Another proverb#
(ranslation of @rdu prov!rb.
(The "!m!5 the )on?in?l!'5 the m!tern!l nephe'5 cho'%id!r !nd the &old)mith c!n never
be "our)# <ou m!" tr" them if "ou ple!)e#) Thi) i) the truth# 3et me )!" 4 A)% !n" per)on to
&o to the ;unA!b !nd find out !mon& the Si%h) !nd >!t)#
So f!r !) thi) Bill i) concerned5 'hen thi) Bill '!) introduced5 . remember th!t in the
0bAect) !nd $e!)on)5 thi) thin& !ppe!red4
6 The Bill !im) !t providin& uniformit" in !ll br!nche) of Hindu l!' for !ll province) !nd
for !ll )ection)# The old comple(5 intric!te !nd different provi)ion) of Hindu 3!' h!ve !l)o
been )implified# 2o)t of the provi)ion) in the Bill !re of ! permi))ive or en!blin& ch!r!cter
!nd impo)e no )ort of compul)ion or obli&!tion 'h!tever on the orthodo( )ection of the
communit"# Their onl" effect i) to &ive ! &ro'in& bod" of .lindu)5 men !nd 'omen5 the
libert" #to le!d the life 'hich the" 'i)h to le!d 'ithout in !n" '!" !ffectin& or infrin&in& the
)imil!r libert" of tho)e 'ho prefer to !dhere to the old '!")#6
No'5 Sir5 in this ver" )pirit# r# Ambed%!r )po%e "e)terd!"# 7e '!nt to )ee both the
)ection)5 the enli&htened !nd the non?enli&htened !re !ccommod!ted# 2" humble )ubmi))ion
to him i) th!t )o f!r !) th!t i) concerned5 he i) ri&htC but for tho)e humble people5 'hom "ou
'ill neither re&!rd !) enli&htened nor non?enli&htened on the p!th of )oci!l life5 "ou h!ve not
&iven the ri&ht provi)ion) in the Bill !nd m" humble re9ue)t to r# Ambed%!r i) 4 3et him
!l)o %indl" !llo' them to live on thi) e!rth#
No'5 Sir5 the ver" e))ence of ! codific!tion i) th!t it include) cert!in en!blin& me!)ure)
to !ccommod!le the pro&re))ive !nd reco&ni)e) cu)tom) 'hich h!ve &ro'n in )pite of te(t)
to the contr!r"# .t '!) never intended th!t e)t!bli)hed ri&ht) !nd provi)ion) of l!' )hould be
ch!n&ed in thi) ruthle)) m!nner5 'hich 'ill cre!te b!d blood in the 'hole of the )ociet"# All
our cu)tom) !nd !ll our cheri)hed in)titution) !re bein& cru)hed b" thi) Bill#
7hen . come to the other provi)ion)5 !) re&!rd) the )ucce))ion5 the po)ition 'ill be )till
more !)toundin&# No'5 Sir5 )o f!r !) the 2it!%)h!r! i) concerned5 'e %no' the
con)!n&uinit" i) the b!)i) !nd )o f!r !) the !"!bh!& l!' i) concerned5 reli&iou) effic!c" i)
the b!)i) of inherit!nce# r# Ambed%!r h!) been %ind enou&h to &ive u) !nother b!)i) of
inherit!nce# . do not '!nt to )!" th!t he i) f!r from 'ron& in 'h!t he i) doin&# He i) doin&
the ri&ht thin&5 but . do not %no' 'h!t i) the b!rometer for 'ei&hin& thi) n!tur!l love !nd
!ffection# 3ove !nd !ffection m!" !l)o be perh!p) under)tood# 7h!t i) n!tur!l love . do not
%no'# Accordin& to our conception)5 the brother i) ver" de!r to u)# .n our )!cred $!m!"!n5
in 3!%)hm!n5 brotherhood i) en)hrined# Sir5 B /ncle) B 'ho !re Au)t li%e p!rent) !re ver" de!r
to u)# But 'h!t i) the po)ition of B uncle) !nd brother) B in Hindu Code# .f . 'ere to tell "ou
ho' th!t po)ition h!) been !ffected5 'here the" h!ve been rele&!ted5 'here the" h!ve been
put5 in the li)t of heir) "ou 'ill )impl" be !)tounded# .f "ou %indl" )ee the Seventh Schedule
'hich h!) been )ou&ht to be m!de !pplic!ble to ! Hindu in re&!rd to inherit!nce5 "ou 'ill
find th!t the fir)t cl!u)e include) )even %ind) of people !nd . '!nt to %no'# Sir5 ho' thi) ne'
principle of n!tur!l love !nd !ffection i) !ffected b" thi) provi)ion# .n the fir)t pl!ce Son C
'ido'C d!u&hter4 thi) . c!n under)t!nd ver" 'ell# Then "ou find B )on of ! predece!)ed )on B4
1ven there . 'ill !llo' it# Then come) - 'ido' of ! predece!)ed )on B# Sir5 . do not
under)t!nd ho' under the l!' of n!tur!l love !nd !ffection )he i) preferred to ! d!u&hter5 )on
or !n uncle# . do not thin% th!t )o f!r !) the 9ue)tion of n!tur!l !ffection i) concerned5 the
'ido' of ! predece!)ed )on5 or )on of ! predece!)ed )on of ! predece!)ed )on c!n be
!ccepted# 2" opinion i) th!t the Bill i) b!)ed on ! 'ron& )t!nd?point if it provide) for them# .
c!n under)t!nd if thi) i) onl" for providin& for l!die)5 if the" 'ere not provided el)e'here# .f
the" '!nted not ! 'ido'5 but the 'ife of ! predece!)ed )on or the 'ife of ! )on5 . c!n
under)t!nd it#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Thi) i) b" )t!tute# .f m" honour!ble friend 'ill
re!d the 7omenB) ;ropert" Act5 19D75 he 'ill under)t!nd 'h" the)e people h!ve been put in
the c!te&or" )imult!neou)l"#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: The friend of r# Ambed%!r %no') it 9uite ver" 'ell#
But in th!t 19D7 Act 'hen th!t provi)ion '!) m!de5 the B d!u&hter B '!) not included#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: I h!ve )!id )o#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: <ou '!nt to !dd thi) to en!ble the d!u&hter to )ucceed !
f!ther !nd )ucceed the f!ther?in?l!' too# Thi) i) !b)olutel" unf!ir# . do not )ee 'h" "ou do
not provide for thi) 'hen "ou !re m!%in& ! ne' Code# <ou 'ere m!%in& l!') in 'hich !ll
cl!im) )hould h!ve been )!ti)f!ctoril" met# Ho' )hould "ou h!ve put in the)e provi)ion)5
bec!u)e the Act of 19D7 '!) there# . do not thin% thi) committee '!) Au)tified in doin& thi)#
The" ou&ht to h!ve &iven ! full code in 'hich ever" cl!im '!) )!ti)fied# <ou c!nnot Au)tif" it
other'i)e# Therefore5 "ou too% protection under th!t Act# Th!t i) the po)ition# Sir#
7hen . come to cl!u)e E of the ori&in!l bill the B mother B '!) con)idered !) the better
heir5 bec!u)e the B mother B '!) ! cl!)) b" it)elf !nd the mother )ucceeded !lone# Here . c!n
under)t!nd n!tur!l love# No' the f!ther h!) been pl!ced !lon& 'ith the mother !nd the" both
come to&ether# But if "ou proceed further 'h!t . m!int!in 'ill be better under)tood# 7hen
"ou come to the )econd c!)e5 "ou find )onB) d!u&hter5 d!u&hterB) d!u&hter# The )onB)
d!u&hter h!) &ot ! )peci!l pl!ce in 2it!%)h!r! l!' !nd !ccordin& to 2it!%)h!r!5 )he i) one of
the f!vourite heir)# 7h!t h!ppen) no'# Sir5 i) th!t in the ori&in!l Bill in the fir)t cl!))5 the
d!u&hterB) )on preceded mother !nd f!ther# No' the d!u&hterB) )on i) )ent on to the bottom#
Then if "ou proceed further# Sir5 in cl!)) .=5 the brother !nd the )i)ter come# And in cl!)) =5
brotherB) )on5 )i)terB) )on5 brotherB) d!u&hter !ll come in# . c!n onl" )t!te th!t ! brotherB) )on
i) m!de e9uiv!lent to ! )i)terB) )on !nd ! )i)terB) d!u&hter# No'5 thi) i) e9u!lit" run m!d5 .
)hould )!"# .n our f!milie)5 'e %no' 'h!t i) ! brother !nd ! brotherB) )on# Thi) i) the re)ult
of the )")tem or the in)titution of ! f!mil" !) 'e h!ve been ob)ervin& for the l!)t 1,,, "e!r)#
7e c!nnot &et !'!" from thi) violent conflict# <ou !re introducin& provi)ion) in thi) Bill
'hich 'ill m!%e ever" per)on rebel !&!in)t "ou5 bec!u)e the)e innov!tion) in pr!ctice)
c!nnot be m!de b" order# Accordin& to the provi)ion) of thi) Bill5 ever" Hindu5 m!le !nd
fem!le h!) &ot !n !b)olute ri&ht of m!%in& ! 'ill !nd ever" m!le !nd fem!le in future 'ill be
!b)olute m!)ter) of thi) inherit!nce# <ou h!ve &iven in m" h!nd ! po'er to the detriment of
the l!die) !nd . do not '!nt th!t it )hould be u)ed to the detriment of the l!die)# After !ll5 !
f!ther 'hen d"in& 'ill be 'ithin the po'er of the )on) !nd the )on) 'ill )ee th!t the f!ther
di)inherit) the d!u&hter) b" 'ill# 7hile . !m )!"in& thi)5 . m!" tell "ou5 . h!ve ! d!u&hter
!nd . h!ve provided for her 'hen . provided for m" )on)# .n the hou)e in 'hich . h!ve been
livin& 'ith m" )on) !nd in the hou)e in 'hich m" )on)B 'ive) h!ve been livin&5 . do not '!nt
th!t the d!u&hter !nd her hu)b!nd5 her f!ther?in?l!' !nd mother?in?l!'5 her elder?brother?in?
l!' )hould !ll come !nd occup" )ome room)# Th!t 'ould be !n impo))ible propo)ition#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: /nder the Bill there i) not much ch!nce of the f!ther?in?l!' !nd
mother?in?l!' bein& protected#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : The" c!n come 'ith the )on?in?l!'# . 'ill )ho' there i)
! ver" &ood ch!nce of ! thin& li%e thi) t!%in& pl!ce# The f!ther 'ho doe) not '!nt to touch
even '!ter !t the hou)e of the d!u&hter5 'ill &et the propert" of the d!u&hter5 !nd her
hu)b!nd# . !m comin& to th!t )ub)e9uentl"#
. !m onl" )ubmittin& th!t the l!die) 'ill be under ! &re!ter Aeop!rd" of lo)in& their ri&ht)
in thi) '!"# The f!ther 'ill di)inherit the d!u&hter# She i) not ! heir !ccordin& to cl!)) .C )he
doe) not )ucceed to the propert" of the f!ther?in?l!' !) 'ife of the )onC but )he )ucceed) onl"
!) ! 'ido'# 7here i) )he then 8 . do not under)t!nd# She 'ill be put to ! &re!t lo))# . '!nt#
Sir5 th!t the 'omen )hould &et their full ri&ht)# The theor" 'hich . h!ve propounded#G1
h!ve not &iven ver" &re!t thou&ht to itG. h!ve onl" )ubmitted it for the con)ider!tion of the
entire Hou)e !nd for the con)ider!tion of r# Ambed%!rG. do not %no' ho' it 'ill !ffect
other intere)t)Gthere m!" be fl!') !nd . do not vouch for itGbut . con)ider5 !t the )!me
time5 th!t it 'ill be ! better !rr!n&ement th!n the pre)ent !rr!n&ement# The theor" i) th!t !n
unm!rried d!u&hter )ucceed) )imult!neou)l" e9u!ll" 'ith the )on# The 'om!n on m!rri!&e
become) Aoint o'ner in hu)b!ndB) propert" !) hu)b!nd 'ould be Aoint o'ner in her propert"5
then both )ucceed in hu)b!ndB) f!mil"#
Then5 !&!in# Sir5 'h!t 'ould h!ppen to the brotherB) )on 8 !nd the )i)terB) )on8 The" !re
both on the )!me level# The brotherB) )on live) in the )!me hou)e prob!bl" or ne(t door !nd
doe) )ervice ever"d!" C the )i)terB) )on live) !t All!h!b!d or 2!dr!) or )ome other pl!ce#
Ho' 'ill the" be e9u!l# .n re&!rd to other provi)ion) !l)o#G . '!nt to be brief#G.f the
Hou)e 'i)he) me to &o into the other provi)ion) !l)o5 . !m perfectl" prep!red !nd . h!ve &ot
full note) !bout the ch!n&e) !nd ho' the" !ffect u)Gbut . 'ould be t!%in& up the time or the
Hou)e in )uch ! m!nner !) to deprive the other member) of their opportunit"#
Honourable Members: <ou m!" &o on#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: There !re m!n" other con)ider!tion) 'hich &o to )ho'
th!t thi) provi)ion in cl!u)e (E) i) not 'ell founded either from the point of vie' of
con)!n&uinit" or reli&iou) effic!c" !nd even from the point of vie' of n!tur!l !ffection !nd
Ne(t5 . come to the )ucce))ion of the fem!le# After the Hindu Code Bill come) into
vo&ue5 the l!d" )ucceed) to the propert" of the f!ther !) 'ell !) to the propert" of the
hu)b!nd# Suppo)e the l!d" die) le!vin& hu)b!nd !nd children5 it i) cle!r th!t the hu)b!nd h!)
been &iven the ri&ht !nd the children !l)o )ucceed# So f!r )o &ood# Then5 'hen the hu)b!nd
!nd the children !re not there5 'ho )ucceed) 8 The f!ther !nd mother of the l!d"# The)e
peopleG there !re l!%h) li%e themG 'ho do not even '!nt to touch '!ter from the hou)e of
the d!u&hter5 'ill &et the propert"# (Shri 2. Krishnaswumi Bharati#B6 7h" 6 <ou c!nnot
under)t!nd thi)C it i) m" difficult"# <ou c!nnot re!li)e thi)# 2!" . )ubmit# Sir5 th!t !) )oon !)
the f!ther &ive) !'!" the d!u&hter to the )on?in?l!'5 the f!ther never &oe) to the hou)e of the
d!u&hter5 never t!%e) hi) food in her hou)e !nd never even drin%) '!ter in her hou)e5 )o th!t
the purit" i) m!int!ined th!t no d!u&hter m!" be &iven in m!rri!&e for mere con)ider!tion or
!n" other m!teri!l &!in# Th!t i) the b!)i)# There !re m!n" people 'ho 'ould not even &o to
the vill!&e 'here the d!u&hter i) m!rried# 7e mu)t reco&ni)e f!ct) !) the" !reC it i) no u)e
)!"in& th!t the" do not %no'# .t i) 9uite po))ible th!t the" do not %no'# .t 'ill h!ppen th!t
the f!ther?in?l!' 'ould &et propert" be9ue!thed b" the l!d"# Th!t 'ill be !n intoler!ble
po)ition# Suppo)in& ! l!d" doe) not le!ve ! hu)b!nd !nd children !nd neither ! f!ther nor !
mother5 'h!t h!ppen) 8 Thi) i) ! cruci!l point# The propert" h!) been inherited b" the l!d"
from the f!ther# The propert"5 in the !b)ence of hu)b!nd5 children5 f!ther or mother 'ill not
&o to the )on of her f!ther# 3et me put po)ition cle!rl"# The propert" belon&) to AB) f!mil"#
The propert" 'ill not &o to AB) f!mil"5 the brother of the 'om!n5 the re!l brother m!de of the
)!me fle)h !nd blood5 but the propert" 'ill &o to hundred) of people of the hu)b!ndB) f!mil"
of the li)t th!t "ou h!ve &iven here# Since the 'om!n i) de!d5 le!vin& no hu)b!nd !nd
children5 f!ther !nd mother5 in th!t c!)e5 the propert" i) not inherited b" her brother or
brotherB) )on or other)5 but it &oe) to the f!mil" of the hu)b!nd# 7h" i) it )o# Bec!u)e "our
Select (committee h!ve not been !ble to )h!%e them)elve) from the con)ider!tion) 'hich
h!ve been influencin& the entire communit" for ! ver" lon& time# (Shri 2 Krishnaswami
Bharati) 6 7h!t i) the pre)ent po)ition 8 6) 7e !re not concerned 'ith th!t# <ou %no' the
pre)ent po)ition ver" 'ell# .t i) stridhana C it i) not inherited b" the d!u&hterC the po)ition i)
different# . '!) )ubmittin&5 the propert" of one f!mil" i) not inherited b" the brother of the
l!d"5 but it &oe) to other people# Thi) i) ! po)ition 'hich . c!nnot under)t!nd# But5 "ou mu)t
re!li)e th!t thi) i) the po)ition# <ou m!" remed" it C . be& of "ou to remed" it# Thi) i) !
9ue)tion on 'hich "ou 'ill be 'ell !dvi)ed to revie'# Thi) i) one of the point) 'hich .
)ubmit for "our con)ider!tion# . 'ill le!ve thi) 9ue)tion of )ucce))ion !t thi) C there !re m!n"
other con)ider!tion) 'hich could be pl!ced before "ou#
Then5 . come to the po'er of di)po)!l# . 9uite under)t!nd the ver" &re!t h!rd)hip) 'hen
there 'ere re)tricted ri&ht) in re&!rd to 'omenB) propert"# So f!r !) the Aoint f!mil" i)
concerned5 it i) )ou&ht to be cru)hed under thi) Bill# The Aoint f!mil" i) moulderin& !'!"C it
i) crumblin&# *rom ! ver" lon& time5 cert!in circum)t!nce) h!ve )o !rr!n&ed the f!te of the
Aoint Hindu f!mil" th!t it c!nnot )urvive# Sir5 . do not '!nt to )hed te!r) over it) &oin& !'!"#
The .ncome?t!( Act i) the &re!te)t mon)ter in %illin& thi) Aoint Hindu f!mil"# . %no' th!t the
Aoint Hindu f!mil" c!nnot )t!" for lon&# But5 )o f!r !) thi) Bill i) concerned5 if it )!") th!t in
future the" 'ill be ten!nt) in common# . h!ve no 9u!rrel# Thi) '!) &iven in the other Bill !nd
thi) i) !l)o &iven in thi) Bill# . !m too much of ! re!li)t to cr" th!t m" )!cred !ncient Aoint
Hindu f!mil" &oe) !'!"# There 'ere d!") 'hen there '!) &re!t u)e for the Aoint f!mil"# No'
'e !re turnin& b!c% to cooper!tive formin&5 co?oper!tive holdin& of propertie)5 etc# At the
)!me time5 'e !re providin& )oci!l in)ur!nce5 etc# 7e !re doin& !ll the)e thin&) in )uch !
m!nner th!t 'e !re revertin& b!c% to the principle) on 'hich the old Aoint Hindu f!mil" '!)
doin&# Th!t i) be)ide the m!r%C )o f!r !) the l!' &oe)5 )o f!r !) the &ener!l circum)t!nce) of
the Countr" &o5 )o f!r !) thi) Aoint f!mil" i) concerned#5 . do not thin% th!t it mu)t be
The Honourable Shri 1agjivan Ram (2ini)ter of 3!bour) 4 .t i) ! lo)t c!u)e#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : 7h!tever "ou m!" )!"# Sir5 there i) no 9ue)tion of
c!u)e here# . do not li%e the ide! th!t le&i)l!tion )hould %ill the Aoint Hindu f!mil"#
.n re&!rd to m!rri!&e# Sir5 . h!ve to )ubmit ! fe' con)ider!tion) more# .t i) ! ver"
difficult m!tter#
An Honourable Member: Th!t h!) been de!lt 'ith before#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : . h!ve pl!ced )ome con)ider!tion) before#
An Honourable Member4 Thi) i) )econd m!rri!&e#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I find m")elf in ver" &ood comp!n" 'hen . m!%e #########
The Honourable Shri 1agjivan Ram: <ou !re 'ith the 3!' 2ini)ter him)elf#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : Shrim!ti Ammu S'!mindh!n5 2r# Shiv! $!o !nd
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 'rote !) follo')4
6 $e&!rdin& cl!u) F of ;!rt .. of the Code on B *orm) of Hindu 2!rri!&e 'e 'ould
point out th!t there !re5 in cert!in p!rt) of the countr"5 lon&?)t!ndin& cu)tom) or u)!&e)
'hich reco&ni)e as v!lid m!rri!&e) 'hich 'ould not come under the c!te&or" if either
)!cr!ment!l or civil m!rri!&e) in !ccord!nce 'ith the provi)ion) of thi) ;!rt# 7e 'ould
therefore )u&&e)t ! provi)o !t the end of cl!u)e F to confer v!lidit" on )uch m!rri!&e)# 6
7h!t i) thi) 8 . under)t!nd th!t the trouble i) the )!me in th!t p!rt of .ndi! from 'hich
2r# Bh!r!ti come)#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharati : 3uc%il" . do not come from th!t p!rt# . come from
T!miln!d !nd the" come from 2!l!b!r#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : So f!r !) the 9ue)tion of !doption i) concerned . find !
)imil!r thin& in thi) di))entin& note# So it i) not the ;unA!b !lone# .t i) !l)o in other p!rt) in
'hich the rule) of m!rri!&e !nd divorce !nd !doption !re different from the orthodo( rule)
!nd !ll of them )hould be protected5 !nd . !m ver" &l!d th!t the)e di))entin& member)
repre)ented their con)tituencie) too 'ell in m!%in& the ob)erv!tion#
. '!) )pe!%in& of )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e)# So f!r !) the non)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e i)
concerned . h!ve not )!id ! 'ord !bout it# . '!nt th!t to be protected# .n re&!rd to
)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e)5 the h!voc pl!"ed b" the Committee i) ine(plic!ble# . do not
under)t!nd for once ho' the civil m!rri!&e )hould be included in thi) ch!pter# .f it i) ! civil
m!rri!&e5 it i) ! )ubAect for the civil code# 7e h!ve the Act of 187E# .t i) ! ver" defective Act
!nd . h!ve )ubmitted ! Bill to put it ri&ht5 !nd the Bill 'hich . moved ! fe' d!") b!c% in thi)
Hou)e for v!lid!tin& the m!rri!&e of !ll other)5 th!t 'ould protect u) much more th!n the
inclu)ion of thi) civil code here# . !m in f!vour of ! civil code for the 'hole of .ndi! !nd .
'!nt the rule) to be the )!me for !ll# .t i) our dut" to do )o but 'h" )hould 'e include the
civil m!rri!&e here 8 .f it i) to t!%e !'!" the evil effect) of th!t l!'5 then the other cour)e i)
open# 7h!t h!ppen) in thi) civil code !nd the ne' %ind of m!rri!&e 'hich i) neither
)!cr!ment!l nor civil but ! re&i)tered )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e in 'hich thou&h the m!rri!&e
t!%e) pl!ce b" virtue of )!cr!ment5 "et if it i) ori&in!ll" ince)tuou)5 then "ou &o to !
re&i)terin& officer !nd "ou &et it v!lid!ted 8
Shrimati G. Durgabai : .t i) onl" option!l K
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : I h!ve replied5 it m!" be option!l but doe) it conclude
the m!tter 8 The Hindu Code )!") th!t there !re five condition) 'hen the m!rri!&e t!%e)
pl!ce other'i)e the m!rri!&e 'ill not be permitted# The 'ord) !re 6 condition) rel!tin& to
)!ctr!ment!l m!rri!&e 6# Th!t me!n) in fund!ment!l m!tter)5 !) )oon !) one of the provi)ion)
i) contr!vened5 "ou !llo' the l!' to )ecure "ou to &et !'!" from the effect) of th!t fl!'# A)
re&!rd) the prohibition of the )!pind! rel!tion)hip5 . be& to )ubmit the difficult" i) th!t the
uniformit" of l!' 'hich 'e !im !t i) ver" difficult to )ecure in ! countr" li%e .ndi!# .t h!)
been )!id th!t brin&in& !bout )uch ! uniformit" 'ill be mir!culou)# . con&r!tul!te r#
Ambed%!r in 'or%in& out th!t mir!cle !nd . !m for thi) mir!cle bein& 'or%ed out# But
'hen there !re le&!l difficultie) in loc!l m!tter) in 'hich the conflict from the pre)ent
po)ition to the po)ition th!t 'e '!nt to )ee en!cted i) ver" &re!t !nd ver" violent# . 'ould
!)% of the Hou)e to )o !rr!n&e m!tter) th!t thi) conflict i) !voided#
No'5 Sir5 . come from ! pl!ce in the ;unA!b 'here there !re vill!&e) upon vill!&e) h!vin&
the )!me &otr! !nd the" believe th!t the" !re de)cended from the )!me common !nce)tor#
<ou %no' thi) )!pind! rel!tion)hip 'hich re)trict) the line of !)cent !nd de)cent to three or
five i) not )ufficient )o f!r !) tho)e people !re concerned# . do not '!nt to )!" th!t "ou
bro!den it further# At the )!me time thi) 'ill be un!ccept!ble !nd ! thin& 'ith 'hich 'e
could never reconcile our)elve)5 if "ou !)% u) to !llo' ! m!rri!&e of )!pind!)# Thi) i) !n
impo))ible po)ition )o f!r !) 'e !re concerned5 !nd if "ou !llo' thi) then "ou !re re!ll"
cuttin& !t the ver" root of our )oci!l )")tem !) i) enAo"ed in the ;unA!b for ! ver" lon& time#
Thi) i) m" feelin& !l)o for the 'hole of .ndi!# 0f cour)e5 . do not )pe!% for the re)t of .ndi!
bec!u)e there !re cert!in &entlemen 'ho 9ue)tion it# 2" vie' i) th!t in the 'hole of .ndi! the
po)ition )hould be the )!me# 7ell5 . !m not do&m!tic !bout it5 but thi) i) ! ver" 'ron& rule
th!t 'e !re en!ctin& !nd th!t the re9uirement) of )ection 75 th!t m!rr"in& couple )hould not
be )!pind!) )hould be '!ived in )o f!r !) re&i)tered )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e) !re concerned# So
f!r !) the S!rd! Act 'ent5 ! m!rri!&e once celebr!ted !ccordin& to the Hindu 3!' !nd our
notion)5 '!) !l'!") indi))oluble# 7e !re m!%in& ! bre!% from thi) rule in )o f!r !) 'e !re
providin& for di)ruptin& m!rri!&e b" code) or cu)tom)# 0ther'i)e 'hen rule D h!) been
!bro&!ted5 "ou c!n convict ! m!n !nd )end him to A!il# . h!ve )ubmitted to the Hou)e throu&h
! Bill th!t 'here ! per)on not of proper !&e i) m!rried5 in)te!d of ! fine he )hould be
impri)oned !nd the l!' )hould not be ve)ted 'ith the di)cretion th!t he )hould be !llo'ed to
&o free# The 'hole countr" '!) !&!in)t the S!rd! Act !nd the pre)ent provi)ion )ho') th!t if
$ule D i) follo'ed5 then the m!rri!&e 'ill become !void!ble# Thi) i) &oin& !&!in)t principle)
'hich 'e h!ve not !ccepted for more th!n E, "e!r)#
So f!r !) the m!in provi)ion) in the Hindu Code !re concerned5 . h!ve de!lt 'ith them in
brief 'ith ! vie' to brin& them to the notice of the Hou)e !nd )ince m" feelin& i) th!t the Bill
i) not to &oin& to be throttled out5 . 'ill de!l 'ith tho)e m!tter) 'hen the cl!u)e to cl!u)e
)t!&e i) re!ched#
To )um up5 . '!nt to )!" th!t )o f!r !) thi) Hou)e i) concerned5 it 'ill be 'ell !dvi)ed in
either )endin& thi) Bill out for circul!tion5
bec!u)e in th!t c!)e nothin& 'ill be lo)tG!) ! m!tter of f!ct much 'ill be &!ined4 public
opinion 'ill be con)ulted !nd the public 'ill feel th!t the" !re bein& i&nored# A) ! m!tter of
f!ct m!n" !mendment) h!ve been m!de even !fter it h!) come from the Select Committee4
even before the Select Committee the people in &ener!l did not %no' !n"thin& !bout it# .n
)pite of !ll th!t h!) been )!id5 . !m convinced th!t people %no' !bout it# r# Ambed%!r
referred u) to the t'o &entlemen 'ho dr!fted thi) report !nd )!id th!t the" 'ere ver" &ood
people !nd not )uch people !) could be re&!rded !) ver" much !dv!nced in their vie')# .
h!ve &ot 'ith me )o m!n" opinion) of hi&h court Aud&e) !nd more opinion) !re pourin& in
ever" d!"# All the)e people !re !&!in)t it# . did not '!nt to re!d them out from the evidence
th!t i) printed in the report of the Hindu 3!' Committee# . 'ould 'ith "our permi))ion refer
"ou to p!&e 1D of thi) report5 'here there i) the evidence of ! l!d"# 2i)) Subrul5 ;rincip!l5
*!teh Ch!nd Colle&e for 7omen# She )!id4
6 The unm!rried d!u&hter5 one 'ho i) not fit for m!rri!&e5 or one 'ho h!) m!de up her
mind not to m!rr" )hould &et the )!me )h!re !) the )on !nd )he )hould !l)o be )ubAect to
the )!me obli&!tion) !) the )on# A m!rried d!u&hter )hould not h!ve !n" )h!re in the
propert"# .f !n unm!rried d!u&hter m!rrie)5 her )h!re )hould &o b!c% to her brother)#6
7hen the Committee '!) in 3!hore to record the evidence5 it i) )!id in the report#
6 A) ! m!tter of f!ct in the ;unA!b 'here . '!) pre)idin& over the meetin& of thi)
committee )ome +,, 'omen entered the Commerci!l 2u)eum H!ll5 3!hore5 'here the
meetin& '!) held )!id 'ith folded h!nd) B o not brin& )on?in?l!' into the f!mil" !nd ruin
our bu)ine))#6
.n re&!rd to bu)ine)) if "ou %indl" con)ider 'h!t effect thi) 'ill h!ve on the bu)ine))
people "ou 'ill )impl" be )c!nd!li)ed# A pro)perou) bu)ine)) conducted b" ! f!ther !nd hi)
)on) i) &oin& on# The f!ther die) !nd the bu)ine)) i) run b" the Aoint effort) of !ll !nd then the
)on?in?l!' &et) in# 7h!t 'ill h!ppen to the bu)ine)) 8 .t 'ill &o to do&)# . 'ould refer the
Hou)e to p!&e 1D9 of the report# .t i) 'ron& to )!" th!t !ll the l!die) !re in f!vour# Thou)!nd)
of enli&htened l!die) did not f!vour thi)5 not bec!u)e the" did not '!nt the d!u&hter to be
&iven !n" ri&ht)# . reiter!te th!t )o f!r !) . !m concerned !) !l)o tho)e per)on) 'ho thin% in
the )!me '!" !) m")elf5 'e do not '!nt to )ee th!t the d!u&hter i) not &iven the full ri&ht or
th!t 'omen !re not &iven their full ri&ht# 7e '!nt 'omen to ri)e to the )!me )t!ture !) m!n
!nd to h!ve the )!me ri&ht)# . !m one 'ith r# Ambed%!r# . !m li%e him ! pro&re))ive
con)erv!tive# . li%e th!t e(pre))ion ver" much# . do not belon& to the !dv!nced )chool of
thou&ht# Thi) Bill i) not either revolution!r" or r!dic!l5 !) r# Ambed%!r )!id# Thi) Bill de!l)
'ith cert!in m!tter) but the Bill h!) to be improved# Tod!" there i) in the Hindu )ociet" )ome
)ort of intro)pection !nd it i) !ble to )ee th!t there h!) been dec!"# .t i) our dut" to )ee th!t
the dil!pid!tion i) rep!ired in the 'ord) of r# Ambed%!r# . therefore )ubmit th!t from thi)
point of vie' let no bod" run !'!" 'ith the thou&ht th!t 'e do not '!nt to do Au)tice to our
)i)ter) !nd d!u&hter)# .f our )i)ter) !nd d!u&hter) c!rr" !n impre))ion li%e thi) the" !re
entirel" mi)t!%en# . %no' !bout "our &ood )elf# Sir# <ou !re !l)o in f!vour of the vie' th!t
their ri&ht) )hould be )ecured# . therefore )ubmit th!t thi) )hould not be loo%ed !t from thi)
point of vie'# . '!nt thi) Bill to be circul!ted !nd it m!" be t!%en up !fter the ne(t election)
'hen 'e h!ve ! more repre)ent!tive Hou)e# . do not m!int!in th!t thi) Hou)e i) not full"
competent or )overei&n# .f the Hou)e per)i)t) in proceedin& 'ith thi) me!)ure there i) no
'ron& in it but . 'ould li%e to )ee th!t thi) Bill i) con)idered !nd th!t Au)tice i) done to ever"
intere)t concerned# At the )!me time 'h!t . do '!nt !) ! l!'"er !nd !) ! member of thi)
Hou)e i) th!t thi) Bill )hould be con)idered !&!in b" the Select Committee5 even if it be for
t'o hour)5 )o !) to remove !ll the)e defect) !nd to le&!li)e the ori&in!l Bill bein& con)idered
cl!u)e b" cl!u)e !nd then thi) ver" Bill m!" be )ub)tituted if the Select Committee )o
ple!)e)# . m!int!in th!t it i) !b)olutel" 'ron& to )!" th!t the ori&in!l Bill '!) con)idered in
the '!" in 'hich the l!' re9uired it to be con)idered or th!t the !mendment) 'ere moved or
!ccepted in the u)u!l m!nner !) i) done in ever" Select Committee# Thi) '!) not done# 7e
)hould be 9uite c!utiou) th!t 'e do not !llo' the thin& to be done in ! '!" 'hich i)
fund!ment!ll" 'ron&# . 'ould be& of r# Ambed%!r to con)ider the 9ue)tion if he i) )!ti)fied
th!t m" obAection i) ri&ht# . 'ould be& of him %indl" to con)ider the point of vie' of the poor
;unA!b people 'ho h!d no repre)ent!tion on the Hindu 3!' Committee#
Honourable 2ember)4 7h!t !bout r# B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd 8
;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! 4 .f "ou )pe!% of r# Te% Ch!nd 'ho '!) on thi) Select
Committee . 'ill be ver" &l!d if "ou 'ill &ive hi) due# .f he h!d not 'ritten thi) di))entin&
note 'here 'ould "ou h!ve been 8 .f "ou !ccept him !) ! m!n 'ho)e vie') ou&ht to be
re)pected then &o b" hi) vie')# Thi) i) m" )ubmi))ion# . !m onl" ! mouthpiece or !
loud)pe!%er of 'h!t r# B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd h!) 'ritten# He h!) )!id in hi) note th!t "ou
)hould !llo' nomin!tion of !n heir5 th!t "ou !llo' divorce to t!%e pl!ce in the )!me m!nner
in 'hich it i) t!%in& pl!ce tod!" !nd he h!) !l)o mentioned !bout non?)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e)#
.n !ll the)e point) 'hen "ou t!%e hi) n!me . be& of "ou %indl" to follo' him in 'h!t he h!)
)!id in hi) di))entin& note# #
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"# 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 m" &riev!nce i)
not bein& he!rd# 2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2emberB) &riev!nce 'ill not &o
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 2!" . )ubmit th!t . h!d cert!in point) !nd . 'ould li%e to h!ve
&ot the !dv!nt!&e of tho)e point) bein& m!de !nd the replie) &iven to them#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: The honour!ble 2ember 'ill h!ve the !dv!nt!&e of hi)
ob)erv!tion) &oin& unch!llen&ed# 2r# Naziruddin Ahmad: I do not li%e it# Sir# 2r# Deputy
Speaker: I h!ve !lre!d" ruled th!t the honour!ble 2ember 'ill not h!ve hi) turn no'# . h!ve
c!lled Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"#
Shrim!ti Renuka Ray : The Bill th!t i) under the con)ider!tion of thi)C Hou)e no'5 or
r!ther the principle) embodied in it5 h!ve been on the !nvil of thi) le&i)l!ture )ince 194D !nd
the in)i)tent dem!nd) for the)e ch!n&e) th!t !re embodied in thi) Bill h!ve been before the
countr" for ! ver" much lon&er time# .t '!) more th!n 1,, "e!r) !&o th!t $!A! $!m 2oh!n
$o" 'rote ! tre!ti)e c!lled 6 The $i&ht) of *em!le) to inherit propert" !nd their ri&ht) of
m!rri!&e 65 !nd thi) m!tter '!) fir)t brou&ht to public !ttention# Since 19D1 !nd 19DE there
h!) been !n in)i)tent dem!nd throu&hout the countr"5 !nd !t th!t time the need for the
remov!l of le&!l di)!bilitie) of 'omen !nd the need for ! uniform !nd comprhen)ive code of
le&i)l!tion '!) m!de m!nife)t in thi) countr"# ue to the f!ct th!t on the !nvil of the
le&i)l!ture there 'ere ! number of Bill) de!lin& 'ith thi) )ubAect5 due to the f!ct th!t
pieceme!l le&i)l!tion '!) le!din& to !n!molie) in l!' !nd bec!u)e of thi) in)i)tent dem!nd5
the :overnment of th!t d!" '!) forced !nd compelled to !ppoint the Hindu 3!' Committee
better %no'n !) the $!u Committee on Hindu 3!'# .t '!) !) ! re)ult of the report of thi)
Committee th!t the t'o Bill) on inte)t!te )ucce))ion !nd m!rri!&e 'ere introduced in 194D#
At th!t time the oppo)ition th!t h!) no' !&!in re!red it) he!d !l)o c!me to the forefront# The
)ub)t!nce of the oppo)ition '!) the )!me !) it i) no' but the !ppro!ch '!) ! ver" different
one# The !ppro!ch '!) n!tur!ll" different bec!u)e it '!) m!de to !n !lien &overnment# The
!ppro!ch '!) m!de on the line) th!t the" 'ere the lo"!li)t) 'ho 'ere the !rdent )upporter)
of the :overnment5 th!t it '!) the Con&re))5 'hich '!) !&it!tin&5 th!t '!) behind thi)
dem!nd 'hich the 'omen of .ndi! h!d brou&ht for'!rd !nd th!t the :overnment )hould not
&ive !n" credence to it# . !m not m!%in& )t!tement) 'ithout found!tion# .t i) true th!t the
n!tion!li)t pre)) of thi) countr" did not &ive th!t oppo)tition much ch!nce# <et the oppo)ition
did brin& out m!n" p!mphlet) 'ildel" !bu)in& our n!tion!l le!der)5 not even )p!rin& our
belovd le!der 2!h!tm! :!ndhi# There '!) ! 'ee%l" p!per produced c!lled B Hindu B in
'hich the)e Bill) 'ere !tt!c%ed !nd the" 'ere !tt!c%ed on the b!)i) th!t the n!tion!l le!der)
of thi) countr" 'ere behind it !nd it '!) due to their !dvice !nd under their influnce th!t thi)
'!) bein& done# Coupled 'ith thi) f!ctor5 'hen the :overnment found th!t the 'omen of
thi) countr" 'ere not 'illin& to !&ree to tho)e m!chin!tion) 'hich '!nted to further divide
!nd brin& di)cord !mon& them5 'hen the" re!liJed th!t 'omen 'ere !&!in)t )ep!r!te
elector!te) !nd th!t the" )tood behind tho)e 'ho 'ere in the v!n&u!rd of the freedom
movement of thi) countr"5 then there '!) not much hope th!t ! le&i)l!tion of thi) t"pe to
improve the lot of 'omen !nd to &ive them their ri&ht) 'ould &o throu&h 'ith the !lien
:overnment in po'er# .t '!) then th!t 'e re!liJed th!t it '!) nece))!r" to '!it till ! n!tion!l
:overnment c!me in# 3!ter the :overnment !ppointed the Hindu 3!' Committee5 !nd the
Bill) 'ere re?circul!ted# Thi) Committee !) the Hou)e %no')5 pre)ented it) $eport !fter
tourin& the countr"5 t!%in& the opinion) of thou)!nd) of individu!l) !nd or&!ni)!tion) in 194F
!fter the .ntrim :overnment c!me in# . 'ill not rec!pitul!te the )ub)e9uent )tep) 'hen thi)
Bill '!) reintroduced !fter 1947 in the pre)ent 3e&i)l!ture !) the)e !re 'ell %no'n to the
2ember) of thi) Hou)e# But . merel" '!nt to point out th!t the oppo)ition 'hich i) in
)ub)t!nce the )!me5 in ch!r!cter the )!me5 h!) ! ne' !ppro!ch# . 'ould li%e to %no' 'ho !re
the" 'ho 'ere oppo)ed to the Con&re)) in tho)e d!") to )!" tod!" to the Con&re)) B <ou 'ill
lo)e "our election) if the Hindu Code Bill &oe) throu&h#B . 'ould li%e to !)% them 'hen the"
'ere deliber!tel" !&!in)t the movement for freedomG'hen the" neither )upported it nor
)"m!thi)ed 'ith itG'hen it '!) in )pite of them th!t the Con&re)) 'on the election) !nd the
countr"B) freedom5 'ho !re the" tod!" to tell the Con&re)) th!t the" 'ill not 'in the
election)# .f !n"one of them come) into the le&i)l!ture) of the countr" tod!" it i) b" the &r!ce
of the Con&re)) !nd )o it )h!ll be tomorro' !l)o#
Thi) oppo)ition th!t h!) re!red it) he!d !nd 'hich i) )imil!r in ch!r!cter !) before5 h!)
re)orted to m!n" device)# .t h!) re)orted to v!riou) t"pe) of t!ctic)# The Hou)e i) !'!re of
the f!ct th!t the :overnor?:ener!lB) n!me '!) u)ed !nd thi) '!) found to be ! fr!ud# 0nl"
t'o or three d!") !&o in ! ne')p!per in C!lcutt! . )!' the n!me of Sh"!m! ;r!)!d
2oo%erAee !fter th!t of t'o or three other 'ell?%no'n oppo)itioni)t) !nd . '!) ! bit )urpri)ed
until . )!' in )m!ll br!c%et) the 'ord) 6 (of /tt!r!p!r!) 6# Sir5 it '!) obviou)l" intended to
mi)le!d5 !nd if 9ue)tioned the" 'ould h!ve pointed out 6 of /tt!rp!r!h#6 The)e !re the
device)5 the)e !re the t!ctice) th!t !re bein& u)ed b" the oppo)ition# A) "ou %no'5 'e do not
9ue)tion tho)e 'ho h!ve &enuine difference) of opinion# But thi) t"pe of t!ctic) th!t !re
emplo"ed tod!"######
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 0n ! point of inform!tion5 i) it not r# S"!m! ;r!)!d
Shrimati Renuka Ray : No# .t '!) not the 2ini)ter of the Centr!l C!binet# . do not
%no' 'hich Sh"!m! ;r!)!d 2oo%herAee he i)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . thou&ht the de)cription '!) 6 r# Sh"!m! ;r!)!d 2oo%herAee5
;re)ident of the Hindu 2!h!)!bh! 6#
Shrimati Renuka Ray : Th!t i) not )o# .t '!) 6 of /tt!r!p!r!6# Such !re the t!ctic)
!dopted b" them th!t even 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d i) t!%en in b" them# The orthodo(
oppo)ition h!) found it) &re!te)t ch!mpion from !mon&)t the member) of ! communit"
'hich reco&ni)e) the d!u&hterB) ri&ht) of inherit!nce# .t i) e(tremel" )urpri)in& th!t the
honour!ble 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 'ould den" to hi) Hindu )i)ter) the ri&ht) th!t hi) o'n
'omen h!ve#
. 'ould further )!" th!t there !re )ome people 'ho h!ve !)%ed 6 Ho' i) it th!t tele&r!m)5
circul!r)5 !nd po)ter) !re bein& di)pl!"ed b" the oppo)ition !ll overG!t le!)t in elhiG!nd
th!t 2#C#AB) !re bein& flooded 'ith 'ire) C !nd ho' i) it th!t tho)e 'ho !re in )upport of the
me!)ure do not do the )!me 8 6 Sir5 tho)e 'ho )upport thi) Code !re !l)o repre)ent!tive) of
)oci!l 'elf!re or&!ni)!tion)C the" !re people 'ho 'or% for the &ood of thi) countr"# Tod!"
'hen there i) ! n!tion!l emer&enc" in re&!rd to !n" fund) th!t the" h!ve5 the" 'ould not
con)ider it ri&ht !nd proper th!t the" )hould u)e )uch fund) in )endin& 'ire) !nd letter) 'hen
the" c!n be u)ed for the reh!bilit!tion of refu&ee)# 0ne 'ire to 2#C#AB) in thi) Hou)e co)t)
$)# 1F+# 7ith th!t mone" for three month) ! refu&ee 'om!n c!n be &iven voc!tion!l tr!inin&
for reh!bilit!tion# o "ou '!nt th!t the)e 'ire) )hould be )ent to "ou 8 . thin% it 'ould be
'holl" 'ron& for )uch ! procedure to be !dopted# .f 'e h!ve not i))ued po)ter) !nd circul!r)
!nd 'ire) it doe) not me!n th!t the dem!nd for the ch!n&e) doe) not continue to e(i)t#
. 'ill not &o into &re!t det!il on the provi)ion) of the bill !fter the brilli!nt !nd m!)terl"
!n!l")i) of the Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter# .t i) 9uite unnece))!r"# /nit" i) )omethin& 'e
de)ire in thi) countr"5 !nd ! uniform !nd comprehen)ive Code of l!' for Hindu) 'ho !re the
m!Aorit" in the countr" i) )urel" ! nece))it" in th!t c!)e#
Turnin& to mono&!m" . 'ould li%e to !)%5 i) there !n" one in thi) Hou)e or in the countr"
'ho 'ould contempl!te 'ith e9u!nimit" the f!te for hi) o'n )i)ter or hi) o'n d!u&hter of
bein& the fir)t 'ife of ! m!n 'ho h!) m!rried !&!in# .t i) true th!t pol"&!m" i) not ver"
cu)tom!r" 4 .t i) on the 'hole r!re in the countr"# But in recent "e!r) 'e h!ve )een th!t
pol"&!m" h!) become more fre9uent5 !nd to the etern!l )h!me of .ndi!n 'om!nhood# There
h!ve been 'omen 'ho h!ve %no'in&l" !nd 'illin&l" !&reed to become the )econd 'ive) of
)uch men# . do not thin% th!t . need el!bor!te the point th!t l!' mu)t come for'!rd to redre))
the &riev!nce) !nd the mi)er!ble pli&ht of the 'omen 'ho !re fir)t 'ive) of )uch men#
Turnin& to inter?c!)te m!rri!&e !nd sagotra m!rri!&e5 'hen in the *und!ment!l $i&ht) of
our Con)titution 'e )!" th!t !ll di)crimin!tion on !ccount of c!)te !nd )e( !nd other )uch
thin&) )hould &o5 )urel" inter?c!)te m!rri!&e 'hich i) ! permi))ible me!)ure 'ill be onl" the
ver" fir)t )tep to'!rd) it#
2r## eput" Spe!%er4 C!)te c!n &oC ho' c!n )e( &o 8
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 . )!id B di)crimin!tion on !ccount of c!)te !nd )e( B
2r# Deputy Speaker: The honour!ble 2ember m!" &o on#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 Turnin& to the divorce provi)ion in thi) Code5 . concede th!t the)e
!re re)tricted condition)# The home i) the nucleu) of )ociet" !nd . do believe th!t the prim!r"
re!)on for m!rri!&e i) th!t it i) for the protection of children !nd !) )uch divorce) )hould not
be !llo'ed on flim)" &round)5 but for &enuine c!)e) of h!rd)hip 'e h!ve to provide# Since
194D5 'hen the 2!rri!&e Bill '!) fir)t introduced5 . h!ve h!d )core) of letter) !nd )core) of
people h!ve come to me 'ith their d!u&hter) 'ho h!ve )ho'n to me ho' &r!ve !nd ho'
terrible i) the h!rd)hip 'hich the 'omen do )uffer# /nle)) there i) )uch ! provi)ion5 both for
men !nd 'omen5 it 'ill not meet &eneuine re9uirement)#
Sir5 let me dil!te for ! moment 'hen . )pe!% on thi) point5 bec!u)e the oppo)ition !bout
'hich . )po%e h!ve been &oin& round tellin& m!n" 'omen 'ho do not under)t!nd l!' or the
provi)ion) of ! Code5 th!t their o'n 'omen 'ere tr"in& to brin& in l!') b" 'hich the" 'ill
be divorced# The" do not re!li)e th!t it i) onl" ! permi))ive me!)ure5 th!t it i) onl" the
!&&rieved per)on 'ho c!n cl!im divorce5 !nd for 'hom !limon" i) provided# The)e thin&)
!re not mentioned# At hundred) of public meetin&) the)e m!tter) 'ere brou&ht to me 4 ;#2#
!nd . h!d to e(pl!in the point5 !nd . thin% the 'omen
2ember) of thi) A))embl" c!n !l)o )!" the )!me thin&# Turnin& to the Aoint 2it!%)h!r!
f!mil"5 . do not thin% there i) !n" need for me to !dd one 'ord to 'h!t the honour!ble the
3!' 2ini)ter h!) )!id on the )ubAect# .t h!) been full" !mplified b" him#
So f!r !) the d!u&hterB) ri&ht of inerit!nce i) concerned5 it i) the focu) of the oppo)ition# .t
i) onl" n!tur!l bec!u)e th!t !lone prove) th!t it i) not bi&otr" )o much5 not blind preAudice )o
much5 but it i) the ve)ted intere)t) th!t !re up in !rm)# The honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter h!)
!lre!d" )po%en on thi) point5 but . )hould li%e to )!" one or t'o more thin&)# The economic
)t!tu) of ! 'om!n c!n onl" be e)t!bli)hed b" the reco&nition of the d!u&hterB) ri&ht to
inherit!nce# .t '!) ! point th!t '!) brou&ht up b" m" honour!ble *riend Sheth :ovind !)
"e)terd!"# He )!idG1 do not %no' ho' f!r he believed in itGhe )!id# 6 7h" )hould 'e h!ve
inherit!nce 8 6 Cert!inl"5 . do !&ree th!t ! time 'ill come !nd mu)t comeGif 'e '!nt !nd
believe in e9u!lit" of opporunit" for !ll5 if 'e believe th!t di)p!rit" of 'e!lth )h!ll &oG!
time mu)t come 'hen inherited propert" mu)t &o out# But until )uch time5 if there i) !
differnce bet'een the d!u&hter !nd the )on5 then th!t difference me!n) ! difference in the
)t!tu)#.t i) the d!u&hterB) )t!tu) th!t h!) to be reco&ni)edC )he !) ! d!&hter5 !) ! 'om!n5 i) !
n!tur!l heir# .t i) not merel" from the theoretic!l point of vie' th!t . mention thi)# 7e !re
de!lin& 'ith inte)t!te )ucce))ion !nd it i) f!r more n!tur!l th!t ! f!ther 'ill not di)inherit hi)
d!u&hter5 th!n ! f!ther?in?l!' 'ould5 in )pite of 'h!t m" honour!ble friend ;!ndit Bh!r&!v!
)!id# A 'om!nB) ri&ht) in the Aoint f!mil"5 'hich in "e!r) &one b" m!" h!ve )erved ! ver"
u)eful purpo)e5 h!ve not under the e(i)tin& condition) been )o )ure in recent "e!r)# 2"
honour!ble *riend Suchet! @rip!l!ni m!de ! point "e)terd!" 'hich . 'ould li%e to endor)e#
Tho)e 'omen or men 'ho !re )oci!l 'or%er) %no' th!t !n !n!l")i) of the inm!te) of re)cue
home) in thi) countr" 'ill &o to prove ho' m!n" of the)e 'omen !re tho)e 'ho h!ve been
turned out of the Aoint f!mil"# 7ithout h!vin& the tr!inin& to e!rn their o'n livin&5 turned out
of their home)5 the)e 'omen h!ve been forced to live ! life of )h!me# Th!t i) ! 9ue)tion
'hich the Hindu )ociet" mu)t f!ce# . !m )ure tho)e 'ho propounded the Hindu l!') 'ould
never h!ve contempl!ted )uch ! )t!te of !ff!ir)#
7omen !re the mother) of the r!ce# No r!ce c!n !dv!nce till it) 'omen c!n be
re)pon)ible mother) !nd con)ciou) citiJen)# There h!) been ! &ood de!l of prop!&!nd! done
!bout educ!ted 'omen# A h!ndful of educ!ted 'omen5 it i) )!id5 '!nt thi) Hindu Code or
'!nt thi) ver" h!ltin& !nd mild me!)ure of reform# Sir5 )o f!r !) 'omen !re concerned5 it
mu)t be ! h!ndful bec!u)e !fter !ll the educ!ted element of thi) countr" i) 1+ per cent !nd the
'omen 'ho !re educ!ted !re !bout D or 4 per cent even no'# So5 )o f!r !) the 'omen !re
concerned it mu)t be ! h!ndful5 but behind them !re5 not tod!" onl" but from dec!de) p!)t5
the l!r&e m!)) of enli&htened !nd pro&re))ive men 'ho )t!nd behind them# .t i) not the
'omen of thi) countr" 'ho !lone !re re)pon)ible for the f!ct th!t there i) no )uffr!&ette
movement5 no femini)t movement in thi) countr"Git i) bec!u)e their ch!mpion) h!ve been
enli&htened men5 for dec!de) p!)t# Tod!" the )!me )t!te of !ff!ir) e(i)t) !nd . !m )ure th!t
the m!Aorit" in thi) Hou)e !re !l)o behind u)# .t i) not ! dem!nd from the educ!ted 'omen of
thi) countr" but ! dem!nd from !ll tho)e 'ho '!nt th!t .ndi! )h!ll pro&re))# *or5 'ithout
'omen becomin& con)ciou) citiJen) t!%in& the ri&htful pl!ce in )ociet"5 it i) not po))ible for
u) to pro&re))#
Sir5 it i) 'ell?%no'n th!t )l!ve) h!ve re)i)ted 'hen the Sh!c%le) of their )l!ver" 'ere
removed# .t i) ! f!ct )erf) h!ve obAected to freedom# 7h!t i) more5 comin& to our o'n
countr"5 it '!) held b" the Briti)h th!t it '!) onl" the 'retched Con&re)) !&it!tor) 'ho
'!nted freedom but th!t the m!)) of the people 'ere 9uite 'illin& to rem!in in the p!thetic
contentment of thr!ldom# .f "ou )pe!% tod!" of p!thetic contentment !mon&)t the 'omen5 it
i) true5 it i) perfectl" true th!t m!n" 'omen !re not "et con)ciou)# But i) th!t ! re!)on th!t
"ou 'ill not !'!%en them5 th!t "ou 'ill not m!%e them con)ciou)5 th!t the" )hould not
become e9u!l 'ith men in the Aoint enterpri)e th!t i) before u) tod!" of buildin& ! ne' .ndi!
in !n !tmo)phere of freedom 8 . !)%5 i) there !n"one 'ho feel) th!t it i) po))ible to &o !he!d
'ithout the 'omen of thi) countr" 8
Before . conclude5 . 'ill )!" ! 'ord or t'o !bout 'h!t m" honour!ble *riend ;!ndit
Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! h!) )!id 4 . mu)t )!" th!t . could not 9uite follo' him# Thi) mornin& he
c!lled into 9ue)tion the competenc" of the 3e&i)l!ture5 !nd in the !fternoon Au)t before he )!t
do'n he )!id th!t he######
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : I never 9ue)tioned the competence of thi) 3e&i)l!ture#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"4 So5 . )uppo)e 'h!t he )!id l!)t i) 'h!t &oe)# He )po%e ! &ood de!l
!bout the eleven note) of di))ent# But !) he %no') !nd !) the Hou)e %no')5 m!n" of the)e
note) of di))ent 'ere on minor i))ue) !nd )uch note) of di))ent !re u)u!ll" !tt!ched to !ll
Bill) !nd it doe) not me!n therefore th!t ! Bill )hould be recircul!ted# Thi) mornin& ;!ndit
Bh!r&!v! )!id th!t t'o 'ron&) do not m!%e ! ri&ht 'hen he )!id th!t thi) Con)tituent
A))embl" obviou)l" i) not fitted to dr!' up the Con)titution of .ndi!# . 'onder5 con)iderin&
th!t it i) )uch ! 'oron& thin&5 ho' he rem!in) in th!t 'ron& A))embl"# . !m not &oin& to
contr!dict him or )pe!% !&!in on !ll th!t he h!) )!id thi) !fternoon5 bec!u)e . thin% it '!)
ver" !bl" !n)'ered before he ever )po%e b" the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter !nd ;!ndit
Bh!r&!v! contr!dicted )ome of them him)elf#
There i) one l!)t point th!t . 'ould li%e to m!%e# The cr" h!) been r!i)ed th!t Hindu
)ociet" i) in d!n&er bec!u)e of thi) mild5 h!ltin& me!)ure of reform# . too thin% th!t Hindu
)ociet" i) in d!n&er# .t i) in ver" &r!ve d!n&erGd!n&er from tho)e 'ho 'ould bind !nd fetter
it C d!n&er from tho)e 'ho 'ould not !llo' out?'orn cu)tom) to be ch!n&ed but 'ould !llo'
them to cho%e up the life?blood of our )ociet"# .f tho)e 'ho tod!" !ppe!r to be )o concerned
!bout Hindu )ociet" 'ould &ive ! little thou&ht5 the" 'ould !&ree 'ith 'h!t the Honour!ble
the 3!' 2ini)ter )!id5 n!mel"5 th!t "ou mu)t rep!ir if "ou '!nt to )urvive# . do not %no'
'ho h!) &iven ! prero&!tive to )ome people to )t!nd up for Hindu )ociet"# . do not con)ider
tho)e 'ho 'i)h to bind !nd fetter Hindu l!' 'hich h!) been ch!n&in& 'ith ch!n&in& time)
throu&hout the centurie) to be the e(ponent) of Hindu )ociet" !nd Hindu l!' !nd tho)e 'ho
'i)h to improve it !nd brin& it b!c% once !&!in to the culture !nd herit!&e of our foref!ther)
!) people !&!in)t it# . thin% it i) tho)e 'ho 'ould bind !nd better it 'ho !re not the friend)
but the enemie) of Hindu )ociet"# .f Hindu )ociet" i) to re&!in !ll th!t it h!) lo)t durin& the
m!n" "e!r) !nd the m!n" centurie) of dec!dence 'hen Hindu) 'ere )l!ve)5 it h!) to come in
line 'ith the !tmo)phere of freedom th!t prev!il) in thi) countr" tod!"# 2en !nd 'omen
h!ve to come for'!rd e9u!ll" to 'or% for the countr" !nd there c!nnot be e9u!lit" if there i)
no e9u!lit" in the )oci!l l!') of thi) countr"# Therefore5 . ple!d th!t tho)e 'ho tod!" !re
oppo)in& thi) Code )hould &ive it ! little more thou&ht# .f the" do not5 it m!" be th!t Hindu
)ociet" !nd Hindu l!' m!" be left behind5 for the m!rch on'!rd mu)t &o on !nd .ndi! i) not
&oin& to &o b!c% to )l!ver" or domin!tion b" other)#
Shri =# S# S!r'!te (2!dh"! Bh!r!t) 4 . 'ould offer m" con&r!tul!tion) to r# Ambed%!r
for hi) le!rned !nd lucid e(po)ition of the Bill5 becomin& !) it '!) to ! profe))or !nd !n
!dvoc!te th!t he i)#
A) re&!rd) the )ever!l provi)ion) of the Bill5 one 'ould nece))!ril" find him)elf in
!&reement 'ith )ome !nd in di)!&reement 'ith other)# Thi) i) not the occ!)ion to dil!te much
either on the point) of !&reement or on the point) of difference# . 'ould5 in the &ener!l
di)cu))ion5 confine m")elf to cert!in bro!d principle) !nd . 'ould tr" to )ho' th!t in the)e
principle) the Bill &oe) in ! fund!ment!ll" oppo)ite direction to the notion) 'hich h!ve !ll
!lon&5 in m" humble opinion5 been l"in& behind Hindu l!'#
There h!) been ! con)ider!ble )ection of Hindu )ociet" !&!in)t thi) me!)ure# .t c!nnot be
denied C it c!nnot be conce!led# Some m!" )!" th!t it i) ! cr" of 6 $eli&ion in d!n&er 6C it i)
)entiment!lC it i) re!)onle))# All the )!me5 tho)e 'ho !re bent upon m!%in& le&i)l!tion 'hich
vit!ll" !ffect) ! )ociet" of more th!n E, crore) 'ould do 'ell to p!u)e5 ponder !nd con)ider
it) )ub)t!nce# The" )hould con)ider 'h!t i) there in the Bill 'hich m!%e) )o m!n" peopleG
intelli&ent5 educ!ted peopleGto be !&!in)t the Bill#
A"t this stag!, Mr. D!puty Sp!ak!r va'at!d th! &hair, whi'h was th!n o''upi!d by Shri
S. *. Krishnamoorthy 9ao (on! of th! Pan!l of &hairm!n.B.
. )ubmit th!t there !re t'o re!)on) for thi)# The fir)t point th!t . 'ould refer to i) the
ch!n&e in the n!ture of the Aoint propert"# . 'ould )ubmit th!t the co?p!rcen!r" !)pect of the
Aoint propert" h!) cert!in ver" noble ide!) behind it# The co?p!rcen!r" me!n) th!t there i) !
communit" of intere)t5 !) ever" member of the Hou)e %no')# .t me!n) th!t ever" individu!l
h!) the fulle)t ri&ht of enAo"ment but he h!) no individu!l )h!re nor the ri&ht to !lien!te the
propert"# The 'hole trend of modern )ociet"5 the pro&re)) of thou&ht of the )ociet"5 in m"
opinion5 i) in thi) direction# 7e m!" condemn Communi)t)5 but Communi)m in it) pure
form5 pruned of cert!in thin&)5 i) bound to come !nd 'ould come# 7h!t doe) Communi)m
me!n in thi) !)pect 8 A) . under)t!nd it5 it me!n) 6 *rom e!ch m!n !ccordin& to hi) !bilit"
!nd to e!ch m!n !ccordin& to hi) nece))it" 6# .n other 'ord)5 ! m!n i) to enAo" the propert"
in hi) h!nd) to the minimum# He h!) to divert him)elf of individu!lit"# He i) never to
con)ider th!t he h!) !n e(clu)ive individu!l intere)t in the propert"# .f thi) i) the b!)ic
under)t!ndin& !nd if the 'orld of pro&re))ive thou&ht i) movin& to'!rd) thi) direction# .
believe it 'ould be !dmitted th!t it 'ould be 'ron& to &o into !n oppo)ite direction# 1ver"
effort )hould be m!de to promote )uch !n ide! !nd to promote )uch in)titution) !) fo)ter thi)
ide!# r# Ambed%!r in hi) )peech )ho'ed !t len&th the !ttempt) 'hich h!ve been m!de )o f!r
b" the Smritikars !nd other) to fritter !'!" thi) ide! of co?p!rcener)hip# A))umin& th!t thi) i)
)o5 the effort no' )hould h!ve been in the oppo)ite directionGnot to complete the proce)) of
fritterin& but to re)tore the co?p!rcen!r" propert"# Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!ini Bh!r!ti4 .mpo))ible#
Shri =# S# S!r'!te4 .mpo))ible 8 <e)5 ever"thin& th!t i) not !ttempted i) !voided b" )!"in& it
i) 6 impo))ible#6
Nothin& i) impo))ible in thi) 'orld if "ou tr"# No' therefore . )ubmit th!t the ide!
behind the co?p!rcen!r" propert" )")tem i) !dmilted# 1!ch individu!l member or co?p!rcener
h!) to enAo" in full the common propert"5 thou&h he h!) no e(clu)ive individu!l intere)t in it
!nd he c!nnot !lien!te hi) intere)t in it# So 'hen "ou !ttempt to de!l 'ith it5 thi) co?
p!rcen!r" "ou )hould t!%e the ide! !) ! 'hole# The ide! of the Aoint propert"5 !) conceived
b" Mitakshara, )eem) to be thi) 4 th!t there i) ri&ht of )urvivor)hip5 !nd th!t e!ch f!mil" i) !
unit !nd not !n individu!l# .t me!n) !l)o th!t the f!mil" continue) thou&h the individu!l) in it
p!)) !'!" !nd 'hether one i) ! m!le or ! fem!le one h!) ! ri&ht of e9u!l enAo"ment# There i)
e9u!lit" of )e( in thi) )en)e# Therefore it follo') th!t 'h!tever i) the propert" of the f!mil"
h!) to &o to tho)e per)on) 'ho con)titute the f!mil"# Therefore if ! d!u&hter doe) not
con)titute the f!mil"5 if )he i) the member of !nother f!mil"5 )he 'ould nece))!ril" not enAo"
!n" ri&lit in th!t f!mil"# .t i) not ne&lect or unf!irnc)) or '!nt or !ffection for ! d!u&hter# The
ver" ide! of ! Aoint f!mil" i) thi) 4 th!t 'ho)oever i) the member5 'hether 'ido'5 m!le or
fem!le5 !) lon& !) he or )he continue) to be member of the f!mil"5 he or )he enAo") the
propert" of the f!mil" 'hich nobod" h!) ! ri&lit to !lien!te# . 'ould h!ve 'elcomed !
provi)ion to the effect th!t there 'ould be no p!rtition of Aoint f!mil" propert" !nd th!t no
per)on or individu!l of the Aoint f!mil" h!) !n" ri&ht to !lien!te the f!mil" propert"# Th!t
'ould h!ve been ver" 'elcome !nd in the ri&ht direction# Th!t 'ould h!ve been !ccordin& to
the ide! 'hich i) fund!ment!ll" behind the Aoint f!mil" )")tem# .t i) the f!mil" 'hich i)
t!%en !) ! unit of )ociet" !nd not !n individu!l# Conceived from thi) point of vie'5 no )i)ter
of mine need thin% th!t )he h!) been ill tre!ted5 bec!u)e )he !nd her brother enAo" e9u!l
ri&ht) in thi) re)pect# . 'ould therefore )ubmit for the con)ider!tion of the Honour!ble r#
Ambed%!r th!t in )uch ! v!)t countr" li%e .ndi!5 nothin& 'ould be lo)t if there !re )ep!r!te
e(periment) on )oci!l unit)# .f it i) '!nted th!t ! individu!l )hould be ! unit5 let th!t
e(periment be tried )ome'here# .f the Aoint f!mil" )hould be the unit of )ociet" let th!t
e(periment !l)o be continued in )ome pl!ce)# 7e !re ! )ufficientl" l!r&e countr" to h!ve
different e(periment) in )ociet"# 3et both continue !nd let the per)on) choo)e the l!' or
)")tem the" '!nt to follo'# So5 in)te!d of h!vin& one codified uniform l!' for the E, crore)
of .ndi!5 nothin& 'ould be lo)t if 'e h!ve more th!n one )")tem prev!ilin& in thi) countr"#
. m!" in thi) connection refer to one of the ob)erv!tion) m!de b" r# Ambed%!r# . !dmire
him for hi) erudition# . he!rd him 'ith re)pect5 bec!u)e in the c!u)e of hi) !r&ument) he
never de)cended to h!ve ! flin& !t )omebod"# Hi) !tt!c%) 'ere he!v"5 but the" 'ere )tr!i&ht
!nd level# But5 in the cour)e of hi) rem!r%) the Bother d!"5 in the cour)e of hi) other'i)e lucid
)peech5 he )!id th!t he did not %no' 'h" the Br!hm!n) of old 'ere en&!&ed in compri)in&
)o m!n" !) 1D7 Smritis !nd en9uired 'hether the" h!d no better en&!&ement# . believe 'hen
the Honour!ble 2ini)ter )!id thi)5 hi) hi)toric!l per)pective left him for ! moment# . m!"
remind him th!t the)e 1D7 Smritis 'ere not 'ritten )imult!neou)l"# The" 'ere 'ritten in !
period coverin& more th!n E+, "e!r) !t the le!)t# Thu) on the !ver!&e it too% them !bout E,
"e!r) to 'rite e!ch Smriti. Th!t me!n) one for ever" &ener!tion# But here 'h!t h!ppen) i)
th!t durin& the )p!ce of one "e!r the Honour!ble octor prep!re) more Smritis th!n one# So
he need not h!ve indul&ed in th!t unedif"in& ob)erv!tion# .t '!) !l)o ver" unnece))!r" for
the development of hi) !r&ument#
Sir5 . '!) de!lin& 'ith Aoint f!mil" propert"# . )ubmit th!t the b!)ic principle of Aoint
f!mil" propert" i) thi)4 th!t it !llo') re)tricted enAo"ment#
Sir5 the 9ue)tion i) often !)%ed5 'h!t i) Hindu cultureC 'h!t i) Hindu reli&ion !) )uch 8
7here !n&el) fe!r to trend it i) difficult for other) li%e me to ru)h# All the )!me one h!)
)ometime) to m!%e provi)ion!l !ttempt) !nd . )h!ll m!%e th!t !ttempt# . thin%5 !) f!r !) the
pre)ent topic i) concerned5 the fund!ment!l point) 'hich the Hindu) h!ve %ept before
them)elve) !re th!t there )hould be re)tr!int on enAo"ment !ll !lon&# Not encour!&ement of
enAo"ment but re)tr!int on enAo"ment '!) their rule !nd !ccordin& to them5 for the
communit" of intere)t5 the individu!l )hould lo)e him)elf#
No'5 !ppl"in& thi) principle of re)tr!int5 . )ubmit th!t the 'hole Ch!pter on 2!rri!&e h!)
to be rec!)t# .n thi) re)pect it h!) been )t!ted th!t bec!u)e ninet" per cent# of the people b"
cu)tom h!ve thi) ri&ht of divorce5 'h!t !re "ou &oin& to do 8 .t i) !)%ed5 !re "ou &oin& to
impo)e thi) cu)tom of ninet" per cent# on the rem!inin& ten percent 8 . )ubmit !n !r&ument of
thi) )ort i) ! ver" &ood piece of rhetoric5 but not of lo&ic# 7h!t 'e h!ve to con)ider !nd 'h!t
the Honour!ble octor h!) to con)ider i) not 'h!t i) the cu)tom5 but 'h!t i) &ood !nd 'h!t
i) benefici!l# 7e h!ve to con)ider 'h!t ou&ht to be there# Th!t h!) been the criterion !ll
!lon& !nd th!t )hould be the criterion# There 'ill other'i)e be !nom!l"# *or in)t!nce5 !mon&
ninet" per cent# of the people there i) the cu)tom of drin%in&# 7e !re cert!inl" not for the
m!tter of th!t prohibitin& prohibition# .t c!nnot be denied th!t there i) the cu)tom of drin%in&#
The Honour!ble Dr. B. R. Ambed%!r4 .t i) not ! cu)tom#
Shri =# S# S!r'!te 4 All ri&ht5 "ou m!" thin% )o# . !m !t libert" to e(pre)) the thin%in& in
th!t '!"# ("n honourabl! M!mb!r )) , There !re not ninet" per cent# drun%!rd)#6) .t i) one
thin% to c!ll it ! cu)tom in the communit" !nd !nother thin& to c!ll them drun%!rd)# Th!t i)
the difference# .t i) no !r&ument to )!" th!t ! cert!in cu)tom i) there !nd therefore it )hould
be continued b" l!'# The !r&ument )hould be 'hether it i) benefici!l !nd if 'e con)ider from
thi) point of vie'5 !nd if ! cert!in )ection of the Hindu communit" )!") th!t m!rri!&e i)
indi))oluble5 'h" force them !nd )!" th!t there )h!ll be ! di))olution5 if the p!rtie) )o
choo)e 8 Ar&ument m!" be !dv!nced5 th!t there i) in thi) Bill no nece))it"5 there i) no
compul)ion5 but there i) !n option# The option i) !l'!") there# The option to ! drun%!rd i) he
m!" or he m!" not &o to the drin%in& )hop# There i) !l'!") the option5 but he doe) &o !ll the
)!me 'hen there i) ! drin%in& )hop !nd ! drin%in& )hop h!) therefore to be clo)ed b" l!'# .f
it i) to !ppl" to ! cert!in portion of the )ociet"5 . 'ould h!ve 'elcomed it# .n l!' of m!rri!&e5
there )hould be mono&!m"# . !dmit it# . 'ould &o further !nd )!" th!t if "ou con)ider th!t
from the point of vie' of re)tr!int5 there )hould be no )econd m!rri!&e either of the 'omen
or of the men# Th!t 'ould h!ve been ! 'elcome provi)ion5 but in)te!d of th!t 'e !re &oin& to
the other e(treme !nd providin& th!t ever" m!rri!&e )hould be5 if )o cho)en5 li!ble to be
di))olved# Thi) i) not de)ir!ble to m" mind# No doubt ivorce '!) !llo'ed b" !ncient
Hindu) !t ! cert!in point of time# .t '!) prohibited l!ter on 'h!tever m!" h!ve been the
hi)toric!l condition fir)t# The re!)on !ppe!r) to me i) thi) th!t the unit" of the f!mil" '!) to
be %ept int!ct# The" '!nted th!t the m!rri!&e once performed )hould not be di))olved )o th!t
no other 'om!n )hould come in C !nd th!t the 'om!n 'ho '!) in the f!mil" )hould not &o
!'!" !nd !nother )hould not come in# Th!t contin&enc" )hould be !voided !) f!r !) po))ible#
To m" mind thi) '!) one of the re!)on) 'h" ! m!rri!&e '!) not !llo'ed to be di))olve#
Therefore5 m" )u&&e)tion i) thi) 4 3et there be t'o p!rt) in the )ection of B m!rri!&e B# Tho)e
'ho '!nt th!t their m!rri!&e) )hould be di))olved5 let them m!rr" !ccordin& to civil
m!rri!&e !nd let there be free di))olution of m!rri!&e for them !ccordin& to the provi)ion)
'hich "ou m!%e here# 3et the other p!rt be there5 'hich m!" be )!cr!ment!l5 !nd in th!t p!rt
let there be no di))olution of m!rri!&e# Thi) 'ould5 . thin%5 )!ti)f" both the p!rtie)# 2"
humble )ubmi))ion i) thi) 4 7h" )hould di))olution be forced 8
Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i 4 .n th!t c!)e Bthe" 'ill h!ve to decide for )ep!r!tion before the"
Shri =# S# S!r'!te4 . believe m" honour!ble friend h!) mi)under)tood me tot!ll"# 7h!t .
)!" i) th!t tho)e m!le) !nd fem!le) 'ho '!nt th!t their m!rri!&e) )hould not be di))olved
)hould m!rr" !ccordin& to the )!cr!ment!l ri&ht) !nd tho)e 'ho 'i)h th!t their m!rri!&e)
)hould in future be di))olved let them m!rr" !ccordin& to civil m!rri!&e#
2r# Tajamul Husain : oe) m" honour!ble friend me!n th!t there )hould be divorce
before the m!rri!&e 8
Shri =# S# S!r'!te4 Civil m!rri!&e doe) not me!n divorce# .t neither me!n) )ep!r!tion nor
divorce# 7hen . )!" civil m!rri!&e5 it me!n) m!rri!&eC it c!nnot me!n divorce# Shri 2!h!vir
T"!&i4 .t doe) not me!n even m!rri!&e# 2r# Ch!irm!n 4 0rder5 order# 3et the honour!ble
member proceed 'ith hi) )peech#
Shri =# S# S!r'!te 4 2" )ubmi))ion# Sir5 i) thi) 4 3et u) &et cle!r in our mind) 'hether 'e
!re &oin& to force cert!in thin&) 'hich cert!in )ection) of the people do not '!nt 8 . &o
further !nd )!" 'hen "ou once !dmit th!t )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e) !re )!cr!ment!l5 then let
reli&ion be the te)t for providin& the condition) for )uch ! m!rri!&e# .f reli&ion !llo') child?
m!rri!&e !nd m!rri!&e) of minor)5 let it be !llo'ed# .t i) ! contr!diction in term) fir)t to )!"
th!t ! m!rri!&e )hould be !ccordin& to reli&ion !nd then to !dd th!t it )h!ll be !ccordin& to
reli&ion !nd !l)o !ccordin& to 'h!t i) provided in thi) Bill# Th!t i) contr!diction in term)#
1ither !llo' )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e) or do not !llo' )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e)5 if "ou do not li%e
th!t# .n th!t c!)e5 )!" th!t !ll m!rri!&e) 'ill be civil# .f "ou )!" )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e i) to be
!llo'ed5 then the m!rri!&e h!) to be performed !ccordin& to the )!cr!ment)# Thi) i) m"
humble contention !nd in )o f!r !) the provi)ion) of )ection 7 of the Bill !re concerned5 the"
!re not !ccordin& to )!cr!ment)# There !re cert!in other thin&) !dded to )!cr!ment# Th!t
)hould be )trictl" !ccordin& to the reli&ion5 if reli&ion i) to be !llo'ed# Thi) i) the )econd
thin& 'hich . brin& to "our notice !nd thi) c!n be ver" e!)il" done# Thi) 'ould )!ti)f" !nd
m!" to ! &re!t e(tent remove the c!u)e) of di)?)!ti)f!ction 'hich !t pre)ent e(i)t# e!lin&
'ith principle) onl"5 m" )imple )u&&e)tion i) thi)5 th!t in thi) ver" Act there )hould be
provi)ion 'hich )hould !llo' )ociet"5 !nd the Aoint f!mil" in co?p!rcener" form to continue#
Nothin& 'ould be lo)t thereb"# .n thi) countr" there !re 2u)lim)5 there !re Chri)ti!n)5 there
!re ;!r)i)G;!r)i) !re ! ver" )m!ll communit"G!nd )till if the" !re !llo'ed to h!ve their
o'n l!' of )ucce))ion etc# 'h!t 'ould be lo)t if ! cert!in l!r&er )ection i) !llo'ed to h!ve
co?p!rcener"5 if the" )o cho)e# .f thi) principle i) once !ccepted then ch!n&e) c!n be m!de in
the 'hole dr!ft !ccordin& to th!t principle#
2" further )ubmi))ion i) th!t the Bill m!" be re?circul!ted for opinion# Here . do not
touch on the rulin& 'hich h!) been !lre!d" &iven b" the Ch!ir# The 9ue)tion th!t then !ro)e
'!) 'hether for purpo)e) of the rule) public!tion '!) )ufficient !nd the rulin& '!) th!t it
'!) )ufficient# Th!t doe) not ho'ever preclude me from r!i)in& the point 'hether it i)
de)ir!ble th!t the Bill )hould be re?circul!ted# 2" )ubmi))ion i) th!t it h!) been lo)t )i&ht of
th!t the Bill if p!))ed 'ould be !utom!tic!ll" !pplic!ble to St!te) 'h!tever r# Ambed%!r
m!" )!" to the contr!r"# 2" humble opinion i) th!t it 'ould !ppl" to !ll tho)e territorie) of
)t!te) 'hich h!ve mer&ed in the province) !nd !ll tho)e !re!) 'hich h!ve !&reed th!t the
Centre 'ould h!ve the po'er to le&i)l!te for them#
Shri Sit! $!m S# >!Aoo (2!dh"! Bh!r!t) 4 7h!t i) the obAection if it !pplie) to .ndi!n
St!le) !) 'ell B8
Shri =# S# S!r'!te4 7h!t . !m )!"in& i) th!t it )hould !ppl"# . !m in *!vour of it# . do not
under)t!nd5 'h" honour!ble member) 'ithout !llo'in& me to )pe!%5 &o on !nticip!tin& me
!nd p!)) cert!in rem!r%)# . '!) )ubmillin& th!t the Bill )hould !ppl" to the .ndi!n St!te)# .
'!) onl" )ubmillin& th!t if it i) to )o !ppl" !nd th!t i) ver" much m" 'i)h5 then there !ri)e) !
fund!ment!l ri&ht5 'hich "ou ou&ht in Au)tice &r!nt to ever" l!r&e !re! 'hich i) to be
&overned b" "our bill5 to e(pre)) it) opinion# Thi) Bill '!) not publi)hed in the)e l!r&e !re!)
!nd therefore the people) there 'ere not in ! po)ition to &ive to the Bill th!t )eriou)
con)ider!tion 'hich the" 'ould other'i)e h!ve &iven# No' 'hen the" %no' th!t the Bill
'ould !ppl" to them5 !nd the Bill i) publi)hed the" 'ould be in ! po)ition to e(pre)) their
re!ction# .t i) ! fund!ment!l ri&ht of ever" per)on to be &iven !n opportunit" to e(pre)) hi)
opinion re&!rdin& !n" le&i)l!tion 'hich i) &oin& to effect him# .t i) further the dul" of ever"
repre)ent!tive of their) to !)cert!in their vie') before he &ive) hi) vote here# Therefore5 both
from the point of vie' of the repre)ent!tive) of the St!te) !nd from the point of vie' of the
people of the Sl!te)5 it i) onl" Au)t th!t )ome lime )hould be !llo'ed to them to &ive their
opinion# Therefore5 . )u&&e)t ! via m!dia, th!t if in !n" c!)e thi) Bill i) not &oin& to be
fini)hed in thi )e))ion5 if th!t be the contin&enc"5 'hich . thin% it m!" be5 the honour!ble the
mover of the Bill m!" con)ider 'hether it 'ould not be de)ir!ble to t!%e lhi) up in ! )peci!l
)e))ion l!ter onC the time th!t m!" intervene5 n!mel" t'o or three or four month) 'ould be
9uite )ufficient to &et the re!ction) of tho)e people# . thin% lhi) 'ould be Au)t !nd 'ould !l)o
he in !ccord!nce 'ith the )pirit of lhe public!tion provi)ion)# . !ppe!l to the Hou)e to )ee
'hether Au)tice doe) not re9uire thi)# .t )hould not be pre)umed th!t the l!)t 'ord h!) )!id
been on lhe Code# .t m!" he lh!t the humble)t of the humble m!" come for'!rd 'ith
)u&&e)tion) 'hich m!" be u)eful to lhe le!rned octor5 lfopporlunil" i) thu) &iven5 it 'ould
both )!ti)f" the end) of Au)tice !nd m!" be u)eful !l)o# 7ith thi) !ppe!l5 . h!ve fini)hed# Sir#
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 2r Ch!irm!n############
Shri B. Das (0ri))!4 :ener!l)4 0n ! point of order# Sir5 c!n ! b!chelor5 'ho h!) not
m!rried !nd h!) not be&otten ! )on too offer pind to hi) foref!ther)5 m!%e# ! )peech on thi)
Bill !nd contribute to the di)cu))ion 8
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 There i) no point of order in thi)5 !) lon& !) he i) ! Hindu5 he c!n )pe!%#
Shri H. V. Kamath : I )h!ll !l)o !n)'er the point of order# Sir5 ri)in&5 !) . do5 !fter t'o
l!'"er friend) !nd ! 'om!n friend5 . fe!r . !m l!bourin& under ! h!ndic!p# . h!ve neither the
le&!l !r&ument of m" honour!ble friend) ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! !nd 2r# S!r'!te5 nor
the )'eet re!)on!blene)) of m" honour!ble friend Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"# A) f!r !) the
l!'"er) !re concerned# . !m )ure th!t m" honour!ble friend the 3!' 2ini)ter 'ill t!%e c!re
of them !nd 'ill repl" to the !r&ument) th!t the" h!ve r!i)ed in the cour)e of their )peeche)
tod!"# A) re&!rd) Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"5 . !m bro!dl" in !&reement 'ith her !nd )o there i)
no need for me to t!%e up !n" of her !r&ument) 'ith ! vie' to counter them#
2" honour!ble friend 2r# B# !) r!i)ed ! point of order 'hen . )tood up# Th!t ver" point
of order5 . thin%5 &oe) in m" f!vour# . feel th!t m" onl" cl!im to )pe!% on thi) me!)ure belore
the Hou)e i) th!t bec!u)e . h!ve neither ! 'ife nor children nor propert" 'orth the n!me5 .
c!n brin& to be!r ! di)p!))ion!te mind to be!r on thi) )ubAect5 un)'!"ed b" emotion) of the
he!rt# 2o)t of the provi)ion) of thi) Bill rel!te to m!rri!&e !nd propert"5 !doption !nd
)ucce))ion5 provi)ion) re&!rdin& m!tter) 'hich could be )ummed up in t'o 'ord) of mo)t of
our philo)opher)5 n!mel"5 kamini !nd kan'han. Not h!vin& been )o f!r encumbered 'ith
either5 . hope . 'ill h!ve "our indul&ence !nd the indul&ence of the Hou)e in m!%in& ! fe'
rem!r%) on thi) Bill in ! more or le)) di)intere)ted m!nner5 not unintere)ted5 but di)intere)ted
Thi) centur"5 the E,th Centur" !fter Chri)t h!)5 !) 'e !ll %no' 'itne))ed the emer&ence
of 'omen upon the )t!&e of hi)tor"5 in A)i!5 !) 'ell !) in 1urope !nd Americ!# .ndi! !nd our
Hindu )ociet" h!ve been no e(ception to thi) 'orld movement# *!tefull" interloc%ed 'ith !ll
the revolution!r" uphe!v!l) 'hich in our o'n time h!ve been rippin& open !nd tr!n)formin&
old )ocietie) inherited from the nineteenth centur" !nd it) lon& p!)t !re the rel!tion) bet'een
men !nd 'omen# 0ur !&e h!) been m!r%ed b" the d"n!mi)m of 'omen 'ho5 'ith men5 h!ve
)et the 'orld on fire# ("n honourahl! M!mb!r ) 6 But "ou !re !n e(ception#6) !nd h!ve !l)o
helped to fr!me pl!n) for the 'orldB) recon)truction# Bre!the) there5 . !)%5 ! m!n 'ith )oul )o
de!d5 'ho doe) not rec!ll 'ith pride5 !nd ! cert!in el!tion of the he!rt5 the rem!r%!ble !nd
heroic !chievement) of 'omenG!"e5 poor5 i&nor!nt illiter!te 'omenGon the *ield of non;
viol!nt b!ttle c!lled S!t"!&r!h!5 !nd ever on th!t more )!n&uin!r" field of b!ttle5 of blood
!nd iron5 of *ire !nd )teel# The h!nd th!t roc%) the cr!dle h!) )ho'n it)elf )tron& enou&h to
'ield the )'ord !nd &entle enou&h 'hen nece))!r" to r!i)e it)elf in benediction !&!in)t the
!&&re))or# 3e!vin& !)ide other l!nd) !nd other clime)5 in our o'n .ndi!5 'e !ll %no' ho'
'omen5 !lon& 'ith men5 thou&h 9uite i&nor!nt of modern '!rf!re !nd thou&h 9uite uninured
to the l!thi, the bullet !nd the pri)on5 ho' the" h!ve floc%ed in thou)!nd) to the b!nner of
2!h!tm! :!ndhi !nd Net!Ai Subh!) Ch!ndr! Bo)e# Thi) )tor" i) too 'ell %no'n5 for me to
recount !t !n" len&th# .t i) in thi) conte(t of f!)t developin& )oci!l !nd economic ch!n&e th!t
'e h!ve to vie' the me!)ure th!t h!) been brou&ht before the Hou)e# *or5 no l!' c!n
function or c!n be m!de in ! v!cuum !nd no l!' c!n be divorced or vie'ed !p!rt from the
)oci!l milieu in 'hich it h!) h!d it) birth# .n )hort5 thi) !&e c!n be )ummed up in the
f!cetiou) rem!r% of ! '!& 'ho )!id th!t tod!"5 'omen )it in ;!rli!ment !nd )t!nd in bu)e)#
Thi) in ! nut)hell5 i) the revolution!r" ch!n&e th!t h!) overt!%en the pre)ent !&e5 Sir5 . feel
th!t . !m more or le)) ! politic!l ;!rivr!A!%! !nd . )et forth ! fe' ob)rv!tion on thi) Bill##
. !m &l!d th!t m" honour!ble friend) in thi) Hou)e 'ho !re not immedi!tel" !ffected b"
thi) me!)ure h!ve t!%en )uch &re!t intere)t in thi) Bill# 2" honour!ble friend5 the
redoubt!ble ;!ndit N!JiruddinG . feel# Sir5 th!t the title i) not entirel" unre)erved# .f5 Sir5
2ountb!tten could be c!lled ! 6;!ndit6 on the 1+th Au&u)t 19475 . feel th!t 2r# N!Jiruddin
h!) ! &re!ter cl!im to be c!lled ! 6 ;!ndit 6 th!n 3ord 2ountb!tten of Burm!# 2!n" )uch
friend) h!ve been t!%in& !n intere)t in thi) me!)ure !nd . 'elcome it !) ! h!pp" )i&n of the
time) !nd ! &ood !u&ur" for the future5 for thu) 'e !re &oin& in the ri&ht '!" of bein& one
unified )ociet"5 !nd ere lon& 'e 'ill h!ve one uniform civil code for the 'hole of our
Tho)e 2ember)5 'ithin !nd 'ithout the Hou)e 'ho !re not 'holl" in f!vour of the Bill
!nd 'ho do not '!nt to &o the 'hole?ho& in thi) re&!rd5 t!%e their )t!nd?!t le!)t )ome of
themGon the Smritis, the Shastras !nd our h!rm!# 7ell5 Sir5 'h!t i) h!rm! 8 /nle)) 'e
decide th!t 9ue)tion 'e c!nnot !ppreci!te or reAect the )t!nd th!t )ome people in thi) countr"
!re t!%in& 'ith re&!rd to thi) me!)ure# h!rm! K .) it merel" ! code of ritu!l !nd e(tern!l)
!nd ceremonie) or i) it )omethin& deeper5 th!t pert!in) to the )oul5 the he!rt5 the mind !nd the
)pirit 8 h!rm! K The et"molo&" of thi) 'ord in S!n)%rit i)G h!rm! i) th!t b" 'hich the
'orld i) )upported5 y!n!dam dharvat! #agat. Th!t b" 'hich the 'orldG6A!&!t 6Gi)
)upported i) h!rm!#
No' !re 'e not to !)% 'hether the ob)erv!nce of ! le' ceremonie)5 ritu!l)5 !nd form!l
convention) con)titute h!rm!5 or 'hether it i) )omethin& deeper 8
A) re&!rd) the Smritis 'hich !re interlin%ed or interloc%ed 'ith h!rm!5 m" honour!ble
friend r# Ambed%!r )!id the other d!" th!t there !re perh!p) 1D7 Smritis. .f . !m 'ron& he
'ill correct me# . believe he h!) counted them# 0f the @panishads it i) )t!ted there !re 1,8
!nd )o m!n" other un%no'n !nd une!rthed /panishads. There m!" !l)o be m!n" more
Smritis u%no'n !nd une!rthed# ,f the Sm!itis %no'n to r# Ambed%!r there !re 1D7# And
no' 'e h!ve &ot the 1D8th Smritis. He 'ill p!rdon me if . refer to thi)5 not in ! li&ht?he!rted
f!)hion5 bec!u)e thi) i) !l)o ! me!)ure5 'hich !lthou&h not revolution!r"5 h!) introduced
ch!n&e) in our Hindu )oci!l rel!tion)# So . c!n !ppl" the )!me term !) h!) been !pplied to the
other Hindu )oci!l code) !nd )oci!l te(t) th!t h!ve been !lre!d" 'ritten for u)# Thi) 'e m!"
c!ll the 1D8th Smritis. . m!" c!ll it the Bhim Smritis. . hope r# Ambed%!r 'ill p!rdon me if
. reler to thi) !) the Bhim Simritis. .f . h!ve &ot to include the n!me of the other prot!&oni)t
of the movement5 'hich h!) culmin!ted in the dr!ftin& !nd the pre)ent!tion of thi) Bill5 .
'ould reler to if !) the N!r!)imb!# .t i) the $!u Committee 'hich h!) led to thi) Bill#
/ltim!tel" . 'ill not reler to if !) the Bhim Smriti but the Bhim N!r!)imh! Smriti.
Comin& to the me!)ure belore u)4 thou&h the Smrilis !re 'ell?%no'n5 )till the" differ
!mon& them)elve)# The )!me Smrilikam !t time) differ) in different te(t) of the Smrili# .l i)
ver" 'ell %no'n th!t even ! port i) not con)i)tent in hi) poetr"# Sh!%e)pe!re referred to
'omen in one pl!" !) 6 *r!ill"5 th" n!me i) 'om!n 64 in other pl!" he &oe) on to de)cribe !
'om!n 'ho '!) )tron& enou&h to inflict 'ound) in her o'n thi&h4 . me!n ;orti! of Brutu) K
Comin& to our o'n countr"5 the &re!t poet !nd philo)opher5 Tul)id!) h!) )!id 4 dhor ganwar
Sluldra dru nari yah sab tadana k! adlukari. *or the benefit olB m" friend) 'ho do not %no'
Hindi5 it me!n) th!t ! ru)tic5 !n illiter!te m!n5 !n !nim!l5 ! )hudr! !nd ! 'om!nGthe)e !ll
de)erve ! be!tin&#
Shri Raj Baliadlir (/nited St!te) of 2!t)"!) 4 . 'ould inform the Hou)e th!t the
interpret!tion put b" 2r# @!m!th upon thi) 'ell %no'n Cuplet i) !b)olutel" incorrect#
Shri H. =# Kamath : I hope m" fricnd 'ill &ive u) hi) intrerpret!tion 'licn he h!) to
Shri Raja Bahadur: .t me!n) th!t ! Shudr! 'ho i) li%e ! Dhol or i) uncivil !nd ! 6 nari 6
(i#e# 'om!n) 'ho i) li%e ! p!)hu (be!)t) de)erve !dmonition# .t me!n) th!t Dhol, (hollo')
Shudr! p!)u5 (be!)tl" 'om!n) de)erve eh!)ti)ement#
Shri H. V. Kamath 4 But our l!'?&iver 2!nu )!") 4 yatranaryastu pu#yant! ramant!
tatra d!vatah.
.t me!n) th!t 'here 'omen !re re)peeted# there the &od) !re h!pp"#
. e!vin& !)ide the v!riou) Smritis !nd the Shastras, 'h!t doe) our o'nG the &re!te)t
Shastra to the HinduG)!") 8 At the time 'hen the 1ita '!) pre!ched b" Sri%ri)hn! to
ArAun!5 there 'ere )o m!n" cu)tom) !mon& the Hindu) 'hich 'ere dero&!tor" to cert!in
)ection) of the people th!t Sri%ri)hn! c!te&oric!ll" told ArAun! in one of the 'ell %no'n te(t)
on the hi&he)t &o!l of !n" hum!n bein&4
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 The honour!ble member c!n continue hi) )peech on 2ond!"#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till a 3uart!r to -l!v!n of th! &lo'k on MondaC th! >5th
%!bruary 4676.
H.N/ 2A$$.A:1S =A3..T< B.33 1HT1NS.0N 0* T.21 *0$ ;$1S1NTAT.0N
0* $1;0$T 0* S131CT C022.TT11
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 . move4 6 Th!t the time
!ppointed for the pre)ent!tion of the $eport of the Select Committee on the Bill to provide
th!t m!rri!&e) bet'een Hindu)5 Si%h)5 >!in) !nd their different c!)te) !nd )ub?c!)te) !re
v!lid5 be e(tended upto the E+th 2!rch5 1949#6
The d!te &iven here on the order p!per i) 11th 2!rch5 but 'ith "our permi))ion . 'ould li%e
to !mend it to E+th 2!rch !) the honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter 'ill be out of elhi !nd he
'ill not be !ble to devote much time to it# Therefore . move the motion 'ith thi) !mendment#
. '!nt to )!" th!t . !m ver" !n(iou) th!t thi) Bill m!" be put before thi) Hou)e thi)
)e))ion !nd therefore . re9ue)t the honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter !nd the !uthoritie) in ch!r&e
of thi) Bill to %indl" )ee th!t the Select Committee m!%e) it) $eport b" the E+th 2!rch# .
!l)o be& the Hou)e to )upplement m" re9ue)t to the !uthoritie) )o th!t5 !) the Bill i) ! ver"
import!nt one5 it m!" be p!))ed thi) )e))ion#
Shri R. K. Sidhv! (C# ;# !nd Ber!r 4 :ener!l) 4 The m!tter i) entirel" in the h!nd) of the
Select Committee# 7h!t h!) the Hou)e to do in thi) 8 2" honour!ble *riend )hould re9ue)t
the Select Committee to e(pedite the $eport !nd . thin% the" 'ill be ple!)ed to do it#
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava : I '!nt !n e(ten)ion of the d!te# . '!nt to ur&e th!t it i)
m" !n(iet" th!t the 3!' 2ini)ter )hould )ee th!t the report i) m!de in time !nd the Hou)e
)hould )upport me in thi)#
2r# Chairman : The 9ue)tion i) 4
6 Th!t the time !ppointed for the pre)ent!tion of the $eport of the Select Committee on
the Bill to provide th!t m!rri!&e) bet'en Hindu)5 Si%h)5 >!in) !nd their different c!)te) !nd
)ub?c!)te) !re v!lid5 be e(tended upto the E+th 2!rch5 1949#6
The motion '!) !dopted#
2r# Chairman: The Hou)e 'ill no' proceed 'ith the further con)ider!tion of the Hindu
Shri H. =# Kamath (C# ;# !nd Ber!r 4 :ener!l) 4 2r# Ch!irm!n5 'hen thi) Hou)e
!dAourned on *rid!" !fternoon the n!me of Shri @ri)hn! '!) on m" lip)# . '!) )!"in& th!t
even )o f!r !) the hi&he)t &o!l of hum!n e(i)t!nce i) concerned m!n !nd 'om!n h!ve been
pl!ced on !n !b)olute footin& of e9u!lit" b" Shri @ri)hn! in the 1ita. The 1ita to the Hindu)
i) the )!cred smriti, the )upreme shastra, the 9uinte))ence of !ll philo)oph" !nd !ll reli&ion#
.n th!t5 ver" 'ell?%no'n ver)e5 Shri @ri)hn! )!")G
6 Str!!yo *aishyastathu sudrast!pi yanti paramgatim.. , <om!n, *aishyas !nd the
Shudras 'ho 'ere !pp!rentl" the do'n trodden !nd the )uppre))ed cl!))e) or c!)te) of th!t
!&e5 even the"G @ri)hn! )!")G!re on ! p!r5 on ! footin& of e9u!lit"5 'ithBBr!hm!n! !nd the
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharati (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 <ou !re ri&ht5 2r# @!m!th#
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 So f!r !) moksha !nd the paragati !re concerned5 there i) !b)olutel"
no b!r to the !tt!inment of the )!me b" 'omen# . !m )orr" th!t !t the pre)ent d!" there !re
)ome men5 !nd even cert!in swamis)o c!lled reli&iou) or )piritu!l he!d)G'ho believe th!t
m!n !nd 'om!n )hould be pl!ced on !n une9u!l footin&# . !&ree th!t the" !re not identic!l in
!ll re)pect)###### 2!ul!n! H!)r!t 2oh!ni (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Ho' !re the" e9u!l 8 Shri H# =#
@!m!th 4 But to )!" th!t the" !re une9u!l !nd to buttre)) th!t !r&ument b" f!nt!)tic re!)on)
i) to m" mind )hoc%in&# The other d!" . h!d the &ood?luc%Gor the ill?luc%Gof li)tenin& to !
swami )!"in& th!t m!n !nd 'om!n !re une9u!l# And5 pr!"5 'h!t 'ere the re!)on) for th!t
)t!tement 8 He )!id f!nt!)tic5 the Hou)e 'ill !&reeGhe )!id th!t m!n &ro') ! mou)t!che !nd
'om!n doe) not# . !m not Ao%in&5 Sir5 m!n" of m" friend) 'ere pre)ent !t the meetin& 'hich
the swami !ddre)ed5 !nd he )!id it in !ll e!rne)tne))5 in !ll )eriou)ne))5 th!t m!n &ro') !
mou)t!che5 'om!n c!nnot &ro' ! mou)t!che5 !nd the 'om!n !t mo)t c!n be!r three5 four or
five children in ! "e!r# An Honour!ble 2ember4 .n ! "e!r 8
Shri H. =# @!m!th4 ependin& upon 'hether )he produce) triplet)5 9u!druplet) or
9uintuplet)# Sir5 he 'ent on to )!" th!t m!n5 ho'ever i) potenti!ll" c!p!ble of bein& the
f!ther of ! hundred or more children# Thi)5 Sir5 to m" mind i) ! f!nt!)tic !r&ument#
7hen 'e t!l% of e9u!lit" of m!n !nd 'om!n5 'e re&!rd th!t on ! )piritu!l b!)i) 'hich
h!) been envi)!&ed !&!in b" Shri @ri)hn! in the :it!# He )!")4
6 Sarvabhttlasthamatinanam sarvabhu@mi 'hatmuni. , Th!t i) the b!)i)5 th!t i) the
"!rd)tic%5 th!t i) the me!)urin& rod for e9u!lit" of hum!n bein&) or bet'een m!n !nd
6 Co man pashyati sarvatra sarvam 'ha mayi ashyati. ,
Thi) i) the le)t5 thi) i) the criterion5 thi) i) the )t!nd!rd5 thi) i) the "!rd)tic% for e9u!lit" of
hum!n bein&)5 'hether hi&h or lo'5 rich or poor5 m!n or 'om!n#
7ell5 Sir5 . do not )ub)cribe to th!t notion of ine9u!lit" propounded b" the swami. 0n the
other h!nd5 . !l)o do not believe th!t 'om!nG !) )ome of them do tod!"G!tt!in e9u!lit"
'ith men b" t!%in& to )mo%in& !nd drin%in&# Th!t !&!in# Sir5 i) )omethin& 'hich i) to be
deprec!ted if b" th!t the" )ee% e9u!lit" 'ilh m!n# Nor do . )ub)cribe to the pro&re))ive
conception of 'om!nGpro&re))ive in the 7e)tern )en)eG'ho5 perh!p) in imit!tion of the
7e)t !nd )o tr"in& to be pro&r)))ive5 t!%e to b!ll?room d!ncin& !nd other 7e)tern h!bit)#
Thi)5 Sir5 i) !l)o to m" mind no '!" of )ecurin& e9u!lit" 'ilh m!n#
Shrim!ti ;urnim! B!nerAee (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 .t i) not included in the Hindu Code# oe)
)he d!nce !lone 'ithout ! p!rtner 8
Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 . %no' th!t but 'e !re t!l%in& of the e9u!lit" of m!n !nd 'om!n#
And here5 Sir5 our &re!t )!v!nt !nd philo)opher5 r# S!rv!p!lli $!dh!%ri)hn!n 'ho i) !n
!uthorit" on Hindu dhama !nd Hindu '!" of life5 )!")4
6 The modern 'om!n5 if . m!" )!" )o5 i) lo)in& her )elf?re)pect# She doe) not re)pect
her o'n individu!lit" !nd uni9uene))# but i) p!"in& !n uncon)ciou) tribute to m!n b"
tr"in& to imit!te him# She i) f!)t becomin& m!)culine !nd mech!nic!l#
Shri R. @# Sidhv! (C# ;# !nd Ber!r 4 :ener!l) 4 7h!t !bout the modern m!n 8
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 . hope# Sir5 our 'omen 'ill t!%e thi) to he!rt !nd 'ill not underl!%e
)uch !ttempt) !t e9u!lit" 'ilh m!n#
Shreem!ti Annie 2!)c!rene (Tr!v!ncore St!te) 4 2!" . !)% the 9ue)tion 'hether modern
m!n i) in !n" '!" better th!n th!t 8
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 Th!t i) for 'omen to !n)'er# 7ell5 Sir5 'hen . therefore t!l% of
e9u!lit" bet'een men !nd 'omen . h!ve before me the hi)toric!l e(!mple) of Sit!5 S!vitri5
!m!"!nti5 :!r&i5 2!ilre"i !nd /bh!"!bh!r!li# 7ill "ou permit me to re!d from our o'n
!ncient hi)tor" !bout the)e 'omen !nd the pl!ce the)e 'omen occupied in our !ncient =edic
time) !nd even l!ter5 on 'hich )o m!n" of our opponent) to the Hindu Code depend tod!"8
.t i) )!id th!t in the =edic !nd /p!ni)h!dic !&e5 'omen occupied ! ver" hi&h pl!ce in
)ociet"# Amon& the e(ception!l 'omen of /p!ni)h!dic lime) the n!me of 2!ilre"i )t!nd)
out in bold relief# The lu)tre of her )piritu!l mind illumine) the 'orld even tod!"# *or )heer
inleleclu!l !cumen t'o 'omen )t!nd out in )in&ul!r brilli!nce# An All?.ndi! reli&iou)
conference loo% pl!ceGit h!) been the tr!dition in thi) countr" to h!ve conference) of !ll
)ort) !nd reli&iou) conference) 'ere not !n e(ceptionG!n !ll?.ndi! reli&iou) conference loo%
pl!ce in the prehi)toric !&e !nd !nother in the po)t?Buddhi)tic !&e# The" h!d been )ummoned
not for mere !c!demic deb!te but for the e)t!bli)hment of principle) th!t )hould &overn the
)piritu!l life of the n!tion# The former '!) ch!mpioned b" the )!&e <!&n!v!l%"!5 the )!me
!) our l!'?&iver !nd the l!tter b" the &re!t Sh!n%!r!ch!r"!# The fir)t conference5
<!&n!v!l%"!B) conference5 '!) convened b" @in& >!n!%!5 the &re!t >!n!%!5 Hie karma yogi,
'hen the )!&e) !))embled from !ll 9u!rter) of .ndi!5 from @!)hmir to @!n"! @um!ri !nd .
)uppo)e from @h"ber to Cher!punAi5 !re )ilenced5 :!r&i boldl" ri)e) on beh!lf of the 'omen5
ch!mpionin& the c!u)e of the humili!ted# Th!t5 Sir5 i) the ide!l to'!rd) 'hich our 'omen
ou&ht to be pro&re))in& !nd 'hich the" 'ill5 . hope5 !ll!in# 1re lon&5 :!r&i i) defe!ted5 but
onl" !fter puttin& up ! tou&h fi&ht#
.n ! )econd Conference5 S!n%!r! Ach!r"!B) conference5 lhe t!)% of pre)idin& over thi)
momentou) meetin& f!ll) upon 2!nd!n!mi)hr!B) 'ife5 /bh!"!bh!r!ti# No'5 it i) ver"
import!ntG!nd . 'ould li%e m" 'omen friend) to m!r% thi)G th!t in lhe hi)tor" of the
'orld there i) not ! )in&le in)t!nce of ! 'om!n bein& cho)en !) ! Aud&e of !n import!nt
meetin& !nd m!%in& )uch !n e(ception!l dem!nd on her intellectu!l !bilit" !) 'ell !)
inte&rit"# She &ive)G/bh!"! Bh!r!lhiG &ive) the verdict in f!vour of Sh!n%!r!ch!r"!#
($onourahl! M!mb!rs) He!r5 he!r5#) 7ith lhe re)ult th!t her hu)b!nd become) ! mon% !nd !
di)ciplie of hi) opponent5 'ho)e vie' hencefor'!rd become) !c%no'led&ed !) lhe
p!r!mount creed of lhe countr"# 6 .n f!ct 65 lhe !uthor )!")G1 !m re!din& from the6 Cultur!l
Herit!&e of .ndi! 6 publi)hed b" lhe $!m!%ri)hn! 2i))ionG6 .t i) not the ori&in!l !uthor)
6Gm!r% the)e 'ord) B it i) not the ori&in!l !uthor) BG6 'ith the em!ncip!ted mind of
cre!tive thin%er) but lhe mech!nic!ll" minded commenl!tor) 6GTi%!%!r)5 not the smrilikars,
but tho)e 'ho 'rote tikas6 'ho 'or%ed for lhe )uppre))ion of the ri&ht) of 'omen5 'hom
the" bluntl" !))umed to be in le!&ue 'ith i&nor!nce !nd illu)ion#6
No'5 Sir5 m!n" of our friend) 'ho !re oppo)in& thi) me!)ure5G . do not me!n in lhe
Hou)e but tho)e 'ho !re out)ide?the" t!%e their )t!nd on h!rm!# The other d!" . po)ed thi)
9ue)tion5 6 7h!t i) h!rm! 8 6# 0ne of the p!mphlet) i))ued b" lhe Anti?Hindu Code
Committee pre)ume) to &ive u) )ome !dvice5 !nd 'h!t i) th!t 8 The"
9uote the old slok!0 do not remember e(!ctl" 'here it occur)G but the ;!nch!t!ntr!
9uote) it4 6 +asasabha Catra na Santi vrid'ihah, vriddhnat!y! na vadanti dharmam. ,
/ Th!t i) not ! S!bh! or A))embl" 'here there !re no vridh!h)# B
An Honour!ble 2ember 4 But 'e h!ve )o m!n" of them here K
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 Th!t m!n i) not ! vriddhah 'ho doc) not t!l% of h!rm!# .5 Sir5 !m
)orr" th!t our friend) of thi) Anti?Hindu Code Committee h!ve not e(!ctl" under)tood the
me!nin& of 6 vriddh!h 6G'ho i) ! vridh!h !nd 'ho i) not# .n the 2!h!bh!r!t! there i) !
)tor" 4 S!r!)'!t! 2uni5 ! "oun& bo" of t'elve5 'hen there '!) f!mine in the countr" !nd
!ll the old ri)hi) 'ho 'ere f!)tin& !nd doin& pen!nce on the )hore) of the S!r!)'!ti river
fled for fe!r of their live)Gthe" '!nted to )!ve their live)Gthi) "oun& bo" !t th!t time
)tuc% to hi) po)t !nd hi) mother S!r!)'!ti5 th!t i) 'h" S!r!)'!ti fed him on fi)h in the
mornin&5 *i)h !t noon !nd *i)h !t ni&htGth!t i) 'h" S!r!)'!t Br!hmin) even tod!" e!t
fi)h# Thi) Br!hmin bo"5 in)pite of the f!mine5 )tuc% to hi) po)t# The )tor" &oe) on to )!"
th!t the f!mine r!&ed for m!n" "e!r) in the l!ndGt'elve "e!r)G but our "oun& bo"5
S!r!)'!t 2uniGthe pro&enitor of !ll S!r!)'!t) in the 'orldGcontinued to )t!"# After the
f!mine '!) over5 the rishis 'ho h!d fled for their live) )t!rted comin& b!c% in driblet)5 one
!fter !nother5 to the )hore) of the S!r!)'!ti river to re)ume their tapasya interrupted b" the
f!mine !nd the" tried to bo)) over thi) "oun& bo" of E4# He '!) 1E 'hen the f!mine
)t!rted5 !nd he '!) E4 'hen the f!mine ended# The" )t!rted bo))in& over him# The" )!id5 6
<ou )it !t out feetC t!%e in)truction from u)C le!rn from u)C become our di)ciple#6 He )!id5 6
*ie on "ou# Sh!me on "ou pretend to be munis, rishis, tapasvis, !nd "ou fl" for "our live) C
fl" for fe!r of de!th# <ou h!ve &ot to )it !t m" feet !nd le!rn from me#6 Thu) )!id the
"oun& m!n of E4 to tho)e old men of 7, !nd 8,# The 2!h!bh!r!t! &oe) on to )!"4 6 +a
t!na vridho bhavati y!nasya palitam shirah yo vai yuvapyadhyan'2itarn d!vah sthaviram
viduh. , (A m!n i) not ! vridha merel" b" virtue of hi) &re" h!ir# 1ven ! "outh 'ho h!)
)tudied 'ell i) c!lled ! 'i)e m!n b" the &od)#) Th!t m!n i) vriddhah 'ho h!) !tt!ined
vriddhi. Actu!ll" the 'ord 6 vriddhah 6 i) 'ron&l" tr!n)l!ted !) old# .t me!n) th!t m!n
'ho h!) !tt!ined vriddhi, "ou c!ll it5 'i)dom5 &ro'th5 developmentGth!t i) vridhi... Here
our friend) )!" 4
6 +a sa Sabha yatra na santi vriddhah *riddha na t! y! na vadanti dharmam
. thin% th!t even in th!t )en)e of 6 vriddhi 6 or 'i)dom5 there !re ! number of m" friend)
here 'ho 'ill live up to th!t )t!nd!rd# But m" friend) h!ve )topped )hort of 9uotin& the
'hole shloka. The" )t!rt b" )!"in&4
6 +a sa sabha yatra na santi vridhah *riddha na t! y! na vadanti dharmam.,
But 'h!t i) h!r!m 8 The )lo%! &oe) on to )!" l!ter on 'h!t i) Dharma. The)e fello')
convenientl" omit th!t portion of the )lo%!# The )lo%! &oe) on to )!"4 6 Dharmah sa na yatra
na satyamasti ,
Th!t i) not Dharma 'here there i) no satya. Therefore5 m" 9u!rrel 'ith tho)e 'ho t!%e
their )t!nd on dharma i) th!t the" h!ve not under)tood 'h!t i) Hindu Dharma.
. 'ill !&!in cr!ve "our indul&ence to tell the Hou)e 'h!t our &re!t )!v!nt !nd
philo)opher# r# S!rv!p!lli $!dh!%ri)hn!n h!) to )!" on the )ubAect5 e)peci!ll" Hindu
h!rm!# He tell) u)4
6There h!) been no )uch thin& !) ! uniform )t!tion!r"5 un!lter!ble Hindui)m 'hether
in point of belief or pr!ctice# Hindui)m i) ! movement C not ! po)ition C ! proce))5 not !
re)ult C ! &ro'in& tr!dition5 not ! fi(ed revel!tion# .t) p!)t hi)tor" encour!&e) u) to believe
th!t it 'ill be found e9u!l to !n" emer&enc" th!t the future m!" thro' up# 'hether on the
field of thou&ht or of hi)tor"########## 6
7e !re h!pp" th!t tod!" the prediction i) comin& true# .t '!) S'!mi =ive%!n!nd! 'ho
)!id fift" "e!r) !&o th!t =ed!nt! 'ill become the reli&ion of hum!nit"Gthe ved!nt! 'hich
h!) been &iven to the 'orld b" our )eer)5 rishis !nd munis $!dh!%ri)hn!n &oe) on to )!"4
6 7e !re be&innin& to loo% upon our !ncient f!ith 'ith fre)h e"e)# 7e feel th!t our
)ociet" i) in ! condition of un)t!ble e9uilibrium# There i) much 'ood th!t i) de!d !nd
di)e!)ed th!t h!) to be cle!red !'!"#
. hope# Sir5 th!t mo)t of our friend) here !re in their o'n '!" le!der) of Hindu thou&ht
!nd pr!ctice5 . !m )ure of th!t G
6 3e!der) of Hindu thou&ht !nd pr!ctice !re convinced th!t the time) re9uire5 not !
)urrender of the b!)ic principle) of Hindui)m5 but ! re)t!tement of them 'ith )peci!l
reference to the need) of ! more comple( !nd morbil )oci!l order#
6 Such !n !ttempt 65 he )!")5 6 'ill onl" be the repetition of ! proce)) 'hich h!) occured
! number of time) in the hi)tor" of Hindui)m# The 'or% of re!dAu)tment i) in proce))#
:ro'th i) )lo' 'hen root)
!re deep# But tho)e 'ho li&ht ! little c!ndle in the d!r%ne)) 'ill help to m!%e the 'hole
)%" !fl!me#6
. 'ould commend thi) )t!tement of the Hindu Dharma to tho)e of m" friend) 'ho
oppo)e the Bill5 even the con)ider!tion of the Bill on &round) of Dharma. 7ho doe) not
%no' !nd 'ho doe) not reconnect th!t thi) cr" of B Dharama in d!n&er B or B Societ" in d!n&er
B '!) r!i)ed b" tho)e th!t '!nted to bloc% ever" reform of Societ" !ttempted in the p!)t 8 .) it
not ! f!ct th!t t'ent"?five "e!r) !&o5 'hen the movement !&!in)t !sprishyata untou'hability
'!) )t!rted5 )ome of our men5 even hi&h?cl!)) orthodo( Hindu) )!id th!t Hindui)m '!) in
d!n&er5 )oci!l order '!) in d!n&er !nd th!t di)ruption of )ociet" '!) comin& 8 <et5 did 'e
not per)i)t in th!t much?needed reform 8 id 'e not help to !cceler!te the evolution of Hindu
)ociet" on !n e&!lit!ri!n b!)i) 8 A) ! culmin!tion of the)e !ttempt)5 h!ve not 'e !dopted !n
Article in the dr!ft Con)titution prohibitin& untouch!bilit" !nd b!nnin& it in !n" )h!pe or
form 8 .f 'e could do th!t in )pile of 'h!t the orthodo( pandits cl!im for Hindu Dharama,
)urel" . do not )ee !n" re!)on 'h" 'e )hould not proceed to le&i)l!te or provide for the
re&ul!tion of )oci!l rel!tion) !nd per)on!l l!'#
A&!in5 Sir# honour!ble 2ember) 'ill recollect the oppo)ition th!t '!) )t!rted !&!in)t the
S!rd! Act5 'hich t!booed child?m!rri!&e5 on the &round th!t Hindu Dharma '!) in d!n&er
!nd th!t Hindu reli&ion !nd Hindu )ociet" 'ere in d!n&er# .n the l!)t centur" 'hen the
cu)tom of sati, crem!tion of the 'ido' 'ith her hu)b!nd5 '!) )ou&ht to be !boli)hed5 the)e
)!me re!ction!rie) 'ho bloc% the ro!d to pro&re)) denounced the !ttempt )l!tin& th!t the
Hindu?h!rm! )!nctioned sati !nd th!t it &r!nted the hi&he)t )!lv!tion to 'omen !nd
therefore it )hould be continued# .n )pite of their !&it!tion !nd ob)truction5 much?needed
reform) li%e lh!t 'ere put throu&h#
;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! )!id the other d!" lh!t thi) Bill h!d not re!ched the rur!l
popul!tion !nd th!t the ru)tic)5 lhe people in rur!l !re!) h!ve not )een or re!d or con)idered
it# He e(pre))ed !n(iet" to %no' their re!ction) to the Bill5 before it '!) proceeded 'ith in
thi) Hou)e# 7hen he )!id )o5 he for&ot the f!ct th!t )ome of the Bill) he him)elf h!d
introduced h!d not been )een b" lhe pe!)!nt) of hi) o'n Hi))!r# . 'onder if on hi) !dvice 'e
!re &oin& to circul!te copie) of our Bill) to ever" vill!&e !nd h!mlet !nd home)te!d in the
countr"# Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 ;e!)!nt) do not count the)e d!")#
Shri H. =# @!m!th 4 . !m !)toni)hed to he!r from 2r# T"!&i th!t pe!)!nt) do not count in
the)e d!")# .f the" do not count5 'ho doe) 8 Honour!ble 2ember)4 <ou#
Shri H. V. Kamath: I !m indeed &r!teful for the compliment# . hope# Sir5 in the ne!r
future5 not merel" .5 but !ll m" friend) in the Hou)e 'ill count e9u!ll" 'ith me#
Sir5 'hile . h!ve ever" )"mp!th" 'ith cert!in ob)erv!tion) m!de b" ;!ndit Th!%urd!)
Bh!r&!v!5 . do not thin% th!t hi) oppo)ition to the Hindu Code Bill on the &round th!t there
h!) been no circul!tion or proper public!tion !mon& the people !ffected5 c!n )t!nd )crutin"#
Th!t !r&ument i) !b)olutel" unten!ble# .n th!t '!"5 ever" Bill )ou&ht to be p!))ed here5
'hich !ffect) the live) of million)5 'ould h!ve to be )ent to them5 in order th!t the" m!"
re&i)ter their !pprov!l or di)!pprov!l of the )!me#
No'5 Sir5 thi) ve(ed 9ue)tion of e9u!lit"5 . hope5 . h!ve di)po)ed ofin ! )!ti)f!ctor"
m!nner# Sir5 men !nd 'omen !re e9u!l on ! )piritu!l b!)i)# The :it!5 the Smriti) !nd Shri
@ri)hn! him)elf h!ve pre!ched thi) doctrine of e9u!lit"#
Comin&5 Sir to the 9ue)tion of propert"5 properl" h!) been# !ccordin& to mo)t
philo)opher)5 politic!l5 )oci!l or other'i)e5 the root of !lmo)t !ll evil in the 'orld5 in thi)
re&!rd . )ub)cribe to the propo)ition m!de b" Seth :ovind !)Ghe i) not in the Hou)e no'
Gth!t it 'ould be be)t if priv!te properl" 'ere !boli)hed# 1ven liti&!tion 'ill decre!)e !
&ood de!l if thi) i) done# 0ne of our &re!te)t l!'?&iver) !nd )t!te)men of !ncient lime)Gnot
2!nu or <!&n"!v!l%"!Gbut ! '!rrior )t!te)m!n5 Bhee)hm! ;it!ni!h! h!) e(pounded hi)
doctrine in t'o parvas of Maha;Bharata. vi8..Shanti Parva and "nusasanika Parva. There he
tell) <udhi)thir! !bout propert"4 !%tnch!n!)"! shuddhasya na illiyamilua lakshyay!
akin'hanyam'ha ra#yaim'ha tulaya samatolayam atyari'hyata daridryam ra#yadapi
guradhikam nityodvignohi dhanavn mrityorasyagato yatha.$! t!lls Cudhisthira that his
kingdom and volunt!r" povert" he h!) 'ei&hed in the b!l!nce# He )!") th!t thi) akin'hanaya
voluntr" povert" h!) proved more th!n the other# Bec!u)e5 he )!id5 nityo nilyodvignohi
dhanavan mrityorasyagatoyatha.h! ne!re)t e9uiv!nt to thi) in 1n&li)h i) 6 /ne!)" lie) the
he!d th!t 'e!r) tlie cro'n 6# .f ! m!n h!) propert" he i) !fr!id of de!th#
. !m in !&reement 'ith ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! 'hen he )!") th!t ! 'ife !nd
hu)b!nd )hould become one not merel" in love5 hut in propert" !) 'ell# Sometime) it
h!ppen) th!t love i) their onl" propert"# Hu)b!nd !nd 'ile m!" h!ve no propert" !t !ll# Their
onl" propert" m!" be their mutu!l love# But5 Sir5 'e )hould f!ce the )t!r% re!lit" of life
tod!"# .t '!)5 ho'ever5 refre)hin& to he!r ;!ndit Bh!r&!v!B) per)on!l e(perience in thi)
re)pect# Thi) 'orld 'ould be ! h!ppier pl!ce to live in5 if men !nd 'omen5 hu)b!nd) !nd
'ive) !re in the )!me h!pp" po)ition !) ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! !nd hi) 'ife !re# There
!re5 ho'ever5 hundred) of c!)e) tod!" 'here the rel!tion) bet'een the 'ife !nd hu)b!nd !re
not !) h!pp" !) the" )hould be5 or !) 'e 'i)h them to be# (0nt!rruption. . !m )pe!%in&# Sir5
from f!ct) n!rr!ted to me b" friend) li%e m" honour!ble friend# 2r# B# !) !nd . h!ve come
in po))e))ion of the)e f!ct)5 !) told to me b" m" honour!ble friend)5 'ho h!ve &ot e(perience
in thi) direction#
0ur Hindu Code Bill provide) in thi) re)pect th!t ! 'om!n )hould be entitled to !n
!b)olute ri&ht in her propert"# .n the =edic !&e) !nd in the !ncient !&e)5 upon 'hich our
opponent) of h!rm! !nd the Hindu Code Bill t!%e their )t!nd5 it '!) onl" in mediev!l
time)5 'hen Hindui)m '!) on the decline th!t 'omenB) ri&ht) to propert" c!me to be
re)trictedGin the =edic period the )oci!l po)ition of 'omen '!) &ener!ll" hi&h#
2r# Ch!irm!n4 There !re ! number of )pe!%er)5 'ho '!nt to )pe!%# . !ppe!l to the
honour!ble 2ember %indl" to be !) )hort !) po))ible#
Shri H. =# @!m!th4 . 'ill tr" to be )hort5 but . !m !fr!id5 the )ubAect i) )o v!)t th!t it i)
difficult to be )hort#
The Honourable B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter of 3!') 4 There 'ill be plent" of occ!)ion
for 2r# @!m!th to )pe!%# There !re !t le!)t 1D, )ection)#
Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 But . do not '!nt to let )ome thin&) rem!in un)!id tod!"# No' in the
=edic period5 . '!) )!"in& th!t the )oci!l po)ition of the 'omen '!) hi&h# An unm!rried
d!u&hter '!) offered ! )h!re in her f!therB) propert"5 !nd the m!rried d!u&hter '!) &iven no
intere)t therein5 but )he &ot !mple do'r" !t the time of her m!rri!&e# So the !r&ument
!dv!nced b" m" honour!ble friend# ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v!5 in thi) re)pect5 . thin%5 m!"
be con)idered b" the Hou)e !nd b" the Honour!ble 2ini)ter )"mp!thetic!ll" C bec!u)e
fund!ment!ll" bein& oppo)ed to propert" m")elf# . do not thin% th!t !n" purpo)e 'ould be
&!ined b" m!%in& the propert" po)ition 'or)e th!n it i) tod!"# r# Ambed%!r referred to !n
in)t!nce of the propert" of ! Hindu f!mil" con)i)tin& of 1E )on) !nd one d!u&hter# Th!t i)
ver" 'ell for him to 9uote th!t in)t!nce5 but m!" . 9uote the other in)t!nce 'here there !re
1E d!u&hter) !nd one )on# 7h!t 'ill h!ppen if the Hindu Code Bill !) it )t!nd) i) !pplied in
thi) c!)e 8 The f!mil" propert" 'ill h!ve to be divided !mon& !ll the d!u&hter) !nd one )on#
The )on 'ill be left in ! little corner of the hou)e5 !nd if the d!u&hter) &et m!rried5 the" h!ve
&ot the ri&ht to brin& their hu)b!nd) !nd the" h!ve the ri&ht to di)po)e of the portion of the
Hou)e to ! )tr!n&er# Therefore the one little )on li%e ! little mou)e 'ill creep here !nd there
!nd he 'ould pot h!ve even ! confort!ble co)" corner to live in#
Therefore5 Sir5 thi) 9ue)tion of propert" i) ! ver" ve(ed 9ue)tion !nd 'e mi&ht con)ider
'hether ! d!u&hter in)te!d of &ettin& the propert" her)elf5 'hether )he mi&ht not be !llo'ed
!n e9uiv!lent )h!re of the properl" in c!)h or Ae'eller"5 or 'h!tever )he mi&ht choo)e to
h!ve5 !) it '!) done in !ncient time) !nd in =edic time)# There '!) no propert" )h!re !t the
time of m!rri!&e but )he '!) &iven !mple do'r" in leu of the )h!re of the propert"#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d for 2un'h till $alf/ Past wo of th! &lo'k..
h! "ss!mbly r!;ass!mbl!d aft!r 2un'h at $alf Past wo of th! &lo'k.
Mr. &hairman (Shri S. *. Krishnamoorthy 9ao. in th! &hair.
2r# Chairman : Before 'e be&in the deb!te5 . 'ould li%e to m!%e ! )u&&e)tion# There
!re !bout E+ n!me) on the li)t# Thi) i) ! ver" import!nt me!)ure !nd !) m!n" )pe!%er) !)
po))ible 'ould li%e to &ive their vie') on the Code# Therefore5 . 'ould re9ue)t honour!ble
2ember) to be !) brief !) po))ible !nd refer onl" to the relev!nt point) for or !&!in)t the Bill#
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h (Bih!r4 :ener!l)4 Sir5 m" n!me !l)o m!" be included in the li)t#
Shri B. !) (0ri))! 4 :ener!l) 4 . did not %no' th!t . h!d to )end in m" n!meC . thou&ht .
'ould c!tch the e"e of the Spe!%er#
Mr. Chairman : Th!t i) 'h" . !m tellin& honour!ble member) to be !) brief !) po))ible
!nd refer onl" to the )!lient point) for or !&!in)t the Bill# 2ember) 'ho '!nt to )pe!% m!"
%indl" )end chit)#
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in (Bih!r 4 2u)lim)4 2!" . %no'# Sir5 'hether m" n!me i) in the li)t 8
. )po%e to the eput" Spe!%er "e)terd!" on *rid!" l!)t#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 No h!rm in )endin& ! fre)h )lip# Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 Sir5 belore . re)ume
the thre!d of m" little )peech5 . m!" !))ure "ou th!t . )h!ll l!%e much le)) lime th!n m"
honour!ble friend# ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! did# 2r# Ch!irm!n 4 <ou h!ve !lre!d" t!%en
!n hour# Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 . )!id le)) time th!n m" honour!ble friend ;!ndit Th!%ur !)
. '!) )pe!%in& !bout propert"4 the b!)i) for the !llotment of propert"5 '!) the principle
'hich '!) e(pre))ed b" @!n'! !fter he b!de f!re'ell to Sh!%unt!l!# @!n'! )!id4 6 "rtho hi
kanya parakiya !va tamadya sampr!shya parigrahituh #ato mamnytitn vishadnh prakamam
pratyarpitaryasa ivnutaratmo. ,
The *ir)t line56 Artho hi %!n"! 6 doe) not me!n5 !) h!) been liter!ll" tr!n)l!ted5 th!t ! &irl
i) )omebod" el)eB) properl"# .t me!n) th!t ! &irl )ep!r!te) her)elf from the f!therB) home
'hen )he &et) m!rried# .t '!) on thi) b!)i) th!t )he &oe) into !nother hou)ehold th!t in olden
time)# =edic !nd l!ter time)5 th!t ! d!u&hter '!) &iven no intere)t in the propert"5 but !mple
do'r" '!) &iven# A&!in5 in the =edic !nd l!ter Smriti time)5 onl" 'hen ! f!ther h!d no )on5
he !ppointed hi) d!u&hter !) the ;utri%! !nd )uch ! d!u&hter '!) e9u!l to the )on# Thi)
principle c!n ver" 'ell be con)idered b" our ne' l!' m!%er)# The" m!" tr" to incorpor!te
the &i)t of thi) principle in the Code#
. 'i)h !&ricultur!l propert" 'ere completel" e(cluded !) ith!) been !lre!d" e(cluded )o
f!r !) the :overnor)B province) !re concerned# . refer to ;!rt =.. Ch!pter 1# Section 94 )!")4
6 Thi) ;!rt )h!ll not !ppl" to !&ricultur!l l!nd in :overnor)B ;rovince)C 6 Alre!d"5 there i) !
cr" !&!in)t the fr!&ment!tion of l!nd# 7e m!" h!)ten )lo'l" in thi) re&!rd )o th!t thi) m!"
nol le!d to further !&&r!v!tion of thi) evil# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 if the entire l!nd i)
n!tion!li)ed5 then no difficult" 'ill !ri)eC )o lon& !) thi) 9ue)tion i) h!n&in& fire !nd i) not
fin!ll" )ettled5 'e m!" decide to e(clude !&ricultur!l l!nd not merel" in lhe :overnor)B
province)5 but !l)o in the Centr!ll" !dmini)tered !re!) from lhe oper!tion of thi) ;!rt#
No'5 . come to lhe &re!t 9ue)tion 'hich h!) !&it!ted hum!nit" from lhe d!'n of time4 .
me!n th!t of m!rri!&e !nd divorce# 0n lhi) 9ue)tion5 lhe principle lh!l 'e )hould &o b"5 lh!l
)hould be !ccepted in le&i)l!tin& on lhi) )ubAect mu)t be5 to m" mind5 6 2!rri!&e )hould be
e!)"5 but divorce difficull#6 . thin% if lhi) )ound rule 'ere !dopted for l!' m!%in&5 it 'ould
)olve m!n" of our trouble)#
S!rd!r Bhopinder Sin&h 2!n (1!)t ;unA!b 4 Si%h) 4 .n "our c!)e5 m!rri!&e i) more
difficult th!n divorce#
Shri H. =# @!m!th 4 There !re !l'!") e(ception) to ! ruleC . )uppo)e . !m one of them#
.f . m!" be !llo'ed to 9uote ! recent hi)toric in)t!nce5 der *euhrer Herr Hitler in
:erm!n"5 'hen he fou&ht the election in 19DE5 one of hi) election )lo&!n) '!)5 6 ! Aob for
ever" :erm!n m!n !nd ! hu)b!nd for ever" :erm!n 'om!n 6# Thi) )lo&!n brou&ht him5 .
under)t!nd5 million) of 'omenB) vote)5 'hen he promi)ed ! hu)b!nd for ever" :erm!n
'om!n# Thi) prove) to the hilt the principle th!t . h!ve )ou&ht to pl!ce before "ou th!t
m!rri!&e )hould be e!)" !nd divorce difficult# 2" honour!ble *riend ;!ndit Th!%ur !)
Bh!r&!v!5 the other d!"5 'hile )pe!%in& on thi) )ubAect refered to thi) !nd )!id th!t there !re
u)!&e) !nd cu)tom) in v!riou) p!rt) of the countr" !ccordin& to 'hich divorce could be
effected# There i) even thi) )imple)t cu)tom5 . !m told5 !ccordin& to 'hich the m!n )!") B
T!l!% - three time) !nd the 'ife i) divorced# .t m!" be th!t or )ome )uch cu)tomC . do not
%no'C th!t i) 'h" . )!id5 . !m told# . per)on!ll" thin% th!t divorce )hould not be e!)"# 0ne of
the modern St!te)5 Soviet $u))i!5 !t it) inception in the e!rl" t'entie) of thi) centur"5 m!de
m!rri!&e !) 'ell !) divorce e9u!ll" e!)"# But5 b" e(perience the" h!ve le!rnt th!t f!mil" !) !
)oci!l unit h!) &ot to be pre)erved !nd )tren&thened even in ! communi)t St!te !nd therefore
no'5 thou&h m!rri!&e i) e!)"5 divorce i) ne(t to impo))ible# . therefore thin%5 ho'ever much
. !m inclined to !&ree 'ith ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! th!t cert!in u)!&e) !nd cu)tom)
mu)t be &iven currenc" !nd mu)t be %ept !live5 !) re&!rd) divorce5 . thin% th!t the procedure
!dopted mu)t be ver" difficult5 )o th!t5 the f!mil" !) ! )oci!l unit m!" be )tren&thend !nd
There i) one more ob)erv!tion th!t . 'ould li%e to m!%e on thi) )ubAect# There !re
in)t!nce)# Sir5 'here due to cert!in c!u)e)5 ! di))olution of m!rri!&e m!" not be 9uite
de)ir!ble or m!" not even be !&reed to b" one of the )pou)e) 4 b" the hu)b!nd or b" the 'ife#
.n )uch c!)e)5 'here the 'ife !&ree) th!t the hu)b!nd m!" m!rr" !nother 'ife5 her)elf !l)o
livin& in the )!me or !nother hou)e# . do not )ee !n" re!)on 'h"5 in )pite of the re!)on)
mentioned here5 permi))ion )hould not be &r!nted to either of the )pou)e) to m!rr" 'hen the
other con)ent)5 'ithout di))olution of m!rri!&e# .n elhi5 'e !re !'!re of one not!bilit" 'ho
h!) &ot )ever!l 'ive) livin& !t the )!me time5 thou&h perh!p) in different hou)e)#
An Honour!ble 2ember B#7ho i) th!t8 Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 No n!me) here ple!)e# 2r#
T!A!mul Hu)!in 4 . h!ve not been !ble to under)t!nd C doe) m" honour!ble friend !&ree 'ith
pol"!ndr" 8 Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 . 'ill onl" )!" th!t ############ 2r# T!A!mul Hu))!in4 0nl" !n
unm!rried m!n c!n )!" )o# Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 Sometime)5 'here ! couple h!) been m!rried
for ! lon& time5 the Hindu mind c!nnot reconcile it)elf to the bre!%in& of m!rri!&e tie) 'ith
the 'ile even thou&h the purpo)e of m!rri!&e i) bein& fru)tr!ted# Therefore from the
)t!ndpoint of love !nd hum!nit" the ne' Code )hould provide5 in m" mind th!t on )uch !n
occ!)ion ! hu)b!nd c!n &et permi))ion from hi) 'ife to m!rr" !nother 'ife5 !nd if )he
con)ent) then the Court )hould not )t!nd in the '!"# But the ide!l of m!rri!&e !) h!) been
)t!ted b" ;!ndit Th!%urd!) Bh!r&!v! )hould be one in propert" !nd love# . )h!ll &o further
!nd )!" th!t there )hould be t'o mind) 'ith but ! )in&le thou&ht5 t'o he!rt) th!t be!t !) one#
Shrimati Hansa 2eht! (Bomb!" 4 :ener!l) 4 .n ;ol"&!m" there 'ill be more th!n t'o
Shri H. =# @!m!th 4 . !m not !&!in)t pol"!ndr" if the hu)b!nd doe) not mind it#
Shrim!ti ;urnim! B!n!rAee 4 =er" liber!lK Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 . t!%e m" )t!nd on the
principle of e9u!lit" !nd . &o to the e(treme limit for both m!n !nd 'om!n# .t h!) been !
re&ret!ble incident or development of our hi)tor"Gour lon& !nd !ncient Hindu hi)tor"Gth!t
'h!tever ri&ht) 'omen enAo"ed in the e!rl" Ar"!n A&eGthe =edic5 /p!ni)h!d !nd Smriti
!&eGthe)e ri&ht) fell into di)u)e !nd 'ere not &iven effect to in the l!ter mediev!l !&e# .
hope th!t thi) Code 'ill )o 'or% th!t 'omen5 'ho)e p!r!di)e '!) lo)t in the d!r% mediev!l
!&e5 p!r!di)e the" 'ill re&!in in the modern !&e#
. h!ve received ! little '!rnin& from ! friend out)ide5 tellin& me in the n!me of :od5 in
the n!me of 2!h!tm! :!ndhi5 the *!ther of the N!tion5 in the n!me of Net!Ai Subh!)
Ch!ndr! Bo)e5 ple!)e do not vote for thi) Bill# Th!t ver" !r&ument5 . thin%5 ver" 'ell !pplie)
to ! vote in f!vour of the Bill# . c!n )!"#########
Shri B. L. Sondhi (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l)4 .) th!t friend m!le or fem!le 8
Shri H. V. Kamath : I c!n )!"5 . m!%e bold to )!" th!t in the n!me of :od 'ho h!)
cre!ted m!n !nd 'om!n e9u!l C in the n!me of the 2!h!tm!5 the *!ther of the N!tion5 'ho
)tood for the complete e9u!lit" of m!n !nd 'om!n C in the n!me of Net!Ai Subh!) Ch!ndr!
Bo)e5 'ho )ou&ht !nd !ccompli)hed the complete em!ncip!tion of m!n !nd 'om!n to the
e(tent of c!llin& 'omen to b!ttle if need be C in the n!me of :od5 in the n!me of :!ndhi#in
the n!me of Subh!)5 . thin% thi) Bill i) ! for'!rd me!)ure 'hich 'ill le!d to the &re!ter &lor"
of Hindu )ociet"#
. h!ve onl" one more rem!r% to m!%e# 2" honour!ble *riend5 r# Ambed%!r5 )!id the
other d!" in hi) peror!tion th!t either rep!ir betime) or peri)h# 7e h!ve to rep!ir# .ndeed 'e
!re rep!irin&# . thin% the time h!) 'ell?ni&h come 'hen5 if 'e do not rep!ir5 then )ociet" 'ill
be rent in t'!in# A )titch in time 'ill !l'!") )!ve nine 4 other'i)e the rent 'ill &ro' more
!nd more till )ociet" 'ill be rent in t'!in#
. be&!n# Sir5 on *rid!"5 the d!" before Maha Shivaratri !nd . !m clo)in& m" brief
rem!r%) on the d!" !fter Maha Shivaratri. Thi) d!" i) )!cred to the memor" of one of the
&re!t 'omen of the !&eG 2!h!)!ti 2! @!)turb! !nd it i) )!cred to the memor" of !nother
&re!t m!nGS'!mi !"!n!nd! S!r!)'!ti# . hope their )prit)Gthe )pirit) of 2! @!)/irb!
!nd S'!mi !"!n!nd! S!r!)'!tiG'ill in)pire u) in our 'or% !nd help u) in our difficult
t!)%# .t i) m" hope !nd pr!"er to :od th!t m!n !nd 'om!n m!" tr!vel to&ether !) pil&rim) of
life5 dedic!tin& them)elve) !nd con)ecre!tin& their live) to the !chievement of artha !nd
kama, the artha !nd kama 'hich !re rooted in Dharma and whi'h l!ad to th! goal of
moksha, the liber!tion from bond!&e5 the &o!l of the 3ivin& :od5 in 'hom 'e live !nd move
!nd h!ve our bein&5 !nd in 'hom !ll men5 !ll 'omen5 !ll Cre!tion5 !re e9u!l5 free !nd divine#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d (7e)t Ben&!l4 2u)lim)4 2!" . point out th!t . !m &ettin& more !nd
more li%e !n !n!chroni)m# . h!ve undert!%en the t!)% of oppo)in& the ori&in!l motion but .
h!ve not )po%en up till no'# .t m!" be th!t the proper time . 'ill be )9ueeJed out# There !re
too m!n" )pe!%er) to come# To?morro' !t four oBcloc% . under)t!nd the clo)ure motion 'ill
be put#
2r# Chairman : .t i) impo))ible to )9ueeJe out 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d# The honour!ble
2ember 'ill h!ve ! ch!nce# 2r# >hunAhun'!l!#
Shri B. P. >hunAhun'!l! ( Bih!r 4 :ener!l) 4 . 'ould li%e to )pe!% !t !nother time#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharati : He either )pe!%) no' or he doe) not# Accordin& to the
rule)5 if ! 2ember i) !)%ed to )pe!%5 he mu)t )pe!%C other'i)e he loo)e) the ch!nce to )pe!%
on the )ubAect#
2r# Chairman : B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh : I th!n% "ou5 2r# Ch!irm!n for the opportunit" "ou h!ve )o
%indl" &iven me tod!" to do m" p!rt to oppo)e the obno(iou) me!)ure 'hich h!) come on
the floor of the Hou)e for di)cu))ion# Sir5 !t the out)et . mu)t tell the hou)e th!t . !m not !n
orthodo( m!n#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : <ou !re not orthodo(# . %no' "ou !re notK
Babu Ramnarayan Singh : I !m one of tho)e 'ho '!nt) th!t !ll th!t i) old mu)t be
bro%en 'ithout del!"# But ever"thin& mu)t be done 'ith 'i)dom# 7hen ! thin& i) to be done5
'i)dom dem!nd) th!t 'e )hould Aud&e 'hen it i) to be done !nd ho' it i) to be done# . tell
m" honour!ble *riend r# Ambed%!r th!t . !m one of hi) !dmirer)# . feel th!t he i) the pride
of the countr"4 he i) m" pride !l)o# But . do not under)t!nd 'h" )uch ! le!rned m!n i)
en&!&ed in )uch ! u)ele)) !nd perniciou) Aob# Sir5 thi) i) ! &overnment me!)ure# . do not
%no' 'h!t the" under)t!nd b" l!'# 3!' i) nothin& but the 'ill of the people e(pre))ed in
term) of l!'# . !m )orr" th!t the :overnment doe) not under)t!nd 'h!t i) l!'# . )!" th!t !
m!Aorit" of the people of thi) countr" feel th!t thi) me!)ure )hould not h!ve come on the
floor of thi) Hou)e##################
An Honourable Member : No#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh: T!%e ! plebi)cite !nd "ou 'ill find it#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharati : 7e !re here repre)entin& them#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh : App!rentl" it !ppe!r) th!t there i) ! me!)ure c!lled the
Hindu Code Bill !nd ! di)cu))ion i) &oin& on in thi) Hou)e but in f!ct ! con)pir!c" i) bein&
h!tched to di)rupt the Hindu )ociet"# . feel th!t it i) )omethin& li%e ! prep!r!tion to inv!de
the Hindu )ociet"# Nobod" c!n )!" ho' lon& thi) Hindu Societ" h!) lived !nd flouri)hed in
thi) 'ould# . c!n )!" th!t )ince the ver" cre!tion of the 'orld5 )ince the cre!tion of the )un
!nd the moon5 )ince the ver" cre!tion of the hum!n r!ce the Hindu )ociet" h!) lived !nd
flouri)hed !nd durin& !ll the)e period) there h!ve been innumer!ble inv!)ion) of !ll
de)cription) !&!in)t thi) Hindu )ociet"5 Buddh! c!me fir)t# At one time it loo%ed th!t Hindu
Societ" 'ould be no more but the 'orld :uru S!n%!r!ch!r"! c!me !nd e(ported Buddhi)m
from thi) countr" !nd re?e)t!bli)hed the Hindu )ociet"# Then .)l!m c!me# Th!t '!) !l)o !n
inv!)ion li%e Buddhi)m but it '!) !l)o ! milit!r" one but . mu)t )!" th!t .)l!m !l)o f!iled in
thi) countr" ###############
Dr. 2ono 2oh!n Das (7e)t Ben&!l)4 .)l!m h!) become the S!viour !nd "ou h!ve t!%en
the protection of .)l!m#
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h 4 .)l!m could not become the )!viour but .)l!m too f!iled in thi)
countr"# Accordin& to .)l!m there i) no c!)te )")tem in the @or!n but )ome )ort of c!)te
)")tem developed !mon& tho)e 'ho follo'ed .)l!m# .n the )!me '!" >!ini)m5 Si%hi)m !ll
c!me in !nd ori&in!ll" the" 'ere !ll inv!)ion) !&!in)t Hindui)m but# in cour)e of time the"
bec!me toler!nt !nd tried to develop !nd flouri)h )ide b" )ide 'ith the Hindu )ociet" !nd
reli&ion# Thi) time thi) i) !l)o ! )ort of inv!)ion but thi) inv!)ion i) ! democr!tic one5 thou&h
the force behind it5 i) ! dict!tori!l one#
Some of m" friend) h!ve !lre!d" )!id th!t there h!) been ! di)cu))ion in thi) Hou)e !)
re&!rd) the !uthorit" of thi) hou)e to en!ct thi) me!)ure# .t i) true !nd . feel confident th!t
thi) Hou)e i) not competent to en!ct ! me!)ure of thi) %ind# Thi) i) not ! Con)tituent
A))embl" even ####
An Honour!ble 2ember4 7h!t i) it 8
Babu $!m!n!r!"!n Sin&h4 .t i) ! p!rt of the con)tituent !))embl"# A l!r&e number of
member) of thi) Hou)e either b" order or b" convention h!ve been !)%ed not to !ttend thi)
A))embl" ####
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 7ith th!t the Hou)e i) not directl" concerned# The
Spe!%er h!) !lre!d" )!id th!t th!t i) not ! m!tter for the Hou)e#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh: 7h!tever m!" be the rulin& of the Spe!%er . !m not t!l%in&
!&!in)t th!t# . bo' to the rulin& of the Spe!%er but . !m bound to )pe!% for the 'orld !bout
the competenc" or !uthorit" of thi) Hou)e to !n!ct thi) me!)ure# The m!nd!te of the countr"
to the A))embl" i) to fr!me the con)titution of the countr"# But )o lon& !) th!t con)titution i)
not complete or h!) not come into force the :overnment mu)t &o on# .t '!) b" ! hotchpotch
!&reement 'ith the forei&n ruler) th!t thi) !rr!n&ement h!d been !rrived !t in order to p!))
the bud&et !nd !n" other import!nt le&i)l!tion nece))!r" for the !dmini)tr!tion of the
countr"# But )uch ! me!)ure li%e thi) !&!in)t 'hich there i) ! lot of hue !nd cr" throu&hout
thi) countr" )hould not h!ve come before thi) Hou)e for di)cu))ion or en!ctment#
7hen . he!r in thi) hou)e !) 'ell !) out)ide the cr" !bout the e9u!lit" of 'om!n 'ith
m!n . f!il to under)t!nd it # # ##
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in4 2!" . !)% the honour!ble 2ember 'h" he !ccepted member)hip on
the Committee 'hen he i) oppo)ed to the con)titution of thi) ver" honour!ble hou)e#
Babu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h4 There !re m!n" people 'ho !re confounded# The me!)ure '!)
)ent to the Select Committee# Thi) me!n) th!t the Hou)e !ccepted the principle of the
me!)ure but thi) doe) not me!n th!t ever" member h!) !ccepted the me!)ure or !ccepted the
principle of the me!)ure# There !re )o m!n" principle) involved in thi) me!)ure th!t )o f!r !)
the hou)e i) cocerned nobod" c!n )!" th!t it h!) !ccepted ?!n"thin& !nd ever"thin& ## ##
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: .f it '!) )ent to the Select Committee5 it me!n) th!t it
!ccept) the principle#
Babu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h4 . '!) t!l%in& !bout the e9u!lit" of m!n !nd 'om!n# Accordin&
to our Sh!)tr!) m!n i) not completeC nor i) 'om!n complete# Accordin& to our Sh!)tr!)
'om!n i) c!lled Ardh!n&i !nd even )o m!n i) not complete # # #
An Honour!ble 2ember4 7h!t i) m!n c!lled 8 B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h 4 2!n i) !l)o
h!lf# . m!" tell "ou #### ;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 it i)
impo))ible to )pe!% in the hou)e 'hen !n honour!ble member !ddre))e) it on !n import!nt
me!)ure li%e thi) there !re innumer!ble criticim)5 !nd runnin& comment!rie)5 !nd l!u&hter
&oin& on )imult!neolu)l"# .t i) not in the intere)t of the di&nit" of the Hou)e# 2ember) 'ho
do not li%e the )peech m!" !t le!)t %eep 9uiet )o th!t tho)e 'ho '!nt to li)ten m!" !t le!)t
2r# Chairman: Honour!ble member) 'ill %indl" !llo' the )pe!%er to proceed#
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h4 Sir5 . th!n% m" honour!ble friend ;!ndit 2!itr! for the
encour!&ement he h!) &iven me# . '!) t!l%in& !bout e9u!lit"# So f!r !) the purpo)e) of the
'orld !re concerned !nd )o f!r !) the continuit" of the hum!n r!ce i) concerned there D ;#
2# i) no 9ue)tion of e9u!lit" or ine9u!lit" bet'een m!n !nd 'om!n# Nobod" c!n comp!re
the h!nd 'ith the feet5 'hether the h!nd i) more u)eful or the feet !re more u)eful5 'hether
thi) e"e i) more u)eful or th!t e"e# 2!n !nd 'om!n !re one !nd nothin& more th!n one# A)
re&!rd) l!' . tell m" )i)ter) throu&hout the countr" th!t l!' c!nnot help them# 7h!t c!n help
ever"bod" !nd !l)o the 'omenfol% i) love !nd noticin& but love# 3ove bet'een the p!ir i) the
onl" thin& 'hich c!n m!%e the p!ir h!pp"# 7ell5 the" m!" &et the ri&ht of divorce# 0ne
'om!n m!" be divorced tod!" C other 'omen m!" be comin& forGm!rri!&e the ne(t d!"#
2ono&!m" m!" me!n m!n"?&!m"4 "ou 'onBt !llo' ! m!n to m!rr" ! )econd 'ife# The fir)t
'ife 'ill be divorced !nd he 'ill m!rr" the )econd d!"# The third d!" he 'ill divorce th!t
'ife !l)o !nd on the fourth d!" he 'ill m!rr" !&!in# The proce)) 'ill continue# So f!r !) pure
love i) concerned for th!t . thin% ch!r!cter of the people i) mo)t import!nt# 7e mu)t re!liJe
th!t in thi) countr" the people lo)t their ch!r!cter fir)t !nd then !n"thin& !fter'!rd)# So5
'h!tever 'e h!ve to do in thi) m!tter 'e h!ve to re&!in our ch!r!cter# A) . )!" th!t the
import!nce of h!nd c!nnot be comp!red 'ith the import!nce of feet5 )o the import!nce of
m!n c!nnot be comp!red 'ith the import!nce of 'om!n# . c!n r!ther )!" one thin&#
Accordin& to our shastra the" !re the &odde)) 3!%)hmiG7omen !re c!lled in our )ociet"
2okshmi, Saraswati, 1rifulklks0lin2 The" !re !n"thin& !nd ever"thin&# .f . m!" comp!re m!n
'ith 'om!n# . c!n )!" 'om!n i) much more import!nt in the 'orld th!n m!n# . c!n e(pl!in
thi) further# .f 'e remove or %ill !ll men from the 'orld the 'orld 'ill )till &o on# ("n
honourabl! M!mb!r) B 1(cept one m!n#B) Not even one m!n# . )!" if !ll the men in the 'orld
be %illed5 the 'orld 'ill )till continue !nd the hum!n r!ce 'ill continue# ($onourabl!
M!mb!rs. B Nue)tion B)# . c!n e(pl!in it# There !re m" friend) 'ho 9ue)tion m" )t!tement#
7ell5 Sir5 if "ou %ill !ll men tod!" there 'ill be million) of men in the 'omb of the 'omen#
7omen !re therefore cert!inl" more import!nt )o f!r !) the 'orld i) concerned# But tho)e
'ho t!l% of e9u!lit" bet'een m!n !nd 'om!n '!nt re!ll" to )ep!r!te 'om!n from m!n#
.n)te!d of helpin& the p!ir to be h!pp" the" !re re!ll" de)tructive# A) . )!" their import!nce
i) thereC the" !re the 2akshmi. But !t the )!me time it i) ver" difficult to comp!re m!n 'ith
'om!n# N!ture h!) cre!ted m!n !nd 'om!n# Their t!)%) !re different5 their dutie) !re
different !nd their function) !re different# 7h!t i) the u)e of comp!rin& the t'o8 No
comp!ri)on c!n re!ll" )t!nd in thi) c!)e#
2" friend) h!ve t!l%ed !bout the provi)ion) of the Bill# . )h!ll touch onl" one or t'o
point) !) re&!rd) the d!u&hterB) )h!re in the f!therB) propert"# *ir)t of !ll . '!) ! )on5 then !
brother5 then ! hu)b!nd !nd then ! f!ther !nd )o on# Not 'ithout e(ception5 . c!nnot )!"5 but
. )!" th!t !lmo)t ever" Hindu f!therG1 !m !l)o ! Hindu f!ther !nd . !l)o h!ve m!rried m"
d!u&hter) here !nd thereGever" Hindu f!ther i) !n(iou) to m!rr" hi) d!u&hter in ! f!mil"
'hich i) )uperior in )t!tu)5 in 'e!lth !nd in m!n" other thin&) to hi) o'n f!mil"# No' there
i) ! t!l% of )h!re of the d!u&hter in the f!therB) propert"# There h!ve been Ao%e) !l)o# The
d!u&hter i) re)pected in ever" '!" !nd i) !l)o &iven ! )h!reG"ou m!" c!ll it ! )h!reGin the
f!therB) propert" b" '!" of do'r" !nd )o on !nd )o forth# 7hen the 9ue)tion of )h!re come)
'h!t 'ill h!ppen i) thi)# 0rdin!ril" if "ou come to m" pl!ce !) ! &ue)t . m!" )ho' "ou
ho)pit!lit" !) m" friend or thi) !nd th!t# but if "ou come b" '!" of ri&ht . do not thin% "ou
'ill receive !n" ho)pit!lit" from me# . tell m" friend) th!t l!' 'ill not help !n"bod"5 !) )oon
!) the ri&ht for the d!u&hter 'ill be cre!ted in the f!therB) propert" . thin% !ll 9ue)tion of love
'ill &o# 2" friend 2r# @!m!thG !lthou&h he )u&&e)ted m!n" thin&) 'ith 'hich . do not
!&reeG)!id one thin&# Here i) ! f!mil" in 'hich ! m!n h!) &ot one d!u&hter !nd t'o or three
)on)# The d!u&hter 'ill be m!rried )ever!l mile) !'!"# The propert" m!" be )m!ll !nd !fter
the m!rri!&e 'hen the )on?in?l!'5 the damad, 'ill be comin& to hi) f!ther?in?l!'B) pl!ce for
)h!re of the propert"5 or !) ! )h!re?holder5 he 'ill not be re)pected# 1ver"thin& )hould
develop in ! proper m!nner !nd in ! n!tur!l '!"# .f thi) me!)ure i) en!cted there m!" be ! lot
of complic!tion) !nd liti&!tion) !nd the principle of pure love 'ill be %illed in our )ociet"#
.5 therefore5 !ppe!l to ever" 2ember in thi) Hou)e to con)ider the m!tter in ! c!lm !nd
9uiet m!nner# A) it h!) been )u&&e)ted from )ever!l 9u!rter in the Hou)e !nd !) . !l)o )!id
before5 thi) Hou)e i) not competent to en!ct the me!)ure# Ho' i) it th!t the" !re )o ver"
!n(iou) th!t thi) me!)ure m!" be p!))ed tod!"8 7h" h!ve not the cour!&e to '!it for ! "e!r
or t'o8 2!" . )!" the" !re !fr!id of the ne' election)8
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: NoC not !t !ll#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh: The Hindu )ociet" h!) lived !nd flouri)hed )o lon& !ccordin&
to the )!me cu)tom) !nd )!me ever"thin& el)e# then5 he!ven) 'ill not f!ll if 'e )end the
me!)ure for circul!tion !) m" friend 2r# N!Jiruddin h!) )t!ted5 . !ppe!l to e!ch !nd ever"
2ember of the Hou)e to con)ider the me!)ure in ! c!lm m!nner# ;eople m!" be !fr!id of the
ne(t election)5 th!t 'e Con&re)) people m!"
not &et vote)# Th!t 9ue)tion doe) not !ri)e# 7e mu)t be true to our)elve) !nd to the
con)tituenc" !nd people 'ho h!ve )ent /)#
So5 . oppo)e thi) me!)ure 'ith !ll the emph!)i) !t ,my comm!nd5 !nd )upport the motion
of m" friend B ;!ndit B N!Jiruddin Ahm!d th!t the Bill m!" be circul!ted for public opinion#
Shri H. Siddaveerappa (2")ore St!te) 4 . con&r!tul!te the Honour!ble the 3!'
2ini)ter for the ver" lucid e(pre))ion of the )peech he &!ve 'hile movin& thi) 2otion# Sir5 !
lot h!) been )!id th!t thi) me!)ure vit!ll" !ffect) the Hindu )ociet"# . come from ! p!rt of thi)
countr"5 n!mel" 2")ore5 'here )ome of the fund!ment!l thin&)5 thi) me!)ure '!nt) to
introduce5 !re !lre!d" in force# 7e h!ve5 for in)t!nce5 &ot the l!' of !doption !) !l)o the l!'
re&!rdin& the d!u&hterB) )h!re5 !nd )ever!l other thin&)5 thou&h the" !re not on !ll four) 'ith
the pre)ent me!)ure# But the principle i) there# 7e h!ve en!cted ! Bill !) e!rl" !) 19D45
c!lled the Hindu 7omenB) $i&ht) $e&ul!tion !nd for the l!)t fourteen "e!r) th!t Bill i) l!' in
2")ore5 but 'e h!ve not found there !n" &ener!l uphe!v!l# There i) not much liti&!tion nor
i) there !n" di)ruption of the Hindu )ociet" !) h!) been fe!red b" )ome of the honour!ble
2ember) here# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 b" our e(perience 'e h!ve come to under)t!nd th!t the
me!)ure 'hich i) no' in force i) not of the e(tent th!t i) needed !nd !nother Committee h!)
been formed 'ith ! vie' to )ee th!t there i) further improvement in the e(i)tin& me!)ure#
.t '!) )!id th!t the me!)ure before the Hou)e !ffect) the c!)te )")tem or )ome other
fund!ment!l belief) or principle) of the Hindu )ociet"# 7ell5 Sir5 m" re!din& of )ome of the
Hindu liter!ture i) th!t if 'e )tud" me =idic period5 th!t i) from E,,,?14,, B#C#5 !nd )tud"
the Hindu )ociet" then in e(i)tence5 'e do not )ee !n" of the)e four c!)te) in the Hindu
)ociet" then in e(i)tence# 1ver" m!n born5 !ccordin& to hi) guna or karma h!d to &o throu&h
!ll the vamas or ashminas in hi) life time# A bo"5 until he !tt!ined the !&e of t'ent"5 h!d to
perform the hou)ehold dutie) !nd obe" hi) guru !nd do !ll the other !ct) th!t 'ere !))i&ned
to him5 !nd he '!) c!lled ! siludra. After the !&e of t'ent" he '!) !llo'ed to be m!rried !nd
he h!d to t!%e the re)pon)ibilit" of m!int!inin& the f!mil"5 then5 !ccordin& to the dut" th!t
'!) impo)ed on him he '!) c!lled ! vaishya. After he enAo"ed life for )ome time !nd !fter he
re!ched the !&e of 4, or )o5 'hen there '!) need for ever" m!n to defend the St!te5 he h!d to
do the dut" of ! %)hatriya. After he !tt!ined ! p!rticul!r !&e5 )!" F,5 'hen he h!d )een )o
much of life5 !nd on !ccount of hi) e(perience !nd le!rnin&5 he underl!%e) the t!)% of
le!chin& the di)ciple) !nd doin& other dutie) of 'i)dom5 !nd he '!) c!lled ! Br!hm!n!5 !
m!n 'ho h!) &ot the guna of Brahman.
Therefore5 thi) c!)te )")tem in thi) countr" ori&in!ted in ! different '!"5 !nd developed
in ! different '!"# But tod!" 'e under)t!nd th!t there !re ne!rl" 1D5,,, c!)te) !nd ! much
l!r&er number of )ub?c!)te) 'hich h!ve &ot different tr!dition)5 different cu)tom) !nd 'h!t
7e find tod!" th!t 'e !re one )o f!r !) politic!l unit" i) concerned# .f 'e '!nt to h!ve
!n" uniform )t!nd!rd of rule) or !n" uniform )t!nd!rd of our l!')5 it i) !b)olutel" e))enti!l
th!t there mu)t be )ome Code 'hich &ive) ! cert!in )t!nd!rd# 2!" be if nece))!r" !t the
con)ider!tion )t!&e 'e m!" con)ider 'hich of the cl!u)e) !re nece))!r" !nd 'hich !re not
nece))!r"C but if 'e )!" there i) no need !t !ll for ! Code5 . do not thin% !n" of u)5 if 'e
!ppl" ! little common)en)e5 c!n !ccept th!t po)ition# 7e )ee in thi) countr" there !re people
'ho profe)) different belief)GDwaita !nd "dwaita. There !re people 'ho pr!cti)e
mono&!m" !nd pol"&!m" !nd in )ome pl!ce) there i) pol"!ndr" !l)o prev!ilin&# /nder the)e#
circum)t!nce)5 i) it not nece))!r" for u) to )ee th!t 'e h!ve &ot ! uniform code for purpo)e)
of inherit!nce5 m!rri!&e !nd )ever!l other thin&)8 urin& the time of the Briti)her) 'e found
th!t in the &ui)e of reli&iou) neutr!lit" or non?interference5 the" never c!red to )ee th!t !n"
evil) in the Hindu )ociet" 'ere 'iped outC the" never !ttempted !n" reform in th!t direction#
A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 'hen 7!rren H!)tin&) '!) impe!ched b" Bur%e5 it i) )!id th!t one of the
ch!r&e) levelled !&!in)t him '!) th!t he u)ed tho)e c!)te code) for purpo)e) of hi) per)on!l
!&&r!ndiJement# The Briti)her )!' th!t the c!)te )")tem '!) ide!ll" )uited for hi) o'n
!dv!nt!&e5 therefore he never interfered to brin& !bout !n" needed reform) in the )ociet"# But
th!t i) no re!)on th!t !t ! time 'hen 'e !re free5 'e )hould not !im !t brin&in& !bout thi)
much de)ired reform# Somebod" )!id5 'e !re proceedin& further5 'h" )hould 'e t!%e up thi)
me!)ure )o e!rl" !) thi) !nd 'h" )hould 'e not '!it for )ome more time8 2" point i) thi) 4
thi) reform '!) lon& overdueC it ou&ht to h!ve come much e!rlier but for the f!ct th!t 'e
'ere ! dependent n!tion !nd th!t 'e 'ere not m!)ter) of our o'n de)tin"# 2" )ubmi))ion i)
th!t it h!) not come ! d!" too )oon#
So m!n" other obAection) 'ere r!i)ed re&!rdin& the competenc" of thi) Hou)e etc# A) !
m!tter of f!ct5 the honour!ble the le!rned 2over h!) &iven ! cle!r e(po)ition !) to ho' 'e
!re competent to brin& !bout thi) de)ired re)ultC So . do not 'i)h to t!%e the time of the
Hou)e e)peci!ll" !) there !re m!n" other )pe!%er)#
7ith re&!rd to the principle of divorce5 it i) in m" opinion ! ver" much deb!ted point# .t
i) ! thin& 'hich re!ll" !&it!te) ! l!r&e number of people in the Hindu )ociet"# 7hether it be
)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e or !n" other form of m!rri!&e5 . do not 'i)h to )ee th!t there )hould be
under !n" circum)t!nce) !n indi))oluble tie of m!rri!&e# .n)te!d of &ivin& unfettered
di)cretion to people# . 'ould re9ue)t the honour!ble the 2over to con)ider thi) point5
n!mel"5 th!t ! time?limit m!" be impo)edG)!" live "e!r) or three "e!r)5 'hichever i)
!pproved b" thi) Hou)eG'ithin 'hich the m!rried people m!" be !ble to round off their
!n&ul!ritie)5 h!vin& time to )tud" e!ch other5 !nd if in)pite of it the" !re b!dl" off5 it m!" be
nece))!r" th!t the m!rri!&e tie 'ill h!ve to be )n!pped#
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: 2!rri!&e on prob!tion5 "ou me!n 8
Shri H# Sidd!veer!pp!4 Not m!rri!&e on prob!tion5 but before !n"bod" c!n h!ve the
benefit or !dv!nt!&e or 'h!tever "ou c!ll it of divorce5 ! p!rticul!r period )hould be
pre)cribed 'ithin 'hich no m!rried couple m!" be !llo'ed divorce#
Shri 3#B@ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 Th!t i) the 1n&li)h l!'# The" h!ve three "e!r) there#
Shri H# Sidd!veer!pp!4 3et u) con)ider the e(perience in the 7e)tern countrie)C for
in)t!nce5 let u) t!%e Americ!# 7e h!ve the e(perience of ! f!mou) divorce court Aud&e5
3ind)!"# 7henever !n"one 'ent to him for ! divorce5 he u)ed to tell4 6 <ou people 'ill live
to&ether for one or t'o month) !nd then come to me !&!in# 1ven in)pite of it5 if "ou feel th!t
"ou mu)t &et "our)elf divorced then "ou m!" !ppl"# 6 He )!") th!t inv!ri!bl" hi) e(perience
!) ! Aud&e i) th!t 'henever people tr" to )ep!r!te e!ch other5 it i) bec!u)e th!t the" h!ve not
tried to under)t!nd e!ch other# .f there '!) occ!)ion to Aud&e e!ch other5 there m!" not be
recour)e to thi) e(treme form of )ep!r!tion# Therefore5 . )u&&e)t th!t )ome )uch period
)hould be pre)cribed in re&!rd to divorce#
$e&!rdin& the theor" of fr!&ment!tion of propert"5 'e find th!t !&ricultur!l l!nd i) not !t
!ll !ffected b" thi) me!)ure# .t i) ! &ood thin& in it)elf#
Ch. Ranbir Sin&h (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l)4 .t i) !ffected5 in Centr!ll" Admini)tered
Shri H# Sidd!veer!pp!4 No5 it i) not# 0nl" the Centr!ll" Admini)tered Are! i) !ffected5
'hich i) ! ver" )m!ll !re!# So f!r !) thi) !&ricultur!l l!nd i) concerned5 . thin% the time h!)
come 'hen 'e )hould undert!%e !&r!ri!n reform in the intere)t) of our o'n !&riculture !nd
our o'n e(i)tence )o f!r !) food i) concerned# Not onl" th!t5 'ith re&!rd to inherit!nce the
time h!) come 'hen 'e )h!ll h!ve to h!ve )ome )uch thin& !) the l!' of primo&eniture# .n
vie' of the f!ct th!t 9, per cent# of the people of thi) countr" !re livin& in the vill!&e) !nd
their propert" i) mo)tl" !&ricultur!l5 !nd in vie' of the f!ct th!t thi) propert" of the 9, per
cent# of the people i) t!%en !'!" from the oper!tion of thi) Act5 . believe the theor" of
fr!&ment!tion doe) not )t!nd to lo&ic or re!)onin&#
7ith re&!rd to cu)tom5 )ome of m" friend) )ubmitted th!t cu)tom ever ride) l!'5
therefore !n" cu)tom h!vin& the )!nction of l!' )hould be !ccepted# . thin% m!n" of u)5 'ho
h!ve e(perience !) l!'"er)5 c!n e!)il" )ee ho' cu)tom convenientl" come) in h!nd" to t!%e
!'!" the effect of !n" benevolent l!'# . m!" &ive one in)t!nce# There i) ! provi)ion in the
.ndi!n ;en!l Code under 'hich if !n" &irl i) dedic!ted for !n immor!l purpo)e it i) !n
offence# The m!r%) of dedic!tion !re the t"in& of )ome beed) round the nec% of the &irl# No'
the in&enuit" of ! l!'"er '!) !ble to invent the cu)tom of t"in& of beed) !nd !ppl" th!t
cu)tom even in c!)e) 'here the dedic!tion '!) done for immor!l purpo)e)# Ap!rt from thi)5
'e !l)o %no' ho' on !ccount of cu)tom liti&!tion )et) in !nd ho' enormou) !mount) !re
)pent in it5 !t le!)t it '!) )o in the previou) re&ime# ;eople u)ed to )pend en!rmou) !mount)
in &ettin& ! deci)ion on !n" p!rticul!r point !nd )9u!nder mone" over Aud&e) di)tin&ui)hin&
bet'een t'o different Aud&ment)# Tod!" thi) Bill i) )o )imple5 )o lucid5 th!t 'ithout recour)e
to !n" l!'"er5 !n" m!n c!n for !bout four !nn!) !)cert!in 'h!t hi) po)ition i) 'ith re&!rd to
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta 2!itr! 4 He c!n m!n!&e ever"thin& 'ith four !nn!)5 "ou me!n 8
Shri H# Sidd!veer!pp!4 .t i) 9uite po))ible# A d!" 'ill come# 7e 'ill h!ve to tr" for th!t
!l)o# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 'e h!ve been )eein& ho' the)e Audici!l deci)ion) !ffect )ome of the
propert" ri&ht)B !nd other thin&)# A Aud&e come) to one deci)ion !nd th!t 'ill be l!' for
)ome time# Tomorro' the" m!" find out )ome other l!'5 )ome te(t or smriti or )ome )uch
old document5 !nd 'e 'ill be told th!t thi) l!' i) overruled5 'ith the re)ult th!t nothin& i)
)ettled in Hindu l!'# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 'e h!ve been )eein& under the Briti)h re&ime5 for
the l!)t 1+, "e!r)5 there h!ve been )o m!n" deci)ion) !fter deci)ion)5 !n" number of them
!nd )till the" )!" nothin& i) )ettled in Hindu l!'# . '!nt to !)% 'hen 'e 'ill h!ve ! )ettled
form of l!' 'herein the ordin!r" m!n c!n under)t!nd 'h!t e(!ctl" i) hi) po)ition# A) !
m!tter of f!ct5 'hen ! creditor '!nt) to &ive )ome mone"5 he h!) to )!ti)f" 'ho !re hi) heir)5
'ho h!ve )h!re) !nd !ll th!t5 'ith the re)ult th!t on !n !&ricultur!l l!nd on 'hich he c!n &ive
$)# 15,,, lo!n5 he &ive) onl" $)# +,, or )o# Therefore5 t!%en from !n" !n&le of vie'5 .
believe thi) i) ! ver" he!lth" me!)ure5 )o . &ive m" 'holehe!rted )upport to it#
2r# Chairman : The deb!te 'ill continue tomorro' !fter Nue)tion Hour#
H.N/ C01G;'ontd.
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i (2!dr!)4 :ener!l)4 .t i) 'ith &re!t ple!)ure th!t . ri)e to )upport the
motion m!de b" the Honour!ble 2ini)ter of 3!'# . !l)o feel th!t . )hould e(pre)) m" deep
debt of &r!titude to Sir5 B# N# $!u !nd hi) colle!&ue) on the Committee 'ho h!ve be)lo'ed
&re!t l!bour on the report 'hich form) the b!)i) of thi) Bill#
The Bill to codif" the Hindu l!' 'hen it &oe) on the St!te Boo% 'ill be ! &re!t l!ndm!r%
in the )oci!l hi)tor" of thi) countr"# Before . &o in &re!ter det!il into the m!in provi)ion) of
thi) Bill . 'ould li%e to )tre)) one point# Honour!ble 2ember) !re !'!re of the f!ct th!t the
provi)ion) of thi) Bill !re of ! permi))ive or en!blin& n!ture# The" impo)e no )ort of
obli&!tion or compul)ion on the orthodo( )ection of the Hindu)# Their onl" effect i) to &ive
the &ro'in& !nd cl!m!nt bod" of Hindu)5 men !nd 'omen5 the freedom to live ! life 'hich
the" 'i)h to live 'ithout in !n" '!" !ffectin& or infrin&in& their libert" to !dhere to the old
. 'i)h to confine m" rem!r%) onl" to one or t'o m!in obAection) th!t h!ve been r!i)ed
!&!in)t the bill# The fir)t obAection i) !&!in)t the !ttempt !t codific!tion il)elf# .t i) ur&ed th!t
m!n" of the principle) of the Hindu 3!' !re no' 'ell?)ettled5 !nd !) it 'ould un)ettle the
)ettled l!'5 ! code i) not c!lled for !t !ll# The other obAection i) th!t f!r from pre)ervin& the
principle) of Hindu 3!' 'hich h!ve been h!nded do'n from &ener!tion to &ener!tion !n
!ttempt !t codific!tion 'ould tend to introduce principle) 'hich !re 9uite !lien to Hindu 1E
N00N )ociet"# .t h!) been )!id th!t the 3e&i)l!ture h!) no ri&ht
to !lter the l!' of smritis, shrutis !nd )!&e) of &re!t repute# An other ch!r&e !&!in)t the
Hindu Code Bill i) th!t it )ee%) to introduce ch!n&e) of ! revolution!r" ch!r!cter !nd
therefore5 it 'ill de)tro" the l!' l!id do'n b" smritis !nd Dharma. 2" !n)'er to !ll the)e
obAection) i) th!t it i) Au)t bec!u)e m!n" of the principle) of the Hindu 3!' !re no' 'ell
)ettled5 th!t !n !ttempt to )et do'n !ll the)e principle) into ! )")tem!ti)ed !nd e!)il"
under)tood code )hould be m!de#
Hindu 3!' !) it e(i)t) tod!" i) ri&id 'ithout bein& cert!in# 2!n" Audici!l deci)ion) !nd
precendent) h!ve outlived their u)efulne))# A) !n 1n&li)h 'riter put) it5 the c!)e l!' on the
)ubAect h!) become ! lu(uri!nt Aun&le 'here it i) not po))ible to )ee the 'ood for the tree)#
There !re fre9uentl" conflictin& deci)ion) of v!riou) Hi&h Court) &iven from time to time#
1ven the deci)ion) of the ;riv" Council on )ome of the intric!te 9ue)tion) of l!' !re 'idel"
felt to be out of !ccord both 'ith !ncient !uthorit" !nd !l)o modern )pirit# A uniform !nd
unified l!' 'ill prove ! boon to Hindu Societ"5 bec!u)e it 'ould )!ve con)ider!ble time of
l!' )tudent) !nd !l)o pr!ctitioner)5 'ho h!ve other'i)e to t!%e ! con)ider!ble number of
"e!r) to &et to !c9uire ! full &r!)p of the l!'# 1ven the ordin!r" citiJen 'ill !l)o be !ble to
re!d the code !nd )!" to him)elf5 6 7ithin thi) cover i) the 'hole b!)i) of m" ri&ht)5
privile&e) !nd obli&!tion)# 6 A code 'ill !l)o minimi)e the time# !nd l!bour of >ud&e) !nd it
'ould !l)o induce the )peed" !dmini)tr!tion of Au)tice# To be 'ithout ! code i)5 in m"
opinion5 to be 'ithout Au)tice#
The obAection th!t it h!) introduced ch!n&e) of ! revolution!r" ch!r!cter i) m!inl" voiced
b" ve)ted intere)t)# The )ubordin!tion of )ome of the pre)ent intere)t) to )ecure the future
intere)t) of the countr" i) !l'!") ! thin& to be 'elcomed# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 thi) Code doe)
not re!ll" &o f!r enou&h in th!t direction !nd th!t i) m" opinion#
The bul% of the !&ricultur!l propert" i) e(cluded from the oper!tion of thi) code#
Therefore5 it i) ur&ed th!t "our obAect to h!ve ! uniform l!' i) fru)tr!ted# 7h" !ttempt !
Code !t !ll if thi) obAect i) defe!ted8 2" !n)'er to th!t obAection i) thi)# 7h!t i) !imed b"
thi) code i) to h!ve ! uniform l!' for !ll Hindu)5 but not ! uniform l!' nece))!ril" for !ll
%ind) of propert"# .n the intere)t of !&riculture it)elf5 if not for !n"thin& el)e5 )ep!r!te l!')
!nd )peci!l l!') 'ill be en!cted b" !ppropri!te le&i)l!ture) 'hich m!" include ! )peci!l l!'
of )ucce))ion 'hich i) 9uite different from the l!' of )ucce))ion !ppl"in& to other form) of
No'# . come to 'h!t . con)ider !) the m!in obAection5 th!t i)5 the &ivin& of ! )h!re to the
d!u&hter# Thi) '!) oppo)ed on m!n" &round) th!t it 'ould le!d to di)inte&r!tion !nd
fr!&ment!tion of propert"5 be)ide) introducin& ! forei&n element in the )h!pe of the )on?in?
l!'# And !l)o it i) obAected to on the &round th!t the )imult!neou) heir)hip of ! d!u&hter 'ith
! )on 'ould )impl" )h!tter the Hindu )ociet"# Al)o it i) )!id th!t if the d!u&hter t!%e) !'!" !
)h!re the love of her brother) i) lo)t# .t i) !l)o )!id th!t )on) in m!n" f!milie) 'ould )impl"
be ruined under the double burden of m!rri!&e e(pen)e) !nd !l)o ! )h!re to the d!u&hter#
2!" . !)% 'h!t )ort of !ffection it i) of the brother) if onl" it 'ould involve puttin& ! little
more )tr!in on their o'n )elf?intere)t8 2!" . !l)o !)% if no )h!re i) &iven to the d!u&hter the
)on)B love 'ill be &re!ter8
7ith re&!rd to fr!&ment!tion . f!il to under)t!nd ho' thi) 9ue)tion be r!i)ed5 !) it h!)
!lre!d" been )!id th!t !&ricultur!l propert" i) e(cluded from the purvie' of thi) Bill# Thi)
point '!) r!i)ed b" one of the honur!ble member) of thi) Hou)e !nd 'e !re !ll !'!re th!t the
bul% of !&ricultur!l propert" i) e(cluded from the oper!tion of thi) code# .t 'ould onl" !ppl"
to urb!n !nd mov!ble propert"# 7h!t the" me!n5 . feel5 b" fr!&ment!tion i) dimunition of the
)h!re 'hich the" 'ill &et if the d!u&hter i) !l)o &iven ! )h!re5 the d!u&hter bein& of the )!me
fle)h !nd blood )hould there be )o much upro!r5 . !)%5 if ! )h!re i) )ou&ht to be &iven to her8
7ith re&!rd to the introduction of ! )tr!n&er into the f!mil" m" !n)'er i) th!t the
propert" 'hich the d!u&hter t!%e) from her f!ther5 if nece))!r" b" le&i)l!tion m!" be m!de to
form !) p!rt of her )ep!r!te propert"# The evil or the &ood re)ultin& from the le&!l provi)ion
depend) !l)o on the p!rticul!r individu!l i#e#5 )on ?in?l!' concerned# . do not '!nt to )!"
much !bout thi)#
.t )hould be noted th!t the d!u&hter5 !) do the )on)5 dem!nd) ! )h!re5 if need5 be onl"
!fter the de!th of the f!ther !nd there i) !b)olutel" no 9ue)tion of her dem!ndin& ! p!rtition
'hen the f!ther i) !live# Therefore . do not )ee 'h" )ome honour!ble member) )hould obAect
to thi)# A) the 3!' 2ini)ter h!) !lre!d" de!lt 'ith the m!tter5 the smritis them)elve) h!ve
reco&ni)ed the )h!re of the d!u&hter to her f!therB) propert" !nd therefore there i) nothin&
revolution!r" !bout thi) !nd the !ttempt to e(clude the d!u&hter on the &round th!t )he doe)
not contribute to the )piritu!l benefit) of the f!ther or her !nce)tor) i)5 . )!"5 unAu)t !nd
.n thi) connection the !r&ument i) put for'!rd5 'h" not the d!u&hter t!%e ! )h!re in her
hu)b!ndB) propert" !nd not come to !)% for ! )h!re in her f!therB) propert"8 Thi) !ppe!r) to
be ! compromi)in& formul!# . m!" )!" )tr!i&ht!'!" th!t thi) compromi)e formul! i) not or
'ill not be !ccept!ble to 'omen# 7e )!" th!t 'e )hould be reco&ni)ed on ! b!)i) of e9u!lit"#
Thi) code propo)e) to !boli)h the di)tinction th!t e(i)t) on the b!)i) of )e( !nd th!t )hould be
removed# The d!u&hter )hould be reco&ni)ed !) !n heir !nd )hould enAo" her propert" in her
full ri&ht !) ! d!u&hter !nd !) !n heir to the f!ther# A) re&!rd) the 9ue)tion of di)inte&r!tion .
h!ve !lre!d" de!lt 'ith the m!tter# The evil could be met b" different '!")# *r!&ment!tion
c!n be )topped !nd con)olid!tion could be )ecured b" )peci!l l!')# .f the properl" &oe) do'n
to ! cert!in e(tent th!t could be )old !nd the )h!re) could be !dAu)ted# There !re different
'!") ho' thi) problem could be t!c%led !nd the !r&ument on th!t )core could not be
!dv!nced th!t the d!u&hter )hould not &et ! )h!re# Hence the Select Committee h!)
recommended5 b!)ed on thi) principle of e9u!lit" th!t )he )hould be &iven !n e9u!l )h!re
'ith the )on# . !ppe!l to the honour!ble member) of the Hou)e to )upport the
recommend!tion m!de pr!ctic!ll" un!nimou)l" b" the Select Committee in thi) re&!rd# ######
Shri H# =# @!m!th (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l) 4 r# Ambed%!r '!) not in )"mp!th" 'ith
Shrim!ti :#ur&!b!i 4 Therefore 'hen it i) )!id th!t the d!u&hter t!%e) ! )h!re both from
the f!ther !nd from the hu)b!nd !nd the hu)b!nd t!%e) nothin&5 ho' !bout thi)8 The Select
Committee h!) recommended th!t the m!n !l)o c!n inherit the 'ifeB) propert" in the )!me
'!" !) the 'ife inherit) the hu)b!ndB) propert" !nd !l)o the )on 'ill be &iven ! )h!re e9u!l to
th!t of the d!u&hterB) in the motherB) propert" Au)t !) the d!u&hter cl!im) ! )h!re in her
f!therB) propert"# Therefore5 there )hould be no difficult" even in thi) re&!rd for tho)e 'ho
oppo)e thi) Bill on the)e &round) there i) one !n)'er &iven# . do not '!nt to 9uote bec!u)e
the time i) limited !nd other member) !re !n(iou) to )pe!% ($onourabl! M!mb!rs ) 1o on#
T!%e "our time) 2r# =# =# Sriniv!)! ."en&!r pointed out in thi) connection th!t tho)e 'ho
oppo)e thi) le&i)l!tion on reli&iou) &round) l!bour under ! mi)under)t!ndin& th!t Hindu l!'
h!) rem!ined )t!tic from the time of 2!nu# Th!t i) not the po)ition#
Thi) t!%e) me on to !nother )ubAect !nd th!t i) !bout the )t!tu) of 'omen 'ith reference
to the holdin& of !n e)t!te !b)olutel" !nd not in life# the Bill )ee%) to remove thi)
di)9u!lific!tion !tt!ched to 'om!nB) e)t!te !nd it &ive) her the ri&ht to hold propert"
!b)olutel" !nd not for life onl"# The m!in !r&ument in f!vour of limitin& the e)t!te in the
c!)e of 'omen i) th!t the" !re inc!p!ble of m!n!&in& it !nd !l)o th!t the" !re li%el" to be
duped or e(ploited# Al)o it i) )!id th!t the" !re illiter!te !nd the" do not under)t!nd the
principle) of m!n!&ement !nd hence there 'ill be ! )tron& inducement to de)i&nin& m!le
rel!tive) to l!%e !'!" her ri&ht# 2" !n)'er to !ll thi) i) thi)# The Hou)e i) !'!re th!t the
d!u&hter h!) !n !b)olute e)t!te in Bomb!" tod!"# Therefore5 on th!t &round . do not thin%
the" !re e(po)ed to !n" ri)%# The other !r&ument i) th!t 'e h!ve )core of in)t!nce) 'here
'omen h!ve proved better m!n!&er) th!n men# Al)o there i) one more !r&ument# No doubt .
!&ree th!t 'omen !re illiter!te but m!" . !)% "ou ho' m!n" men !re liter!te8 Three out of
four men continue to be illiter!te tod!" ("n honourabl! M!mb!r) BNine out of tenB#)
Therefore5 the rel!tive !dv!nt!&e enAo"ed b" men i) confined onl" to one in four of the m!le
popul!tion ("n honourabl! M!mb!rs 4 B The" !re the )on) of their mother)#B) !nd i) )hould
!l)o be remembered th!t the percent!&e ofliler!c" !mon& 'omen i) ri)in& ver" much f!)ter
tod!" th!n it i) !mon& men (Shri $. *. Kamath) / Nue)tion#B)# 7ith re&!rd to the 9u!ntum of
her )h!re . h!ve !lre!d" )t!ted the po)ition of the Select Committee# 7e h!ve recommended
!n e9u!l )h!re to the d!u&hter# . !ppe!l to "ou th!t "ou )hould be &enerou) enou&h to endor)e
the recommend!tion m!de b" the Select Committee 'ithout !n" he)it!tion on "our p!rt# .
'ill no' come to !nother )ubAect5 n!mel" mono&!m"# Ho'ever much . 'i)h to )pe!% on thi)
)ubAect5 . do not do it bec!u)e of the limited time !t m" di)po)!l# Not onl" th!t5 but thi) h!)
been de!lt 'ith !mpl" b" the honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter !nd !l)o b" )ever!l other
)pe!%er)# 2!n" !r&ument) h!ve been put for'!rd on economic !nd )oci!l !nd other &round)C
even reli&ion !nd )piritu!li)m h!ve been )ou&ht in !id to )upport their !r&ument)# But
feelin&) 'ere e(pre))ed in ! ver" li&ht he!rted m!nner4 if onl" ! m!n i) he!lth" !nd 'e!lth"5
'h" not he m!rr" !nd m!rr" !&!inK Al)o5 th!t if the rule of mono&!m" i) enforced m!n"
Hindu) 'ill become 2u)lim) in order to )ecure the benefit) of pol"&!m"K . need not !n)'er
thi) 9ue)tion bec!u)e . h!ve found one l!d" 'itne)) ver" !bl" !nd effectivel" !n)'erin& thi)
point# She )!id th!t if the rule of mono&!m" i) not enforced5 it m!" be th!t 'omen 'ill
become Chri)ti!n) in order to )ecure the benefit) of mono&!m"5 but neither of them . thin% i)
Sliri B. Das (0ri))! 4 :ener!l) 4 o "ou thin% ! Chri)ti!n 'om!n i) h!ppier th!n ! Hindu
Shrimati G. Durgabai : A) the honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter h!) !lre!d" )t!ted5 the
force of 'orld opinion !nd the pr!ctice) prev!ilin& in the 'hole 'orld !re there !nd the" !re
in f!vour ofB mono&!m"# Therefore5 . need not de!l 'ith thi) m!tter !n" more5
Neither h!ve . time nor i) it de)ir!ble for me to t!%e the other !)pect) of the Bill bec!u)e
there !re other 2ember) 'ho 'ill de!l 'ith the 9ue)tion) li%e m!rri!&e !nd divorceC but .
onl" 'i)h to )!" )omethin& on co?p!rcen!r"# The di)tinction bet'een Mitakshara !nd
Dayabhaga c!me !) ! re)ult of the different interpret!tion) put b" the comment!tor) !nd
other interpreter)# *und!ment!ll"5 the b!)i) of Aoint f!mil" i) there common to both# The
ri&ht b" birth !nd the principle of )urvivor)hip i) ! di)tinctive fe!ture of Mitakshara. The
Dayabhaga )")tem h!) in !ctu!l e(perience proved ver" )!ti)f!ctor" !nd the Bill therefore5
)ee%) to repl!ce the Milakshara )")tem of inherit!nce b" Dayubhaga. .t i) )!id the &re!ter
pro)perit" of the people in Ben&!l !nd their incre!)in& commerci!l enterpri)e i) due to !
l!r&e e(tent to the Dayabhaga )")tem# . !m told th!t the commerci!l enterpri)e of N!ttu%ott!i
Chetti"!r) in 2!dr!) i) l!r&el" due to their ide!) of le&!l rel!tion) of the member) of their
f!milie) 'hich !ppro(im!te more to tho)e of p!rtner)hip th!n i) the c!)e in Br!hmin Aoint
Contents Continued.
E7F C#A# (3e&#) # =ol# .5 11th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 419?E8#
E7F C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# .5 ;!rt ..5 17th *ebru!r" 1949# pp# F14?E1# N 44,,?1F
E7F C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 E4th *ebru!r" 1949# pp# 8E1?+E#
E7F C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 E4th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 8EF?4D#
E7F C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol ..5 ;!rt ..5 E4th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 8F1?71#
E7F C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..# ;!rt ..5 E4th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 8FF?9E4#
E7F C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 E+th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 877?78#
E7F C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 E+th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 9E+?E9#
E7F C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 E+th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 9E9?D4#
E77 C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..# ;!rt .. E+th *ebru!r" 1949# pp# 9D4?DF#
E77 C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 E8th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 94,?+F
E77 0bid, pp# 941?+,
E77 C#A# (3e&) M =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 E8th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 9+,?+D#
E77 C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 E8th *ebru!r" 19495 pp# 9+D?+F#
E77 C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt .. 5 1)t 2!rch 19495 pp# 991?1,D,#
E77 0bid. pp# 991?9+#
.SC/SS.0N 0N TH1 H.N/ C01 A*T1$ $1T/$N 0* TH1 B.33 *$02 TH1
S131CT C022.TT11 (11TH *1B$/A$< 1949 T0 14TH 1C12B1$ 19+,)
S1CT.0N ... A
2uch h!) been )!id on thi) )ubAect5 therefore5 . do not '!nt to l!bour thi) point# . feel
th!t the oppo)ition i) more due to their love for thi) !ncient in)titution5 but tho)e 'ho oppo)e
it . thin% oppo)e it bec!u)e the" for&et the f!ct th!t Hindu 3!' !nd Dharma on the)e m!tter)
rem!in )t!tic !nd no ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de# =!riou) Audici!l deci)ion) h!ve m!de ch!n&e)
from time to time into thi) )")tem !nd the in)titution h!) been )impl" )horn of it)
ch!r!cteri)tic)# Thi) point h!) been ver" !bl" !n)'ered b" ! ver" &re!t l!'"er li%e S#
Sriniv!)! A""!n&!r5 'ho )!id th!t under the Hindu 3!'5 !) !uthorit!tivel" interpreted b" the
;riv" council5 the unit" i) bro%en b" !n" member !t !n" time b" ! unil!ter!l decl!r!tion of
hi) intention to )ep!r!te from the f!mil"# Thi) i) 9uite )ufficient to !n)'er th!t ch!r&e !&!in)t
the bre!%in& of the co?p!rcen!r" or the repl!cement of the Mitakshara b" Dayabhaga.
. do not '!nt to t!%e more time of the Hou)e# 2!n" thin&) h!ve h!ppened )ince the
!chievement of freedom !nd .ndi! h!) been p!rticip!tin& in intern!tion!l conference) !nd
ple!din& for hum!n ri&ht) !nd !l)o for e9u!l tre!tment of .ndi!n) in forei&n countrie)# .t 'ill
be ! &re!t mi)fortune if !t thi) Auncture 'e f!il to en!ct ! Hindu Code 'ithin our o'n
border)5 in 'hich there 'ill be no di)crimin!tion !nd 'here there 'ill be e9u!lit" for men
!nd 'omen to move5 to develop !nd to contribute to the re?buildin& of our .ndi!# 0ur
con)titution i) in the m!%in&5 'e h!ve !lre!d" p!))ed the Ch!pter on fund!ment!l ri&ht)5 !nd
reco&ni)ed the principle of e9u!lit" of ever"one before l!'# 7e h!ve !l)o p!))ed the
provi)ion en!blin& our)elve) to h!ve ! uniform civil code# Therefore5 . m!%e thi) !ppe!l to
"ou# 3et u) not be '!ntin& or h!ltin& in h!vin& ! Code of Hindu 3!' for our)elve) 'hich
'ill prove ! &re!t boon to our o'n )ociet" in the '!" in 'hich . h!ve !lre!d" )t!led#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 . !m th!n%ful to "ou for
&ivin& me thi) opportunit" to put in ! fe' 'ord) 'h!t . feel re&!rdin& the motion before the
Hou)e5 n!mel" the con)ider!tion of the Hindu code# . %no' l!m in ! po)ition of &re!t
di)!dv!nt!&e in!)much !) . could not be pre)ent 'hen the 2otion '!) deb!ted durin& the
fir)t t'o d!")5 !) . h!d to be !'!" from thi) pl!ce# . h!d5 in the fe' moment) . could )n!tch
in the mid)t of m" preoccup!tion)5 noticed ;re)) report) th!t m" honour!ble friend the 3!'
2ini)ter5 r# Ambed%!r h!d m!de ! m!&nificent )peech in )upport of hi) motion# Al)o5 th!t
!n e9u!ll" po'erful )peechG?. !m not m!%in& !n" comp!ri)on# . rel" on report)5 thou&h
there i) ! diver&ence of opinion even !mon& the reporter) th!t !n e9u!ll" po'erful )peech
'!) m!de on the other )ide b" ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v!#
. li)tened 'ith con)ider!ble !ttention to the four )peeche) th!t h!ve been m!de in f!vour
of the motion !nd the one !&!in)t it# A) the deb!te '!) &oin& on "e)terd!"5 . could )ec the
mood of the Hou)e)G )ometime) hil!riou)5 but 'hen ! 2ember )ou&ht to differ from the
m!in provi)ion) of the bill5 !ll m!nner of &ibe) !nd ironic!l cheer) &reeted him !ll throu&h#
($onourabl! M!mb!rs ) B No5 no B) . !m &l!d it i) not )o# 7ell5 . thin% it 'ill &ive me )ome
encour!&ement bec!u)e mo)t member) %no'G1 thin% ever" )in&le member %no')G?'hich
'!" . 'ill )pe!%# . do not %no' ho' . c!me to !tt!in thi) )ort of notoriet"G1 could not )!"5
f!meGth!t . do not )upport the provi)ion) of thi) Bill# . 'ill m!%e no )ecret of it5 ("n
$onourabl! M!mb!r) 7h" )hould "ou8) bec!u)e . 'ill )pe!% out m" conviction)# . %no'
'h!t ! delic!te t!)% it i) for me to be !ddre))in& thi) Hou)e5 con)tituted !) it i) !nd in the
mood in 'hich . find it# . %no' th!t . m!" h!ve to rue the temerit" 'hich . h!ve )ho'n b"
t!%in& cour!&e in both h!nd) to )!" 'h!t . feel# .t i) r!ther helpful th!t immedi!tel" before .
!ddre)) thi) Hou)e# . h!ve h!d the opportunit" of li)tenin& to m" honour!ble )i)ter5 Shrim!ti
ur&!b!i5 'ho h!) m!de ! clo)el" re!)oned )peech in )upport of thi) Bill#
. mu)t !polo&i)e to m" )i)ter for not bein& !ble to !&ree 'ith her in the theorie) 'hich
)he h!) )o confidentl" !))umed !) bein& !lmo)t !ccepted b" !ll# She fini)hed her )peech 'ith
! peror!tion5 !ppe!lin& to the Hou)e to &ive effect to the principle in the r!ft con)titution
providin& for e9u!lit" for !ll in the e"e of the l!'# <e)5 'e h!ve done th!t# She !l)o
reminded u) th!t 'e h!ve !lre!d" p!))ed5 !) one of the irective ;rinciple) of the
Con)titution th!t there )hould be ! uniform Civil Code for the 'hole of thi) countr"# . !m
&l!d )he &!ve me the )t!rtin& point of m" )peech tod!"# 7hen thi) )ubAect '!) deb!ted !
couple of month) !&o in !nother pl!ce !nd 'hen it '!) thr!)hed out el)e'here inform!ll"5 .
re&i)tered ! vehement prote)t !&!in)t thi) provi)ion5 !) . felt5 th!t it '!) nothin& but !n
outcome of )hibboleth) !nd )lo&!n)G! uniform Civil Code for ! countr" inh!bited b" DE to
D4 crore) of people profe))in& !ll m!nner of f!ith) 4 Hindui)m5 Si%hi)m5 >!ini)m5 Buddhi)m5
Chri)ti!nit" C !nd l!)t but not the le!)t5 .)l!mK . t!bled !mendment) th!t the per)on!l l!'
)hould be )ecure !nd th!t thi) '!) !n encro!chment b" the St!te on the per)on!l l!' of !
per)on 'hich the Sl!te h!d no ri&ht to m!%e#
2!ul!n! H!)r!t 2oh!ni (/# ;# 4 2u)lim)4 He!r5 he!r#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" (7e)t Ben&!l4 :ener!l)4 Th!t i) the re!)on 'h" "ou )hould )upport
thi) Hindu Code#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 The honour!ble )i)ter in front of me )!") th!t it i) the
re!)on 'h" . )hould )upport the Hindu Code# 2!" . )!" th!t th!t i) the ver" re!)on 'h" . !m
&oin& to oppo)e the Hindu CodeGone of the m!in re!)on)# <ou mu)t be lo&ic!l# . c!n
under)t!nd the feelin&) of m" )i)ter)# o not thin% th!t . !m ! h!ter of 'omen5 th!t . !m !
mi)o&"ni)t5 or th!t . h!ve no feelin& for 'omen# ("n $onourabl! M!mb!r)/ He i) ! m!rried
m!n B) <e) . !m ! m!rried m!n# . h!ve ! humble 'ifeGm!rried !ccordin& to Hindu )h!)tric
rite)5G! )imple5 un)ophi)tic!ted l!d"5 bred up !nd nurtured in the ide!l) of our Hindu home)#
(h! $onourabl! Dr. D. 9. "mb!dkar ) / 7h!t ! pit" B) .t i) ! pit" K 2!" be5 but . h!ve not
much of love or li%en for the l!vender5 lip)tic% !nd v!nit" b!&Gv!riet" of th!t )e(# . !m
h!pp"5 !nd . !m )ure out of ever" hundred Hindu home)5 98 h!ve &ot the)e t"pe) of 'ive)
!nd !re 9uite h!pp"# ("n $onourabl! M!mb!r ) / 7h" 988 99#9 percent !re )o B) . !m &l!d5 !
friend )!") it i) 99#9 percent recurrin&# Th!t enforce) m" !r&ument# So . c!n tell m"
honour!ble friend r# Ambed%!r th!t . h!ve not felt the nece))it" for the dr!)tic ch!n&e) th!t
he h!) )ou&ht to introduce in thi) Bill# (h! $onourabl! Dr. D. 9. "mb!dkar) BNeither did .
feel !n") 2" honour!ble friend )!") he !l)o did not feel the nece))it"# .f he did not re!ll" feel
!n" nece))it" for the)e )'eepin& ch!n&e)5 then do . t!%e it th!t it '!) due to hi) me&!lom!ni!
th!t 'e h!ve &ot thi) Hindu Code Bill 8 . h!ve ver" &re!t !dmir!tion for m" honour!ble
friend r# Ambed%!r5 'ith 'hom . h!d the privile&e to 'or% for ! number of "e!r) before
thi) A))embl"# . re)pect him# . %no' the perform!nce he h!) been d!il" puttin& in connection
'ith the Con)titution Act5 ($onourabl! M!mb!rs) / He!r5 he!r B) . !ppreci!te him# . !dmire
him# But . 'ill never !ppreci!te 'h!t he h!) been doin& in connection 'ith thi) Soci!l
3e&i)l!tion 'hich i) )ure to di)rupt the Hindu )ociet" b" the revolution!r" ch!n&e) 'hich
ver" fe' of u) c!n no' re!li)e# ($onourabl! M!mb!rs) / No revolution# No5 no B) <e)5 . !m
&l!d it i) 6No no# B .f thi) Bill i) p!))ed into l!'#######
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h (Bih!r4 :ener!l)4 No#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 7h!t no B8
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h4 .t 'ould not be p!))ed into l!'#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 . )ee# .f thi) Bill i) p!))ed into l!' !) it i) . 'ill then )ee
'ho i) ! better prophetGm")elf or tho)e 'ho )!" 6 No5 no# 6
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 <ou '!it !nd )ee#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 7ell5 '!it !nd )ee# ;o)terit" 'ill Aud&e5 !nd . do not thin%
"ou 'ill h!ve to '!it till po)terit"# <ou 'ill h!ve to '!it onl" till the ne(t :ener!l 1lection
to )ee 'h!t the countr" h!) to )!" !bout "ou !nd "our 'or%#
2!ul!n! H!)r!t 2uh!ni4 He!r5 he!r# 7ell done#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 Sir5 the *ir)t point r!i)ed b" m" )i)ter Shrim!ti ur&!b!i
'!) th!t h!vin& p!))ed th!t irective principle5 "ou )hould not no' obAect to the Hindu
Code# 7hen th!t irective ;rinciple '!) !ccepted b" the Hou)e# . thou&ht th!t the )n!%e h!d
been %illedGthe Hindu Code Bill5Gbut . no' )ee th!t the )n!%e '!) onl" )cotched C it h!)
re!red it) he!d !&!in !nd 'ill in time )pre!d out it) f!n&) of venom# .f "ou !re true to "our
irective ;rinciple)5 if "ou me!n to !ct on them5 then 'h" brin& the Hindu Code Bill# Brin&
! /niver)!l Civil Code !pplic!ble to Hindu)5 to Chri)ti!n)5 (Shri 2. Krishnaswami Bharati ) /
<ill you support it D ,. to ;!r)i)5 to Si%h)5 to >!in)5 to Buddhi)t)5 to 2u)lim)# <ou d!re not
touch the 2u)lim) but "ou %no' th!t Hindu )ociet" tod!" i) in )uch ! b!d '!" th!t "ou c!n
venture to do !n"thin& 'ith it# 0nl" ! fe' ultr!?modern per)on)5 'ho !re voc!l5 but h!ve no
re!l )upport in the countr"5 !re intere)ted in thi) Bill# (0nt!rruption..
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 3et him proceed#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 2illion) of dumb people5 i&nor!nt but not the le))
intelli&ent or )en)ible )impl" bec!u)e the" do not h!ve the colle&i!te educ!tion5 or !re not
member) of the le&i)l!ture) thin% th!t )uch ! r!dic!l ch!n&e in their per)on!l l!' i) not c!lled
for# The" !re not to be i&nored#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"4 Then do not dr!' up the Con)titution#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . therefore feel th!t there i) no )incerit" in the !ccept!nce
of the principle) of one uniform Civil Code for the 'hole countr"C or el)e5 ho' could "ou5
'ithin t'o month) of it5 come out 'ith thi) Hindu Code Bill 'hich )ee%) to &overn onl" the
Hindu)5 Si%h)5 >!in) !nd Buddhi)t) 8
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"4 Hindu Code c!me much before#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 <ou h!ve omitted Chri)ti!n)5 2u)lim)5 ;!r)i)#
2!ul!n! H!)!r!t 2oh!ni4 2u)lim) 'ill never !ccept !n" interference in their per)on!l
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 <ou need not h!ve reminded me# . %no' th!t# . perfectl"
!ppreci!te the propo)ition of m" honour!ble friend 2!ul!n! H!)r!t 2oh!ni# But !ll the
)!me# . thin% thi) i) ! fund!ment!l dep!rture from the !ccepted principle) in the Con)titution#
7hen m" honour!ble friend Shrim!ti ur&!b!i )!id th!t codific!tion i) Au)tified# She
tried to prove th!t !n irre)i)tible c!)e h!d been m!de out for codific!tion# 7ith !ll re)pect to
m" )i)ter Shrim!ti ur&!b!i . )ubmit . )t!nd unconvinced# . c!n under)t!nd the nece))it" for
codific!tion 'hen the l!' i) in ! )l!te of flu( or th!t there i) much diver)it" of opinion5 or !
&ood de!l of v!&uene)) or uncert!int" !bout it# Codific!tion )hould in )uch ! c!)e be
undert!%en b" the be)t le&!l br!in) in the countr" )iltin& to&ether to &ive )h!pe to the v!riou)
principle) of l!' 'hich !re more or le)) in ! confu)in& or uncert!in )t!te# .) th!t the c!)e
'ith re&!rd to Hindu l!' in thi) countr" 8
Shri @ri)hn! Ch!ndr! Sh!rm! (/# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 .t i)#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . !ccept "our )t!tement but . feel deep re&ret for the
colo))!l i&nor!nce "ou h!ve e(hibited# Hindu l!'5 if m" honour!ble friend i) ! l!'"er !nd
hold) th!t vie'5 he h!) not pr!cti)ed# He 'ill ple!)e e(cu)e thi) friendl" retort# . c!n )t!nd
interruption)# .f "ou interrupt me "ou 'ill be onl" !ddin& &in&er to m" )peech# After the
!dvent of the Briti)h to thi) countr"5 the Hindu l!' &ot &r!du!ll" cr")t!lli)ed# The" did not
d!re to touch the per)on!l l!' of the people of the countr"#
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h4 The" brou&ht in limited e)t!te for 'omen#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . !m comin& to th!t )tr!i&ht!'!"# .f . for&et to repl" to
th!t point5 %indl" remind me# Hindu 3!' i) )uch ! v!)t )ubAect th!t . c!n t!l% for hour) on it5
if the Ch!ir permit) me to do )o# . !))ure "ou# Sir5 . !m not &oin& to do th!t#
. prote)t in the *ir)t pl!ce !&!in)t the m!nner in 'hich thi) Bill h!) been )ou&ht to be
)mu&&led into thi) Hou)e !nd throu&h thi) Hou)e# .t i) !n e(tr!ordin!r" procedure5 2r#
eput" Spe!%er#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 . obAect5 2r# eput"?Spe!%er5 to thi) in)ult to the Hou)e#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 .t i) not ! point of order#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 Thi) i) ! point of order# Sir# . obAect to the rem!r%) m!de !&!in)t
the hou)e#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 B Smu&&lin& 6 . h!ve never under)tood to be !n
unp!rli!ment!r" 'ord# if the honour!ble member thin%) th!t there i) !n" )ti&m! !tt!chin& to
it# . 'ould u)e !nother 'ord in )ub)titution thereof# . 'ould )!" th!t the h!)te 'ith thi) Bill
)ou&ht to be p!))ed in the Hou)e i) e(tr!ordin!r"# .) th!t !l)o !n unp!rli!ment!r" 'ord 8 .f
)o5 &ive ! p!rli!ment!r" e(pre))ion for th!t# <ou c!nnot find ! )ub)titute for it# ("n
$onourabl! M!mb!r ) / Commend!ble )peed B)# .t i) ! mo)t e(tr!ordin!r" procedure th!t h!)
been !dopted in thi) Hou)e# . h!ve )ome little e(perience of p!rli!ment!r" !ctivit" in thi)
Hou)e# . h!ve never %no'n !n occ!)ion 'hen ! Bill of thi) import!nce !nd m!&nitude h!)
been )ou&ht to be p!))ed in the '!" it i) done no'#
Shri Br!Ae)h'!r ;r!)!d (Bih!r4 :ener!l) 4 .t 'ill never be p!))ed# (0nt!rruption..
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 . li%e interruption) but . could not c!tch 'h!t he )!id# .f
the honour!ble?member) thin% th!t b" con)t!ntl" interruptin& me in thi) '!" the
effectivene)) of m" )peech 'ill be m!rred the" !re mi)t!%en#
The Bill '!) introduced on the l!)t d!" of the l!)t Bud&et )e))ion#
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h 4 3!)t hour#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! C <ou %no' ver" 'ell ho' ! Bill of thi) import!nce !nd
m!&nitude5 ! Bill 'hich )ee%) to re&ul!te the life !nd conduct of Hindu )ociet" '!)
introduced on the l!)t d!" of the l!)t )e))ion C ho' !t the end of the d!"B) 'or% 'e )!t be"ond
+ oBcloc% for t'o hour) !nd the honour!ble the 2ini)ter for 3!' '!) !llo'ed to m!%e !
)peech committin& it to ! Select Committee5 onl" three or four )pe!%er)5 under ! ri&id time
limit 'ere !llo'ed to )pe!% !nd !t 7 0Bcloc% !fter ! )hort )e))ion the motion '!) c!rried#
There!fter 'h!t h!ppened 8 .t 'ent to the Select Committee# The Select Committee reported
on it !nd on the motion for con)ider!tion of th!t report point) of order 'ere r!i)ed in thi)
Hou)e# . !m not &oin& to enter into the merit) of tho)e vit!l point) of order# The" 'ere
di)po)ed of# So &re!t '!) the imp!tience th!t in the l!)t )e))ion the honour!ble the 3!'
2ini)ter '!nted to )impl" )!" th!t the Bill be t!%en into con)ider!tion !nd there '!) no
)peech# .t '!) )omeho' &ot into the !&end!# =er" 'ell it '!) done# ;oint) of order 'ere
ruled out !nd it '!) found th!t it '!) 'ithin the competence of the Hou)e to &o on 'ith the
me!)ure !) reported b" the Select Committee# No' loo% !t the '!" in 'hich it i) bein& de!lt
'ith no'# .n the )hort indul&e bet'een the $!il'!" Bud&et !nd the :ener!l Bud&et thi) i)
)ou&ht to be pu)hed throu&h# There i) no )eriou)ne)) !bout it# Nobod" feel) it) import!nce#
The countr" !t l!r&e i) be'ildered b" the '!" in 'hich 'e !re de!lin& 'ith ! piece of
le&i)l!tion of thi) f!r re!chin& import!nce# .f "ou !tt!ch re!l import!nce to it5 if "ou re!ll"
me!n bu)ine))5 if "ou '!nt th!t )omethin& )hould be done b" '!" of revi)in& the Hindu l!'
!) it i) tod!"5 thi) i) cert!inl" not the '!" to do it# @eep the Bill for ! )peci!l )e))ion# *or
)m!ll B!n%in& Bill) !nd the li%e "ou !re devotin& d!") !nd d!")# Th!t bein& the c!)e5 do "ou
me!n to )!" th!t ! Bill 'hich )ee%) to re&ul!te the life !nd conduct of the Hindu communit"
)hould be de!lt 'ith in the h!ph!J!rd '!" in 'hich it i) )ou&ht to be done 8 . enter m"
emph!tic prote)t !&!in)t the '!" in 'hich thi) import!nt le&i)l!tion i) bein& con)idered# <ou
%no' ho' !t D oBcloc% "e)terd!" there '!) the Supplement!r" em!nd for $!il'!") !nd
l!ter in the d!" the :ener!l Bud&et c!me in# . 'i)h to )ubmit5 2r# eput" Spe!%er th!t . h!ve
not been !ccu)tomed to thi) %ind of procedure 'ith re&!rd to Bill) of thi) n!ture# . !)% the old
2ember) of the 3e&i)l!ture to rec!ll ! )in&le precedent for thi)#
B!bu $!rnn!r!"!n Sin&h 4 There i) none#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 Sir5 the 9ue)tion i)5 i) there !n" re!l nece))it" for
codific!tion# . )ee !b)olutel" none5 bec!u)e5 !) m" le!rned friend Shrim!ti or&!b!i )!id5 the
Hindu l!' i) 'ell )ettled !nd it h!) held the field for !bout hundred "e!r)# The !ncient Hindu
l!'5 'hen the briti)her) c!me here5 '!) interpreted 'ith the help of .ndi!n ;!ndit)# The"
u)ed to c!ll them >ud&e ;!ndit) 'ho r!n)!c%ed !ll the Smriti!s !nd Dharma Shastras !nd
interpreted the l!'# Thi) proce)) continued till the" )ucceeded in evolvin& from the re)t m!))
of Smriti!s !nd +ibhandhanas !nd u)!&e)5 ! )")tem of Audici!l principle) con)titutin& the
Hindu 3!' 'hich no' hold the field#
Sir5 it i) 'ell %no'n th!t the Hindu 3!' h!) the olde)t pedi&ree of !ll the %no'n )")tem)
of Auri)prudence in the 'orld#
r# 2ono 2oh!n !) (7e)t Ben&!l4 :ener!l)4 .t i) unAu)t#
;undit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 <e)5 the Hindu l!' i) unAu)t K Hindu )ociet" i) unAu)tK
Hindu) !re unAu)t .t i) not po))ible for !n"bod" to repl" to !n interruption th!t the Hindu l!'
i) unAu)t# .t too% onl" three 'ord) to compo)e th!t interruption# . do not %no' if . h!ve the
c!p!cit" to repl" to ! )'eepin& ch!r&e li%e th!t m!de in three 'ord) B .t i) unAu)t B5 7hether !
)")tem i) &ood or b!d5 it i) for the )ociet" to Aud&e C it i) not for di)!ppointed or di)&runtled
per)on) to Aud&e# But . m!" )!" th!t the one )ure)t proof of it) )oundne)) i) th!t it h!) been
!ble to )t!nd the te)t of centurie)# No )")tem 'hich i) intrin)ic!ll" b!d5 un)ound or unAu)t c!n
endure for ! lon& time# Hindu l!' !nd the Hindu )oci!l )")tem &overned b" it h!ve been !ble
to 'ith)t!nd the )hoc%) !nd revolution) 'hich h!ve )'ept over the countr" durin& the !&e)
p!)t# Hi)toric c!t!cl")m) h!ve )'ept off the foot of !ncient civili)!tion of countrie) li%e
:reece5 $ome5 A))"ri!5 B!b"loni!G'hich h!ve !ll crumbled do'nG'here!) Hindu culture
or communit"5 'hich c!nnot d!te it) ori&in5 )till continue) to function 'ith !ll the vi&our !nd
vit!lit"5 !nd . !m )ure# ;rovidence 'ill !llo' it to function5 till 'e )et !bout to undermine it)
ver" found!tion)5 b" le&i)l!tin& in the)e rec%le)) !nd li&ht?he!rted '!")# .f there '!)
!n"thin& e))enti!ll" 'e!% in the found!tion) of Hindui)m it 'ould not h!ve been !ble to
)urvive the uphe!v!l) th!t over'helmed it throu&hout it) lon& !nd che9uered hi)tor"# Thi)
countr" h!) been )ubAected to forei&n rule for over ! thou)!nd "e!r)# Hi)tor" 'ill tell "ou
ho' )he h!) )ho'n her 'onderful !d!pt!bilit"5 reflection 'ill reve!l to "ou th!t the Hindu
l!' h!) h!d in it the &erm) of fle(ibilit" !nd !d!pt!bilit" 'hich h!ve en!bled it to !dAu)t
it)elf !t !ll time) to the ch!n&in& need) !nd to meet the ch!llen&e) of the lime)#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i 4 He!r5 he!r#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"4 There i) ! ch!n&e no'# (0nt!rruption )#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 . !m &l!d th!t . &et ! )p!te of interruption5 'hich &ive) me
bre!thin& time# ;le!)e do th!t )in&l"# 2r# eput" Spe!%er5 . !m not )o bi& ! fool !) to hope
th!t m!n" 'ill be convinced b" 'h!t . )!"5 but . do hope th!t )omeone of u) !t le!)t5 m!"
&ive )ome little thou&ht to 'h!t . )!"# . e!rne)tl" ple!d th!t Hindui)m5 the Hindu 3!'C the
Hindu culture h!ve &ot immemori!l tr!dition)5 !&elon&?moorin&)5 'hich it 'ould not
perh!p) be 'i)e for u) to )'eep !'!" b" one )tro%e of the pen# . m!%e thi) !ppe!l to m"
friend) to the ri&ht !nd to the left# Sir5 . !m !pprehen)ive thi) i) Au)t 'h!t the pre)ent Hindu
Code Bill i) &oin& to do for u)# . do not find !n"thin& Hindu !bout it# .t c!n be more properl"
c!lled !n Bun?Hindu B or B Anti?Hindu B Code#
2r# N!Jruddin Ahm!d (7e)t Ben&!l 4 2u)lim) 4 2u)lim Code#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 7h!tever el)e it m!" be5 it i) not ! Hindu Code# .t doe)
not bre!the the )pirit of Hindui)m 4 it rec%) of un?Hindu ide!) 4 ! )pirit of )upreme contempt
for !n"thin& Hindu permute) the 'hole Bill from the be&innin& to end#
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 7h!t i) the Hindu )pirit 8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 Sir5 do "ou c!ll th!t Hindui)m B8 <ou ple!)e thin% over
"our )")tem of m!rri!&e !nd inherit!nce 'hich form the corner)tone) of Hindu )")tem or
Hindu )ociet" C !re "ou &oin& to undermine it in the '!" in 'hich "ou !re &oin& to do 8 Th!t
i) the 9ue)tion th!t "ou 'ill h!ve to !n)'er not onl" to u) here but to our countr"men out)ide
!nd to the po)terit"#
Sir5 . do feel th!t if 'e codif" the l!' in the '!" it i) )ou&ht to be done5 !) ! )imple
intellectu!l p!)time5 codific!tion for the )!%e of codific!tion5 . 'ill ple!d 'ith m" honour!ble
friend) th!t it i) un'i)e to do th!t# .t i) not nece))!r"# No need for it h!) been felt b"
!n"bod"# 3oo% !t the opinion) of the Aud&e) of the different Hi&h Court) !nd the i)trict
Court)# The" !re the people 'ho h!ve to !dmini)ter the Hindu l!'# H!) the :overnment &ot
! v!)t volume of opinion embod"in& the dem!nd) from the Audici!r" th!t Hindu l!' re9uire
codific!tion !nd th!t !l)o in the '!" in 'hich it i) )ou&ht to be done 8 No# H!) there been
)uch ! &ener!l dem!nd from the people 'ho h!ve to &uide them)elve)5 &uide their live) !nd
conduct b" the provi)ion) of thi) l!' 8 H!ve the" dem!nded it 8 H!) there been th!t %ind of
dem!nd 8 2" honour!ble friend to the ri&ht )!") 4 No# .t i) perfectl" correct#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 He )upport) "ou#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 2" honour!ble friend )!") 4 he )upport) me# He )upport)
truth# The countr" 'ill be t!%en b" )urpri)e !t 'h!t 'e !re doin&# 3et u) not l!" the fl!tterin&
unction to our )oul) th!t 'e !re doin& ! 'i)e thin&# . %no' . c!nnot deceive m")elf in the
'!" in 'hich "ou !re doin&# 1ven if it 'ere 'i)e5 . 'ould not h!ve thou&ht it nece))!r" to
!ttempt th!t codific!tion5 bec!u)e of the re!)on) . h!ve &iven# <ou c!nnot &ive !n"
uniformit" to it 'h!t)oeverC !nd if Hindui)m i) !n"thin&5 it i) bec!u)e of it) fund!ment!l
unit" in the mid)t of diver)it"# Th!t con)titute) the e))ence of Hindui)m# Hindu l!' !nd
Hindu culture# .n ! v!)t countr" li%e thi) "ou c!nnot e(pect ! uniformit" )t!nd!rdiJed )ort of
life i&norin& the n!tur!l v!riet"# .f "ou did it5 it i) no 'onder th!t "ou 'ould come to &rief#
<ou m!" not re!liJe it Au)t no'5 but re!liJ!tion 'ould come 'hen the time come)# After !ll
even !fter thi) codific!tion5 i) it &oin& to )erve "our end 8 . )!"4 no# The honour!ble member
from 2")ore "e)terd!" m!de ! )peech# He )!id5 no' the 'or% h!) been m!de )o )imple th!t
b" bu"in& ! public!tion 'orth four !nn!) or )i( !nn!) "ou could %no' e(!ctl" 'h!t the
Hindu l!' )tood for# So m!n" friend) )hout B 9uite ri&ht B5 B 9uite ri&ht B5 but do the)e
enthu)i!)t)?re!liJe th!t even the )pon)or of the Bill doe) not pretend th!t he i) &oin& to codif"
the 'hole l!' of the Hindu) 8 .n the pre!mble he m!%e) ! mode)t cl!im5 not th!t %ind of
prepo)terou) cl!im C He )!")4
6 7here!) it i) e(pedient to !mend !nd codif" '!rtain bran'h!s of th! Hindu l!' no' in
force in the ;rovince of .ndi!#6
Therefore 'h!t i) propo)ed to be done i) to codif" cert!in br!nche)5 )uch !) the l!' of
m!rri!&e5 l!' of inherit!nce !nd l!' of !doption# Bro!dl" )pe!%in& the)e !re the m!in thin&)#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 7h!t i) left#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 2" honour!ble friend !)%) 'h!t i) left in the Hindu 3!'#
oe) m" honour!ble friend thin% th!t thi) i) !ll th!t the Hindu 3!' )t!nd) for 8 The)e three
br!nche) cover the entire field of Hindu life !nd !ctivit" in thi) countr" 8 . c!n onl"
)"mp!thi)e 'ith hi) i&nor!nce# 7h!t !bout Aoint f!mil" propert"5 p!rtition5 Aoint f!mil"
bu)ine))5 reli&iou) !nd ch!rit!ble tru)t)5 &ift)5 tr!n)fer int!r vivos, !nd other thin&) 8 The"
con)titute ! much v!)ter field 'hich i) left uncovered#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 7ill) i) !l)o referred to#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 A mere reference to 7ill) doe) not me!n th!t it h!)
received ! full !nd comprehen)ive tre!tment# .n !n" c!)e# . !m &r!teful to r# Ambed%!r# He
i) mode)t C he never cl!im) to h!ve brou&ht for'!rd !n e(h!u)tive Code# .f m" honour!ble
friend) on m" ri&ht thin% thi) i) !ll the Hindu Code5 the" !re out Ambed%!rin& Ambed%!r#
Sir5 even if thi) Hindu Code i) !dopted in the form in 'hich it h!) been brou&ht before u)5 it
'ill r!il of it) purpo)e for !nother re!)on !l)o# 2" honour!ble )i)ter ur&!b!i !nd m"
honour!ble friend from 2")ore )!id "e)terd!"5 'ell5 'h" do "ou 'orr" !bout thi) 4 thi) 'ill
not le!d to fr!&ment!tion of !&ricultur!l propert"# . do not %no' 'hether the" re!li)ed th!t
the" 'ere furni)hin& one of the )tron&e)t !r&ument) for reAectin& thi) Bill# /ncon)ciou)l"5
m" )i)ter !nd brother h!ve furni)hed one of the )tr!n&e)t !r&ument) for the reAection of the
Bill outri&ht# <ou !re &oin& to re&ul!te the di)po)ition of propert"# .t i) no' &ener!ll"
!ccepted th!t 9, per cent #of the immov!ble propert" in thi) countr" i) in the vill!&e)5 in the
province)5 le!vin& !)ide the Centr!ll" !dmini)tr!ted !re!)# Therefore5 the" 'ould be out of
the purvie' of thi) Code# To hou)e or other immov!ble propert" in)ide the Centr!ll"
!dmini)tered !re!)5 directl" under the :overnment of .ndi!5 thi) Code 'ill !ppl"# Then5 ho'
i) thi) cl!im )!ti)fied th!t thi) Code !pplie) to !ll the Hindu) in !ll province) 8 Thi) i) ! ver"
)tron& !r&ument for thro'in& out the Bill C thro'in& out on the &round th!t it f!il) in it)
obAective# Be)ide) the three c!te&orie) . h!ve mentioned5 there !re )o m!n" thin&) 'hich
h!ve "et to be covered# The !r&ument 'ould be th!t provinci!l !&ricultur!l l!nd i) purel" !
provinci!l )ubAect !ccordin& to the Con)titution Act B5 )o !l)o !re reli&iou) !nd ch!rit!ble
tru)t propertie)5 )o !l)o Aoint f!mil" propert"5 !nd p!rtition5 )elf !c9ui)ition)5 etc# 7hen thi)
v!)t *ield 'ould lie uncovered# . !)% the Hou)e )eriou)l" 'hether the" !re re!ll" )!ti)fied
'ith the cl!im of tho)e 'ho thin% th!t thi) i) &oin& to be !n e(h!u)tive Code or !n !ll
embr!cin& Code !nd th!t it provide) the p!n!ce! for !ll the )oci!l !nd economic ill) to 'hich
Hindu fle)h i) heir to o the" re!ll" believe th!t the 1D9 )ection) 'ill be the vit!min t!blet)
'hich 'ill &o to vit!li)e the 'hole Hindu )ociet" 8<ou m!" hold th!t vie' C the Hou)e m!"
hold th!t vie'C . do not hold th!t vie'# 0n the other h!nd5 . thin% thi) i) prem!ture5
!b)olutel" prem!ture# 1ven if the Hindu Code be p!))ed into l!'5 it could not come into
force !ll until the provinci!l :overnment) p!)) )imil!r le&i)l!tion in their o'n province) for
devolution of !&ricultur!l l!nd# 1ver" )in&le province 'ill h!ve to do it before thi) Act could
come into force in !ll the province)5 . !m not no' t!l%in& of the )t!te)C . !m t!l%in& of the
province)# Be)ide)5 it i) not inconceiv!ble th!t the province) m!" be t!%in& different
deci)ion)# .t i) not for the Centr!l :overnment to force the ;rovinci!l :overnment) to
le&i)l!te on ! p!rticul!r line of )ucce))ion5 ! p!rticul!r line of devolution of !&ricultur!l
propert" !ccordin& to it) dict!te)# Then provinci!l !utonom" 'ill f!il to the &round !nd . !m
cert!in th!t the provinci!l 2ini)trie) 'ill not touch )uch ! propo)!l from the Centre even
'ith ! p!ir of ton&) if )uch direction 'ent counter to their o'n vie')#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 2!" . )t!te for the inform!tion of the Hou)e th!t there !re !) m!n"
!) D7 member)G1 h!ve received chit)5 letter) !nd )o on from themG'ho !re !ll !n(iou)G
mo)t of them5 if not !llGto put for'!rd their vie' point) on thi) Bill# . 'ould therefore
)u&&e)t5 ho'ever intere)tin& the )peech of the honour!ble member mi&ht be5 th!t the point)
th!t h!ve been r!i)ed on one )ide in )upport of the Bill m!" %indl" be !n)'ered b" other)#
Thu)5 !ll the point) 'ould be thre)hed out !nd thi) 'ill contribute to the richne)) of the
deb!te !) 'ell# r# Ambed%!r h!) &iven ! cle!r !n!l")i) of the Code 'ith !r&ument)# 0f
cour)e5 the Hou)e 'ould li%e to %no' ho' tho)e point) !re 'ron& !nd ho' the" !re met on
the other )ide# Therefore5 &re!ter !ttention m!" be p!id to th!t !nd !l)o re&!rd m!" be h!d to
the number of )pe!%er) th!t !re in the '!itin& li)t#
Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 2!" . re9ue)t "ou5 Sir5 to con)ider5 in vie' of the vit!l import!nce
of thi) Bill5 th!t t'o or three d!") time i) h!rdl" !de9u!te !nd th!t !t le!)t ! 'ee% or t'o
)hould be !llotted for &ener!l di)cu))ion B8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 7ith &re!t re)pect to the vie') 'hich 'ere e(pre))ed b"
"ou# Sir5 if . h!ve &iven the impre))ion th!t . '!) filibu)terin&5 . !m )orr"# . m!" tell "ou# Sir5
th!t thi) Bill i) of )uch &re!t import!nce th!t it 'ould be utterl" unf!ir to the Hou)e if "ou
!)% u) to conclude thi) &ener!l di)cu))ion thu)# Bec!u)e5 in the fir)t )t!&e5 'e h!d not the
)li&hte)t opportunit" to m!%e ! )peech C thi) i) the )t!&e !fter &ettin& u) committed to the
principle of the Bill5 in 'hich 'e h!ve to )ec ho' be)t 'e c!n )erve our countr"5 even 'ithin
the limited )phere# .f there !re DF )pe!%er)5 there i) the cle!re)t po))ible indic!tion th!t the
Bill h!) no' !ttr!cted )eriou) !ttention !nd the" '!nt to &ive their vie'point)# Therefore5
there i) no p!rticul!r )!nctit" to the period th!t i) l!id do'n for deb!te) of thi) %ind#
.f 'e do not conclude the di)cu))ion tod!"5 cert!inl" more d!") mu)t be found for further
di)cu))ion of thi)# Thi) honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter i) ver" Je!lou) !bout it C he c!n &ive
!nother !ddition!l )e))ion for thi) C if not5 even in thi) )e))ion four or five !ddition!l d!")
could be found# The m!tter mu)t be thorou&hl" deb!ted# . hope the Hou)e 'ill not !ccept
clo)ureC nor do . thin% th!t ! clo)ure 'ill be moved b" the Chief 7hip !nd ! motion of thi)
%ind c!nnot be clo)ed b" 'hippin& 'ithout !)cert!inin& th!t there h!) been ! full !nd
)ufficient deb!te#
Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 Another point# 2!" . re9ue)t "ou# Sir5 th!t the provinci!l 23A) 'ho
!re not pre)ent here !l)o be invited to come !nd p!rticip!te in the di)cu))ion 8
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 7e 'ill no' !dAourn######
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . h!ve not "et fini)hed# Sir5 . t!%e it . m!" re)ume !fter
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 <e)# 7e 'ill no' !dAourn for 3unch#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d for 2un'h till $alf Past wo of th! &lo'k.
h! "ss!mbly r!;ass!mbl!d aft!r 2un'h at $alf Past wo of th! &lo'k, Shri S. *.
Krishnamoorthy 9ao (on! of th! Pan!l of &hairm!n. in th! &hair.
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 Before the Hou)e !dAourned for the rece))5 . '!) tr"in& to
e(pl!in to it ho' thi) Code '!) bound to f!il of it) purpo)e in )ome of the m!teri!l
p!rticul!r)# . e(pl!ined th!t there '!) no nece))it" for codific!tion !) the Hindu l!' in !ll it)
!)pect) '!) not onl" 'ell e)t!bli)hed but 'ell under)tood b" the people 'ho 'ere &overned
b" it# . !l)o e(pl!ined th!t tho)e 'ho !re to !dmini)ter thi) ActG1 me!n the >ud&e)5 the
Audici!r" of the l!nd5 includin& the hi&he)tGh!ve never dem!nded th!t the l!' )hould be
codified5 !nd . !l)o e(pl!ined th!t the )cope of the Bill '!) ver" ver" limited5 !nd th!t
be)ide) providin& for m!rri!&e5 !doption !nd inherit!nce there '!) ! '!ter field 'hich '!)
left uncovered# 7hile referrin& to the !&ricultur!l l!nd5 . m!" !l)o point out to the Hou)e th!t
!ccordin& to the )erie) of Audici!l deci)ion) in thi) countr"5 the 9ue)tion of l!nd involve) !nd
embr!ce)5 ! v!)t v!riet" of intere)t) !nd )ubAect)5 from the l!ndlord of the topmo)t &r!de
do'n to the tiller of the )oil5 the m!n behind the plou&h4 !nd if the ;rovinci!l :overnment)
of the different countrie) 'ere to re&ul!te the di)tribution of their propert" in different '!")
other th!n th!t indic!ted b" the Centr!l Act there '!) bound to be confu)ion 'or)e
Then5 Sir5 . 'ould li%e to mention th!t the Code h!) not onl" tried di&e)tin& the e(i)tin&
Hindu l!' 'ithin it) limited )phere5 but in th!t proce)) of coll!tin& !nd di&e)tin&5 ! number
of thin&) h!ve been introduced 5 ! number of )ubAect)5 p!rticul!rl" in the m!tter of m!rri!&e
!nd inherit!nce5 'hich &o di!metric!ll" !&!in)t the e)t!bli)hed notion) of the Hindu)#
Therefore5 it i) not merel" ! c!)e of di&e)tin&5 coll!tin&4 not !l)o merel" ! 9ue)tion of
!mendin&Gbec!u)e !mendin& i) ! ver" mild e(pre))ion4 it doe) ! &ood de!l more th!n th!t#
.t introduce) innov!tion)5 f!r?re!chin& ch!n&e)5 not onl" in the l!' of m!rri!&e but !l)o in
the l!' of inherit!nce# Sir5 . 'i)h . could e(pl!in to the Hou)e the full implic!tion) of the
ch!n&e) involved# But . !m ph")ic!ll" une9u!l to the t!)%# . 'ill tr" r!pidl" to e(pl!in ho' .
loo% !t the)e ch!n&e)#
The t'o c!te&orie) of ch!n&e) 'hich in m" opinion !nd !l)o in the opinion of the v!)t
m!Aorit" of m" countr"men !re ver" r!dic!l !nd )'eepin&5 !re tho)e th!t rel!te to m!rri!&e
!nd inherit!nce# Sir5 m"5 honour!ble friend h!) no doubt provided for )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e
in hi) Code# . do not %no' if in thi) countr"5 up to the moment the Bill '!) dr!fted !nd &iven
the )h!pe it h!) no' h!d5 people re!ll" dem!nded of the :overnment of the l!nd to pre)cribe
! procedure b" 'hich m!rri!&e) in thi) countr" !re to be contr!cted# . thin% it i) nobod"B)
c!)e th!t prior to the introduction of thi) Bill5 people h!d not been m!rr"in& or there '!) !
&ood de!l of difficult" in &ettin& our)elve) m!rried# But ho' the 9ue)tion of m!rri!&e 'ould
be improved . do not %no'# 2" fund!ment!l obAection to the)e m!rri!&e) i)5 th!t 'hile on
the one h!nd it ch!r!cteri)e) one form of m!rri!&e !) )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e5 in)ide thi)
)!cr!ment!l cover there h!) been introduced ! number of thin&) 'hich c!nnot conceiv!bl" be
c!lled )!cr!ment!l or )!cred ceremoni!l m!rri!&e# 3oo% !t the prohibited de&ree)# 3oo% !t
the ch!r!cter of the p!rtie)# .t c!n e!)il" be !n inter?c!)te m!rri!&e5 ! m!rri!&e out)ide c!)te5
m!rri!&e of sagotras, !nd !t the )!me time it 'ould be )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e# .t i) r!ther
curiou)# Sir5 th!t 'hile ! )!cr!ment!l form of m!rri!&e i) bein& pre)cribed5 !lon& )ide 'ith it
there i) ! civil m!rri!&e# . do not %no' ho' it find) ! pl!ce in the Hindu code it)elf#
Ho'ever5 the" provided !n entirel" different thin& but ! mo)t obAection!ble thin& i) th!t
'hile in the )!cr!ment!l form of m!rri!&e one p!rticul!r cl!)) of prohibited de&re)) i) put in5
in the civil m!rri!&e !n entirel" different c!te&or" i) put C the !mbit of the prohibited de&ree
i) n!rro'ed do'n5 )o much )o th!t the m!rri!&e in m!n" c!)e) become) purel" ince)tuou)
m!rri!&e# . do not under)t!nd5 Sir5 'h!t nece))it" '!) there for thi) unle)) 'e b" thi)
me!)ure5 '!nt to &ive direct encour!&ement to !ll m!nner of mor!l loo)ene)) !nd
l!'le))ne))5 'hich unfortun!tel" i) inv!din& the "outh of thi) countr"# Are 'e here &oin& to
&ive thi) the imprimatur of our )!nction 8 Th!t i) the 9ue)tion . 'ould !)% m" honour!ble
friend ver" )eriou)l" to con)ider !nd !n)'er5 not in ! )pirit of b!nter or levit" but 'ith !ll the
)eriou)ne)) th!t ! difficult )oci!l problem dem!nd)#
. feel th!t the b!)ic conception of Hindu m!rri!&e h!) )uffered the rude)t po))ible )hoc%
b" introduction into it of the m!tter of divorce 'hich i) )o repu&n!nt to Hindu notion) of
m!rri!&e# Hindu m!rri!&e !) ou&ht to be %no'n to ever" one 'ho profe))e) him)elf to be !
Hindu5 'ho hone)tl" t!%e) pride in c!llin& him)elf ! Hindu5 !) . m")elf do5 i) ! )!cr!ment
!nd not ! civil contr!ct !nd !) )uch it 'ill not be difficult for him to !dmit th!t divorce i)
!b)olutel" forei&n to it) concept# /nion b" m!rri!&e5 !ccordin& to the Hindu Sh!)tr!) i)
)!cred !nd !b)olutel" indi))oluble Eint!rruption.. .f "ou '!nt me to cut )hort m" )peech "ou
'ill %indl" interrupt me onl" on import!nt m!tter)# . !m not !fr!id of interruption)G1 %no'
ho' to !n)'er them5 . c!n !n)'er them in m" o'n '!"# But if "ou %eep on interruptin& me5
m" )peech 'ill be undul" lon& !nd "ou !l)o m!" not feel h!pp" over the replie) . 'ill &ive#
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h4 .t ou&ht to be )o#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 The in)titution of divorce in thi) countr"5 or in !n"
countr" for the m!tter of th!t5 h!) not been found to promote the 'ell?bein& of the
communit" for 'ho)e benefit it e(i)t)# A) !n humble )tudent of )ociolo&"5 . h!ve h!d
occ!)ion) to re!d report) of m!trimoni!l court)# An honour!ble 2ember referred to >ud&e
3ind)!" !nd . believe he !l)o h!d in vie' the 6 $evolt of the <outh 6# . do not %no' 'hether
m" honour!ble friend re!li)ed th!t he uncon)ciou)l" provided one of the )tron&er !r&ument)
for oppo)in& thi) form of m!rri!&e 'hen he referred to th!t &re!t >ud&e# . '!nt honour!ble
member) c!refull" to con)ider5 if 'ithin the f!mil" circle 'e )hould permit m!trimoni!l
!lli!nce) to )prin& up bet'een ! per)on !nd hi) motherB) brotherB) d!u&hter or hi) f!therB)
)i)terB) d!u&hter5 !) h!) been provided in thi) Hindu Code#
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 .t i) common#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 .t m!" be common in South .ndi!5 but South .ndi! i) not
the 'hole of .ndi!# 2" 'hole point i) th!t if there i) ! p!rticul!r form of pr!ctice in !
p!rticul!r p!rt of the countr"5 "ou )hould not &o out of "our '!" to )ee th!t it i) provided for
the 'hole countr"#
. come from ! province 'hich i) not in the South# .t i) ! b!c%'!rd province5
educ!tion!ll"5 cultur!ll"Gc!ll 'h!tever "ou li%e th!t beni&hted b!c%'!rd province of
Ben&!l# . %no' of the dome)tic condition) of the f!milie) inh!bitin& there# :o to !n" Hindu
hou)ehold in Ben&!l "ou 'ill find th!t be)ide) the )on)5 d!u&hter)5 !nd other n!tur!l heir)5 !ll
m!nner of rel!tion)5 )i)ter)B )on)5 nephe')5 niece)5 m!tern!l uncle)B )on)5 uncle)B d!u&hter)5
!ll %nit to&ether !nd m!int!ined in the Aoint f!mil" )")tem# The" !re !ll re&ul!ted !nd
re)tr!ined b" mor!l !nd reli&iou) influence)# <ou 'ill find it in !lmo)t ever" hou)ehold#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r (2ini)ter of 3!') 45 7h!t i) the difficult"8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 . )h!ll tell "ou 'here the difficult" i)# There i) no
difficult" for tho)e 'ho h!ve no f!mil" of their o'n# The difficult" h!ppen) in thi) '!"# *or
dividin& trouble here . )h!ll illu)tr!te 'ith reference to m")elf# .f in m" f!mil" m" )on)5
d!u&hter)5 f!therB) )i)ter)B d!u&hter) !nd )on)5 motherB) d!u&hterB) )on) !nd d!u&hter) etc#
)i)terB) d!u&hter) 'ere to live to&ether !nd if one of m" )on) contr!ct) intim!c" 'ith hi) fir)t
cou)in even 'hen he i) ! minor or !n !dole)cent5 %no'in& hum!n n!ture bein& 'h!t it i)5 do
"ou elimin!te the po))ibilit" of thi) !tt!chment &ro'in& up !nd culmin!tin& in m!rri!&e 8 .f
"ou do5 "ou !re poor )tudent) of hi)tor"5 poor )tudent) of )ociolo&" !nd poor )tudent) of
p)"cholo&"# After !ll5 the c!ll of hum!n fle)h i) there !nd no le&i)l!tion5 ho'ever omnipotent
c!n root out thi) n!tur!l !nd po'erful impul)e in m!n%ind# .f "ou )!nction m!trimoni!l
union) bet'een blood rel!tion)Gbet'een clo)e)t rel!tion) in the hou)ehold5 . )hudder to
thin% 'h!t 'ould h!ppen to )ociet" 8
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4B Noticin&#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 Nothin& of cour)e5 if "ou do not c!re for )ociet" C nothin&5
of cour)e5 if "ou believe in ! %ind of )ociet" onl" 'here there !re onl" )oci!l butterflie)
)uc%in& hone" here !nd there !nd m!%in& merr"C but . !m for ! )ociet" 'hich h!) !tt!ined or
'ill !tt!in for .ndi! the po)ition 'hich i) her o'n5 the po)ition for 'hich )he i) re)pected !ll
the 'orld over# .f "ou thro' !'!" !ll the)e thin&)5 if "ou put up ! )ort of =!demecum5 !
Hindu Code5 'here "ou find !ll )ort) of m!rri!&e)5 bet'een fir)t cou)in) !nd blood?rel!tion)
)!nctioned5 if "ou le&!li)e !ll the)e ince)tuou) m!rri!&e) the )ociet" 'ill be ! )in% of mor!l
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 7e prote)t the u)e of the 'ord B ince)tuou) B .t i) ver"
'ron& to condemn outri&ht ! )")tem 'hich i) prev!ilin& in l!r&e p!rt) of the countr"# .t i) !
reflection on ! 'hole province#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 0rder5 order#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 Therefore5 . c!nnot but r!i)e m" voice of prote)t !&!in)t
)uch ! )")tem5 bec!u)e . believe th!t m!rri!&e bet'een fir)t cou)in) i) not conducive to the
'ell bein& of )ociet" from the biolo&ic!l !nd en&enic point) of vie' !nd i) oppo)ed to the
notion) of Hindu 3!'#
3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 No5 no#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 Thu)5 not onl" from the point of vie' of )ociet"5 but !l)o
for the pe!ce !nd purit" of f!mil" life5 . '!nt th!t thi) )hould be condemned# .t i) immor!l
!nd outr!&eou)#
Sir5 m" honour!ble )i)ter5 ur&!b!i5 )!id 9uite ri&htl"5 th!t mono&!m" )hould not be
oppo)ed# . do not %no' of !n" honour!ble 2ember in thi) Hou)e 'ho re!ll" doe) not '!nt
mono&!m"# 2ono&!m" ever"one of u) '!nt5 not for our mere li%e) C circum)t!nce) h!ve
forced u) to !ccept thi) mono&!mou) m!rri!&e# .t i) ! f!ct# ;ol"&!m" h!) p!))ed !'!"
completel" from the upper cl!))e) of thi) countr" not b" le&i)l!tion# Th!t i) m" m!in
contention# .f "ou '!nt to er!dic!te ! )oci!l evil "ou )hould 'or% up from 'ithin5 not from
!bove# .f m" honour!ble friend) loo% to the hi)tor" of thi) countr"5 the" 'ill find m" po)ition
!mpl" proved# 7e !ll %no' the mi)erie) !nd )ufferin&) of Hindu 'ido')# There !re )o m!n"
c!)e) of child !nd "oun& 'ido') 'hich bre!% our he!rt) or !t !n" r!te it ou&ht to bre!% our
he!rt)# .n f!ct5 in the p!)t &ener!tion5 the l!te ;!ndit =id"!)!&!r of h!llo'ed memor" '!) )o
much moved b" it th!t he &ot p!))ed the Hindu 7ido' $em!rri!&e Act# But the countr" '!)
not prep!red for it !nd 'h!t '!) the re)ult 8 The Act virtu!ll" bec!me ! de!d letter !nd h!)
rem!ined )o till no'# Th!t i) bound to be the f!te of !ll )oci!l le&i)l!tion 'hich h!ve not
ori&in!ted from ! dem!nd from 'ithin the )ociet"#
. '!) tellin& the hou)e th!t pol"&!m" h!) virtu!ll" di)!ppe!red from the countr" for !
v!riet" of re!)on) )uch !) ! &ro'in& )en)e of re)pon)ibilit" in conAu&!l life# :ro'in&
con)ciou)ne)) !mon& 'om!nhood !nd !bove !ll the interpl!" of !ll m!nner of force)5 mo)t
import!nt of 'hich i) economic5 'hich m!%e) it impo))ible to indul&e in the lu(ur" of
h!vin& m!n" 'ive) !t the )!me time# Therefore5 . )!"5 there i) no nece))it" for !n"
le&i)l!tion for it# .t h!) !utom!tic!ll" died out4 the cu)tom h!) f!llen into di)u)e# .t m!" be
!r&ued th!t there !re )ome )tr!t! of )ociet" 'here it prev!il)# There !l)o . '!nt to )ound !
note of '!rnin&# <ou c!nnot )top it b" force or compul)ion# <ou h!ve &ot to cre!te public
opinion !nd 'hen the)e unfortun!te brethren of our) come to re!li)e the evil) of thi) )")tem
the" 'ill di)c!rd it# .f5 on the other h!nd5 'ithout brin&in& up their )t!nd!rd5 'ithout cre!tin&
! con)ciou)ne)) in them b" educ!tion !nd public opinion "ou tr" to thru)t "our le&i)l!tion
do'n their thro!t)5 . 'ould re9ue)t "ou to re!li)e the effect th!t it 'ill h!ve on them# >u)t !)
m" honour!ble )i)ter '!) tellin& u) the" 'ill )!" 4 Thi) i) our )ociet" C it i) )uch ! c!)t?iron
mould !nd the" 'ould not !llo' u) to h!ve !nother 'ife# 7e 'ill &o to !nother form of
)ociet"5 embr!ce !nother reli&ion 'here thi) i) permi))ible# An" )ociolo&i)t5 !n" m!n
intere)ted in )oci!l reform 'ill h!ve to p!" heed to th!t !) 'ell# The fe!r i) not !lto&ether !n
unfounded one# An"'!" . feel th!t if "ou codified the Hindu l!'5 !ll th!t )hould h!ve been
done '!) to pre)cribe the e))enti!l) of m!rri!&e5 the re9uirement) on the p!rt of the
contr!ctin& p!rtie)5 their !&e)5 their ment!l !nd ph")ic!l c!p!cit"5 prohibited de&ree) of
rel!tion)hip !nd thin&) li%e th!t# Tho)e 'ho believe in )oci!l ceremonie) !nd function)5 m!"
&o throu&h the form of ceremoni!l m!rri!&e but the e))enti!l) of m!rri!&e )hould not be
!llo'ed to v!r" bet'een civil m!rri!&e !nd )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e# .f there i) ! dem!nd in the
countr" for inter?c!)te m!rri!&e) . 'ill not )t!nd in it) '!"# .f people '!nt to m!rr" out)ide
their c!)te)5 let them b" !ll me!n) invo%e the provi)ion) of the Civil 2!rri!&e Act of 1874#
There i) nothin& !t pre)ent to )t!nd in the '!" of people 'ho !re !n(iou) to m!rr" out)ide
their c!)te)# .f there !re bonafid! !tt!chment) !mon& inter?c!)te bo") !nd &irl)5 it i) not th!t
'e '!nt to )top or prevent them# The" h!ve &ot the f!cilitie) open to them even under the
e(i)tin& l!'5 the l!' to 'hich . referred e!rlier# <ou c!n ch!n&e th!t l!'# <ou c!n repe!l or
modif" cert!in provi)ion) )o th!t people m!rr"in& under th!t Act 'ill h!ve their children
&overned not b" the .ndi!n Succe))ion Act !) !t pre)ent but b" the Hindu 3!'# . h!ve no
obAection to th!t but . f!il to under)t!nd 'h" in ! Hindu Code )ide b" )ide 'ith the
)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e "ou !re !llo'in& civil m!rri!&e# Thi) mu)t be completel" t!%en out of
the Code 'hich )hould h!ve nothin& to do 'ith it# There m!" be ! )ep!r!te civil m!rri!&e l!'
for !ll#
Sir5 . per)on!ll" feel th!t if "ou in)i)t on h!vin& the 9ue)tion of divorce in it5 then "ou
'ill h!ve to f!ce the mu)ic of it ever"'here in the countr" !nd unle)) !) public men "ou h!ve
"our e!r) )tuffed 'ith cotton5 !) mo)t public men !mon& u) h!ve5 "ou 'ill h!ve to p!" ver"
ver" de!rl" for it# .n !n" c!)e5 !) ! Hindu5 . emph!tic!ll" prote)t !&!in)t the introduction of
thi) heterodo( concept of divorce into the )cheme of Hindu m!rri!&e#
No' let u) come to the 9ue)tion of inherit!nce# There h!) !l)o been !n innov!tion in thi)
re&!rd thou&h . do not '!nt to &o into ver" &re!t det!il)# But there !l)o . 'ould li%e to tell
m" honour!ble )i)ter5 Shrim!ti ur&!b!i5 th!t 'e !re firm believer) in the Aud&ement of the
Hindu l!'?&iver) of old 4 'e !re firm believer) in the e9u!lit" of the )e(e)5 thou&h not in the
)en)e in 'hich )he t!l%) or her friend) t!l%# 19u!lit" mu)t be in the )en)e of e9u!lit" of
opportunit"# <ou c!nnot m!%e ph")ic!ll" m!n !nd 'om!n the )!me# 19u!lit" mu)t therefore
h!ve )ome other me!nin&# There i) no feelin& of inferiorit" !tt!ched to 'omen5 there i) no
di)crimin!tion 'ith re&!rd to the educ!tion of d!u&hter) or their m!rri!&e# 0ur )h!)tr!) h!ve
provided 4
6 Kanyapy!vam Palaniya, Shikshaniyatigatant D!ya Boraya *idusha, Dhana 9atna
.t me!n) th!t the d!u&hter !l)o )hould be educ!ted in the )!me '!" !) bo")5 !nd in the
fullne)) of lime5 &iven over in m!rri!&e to ! proper &room 'ith do'r" includin& rich
Ae'eller"# And in m" )ociet"5 in the Hindu )ociet" it i) enAoined4 6 Catra naryastu Pu#yant!,
9amant! atra D!vata. , .t me!n) th!t :od) ble)) the hou)ehold) 'here 'omen !re
honoured# 7omen fol% h!) been !ccorded )uch ! hi&h !nd e(!lted pl!ce in Hindu )ociet"# .
do not den" th!t there m!" be h!rd c!)e)4 there !re h!rd c!)e)5 'here 'omen !re not tre!ted
in the '!" the" ou&ht to be# But if "ou h!ve f!llen off the ide!l of "our )!&e)5 "our )!int)5
"our l!'&iver) or "our le!der)5 the" !re not to bl!me for the" h!ve not let "ou do'n# The
bl!me !tt!che) to u)# .f "ou c!nnot !ppro(im!te to the ide!l) of 2!h!tm! :!ndhi in "our
conduct but pre!ch them in )e!)on !nd out of )e!)on or t!%e hi) n!me in ever"thin& but not
follo' in hi) foot)tep)5 the f!ult i) not 2!h!tm!AiB)5 the f!ult i) our)# Simil!rl" "ou c!nnot
impu&n "our Hindu Sh!)tr!) or l!'?&iver)# The" h!ve )et the )t!nd!rd) 9uite hi&h !nd it i)
for "ou to !ct up to them# Not'ith)t!ndin& our be)t effort) it i) not po))ible to elimin!te
ever" c!)e of inAu)tice or h!rd)hip# Hum!n in)titution) !re imperfect# No hum!n in&enuit"
c!n devi)e !n" procedure5 !n" m!chiner" or !n" !&enc" b" 'hich !ll po))ibilitie) of )oci!l
inAu)tice c!n be completel" elimin!ted# 3et u) be fr!n% !bout th!t !nd let u) tr" to re!li)e th!t#
2" honour!ble friend )!id in connection 'ith the m!n!&ement of propert" th!t )he
%no') of 'omen 'ho !re better m!n!&er) of propert" ###
The Honour!ble Shri N# =# :!d&il (2ini)ter of 7or%)5 2ine) !nd ;o'er) 4 0f men !l)o K
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 1(!ctl"5 of men !l)o# . do not thin% there i) !n" )in&le
m!rried m!n in thi) Hou)e 'ho 'ill di)pute th!t propo)ition# .n the hou)ehold )he i) the
ruler4 )he i) !ll in !ll# The t!lle)t of u)# The 3!' 2ini)ter or hi) honour!ble colle!&ue 'ill
h!ve to crouch before her ho'ever much he m!" thunder here# There "ou !re ruled not b" the
rod5 but b" ! )tr!n&e )ort of ! 'hip5 ! )oft5 )'eet )il%en cord m!de up of *il!ment) of love
'hich t!%e) off !ll h!r)hne)) !nd rou&hne))5 !nd menfol% h!ve cheerfull" )ubmitted to her
rule# She i) the 9ueen of the hou)ehold# 2!n" m!rried people5 . thin% mo)t m!rried people5
'ould fr!n%l" !dmit th!t#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 Th!t i) ho' 'e h!ve che!ted them#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 7e !re no' &oin& to che!t them b" thi) Code# o "ou
thin% the &re!te)t Au)tice 'ill be done to them if "ou )impl" &ive them ri&ht to propert"# 2r#
Ch!irm!n5 !ccordin& to the Hindu notion)5 ! &irl h!) ! di)tinct po)ition5 ! role entirel"
different from th!t of ! )on# An" honour!ble member 'ho h!) re!d S!n)%rit liter!ture or h!)
!n" %no'led&e of itG. c!nnot m!%e !n" pre)umption either '!"5 'hether mo)t people %no'
it or no one %no') it###
An Honour!ble 2ember4 The 3!' 2ember %no') it#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 He m!" %no' it5 he i) ! )chol!r# 7ell5 in Sakuntala of our
immort!l poet5 !fter the m!rri!&e of S!%unt!l! !nd her dep!rture to her hu)b!ndB) pl!ce5 there
occur) ! Sloka 'hich i) cl!))ic!l !nd 'hich &ive) "ou in ! nut)hell ho' the Hindu l!'&iver)
!nd the Hindu )ociet" loo% upon their &irlhood# .mmedi!tel" !fter S!%unt!l! left the
hermit!&e for her hu)b!ndB) pl!ce5 )!&e @!n'! )!id5 6 Tod!" . feel relieved 6 4
6 "rtho $i Kanya Parakiya -va arn "dya Samp r! shy a Pratigrahita. Fati
mamayang Bishadah Prakamarn Pratyarpit +yasa lvantaratma. ,
, Thi) m" he!rt5 m" inner )elf tod!" h!) been relieved of ! he!v" burden !nd . &et th!t
inner ple!)ure of relief# 6 7h!t '!) th!t burden 8 A d!u&hter in the f!mil" i) li%e ! tru)t
depo)it of )omebod" el)eB) mone" !nd Au)t !) one feel) relieved !) )oon !) th!t tru)t or
depo)it i) m!de over to hi) ri&itful o'ner# So do . feel tod!" h!vin& m!de over S!%unl!l! to
her hu)b!nd5 (lnt!rruption. Not in the)e d!") of l!' of limit!tion 5but . !m t!l%in& of tho)e
d!")# 6 N"!)! 65 me!n) ! depo)it5 tru)t# .f m" honour!ble friend r# @!m!th '!nt) further
interpret!tion5 . !m perfectl" 'illin& to &ive th!t out)ide the Ch!mber#
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 But . !m not ! doctor 8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 2ore th!n ! doctor4 "ou !re doctor5 philo)opher5 l!'"er5
!nd le&i)l!tor# . h!ve &re!t re)pect for "ouC "ou !re ! nice ch!p !nd !bove !ll ! &re!t p!triot#
Sir5 th!t i) the conception of &irl)# So5 if the Hindu l!'?&iver) did not &ive them ! ri&ht of
o'ner)hip e9u!l to th!t of the )on in the f!mil"5 it '!) not bec!u)e of !n" !ver)ion5 not
bec!u)e of !n" di)li%e but bec!u)e of the )imple re!)on th!t the &irl i) m!de for her hu)b!ndB)
f!mil"C )he i) not to become ! p!rt !nd p!rcel of the f!mil" 'here )he i) born# Th!t i) the
'hole thin&# And therefore no 9ue)tion of inAu)tice or ine9u!lit" !ri)e)# . do not %no' of !n"
)chool of Hindu l!' prev!lent in !n" p!rt of the countr" 'here ! d!u&hter h!) been &iven !
di)tinct )h!re e9u!l to th!t of the )on in the propert" of her f!ther#
Shri A# @!run!%!r!n 2enon (2!dr!)4 :ener!l)4 .t e(i)t) in 2!lb!r#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . !m &l!d th!t in the South the" h!ve &ot )o m!n" thin&)#
Sreem!tt" Annie 2!)c!rene (Tr!v!ncore Sl!te) 4 .n Tr!v!ncore too5 )on) !nd d!u&hter)
)h!re e9u!ll"#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . !m &r!teful for thi) inform!tion but !ll )uch inform!tion
emer&e) from the South C !nd if m" friend) from the South##
Shrim!ti H!n)! 2eht! (Bomb!" 4 :ener!l) 4 Are the" not Hindu) in the South 8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 <e)5 but if the" !re proud of !ll th!t in the South5 let them
not den" u) our le&itim!te ri&ht to feel proud of our m!nner) !nd cu)tom) in the North !nd
North?e!)t# Th!t i) m" humble )ubmi))ion to them# . do not li%e thi) t"pe of !r&ument#
Bec!u)e )ome order of )ucce))ion5 )ome order of inherit!nce prev!lent in Bomb!" or )ome
other p!rt h!) been found )uit!ble there5 therefore it mu)t be bodil" tr!n)pl!nted into Ben&!l
!nd el)e'here re&!rdle)) of !ll con)ider!tion) 'hether it i) ! pl!nt 'hich c!n &ro' !nd thrive
in th!t p!rticul!r )oil# .f ! p!rticul!r in)titution h!) been found to 'or% ver" )!ti)f!ctoril" in
the South5 it mu)t be !llo'ed to 'or% there C But if it i) not found )uit!ble for the )oil of the
North or the )oil of the 1!)t or the )oil of the 7e)t5 . do not )ee !n" re!)on or Au)tific!tion for
forcibl" tr!n)pl!ntin& it there#
.n f!ct m" one ver" )eriou) obAection to the Hindu Code i) thi) 4 for thi) cr!Je for
theoretic!l uniformit" "ou i&nore completel" v!riet"C "ou h!ve &ot the)e thin&) in thi) p!rt
!nd tho)e thin&) in th!t p!rt 4 th!t it)elf )ho') th!t in thi) v!)t countr" of our)5 peculi!r )oci!l
m!nner) !nd cu)tom) h!ve developed !ccordin& to the need) of p!rticul!r pl!ce) or !re!)#
The" mu)t be left undi)turbed# .n cl!u)e 75 ho'ever5 the Bill provide) !n overridin& po'er
b" 'hich !ll u)!&e)5 immemori!l cu)tom) 'hich h!ve the )!nction of l!' )hould be
)cr!pped# . thin% it i) cl!u)e 7#
An Honour!ble 2ember4 .t i) cl!u)e 4#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 . 'ill t!%e it on m" friendB) !uthorit"# Sir5 thi) in m"
opinion5 i) hi&hl" obAection!ble# Cle!r ;roof of u)!&e out?'ei&h) the 'ritten te(t of 3!'#
Thi) i) ! 'ell e)t!bli)hed dictum#
There !re diver)itie) of cu)tom) !nd m!nner) bec!u)e of the diver)e need) of the people
th!t compo)e thi) v!)t continent# And therefore 4
*!da vibhinna Sinritayah vibhinna, +asau munir Casya matam +a Bhinnuin. Dharmasya
athvum +ihitum 1uhayam. Maha#ano y!na 1atah Su Pantha
An Honour!ble 2ember4 3et u) !ll be maha#ans.
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 Maha#an doe) not me!n ! mone"lender#
Th!t i) the mo)t un%inde)t cut of !ll# Th!t indic!te) the depth to 'hich )ociet" h!) f!llen#
7e c!nnot thin% e(cept in term) of rupee or doll!r or )hillin& or pence# 2!h!A!n h!) been
v!riou)l" interpreted 4 !) &re!t menC or m!Aorit" of men# T!%e it in 'h!tever )en)e "ou li%e#
*!da khila Sada'har Swashya 'ha Priyamatmana, Casmin D!sh! Cada'hara# # # # #
. do not '!nt to 'e!r" thi) Hou)e 'ith ! lot of other 9uot!tion) but thi) i) )uch ! )ubAect
th!t . c!nnot !lto&ether !void it if . !m to convince honour!ble 2ember) of the Au)tice of m"
contention b!)ed on Hindu )h!)tr!)# . h!ve to m!%e m")elf cle!r before the Hou)e# .t m!"
reAect 'h!t . )!"C it doe) not m!tterC but . repre)ent ! con)tituenc"Gnot ! purel" territori!l
oneGbut the con)tituenc" of ! v!)t bod" of men !nd 'omen 'ho believe in Hindui)m !nd
Hindu Societ" &overned b" the inAunction) of Hindu )!&e) of old# Sir5 . repre)ent for the lime
bein& the vie') of th!t con)tituenc"# .t i) true th!t . h!ve been returned to thi) Con)tituent
A))embl" b" indirect electionG'ith four or five vote) onl"5 but . m!" !))ure the Hou)e th!t
. h!ve fou&ht )ome of the mo)t conte)ted election) in the countr" from )ome of the mo)t
import!nt con)tituencie)# .mmedi!tel" before comin& to thi) Con)tituent A))embl" . '!)
repre)entin& the cit" of C!lcutt! in the Centr!l 3e&i)l!ture# Before th!t5 . '!) repre)entin&
the ;re)idenc" ivi)ion compo)ed of )ever!l di)trict) 'ith l!%h) !nd l!%h) of people5 !nd the
;re)idenc" ivi)ion i) !dmitted to be one of the mo)t cultured divi)ion) in .ndi!# . %no' the
people# . %no' their pul)e# 2" n!tive to'n i) ! f!mou) )e!l of !ncient cl!))ic!l le!rnin&# .t i)
m" di)trict N!di!5 in Ben&!l5 th!t &!ve the ne' )chool) of Smritis, antras, +yaya,
Baishanava ;hilo)oph" etc# . !m not di&re))in& but . )h!ll be f!ilin& in m" dut" to the
inheritor) of thi) &re!t culture if . did not tr" to pl!ce before the Hou)e their vie') !nd ide!)
'ith re&!rd to the)e m!tter) of the Hindu Code# . o'e it to m")elf !nd to m" communit" to
&ive m" vie') )o th!t Aud&ement m!" not &o !&!in)t u) b" def!ult# An" '!"5 3et me hurr"
. h!ve )ho'n "ou the pl!ce5 the honour5 'hich our Shastras h!ve &iven to our 'omen#
The f!mou) 9ueen .ndum!ti '!) de!d !nd @in& AA!h '!) bemo!nin& her de!th thu)4
1rihinii Sa'hiva Millah Sakhi Priya Shishya 2alita Kalavidhan, Karuna Bimalkil!na
Mrityuna $arata vad! King +a Ma $ritam 6 0h ruthle)) :od of e!th K 7h!t h!ve "ou not
t!%en !'!" from me 8 7h!t mi)chief h!ve "ou not done to me8 B" one blo'5 "ou h!ve t!%en
!'!" one5 'ho '!) m" 1rihini"ou %no' 'h!t 1rihini me!n)5 the 9ueen of the hou)eG
'ho '!) m" Sa'hivaSa'hiva me!n) 2ini)ter# She '!) m" mini)ter# Not onl" '!) )he the
9ueen of m" f!mil" but m" mini)ter5 m" bo)om friend in priv!c" !nd m" devoted pl!"m!te
in love# 6
Th!t5 Sir5 i) the po)ition 'hich our 'omenfol% u)ed to occup" in our )ociet"# Therefore5
it c!nnot be )!id th!t out of )heer &reed5 &rou)e5 !nimo)it" or Ae!lou)" or 'h!tever "ou c!ll it5
the 'omenfol% h!) been rele&!ted to ! po)ition of inferiorit"# .f )he h!) not been &iven !
di)tinct )t!tu) in re)pect of inherit!nce co?e9u!l 'ith the )on5 it i) bec!u)e )he i) me!nt for
)ome other f!mil" th!n her f!therB) !nd th!t the propert" i) to be )ettled 'ith the per)on) 'ho
'ill %eep up the f!mil"5 'ho 'ill m!int!in the line!&e !nd pre)erve the )!nctit" of the f!mil"
tr!dition)5 m!nner) !nd cu)tom) !nd 'ho 'ill continue the pr!ctice) !nd the ceremonie) of
the f!mil"# A) )oon !) ! &irl i) m!rried )he become) inte&r!ted into !nother f!mil"C !nd
!ccordin& to the Hindu conception the )t!tu) of ! 'ife in the hu)b!ndB) f!mil" i) ! mo)t
re)pect!ble )t!tu)Gf!r more re)pect!ble th!n the )t!tu) of the &irl in her o'n f!therB) hou)e# .
'ill !&!in 9uote @!lid!)B Sh!%unt!l!# 7hen Nueen Sh!%unt!l! could not be reco&ni)ed b"
@in& u)h"!nt!5 'ho )!id4 6 . do not remember to h!ve m!rried "ou# 6 Thereupon
Sh!%unt!l! '!) e(horted b" the $i)hi to rem!in in her hu)b!ndB) Hou)e even !) ! m!id !)
th!t '!) ! more honour!ble po)ition th!n to be in her f!therB) pl!ce#
The Honour!ble Shri N# =# :!d&il 4 Th!t i) ho' men beh!ve K
Shri 2# Tirum!l! $!o (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 He '!) )ufferin& from lo)) of memor"#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 No5 he '!) not )ufferin& from lo)) of memor"# .t '!)
bec!u)e @in& u)h!n!t! '!) under ! cur)e b" 'hich he '!) to for&et ever"thin& connected
'ith hi) m!rri!&eC not th!t he '!) &uilt" of ! deliber!te mor!l l!p)e# Am!Jin& i&nor!nce K
Shri B# N# 2un!v!lli (Bomb!" St!te))4 7h!t !n e(cu)eK
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . !m not the !uthor of Sh!%unt!l!# C!ll it !n e(cu)e or
'h!tever "ou li%e5 . do not mind# But . 9uoted Sh!%unt!l! bec!u)e it) !uthor @!lid!) i) !
'orld ;oet comm!ndin& re)pect !ll over the 'orld 4 !nd not'ith)t!ndin& !ll "our
di)p!r!&ement of Sh!%unt!l!# it 'ill rem!in the ide!l liter!r" m!)ter?piece of the 'orld for !ll
time# There ou&ht to be )ome limit to 'hich di)p!r!&ement of our n!tion!l in)titution)5
culture !nd tr!dition) c!n be toler!ted# 2r# Ch!irm!n5 . !m reminded of ! ver" f!mou)
p!))!&e in ;l!toG . c!nnot rec!ll hi) 'ord) e(!ctl" no'Gbut he )!id5 in effect 4 6 An"bod"
'ho i) f!l)e to hi) n!tionB) tr!dition)5 to hi) &loriou) herit!&e !nd culture i) ! tr!itor !nd i) !
per)on 'ho )hould be &iven c!pit!l puni)hment 6# . do not under)t!nd the p!trioti)m of tho)e5
the n!tion!li)m of tho)e5 'ho h!ve nothin& but contempt !nd Aeer for !n"thin& th!t i) their
!ncient culture !nd herit!&e#
Shri H# =# @!m!th 4 <ou h!ve mi)under)tood# Nobod" i) !&!in)t our !ncient culture)#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 7e mi&ht differ on m!n" m!tter) in connection 'ith thi)
Code5 but nobod"B) purpo)e 'ill be )ervedG neither mine5 nor "our)Gb" tr"in& to belittle
our &re!t !ncient )!&e)# The" !re not comin& here for !ppl!u)e# The" do not c!re for "our
r!dio prop!&!nd! !nd ne')p!per fl!)he)# The" did 'h!t the" con)idered to be in the be)t
intere)t) of the Communit"# .f tod!" "ou !re &oin& to m!%e ! d!u&hter co?e9u!l 'ith the )on
in re&!rd to inherit!nce5 . !m !fr!id ! &ood de!l of complic!tion) 'ould !ri)e# 7hen the &irl
%no') th!t )he i) &ettin& ! )h!re in her f!therB) propert"5 'hen her brother) %no' th!t their
)i)ter i) ! co?)h!rer !nd !) )uch the propert" 'ill p!)) off to )ome other f!mil" 'ith her
m!rri!&e5 'ho)e intere)t 'ould it be to m!rr" off the &irl 8 . '!nt to %no'#
Shri H# =# @!m!th4 Her o'n#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 2" honour!ble friend )!") it 'ill be the &irlB) o'n
intere)t to m!rr" !) 9uic%l" !) po))ible# . feel# Sir5 th!t )uch ! &irl 'ill find m!n" ! pitf!ll
l"in& !bout her '!"#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i 4 <ou di)tru)t her 8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 Not ! 9ue)tion of di)tru)t# The Hindu )!&e) h!ve provided
th!t m!rri!&e) )hould be ne&oti!ted in the be)t intere)t) of the p!ir b" the &u!rdi!n) of the
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 7h!t did Sh!%unt!l! do 8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . %no' th!t Sh!%unt!l! did not m!rr" th!t '!"5 but m"
friend !nd )i)terB) interruption remind) me of ! )tor"# A m!n h!d the 2!h!bh!r!t! !nd the
$!m!"!n! recited in hi) hou)e for )i( month)# There!fter lie !)%ed hi) d!u&hter# 6 <ou h!ve
he!rd the )tor"# 7h!t i) the le))on "ou derive 8 6 6 7ell56 replied the d!u&hter5 6 from the
2!h!bh!r!t! . le!rn th!t . c!n h!ve five hu)b!nd) !) r!up!di h!d five hu)b!nd)# 6 *rom the
'hole of the 2!h!bh!r!t! thi) i) !ll th!t )he le!rnt# 1n9uired !bout the le))on )he derived
from the $!m!"!n! the d!u&hter in l!' replied5 6 .t i) ver" cle!r# A) )oon !) m" hu)b!nd
die) . c!n be m!rried to m" hu)b!ndB) brother# 6 6 <ou %no' 'h!t h!ppened !fter $!v!n!
died5 hi) 'ido' 2!ndod!ri m!rried hi) brother Bibhi)!n!# 6 Sir5 !ccordin& to Hindu 3!'
there h!ve been )ever!l )")tem) of m!rri!&e# There '!) the :!ndh!rv! form of m!rri!&e for
'hich 'e h!ve not provided here5 thou&h 'e h!ve the provi)ion) in the Code for Civil
2!rri!&e to cover !ll m!nner of )uch c!)e)# So5 . )!" th!t in !n ordin!r" Hindu hou)e?hold5
under thi) codified Hindu 3!'5 "ou !re &oin& to brin& !bout ! ch!n&e in the rel!tion)hip
bet'een the v!riou) member)# .) thi) &oin& to m!%e for the )'eetne)) of rel!tion)hip or
pe!ce in home life 8
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h4 B" no me!n)#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 There i) not &oin& to be th!t )'eet rel!tion)hip bet'een
brother) !nd )i)ter) !nd )i)ter)B hu)b!nd) th!t no' e(i)t)5 bec!u)e !fter ! &irl i) m!rried5 )he
'ill h!ve her hu)b!nd or her )on or )omebod" el)e in her l!ther?in?l!'B) hou)e to control the
propert" of her l!therB) f!mil" !nd there i) bound to be bitterne))5 b!d blood !nd Ae!lou)l"
liti&!tion !nd !ll the re)t of it# /ltim!tel" the f!mil" 'ill bre!% up# Are 'e &oin& to en!ct !
Code 'hich 'ill f!cilit!te the bre!%in& up of our hou)ehold) 8 7ill the summam bonum of
Soci!l life be re!died 'hen ever" )in&le f!mil" i) bro%en up !nd dome)tic pe!ce driven !'!"
8 .t i) for "ou to con)ider 'hether thi) )hould be done# . feel th!t the)e thin&) !re bound to
Sir5 ! &irl m!" be educ!ted# But !fter her m!rri!&e 'hen )he &oe) to her f!ther?in?l!'B)
hou)e5 )he i) bein& &uided !nd dict!ted in !ll m!tter) either b" her hu)b!nd or b" )ome
rel!tion of hi) !nd it 'ill not be in her intere)t to endo' her 'ith ! )h!re in her f!therB)
propert" b" le&i)l!tion here# <ou 'ill )!" "ou 'ill p!)) !nother le&i)l!tion to prevent her
from bein& dict!ted in re)pect of the propert" )he h!) &ot from her f!ther# .f "ou !re &oin& to
endle))l" le&i)l!te in th!t '!"5 in order th!t "ou m!" h!ve the intellectu!l )!ti)f!ction of
h!vin& ! Hindu Code5 . 'ould le!ve "ou !lone# . therefore5 thin% th!t thi) i) ! revolution!r"
ch!n&e !nd thi) )hould not be introduced# Thi) doe) not me!n th!t . !m !&!in)t m!%in&
provi)ion for &irl)# B" !ll me!n) m!%e provi)ion for them# 2!%e !n" provi)ion for unm!rried
&irl)# 2!%e her m!rri!&e !nd her educ!tion the fir)t ch!r&e on her f!therB) propert"# 2!%e it
!b)olute ch!r&e on th!t properl" )o th!t on her m!rri!&e 'hen )he 'ill be !b)orbed in the
f!mil" of her hu)b!nd5 )he 'ill be dive)ted of her intere)t in her f!therB) propert"# But th!t i)
not 'h!t "ou !re doin&# <ou t!l% of e9u!lit" of )e(5 Au)tice !nd f!irne)) but !re !llo'in& the
&irl the ri&ht to inherit not onl" her f!therB) propert" e9u!ll" 'ith the )on5 but !l)o to )h!re
her hu)b!ndB) propert" or f!ther?in?l!'B) propert"# Thi) i) e9u!lit" 'ith ! ven&e!nce# The &irl
)hould not &et properl" from both )ide)# Thi) 'ill !l)o le!d to further fr!&ment!tion of
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i 4 The bo" 'ill &et ! )h!re of hi) motherB) propert" 8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 A d!u&hter 'hether m!rried5 unm!rried or 'ido'ed 'ill
&et her motherB) propert"# 3et m" honour!ble friend re!d the Hindu 3!'# 1ven !) it i) under
the Hindu 3!'5 !ll c!te&orie) of d!u&hter) !re entitled to Str!!dhana propert"#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!h!i4 No5 no5 no5 no#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 . )!"5 "e)5 "e)5 "e)5 "e)# Thu) the d!u&hter i) provided
!ccordin& to the pre)ent Hindu 3!'# . c!nnot &o on correctin& the mi)!pprehen)ion) of
other)# The Hindu l!' i) there# The member) of the le&!l profe))ion %no' it# . need not
l!bour the point . believe5 th!t there i) )ure to be more fr!&ment!tion# Thi) 'ill inevit!bl"
le!d to incre!)ed te)t!ment!r" di)po)ition !nd con)e9uent liti&!tion !nd ultim!te ruin!tion#
An Honour!ble 2ember4 Alre!d" there i) fr!&ment!tion#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 <e)5 but t'o 'ron&) do not m!%e one ri&ht# Bec!u)e there
i) fr!&ment!tion !lre!d"5 i) no !r&ument for m!%in& provi)ion for further Bfr!&ment!tion in
the )h!pe of more )h!re) to properl"#
Sir5 in thi) field of inherit!nce5 !nother innov!tion h!) been introduced !nd . thin% th!t i)
the mo)t dev!)t!tin& of !ll ch!n&e)#
Shri B# !) 4 Th!t i) not the principle of the Bill# <ou c!n drop it#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 7h!t i) the principle of the Bill 8
Shri B# !)C . !m referrin& to p!rtition !nd th!t i) not the m!in principle#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 The )")tem of inherit!nce i) the b!c%bone 0f the Bill#
/nder thi) Bill "ou !re &oin& to )cr!p the 2it!%)h!r! l!'# 2!%e no mi)t!%e !bout it# The
ri&ht to propert" b" birth !nd )urvivor)hip5 'hich i) the b!)ic found!tion of 2it!%)h!r! l!'5
i) &oin& to be )'ept !'!"# Thi) 2it!%)h!r! )")tem of l!' h!) been &overnin& the countr" for
hundred) of "e!r) till there '!) evolved in Ben&!l the !"!bh!&! l!' founded on the
principle of n!tur!l Au)tice !nd !ffection# 2!n" of m" friend) 'ho !re )upporter) of the Bill
h!ve told me th!t . )hould be the l!)t per)on to oppo)e it in!)much !) it introduce) the
principle of inherit!nce enunci!ted in the Dayabhaga l!' of m" province# 2" repl" to them
'!) th!t th!t '!) no )!ti)f!ction to me# . do not '!nt even if the 'ell?me!nin& Soci!l
$eformer) in .ndi! '!nt) th!t th!t )")tem )hould be !dopted# 1ven if ! )uperm!n or dict!tor
come) !nd tell) me4 B 3oo% here5 the l!' of inherit!nce in Ben&!l )hould be m!de !pplic!ble
to !ll .ndi! B5 . 'ould be the *ir)t m!n to r!i)e m" voice of prote)t !&!in)t it# The old )")tem
h!) )tood the te)t of lime# The ch!n&e mi&ht )uit m" province5 but not !ll .ndi!# . do not '!nt
th!t thi) Mitakshara l!' of inherit!nce )hould be )cr!pped in f!vour of one 'hich i) neither
the Mitakshara l!' of inherit!nce nor the Dayabhaga l!'# .t i) ! h"brid mi(ture of both
'hich i) conducive to the 'elf!re of none5 tendin& to brin& !bout the di)inter&!tion !nd
do'nf!ll of Hindu )ociet" !) it 'ill completel" un)ettle ! 'ell )ettled order of thin&)#
. thin% . h!ve e(h!u)ted the p!tience of the Hou)e !nd mu)t brin& m" )peech to ! clo)e#
($onourabl! M!mb!rs ) B No5 no B) . h!ve de!lt 'ith inherit!nce5 . h!ve de!lt 'ith m!rri!&e# .
feel th!t tho)e t'o br!nche) of Hindu l!' 'hich !re )ou&ht to be dr!)tic!ll" !mended )hould
&et fuller con)ider!tion# But it 'ill be ! tr!&ed" for .ndi!5 for the Hindu )ociet"5 if in the
n!me of reform5 "ou uproot the Hindu) from their )!fe !nd !ncient moorin&) 'hich h!ve
protected them from the )tre)) !nd )torm of centurie)# 3et me !&!in repe!t th!t our Sh!)tr!)5
be)ide) m!%in& el!bor!te provi)ion) for !ll m!tter) of )oci!l life5 left ! 'ide field to 'ell?
e)t!bli)hed loc!l cu)tom) !nd u)!&e)# The" h!ve been ver" )!lut!r" in their effect5 !)
)t!bili)in& force) in )ociet"# .f 'e i&nore them !nd m!%e ! feti)h of codific!tion 'e 'ill c!)t
Hindu 3!' into ! mould !b)olutel" infle(ible5 ri&id !nd c!)t ironC 'e 'ill be importin& into
it unnece))!ril" ! ch!r!cter 'hich never belon& to it# 7e 'ill be tr!n)formin& it into
)omethin&5 'hich 'ill never be !ble to !dAu)t it)elf to the need) of time)5 !) it h!) been in the
Sir5 before . conclude# . 'ill touch on the !r&ument 'hich h!) been !dv!nced here !l)o5
but 'hich h!) been ver" li&htl" bru)hed !)ide b" tho)e 'ho do not li%e it# .t h!) been !r&ued
G!nd . believe perfectl" ri&htl"Gth!t thi) 3e&i)l!ture i) not competent to de!l 'ith it#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 3e&!ll" incompetent 8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 <e)# . feel th!t it i) not competent# .n !n" c!)e5 if "ou t!%e
)helter behind le&!l form!tion5 . 'ill tell "ou5 mor!ll" "ou h!ve !b)olutel" no Au)tific!tion for
p!))in& thi) Code# . %no' thi) obAection '!) r!i)ed not onl" from people li%e u)5 but b"
people ver" hi&hl" pl!ced in the politic!l life of thi) countr"5 b" people 'ith hi&h politic!l
)t!tureC for in)t!nce5 b" ! m!n of the eminence !nd )t!ndin& of the Honour!ble r#$!Aendr!
;r!)!d5 the ;re)ident of the .ndi!n Con)tituent A))embl"5 the )overei&n bod" b" 'hich in
)e!)on !nd out of )e!)on5 'e !re !ll )'e!rin&# . '!nt to %no' 'hether or not hi) vie')
de)erve our be)t con)ider!tion# ;er)on!ll"5 . h!ve ver" &re!t re)pect for him# He i) not onl"
the uncro'ned mon!rch of Bih!r5 but he i) one of the undi)puted le!der) of .ndi!# r#
$!Aendr! ;r!)!d h!) &iven the cle!re)t po))ible indic!tion# He %no') not onl" the people of
Bih!r but Ben&!l !) 'ell !nd !l)o other province)# He )!l up hi) pr!ctice in C!lcutt! !nd upto
the middle of hi) life he lived in C!lcutt!# .t i) not for nothin& th!t he &!ve the '!rnin& th!t
the Con)tituent A))embl" con)tituted !) it i) tod!"5 ou&ht not to di)cu)) ! le&i)l!tive me!)ure
of thi) n!ture# . c!n )pe!% for m")elf# . c!nnot )pe!% for other)# . hone)tl" feel th!t . h!ve
!b)olutel" no ri&ht5 le&!l or mor!l to be ! p!rt" to !n" me!)ure5 !n" le&i)l!tion5 'hich i) not
!b)olutel" nece))!r" for the d!" to d!" !dmini)tr!tion# . '!) re)umed to the Con)tituent
A))embl" 'ith four vote) onl"# . c!n hone)tl" decl!re here !nd no' th!t 'hen . )ou&ht !ll
tho)e four vote) from the 2ember) of the 7e)t Ben&!l 3e&i)l!tive A))embl"5 . never
promi)ed them th!t . 'ould &ive them the ri&ht of divorce# Neither did the" !)% for it# .
decl!re th!t . never promi)ed them th!t . '!) &oin& to )cr!p up the l!' of inherit!nce# . never
told them th!t . '!) &oin& to the Con)tituent A))embl" to cre!te ! fre)h ;ortfolio !nd !
2ini)tr" of 2!rri!&e5 bec!u)e . feel th!t )uch !n in)titution 'ill be nece))!r" here in the
Centr!l :overnment5 if thi) Bill &oe) throu&h# 3oo% !t the form!litie) th!t h!ve been
provided here# So5 per)on!ll" )pe!%in&5 . feel th!t . h!ve no ri&ht to &ive m" !))ent or di))ent
to thi)# . c!n onl" tell the Hou)e th!t . !m not competent5 bec!u)e . h!d no )pecific m!nd!te
from m" Con)tituenc" to do it# 7hen . c!me in throu&h the :ener!l 1lection) there 'ere
cle!r i))ue) before the Countr" )uch !) the !tt!inment of the freedom of the countr" !nd !ll
the re)t of it C !nd the l!)t time 'e c!me here5 'e 'ere enAoined onl" to dr!' the Con)titution
of .ndi!# Therefore5 it mi&ht &r!tif" our v!nit" th!t 'e !) member) of the )overei&n
le&i)l!ture of the l!nd !re competent to en!ct )uch ! le&i)l!tion but the cl!im i) )horn of !ll
mor!l content 'h!tever# Nothin& 'ould h!ve been lo)t if 'e h!d deferred the con)ider!tion
of thi) Bill to )ome future d!te !fter the ne(t :ener!l 1lection)# . emph!tic!ll" m!int!in5 2r#
Ch!irm!n5 th!t the time cho)en for it) p!))!&e throu&h thi) Hou)e h!) been mo)t importune#
After the !tt!inment of independence5 problem) !fter problem) h!ve been confrontin& the
N!tion!l :overnment# H!ve 'e been !ble to )olve them 8 7e h!ve not# Are 'e in the
countr" ver" popul!r 8 B" B'eB . me!n B !ll B includin& th!t )ide# No# *r!n%l"5 bec!u)e 'e
r!i)ed e(pect!tion) 'hich 'e h!ve not been !ble to fulfil# Th!t m!" be due to ! v!riet" of
c!u)e) over 'hich 'e h!ve h!d no controlC th!t m!" be due to !n interpl!" of force)5 'hich
too% u) un!'!re)5 !b)olutel" unprep!red# But throu&hout the countr" "ou find )immerin&
di)content# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 . do not feel inclined to di)clo)e m" identit" !) ! member of
the le&i)l!ture5 of the Con)tituent A))embl"5 'hen . tr!vel in ! r!il'!" comp!rtment5 bec!u)e
the moment the" come to %no' th!t5 the" )t!rt vi&orou)l" critici)in& u)#
Shri B# 3# Sondhi (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l) 4 Then &o b" !ir#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 . h!ve )t!rted &oin& b" !ir# Nuite true# There !l)o . f!re no
better# . !m not Ao%in&# . re!ll" feel th!t the countr" h!) become )ic% of u)5 di)!ppointed of u)
bec!u)e of our f!ilure to do !n"thin& re!l for the common m!n# Hitherto there h!d been the
@!)hmir 9ue)tion# There i) the 9ue)tion of commodit" price)# <e)terd!" 'e h!d ! brilli!nt
perform!nce 'ith the unfortun!teG enh!ncement of po)t?c!rd r!te !nd the price of cloth#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 The honour!ble 2ember m!" confine him)elf to the Bill#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 . !m onl" )!"in& th!t the ri)e in price) of commoditie)5
l!bour )tri%e)5 the Communi)t men!ce5 refu&ee problem etc# h!ve been too much for the
&overnment# .) thi) the time for u) to &o on 'ith thi) lu(ur" of Soci!l reform le&i)l!tion5 !nd
! ver" hi&hl" controver)i!l le&i)l!tion !t th!t 8 .t i) )ure to &ive ri)e to the bittere)t !crimon" C
!nd !) ! m!tter of f!ct5 it h!) !lre!d" brou&ht !bout ! lot of !crimoniou) controver)"# .
believe honour!ble member) h!ve been !lre!d" flooded 'ith liter!ture (0nt!rruption )# 0f
cour)e5 from the Anti?Hindu Committee5 !nd )imil!r )ocietie) !nd !))oci!tion) from C!lcutt!
!nd el)e'here# . h!ve &ot prote)t) from the 7omenB) A))oci!tion in ;oon!5 . h!ve &ot
prote)t) from 7omenB) A))oci!tion in Ben&!l5 the member) of 'hich come from the hi&he)t
!ri)tocr!c" in the l!nd# . h!ve not %no'n of !n" B!r A))oci!tion in Ben&!l 'hich h!) not
prote)ted !&!in)t thi)# . h!ve not %no'n !n" B!r A))oci!tion) 'hich h!ve )upported thi) Bill#
. h!ve in m" po))e))ion perh!p) the 'hole liter!ture th!t h!) been circul!ted )o f!r in
connection 'ith thi) Bill# . h!ve cl!))ified it !nd the de!d 'ei&ht of opinion i) !in)t it5
9u!lit!tivel" !nd 9u!ntit!tivel"# . !&!in )!" th!t the time i) not opportune# At 'hen5
!ccordin& to our ;rime 2ini)terB) !ppe!l 'e )hould clo)e our r!n%)5 put our he!d) to&ether5
devote !ll our lime !nd ener&" !nd 'or% in !mit" !nd concord )o th!t 'e m!" )olve the
problem) of the l!nd5 'e )hould not &ive !nother c!u)e for di)ruption5 !nother c!u)e for
di)cord or &rou)e or di)content in the countr"# . do feel nothin& i) to be lo)t if 'e )helve thi)
Bill for the lime bein&# .f th!t i) not done5 then5 of cour)e5 . promi)e th!t . 'ill h!ve to
oppo)e thi) Bill !t ever" )t!&e# . oppo)e thi) Bill5 bec!u)e . feel th!t it i) ! 'holl"
un'!rr!nted me!)ure !nd th!t there h!) been no dem!nd in the countr" for ! le&i)l!tion of
thi) %ind# . oppo)e it bec!u)e . feel th!t in !ll )oci!l le&i)l!tion) 'e mu)t &o )lo' !nd th!t 'e
c!nnot brin& !bout l!r&e )c!le )oci!l reform b" le&i)l!tion !lone# The reform) 'ill h!ve to
come from 'ithin b" force of public opinion 'hich h!) to be cre!ted in)ide the )ociet"#
Thirdl"5 . oppo)e bec!u)e of the mo)t irre&ul!r m!nner in 'hich thi) Bill i) )ou&ht to be
p!))ed in thi) Hou)e# . oppo)e bec!u)e . feel th!t . !m not mor!ll" competent to di)cu)) thi)
Bill !nd p!)) it in the 3e&i)l!ture !) it i) con)tituted !t pre)ent# . oppo)e thi) Bill bec!u)e .
feel th!t it h!) brou&ht in r!dic!l ch!n&e) in the concept of m!rri!&e5 in the )cheme of Hindu
3!' includin& the l!' of inherit!nce !nd )ucce))ion# . oppo)e it bec!u)e . feel th!t it 'ill
cre!te endle)) !nd needle)) complic!tion) includin& )uch thin&) !) Civil 2!rri!&e $e&i)ter5
S!cr!ment!l 2!rri!&e $e&i)ter5 2!rri!&e Notice Boo%5 irector :ener!l of 2!rri!&e)5
$e&i)tr!r :ener!l) of 2!rri!&e)5 2ini)tr" of 2!rri!&e)5 !nd )o on !nd )o forth# . oppo)e it
on the further &round th!t it 'ould &ive ri)e to bitterne))5 di)union !nd di)cord in our
f!milie) le!din& to the di)inte&r!tion of )ociet"# . oppo)e it on the further &round th!t it i)
undemocr!tic in!)much !) ! v!)t bod" of opinion in the countr" i) !&!in)t it# .n vie' of !ll
the)e5 . feel . !m mor!ll" c!lled upon to oppo)e thi) Bill 'ith !ll the force !t m" comm!nd#
7ith the)e fe' 'ord)5 "e)5 the)e !re fe' 'ord) in vie' of the enormit" of the le&i)l!tion#
.n vie' of the &r!vit" of the i))ue) involved C the)e !re fe' 'ord) in vie' of the oppo)ition it
h!) rou)ed !nd the repercu))ion it 'ill h!ve on the )ociet"# An"bod" 'ho re!ll" '!nt)
)ociet" to be protected !&!in)t thi) men!ce comin& from the le&i)l!ture c!nnot but be
!rticul!te !nd di)cur)iveC he h!) to devote time to the full !nd di)p!))ion!te con)ider!tion of
thin&)C he mu)t &ive hi) humble bit of !dvice of c!ution to the le&i)l!tor) )o th!t the" m!" not
drive u) !lon& the 'ron& p!th !nd th!t the )ociet" m!" not )lip do'n the declivit" into ruin#
The Honour!ble Shri N# =# :!d&il4 . h!ve been )ome'h!t provo%ed to p!rticip!te in the
di)cu))ion on ! Bill 'hich undoubtedl" i) revolution!r"# . h!ve he!rd 'ith the &re!te)t
re)pect the )peech of m" honour!ble friend 'ith 'hom . h!d the honour to 'or% in thi)
Hou)e for more th!n ten "e!r)# .f there i) !n"thin& 'hich di)tin&ui)he) him mo)t5 it i) hi)
e!rne)tne)) 'hich i) onl" e9u!lled b" hi) &re!t elo9uence# . entirel" !&ree 'ith him th!t in
m!tter) of )oci!l reform one mu)t &o )lo'# 0n th!t point5 . h!ve not the )li&hte)t doubt# But
thi) Bill h!) proceeded )o )lo' th!t )ome of u) h!ve ri&htl" compl!ined th!t it h!) not been
p!))ed much e!rlier# A) f!r !) . %no'5 thi) Bill or !t le!)t the m!in provi)ion) of thi) Bill
h!ve been before the hou)e or it) predece))or !nd before the countr" includin& the member)
of the B!r for ne!rl" ei&ht "e!r)# .t c!nnot be )!id b" !n" )tretch of im!&in!tion th!t thi) Bill
h!) t!%en either thi) Hou)e or the countr" b" )urpri)e#
. 'ell remember in 194+5 !t the time of the &ener!l election)5 . '!) oppo)ed b" cert!in
&roup) preci)el" bec!u)e . )tood for )oci!l reform5 bec!u)e . )tood for the codific!tion of the
Hindu 3!'# The ver" f!ct th!t . '!) elected !nd . !m )till here i) !n indic!tion th!t . c!rr"
the vie') of m" con)tituenc"#
A point h!) been m!de b" m" honour!ble friend ;!ndit 2!itr! th!t thi) Hou)e i) not
competent to p!)) ! le&i)l!tion of thi) ch!r!cter# . thin% thi) obAection . h!ve he!rd )o often in
the cour)e of the l!)t fifteen "e!r) th!t ever" lime 'hen ! )oci!l reform Bill '!) before the
Hou)e5 the )!me obAection '!) r!i)ed# 7ith 'h!t re)ult5 ever"bod" %no')# .f thi) Hou)e i)
competent to p!)) the Con)titution for free .ndi!5 . f!il to )ee ho' it i) not competent to p!))
thi) le&i)l!tion# A) if to reinforce the !&reement 'ith ! per)on!l !ppe!l5 m" honour!ble friend
;!ndit 2!itr! referred to the vie') e(pre))ed b" Honour!ble r# $!Aendr! ;r!)!d# . h!ve5
!nd5 in f!ct5 ever" per)on in thi) Hou)e h!)5 ever" re)pect for Honour!ble r# $!Aendr!
;r!)!d# <et5 there i) ! dut" 'hich ever" member of thi) Hou)e o'e) to hi) con)cience !nd to
hi) con)tituenc" !nd to thi) &re!t countr" in 'hich he live) !bove ever"thin&5 not merel" !) !
le&i)l!tor5 but !) ! per)on 'ho vi)u!li)e) the recon)truction of Hindu )ociet" !nd he 'ould be
f!ilin& in hi) dut" if he 'ere to t!%e into con)ider!tion onl" the per)on!l vie') of one
eminent per)on or !nother eminent per)on# 7hen . )!" thi)5 . )!" it in no )pirit of di)re)pect5
but bec!u)e . feel dut" i) hi&her th!n !n" re)pect for !n" individu!l#
The m!in point i)5 h!) the time not come for the codific!tion of the Hindu l!' C h!) the
time not come for the introduction of cert!in reform) in the )")tem of m!rri!&e5 !doption5
inherit!nce !nd !ll other thin&) 'hich &o to con)titute 'h!t i) &ener!ll" %no'n !) the Hindu
3!'# The )ource) of Hindu 3!' !re )o m!n"# . do not '!nt to dil!te on thi) !nd . do not
'!nt to t!%e much time of the Hou)e# But there i) ! cle!r c!)e e)t!bli)hed th!t there mu)t be
)ome uniformit"5 )ome definition) !bout the interpret!tion of the l!'# .f the l!' i) not cle!r5
if the l!' i) not uniform5 the )t!bilit" of )ociet" )uffer)# .f 'e h!ve different interpret!tion)
of ! p!rticul!r te(t b" h!lf ! doJen Hi&h Court)5 . thin% the time h!) come 'hen !ll thi) mu)t
be put !n end to#
*urther5 m" honour!ble friend )u&&e)ted th!t 'e !re !ttemptin& to de)tro" Hindu Societ"#
2" o'n feelin& i) th!t5 here !re !bout E9, per)on) 'ho !re in clo)e cont!ct 'ith Hindu
Societ"C here 'e c!n come to&ether5 ventil!te our vie') !nd come to )ome !&reement !nd
!dAu)tment !nd p!)) ! le&i)l!tion c!lcul!ted to )ecure the further pro&re)) of Hindu Societ"#
7hen 2!nu5 ;!r!)h!r! !nd <!&n"!v!l%"! 'rote their smritis, the" h!d not the benefit5 .
)hould )!"5 of !n" le&i)l!ture# The" 'ere undoubtedl" &re!t men B5 but . do not thin% th!t the
r!ce of &re!t men died 'ith them# 0n m" left5 . find ! per)on )o &re!t in )chol!r)hip !nd
ch!r!cter th!t it 'ould not be 'ron& on m" p!rt to comp!re him 'ith )ome of the old $i)hi)
!nd l!' &iver)# .f tod!"5 in !ddition to hi) o'n 'i)dom !nd le!rnin&5 he re9ui)ition) the help
!nd co?oper!tion of !ll the E9, per)on)5 . thin% hi) h!nd) !re )tren&thened !nd hi) vie')
ou&ht to !ppe!l to u)#
The m!in point5 !) . )!id '!)5 h!) the time come for cert!in reform) !nd h!) the time
come for the codific!tion of Hindu 3!' 8 .f the time h!) come5 it m!%e) no difference
'hether one m!n promul&!te) ! Code !nd the countr" !ccept) it5 or 'hether it i) !ccepted b"
the proce)) of di)cu))ion in ! democr!tic m!nner !nd the countr" !ccept) it# The m!in point
i) to Aud&e it 'ithout p!))ion5 'ithout preAudice !nd 'ithout enterin& into !n" e(tremi)t
con)ider!tion)# 7e h!ve in thi) Hou)e to Aud&e it purel" on merit) !nd not on )entiment!l
After !ll5 'h!t i) it th!t i) in thi) Code 8 1(cept for the 9ue)tion of inherit!nce5 there i)
nothin& to 'hich 'e h!ve not li)tened )o often !nd to 'hich 'e h!ve not !&reed
)ub)t!nti!ll"# 2" o'n vie' i) th!t there !re t'o import!nt thin&) on 'hich the controver)" i)
centered# 0ne i) m!rri!&e4 the other i) endin& of the co?p!rcen!r" in Hindu 3!'# So f!r !)
m!rri!&e i) concerned5 there 4) nothin& revolution!r" in thi)# .n the)e d!")5 'hen ever"thin&
i) pointin& to'!rd) St!te control more !nd more5 !nd 'hen 'e !re t!l%in& of n!tion!liJ!tion5
. thin% the onl" )phere for priv!te enterpri)e i) m!rri!&e#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 3et th!t !l)o be n!tion!li)edK
The Honour!ble Shri N# =# :!d&il 4 No' in thi) Bill ! &olden me!n i) )truc%# The entr"
!nd e(it in thi) )phere i) )o re&ul!ted th!t ! modern m!n comin& from the 7e)t 'ould
cert!inl" l!u&h !t our b!c%'!rdne))# He 'ould )!" if m!rri!&e i) ! m!tter 'hich i) c!lcul!ted
to )ecure the hi&he)t h!ppine)) for both5 then one of the &round) for divorce mu)t be
incomp!tibilit" of temper!ment# H!ve "ou &one up to th!t 8 The &round) in the Bill !re ver"
n!rro'# .n f!ct5 . )!" th!t thi) i) ! ver" moder!te me!)ure# <ou do not e(pect ! 'ife to c!rr"
on 'ith ! lun!tic5 ! leper etc# !nd there i) nothin& in thi) Bill 'hich run) contr!r" to the
provi)ion) of Smriti) or 'hich i) incon)i)tent 'ith the &eniu) of Hindu )ociet" !nd culture#
2o)t of u) %no' the Smriti.
The)e !re the &round) &iven in the !ncient te(t !nd if )omethin& !ppro(im!tin& to th!t i)
not !v!il!ble tod!" in Hindu )ociet"5 it i) bec!u)e 'e h!ve become )t!&n!nt !nd !ll the)e
d"n!mic ur&e) for pro&re)) h!ve ce!)ed to oper!te# After !ll 'ho5 !nd to 'h!t e(tent of
Hindu )ociet" 'ill thi) effect 8 Spe!%in& for m" o'n province5 9+ percent h!ve !lre!d" )ome
)ort of divorce5 not !) ! m!tter of l!'5 but !) ! m!tter of cu)tom# .t i) onl" the t'o or three
percent of people of the upper cl!))e) 'ho !re oppo)ed to it# But t!%in& ! f!ir vie'5 the
educ!ted )ection i) completel" for it#
0n the one h!nd . !&ree th!t divorce mu)t not be m!de ver" che!p !nd th!t
incomp!tibilit" of temper!ment )hould not be one of the &round)# But !t the )!me time5
m!rri!&e )hould not be con)idered ! life )entence5 if it virtu!ll" come) to th!t# After !ll5 Au)t
!) m!rri!&e h!) !n individu!l !)pect5 it h!) !l)o ! )oci!l !)pect# .f the t'o )pou)e) do not
!&ree5 then the bic%erin& !nd the bitterne)) !nd the l!c% of h!rmon" i) not confined merel" to
the precinct) of the f!mil" but it h!) 'ider !pplic!tion !nd effect5 !nd )ociet" !nd the &ener!l
!tmo)phere round!bout !l)o )uffer# .f it i) the de)ire of !n" l!' &iver th!t 'h!tever piece of
le&i)l!tion he '!nt) to &et throu&h it mu)t h!ve the c!p!cit" of )ecurin& the re)ult)
contempl!ted then 'e h!ve to Aud&e 'hether 'h!t h!) been !ll !lon& 'ith u) h!) re!ll" &iven
u) the re)ult 'e h!ve !)%ed for# .t i) ! m!tter for intro)pection# .f tod!" 'e !re providin&
)ome '!" out from 'edloc% in order to m!%e people5 'ho !re re!dil" not h!pp" to &et out of
it5 'e !re onl" doin& 'h!t . thin% i) our )oci!l dut"#
So f!r !) m!rri!&e i) concerned5 . f!il to )ee ho' 'e c!n obAect to m!rri!&e) bet'een
per)on) belon&in& to different c!)te)# .n the "e!r 19495 it 'ould be ! )!d comment!r" on our
pro&re))ive outloo% if ! )in&le per)on )hould )t!nd up here !nd )!"G'ell5 m!rri!&e)
bet'een per)on) belon&in& to different c!)te) )hould not be le&!li)ed# .n free .ndi!5 . thin%
there i) onl" one c!)te5 the c!)te of free men 4 !nd one reli&ion !nd th!t reli&ion of hum!nit"#
(Sliri $. *. Kamath, / And free 'omenK B)# Thi) reform h!) been before thi) countr" )o lon&
th!t tho)e 'ho feel th!t this me!n) di))olution of Hindu )ociet"5 !re enemie) of pro&re)) C
)uch ! Hindu )ociet" in m" opinion ou&ht to be di))olved# 7h!t i) thi) th!t ! m!n )hould be
c!lled untouch!ble bec!u)e he i) born in ! p!rticul!r c!)te# . h!ve never )een ! bo" born 'ith
! broom 4 . h!ve never )een ! bo" born in ! Br!hmin f!mil" 'ith ! Cugnopavita, nor ! bo"
born in ! 2!r'!ri f!mil" 'ith ! ara#u. All !re born Shudras !nd !fter Sanskara ! m!n
!tt!in) hi&her )t!tu) !nd 'hen he h!) &one throu&h the different )t!&e) of le!rnin& !nd
!ccompli)hment he become) ! Shrotriya, Here i) the re!l )pirit of Hindui)m5 not the )pirit
'hich i) evinced b" )ome of our old S!n!nt!nic friend) here !nd out)ide# .f the obAect of thi)
&re!t countr"5 !) h!) been often &iven out to be i) to m!%e ! cl!))le)) )ociet"5 then 'e mu)t
)ee to it th!t proper in)titution5 both )oci!l !nd politic!l !re evolved !nd enl!r&ed# . therefore
con)ider th!t 'h!tever recommend!tion) !re m!de in thi) Code !) re&!rd) m!rri!&e !re not
onl" !b)olutel" nece))!r"5 but the" do not &o f!r enou&h# But !) . !&ree 'ith m" honour!ble
friend# ;!ndit 2!itr!5 th!t in )oci!l m!tter) 'e ou&ht to be )lo'5 . !m 'illin& to !ccept thi)
po)ition for the time bein&#
The mo)t controver)i!l p!rt of the 'hole thin& i) the elimin!tion of the cop!rcen!r" from
Hindu )ociet"# Somethin& '!) )!id of public opinion# Somethin& '!) )!id of the pre)) !nd
the b!r# .n m" o'n province there i) !n !))oci!tion c!lled the B h!rm! Nirn!"! 2!nd!l B5 .n
thi) 2!nd!l !re to be found 2!hm!hop!d"!"! T!r%!tirth =id"!v!ch!)p!ti men of hi&h
le!rnin& !nd )chol!r)hip# =er" recentl" the" h!ve p!))ed ! re)olution !nd e(pre))ed vie') on
the propo)ed Hindu Code4G
6The h!rm! Nirn!"! 2!nd!l t!%e) thi) opportunit"5 'hen the Hindu Code i) on the
!nvil for con)ider!tion in the pre)ent )e))ion of the A))embl"5 to e(pre)) it) !ppreci!tion of
the &ener!l liber!liJin& influence 'hich i) brou&ht to be!r in the fr!me'or% of the pre)ent
code# The 2!nd!l )ee) thi) influence cle!rl" in the remov!l ofG
(!) di)tinction re&!rdin& Aoint !nce)tr!l !nd )elf?!c9uired propert"4 (b) different
tre!tment of )on) !nd d!u&hter)4 (c) technic!l difficultie) in the interpret!tion of
7omenB) 1)t!teC !nd (d) di)tinction) bet'een Mitakshara !nd Dayabhaya rule) of
The 2!nd!l believe) th!t the !bove reform) 'ill &o ! &re!t de!l to minimi)e court
liti&!tion) !nd fo)ter n!tion!l )pirit !nd en&ender ! feelin& of onene)) b" thi) one Hindu
Code bein& m!de to !ppl" to !ll Hindu) in the 'hole of .ndi!# The 2!nd!l note) thi) !) the
fir)t !ttempt ever m!de in thi) direction 'ithin hi)toric!l memor"#
Thi) i) the re!)on5 'h" in )pite of )ever!l difference) in minor det!il)5 the 2!nd!l
he!rtil" )upport) the pre)ent me!)ure !) it i)#6
B!bu $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h4 7h!t people do the" repre)ent 8 The Honour!ble r# B# $#
Ambed%!r4 The" !re mo)t le!rned !nd orthodo( men#
The Honour!ble Shri N# =# :!d&il 4 But enli&htened orthodo(# No'5 . come to the
9ue)tion of Aoint Hindu f!mil"# The hou)e 'ill no doubt !&ree 'ith me th!t ! pro&re))ive
)ociet" ou&ht to ch!n&e 'ith the ch!n&e in lime) !nd th!t it )hould evolve !ppropri!te
in)titution) both of propert" !nd of l!')# The time h!) no' come to !))e)) di)p!))ion!tel"
the merit) of the Aoint f!mil" )")tem5 both !) !n in)titution to )ecure f!mil" h!ppine)) !nd !)
!n in)titution of propert"# 1ven tod!"5 if )omebod" &ive) me convincin& !r&ument) !bout the
benefit) of the Aoint Hindu f!mil"5 . !m prep!red to he!r him5 for . !m not do&m!ticG. feel
th!t truth i) the re!l thin&5 not pre)ti&e for one) o'n vie')#
No'5 t!%in& the fir)t point5 h!) the Aoint f!mil" )")tem )ecured h!ppine)) for the
individu!l member) of the f!mil" 8 . !m not )pe!%in& B'h!t the d!u&hter)?in?l!' feel 'hen
the" h!ve to live in ! bi& f!mil"# 7h!t . h!ve )een !nd he!rd definitel" &oe) to )ho' th!t )o
f!r !) h!ppine)) !nd h!rmon" !re concerned5 thi) in)titution h!) ce!)ed to be of !n" u)e or
v!lue# After !ll there i) nothin& ne' in thi)# .f out of DE crore) of Hindu) ne!rl" + crore) !re
!lre!d" &overned b" Dayabhaga !nd if th!t )")tem h!) 'or%ed 'ell5 !t le!)t one c!nnot )!"
th!t it i) !b)olutel" b!d !nd th!t 'e mu)t even thin% of it# ("n honourabl! M!mb!r) .t i)
!b)olutel" ne'#) Th!t it i) ne' there i) no doubt# But 'h!t i) the )ociet" th!t 'e !re
vi)u!li)in& for the future 8 .t i) of ! p!tri!rch!l t"pe 8 7h!t i) e(!ctl" the n!ture of the
)ociet" "ou '!nt to recon)truct 8 A) . under)t!nd5 th!t )ociet" i) &oin& to be one in 'hich
there 'ill be e9u!lit" of )t!tu) !nd e9u!lit" of opportunit" bec!u)e tho)e !re the t'o phr!)e)
'e h!ve incorpor!ted in the ;re!mble of the r!ft Con)titution# . thin% 'ith th!t ;re!mble
the Aoint f!mil" propert" )")tem i) not con)i)tent#
The re!l trouble )eem) to me to beG!fter h!vin& li)tened to the )peeche) of v!riou)
member)G'h!t i) bein& &iven to d!u&hter)# But !) !n in)titution of propert" the Aoint f!mil"
)")tem mu)t &o5 bec!u)e it concentr!te) 'e!lth# ;eople 'ill !)% me5 6 7ell5 h!) it or h!) it
not done )omethin& &ood86 . !t once !&ree th!t it h!) done )ome &ood# But )o f!r !) propert"
!)pect i) concerned5 )o f!r !) )oci!l credit !)pect i) concerned5 other !ltern!tive) h!ve !lre!d"
come into e(i)tence5 )uch !) co?oper!tive )ocietie) !nd the Aoint )toc% comp!nie)# Therefore5
there i) no need of thi) in)titution )o f!r !) the cre!tion of )oci!l credit i) concerned# A) !
mech!ni)m for bu)ine)) other !ltern!tive) h!ve come into e(i)tence !nd b" e(perience 'e
h!ve found th!t the" &ive better re)ult)# Therefore5 'e !re not de)tro"in& !n"thin& 'ithout
puttin& )omethin& in it) pl!ceC 'e !re not le!vin& the 'hole )ociet" in ! )ort of v!cuum !) it
'ere# 7h!t h!) outlived it) u)efulne)) i) bein& li9uid!ted )o th!t ne' .ndi! 'ill &o !he!d
'ith &re!ter )peed !nd m!" !tt!in &re!ter pro&re))#
No'5 the re!l trouble !) . )!id i) !bout )ome )h!re bein& &iven to the d!u&hter4 'hether it
)hould be h!lf or 'hether it )hould be )omethin& le)) !re det!il) 'hich c!n be di)cu))ed l!ter
on# But one point i) cert!in !nd th!t i) th!t the d!u&hter mu)t &et )ome )h!re# .n free .ndi! if
"ou !re onl" &oin& to )!" th!tG
!nd then )!" th!t )he )hould either &o to ! court of l!' or !)% for m!inten!nce5 . )!" it i)
not f!ir#
2" o'n feelin& i) th!t )ome difficultie) m!" !ri)e !t the be&innin&C 'hen ne'
in)titution) come5 'hen ne' thou&ht) &ener!teC )ociet" doe) t!%e )ome time to !dAu)t it)elf#
The 9ue)tion i) not 'hether the)e difficultie) !re &re!t or )m!ll4 the relev!nt 9ue)tion i)
'hether the ne' !rr!n&ement propo)ed i) &ood or b!d# .f "ou !re convinced th!t it i) &ood5
n!tur!ll" there 'ill be )ome difficult" in !dAu)tment# 7e mu)t not mind the difficult" !t !ll#
.t h!) been )u&&e)ted th!t !) )oon !) the m!rri!&e i) over the bride&room 'ill )t!rt
trouble5 b" )uin& or other'i)e5 for the )h!re 'hich hi) 'ile h!) &ot from her p!rent)# .t 'ould
be 'elcome to l!'"er)# 7ell5 'hen 'e !re tr"in& to n!tion!li)e !) much !) po))ible5 'h!t
little 'ill be left 'ill not be of &re!t con)e9uence5 th!t people 'ould &o to the court for !
)m!ll )h!re of it# .n time) to come there 'ill be little left both for the bo" !nd the &irl# 1ven if
it le!d) to liti&!tion5 doe) it me!n th!t 'e )hould not do Au)tice8 Bec!u)e ! &ood thin& m!" be
!bu)ed b" ! fe'5 doe) it me!n th!t it )hould be denied to !ll8 .t i) for the Hou)e to decide# .t
i) hi&h time th!t the &ener!l t!l% of e9u!lit" of )e( mu)t be follo'ed b" e9u!lit" of
o'ner)hip of propert"# .f 'e do not do th!t 'e 'ill h!ve to f!ce the ch!r&e of h"pocri)"#
2" honour!ble friend ;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! h!) prophe)ied !ll )ort) of trouble for
the &re!t Hindu )ociet"# Such prophet) h!ve !l'!") been there in the p!)t !nd the" h!ve
!l'!") proved f!l)e# . h!ve not the )li&hte)t doubt th!t Hindu )ociet" h!) &ot )uch ! fle(ible
n!ture th!t it h!) !b)orbed v!riou) culture) !nd if it h!) lived throu&h the !&e) )ucce))full" it
i) bec!u)e tho)e 'ho &uide the !ff!ir) of the )ociet" h!d in time )u&&e)ted ch!n&e) )uit!ble
to the time)# Th!t i) the re!)on 'h" it h!) )urvived till no'# Here i) !n !ttempt to brin& the
l!' in line 'ith public opinion# 7h!t the l!' doe) i) th!t it con)olid!te) the public opinion
but public opinion bein& d"n!mic b" it) ver" n!ture it &oe) !he!d ever" no' !nd then# .t i)
li%e ! horiJon 'hich recede) the ne!rer one &oe) to it# 2odern )ociet" b" it) ver" n!ture
pro&re))e) ver" 9uic%l"# Therefore5 'e h!ve to !dAu)t public opinion !nd the l!' of the l!nd#
There !re other me!n) b" 'hich it c!n be done5 li%e le&!l fiction or e9uit" but the be)t !nd
the hone)t '!" i) to do it b" ! piece of le&i)l!tion# . thin% here i) !n !ttempt in th!t direction#
Althou&h . !&ree th!t it i) revolution!r"5 it i) ! pl!nned revolution !nd therefore it i) &oin& to
be ! )ucce))#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . h!ve but ! )hort time !t m" di)po)!l#
(Dr. B. 9. "mb!dkar) 7h"8 <ou h!ve "our o'n time#) . me!n comp!r!tivel" )hort lime
for the enormou) )ubAect 'hich . h!ve to de!l 'ith !nd . hope the Hou)e 'ill &ive the )ubAect
th!t !mount of thou&ht !nd !ttention 'hich . h!ve &iven to it ("n honourabl! M!mb!r) 7h!t
h!ve "ou to do 'ith it 8) At the ver" out)et . !m !)%ed 'h!t . h!ve to do 'ith it# . )!" . h!ve
ever" thin& to do 'ith it# T'o ver" enormou) ch!n&e) h!ve t!%en pl!ce in the countr"# 0ne i)
th!t 'e h!ve decided to )hed our commun!l ch!r!cter !nd the other i) th!t 'e h!ve decided
to impo)e upon our)elve) the benefit) of Aoint elector!te)# C!n !n" honour!ble &entlem!n in
thi) Hou)e den" the ri&ht of ! 2u)lim to thin% in the )!me '!" !) ! l!r&e p!rt of the Hindu)
thin%8 After !ll 'e h!ve to live 'ith Hindu)# .n 7e)t Ben&!l the" form 8, per cent !nd 'e
h!ve to live 'ith them !nd thin% 'ith them# Come 'ith me to 7e)t Ben&!l# ;!ndit 2!itr!
put the c!)e of the oppo)ition in Ben&!l ver" mildl" 'hen he )!id th!t there i) )eriou)
oppo)ition to thi) Bill ####
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 There i) e9u!ll" !nd more )eriou) )upport#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Come 'ith me to 7e)t Ben&!l# . !m not )pe!%in& on beh!lf of
the orthodo( )ection# 7ith re&!rd to th!t !)pect of thi) le&i)l!tion . h!ve nothin& to do# . h!ve
cert!in )eriou) 9ue)tion) to r!i)e before the Hou)e 'hich h!ve not been r!i)ed up till no'#
The obAection in Ben&!l i) )o )eriou) th!t if !n"bod" undert!%e) ! Aourne" to !)cert!in public
opinionG(0nt!rruption. . me!n intelli&ent !nd !dv!nced public opinionGif !n"one 'ill &o
there5 if !n"one 'ill m!%e ! Aourne" from to'n to to'n in 7e)t Ben&!l5 he 'ill be f!ced 'ith
oppo)ition to the Bill from the mo)t intelli&ent )ection5 the mo)t enli&htened )ection ("n
honourabl! M!mb!r) 7hich the Honour!ble 2ember h!) not done )# . believe the
interruption i) not b!)ed upon ! thorou&h con)ider!tion of the )ubAect# . )ubmit th!t it 'ill be
!&reed th!t the member) of the b!r !re not ver" con)erv!tive people#####
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 2o)t of them !re orthodo( !nd con)erv!tive#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 The" !re not perh!p) the orthodo( )ection####
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 7h!t !bout the opinion of 2r# Atul :upt! reco&ni)ed !) one of
the mo)t eminent l!'"er) !nd cho)en b" Con&re)) for the ;!rtition Committee8
Shri @ri)hn! Ch!ndr! Sh!rm!4 oe) the l!'"er line on precedent)K
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 in )pite of the)e interruption) . )ubmit the" !re not the orthodo(
)ection)# <ou &o to !n" b!r libr!r" !nd "ou 'ill find th!t thi) Bill i) oppo)ed tooth !nd n!il#
Shri# 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 Bec!u)e their occup!tion 'ill be &one#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . do not !&ree th!t "ou elimin!te the profe))ion of the b!r b" thi)
Bill# <ou !re introducin& complic!tion) 'hich "ou c!n not thin% of# 0n the other h!nd5 .
)ubmit th!t the l!'"er) in ! different c!p!cit"5 in ! profe))ion!l c!p!cit"5 'ill th!n% thi)
Hou)e for introducin& thi) controver)i!l me!)ure# *our Aud&e) of the C!lcutt! Hi&h Court5
four !dv!nced Hindu Aud&e) of the C!lcutt! Hi&h CourtGone of 'hom no' !dorn) the
*eder!l Court 2r# B# @# 2oo%erAi h!ve )!idGth!t the l!' i) !lre!d" 'ell )ettled5 the l!' i)
'ell %no'n# The l!' m!" be different here !nd there but th!t i) due to v!riou) re!)on) into
'hich . need not no' &o# The l!' i) 'ell %no'n#
Shri A# @!run!%!r! 2enon 4 .f the l!' i) )o )ettled 'h" 3!' report) ever" 'ee%8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 .t i) bec!u)e . feel th!t m" honour!ble friend doe)not re!li)e the
)ubtletie) 'hich underlie the l!'# .n f!ct precedent) !re nece))!r"# <ou c!nnot cover !n"
po))ible c!)e in !nticip!tion b" le&i)l!tion# So precedent) !re nece))!r"# The" illumin!te
difficultie) !nd the" !re helpful in decidin& c!)e) in future# The moment m!n%ind &ive) up
precedent)5 )peci!ll" in the dom!in of l!'5 the" 'ill ce!)e to be intelli&ent !nim!l)# Th!t i)
'h" . )ubmit th!t l!'"er) 'ho !re not orthodo( people !re oppo)ed to thi) piece of
le&i)l!tion5 not bec!u)e it 'ill deprive them of their foodP
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"4 7h!t h!ppen) 'hen limited e)t!te for 'omen &oe) out in re&!rd to
liti&!tion in Ben&!l8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . onl" hope th!t m" honour!ble )i)ter Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" did
repre)ent the l!die) of Ben&!l# ("n $onourabl! M!mb!rs ) / She doe)#B) She i) onl" one )t!r
in the 'hole of 7e)t Ben&!l# . 'ill cite !t le!)t ! doJen )t!r) in oppo)ition 'ho !re e9u!ll"
'ell %no'n !) Shrim!li $enu%! $!"# She i) onl" one &uidin& )t!r le!din& the c!)e of the
Hindu)# ###
Shri $# @# Sidhv! (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l)4 The onl" )t!r#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 There !re hundred) of 'omen 'ho h!ve &one to No!%h!li !nd
other pl!ce)# There !re m!n" &uidin& )t!r) in Ben&!l4 the)e 'omen )oci!l 'or%er) !re !ll
le!din& )t!r)5 ?but the" !ll )upport the Hindu Code#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . )ubmit th!t m" honour!ble )i)ter h!) not the e(perience of
liti&!tion# He h!) not lived in the l!'# .f he h!d lived it he 'ould h!ve )een the enormou)
po))ibilitie)# # # # Honour!ble 2ember) 4 S!" B )he B#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4P for ! &ood thrivin& bu)ine))# There i) no difference bet'een
he !nd )he# Accordin& to the l!te)t )t!nd!rd) B he B include) B )he B
. )ubmit l!die) )hould no lon&er be c!lled 6 )he 65 but the" )hould be c!lled 6 he 6#
The l!'"er) !re !&!in)t thi) me!)ure# Their f!mil" )")tem 'ill be )eriou)l" di)turbed#
The" !re ver" much !ver)e to the Bill# ("n honourabl! M!mb!r. / Are the" !fr!id !bout their
profe))ion8B) No5 the" 'ill &et more c!)e)# . !))ure the hou)e on beh!lf of the l!'"er) to
'hich profe))ion . h!ve the honour to belon& th!t for their per)on!l intere)t) the" )hould !ll
'elcome it# (Shri 2. Krishnaswami Bharatili) <ou !re mi)t!%en)# . !m not mi)t!%en5 . h!ve
lived in the l!' much lon&er th!n m" honour!ble friend h!) done# . h!ve t!%en p!rt in
liti&!tion# The divorce provi)ion) 'ill introduce endle)) liti&!tion !nd 'ill le!d to endle))
complic!tion) !nd endle)) difficultie) for m!n" f!milie) !nd more mi)er" for 'omen th!n
Comin& )tr!i&ht to ! ver" import!nt point5 . h!ve to )ubmit before the Hou)e ! ver"
)eriou) )t!te of !ff!ir) in connection 'ith thi) Bill#
The bill '!) l!)tl" ru)hed throu&h the 3e&i)l!ture on the 9th of April l!)t# 7e 'ere !)%ed
b" our f!ir )i)ter) not to oppo)e the Bill !t th!t )t!&eC it '!) con)idered to be )o import!nt
th!t no det!iled !ttention need be p!id to itGit )hould be p!))ed# So5 !t the l!)t hour of the
l!)t d!" 'e !&reed to !llo' it to be con)idered# . r!i)ed m" feeble obAection from the Hindu
point of vie'# Am . r!i)in& !n" obAection from the 2u)lim point of vie'8 Cert!inl" not# So5
m" decl!r!tion th!t the obAection '!) from the Hindu point of vie' )hould not h!ve elicited
!n" )urpri)e or !n" l!u&hter# .t i) from the Hindu point of vie' th!t . !m )pe!%in&# 2"
le!rned )i)ter the other d!" !)%ed me5 6 7h" i) it th!t "ou !re den"in& to "our Hindu )i)ter)
ri&ht) 'hich "ou !re &ivin& to "our o'n )i)ter) 68 Th!t i) ! ver" c!rdin!l 9ue)tion# 2!" .
repl"8 2" repl" i) thi)5 th!t "ou c!nnot &ive the )!me %ind of food to different %ind) of
per)on)# <ou h!ve &ot to Aud&e the po)ition of ! Hindu 'om!n !) the Hindu l!' conceive) of
it# <ou h!ve &ot to con)ider the po)ition of ! 2u)lim 'om!n !) the 2u)lim l!' conceive) it#
7e !re not here to 9ue)tion the 'i)dom of one )")tem or the other# . find there !re t'o %ind)
of 2ember) here4 )ome ve&et!ri!n) !nd )ome non?ve&et!ri!n)# 7ould "ou &ive me!t food to
! ve&et!ri!n !nd if !n"bod" &ive) ve&et!ble food to ! ve&et!ri!n 'ould "ou !ccu)e him of
p!rti!lit"8 ("n honourabl! M!mb!r ) / .) it lo&ic8 =er" )tr!n&e lo&ic#B)# The !r&ument i) !)
lo&ic!l !) the 9ue)tion put to me b" m" )i)ter Shirim!ti $enu%! $!"Git '!) not lo&ic!l# <ou
c!nnot &ive the )!me %ind of food to t'o different %ind) of per)on) C the" 'ere indeed born
!nd bred differentl"#
The Bill '!) ru)hed throu&h the Hou)e on the 9th of April# The Honour!ble the 3!'
2ini)ter h!) &iven u) ! reve!lin& p!))!&e in the $eport of the Select Committee# He h!)
m!de ! pl!in !dmi))ion th!t the Bill h!d not received !n" con)ider!tion on it) merit) before it
'!) t!%en to the Select Committee# Th!t '!) ver" 'onderful )t!tement to m!%e# 0ri&in!ll"
the Bill '!) )uppo)ed to be 'ell?dr!ftedG! &ood BillGit p!))ed throu&h the 3e&i)l!ture on
the 9th of April !nd '!) t!%en to the Select committee !nd then come) the re!li)!tion th!t it
h!d not received technic!l or dep!rtment!l con)ider!tion# 7h" i) it5 m!" . !)%5 th!t !lthou&h
it h!d not received technic!l or )eriou) dep!rtment!l con)ider!tion !t the h!nd) of the 3!'
2ini)tr"5 it '!) ru)hed trou&h !t th!t )t!&e8 ("n honourabl! M!mb!r) / 7e 'ere ver" ne!r
1)t April B)# Th!t m!" be C it '!) ver" ne!r the 1)t of April !nd th!t prob!bl" h!) )omethin&
to do 'ith the ru)h# ;rob!bl" no )eriou) bu)ine)) '!) me!nt5 )ome )entiment!l piece of
liter!ture h!d to be p!))ed throu&h in order to )!ti)f" our f!ir )i)ter)# The Bill i) driven more
b" 6 l!d" )entiment 6 th!n b" ! con)ider!tion of the nece))itie) of the c!)e# The ep!rtment
then undertoo% ! mo)t unprecedented t!)%# The" c!me to the conclu)ion th!t the Bill '!) not
properl" dr!fted5 th!t it h!d )ome defect)5 th!t it h!d to be rec!)t# The Bill '!) compo)ed of
)ever!l individu!l ch!pter) 'ith )ep!r!te numberin& !nd )ep!r!te definition)5 entirel"
)ep!r!te from e!ch other# The 3e&i)l!tive ep!rtment thou&ht th!t thi) '!) ! blemi)h !nd
th!t the Bill )hould be rec!)t 'ith continuou) numberin& !nd the 'hole blended into one
complete 'hole#
. )ubmit th!t the moment the 3e&i)l!tive ep!rtment c!me to th!t conclu)ion5 then '!)
the time to 'ithdr!' the Bill !nd to fr!me ! ne' Bill 'hich the 2ini)tr" '!) !ble to !cceptC
!nd pre)ent th!t !) ! ne' Bill# .n)te!d of th!t the dep!rtment 'ent throu&h ! proce)) of
le&i)l!tive dr!ftin& 'ith 'hich . '!) never f!mili!r# The 'hole con)titution!l hi)tor" of .ndi!
!nd !bro!d 'ill never offer !n e(!mple of ! ep!rtment!l Bill bein& prep!red !fter ! Bill i)
pre)ented !nd !fter )endin& it to the Select Committee# Shri $!mn!r!"!n Sin&h "e)terd!"
!)%ed !) to 'h!t !uthorit" the r!ftin& Committee h!d to m!%e ! ne' Bill !lto&ether# ("n
honourabl! M!mb!r) / .t i) not ! ne' Bill#B) . )h!ll be in the unfortun!te po)ition of bein&
!ble to )ho' th!t ver" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de# Althou&h the Honour!ble the
3!' 2ini)ter "e)terd!" tried to !void !n)'erin& the 9ue)tion5 )till he h!d to !dmit in the end
th!t he did not m!%e !n" ch!n&e)5 th!t it '!) the Select Committee th!t m!de the ch!n&e)# .
!m in ! po)ition to demon)tr!te before the Hou)e th!t the ch!n&e) 'ere ver" )eriou)5 ver"
r!dic!l5 !nd not un)ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 Sir5 on ! point of order# .f the honour!ble member '!nt)
to b!)e hi) !r&ument for re?committin& the bill to the Select committee on the f!ct th!t it '!)
)ome other Bill th!t '!) con)idered !nd not the Bill )ent to it5 th!t point h!) been covered b"
2r# Spe!%erB) rulin& C he need not emph!)i)e on th!t point# .f he h!) other re!)on)5 he i)
'elcome to do )oC he i) )pe!%in& on hi) !mendment for re?committin& the Bill to the Select
Committee# But if he )tre))e) hi) !r&ument5 n!mel"5 th!t the Bill con)idered b" the Select
Committee '!) not the bill )ent to it b" thi) Hou)e5 then th!t h!) been covered b" the rulin&
of the Ch!ir 'hich decl!red th!t it i) the )!me Bill#
Shri T# T# @ri)hn!m!ch!ri (2!dr!)4 :ener!l)4 Th!t mi&ht be !n !r&ument for reAectin&
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 .f th!t i) )o5 then th!t point h!) been thr!)hed out )o
much th!t if he 'ere to !r&ue it !&!in it 'ill merel" be t!%in& the time of the Hou)e# Th!t
!)pect h!) been )o thr!)hed out !nd !r&ument) h!ve been !dv!nced# He i) merel" repe!lin&
them# . 'ould )ubmit to "ou# Sir5 th!t 'e c!n he!r !n" ne' !r&ument) but 'e !re not
prep!red to he!r the )!me !r&ument) bein& repe!ted b" him#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 2!" . put in ! fe' 'ord) in connection 'ith the point of
order r!i)ed b" m" friend 2r# Bh!r!thi8 He )!id th!t the honour!ble member 2r# N!Jiruddin
Ahm!d in hi) !mendment for re?committ!l to the Select Committee h!d been r!i)in& the
&round) 'hich h!d been covered b" 2r# Spe!%erB) rulin&# . do emph!tic!ll" m!int!in !nd the
Hou)e 'ould !l)o !&ree th!t ever" honour!ble member i) entitled5 'ithout di)re)pectin& the
rulin& of the Ch!ir to &ive the re!)on) 'hich le!d him to recommend the Bill for recommitt!l
to the Select Committee# There i) no point of order !) )uch involved in it# .t i) ! memberB)
le&itim!te ri&ht to pl!ce !ll !r&ument) 'hich he c!n for m!%in& ! motion for recommitt!l to
Select Committee#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 . thin% there i) no point of order in thi)5 bec!u)e he i) )pe!%in& for hi)
!mendment th!t the Bill be re?circul!ted for purpo)e) of obt!inin& further opinion thereon
!nd he i) Au)t !dv!ncin& !r&ument) ho' the Bill h!) ch!n&ed C ho' the ori&in!l Bill h!) been
!ltered in the Select Committee#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . )ubmit5 the re!l difficult" of m" honour!ble friend i) not there#
. believe th!t !n intelli&ent m!n !) he i)5 2r# Bh!r!thi of !ll per)on)5 i) 'ell !'!re of the re!l
difficultie) of the )itu!tion# Th!t i) 'h"5 . )ubmit5 he mo)t intelli&entl" '!nt) to intercept me
b" 2r# Spe!%erB) rulin&# . mu)t m!%e ! decl!r!tion !t once here th!t of !ll per)on) in the
Hou)e . h!ve the &re!te)t re)pect for the deci)ion of the Ch!ir#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 7h" do "ou &o into th!t 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . !m merel" )!"in& th!t . !ccept the deci)ion of the ch!ir# . !m
not &oin& into th!t#
;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 <ou mu)t &o into th!t# 7h" not 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 But 'h!t '!) the rulin& 8 The rulin& '!) th!t the con)ider!tion
of the Bill '!) not out of order C in f!ct5 the rulin& '!) th!t the member) of the Select
Committee h!d the old Bill !nd the ep!rtment!l Bill !nd the" mu)t h!ve t!%en the 'hole
thin& into con)ider!tion !nd on th!t b!)i) the technic!l obAection 'hich . h!d r!i)ed th!t the
ep!rtment!l Bill !bove '!) t!%en into con)ider!tion !nd not the ori&in!l Bill '!) 'ell
founded# Th!t i) the effect of the rulin&5 !nd th!t i) the rulin&# 2" pre)ent purpo)e 'ould be
no' to )ho' th!t !lthou&h the member) of the Select Committee h!d the ori&in!l Bill before
them5 !lthou&h the" h!d the ep!rtment!l Bill before them5 !lthou&h the" h!d both5 !lthou&h
the" h!d the opportunit" of comp!rin& the t'o !nd )eein& 'h!t &l!rin& interpol!tion) 'ere
m!de in the ep!rtment!l Bill5 the" did not do )o# The" di)ch!r&ed their dutie)5 . )hould )!"
'ith re)pect in con)ider!tion of the import!nce of the )ubAect5 in ! )ome'h!t h!)t" m!nner
!nd imperfectl" !nd r!ttier perfunctoril"# Thi) '!) the point of vie' th!t . '!) emph!)iJin&#
An Honour!ble 2ember 4 <ou !re incitin& the 3!' 2ini)ter to violenceK
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 . 'ould not do !n" )uch thin&5 bec!u)e . h!ve
plent" of !r&ument) to meet 2r# Ahm!d#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . )ubmit the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ember i) full" con)ciou) of
the )itu!tion5 . h!ve ! little )u)picion5 th!t he %no') b" thi) time 'ithout !n" doubt 'h!t
)eriou) ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de in the ep!rtment!l Bill#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 . do not %no'# . !m '!itin& to he!r5 thou&h#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 The Honour!ble the 3!' 2ember )!id5 6 There h!ve been
cert!in )eriou) ch!n&e)5 but . did nothin&# .t i) the Select Committee th!t did )o# The
ep!rtment!l Committee did not m!%e !n" ch!n&e)#6 .n f!ct "e)terd!" . put ! pointed
9ue)tion 'hich he %indl" !n)'ered5 n!mel"5 'hether the ep!rtment!l Committee th!t '!)
)et up '!) in)tructed not to m!%e !n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# Th!t '!) due to the f!ct th!t . find
in the report of the Select Committee ! definite decl!r!tion b" the m!Aorit" of the Select
Committee 4 6 Thi) revi)ed dr!ft doe) not m!%e !n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) in the bod" of the
ori&in!l Bill# 6 .t '!) thi) decl!r!tion 'hich . under)t!nd '!) !l)o &iven to the Select
Committee b" him th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!ve been m!deC it '!) on thi) b!)i) th!t5
!lthou&h the" h!d the ori&in!l Bill 'ith them5 the" did not loo% ver" c!refull" !nd comp!re
them 'ith ! vie' to findin& out 'hether !n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 0n ! point of order5 2r# Ch!irm!n# Are m!tter) 'hich h!ppened
in the Select Committee5 !re tho)e det!il) !llo'ed to be brou&ht up in thi) m!nner8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 7ith re&!rd to thi) point of order5 . h!ve !lre!d" to )ubmit th!t# #
# #
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 .t i) ! point of order 'hich . 'ould li%e "ou# Sir5 to decide#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 . thin% there i) no point of order# .t i) onl" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!dB)
inference th!t the Select Committee did or did not do )uch !nd )uch ! thin&# . thin% the
honour!ble member 'ill not c!)t !n" !)per)ion) on either the Select Committee or the
member) of the Select Committee# He m!" !dv!nce hi) !r&ument)#
;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! 4 The m!nner in 'hich the Select Committee beh!ved i)
cert!inl" open to the critici)m of the Hou)e#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . )ubmit###
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 <ou !re ri&ht5 2r# Ch!irm!n# 7ithout c!)tin& !)per)ion)
he m!" !dv!nce !r&ument)#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"4 But he i) c!)tin& !)per)ion)#
2r# Ch!irm!n4 The" !re !t be)t inference)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 m" inference i) th!t member) of the Select Committee 'ere
definitel" !))ured b" the Honour!ble 2ini)ter#########
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 . obAect to thi) Sir# Thi) i) c!)tin& !)per)ion)# The)e inference) !re
c!)tin& !)per)ion)#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 1ver" honour!ble member i) !t libert" to dr!' hi) o'n inference#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . )ubmit# Sir5 it c!n be contr!dicted !t once b" !n" member of
the Select Committee#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 NoC cert!inl" 'e c!nnot contr!dict# But )ince "ou !re
invitin& ! contr!diction5 . !) ! member of the Select Committee5 do contr!dict# . )!" th!t 'e
'ent throu&h the 'hole thin& !nd 'e 'ere )!ti)fied th!t ############
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 <ou !re m!%in& ! )t!tement
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 <ou '!nted ! contr!diction# And . contr!dict#
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"4 2r# Ch!irm!n5 . 'ould li%e to )!" th!t bec!u)e inference) !re
m!de !nd !)per)ion) !re c!)t5 the member) of the Select Committee !re put in ! ver"
!'%'!rd po)ition5 bec!u)e then 'e h!ve to brin& for'!rd !ll th!t h!ppened in the Select
Committee5 'hich 'e !re not )uppo)ed to do here 8
2r# Ch!irm!n4 0rder5 order# . 'ould re9ue)t the honour!ble member not to m!%e !n"
!)per)ion) !&!in)t the member) of the Select CommitteeC he m!" !ddre)) !r&ument) !) to
ho' the Bill h!) been ch!n&ed#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . 'ould not 'illin&l" m!%e or c!)t !n" !)per)ion) on !n"
honour!ble member unle)) it i) involved in the ver" e(po)ition of the point# .f !n"thin& '!)
b!dl" done 'hich !ffect) the f!te of D, crore) of people !nd if !n" mi)t!%e or )lip h!) been
done b" member) of the Select Committee then . )hould re)pectfull" but fr!n%l" critici)e
th!t# Thi) !mount of privile&e )hould be &iven to ! member of the Hou)e# . )hould )t!nd
corrected if . !m 'ron&# . )hould not c!)t !n" !)per)ion) merel" for c!)tin& !)per)ion)5 but .
'ill confine m")elf to pointin& out cert!in )eriou) ch!n&e) !nd error) of procedure !ffectin&
the merit) of the Bill !nd the di)cu))ion of the )!me m!" nece))!ril" involve me in !
critici)m of the member) of the Select Committee# 7h" )hould the member) of the )elect
Committee be !fr!id of ! di)cu))ion 8
Shrim!ti $enu%! $!" 4 7e !re not !fr!id of di)cu))ion# Then 'e mu)t be &iven the ri&ht
of )pe!%in& on 'h!t h!ppened in the Select Committee#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 The )o?c!lled )!nctit" of the Select Committee h!) been bro%en
in thi) connection )o m!n" time)#
Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 There i) no )!nctit" !bout it# 7e c!n di)cu)) it#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 7e !re prep!red to di)cu)) it#
Shri 2ihir3!l Ch!ttop!dh"!" 4 (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 Should member) be !llo'ed to
c!rr" on conver)!tion li%e thi)# Sir 8
2r# Ch!irm!n4 0rder5 order# . h!ve been )eein& it h!ppenin&# . hope honour!ble member)
'ill %indl" !llo' the )pe!%er to proceed 'ith hi) !r&ument#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 The Honour!ble eput" Spe!%er the other d!" !)%ed r#
Ambed%!r to e(pl!in 'h" cert!in thin&) too% pl!ce# r# Ambed%!r )!id th!t it '!) due to the
influence of hi) enemie) &ettin& the better of hi) friend)5 the" combined to&ether !nd did it# .)
it not &ivin& out the )o?c!lled )ecret) of the Select Committee 8
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 . did not '!nt to interrupt the honour!ble member
!t !ll# But no' . thin% it i) m" dut" to dr!' "our !ttention !nd !l)o the !ttention of the
)pe!%er th!t hi) motion i) th!t bec!u)e cert!in ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de in the Bill5 it ou&ht to
be recircul!ted# . thin% 'h!t i) mo)t &erm!ne to th!t motion i) th!t he )hould )tri&ht!'!"
'ithout !n" %ind of prelimin!r" di)cu))ion proceed to point out 'h!t ch!n&e) h!ve been
m!de# . '!) '!itin& to %no' th!t from him#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Th!t i) 'h!t . '!) &oin& to do 'hen )ide?i))ue) 'ere r!i)ed#
;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! 4 0n ! point of orderC . be& to )ubmit th!t thi) 9ue)tion
!ffect) the privile&e) of the 2ember) of the Hou)e# The 9ue)tion !t i))ue i) 4 !re the member)
of the Hou)e not entitled to critici)e the 'ron& beh!viour or the 'ron& conduct of the
member) of the Select Committee in re&!rd to procedure8 Suppo)in& ! Bill i) pl!ced before !
Select Committee !nd th!t the Bill con)idered b" the Select Committee '!) not the one
referred to5 !nother Bill i) )ub)tituted in it) pl!ce# Are not the 2ember) entitledB to )!" them
b" the Hou)e 8 <ou m!" &ive ! rulin& on the point 'hether the member) of the Hou)e c!nnot
critici)e thi) conduct of the Select Committee 8 7h!tever h!) h!ppened in the Select
Committee m!" not be !llo'ed to be divul&ed# But the m!nner in 'hich the proceedin&)
'ere conducted i) open to critici)m5 other'i)e it 'ill me!n th!t the member) of the Hou)e
h!ve no )ort of control on ! Bill# .f ! bill i) introduced in the Hou)e it become) the propert"
of the Hou)e !nd ever" 2ember h!) ! ri&ht to point out the irre&ul!ritie) in the Select
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 Thi) i) not ! point of order# The )pe!%er 'ill &o on#
The Honour!ble Shri @# S!nth!n!m4 (2ini)ter of St!te for $!il'!") !nd Tr!n)port)# 2!"
. )ubmit th!t 'hile the Hou)e i) entitled to critici)e the Select Committee !nd even cen)ure it5
it i) not entitled to )!" th!t the Bill before it i) not the Bill th!t '!) referred to it# .t i) not
open to the Hou)e to )!" th!t thi) i) not the Bill referred to the Select Committee# The Hou)e
m!" condemn the Select Committee if it thin%) th!t the Select Committee h!) not done it)
dut"# 7henever ! Bill i) pre)ented to u) !nd i) under con)ider!tion it i) not open to u) to )!"
th!t thi) i) not the Bill th!t '!) pre)ented to it#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . )ubmit th!t . '!) onl" &oin& to condemn the Select Committee
!nd nothin& more#
2r# Ch!irm!n4 The honour!ble member 'ill be perfectl" ri&ht if he critici)e) the Bill !) it
h!) emer&ed from the Select Committee !nd point) out the ch!n&e) m!de# He 'ill confine hi)
rem!r%) to the ch!n&e) th!t h!ve been m!de in the Bill#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . !m &oin& to )ubmit to the Hou)e th!t )ome ch!n&e) h!ve been
m!de5 )ome )eriou) ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 ;oint them out# . !m !'!itin& to %no' the ch!n&e)
m!de# 6The honour!ble member m!" t!%e hi) o'n time5 but let him tell u) 'h!t the ch!n&e)
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . 'ill proceed in m" o'n '!"#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 He c!nnot &o on in thi) m!nner#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . )ubmit th!t the ori&in!l Bill '!) introduced b" 2r# >o&endr!
N!th 2!nd!l# .t be!r) the printin& d!te 1)t5 Au&u)t 194F# Thi) '!) the Bill 'hich '!) )ent to
the Select Committee# A Bill printed on 1Fth Au&u)t 1948 i) the Bill th!t c!me out of the
Select Committee 'ith the report#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 7h!t i) the point on th!t 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . !m comin& to th!t# There !re )eriou) di)crep!ncie) bet'een
the)e t'o Bill)#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 Th!t i) 'h!t 'e !re '!itin& to %no'#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 .f thi) i) !ccepted . 'ill proceed to the vit!l point)# There !re
)eriou) di)crep!ncie) bet'een the ori&in!l Bill !nd the Bill th!t h!) been !ppended to the
report of the Select Committee5 (int!rruptions. Thi) i) not the be)t '!" of 9uic%enin& m"
p!ce# . )ubmit th!t in bet'een the)e t'o Bill)5 ! ver" intere)tin& document c!me in# .t i) !
dep!rtment!l dr!ft 'hich '!) printed on 17th >ul"5 1948# .t i) thi) dr!ft 'hich c!me in
bet'een the t'o# All the point) of order r!i)ed !nd !r&ued 'ere !bout thi) dep!rtment!l dr!ft#
1ven in the pre)ent di)cu))ion5 if . under)tood the Honour!ble the 2ini)ter of 3!' ri&htl"5
he mentioned nothin& !bout thi) dep!rtment!l Bill5 but )!id th!t !ll the ch!n&e) 'ere m!de
b" the Select Committee !nd not b" him# . !m referrin& to the Bill d!ted 17th >ul"5 1948#
Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i4 Th!t '!) before the d!te of the Select Committee meetin&#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . !m &r!teful to m" friend 2r# T"!&i for pointin& out th!t the
d!te of printin&5 viJ#5 17th >ul"5 19485 '!) before the Select Committee '!) fir)t c!lled to
meet# . )ubmit th!t thi) Bill###############
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 . 'ould li%e to curt!il thi) !r&ument of m"
honour!ble friend b" )!"in& th!t it i) bound to be )o# The re?dr!ft '!) B)ent one month before
the meetin& of the Select Committee#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Th!t i) the point . '!) mentionin&# . !m &r!teful for the
!dmi))ion# Thi) dr!ft '!) complete before the Select Committee met# . )hould li%e to )t!te !t
thi) )t!&e th!t the Hou)e '!) not informed !bout it# The !uthorit" of the Hou)e '!) not t!%en
to completel" ch!n&e the ori&in!l Bill#
Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i4 .) the middle one e(!ctl" the )!me !) i) !ppended to the report 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 There h!ve been )ome ch!n&e)# The ch!n&e) m!de b" the )elect
Committee 'ere )li&ht5 but )eriou) ch!n&e) 'ere m!de b" the ep!rtment 'hich the Select
Committee never %ne'#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i4 .t i) the Select Committee th!t h!) introduced the ch!n&e) !nd not
the ep!rtment#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . )ubmit th!t the mo)t import!nt thin& i) th!t the" never m!de !
det!iled e(!min!tion of the ep!rtment!l dr!ft# .n f!ct m" contention i) th!tG1 'ould )it
do'n if m" honour!ble friend Shri S!nth!n!m c!n 9uote ! )in&le e(!mple in the 'hole
le&i)l!tive hi)tor" of .ndi! or in other countrie) for thi)G! Bill th!t h!) been )ent to ! Select
Committee h!) been )ub)tituted b" !nother completel" re?c!)tin& the 'hole timin& !nd put
!lon& 'ith it#
The Honour!ble Shri @# S!nth!n!m 4 . h!ve been on m!n" Select Committee) !nd in
m!n" c!)e) the ori&in!l Bill h!) been completel" re?dr!fted b" the Select Committee#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Th!t i) !nother m!tter#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 2!" . point out to the honour!ble member th!t 2r# Spe!%er h!) &iven !
deci)ion th!t it i) the ori&in!l Bill th!t '!) con)idered b" the Select Committee !lon& 'ith
the dr!ft &iven to it b" the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter 8 .n vie' of th!t deci)ion5 the
honour!ble member m!" confine hi) rem!r%) to the point !) to ho' the ori&in!l Bill h!)
under&one ! ch!n&e in the Select Committee# All the other rem!r%) !bout 'h!t h!ppened in
the Select Committee !re be"ond the purvie' of the honour!ble member#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 2" point i) th!t5 !lthou&h the Select
Committee mu)t be deemed to h!ve con)idered the ori&in!l Bill !nd the dep!rtment!l
dr!ft !nd to h!ve come to thi) conclu)ion5 th!t '!) done mo)t perfunctoril" !nd imperfectl"#
2" point i) thi)5 th!t !lthou&h the Select Committee con)idered or mu)t be deemed to h!ve
con)idered the ori&in!l Bill !nd the dep!rtment!l dr!ft !nd c!me to thi) conclu)ion !nd
!lthou&h th!t i) )o5 m" point i) th!t it '!) nece))!ril" done mo)t perfunctoril" !nd mo)t
imperfectl"# The" mu)t h!ve been5 . )ubmit5 domin!ted b" the )eriou) ch!n&e) introduced
into the dep!rtment!l Bill !nd the" mu)t h!ve been completel" under the h"pnotic influence
of ! revi)ed dr!ft5 ! convenient re!d"m!de thin&5 'hich '!) pl!ced in their h!nd)# .t mu)t
h!ve m!de ! tremendou) p)"cholo&ic!l impre))ion on the 2ember) of the Select Committee5
)o th!t the Select Committee5 !lthou&h the" h!d the ri&ht5 l!r&el" depended upon the
dep!rtment!l dr!ft !nd thi) !ffect) the merit) thou&h not the le&!lit" of the fin!l Bill#
2" point i) th!t !n" Select Committee h!) the ri&ht to m!%e enormou) ch!n&e)5 but it h!)
never h!ppened th!t ! ne' Bill5 completel" ch!n&ed5 '!) pl!ced !t the h!nd) of the Select
Committee !nd then the" 'ould be&in con)ider!tion of the ne' Bill# Althou&h5 technic!ll"5
the" h!d !l)o the ori&in!l Bill5 )till the" proceeded cl!u)e b" cl!u)e 'ith the ne' Bill# Th!t
'!) ! m!tter of merit# . )ubmit5 th!t the introduction of thi) dep!rtment!l Bill h!) cre!ted
con)ider!ble !mount of preAudice to ! f!ir !nd imp!rti!l con)ider!tion of the Bill# . )ubmit
th!t the cl!u)e) of the ori&in!l Bill )hould h!ve been be&un one b" one !nd ch!n&e) )hould
h!ve been m!de &r!du!ll" on the bod" of the ori&in!l Bill# .n)te!d of th!t it )eem) to h!ve
nece))!ril" follo'ed th!t the dep!rtment!l Bill '!) t!%en up5 !lthou&h there '!) in them
m!r&in!l reference) to the cl!u)e) of the ori&in!l Bill# Still5 . be& to )ubmit 'ithout !n"
di)re)pect to the member) of the Select Committee5 it '!) impo))ible for !n" member to
re!ll" )ee re!dil" 'h!t enormou) ch!n&e) h!d been effected in the dep!rtment!l Bill !nd it i)
thi)5 . )ubmit5 'hich h!) !ffected the merit) of the fin!l Bill# . never )u&&e)t th!t the
2ember) of the Select Committee h!d no ri&ht to m!%e !n" ch!n&e) or to !dopt the
dep!rtment!l Bill or to proceed 'ith the ori&in!l Bill# . )ubmit th!t the 'or% '!)5 )pe!%in&
!&!in 'ith re)pect5 nece))!ril" done perfunctoril" !nd con)ider!ble re)pon)ibilit" in the 'or%
of the Select Committee mu)t re)t upon the dep!rtment!l dr!ft# 0n ! con)ider!tion of the
dep!rtment!l dr!ft5 therefore5 the merit) of the pre)ent Bill )hould be con)idered#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 3et u) )ee !ll the point) of difference#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . )ubmit th!t the entire le&i)l!tion be&!n 'ith ! blunder !nd it
proceed) from blunder to blunder until 'e come to ! c!pit!l blunder5 n!mel" the pre)ent Bill#
. )ubmit th!t the mi)t!%e fir)t !ro)e in the "e!r 19D7# The mi)t!%e !ro)e there !nd . )h!ll
)ho' !t once th!t one mi)t!%e led to !nother mi)t!%e !nd th!t mi)t!%e led to other mi)t!%e)
!nd !ll the)e mi)t!%e) led the Select Committee !nd then ultim!tel" (0nt!rruption. . !)% Shri
@ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi in !ll )eriou)ne))5 )hould . be di)turbed li%e thi)8
2r# Ch!irm!n4 .f the honour!ble member !ddre))e) the Ch!ir5 . thin% the di)turb!nce 'ill
be much le))#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 . )ubmit5 "ou 'ill be ple!)ed to con)ider th!t in the "e!r
19D75 ! Bill '!) p!))ed into l!' !nd th!t i) the Hindu 2!rried 7omenB) $i&ht to ;ropert"
Act5 19D7# Th!t5 . )ubmit5 '!) ! h!)t" le&i)l!tion# .t cont!ined 'ithin it)elf ill?di&e)ted5 little
under)tood l!' th!t h!) led to !ll thi) trouble# .n f!ct the !uthor of the Bill '!) r#
e)hmu%h# So5 r# e)hmu%hG1 !m h!pp" to find it i) not our pre)ent r# e)hmu%hG
unconcentou)l" 'ith the bona;fid! belief of doin& &ood to Hindu )ociet"5 introduced th!t
Bill# The effect of the Bill '!) to introduce )ome ch!n&e in the l!' of Succe))ion in the
comp!ct )erie)# Accordin& to Hindu 3!'5 !) . h!ve under)tood it5 'hen ! m!n die)5 hi) heir)
!re )on5 &r!nd)on !nd &re!t5 &r!nd)on# .n the pre)ence of the )on the &r!nd)on b" ! pro?
dece!)ed )on inherit)G the &r!nd)on repre)ent) hi) dece!)ed f!ther !nd t!%e) hi) f!therB)
)h!re# So in thi) '!" the )on# &r!nd)on !nd the &re!t?&r!nd)on in three &ener!tion) inherit the
propert"# r# e)hmu%h '!) enthu)ed 'ith the ide! th!t the 'ido' mu)t be?&iven ! definite
)t!tu) !nd ! definite ri&ht# So he m!de the 'ido' of the propo)itu) ! )h!re?holder5 !nd not
onl" the 'ido' of the propo)itu)5 but the 'ido' of ! dece!)ed )on5 the 'ido' of the
dece!)ed &r!nd)on !nd the 'ido' of ! dece!)ed &re!t?&r!nd)on# The" 'ere !l)o included
'ithin the !mbit of the )h!reholder)# Th!t5 . )ubmit '!) mo)t ill?con)idered5 !lthou&h the
!uthor '!) imbued 'ith the hi&he)t )en)e of p!trioti)m !nd 'elf!re of the communit" .
)ubmit5 th!t thi) '!) then############
The Honour!ble Shri @# S!nth!n!m 4 7ould m" honour!ble friend li%e me to inform him
th!t thi) Bill '!) !ctu!ll" !ccpeted b" the l!te Sir N# N# Sirc!r5 'ho '!) the &re!te)t
!uthorit" on Hindu 3!' 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . !m in ! po)ition to )ho'5 !lthou&h not onl" he5 but there '!) !
time 'hen . !l)o !ccepted it# (0nt!rruption.. . be& to )ubmit th!t . !m in po))e))ion of the
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 The honour!ble member i) &oin& into the hi)tor" of the !mendment) to
Hindu 3!'#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . )ubmit5 th!t the Hindu 2!rried 7omenB) $i&ht to ;ropert" Act
'!) the fir)t mi)t!%e !nd . )h!ll )ho' th!t thi) cont!ined 'ithin it )eed) of other blunder)
culmin!tin& in the pre)ent Bill#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i4 Th!t '!) ! )eriou) reflection of the le&i)l!ture then e(i)tin&#
2r# N!Jiruddin& Ahm!d 4 . )ubmit th!t the mi)t!%e '!) !dmitted b" th!t le&i)l!ture it)elf
!nd . c!n 9uote p!))!&e) th!t th!t le&i)l!ture !dmitted th!t th!t '!) ! mi)t!%e#
(0nt!rruptions.. 2r# Ch!irm!n4 0rder5 order#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . )ubmit5 . )hould )ho' ho' the mi)t!%e c!me !bout# .n f!ct in
providin& for the 'ido' of the propo)itu) of the dece!)ed )on5 &r!nd)on !nd of the &re!t?
&r!nd)on5 the po)ition of the d!u&hter bec!me !b)olutel" uncert!in# Nobod" %ne' 'h!t the
po)ition of the d!u&hter '!) !t th!t lime under thi) Act#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 An undert!%in& '!) t!%en from m" friend r#
e)hmu%h b" Sir N# N# Sirc!r th!t the :overnment 'ill )upport the me!)ure onl" if he
!&reed to drop the 'ord d!u&hter !nd he promi)ed th!t he 'ould drop the 'ord B d!u&hter#B
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . !m !) much f!mili!r 'ith the hi)tor" of th!t l!' !) the
Honour!ble r# Ambed%!r#
2r# Ch!irm!n4 .) the honour!ble member &oin& to t!%e more time8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 <e)5 Sir#
2r# Ch!irm!n 4 .n th!t c!)e5 he m!" re)ume hi) )peech l!ter !nd 'e m!" no' !dAourn#
The "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till a 3uart!r to -l!v!n of th! &lo'k on hursday, th! Grd
Mar'h, 4676.
H.N/ C01G'ontd.
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 . h!ve to inform honour!ble 2ember) th!t the follo'in& d!te) h!ve
been fi(ed for receivin& nomin!tion) !nd holdin& election)5 if nece))!r"5 in connection 'ith
the follo'in& Committee)5 n!mel"4G
!te for !te for nomin!tion election
1# All .ndi! Council for Technic!l 1duc!tion )
E# Committee to revie' the 'or%in& of the E?4?49 +?4?49 $!il'!"
The nomin!tion for the)e Committee) 'ill be received in the Notice 0ffice upto 1E Noon
on the d!te mentioned for the purpo)e# The election)5 'hich 'ill be conducted b" me!n) of
the )in&le tr!n)fer!ble vote5 'ill be held in the A))i)t!nt Secret!r"B) room (No# E1) in the
Council Hou)e bet'een the hour) 1,?D, !#m# !nd 1?,, p#m#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The Hou)e 'ill no' proceed 'ith the further con)ider!tion of the
follo'in& motion moved b" the Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r on the D1)t Au&u)t5 19485
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 !) reported b"
the Select Committee5 ?be t!%en into con)ider!tion# 6
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! (7e)t Ben&!l4 :ener!l)4 Sir5 before "ou c!ll upon m"
honour!ble friend 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d to continue hi) )peech5 . feel con)tr!ined to brin&
to "our notice once !&!in the irre&ul!r m!nner in 'hich thi) motion i) bein& brou&ht to thi)
Hou)e from time to time# . thin% ver" fe' of u) %ne' up till "e)terd!" th!t thi) Bill '!)
comin& up !&!in for con)ider!tion# A) ! m!tter of f!ct the Hou)e '!) under the impre))ion
th!t )o he!v" 7!) the pre))ure of ur&ent &overnment bu)ine)) th!t no d!" could be found for
it C in f!ct )ever!l 2ember) of thi) ;!rli!ment 'ho c!me over here to p!rticip!te in the
deliber!tion) on thi) )ubAect 'ent b!c% under the impre))ion th!t thi) m!tter '!) not &oin& to
be t!%en up !&!in in thi) )e))ion# . c!n p!rticul!rl" mention !n honour!ble 2ember5 ;!ndit
:ovind 2!l!vi"!5 'ho c!me over here !nd 'ho '!nted to )pe!% for ! ver" lon& period of
time5 !nd 'hen he '!) !))ured th!t the m!tter '!) not comin& up#########
Sever!l Honour!ble 2ember)4 A))ured b" 'hom 8
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 2o)t people %ne'# .t '!) not ! c!)e of ordin!r" bu)ine))
of thi) Hou)e# No )in&le 2ember of :overnment )t!nd)5 up !nd )!")# 6 . &ive "ou !n
!))ur!nce th!t thi) 'ill be di)cu))ed 6# Nothin& li%e th!t# 1ver"bod" &ot the impre))ion from
;!rt" t!l%) !nd el)e'here th!t the m!tter '!) not &oin& to come up !t !n" r!te in thi) )e))ion#
(0nt!rruption )# Th!t bein& )o5 if it i) t!%en up no' it 'ill be )ho'in& ver" )c!nt courte)" to
the Hou)e# . feel thi) Bill i) of )uch ! controver)i!l n!ture th!t . do not thin% th!t "ou )hould
!llo' thi) Bill to be proceeded 'ith in the '!" in 'hich it i) bein& done repe!tedl" in it)
different )t!&e)# Sir5 it i) for "ou to con)ider the point of vie' 'hich . !m pl!cin& before the
Hou)e# The Hou)e i) !ttenu!ted5 !nd bec!u)e the 'hole Bud&et di)cu))ion '!) over mo)t
2ember) 'ere under th!t impre))ionG!nd 9uite re!)on!bl"# 7hen the" h!d no ide! of the
ch!n&e )uddenl" to )prin& ! )urpri)e b" brin&in& in ! motion li%e thi) !t thi) l!te )t!&e5 of the
)e))ion5 i)5 . thin%5 h!rdl" f!ir# An Honour!ble 2ember4 7e '!nt "our deci)ion5 Sir# 2r#
eput" Spe!%er4 But there i) no point of order here#
Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i (/#;# 4 :ener!l) 4 But then . '!nt inform!tion !) to ho' lon& the
di)cu))ion) !re propo)ed to be held# There !re friend) in m" ;rovince 'ho h!d re9ue)ted me
to inform them 'hen the Hindu Code Bill come) for con)ider!tion# . could not inform them
bec!u)e5 . did not %no' 'hether the Bill 'ill be con)idered onl" for tod!" or for tomorro' or
!n" other d!" or till the end of the )e))ion# So5 Sir5 'ill "ou no' be in ! po)ition to tell the
Hou)e ho' lon& 'e !re &oin& to di)cu)) thi) Bill )o th!t it there i) time for them to come5 .
mi&ht inform them#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . !m in full )"mp!th" 'ith 'h!t ;!ndit 2!itr! h!) )!id5 but . do not
find !n" '!" out of it# A) f!r !) . !m !'!reG1 h!ve been here for ! number of "e!r) in thi)
A))embl"G 'hen !n" m!tter of )uch import!nce 'here ! number of people !re intere)ted5
come) up5 the !&end! for the ne(t 'ee% 'ould be !t le!)t re!d out on the previou) *rid!"# .
h!ve been !ccu)tomed to )ome procedure# 1videntl" it '!) not e(pected th!t there 'ould be
time for thi) Bill5 but it '!) put in 'hen one d!" '!) e(tended !nd time found for tod!" !nd
tomorro'# Th!t i) 'h" previou) notice could not h!ve been &iven# . believe the honour!ble
2ember) 'ould tr" to t!%e !) &ood !dv!nt!&e of it !) po))ible b" )endin& tele&r!m)5 etc# !nd
&et other 2ember)# Therefore5 )o f!r !) 2r# T"!&i i) concerned5 if he thin%) th!t other
2ember) out)ide !re intere)ted in the proceedin&)5 . m!" )!" th!t the proceedin&) 'ill be
bro!dc!)t5 thi) evenin& or tomorro' mornin& !nd then the" 'ill come to %no' of it#
An Honour!ble 2ember4 Ho' c!n the" come tomorro' 8 2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 The"
c!n come b" !eropl!neK .t i) pot for the Ch!ir to decide ho' the" c!n come# All th!t . c!n )!"
i) th!t on !n import!nt m!tter of thi) n!ture5 cert!inl" :overnment mu)t h!ve &iven proper
noticeC it i) not !) if :overnment could lo)e )i&ht of thi) import!nt m!tter# The &ener!l public
i) intere)ted5 ! l!r&e number of the 2ember) from the ;rovince) !nd St!te) !re not here#
1ven it the" 'ere here5 it c!nnot be e(pected th!t ever"bod" )hould be e(pected to re!d !ll
the boo%) !nd c!rr" !ll the inform!tion for u)e !t ! momentB) notice# The)e !re the
di)!dv!nt!&e) but . !m )ure the honour!ble 2ember) 'ill tr" to do !) be)t !) the" c!n of the
opportunit"# Nobod" c!n &u!r!ntee ho' lon& the di)cu))ion 'ill &oG it m!" conclude thi)
evenin& or &o on till tomorro'#
Shri T# A# $!m!/n&!m Chetti!r (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l)4 7h!t i) the pro&r!mme for thi)
Bill 8
2r# eput" Spe!%er i .t i) entirel" in the h!nd) of the Hou)e# . do not thin% 'e c!n h!ve !
cut?!nd?dried pro&r!mme# .t i) for the Hou)e to )ee 'hether it i) nece))!r" to continue
di)cu))ion5 !nd if there i) )ufficient deb!te to clo)e it !) e!rl" !) po))ible
Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i 4 Sir5 . 'ill put the 9ue)tion the other '!" round# 2!" . %no' if there
i) !n" other :overnment Bill fop the re)t of the Se))ion or thi) Bill i) the onl" 'or% before
u)5 )o th!t . c!n m!%e out ho' lon& thi) Bill 'ill &o8
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 A) the honour!ble 2ember 'ill )ee from the 0rder ;!per5 there i)
)o much other 'or%# Thi) no doubt h!ppen) to be the fir)t Bill for the d!" but tomorro' other
Bill) 'ill come 'hich !re on the li)t# 7e need not )pend !n" more time on thi) 9ue)tion# 2r#
N!Jiruddin Ahm!d#
Shri B# !) (0ri))!4 :ener!l)4 7ill "ou ple!)e fi( ! time?limit for )peeche)8
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 . c!nnot fi( !n" time?limit on ! controver)i!l m!tter of thi) %ind# .
)h!ll tr"5 )o lon& !) . !m in the Ch!irGcert!inl" the Spe!%er 'ill do it betterGto )ee th!t
repetition i) !voided# Th!t i) !ll th!t . c!n do5 !nd . )h!ll to the be)t of m" !bilit"5 !void !ll
irrelev!nt m!tter) bein& brou&ht in SubAect to thi)# . 'ould li%e to &ive !) much freedom !)
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d (7e)t Ben&!l 4 2u)lim) 4 2r# eput" Spe!%er5 it i) ! )tr!n&e
iron" of f!te th!t !p!rt from the interrupted n!ture of the deb!te) on thi) Bill5 it h!) been
decided b" :overnment th!t the che9uered c!reer5 of thi) Bill !nd the intermittent deb!te
)hould5 !fter !n interv!l be )eriou)l" re)umed on the All?*ool)B !"# 0n the l!)t occ!)ion5
'hen . pointed out th!t the Bill '!) )ent to the Select Committee in ! &re!t hurr" on the 9th
of April l!)t5 )ome honour!ble member reminded u) th!t 9th April '!) ver" ne!r the 1)t of
April# Someho' or other thi) Bill i) !))oci!ted 'ith the 1)t of April# 0n thi) d!"5 'e !re
!ccu)tomed from time immemori!l to de!l 'ith e!ch other in ! pl!"ful )pirit# 7e i))ue bo&u)
invit!tion)5 bo&u) m!rri!&e) !re !nnounced !nd v!riou) other bo&u) thin&) !re done#
Shrim!ti Ammu S'!min!dh!n (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 h!) thi) &ot !n"thin& to do 'ith
the Hindu Code 8 >u)t no' "ou )!id th!t no irrelev!nt m!tter 'ill be !llo'ed# H!) !ll?fool)B
d!" !n"thin& to do 'ith the Hindu Code 8
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . h!ve not he!rd the honour!ble 2ember )ufficientl" to come to !
conclu)ion !) to 'hether it i) irrelev!nt or not#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 . '!) merel" emph!)iJin& the un)!ti)f!ctor" m!nner in
'hich the Bill i) bein& brou&ht up from time to time# A Bill of thi) import!nce !nd
m!&nitude re9uire) th!t it )hould be )!t over continuou)l" b" honour!ble 2ember)#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 Sp!t over 8
2r# N!Jiruddin5 Ahm!d 4 S!t over# ;!ndit 2!itr! thou&ht 6 )p!t over 6# . did not me!n
th!t# . )ubmit# Sir5 ! Bill of thi) m!&nitude re9uire) th!t 2ember) )hould )it over it
continuou)l" for ! lon& time# The di)!dv!nt!&e of con)iderin& thi) m!tter !t lon& interv!l) i)
th!t 2ember) lo)e the thre!d of !r&ument !nd it i) ver" difficult for them to !ppreci!te 'h!t
h!) !lre!d" been )!id )o !) to connect 'ith 'h!t i) )!id on e!ch occ!)ion# . )ubmit5 therefore5
th!t thi) i) not de!lin& )eriou)l" 'ith the Bill or 'ith the Hou)e#
0n the l!)t occ!)ion 'hen . '!) de!lin& 'ith the hi)tor" of thi) import!nt le&i)l!tion5 .
pointed out th!t the fir)t mi)t!%e '!) committed in 19D7 'ith the p!))!&e of the Hindu
2!rried 7omen B) $i&ht) to ;ropert" Act5 19D7#
The mi)t!%e '!) to h!ve ru)hed to the le&i)l!ture !nd 'ithout )ufficient con)ider!tion to
h!ve p!))ed ! Bill of th!t complic!ted n!ture# .n f!ct5 !n honour!ble 2ember of th!t Hou)e !t
th!t time5 2r# e)hmu%h5 h!d ! h!pp" ide! !nd 'ithout &ivin& )ufficient con)ider!tion to the
)ubAect5 he c!me to the Hou)e !nd the Hou)e in ! &enerou) mood p!))ed the Bill# B" th!t
Act5 cert!in 'omen 'ere &iven the ri&ht of direct inherit!nce !lon& 'ith the )on)5 &r!nd)on)
!nd &re!t?&r!nd )on)# The" 'ere &iven independent ri&ht# The" 'ere not merel" Hindu
'omenB) ri&ht)5 but !b)olute5 tr!n)fer!ble !nd inherit!ble ri&ht)# Soon !fter th!t5 !
di)tin&ui)hed l!'"er from Ben&!lG2r# $i)hindr!n!th Sirc!rG?dre' !ttention to cert!in
difficultie) 'hich 'ould !ri)e in connection 'ith the Act# 2r# $i)hindr!n!th Sirc!r i) !
di)tin&ui)hed l!'"er !nd !uthor of ! te(t boo% on the Hindu 2!rried 7omenB) $i&ht to
;ropert" Act5 !nd connected Act)# He pointed out cert!in inherent difficultie) 'hich 'ould
!ri)e in connection 'ith the Bill5 !nd in 19D85 the Act h!d to be !mended b" Act5 H=. of
19D8# The trouble5 ho'ever5 did not ce!)e there !nd difficultie) !ro)e !fre)h# A further
difficult" !ro)e b" the Act !) it '!) !mended in 19D8# B" the Act even !) !mended5 ri&ht '!)
&iven to the 'ido' of the dece!)ed5 the )onB) 'ido'5 &r!nd?)onB) 'ido' !nd the &re!t?
&r!nd)onB) 'ido' !nd con)ider!ble difficultie) !ro)e !) to the po)ition of the d!u&hter# .n
f!ct5 there '!) ! &re!t de!l of controver)" !nd 2r# Sirc!r !&!in pointed out the difficultie) of
the )itu!tion cre!ted )o f!r !) the d!u&hter '!) concerned# Thi) 9ue)tion '!) !&it!ted
throu&hout the countr"5 !nd 'e find !bout h!lf ! doJen Bill) 'ere )ubmitted to the
3e&i)l!tive A))embl" to cl!rif" the po)ition of the d!u&hter5 to &ive her !l)o th!t ri&ht5 !lon&
'ith the )on5 &r!nd)on5 !nd the 'ido') of the v!riou) per)on)# Tho)e Bill) 'ere pre)ented to
the Hou)e !nd the" 'ere on the !&end!# . believe e(perienced 2ember) of thi) Hou)e5 li%e
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 'ill be !ble to rec!ll the )itu!tion 'ith 'hich the :overnment
'!) f!ced5 'hen it h!d ! l!r&e number of Bill) before itG!bout )i( Bill)# Sir $e&in!ld
2!('ell5 the Home 2ember5 !t th!t time pointed out in the Hou)e th!t it '!) !l'!") ! b!d
thin& to ru)h le&i)l!tion on )oci!l m!tter)5 'ithout !de9u!te con)ider!tion# And the difficult"
'!) more !nd more incre!)ed !) there 'ere more !nd more le&i)l!tion)# He '!)5 therefore5 in
full )"mp!th" 'ith the po)ition t!%en b" tho)e member)5 !nd he !&reed to h!ve the m!tter
e(!mined properl"5 from ever" point of vie'5 before le&i)l!tion '!) undert!%en# Thi) led to
the birth of the $!u Committee# Th!t Committee prep!red ! r!ft Bill !nd )ent
9ue)tionn!ire) to v!riou) people5 !nd con)idered !nd !n!l")ed the !n)'er) !nd the" prep!red
!nother Bill# But before proceedin& !n" further 'ith their 'or%5 the" 'ere met 'ith !n initi!l
difficult"# The" found th!t there '!) !nother blunder in connection 'ith the Act) of 19D7 !nd
19D8# The" 'ere of opinion th!t the Act of 19D75 !) it '!) !mended b" the Act of 19D8 did
not !ppl" to !&ricultur!l l!nd# The difficult" !ro)e in thi) '!" th!t the fir)t Act of 19D7 '!)
p!))ed b" the 3e&i)l!tive A))embl" 'hen !&ricultur!l l!nd '!) ! )ubAect no lon&er
co&niJ!ble b" the Centre# 2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The Hou)e )t!nd) !dAourned to E?D, p#m# h!
"ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d for 2un'h till $alf;Past wo of th! &lo'k,
h! "ss!mbly r!;ass!mbl!d aft!r 2un'h at $alf;Past wo of th! &lo'k, Mr. Sp!ak!r (h!
$onourabl! Mr. 1. *. Mavalankar. in th! &hair.
Sreem!tt" Annie 2!)c!rene (Tr!v!ncore St!te) 4 . 'i)h to r!i)e ! point of order# 2!" .
%no' 'hether it i) the dut" of ! 2ember of thi) Hou)e to !ttend the )e))ion of the le&i)l!ture
2r# Spe!%er4 .t i) h!rdl" ! point of order# A member need not !ttend !n" di)cu))ion if he
doe) not li%e to do )o# But . 'ill m!%e one ob)erv!tion# .f ! member m!%e) ! )peech in
)upport of or in oppo)ition to ! Bill5 it i) hi) dut" to rem!in pre)ent in the Hou)e to he!r the
Sreem!tt" Annie 2!)c!rene 4 .f he i) !b)ent for ! fe' d!") !nd then come) b!c% !nd
compl!in) th!t he i) not !'!re of the !&end! of the Hou)e5 c!n th!t be e(cu)ed# Sir 8
2r# Spe!%er 4 He 'ill be Aud&ed b" hi) )t!tement before the Hou)e#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Before 'e p!rted for 3unch tod!" . '!) de!lin& 'ith the fir)t
p!rt of the hi)tor" of thi) le&i)l!tion# The Act of 19D7 !nd the !mendin& Act of 19D8 led to
difficultie) 'ith re&!rd to the d!u&hter !nd ! l!r&e number of Bill) 'ere brou&ht for'!rd to
cl!rif" her po)ition# At th!t )t!&e the &overnment !&reed to h!ve the m!tter e(!mined !nd
!ppointed the $!u Committee# The $!u Committee )oon found th!t the le&i)l!ture h!d no
Auri)diction to p!)) the Act) )o f!r !) !&ricultur!l l!nd '!) concerned# The point !ro)e in thi)
'!" 4 A&ricultur!l l!nd '!) in the 3e&i)l!tive 3i)t of the Centre under the previou)
con)titution# The Bill '!) p!))ed b" the 3o'er Hou)e in 2!rch 19D7 'hen it '!)
functionin& under the old Con)titution# The /pper Hou)e p!))ed it )ometime in April 'hen
the ne' con)titution of 19D+ h!d come into force# So5 'hen the Bill '!) p!))ed b" the /pper
Hou)e5 it h!d no Auri)diction to le&i)l!te for !&ricultur!l l!nd# The !mendin& Act of 19D8 '!)
p!))ed 'hen none of the Hou)e) h!d thi) Auri)diction# The)e 'ere c!pit!l blunder) committed
b" the 3e&i)l!ture of the time# The $!u Committee referred the m!tter for opinion to the
*eder!l court# The *eder!l court &!ve ! rulin& th!t the Hou)e h!d#########
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r (2ini)ter of 3!')4 The hi)tor" i) 'holl" 'ron&#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Ho' could the $!u Committee refer
to the *eder!l Court 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 .t i) 'holl" 'ron& 8
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 <e)5 'holl" 'ron&#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 .n 'h!t re)pect 8
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 . 'ill de!l 'ith it in m" repl"#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 He i) )ub)t!nti!ll" correct#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 The $!u Committee reported to :overnment !nd the :overnor
:ener!l referred the m!tter to the *eder!l Court# . '!) 'ron& onl" in ! minute technic!l
det!il# . repe!t4 The $!u Committee referred the m!tter to the *eder!l Court throu&h the
!ppropri!te ch!nnelGthe :overnor :ener!l# .) th!t 'ron& 8 . '!) !b)olutel" ri&ht !nd never
'holl" 'ron&# (0nt!rruption..
2r# Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2ember m!" proceed#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 The point '!) thu) referred b" the $!u Committee to the
*eder!l Court !nd the" &!ve the rulin& th!t the 3e&i)l!ture !cted ultra vir!s )o f!r !)
!&ricultur!l l!nd '!) concerned# Th!t '!) ! c!pit!l blunder 'hich '!) reve!led !t the time#
A) )oon !) the rulin& of the *eder!l Court '!) %no'n . come upon the )cene# 2" connection
'ith the Hindu Code i) not c!)u!l or recent# . !m in ! po)ition to )ho' to the Hou)e th!t .
too% le&!l )tep) in connection 'ith thi) le&i)l!tion !) f!r b!c% !) 1941# . '!) then ! 2ember
of the Ben&!l 3e&i)l!ture !nd . )ubmitted ! Bill even before the fir)t report of the $!u
Committee '!) out# A) )oon !) the Aud&ement of the *eder!l Court '!) %no'n . introduced !
Bill in the Ben&!l 3e&i)l!ture to !ppl" the Act to Ben&!l )o f!r !) !&ricultur!l l!nd '!)
concerned# Th!t '!) the fir)t !ttempted le&i)l!tion of the time in thi) connection in .ndi!#
2r# T!A!rnul Hu)!in (Bih!r4 2u)lim)4 2!" . %no' from m" honour!ble friend if !t th!t
time he '!) in f!vour of the Hindu Code Bill from 'h!t time did he ch!n&e hi) mind 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 The Hindu Code Bill '!) not even born !t the time# At th!t
time5 li%e m!n" other)G?m!n" more f!mou) men !) f!r even !) the topic '!) concerned5 it
turned out l!ter th!t . h!d t!%en ! 'ron& )tep# .n f!ct . '!nted to e(tend the Act to
!&ricultur!l l!nd in Ben&!l# Th!t '!) the obAect of the Bill 'hich . )ubmitted to the Ben&!l
3e&i)l!ture# .t '!) circul!ted for opinion throu&hout Ben&!l !nd ! l!r&e bod" of public
opinion '!) in f!vour of the Bill# 1ver"bod" !t the time li%e me thou&ht th!t th!t Bill '!)
2r# T!A!rnul Hu)!in 4 Sir5 the honour!ble 2ember h!) not &iven hi) re!)on) 'h" he
ch!n&ed hi) mind#
2r# Spe!%er 4 Th!t i) not relev!nt !t !ll# He m!" ch!n&e hi) mind !n" number of time)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 The honour!ble 2ember )hould tr" to '!it# The Hou)e 'ill be
ple!)ed to note th!t the Bill '!) )ubmitted b" me in 19415 14th >ul"5 !nd th!t ! ver" l!r&e
)ection of Hindu public opinion in Ben&!l '!) then in f!vour of it# Then the Bill '!) pl!ced
on the !&end! for ! Select Committee# . h!ve &ot ! cop" of the !&end! p!per 'ith me5 d!ted
E+th September 194E# . '!) then in ! po)ition to &et it p!))ed b" the Ben&!l 3e&i)l!ture
'here the Hindu 2u)lim Co!lition p!rt" h!d ! l!r&e m!Aorit"# The ;!rt" b" ! m!Aorit" h!d
decided in f!vour of the Bill !nd it '!) &oin& to be )ent to ! Select Committee# B" th!t time5
ho'ever5 Hindu opinion h!d been )ufficientl" cr")t!lli)ed !&!in)t the Bill# . '!) told th!t
)eriou) difficultie) 'ould !ri)e if the Bill '!) p!))ed# 2!n" people5 includin& m")elf5 then
re!li)ed th!t if the Bill '!) p!))ed5 the po)ition of d!u&hter) !nd other) 'ould le!d to ch!o)#
.n the me!ntime the $!u Committee report h!d been publi)hed !nd the Bill dr!fted b" them
'!) before the countr"# A l!r&e number of meetin&) 'ere held in connection 'ith it in 1941
!nd 194E# There '!) ! meetin& held in m" n!tive pl!ce of Burd'!n !nd m!n" )imil!r
meetin&) 'ere held throu&hout Ben&!l condemnin& the m!in Bill# Thou&h . h!d the re9ui)ite
m!Aorit" in f!vour of m" Bill5 . did not proceed 'ith it !) it '!) ! 2!tter !ffectin& the Hindu
communit" !lone !nd it '!) oppo)ed b" them# . felt th!t it '!) no &ood p!))in& ! me!)ure b"
)heer m!Aorit" of per)on) 'ho 'ere not !ffected b" it# . '!) never in f!vour of the Hindu
Code Bill5 thou&h . '!) for ! time in f!vour of m" o'n Bill# Thi) 'ill . hope )!ti)f" m"
honour!ble friend 2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in# . !)%ed the Hindu member) to let me %no' 'h!t to
do !nd the" 'ere !&!in)t m" Bill !nd )o the Bill '!) dropped# . !m not !fr!id in the le!)t to
m!%e thi) !dmi))ion th!t ever"bod" thou&ht !nd even the $!u Committee thou&ht th!t ! Bill
fore)h!do'ed b" m" Bill )hould be introduced to e(tend the Act of 19D7 in ever" loc!l
le&i)l!ture to A&ricultur!l l!nd# . !l)o fell in line5 but then . found thi) volume of Hindu
opinion !&!in)t m" Bill# No province h!) ever !pplied the Act of 19D7 to !&ricultur!l l!nd#
Thence for'!rd# Sir5 ! l!r&e number of meetin&) h!ve been held in Ben&!l !nd the $!u
Committee Bill h!) been uniforml" condemned#
No' 'ith re&!rd to thi) $!u CommitteeB) report5 the" prep!red ! Bill5 th!t i) the 6 Hindu
Code BillG;!rt . inte)t!te Succe))ion 6 !nd th!t '!) introduced in the Centr!l 3e&i)l!tive
A))embl" !nd th!t '!) )ent to ! ver" )tron& Aoint Select Committee of both# Ch!mber) of the
Centr!l 3e&i)l!ture# . h!ve &ot ! report of the Select Committee 'ith me# .t '!) ver" )tron&l"
)upported on one )ide5 but e9u!ll" )tron&l" oppo)ed on the other5 !nd thi) Bill !) reported b"
the Select Committee c!me to the 3e&i)l!ture once !&!in5 the $!u Committee h!d in 1941
reported th!t the Hindu Code Bill )hould be t!%en up b" comp!rtment)# .t i) ! ver" import!nt
Aoint !nd . 'i)h to dr!' )peci!l !ttention to the f!ct th!t the $!u Committee !ctu!ll" reported
th!t the Hindu l!' )hould be t!%en up b" comp!rtment)5 )ucce))ion m!rri!&e5 &u!rdi!n)hip
!nd other)# The" )!id !t p!&e ED of their report of 1941#
6 The recommend!tion 'hich 'e )hould li%e to )tre)) mo)t )tron&l" i) th!t rel!tin& to
the prep!r!tion5 in &r!du!l )t!&e) of ! complete code of Hindu be&innin&5 !) 'e h!ve )!id5
'ith the l!' of )ucce))ion5 to be follo'ed b" the l!' of m!rri!&e !nd in due cour)e b" the
other topic) of Hindu l!'# .t i) true th!t even the)e l!r&e &roup) !re to )ome e(tent inter?
connectedC but it 'ill be e!)ier for the dr!ft)m!n to )ee 'h!t he i) doin& if he de!l)5 for
e(!mple5 'ith the 'hole l!' of )ucce))ion th!n 'ith i)ol!ted rule) rel!tin& to the propert"
ri&ht) of 'ido')# Thi) pl!n 'ould !l)o offer ! better ch!nce of !&reed )olution) on
di)puted point)5 for the l!r&er the field5 the more room there i) for compromi)e# The !im
)hould be5 !) f!r !) po))ible5 to !rrive !t !&reed )olution) !nd to !void !n"thin& li%el" to
!rou)e !crimoniou) controver)"# Thi) need not me!n !n" re!l )lo'in& do'n of the p!ce of
reformC for true reform proceed) b" per)u!)ion r!ther th!n coercion#6
At p!&e ..5 the" )!"4
6 7e do not )u&&e)t th!t !ll p!rt) of the l!' )hould be t!%en in h!nd !t once# The#########
l!' of )ucce))ion# ######m!" be t!%en up fir)t5 then the l!' of m!rri!&eC !nd )o on# After the
l!' rel!tin& to e!ch p!rt h!) thu) been reduced to )t!tutor" form the v!riou) Act) m!" be
con)olid!ted into ! )in&le Code#6
Th!t '!) the report !nd in pur)u!nce of their report the" )ubmitted their Bill rel!tin& to
the Hindu Code ;!rt .5 inte)t!te )ucce))ion# Before the Bill rel!tin& to )ucce))ion !) )ettled
b" the >oint Select Committee c!me up before the A))embl"5 the >oint Select Committee h!d
it)elf recommended th!t it i) no &ood p!))in& thi) p!rt !lone5 but th!t the" )hould h!ve ! true
picture of the entire Hindu Code !) it 'ill )t!nd5 !) the different p!rt) !re inter?dependent !nd
in thi) '!"5 the" recommended th!t thi) Bill )hould not be p!))ed !nd ! truer !nd ! more
comprehen)ive vie' of the Hindu l!' )hould be t!%en# .n their report the Select Committee
6 7e thin% th!t )tep) )hould be t!%en to re)u)cit!te the Hindu 3!' Committee !nd to
encour!&e the formul!tion !nd en!ctment of the rem!inin& p!rt) of the propo)ed Code in
the interv!l 'hich i) to l!p)e bet'een the pre)ent Bill 'hen p!))ed come) into force# .t
m!" 'ell be found th!t the pre)ent Bill 'ill re9uire before it i) !llo'ed to come into
oper!tion5 re!dAu)tment !nd !mendment in the li&ht of the deci)ion) t!%en in connection
'ith the other br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'# 6
So the" recommended th!t the Hou)e !nd the countr" )hould h!ve ! fuller picture# The
Hindu 3!' Committee 'hich h!d been di))olved '!) thu) revived !nd the" 'ere !)%ed to
&ive u) ! picture of the other br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'# The fir)t thin& 'hich the" did '!)
to produce !nother Bill5 the 6 Hindu Code ;!rt ..G2!rri!&e#6 The )econd Bill '!) produced
b" them !nd l!ter on the" produced the other p!rt)# The point 'hich . !m tr"in& to emph!)i)e
i) th!t the)e 'ere )ep!r!te )elf?cont!ined Bill)# The l!' of .nherit!nce '!) !b)olutel" )elf?
cont!ined !nd )ep!r!te !nd '!) c!p!ble of bein& en!cted )ep!r!tel"# The l!' of 2!rri!&e
!l)o could be en!cted )ep!r!tel"# There !re three other p!rt) 'hich 'ere in )ep!r!te p!rt)
thou&h printed in one volume '!) circul!ted# Then !fter obt!inin& opinion5 the" introduced
)ome ch!n&e) !l)o b" '!" of )upplement# The Hou)e 'ill5 therefore5 be ple!)ed to note the
re!l me!nin& !nd purpo)e of completel" )ep!r!te Bill) printed in the )!me boo% !) )ep!r!te
)elf?cont!ined )ubAect) 'ith )ep!r!te numberin&# The 3!' 2ini)tr"5 ho'ever5 it )eem)
mi)too% the purpo)e of the )ep!r!te p!rt) 'ith )ep!r!te numberin&# .n f!ct in the report of the
Select Committee on the pre)ent Bill5 the member) of the m!Aorit" )!" th!t )ep!r!te
numberin& !nd )ep!r!te p!rt) '!) ! thin& un%no'n !nd purpo)ele))5 !nd therefore5 the"
'!nted to blend the different p!rt) into one complete 'hole 'ith con)ecutive numberin&#
Th!t i) cle!rl" mentioned in the report# Th!t i) the re!)on 'h" the" produced ! Hindu Code
'hich the" thou&ht '!) )elf?cont!ined !nd more lo&ic!ll" !rr!n&ed# The purpo)e of the $!u
Committee of )ep!r!te en!ctment) !nd their )ub)e9uent con)olid!tion '!) entirel" mi))ed#
The fir)t point5 'hich . )hould li%e to t!%e in thi) connection i) th!t the ch!n&e) m!de b"
the ep!rtment!l Committee )et up b" the 2ini)tr" of 3!' 'ent be"ond the purpo)e of the
ori&in!l Bill5 or r!ther the different Bill)# .n f!ct the blendin& of the different p!rt) of the
ori&in!l Bill into one i) the thin& 'hich h!) cre!ted ! lot of difficultie) !nd h!) m!de
confu)ion 'or)e confounded# A) '!) )u&&e)ted b" the $!u Committee5 the better thin&
'ould h!ve been to p!)) )ep!r!te p!rt) )ep!r!tel"5 )o th!t there 'ill be the le!)t obAection !nd
the !ttention of the Hou)e !) 'ell !) of the countr" could be focu))ed upon individu!l
)ubAect)5 thou&h the" m!" h!ve ! comprehen)ive vie' of the entire Hindu 3!'# No' the
blendin& of the different p!rt) or Bill) into one 'hole 'ith runnin& number) h!) pl!ced u) in
thi) difficult" th!t 'e find in the Hou)e th!t there i) h!rdl" !n" 2ember 'ho h!) )po%enC
'ho i) completel" in f!vour of the con)olid!ted Bill !) it h!) emer&ed from the Select
Committee# Some !re in f!vour of the m!rri!&e provi)ion)C other) !re in f!vour of the
inherit!nceC 'ith re&!rd to &u!rdi!n)hip !nd other thin&)5 there i) the le!)t obAection#
Sep!r!te Bill) !) in the ori&in!l )cheme 'ould h!ve )implified m!tter) !nd reduced our
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 2!inten!nce portion i) the be)t C !ll the re)t i) rubbi)h#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 2!inten!nce portion5 !) ;!ndit 2!itr! remind) u)5 i) the le!)t
obAected to# So if the p!rt) 'ere %ept )ep!r!te5 then the Hou)e 'ould h!ve been in ! po)ition
to de!l more e!)il" 'ith individu!l )ubAect)# The )ubAect of m!inten!nce i) not controver)i!l#
.t doe) not !ffect the reli&iou) )tructure of the )ociet"# .t doe) not 'ound the reli&iou)
feelin&) !nd !&e?lon& belief) of the Hindu) !nd it could h!ve been p!))ed !t once# Th!t '!)
the re!)on for the )ep!r!te tre!tment# But the ep!rtment!l Committee r!ther5 mi))ed the
purpo)e of the )ep!r!te tre!tment !nd blended the 'hole thin& into one#
Sir5 . 'ould point out th!t in the )econd $!u Committee report !l)o5 the Bill '!) prep!red
in different comp!rtment)5 the" repe!ted their !dvice th!t it )hould be t!%en up )ep!r!tel"#
The Bill '!) intended to be t!%en up in p!rt) )ep!r!tel" !nd )hould be de!lt 'ith
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in 4 7h" donBt "ou brin& !mendment) to thi) effect 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 2" honour!ble friend b" the interruption me!n) to )!" 6 . )h!ll
mi( up thin&) in !n" '!" . li%e5 !nd it i) for "ou to brin& )uit!ble !mendment) to )ep!r!te
them#6# .t i) impo))ible# .f "ou coo% me!t5 fi)h !nd ve&et!ble) to&ether !nd !)% ! ve&et!ri!n
to )ep!r!te them b" me!n) of !n !mendment !nd then t!%e the ve&et!ble) !lone5 th!t 'ould
be to puttin& the c!rt before the hor)e# The Bill h!) mi(ed up di)tinct !nd )ep!r!te c!te&orie)
of l!' into one complete 'hole#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 No5 no# There !re )ep!r!te ch!pter)#
2r# Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2ember i) e(pre))in& hi) o'n vie' !nd other honour!ble
2ember) 'ill h!ve !n opportunit" of e(pre))in& their o'n vie')# 7h!t i) the &ood of
interruptin& 8 .t 'ill onl" prolon& hi) )peech#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 The )ection) of one p!rt h!ve been lifted from th!t !nd pl!ced in
!nother p!rt#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 0n ! point of order# Sir# Am . not entitled to correct5
'hen hi) )t!tement th!t it h!) mi(ed up different ch!pter) i) open to correction 8
2r# Spe!%er4 Th!t '!" he 'ill be entitled to correct !&!in# There )hould be no
interruption)# . thin%5 'e !re unnece))!ril" imp!tient# 7h!tever our vie') in re)pect of the
Bill for or !&!in)t5 'e mu)t &ive ! p!tient he!rin& to the opponent !nd tr" to meet hi) point)#
. !m &oin& to &ive the fulle)t opportunit" to ever" one# So let there be no interruption)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . !m ver" &r!teful for thi) direction# The point i) th!t the
definition) !nd other cl!u)e) in e!ch p!rt 'ere !b)olutel" )ep!r!te# .t i) e!)" for !n" one 'ho
h!) the p!tience to comp!re the ori&in!l Bill pre)ented b" 2r# >o&endr!n!th 2!nd!l to the
Hou)e 'ith the revi)ed Bill to )ee the difference#
An Honour!ble 2ember4 7ho '!) >o&end!rn!th 2!nd!l8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 He '!) the previou) 3!' 2ember# .f !n" one comp!re) the old
Bill pre)ented b" him !nd the pre)ent Bill5 it 'ould be e!)" to )ee th!t portion) from different
p!rt) h!ve been tr!n)pl!nted to other p!rt)# The !ct )eem) to be !b)olutel" bonafid!, but it
'!) not b!)ed upon ! full !ppreci!tion of the purpo)e of the )ep!r!te tre!tment of the
)ubAect)# .n f!ct5 the Select Committee '!) pre)ented 'ith ! re?dr!fted Bill b" the 2ini)tr" of
3!'# Th!t . )ubmit 'ould be li%el" !b)olutel" to mi)le!d the Select Committee# .t i) thi)
document 'hich '!) printed on the 17th >ul" 1948# .t '!) prep!red re!d"?m!de for the
h!nd" u)e of the Select Committee before it ever met !nd the Select Committee '!)
pre)ented 'ith thi) ep!rtment!l Bill . h!ve !lre!d" de!lt 'ith one point5 th!t in thi)
intermedi!te ep!rtment!l Bill i) ! )eriou) dep!rture h!) been m!de5 n!mel"5 different p!rt)
h!ve been mi(ed up into one 'hole )o to m!%e it impo))ible to put )ep!r!te p!rt) b!c% to
their ori&in!l )h!pe# .t c!n be &one b" ! re)e!rch )tudent5 not b" 2ember) of the Hou)e
'ithout !n" )uch tendencie) or inclin!tion)# . )ubmit therefore5 th!t the fir)t mi)t!%e '!)
committed b" the ep!rtment!l Committee in mi(in& up entirel" )ep!r!te )ubAect)# Thi)
introduce) ! )eriou) !nd unprecedented con)titution!l innov!tion tr!n)pl!nted to other p!rt)#
The !ct )eem) to be !b)olutel" bona fid!, but it '!) not b!)ed upon ! full !ppreci!tion of the
purpo)e of the )ep!r!te tre!tment of the )ubAect)# .n f!ct5 the Select Committee '!) pre)ented
'ith ! re?dr!fted Bill b" the 2ini)tr" of 3!'# Th!t . )ubmit 'ould be li%el" !b)olutel" to
mi)le!d the Select Committee# .t i) thi) document 'hich '!) printed on the 17th >ul" 1948# .t
'!) prep!red re!d"?m!de for the h!nd" u)e of the Select Committee before it ever met !nd
the Select Committee '!) pre)ented 'ith thi) ep!rtment!l ill# . h!ve !lre!d" de!lt 'ith
one point5 th!t in thi) intermedi!te ep!rtment!l Bill i) ! )eriou) dep!rture h!) been m!de5
n!mel"5 different p!rt) h!ve been mi(ed up into one 'hole )o to m!%e it impo))ible to put
)ep!r!te p!rt) b!c% to their ori&in!l )h!pe# .t c!n be done b" ! re)e!rch )tudent5 not b"
2ember) of the Hou)e 'ithout !n" )uch tendencie) or inclin!tion)# . )ubmit therefore5 th!t
the fir)t mi)t!%e '!) committed b" the ep!rtment!l Committee in mi(in& up entirel"
)ep!r!te )ubAect)# Thi) introduce) ! )eriou) !nd unprecedented con)titution!l innov!tion#
Then5 Sir5 the ep!rtment!l Committee h!) introduced ver" )eriou) ch!n&e) in their
ep!rtment!l Bill# .t 'ill be e(tremel" import!nt 'hen 'e con)ider the be!rin& !nd the
effect of thi) ep!rtment!l Bill on the proceedin&) of the Select Committee# The
ep!rtment!l Bill5 !) . )h!ll !ttempt to )ho' introduced m!n" ver" import!nt ch!n&e)5
thou&h . mu)t point out th!t neither the Honour!ble 2ini)ter for 3!' nor the 2ember) of the
Select Committee nor the 2ember) of the Hou)e )eem to be !'!re of the )eriou)ne)) of the
ch!n&e) effected# .n f!ct5 the 2ini)ter for 3!' on the l!)t occ!)ion 'hen he )po%e in the
pre)ent )e))ion in )upport of the motion for con)ider!tion pointed out the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)
m!de in the Bill# But he '!) c!reful to in)i)t th!t !ll the ch!n&e) h!d been m!de b" the Select
Committee# . too% c!reful note) of hi) )peech !nd thi) c!n be verified from the offici!l
report)# He pointed out 'ith commend!ble thorou&hne)) the dep!rture) m!de in the fin!l Bill
from the ori&in!l >o&endr!n!th 2!nd!l)B) Bill# Th!t )ho' th!t the Honour!ble 2ini)ter '!)
tot!ll" un!'!re of the )eriou) ch!n&e) m!de b" hi) ep!rtment in the )o c!lled Bill
)ubmitted to the Select Committee# .n f!ct5 . !)%ed ! Short Notice Nue)tion of the
Honour!ble 2ini)ter !) to 'hether the ep!rtment!l Committee h!d been !uthori)ed to m!%e
!n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) in the ori&in!l Bill# The !n)'er '!) th!t the" h!d no )uch !uthorit"#
0n the other h!nd5 the 2ini)ter for 3!' too% the entire re)pon)ibilit" for the ch!n&e)5 if !n"
on him)elf# To ! )upplement!r" 9ue)tion of 2r# $!mn!r!in Sin&h the 2ini)ter for 3!' )t!ted
6 . introduced no ch!n&e) 6# .n f!ct5 the point '!) 'hether the ep!rtment!l Bill h!d m!de
!n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)5 !nd he m!de it !b)olutel" cle!r th!t he h!d m!de no )uch ch!n&e)
!nd th!t the Select Committee !lone h!d m!de the ch!n&e)# The entire Hou)e )eem) to be of
the opinion th!t the Select Committee m!de the ch!n&e) !nd th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) 'ere
m!de b" the ep!rtment!l Committee# 0n the l!)t occ!)ion 'hen . '!) on m" le&)5 . '!)
repe!tedl" !)%ed to point 'herein the ep!rtment!l Committee h!d m!de )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e)# .t i) import!nt th!t . )hould refer to thi)5 bec!u)e it )ho') th!t the 2ember) of the
Select Committee or the Hou)e or even the 2ini)ter for 3!' '!) not !'!re of !n"
)ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) re!ll" m!de5 !nd . )ubmit therefore5 th!t5 if . c!n )ho' th!t )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e) 'ere re!ll" m!de b" the ep!rtment!l Committee !nd ver" r!rel" b" the Select
Committee5 it 'ould open up before the Hou)e import!nt con)ider!tion)# The Select
Committee 'ere &iven ! re!d"m!de ne' Bill !nd the !))ur!nce in the report of the Select
Committee i) th!t it cont!ined no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) !nd th!t the ch!n&e) 'ere re!rr!n&in&
the cl!u)e)5 their re?numberin& !nd )uch form!l ch!n&e) !) !re purel" of ! dr!ftin& n!ture#
Thi) i) the !))ur!nce 'e &et in the report of the Select Committee# . 'ould therefore5 li%e to
point th!t tho)e )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) 'ere m!de b" the ep!rtment!l committee# .t i) not e!)"
to tr!ce the ch!n&e) !nd . c!nnot bl!me !n" honour!ble 2ember for f!ilin& to notice them# .
h!d to prep!re ! comp!r!tive ch!rt5 not of the number) !lone5 but of the cl!u)e) !nd )ub?
cl!u)e) of the three bill) )ide b" )ide# . !)%ed for ! cop" of the ep!rtment!l Bill5 but it '!)
not )upplied# . )ubmit# Sir5 th!t the ep!rtment!l Bill i) ! ver" import!nt document !nd
)hould be )upplied to the 2ember)# 7e h!ve been )upplied 'ith ! report of the evidence of
'itne))e) before the Select Committee5 but the mo)t import!nt document 'hich pl!"ed )uch
! l!r&e p!rt in the fr!min& of the fin!l Bill5 h!) not been )upplied# .t '!) 'ith the &re!te)t
difficult" th!t . h!ve procured ! cop"5 not from the ep!rtment5 but throu&h the courte)" of
!n honour!ble 2ember)# Then5 Sir5 . prep!red ! comp!r!tive )t!tement in p!r!llel column) of
the !ppropri!te provi)ion) of the ori&in!l Bill !nd the corre)pondin& provi)ion) of the
ep!rtment!l Bill !nd the fin!l Bill5 !nd . find it e(tremel" difficult to e(pl!in the re!l
)i&nific!nce of the ch!n&e) e(cept b" reference to the comp!r!tive ch!rt#
. !m tr"in& to &et the Bill) in p!r!llel column) printed# . !m )orr" it could not be
completed !nd it could not be pl!ced in the h!nd) of the 2ember) for their convenience# But5
. )h!ll refer to the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) m!de one b" one# .n doin& )o5 . )h!ll refer to the ver"
import!nt ch!n&e) m!de b" the ep!rtment!l Committee# .t i) on ! con)ider!tion of the
ch!n&e) b" the ep!rtment!l Committee th!t thi) point 'ill be decided# . )h!ll refer to the
ch!n&e) m!de b" the ep!rtment!l Committee 'hich h!) been offici!ll" denied b" the
ep!rtment !nd !l)o un%no'n to the 2ember) in the Hou)e# The Hou)e 'ill be ple!)ed to
con)ider cert!in cl!u)e) of the ori&in!l Bill#
.t i) in p!rt .5 cl!u)e E5 )ub?cl!u)e (D)(!)# The cl!u)e corre)pondin& to thi) i) cl!u)e E of
the dep!rtment!l Bill5 )ub?cl!u)e (E)# The ori&in!l Bill )!")4
6 .t )h!ll be pre)umed until the contr!r" i) proved th!t the 'hole of thi) Code !pplie) to
ever" per)on 'ho i) not ! 2u)lim5 Chri)ti!n5 ;!r)i or >e' b" reli&ion#6
The ori&in!l Bill '!) thu) ! mere rule of pre)umption# But in the dep!rtment!l Bill5 it i)
no lon&er ! rule of pre)umption but ! po)itive rule of l!'# .n the ori&in!l Bill5 it '!) to be
pre)umed th!t5 if ! m!n '!) not ! 2u)lim5 Chri)ti!n5 ;!r)i or >e'5 he 'ould be 6 pre)umed 6
to be ! Hindu# Th!t 'ould not be ! rule of l!' but ! rule of pre)umption# .n the ep!rtment!l
Bill thi) i) ch!n&ed to )t!nd li%e thi)4
6 Thi) Code !l)o !pplie) to !n" other per)on 'ho i) not ! 2u)lim5 Chri)ti!n5 ;!r)i or
>e' b" reli&ion# 6#
The difference bet'een the t'o i) th!t under the ori&in!l Bill !n" m!n 'ho i) not !
2u)lim5 Chri)ti!n5 ;!r)i or >e'5 'ould merel" be pre)umed to be ! Hindu !nd 'ould be
pre)umed to be &overned b" thi) Act# .n the ep!rtment!l Bill5 it i) )!id th!t#G
6 the Code !pplie) !l)o to !n" one 'ho i) not ! 2u)lim5 Chri)ti!n5 ;!r)i or >e'# 6
. )ubmit5 Sir5 thi) i) introducin& ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e# 7hile it was ! rule of pre)umption
in the ori&in!l ;ill5 it i) no' ! po)itive rule !nd not one of pre)umption5 th!t the Hindu l!'
!pplie) to !n" one not bein& 2u)lim)5 Chri)ti!n)5 ;!r)i) !nd >e')# .n the provi)o it i) )!id4
.f it i) proved th!t the Hindu l!' doe) not !ppl" to !n"one5 the Hindu l!' 'ill not
. thin% it i) mo)t un)!ti)f!ctor" '!" of )t!tin& thin&)# The fin!l Bill !pplie) it to them !nd
thi) 'ith the provi)o5 h!) ch!n&ed the l!'#
Sir5 . )ubmit th!t thi) h!) introduced ! )eriou) ch!n&e# . !m not concerned 'ith the polic"
of the l!'# But5 . !m concerned 'ith the ch!n&e) in the ep!rtment!l Bill of 'hich the Select
Committee )eem to be un!'!re#
Then5 Sir5 comin& to !nother p!rt of the Bill# .n the ep!rtment!l Bill#########
2r# T!A!mul Hu))!in4 2!" . h!ve "our permi))ion to r!i)e ! point of order8
2r# Spe!%er4 <e)#
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in 4 2" le!rned friend5 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d h!) been tr"in& to )ho'
before the Hou)e th!t the ep!rtment!l Bill '!) con)idered b" the Select Committee !nd not
the ori&in!l Bill !nd he doe) thi) !fter "our findin& of f!ct !nd rulin& th!t the ori&in!l Bill
'!) con)idered b" the Select Committee# . '!nt to %no' "our rulin& no'#
2r# Spe!%er 4 . h!ve been he!rin& hi) !r&ument !nd . feel he i) )pe!%in& in )upport of hi)
!mendment th!t the Bill be circul!ted for purpo)e) of opinion !nd the other !mendment i) for
recommitment to the )!me Select Committee# Therefore5 thou&h m" rulin& )t!nd)5 . thin%5 he
i) tr"in& to m!%e out ! c!)e th!t5 there h!) been )uch ! )ub)t!nti!l dep!rture from the ori&in!l
Bill !) introduced b" Sit# >o&endr! N!th 2!nd!l5 both in the )cheme !) 'ell !) in the content5
th!t it i) nece))!r" no' to recircul!te or recommit it to the )!me Select Committee# Hi) point5
!) . h!ve under)tood till no'5 i) th!t the ori&in!l )cheme of the $!u Committee in the fir)t
Bill '!) th!t the v!riou) p!rt) of l!' )hould be t!%en in different comp!rtment)# .t '!)
po))ible to )ep!r!te one from the other5 but in the pre)ent )cheme5 the 'hole h!vin& been
m!de !) !n or&!nic 'hole5 it i) difficult no' to t!%e cert!in p!rt) th!t the people !&ree to !nd
drop out other p!rt)5 'ith 'hich the people do not !&ree# Ho' f!r he i) ri&ht i) !nother
m!tter# Therefore5 he )!") th!t5 it i) nece))!r" to recircul!te the Bill for opinion# Th!t i) ho'
. h!ve under)tood the point till no'# . do not thin% he i) contr!dictin& m" rulin&#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Not in the le!)t# Sir5 it 'ill be too l!te in the d!" even to )u)pect
th!t . h!ve 9ue)tioned "our rulin&# The rulin& '!) on ! point of l!'# .t '!) ver" technic!l in
n!ture# 2" point of order '!) b!)ed upon )ome !))umption) 'hich could not cle!rl" be
2r# Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2ember m!" proceed 'ith hi) !r&ument#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . )ub)t!nti!ll" !&ree th!t m" point of vie' i) th!t# But it i)
)omethin& more too# .n f!ct5 it i) m" purpo)e to )ho' th!t if the honour!ble the 2ini)ter of
3!'5 'ho i) re)pon)ible for the ep!rtment!l Bill5 !nd the 2ember) of the Select Committee
'ere not preci)el" !'!re of the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) m!de in the ep!rtment!l Bill5 c!n it be
)!id th!t le&!ll" !nd !l)o in f!ct the" h!ve )ub)t!nti!ll" con)idered both 8 The" technic!ll"
con)idered both5 but did the" !) ! m!tter of f!ct !de9u!tel" con)ider them 8 The 9ue)tion no
lon&er !ri)e) !) ! m!tter of l!' on !ccount of "our rulin&5 the Au)tice of 'hich . re)pectfull"
!ccept# But the point . !m )tre))in& i) th!t thou&h the" con)idered both5 the" 'ere f!ced 'ith
the obviou) difficult" th!t there '!) ! Bill pre)ented to them 'hich '!) )!id to be ! mere
redr!ft of the ori&in!l Bill !nd ! re?!rr!n&ement of thin&) of the cl!u)e)5 'ith the e(pre))
&u!r!ntee th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!d been m!de !nd "et in f!ct )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!d
been m!de# 2" point i) th!t thou&h technic!ll" the Select Committee con)idered both the
ori&in!l Bill !nd the ep!rtment!l Bill5 the" did not !nd could not5 !) ! m!tter of f!ct5 &ive
)ufficient or !de9u!te con)ider!tion to the)e undi)clo)ed ch!n&e)# 2" purpo)e i) to m!%e out
! c!)e for recommitment of the Bill to Select Committee or for circul!tion#
The ne(t ch!n&e m!de b" the ep!rtment!l committee of ! )ub)t!nti!l n!ture i) in cl!u)e
E5 )ub?cl!u)e (4)# the ch!n&e introduced here '!) m!de b" the ep!rtment!l Committee# The
ch!n&e i) !b)olutel" ne' !nd it '!) not in the ori&in!l Bill !nd i) ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e# Thi)
'!) introduced b" the ep!rtment!l committee in the Bill !nd not b" the Select Committee#
Th!t i) the mo)t import!nt point# The ep!rtment!l Bill provide)4
6 E(4)# Not'ith)t!ndin& !n"thin& cont!ined in the Speci!l 2!rri!&e Act of 187E (... of
187E) thi) &od! )h!ll !ppl" to !ll Hindu) 'ho)e m!rri!&e) h!ve been )olemni)ed5 under
the provi)ion) of th!t Act prior to the commencement of thi) Code#6
The ori&in!l Bill did not cont!in !n"thin& li%e thi) !nd the ori&in!l Bill left tho)e 'ho
'ere m!rried under Speci!l 2!rri!&e Act of 187E to be &overned b" th!t Act# Th!t i)
divorce5 m!inten!nce !nd other provi)ion) !ppl"in& to tho)e 'ho 'ere m!rried under th!t
Act 'ould be &overned b" the provi)ion) of the Speci!l 2!rri!&e Act5 187E5 'hich !re
entirel" different# Ho' different from the pre)ent Code i) not ver" m!teri!l# The pre)ent )ub?
cl!u)e ho'ever '!nt) to m!%e out th!t tho)e m!rri!&e) under the Speci!l 2!rri!&e Act of
187E5 'hich too% pl!ce before the Code come) into force5 'ould be &overned not b" the
Speci!l 2!rri!&e Act but b" thi) Code# . )ubmit th!t thi) i) ! )ub)t!nti!l dep!rture or ch!n&e
introduced in the ep!rtment!l Bill !nd it '!) introduced b" the ep!rtment!l Committee
!nd '!) merel" !ccepted b" the Select Committee !) ! m!tter of cour)e# Thi) i) ! )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e5 'hether it i) &ood or b!d5 'hether it i) bona fid! or not i) not the point but !
)ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e h!) been effected b" the ep!rtment!l Committee !nd the Select
Committee '!) not )pecific!ll" informed of the ch!n&e m!de# Thou&h there !re reference) to
cl!u)e) of the ori&in!l Bill5 etc# &iven in the m!r&in5 )till thi) )ub?cl!u)e i) !b)olutel" ne'
'ithout !n" indic!tion 'h!t)oever th!t thi) '!) ! ch!n&e# Ch!n&e) in )ub?cl!u)e) h!ve not
been indic!ted# .n f!ct in ordin!r" Bill) comin& out from ! Select Committee !ll ch!n&e)
m!de b" the Select Committee !re either underlined or )idelined# The Select Committee h!)
)t!ted th!t thi) pr!ctice i) unnece))!r"5 bec!u)e m!r&in!l reference) h!ve been &iven# .
)ubmit th!t m!r&in!l reference i) onl" to the cl!u)e) but thi) )ub?cl!u)e (4) i) !b)olutel" ne'#
The reference to thi) )ub?cl!u)e i) ;!rt .5 Section F5 p!&e E !nd Schedule .5 p!&e D,# The
ch!n&e effected i) neither indic!ted here either b" reference or b" )uit!ble m!r%in&
!rr!n&ement# At le!)t it i) ! ch!n&e of ! )ub)t!nti!l n!ture !nd the !ttention of the Select
Committee '!) not in !n" m!nner )pecific!ll" dr!'n to it5 nor the n!ture of the ch!n&e i)
indic!ted# Th!t i) ch!n&e No# E# . !m de!lin& onl" 'ith the more )ub)t!nti!l !nd import!nt
ch!n&e)# There !re m!n"# . hope !t ! future time to m!%e !v!il!ble to 2ember) !) 'ell !) the
public ! public!tion 'hich 'ill cle!rl" )ho' the re!l ch!n&e) introduced b" the ep!rtment
!nd the ch!n&e) re!ll" introduced b" the Select Committee# . !&!in in)i)t th!t the Select
Committee m!de ver" fe' ch!n&e) !nd mo)t of the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) introduced 'ere
m!de b" the r!ftin& Committee#
. come to !nother p!rt of the Bill# .n the ori&in!l Bill5 ;!rt .5 cl!u)e D5 'hich de!l) 'ith
the oper!tion of the code in rel!tion to previou) cu)tom) !nd u)!&e5 it i) provided4
6 .n re&!rd to !n" m!tter) de!lt 'ith in thi) Code it) provi)ion) )h!ll )uper)ede !n"
cu)tom or u)!&e not hereb" e(pre))l" )!ved#6
The ori&in!l Bill 'ould )uper)ede onl" 6 cu)tom) or u)!&e) 6 not thereb" e(pre))l" )!ved
G!ll cu)tom) not )pecific!ll" reco&ni)ed b" the ori&in!l Bill 'ould be )uper)eded# 3et u)
loo% !t the corre)pondin& provi)ion) in the ep!rtment!l Bill 'hich !l)o '!) !ccepted
7ithout 9ue)tion b" the Select Committee# . m!" point out th!t the ch!n&e '!) effected b"
the ep!rtment!l Committee !nd not b" the Select Committee# .n the ep!rtment!l Bill5 it i)
cl!u)e 4 'hich corre)pond) to cl!u)e 4 in the fin!l Bill# The m!r&in!l note i) 6over?ridin&
effect of the code 6 'hich i) much different but . l!" no emph!)i) on thi) note !) it i) not p!rt
of the Bill# The ep!rtment!l Bill )!")4
6 S!ve !) other'i)e e(pre))l" provided in thi) Code !n" te(t or rule or interpret!tion of
the Hindu 3!' or cu)tom or u)!&e or !n" other l!' in force immedi!tel" prior to the
commencement of thi) Act )h!ll ce!)e to h!ve effect !) re)pect) !n" of the m!tter) de!lt 'ith
b" thi) Code#6
The verb!l ch!n&e) !re not import!nt but "ou 'ill ple!)e con)ider th!t )ever!l import!nt
ne' m!tter) h!ve been introduced b" the ep!rtment!l Committee# 6 An" te(t5 rule or
interpret!tion of Hindu l!' 6 !nd l!ter on 6 !n" other l!' in force immedi!tel" prior to the
commencement of thi) Code !re !b)olutel" ne'# 3et the Hou)e p!u)e for ! minute !nd
con)ider the )eriou)ne)) of the ch!n&e# All cu)tom !nd u)!&e not )pecific!ll" reco&ni)ed b"
the ori&in!l Bill 'ould be !b)olutel" &one# But the ep!rtment!l Bill 'ould include !l)o
'ithin it) mi)chief !n" te(t5 rule or interpret!tion of Hindu l!'# Thi) i) )omethin& 'hich i)
entirel" different from u)!&e !nd cu)tom# .n f!ct !n" te(t of the )!cred boo%)5 the *!das !nd
Smritis !n" rule or interpret!tion of the Hindu l!'5 th!t i) to )!"5 !ll rulin& of the Hi&h Court5
the *eder!l Court !nd the ;riv" Council5 !ll !uthorit!tive e(po)ition) of the ori&in!l S!n)%rit
te(t) or the interpret!tion) b" the hi&he)t Audici!l !uthoritie) mu)t peri)h !) !l)o !n" other
l!' in force immedi!tel" prior to the commencement of thi) Code# The )!cred te(t) !nd the
rich c!)e l!' for over ! centur" !nd ! h!lf 'ould be !boli)hed !lto&ether b" ! )tro%e of the
pen# 6 An" te(t5 rule or interpret!tion of Hindu l!' 6 prob!bl" include) !ll thin&)# 6 An"
other l!' in force immedi!tel" prior to the commencement of thi) code6 'ould prob!bl" be
included 'ithin the p!))!&e5 but . )ubmit th!t the ep!rtment!l Bill 'ould tr" to ille&!li)e5 if
. m!" be permitted to u)e the e(pre))ion5 !ll te(t)5 interpret!tion of Hindu l!' or rule not
)pecific!ll" reco&ni)ed b" the Bill5 !nd the" 'ill !ll be &one# . )ubmit thi) i) ! )ub)t!nti!l
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 0n ! point of order5 i) the honour!ble 2ember
'ithin hi) ri&ht) to 9ue)tion the competenc" of "our rulin& 8 7hen he c!ll) thi) Bill !) the B
ep!rtment!l Bill he i) m!%in& ver" &re!t in)inu!tion !&!in)t the member) of the Select
Committee# The 2ember) of the Select Committee h!ve &one full" into the Bill !nd the"
h!ve noted !ll the ch!n&e)# He c!n no lon&er !r&ue on the point b" referrin& to it !) the
ep!rtment!l Bill# 7e '!nt "our rulin& !) to 'hether he i) in order#
2r# Spe!%er4 . !m !fr!id it i) h!rdl" ! point for rulin&# The)e !re ob)erv!tion) 'hich5 .
!ppreci!te5 irrit!te )ome 2ember)C but . do not thin% the honour!ble 2ember5 'hen he u)e)
the e(pre))ion B ep!rtment!l Bill B )u&&e)t) thereb" th!t the 2ember) of the Select
Committee did not con)ider the point)# He i)5 !) . h!ve been noticin&5 u)in& the e(pre))ion B
ep!rtment!l Bill B for the )!%e of brevit" in)te!d of )!"in& e!ch time 6 the Bill 'hich '!)
dr!fted b" the ep!rtment for the benefit of the Select Committee 2ember)# 6 . do not thin%
it &oe) !n"thin& further th!n th!t !nd 'e )hould not re!d !n" me!nin& into it# ep!rtment!l
Bill i) onl" ! )hort phr!)e for th!t# A) . once pointed outG1 do not %no' 'hether the
honour!ble 2ember '!) pre)ent 'hen !nother honour!ble member of the Hou)e r!i)ed thi)
point5 the point th!t the i) m!%in& out i) th!t the ch!n&e) m!de b" the Select Committee !re
)ub)t!nti!l# And if the ch!n&e) !re )ub)t!nti!l then he i) cert!inl" 'ithin hi) ri&ht to )!" th!t
the Bill )hould be re?committed or recircul!ted# Th!t )eem) to be the point thou&h he i) &oin&
hi) o'n '!"5 doin& )o in ! ver" el!bor!te '!" 'hich he could do in ! )horter time#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i C 2" point i) he i) imputin& i&nor!nce to the Select Committee
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d i Not in the le!)t# . !m imputin&5 not i&nor!nce5 but c!rele))ne))
n!tur!ll" follo'in& from the ep!rtment!l Bill 'hich &!ve them no clue) to the ch!n&e)#
(0nt!rruptions.. 2r5 Spe!%er4 0rder5 order#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . 'ithdr!' the e(pre))ion 6 i&nor!nce 6# But the" 'ere effected
b" ! mi)t!%en f!ith in the ep!rtment!l Bill# (int!rruption.,-v!n if thi) i) not "et !pp!rent to
him . !m )orr" for the honour!ble 2ember th!t he i) )till )ufferin& from the ob)e))ion#
2r# Spe!%er 4 3et the honour!ble 2ember proceed on ! different line B5 let him )!" th!t
the" )hould h!ve &iven more !ttention to thi) )ubAect#
2r5 N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Th!t i) 'h!t . me!n# .n f!ct for m" !r&ument . do not re9uire
!n" h!rd e(pre))ionG. rel" more upon e!)on th!n upon !n e(pre))ion# .f . h!ve u)ed !n"
e(pre))ion 'hich i) h!rd5 even if not unp!rli!ment!r"5 . 'ithdr!' it# The point i) 'e )h!ll
!&!in be&in 'ith
2r# Spe!%er4 He need not repe!t itC he m!" proceed further#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 The other point i) th!t not merel" h!ve )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) been
m!de 'ithout )ufficient or !n" cle!r notice to the Select Committee # # #
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 Th!t i) 'h!t 'e '!nt to obAect to# He c!nnot )!" )o# 7e
%ne' it full" 'ell#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 .f the Honour!ble 2ini)ter for 3!' i) un!'!re of the ch!n&e
!nd if honour!ble 2ember) !re repe!tedl" !)%in& me to point out the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) it
)ho') th!t the" !re un!'!re of them !nd !ccepted the ch!n&e) bonafid! 'ithout %no'in&
them# . thin% the ch!n&e) 'ere introduced b" )ome over?Je!lou) dr!ft)m!n 'ho thou&ht of
improvin& the Bill !nd he introduced )ome bona fid! ch!n&e) 'ithout re!li)in& th!t he '!)
thereb" m!%in& ! ne' Bill !lto&ether5 !nd nobod" )!' throu&h it#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 . mu)t re!ll" prote)t !&!in)t thi)# .t i) ! &r!ve
reflection on the r!ft)m!n# 2" friend i) !lmo)t )u&&e)tin& th!t !fter the Select Committee
h!d con)idered ever"thin& the r!ft)m!n too% it into hi) he!d to m!%e ch!n&e) in the Bill# .
ver" )tron&l" prote)t !&!in)t it#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 And 'e prote)t !&!in)t the '!" in 'hich he i)
in)inu!tin& !&!in)t the Select Committee 2ember)# 2r# Spe!%erC Ch!n&e) m!de !fter the
Select Committee report 8
The Honour!ble r# B5 $# Ambed%!rC Th!t i) 'h!t he i) )u&&e)tin&#
2r# Spe!%er4 He me!n) 6 before6#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 <e)5 Sir5 . !m !b)olutel" cert!in th!t . )!id th!t the ch!n&e) h!d
been m!de before the Select Committee met#
2r# Spe!%er 8 There !ppe!r) to be )ome mi)!pprehen)ion#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 . h!ve no ide!# .f . under)t!nd m" friendB) )peech it
)impl" me!n) th!t the Select Committee blind?foldedl" )i&ned the report 'ithout &oin& into
!n"thin& or it me!n) th!t !fter the Select Committee h!d done it) 'or% the r!ft)m!n too% it
into hi) he!d to introduce )ome ch!n&e)# .t c!nnot h!ve !n" other me!nin&5
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 A) to 'hether the ch!n&e) 'ere m!de bona fid! or in ! c!rele))
or mala fid! mann!r it i) not m!teri!l for u) to &o into#
2r# Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2emberB) point i) th!t ch!n&e) 'hich he believe) to be
)ub)t!nti!l !re m!de#
The Honour!ble r# B# $#Ambed%!r 4 . !m 9uite prep!red to he!r !n" friend )ettin& out
s!riatim the ch!n&e) 'hich he thin%) the Select Committee h!) m!de# A))umin& th!t cert!in
ch!n&e) 'ere m!de b" the Select Committee5 . 'ould li%e to %no' 'hether th!t in it)elf
'ould be ! )ufficient &round for re?circul!tion#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Not !t !ll 4 . never )!id the" 'ere m!de b" the Select
2r# Spe!%er4 7h!t . '!) )u&&e)tin& to the honour!ble 2ember '!) th!t !))umin& th!t
cert!in ch!n&e) !re of ! )ub)t!nti!l n!ture in hi) opinion h!ve been m!de5 hi) c!)e i) )tron&
enou&h for ple!din& !nd he need not )!" 'hether the ch!n&e) 'ere m!de out of i&nor!nce or
malafid!s. The Select committee 'ith !n open mind !nd con)iderin& the 'hole thin& could
h!ve m!de the ch!n&e)# Still he thin%) th!t the" !re of ! )ub)t!nti!l n!ture !nd5 therefore5 the
Bill )hould be recircul!ted# All people need not !&ree th!t the)e ch!n&e) 'hich he believe) to
be )ub)t!nti!l !re nece))!ril" )ub)t!nti!l# 0pinion) m!" differ#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 The Honour!ble 2ini)ter for 3!' )!id th!t it i) for me to )ho'
'h!t ch!n&e) 'ere m!de b" the Select Committee# . h!ve been !t p!in) to )ho' th!t . !m not
dr!'in& the !ttention of the Hou)e to ch!n&e) m!de b" the Select Committee !t !ll# Th!t i) .
believe the mi)t!%e 'hich i) h!untin& the mind of the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 Nothin& of the %ind#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 .n f!ct he h!) been in)i)tin& th!t the ch!n&e) 'ere m!de b" the
Select Committee# The ch!n&e) . h!ve been mentionin& )o f!r !re ch!n&e) m!de not b" the
Select Committee but m!de b" the ep!rtment!l Committee#
2r# Spe!%er4 0rder5 order5 there the rub come) in# 7ho)oever m!de the ch!n&e) )o lon&
!) the Select Committee h!) !ccepted them the" !re ch!n&e) b" the Select Committee !nd
not ch!n&e) m!de b" )omebod" el)e 'ithout the %no'led&e of the Select Committee# He
need not m!%e th!t %ind of in)inu!tion or !))ertion# B" 'hom)oever the" 'ere m!deGeven
!t the in)t!nce of ! )in&le 2ember or the 3!' 2ini)ter or the r!ftin& Committee or
!n"bod" el)eGhe )hould proceed on the !))umption th!t the)e ch!n&e) !re ch!n&e) m!de b"
the Select Committee !nd he )hould proceed to )ho' th!t the" !re )ub)t!nti!l#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 2" difficult" i) . c!nnot )top !t th!t# The Honour!ble the 3!'
2ini)ter in)i)t) th!t the ch!n&e) 'ere introduced b" the Select Committee !nd not b" the
r!ftin& Committee5 th!t 'ould m!%e it !b)olutel" cle!r th!t the Select Committee f!ithfull"
!nd bona fid! !ccepted the ch!n&e) introduced b" the r!ftin& Committee# .f th!t i) )o the
Select Committee did not !ppl" it) mind to it 'hen !cceptin& it5 %no'in& it to be ! ch!n&e# .f
the Select Committee did not %no'5 !) the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter doe) not %no'5 th!t
the)e ch!n&e) 'ere introduced b" the ep!rtment!l Committee5 the" !ccepted technic!ll"5
but not 'ith full !ppreci!tion5 !ll the ch!n&e) m!de# Th!t i) the point 'hich m!%e) m" c!)e
)tron&er# .t i) not merel" the ch!n&e) m!de b" the Select Committee 'illin&l" but the
ch!n&e) m!de b" them of ! )ub)t!nti!l n!ture 'ithout re!li)in& th!t the" 'ere !cceptin& !n"
ch!n&e) 'hich m!%e) the c!)e )tron&er# .n f!ct5 the" obviou)l" !))umed th!t the
ep!rtment!l Bill '!) ! mere re?dr!ft 'ithout !n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e# Thi) i) corrobor!ted
b" the f!ct th!t even the 3!' 2ini)ter )uppo)e) th!t . !m pointin& out ch!n&e) m!de b" the
Select Committee# Th!t i) 'h" . !m con)tr!ined to !r&ue th!t the Select CommitteeB)
!ttention '!) not )pecific!ll" dr!'n to the ch!n&e)# 0n the other h!nd the" too% the
ep!rtment!l ill !) ! )ub)t!nti!l reproduction of the ori&in!l Bill 'ithout !n" )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e# . c!n )!" th!t 'ithout c!)tin& !n" reflection C 'e c!n !l'!") !r&ue mi)t!%e) or
over)i&ht) or bonafid! error)# . need not put the point better th!n th!t#
Sir5 . )ubmit th!t the 2ember) of the Select Committee or the 2ini)ter for 3!' need not
be ver" )en)itive !bout thi)# .t i) ! m!tter of record# .n f!ct5 even the honour!ble the 3!'
2ini)ter !dmitted th!t he introduced no ch!n&e !nd he !))ume) th!t . !m pointin& out
ch!n&e) m!de b" the Select Committee# The" h!ve been !dopted4 !) "our rulin& mu)t be
!ccepted5 the" mu)t h!ve !ccepted the)e ch!n&e)# But the 9ue)tion . !m pointin& out i) th!t
the con)ciou)ne)) or the le&!l mind '!) not directed to'!rd) the)e bec!u)e the" 'ere not
!'!re of it# The Honour!ble 2ini)ter in)i)ted the other d!" on ! 9ue)tion th!t the
ep!rtment!l Committee introduced no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# The )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) !re
there !nd the" 'ere not indic!ted in the ep!rtment!l Bill# Therefore5 there i) no 9ue)tion of
in)inu!tion# 2r# Spe!%er4 3et u) not &o into th!t 9ue)tion !&!in#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Thi) i) one )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e# Sir5 . thou&ht . '!) tre!din& on
ver" )olid &round# .f !n" offence i) me!nt to the 2ember) of the Select Committee b"
pointin& out obviou) m!tter)5 . !m ver" )orr"#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!m" Bh!r!thi 4 <ou c!nnot in)inu!te !&!in)t 2ember)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 7h!t in)inu!tion 8 Th!t the" m!de mi)t!%e) 8 To err i) hum!n# .
'!) onl" )u&&e)tin& th!t the 2ember) of the Select Committee 'ere hum!n bein&)#
Shri B#!) 4 0n ! point of order# Sir5 C!n the honour!ble 2ember &o on pointin& out the
defect) of the Select Committee for three month) continuou)l"# The point '!) r!i)ed !nd
)ettled# 7hether . !ccept hi) 'ord) or not i) ! different 9ue)tion5 but the honour!ble 2ember
c!nnot &o on t!l%in& in the filibu)terin& !ttitude 'hich m" friend 2r# B!iAn!th B!Aori! too%
)ome "e!r) !&o on m" Bill to !mend the Child 2!rri!&e Act# He 9uoted shastras !nd re!d
from the Mahabharata !nd other boo%)# Here the poor Select Committee i) bein& h!mmered
b" m" friend 2r# N!Jirudin Ahmed for the l!)t three month)# Thi) i) not ! l!' court# Sir5 "ou
ou&ht to !)% him to produce hi) vie') th!t the Hindu Code Bill )hould not be p!))ed# 7h"
)hould 'e &o on intermin!bl" t!l%in& !&!in)t the Select Committee8 A) the olde)t 2ember
of thi) Hou)e5 . c!nnot under)t!nd it#
2r# Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2ember m!" indic!te onl" the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 <e)5 Sir#
Sir5 . obAect to m" )peech bein& c!lled ! filibu)terin& )peech# . thin% the honour!ble
2ember &oe) ! bit too f!r# .t )eem) th!t he h!) loc%ed up hi) mind !b)olutel" !nd he i) not in
! mood to he!r#
Sir5 m!" . !)% "ou to con)ider thi) !nd )ee if . !m in the le!)t irrelev!nt or 'ron& 8
/nle)) the ch!n&e i) )ub)t!nti!l5 p!lp!bl"5 obviou)l" it rule) out te(t) of the Hindu 3!' !nd
rule of interpret!tion b" the hi&he)t Court)# The ori&in!l Bill did not cont!in !n"thin& of the
)ort !nd the ch!n&e '!) introduced to the ep!rtment!l Committee# .) it not5 in !ll f!irne))5 !
)ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e 8 2r# !) c!nnot li)ten to le&!l m!tter)# He i) &ood in fin!nci!l m!tter)
but in le&!l m!tter) he i) r!pidl" !ppro!chin& hi) )econd childhood#
Shri B# !)4 7e !re here to le&i)l!te# 7e !re not here to under)t!nd the interpret!tion of
l!'"er) or Hi&h Court >ud&e)# (0nt!rruption..
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 much depend) on the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# H!ve not the)e
been introduced b" the ep!rtment!l Committee 8 0n th!t i))ue the 'hole c!)e depend)# .f it
'!) introduced b" the ep!rtment!l Committee !nd if it i) ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e5 then the
Select Committee '!) not informed of it# .t h!) been repe!tedl" m!de cle!r th!t the Select
Committee con)idered the ep!rtment!l Bill !nd not the ori&in!l Bill# .f thi) i) in)inu!tion5 .
!m )orr" . )h!ll h!ve to di)ch!r&e m" dut" f!ithfull" but !b)olutel" fe!rle))l" thou&h ver"
re)pectfull"# . )ubmit the Select Committee '!) !b)olutel" c!Aoled into believin& th!t the
ep!rtment!l Bill '!) ! )ub)t!nti!l reproduction of the ori&in!l Bill5 !nd even the
Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter i) per)u!ded to believe th!t there '!) no ch!n&e# .t i) not
in)inu!tion5 it i) ! f!ct# 7ho h!) m!de the ch!n&e) 8 .f it 'ere the 3!' 2ini)ter5 then he
'ould h!ve been !'!re of it# .) it )omebod" el)e 8 Then i) it improper for me to point out
th!t )omebod" el)e h!) m!de the ch!n&e 8 . )!" he h!) done it b" mi)t!%e or bona fid!.
7ould it be proper for me to )u&&e)t th!t the)e ch!n&e) 'ere m!de fr!udulentl" 8 . do not
)u&&e)t !n"thin& of the )ort# The onl" thin& . could do i) to !))ume th!t the)e thin&) 'ere
done bona fid!#ust ! little flouri)h of the pen to improve upon it# 6 7h" merel" rule out
cu)tom!r" l!' 8 3et u) !boli)h !ll the rulin&) of the ;riv" Council# 6
Sir5 critici)m i) proper# .f !n" l!n&u!&e . h!ve u)ed i) improper5 . 'ithdr!' it# But 'h!t
!bout the critici)m 8
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 3et u) he!r the other point)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 7h" be !n(iou) 8 7h" not li)ten to thi) 8
2r# Spe!%er4 0rder5 order# 7e c!nnot c!rr" on the di)cu))ion of the Bill in thi) m!nner#
There !re 2ember) 'ho '!nt to )upport the Bill !nd other) 'ho '!nt to oppo)e it# 3et
ever"one h!ve hi) )!" in !n" m!nner he li%e)5 'ithout bein& offen)ive or )pe!%in&
unp!rli!ment!r" l!n&u!&e# Th!t i) the onl" obAection# 0ther'i)e5 !t ever" )t!&e there 'ill be
interruption !nd tho)e 'ho '!nt to )upport the Bill 'ill be the )ufferer) in the lon& run5
bec!u)e time 'ill be )pent in unnece))!ril" c!rr"in& on thi) %ind of di)cu))ion# The
honour!ble 2ember 'ill h!ve hi) )!" !nd if he )!") th!t the Select Committee did not &ive
!ttention to thi) or th!t or th!t the)e point) 'ere not e(!mined b" the Select Committee5
'here i) the &round for t!%in& in)ult in th!t8 He i) perfectl" entitled to )!" )o# But he )hould
not in)inu!te )omethin& el)eC th!t i) 'h!t . h!ve to &u!rd !&!in)t# But . believe he i) entitled
to e(pre)) hi) vie')#
There i) !nother point !l)o to 'hich . '!) &oin& to invite the !ttention of the honour!ble
2ember# He )!") th!t bec!u)e the 3!' 2ini)ter i) un!'!re of ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e5 therefore
)omebod" el)e introduced the ch!n&e# There i) !nother !)pect to it# .f the point 'hich he
con)ider) )ub)t!nti!l i) not con)idered b" the 3!' 2ini)ter !) )ub)t!nti!l5 then the
Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter i) perfectl" entitled to )!" th!t he i) not !'!re of !n" )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e# Therefore5 it doe) not nece))!ril" me!n th!t )ome other p!rt" in i&nor!nce or behind
the b!c% of the mini)ter5 introduced it in the Select Committee# 3et the point) be )ub)t!nti!l
!nd let the controver)" be limited to the 9ue)tion !) to 'hether the point) !re )ub)t!nti!l or
not# Th!t . believe i) the chief point in di)puteQ#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . )t!nd )ubAect to correction# .t m!" h!ve been done b" the 3!'
2ini)ter 'ithout re!li)in& or 'ithout believin& thi) to be ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e# But the m!tter
i) e(!ctl" 'here it '!) # The)e !re )ub)t!nti!l m!tter)5 'hether introduced b" the 3!'
2ini)ter con)ciou)l" or b" !n"one el)e uncon)ciou)l"5 in !n" m!nner# .t i) not proper for u)
to !r&ue on th!t# But b" one )tro%e of the pen !ll te(t)5 rule) !nd interpret!tion) of the Hindu
3!' h!ve been !boli)hed# The effect of thi) 'ill be th!t !ll le!rned rulin&) of the ;riv"
Council5 the *eder!l Court !nd the Hi&h Court) !re !ll &one5 b" one )tro%e of the pen# .n f!ct5
if thi) i) not )eriou)l" interferin& the ori&in!l Bill5 . do not %no' 'h!t i)# There m!"be
difference of opinion)# But to one !ppro!chin& the 9ue)tion !b)olutel" imp!rti!ll"5 !nd 'ith !
free mind5 there 'ould be no difficult" in !&reein& 'ith me th!t thi) i) ver" )eriou)
interference 'ith the 0ri&in!l Bill#
Shrirn!ti :# ur&!b!i 4 ;le!)e )pe!% of other )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Thi) i) de!lin& ver" li&htl" 'ith ! ver" )eriou) m!tter# But . )!"
the)e !re ver" )eriou) ch!n&e) 'hich ver&e on interpol!tion)5 bona fid! or malafid!, it doe)
not m!tter#
Then Sir5 the ne(t c!&e m!de b" the ep!rtment!l Committee i) to remove the definition
of B c!)te B in ;!rt . cl!u)e + )ub?cl!u)e (b) 'hich cont!ined ! definition of c!)te# Thi) h!)
been entirel" omitted#
2r# Spe!%er C 7h!t cl!u)e doe) the honour!ble 2ember refer to 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . !m referrin& to ;!rt .5 cl!u)e +5 )ub?cl!u)e (b) 'hich h!) the
definition of B c!)te B#
2r# Spe!%er4 .) he referrin& to the ori&in!l Bill 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 <e)# And th!t definition h!) been entirel" omitted in the
ep!rtment!l Bill 'ithout !n" indic!tion bein& &iven !n"'here !bout thi) omi))ion# There i)
! mere reference in the m!r&in to the ori&in!l cl!u)e# Thi) )ub?cl!u)e h!) been omitted5 !nd
there i) no indic!tion to be found of it# . )ubmit5 Sir5 th!t the Select CommitteeB) !ttention
'!) not )pecific!ll" dr!'n to thi) omi))ion5 !nd 'hether the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l m!tter) or not5
there c!nnot be much difference of opinion# At !n" r!te the Select Committee '!) entitled to
be told th!t the)e ch!n&e) 'ere m!deC 'hether the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) or not m!" v!r"
from individu!l to individu!l# But the Select Committee '!) entitled to %no' th!t the)e
ch!n&e) 'ere m!de# But the" 'ere not told#
And then 'e come to )ub?cl!u)e (f) of the )!me cl!u)e !nd here 'e find th!t the
definition) of 1otra !nd ;r!v!r! h!ve been omitted# And then in )ub?cl!u)e (A) the definition
of Stridhan h!) !l)o been omitted# Therefore the definition of C!)te5 the definition of 1otra,
the definition of Pravara, !nd the definition of Stridhan !re entirel" omitted# 7h!t effect thi)
'ould produce on the Bill5 c!nnot be e(pl!ined )hortl" on the floor of the Hou)e#
Shri A# Th!nu ;ill!i (Tr!v!ncore St!te)4 2!" . %no' from the honour!ble 2ember
'hether even if the definition i) not of ! term re9uired in the l!'5 it )hould be defined 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . thin% the honour!ble 2ember i) not proceedin& !) c!utiou)l"
!) he )hould# .n f!ct5 'hether ! definition i) '!nted or not '!nted i) not the 9ue)tion# A
definition '!) in the Bill !nd th!t '!) removed b" )omebod"5 'ithout !n" !uthorit"# The
ep!rtment!l Committee removed it5 !nd the !ttention of the Select Committee5 'ho '!)
!lone competent to remove it5 '!) not dr!'n to thi) f!ct#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i 4 The Select Committee t!%e) full re)pon)ibilit" for it#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Thi) '!) not con)idered b" the Select Committee#
Shri 2# Tirum!l! $!o (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Are "ou )ure th!t the compo)itor did not omit
it 8
2r# Spe!%er 4 Tho)e 'ho interrupt c!n !l)o be c!lled ob)tructioni)t)# .f interrupted he
'ill t!%e lon&er time over it#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!ti 4 . m!" cut )hort further !r&ument) b" )!"in& th!t the
Select CommitteeB) !ttention '!) !ctu!ll" dr!'n to !ll the)e thin&)# The honour!ble 2ember
i) unnece))!ril" h!rpin& on thi) point5 th!t the !ttention of the Select Committee '!) not
dr!'n# But !) ! 2ember of the Select Committee . m!" )!" th!t !ll the)e point) 'ere full"
con)idered5 !ll !)pect) of the m!tter 'ere con)idered b" the Select Committee# Therefore the
honour!ble 2ember need not &o over thi) m!tter over !nd over !&!in#
2r# Spe!%er 4 . 'ill )!" th!t even if the 9ue)tion h!) been full" con)idered5 the
honour!ble 2ember i) perfectl" 'ithin hi) ri&ht in &ivin& hi) vie')# Honour!ble 2ember)
'ill )ee th!t he i) m!%in& ! c!)e for re?committ!l of the Bill to the Select Committee5 !nd for
thi) he h!) been puttin& forth hi) !r&ument)# The Select Committee mi&ht h!ve &iven full5
!de9u!te5 proper5 re!)on!ble !ttention5 but in hi) opinion5 it h!) been in!de9u!te# Therefore5
he i) in)i)tin& th!t the !ttention &iven h!) been in!de9u!te !nd the Bill )hould be re?
committed to the Select Committee# Th!t i) the line of !r&ument he i) follo'in& C !nd if he i)
follo'in& th!t p!rticul!r line of !r&ument5 he mu)t m!int!in th!t )t!nd# A) re&!rd) the f!ct of
!de9u!c" Au)t !) the Select Committee 2ember) c!nnot be !b)olute Aud&e) of the f!ct5 !) to
'hether the Bill '!) &iven proper or !de9u!te !ttention5 )imil!rl"5 hi) Aud&ement !l)o i) not
fin!l# But he i) pl!cin& hi) opinion# 3et u) proceed on th!t b!)i)# 0ther'i)e there 'ill be no
end to thi) di)cu))ion#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi4 . '!) onl" referrin& to the 9ue)tion of f!ct#
2r# Spe!%er4 .t i) ! 9ue)tion of opinion# 7h!t the honour!ble 2ember )uppo)e) to be !
9ue)tion of f!ct5 i) !ctu!ll" ! 9ue)tion of opinion# Ade9u!c" of !ttention of not i) ! 9ue)tion
of opinion !nd to merel" ! 9ue)tion of f!ct##
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 The 9ue)tion i) the !de9u!c" of con)ider!tion#
L "t this stag! Mr. Sp!ak!r va'at!d th! &hair, whi'h was th!n o''upi!d by Mr. D!puty;
Sp!ak!r (Shri M. "nanthasayanam "yyyangar R
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 . h!ve been interrupted !lmo)t continuou)l" the other d!"5
!nd !&!in ! )erie) of interruption) !re m!de to?d!"#
2r# ;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 . !m )upportin& "ou !ll !lon&#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 There i) m" friend 2r# Bh!r!thi# .) he ri&ht in tellin& the Hou)e
'h!t too% pl!ce in the Select Committee 8 .f )o5 . h!ve e9u!ll" )tron& !uthorit"5 !l)o from
the 2ember) of the Select Committee them)elve) to the contr!r"# .t 'ould be ver" 'ron& to
comp!re one 2emberB) )t!tement 'ith th!t of !nother !nd . 'ould r!ther dr!' ! veil on 'h!t
h!ppened in the Select Committee# The honour!ble 2ember need not !))ure u) th!t the
Select Committee h!) con)idered ever"thin&# .f he i) )o )ure5 . !m e9u!ll" )ure th!t for m!n"
re!)on)5 !de9u!te con)ider!tion could not be &iven# Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 . '!)
t!l%in& onl" !bout m")elf#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 <ou could not under)t!nd thin&)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 .n f!ct5 it i) not the c!)e of one m!n# .t i) the 'hole Select
Committee !nd not ! one?m!n !ff!ir# .f one m!n h!) follo'ed5 it doe) not me!n th!t other)
!l)o h!ve follo'ed it#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr! 4 <e)5 one )'!llo' doe) not m!%e ! )ummer#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 1(!ctl"5 6 0ne )'!llo' doe) not m!%e ! )ummer 6# .f there i)
one m!n of the Select Committee 'ho believed th!t no ch!n&e '!) m!de5 th!t 'ould be
enou&h to m!%e out ! c!)e for recommitt!l of the Bill to the Select Committee# And . !&!in
)ubmit th!t the)e !re ver" )eriou) ch!n&e)# And then ho' m!n" of them 8 2" friend) 'onder
ho' m!n" ch!n&e) there !re# . c!n )ho' them m!n"5 Bm!n" )uch ch!n&e)# T!%e the###
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i 4 .n the me!ntime5 on ! point of inform!tion5 m!" . !)% 'hether the
ch!n&e) m!de b" the Select Committee !re !b)olutel" bindin& on thi) Hou)e# C!nnot the
Hou)e !ccept the ch!n&e) or reAect them 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . )ubmit 'ith !ll re)pect th!t it i) irrelev!nt to !)% if the Select
CommitteeB) ch!n&e) )hould be !ccepted or reAected b" the Hou)e# The Select Committee c!n
m!%e !n" ch!n&e !nd the Hou)e c!n m!%e further ch!n&e) too# The Hou)e c!n m!%e
ch!n&e)# There i) no doubt !bout it# But the point i) th!t the Select Committee for )ome
re!)on did not or could not or f!iled or omitted to di)ch!r&e it) dutie) full"# .f th!t i) )o5 the
ri&ht to &o full" into the 9ue)tion re)t) 'ith the Hou)e !nd it i) for thi) re!)on th!t . !ppe!l
from the Select Committee to the l!r&er Hou)e# There i) of cour)e the )till l!r&er hou)e5 the
entire elector!te of .ndi!# . no' come to cl!u)e 7 of the ori&in!l Bill# (0nt!rruption.. . thin%
)ome 2ember) h!ve lo)t their he!d)#
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in 4 . mu)t )tron&l" prote)t !&!in)t the )t!tement th!t the 2ember) h!ve
lo)t their he!d)# . r!i)e thi) point of order )eriou)l"# He mu)t 'ithdr!' it uncondition!ll"#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . thin% it '!) not nece))!r" for the honour!ble 2ember to )!" !ll
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in 4 3et him 'ithdr!' it# 7!) he in order in m!%in& th!t )t!tement 8 He
h!) !ll !lon& been m!%in& violent &e)ture) !&!in)t honour!ble 2ember)#
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 . do not thin% it i) proper for the honour!ble 2ember to )!" th!t
the 2ember) h!ve lo)t their he!d)# .t detr!ct) from the di&nit" of the hou)e# At the time .
mu)t )!" thi)4 . h!ve been noticin& one member or other u)in& l!n&u!&e 'hich m!" not be
li%ed b" the per)on !ddre))ed# There mu)t be )ome !mount of p!tience )ho'n# There )hould
not be interruption) either b" the )po%en 'ord or b" )i&n)# Therefore 'hen the honour!ble
2ember i) turnin& over the p!&e) of )ome of hi) p!per)5 if the" interrupt him he 'ill mi)) it
!nd their interruption) !re li%el" to &in&er him up#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 . '!) told !cro)) the t!ble th!t . h!d lo)t m" he!d#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2ember h!) lo)t hi) thre!dGthe thre!d of hi)
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in 4 2!" . %no' 'hether he h!) lo)t hi) )!cred thre!d 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . 'ill proceed 'ith m" !r&ument)# Sir# Cl!u)e E of the ori&in!l
Bill &ive) the definition of B )on B thu) B )on B include) ! dattaka kritrima or godha son, etc5 but
not ! dasiputra !nd other)# Thi) h!) been entirel" committed in the ep!rtment!l ill#
Shri 3# @ri)hn!)'!mi Bh!r!thi 4 7hen !n honour!ble 2ember re!d) out )omethin&5
)hould he not do )o correctl" 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . find th!t thi) h!) been omitted# .f it i) !n"'here the definition
or in !n" other p!rt of the Bill5 m" !ttention m!" %indl" be dr!'n to it#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2ember 'ho Au)t no' interrupted the )pe!%er h!)
been !&!in !nd !&!in &ivin& !dvice# 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d m!" be ! bit )lo' in m!%in& the
reference) he de)ire) to m!%e# He need not be interrupted#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . )ubmit th!t the definition of B )on B h!) been omitted# .f . !m
'ron&5 the mi)t!%e m!" be pointed out to me#
r# ;# S# e)hmu%h (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l)4 . thin% the honour!ble 2ember i) 'ron&#
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 .f honour!ble 2ember) &o on interruptin& in thi) '!" it 'ill be
impo))ible to conduct the bu)ine)) of the Hou)e in !n orderl" m!nner# 2r# N!Jiruddin
Ahm!d m!" &o on 'ithout puttin& 9ue)tion) to other honour!ble 2ember)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 A) . )!id the definition of )on h!) been omitted !) !l)o the
illu)tr!tion) found in ;!rt ..5 )ub?cl!u)e (D) of cl!u)e E in re&!rd to inte)t!te )ucce))ion# *our
illu)tr!tion) h!ve been omitted# The)e !re )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# . !m onl" tr"in& to dr!'
!ttention to the n!ture of the ch!n&e) m!de# Accordin& to me the)e !re omi))ion) of ! ver"
)eriou) n!ture# The" !re not omi))ion) of ! dr!ftin& n!ture# . !m not 9ue)tionin& the ri&ht of
the Select Committee to improve the Bill5 or to m!%e the)e omi))ion)# The)e ch!n&e)5
ho'ever5 'ere m!de not b" the Select Committee but b" the r!ftin& Committee !nd the
!ttention of the Select Committee '!) not p!rticul!rl" dr!'n to the)e omi))ion)#
Then . come to !nother import!nt p!rt of the Bill to )ho' the ver" )eriou) ch!n&e)
introduced b" the r!ftin& Committee# .n ;!rt ..5 cl!u)e 4 of the ori&in!l Bill5 the li)t of heir)
h!) been &iven# .t )!") th!t the inherit!ble propert" of ! m!le inte)t!te )h!ll devolve
!ccordin& to the rule) l!id do'n in thi) p!rt4 (!) upon the enumer!ted heir) referred to in
)ection +5 if !n" C (b) if there i) no enumer!ted heir5 upon hi) !&n!te)5 if !n" C(c) if there i) no
!&n!te5 upon hi) co&n!te)5 if !n"C !nd (d) if there i) no co&n!te5 upon the heir) referred to in
)ection 1,5 if !n"#
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 . do not %no' if the honour!ble 2ember h!) not ! cop" of the
Hindu Code Comp!r!tive T!ble)5 'hich '!) circul!ted to !ll honour!ble 2ember)# The
ori&in!l Hindu Code !) dr!fted b" the $!u Committee h!) been revi)ed in the 2ini)tr" of
3!' !nd the ch!n&e) m!de h!ve been indic!ted there# . 'ould therefore )u&&e)t th!t the
honour!ble 2ember need not l!bour thi) point# . thin% he h!) )pent )ufficient time over the
fir)t point# . per)on!ll" thin% th!t the point i) )ufficientl" cle!r !nd of cour)e illu)tr!tion) c!n
!l'!") be multiplied# .f it i) ! point here !nd there5 the Hou)e 'ill t!%e it into con)ider!tion#
There !re cert!in point) 'hich 'hen m!de !re )ufficient in number# . !&ree the" c!n be m!de
cle!rer5 but the ch!n&e) m!de in the t!ble)5 !re )ufficient#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 the li)t i) neither complete nor !ccur!te !nd doe) not
indic!te the ch!n&e) m!de# .n f!ct the rem!r%) !&!in)t the ori&in!l cl!u)e) of the ori&in!l Bill
!nd !) to the ch!n&e) !re e(tremel" me!&re# . h!ve no' come to ! ver" import!nt ch!n&e5
n!mel" the inherit!nce# .t h!) been )o ch!n&ed !) to m!%e it impo))ible to reco&ni)e 'ith the
ne' Bill or the dep!rtment!l dr!ft nor i) it ! )ub)titute for the ori&in!l Bill !t !ll# . )ubmit th!t
'ith re&!rd to the inherit!nce ! l!r&er number of ch!n&e) h!d been m!de#
. )h!ll )ho' fir)t of !ll th!t in cl!u)e 4 of the Bill in ;!rt .. (!) re&!rdin& the enumer!ted
heir) C . !m in ! po)ition to )ho' th!t )eriou) ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de in the enumer!ted li)t#
.n the ori&in!l Bill '!) one !nd in the revi)ed dr!ft b" the ep!rtment!l Committee the" !re
completel" different# The ori&in!l !rr!n&ement h!) been m!de entirel" top)"?turve" !nd then
it i) )!id th!t if there !re no enumer!ted heir) the propert" devolve) upon !&n!te)# The
definition of !&n!te) i) 'ell?%no'n# Th!t '!) in the ori&in!l Bill5 but in the Bill !) revi)ed b"
the ep!rtment!l Committee the 'ord B !&n!te B i) no' ver" much re)tricted# So in c!)e of
the numer!ted heir) f!ilin& the !&n!te)5 even the di)t!nt !&n!te) 'ould be entitled to be heir)
!ccordin& to the Hindu l!'5 !ccordin& to the 2u)lim l!' !nd ever" other l!' !nd th!t '!)
!ccordin& to the ori&in!l Bill# But in the revi)ed dr!ft b" the ep!rtment!l Committee the
'ord B!&n!teB h!) been )eriou)l" modified to be 'ithin cert!in de&ree)# So !&n!te) 'hich !re
be"ond tho)e de&ree) 'ould h!ve been entitled to inherit!nce under the old Bill5 but under
the ep!rtment!l Bill5 the" 'ould be )hut out# Simil!rl"5 co&n!te) !re !l)o re)tricted in the
ep!rtment!l Bill !nd thi) i) ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e !) it elimin!te) the di)t!nt A&n!te) !nd
di)t!nt co&n!te)# Then5 Sir5 in cl!u)e (d) of 45 the 'ord) preceptor !nd other) !re entirel"
elimin!ted# The )cheme of inherit!nce in cl!u)e 4 of ;!rt .. of the ori&in!l Bill i) ch!n&ed !t
ever" )tep !nd ver" )eriou) ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de !nd the enumer!ted heir) h!ve been
ch!n&ed# The !&n!te) h!ve been re)trictedC the co&n!te) h!ve been re)tricted !nd the other
cl!u)e) h!ve been entirel" elimin!ted# . c!n 9uite under)t!nd th!t the)e ch!n&e) m!" be
le&itim!tel" m!de on ! full con)ider!tion b" the Select Committee5 but the)e 'ere ch!n&e)
not b" the Select Committee5 but b" the ep!rtment!l Committee !nd 2ember) !)%ed me 6
Tell u) 'h!t !re the ch!n&e) m!de 8 6
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 Am . to under)t!nd from the honour!ble 2ember th!t if the Select
Committee 2ember) !ll &ot up !nd the" !ddre)) them)elve) to th!t5 'ill the honour!ble
2ember be thorou&hl" )!ti)fied 'ith 'h!t h!) been done b" the Select Committee#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 The point i) th!t the Select Committee 2ember 'ere not m!de
!'!re of the ch!n&e)#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 .t )erve) no u)eful purpo)e# .t i) not ! 9ue)tion of l!' 'hether thi)
Hou)e h!) &ot Auri)diction over the Select CommitteeB) piece of h!ndi'or%# .t h!) been
decided !nd )ufficientl" di)cu))ed to )ho' th!t the Select Committee h!) loo%ed into ever"
one of the cl!u)e) to come to ! conclu)ion# But on m!tter) of )ub)t!nce5 the old l!' h!) been
'idel" ch!n&ed# There i) )ome )ub)t!nce in th!t# Tho)e !re the m!tter) on 'hich the
honour!ble 2ember )hould !ddre)) the Hou)e# . do not )!" th!t !ll th!t h!) been )!id i) out
of pl!ce5 but )ufficient h!) been )!id#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 To m!n" honour!ble 2ember) )ufficient h!) not been )!id# .t i)
)!id th!t the)e !re not )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) !nd . )h!ll t!%e c!re to point them out# The
difficult" i) th!t the ch!n&e) !re too numerou) to en)ure the !ttention of the Hou)e# .n f!ct
the ch!n&e) !re ver" )eriou) !nd ver" v!riou) !nd ver" )ub)t!nti!l !nd m" point i) th!t the"
'ere introduced not b" the Select Committee !nd 'hether the" !ccepted them or not i) !
different m!tter# 2" the)i) i) th!t the" 'ere pre)ented 'ith ! re!d"?m!de Bill 'ith the
!))ur!nce th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!d been m!de !nd )o the !ttention of the Select
Committee '!) not )ufficientl" dr!'n to th!t m!tter# No' let u) con)ider the !ctu!l ch!n&e)
in the li)t of inherit!nce# .n f!ct in the ori&in!l Bill the li)t of inherit!nce i) to be found on
p!&e) 45 + !nd F in the bod" of the Bill# Thi) h!) been bodil" lifted from thi) pl!ce in the
dep!rtment!l Bill !nd tr!n)ported to the Seventh Schedule# 7hile the other p!rt) rem!in in
the bod" of the te(t5 the li)t of inherit!nce5 )tr!n&el" !nd for un!ccount!ble re!)on)5
removed# .t i) not ver" e!)" to comp!re the ori&in!l li)t 'ith the ne' li)t !) it !ppe!r) in the
Seventh ScheduleC there h!ve been )eriou) !nd )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# The Honour!ble 2ini)ter
'!nted to %no' 'h!t !re the ch!n&e) m!de#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 . !m 9uite !'!re of them# So f!r !) . !m
concerned5 "ou need not )pend "our l!bour in enli&htenin& me !t !ll#
# 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 .f the)e !re intention!l ch!n&e)5 then 'h!t i) the point in )!"in&
th!t no ch!n&e) 'ere m!de b" the r!ftin& Committee5 !nd th!t !ll the ch!n&e) 'ere m!de
b" the Select Committee5 !nd for the Select Committee )!"4 6 7e confined our !ttention to
the ep!rtment!l Bill 6# Therefore5 it follo') th!t their !ttention '!) not dr!'n to thi)# .t i) !
ver" )imple conclu)ion#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 :ive it in "our o'n '!"#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 .t )eem) to me th!t the Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter found
him)elf in !n inconvenient po)ition !nd )omeho' or other5 thou&h the mi)t!%e i) !dmitted5 it
i) not done pointedl"# .n f!ct ch!n&e) of ! )ub)t!nti!l n!ture 'ere m!de# . '!) !)%ed on the
l!)t d!" b" the Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter him)elf4 6 3et u) %no' 'h!t !re the ch!n&e) m!de
b" the r!ftin& Committee 65 !nd no' he )!") 4 6 . %no' ever"thin& 6# 0f cour)e he mu)t
h!ve )tudied them l!ter on5 but the)e ch!n&e) !re of ! )eriou) n!ture# The" 'ere introduced
not b" the Select Committee5 but b" the ep!rtment!l Committee !nd the 9ue)tion i) ho' f!r
the Select Committee did !ctu!ll" notice them# At le!)t in the note of di))ent r# B!%)hi Te%
Ch!nd )!")4 6 7e confined our !ttention to the ep!rtment!l Committee Bill !nd not to the
ori&in!l Bill 6 bec!u)e the" 'ere !))ured th!t in the ep!rtment!l Bill the" did not introduce
!n" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) !t !ll# So t!%in& thi) into !ccount5 . do not %no' 'here to &o# .nf!ct5
if th!t i) not ! )eriou) irre&ul!rit" !nd ! m!tter re9uirin& !ttention of the Hou)e# . do not
%no'5 'h!t i)# 7hen the ep!rtment h!) committed !n error of Aud&ement5 . thin% it i) better
!nd proper to !dmit it th!n to )!"4 6 . %no' !ll thi) but no ch!n&e) 'ere m!de C ever" ch!n&e
'!) m!de b" the Select Committee 6 !nd 'hen . )!" th!t the Select Committee did not m!%e
the ch!n&e) !nd the" 'ere m!de b" the ep!rtment) Committee then it i) )!id4 6 . %no' it 6#
Then 'e ou&ht to %no' 'here doe) the ep!rtment )t!nd 8 .f the ep!rtment m!%e) !
Shri B# !) 4 Thi) i) not ! l!' court for u) to he!r point b" point# The honour!ble
2ember )hould m!%e ! )peech !nd )it do'n#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2ember5 2r# !) m!de thi) )t!tement 'hen the
Spe!%er '!) in the Ch!ir# .t i) ! l!' court in )ome )en)e !nd not ! l!' court 'hen he '!nt)
to impre)) upon honour!ble 2ember) !) if he i) !r&uin& ! c!)e in ! court of l!'# .n !n" c!)e
'e ou&ht not to interrupt him# Th!t %ind of t!l% ou&ht to be !voided !) f!r !) po))ible#
Shri B# !)4 7e !re t!l%in& !mon& our)elve)#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The honour!ble 2ember h!) no ri&ht to t!l% 'hen !nother
honour!ble 2ember i) on hi) le&) !nd he ou&ht not to di)turb#
Shri B# !)4 He i) t!l%in& !t u)#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 <ou ou&ht not to t!l%# No honour!ble 2ember h!) the ri&ht to t!l%
'hile !nother honour!ble 2ember i) )pe!%in&# He ou&ht to li)ten !nd not c!u)e noi)e in the
Shri B# !) 4 <ou under)t!nd the e(!)per!tion# . !m re!d" to &et out5 but the honour!ble
2emberB) )peech )hould not e(!)per!te 2ember) of thi) Hou)e#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 Thi) i) 'ron&# No honour!ble 2emberB) )peech ou&ht to be c!lled
e(!)per!tin&5 unle)) he u)e) b!d l!n&u!&e or unp!rli!ment!r" l!n&u!&e# 7e m!" or m!" not
!&ree5 but the honour!ble 2ember i) puttin& hi) c!)e before the Hou)e# Nobod" h!) ! ri&ht to
dub !n honour!ble 2emberB) )peech !) e(!)per!tin&#
Shri B# !)4 . !ccept "our verdict# But he u)ed term) )uch !) 6fr!udulent 6 !bout the 3!'
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter i) )ufficientl" )tron& to t!%e c!re of
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . be& to )ubmit th!t the honour!ble 2ember) )hould comp!re
the ori&in!l cl!u)e#
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 Are there !n" m!tter) of )ub)t!nce b" 'hich the honour!ble
2ember c!n induce the Hou)e to ch!n&e it) mind 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 There !re )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# . )h!ll h!ve to point out the)e
thin&)# .n f!ct5 . )h!ll h!ve to &o on enumer!tin& ! l!r&e number# The be)t thin& i) to !dmit
the mi)t!%e) or li)ten p!tientl"# . mu)t enumer!te !ll the point) !nd if . repe!t m" !r&ument
or be irrelev!nt5 . c!n be c!lled to order# .n ;!rt ..5 cl!u)e +5 there i) Cl!)) 1# Son)5 'ido')5
d!u&hter) !nd )o forth# A ch!n&e h!) been effected in thi) b" the ep!rtment!l Committee#
Son of ! predece!)ed )on of predece!)ed )on h!) been ne'l" introduced in the corre)pondin&
p!rt of Cl!)) . in the 7th Schedule in the ep!rtment Bill# .n f!ct5 the Schedule h!) been )o
f!r removed from it) pl!ce in the ori&in!l Bill th!t it i) not e!)" to notice it unle)) the t'o
Cl!))e) !re pl!ced )ide b" )ide5 to find out the ch!n&e# .n !ct5 the )on of ! predece!)ed )on of
! predece!)ed )on did not find ! pl!ce in the ori&in!l5 but it h!) been introduced in the
Seventh Schedule of the revi)ed Bill b" the ep!rtment!l Committee#
Then 'e come in the other li)t)# The fir)t in the li)t in the ori&in!l Bill !fter the
enumer!ted heir) in item No# E i) d!u&hterB) )on# .n the ep!rtment!l Bill5 the d!u&hterB) )on
h!) been brou&ht further do'n# Then come) the f!ther !nd the mother# Accordin& to the
Bill5 the mother 'ould h!ve been entitled to inherit in preference to the f!ther# Here the
f!ther !nd the mother h!ve been pl!ced to&ether in the ep!rtment!l Bill !nd their order h!)
been ch!n&ed !nd 'here!) under the ep!rtment!l Bill the" inherit to&ether under the
ori&in!l Bill the mother 'ould h!ve inherited fir)t to the e(clu)ion of the f!ther5 !nd in the
!b)ence of the mother the f!ther 'ould h!ve inherited# The d!u&hterB) )on !) h!) !lre!d"
been pointed out5 h!) been brou&ht do'n further in the ep!rtment!l li)t# .t )hould be
obviou) to !n" one 'ho c!re) to con)ider thi) m!tter th!t the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)#
Then 'e come to Cl!)) ... of the ori&in!l Bill# The brotherB) )onB) )on 'ho '!) fir)t in the
li)t of Cl!)) ... in the ori&in!l Bill h!) been entirel" lo)t )i&ht of in the ep!rtment!l Bill# .f
thi) '!) deliber!te !n intention!l5 then 'e 'ould h!ve &ot )ome indic!tion of it in the report
of the Select Committee or in the )peeche)# . '!nt to %no' if thi) i) ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e# .t
m!" not be )ub)t!nti!l to ! m!n 'ho i) not the brotherB) )onB) )on5 but to the brotherB) )onB)
)on5 it i) ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e5 bec!u)e in the !b)ence of other heir) he 'ould h!ve been
entitled to propert"#
Ne(t in the li)t come) the )i)ter# 7e h!ve no' the brother !nd the )i)ter inheritin&
to&ether in the ep!rtment!l Bill# The brother 'ho '!) ver" hi&h up in the li)t in the ori&in!l
Bill h!) no' been tr!n)ferred !nd brou&ht do'n to of Cl!)) ... !nd i) inheritin& 'ith the
)i)ter (0nt!rruption..
Am . to )top m" !r&ument 8
2r# T!A!rnul Hu)!in4 The honour!ble 2ember h!) no ri&ht to )pe!% to !nother
honour!ble 2ember# . obAect to it ver" )tron&l"# Sir#
Shri 3!%)hmin!r!r!n S!hu (0ri))!4 :ener!l)4 There i) no 9uorum it )eem)#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 There i) 9uorum#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Suppo)in& ! m!n die) le!vin& ! brother !nd ! )i)ter# /nder the
ori&in!l Bill the brother 'ould h!ve inherited5 the )i)ter 'ould h!ve been po)tponedC but
under the ep!rtment!l Bill the brother !nd the )i)ter inherit e9u!ll"# The brother i) no'
brou&ht do'n on ! line 'ith the )i)ter h!vin& been )uper)eded b" .. other) in the li)t# .
)ubmit thi) i) introducin& ver" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)#
Then 'e come to brotherB) )on# He '!) ver" hi&h up5 in Cl!)) 1# He i) b" the ep!rtment
brou&ht do'n to Cl!)) ... !lon& 'ith )i)terB) )on# .f ! m!n died le!vin& ! brotherB) )on !nd !
)i)terB) )on5 under the ori&in!l Bill5 the brotherB) )on 'ould h!ve inherited5 but under the
ep!rtment!l Bill the brotherB) )on !nd the )i)terB) )on inherit to&ether# . )ubmit the)e !re
ver" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)#
Then . come to Cl!)) .= of the ori&in!l Bill# .n Cl!)) .= of the ori&in!l Bill5 ! m!n d"in&
le!vin& ! f!therB) mother !nd ! f!therB) f!ther h!ve been tre!ted differentl" in the ori&in!l Bill
!nd the ep!rtment!l Bill# Bet'een the f!therB) mother !nd ! f!therB) f!ther bein& the heir)
under the ori&in!l Bill5 the f!therB) mother 'ould h!ve been preferredC the f!therB) f!ther
'ould h!ve been po)tponed# But under the ep!rtment!l Bill both h!ve been put to&ether
!nd the" inherit to&ether# . !)% 'hether thi) i) not ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e#
Then5 Sir5 'e h!ve ! cert!in cl!)) of heir) in Cl!)) .=5 item) (.A)5 (.B)5 (.C) !nd (.)#
The)e 'ere introduced b" !n !mendment of the ori&in!l report b" the $!u Committee# .n the
ori&in!l Bill5 if there '!) ! f!therB) 'ido' !nd ! brotherB) 'ido'5 the f!therB) 'ido' 'ould
h!ve been preferred to the brotherB) 'ido'# .n the ep!rtment!l Bill the f!therB) 'ido' !nd
the brotherB) 'ido' inherit to&ether# . )ubmit thi) i) ! ver" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&eG'hether
&ood or b!d5 it i) not the point# Then comin& to t'o other heir) in the )upplement!r" li)t
introduced b" '!" of !mendment of the $!u Committee brotherB) )onB) 'ido' !nd brotherB)
)onB) )onB) 'ido' !re entirel" omitted in the ep!rtment!l Bill# .n the ori&in!l Bill the"
'ould h!ve inherited one !fter the other# .n the ep!rtment!l Bill the" !re omitted# There i)
nothin& corre)pondin& to thi) in the ep!rtment!l Bill#
Then comin& to item E5 Cl!)) .=5 the f!therB) f!ther i) ver" lo' in the ori&in!l Bill but he
h!) been brou&ht up ver" much hi&her in the li)t prep!red b" the ep!rtment!l Committee#
Then Sir5 'e come to the f!therB) brother !nd !l)o to f!therB) )i)ter# *!therB) brother i) No#
D in the li)t# *!therB) )i)ter i) )i(th in the li)t# So in the ori&in!l Bill5 if there '!) the f!therB)
f!ther !nd the other)5 the f!therB) f!ther 'ould be preferred# Then come) the f!therB) brother5
f!therB) brotherB) )on5 f!therB) brotherB) )onB) )on !nd then the f!therB) )i)ter# .n the
ep!rtment!l Bill the f!therB) f!ther !nd the f!therB) )i)ter h!ve been brou&ht to&ether5 the
l!tter bein& brou&ht hi&her up#
Then there i) ! l!r&e li)t of heir) 'hich h!) been entirel" omitted# No)# (4)5 (+)5 (7)5 (8)
!nd (9) !re heir) in the ori&in!l Bill# The" !re no'here in the ep!rtment!l Bill# The" !re
entirel" elimin!ted#
. %no'# Sir5 th!t it i) ! tediou) bu)ine)) to refer to thi) but . !m di)ch!r&in& ! dut" !nd .
undertoo% to )uppl" ever" 2ember 'ith ! cop" of the comp!r!tive )t!tement 'hich i) in
cour)e of prep!r!tion# . )h!ll !)% the 2ember) to verif" e!ch ch!n&e !nd . )h!ll be mo)t &l!d
if . !m proved to be 'ron&#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 . hope it )h!ll be )upplied free of co)t#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 .f the :overnment thin%) . !m ! ch!rit!ble in)titution then . )h!ll
be &l!d to de)erve the hope#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 H!d it been )upplied e!rlier !ll thi) time 'ould h!ve been )!ved K
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 The pit" i) th!t m" printin& pre)) i) 'or)e th!n the :overnment
;rintin& ;re))#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 .f the )u&&e)tion h!d been m!de to the Honour!ble the 3!'
2ini)ter5 he 'ould h!ve h!d it printed#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 Cert!inl"5 . 'ould h!ve h!d it printed#
The N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . h!ve the m!nu)cript re!d"# . )h!ll be &l!d if the Honour!ble
the 3!' 2ini)ter 'ould publi)h it#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 No' it 'ould be of no u)e bec!u)e "ou h!ve )!id
the )!me thin& on the floor of the Hou)e#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 No' 'e come to Cl!)) = of the ori&in!l Bill# B" )tr!n&e
!ccidentG1 )hould be !fr!id to in)inu!te !n"thin&G ever"thin& in it h!) been omitted in the
ep!rtment!l Bill# .t cont!in) nine cl!))e) of heir) !nd four other )upplement!r" heir)#
Thirteen heir) in Cl!)) = of the ori&in!l Bill h!ve been entirel" omitted5 'hether b"
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 =er" deliber!tel"K
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 But then 'h" did the report of the Select Committee )!" th!t no
)ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) 'ere m!de 8 .f the)e 'ere omitted deliber!tel"5 then the onl" point i)
'hether the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# The Hou)e h!) been !))ured b" the Honour!ble the
3!' 2ini)ter th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) 'ere m!de# Th!t the)e ch!n&e) 'ere m!de
deliber!tel" i) no' !dmitted# The 9ue)tion no' therefore i) 'hether the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e)# But 'e h!ve been !))ured th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de#
The Honour!ble r# B#$# Ambed%!r4 Th!t i) ! m!tter of opinion#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Then the 9ue)tion turn) upon thi) 'hether the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e)# .t m!" not be ver" import!nt from the point of vie' of the l!'?&iver but it m!" be
import!nt to the heir# .f "ou di)turb the order of heir)hip in the )li&hte)t de&ree5 it i) !
)ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e# /p to thi) time 'e h!d been !))ured th!t the ch!n&e) th!t 'ere m!de
'ere onl" of ! dr!ftin& ch!r!cter# The report of the Select Committee i) th!t the ep!rtment
m!de no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# The report i) )o cle!r !nd emph!tic !nd the" emph!)iJe the
point) )o cle!rl"5 th!t the" )!" no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!ve been m!deGonl" renumberin&
!nd )ome merel" verb!l ch!n&e) 'ere m!de !nd th!t for thi) re!)on th!t the u)u!l method of
indic!tin& the ch!n&e) b" )ide?linin& or under?linin& the ch!n&e) h!d not been !dhered to in
the ep!rtment!l or the *in!l Bill#
No' the 9ue)tion of 9ue)tion) !t l!)t boil) do'n to thi) 4 7hether the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e) 8 7h!t i) the te)t for thi) 8 /p)ettin& of heir)B li)t) i) not ! )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e 8 .
)ubmit it i)# .f it i) th!t . !m !r&uin& too much5 !r&uin& !) if in ! 3!' CourtGif !n"
honour!ble 2ember thin%) it i) )oGthen it )eem) th!t the )eriou)ne)) of the ch!n&e) h!) not
been full" !ppreci!ted#
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in4 1(cept b" "ou K
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 .t i) ver" unfortun!te th!t thi) )hould be !ppreci!ted onl" b" one
m!nK 0f cour)e there i) ! hi&hl" p!id dep!rtment !nd ! hi&hl" 9u!lified 3!' 2ini)ter5 'ho i)
!ble to !ppreci!te the )li&hte)t difference) !nd . !m )orr" th!t . h!ve h!d to under&o !ll the
trouble !nd e(penditure of time !nd mone" to find out !nd e(pl!in !ll thi)# .t h!) not been !
ver" e!)" m!tter !nd the difficult" '!) further enh!nced b" the f!ct th!t the ep!rtment
'hich introduced !ll the)e ch!n&e) could not m!%e !v!il!ble to me ! cop" of their dr!ft Bill#
.t '!) !fter ! &re!t de!l of )e!rchin& th!t . could procure ! cop"# So the )e!rch h!) been
prolon&ed !nd the con)ider!tion h!) been prolon&ed !nd it h!) been for me ! ver" difficult
m!tter# . do not me!n to )!" th!t !n" other 2ember i)5 not c!p!ble of !ppreci!tin& it5 but fe'
h!ve the time or the inclin!tion to &o throu&h them# And 'h" )hould the" 8 .)nBt it the dut"
!nd the obviou) privile&e of ever" 2emberG!nd . )!" thi) in defence of 2ember)Gto rel"
on the 2ini)tr" of 3!'5 to rel" upon the e(pre)) &u!r!ntee in the Select Committee report
th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de 8 . thin% the" 'ould be full" Au)tified !nd 'hen
!n honour!ble 2ember )!id th!t none e(pect me %ne' thi)5 . c!nnot bl!me him# The bl!me
lie) 'ith the ep!rtment# No'5 i) th!t the end of the)e ch!n&e) 8 B" no me!n)#
Come to Cl!)) =?A# .t '!) introduced b" the $!u Committee b" !n !mendment of their
e!rlier Bill# The" h!ve noted th!t thi) Cl!)) =?A )hould be introduced !fter Cl!)) =# Cl!)) =?
A h!) been entirel" omitted# . humbl" )u&&e)t th!t it i) !n in!dvertent omi))ion5 but
in!dvertent or intention!l5 it i) !b)olutel" d!m!&in& to the inte&rit" of the Bill# Then5 Sir5 'e
come to Cl!)) =.# (0nt!rruptions.
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 The honour!ble member 'ill &o on#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Then 'e come to Cl!)) =.5 item) (1) !nd (E)GmotherB) mother
!nd motherB) f!ther# The motherB) mother 'ould be preferred to motherB) f!ther under the
ori&in!l Bill but the" h!ve been put to&ether in the ep!rtment!l Bill# So the" no' inherit
e9u!ll" to&ether# .n item (D) of Cl!)) =.5 the motherB) brother !nd motherB) )i)ter inheritGthe
l!tter !fter the former under the ori&in!l Bill5 but under the ep!rtment!l Bill5 the" inherit
to&ether# /nder item) (4) !nd (+) motherB) brotherB) )on h!) been entirel" left out in the
ep!rtment!l Bill# .tem) (7)5 (8) !nd (9)GmotherB) )i)terB) )on5 motherB) brotherB) d!u&hter5
motherB) )i)terB) d!u&hter !re !l)o entirel" omitted#
Then item (D) in Cl!)) =. i) !l)o entirel" omitted#
Thi) conclude) the li)t of inherit!nce in 'hich there !re no le)) th!n E, tr!n)po)ition)5
!ddition) !nd omi))ion)# Heir) h!ve been entirel" elimin!ted either intention!ll" or
deliber!tel" but thi) doe) not !ppe!r from the Select CommitteeB) report# . h!ve been
repe!tedl" !)%ed b" honour!ble 2ember) of the Select Committee in the Hou)e to point out
'here the difference) lie# . do not '!nt to bl!me !n" honour!ble 2ember for not noticin&
them# 0n !ccount of the tr!n)po)ition or remov!l from their ori&in!l pl!ce) the ch!n&e)
'ould not be obviou)# And there i) the &u!r!ntee in the report of the Select Committee th!t
there i) no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e# The)e 'ere ch!n&e) throu&h the ep!rtment!l Bill !nd m!"
h!ve e)c!ped the !ttention of the Select Committee# At le!)t their !ttention '!) not dr!'n to
them in the ep!rtment!l Bill# There i) ! ver" re)pected !nd c!p!ble 2ember5 r# B!%h)hi
Te% Ch!nd 'ho )!") in hi) minute of di))ent th!t the Select Committee confined their
!ttention to the ep!rtment!l
Bill5 bec!u)e the" 'ere !))ured th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!d been m!de# . 'ould !)%
r# B!%h)hi Te% Ch!nd 'hether hi) !ttention '!) dr!'n b" the ep!rtment or r# Ambed%!r
to the)e thin&)# The)e l!r&e omi))ion) !nd tr!n)po)ition) of pl!ce) 'ould not h!ve been
noticed b" !n" 2ember unle)) he &oe) throu&h the l!boriou) proce)) of comp!rin& the t'o
li%e ! l!boriou) l!'"er#
r# B!%h)hi Te% Ch!nd (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l)4 . 'ould li%e to dr!' the !ttention of m"
honour!ble friend to p!&e 9 of the report 'here m" note of i))ent i) printed# . h!ve &iven
there )ome of the )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)5 !t !n" r!te ch!n&e) 'hich . con)idered to be
)ub)t!nti!lG!nd bec!u)e of 'hich . h!d )u&&e)ted th!t the Bill )hould be recircul!ted for
elicitin& public opinion or in !n" c!)e recommitted to the Select Committee# At p!&e 9 the
bro!d point) on 'hich ch!n&e) h!d been introduced in the redr!fted Bill5 h!ve been
mentioned thou&h not in )uch &re!t det!il !) the honour!ble 2ember i) doin& tod!" in hi)
)peech# .t i) not correct to )!" th!t no member of the Select Committee noticed them# 0f
cour)e nobod" h!d the indu)tr" or the p!tience 'hich the honour!ble 2ember h!)5 but the
m!tter did not e)c!pe their !ttention# A) he h!) mentioned m" n!me . feel it m" dut" to brin&
thi) f!ct to the notice of the Hou)e# .n the Note of i))ent . h!ve referred to the ch!n&e) to
the order of inherit!nce 'hich . con)idered to be )ub)t!nti!l5 !nd in re&!rd to 'hich . !m in
entire !&reement 'ith m" honour!ble friend#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . !m e(tremel" &r!teful for thi) cl!rific!tion5 A re)pected
2ember 'ith the hi&he)t Audici!l e(perience thin%) th!t the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) !nd he
thou&ht th!t the" 'ere )o )ub)t!nti!l th!t the Bill )hould be recircul!ted# Th!t i) the thin&
'hich . !m !)%in& for# There i) !t le!)t one 2ember of the Select Committee 'ho thou&ht
the ch!n&e) to be )ub)t!nti!l# He noticed them5 but '!) hi) !ttention )pecific!ll" dr!'n to
;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l)4 2r# B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm! h!) !l)o
)i&ned it#
An Honour!ble 2ember4 He h!) h!d no Audici!l e(perience#
;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!4 He h!) h!d )oci!l e(perience#
2r# N!Jiruddin #Ahm!d 4 ;!ndit B!l%ri)hn! Sh!rm! i) !l)o of the )!me opinion# .t i)
ho'ever enou&h to 9uote the n!me of r# Te% Ch!nd# Hi) !uthorit" !nd po)ition 'ill not be
)eriou)l" enh!nced b" the !ddition of !n" other n!me)# The)e re)pected 2ember) felt th!t
the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) !nd therefore thou&ht th!t the Bill re9uired recircul!tion# There
!re ch!n&e) in other p!rt) of the Bill 'hich 'ould re9uired hercule!n l!bour to find out#
.n vie' of the)e ch!n&e) m!de b" the ep!rtment!l Committee !nd in vie' of the
'ei&ht" rem!r%) of r# Te% Ch!nd th!t the)e 'ere ver" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) . thin% the m!tter
)hould not !dmit of !n" doubt th!t the Bill )hould be )ent to the Select Committee to
recon)ider the)e ch!n&e) or to recircul!te it#
An Honour!ble 2ember4 The )!me Select Committee#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . h!ve no obAection to the )!me Select Committee# .t con)i)ted
of men !b)olutel" &ood !nd true5 men 'ith Audici!l !nd le&!l e(perience !nd 'ho !re
pr!ctic!l !uthoritie) on tho)e br!nche) of the l!'# .n f!ct5 !ll %ind) of t!lent) 'ere
repre)ented in the Select Committee# . h!ve the fulle)t confidence in the Select Committee
!nd . h!ve not lo)t m" f!ith in it# 2" point i) th!t the)e m!tter) )hould be c!refull"
)crutini)ed !nd e!ch ch!n&e c!refull" 'ei&hed !nd deliber!tel" !ccepted# Sub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)
h!ve been 9uietl" !nd deliber!tel" introduced# 7e !re !))ured b" the 3!' 2ini)ter !nd !&!in
b" the Select Committee th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de# 0n the one h!nd 'e
h!ve the opinion of the hi&he)t le&!l t!lent in the Hou)e )!"in& th!t the)e !re )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e) !nd on the other5 !nother le&!l lumin!r" )!") th!t he h!) deliber!tel" introduced
the)e ch!n&e) !nd !t the )!me time5 th!t he h!) introduced no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# Th!t i) the
&u!r!ntee under the )i&n!ture of r# Ambed%!r him)elf# So the Select Committee i)
hopele))l" divided 'ithin it)elf# .f t'o )uch eminent !uthoritie) differ on ! bro!d m!tter li%e
thi) . thin% the m!tter re9uire) recon)ider!tion b" the Committee !nd th!t i) 'h!t . !)% for#
Thou&h the 3!' 2ini)ter thin%) th!t the)e 'ere not )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) onl" !n
un)ophi)tic!ted Hou)e 'ould !&ree 'ith him# A m!nB) ri&ht to inherit i) ! )ub)t!nti!l ri&ht#
To )!" th!t ch!n&e) therein !re not )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) 'ould be to )!" )omethin& th!t i)
p!lp!bl" !nd obviou)l" 'ron&# . )ubmit therefore th!t the ch!n&e) bein& )ub)t!nti!l !nd the
&u!r!ntee bein& th!t no )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de5 on thi) &round !lone the Bill
)hould be )ent b!c% to Select Committee or for circul!tion 'ith the po)itive direction th!t
their !ttention )hould be directed to'!rd) the)e ch!n&e) !nd the" )hould con)ciou)l"5
intelli&entl"5 'ilfull" !ccept or reAect them# There !re other )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)#
Shri B# N# 2un!v!lli (Bomb!" St!te))4 He i) )impl" repe!tin& the )!me !r&ument)#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . thou&ht he h!d concluded th!t topic# .f he h!) no other topic he
m!" )it do'n#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . h!ve other ver" )eriou) ch!n&e)# The point . 'ould li%e to
%no' i) for ho' lon& the Honour!ble 3!' 2ini)ter 'ould in)i)t on )!"in& th!t there !re no
)ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)#
Shri @hur)hed 3!l (eput" 2ini)ter of Communic!tion) 4 Till "ou h!ve fini)hed#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 oe) the honour!ble 2ember 'ith hi) e(perience !) ! l!'"er ever
e(pect the mover of ! Bill to !dmit th!t 'h!t he h!) done i) 'ron& 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 . bo' do'n to thi) 'ei&ht" ob)erv!tion of "our)# But thi) i)
not ! l!' court for u) to t!%e )ide)# .t i) ! 3e&i)l!tive A))embl" 'here 'e h!ve no )ide)# 7e
m!" e(pre)) our opinion) hone)tl" but 'e do not t!%e )ide) for the )!%e of fee) 4 'e !re not
committed to one )ide or !nother# . )ubmit th!t in the 3e&i)l!ture5 ! 3!' 2ini)ter re)pon)ible
to the 3e&i)l!ture )hould m!%e it hi) dut" to m!%e !n !dmi))ion if he i) 'ron&# . therefore
h!ve ! f!int hope th!t thi) !ccumul!tion of error)5 of ch!n&e)5 'ould induce in ! )li&ht de&ree
the 3!' 2ini)ter to !dmit th!t he h!d m!de )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e) !nd thereb" to m!%e further
pro&re)) of m" !r&ument !b)olutel" unnece))!r"# But in vie' of the f!ct th!t the honour!ble
the 3!' 2ini)ter )t!nd) to hi) &un li%e ! &ood fi&hterGhe h!) been ! fi&hter !ll hi) life !nd
he i) f!mou) for hi) &rit !nd mor!l 9u!lit"G !) he )t!nd) to hi) &un5 . h!ve to )ubmit to him
more !nd more ch!n&e) Au)t 'ith ! f!int hope to induce him ultim!tel" to concede#
Shri @hur)hed 3!l 4 . do not 'i)h to interrupt5 but i) it hi) intention to &o on in thi)
m!nner till he h!) m!de the 3!' 2ini)ter !dmit th!t he h!) m!de ! mi)t!%e 8
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 7h" the 3!' 2ini)ter !lone 8 ;o))ibl" other 2ember) !l)o !&ree
'ith him for he h!) c!rried the Hou)e 'ith him#
Shri B# !) 4 Ho' do "ou )!" )o# Sir 8 7e c!n ho'l him do'n#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 .t i) not )o ver" e!)"# Sir5 . h!ve been thre!tened 'ith bein&
ho'led do'n# . !m "et to )ee ! 2ember 'ho c!n ho'l me do'n hereG1 h!ve "et to )ee
him# . re)pectfull" invite !n"one to ho'l me do'n# He 'ill find th!t . do not even re9uire the
microphone to be he!rd in the Hou)e in the mid)t of ho'lin&)#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . re9ue)t th!t the ch!llen&e need not be !ccepted on the floor of the
2r#N!Jiruddrn Ahm!d 4 He 'ill not find it )!fe to ch!llen&e me out)ide the Hou)e#
2r# T!A!mul Hu)!in 4 <ou did not li%e u) to interrupt !nd therefore . '!nt "our
permi))ion fir)t to )ee% ! point of inform!tion# The point . '!nt to %no' from m" honour!ble
friend i) th!t tod!" i) the 1)t of April# .) th!t the re!)on 'h" he i) t!%in& up the 'hole d!" on
thi) Bill8
2r# N!JiruddmAbm!d4 Th!t 9ue)tion )hould be !ddre))ed to the Honour!ble 3!'
2ini)ter for brin&in& the motion on the All *ool) !"K
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 7hether it !pplie) to !n"one or not let the honour!ble 2ember
proceed 'ith hi) )peech#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Then 'e come to the ne(t cl!u)e of ;!rt .. of the ori&in!l Bill#
r# 2ono 2oh!n !) (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 it B!ppe!r) the honour!ble 2ember
i) not prep!red#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . could not c!tch the honour!ble doctor#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 He m!" &o on# . hope he 'ill conclude hi) )peech !t le!)t tod!"#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . do not %no'# 2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . 'ould onl" )!" th!t
enou&h h!) been )!id )o f!r on thi) point !bout ch!n&e) of )ub)t!nce# After !ll it i) not the
honour!ble 2ini)ter in ch!r&e of the Bill 'ho !lone need be )!ti)fied# He hold) hi) point of
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r 4 h! Hou)e 'ill decide#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 <e)5 the Hou)e 'ill decide it ultim!tel"# Therefore the honour!ble
2ember need not t!%e further time in drivin& it home to one individu!l 2ember ho'ever
import!nt he m!" be# He m!" tr" to c!rr" the Hou)e 'ith him# A) . h!ve !lre!d" )!id5
enou&h h!) been )!id in re&!rd to the m!tter of )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)# . thou&ht he '!) &oin& to
refer to other m!tter) of )ub)t!nce li%e m!rri!&e5 divorce5 !doption# . do not thin% the
honour!ble 2ini)ter 'ould be do&m!tic !nd . !m )ure th!t thou&h in re)pect of thi) he m!"
h!ve )tron& vie') he 'ould li%e to '!it !nd )ee ho' f!r there !re !r&ument) on the other
)ide5 !nd he m!" be convinced# . thou&ht the honour!ble 2ember 'ould come to m!tter) of
)ub)t!nce# A lon& time h!) been )pent on thi) point !lre!d"#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . mu)t fr!n%l" e(pre)) m" &r!tefulne)) to the 3!' 2ini)ter for
li)tenin& to me )o p!tientl"# . )ubmit th!t . h!ve other point) indic!tin& ch!n&e) 'hich . )h!ll
)ho' briefl"#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 3e!ve !lon& the ch!n&e)# There !re?ch!n&e)# . m!" put it thi) '!"# .
!m not lettin& do'n ! )ecret !nd there i) no )ecret from the Hou)e !) . conceive# 7hen !
m!tter come) before the Hou)e !fter h!vin& been referred to Select Committee5 the Select
Committee mi&ht commit ! mi)t!%e !nd it i) open to the 2ember) to )!" th!t it i) 'ron& !nd
the 'ron& h!) to be corrected# 1(cept one or t'o m!tter) !) for e(!mple 'h!t e!ch member
)!id in the Select Committee 'hich ou&ht not to be pl!ced before the Hou)e !) thin&) !re in !
fluid condition !nd it 'ould re)ult in ! di)turb!nce !nd !ntip!th"# . m!" )!" thi)# So f!r !) the
Select Committee i) concerned !n" dr!ft m!" be con)idered# The dr!ft '!) of the 2ini)tr"
here# At the out)et it #i) )!id in ;!r!# E of the Select CommitteeB) report here4
6 The dr!ft Hindu Code5 !) introduced in the 3e&i)l!ture5 did not receive !n"
ep!rtment!l )crutin" prior to it) introduction5 !nd the 2ini)tr" of 3!' (whi'h '!rtainly
in'lud!s th! Minist!r of 2aw at its h!ad., 'hich h!d !n opportunit" to e(!mine the Bill
durin& the period bet'een the end of the l!)t )e))ion of the le&i)l!ture !nd the be&innin& of
the pre)ent )e))ion5 h!ve no' produced ! revi)ed dr!ft###### 6
The dr!ft '!) pl!ced before the Select Committee !nd the rulin& of the Spe!%er i) th!t the
ori&in!l Bill th!t '!) )ent to the Select Committee5 !lon& 'ith the dr!ftG'hich 'e 'ill
!))ume i) the complete li)t of !ll the !mendment) 'hich the 3!' 2ini)ter '!nted to
introduceG'!) !ll con)idered b" the Select Committee# .t i) open to the honour!ble member
to )!" th!t the Bill !nd the cl!u)e) in it !re 'ron&5 th!t the" up)et )ociet" !nd th!t )ufficient
!ttention '!) not p!id to the ch!n&e) th!t 'ere effected in the Select Committee to the
ori&in!l Bill# . thin% th!t 'ould help the Hou)e to come to ! conclu)ion re&!rdin& either the
'hole Bill or individu!l cl!u)e) in it on m!tter) of )ub)t!nce# 7e h!ve !lre!d" )pent ! lot of
time over thi) m!tter# .t i) nece))!r" th!t on thi) m!tter there m!" be cl!rific!tion !nd . do
not thin% !n"one here '!nt) to do&m!ti)e upon ! p!rticul!r m!tter#
The Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 . mi&ht )!" openl" th!t . h!ve not !n empt" mind
but . h!ve !n open mind# 2r# eput" Spe!%er4 Th!t i) 'h!t 'e e(pect#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . !m ver" &r!teful to him# Sir . come to !nother br!nch of the
Bill# . 'ould li%e to dr!' the !ttention of the Hou)e to cl!u)e 1,E of the ep!rtment!l Bill
'hich corre)pond) to cl!u)e 1,1 of the fin!l Bill# Thi) '!) introduced for the fir)t time b"
the ep!rtment!l Bill# The Select Committee m!de )ome ch!n&e)5 but the ep!rtment!l
Committee h!d introduced ! )eriou) ch!n&e# .t i) provided in the ep!rtment!l Bill th!t if
there '!) ! m!le !nd ! fem!le in the )!me line5 the m!le )h!ll t!%e double of the fem!le# .n
the fin!l Bill their )h!re) !re m!de e9u!l# A) re&!rd) the Au)tice of the fin!l Bill5 it doe) not
m!tter5 but . )ubmit thi) ne' introduction i) ! dep!rture#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 1ven if there !re5 )!"5 1,, dep!rture)5 i) it nece))!r" to e(h!u)t !ll
the 1,, dep!rture) 8 0nl" )ome ten or fifteenGeven the)e !re m!n"Gb" '!" of illu)tr!tion
'ill be enou&h# He m!" t!%e ! fe' dep!rture) !nd )!" th!t for the)e re!)on) the m!tter
)hould be )ent b!c% to the Select Committee or )ent round for elicitin& public opinion# .
thou&ht the honour!ble 2ember concluded th!t portion referrin& to v!riou) item) 'here there
i) ! dep!rture# There !re dep!rture) !nd the li)t 'hich h!) been circul!ted cont!in) ! li)t of
dep!rture) e(tendin& over thirteen p!&e)5 thou&h it doe) not )t!te ho' the dep!rture) h!ve
been m!de#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 ep!rture) h!ve not been noted#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 True5 the" h!ve not been noted in the m!nner of dep!rture)# .t i)
!dmitted there !re dep!rture) but onl" )ome import!nt item) m!" be t!%en for the purpo)e of
)ho'in& th!t on !ccount of the)e dep!rture) the Bill )hould be )ent to the Select Committee
or to !nother Select Committee or th!t it mu)t &o round the countr" for opinion# . thin% 'e
!re t!%in& too much time on thi)#
Shri B# !)4 Sir5 . )!id th!t !ll !lon&#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 . c!n 9uite !ppreci!te the e(!)per!tion of one or t'o 2ember)#
Shri B# !)4 Sir5 he i) u)in& the )!me 'ordK
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Sir5 . dr!' !ttention of the Hou)e to cl!u)e 1,D of the
ep!rtment!l Bill 'hich corre)pond) to cl!u)e 1,E#########
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . h!ve !lre!d" pointed out 'ith reference to thi)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Thi) i) !n import!nt m!tter#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . c!n onl" )u&&e)t to the honour!ble 2ember# . c!nnot !r&ue for
him# . c!n onl" )!" th!t in)t!nce) need not be multiplied# Accordin& to him there !re !
)ufficient number of in)t!nce)5 but if he thin%) he h!) for&otten one point 'hich i) more
import!nt th!n other) then he m!" point it out#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Cl!u)e 1,D of the ep!rtment!l Bill corre)pondin& to cl!u)e 1,E
of the fin!l Bill re)trict) the !&n!te) to five de&ree)# The ch!n&e re)trict) the heir)hip to five
de&ree) onl"# .n c!)e there !re no enumer!ted heir)5 then !ccordin& to the Hindu 3!' the
propert" 'ill &o to the !&n!te5 but the definition of !&n!te h!) been )eriou)l" curt!iled !nd
reduced to five de&ree)# .n the ne(t cl!u)e5 cl!u)e 1,4 of the ep!rtment!l Bill
corre)pondin& to cl!u)e 1,D of the fin!l Bill5 co&n!te) !re !l)o )imil!rl" re)tricted to five
de&ree)# Thi) i) ! )eriou) dep!rture from the conception of the Hindu 3!' !nd from the
ori&in!l Bill# An" !&n!te5 ho'ever di)t!ntl" connected5 'ould be !n heir in the !b)ence of
preferenti!l heir)# 7ith re&!rd to co&n!te) !l)o5 in the !b)ence of !&n!te) !n" co&n!te)5
ho'ever di)t!ntl" connected5 'ould be heir)# So5 'ith re&!rd to co&n!te) the ch!n&e i)
entirel" ne'# 7ith re&!rd to !&n!te) it i) ! )eriou) dep!rture from the ori&in!l cl!u)e)# The"
merel" de)cribed th!t in the !b)ence of enumer!ted heir) the" &o to !&n!te)5 !nd in the
!b)ence of !&n!te) the" &o to co&n!te)#
2r# Honour!ble r# B# $# Ambed%!r4 Co&n!te) or !&n!te) 8
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 Co&n!te)#
. )ubmit the)e !re )eriou) ch!n&e)# Accordin& to r# Ambed%!r the)e !re not )eriou)
bec!u)e he h!) m!de the ch!n&e)#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i4 Seriou) !nd )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e)K
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Sub)t!nti!l if "ou li%e# . thin% the" !re not merel" )ub)t!nti!l
but !l)o )eriou)# S!rious &oe) ! de&ree further# .n f!ct5 thi) re)trict) the ri&ht of heir)hip of
cert!in people#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 .) the honour!ble 2ember not clo)in& !t five 8 1nou&h h!) been
)!id on thi) topic#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 No5 Sir# Not enou&h to convince )ome of the 2ember)# . '!nt
to !b)olutel" convince them#
Shri @hur)hed 3!l 4 Then "ou 'ill h!ve to !r&ue till doom)d!"#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 .f he h!) not been !ble to convince for five hour) no'5 he 'ill not
be !ble to convince him !t the end of !nother five hour)#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 The Honour!ble the 3!' 2ini)ter h!) thou&h not ! v!c!nt
mind5 !n open mind !nd he 'ill in the lon& run be convinced#
An Honour!ble 2ember4 He 'ill ponder over "our )peech toni&ht#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d 4 Cl!u)e 1, of the ori&in!l Bill h!) been entirel" omitted in the
ep!rtment!l BillG!b)olutel" for&otten# .n f!ct in the Hindu l!'5 !) in the 2u)lim l!'5 in
the !b)ence of enumer!ted heir)5 in the !b)ence of !&n!te)5 co&n!te) other unrel!ted heir)
)ucceed# The" !re the preceptor)5 !ch!r"!), shishyas !nd sahabrahma'haris !nd pupil) under
the )!me tutor5 !re the heir)# Accordin& to the ep!rtment!l Bill5 the re)pect for a'harya,
re)pect for sahabrahma'hari !nd con)ider!tion for them i) entirel" thro'n overbo!rd# Thi)
!&!in i) ! )eriou) ch!n&e# The cumul!tive 'ei&ht of the)e )eriou) ch!n&e) !) 'ell !) m!n"
numerou) other) 'ill . hope )ucceed in ultim!tel" 'innin& over the 2ini)ter of 3!' to m"
Then 'e come to cl!u)e 1,9 of the ep!rtment!l Bill !nd 1,8 of the fin!l Bill# Thi)
provi)ion i) !b)olutel" ne'# .n th!t cl!u)e )ome ne' heir) h!ve been introduced 'hich 'ere
not in the ori&in!l Bill#
7ith re&!rd to )ucce))ion to stridham, )ome ch!n&e) h!ve been m!de# And then in ;!rt
..5 cl!u)e 145 'here heir) )t!" to&ether#########
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 .f the honour!ble 2ember i) li%el" to C0nclude )oon5 'e 'ill )t!"
on for ! fe' minute) more#
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 No5 Sir#
Shrim!ti :# ur&!b!i 4 7e 'ill )t!" on for five minute) more5 if the honour!ble 2ember
'ill conclude#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . )h!ll le!ve it to the )pe!%er# The Hou)e no' )t!nd) !dAourned
to 1,?4+ !#m# tomorro'#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till a 3uart!r to -l!v!n of th! &lo'k Saturday th! >nd
"pril, 4676.
Contents Continued.
DF+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 1)t 2!rch 19495 pp# 99+?1,1+
DF+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ..5 ;!rt ..5 1)t 2!rch 19495 pp# 1,1+?E,
DF+ C#A# (3e&#) M =ol# ..# ;!rt ..5 1)t 2!rch 19495 pp# 1,E,?D,#
DF+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ...5 ;!rt ..5 1)t April 19495 pp# EE11?4D#
DF+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# ...5 ;!rt ..5 1)t April 19495 pp# EE1D?4D#
.SC/SS.0N 0N TH1 H.N/ C01 A*T1$ $1T/$N 0* TH1 B.33 *$02 TH1
S131CT C022.TT11 (11TH *1B$/A$< 1949 T0 14TH 1C12B1$ 19+,)
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: ;rimitive#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam: 1ither 'e drop them deliber!tel" throu&h
le&i)l!tion or the" 'ill be di)continued in !n irre&ul!r !nd di)orderl" f!)hion#
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra : *ollo' Ben&!l in other re)pect) !l)o#
Some Honourable Members: 0rder5 order#
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari 4 0n ! point of order# Sir5 'h!t ri&ht h!) ! 2ember to
c!ll B order5 order B# . find Shrim!ti ur&!b!i c!llin& B order5 order B#
Shrimati Renuka Ray (7e)t Ben&!l4 :ener!l)4 .) thi) ! point of order 8
2r# Deputy Speaker: . !m e(tremel" &l!d to find th!t hon# 2ember) !re )h!rin& the
ri&ht of the Spe!%er !lon& 'ith me#
SAt# Rohini Kumar Chaudhari : (ros!..
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam: . !m !fr!id . )h!ll not be !ble to &ive '!" to m"
Hon# friend from A))!m#
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari: All ri&ht5 . )h!ll %eep 9uiet# .f "ou '!nt to )uffer from
the t"r!nn" of 'omen5 "ou )uffer#
2r# Deputy Speaker : 0rder5 order#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam 4 Sir5 much h!) been )!id !bout the )o?c!lled
)!cred in)titution of Aoint f!mil"# .n the medi!ev!l !nd !ncient time)5 thi) )o?c!lled Aoint
f!mil" mi&ht h!ve )erved ! ver" u)eful purpo)e# .t i) not m" bu)ine)) to den" th!t# But5
tod!"5 Aoint f!mil" e(i)t) onl" in controver)"# . %no' the pe!)!nt) C . h!ve been in the rur!l
!re!) prob!bl" much lon&er th!n m!n" of "ou# . h!ve 'or%ed for ten "e!r) continuou)l" in
the rur!l !re!)# . %no'# Sir5 the fir)t thin&5 'hen ! pe!)!ntB) )on m!rrie)5 the pe!)!nt doe) i)5
to )et up ! ne' hou)e5 &ive the )on hi) )h!re in the !nce)tr!l l!nd5 one !cre or h!lf !n !cre or
one?9u!rter of !n !cre5 !nd e)t!bli)he) the )on !) ! )ep!r!te f!mil"# /nle)) thi) i) done5 the
pe!)!nt %no') th!t hi) f!mil" 'ill be di)inte&r!ted# .n the c!)e of cert!in ver" rich people5
the )o?c!lled Aoint f!mil" m!" continue 'ith ! double )")tem of !ccount %eepin& for cert!in
purpo)e)5 to che!t the .ncome?t!( !nd for other purpo)e)# 0rdin!ril"5 even tod!"5 in the
middle cl!)) f!milie)5 'h!t h!ppen) 8 0ne )on live) in the vill!&eC !nother )on i) in elhi in
)ervice in the :overnment of .ndi!C !nother )on i) in 2!dr!) in )ome other )erviceC !nother
)on doe) bu)ine))# 7h!t i) the me!nin& of m!int!inin& ! Aoint f!mil" !nd !nce)tr!l propert" 8
.t i) better th!t the" !re !llo'ed to p!rtition# Then5 if the" '!nt volunt!ril" to come b!c% !nd
live to&ether5 let them become ! co?oper!tive )ociet"5 let them become !n" %ind of le&!l
per)on!lit" )uited to modern condition)# To continue the Aoint f!mil" o'in& to !nce)tr!l
'or)hip5 'ithout re&!rd to the e(i)tin& circum)t!nce)5 . thin% it i) )heer con)erv!ti)m run
Shri Brajeshwar Prasad (Bih!r 4 :ener!l) C A !niel come to Aud&ement#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam 4 2" hon# friend from Bih!r i) ! )upreme e(!mple
of !niel !) he h!) proved in the con)titution m!%in&5 !nd . !m )ure he 'ill prove him)elf )o
Shri Brajeshwar Prasad: <ou !re !l)o#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam: . !m not &ivin& '!"#
2r# Deputy Speaker 4 3et there be no t!l% !cro)) the t!ble# . !m e(ceedin&l" )orr" C .
h!ve been ! little indul&ent# . find !n !crimoniou) controver)" i) c!rried on# So lon& !) there
i) &ood humour there i) no h!rm# Ho'ever5 the hon# 2ember mu)t be !llo'ed to &o on# He
m!" lo)e the trend of hi) thou&ht# 0ther'i)e !l)o it i) inconvenient to &o on bein& h!r!))ed#
SAt# Rohini Kumar Ghaudhari: 2r# S!nth!n!m i) in ! ver" &ood mood#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam: Bec!u)e m" c!)e i) )imple !nd )tr!i&htfor'!rd
!nd . need not &et ! b!d temper or r!i)e !ll %ind) of f!nt!)tic bo&e")# 3et me no' come to the
ne(t !)pect5 th!t i)5 r!tion!li)!tion# 0ne point 'hich h!) evo%ed the &re!te)t !mount of
oppo)ition i) the d!u&hterB) ri&ht to the f!therB) propert"# .f the old propert" h!d rem!ined
int!ct !nd if propert" con)i)ted onl" of !&ricultur!l l!nd)5 then . c!n )"mp!thi)e 'ith tho)e
'ho )!" th!t to brin& in ! forei&ner5 !n out)ider into the f!mil" m!" me!n &re!t de!l of
inconvenience# . h!ve !lre!d" )t!ted th!t propert" i) movin& from immov!ble propert" to
Dr. P. S. Deshmukh (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l) 4 Ho' c!n it 8 All l!nded propert"
c!nnot be di))olved# The Hindu Code Bill 'ill not ev!por!te l!nd)#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam: So f!r !) the pe!)!nt communit" i) concerned5
the" !utom!tic!ll" divide on m!rri!&e# .f ! )on?in?l!' i) 'illin& to come !nd live in the
vill!&e5 . do not )ee 'h" he )hould not?be !llo'ed#
Dr. P. S. Deshmukh : Here!fter5 the rule 'ill be divide !nd rule#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam : .f the )on) c!n divide5 the d!u&hter !l)o c!n
divide# .n the future propert" 'ill con)i)t of c!)h )ecuritie) !nd other thin&)# Therefore5 there
i) no re!)on 'h" the d!u&hter )hould not h!ve the )!me ri&ht !) the )on# A) ! m!tter of
!dAu)tment5 . !m prep!red to thro' out one or t'o ide!)# .n e)tim!tin& the )h!re of the
m!rried d!u&hter) in ! f!mil"5 . thin% it 'ould not be unf!ir to )et off !n" !mount) 'hich
m!" h!ve been )pent for their m!rri!&e# .n m!n" of the middle cl!)) f!milie)5 the !mount
)pent for the m!rri!&e) i) often e9u!l to if not &re!ter th!n the )h!re 'hich the d!u&hter m!"
&et# . thin% th!t 'ould be ! f!ir )et off# Simil!rl"5 if there i) onl" one d'ellin& hou)e or if
there i) onl" ! )m!ll e(tent of !&ricultur!l l!nd5 . thin% it 'ill not be unf!ir to )!" th!t )o f!r
!) the d!u&hterB) )h!re i) concerned5 )he mu)t t!%e her )h!re in the form of c!)h or other
mov!ble propert" r!ther th!n in)i)t on ! p!rtition of the hou)e or the immov!ble propert"#
Ch. Ranbir Singh (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l) 4 7herefrom to brin& th!t c!)h8
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam: lf "ou h!ve ! creditor5 'here 'ill "ou find the
c!)h 8 .) it not po))ible 8 .t m!" b! p!id in e!)" !nnuitie) or in )ome )uch m!nner# .n !
h!rmoniou) f!mil"5 !dAu)tment 'ill be e!)"C in !n inh!rmoniou) f!mil"5 court) c!n find '!")
!nd me!n) of !dAu)tin& the burden 'ithout ine9uit" to !n" p!rt"# SubAect to the)e
!dAu)tment)5 . do not )ee !n" r!tion!l Au)tific!tion 'h" the d!u&hter )hould be tre!ted e(!ctl"
on the )!me b!)i) !) ! )on# . do not thin% there 'ill be !n" %ind of h!rd)hip# All %ind) of
bo&e") h!ve been r!i)ed# After !ll5 the d!u&hter become) ! d!u&hter?in?l!'# .f the d!u&hter
&et) ! )h!re5 )imil!rl" the d!u&hter in the other hou)e &et) ! )h!re !nd therefore in the lon&
run5 e(cept for !n !dAu)tment of le&!l ri&ht) throu&h the e)t!bli)hment of )elf re)pect !nd
)oci!l e9u!lit" bet'een m!n !nd 'om!n5 the propert" !rr!n&ement) 'ill rem!in much the
)!meC bec!u)e !t pre)ent the d!u&hter doe) not t!%e !'!" from the f!therB) hou)eC )he &et)
more in her f!ther?in?l!'B) hou)e# Here!fter5 under the Bill5 )he 'ill t!%e ! little from the
f!therB) hou)e5 much le)) from the f!ther?in?l!'B) hou)e# .n the lon& run5 there 'ill not be
much difference in the di)tribution of propert"# 0nl" the proce)) 'ill be more )!ti)f!ctor"5
!nd more )elf?re)pectin& to !ll the p!rtie) concerned# The d!u&hter 'ill feel th!t )he i) !)
&ood !) ! brotherC th!t i) !ll# . thin% th!t th!t i) ! feelin& 'hich 'e ou&ht to encour!&e in thi)
countr"# 7e h!ve removed !ll )oci!l ine9u!litie) in policie)C 'e h!ve &iven the 'omen the
)!me e9u!l fr!nchi)e !) men# 7h" in point of inherit!nce !nd )ucce))ion !lone )hould 'e
h!ve !n" %ind of )ti&m! b!)ed on )e( 8 . thin% the )ooner 'e volunt!ril" &ive it up5 the
&re!ter 'ill be the )tren&th of the countr"# 0ther'i)e5 )ome d!" or other5 on !ccount of the
!dult fr!nchi)e5 there 'ill be )uch ! v!)t volume of feelin& !mon& the 'omen !ll over the
countr" th!t 'ould compel u) to m!%e the ch!n&e# Then5 it 'ould be ! di)&r!ce to the men of
.ndi!# .t i) better "ou do it no' in !dv!nce of !dult fr!nchi)e )o th!t 'e c!n &o to the
prob!bl" five or )i( crore) of 'omen 'ho 'ill be voter) !nd )!"5 6 loo% here5 'e h!ve done
the ri&ht thin& before "ou '!nted itC 'e h!ve &iven "ou the vote)C 'e h!ve &iven "ou
propert" ri&ht)C "ou !re e9u!l to menC there be no more )e( conflict)#6
The l!)t point . h!ve to de!l 'ith i) the 9ue)tion of reform# .t i) in the field of m!rri!&e
there i) !n" re!l !ttempt !t reform# .t i) p!rtl" permi))ive !nd p!rtl" compul)or"# The one
compul)ion i) mono&!m"# . '!nt !ll m" friend) !nd 2ember) of thi) Hou)e to )t!nd up !nd
)!" 'hether the" !pprove thi) reform or not# The" h!ve been ver" prudentl" )ilent on thi)
)ubAect !nd in )pite of )pe!%in& for three hour)5 . donBt )ee 'h" people !void thi) )ubAect# o
the" '!nt to e)t!bli)h mono&!m" or not 8
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: 2ono&!m" i) !lre!d" e)t!bli)hed#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam 4 Some people !ctu!ll" enAo" the lu(ur" of t'o or
more 'ive)5 other) enAo" ment!ll" the po))ibilit" of more 'ive)K
Shri H. V. Kamath: 7h!t !bout pol"!ndr" 8
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam 4 Therefore . )!" thi) th!t thi) i) one thin& in
'hich the old Ar"!n tr!dition h!d m!de ! profound mi)t!%e# .t i) time th!t 'e 'ho con)ider
our)elve) to be the &loriou) de)cend!nt) of the &re!t Ar"!n) no' confe)) th!t it '!) !
mi)t!%e !nd correct it r!ther volunt!ril" !nd un!nimou)l"# Thi) pol"&!m" mu)t &o# But
complete !nd !b)olute mono&!m" 'ill !l)o become ! le&!l fiction unle)) "ou provide
re!)on!ble f!cilitie) for divorce in ver" h!rd c!)e)# /nle)) 'e provide )uch !n outlet5 it 'ill
brin& evil#
Smt.Rohini Kumar Chaudhari4 o "ou !&ree for the 'omen bein& pro)ecuted for
!dulter" 8
The Honour!ble Shri @# S!nth!n!m4 . !&ree to 'omen bein& )ubAected to )!me pen!ltie)
for the )!me crime) but prob!bl" m" hon# friend from A))!m h!) ! )oft comer for th!t
)ubAect# 2ono&!m" !nd divorce provi)ion) &o to&ether# The" mu)t be t!%en !) one co?
ordin!ted l!' !nd in thi) re)pect thi) Bill doe) propo)e ! reform 'hich i) not )!nctioned b"
the Sh!)tr!) but thi) i) ! reformP
Pandit Govind Malaviya (/# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 o . under)t!nd th!t the hon# member 'ill
oppo)e mono&!m" !l)o if divorce i) not )!nctioned 8
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam : . 'ill )upport mono&!m" in !n" c!)e but . 'ill
)upport it in ! r!tion!l form r!ther th!n in !n irr!tion!l form# .f m" friend '!nt) mono&!m"
!nd !t the )!me time th!t 'herever ! hu)b!nd i) impotent or ! crimin!l5 there )hould be no
divorce or vi'! v!rsa, then . thin% he '!nt) mono&!m" in !n irr!tion!l form# . '!nt it in !
r!tion!l form# Th!t i) the difference bet'een u)#
. 'ill Au)t touch one other !)pect# 0ne other &re!t merit of thi) Bill it t!%e) !'!" !ll le&!l
)!nction from the c!)te )")tem# 7e !boli)hed untouch!bilit" in the Con)titution# No' 'e
t!%e the )oci!l reform further !nd t!%e !'!" !ll le&!l )!nction for c!)te# Here in thi) Bill
'hether it i) for m!rri!&e or for !n" other purpo)e5 !ll Hindu) from the )o c!lled
/ntouch!ble) upto the )o c!lled Ach!r"! Br!hmin)G !ll of them !re one#
Some Honourable Members 4 7ithout ! c!)te5 'ho i) ! Hindu 8
The Honourable Shn K. Santhanam 4 2" friend !)%) 6 7ithout ! c!)te5 'ho i) ! Hindu
8 6 7ith the c!)te5 . thin%5 Hindu i) ! mon)ter !ccordin& to me# (He!r5 he!r)# .n thi) countr"
'e '!nt to e)t!bli)h ! Hindu Communit" 'ithout c!)te# 1ither 'e ce!)e to be Hindu)
!lto&ether or 'e e)t!bli)h Hindui)m 'ithout c!)te# There i) no !ltern!tive left for u)#
Shri Lakshminarayan Sahu: 2oh!mm!d!n) !l)o c!n be c!lled Hindu)#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam : 0n the d!" the 2u)lim) !ccept the :it! !nd
=ed!nt!5 . !m prep!red to embr!ce them !) Hindu)#
Shri M. Tirumala Rao: 1ven :it! refer) to c!)te#
2r# Deputy Speaker4 3et there be le)) of thi) cro)) t!l%# The hon# 2ember m!" &o on#
1!ch one i) tr"in& to per)u!de the other#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam : .n )pite of interruption) . !m &oin& to convince
)ome of m" friend)# 2" friend 2r# Tirum!l! $!o )!") th!t . !m )'e!rin& b" the :it!# 7h!t .
!m )!"in& i) the" form the minimum !rticle of f!ith for !ll the Hindu)# Therefore5 if !fter thi)
Bill5 there !re no di)tinction) bet'een Hindu)5 2u)lim) !nd Chri)ti!n)5 then it i) better for
the 'hole countr"# 7e !re not proud of %eepin& !live di)tinction) 'hich h!ve no me!nin& or
'hich !re irr!tion!l# .f 2u)lim) !l)o remove !ll )uch di)tinction) 'hich !re irr!tion!lC if
Chri)ti!n) remove !ll di)tinction) 'hich !re irr!tion!l5 'e )h!ll before lon& meet on ! pl!ne
in 'hich 'e !re !ll oneG'h!tever 'e m!" c!ll our)elve)# 2e!n'hile our obAect both in the
Con)titution !nd in thi) Bill i) to )ee th!t the m!Aorit" communit" in thi) countr" !re )tron&5
united !nd h!ve )hed !ll preAudice) !nd pr!ctice) 'hich h!ve divided it into )ect) !nd 'ill
become !n invincible found!tion on 'hich the &lor" !nd )tren&th of future .ndi! c!n be built#
. !m )ure th!t 'ithout thi) Bill !nd 'ithout the ch!n&e) the Bill !dvoc!te)5 the Hindu
communit" 'ill be ! 'e!%5 torn !nd unpro&re))ive communit" !nd if the m!Aorit" of the
people continue in th!t condition 'e c!nnot m!%e much of the politic!l !nd other economic
opportunitie) 'hich the Con)titution !nd :od h!ve &iven u)# Therefore . h!ve )!id thi) i)
re!ll" complement!r" to the Con)titution 'hich 'e h!ve en!cted !nd it i) in the )upreme
fitne)) of thin&) th!t the )!me bod" 'hich en!cted the Con)titution 'ill !l)o be en!ctin& thi)
Hindu Code into 3!'# . hope it 'ill be put on the St!tute Boo% !nd our de)cend!nt) 'ill )!"
th!t the)e people not onl" en!cted the Con)titution but !l)o reformed the Hindu l!'#
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra4 e)tro"ed the Con)titutionK
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam4 . believe our !nce)tor) !re '!tchin& !nd !re
ble))in& u) for thi)#
Shri Loknath 2i)r! 4 0n ! point of inform!tion# 2" friend h!) Au)t no' )'orn b"
the=ed!nt! !nd the Bh!&v!d :it! i) he prep!red to reAect !n" provi)ion th!t 'ill &o !&!in)t
the tenet) of the)e 8
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam 4 .f the" !re b!)ed on 'ron& premi)e)5 . !m
bound to reAect them#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 .t i) unnece))!r" to c!rr" on thi) !r&ument#
The Honour!ble Shri @# S!nth!n!m 4 Sir5 . do not '!nt to tire the Hou)e# . h!ve de!lt
'ith the m!in point) 'hich c!me to m" mind# . 'i)h to !ppe!l to tho)e 'ho b" !ncient
preAudice h!ve come to feel th!t it i) their dut" to oppo)e the Bill to recon)ider their !ttitude5
to h!ve !nother vi)ionGthe vi)ion of ! Hindu communit" 'ithout c!)te5 'ithout di)tinction)5
!ll pullin& !) one m!n# .f 'e could convert the pre)ent di)inte&r!ted5 'e!% !nd for ! thou)!nd
"e!r) )ervile Hindu communit" into ! ver" )tron&5 he!lth" !nd &re!t communit"5 'e 'ould
h!ve done ! 'or% 'hich our )on) !nd &r!nd)on) 'ill be proud of#
Shri H# V. Pataskar (Bomb!" 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 'e !re con)iderin& ! Bill 'hich i) &oin&
to revolutioni)e the )tructure of the Hindu )ociet"# Th!t )ociet" compri)e) more th!n !bout
E+ crore) of people !t the pre)ent time# .t i) therefore not unn!tur!l th!t even the common
m!n h!) be&un to t!%e intere)t in 'h!t i) h!ppenin& !nd it i) be)t in the intere)t) of !ll )ide)5
to t!%e into !ccount the f!ct th!t 'hen 'e !re revolutioni)in& b" thi) Bill the 'hole
)tructure of Hindu )ociet"5 it i) riot de)ir!ble th!t 'e )hould i&nore the feelin&) th!t h!ve
been rou)ed in the common m!n 'ith re)pect to the provi)ion) cont!ined in the Bill#
The common m!n i) !t the pre)ent moment ill?e9uipped 'ith educ!tion# He i) 'orried
'ith the problem of feedin& him)elf !nd hi) depend!nt)# He i) f!ced 'ith )c!rcit" of
clothin&5 for '!nt of fund) if for nothin& el)e5 !nd he &ener!ll" find) life )o difficult# 1ven
then he h!) be&un to t!%e intere)t in thi) le&i)l!tion bec!u)e he thin%) th!t thi) Bill i) &oin&
to !ffect the )tructure of hi) Hindu )ociet"5 'hich i) the &ro'th !nd product of )ever!l
centurie) p!)t# Therefore it i) th!t 'e mu)t fir)t educ!te him before 'e undert!%e the
)eriou) t!)% of ch!n&in& the 'hole )tructure of the )ociet" to 'hich he belon&)# . 'ill m!%e
it fir)t cle!r th!t l!m not oppo)ed to m!n" of the provi)ion) of the Bill but the time )elected
for the purpo)e5 to m" mind5 i) mo)t inopportune# . propo)e to t!%e onl" E, minute) !nd if .
!m !llo'ed to m!%e m" rem!r%) 'ithout interruption) . 'ill be !ble to fini)h it 'ithin th!t
time5 bec!u)e . !m !'!re th!t there !re m!n" member) of thi) hou)e 'ho !re intere)ted
either on one )ide or the other !nd 'ho '!nt to t!%e p!rt in the deb!te#
The common m!n5 )o f!r !) . h!ve been !ble to under)t!nd hi) re!ction) to the Bill5
thin%) th!t !t pre)ent the !ttention of the :overnment )hould be concentr!ted on the problem)
'hich !ffect him in the m!tter of hi) food5 clothin&5 infl!tion !nd )ever!l other thin&)# 7hen
he i) 'orried !bout hi) d!" to d!" need) !nd 'h!t he re9uire) for hi) )u)ten!nce he n!tur!ll"
!)%) 'h" !re the :overnment intere)ted in 'h!t form hi) m!rri!&e )hould be5 'hether he
)hould h!ve one 'ife or more5 'hen he c!nnot even )u)t!in one# All the)e thin&) m!" be
nece))!r" !nd . !m not oppo)ed to reform# .t h!) been !dmitted !nd our le!der) !re !l)o
)!"in& it th!t 'e !re p!))in& throu&h ver" critic!l time)# 7e %no' the difficultie) of the
people# There i) )c!rcit" of food5 clothin& !nd the other nece))itie) of life# Comp!red to the
common m!n 'e !re livin& here ! comfort!ble life# He n!tur!ll" thin%) th!t 'h!t the le!der)
)hould concentr!te upon i) more the )olution of hi) d!" to d!" problem) th!n the problem)
rel!tin& to m!rri!&e5 inherit!nce5 etc# The)e thin&) h!ve been there for centurie) p!)t !nd it
'ould not m!tter if the" &o on in the )!me '!" for )ome more month) or even "e!r)#
.f our )i)ter) 'ho !re enthu)i!)tic !bout the Bill or our other friend) 'ho !re cl!mourin&
for the immedi!te codific!tion !nd !mendment of the Hindu 3!'5 if the" !ppro!ch the
common m!n in the rur!l !re!)5 the" 'ill find th!t he i) )o much 'orried !bout )o m!n"
other thin&) th!t he i) )urpri)ed 'h" !t thi) moment "ou )hould ru)h ! me!)ure of thi) )ort
throu&h in thi) hou)e# He n!tur!ll" thin%) th!t thi) )hould be )t!"ed for the time bein&# There
i) 9uite ! lot of di)content in the countr"# 0n !ccount of the p!rtition there i) the problem of
the refu&ee) 'ho h!ve to be )ettled !nd )heltered# At thi) moment i) it nece))!r" to intere)t
our)elve) )o intentl" on thi) 9ue)tion5 !) to 'h!t form our m!rri!&e) )hould be 8 The time
cho)en for ru)hin& the Bill throu&h i) not ver" opportune !nd it i) li%el" to !dd to the
difficultie) of the )itu!tion r!ther th!n do other'i)e#
7h!t !re the )ubAect) de!lt 'ith under thi) Code8 2!rri!&e5 .nherit!nce !nd Adoption#
So f!r !) m!rri!&e i) concerned there i) even no' the Civil 2!rri!&e Act5 under 'hich tho)e
th!t do not '!nt to m!rr" in the orthodo( '!" c!n m!rr"# 2!n" people aH! !) ! m!tter of f!ct
doin& it# Therefore thi) me!)ure doe) not loo% )o ur&ent !) m!de out#
An Honourable 2emberC /nder th!t Act "ou h!ve to )!" th!t "ou do not belon& to !n"
Shri H# =# ;!t!)%!r4 Th!t i) &one m" de!r friend4 .t i) de!d !nd &one5 lon& p!)t /nder the
Civil 2!rri!&e Act5 !n" t'o Hindu) belon&in& to !n" c!)te or communit"5 'ithout m!%in& !
decl!r!tion th!t the" do not belon& to !n" reli&ion5 c!n &et m!rried !nd there i) nothin& to
prevent them from doin& )o#
There i) much !&it!tion 'ith re)pect to the 9ue)tion of inherit!nce# 7e h!ve l!id do'n
the e9u!lit" of the )e(e) !) ! principle in our Con)titution !nd in the)e d!") it i) not po))ible
for !n"one to &o b!c% upon it# The obAection r!i)ed i) not 'ith re&!rd to the e9u!lit" of the
)e(e)# A f!ther 'ho h!) ! )on !nd ! d!u&hter love) them both e9u!ll" !nd there c!nnot be
!n" difference# But )o f!r !) inherit!nce i) concerned it h!) to be loo%ed !t from ! different
point of vie'# *or th!t "ou h!ve to loo% !t the development of the pre)ent )tructure of our
)ociet"# Thi) )tructure h!) been evolved throu&h ! proce)) of evolution durin& the l!)t m!n"
centurie)# Hindui)m i) not ! reli&ion in the )en)e in 'hich Chri)ti!nit" i) ! reli&ion5
Oor!)tri!ni)m i) ! reli&ion or .)l!m i) ! reli&ion ###
An Honourable Member4 7h!t i) reli&ion then 8
Shri H. V. Pataskar: Chri)ti!nit" i) the reli&ion of tho)e 'ho believe in Chri)t !nd
follo' hi) te!chin&) in the Bible# The Oor!)tri!n) !re the follo'er) of Oor!)ter !nd .)l!m i)
the reli&ion of tho)e 'ho believe in 2oh!mm!d the ;rophet !nd the @or!n !) their )!cred
boo%# But 'h!t i) Hindui)m 8 Hindui)m include) not onl" the follo'er) of the =ed!) or the
follo'er) of $!m! !nd @ri)hn! or Shiv! or of the innumer!ble &od) in v!riou) )h!pe) !nd
form) but it !l)o include) tho)e 'ho 'or)hip n!ture !nd tho)e 'ho do not believe in !n" :od
'h!t)oever !nd tho)e 'ho do not believe in the onene)) of :od !l)o# Their pl!ce) of
'or)hip5 method) of 'or)hip !nd obAect) of 'or)hip !re !ll v!ried# Hindui)m i) ! &ro'th
'hich h!) !b)orbed !ll the different current) !nd )tre!m) of )oci!l !nd reli&iou) belief) !nd
pr!ctice) prev!ilin& over )ever!l centurie)# .t i) !n !ll embr!cin& f!ith con)i)tent 'ith the
ide!l of# Hindui)m !t pre)ent i) ! &ro'th 'hich h!) contrived to combine in it !ll the)e
v!riou) )tre!m) of life# At pre)ent Hindui)m m!" be ! c!)t?iron )")tem5 but it h!) not !l'!")
been )o# 0ur reli&ion i) b!)ed not on the tenet) of one p!rticul!r m!n or of one p!rticul!r
book, but it i) b!)ed on 'h!t i) dharma, !nd me!n)4 Dharma i) th!t 'hich )u)t!in) )ociet"#
Th!t i) the ide!l on 'hich our Hindu )ociet" i) built5 n!mel" th!t 'hich i) nece))!r" for the
)u)ten!nce !nd !dv!ncement of )ociet"# 0f cour)e . do !dmit th!t the pre)ent )t!te of Hindu
)ociet" i) not ! ver" h!pp" one# But it h!) not been !ll !lon& )o# Therefore . t!%e "ou to thi)
point bec!u)e it 'ill &ive "ou !n ide! !) to 'h" there i) obAection to thi) Bill# Th!t 'hich
)u)t!in) )ociet" i) reli&ion !nd )u)ten!nce of the )ociet" i) our ide!l# 0ur )ociet" m!" !ppe!r
)t!&n!nt !t pre)ent5 but it i) not5 h!) not been re!ll" )o# Hindui)m h!) under&one v!)t ch!n&e)
in the cour)e of it) evolution# . !m not !fr!id of ch!n&e)# .t h!) under&one )ever!l ch!n&e) in
the p!)t# At one time Buddhi)m '!) flouri)hin& in thi) l!nd !nd en&ulfed not onl" Bh!r!t
=!r)h! but it )pre!d to f!r off countrie) be"ond Bh!r!t =!r)h!# But tod!" there !re ver" fe'
Buddhi)t) to be found here# 7h!t h!) h!ppened to them 8 The" h!ve been !b)orbed in
Hindui)m5 the" h!ve under&one ! met!morpho)i)5 !nd 'e of the pre)ent &ener!tion !re their
de)cend!nt)# Th!t )ho') th!t 'e !re not ! )t!&n!nt r!ce !nd th!t 'e h!ve !d!pted our)elve)
to the ch!n&in& need) of )ociet"# . for one be ch!n&ed# Th!t i) not the re!l n!ture of
Hindui)m# And . !m not one of tho)e 'ho )!" th!t 'h!t 'e no' c!ll Hindu 3!' )hould not
be ch!n&ed# 0ur 3!' h!) in f!ct under&one ch!n&e) even durin& the period of the Briti)h
The previou) )pe!%er5 the Hon# 2r# S!nth!n!m5 ri&htl" referred to the f!ct th!t Audici!l
interpret!tion) b" court) 'hich 'ere not conver)!nt 'ith the ori&in!l tenet) of v!riou) l!')
re&!rdin& inherit!nce5 !doption !nd m!rri!&e h!ve not onl" ch!n&ed the cour)e of our )oci!l
!nd economic life but h!ve cre!ted m!n" !nom!lie) !l)o# .t h!) cert!inl" become de)ir!ble to
remove tho)e !nom!lie) !nd brin& our 3!' in conformit" 'ith the ch!n&in& need) of )ociet"#
The 'orld i) ch!n&in& f!)t !nd 'e c!nnot but be !ffected b" 'h!t i) h!ppenin& el)e'here#
7e do not 'i)h to )!" th!t 'e 'ill %eep our)elve) !'!" from the re)t of the 'orld# Th!t i)
not the ide!# But the codific!tion of the 3!' i) one thin& !nd !mendment of it i) !nother#
Thi) Bill )ee%) to do t'o thin&)# 7e '!nt to codif" the l!' !nd !mend it) provi)ion)# So f!r
!) codific!tion i) concerned5 . under)t!nd it me!n) th!t 'e '!nt to remove the !nom!lie)# At
the pre)ent moment 'e h!ve &ot )o m!n" )")tem) of l!' prev!lent# There i) !"!bh!&! in
cert!in p!rt)5 there i) 2it!%)h!r! in cert!in other p!rt)5 !nd the Bomb!" )chool h!) it) o'n
di)tinctive fe!ture)# And there i) 'h!t i) c!lled 2!rum!%%!tt!"!m in cert!in p!rt) of South
.ndi!# But the !re!) 'here the" !re prev!lent h!ve !l)o become 'ell?defined5 !nd there i) !
cert!in !mount of )t!bilit"# Therefore5 if 'e proceed fir)t 'ith the t!)% of codif"in& the l!'
!) it )t!nd) !t pre)ent in the)e 'ell?defined !re!)5 th!t it)elf 'ill not onl" brin& !bout
uniformit" but it 'ill !l)o le!d to ! proce)) of !mendment5 !t ! l!ter )t!&e# 2ere codific!tion
of the l!' !) it )t!nd) 'ill !l)o not evo%e much controver)"5 bec!u)e th!t i) the e(i)tin& l!'#
.rre)pective of the 9ue)tion th!t it h!) been modified b" the court) con)i)tin& of Briti)h
Aud&e)5 there i) ! cert!in )t!bilit" !bout it# Therefore5 if 'e onl" confine our)elve) to
codific!tion . thin%5 much of the oppo)ition th!t 'e )ee !t the pre)ent moment 'ill not be
there# Not onl" th!t# .f 'e do the codific!tion onl"5 'e 'ill )ecure the &ood 'ill of the people
!nd . believe th!t it 'ill f!cilit!te the !mendment of the Hindu Code for cert!in other m!tter)
!nd b" &r!du!l )t!&e) )ub)e9uentl"# But the !mendment of the e(i)tin& l!' in the '!" it i)
tried to be done i) !nother m!tter# Codific!tion !nd !mendment of the l!' h!ve been h!n&in&
fire for the l!)t )o m!n" "e!r)# .n m" vie' if 'e h!d proceeded 'ith the codific!tion onl" !)
! fir)t )tep5 the l!' 'ould h!ve been codified lon& !&o# 1ver )ince the $!u Committee '!)
!ppointed5 evidence '!) t!%en !nd )o m!n" $eport) !nd )o m!n" Bill) 'ere formul!ted# But
the" tried to do t'o thin&) )imult!neou)l"5 n!mel"5 codific!tion !) 'ell !) !mendment#
N!tur!ll"5 both h!ve rem!ined unfulfilled# .f the" h!d confined them)elve) to codific!tion
onl"5 it 'ould h!ve been done lon& b!c% !nd the )t!&e 'ould no' h!ve been re!ched for
!mendment# Th!t i) m" vie' of the m!tter#
The pre)ent Bill de!l)5 !) . )!id5 'ith three di)tinct m!tter)5 n!mel"5 m!rri!&e5 inherit!nce
!nd )ucce))ion# 3et u) )ee 'h!t the b!)ic ide! of our )ociet" i)# 7ith the imp!ct of modem
ide!)5 modern educ!tion !nd modern method) of life the 9ue)tion of e9u!lit" of )e(e) h!)
n!tur!ll" been !&it!tin& the mind) of people5 p!rticul!rl" of the educ!ted 'omen of the
countr"# 7e h!ve !l)o !ccepted th!t e9u!lit" in our Con)titution# So5 )uperfici!ll" loo%ed !t5
it )tri%e) one !) to 'h" there )hould be !n" difference bet'een ! )on !nd ! d!u&hter in the
m!tter of inherit!nce# But the 9ue)tion i) not )uch ! )imple one# A f!therB) de)ire for the 'ell?
bein& of ! )on or d!u&hter c!nnot be different# N!tur!ll" hi) love !nd !ffection i) bound to be
e9u!l# No )en)ible m!n c!n thin% th!t the )on )hould &et ever"thin& !nd the d!u&hter
nothin&# .n f!ct th!t h!) not h!ppened# $eference '!) m!de th!t even in the middle?cl!))
f!milie)5Gle!ve !)ide the rich5 the" !re ver" fe' in numberGthe f!ther )pend) much more
on the m!rri!&e of the d!u&hter th!n 'h!t hi) )on could ever hope of &ettin&5 in m!n" c!)e)
even !t the co)t of the educ!tion of hi) )on)# . )!" B in m!n" c!)e) B#Th!t i) m" re!din& of the
m!tter# 7h" then i) there oppo)ition in re&!rd to inherit!nce8 1ven the S!n!t!ni)t love) hi)
d!u&hter !) much !) hi) )on# 7e c!nnot )!" th!t S!n!t!ni)t) m!%e ! difference in thi)
re)pect# The oppo)ition i) due to !n import!nt f!ctor for con)iderin& 'hich 'e mu)t loo% to
the 'hole )tructure of our Hindu )ociet"#
A reference '!) m!de b" m" hon# friend ;!ndit 2u%ut Bih!ri 3!l Bh!r&!v! in thi)
re)pect# . 'ould li%e to el!bor!te th!t point ! little in !) )hort ! time !) . c!n# The 'hole
)tructure of our Hindu )ociet" i) evolved throu&h centurie) !nd centurie) of time# .n the
)tructure of our )ociet" the b!)ic unit i) the f!mil"# And on the continuit" of th!t f!mil" !) !
unit re)ted n!tur!ll" the )t!bilit" of our )ociet"# .t i) not b!)ed on !n individu!l !) unit5 but
more or le)) the b!)i) of the 'hole )tructure i) the f!mil" !) ! unit# And the continuit" of the
f!mil" '!) n!tur!ll" the m!in obAect 'ith 'hich !ll our l!') !nd cu)tom) h!ve been evolved
from time to time# The pivot therefore '!) the continuit" of the f!mil" 'hich '!) the unit of
the )tructure# !u&hter) n!tur!ll" b" m!rri!&e p!)) into ! different f!mil" 'hile the )on)
rem!in in the f!mil" to continue it# To fo)ter the continuit" !nd to prevent it) bein& bro%en
up5 the Aoint f!mil" )")tem '!) evolved# 7h" '!) the Aoint f!mil" )")tem ! peculi!r fe!ture
of Hindu )ociet" 8 Bec!u)e Hindu )ociet" i) b!)ed on the continuit" of the f!mil"# Th!t i)
'h" the Aoint f!mil" )")tem i) ! peculi!r in)titution of Hindu 3!' not %no'n to other
)")tem) of l!' 'hich !re more or le)) b!)ed on individu!l)# Till onl" ! &ener!tion or t'o
b!c% the Aoint f!mil" )")tem 'or%ed 'ell# .t h!) m!int!ined the continuit" !nd )t!bilit" of
our )oci!l )tructure for centurie) p!)t# Th!t i) 'h" there i) obAection?to the thro'in& open of
inherit!nce to the d!u&hter# Th!t obAection i) not for politic!l or )oci!l re!)on) but bec!u)e if
"ou open the inherit!nce to ! d!u&hter the re)ult i) th!t the 'hole )oci!l )tructure b!)ed on
the Aoint f!mil" )")tem 'ill be bro%en#
h! trend in the modern 'orld i) to'!rd) individu!li)m# The Aoint f!mil" )")tem i)
cr!c%in& in m!n" pl!ce)# . 'ould &o to the len&th of )!"in& th!t the Aoint f!mil" )")tem
'ould not continue for !ll time under modem condition)# But !) it i) there5 the 9ue)tion i)
'hether 'e )h!ll &r!du!ll" repl!ce it b" the individu!l !) the b!)i) of our )ociet" or 'hether
'e )h!ll bre!% it up b" l!' !) i) propo)ed to be done b" thi) me!)ure# .f 'e '!nt to bre!% up
the Hindu )ociet" )uddenl"5 then . !m !fr!id 'e )h!ll be roc%in& !nd )h!%in& the found!tion)
of th!t )ociet" 'hich m!" re)ult in con)e9uence) unfore)een !nd unpredict!ble# The d!n&er
involved i) not the mere openin& of inherit!nce to d!u&hter) but the f!ct th!t b" th!t openin&
up of inherit!nce the 'hole b!)i) of )ociet" i) involved# Hence the oppo)ition# .f onl" 'e tr"
b" !n evolution!r" proce)) to help in the proce)) of di)inte&r!tion of the f!mil" 'hich h!)
!lre!d" )t!rted o'in& to v!riou) economic !nd )oci!l c!u)e)5 the )!me re)ult) !) !re !imed !t
'ill be !chieved but not )uddenl" !nd !bruptl"# There i) ! cl!u)e in the Bill 'hich )!")
cle!rl" th!t from the d!te of the commencement of the Code the 'hole Aoint f!mil" )")tem !)
)uch 'ill di)!ppe!r# <ou !re tr"in& to do it )uddenl" !nd to m" mind th!t i) )ure to roc% the
ver" found!tion) of the )ociet" 'hich h!) been b!)ed for centurie) p!)t on the Aoint f!mil" !)
! unit of )ociet"# . 'ould !ppe!l to m" enthu)i!)tic reformer friend) th!t 'hile . !m one 'ith
them5 th!t thi) )")tem no doubt h!) to be ch!n&ed5 !nd th!t !) the 'orld )t!nd) tod!" no one
'ill be !ble to re)i)t it for too lon&5 'hile th!t i) )o the 9ue)tion i) 'hether 'e )h!ll do it
&r!du!ll"5 'hether 'e )h!ll c!rr" the people 'ith u) !nd &o !) f!r !) the" come 'ith u)5 or !)
f!r !) 'e c!n dr!& them 'ith u)5 or on the other h!nd 'hether 'e )h!ll )uddenl"5 b" ! )tro%e
of the pen !nd b" le&i)l!tion5 )!" th!t !ll thi) Aoint f!mil" )")tem i) de)tro"ed# 1ven in the)e
d!") 'hen o'in& to !bnorm!l circum)t!nce) people !re 'orried b" )o m!n" problem)5 thi)
9ue)tion i) !ttr!ctin& their !ttention !nd therefore !n" !brupt !ction i) li%el" to re)ult in !
)t!te of !ff!ir) 'hich i) de)ir!ble neither to the reformer) nor to the other)# . !&ree 'e c!nBt
rem!in )t!&n!nt h! Hindu )ociet" h!) under&one )o m!n" ch!n&e) in the p!)t but b" !
different proce)) !lto&ether# .f 'e tr" to force the event) 'hich mu)t h!ppen &r!du!ll"5 . !m
)ure the re)ult i) not &oin& to be ver" h!pp"#
Sir5 . !m )urpri)ed !t one thin&# Here 'e !re tr"in& to pre)erve !doption# . donBt %no' for
'h!t purpo)e# Adoption i) ! thin& 'hich i) peculi!r to Hindu l!'# .n other )ocietie) !l)o
children !re !dopted but not for the purpo)e of continuin& the f!mil"5 onl" to )!ti)f" the
n!tur!l cr!vin& in !n" hum!n bein& to h!ve children !nd to re!r them# . !m told th!t in
Americ! !nd 1n&l!nd !l)o people do !dopt children but there the obAect of !doption i)
different# The !doption !) envi)!&ed in the pre)ent )")tem of Hindu l!' i) peculi!r !nd it i)
)o bec!u)e the Hindu )tructure of the Aoint f!mil" i) b!)ed on the continuit" of th!t Aoint
f!mil"# But !fter the bre!% up of the Aoint f!mil" in the '!" "ou !re tr"in& to do b" thi)
le&i)l!tion5 'h!t i) the nece))it" for m!%in& ! provi)ion for !doption8 3oo% !t it from !
different vie'# 7h" '!) !doption ! peculi!r fe!ture of Hindu )ociet" 8 Bec!u)e the m!in
fe!ture of the Hindu )ociet" '!) the b!)i) of the Aoint f!mil" !nd it) continuit" re9uired
!doption# 7ith the bre!%in& up of the Aoint f!mil" !nd the comin& of individu!li)m5 . donBt
)ee 'h" 'e )hould '!)te our time on tr"in& to pre)erve !doption# . !m cert!inl" !&!in)t
!doption# 1ven in the c!)e of !doption) th!t no' t!%e pl!ce5 99 c!)e) out of 1,, re)ult in
liti&!tion in court) bec!u)e the 'hole ide! h!) under&one ! ch!n&e# The 'ido' !dopt) ! child
thin%in& th!t the bo" !dopted mi&ht be u)eful to her in m!n!&in& her propert" !nd !ff!ir) free
of ch!r&e# The bo" thin%) th!t b" !doption he 'ill &et )omethin& from the per)on 'ho !dopt)
him for nothin&# So5 !t pre)ent !doption t!%e) pl!ce purel" from ! motive of )elf?intere)tC
!doption !) conceived in the olden d!") i) di)!ppe!rin&# A) ! l!'"er of )ome )t!ndin& !nd
e(perience5 . h!ve found th!t in 99 out of 1,, c!)e) of !doption the re)ult h!) been liti&!tion
bec!u)e the ori&in!l ide! underl"in& !doption h!) under&one ! ch!n&e# But no' 'ith the
comin& into force of the provi)ion) of thi) Bill the 'hole Aoint f!mil" )")tem 'ill di)!ppe!r5
the individu!li)tic )ociet" !) in other p!rt) of the 'orld 'ill come !nd it i) therefore not
nece))!r" to m!%e !n" provi)ion re&!rdin& !doption# .t 'ould be confu)in& to do )o# .f 'e
!re con)i)tent !nd lo&ic!l in 'h!t 'e !re doin&5 'e )hould do !'!" 'ith !doption !lto&ether#
. h!ve no' to refer to m!rri!&e !nd divorce# A point '!) r!i)ed b" the Hon# member 2r#
S!nth!n!m 'ho !)%ed ever"one 'hether the" 'ere !&!in)t or in f!vour of mono&!m"# .
'ould )!" th!t mono&!m" i) !b)olutel" nece))!r" in the)e d!")# . donBt thin% there i) !n"
member in thi) hou)e 'ho i) oppo)ed to it# But i) the Hindu Code Bill nece))!r" for th!t
purpo)e 8 7e h!ve &ot ! me!)ure in the Bomb!" ;rovince b" 'hich5 )o f!r !) th!t ;rovince
i) concerned5 there i) mono&!m" !nd !) ! n!tur!l coroll!r" to it divorce in cert!in c!)e) i)
!llo'ed# 7e h!ve not &one further th!n th!t me!)ure in the)e m!tter)# .f the onl" obAect i) to
ord!in mono&!m" then . )!" there c!n be no obAection to it5 for5 !p!rt from ideolo&ic!l
re!)on) there !re pr!ctic!l re!)on) !l)o in it) f!vour# Nobod" no' '!nt) to h!ve more th!n
one 'ife# There !re ver" fe' e(ceptin& ! fe' million!ire) !nd multimillion!ire) 'ho c!n
!fford to h!ve th!t lu(ur"C other) c!nBt h!ve it# .t i) not even ! ment!l lu(ur" !) )u&&e)ted b"
the hon# 2r# S!nth!n!m for the )imple re!)on th!t one c!nnot m!n!&e 'ithout !n(iet" even
'ith one 'ife !nd her children# 7h!t ment!l lu(ur" c!n ! m!n derive b" the ide! of bein&
!ble to m!rr" !nother 'ife under the)e circum)t!nce) 8 A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 it i) 9uite )imple
propo)ition !nd . thin% both )ide) 'ould !&ree th!t mono&!m" mu)t be the rule#
But let u) not tr" to confu)e the re!l i))ue re&!rdin& divorce# A) )oon !) "ou h!ve
mono&!m" the re)ult i) th!t )uppo)in& one of the m!te) i) ! leper "ou h!ve to m!%e
!rr!n&ement) to )ee th!t the other i) relieved from th!t li!bilit" or el)e "ou 'ill be den"in&
him the conAu&!l ri&ht# .n )ome re)pect) divorce i) ! coroll!r" of mono&!m"# 1ven 2!nu5 the
&re!t l!' &iver5 h!) provided for )uch c!)e)#
But the m!in point )o f!r . !m concerned i) th!t 'hether "ou l!" do'n mono&!m" b" l!'
or not it i) &oin& to be the rule 'ith !t le!)t 95999 out of 1,5,,, people# So th!t 9ue)tion need
not !&it!te our mind) !t !ll# Sir5 !p!rt from !ll the)e con)ider!tion)5 there i) one l!)t point# A
uniform Civil Code mu)t be our ende!vour !ccordin& to !rticle 44 of the Con)titution 'hich
'e h!ve !lre!d" p!))ed# 7e h!ve incorpor!ted ! irective ;rinciple in our Con)titution th!t
the St!te )h!ll ende!vour to )ecure ! uniform Civil Code throu&hout the territor" of .ndi!# .
'ould li%e "ou )eriou)l" to con)ider 'hether b" en!ctin& ! me!)ure li%e thi) onl" for the
Hindu) 'e !re !dv!ncin& the c!u)e of our pro&re)) to'!rd) th!t ide!l# . )hould thin% th!t 'e
!re &oin& b!c%'!rd r!ther th!n for'!rd# 2" hon# friend 2r# S!nth!n!m )eemed to thin% th!t
!fter the p!))in& of th!t !rticle 445 'e !re tr"in& to pro&re)) to'!rd) th!t ide!l b" thi)
me!)ure intended to 'eld Hindu) into one# .t m!"or it m!" not be )o# 7h!t i) to be 'elded in
the intere)t) of the )ecurit" of our n!tion i) not the 'eldin& of Hindu) !lone but !ll the
citiJen) of thi) countr"# All the inh!bit!nt) of .ndi! )hould be 'elded into one# 2!rri!&e5
inherit!nce etc# form p!rt of civil code) of !ll the countrie) 'orld over# The" mu)t do )o in
.ndi! !l)o# Th!t Code )hould !ppl" to !ll citiJen) 'hether the" be Hindu)5 Chri)ti!n) or
;!r)i) or 2u)lim)# *rom th!t point of vie'5 'e !re &oin& e(!ctl" in the oppo)ite direction# .
tell "ou 'h"# The )hibboleth of no interference in reli&iou) or )emi?reli&iou) m!tter) '!) the
cre!tion of ! forei&n &overnment# .t '!) impo)ed upon u) in their intere)t) !nd not in our
intere)t# 7h!t i) there tod!" to prevent u) from includin& !ll the)e thin&) in ! uniform Civil
Code 8 The pre)ent Hindu Code '!) conceived under different circum)t!nce)5 !nd !t ! time
'hen there '!) no ide!l of h!vin& ! uniform Civil Code# But )ince then5 thin&) h!ve ch!n&ed
enormou)l" !nd e)peci!ll" !fter ;!%i)t!n5 it )hould be our ende!vour to brin& clo)er !ll the
different element) in the countr"5 be the" Hindu)5 Chri)ti!n)5 2u)lim) or ;!r)i)# . do not
'!nt th!t !n"thin& )hould be done for Hindu) !lone in )uch m!tter)# 7e h!ve !lre!d"
decided upon Aoint election) for 'eldin& !ll the people of our countr" into one# 0ne uniform
Civil Code 'ill further brin& !ll the people to&ether# Th!t i) the proce)) 'hich 'e mu)t
follo' !nd 'hich dem!nd) the !ttention !nd intere)t of !ll of u)# 7e mu)t &ive up thi) ide!
th!t 'e c!nnot interfere in the l!') of inherit!nce !nd other )oci!l m!tter) of per)on)
belon&in& to other reli&ion)# Th!t ide! mu)t &o# At the pre)ent moment5 in)te!d of buildin&
one 'ell?%nit )ociet"5 'e '!nt to )tic% to the old thin& 'hich '!) conceived !t ! time 'hen
the !im '!) to %eep u) !p!rt# No' the ide! i) different# The )ecurit" !nd 'ell?bein& of our
people dem!nd) the en!ctment of ! uniform Civil Code# . do not c!re 'hether . offend the
)u)ceptibilitie) of )ome orthodo( friend) 'hen . )!" thi)5 but . !m 9uite fr!n% !nd open# .f
thin&) !re to be done5 the" mu)t be done in the ri&ht '!"# 7e c!nnot p!rtl" )tic% to the old
thin&) !nd p!rtl" brin& in ne' thin&)# .n thi) connection5 . c!n mention th!t ! uniform Civil
Code i) in oper!tion in :o!# The 3!' mini)ter him)elf prob!bl" %no') th!t# The l!') of
inherit!nce etc# !re !pplic!ble to Chri)ti!n)5 Hindu)5 2u)lim) !nd ever"bod" !li%e in th!t
p!rt of .ndi! under the ;ortu&ue)e# .f th!t i) )o5 'h" )hould 'e be !fr!id 8 0ur fe!r i) the
re)ult of 'h!t 'e h!ve inherited from the p!)tGthi) )hibboleth5 . )!id5 of non?interference in
reli&iou) or )emi?reli&iou) m!tter)# But th!t '!) done b" the Briti)h for their o'n purpo)e)5
bec!u)e the" '!nted to %eep u) !p!rt# No' our ide!l i) to unite !ll our people in the n!tion#
7h!t 'e ou&ht to do i) in)te!d of proceedin& 'ith ! Bill of thi) n!ture5 our 3!' 2ini)ter
)hould5 immedi!tel" !fter the EFth of >!nu!r" 19+,5 brin& for'!rd ! uniform Civil Code
!pplic!ble to !ll people throu&hout .ndi!# . %no' m" enthu)i!)tic )i)ter 2ember) thou&ht
'hen . ro)e to )pe!% th!t . '!) !n opponent of thi) Bill# 3et me h!)ten to !dd th!t . !m
entirel" for e9u!lit" !nd !ll tho)e thin&)# But thi) i) not the '!" in 'hich 'e )hould do it5 b"
de)tro"in& one thin& !nd cre!tin& difficultie) in !nother# *or the )!%e of ! uniform Civil
Code5 'e c!n &o !nd tell our Hindu friend) th!t the Aoint Hindu f!mil" mu)t &o5 th!t it i)
nece))!r" in the intere)t) of the n!tion# But 'h!t 'e !re doin& i) in the oppo)ite direction# .
!m !fr!id it 'ill le!d to ver" unde)ir!ble !nd unfore)een con)e9uence)# . 'ill Au)t cite !n
e(!mple# .n Ahm!dn!&!r Cit" in Bomb!" province5 ! "oun& Hindu 'ido' '!nted to m!rr" !
2u)lim# . do not %no' 'hether it '!) ! love !ff!ir or 'h!t it '!)# But )he '!nted to m!rr" !
2u)lim# A) "ou %no'5 tho)e d!") 'e 'ere p!))in& throu&h critic!l time)# There '!) ! lot of
trouble# There 'ere riot) !nd )ome live) 'ere lo)t# So thi) 2u)lim &entlem!n &ot !fr!id not
onl" for the )!%e of hi) o'n )!fet" but the )!fet" of hi) communit"# He )!id . do not '!nt to
m!rr" or do !n"thin& of the %ind# She could not m!rr" 'ithout conver)ion to .)l!m !) the
2u)lim &entlem!n h!d !lre!d" 'ife !nd children# She could m!rr" onl" if )he converted
her)elf into ! 2u)lim# .n the ;rovince of Bomb!" 'e h!ve !l)o en!cted ! me!)ure 'hich
prevent) ! Hindu from m!rr"in& more th!n one 'ife !t ! time but doe) not prevent 2u)lim)
from doin& )o# B" the pre)ent Bill !l)o "ou !re &ivin& the e(clu)ive ri&ht to ! 2u)lim to h!ve
!) m!n" 'ive) !) he li%e) or !t !n" r!te up to four# No' 'h!t h!ppen) i)5 if ! m!n5G! ver"
'e!lth" m!nG'!nt) to m!rr" !nother 'ife5 he c!n &et him)elf converted into ! 2u)lim !nd
he c!n h!ve !) m!n" 'ive) !) he li%e)# Con)idered from !ll point) of vie'5 the intere)t) of
our countr" dem!nd th!t here!fter !t !n" r!te 'e )hould )trive to !chieve ! uniform Civil
Code for !ll people# Th!t i) 'h!t i) h!ppenin& !ll over the 'orld# A) . pointed out before
)uch ! code e(i)t) even in ! ;ortu&ue)e territor" in .ndi! vi8. :o!# The pre)ent Hindu Code i)
!n !rtifici!ll" en&ineered device of the former ruler)5 'hen the" tried to %eep u) !p!rt# 7e
mu)t tr" to &et out of th!t rut# 7e mu)t ende!vour to form ! 'ell?%nit5 uniform )ociet"# 7e
'!nt to form ! )in&le St!te5 not b!)ed on reli&iou) tenet)5 'hether the" be Hindu or 2u)lim
or !n" other5 but ! trul" )ecul!r St!te# *or thi) ! uniform Civil Code i) !b)olutel" nece))!r"# .
therefore )u&&e)t th!t thi) Bill )hould not be proceeded 'ith# .t 'ill )erve no purpo)e#
Therefore5 . !ppe!l to m" hon# *riend the 3!' 2ini)ter to 'ithdr!' thi) Bill5 brin& for'!rd !
uniform Civil Code re&!rdin& the m!tter) covered b" thi) Bill !pplic!ble to !ll citiJen) !li%e
'hether the" !re Hindu)5 Chri)ti!n)5 2u)lim)5 ;!r)i)5 >e') or other)# B
Shri Ram Sahai (2!dh"! Bh!r!t) 4 (-nglish translation of th! $indi sp!!'h.. Sir5 'hile
'elcomin& thi) Bill !t the time it '!) bein& referred to the Select Committee5 . h!d )ubmitted
th!t the 2ember) of the Select Committee )hould con)ider )ome of it) fe!ture) 'hich !re !t
v!ri!nce 'ith the modem culture !nd civili)!tion 'hich 'e profe)) the)e d!")# But . note
the" h!ve p!id no p!rticul!r !ttention to th!t# 0nl" "e)terd!" 'e h!ve come to %no' th!t
once more5 ! Committee i) &oin& to be )et up in thi) connection# *or thi) re!)on !lone5 .
)t!nd here to t!%e ! little time of the Hou)e# . !m not oppo)ed to thi) Bill# . )ee% onl" to brin&
in cert!in !mendment) 'hich m!" !ccommod!te to )ome e(tent the vie') of tho)e 'ho !re
oppo)ed to it !nd th!t i) the onl" con)ider!tion 'hich h!) &uided me to )t!nd here to t!%e !
fe' minute) of the Hou)e#
The hon# 2r# S!nth!n!m5 . h!ve to )ubmit5 h!d ob)erved th!t throu&h thi) Bill 'e 'ere
&oin& to di)c!rd !ll c!)te di)tinction) !nd thu) m!rchin& to'!rd) inte&r!tion# . !&ree th!t
)uch !n ide! !nd ! Bill of thi) t"pe i) 'orth" of our 'elcome !nd5 !) )uch5 mu)t be
'elcomed# .n m" opinion nobod" need obAect if it become) po))ible to h!ve interc!)te
m!rri!&e)5 !doption !nd develop other f!mil" rel!tion) 'ith one !nother# But5 in thi) re&!rd5 .
feel ! little difficult" 'hich . intend to pl!ce before the Hou)e# Thi) i) over the )ucce))ion
i))ue# The cu)tom of inherit!nce5 no doubt5 prev!il) !nd i) pr!cti)ed !t m!n" pl!ce) 'hile in
)ome ! )imil!r cu)tom i) bein& introduced in the Hindu Societ"# But con)iderin& it) &ener!l
)et?up5 it )eem) to me !nd . !m of the opinion th!t ultim!tel" thi) 'onBt prove to be ! &ood
thin&# 2" opinion i) not b!)ed on !n" de)ire to 'ithhold d!u&hter) B ri&ht) or den" e9u!l
ri&ht) to 'omen !nd for the m!tter of th!t to tre!t them on ! different footin&# . emph!tic!ll"
di)cl!im !n" )uch motive# . doubt onl" if the ide! c!n be m!de ! 'or%!ble one in ! )uit!ble
'!" in he &ener!l )et?up of our )ociet" in 'hich 'e !re livin& !t pre)ent !nd 'hich h!) been
follo'ed b" u) for )o lon&# *or in)t!nce5 . '!nt to )!" one 'ord in connection 'ith the ri&ht
of inherit!nce# Herein )h!re on e9u!l b!)i) h!) been conceded to d!u&hter)# . h!ve no
obAection even if the" !re &iven ! &re!ter )h!re# . '!nt onl" to pl!ce before the hou)e ! fe'
thin&) in connection 'ith )ome po))ible difficultie) 'hich m!" !ri)e in future 'henever )uch
! problem come) up# At pre)ent &irl) enAo" ! )t!tu) in the Hindu Societ" 'hich none el)e
enAo")# Con)ciou)l" or uncon)ciou)l" 'e h!ve t!mpered 'ith the )oci!l re&ul!tion) for the
'or)e !nd no' h!ve to brin& up thi) Bill !) ! repentin& !nd ! compen)!tin& me!)ure# Thi) i)
cert!inl" our mi)fortune# e)pite thi) . 'ill !))ert th!t there i) much )cope left for
reform!tion# To me no Hindu f!ther c!n ever de)ire to mete out ! preAudiced tre!tment to hi)
d!u&hter5 r!ther he 'i)he) to &ive !'!" more !nd more to her#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh (Bih!r 4 :ener!l) 4 .t i) correct to ! l!r&e e(tent#
Shri Ram Sahai : He 'i)he) to m!rr" her in the hou)e of ! m!n pl!ced better th!n
him)elf# Not to )pe!% of the f!ther onl"5 . !m in ! po)ition to !))ert th!t even no Hindu
brother c!n de)ire not to m!rr" hi) )i)ter in ! more fortun!te f!mil"# There m!" be found !n
e(ception in thou)!nd) or l!%h) of c!)e)# But . thin% th!t )uch !n in)t!nce i) !lmo)t non?
e(i)tent# . f!il to under)t!nd 'h" then the i))ue of p!rit" bet'een )on) !nd d!u&hter) in the
m!tter of inherit!nce i) m!de to confront u)# . 6)!" )o !) 'e h!ve before u) the 9u!rrel)
!mon& the brother) over the divi)ion of propert" in the middle?cl!)) of our people# The
d!u&hter i) &iven her )h!re in the other f!mil"# But )hould )he thin% of h!vin& ! )h!re in hi)
f!therB) propert" !l)oC in m" opinion it i) cert!in to le!d to di)ruption in our )oci!l )tructure#
0ut of thi) con)ider!tion . h!ve come before the Hou)e to m!%e the)e ob)erv!tion)# .n m"
opinion )uch ! cour)e i) bound to imp!ir the !ffection bet'een ! brother !nd )i)ter to )ome
e(tent# 7hen di)ruption i) po))ible !mon& the brother) 'ith ! common f!mil"?lin% over the
divi)ion of propert"5 )urel" more )eriou) 9u!rrel) 'ill !ri)e 'ith d!u&hter livin& in ! different
f!mil"# 7hen )uch 9u!rrel) c!n !ri)e !mon& brother) 'ho h!ve ! common bond of love in
bet'een them)elve)5 there )h!ll be none in the hou)e 'here the d!u&hter &oe) 'ho c!n
m!int!in th!t !ffection!te re&!rd# There )h!ll be5 on the contr!r"5 per)on) 'ho 'ill incite !nd
thu) p!ve '!" for liti&!tion# . donBt !t !ll follo' 'h" 'e )hould t!%e recour)e to ! thin&
h!vin& full con)ciou)ne)) of it) bein& pre&n!nt 'ith po))ibilitie) of di)ruption of our )oci!l
3i%e'i)e . 'ould li%e to )!" )omethin& !) re&!rd) the Hindu Aoint f!mil"# 7e h!ve
reco&ni)ed to )et up co?oper!tive )ocietie) !nd invite peopleB) co?oper!tion to )pre!d thi) ide!
in the countr"# 7h" then 'e !re !n(iou) to do !'!" 'ith the Aoint f!mil" )")tem 'hich i)
b!)ed on principle of co?oper!tion# @eepin& the)e t'o thin&) in vie' there )hould be )ome
)uch provi)ion 'hich c!n meet them both# .n m" opinion the re!)on for re)tle))ne))
prev!ilin& in )ome )ection) of the public !nd the provi)ion th!t m!%e) thi) me!)ure
controver)i!l i) m!inl" the i))ue of )ucce))ion# .f )omeho' 'e c!n meet the point of
)ucce))ion 'e c!n then proceed 'ith it) proper con)ider!tion !nd p!)) thi) Code
un!nimou)l"# T!%in& no more time of the Hou)e5 . 'ill )ubmit onl" th!t the 2ember) 'ho
!re li%el" to be !ppointed to the Committee )hould conduct their deliber!tion) %eepin& thi)
difficult" in vie'5 not bec!u)e ! d!u&hter )hould &et no )h!re in her f!therB) propert" but to
)ee th!t it doe) not di)rupt our )oci!l )")tem !n" '!"#
There i) !nother point of controver)" th!t )tri%e) me# . m!" be 'ron& but )o f!r !) . h!ve
pondered5 it )eem) to me th!t t!%in& !n individu!l c!)e of ! )on !nd ! d!u&hter5 'here!) !
)on i) entitled to ! )h!re in the propert" of hi) p!rent) onl" !ccordin& to thi) Bill5 ! d!u&hter
enAo") ! )h!re in her f!ther?in?l!'B) propert" !) 'ell# . do not )ee !n" re!)on for thi)
di)p!rit"# . f!il to under)t!nd 'h" )uch ! provi)ion h!) been m!de therein# The Hon# the
2ini)ter of 3!' m!" %indl" thro' )ome li&ht on thi) !)pect 'hile repl"in& to the eb!te !)
to 'h!t con)ider!tion h!) led for the inclu)ion of )uch ! thin&# T!%in& no more time of the
Hou)e5 . 'ill )ubmit onl" thi) much#
Shri Krishna Chandra Sharma (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 . h!ve been ver" !ttentivel"
li)tenin& to the deb!te# . h!ve ver" &re!t re)pect for the vie') e(pre))ed b" m" elder)5
p!rticul!rl" ;!ndit Th!%ur d!) Bh!r&!v! !nd ;!ndit 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!# . h!ve been
loo%in& for )upport for their contention th!t the Hindu Code Bill interfere) 'ith our culture
!nd civili)!tion !nd if it i) pl!ced on the St!tute Boo% the 'hole f!bric of our )ociet" 'ill &o
do'n !nd there 'ould be undue !nd improper interference 'ith our reli&iou) in)titution) !nd
our cultur!l b!c%&round# To m" mi)fortune . h!ve not been !ble to find !n"thin& of th!t )ort#
There i) nothin& 'ith re&!rd to thi) Code 'hich interfere) 'ith our reli&ion in !n" m!tter
'h!t)oever# 7hether the Code i) &ood or b!d i) !nother 9ue)tion# But the propo)ed Bill h!)
nothin& 'h!tever to do 'ith Hindu reli&ion !nd !) )uch if it i) p!))ed the Hindu reli&ion
rem!in) !) &ood or !) b!d !) it i) 'ithout it#
The )econd i) the 9ue)tion of culture# The 9ue)tion i) 'hether ! hou)e belon&) to A or B5
it m!" belon& to $!rn%um!r !nd 2. @ri)hn!%um!r5 !nd if "ou Au)t include =im!l%um!ri
!l)o5 th!t i) not &oin& to !ffect Hindu culture# . '!nt m" friend) before interruptin& me5 to
under)t!nd the b!)i) of culture# No culture i) culture unle)) it h!) !n" function 'ith ! vie' to
the development !nd evolution of )ociet"# .f culture i) merel" )t!tic5 then it c!nnot l!)t5 !nd if
Hindu culture h!d been )t!tic5 it 'ould never h!ve been )t!ble5 !nd it 'ould not h!ve l!)ted
)o lon&# Culture mu)t h!ve )ome function connected 'ith evolution5 it mu)t h!ve )omethin&
to do 'ith ! )ociet" !) it i) evolvin&# 3et u) under)t!nd thi) before cr"in& th!t culture i) in
d!n&er# Culture !nd reli&ion !nd the pre)ent Hindu )ociet" or Hindu l!' !nd even the Hindu
reli&ion !re not the )!me !) the" 'ere in the =edic time)# o "ou '!nt u) to believe th!t the
:ree%) c!me here !nd the $om!n) c!me here5 their penetr!tion) 'ere there !nd "et 'e
rem!ined blindl" )t!tic 8 H!d 'e no he!rt5 no mind !nd no receptivit" 'h!t)oever 8 Bec!u)e
of the receptivit" !nd !bilit" to evolve5 the &re!tne)) h!) been pre)ervedC if 'e h!d not thi)
receptivit"5 'e 'ould not h!ve e(i)ted )o lon&# Th!t i) m" repl"# So . )!"5 let u) t!%e !
r!tion!l cour)e5 t!%e !n intelli&ent vie' of the thin&5 ! )cientific vie' of the thin&# Hindu l!'
!) it '!) in the Smriti '!) onl" ! codific!tion of the cu)tom) !nd u)!&e) prev!ilin& before the
Smriti 'riter) c!me# There !re lot) of Smritis !nd the" differ on v!riou) point) !nd on the
)!me point different 'riter) h!ve different vie')# And the ;riv" Council h!) )!id th!t even if
the" differ from e!ch other5 their comment!r" i) to be !ccepted5 not bec!u)e it i) b!)ed on the
Smriti, not bec!u)e it i) b!)ed on truth5 not bec!u)e it h!) come do'n from the =ed!)5 but
bec!u)e if it i) recorded in the Smriti, it mu)t h!ve been the u)!&e or cu)tom of the time
before the Smriti. Accordin& to the vie' of Hindu l!'5 ! cu)tom override) the 'ritten l!'5
the 'ritten te(t of l!'# No'5 t!%in& thi) vie'5 . !)% "ou )eriou)l" 'hether thi) i) !n"
9ue)tion of reli&ion5 'hether it i) ! 9ue)tion of culture5 'hether Hindu )ociet" 'ill f!ll do'n
b" includin& =im!l! !lon& 'ith $!rn%um!r !nd @ri)hn!%um!r 8 Therefore5 do not brin& in
reli&ion in thi) 9ue)tion# o not brin& in culture5 do not brin& in other thin&) !nd )!" th!t
Hindu )ociet" 'ill f!ll do'n# . )!" Hindu )ociet" h!) never been )o 'e!%5 Hindu culture h!)
never been )o 'e!%5 nor Hindu reli&ion5 th!t it 'ill f!ll do'n5 if thi) Act or th!t Act i)
p!))ed# .t i) too )tron& for th!t#
And then !&!in5 it i) not our cl!im !lone th!t 'e h!ve come from :od# There h!ve been
)i( &re!t civili)!tion) !nd ever" &re!t civili)!tion cl!im) th!t it h!) come from :od# The
2u)lim) )!" it5 the Chri)ti!n) )!" it5 the >!p!ne)e )!id 6 . !m the )on of :od 6# The Chine)e
1mperor 'rote in 1++9 to :eor&e ... ! letter th!t the Chine)e potent!te come) from :od !nd
hi) territor" )h!ll h!ve nothin& to do 'ith 1n&li)h commerce or be t!inted b" forei&ner)# But
fort"?nine "e!r) l!ter there '!) ! '!r b" the 1n&li)hm!n upon Chin! !nd the former !ccepted
the opium de!ler# 7here h!d the l!nd of the )on of :od &one then 8 7here '!) th!t )on of
:od 'hen there '!) the c!nnon mouth of the 1n&li)hm!n 8 1ven the 1n&li)hm!n cl!im)
)uch thin&)5 th!t it i) the 'hitem!nB) burden th!t he h!) been )ent to Afric! !nd .ndi! to
civili)e other hum!n bein&)C th!t he h!) been de)tined to do )o# But )uch cl!im) !re f!l)e5 !)
f!l)e !) it i) for u) to cl!im th!t our) i) the onl" monopol" of truth# . !m ! Hindu !nd . !m !
Br!hmin5 !nd . !m proud of bein& ! Hindu !nd Br!hmin5 but . do not li%e to cl!im th!t the
truth i) m" o'n monopol"5 th!t the truth c!me to m" !nce)tor) !nd not to !n"bod" el)e# .f
:od &!ve the truth onl" to m" !nce)tor) !nd to nobod" el)e5 then it '!) unAu)t5 !nd for the
m!tter of th!t !l)o fooli)h to h!ve cre!ted other people on thi) e!rth# So m" onl" re9ue)t i)G
!nd . m!%e it 'ith !ll the humilit" !nd re)pect of ! Hindu child for the elder)Gple!)e do not
brin& in reli&ion5 do not count upon culture# o not )!" Hindu )ociet" 'ill come do'n# But
ple!)e !ccept it on the b!)i) of !n intelli&ent vie'5 ! common?)en)e vie'5 ! )cientific vie'5
of l!' !) prev!ilin& in the modem 'orld# The l!' of ever" countr" i) the outcome !nd re)ult
of the economic !nd )oci!l condition) of the countr" !) 'ell !) the e(pre))ion of it)
intellectu!l c!p!cit" for de!lin& 'ith tho)e condition)#
No' . come to the ne(t point# 7e h!ve been for ! lon& time )ep!r!ted from the 'orld !)
)uch# A) . )!id there 'ere )i( civili)!tion) !nd the Chine)e ;otent!te5 the >!p!ne)e 1mperor5
the 1n&li)h @in&5 the CJ!r of $u))i!5 B!b!r of .ndi! !ll of them cl!imed th!t the" c!me from
:od5 !ll bec!u)e ####
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra : To 'h!t p!rticul!r cl!u)e of the Hindu Code i) m"
Hon# friend referrin& 8
Shri Krishna Chandra Sharma : . !m referrin& to "our rem!r%)# 7ell5 !) . '!) )!"in&5
the" !ll )!id the" 'ere )upreme !nd the" 'ere the mo)t mi&ht"5 !nd th!t '!) bec!u)e the"
could not under)t!nd other people !nd the" h!d no %no'led&e of them# Therefore the" )!id5
their) '!) the be)t reli&ion# But no' 'ith the !eropl!ne)5 throu&h the )hip)5 throu&h
liter!ture !nd the printin& pre)) !nd public!tion5 "ou h!ve come into cont!ct 'ith !ll the
people of the 'orld# <ou %no' other people !nd "ou under)t!nd them# <ou !re influenced b"
them# 3oo% !t the de)% of "our child !nd there "ou 'ill find the 'or%) of Bern!rd Sh!' !nd
Sh!%e)pe!re# <ou do not find ganga l!hri there# But "ou donBt thin% the child i) not ! Hindu
bec!u)e he h!) onl" Bern!rd Sh!' !nd Sh!%e)pe!re !nd ;e!rl Buc% on hi) t!ble# So ever"
thou&ht !nd !ction !ffect !nd influence !ll the countrie) of the 'orld# <ou c!nnot h!ve !n"
l!' 'h!t)oever 'hich i) divorced from the influence of other)5 it h!) to be d"n!mic !nd then
it 'ill help the people to ! &re!t future# ivorced from th!t5 )ep!r!ted from th!t5 the" !re
'e!%# So let u) h!ve the l!' on the )cientific b!)i)# .n time) p!)t there mi&ht h!ve been
preAudice) !nd there mi&ht h!ve been different cu)tom)5 !nd there mi&ht h!ve been !n" other
thin&# But tod!" reli&ion i) ! m!tter of )cientific )tud"# <ou c!nnot )!" th!t ever"thin& "ou
believe i) reli&ion# Nobod" i) &oin& to !ccept it# $eli&ion i) th!t 'hich t!%e) m!n from
hum!n )t!&e5 from the comprehen)ive hum!n life to the re&ion of :odhood !nd in r!i)in&
hum!nit" from hum!nit" to ivinit"5 there !re cert!in !ccepted principle) from 'hich "ou
c!nnot e)c!pe# So in thi) t'entieth centur"5 neither i) ever"thin& reli&ion nor i) ever"thin&
culture nor ever"thin& the b!)i) of )ociet"# There !re cert!in 'ell !ccepted principle)5
!ccepted b" the 'orld !t l!r&e5 b" the Auri)t)5 b" the reli&iou) te!cher) !nd !ll the &re!t men
of the 'orld !) the b!)i) of )ociet"5 !) the b!)i) of culture !nd !) the b!)i) reli&ion#
1ver"thin& th!t "ou )pe!% !nd believe i) neither reli&ion5 nor culture nor the b!)i) of )ociet"#
2" friend !)%ed me to 'h!t . '!) referrin&# .n 2ull!B) Hindu 3!' the fir)t p!&e de!l)
'ith c!)te)# .t )!") there !re four c!)te) in Hindu Societ"# The )econd p!r!&r!ph de!l) 'ith
'hether Kayasthas !re Sudras. The third p!r!&r!ph de!l) 'ith the 9ue)tion 'hether
Marathas !re Sudras or 9a#puts. . put it to "ou in !ll humilit"4 .) there !n"thin& of culture or
reli&ion in it 8 $eli&ion t!%e) from the univer)!l love to the ivine bli)) !nd culture me!n)
li&ht !nd )'eetne))# The divi)ion of ! people into c!)te) i) no culture !nd much le)) h!) it
!n"thin& to do 'ith reli&ion#
An Honourable Member: 0nl" !&riculture#
Shri Krishna Chandra Sharma : A&riculture 'ill &ive "ou foodC "our vie' i) ! thin&
th!t 'ill brin& "ou do'n#
No'5 . )h!ll put to "ou the )ource) of Hindu 3!'# . thin% m" hon# friend i) ! l!'"er !nd
he 'ill !ppreci!te it# The )ource) of Hindu 3!' !re5 the Shrutis, the Smritis, cu)tom) h!vin&
the force of l!'5 comment!rie)5 !nd then the Audici!l deci)ion) of the ;riv" Council !nd the
Hi&h Court)# So f!r !) the Shrutis !re concerned5 nothin& i) %no'n !bout them# . h!ve 9uoted
>!"!)'!l 'ho i) the &re!te)t !uthorit" on !ncient polit" !nd he i) of the vie' th!t 'h!t i)
)t!ted in the Smritis i) onl" ! codific!tion of the cu)tom !nd u)!&e prev!ilin& 'hen the
Smritis c!me into e(i)t!nce# The Smritis, !) . )!id5 differ on the )!me point# The
comment!tor) !re !cceptedC but the" !re !ccepted !) !uthorit" not bec!u)e the" tell "ou 'h!t
the l!' '!)5 but bec!u)e the" tell "ou )omethin& th!t mu)t h!ve been in e(i)tence#
Accordin& to the principle) of Hindu 3!'5 cu)tom !nd u)!&e override the 'ritten te(t of the
l!'5 !nd the" !re to be !ccepted# Then come) the c!)e l!' of the ;riv" Council !nd of the
Hi&h Court)# Ho' '!) thi) c!)e l!' m!de 8 /p to 18F85 the condition '!) thi)# The Hindu
3!' '!) !dmini)tered b" 1n&li)h Aud&e) 'ith the !))i)t!nce of Hindu ;undit)# The
in)titution of ;undit) !) offici!l referee) of the court) '!) !boli)hed in the "e!r 18F8# <our
c!)e l!' i) the re)ult of the 1n&li)h m!nB) deci)ion 'ith the help of the ;undit)# No'5 . tell
"ou5 'hen the countr" i) ruled b" !n !&&re))or5 'hen the countr" i) ruled b" !n inv!der5 no
)elf?re)pectin& m!n much le)) ! le!rned m!n5 'ill )it be)ide him# Therefore5 'h!tever cl!))
of ;undit) 'ere c!lled5 the" 'ere demor!li)ed cre!ture)C the" 'ere not repre)ent!tive of
Hindu)# o "ou me!n to )!" th!t "ou do not '!nt to ch!n&e the Hindu 3!' bec!u)e Hindu
3!' i) )omethin& )!cred 8 7h!t i) th!t Hindu 3!' 8 eci)ion) of 1n&li)hmen &iven 'ith the
help of or !t the )u&&e)tion of demor!li)ed cre!ture)# Th!t i) "our Hindu 3!'# 7h!t i) the
)!credne)) behind it 8 Th!t i) m" point# <ou Aud&e thi) pre)ent l!' on it) o'n merit)C Aud&e
the pre)ent code !ccordin& to principle) of Auri)prudence# .n !ccord!nce 'ith principle) ! l!'
i) Aud&ed !) nece))!r" !nd &ood#
Comin& to thi) Code5 the fir)t thin& th!t it de!l) 'ith i) m!rri!&e !nd divorce# .f "ou &o
throu&h the different )m!ll Act) p!))ed durin& the l!)t t'o or three "e!r)5 "ou 'ill find th!t
thi) i) ! mere codific!tion !nd nothin& ne'# <ou c!n h!ve the )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&eC "ou c!n
h!ve the civil m!rri!&e# <ou find Hindu) m!rr"in& in different c!)te)5 even be"ond the Hindu
fold !nd the" rem!in Hindu !ll ri&htC "ou do not )!" the" !re outc!)te)# Therefore5 'h!t i)
prev!ilin&5 'h!t i) ! f!ct !lre!d"5 "ou t!%e !) the l!'# . do not thin% "ou !re ch!n&in&
!n"thin&# 7ith re&!rd to Audici!l )ep!r!tion !nd di))olution of m!rri!&e5 loo% !t the &round) 4
either p!rt" to the m!rri!&e '!) impotent5 the hu)b!nd i) %eepin& ! 'om!n or ! concubine5
the other p!rt" h!) ce!)ed to be ! Hindu5 either p!rt" i) incur!bl" of un)ound mind5 either
p!rt" i) )ufferin& from# ! virulent !nd incur!ble form of lepro)"# No'5 . put "ou ! )imple
9ue)tion# .) there !n"thin& in !n" l!'5 in !n" te(t of Hindu Shrutis or Smritis 'hich b!r the)e
condition) 8 . h!ve been loo%in& into the 2!nu Smriti !nd . h!ve found nothin& repu&n!nt to
thi)# .f m" hon# friend) find !n"thin&5 the" m!" brin& !n !mendment# . !m not !&!in)t the
Smritis !nd . !m onl" proud of them# . h!ve &one throu&h the te(t)C . h!ve not been !ble to
find !n"thin& in them repu&n!nt to thi)# .f the)e condition) !re in !ccord 'ith notion) of
)oci!l Au)tice !) it i) prev!lent5 . )ee no re!)on 'h" "ou )hould not !ccept them# Are "ou !n
enem" of 'omen8 Are "ou !n enem" of "our mother !nd d!u&hter 8 0ur mother i) !
re)pected bein& !nd our d!u&hter i) p!rt of our life !nd blood# .) th!t not )o 8 7h" then do
"ou r!i)e the cr" th!t thi) i) )omethin& 'hich 'ill brin& do'n Hindu)t!n !nd th!t the Hindu
)ociet" 'ill be cru)hed to piece)# There i) nothin& in reli&ion5 there i) nothin& in culture5
there i) nothin& on the b!)i) of Hindu )ociet" th!t i) !&!in)t the)e condition) !nd repu&n!nt
to them#
T!%e the c!)e of !doption# 2" o'n feelin& i) th!t !t thi) )t!&e of evolution of our )ociet"5
it i) unnece))!r" !nd it h!) no me!nin&# There i) ! te(t in 2!nu on 'hich thi) !doption i)
b!)ed 4 th!t ! )onle)) f!ther h!) no re&ion in He!ven# The b!)i) of th!t te(t '!) thi)# At th!t
time5 the Ar"!n) 'ere f!cin& the !bori&in!l tribe) or )ome people 'ho 'ere non?Ar"!n)#
Therefore5 the" n!tur!ll" '!nted their number to &ro'# The" put it thi) '!"# A Hindu h!)
three 6 9inas 6 4 9ina to :od5 9ina to the 9ishis !nd 9ina to the Pitras, th!t i) the r!ce# Th!t
i)5 to c!rr" on the thre!d of the r!ce# To c!rr" on the thre!d of the $!ce '!) nece))!r" !t the
time 2!nu 'rote the Smritis. .t i) not nece))!r" tod!"# Tod!" the cr" i) not th!t 'e h!ve not
&ot childrenC on the other h!nd5 the cr" i) th!t 'e h!ve not &ot food !nd cloth# The fe'er 'e
!re5 the more of the)e thin&) 'e 'ill h!ve# Therefore5 !t thi) )t!&e5 . do not )ee !n" re!)on for
!doption# A) to &oin& to He!ven)5 the me!nin& behind the obl!tion) !nd !ll the)e thin&) '!)
to %eep up ! )pirit of ch!rit" in our )ociet"# Hum!n )ociet" h!) &ro'n )o 'ell !nd )o
or&!ni)ed th!t there i) enou&h )cope for ch!rit" !nd )oci!l )ervice !nd &enero)it" in thi)
'orld r!ther th!n &ivin& )omethin& to our !nce)tor) 'ho h!ve &one be"ond thi) 'orld# .t i)
better to 'or% in thi) 'ide 'orld# Th!t i) !n in)titution 'hich h!) no me!nin&# The me!nin&
th!t it h!d h!) no !pplic!tion in the pre)ent d!" )ociet"# So f!r !) )ecul!r purpo)e) !re
concerned5 th!t if ! )on i) !dopted he 'ill )erve the old m!n or old 'om!n5 . thin% it i) of no
u)e# Tod!"5 there !re )o m!n" )ic% home)5 ho)pit!l) !nd other home)# .f "ou h!ve &ot no
propert"5 it i) u)ele)) to !dopt ! child !nd nobod" i) &oin& to )erve "ou )impl" bec!u)e "ou
h!ve !dopted him# .f "ou h!ve &ot propert"5 there !re enou&h in)titution) to help "ou in old
!&e# 2" contention i) th!t thi) in)titution of !doption in the pre)ent )t!te of our )ociet" h!)
no me!nin& 'h!t)oever#
$e&!rdin& minor) !nd &u!rdi!n)5 . donBt thin% it h!) m!de !n" dep!rture from the Hindu
3!' !) it i)# $e&!rdin& l!' of Succe))ion5 . !m )orr" . h!ve not been !ble to )ee much !bout
Succe))ion !nd . c!nQt )!" 'ith confidence 'hether the pre)ent )")tem of Succe))ion i) ri&ht
or 'ron&# 0ne thin& . 'ill )!" vi8.., there i) nothin& 'ron& in principle to m!%e ! d!u&hter
co?heir 'ith the )on bec!u)e under )ection D of the 7omenB) ;ropert" Act5 19D75 the mother
&et) ! )h!re !lon& 'ith the )on# 7h!t obAection there i) on e!rth to ! d!u&hter inheritin&
!lon& 'ith the brother 8 .f mother c!n inherit !lon& 'ith )on5 there i) no re!)on 'h" the
d!u&hter )hould not inherit 'ith the brother# ;!ndit Bh!r&!v! r!i)ed the obAection th!t the
)on)?in?l!' 'ill come !nd cre!te trouble in the hou)e# .f t'o brother) do not cre!te trouble
'h" )hould the )on?in?l!' cre!te trouble)# :o to C!nn!u&ht pl!ce !nd "ou 'ill find th!t the
f!te of the hu)b!nd i) to t!%e the co!t of the 'ife behind !nd p!" the billC !nd )o ho' c!n !
hu)b!nd cre!te trouble 'hen the 'ife doe) not '!nt it#
An Honourable Member: Th!t i) in Northern .ndi!#
Shri Krishna Chandra Sharma: Th!t i) the evolution of m!n# The evolution of
hum!nit" i) li%e th!t# 7here !re "our mou)t!che) 8 .t i) !n ordin!r" biolo&ic!l principle th!t
the fem!le cell) 'ere developed !nd )ep!r!ted l!ter !nd 'om!n '!) better evolved# She i)
f!irer5 more tender !nd more be!utiful# .t i) the '!" of pro&re)) to &o to finer !nd more
be!utiful life# .f "ou !re other'i)e inclined5 . thin% "ou !re le)) th!n hum!n#
Then . come to the Aoint Hindu *!mil"# . h!ve loo%ed into !uthoritie) on thi) point !nd !ll
&re!t !uthoritie) !&ree th!t Hindu Cu)tom c!me into e(i)tence 'hen the )t!te of Societ" '!)
p!)tur!l# *or th!t it '!) nece))!r" to h!ve >oint Hindu *!mil" )")tem# At pre)ent there !re !
number of l!') b" 'hich 'e h!ve done !'!" 'ith the >oint Hindu *!mil" propert"
conception# Thi) '!) m!de !t ! time 'hen there '!) not much tr!de !nd commerce# A
f!rmer loo%) to the co' not !) )omethin& 'orth 1,,I? but !) )omethin&G! livin& thin&
!))oci!ted 'ith him in lifeG)omethin& )!cred# So he t!%e) the co' !) it i) !nd 'ould not li%e
to &et the mone" from the )on if the )on &oe) !'!" from the f!mil" bec!u)e the co' i)
)omethin& )!credG?th!t i) ho' 'e re&!rd the co' !) 2other co'#
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: .) there !n" f!ther co' 8
Shri Krishna Chandra Sharma : Time) h!ve no' ch!n&ed !nd therefore th!t 9ue)tion
of >oint Hindu *!mil" doe) not hold &ood !nd i) not to be re&!rded !) )o e))enti!l !nd
therefore )!cred !) it '!) 'hen Ar"!n )ociet" '!) fir)t e)t!bli)hed in .ndi! !nd the)e
cu)tom) c!me into e(i)tence#
The )econd point i) th!t thi) i) not !pplic!ble to !&ricultur!l l!nd)# So f!r !) !&ricultur!l
l!nd) !re concerned5 ne' !ct) !re comin& into e(i)tence !nd )ucce))ion in tho)e 'ould &o on
the )!me b!)i)#
7ith the)e 'ord)5 . commend thi) Bill for the !ccept!nce of thi) Hou)e#
Shri B. M. Gupte (Bomb!"4 :ener!l)4 Sir5 . ri)e to !ccord 9u!lified )upport to the
me!)ure before thi) hou)e# Thi) doe) not me!n th!t . !m oppo)ed to m!n" of the reform) th!t
!re propo)ed here# 0n the contr!r" . !m prep!red to )!" th!t the" !re in the ri&ht direction
)ubAect to cert!in modific!tion) !nd !dAu)tment)# AdAu)tment) !re nece))!r"# . 'ill &ive onl"
one e(!mple# The !bolition of cu)tom!r" divorce i) bound to ent!il much h!rd)hip to rur!l
popul!tion of Bomb!" province bec!u)e !mon& the popul!tion there the pr!ctice of divorce
i) 'idel" prev!lent# .n Bomb!" 'e h!ve ! ivorce Act but even th!t Act m!%e) !n e(ception
of Cu)tom!r" divorce# . therefore )!" th!t cert!in !dAu)tment) !re nece))!r"# The provi)ion)
'ith re&!rd to divorce5 m!rri!&e !nd m!inten!nce !nd minorit"Gthe)e m!" be proceeded
'ith !nd m!de into l!'# . h!ve no obAection !bout them but . c!nBt lend m" )upport to the
en!ctment of the provi)ion) embodied in p!rt) +5 F !nd 7# The" m!%e fund!ment!l ch!n&e)#
.n f!ct the" un)ettle the entire l!' of inherit!nce of the Hindu Communit"# therefore the
9ue)tion !ri)e) 'hether thi) i) the time 9uite opportune for )uch &ener!l un)ettlement# 7e !re
in the mid)t of ! politic!l !nd economic )itu!tion 'hich i) ch!r!cteri)ed b" unre)t5 turmoil5
mi)er" !nd di)ruption !nd therefore the 9ue)tion i) 'hether 'e )hould complic!te the
)itu!tion )till further b" introducin& revolution!r" ch!n&e) 'hich !ffect the entire )oci!l
)tructure of the countr"# 0ur ;rime 2ini)ter often in)i)t)5 !nd ri&htl" in)i)t)5 th!t in thi)
emer&enc" fir)t thin&) )hould come fir)t !nd thi) i) not the time for thin&) 'hich brin&
di)ruption# .f 'e !ppl" thi) te)t to thi) me!)ure5 'h!t 'ould be the re)ult 8 . !)%5 !re the)e )o
pre))in&5 th!t 'e mu)t f!ce the ri)% of inten)if"in& the comple(it" of the )itu!tion 'hich i)
!lre!d" difficult enou&h 8 The !n)'er i) obviou)# The Hindu 3!' h!) been in e(i)tence for
"e!r) !nd if there i) to be ! revi)ion of it or it) codific!tion there i) no ur&enc" !t the pre)ent
Auncture# Thi) i) not the opportune time for )uch ! &ener!l un)ettlement of the e(i)tin& l!'#
.t i) our 'ell %no'n e(perience th!t )oci!l le&i)l!tion 'hich i) in !dv!nce of public
opinion defe!t) it)elf# .n thi) . include not onl" the voc!l urb!n )ection of the popul!tion but
!l)o the teemin& million) in the vill!&e)# 7e h!ve to )ee 'hether thi) le&i)l!tion i) in
!dv!nce of public opinion# 7e h!ve the e(perience of the S!rd! Act# .n )pite of it) )trict
provi)ion) the l!' bec!me ! de!d letter in it) enforcement# .n thi) c!)e it 'ill not become !
mere de!d letter# The en!ctment of the provi)ion) l!id do'n in p!rt) =5 =. !nd =.. 'ill brin&
!bout f!r more mi)chievou) re)ult) th!n bein& ! mere de!d letter#
.n the vill!&e) there !re the goondas 'ho bec!u)e of their det!iled %no'led&e of the l!'
tr" to e(ploit the i&nor!nce of the vill!&er) !nd dupe them into protr!cted liti&!tion# Thi) evil
i) !lre!d" r!mp!nt# The l!' of )ucce))ion or )urvivor)hip5 o'in& to lon& u)!&e !nd
f!mili!rit" i) !lre!d" %no'n to the vill!&er)# The re)ult 'ill be th!t 'e )h!ll be !ffordin& one
more )ource for the vill!&e goondas to e(ploit the i&nor!nce of the vill!&er)# . therefore '!nt
to emph!)i)e th!t thou&h . !m not oppo)ed to reform5 thi) i) not the time to introduce !
me!)ure li%e thi)#
7h!tever deci)ion 'e m!" t!%e here or in the provinci!l c!pit!l) in the pre)ent condition
of illiter!c" of the m!))e)5 it i) difficult to c!rr" )uch le&i)l!tion) to the vill!&er# 7e h!ve
!lre!d" the e(perience of the :ro' 2ore *ood C!mp!i&n# .n m" province the :overnment i)
offerin& numerou) conce))ion) !nd f!cilitie) but the vill!&er doe) not %no' them !t !ll# 7h!t
'ill be the re)ult of thi) l!' 8 The vill!&e goonda 'ill be !ble to e(ploit the i&nor!nce of the
vill!&er in thi) m!tter#
.n one re)pect the )itu!tion in the vill!&e) 'ill be 'or)e th!n th!t in the urb!n !re!#
Accordin& to the pre)ent con)titution!l po)ition thi) l!' 'ill not !ffect !&ricultur!l l!nd# .t
'ill me!n th!t there 'ill be t'o )et) of heir) for the propert" of the dece!)ed !&riculturi)t#
Hi) !&ricultur!l l!nd 'ill &o to one )et of heir)5 'hile the re)t of hi) propert" 'ill &o to
!nother )et of heir)# Thi) i) bound to m!%e confu)ion 'or)e confounded# 7e !re en!ctin&
thi) le&i)l!tion 'ith ! vie' to )ecure uniformit" but in)te!d of uniformit" !nd )implicit"
there 'ill be comple(it" !nd confu)ion# To !void )uch confu)ion it 'ould be better th!t 'e
'!it till the ne' con)titution i) u)hered in# 3et u) not be in ! hurr"# ;er)on!ll" . feel th!t thi)
me!)ure c!n be introduced !nd pur)ued !fter one or t'o &ener!l election) h!ve t!%en pl!ce#
Tho)e &ener!l election) !re bound to 9uic%en the politic!l con)ciou)ne)) of the vill!&er !nd
brin& him into more effective contr!ct 'ith the 'or%in& of the le&i)l!ture# He 'ill then be in
! better po)ition to influence le&i)l!tion 'hich vit!ll" !ffect) hi) intere)t)# Therefore . )ubmit
th!t till )uch time come)5 till there i) )ome 9uic%enin& of politic!l con)ciou)ne)) !mon&
people5 let u) not thru)t the le&i)l!tion upon them#
. fin!ll" !ppe!l to our enthu)i!)tic friend) 'ho !re the !rdent ch!mpion) of thi)
le&i)l!tion th!t b" our over?enthu)i!)m let u) not defe!t our o'n obAect#
Shri A. Karunakara Menon (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 . ri)e to )upport thi) Bill5 )o f!r
!) it &oe)5 'ith !ll m" he!rt# .t 'ill no doubt &o ! &re!t '!" to con)olid!te the Hindu )ociet"#
The Hindu l!' !) it e(i)t) tod!" i) onl" ! con&lomer!tion of )ever!l )")tem) of l!'# 7e h!ve
decl!red in our Con)titution th!t it )h!ll be our !im to fr!me ! uniform civil code !ppl"in& to
the 'hole territor" of .ndi!# Thi) Hindu Code 'ill &o ! &re!t '!" to !))i)t in the evolution of
thi) uniform code of l!'# . 'i)h )ome 2u)lim friend) introduce ! l!' to codif" the
2oh!mmend!n l!' !l)o# The Chri)ti!n) h!ve !lre!d" ! codified l!'# After the)e three
codified l!') !re brou&ht into e(i)tence it 'ill be e!)" to pic% out the uniform provi)ion) of
the)e three code) !nd tr" to !ccompli)h the obAect th!t 'e h!ve !imed !t under the
Con)titution# Thi) Bill i) !l)o 'elcome in!)much !) it 'ill e(tend the ri&ht) of 'omen#
But . h!ve )ome compl!int) to m!%e# Thi) l!' i) not !) pro&re))ive !) it ou&ht to be !)
the people 'i)h it to be# .t i) f!r behind in )ever!l re)pect) the Marumakhattayam l!' th!t
e(i)t) in m" p!rt of the countr"# 7e )hould not be dr!&&ed do'n from the po)ition 'e !re in
!t pre)ent# .f !mendment) could be introduced in the Bill !nd if it could be m!de po))ible for
u) !l)o to m!%e u)e of the Bill5 none 'ould be more h!pp" th!n u)#
The provi)ion) of the Bill !) the" )t!nd !t pre)ent h!ve been conceived !t from !
p!tri!rch!l point of vie'# The provi)ion) of the m!tri!rch!l )")tem of l!'5 'herever the" !re
pro&re))ive5 could be introduced into thi) Bill !nd th!t point of vie' h!) not been t!%en into
con)ider!tion !t !ll# .t mi&ht be pointed out th!t the ori&in!l Bill !) dr!fted in 1947 e(cluded
the Marumakkattayam !nd the "lia Santhanam l!' from the oper!tion of !ll the import!nt
br!nche) of l!' covered b" it# . 'ill point out 'h" thi) Bill i) not )ufficientl" pro&re))ive !nd
'h" it )hould be m!de more pro&re))ive#
2!rri!&e under Marumakkattayam l!' i) ! purel" mund!ne !ff!ir# There i) no reli&ion in
it# There i) no )!pind!)hip or )!cr!ment in it# Thi) Hindu Code Bill reco&ni)e) onl" t'o
%ind) of m!rri!&eG )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e !nd civil m!rri!&e# Civil m!rri!&e i) common !nd
'e h!ve no obAection to it# 7e !re prep!red to !bide b" provi)ion) rel!tin& to it#
Th!t the !uthor) of the Code 'ere under ! mi)!pprehen)ion th!t even the
2!rum!%%!tt!"!m m!rri!&e) 'ere )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e) i) cle!r from ! re!din& of cl!u)e +1
of the Bill 'here the" )!" th!t even the 2!lb!r m!rri!&e) !re )!cr!ment!l# Th!t i) the b!)i)
on 'hich the" h!ve fr!med th!t cl!u)e# .n 2!lb!r m!rri!&e h!) nothin& to do 'ith reli&ion#
Cl!u)e +1 )!")4
6 Nothin& cont!ined in thi) ;!rt )h!ll be deemed to !ffect !n" ri&ht conferred b" the
2!dr!) 2!rum!%%!tt!"!m Act5 19DE (2!dr!) Act HH.. of 19DE) to obt!in the di))olution
of ! )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e5 'hether )olemni)ed before or !fter the commencement of thi)
Code# 6
There i) !nother direction in 'hich 'e 'ould li%e to &et !n !mendment of thi) Bill in )o
f!r !) 'e !re concerned# 0ur l!' !llo') u) to m!rr" our f!therB) niece or our m!tern!l uncleB)
d!u&hter# .n f!ct m!n" of u) con)ider it ! privile&e to m!rr" our uncleB) d!u&hter or our
f!therB) niece# But thi) i) interdicted b" the provi)ion) rel!tin& to )!pind!)hip !nd prohibited
rel!tion)hip# Thi) encro!chment on our ri&ht i) not li%el" to be vie'ed 'ith f!vour b" the
people of m" p!rt of the countr"#
.n re&!rd to Audici!l )ep!r!tion or re)titution of conAu&!l ri&ht)5 there !re no provi)ion) !t
!ll in our l!'# 1ither ! m!rri!&e e(i)t) or it i) &ot rid of b" me!n) of ! divorce# There i) no
middle cour)e# The provi)ion for divorce i) ver" )imple# 1ither of the !&&rieved p!rtie) &oe)
to the ne!re)t court of civil Auri)diction !nd put) in ! petition 'ith t'elve !nn!) )t!mp on it
pr!"in& th!t 6 for )uch !nd )uch re!)on) 'e !re not !ble to pull on to&ether !nd therefore !
divorce m!" be &r!nted 6# *or ! period of )i( month) th!t petition i) %ept pendin&# ;erh!p)
the !uthor) of the l!' 'i)hed to )ee 'hether ! reconcili!tion '!) po))ible 'ithin thi) period
of )i( month)# After thi) period of )i( month)5 if nothin& too% pl!ce divorce i) !utom!tic!ll"
&r!nted# Thi) provi)ion i) )imple !nd from cl!u)e +1 of the Bill it i) cle!r th!t it h!) !ttr!cted
the !ttention of the fr!mer) of the Bill bec!u)e thi) provi)ion for divorce i) found ret!ined in
the Bill# But . do not %no' 'h" the benefit of thi) provi)ion i) not e(tended to !ll other
The provi)ion for di))olution of m!rri!&e h!) infuri!ted )ome of the member) of thi)
Hou)e# 1ven thou&h the provi)ion for divorce h!) been in e(i)tence in 2!l!b!r )ince 19DE5 .
believe5 not even ! doJen divorce) 'ould h!ve !ctu!ll" t!%en pl!ce# Thi) prove) the truth of
the )t!tement m!de b" ! le!rned !uthorG1 me!n Bertr!nd $u)elG th!t 6 the e!)ie)t divorce
l!') b" no me!n) produce the &re!te)t number of divorce) C 'herever there i) divorce5
!dulter" i) )c!rce !nd mor!lit" i) hi&her6#
Comin& to !doption5 the provi)ion) cont!ined in thi) Bill !re ver" un)!ti)f!ctor" 'hen
comp!red to 'h!t prev!il in our p!rt of the countr"#
Accordin& to thi) Bill5 !doption i) ! reli&iou) m!tter5 but !mon& the Marumakkattayam
people it i) ! purel" )ecul!r m!tter# /nder the Hindu Code onl" ! m!le or hi) 'ido' could
!dopt ! per)on5 but !ccordin& to our l!' !n" per)on5 'hether m!le or fem!le5 could !dopt !
per)on# 7here!) onl" ! m!le could be !dopted under Hindu 3!'5 m!le) or fem!le) could be
!dopted under our l!'# 7here!) onl" one per)on could be !dopted under Hindu 3!'5 'e c!n
!dopt one per)on5 t'o per)on) or even one 'hole f!mil"5 !t the time of e(tinction of our
f!mil" or !) heir) to our propert"# So there i) ! lot of difference bet'een the Hindu 3!' !nd
the Marumakkattayam 3!' in thi) re)pect# The re!)on 'h" the)e thin&) h!ve not been t!%en
into con)ider!tion in fr!min& the Bill i)5 !ccordin& to me5 th!t the 'hole per)pective h!) been
entirel" p!tri!rch!l !nd not m!tri!rch!l !l)o# .f th!t point of vie' !l)o h!d been t!%en into
con)ider!tion then m!n" of the)e difference) could h!ve been re)olved or reduced#
.n re&!rd to Aoint f!mil" propert"5 the )ub)titution of ten!nc"?in common for Aoint
ten!nc" i) one of the mo)t import!nt fe!ture) in the Bill# . 'elcome thi) provi)ion# But thi)
p!rt of the l!' !&!in h!) been fr!med from the p!tri!rch!l point of vie' onl"# $e!d !n"
cl!u)e under ;!rt =G1 !m not &oin& to trouble the Hou)e but . onl" 'i)h to brin& it to the
notice of the Hon# the 3!' 2ini)terGre!d !n" cl!u)e in p!rt = !nd "ou 'ill find th!t it i)
in!pplic!ble to the Marumakkattayam people5 thou&h the Hindu Code Bill i) intended to
!ppl" to them !l)o#
Cl!u)e) 8F5 87 !nd 88 'ill )ho' th!t none of them could be m!de !pplic!ble for the
ten!nc"?in?common bein& introduced into the Aoint f!milie) th!t e(i)t in 2!l!b!r#
7ith re)pect to inherit!nce5 . do not %no' 'h" mother )hould not be m!de !n heir !lon&
'ith )on !nd d!u&hter# Suppo)e ! m!n die)G )uppo)e . die# 2" n!tur!l love !nd !ffection
induce me to )ee m" mother 'ho h!) brou&ht me up !nd 'ho h!) t!%en intere)t in me !ll
throu&h m" life5 !n heir to m" propert"# Here 'h!t . find i) th!t the mother h!) been omitted
in Cl!u)e 1#
2" )econd compl!int i) 'h" the )on of ! predece!)ed )on or the )on of ! predece!)ed
)onB) )on ou&ht to be introduced in Cl!)) 1# He ou&ht to come in Cl!)) ..# .t i) revoltin& to u)
to m!%e them preferenti!l heir) in Cl!)) 1# .f "ou !)% !n"one in 2!l!b!r !) to 'hether he
'ould li%e hi) propert" to &o to hi) )onB) predece!)ed )onB) )on5 or hi) )onB) )on even5 or to
hi) )i)ter or )i)terB) children5 he 'ill cert!inl" )!" th!t even in preference to hi) brother it
)hould &o to hi) )i)ter !nd )i)terB) children# So . )!" th!t the r!n% &iven to )i)ter !nd her
children in Cl!)) .. of the Seventh Schedule ou&ht to be r!i)ed th!n 'h!t h!) been &iven
there# Si)ter !nd )i)terB) children come ver" lo' C in Schedule =..5 the" come onl" !fter )onB)
d!u&hterB) )on5 )onB) d!u&hter5 )onB) d!u&hterB) d!u&hter# .t i) !fter !ll the)e per)on) th!t 'e
find even brother !nd )i)ter !ppe!rin& !) heir)# . do not %no' 'h" promotion ou&ht not to be
&iven to brother !nd )i)ter 'ho 'ere born of the )!me 'omb# N!tur!l love !nd !ffection
)hould cert!inl" induce u) to &ive brother !nd )i)ter ! hi&her r!n% th!n 'h!t h!) been &iven
to them under the provi)ion) rel!tin& to inherit!nce#
A"t this stag! Mr. D!puty Sp!ak!r va'at!d th! &hair, whi'h was th!n o''upi!d by
Shrimati 1. Durgabai (on! of th! Pan!l of &hairm!n.B.
3oo%in& !t the 9ue)tion from !ll the)e point) of vie'5 it 'ill be )een th!t the 'hole Bill
h!) been loc%ed !t onl" from the l!' th!t i) prev!ilin& in the other p!rt) of the countr" th!n
2!l!b!rG'hich no doubt i) cert!inl" follo'ed b" the l!r&e)t number of peopleGbut the
m!tri!rch!l )")tem of l!' h!) not !t !ll been t!%en into con)ider!tion in fr!min& thi) Bill#
Therefore . feel th!t thi) Bill i) not )ufficientl" pro&re))ive either 'ith re)pect to the ri&ht) of
'omen5 'hich 'e !ll de)ire )o much to be &iven to them5 or from the &ener!l point of vie'#
7e !re ver" !n(iou) to be brou&ht 'ithin the )cope of thi) Bill# 7e do '!nt uniformit"# .
!m one of tho)e 'ho 'i)h5 !nd the people of m" p!rt of the countr" !l)o '!nt to )ee5 th!t
there i) one uniform l!' e(i)tin& for !ll the Hindu) in the countr"# But !t the )!me time it
)hould not be m!de )o revoltin& or m!de impo))ible for m" people to follo' the l!'5 or even
if the" do )o to do it 'ith ! cert!in !mount of reluct!nce# .t ou&ht to be m!de !ttr!ctive# 2"
)ubmi))ion i) th!t in fr!min& the l!' the m!tri!rch!l )")tem of l!' h!) !l)o to be t!%en into
con)ider!tion# . )ubmit th!t proper !mendment) mi&ht be introduced to !ttr!ct u) !l)o to
come 'ithin the )cope of the Bill# .f for !n" re!)on the t'o )")tem) !re )o diver&ent th!t it i)
impo))ible to introduce !mendment) in the Bill )o !) to !ttr!ct u) !l)o 'ithin the )cope of the
Bill5 m" !ppe!l to the Hou)e i) th!t 'e m!" be left !lone5 th!t 'e m!" be !llo'ed to follo'
our o'n l!' 'hich )t!nd) on ! hi&her footin& of love !nd !ffection th!n the Hindu Code Bill
th!t h!) no' been introduced in thi) Hou)e# Accordin& to me thi) Hindu Code Bill i) not !
)ecul!r me!)ure5 it i) not ! r!tion!l me!)ureC reli&ion )till perv!de) throu&hout the Bill# The
Bill ou&ht to be entirel" ! r!tion!l one# . 'ould h!ve h!d no obAection if the 'hole Bill h!d
been fr!med from ! n!tur!l outloo%5 !n outloo% entirel" divorced from reli&ion# .f ! Bill li%e
th!t i) introduced5 our people 'ould be too &l!d to follo' it# 7h!t 'e notice i) th!t the Bill
!) it i) fr!med no' i) reli&iou) )till to ! hi&h de&reeC thou&h it h!) been '!tered do'n5 it i)
not "et )ufficientl" )ecul!r# . donBt %no' 'h" in m!rri!&e5 !doption !nd inherit!nce5 reli&ion
ou&ht to intervene5 'h" the provi)ion) rel!tin& to them ou&ht not to be m!de more )ecul!r !)
the" prev!il tod!" in our p!rt of the countr"# There i) no re!)on 'h" 'e 'ho follo' ! )")tem
'hich h!) nothin& to do in !ll the)e mund!ne m!tter) 'ith reli&ion5 )hould be roped into thi)
Bill in 'hich reli&ion pl!") ! prominent p!rt#
2r# Chairman : There !re onl" ten minute) left# . '!nt to %no' if !n" of the 2ember)
'ill fini)h hi) )peech in ten minute)#
Some Honourable Members ros!
Shri Sita Ram S. 1ajoo (2!dh"! Bh!r!t) 4 2!d!m5 . 'ill fini)h m" )peech 'ithin ten
At the out)et . '!nt to m!%e it cle!r th!t . !m 'holehe!rtedl" in )upport of the pre)ent Hindu
Code Bill# .t i) 'ith ! he)it!nt he!rt th!t . !m )t!ndin& here bec!u)e . feel th!t !lmo)t !ll the
2ember) belon&in& to the older &ener!tion 'ere )pe!%in& !&!in)t the Hindu Code Bill# .
donBt ch!llen&e their he!rt)5 but )o f!r !) the Hindu Code Bill i) concerned their he!rt) )eem
to be older or )t!ler#
Shri M. Tirumala Rao: 2!" . )!" th!t l!die) of the older &ener!tion !l)o !re )upportin&
"ou 8
Shri Sita Ram S. 1ajoo: <e)5 bec!u)e the" !re pro&re))ive5 bec!u)e the" '!nt to
pro&re))# .n the 'ord) of m" friend 2r# @ri)hn! Ch!ndr! Sh!rm!5 the" !re more pro&re))ive
!nd &oin& for'!rd 'here!) the men !re &oin& b!c%'!rd# An" '!"5 . !m concerned 'ith the
Hindu Code Bill !) it )t!nd) tod!"#
2!d!m5 . 'ould not h!ve )po%en but for the f!ct th!t . c!n repre)ent the vie') of the
"oun&er &ener!tion here5 !nd . c!n confidentl" )!" th!t the "oun&er &ener!tion in the countr"
)t!nd) b" the Hindu Code# 2uch !do h!) been m!de !bout the f!ct th!t thi) Bill h!) not been
circul!ted for public opinion in the .ndi!n St!te)# . '!nt to )!" th!t there h!ve been m!n"
Bill) 'hich 'e h!ve p!))ed in thi) Hou)e5 but !t th!t time nobod" r!i)ed hi) little fin&er !nd
)!id th!t tho)e Bill) 'ere not circul!ted for elicitin& public opinion in the .ndi!n St!te)#
Some Honourable Members : But thi) i) )uch ! controver)i!l Bill#
Shri Sita Ram S. 1ajoo : There h!ve been )o m!n" controver)i!l Bill)# The 9ue)tion of
Sirohi '!) mo)t controver)i!l but the St!te) people 'ere not con)ulted on it#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt (Bomb!" St!te))4 2!d!m5 there '!) no Bill
connected 'ith Sirohi#
2r# Chairman : 2!" . re9ue)t hon# 2ember) to !llo' the )pe!%er to &o on
uniterrupted 8
Sardar Hukam Singh: .) it not for the elder) to correct if the "oun&er &ener!tion &oe)
!)tr!" 8
Shri Sita Ram S. 1ajoo : The" !re definitel" in their ri&ht) to control !nd &uide the
"oun&er &ener!tion5 but th!t mu)t be to'!rd) pro&re))5 it )hould not be ! retro&r!de )tep#
An Honourable Member : 0ur e(perience e(tend) upto 8, "e!r)#
Shri Sit! Ram S# >!Aoo 4 The e(perience of 8, "e!r) m!" be there C but the e(perience of
the *!ther of the N!tion5 2!h!tm! :!ndhi5 i) !l)o there# There !re volume) of boo%)
cont!inin& the !rticle) b" him from time to time in f!vour of the elev!tion of the Hindu
'omen# And )o f!r !) the Hindu Code i) concerned5 . h!ve he!rd from m!n" of the )t!unch
opponent) th!t the" 'onBt mind if the 'hole Code i) p!))ed e(ceptin& the provi)ion
re&!rdin& inherit!nce !nd the )h!rin& 'ith d!u&hter) !nd )i)ter)# .t h!) been oppo)ed mo)tl"
b" the communit"5 to 'hich . !l)o belon&5 the 2!r'!ri communit"# But )!" th!t the 2!r'!ri
"outh) !re for the Hindu Code Bill# .f 'e )!" th!t the older people !re there !nd their
e(perience i) there5 2!h!tm! :!ndhi in hi) !utobio&r!ph" h!) 'ritten th!t it i) ! mo)t
piti!ble )i&ht to )ee the Hindu 'ife##
Pandit Mukut Bihari Lal Bhargava : <ou c!nBt e(ploit 2!h!tm! :!ndhiB) n!me#
Shri Sit! Ram S# >!Aoo4 ;erh!p) "ou mi&ht h!ve e(ploited hi) n!me much more th!n
'h!t . h!ve done# . h!ve Au)t )t!rted m" life !nd . h!d no opportunit" of )'e!rin& b" the
2!h!tm!B) n!me 'here!) !mon& people 'ho !re old !nd 'ho h!ve &ot &re" h!ir there mi&ht
be )ome 'ho mi&ht h!ve e(ploited hi) n!me hundred) of time)#
2!d!m5 2!h!tm! :!ndhi 'rite) th!t )o f!r !) the po)ition of Hindu 'ive) i) concerned5
it i) mo)t piti!ble# He )!") th!t if the m!)ter i) !nno"ed 'ith ! )erv!nt5 the )erv!nt m!" le!ve
hi) m!)ter5 if one i) !nno"ed 'ith oneB) f!ther he c!nBt dem!nd p!rtition5 if ! f!ther i)
!nno"ed 'ith hi) )on he c!n !)% him to &et out5 but )o f!r !) the Hindu 'ive) !re concerned
the" c!nnot &o !n"'here# .f th!t '!) the c!)e 'ith @!)turb! !t the h!nd) of the 2!h!tm!5
'h!t 'ould be the po)ition of 'omen !t the h!nd) of ordin!r" hum!n bein&) li%e u) 8
So f!r !) the Con)titution i) concerned5 'e h!ve !&reed th!t there i) e9u!lit" of )e(5 but
here 'e !re !fr!id of &r!ntin& th!t e9u!lit" to our 'omen fol%5 to our )i)ter) !nd d!u&hter)#
<ou c!n !dopt ! bo" from ! f!mil" )impl" bec!u)e he !l)o h!ppen) to h!ve the )!me 1otra
or the )!me )urn!me5 but "ou !re not prep!red to toler!te "our o'n d!u&hter or "our blood
)i)ter )impl" bec!u)e )he h!ppen) to be ! fem!le# Th!t i) the po)ition#
2uch !do h!) been m!de !bout the Bill b" )!"in& th!t it i) !n in)ult on the Hindu
reli&ion# . '!nt to !)% thi) of m" friend)# The Hindu reli&ion i) ver" !dAu)tin& !nd
!ccommod!tin&# .t h!) !dopted it)elf to ch!n&in& circum)t!nce) from time) immemori!l# The
ver" f!ct th!t there !re 1D7 or 1D8 Smritis i) evident to thi) )t!tement# .f there '!) ! fi(ed l!'
!nd no ch!n&e )u&&e)ted or e(pected in the Hindu l!'5 then 'h" !re there 1D8 Smritis D And
'h" 'e c!nnot h!ve one more Smriti, codif" !nd h!ve ! ne' Hindu l!' 8 7e c!n h!ve in it
!ll the &ood thin&) of tho)e Smritis to&ether 'ith !ll the &ood thin&) 'hich the modern time)
!nd the )cientific development) !nd the )oci!l pro&re)) dem!nd# 7h!t i) the h!rm if 'e
codif" !ll the)e into one l!' 8 The ver" 'ord Smriti indic!te) 'h!tever i) 'ritten from
memor"5 the 'ord Shruti indic!te) 'h!tever i) he!rd !nd 'ritten#
.t i) no'here )t!ted th!t the" 'ere 'ritten b" ! p!rticul!r 9ishi or ! p!rticul!r Muni. So5 .
donBt thin% there )hould be !n" he)it!tion in h!vin& thi) Code nor )hould !n"bod" feel th!t
hi) con)cience 'ill be %illed if thi) Hindu Code i) en!cted# 7e h!ve !l'!") been )pe!%in&
from the politic!l pl!tform !bout freedom# ;olitic!l freedom h!) been !chieved# 7e h!ve
!chieved independence but 'e h!ve !l)o to )ee th!t the )oci!l evolution of the countr" !l)o
t!%e) pl!ce# .f 'e '!nt the )oci!l order to ch!n&e5 . )!" thi) i) the time for it# 7e h!ve to
prove it b" our !ction)5 not b" 'ord)# 7e mu)t )ee th!t the 'hole )oci!l order i) ch!n&ed# A)
re&!rd) reform5 . m!" )!" th!t even the l!te $!A! $!m 2oh!n $o" h!d to f!ce oppo)ition5
m!n" other reformer) h!d to meet 'ith oppo)ition5 )ome of them died !n unn!tur!l de!th !t
the h!nd) of their opponent) 'hom the" '!nted to help5 'hom the" '!nted to elev!te !nd to
'hom the" '!nted to brin& )!lv!tion# Here 'e h!ve &ot our le!der) 'ho !re cert!inl" 'ith
u)# After the ;rime mini)terB) )peech on the openin& d!" of the )e))ion5 . donBt thin% there i)
!n"thin& for !r&uin& here or for fi&htin& over thi) i))ue 'hen he )!id th!t he '!) for the
&re!te)t common me!)ure of !&reement if it could be !rrived !t# .f 'e !re prep!red to h!ve !
compromi)e 'ith other) then . feel thi) 'ill not become ! pro&re))ive me!)ure5 it 'ill lo)e it)
ch!rm# But )till . h!ve more f!ith in the 'i)dom of our ;rime 2ini)ter# . feel he i) much
more 'i)e th!n . c!n be or m" "oun& friend) c!n be# . h!ve f!ith in him# .f he '!nt)
compromi)e5 or if the :overnment '!nt) compromi)e5 let there be compromi)e5 but )o f!r !)
"oun& people !re concerned5 'e do not li%e the compromi)e# But 'e cert!inl" h!ve f!ith in
our le!der) !nd 'e )h!ll obe" their comm!nd)#
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: But none of them !re here#
Shri Sita Ram S. 1ajoo: .f the" !re not here5 the Hon# r# Ambed%!r i) here# He i) the
)pon)or of the Bill !nd he i) doin& it on beh!lf of the :overnment# .t i) no u)e cur)in& thi)
:overnment# After !ll5 if 'e &o into the hi)tor" of thi) Bill5 'e 'ill )ee th!t it '!) brou&ht b"
our predece))or :overnment #### (0nt!rruption..
2!d!m5 . 'ould li%e to )pe!% for !bout ten minute) more5 bec!u)e there h!ve been
interruption)# .f "ou )o de)ire5 . m!" continue tomorro'# . 'ill not t!%e more th!n ten
2r# Chairman : The hon# 2ember i) re9ue)ted to clo)e hi) )peech5 bec!u)e he h!)
!))ured me th!t he 'ill t!%e onl" ten minute)#
Shri Sit! Ram S# >!Aoo4 But "ou 'ill !ppreci!te m" difficult"5 2!d!m# . h!ve been
interrupted )o much# . 'ould li%e to )pe!% for ten minute) more tomorro'5 if "ou do not
2r# Chairman 4 2!" . %no' 'hether the hon# 2ember c!n fini)h hi) )peech 'ithin three
minute) more# . 'ill &ive him minute) three no'#
Shri Sita Ram S. 1ajoo: . %no'# 2!d!m5 . h!ve &iven !n !))ur!nce# .f "ou 'i)h5 . m!"
)it do'n Au)t no'# But . th!n% "ou for &ivin& me three minute) more#
No'5 . '!) )!"in& th!t r# Ambed%!r i) here# He 'ill cert!inl" conve" our vie')# He i)
in ch!r&e of the Bill# .t i) no u)e cur)in& !nd bl!min& the pre)ent :overnment# After !ll5 if
'e )ee the hi)tor" of thi) Bill5 thi) Bill '!) brou&ht b" our predece))or :overnmentG !
forei&n &overnment# At th!t time5 'e did not h!ve the &ut) to fi&ht it# 7henever )oci!l
me!)ure) 'ere brou&ht for'!rd b" the forei&n &overnment####
An Honourable Member: onBt 'orr" !bout hi)tor"#
Shri Sita Ram S. 1ajoo 4 . h!ve to loo% into the hi)tor" cert!inl"5 but let me proceed 'ith
m" )peech Au)t no'# 7hen the Briti)h :overnment brou&ht cert!in me!)ure) 'hich !ffected
the Hindu l!'5 'e !ccepted them !t th!t time5 bec!u)e the" did not touch the pur)e) of the
mone"ed peopleGthe c!pit!li)t)# Here 'e feel the pinch5 bec!u)e it touche) our poc%et)# 7e
m!le member) of thi) Hou)e !re in ! hu&e m!Aorit"# . do not 'i)h th!t the t"r!nn" of the
m!Aorit" m!" be impo)ed on the minorit"5 the fem!le member) of thi) Hou)e# The l!die) in
the countr" in &ener!l !re illiter!teC )o 'e )hould not e(ploit them# A bi& tir!de of
prop!&!nd! i) bein& c!rried on th!t thi) Bill !im) onl" !t one thin& !nd th!t thin& i) divorce#
All l!die) !re per)u!ded or di))u!ded or influenced or c!nv!))ed b" tellin& them th!t their
hu)b!nd) !re &oin& to divorce them !fter the Hindu Code i) p!))ed# Thi) %ind of
mi)interpret!tion of the provi)ion) of the Hindu Code i) &oin& on# . '!nt to tell !ll the)e
people th!t there 'ill h!rdl" be ! )in&le m!n 'ho 'ould li%e to divorce unnece))!ril" C
)imil!rl"5 there 'ould h!rdl" be ! )in&le Hindu 'ife 'ho 'ould li%e to divorce
unnece))!ril"# There i) enou&h &ood re!)on !nd )en)e in the court)5 !nd the Audici!r" 'ill
definitel" loo% into the 'hole c!)e !nd )ee th!t Au)tice i) meted out# Thi) i) !ll . h!ve to )!"#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till a 3uart!r to -l!v!n of th! &lo'k on u!sday, th! 4Gth
D!'!mb!r, 4676.
H.N/ C01G'ontd.
2r# Deputy Speaker: The Hou)e 'ill no' proceed 'ith the further con)ider!tion of the
Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of Hindu l!'#
Shri Alladi Krishnaswami A""!r (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 before de!lin& 'ith the
different !)pect) of the Bill !) it emer&ed from the Select Committee5 . )hould li%e 'ith "our
le!ve to m!%e ! fe' &ener!l ob)erv!tion)# . m!" !t once )!" th!t . do not belon& to the )chool
'hich i) !&!in)t !n" le&i)l!tive interference or ch!n&e in m!tter) of Hindu 3!'# 3!' b" it)
ver" n!ture c!nnot be )t!ticC it mu)t %eep p!ce 'ith the pro&re))ive tendencie) of the !&e5 if it
i) to be !n in)trument !nd me!)ure of )oci!l pro&re))# 0ur !ncient) 'ere 9uite !live to thi)
function of l!' in )ociet"# The Smritis !) 'ell !) the &re!t comment!rie) on the Smritis, be!r
elo9uent te)timon" to thi) function of l!' in )ociet" !nd the need for ch!n&e) from time to
time# The comment!rie) 'hich !re tre!ted !) !uthorit!tive interpret!tion) of l!' in different
p!rt) of the countr" merel" &ive concrete e(pre))ion to the )oci!l tendencie) !t 'or% !t !
&iven time5 but in the modem !&e 'ith dul" con)tituted 3e&i)l!ture) functionin&5 no Auri)t
coun)el c!n effect ! ch!n&e in the l!' b" ! mere proce)) of interpret!tion# Thi) function to
)ome e(tent but 'ithin ! limited )phere h!) been di)ch!r&ed b" the Court)5 the hi&he)t
tribun!l) in .ndi! !nd the >udici!l Committee of the ;riv" Council5 durin& the l!)t one
hundred "e!r) or )o# .t i) not5 ho'ever5 the norm!l function of Court) to effect ! ch!n&e in
the l!' but onl" to interpret the l!' thou&h in the proce)) of interpret!tion it m!" effect
imperceptible ch!n&e) b" di)tin&ui)hin& or e(tr!ctin& principle) from previou) deci)ion) or
from Hindu l!' te(t)#
But b" it) ver" n!ture5 Audici!l function i) re)tricted in it) oper!tion# .t c!nnot be &!in)!id
th!t there i) !l)o ! d!n&er in the >ud&e con)ciou)l" or uncon)ciou)l" !))umin& the role of !
le&i)l!tor# A p!rticul!r >ud&e or ! Bench mi&ht !ppro!ch the con)ider!tion of ! 9ue)tion from
! con)erv!tive or orthodo( point of vie'5 !nother >ud&e mi&ht utili)e hi) Audici!l function for
!n" pet theme of )oci!l reform# The Aud&ment) of the hi&he)t tribun!l) in thi) countr" !) 'ell
!) tho)e of the >udici!l Committee of the ;riv" Council durin& it) lon& !))oci!tion 'ith
.ndi!5 be!r 'itne)) to the !bove )t!tement# At the )!me time5 there i) no &!in)!"in& the f!ct
th!t the deci)ion) of Court) to ! l!r&e e(tent h!ve prep!red the &round for le&i)l!tive
intervention# 7hile thi) need for le&i)l!tive intervention i) !pp!rent5 thi) A))embl" in
undert!%in& !n" le&i)l!tion of thi) %ind c!nnot !lto&ether i&nore cert!in rooted conception) in
re&!rd to m!rri!&e5 f!mil" l!' !nd ri&ht) of )ucce))ion# Ch!n&e i) inevit!ble !nd i) p!ir of
the or&!nic l!' of )ociet"5 but ch!n&e doe) not me!n )tri%in& !t the root) or found!tion) of
Be!rin& !ll the)e !)pect) of l!' reform in mind5 . )hould li%e thi) Hou)e to !ppro!ch the
con)ider!tion of thi) Bill# There i) no )ubAect in 'hich ever" m!n !nd 'om!n in thi) countr"
i) intere)ted more th!n the Bill no' under con)ider!tion b" the Hou)e# Th!t m!%e) it !ll the
more incumbent upon e!ch one of u)5 ho'ever hi&hl" circum)t!nced or lo'l" circum)t!nced5
to toler!te difference of vie') !nd to brin& to be!r ! cool !nd di)p!))ion!te Aud&ment in the
l!r&er intere)t) of the 'ell bein& of the people of thi) countr"# .n th!t )en)e !nd to th!t e(tent
thi) c!nnot be tre!ted purel" !) ! ;!rt" me!)ure or !) ! m!tter of confidence#
*ir)t5 'ith "our le!ve# Sir5 . )h!ll t!%e the Ch!pter rel!tin& to m!rri!&e !nd divorce#
7hile de!lin& 'ith thi) Ch!pter5 it i) 'ell to remember th!t !lre!d" &re!t inro!d) h!ve been
m!de into the m!rri!&e l!' b" the v!riou) Act) of the .ndi!n 3e&i)l!ture# The l!te)t of )uch
Act) '!) the Hindu 2!rri!&e (i)!bilitie) $emov!l) Act of 194F (Act HH=... of 194F) b"
'hich it h!) been en!cted th!t ! m!rri!&e )h!ll not be inv!lid b" re!)on onl" of the f!ct th!t
the p!rtie) thereto belon& to the )!me 1otra or Pravara or belon& to different c!)te) or
)ubdivi)ion) of c!)te)# The 2!dr!) 3e&i)l!ture ?h!) recentl" m!de mono&!m" compul)or"
!nd )ome of the ;rovinci!l 3e&i)l!ture) h!ve !lre!d" m!de provi)ion) for divorce# A ch!n&e
h!) !l)o been m!de in re&!rd to the l!' rel!tin& to the !&e of con)ent to m!rri!&e# .f 'e
!ppro!ch the con)ider!tion of the ?Bill from thi) point of vie'5 the ch!n&e) effected in the
Bill !re b" no me!n) )o revolution!r" !) the" m!" )eem !) fir)t )i&ht# The )ub)t!nti!l
ch!n&e) in the provi)ion) of the ori&in!l Bill !) pointed out b" )ome 2ember) of the Select
Committee rel!te to the incorpor!tion of cert!in provi)ion) rel!tin& to re)titution of conAu&!l
ri&ht)5 Audici!l )ep!r!tion5 !limon"5 cu)tod" of children5 Auri)diction !nd procedure of Court)#
7hile on the provi)ion) of the Bill5 . )hould li%e to mention one import!nt point# The
di)tinction )ou&ht to be m!de bet'een )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e !nd civil m!rri!&e i) more
!pp!rent th!n re!l# .t i) difficult to follo' the provi)ion) of the Bill in thi) re)pect5 bec!u)e .
find th!t in re&!rd to divorce5 in re&!rd to re)titution of conAu&!l ri&ht)5 in re&!rd to ri&ht of
m!inten!nce !nd obli&!tion) of the m!rri!&e the provi)ion) !re e(!ctl" the )!me both in
re&!rd to 'h!t i) termed 6 Civil 2!rri!&e 6 under the provi)ion) of the Bill !nd 'h!t i)
termed 6 S!cr!ment!l 2!rri!&e 6# The Bill introduce) ! di)tinction bet'een 'h!t i) c!lled 6
prohibited de&ree) 6 !nd other %ind) of di)9u!lific!tion) in re&!rd to )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e# .n
re&!rd to )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e5 provi)ion i) m!de th!t sapinda rel!tion)hip !) defined in the
Bill 'ill be ! &round for di)9u!lific!tion5 'here!) in the c!)e of 'h!t i) c!lled ! 6 Civil
2!rri!&e 6 it i) onl" prohibited de&ree) th!t !re m!de ! &round for the m!rri!&e not bein&
effective# At the )!me time5 . !m un!ble to follo' the met!morpho)i) provided for in the Bill
th!t even if the p!rtie) &o throu&h ! )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e5 it i) open to either of the )pou)e)
to convert it into 'h!t i) c!lled ! 6 civil m!rri!&e6 under the provi)ion) of the Bill# .f re!ll"
thi) di)tinction )erve) !n" purpo)e !t !ll i) ! point 'hich m!" be con)idered b" the Hon# the
3!' 2ini)ter before the fin!l p!))in& of the Bill#
There i) no di)tinction in re&!rd to the ri&ht) of off)prin&5 ri&ht) of inherit!nce5 the
obli&!tion) bet'een the )pou)e) !nd in ever" other m!tter# The po)ition i) e(!ctl" the )!me
in re&!rd to ! civil m!rri!&e !) in re&!rd to ! )!cr!ment!l# ;o))ibl"5 the ide! i) to )!ti)f" the
)entiment) of )ome p!rtie) b" m!%in& )ome provi)ion for 'h!t i) c!lled 6 )!cr!ment!l
m!rri!&e 6# .f th!t i) the re!l obAect5 then "ou ou&ht not to m!%e ! provi)ion for !n e!)"
ch!n&e of )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e into ! civil m!rri!&e !t ! l!ter )t!&e# 1ither h!ve the one or
the other# .f5 for e(!mple5 "ou '!nt to dr!' ! di)tinction bet'een )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e !nd
civil m!rri!&e5 h!ve it C let it be 9uite cle!r !nd definite 4 Norm!ll"5 cert!in ceremonie) !re
indi)pen)!ble for )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e# Cert!in form!litie) need not be &one throu&h in the
c!)e of 'h!t i) c!lled 6 civil m!rri!&e 6# *rom the point of vie' of ! pure l!'"er5 . f!il to )ee
!n" re!l di)tinction bet'een ! civil m!rri!&e !nd ! )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e under the provi)ion)
of thi) Bill# . do not &o to !n" root ide!) of the Bill5 but . merel" pl!ce it for the con)ider!tion
of the Hon# the 3!' 2ini)ter#
Then !&!in 'ith re&!rd to prohibited de&re)) of rel!tion)hip5 modem eu&enic) i) !&!in)t
the ide! of people rel!ted to one !nother m!rr"in&# At !n" r!te5 there i) ! l!r&e bod" of
opinion in f!vour of thi) doctrine# /nder tho)e circum)t!nce)5 !re 'e !dv!ncin& or !re 'e
ret!rdin& pro&re)) )o f!r !) thi) provi)ion i) concerned 8 At le!)t )o f!r !) thi) p!rt i)
concerned5 . thin% our !ncient) !nticip!ted modern ide!) in prohibitin& cert!in people from
m!rr"in&# . !)% "ou4 'h" t!%e retro&r!de )tep in the n!me of pro&re)) !nd in the n!me of
!dv!nced ide!) !nd civili)!tion 8 . cert!inl" re!li)e th!t there need not be !n" prohibition in
re&!rd to di)t!nt sapinda or people 'ho h!ve the )!me pravara or the )!me gotra. But th!t
)t!nd) on ! different footin& !lto&ether# 7here there i) ne!r rel!tion)hip5 'h" rel!( the rule 8
. h!ve been recentl" re!din& in ne')p!per) !nd periodic!l) ! &ood de!l of di)cu))ion !) to
the !dvi)!bilit" of ne!r rel!tion) m!rr"in& one !nother# Thi) i) one !)pect 'hich . %no' the
Hon# the 3!' 2ini)ter5 !) ! )tudent of )cience !nd of hi)tor"5 'ill cert!inl" con)ider# Thi) i)
oppo)ed to the reli&iou) )entiment) of the people# .f )cientific ide!)5 if reli&iou)
con)ider!tion)5 if )entiment) of the people h!ve !ll to be t!%en into con)ider!tion5 then there
i) no point in rel!(in& th!t rule# .t i) not5 of cour)e5 con)i)tent 'ith the 'ell bein& of the
)ociet"# .f in the intere)t) of the future &ener!tion5 if in the intere)t) of the 'ell bein& of our
people5 if in the intere)t) of the pro&re)) of the r!ce5 "ou mu)t promote m!rri!&e) bet'een
ne!r rel!tion)5 b" !ll me!n) do )o# 3et u) t!%e ! bold )t!ndC let u) t!%e ! cle!r )t!ndC let u)
t!%e ! determined )t!nd in re&!rd th!t m!tter# . do not '!nt !n" )hill"?)h!ll"in& in re&!rd to
'h!t m!" be re&!rded !) ! 9ue)tion of fund!ment!l principle# 1ither !dopt the !ncient
principle or !dopt ! more r!tion!l or modern principle !ccordin& to "our ide!)# But
per)on!ll"5 . 'ould ver" much prefer the old rule bein& ret!ined# 3et me be 9uite cle!r# .n
re&!rd to p!rticul!r communitie) 'here5 for e(!mple5 cert!in cu)tom) h!ve been prev!lent in
)ome p!rt) of .ndi!5 "ou h!ve !lre!d" provided for it in !nother cl!u)e# But the &ener!l rule
)hould be to prohibit m!rri!&e bet'een sapindas. .n thi) re)pect5 the move i) not in the ri&ht
7ith re&!rd to the l!' of divorce5 in tr"in& to brin& !bout ! uniformit" of l!' there i) no
point5 !) Sir Te% Ch!nd h!) pointed out in hi) memo5 in impo)in& )peci!l re)triction) upon
communitie) !nd cl!))e) of people !mon& 'hom re)triction) do not obt!in !t pre)ent# . %no'
th!t in p!rt) of South .ndi! divorce b" mutu!l con)ent in the pre)ence of the vill!&e he!dm!n
or the ;!nch!"!t i) )till prev!lent !) in other p!rt) of North .ndi!# After !ll5 it loo%) !) if
divorce i) to be the e))ence of the l!' of m!rri!&e !ccordin& to ! cert!in )chool# But mu)t
"ou thin% of divorce before "ou thin% of the m!rri!&e 8 .f th!t i) the runnin& ide! !nd if "ou
'!nt to &ive encour!&ement or !t !n" r!te provide !n e!)" divorce5 'h" provide for l!'
court)5 divorce court)5 !n !ppe!l court 'ith three Aud&e) )ittin&5 etc# 'hen the communitie)
!ffected h!ve &ot h!rdl" enou&h to e!t8 . )hould thin% th!t i) not ! move in the ri&ht
direction# .n )o f!r !) !n" divorce i) permitted !ccordin& to the cu)tom of the communit" in
p!rticul!r c!)te)5 it )hould continue C but in the intere)t) of uniformit" "ou need not m!%e the
divorce more e(pen)ive# .t 'ould cert!inl" benefit m" profe))ion !nd . !m not !t !ll !&!in)t
it# But . %no' m" hon# friend r# Ambed%!r ver" 'ell !nd . h!ve no doubt he 'ill con)ider
!ll the !)pect) of the 9ue)tion before comin& to ! conclu)ion on thi) p!rticul!r 9ue)tion#
.n re&!rd to Audici!l )ep!r!tion5 . rec!ll to mind ! ver" intere)tin& deb!te in the Hou)e of
3ord) )ome "e!r) !&o in 'hich 3ord Bir%enhe!d too% p!rt# =er" eminent l!'"er) !nd )ome
of the &re!te)t Auri)t) of the d!" too% p!rt in the deb!te# There '!) ! cert!in )ection of the
people 'ho too% ! )tron& vie' to the effect th!t Audici!l )ep!r!tion i) !nother n!me for
le&!li)in& concubin!&e# . 'ould r!ther prefer ! cle!n c!)e of divorce to thi) Audici!l
)ep!r!tion continuin&# .f it i) ! 9ue)tion of providin& m!inten!nce5 if it i) ! 9ue)tion of )eein&
th!t the obli&!tion) !re di)ch!r&ed th!t the 'ife i) not )t!rved or th!t "ou do not di)ch!r&e
"our m!rit!l obli&!tion5 'hile continuin& to be m!n !nd 'ife5 provi)ion i) m!de in the Bill in
re&!rd to th!t#
7h" !ll the)e complic!ted provi)ion) of the 1n&li)h l!' in re&!rd to !limon"5 in re&!rd
to Audici!l )ep!r!tion5 in re&!rd to divorce !nd re)titution of conAu&!l ri&ht) 8 .) it nece))!r"
to h!ve )o m!n" det!iled !nd complic!ted provi)ion) i) ! point 'hich i) 'orth con)ider!tion#
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 The" !re nece))!r" in the
intere)t) of the pro&re)) of the countr"#
Shri Alladi Krishnaswami A""!r4 . !m not &ivin& one vie' or the other in re&!rd to
th!t# <ou m!" h!ve "our decided vie') on th!t m!tter# But . h!ve no decided vie') on the
Therefore5 . thin% 'e h!ve to t!%e the modem trend) of thou&ht into con)ider!tion !nd
not merel" &o upon !nti9u!ted ide!) prev!ilin& in 1n&l!nd# 1ven in 1n&l!nd 'ithin the
recent "e!r) there h!) been ! &re!t ch!n&e of opinion in re&!rd to m!rri!&e l!'5 !lthou&h
ever" !)pect of it h!) not found ! pl!ce in the St!tute Boo% of 1n&l!nd# Therefore5 in)te!d of
merel" cop"in& the 1n&li)h precedent let u) )ee if it i) po))ible to m!%e !n" ch!n&e)#
So f!r !) the &ener!l principle of it i) concerned5 . do not thin% th!t the Bill i) dr!)tic !t
!ll in re&!rd to divorce or other m!tter#
7h!tever difficultie) !nd comple(itie) h!ve !ri)en !re due to ! &enuine !ttempt to
h!rmoni)e the t'o oppo)in& vie')Gon the one h!nd the !ncient ide! th!t m!rri!&e c!nnot be
e!)il" )evered !nd on the other the modem ide!) 'hich dem!nd )ep!r!tion under cert!in
circum)t!nce)# The problem no' i) ho' to brin& !bout ! )"nthe)i) bet'een the t'o oppo)in&
vie')# 3et u) !ppro!ch the con)ider!tion of thi) problem 'ith ! cert!in !mount of coolne))
!nd 'ith !n !ttempt to under)t!nd one !nother# 7e c!nnot )top the current5 'h!tever mi&ht
be our vie')# . belon& to ! ver" con)erv!tive !nd ver" orthodo( f!mil"# . !m one of tho)e
'ho believe )till in Shradhas. . !tt!ch con)ider!ble import!nce to m" f!mil" home !nd .
believe5 to )ome e(tent5 in the !ncient vie' of life# But . c!nnot !t the )!me time i&nore the
pre)ent d!" tendenc"# 2" )on) m!" not be Au)t li%e m")elf !nd m" &r!nd)on) much le)) li%e
m")elf# /nder tho)e circum)t!nce)5 thou&h m" life i) rooted in the p!)t5 to ! ver" &re!t e(tent
l!min! po)ition to !ppreci!te modern tendenc"# Therefore5 t!%in& !ll the)e f!ctor) into
con)ider!tion let u) !ppro!ch the con)ider!tion of thi) me!)ure# .f re!ll" "ou believe in
)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e5 thi) method of convertin& )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e e!)il" into ! civil
m!rri!&e5 )omeho' doe) not !ppe!l to me# Th!t i) m" vie'# 1ither h!ve )!cr!ment!l
m!rri!&e or do not h!ve it !t !ll# H!ve p!rticul!r &round) of divorce for )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e
!nd p!rticul!r &round) of divorce for civil m!rri!&e# Someho' . c!nnot reconcile m")elf to
the ide! of mi(in& up the t'o#
No'5 . )h!ll t!%e up the ch!pter on !doption# The ch!pter on !doption doe) not c!ll for
!n" det!iled con)ider!tion# 7hile the m!in principle in re&!rd to the l!' of !doption l!id
do'n b" the Audici!l deci)ion) be!rin& upon the )ubAect h!ve been %ept in vie'5 nece))!r"
ch!n&e) h!ve been effected !) ! con)e9uence of ch!n&e) in the l!' !) to m!rri!&e bet'een
per)on) belon&in& to different c!)te)# There i) no point in concedin& the ri&ht) of inherit!nce
to the off)prin& of )uch m!rri!&e) !nd ret!inin& !ncient rule) !) to the eli&ibilit" of ! bo" for
!doption b!)ed upon the l!' of m!rri!&e !) ! condition precedent for the v!lidit" of !doption
in p!rticul!r c!)te) !nd p!rticul!r circum)t!nce)# The )imple rule !) to &ivin& !nd receivin&
h!) !ccordin&l" been !dopted for ! v!lid !doption in the Bill# The propert" ri&ht) h!ve been
re&ul!ted 'ith ! vie' to !void liti&!tion bet'een !doptive mother !nd the bo" to be !dopted#
A provi)ion h!) been in)erted for preventin& the dive)tin& of e)t!te) 'hich 'ill h!ve the
effect of puttin& !n end to intermin!ble liti&!tion 'hich h!) been the )peci!l fe!ture of l!'
rel!tin& to !doption be&innin& from Bhub!n 2o"eeB) c!)e# The l!' h!) !l)o been )implified
in re&!rd to the need for !n" !uthorit" to !dopt !) ! condition for the v!lidit" of !doption
follo'in& the m!in principle) of 2!"u%h! 3!'# 0n the 'hole5 it m!" be cl!imed th!t there i)
ever"thin& in the ch!pter on !doption to commend it for the f!vour!ble con)ider!tion of thi)
Hou)e# The need for !n e(pre)) !uthorit" from the hu)b!nd for the v!lidit" of !doption5 the
re)triction of the )cope !nd the term) of the !uthorit" conferred b" the hu)b!nd5 the free
con)ent of the ne!re)t sapindas 'ho !re mo)t intere)ted in di)putin& the !doption !nd bein& !
)ub)titute for the !uthorit" of the hu)b!nd !nd the rel!tive cl!im) of the )enior !nd Aunior
'ido'5 the limit) th!t ou&ht to be pl!ced upon the e(erci)e of the po'er to !dopt h!ve been
fruitful )ource of liti&!tion in Briti)h .ndi!n Court)# The Bill5 . h!ve no doubt5 h!)
con)ider!bl" )implified the l!' !) to !doption !nd the ri&ht) of the !dopted )on# 0n the
'hole5 . )hould thin% there c!n be m!rri!&e bet'een different communitie)G it h!) become
p!rt of the ch!pter on !doption5 bec!u)e 'hen once "ou !&ree to the principle th!t there c!n
be m!rri!&e bet'een different communitie)Git h!) become p!rt of the l!'G!ll the)e
re)triction) 'hich h!ve been obt!inin& in re&!rd to the eli&ibilit" of the bo" to be !dopted
mu)t nece))!ril" &o# 7hen gotra h!) di)!ppe!red5 ho' c!n sagotra be ! 9u!lific!tion for
!doption 8 Therefore5 in the intere)t) of )implicit" !nd of lo&ic5 'e h!ve nece))!ril" to )ee
th!t &ivin& !nd t!%in& !re enou&hC 'e h!ve to reconcile our)elve) to thi) )itu!tion# H!vin&
t!%en the fir)t )tep5 "ou c!nnot )top !t the )econd )tep# The 3e&i)l!ture here h!) !lre!d" t!%en
the fir)t )tep# Therefore5 there i) no u)e fi&htin& )h" of the ne(t )tep# /nder tho)e
circum)t!nce)5 . 'ould commend for the f!vour!ble con)ider!tion of the Hou)e the Ch!pter
on Adoption#
. !m Au)t comin& to the other p!rt) of the Bill 'here . differ from the 2ember) of the
Select Committee# .n de!lin& 'ith the in)titution of Aoint f!mil"5 the problem) of .ndi!n
!&riculture !nd it) future !nd the po)ition of m!n" tr!din& f!cilitie) belon&in& to
communitie) 'hich h!ve tr!de or bu)ine)) !) their princip!l !voc!tion mu)t nece))!ril" form
!n import!nt f!ctor# An"one 'ho i) in touch 'ith condition) of vill!&e life in .ndi! %no')
th!t p!rticul!r f!milie) h!ve lon& been in po))e))ion of p!rticul!r l!nd) from &ener!tion to
&ener!tion5 th!t bein& the m!in re!)on !))i&ned for concedin& occup!nc" ri&ht) to ten!nc"
f!milie) 'ho h!ve been cultiv!tin& the l!nd for ! lon& time# Here . mu)t )!" th!t . r!dic!ll"
differ from m" re)pected friend5 2r# S!nth!n!m5 in re&!rd to 'h!t he )!id !bout vill!&e life
in .ndi!# .t i) not correct to )!" th!t the Aoint f!mil" i) bre!%in& up# . !l)o cl!im to be in
touch 'ith vill!&e life in .ndi!# . !m ! vill!&er m")elf5 thou&h . h!ve )pent !bout fort" "e!r)
in the Cit" of 2!dr!)# H!rdl" h!) there been !n" "e!r in the)e fort" "e!r) in 'hich . did not
)pend !t le!)t ! month in ! vill!&e# . )pend ! &ood p!rt of Chri)tm!) !nd the )ummer v!c!tion
in the vill!&e) !nd 'ith the people of the vill!&e)# Therefore5 . cl!im to %no' )omethin& of
vill!&e life in .ndi!5 !t le!)t vill!&e life in 2!dr!)5 thou&h . %no' ver" little of vill!&e life in
other p!rt) of .ndi! e(ceptin& throu&h the medium of boo%) !nd vill!&e m!nu!l)# Therefore5 .
'holl" di)!&ree 'ith the )t!tement th!t )o f!r !t !n" r!te the vill!&e) of .ndi! !re concerned5
the Aoint f!mil" life i) bre!%in& up# At the )!me time5 . cert!inl" !&ree 'ith m" friend5 2r#
S!nth!n!m5 in thi)5 vi8., th!t )o f!r !) 'h!t m!" be c!lled coll!ter!l br!nche) !re concerned5
!fter the fir)t &ener!tion5 there i) ! tendenc" for the Aoint f!mil" to bre!% up# .n the fir)t
&ener!tion there i) no bre!%in& up5 cert!inl" not durin& the life?time of the f!ther# .f there i)
!n" bre!%in& up5 it &ener!ll" i) !fter the children of the f!ther p!)) !'!" !nd childrenB)
children come into their o'n# Therefore5 "ou mu)t t!%e the e(i)tin& )t!te of thin&) into
con)ider!tion in)te!d of proceedin& merel" on theor"# . m")elf h!ve been ! member of ! Aoint
f!mil" till recentl" !nd . )till believe in the ide!l) of ! Aoint f!mil" life# . cert!inl" thin% th!t
in cert!in !)pect) of life in re&!rd to educ!tion for e(!mple5 the Aoint f!mil" )")tem h!) done
! &ood turn# 2!n" ! poor brother h!) )t!rved him)elf in order to educ!te hi) brother) C m!n"
!n uncle h!) )t!rved him)elf in order to educ!te hi) nephe')# A )ort of 9u!lified Soci!li)m
h!) e(i)ted in the Aoint f!mil" life# At the )!me time5 . !&ree th!t no in)titution c!n l!)t for !
lon& time# No in)titution mu)t be !llo'ed to come in the '!" of )oci!l pro&re))# But the
9ue)tion i)5 h!) the time come for thi) 9ue)tion to be t!%en into con)ider!tion 8 . do not
)ub)cribe to the vie' th!t the Aoint f!mil" )")tem i) bre!%in& do'n )o f!r !) the vill!&e) !re
concerned !nd in !n" )cheme of reform 'e mu)t remember th!t .ndi! i) ! l!nd of vill!&e)#
The rur!l people !re )till follo'in& the Aoint f!mil" )")tem to ! l!r&e e(tent# The recent
inro!d) m!de into the Aoint f!mil" )")tem b" concedin& ri&ht) to the 'ido') !nd d!u&hter)?
in?l!' h!ve not m!teri!ll" effected the po)ition# 1ven in re&!rd to non?!&ricultur!l propert"5
communitie) 'hich h!ve tr!de !) their princip!l !voc!tion !re )till c!rr"in& on tr!de or
bu)ine)) !) ! f!mil" !dventure or bu)ine))# .t i) )o in m" p!rt of the countr"# . h!ve h!d !
&ood de!l to do 'ith the N!tu%ott!i Chetti!r) for the l!)t fort" "e!r)5 !nd it i) onl" 'ithin the
l!)t five or ten "e!r) th!t the" !re )t!rtin& comp!nie) not 'ith the ide! of bre!%in& up Aoint
f!milie) but to )ee th!t the" &et out of income?t!( re&ul!tion)# Therefore5 it i) not correct to
)!" th!t Aoint f!mil" life i) bre!%in& up either !mon& the *aishyas or !mon& the N!tu%ott!i
Chetti!r) or !mon& the Marwaris. No'5 )ittin& in thi) 3e&i)l!tive A))embl" or ;!rli!ment5
there i) no u)e our thin%in& th!t 'e !re in po))e))ion of !ll the f!ct) re&!rdin& ever" noo%
!nd corner of .ndi! !nd le&i)l!tin& on th!t b!)i)# The onl" thin& 'e h!ve to con)ider i)5 i) it
)o out of tune 'ith modern condition) !nd i) it &oin& to )t!nd in the '!" of further pro&re)) 8
<ou h!ve !l)o to note cert!in ch!n&e) 'hich h!ve !lre!d" been m!de in the Aoint f!mil" l!'#
The ri&our) of Aoint f!mil" l!' h!ve been con)ider!bl" rel!(ed in recent "e!r)# .t i) no'
)ettled l!' th!t !n" member of ! Aoint f!mil" m!" b" ! unil!ter!l decl!r!tion )ever him)elf
from the re)t of the f!mil" 'ithout reference to !n" court of l!'# The m!nife)t!tion of 'ill or
intention on the p!rt of !n" member of the Aoint f!mil" i) enou&h for )ever!nce5 even )o
m!n" )till continue !) member) of ! Aoint f!mil" bec!u)e )till the" li%e the in)titution of the
Aoint f!mil"# An" member of ! Aoint f!mil" m!" !lien!te hi) )h!re of the f!mil" propert"# .n
the c!)e of f!ther !nd )on5 the entire propert" i) li!ble for the debt) of the f!ther# The )on i)
re)pon)ible for the debt of the f!ther# He c!nnot e)c!pe hi) re)pon)ibilit" b" )!"in& th!t the
debt) 'ere incurred b" the f!ther for immor!l purpo)e)# . !m cert!in th!t th!t )ort of
liti&!tion i) f!)t d"in& do'n# There i) no 9ue)tion of e)c!pe no' b" )!"in& th!t the debt '!)
incurred b" the f!ther for immor!l purpo)e)# Then !&!in5 the l!' !) to )elf?!c9ui)ition h!)
been con)ider!bl" )implified# eci)ion) of the ;riv" Council h!ve m!de it 9uite cle!r th!t if !
per)on !c9uire) propert"5 he c!n %eep it for him)elf# Therefore5 the ple! th!t . 'ould m!%e to
m" friend5 the Hon# 3!' 2ini)ter i) th!t thi) in)titution )till obt!in)# .t m!" bre!% up in the
cour)e of the ne(t fifteen5 thirt" or fift" "e!r)# 7ith the ch!n&e in the l!' of m!rri!&e !nd
other thin&)5 it m!" bre!% up# But m" 'hole point i)5 'ithout reference to the 'ill of the
people5 'ithout reference to their con)ent5 'ithout t!%in& into !ccount the &ener!l
con)ciou)ne)) of the people5 'h" undert!%e thi) le&i)l!tion 8 <ou m!" thin% th!t . !m ! %ind
of !ncient fello' 'ho doe) not under)t!nd the)e thin&)# . do '!nt th!t thi) countr" )hould
move 'ith the time)5 but m" ple! i) "ou )hould fir)t !)cert!in the 'ill of the people# .t m!"
be !r&ued# 6 All ri&ht5 )o f!r !) !&ricultur!l propert" i) concerned5 'e 'ill not touch it5 but
'e 'ill m!%e ! ch!n&e in re&!rd to non?!&ricultur!l propert" 6# .t i) not e!)" to m!%e !
di)tinction in m!tter) of thi) %ind bet'een one %ind of propert" !nd !nother l!nd or propert"#
0nce "ou ch!n&e the l!' in re&!rd to non?!&ricultur!l propert"5 ! ch!n&e in the l!' in re&!rd
to !&ricultur!l propert" mu)t nece))!ril" follo'# Thou&h in the m!tter of di)tribution of
le&i)l!tive po'er bet'een the /nion !nd the St!te) for t!(!tion purpo)e)5 ! di)tinction i)
m!int!ined bet'een !&ricultur!l !nd non?!&ricultur!l propert"5 it i) !n !ccident onl" th!t
cert!in po'er i) &iven to the province) !nd cert!in po'er i) &iven to the Centre5 !nd it c!nnot
be denied th!t Hindu l!' of )ucce))ion i) )in&le !nd entire# Succe))ion i) not ! trunc!ted
!ff!ir)# Succe))ion c!nnot be )plit up# Therefore5 'hen "ou con)ider the 9ue)tion5 "ou )hould
con)ider it in !ll the)e !)pect) both in re&!rd to !&ricultur!l propert" !nd in re&!rd to non?
!&ricultur!l propert" !nd "ou )hould !ddre)) "our)elf to the 9ue)tion 'hether in the l!r&er
intere)t) of )ociet"5 the time h!) come for ! revolution!r" ch!n&e in the f!mil" )")tem# .
re9ue)t m" hon# *riend5 the 3!' 2ini)ter to con)ider the 9ue)tion 'h" cert!in ch!pter) of
the Bill )hould not be po)tponed#
Sir5 . Au)t '!nt to de!l 'ith !nother !)pect of the 9ue)tion n!mel" the ri&ht) of )ucce))ion
of )on) !nd d!u&hter) in re&!rd to )ucce))ion proper# . h!ve &ot ! )peci!l cl!im to )pe!% on
th!t beh!lf !) . !m ! f!ther of both d!u&hter) !nd )on) !nd . repe!t th!t# .n f!ct the m!Aorit" i)
on the 'om!n )ide5 four d!u&hter) !nd three bo")# Therefore5 . h!ve ! )peci!l cl!im to )pe!%
on thi) )ubAect ($!ar, h!ar.. Ap!rt from 'h!t little . %no' !) ! l!'"er5 . h!ve ! )peci!l cl!im
to )pe!% !) ! f!ther of d!u&hter) !nd of )on)# No'5 . '!nt "ou to loo% !t the &ener!l )et up of
the Hindu f!mil" in de!lin& 'ith thi) problem# .f three )on) find it difficult5 "ou )!"5 to live
to&ether !nd to o'n propert" in common ho' c!n "ou e(pect the d!u&hter) m!rried to
different people5 m!" be people belon&in& to different c!)te) or communitie) to c!rr" on Aoint
cultiv!tion in vill!&e) 8 /nder tho)e circum)t!nce)5 i) it in the l!r&er intere)t) of the countr"5
th!t thi) propert" of the f!ther !) 'ell !) of the )on be divided up e9u!ll" bet'een )on) !nd
d!u&hter) 'ithout !n" 9ue)tion of difference 8 .f it i) ! 9ue)tion of Au)tice5 if it i) ! 9ue)tion
of e9u!lit"5 if it i) ! 9ue)tion of theoretic!l e9u!lit"5 . h!ve nothin& to )!" !&!in)t it5 but l!'
i) not lo&ic!lG it doe) not me!n th!t it i) !l'!") illo&ic!lGbut it h!) to t!%e into !ccount the
)oci!l )tr!t! of )ociet"5 the con)ciou)ne)) of the communit"5 it) effect upon the f!mil" life
!nd other f!ctor)# Therefore5 "ou h!ve not ! cle!n )l!te to 'rite on# Therefore5 let u) t!%e
'h!t h!ppen) in ! Hindu f!mil"5 2r# S!nth!n!m loo%) 'ith e9u!nimit" from elhi# .f !n"
m!rri!&e t!%e) pl!ce in ! brotherB) hou)e5 the )i)ter !nd the d!u&hter occup" the mo)t
import!nt p!rt# .t i) re&!rded !) ! f!therB) hou)e5 the )on loo%) upon the f!mil" hou)e !) hi)
hou)e# 1ver" one of u) %no' 'h!t !n import!nt pl!ce the )i)ter !nd the d!u&hter occupie) in
the hou)ehold# ($!ar, h!ar )# .f the mother !nd f!ther )it to&ether for the "arathi,it i) the
d!u&hter5 it i) the )i)ter th!t brin&) it !nd "ou &ive the pre)ent to the d!u&hter) !nd the )i)ter)
on th!t occ!)ion# After !ll 'e !re !ll Hindu)C "ou c!nnot for&et th!t# The ver" fir)t per)on
'ho receive) the pre)ent 'ill be the )i)ter or the d!u&hter in the hou)ehold# The )econd thin&
i) th!t no m!rri!&e c!n &o throu&h in !n" Hindu hou)ehold unle)) provi)ion i) m!de for
pre)ent) bein& m!de to the d!u&hter) !nd to the )i)ter)# A&!in even thou&h5 'omen 'ho m!"
not c!re to be!r children m!" not !ppreci!te itG?d!u&hter) of the f!mil" !re cert!inl" c!red
for on ever" occ!)ion )uch !) srimanta or on occ!)ion) of fir)t confinement !nd )econd
confinement# A &irl &ener!ll" &oe) to the f!therB) hou)e or to the brotherB) hou)e !nd it i) onl"
!fter &ettin& t'o or three children th!t the &irl doe) not &o to the f!therB) or brotherB) hou)e5
!nd thi) i) Hindu life tod!"# .t i) not the life in elhi5 it i) not the life in C!lcutt!5 it i) not the
life in 2!dr!) th!t i) to be the &uidin& f!ctor in the)e m!tter)# .t i) the norm!l ordin!r" life in
ever" vill!&e5 in the 'hole of .ndi!5 ($!ar, h!ar.. Therefore5 . 'ould !)% "ou mo)t
re)pectfull" the 2ember) of thi) Hou)e5 thou&h . !m !ddre))in& 2r# eput" Spe!%er5 to t!%e
the)e f!ctor) into con)ider!tion# The Bible )!id 6 . )h!ll )et f!ther !&!in)t f!ther5 )on !&!in)t
)on !nd brother !&!in)t brother6 or )ome )uch thin&5 but let not le&i)l!tion re)ult in ! feud
bet'een the member) of the f!mil"5 !n unnece))!r" feud bet'een the member) of the f!mil"#
A cert!in !mount of bic%erin&5 ! cert!in feud i) inevit!ble5 )o lon& !) propert" i) there#
S!n%!r! )!id th!t propert" i) the )oul of )trife in our countr" !nd th!t i) inevit!ble5 but let
u) not &ive !n impetu) to it b" )t!tin& th!t . )h!ll )et brother !&!in)t brother5 ! )i)ter !&!in)t
the brother5 the brother !&!in)t the )i)ter !nd in th!t '!" mould the f!mil" life of the .ndi! !t
pre)ent# The time m!" come 'hen e!ch d!u&hter m!" !rr!n&e for her m!rri!&e !fter the"
!tt!in their m!turit"# 2!n" of the &irl) loo% to their brother) for their m!rri!&e# H!rdl" !
'ee% p!))e) 'hen ! brother or ! f!ther doe) not come !nd !)% for ! little help in re&!rd to !
m!rri!&e# .t m!" be th!t . !m old?f!)hioned to con)ider )uch re9ue)t)5 but th!t i) Hindu life# .
!m )uppo)ed to be educ!ted in 1n&li)h '!") of life but 'h!t 'ould "ou thin% of other people
'ho !re not )o educ!ted !) m")elf8 <ou m!" be more !dv!nced5 . m!" be le)) !dv!nced5 but
. )till cl!im th!t . !m born of the .ndi!n )oil !nd m" ide!) !re rooted in the .ndi!n )oil5 !nd
therefore5 . ple!d for the retention of the)e &re!t virtue) 'hich h!ve ch!r!cteri)ed our .ndi!n
life ($!ar, h!ar.. . do not '!nt to &o !&!in)t the modem trend) of thou&ht or the modem
ide!) of pro&re))5 but !t the )!me time 'hile it i) our dut" to %eep in touch 'ith the current)
of n!tion!l life5 'ith the )oci!l current) !t pre)ent 'or%in&5 there i) no u)e our im!&inin& th!t
'e repre)ent the 'hole of .ndi!# . m!" tell "ou5 even !mon& educ!ted 'omen5 !ll of them do
not thin% !li%e !nd even 'omen 'ho !re in the le&i)l!ture) do not thin% !li%e 'ith )ome
other educ!ted l!die) 'ho !re member) of re)pect!ble hou)ehold)C the" differ in )ome
Shrimati Renuka Ray (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 Are our hou)ehold) not re)pect!ble 8
Shri Alladi Krishnaswami A""!r4 The" !re ver" re)pect!ble# . !m &l!d th!t "ou h!ve
interrupted# . !m !ccu)tomed !nd . m!" tell "ou the" !re 9uite !) re)pect!ble5 thou&h the"
mi&ht be ! little con)erv!tive5G!) )ome of tho)e people 'ho !re ver" re)pect!ble !nd 'ho
h!ve !dv!nced ide!) in the)e m!tter)# . h!ve &iven m" vie') !nd . cert!inl" refu)e to believe
. !m not ! re)pect!ble m!nC . !m !t le!)t !) re)pect!ble !) other)5 but m" '!") of life5 m"
'!" of thin%in&5 m" !ttitude to the)e 9ue)tion) i) different from tho)e e9u!ll" re)pect!ble
bec!u)e . !m c!)t in ! different mould# *or e(!mple5 . h!ve the &re!te)t re)pect for our ;rime
2ini)ter !nd on cert!in 9ue)tion) . "ield to him5 but !t the )!me time5 . do not loo% !t
9ue)tion) 'ith the )!me &l!))e) !) m" hon# friend5 m" e)teemed friend5 if . m!" c!ll the
;rime 2ini)ter m" ver" e)teemed friend# .t i) merel" ! mode of !ppro!ch#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam (2ini)ter of St!te for Tr!n)port !nd $!il'!"))4
7h!t i) "our !ctu!l propo)!l 8
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: He i) &ivin& hi) propo)!l) in !n e(cellent '!"#
Shri Alladi Krishnaswami A""!r 4 . do not fi&ht )h" of th!t# The 9ue)tion . h!ve been
put i) in re&!rd to un?m!rried d!u&hter) 'hether !n" %ind of )peci!l provi)ion m!" be m!de
either for m!rri!&e or ! )peci!l portion m!" be )et !p!rt )o f!r !) the m!rri!&e of &irl) i)
concerned# The l!' m!" provide th!t the d!u&hter) 'ill t!%e the herit!&e of the mother) !nd
the )on) 'ill t!%e the herit!&e of the f!ther)#
So f!r !) d!u&hter) !re concerned5 . !m 9uite 'illin& to !nd 9uite !n(iou) th!t !) liber!l
!nd !) obli&!tor"5 ! provi)ion be m!de for the &irl) 'ho !re un?m!rried# . h!ve !b)olutel" no
difficult" in th!t m!tter# Th!t i) m" propo)!l# .t m!" be 'orth !n"thin&5 it m!" not be 'orth
!n"thin&5 but th!t i) m" propo)!l#
An Honourable Member: 7h!t !bout the mone" from the mother 8
Shri Alladi Krishnaswami A""!r 4 There i) no u)e )pe!%in& !bout th!t# <ou t!%e !
cen)u) of the people 'ho p!" income?t!( in thi) countr"8 The" !re not m!n"# Thi) i) !
povert" )tric%en countr"# So there i) no u)e of )!"in& th!t th!t the mother h!) no propert"#
2!n" !re poor# The" m!" h!ve no propert"5 but the" c!nnot &et !'!" from )oci!l
obli&!tion)# Tho)e 'ho h!ve propert" m!" divide their propert"5 but th!t m!" h!ve
repercu))ion) upon the people 'ho h!ve no propert"5 or ver" little propert"5 but !t the )!me
time 'ho !re 9uite )en)itive to the )oci!l !nd f!mil" obli&!tion)# Therefore5 in !n" )tep th!t
"ou t!%e5 "ou h!ve to )ee th!t the )oci!l obli&!tion) !re not ret!rded# Th!t i) the ple! . m!%e
)o f!r !) thi) i) concerned# .n re&!rd to the in)titution of Aoint f!mil" propert"5 . differ from
m" friend the hon# r# Ambed%!r# .t i) )eldom . differ from him# And . !m often influenced
b" him5 !nd h!ve occ!)ion!ll" influenced him# Therefore5 . h!ve no doubt th!t he 'ill p!"
heed to )ome of the critici)m) 'hich tho)e of m" per)u!)ion h!ve offered# He m!" loo%
ob)tin!te5 but there i) none 'ho "ield) to re!)on more th!n m" friend r# Ambed%!r# . %no'
him ver" 'ell !nd it h!) been ! &re!t !))et to me5 . me!n m" clo)e !c9u!int!nce 'ith him
the)e three "e!r)#B 7ell5 th!t i) m" vie'5 )o f!r the in)titution of Aoint f!mil" !nd the ri&ht) of
e9u!l )ucce))ion of )on) !nd d!u&hter) i) concerned#
The ne(t !)pect i) 'ith re&!rd to Stridhana propert"5 !nd on th!t5 in )o f!r !) "ou remove
!ll re)triction) on the po'er of !lien!tion5 . !m !t one 'ith the Hou)e5 th!t i) 'ith the other
2ember) of the Hou)e# Thi) h!) merel" led to unnece))!r" liti&!tion5 the rever)ion!r" filin&
)uit) for the decl!r!tion th!t !lien!tion) b" the 'ido' !re inv!lid5 &oin& to thi) court !nd th!t
court5 !nd !ll )ort) of evidence bein& let in# .f onl" in the intere)t of unnece))!r" liti&!tion
bein& !voided5 . !m for the 'ido' bein& &iven !b)olute po'er) of di)po)ition durin& her life?
time# But from th!t it doe) not nece))!ril" follo' th!t the cour)e of devolution mu)t be the
)!me 'ith re&!rd to ever" %ind of Stridhanam propert"# <ou c!ll it Stridhanam !nd then
be&in to !tt!ch cert!in con)e9uence) in the m!tter of )ucce))ion# 0nce "ou m!%e it !b)olute
propert"5 'h" not it de)cend to the heir)8 Th!t i) the 9ue)tion# . !m 'illin& to put the
9ue)tion to ninet" nine Hindu) . meet5 6 Here i) ! propert" devolvin& upon the 'ido' from
her hu)b!nd# .t i) !b)olute propert"5 !nd !fter her de!th it i) to &o to her f!ther !nd mother5 in
preference to the f!ther !nd mother of the m!n 'ho)e propert" h!) devolved upon the
'ido'#6 . put th!t 9ue)tion# <ou m!" t!%e ! referendum in !n" p!rt of the countr" !nd . !m
9uite cle!r 'h!t the re)ult of th!t referendum 'ill be# And . ch!llen&e !n" 2ember to )!" in
thi) Hou)e th!t the referendum 'ill be other th!n 'h!t . feel# Therefore5 !) ! l!'"er5 if "ou
put me the 9ue)tion5 c!n "ou h!ve t'o %ind) of !b)olute propertie)5 one %ind de)cendin& in
one '!" !nd !nother %ind de)cendin& in !nother '!"5 !nd !)% me5 'h" not in the intere)t of
uniformit"5 &ive the )!me rule of )ucce))ion for one %ind of propert" !nd the other %ind of
propert"8 Then . )!" th!t "ou need not )!crifice )oci!l )entiment) !t the !lter of lo&ic!lit"#
3!' need not !l'!") be lo&ic!l# 3!' need not nece))!ril" be 3o&ic!l# 3o&ic i) not the
e))ence of l!'#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam : Should l!' be &ener!ll" illo&ic!l8
Shri Alladi Krishnaswami A""!r4 2" !n)'er to m" friend 2r# S!nth!n!m i) th!t l!'
need not nece))!ril" be lo&ic!l# Th!t i) )o bec!u)e l!' i) the product of )oci!l evolution !nd
)oci!l !dAu)tment5 !nd therefore5 ho' c!n it !l'!") be lo&ic!l8 Societ" doe) not move
!ccordin& to ! p!rticul!r )t!nd!rd or pl!n# /nfortun!tel"5 )ociet"5 e(cept in ! communi)tic
)ociet"5 doe) not move in th!t '!"# Therefore5 under the)e circum)t!nce)5 "ou t!%e the
!ver!&e )entiment of the Hindu into con)ider!tion# There i) no u)e of )!"in& th!t it i)
illo&ic!l to dr!' ! di)tinction bet'een one %ind of stridhana !nd !nother# 7h" )hould the
Stridhana be !llo'ed !&!in to &o to the hu)b!ndB) %indred8 7h" not it &o to her heir)8 .n the
ver" Bill th!t i) the provi)ion th!t i) m!de# Therefore5 )o f!r !) 'om!nB) propert" i)
concerned5 . thin% th!t i) ! point 'hich m!" receive the con)ider!tion of the hon# 3!'
2ini)ter5 before the Bill become) l!'5 con)i)tent 'ith the )entiment) !nd the &ener!l feelin&
!mon& the people# /ntil recentl" the 'ido' did not h!ve the po'er of di)po)ition# The
9ue)tion i) 'hether on the theor" th!t e!ch per)on 'hen he inherit) propert"5 he or )he mu)t
become the )toc% of de)cent5 inherited propert" of ever" de)cription mu)t be tre!ted !li%e#
Th!t i) m" ple! 'ith re&!rd to 'om!nB) propert"# Throu&hout . h!ve refr!ined from re)tin&
on lo&ic#
And l!)tl"# Sir5 . m!" mention5 if . m!"5 ! fe' 'ord) 'ith re&!rd to di)t!nt heir)# . feel
th!t the pre)ent provi)ion) !re ! &re!t improvement upon the previou) Bill# .t h!) dr!'n upon
cert!in principle) of Dayabhaga !nd it h!) !l)o brou&ht in the other )")tem)# And . thin%5 )o
f!r !) di)t!nt heir) !re concerned5 the Bill !) it )t!nd) i) ! &re!t improvement upon the
ori&in!l Bill5 !nd if there i) !n" defect here !nd there5 the" c!n be removed e!)il"#
The ch!pter on &u!rdi!n)hip5 m!inten!nce5 !nd the other ch!pter) !re conceived in ! ver"
liber!l !nd pro&re))ive )pirit5 !nd . thin% the" de)erve the 'hole?he!rted )upport of the
A))embl"5 thou&h it m!" be th!t here !nd there5 the" m!" re9uire )ome modific!tion5 but th!t
c!n be e!)il" done !t ! l!ter )t!&e of the)e proceedin&)# Therefore5 in the full confidence th!t
the hon# 3!' 2ini)ter !) 'ell !) the ;rime 2ini)ter 'ill be re)pon)ive to public critici)m5
'hile t!%in& into !ccount the pro&re))ive tendencie) of the !&e5 . move for the )econd
re!din& of the Bill !nd . )upport the motion moved b" the hon# r# Ambed%!r#
Dr. P. K. Sen (Bih!r 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 . !m 9uite con)ciou) th!t . mu)t be brief5 !) there i)
! &re!t pre))ure upon the time of the Hou)e# At the )!me time there !re cert!in !)pect) 'hich
h!ve been r!i)ed5 even b" m" predece))or5 m" e)teemed friend5 Shri All!di @ri)hn!)'!mi
A""!r5 'hich do c!ll for )ome comment# He h!) follo'ed the order of the Bill5 !) ! m!tter of
f!ct5 !nd t!%en the l!' of m!rri!&e fir)t of !ll# . mu)t confe)) th!t . could not e(!ctl" follo'
him !) to 'hether he &!ve hi) opinion in f!vour or !&!in)t it# A) ! m!tter of f!ct he )!id in
one p!rt of hi) )peech5 'hile de!lin& 'ith th!t )ection5 th!t he h!d no definite opinion on the
)ubAect# So f!r !) the l!' of m!rri!&e !nd divorce i) concerned . do feel th!t one mu)t be
definite# There i) no p!rt of l!' 'hich c!ll) for definitene)) more th!n the l!' of m!rri!&e5
bec!u)e5 it !ffect) not onl" the p!rtie) 'ho )olemni)e the m!rri!&e bet'een them)elve)# ####
Shri Alladi Krishnaswami A""!r 4 Sir5 . do not %no' if . h!d m!de m")elf cle!r# 7h!t .
)!id '!) th!t if 'e h!d h!d ! cle!n )l!te to 'rite on5 'e mi&ht do other'i)e but h!vin& re&!rd
to the previou) )tep t!%en b" thi) Hou)e !nd the le&i)l!tion undert!%en5 there c!nnot be !n"
)eriou) obAection to the portion rel!tin& to m!rri!&e e(ceptin& in re&!rd to one or t'o
m!tter)5 'hich . mentioned in the cour)e of m" !ddre))#
Dr. P. K. Sen4 1(cept in rel!tion to )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e# . )uppo)e#
A) . '!) ob)ervin& 'e h!ve to )ee th!t in ever" re)pect the l!' of m!rri!&e )hould be
perfectl" definite !nd e(plicit !nd there )hould be no !mbi&uit" !t !ll !bout it !nd it i) for th!t
re!)on . t!%e it th!t the Bill contempl!te) th!t even 'hen the m!rri!&e h!) t!%en pl!ce
!ccordin& to the )!cr!ment!l form there m!" be obAection) r!i)ed 'ith re&!rd to it# .t m!" be
ur&ed th!t there h!d been )ome irre&ul!rit"5 )ome omi))ion5 )ome p!rticul!r form of
ceremon" not h!vin& been ob)erved# T!%e5 for in)t!nce5 saptapadi. 1ver"bod" %no') th!t
Saptapadi i) !n e))enti!l f!ctor# Not until the )even )tep) h!ve been t!%en c!n the m!rri!&e
be )!id to be v!lid# .n f!ct5 !ll m!nner of irre&ul!ritie) m!" be ur&ed !) obAection) 'ith
re&!rd to the m!rri!&e# .t i) for th!t re!)on th!t it h!) been provided in the Bill th!t even
'hen ! m!rri!&e h!) been )olemni)ed !ccordin& to cert!in )!cr!ment!l form5 it i) open to !
p!rt" (it i) onl" permi))ive) to &o !nd h!ve the m!rri!&e re&i)tered5 )o th!t there m!" be no
obAection r!i)ed l!ter on 'ith re&!rd to it) v!lidit"# Thi) i)5 . )ubmit5 !b)olutel" e))enti!l5
bec!u)e it i) not onl" the t'o p!rtie) 'ho )olemni)ed the m!rri!&e bet'een them)elve) 'ho
!re !ffected but it i) the ne(t &ener!tion !nd the ne(t &ener!tion5 indeed5 &ener!tion) unborn5
th!t !re !ffected b" it# The 'hole 9ue)tion of le&itim!c" depend) upon it# Therefore5 . )ubmit
th!t 'h!tever m!" be the irre&ul!rit"5 there mu)t be )ome method b" me!n) of 'hich the
le&itim!c" of children !nd their ri&ht) of inherit!nce m!" be protected !nd m!" not be left in
uncert!int"# There c!n be no difficult" 'h!t)oever4 there i) )ome '!" of !)cert!inin& 'h!t
the nece))!r" form) !re 'hich h!ve to be ob)erved in order to m!%e ! )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e
v!lid# Th!t too h!) been provided for in the Bill in the form5 viJ#5th!t in !n" p!rticul!r !re! it
m!" be found th!t ! p!rticul!r )et of ceremonie) i) re&!rded !) e))enti!l to the v!lidit" of the
m!rri!&e4 in th!t event tho)e ceremonie) 'ill be re&!rded !) v!lid!tin& the m!rri!&e#
Neverthele))5 it m!" )o come to p!)) th!t )ome of the)e ceremonie) h!ve been performed or
it m!" be th!t the perform!nce of tho)e ceremonie) 'ere not e(!ctl" in the m!nner
pre)cribed# .n th!t event 'h!t i) to h!ppen8 .) the m!rried couple then to rem!in in the
po)ition 'hich 'ould m!%e their children ille&itim!te in the e"e of l!'8 .t i) for thi) re!)on
onl" th!t it h!) been m!de option!l for the p!rtie) to h!ve their m!rri!&e re&i)tered in order to
&et it v!lid!ted#
. come to the ne(t 9ue)tion !bout public opinion !nd !bout their bein& ! l!r&e bod" of the
public not h!vin& been )ufficientl" !ppri)ed of the content) of the Bill# The 9ue)tion h!) been
r!i)ed often !nd often here5 'h" hurr" 'h" not '!it for ! "e!r or t'o or three "e!r)8 7e
h!ve !lre!d" '!ited lon& enou&h# 7h" )hould 'e not '!it for !nother period8 .t i) not !
9ue)tion of eleven "e!r) 'hich the Hindu code h!) t!%en5 nor i) it ! 9ue)tion of t'o "e!r)
'hich h!ve el!p)ed )ince# Thi) h!) been mooted from the l!)t centur"#
The Hou)e 'ill be ple!)ed to rec!ll Act ... of 187E# The Speci!l 2!rri!&e Act 'hich '!)
fir)t pl!ced before the le&i)l!ture '!) in 18F8 b" Sir Henr" 2!ine !t the in)t!nce !nd on the
initi!tive of @e)hub Chunder Sen5 Ben&!lB) &re!t )oci!l reformer# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 to &o
further b!c%5 in the fiftie) of the l!)t centur"5 the 7ido' $e?m!rri!&e Bill '!) on the
le&i)l!tive !nvil# The &re!t .)h'!r Chunder =id"!)!&!r '!) e(ertin& ! &re!t influence on the
public mind to &et their )upport for Hindu 'ido' rem!rri!&e# .t '!) !t th!t time th!t !
rem!r%!ble petition )i&ned b" four hundred men '!) put up before the le&i)l!ture5 in 'hich
the" )!id th!t !lthou&h the" 'ere orthodo( Hindu)5 the" did not believe in re)trictin&
them)elve) to ! p!rticul!r c!)te5 the" believed in inter?c!)te m!rri!&e5 the" believed in
mono&!m"5 the" believed in cert!in ceremonie) bein& e))enti!l for the purpo)e of ob)ervin&
pure Hindui)m but th!t the" '!nted to e)che' other ceremonie) !nd th!t5 therefore5 the"
'!nted the help of the le&i)l!ture to p!)) ! comprehen)ive Bill5 not onl" the Hindu 7ido'
$em!rri!&e Bill but ! Hindu 2!rri!&e Bill5 in 'hich provi)ion 'ould be m!de for inter?c!)te
m!rri!&e5 for !dult m!rri!&e !nd for m!rri!&e )olemni)ed 'ith cert!in ceremonie) onl" to
'hich the" did not t!%e e(ception5 !nd not ever" ceremon" 'hich !t th!t time '!) con)idered
to be obli&!tor"# Thi) '!) )ome'here !bout 18+F !nd it '!) ! mo)t repre)ent!tive bod" th!t
put for'!rd thi) petition# Amon& tho)e not!ble public men 'ho )i&ned the petition 'ere
people li%e ;e!r" Ch!nd 2itter5 $!dh! N!th Si%d!r5 Abho" Ch!r!n 2ulli%5 !nd $!)i%
@ri)hn! 2ulli%# The" h!d nothin& 'h!tever to do 'ith the Br!hmo S!m!A 4 the" 'ere
orthodo( Hindu)# Side b" )ide 'ith thi) or&!ni)!tion there 'ere !ll the !ctivitie) of the
Br!hmo S!m!A &oin& on# The Br!hmo) h!d !lre!d" )olemni)ed inter?c!)te m!rri!&e)5
bec!u)e the" believed th!t 6 $i&ht '!) ri&ht4 to follo' ri&ht 'ere 'i)dom in )corn of
con)e9uence#6 The" did not c!re 'h!t the l!' '!)# The" )!id th!t the" 'ould bre!% do'n
c!)te not'ith)t!ndin& the f!ct th!t there mi&ht be difficultie) re&!rdin& le&!l v!lidit"# 3!ter
on the" thou&ht th!t thi) )t!te of !ff!ir) )hould be removed for the )!%e of po)terit"5 for the
)!%e of the children !nd it '!) therefore5 th!t Sir Henr" 2!ine introduced ! Bill 'hich
ultim!tel" emer&ed !) the Speci!l 2!rri!&e Act of 187E# Th!t thi) Act h!) c!tered not onl"
for the Br!hmo communit" but for ! much l!r&er bod" i) te)tified to b" the f!ct th!t !fter the
p!))in& of the Act )ever!l !mendment) h!ve been )ou&ht in order to m!%e it !pplic!ble to
other )ection) !nd in order !l)o to obvi!te cert!in obAection) to p!rticul!r )ection) of the Act#
.n doin& )o5 the)e people !t different time) !cted !) the repre)ent!tive) of the con)cience of
the )ociet"Gthe minorit" con)cience5 let u) )!"# But the minorit" h!) ! con)cienceC !nd the
)oci!l con)cience of the minorit" !l)o mu)t be re)pected# .n ever" countr" 'e find th!t it i)
the minorit" con)cience 'hich h!) !l'!") come to the help of l!' for the purpo)e of
vindic!tin& it) o'n vie'# 7ell5 Sir5 tod!" 'e do not %no' 'hich )ection i) in the minorit"
!nd 'hich )ection in the m!Aorit"# But it &oe) 'ithout )!"in& th!t in ! democr!tic form of
&overnment !ll )ection) of people mu)t nece))!ril" h!ve their con)cience) vindic!ted5 !nd
their '!") of life !nd thou&ht5 !t le!)t )o f!r !) fund!ment!l point) !re concerned5 re)pected#
.n th!t vie' the 9ue)tion th!t re!ll" h!) to be )olved b" u) i) thi) 4 .) thi) Bill in !n"
p!rticul!r re)pect impo)in& it)elf upon the con)cience of !n" p!rticul!r )ection8 (Babu
9amnarayan Singh ) <e)) And b" th!t 'ill it) e(cellence or other'i)e be te)ted#
No'5 if 'e come to the fir)t p!rt of the Bill5 )o f!r !) the 9ue)tion rel!tin& to m!rri!&e5
divorce5 Audici!l )ep!r!tion5 &u!rdi!n)hip5 !limon"5 cu)tod" of children !nd )o on5 i)
concerned5 )o f!r !) . c!n under)t!nd5 it c!nnot po))ibl" be contended th!t it i) bein& thru)t
upon !n"one# After !ll5 it i) onl" in tho)e c!)e) 'here "ou find th!t divorce h!) become
!b)olutel" un!void!ble th!t the provi)ion 'ill be utili)ed# And there !re )uch c!)e)5 there c!n
be no 9ue)tion 'h!t)oever !bout th!t# There !re c!)e) 'here continu!nce of the m!rri!&e
bond 'ill re!ll" le!d to mi)er" from the point of vie' of both p!rtie)5 'ill le!d to
di)inte&r!tion of the f!mil"# .t i) onl" there th!t divorce c!n po))ibl" come on#
SAt# Rohmi Kumar Chaudhuri (A))!m4 :ener!l) 4 2!" . !)% if the )ub)e9uent
m!rri!&e) become h!pp"8 The" become 'or)e#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) C .t depend) upon the l!d" "ou
Dr. P. @# Sen 4 . !m not &oin& into th!t 9ue)tion bec!u)e in th!t c!)e it 'ould be ! m!tter
of )t!ti)tic) !) to ho' m!n" c!)e) h!ve re!ll" become h!pp" or ho' m!n" c!)e) h!ve re!ll"
become h!pp" or ho' m!n" c!)e) h!ve turned out unh!pp"# Th!t i) not the te)t# The te)t i)
un!void!bilit"# .) there !n"one 'ho c!n po))ibl" )!" th!t in no circum)t!nce) )hould there be
! )ep!r!tion !t !ll8 There m!" be circum)t!nce) im!&in!ble 'here there )hould not be
)ep!r!tion# .t i) for u) to )it do'n 'ith &ood 'ill !nd mutu!l under)t!ndin&5 !nd di)cu)) !ll
the)e point)5 !nd find out 'hether it i) &oin& to be compul)or" upon !n" p!rticul!r p!rt" or
not# There i) no compul)ion !t !ll here# .t i) perfectl" option!l# .f "ou find th!t it h!) become
impo))ible to c!rr" on "ou c!n &o to ! court of l!'#The court of l!' 'ill &o into the m!tter5
find out 'hether !ll the re9ui)ite) of ! divorce or ! di))olution of m!rri!&e !re pre)ent !nd
then i))ue ! d!'r!! nisi, or 'h!tever it m!" be# But th!t doe) not nece))!ril" me!n th!t
divorce 'ill &o on multipl"in& from d!" to d!"# Th!t depend) entirel" on the temper!ment of
the people# And . feel bound to )!" th!t bec!u)e it h!) t!%en ! p!rticul!r cour)e in Americ! or
1n&l!nd or in other forei&n countrie)5 in .ndi! !l)o it )hould t!%e the )!me cour)eGth!t i) !n
impo))ible conclu)ion#
(Pandit 2akshmi Kanta Maitra) .t i) the )!me in)titution)# . do not believe !t !ll th!t in
.ndi! the )!me re)ult 'ill follo'#
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: 7or)e#
An Honourable Member: .) it not time to ri)e for 3unch8
2r# Deputy Speaker: . thin% the hon# 2ember i) li%el" to conclude )oon#
Dr. ;# @# Sen 4 . !m tr"in& m" be)t to conclude )oon5 but . h!ve Au)t be&un#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d for 2un'h till $alf Past wo of th! &lo'k.
h! "ss!mbly r!;ass!mbl!d aft!r 2un'h at $alf Past wo of th! &lo'k, Mr. D!puty
Sp!ak!r (Shri M. "nanthasayanam "yyangar. in th! &hair.
Dr. P. K. Sen4 Sir5 'hen thi) Hou)e ro)e for mid?d!" rece))5 . '!) on the point of the
permi))ive n!ture of the provi)ion) re&!rdin& divorce !nd !llied m!tter)# The 9ue)tion th!t
'!) put to me in the cour)e of the deb!te '!) 'h" there h!d been )o m!n" divorce) in other
Shri Mahavir Tyagi (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 0n ! point of order# . find onl" the hon# 2ini)ter
of St!te for Tr!n)port !nd $!il'!") )ittin& on the :overnment Benche)# The Bill under
di)cu))ion neither de!l) 'ith $!il'!") nor 'ith Tr!n)port# 7ill "ou be %ind enou&h to c!ll
the Hon# 3!' 2ini)ter5 Sir 8
2r# Deputy Speaker: . !m )ure the 3!' 2ini)ter 'ill be here )oon# Till then5 the other
2ini)ter 'ho i) here 'ill t!%e note)#
Shri Ajit Prasad 1ain (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Thi) i) !lmo)t ! contempt of the Hou)e#
2r# Deputy Speaker : . h!ve &ot chit) )ent to me b" no le)) th!n DF member) )o f!r#
Shri M. Tirumala Rao (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Some h!ve not )ent our n!me)# 0ur chit)
!re l"in& here#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi : And m!n" h!ve been '!itin& to c!tch "our e"e# The" h!ve not
)ent chit)#
2r# Deputy Speaker4 So the po)ition i) th!t5 be)ide) the)e DF there !re other) !l)o tr"in&
to c!tch m" e"e# A) the po)ition )t!nd) !t pre)ent# :overnment h!d fi(ed onl" "e)terd!" !nd
tod!" for thi) Bill# . do not %no' the )t!te of &overnment 'or%# . do not '!nt to )tifle
di)cu))ion5 but !t thi) r!te . do not thin% 'e c!n &o on# Therefore5 . )u&&e)t to hon# 2ember)
to limit their )peeche)5 !) f!r !) po))ible5 to fifteen minute)#
An Honourable Member4 .mpo))ible# <ou )u&&e)t to :overnment to e(tend the time#
Shri R. K. Sidhva (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l)4 Such member) !) !re hopeful of fini)hin&
their )peeche) 'ithin five or ten minute) )hould be &iven preference# There !re m!n" )uch
member)5 . %no'#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: But 'ill the" %eep to their !))ur!nce8 Th!t i) the
Shri R. K. Sidhva4 . &ive ! definite !))ur!nce#
Shri Biswanath Das (0ri))! 4 :ener!l) 4 2!" . Au)t brin& to "our notice5 2r# eput"
Spe!%er5 th!t the hon# Spe!%er h!d &iven !n !))ur!nce to thi) Hou)e th!t he 'ould &ive full
)cope for di)cu))ion of thi) motion !nd it 'ill be unfortun!te if "ou !llo' onl" ten or fifteen
minute) for ! )pe!%er# .t i) )omethin& !b)olutel" different from !n ordin!r" Bill# .t concern)
the life !nd the economic !nd )oci!l e(i)tence of crore) of people# /nder the)e
circum)t!nce)5 . 'ould be& of "ou to )tic% to the !))ur!nce &iven b" the hon# Spe!%er#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi : He i) the Spe!%er# He c!n no' decide#
2r# Deputy Speaker: .t i) unfortun!te th!t the Spe!%er i) not here in hi) )e!t# . do not
'!nt to )tifle the di)cu))ion5 but . !m onl" )u&&e)tin& ! time?limit )o th!t !ll 2ember) 'ho
'!nt to t!%e p!rt in the di)cu))ion m!" h!ve !n opportunit"# . le!ve it to the &ood )en)e of
the hon# 2ember) them)elve)# *ifteen minute) i) not !n inviol!ble limit# 0ne minute !bove
or one minute belo' m!" not be ver" b!d# But be"ond th!t . !m !fr!id even if the
&overnment 'ere 'illin&G . do not %no' 'hether the" !re 'illin& or notGto e(tend the
di)cu))ion b" ! d!"5 it 'ould be impo))ible5 h!vin& re&!rd to the number of )pe!%er) 'ho
'!nt to )pe!%5 th!t ever"one 'ill h!ve ! ch!nce#
Pandit Balkrishna Sharma (/# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 Then %eep it to the ne(t )e))ion#
2r# Deputy Speaker: .t i) not in m" h!nd)#
Shri S# Nagappa (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 7h" not )it for one or t'o hour) lon&er8
2r# Deputy Speaker4 At pre)ent the 2ember) 'ho c!n fini)h their )peeche) 'ithin
fifteen minute) c!n do )o5 but in c!)e) 'here individu!l 2ember) con)ider th!t the" mu)t
h!ve more time5 the" c!n h!ve more time#
Shri M. Tirumala Rao : <ou c!n con)ider the merit) of ! )peech5 !nd if m!n"
!r&ument) !re repe!ted5 "ou c!n !)% the )pe!%er not to repe!t the !r&ument)#
2r# Deputy Speaker: =er" 'ell5 then# r# Sen#
Shri H. 1. Khandekar (C# ;# !nd Ber!r 4 :ener!l) 4 There !re onl" E S h!lf hour) more#
0nl" ten )pe!%er) 'ill be !ble to )pe!% even if e!ch )pe!%) for fifteen minute)# 7h!t !bout
the other) 'ho '!nt to )pe!% on the bill8 . re9ue)t "ou to re9ue)t &overnment to e(tend the
deb!te b" ! d!" or t'o# Thi) i) )uch !n import!nt me!)ure th!t the e"e) of the 'hole n!tion
!re focu))ed upon it# 7e mu)t h!ve full di)cu))ion over it !nd then onl" p!)) it5 in 'h!tever
form it i) !&reed to#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 . !m )ure the proceedin& of thi) Hou)e !nd the )u&&e)tion) m!de b"
hon# 2ember) 'ill be communic!ted to !nd t!%en notice of b" :overnment# r# Sen m!"
continue hi) )peech#
r# ;# @# Sen 4 Sir5 . 9uite re!li)e th!t brevit" i) the )oul of 'it5 but there !re occ!)ion)
'hen brevit" i) the )oul of un'i)dom5 bec!u)e . )h!ll not be !ble to m!%e thin&) cle!r !t !ll
!nd therefore5 it 'ill not benefit !n"bod" !t !ll if the Hou)e 'ere to he!r ! di)cour)e 'hich i)
inconclu)ive !nd ob)cure# . )h!ll therefore5 tr" to touch onl" on the fund!ment!l point) !nd
not enter into det!il) !t !ll#
The 9ue)tion th!t . '!) l!)t !ddre))in& thi) Hou)e on '!)5 'hether or not b" &ivin&
permi))ion for divorce thi) countr" 'ill not be plun&in& it)elf into ! l!r&e number of divorce
c!)e) li%e other countrie)# 2" !n)'er to th!t 9ue)tion '!)G!nd i)Gth!t the c!)e) for
divorce 'ill depend entirel" upon the 9u!lit" of the mor!l v!lue) th!t ! countr" h!)# A
)ociet" m!" be )o con)tructed th!t onl" in !b)olutel" un!void!ble !nd nece))!r" c!)e) 'ould
the p!rtie) )ee% ! divorce !nd th!t there 'ould be inherentl" ! di)li%e5 ! di)t!)te5 ! contempt
for divorce 'here there i) no occ!)ion for it !nd 'here evidence i) re!ll" f!bric!ted for the
purpo)e of e)t!bli)hin& th!t there !re re!)on) for divorce# .n thi) countr" the e(periment h!)
been tried in B!rod! !nd in )ome p!rt) of South .ndi!5 'here there i) !nd there h!) been
divorce for ! lon& time p!)t5 but . !m told there h!ve been onl" three c!)e) )o f!r in B!rod!
!nd the)e three c!)e) durin& t'ent" "e!r)# . )ubmit5 !&!in5 th!t it i) the )oci!l !tmo)phere !nd
the mor!l v!lue) prev!lent in the p!rticul!r )ociet" th!t determine the number of divorce
c!)e)# Therefore5 it i) not the l!' th!t m!%e) the )ociet"# The l!' onl" &ive) )!nction to
cert!in c!)e) 'here it i) nece))!r" to &ive )!nction for divorce# .n thi) p!rt of the Bill 'hich
de!l) 'ith m!rri!&e l!' there !re four ch!r!cteri)tic)# The fir)t i) 4 inter?m!rri!&e h!) been
!llo'ed# The )econd i) th!t there i) pre)cription for divorce# There i)5 thirdl"5 pre)cription for
mono&!m"# No' !ll the)e !re pre)ent in Act ... of 187E !nd5 therefore5 it i) not the Hindu
code 'hich h!) r!i)ed the)e point) for the fir)t time# .t '!) in the fiftie) of the l!)t centur"5 !)
. h!ve )!id5 th!t the !&it!tion !ro)e !nd ever )ince then the !&it!tion h!) been &oin& on# The
cru)!de !&!in)t c!)te '!) no doubt fir)t led b" the Br!hmo S!m!A under @e)hub Chunder
Sen# The Br!hmo) !t th!t time )uffered per)ecution5 e(?communic!tion !nd i&nomin" of
ever" de)cription# Tod!" 'e reco&ni)e th!t c!)te )h!ll &o !nd therefore5 !ll the)e provi)ion)
th!t !re l!id do'n here in thi) Bill rel!tin& to interc!)te m!rri!&e need not r!i)e !n"
oppo)ition !t !ll# There i) no doubt 'h!t)oever th!t there i) ! ver" l!r&e bod"Gif not !n
over'helmin& bod"Gof public opinion in f!vour of !bolition of c!)te# 0ther'i)e5 'h!t !re
!ll the)e provi)ion) th!t 'e h!ve l!id do'n in the Con)titution8 C!)te )h!ll &o# .f 'e t!%e th!t
po)ition then there i) nothin& obAection!ble )o f!r !) tho)e provi)ion) !re concerned 'hich
rel!te to interc!)te m!rri!&e#
The )!me con)ider!tion !pplie) to mono&!m"# . do not %no' 'hether there i) !n" public
opinion no' in f!vour of bi&!m" or pol"&!m"# There m!" be individu!l c!)e)C but th!t i)
9uite different# The 'hole bod" of public opinion no'5 . )ubmit confidentl"5 i) in f!vour of
mono&!m"# Therefore5 there i) nothin& obAection!ble5 )o f!r !) th!t i) concerned in the
pre)ent Bill !nd5 !) . h!ve )!id5 permi))ion for divorce c!nnot po))ibl" r!i)e !n" difficult"
bec!u)e5 !fter !ll ! permi))ive provi)ion mu)t nece))!ril" be there for tho)e unfortun!te c!)e)
'here divorce i) c!lledB for#
;roceedin&5 Sir5 to the ne(t point !) to 'h" there )hould be !n" ch!n&e !t !ll (th!t '!) the
point on 'hich . '!)) it h!) been )!id th!t there mu)t be ! )trict !dherence to Shastri' l!'
!nd th!t there )hould be no dep!rture 'h!t)oever from it# *or hour) thi) di)cu))ion h!) been
c!rried on on the floor of thi) Hou)e# .t h!) been contended th!t shastri' l!' i) !b)olutel"
fin!l5 inviol!te !nd inviol!ble# <ou c!nnot ch!n&e it# . )hould li%e to %no' 'h!t Shastri' l!'
me!n)# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 in our shastras there i) !l'!") provi)ion for ch!n&e !nd there h!)
!l'!") been ch!n&e# 0ther'i)e 'h!t i) the me!nin& of the)e numerou) Smritis. 7e h!ve in
2!nu the 'ell %no'n inAunction th!t there !re four )ource)5 four norm)5 of conduct l!id
7hich bein& tr!n)l!ted me!n) Shruti, Smriti, the u)!&e) e)t!bli)hed b" ri&hteou) men !nd
the )!ti)f!ction of oneB) o'n inner )elfGthe)e furni)h the four )t!nd!rd) or norm) of conduct#
The)e four norm) of conduct include 'ithin them the inner )!ti)f!ction of the )oul5 the
con)cience b" 'hich5 . t!%e it i) me!nt not individu!l con)cience onl"5 but )oci!l con)cience
!l)o# The )oci!l con)cience of the !&e in 'hich 'e live h!) &ot to be re)pected !nd th!t i) one
of the )t!nd!rd) b" 'hich our conduct5 our Dharma i) to be !)cert!ined# Th!t i) one of the
)t!nd!rd) b" 'hich l!' mu)t be l!id do'n !nd it i) on thi) principle th!t !ll !lon&5 the l!'5
the )o?c!lled Shastri' l!'5 h!) ch!n&ed !nd ch!n&ed !nd ch!n&ed# 2" hon# friend5 the
2ini)ter of 3!' )!id in hi) openin& )peech th!t if "ou &o to Parasara Smriti or +arada
Smriti "ou find there provi)ion for 'ido' re?m!rri!&e5 !nd provi)ion for ver" m!n" other
thin&) 'hich m!" be c!lled revolution!r"# Ho' did the" ever come to it8 Ho' did the" &et
be"ond the b!rrier)5 !) it '!)5 !nd bre!% throu&h them !nd )t!rt upon )omethin& 'hich '!)
revolution!r"8 .t '!) bec!u)e !ccordin& to the hi&he)t inAunction) l!id do'n5 there !re not
onl" Shruti !nd Smriti but other )ource) !l)o# <ou h!ve to t!%e the conduct of the ri&hteou)
!nd the piou)5Gtho)e 'ho %no' the '!" of life th!t le!d) unto )elf?re!liJ!tionG!nd it i)
tho)e people 'ho l!id do'n the norm) of conduct# <ou h!ve to follo' tho)e# The" !re not
Shastri'. The" !re not nece))!ril" to be !)cribed to !n" p!rticul!r Shruti or Smriti, but tho)e
!re the '!") of ri&ht livin& th!t h!ve been l!id do'n definitel" for the purpo)e of re&ul!tin&
our conductGindividu!l !) 'ell !) )oci!l# .f th!t be )o5 if th!t i) the '!" in 'hich the l!'
mu)t evolve it)elf5 then nece))!ril" 'here 'e find th!t there i) ! )tron& public opinion5 'here
the con)cience of )ociet" or ! p!rticul!r )ection of )ociet"5 the minorit" )ection5 let u) )!"5
dict!te) th!t ! p!rticul!r '!" of life )hould be )!nctioned b" l!'5 l!' come) for'!rd to the
re)cue !nd l!") do'n th!t it )h!ll be )o# .f th!t be our )t!nd!rd5 then c!n 'e po))ibl" !t thi)
moment )!" th!t there )h!ll be no ch!n&e !t !ll 8 C!n 'e po))ibl" !))ert th!t our l!'5 our
Shastri' l!'5 h!) been )t!tion!r" 8 .f it i) inviol!ble !nd inviol!te5 if it i) un!lter!ble !nd
ine(or!ble5 then there 'ill be no pro&re)) !nd it 'ill be ! poor compliment to p!" to our
.ndi!n l!'?&iver) to )!" th!t l!' h!) been )t!tion!r"# 0n the contr!r"5 it i) time tod!" to
mu)ter up cour!&e !nd to )!" th!t the vie') of no p!rticul!r )ection5 'hether minorit" or
m!Aorit" )hould be tr!mpled upon5 th!t if there !re )tron& opinion held in re&!rd to !
p!rticul!r point then the l!' mu)t come for'!rd to &ive permi))ion for th!t#
. p!)) ne(t# Sir5 to the other fund!ment!l point)# 7h!t i) the other m!in obAection r!i)ed
'ith re&!rd to thi) Bill# .t i) on the 9ue)tion of propert"Gthe 2it!%!)h!r! !nd the
!"!bh!&!# .) it po))ible !t thi) moment5 let u) !)% our)elve) )eriou)l"5 to r!i)e thi)
9ue)tion8 The Aoint f!mil" )")tem h!d it) virtue) C it h!d it) &lorie) in the p!)t# Nobod" c!n
den" th!t# But . h!ve been under the impre))ion th!t of l!te it i) the t"r!nn" of the Aoint
f!mil" )")tem 'hich h!) !ppe!red mo)t obno(iou) to ! ver" l!r&e number of people# The"
feel th!t the e!rnin& people in the f!mil" !re )uc%ed dr" b" the indolent one)# There !re
people 'ho do not '!nt to &o forth !nd e!rn !t !ll bec!u)e there i) ! f!mil" behind them5 !nd
the" thin%5 6 7h!t i) the u)e of our t!%in& !n" trouble for e!rnin& 'hen there i) the f!mil" to
)upport u)86 And tho)e member) of the f!mil" 'ho b" the )'e!t of their bro' e!rn
)omethin&5 it i) their income th!t i) )uc%ed dr" b" other) 'ho !re indolent !nd 'ho !re !l)o
in ever" '!" e(tr!v!&!nt#
Dr. P. S. Deshmukh (C# ;# !nd Ber!r 4 :ener!l) 4 H!ve the" ever compl!ined5 Sir8
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: <e)5 the" do# Compl!int) !re inherent in the )itu!tion#
Dr. P. K. Sen 4 .f their compl!int could be he!rd5 then of cour)e it 'ill be ! different
m!tter5 but if the" 'ere people in the f!mil"5 then there 'ould be no opportunit" 'h!t)oever5
to m!%e ! compl!int# The onl" '!" in 'hich the" c!n po))ibl" compl!in i) no' l!id do'n
n!mel"5 b" e(pre))ion of intention to )ep!r!te# No'5 'h!t i) the !ctu!l po)ition 8 Ho')oever
)tron& the f!mil" inte&rit" m!" be5 !n" individu!l member c!n come for'!rd !nd )!"5 .
intend to )ep!r!te5 !nd th!t e(pre))ion of intention 'ill in)t!nt!neou)l" effect )ep!r!tion in
the e"e of the l!'# 7here i) the inte&rit" of the f!mil" then 8 7h!t then h!) the mitakshara
f!mil" to do 8 Accordin& to Audici!l deci)ion) no'5 it h!) come do'n to thi) th!t the )li&hte)t
intention to effect )ep!r!tion !nd the e(pre))ion of th!t intention 'ill effect th!t )ep!r!tion#
.n th!t c!)e . do )ubmit th!t it i) too l!te in the d!" to )!" th!t the Aoint f!mil" i) ! hu&e
in)titution 'hich rem!in) int!ct# .t i) tumblin& do'n !nd there c!n be no doubt 'h!t)oever
th!t 'ith the effort of m!n it c!nnot po))ibl" be protected !n" lon&er# ;eople '!nt individu!l
libert" no'# 1ver"bod" 'ho e!rn) '!nt) to e!rn !nd !l)o &o hi) o'n '!"# He doe) not '!nt
to be fettered b" other member) of the f!mil"# .t i) individu!l freedom 'hich i) no' their !im
!nd obAect# Thi) cr" h!) been r!i)ed from the e!rlie)t time)# 6 The individu!l 'ither) !nd the
St!te i) more !nd more#6 Th!t i) ! compl!int 'hich h!) been he!rd for )ome time p!)t# Tod!"
!l)o 'e feel th!t in our )ociet" the rule of the m!Aorit"5 the rule of )ociet"5 i) predomin!nt5
but nobod" '!nt) thi) predomin!nce !n" lon&er# The individu!l no' '!nt) to &o off !t !
t!n&ent# He )!")5 . do not '!nt to be &overned b" the f!mil"# . '!nt to e!rn m" freedom !nd
. '!nt to &o m" o'n '!"# . !ppe!l to ever" individu!l 2ember of thi) Hou)e to !)% him)elf
if th!t i) not the )pirit of the modern time)5 !nd if th!t i) the )pirit5 then 'here !re 'e 8
7here i) the !dv!nt!&e in tr"in& to bol)ter up !n edifice th!t could not po))ibl" e(i)t !n"
more# Therefore5 thi) &re!t difference 'hich i) bein& dr!'n bet'een Mitakshara !nd
Dayabhaga i) pr!ctic!ll" &one# .t m!" be th!t 'hen 'e )it round ! t!ble in perfect !mit" !nd
&ood'ill5 in perfect under)t!ndin& of e!ch other5 'e m!" be !ble to iron out !ll the)e
difference) !nd 'e m!" be !ble to !rrive !t ! ver" )!ti)f!ctor" )olution 'ithout hurtin& the
in)tinct) of !n" p!rticul!r )ection5 !nd . do hope th!t th!t 'ill be )o# . do not '!nt to &o into
det!il)5 but . Au)t '!nt to point out th!t thi) i) the line upon 'hich our di)cu))ion) m!"
proceed in future#
Then5 Sir5 t!%e the other det!il)# ;r!ctic!ll" in the m!tter of inherit!nce or in the m!tter of
)ucce))ion5 there i) nothin& upon 'hich controver)" r!&e) e(cept on the d!u&hterB) )h!re# All
the other thin&) !re more or le)) no' thin&) of the p!)t# 3e&i)l!tion h!) t!%en pl!ce5
numerou) Audici!l deci)ion) h!ve been p!))ed 'hereb" ri&ht) h!ve been &iven to !ll other
member) of the f!mil"5 tho)e th!t cl!imed them# The onl" thin& upon 'hich controver)"
centre) no' i) !bout the d!u&hterB) )h!re# .t m!" be h!lf the )h!re th!t the )on &et)5 it m!" be
!n e9u!l )h!re 'ith the )on5 it m!" be !n" other )h!re th!t m!" be decided upon b"
ever"bod" )ittin& round ! t!ble# . !m perfectl" confident th!t 'ith &ood'ill !nd mutu!l
under)t!ndin&5 )omethin& )!ti)f!ctor" m!" be evolved in thi) line# .t i) not th!t ever"
individu!l member of the Select Committee i) bound do'n b" it) deci)ion)# 7e !re !ll free
to e(erci)e our o'n vie')# . fr!n%l" !dmit th!t there !re cert!in thin&) 'hich . do not li%e#
There m!" be other member) 'ho )!" th!t there !re cert!in !)pect) of the Bill 'hich do not
commend them)elve) to them# Therefore5 !ll the)e difference) h!ve to ! cert!in e(tent to be
ironed out b" mutu!l di)cu))ion5 but !p!rt from th!t5 the fund!ment!l 9ue)tion i) 'hether the
d!u&hter h!) to &et !n" )h!re !t !ll# No' 'hen it i) )!id th!t the d!u&hter c!nnot &et ! )h!re
!t !ll5 then . do thin%G!nd . h!ve no he)it!tion 'h!t)oever in e(pre))in& m" vie') freel"
!nd fr!n%l"5G1 do thin% th!t it i) the )!me old preAudice !&!in)t the fem!le member) of the
f!mil" th!t dict!te) thi) obAection#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi4 Nuite ri&ht# Th!t i) the re!l point#
Dr. P. K. Sen 4 7e m!" hold our 'omen member) in hi&h e)teem# No doubt it i) often
)!id th!t the l!die) of ever" f!mil" !re !n&el) of &r!ce5 th!t the" !re mini)terin& !n&el)# Th!t
i) perfectl" true5 but do 'e do !ll th!t i) needed5 !ll th!t i) c!lled for5 to'!rd) them8 o 'e
do !ll th!t i) '!nted from the men?fol% to the 'omen fol% in our f!milie) 8 3et u) be
perfectl" )incere !nd fr!n% !bout the)e thin&)# There i) ! &re!t de!l th!t h!) to be done for
our 'omen?fol%# 7omen tod!" '!nt their pl!ce in )ociet"# Continuin& to do their dut" b" the
f!mil" !nd continuin& to be mini)terin& !n&el) of the f!mil"5 the" h!ve !l)o )ome other 'or%
to do# The" h!ve to t!%e !n intere)t in public !ff!ir)# The" h!ve to t!%e !n intere)t in )oci!l
or&!ni)!tion)# Their pre)ence i) indi)pen)!bl" nece))!r" in m!n" or&!ni)!tion) 'hich !re
bein& )et up tod!"# Therefore5 'e c!nnot po))ibl" h!ve ! fr!me'or% of )ociet" in 'hich )uch
'omen could not po))ibl" e(i)t# The" mu)t !l'!") be the mini)terin& !n&le) of the men?fol%5
th!t i) to )!"5 loo%in& !fter their ph")ic!l comfort) !nd 'elf!re5 !nd do nothin& )o f!r !) their
hi&her !im) !nd !)pir!tion) !re concerned# But the" h!ve ! function to fulfil in )ociet"# .n the
)ociet" of independent .ndi!5 'omen h!ve ! ver" l!r&e pl!ce to fill in ever" or&!ni)!tion5 in
ever" movement# Th!t bein& )o5 'e mu)t )et them free !nd there i) nothin& th!t i) '!nted
more th!n economic freedom# ($!ar, h!ar.. There !re m!n" c!)e) in 'hich live) !re bl!)ted
bec!u)e the" h!ve &ot to be dependent upon )ome m!le member of the f!mil" for their ver"
e(i)tence# Therefore5 the 9ue)tion of their economic freedom h!) ! pl!ce in the !ff!ir) of
3et u) not be !b)olutel" obliviou) of th!t f!ct# .f 'e '!nt to &ive economic freedom5 then
there i) no re!)on 'h!t)oever 'h" 'e )hould turn !'!" !nd )!" 4 6 0h ! d!u&hter5 )he c!nnot
h!ve ! )h!re5 )he 'ill rem!in ! mini)terin& !n&el of the f!mil" 6 b" 'hich it i) me!nt th!t )he
'ill !l'!") be ! dependent thereC !nd if )he i) ! 'ido'5 )he 'ill be onl" loo%in& !fter the
comfort) of other people !nd 'ill not be !ble to do !n" other )ervice to the f!mil" or to the
)ociet" or to the n!tion !t l!r&e# 7ell5 Sir5 . do not propo)e to &o further5 bec!u)e it 'ill t!%e
! ver" lon& time !nd . %no' th!t . )h!ll then be tre)p!))in& upon the time of other)# But !
&ood de!l h!) been )!id5 ! &re!t de!l of di)cu))ion h!) t!%en pl!ce upon the fund!ment!l)#
7hen . contempl!te !ll the)e di)cu))ion) th!t h!ve t!%en pl!ce5 . !m firml" convinced th!t if
!fter thi) deb!te5 'e c!n )it !round ! t!ble !nd 'e c!n brin& our)elve) to con)ider !ll the)e
det!il) in ! )pirit of perfect &ood'ill !nd under)t!ndin&5 'e )h!ll be !ble to !tt!in ! )olution#
The minor point) th!t trouble u) !re m!n"5 it m!" be5 but their )olution i) not )o difficult# .t i)
the fund!ment!l) upon 'hich 'e h!ve to concentr!te our !ttention !nd 'hen 'e do )o5 .
thin% our p!th i) cle!r#
Shrimati Kamala Chaudhari (/# ;# :ener!l) 4 (-nglish translation of th! $indi
sp!!'h. Sir5 before . )!" ! fe' 'ord) in connection 'ith the Hindu Code Bill5 . )hould li%e to
con&r!tul!te the hon# r# Ambed%!r for brin&in& forth thi) Bill# 2" o'n feelin& i) th!t thi)
Bill h!) been brou&ht up before thi) Hou)e in conformit" 'ith the )pirit of time# Thi) i)
!b)olutel" in !ccord 'ith the m!rch of the time !nd pre)ent?d!" dem!nd# Althou&h it i) bein&
oppo)ed on reli&iou)5 cultur!l !nd m!n" other &round) !nd v!riou) %ind) of thin&) !re he!rd
!&!in)t it in the cour)e of ho)tile prop!&!nd!5 "et m" per)on!l feelin& i) th!t thi) Bill 'ill
prove ! )ort of p!n!ce! for our 'omen communit" !nd the pro&re)) of our .ndi!n Societ"5
!nd thi) 'ill &o ! lon& '!" to benefit our 'omen?fol% 'ho !re even tod!" bein& de&r!ded to
the lo'e)t ebb# 2oreover5 our future 'omen?fol% )h!ll !l)o rem!in indebted to the hon#
2ini)ter !nd thi) Hou)e if thi) Bill i) p!))ed in thi) A))embl"#
Tho)e 'ho oppo)e thi) Bill h!ve e(pre))ed the opinion th!t thi) 'ill prove h!rmful to our
reli&ion !) 'ell !) culture# Thi) thin& doe) not !ppe!l to me !t !ll# Thi) i) !nother thin& th!t
the br!in !nd he!rt of our countr"men h!ve been fr!med in )uch ! '!" th!t !n"thin& )!id in
the n!me of reli&ion hi&hl" !ppe!l) to the )entiment) of the people# 0n the !lt!r of thi) ver"
reli&ionGin 'h!t m!nner did 'e !ccentu!te our commun!l feelin&) 8 .n the n!me of thi)
ver" reli&ion5 'e h!ve )een the murder of 2!h!tm! :!ndhiGthe f!ther of the N!tion#
So5 in thi) '!"5 . )ee th!t thi) Bill i) !l)o oppo)ed b" r!i)in& ! hue !nd cr" in the n!me of
reli&ion !nd .ndi!n culture5 !nd tho)e of the per)on) !nd our )i)ter)5 'ho c!nnot even !) "et
under)t!nd 'h!t i) l!'5 ho' thi) A))embl" h!) been con)tituted5 'ho c!nnot even
under)t!nd the ri&ht of fr!nchi)e 'hich h!) been &r!nted to them in our Con)titution5 !re
bein& told li%e thi)5 !nd it i) !ccl!imed th!t ! &re!t m!Aorit" of 'omen in the countr" !re
oppo)ed to thi) Bill# But )o f!r !) m" humble intellect c!n conceive5 thi) Bill Bdoe) not !ppe!r
to cont!in !n" )uch thin& 'hich mi&ht be !&!in)t our reli&ion !nd culture#
.n one of the p!rt) of thi) Bill5 ! provi)ion h!) been m!de prohibitin& the ri&ht of
pol"&!m" 'hich i) !t pre)ent e(erci)ed b" the reli&iou) minded Hindu)# Thi) i) not permitted
!nd ! b!n h!) thu) been impo)ed upon it# 7ith !ll the humilit"5 . 'ould )ubmit th!t .
!pprehend th!t thi) Bill mi&ht be oppo)ed b" ! m!Aorit" of our brethren for the re!)on th!t
)ome )uch b!n i) bein& impo)ed upon them th!t in the life time of their 'ive)5 the" )h!ll not
be permitted to contr!ct m!n" m!rri!&e)# But . do not find in it !n"thin& !&!in)t the reli&ion5
bec!u)e it )o loo%) to me !fter &oin& throu&h our )cripture) !nd !ncient liter!ture th!t never
durin& !n" time5 even in the olden d!")5 the in)titution of pol"&!m" '!) loo%ed upon
f!vour!bl"# After )c!nnin& throu&h the !ncient liter!ture5 'e do come !cro)) )uch in)t!nce)
'here the rulin& prince '!) !llo'ed to m!rr" more th!n one 'ife# 7e find the ruler)
di)re&!rdin& the cu)tom)5 tr!dition)5 u)!&e) !nd the loft" ide!l)Gide!l) re&!rded !) )ublime
Gon 'hich )tood the )tructure of our )ociet"5 but . 'ould li%e to cite before "ou !n e(!mple
)et forth b" one 'ho i) con)idered !) !n inc!rn!tion of :od !nd 'ho h!) pl!ced !n ide!l
before u)# After loo%in& throu&h the &re!t epic 'ritten b" =!lmi%iG the epic 'hich h!)
)!fe&u!rded our .ndi!n culture !nd 'hich h!) )u)t!ined our culture for the l!)t )o m!n"
centurie)Git !ppe!r) th!t 'hen @in& $!mch!ndr! )!t for the perform!nce of "shvam!dha
Cagna !nd 'hen the prie)t) !nd elderl" per)on) told him th!t the Cagna (obl!tion) c!nnot be
perfected in the !b)ence of ! 'ife5 even !t th!t moment he performed the ceremon" b"
in)t!llin& ! &old idol of Sit! !nd did not h!ve recour)e to ! )econd m!rri!&e# Thi) ide!l lie)
before u) !nd if 'e )c!n throu&h our cl!))ic!l epic5 'e )h!ll h!ve &limp)e of thi) !t ever"
pl!ce# urin& the time) 'hen 3ord $!m! lived in the fore)t) !nd 'hen Shurpn!%h! implored
him for m!rri!&e5 3!%)hm!n h!d told her th!t $!mch!ndr! '!) ! prince of A"odh"! !nd '!)
li%el" to become the ruler of th!t %in&dom !nd th!t be '!) even in ! po)ition to m!rr"C but
the l!tter '!) !lre!d" ! m!rried m!n !nd could not thu) re?m!rr"# 1ven !t th!t time the
utter!nce) 'hich our ;oet 3!ure!te h!d !ttributed to 3ord $!m! e)t!bli)he) the )!me ver"
ide!l th!t the in)titution of pol"&!m" '!) not loo%ed upon f!vour!bl" durin& tho)e d!")# . do
not under)t!nd ho' the re)triction pl!ced thereon in thi) Bill i) oppo)ed to reli&iou)
doctrine)# 0n the contr!r" . thin% th!t if )uch !ction) 'ere to be encour!&ed then the" 'ould
)urel" c!u)e the de)truction of the hi&h ide!l) of our .ndi!n culture !nd )ociet"# . believe thi)
to be !n ide!l for ever" Hindu 'ho profe))e) him)elf to be ! follo'er of Hindu reli&ion !nd !
)upporter of .ndi!n culture# .t i) ! &re!t inAu)tice done to 'om!n th!t the hu)b!nd i) !llo'ed
to enter into m!trimon" once5 t'ice5 thrice or even four time) in the ver" life time of the
le&!ll" 'edded 'ife# *or ! 'om!n thi) cu)tom i) horribl" p!inful !nd dem!nd) utmo)t
)"mp!th"# .t i) !nother thin& th!t )ince centurie) re)triction) h!ve been impo)ed on our
'omen fol% !nd the 'omen of thi) countr" h!ve more or le)) been confined 'ithin the four
'!ll) of the hou)e# $e)triction) h!ve been impo)ed on their )oci!l5 ment!l !nd economic
ri&ht)# Their te!r) dr" up in their e"e) onl" !nd !re not even !llo'ed to tric%le do'n# But our
poet)5 'riter) !nd !uthor) h!ve &iven ! ver" vivid de)cription of thi) colo))!l )ufferin& !nd
tribul!tion) th!t the 'omen h!ve to endure# *or ! 'om!n no other )ufferin& i) more
tormentin& th!n the di)tre)) of h!vin& ! co?'ife#
No' 'hen the !&e of ren!i))!nce be&!n !nd the eminent per)on) of our countr" be&!n to
re!liJe their !bAect mi)er" then5 !) ! re)ult of their %ind effort)5 the condition of the 'omen
fol% '!) c!refull" con)idered over !nd hence from time to time )uch revolution!r" Bill) 'ere
p!))ed in thi) Hou)e# At th!t time our countr" '!) in turmoil !nd then 2!h!tm! :!ndhi
forced !n entr" into the )oci!l )tructure of our )ociet"# He elev!ted the 'omen fol% to )uch !n
e(tent th!t the" could )t!nd on their o'n le&)# Tod!" ! %een de)ire for )ecurin& her due ri&ht)
h!) !'!%ened in her he!rt# The 'om!n of the future 'ill not toler!te thi) )ort of oppre))ion
!nd t"r!nn" l"in& do'n !) )he h!) been doin& till tod!"# She 'ill never toler!te thi) )ort of
ne&lect !nd di)re)pect# Therefore5 . thin% thi) time to be mo)t f!vour!ble# The Bill th!t i)
before u) )hould be p!))ed in thi) Hou)e 'ith &re!t !ppl!u)e#
Thi) Bill i) bein& oppo)ed on m!n" &round)# . h!ve h!d opportunitie) to he!r )uch thin&
here# 0b)cene !nd dirt" thin&) !re )!id !&!in)t the 'omen communit"5 the" !re bein&
)ti&m!ti)ed# Thu) ! prop!&!nd! i) m!de here b" &ivin& publicit" to )uch )c!nd!lou) )lur)
!&!in)t the 'omen fol%# The people here h!ve come to believe th!t the ri&ht to divorce
provided in the Bill 'ould re)ult in the de)truction of the )tructure of our )ociet" !nd our
culture 'ould &o to do&)# . do not under)t!nd ho' people &ive ri)e to )uch !pprehen)ion)
!nd ho' the" re)ort to )uch t!l%)# But !) f!r !) . h!ve )tudied thi) Bill . h!ve not come !cro))
!n"thin& concernin& the di))olution of m!rri!&e) th!t c!n be c!lled !n innov!tion5 or
!n"thin& th!t h!) not been !llo'ed !nd permitted b" our )!cred te(t) !nd hol" )cripture)# All
the condition) th!t h!ve been l!id do'n for the di))olution of m!rri!&e)5 or in 'h!t m!nner
the m!rri!&e) c!n be di))olved5 or for 'h!t )e!)on) divorce c!n be &r!nted# . thin% !ll the)e
condition) do e(i)t in our Shastras. . m")elf believe in Hindu reli&ion !nd culture# . !m !
Hindu 'om!n# 7herein lie) the &lor" !nd import!nce of the 'om!n . %no' th!t !l)o# *or
centurie) our )!&e) !nd preceptor)5 poet) !nd 'riter) h!ve )un& )on&) !bout the &re!tne)) of
the .ndi!n 'om!n !nd h!ve mentioned her in the mo)t &loriou) term)# . %no' th!t !ll thi)
&re!tne)) h!) not been !ttributed to fem!le form onl"5 the" h!ve )un& )on&) !bout her noble
)pirit of renunci!tion in)te!d# . thin% th!t thi) hi&h ide!l i) ver" &ood for u)# Not from tod!"
but from !&e) the .ndi!n 'om!n h!) been m!int!inin& the)e ide!l) !nd the &loriou) hi)tor" of
her renunci!tion !nd ide!l) 'ill for ever &o do'n in !nn!l) of .ndi!n culture !nd the hi)tor"
of m!n%ind#
But in ever" )ociet" it h!) been found impo))ible for e!ch !nd ever" individu!l5 m!" be
m!le or fem!le5 to live up to the hi&he)t of the ide!l)# 2!h!tm! :!ndhi h!) been !ccl!imed !
)uperm!n b" the 'hole 'orld# He pl!ced before u) hi) ide!l) !nd thou&h bein& hi) follo'er)
'e our)elve) could not live upto them# Simil!r i) the compo)ition of the )ociet" !) !l)o of the
'orld# .f thi) 'hole 'orld !nd our .ndi!n )ociet" in p!rticul!r 'ere to m!int!in the hi&h
)t!nd!rd of ide!l) then5 . thin%5 thi) ver" 'orld 'ould become ! p!r!di)e#
7henever )ome hi&h ide!l i) )et before the people then in order to cre!te ! proper
!tmo)phere for it ! number of thin&) h!ve &ot to be done# T!%e the c!)e of the Hindu
m!rri!&e )")tem for in)t!nce# At the time of m!rri!&e the prie)t) interpret thi) !lli!nce to be
)o indi))oluble5 )o everl!)tin& th!t it 'ould hold &ood for future birth) !nd re?birth) !l)o# .
donB) believe thi)# Bec!u)e 'hile on one )ide !ccordin& to Hindu ide!l) 'e !re led to believe
th!t thi) m!rri!&e !lli!nce bet'een ! Hindu m!le !nd fem!le l!)t) till eternit"5 on the other
h!nd in our hol" )cripture) it h!) been l!id do'n th!t !ccordin& to the philo)oph" of Karma,
thi) !lli!nce 'ould h!ve continued etern!ll" even if in previou) birth)5 the hu)b!nd m!" h!ve
been ! hum!n bein& or ! demon or !n !nim!l5 but . do not believe in )uch ! thin&# 7h!t .
believe i) th!t m!rri!&e i) Au)t ! compromi)e for the life time# .f our m!rried couple) 'ere to
b!n%er upon the le&!l po))ibilitie) re&!rdin& the di))olution of m!rri!&e) then . thin% th!t our
life 'ould become 9uite u)ele))# The re)ult of )uch ! )t!te of !ff!ir) 'ould be th!t the people
'ill never be !ble to r!i)e !nd m!int!in h!pp" f!milie)# .f )uch )t!te of !ff!ir) do e(i)t
!n"'here5 then under )uch circum)t!nce)5 there c!n neither be the evolution of our reli&ion
nor the cultur!l development of our countr" c!n t!%e pl!ce# .f under !n" circum)t!nce) the
)ep!r!tion be deemed e))enti!l then . thin% the le&!l ri&ht mu)t lie 'ith the 'om!n# 2!n"
defect) h!ve cropped up in our pre)ent d!" )ociet"# . thin% in)t!nce) !re not onl" %no'n to
me but !ll the &entlemen pre)ent here mu)t be in the %no' of them# A hu)b!nd c!n m!rr" !
)econd time even 'hen the !&e of hi) 'ife m!" not be much# 0n the other h!nd ! 'om!n
'ho)e !&e m!" onl" be 1F5 17 or 18 "e!r) c!nnot re?m!rr" C )he h!) not been !uthori)ed to
&et her m!rri!&e di))olved# 7h!t )uch ! )t!te of !ff!ir) re)ult) in 8 . do not '!nt to &o in
det!il)# . ver" humbl" be& to )ubmit onl" )o much th!t )uch thin&) re)ult in &r!ve di)!)ter)#
3e&!ll" th!t 'om!n c!nnot re?m!rr"# Her le&!l hu)b!nd h!) no rel!tion) 'ith her# 2!" )he
lie in the !b")) of the )ociet" !nd )uffer e(treme di)tre)) !nd tribul!tion)5 "et the )ociet" doe)
not !llo' her to enter into !n honour!ble rem!rri!&e 'hereb" )he m!" be !ble to )upport !nd
)u)t!in her children5 )et up ! f!mil" !nd p!)) the re)t of the life in comfort !nd e!)e# /nder
)uch circum)t!nce) . 'i)h th!t the 'om!n )hould h!ve thi) ri&ht# . do not 'i)h th!t thi) ri&ht
)hould )o commonl" be u)ed th!t it m!" cre!te ret!lli!tion !nd ever" m!n or 'om!n m!"
be&in to thin% th!t the" c!n h!ve )ep!r!tion if !nd 'hen the" li%e# A) f!r !) . thin% thi) Bill
doe) not provide )o much f!cilitie) !) the people profe))# The mo)t out)t!ndin& )peci!lit"
th!t . c!n )ee in thi) Bill i) th!t in 8, percent# of our communit" . h!ve )een th!t a pan'hayat
i) c!lled !nd )ep!r!tion i) effected 'ithin ! minuteB) time# At pl!ce) !nd in cert!in
communitie) even the pan'hayat doe) not !))emble to &ive it) deci)ion# 2!le) !nd fem!le)
!re 9uite free !nd le!vin& e!ch other5 the" c!n re?m!rr" 'hom)oever the" li%e# The utmo)t
puni)hment the communit" c!n impo)e upon them i) th!t the" !re )ome'h!t ch!)ti)ed or e(?
communic!ted !nd !fter &ivin& ! communit" fe!)t5 the" !re !&!in t!%en b!c% in the fold) of
the communit"# The p!))in& of thi) Bill 'ill hi&hl" benefit tho)e communitie) 'herein
)ep!r!tion !nd divorce !re con)idered to be ver" in)i&nific!nt thin&)# Thi) Bill 'ill impo)e
re)triction) on them !l)o !nd the &re!te)t benefit th!t 'e 'ould h!ve of thi) Bill i) th!t our
b!c%'!rd communitie) 'hich h!ve no cultur!l b!c%&round 'ill become cultured !nd their
mor!l )t!nd!rd 'ill be r!i)ed# Thi) i) the mo)t out)t!ndin& )peci!lit" th!t . h!ve come !cro))
in thi) Bill#
The )tron&e)t oppo)ition th!t i) bein& m!de !&!in)t thi) Bill i) . thin% !bout the 9ue)tion
of the propert"5 for the re!)on th!t thi) Hindu Code Bill )ee%) to provide the d!u&hter !l)o !
)h!re in the f!therB) propert" e9u!l to th!t of the )on# A number of different thin&) !re bein&
)!id !bout thi) me!)ure# Some hon# 2ember) hold the vie' th!t b" !doptin& )uch ! me!)ure
the inn!te !ffection !nd n!tur!l love bet'een the brother !nd )i)ter 'ill ce!)e to e(i)t5 our
heredit" !nd our entire f!mil" )")tem 'ill be di)rupted# . c!nnot under)t!nd thi) thin&
bec!u)e !) 'e )ee tod!"5 if ! per)on h!) t'o or four )on) then it i) not !t !ll e))enti!l th!t
the)e brother) fi&ht !mon& them)elve) or %ic% up di)pute)# But !t the )!me time 'e do
)ometime) he!r of )uch incident) !nd m!n" in)t!nce) !re before u) th!t )uch di)pute) !re
%ic%ed up !nd the" become de!dl" enemie)# So . thin% th!t if it be t!%en for &r!nted for
brother !nd )i)ter !l)o5 th!t !fter inheritin& the propert" the" 'ill !l)o %ic% up )imil!r
di)pute) then5 !) )uch di)pute) &ener!ll" t!%e pl!ce bet'een brother) !l)o )o the" do not
m!tter much5 2oreover !t th!t time5 do the per)on) 'ho profe)) the culture to be in d!n&er
ever tr" to procl!im th!t thi) inherit!nce of propert" %ic%) up di)pute) !nd 9u!rrel) !mon&
the brother) )o it )hould better &o 8 Are )uch di)pute) in !ccord!nce 'ith our culture 8 The
&lor" of our reli&ion lie) in n!tur!l !ffection5 mutu!l love !nd in bein& on &ood term) 'ith
other)# Thi) i) our culture !ccordin& to our reli&ion# . )ee m!n" )uch in)t!nce) 'here the
)olit!r" )i)ter h!) &ot ! deep !ffection for her brother# 3ove) !re of different %ind)5 but the
love th!t ! )i)ter h!) for her brother5 . thin%5 i) )o un!))umin& inn!te !nd pure th!t no other
%ind of love c!n )t!nd up to it# Such !n !ffection )he be!r) for her brother# 0ur e(i)tin& l!'
provided th!t the propert" th!t '!) o'ned b" the mother5 the stridhana, !nd the orn!ment)
th!t the mother po))e))ed 'ere inherited b" the d!u&hter# But ever"'here it h!) been )een
th!t the )i)ter h!) )h!red the orn!ment) 'ith her brother) !nd nobod" h!) ever )een them
9u!rrellin& over the divi)ion# .f the hi&h ide!l) of our 'omen fol% hold &ood then ! )i)ter 'ill
!l'!") be prep!red to )!crifice her !ll for her brother# There 'ill be ver" fe' c!)e) 'here
)uch di)pute) 'ill t!%e pl!ce# .f for the time bein& it m!" be t!%en for &r!nted th!t )uch )t!te
of !ff!ir) 'ill come to p!))5 )till then . 'ill )!" th!t thi) i) ! &r!ve inAu)tice# . !m !ble to
rec!ll the c!)e of our bi& talukadars 'here the brother) live e(tr!v!&!ntl" on the propert" left
b" the f!ther# *or them)elve)5 the" )pend )uch he!v" )um) on the occ!)ion of i# !nd other
fe)tiv!l) !) mi&ht h!ve )erved the )i)ter for ! lifetime# .f5 ho'ever5 ! 'ido'ed )i)ter h!ppen)
to come !nd live in th!t ver" home5 her pl!ce i) in the %itchen !nd her lot i) none better th!n
th!t of ! coo%# .n the home 'here5 tod!" brother) enAo" life on the )tren&th of the f!therB)
propert"5 the f!therB) 'e!lth5 in th!t ver" home . h!ve )een 'ith m" o'n e"e) the )i)ter
pinin& for mil% for her "oun& children# She too h!) the de)ire th!t her children )hould h!ve
&ood thin&) to e!t !nd &ood clothe) to 'e!r !nd th!t the" )hould receive &ood educ!tion in
the )!me '!" !) her brotherB) )on)# But the l!' h!) )e!led her mouth# She i) ton&ue?tied !nd
d!re not &ive vent to her feelin&)# . 'ould li%e5 ver" re)pectfull"5 to !)% tho)e people5 'ho
!re oppo)in& it tod!"5 'hether thi) i) in !ccord!nce 'ith the Hindu l!' !nd5 if )o5 'hich
)chool of our philo)oph" )!nction) thi) inAu)tice )ho'n to 'om!n# Hence5 . thin% th!t the
provi)ion rel!tin& to the d!u&hter h!vin& ! )h!re in her f!therB) propert" i) ver" much in
con)on!nce 'ith the time) !nd comp!tible 'ith our f!ith !nd culture !nd . hope it 'ill be
con)idered in ! ver" &enerou) )pirit#
.n oppo)in& thi) provi)ion5 )ever!l people h!ve !l)o !verred th!t the ide! th!t ! 'om!n
)hould !l)o h!ve ! )h!re in her f!therB) propert" too% birth in the mind) of tho)e per)on) 'ho
!re imbued 'ith ! forei&n culture !nd 'ho h!ve not re!d .ndi!n liter!ture# . )h!ll not be
t!%in& much of "our time !nd )hould li%e to tell "ou briefl" th!t thi) )entiment find) !mple
e(pre))ion in our fol%?)on&) 'hich h!ve e(i)ted for the l!)t hundred) of "e!r)# Thi)
)entiment did not &et into our fol%?)on&) !t the time of our mother) !nd )i)ter) but h!) been
there )ince the time) of our &r!nd !nd &re!t?&r!nd?mother) 'hen there '!) not even ! tr!ce
of forei&n culture !n"'here !nd 'hen it h!d not )et !n" %ind of )e!l on our culture# The
)on&) th!t !re )un& !t the time of m!rri!&e in our ;rovince cont!in thi) )entiment !nd . thin%
th!t )uch )on&) !re )un& !t m!rri!&e) in !ll ;rovince)# . do not here '!nt to recite the !ctu!l
line) of tho)e )on&) but 'ould briefl" li%e to )t!te th!t )uch )on&) !re )un& !mon&)t u) !t the
time of m!rri!&e5 !t !n" r!te in our ;rovince 'ith 'hich . !m f!mili!r# . h!ve !l)o )tudied the
fol%?lore of )ome other ;rovince) 'here too ! )imil!r line of thou&ht e(i)t)# 7e find ! ver"
'hole)ome )entiment formin& the burden of the)e )on&)# The &irl &ive) e(pre))ion to her
de)ire to h!ve one?h!lf )h!re in her f!therB) B dominion B# The brother offer) her v!riou) %ind)
of tempt!tion)5 )!"in& he 'ould &ive her ! pl!te full of orn!ment)5 th!t he 'ould &ive her
hor)e) !nd eleph!nt) !nd !l)o enumer!te) the v!riou) !rticle) he 'ould be &ivin& her b" '!"
of do'r"# The &irl replie) th!t if )he i) de)tined to !c9uire !ll th!t 'e!lth5 it could !l)o
become !v!il!ble to her 'hen )he &oe) over to the hou)e of her f!ther?in?l!' !nd her
hu)b!nd but th!t )he 'ould r!ther h!ve her one?h!lf )h!re here5 th!t )he h!) been brou&ht up
in thi) home !nd th!t )he 'ould li%e to h!ve ! )h!re in the orch!rd !nd the t!n% here# Thu)
there i) !b)olutel" no found!tion for the !lle&!tion th!t thi) )entiment i) the product of
forei&n liter!ture5 or forei&n educ!tion5 or forei&n culture or th!t it i) ! cre!tion of the mind)
of tho)e per)on) 'ho h!ve received their educ!tion from forei&n )ource)# 0ur !ncient
liter!ture !bound) in th!t )entiment !nd our fol%?)on&) 'ould offer v!riou) )uch e(!mple) !)
reflect th!t feelin&#
N!ture h!) m!de ! bo" !nd ! &irl e9u!l in the e"e) of their p!rent)# Then 'h" i) it th!t !
bo" )hould h!ve ! )h!re in hi) f!therB) propert" but ! &irl )hould h!ve none 8 . feel th!t i)
!l)o ! %ind of inAu)tice# Thi) i) !nother m!tter th!t in vie' of the pre)ent )et?up of our )ociet"
)ome people mi&ht5 per ch!nce5 be entert!inin& doubt) !nd !nticip!tin& difficultie) 'ith
re&!rd to the pr!ctic!l !pplic!tion of thi) Bill5 bec!u)e the po)ition occupied b" ! 6 )on?in?
l!' 6 in our )ociet" i) r!ther peculi!r# All hi) life he i) c!lled Famai babu or pahuna (the
:ue)t) !nd never become) ! member of th!t f!mil"# . feel th!t if the d!u&hter i) conceded
thi) ri&ht5 the re)ult 'ould be th!t the )on of !nother f!mil" 'ho come) in !) the )on?in?l!'
could !l)o live !) ! member of the d!u&hterB) f!mil" !) if he 'ere ! third )on to the f!ther
'ho !lre!d" h!) t'o5 !nd thi) )hould encour!&e mutu!l love !nd !ffection# The !r&ument th!t
thi) 'ould )tr!in rel!tion) bet'een brother) !nd )i)ter) or bre!% them for &ood c!nnot !ppe!l
to me# . do not thin% th!t if thi) l!' i) p!))ed it 'ould me!n the di)inte&r!tion of !ll our
)oci!l5 cultur!l !nd reli&iou) tr!dition)# . !m un!ble to !ppreci!te th!t !r&ument# 7ith the)e
'ord) . e(pre)) the hope th!t tho)e people 'ho h!ve p!))ed our ne' Con)titution5 'ho !re
out to m!%e ! r!dic!l ch!n&e in our )oci!l !nd politic!l )et?up !nd 'ho h!ve conceded in th!t
Con)titution the e9u!l ri&ht) of the 'omen5 'ill reflect cool?he!dedl" over the pre)ent
po)ition of our 'omen# 3et them he!r%en to the c!ll of the time)# 7e )hould concede thi)
ri&ht )tr!i&ht!'!"# Schol!r)5 men of letter) !nd hi)tori!n) h!ve held the vie'5 th!t if ! )ociet"
'hich )tep) forth into the field of pro&re))5 doe) not promptl" c!rr" out !ll tho)e ch!n&e)5
'hich !re ur&entl" c!lled for5 it i) li%el" to be left centurie) behind in th!t field# 0n the other
h!nd5 if properl" !ppreci!tin& the c!ll !nd the need) of the time)5 it promptl" &ive) effect to
the ur&entl" needed ch!n&e) it m!rche) forth to ! )peed" pro&re))# . hope thi) Bill i) &oin& to
be p!))ed b" the pre)ent A))embl" bec!u)e here 'e h!ve pre)ent5 in ! preponder!tin&
)tren&th5 per)on) 'ho !re c!lled the follo'er) of 2!h!tm! :!ndhi# 2!h!tm! :!ndhi '!) the
&re!t m!n 'ho h!d ! )ound &r!)p of the problem) !nd the h!ndic!p) f!cin& the .ndi!n
'omen# Alon& 'ith the politic!l revolution he !l)o )tirred up ! po'erful revolution !&!in)t
our old )oci!l convention) !nd '!) )oon !ble to root out !nd de)tro" them# . feel th!t the
follo'er) of 2!h!tm! :!ndhi 'ill &ive their thorou&h con)ider!tion to thi) Bill !nd p!)) it
!fter h!vin& con)idered it &enerou)l" !nd )"mp!thetic!ll" in the li&ht of our f!ith !nd culture#
.n the end5 once !&!in5 . 'i)h to !))ure the hon# 2ini)ter5 on beh!lf of the 'omen5 th!t !ll
tho)e 'omen of thi) countr"5 'ho h!ve been !ble to comprehend thi) me!)ure5 !re &oin& to
'elcome it he!rtil" !nd th!t even the 'omen of the &ener!tion) to come 'ill feel &r!teful to
him for h!vin& &ot it p!))ed#
Shri Kameshwar Singh of Darbhanga (Bih!r 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 it h!) become ver"
difficult for tho)e of u) 'ho !re oppo)ed to the motion moved on beh!lf of :overnment to
t!%e p!rt in thi) deb!te !fter 'h!t our ;rime 2ini)ter h!) )!id in thi) Hou)e !bout the
me!)ure before u) on the openin& d!" of thi) )e))ion# . '!) not pre)ent in the Hou)e 'hen he
m!de the )t!tement5 but if the pre)) report be true5 he h!) m!de the p!))!&e of the Bill !n
i))ue of confidence in hi) :overnment# . !m )tron&l" oppo)ed to the me!)ure# (0nt!rruption..
Mr. Deputy Speaker: 0rder5 order# Nothin& 'ill &o on if the)e interruption) !re m!de#
The interruption) 'ill onl" incre!)e the time t!%en b" the 2ember)#
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra : App!rentl" the hon# 2ember i) m!%in& ! ver" &ood
Shri Kameshwar Singh of Darbhanga: But . !m e9u!ll" )tron& in m" vie' th!t in the
pre)ent )t!te of our countr" the :overnment of our ;rime 2ini)ter i) the be)t :overnment
th!t 'e c!n h!ve# Ho')oever imperfect it m!" be5 ! better !ltern!tive to the pre)ent
:overnment i) not !v!il!ble# Th!t5 . thin%5 i) the vie' of the mo)t of the people 'ho do not
belon& to !n" politic!l p!rt"# Thu)5 the )t!nd t!%en up b" our ;rime 2ini)ter !))ume) the
)h!pe of 6/ndue influence65 if not 6 coercion 65 for men of m" '!" of thin%in&# . 'ould
therefore e!rne)tl" re9ue)t the ;rime 2ini)ter to recon)ider the m!tter !nd unlo!d the
9ue)tion of confidence in hi) :overnment from the con)ider!tion of the me!)ure#
. 'ould li%e the Hou)e !nd :overnment to po)tpone further con)ider!tion of the bill till
the 'i)he) of the elector!te !re !)cert!ined in the ne(t &ener!l election) for re!)on) )t!ted b"
the hon# r# $!Aendr! ;r!)!d5 in the note 'hich he )ent in the c!p!cit" of the ;re)ident of the
.ndi!n N!tion!l Con&re)) to our ;rime 2ini)ter l!)t "e!r#
Hon# 2ember) of thi) Hou)e %no' th!t there i) ! &re!t diver&ence of opinion 'ith re&!rd
to thi) import!nt me!)ure of5 if . m!" )!" )o5 revolution!r" ch!r!cter# .t !ffect) the per)on!l
l!' of the v!)t multitude of people# .t !ffect) their )oci!l !nd economic life !) 'ell !) the
form) !nd cu)tom) th!t h!ve &ro'n 'ith the v!riou) )chool) of the Hindu l!' durin& )o
m!n" centurie)# .n the n!me of uniformit" !nd codific!tion it thre!ten) to !rbitr!ril" di)rupt
the fund!ment!l )oci!l !nd economic )tructure of the Hindu communit" embr!cin& !ll e(cept
the 2u)lim)5 Chri)ti!n)5 ;!r)i) !nd the >e')# . full" !&ree 'ith the ob)erv!tion) of "ou# Sir5
!nd Sri $!m N!r!in Sin&h cont!ined in "our note) of di))ent on the $eport of the Select
Committee on thi) Bill# The member) of the pre)ent le&i)l!ture h!ve no m!nd!te from the
elector!te even 'ith re)pect to the m!Aor i))ue) involved in the Bill# After !ll5 the ne(t
election) !re not f!r off !nd nothin& 'ill be lo)t if the m!tter i) deferred till then#
. !m definitel" of opinion th!t )uch vit!l ch!n&e) !) !re propo)ed in the me!)ure )hould
not be m!de in thi) m!nner# .f one c!re) to loo% into the vie') e(pre))ed before the Hindu
3!' Committee5 he 'ill not f!il to notice th!t the oppo)ition to the Bill i) ver" )tron&# .
belon& to th!t cl!)) of people 'hich con)ider) the Smriti !nd the )chool of interpret!tion5 he
follo')5 !) )!cro)!nctC !nd the cl!)) to 'hich . belon& con)titute) ! l!r&e proportion of the
tot!l popul!tion of the countr"# 7e con)ider m!rri!&e5 )ucce))ion !nd the li%e !) ! p!rt of our
reli&iou) dut" !nd obli&!tion# To u) the)e !re much more th!n mere )ecul!r or )oci!l
.t i) true th!t the )oci!l )tructure h!) &r!du!ll" ch!n&ed !nd i) ch!n&in& under the )tre))
of circum)t!nce)# But )uch ch!n&e) h!ve t!%en pl!ce b" the proce)) of evolution !nd not b"
impo)ition from !bove# *urther5 the)e ch!n&e) do not &ener!ll" !ffect the principle) on 'hich
the 3!') &overnin& the v!riou) Hindu )ocietie) !re b!)ed# No'5 the 9ue)tion i) 'hether the
ch!n&e) propo)ed in the Bill !re )uch !) h!ve been !ccepted b" the people in &ener!l !nd
re9uire Au)t le&!l )!nction# 2" !n)'er to thi) i) emph!tic B N0 B# No doubt5 the !uthor) of
Smritis !nd their interpreter) m!de ch!n&e) from time to time but the" did )o 'hen the"
could enforce them b" the popul!r )upport the" h!d# The bul% of the people h!d !bund!nt
f!ith in their le!rnin&5 in their fore)i&ht5 in their purit" of purpo)e !nd !bove !ll in their
conduct# The !uthor) of thi) propo)ed T'entieth Centur" Smriti h!ve no )uch b!c%&round#
The" do not h!ve in the he!rt) of the people the )t!tu) of tho)e !ncient Smritikars 'ho)e
inAunction) &overn the live) of )o m!n" people even tod!"# The diver)it" perceptible in
different p!rt) of the countr" &oe) ! &re!t '!" in e)t!bli)hin& the f!ct th!t popul!r !ccept!nce
!nd not impo)ition from !n" centr!l politic!l !uthorit" h!) been the )!nction behind the
per)on!l l!' of the Hindu# /nit" in diver)it" i) the chief ch!r!cteri)tic of the Hindu life !nd
reli&ion !nd 'e )hould not t!%e the )eemin& diver)it" !) !n evil 'hich mu)t be
in)t!nt!neou)l" removed#
The fund!ment!l difference bet'een the outloo% of the !ncient l!' &iver) !nd the pre)ent
d!" l!'?&iver) i) th!t5 'here!) the b!)i) of the former)B con)ider!tion '!) purel" )piritu!l5
the b!)i) of the l!tter)B con)ider!tion i) &ro))l" m!teri!l !nd to !ccept it5 i) to &ive ! &ob" to
our philo)oph" of life5 to the continuit" of our tr!dition !nd to the found!tion of our culture#
.5 for one5 !m not prep!red to do )o#
Be)ide) thi)5 . !pprehend th!t there 'ill be pr!ctic!l difficultie) in implementin& the
provi)ion) of the Bill# >u)t im!&ine ho' lon& it 'ill t!%e :overnment to educ!te the people
th!t the" )hould &o to l!' court for &ettin& their m!rri!&e) re&i)tered# >u)t im!&ine 'h!t
complic!tion) !nd confu)ion 'ill the provi)ion) for void !nd void!ble m!rri!&e) cre!te# >u)t
im!&ine 'h!t h!voc 'ill the provi)ion for the di))olution of m!rri!&e) !nd divorce pl!" in
the dome)tic life of the people 'ho)e conception of )ociet" h!) )o f!r been 9uite different
from the one on 'hich the)e provi)ion) !re b!)ed# . do not !&ree 'ith the vie' th!t onl" h!rd
c!)e) 'ill come up for remed"# 2" o'n fe!r i) th!t m!n" intere)ted per)on) 'ill come into
the picture to di)rupt the dome)tic life of their nei&hbour rel!tive) etc#5 for their )elfi)h end)#
Simil!rl"5 the provi)ion) re&!rdin& )ucce))ion 'ill m!%e the m!n!&ement of propert"
difficult !nd become ! prolific )ource of intri&ue b" de)i&nin& per)on) in the )ociet"#
3!'"er) !nd l!' court) m!" pro)per but f!milie) 'ill be bro%en up !nd dome)tic pe!ce 'ill
The report of r# '!r%!n!th 2itter5 one of the member) of the Hindu 3!' Committee5
embodie) the opinion) of the v!)t bul% of Hindu)# The f!ct) on 'hich he h!) b!)ed hi)
conclu)ion) !re irrefut!ble# The report of the other member) of the Committee i) merel" !n
!ttempt to e(pl!in !'!" the irrefut!ble f!ct) mentioned b" r# 2itter in )upport of hi)
contention# .t !ppe!r) th!t the 2!Aorit" of the member) of the Committee h!d !lre!d" m!de
up their mind) on m!Aor i))ue) !nd too% no note of the public opinion e(pre))ed before them
in different '!")# . 'onder ho' the :overnment of .ndi! of tod!" 'hich i) )o )en)itive to
public opinion h!) con)idered it proper to brin& ! me!)ure of thi) %ind before thi) Hou)e# *or
the )!%e of )!ti)f"in& the )entiment) of ! fe' )o?c!lled 6 pro&re))ive 6 element in the Hindu
Communit"5 it )hould not h!ve proceeded 'ith the me!)ure 'hich i) oppo)ed b" !n
over'helmin&l" l!r&e number of Hindu)# .f tho)e 'ho !dvoc!te the !doption of thi) me!)ure
&o from vill!&e to vill!&e !nd collect the re!ction of the Hindu) on the provi)ion) of thi) Bill5
. !m )ure th!t the" 'ill h!rdl" find )!ti)f!ctor" )upport# At le!)t in m" ;rovince5 the public
opinion i) decidedl" !&!in)t thi) Bill#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya (2!dr!)4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 the moment . ri)e before "ou .
he!r cert!in utter!nce) from friend)# Some )!" 6 Support C other) )!" 6 0ppo)e# 6
Shri B. L. Sondhi (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l) 4 <ou 'ill do both#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya : ;erh!p) . !m doin& both5 bec!u)e on ! m!tter li%e thi) it
i) our dut" not to be do&m!tic# 0nl" &re!t men !nd fool) !re do&m!tic !nd . di)cl!im bein&
either# .t i) much better to )trin& our thou&ht) 'ith the thou&ht) of other) !nd tr" to evolve !
:#C#2#5 ! thin& 'hich 'e le!rnt in our e!rl" d!") of !rithmetic5?Gthe &re!te)t common
me!)ure of !&reement upon )uch vit!l 9ue)tion) !) the )tructure !nd functionin& of )ociet"5
'hich i) ! livin& or&!ni)m !nd not ! de!d Aoint )toc% comp!n" 'ith it) o'n memor!nd!5 !nd
!rticle) of !))oci!tion 'hich !re li!ble to be ch!n&ed !n" d!" b" p!"in& three rupee) to the
$e&i)tr!r# Thi) )ociet" 'hich 'e h!ve inherited !nd of 'hich 'e !re proud to c!ll our)elve)
member) h!) been in e(i)tence for perh!p) thou)!nd) of "e!r)#
Babu Ramnarayan Singh (Bih!r 4 :ener!l) 4 Since the cre!tion#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya: Nobod" %no') 'hen it )t!rted# At le!)t . c!n )!" from
the evidence th!t 'e h!ve before u) in @!util"!B) "rtha Shastra th!t thi) h!d !tt!ined it)
perfection ED,, "e!r) !&o# The )!me problem) of m!rri!&e5 of crime5 of puni)hment5 of
p)"cholo&ic!l complic!tion)5 of politic!l puJJle)5 th!t 'ere tre!ted b" @!util"! in hi) "rtha
Shastra !re before me to d!" 'ithout one iot! of ch!n&e# . 'ould !)% friend) 'ho h!ve not
re!d th!t boo% to re!d it# $e!d the Sukra +ithi Sara ) re!d the other politic!l 'or%) of our
!ncient Hindu l!'#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi : @!util"!B) "rtha Shastra i) not unfortun!tel"
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya : .t i) 9uite !v!il!ble for tho)e 'ho h!ve ! mind to &et it#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi 4 But . h!ve tried m" level be)t#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya : . 'ould therefore5 ur&e the Hou)e to loo% into the
!ntecedent) !nd the condition) of pro&re)) !nd condition) of evolution 'hich h!ve
ch!r!cteri)ed the ch!n&e) in 'h!t 'e c!ll the 6 Hindu )ociet" 6# . do not )!" th!t 'e )hould
be proud of Hindu )ociet" !nd Hindu culture5 but !fter !ll 'h!t i) c!lled .ndi!n culture i)
l!r&el" Hindu culture !nd 'h!t i) c!lled .ndi!n )ociet" i) l!r&el" Hindu )ociet"5 !nd if other
people h!ve come !nd mi(ed 'ith u)Gthe >!t)5 the 2o&hul)5 the Tur%)5 the 1n&li)h !nd
other)Gthe" h!ve perh!p) !))imil!ted m!n" of the &ood point) in u) !nd the" h!ve en!bled
u) to !))imil!te m!n" of their o'n &ood point)5 )o th!t the confluence of the)e culture) over !
thou)!nd "e!r) h!) enriched5 both in volume !nd in content5 the )tre!m of our o'n n!tion!l
culture# No'5 'e !re the inheritor) of thi) proud herit!&e# Ho' )h!ll 'e de!l 'ith it 8 .) there
! philo)oph" behind it or i) it merel" ! r!ndom &ro'th 8G!n !ccretion of condition)5 !n
!morphou) compo)ition in 'hich p!r!llel force) !re in Au(t!po)ition 'ithout or&!nic!ll"
combinin& 'ith one !nother or i) it ! )olution !nd !n !))imil!tion of !ll the v!riou) f!ctor)5
'ith the merit) di))olved !nd the demerit) left on the )urf!ce 8 The)e !re the point) 'hich 'e
h!ve to con)ider# H!ve 'e con)idered the)e point) before emb!r%in& upon thi) mi&ht"
reform8 7ho h!) initi!ted thi) reform 8 7hen '!) it initi!ted 8 .n 'ho)e time '!) it initi!ted
8 H!) it been t!%en up !fter the N!tion!l :overnment h!) come into bein&5 or i) it merel" !
le&!c" of the p!)t :overnment 'hich 'e h!ve t!%en on h!nd throu&h the Secret!ri!t 8 7h!t
i) our initi!tive 8 7h!t i) our p!rt in de!lin& 'ith it 8 Societ"5 . told "ou5 i) ! livin&
or&!ni)m# .t h!) cert!in philo)ophic!l truth) behind it# .t h!) economic propo)ition) before it#
T!%e Hindu )ociet"# H!ve "ou come !cro)) !n" )ociet" in the 'orld 'hich i) more
)oci!li)tic5 inherentl" !nd intern!ll"5 th!n Hindu )ociet" 8
. h!ve &ot fift" !cre) of l!nd# . h!ve &ot t'o )on)# 2" t'o )on) !re e!ch heir) to onl"
t'ent"?five !cre)# 2" fir)t )on h!) four )on)# 1!ch bo" &et) onl" )i( !cre)# .) propert"
!llo'ed to !ccumul!te in our )")tem of inherit!nce 8 Not !t !ll# .t i) ! )oci!li)tic )tructure of
the )upermo)t %ind# <ou '!nt to de)tro" thi) )oci!li)tic )tructure !nd then "ou '!nt to
)ub)titute !n individu!li)tic civili)!tion 'here e!ch m!n o'n) hi) propert"5 'here propert" i)
inherited not b" birth5 but b" )urvivor)hip# 7h!t h!ppen) 8 .ndividu!li)tic propert" come)
into bein&# ;erh!p) the ne(t )tep 'ill be r# Ambed%!rB) Bill on ! l!' of pro&eniture for the
common m!n# Then "ou 'ill cre!te !nd m!int!in !n !ri)tocr!c"# <ou brin& into e(i)tence !
cl!)) )ociet"5 not ! cl!))le)) )ociet"# A cl!))le)) )ociet" 'here le!rnin& !nd propert"5
le!rnin& !nd 'e!lth !re 'ell b!l!nced &ive) pl!ce to ! )ociet" in 'hich 'e!lth rei&n)
)upreme# Th!t i) e(!ctl" 'h!t h!ppen) in the 7e)t# Th!t i) e(!ctl" 'h!t c!nnot h!ppen in the
1!)t# Here5 throu&h ! )")tem of )oci!l or&!ni)!tion5 'e h!ve b!l!nced the 'e!lth !nd the
culture5 !nd then h!vin& brou&ht them into e(i)tence5 'e h!ve !tt!ched &re!ter v!lue to
culture th!n to 'e!lth# 7e!lth h!) t!%en ! )ubordin!te pl!ce# No' 'h!t !re "ou &oin& to do 8
<ou !llo' ! l!'"er to !m!)) ten l!%h) of rupee)# He i) the )upreme m!)ter# He h!) obt!ined
!ll the 'e!lth th!t hi) brother) could h!ve &iven him in )endin& him to 1n&l!nd !nd m!%in&
him ! B!rri)ter?!t?3!'# But the &!in) of hi) le!rnin& !re hi) o'n e(clu)ive propert" under the
l!' 'hich h!) been brou&ht into e(i)tence b" the Briti)hGth!n%) to their ide!l)# No'5
'here!) the other people5 the other brother)5 the !&riculturi)t) !) 'ell !) the tr!der) 'ho h!ve
&one throu&h the )!me proce)) of ri&hteou) l!bour5 h!ve to divide their propert" 'ith the
educ!ted B!rri)ter?!t?3!'5 the B!rri)ter?!t?3!' i) e(empt from )h!rin& hi) propertie) 'ith
tho)e t'o brother)# .) thi) Au)tice 8 .t i) outr!&eou) non)en)e comp!red to the noble )t!nd!rd)
'hich h!ve been !dopted in our )ociet"#
No' let u) p!u)e here for ! moment !nd !)% ! 9ue)tion4 H!ve "ou !ppointed !
Commi))ion to &o into the )oci!l5 politic!l5 economic !nd the mor!l implic!tion) of the
)tructure !nd function) of thi) )ociet" 8 H!ve "ou &ot ! report b!)ed upon ! )tud" of the
p)"cholo&" th!t lie) behind thi) )tructure 'hich h!) endured the buffet) of time !nd
circum)t!nce for ! period e!)il" !nd !dmittedl"5 of five thou)!nd "e!r) !nd perh!p) 'hich
h!) &one b!c% to thirteen thou)!nd "e!r) !nd m!" be5 po))ibl" to thirt" thou)!nd "e!r)5
bec!u)e there !re !ll the)e three ver)ion) !bout the !&e of the 2!h!bh!r!t! !nd the =ed!)5
!bout the !&e of our )ociet" !nd !ncient civili)!tion# Ho' i) it th!t "ou donBt do th!t# .f "ou
'!nt to &ive t!riff !))i)t!nce to ! little 9u!ntit" of iron th!t i) bein& imported from Ant'erp5
"ou !ppoint three people dr!'in& $)# D,,, e!ch5 con)titute them into ! T!riff Bo!rd5 obt!in !
report from them b!)ed upon the evidence th!t h!) been led b" !ll the c!pit!li)t) in the
countr"5 then "ou con)ider it in the *in!nce ep!rtment5 "ou pl!ce it before the A))embl"
!nd then "ou &r!nt th!t t!riff 'ei&ht!&e# 7h!t h!ve "ou done 'ith re&!rd to our )ociet" 8
<ou )n!p "our fin&er) !t itGthi) !ncient )ociet"5 thi) relic of !ncient b!rb!ri)m5 thi) ve)ti&e
of !nti9u!ted )tuffK NoC "ou )!" 6 let u) &o the 'hole ho& 6#
7e h!ve c!)t our univer)itie) !fter the )t"le of 3ondon C 'e h!ve !dopted our le&!l
)")tem !fter the )t"le of Hi&h Court) in 3ondon !nd 'e h!ve c!rved out 3e&i)l!tive council)
!nd le&i)l!ture) !fter the m!nner of the ;!rli!ment in the 7e)t5 !nd no' it onl" rem!in) for
u) to cop" the 7e)tern )ociet"# 7e)tern m!nner)# 7e)tern )oci!l in)titution) !nd 7e)tern
civic l!')# ;le!)e do not mi)t!%e me# . h!ve been in )"mp!th" 'ith divorce for ! lon& time# .
h!ve been thin%in& of divorcin& m" 'ife !nd . h!ve !l)o he!rd th!t )he '!nt) to reciproc!te
the honour# Th!t i) not the point#B . tell "ou . !m in )"mp!th" 'ith m!n" of the item) of thi)
me!)ure# But . '!nt to tell "ou 'h!t %ind of !ppro!ch !nd !ttitude "ou !re !doptin& to'!rd)
the in)titution) of .ndi! !fter "ou h!ve !tt!ined S'!r!A# Thi) )umm!r"5 thi) !b)olutel"
impromptu method of de!lin& 'ith thi) 9ue)tion doe) not !ppe!l to m" f!nc"5 much le)) to
m" conviction# But . %no' th!t "ou 'ill tell me4 6 0h5 thi) Bill h!) been h!n&in& fire ever
)ince the Con&re)) left the port!l) of the 3e&i)l!ture#6 <e)5 it h!) been h!n&in& fireK <ou
ho'ever5 remember th!t in 19D8 >ul"5 the Con&re)) p!))ed ! re)olution th!t it )hould '!l%
out of the le&i)l!ture bec!u)e !rmie) h!d been )ent to 1&"pt !nd to Sin&!pore5 'hich 'ere
then con)idered the frontier) of .ndi!# So5 !) ! prote)t !&!in)t th!t !ct5 !nd !) ! prote)t !&!in)t
the bre!ch of the pled&ed 'ord of the :overnment 'ho )!id th!t the" 'ould not )end !n"
!rmie) !bro!d 'ithout the )pecific permi))ion of the 3e&i)l!ture5 'e '!l%ed out !nd ever
)ince 'e never '!l%ed in until 194F# urin& thi) time5 men 'ho 'ere not p!triotic!ll"
inclined5 men 'ho 'ere the prote&e) of 7e)tern civili)!tion5 men 'ho h!d )pent their 'hole
time in 1n&l!nd or !bro!d5 'ere put into ! Committee !nd the" evolved thi) formul! for u)# .
&ot in 1944 0ctober the fir)t ?report on the Hindu 3!' $eform Committee 'hile 'e 'ere in
the Ahm!dn!&!r >!il# No' the m!in in)pirer !nd !&ent of thi) me!)ure '!) Shri B# N# $!u to
'hom 'e o'e !ll th!t 'e h!ve !chieved in the Ne' Con)titution# He i) ! l!'"er noted for
hi) %no'led&e of con)titution!l l!'5 c!)e l!'5 codified l!' !nd cu)tom!r" l!' !nd one 'ho
h!) done "eom!n )ervice to u)# He '!) ! >ud&e to the C!lcutt! Hi&h Court in Ben&!l 'here
!"!bh!&! prev!il)# . )uppo)e "ou %no' 2it!%)h!r! prev!il) in 2!dr!) !nd one or t'o other
province) 'hile 2!"u%h! i) the 3!' in Bomb!"# Thi) &entlem!n 'ho never h!d !n"
e(perience of 2it!%)h!r! !nd 'ho '!) ! >ud&e of the Hi&h Court of C!lcutt! !nd 'ho)e
%no'led&e of l!' i) !b)olutel" un9ue)tion!ble h!) initi!ted thi)# 3!ter on the Con&re)) ;!rt"
or the popul!r p!rt" never h!d the opportunit" of di)cu))in& thi) 9ue)tion in the Centr!l
3e&i)l!ture# 7hen 2r# A)o%! $o" c!me !) 3!' 2ember5 he )!id th!t he 'ould not touch
thi) Bill even 'ith ! b!r&e pole# (Shri Mahavir yagi) 7h!t i) ! b!r&e pole)# A b!r&e pole i)
! pole 'hich i) u)ed to drive ! b!r&e on the '!ter)#
After !ll5 thi) m!tter h!) come up C !nd !) if 'e h!ve been '!itin& for it in e!&erne)) !nd
e(pect!nc"5 'e h!ve t!%en thi) up 'ithout )o much !) mentionin& ! 'ord !bout it in our
election m!nife)to#
H!ve "ou ever come !cro)) ! p!rt" 'hich dr!') up ! comprehen)ive election m!nife)to
coverin& !ll 9ue)tion) from Chin! to ;eru !nd contempl!tin& the n!tion!li)!tion of the %e"
indu)trie)5 !bolition of drin% !nd J!mind!rie) !nd v!riou) other thin&)5 but never )!"in& !
'ord !bout )oci!l reform 'hich i) the centr!l f!ctor rel!tin& to .ndi! 8
.t i) not merel" ! piece of )oci!l reform# .n .ndi! )ociet" i) clo)el" mi(ed up !nd
intert'ined 'ith reli&ion# $eli&ion i) the )!nction behind ever"thin&# No' . !m ! mo)t
irreli&iou) m!n5 but . h!ve the &re!te)t re&!rd for the )entiment) of m" nei&hbour# 0ther'i)e5
. !m !n uncultured brute# .f . '!nt to pr!cti)e m" here)" upon the conviction) of other) then .
!m not 'orth the )!lt th!t . e!t# No' then5 not merel" reli&ion5 but economic f!ctor)5 )oci!l
f!ctor) !nd other thin&) !re intert'ined# The Aoint f!mil" )")tem i) the cre!tion of !&e)# 7h!t
i) thi) Aoint f!mil" )")tem 8 .t i) !n in)ur!nce tru)t C it i) ! co?oper!tion unionC it i) ! l!bour
.t i) ! l!bour )ociet" 'here !ll the poor brother) toilC it i) ! cooper!tive )ociet" in 'hich
!ll the brother) live to&etherGe!ch for !ll !nd !ll for e!ch5 !nd it i) !n in)ur!nce union in
'hich the 'ido' of the dece!)ed brother i) the c!re !nd ch!r&e of the )urvivin& brother)#
Thi) i) 'h!t the 2!h!tm! )!id 'hen he oppo)ed in)ur!nce# But . %no' ever"bod" i) not
2!h!tm!Ai# The >oint Hindu *!mil" i) ! noble combin!tion of the)e three fe!ture) b!)ed
upon ! reli&iou) b!c%&round !nd held to&ether b" ! )oci!l bond# C!n "ou produce !n e9u!l to
it b" !ll "our l!bour)5 b" !ll "our )t!tute) !nd b" !ll the H!li)bur"B) 3!') of 1n&l!nd 8 <ou
c!nnot do !n" more th!n "ou c!n produce !n e9u!l to the econom" of h!nd?)pinnin& 'hich
the *!ther of the N!tion redi)covered# ;ermit me5 'ith m" u)u!l immode)t"5 to )!" th!t .
'rote ! Boo% in 19D8 'hich i) c!lled 6 The Hindu Home $edi)covered 6# A) . entered life !)
! heretic5 brou&ht up in Chri)ti!n tr!dition) !nd 'e)tern here)ie)5 . be&!n to di)cover in ever"
fe)tiv!l5 in ever" ceremon" !nd in ever" reli&iou) ob)erv!nce of Hindu )ociet" there '!)
)omethin& deepl" reli&iou)5 upliftin&5 in)pirin& !nd ennoblin&# 7hen . lived 'ith m" )i)ter)
!nd m" brother)5 . redi)covered the BHome !nd !fter t'ent"five "e!r) . ventured to 'rite thi)
little boo% in 'hich . h!ve tried to ide!li)e the)e thin&)# . 'ould not )!" th!t the)e ide!l) do
e(i)t in life5 but 'hen "ou Aud&e !n in)titution5 "ou mu)t Aud&e it in it) pri)tine purit"5 !nd not
in it) de&ener!ted imit!tion# .f "ou '!nt to ide!li)e !n" concept5 popul!ri)e !n" in)titution
!nd re)u)cit!te it5 then put it before the n!tion !) it '!) conceived !nd &et the con)ent of the
n!tion for it# . c!n !))ure "ou th!t 'herever . &o5 . !l'!") )t!te the pros !nd 'ons of ever"
propo)ition on thi) Bill# Thi) Bill m!" be &ood in p!rt) !) the ;!r)onB) e&& !nd it m!" !l)o be
b!d in p!rt)# .f "ou )!" th!t "ou mu)t do thi) for 'omen bec!u)e 'omen h!ve come to their
o'n5 "e)5 do it b" !ll me!n)5 but 'h" be in )uch ! huff" 8 . '!nt them to come to their o'n5
the" h!ve come to their o'n5 !nd in the ne(t A))embl" . feel )ure m" )i)ter) c!n fill h!lf of
the )e!t)C out of five hundred5 there c!n be e!)il" t'o hundred !nd fift" 'omen if the" onl"
m!%e up their mind)#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi4 7ill "ou !llo' them 8
Dr. B. Pattabhai Sitaramayya4 . !dmired $!A%um!riAi 'hen )he )!id before the
;rovinci!l 2odel Con)titution Committee th!t 'omen did not re9uire !n" re)erv!tion)# .
thou&ht it '!) r!ther !n !ud!ciou) )t!tement for her to m!%e !nd ! &re!t re)pon)ibilit" to
)houlder but . %no' no' th!t the" !re 9uite !ble to t!%e c!re of them)elve)# .f h!lf ! doJen
l!d" member) of thi) Hou)e c!n dr!& u) b" heel) !nd m!%e u) t!%e up thi) Bill5 . 'onder
'h!t our po)ition 'ill be 'hen there !re t'o hundred !nd fift" of them here# . !m not Ao%in&#
.f . h!ve ! voice !t !ll !t the time of )election5 . m!" !))ure "ou th!t . 'ill do it5
not'ith)t!ndin& 2r# $ohini @um!r Ch!udhuri#
A"t this stag! Mr. D!puty Sp!ak!r va'at!d th! &hair whi'h was th!n o''upi!d by Shri S.
*. Krishnamoorthy 9ao (on! of th! Pan!l of &hairm!n.B
.n thi) connection5 . tempted to re!d ! little )t!tement th!t . h!ve here from Pi'tur! Post
of 2!rch 1E5 1949#
6*rom 'om!n come) !n ince))!nt c!ll for e9u!lit"# 7h!t doe) )he me!n b" e9u!lit" 8
*rom the m!teri!l point of vie' !t le!)t5 )he h!) the lionB) )h!re# ;rob!bl" ninet" percent# of
!ll !dverti)ement) c!ter )olel" for her# *ilm producer) )!" ei&ht" percent# of film) !re m!de
for her# *iction publi)her) !ppe!r to thin% entirel" in term) of 'om!n# A) for clothe)5 'om!n
h!) ! 'ide choice !nd r!n&e !t re!)on!ble price)5 'hile )h!bb"5 thre!d?b!r) m!n c!n onl"
&!Je for lon& !t ! fe' mi)er!ble )uitin&) in )ome )ombre )hop 'indo' !nd thin% of the
f!nt!)tic price) ch!r&ed# 7ith our prophetic e"e5 let u) &!Je into the future# 7om!n h!) &ot
more th!n e9u!lit" !nd m!n h!) become ! )pin)terB) )p!niel e(i)tin& on 'om!nB) )cr!p) !nd
ever"thin& i) be!utifull" lu%e'!rm# 6
. m!" !))ure m" )i)ter) th!t nothin& 'ill be lo)t b" their e(erci)in& p!tience# . '!) the
other d!" 9ue)tioned for h!vin& !ppe!red on !n orthodo( pl!tform 'ith ! S'!miAi from
Ben!r!) !nd 'hen . )!' ;r!bh!v!ti $!AeG)he '!) ! 'onderful 'om!n 'or%erGle!din& the
!udience completel" 'ith her li%e the >o!n of !re of old5 . )!' the d!n&er of lettin&
orthodo(" do thi)# 0n invit!tion . 'ent there !nd . )po%e for !n hour5 !nd . '!) t!%en to t!)%
for !ppe!rin& on the opponentB) pl!tform# . )!id5 6 7h!t i) the u)e of )pe!%in& to tho)e 'ho
!re converted 8 . mu)t convert tho)e 'ho !re not converted#6 . full" believe in educ!tin& the
people !bout thi) ne' Hindu Code Bill# <ou mu)t not precipit!te m!tter) !nd decide thi)
i))ue b" force of m!Aorit"# But 'henever thi) m!" h!ppen5 it i) our dut" to educ!te the
people# 3et u) produce the re)ult b" popul!r educ!tion!l prop!&!nd!# After !ll "ou h!ve not
n!tion!li)ed the %e" indu)trie)# 7here h!) thi) item &one 8 The c!pit!li)t) )truc% !nd 'e h!d
no mone" !nd 'e h!d to e!t our 'ord)5G1 believe in p!tience# 0ne of the)e d!") thin&) 'ill
be !ll ri&ht# 7e !re !fr!id to do !n" n!tion!li)!tion no'# 7e !re he)it!tin& to !boli)h the
J!mind!rie)# 7e !re he)it!tin& to proceed 'ith $iver ;roAect)# 7e !re he)it!tin& to proceed
'ith the development of cott!&e indu)trie)5G!ll bec!u)e infl!tion i) )t!rin& u) in the f!ce5
!nd 'e c!nnot m!%e !ll the)e nece))!r" improvement)# 7e !re f!ce to f!ce 'ith conflict)5
contr!diction) !ll round# 3ife i) not ! )mooth p!th li%e ! Aourne" on ! r!il'!"# .t i) li%e !
motor c!r Aourne" upon b!d ro!d) in the mid)t of con&e)ted tr!ffic# . !)% "ou 'hether it i) not
the dut" of the member) of thi) !u&u)t hou)e to undert!%e the ver" u)eful !nd ver" fruitful
t!)% of educ!tin& their m!)ter)# 7h!t h!ppened in the "e!r 1878 'hen $obert 3o' )!id !fter
the e(ten)ion of the fr!nchi)e# 6 3et u) &o !nd educ!te our m!)ter)# 6 0ur m!)ter) !re out)ide#
7e !re not the m!)ter)# The 2ini)ter) !re not our m!)ter)# 7e c!n de!l 'ith them !) 'e li%e#
7e m!" di)pen)e 'ith them tomorro' if 'e do not '!nt them# Th!t i) our ri&ht !nd th!t i)
our privile&e !nd our )!fet" !l)o# Therefore . )!" th!t thi) i) ! m!tter in 'hich 'e )hould &o
)lo'# . !m )econd to none 'ith re&!rd to m" love for )oci!l reform# . '!) ! )oci!l reformer
even in the "e!r 1898 'hen . '!) in the B# A# cl!))5 'hich '!) +1 "e!r) !&o5 lon& before h!lf
of the !udience '!) born5 !nd ever )ince . h!ve )u)t!ined th!t intere)t# . ver" e!rl" c!me
under the influence of the Br!hmo )oci!l reformer) !nd . h!ve full" imbibed the reformi)t
)pirit from the Chri)ti!n mi))ion!rie) under 'hom . )tudied from m" fourth form to m" B# A#
Therefore it i) not 'h!t )hould be done on the )ubAect th!t m!tter)5 but ho' 'e !re &oin&
to do it# 7e h!ve &ot to remember the politic!l be!rin&) !) 'ell# Tomorro' "ou !re
!ppe!rin& before the ;oll)# 7h!t ! )!d pli&ht 'e 'ere in "e)terd!" K . '!) not here
"e)terd!" C other'i)e . )hould h!ve 'itne))ed the )cene) 'ith m" o'n e"e)# . 'ent to Al'!r
!nd returned onl" l!)t ni&ht !t eleven oBcloc% !nd the fir)t thin& th!t m" 'ife told me '!) th!t
there '!) ! l!thi ch!r&e !nd )ome people 'ere d!n&erou)l" 'ounded !nd )o on# N!tur!ll" the
ne') i) e(!&&er!ted from lip to lip !nd from e!r to e!r# .t i) ! mo)t p!thetic )pect!cle !&!in
th!t . 'itne)) tod!" oppo)ite to me# :ener!ll" . )pe!% under !n impul)e or in)pir!tion5 but
tod!" . )pe!% under !n irrit!tion of the )i&ht of three 'omen ;olice )ittin& oppo)ite to me in
the &!ller"# H!) it come to thi) th!t thi) hou)e c!nnot &et on !nd the 'omen th!t !re in
!ttend!nce in the &!ller" !nd belo' c!nnot be tru)ted e(cept under the c!re of the b!ton of
the 'omen ;olice 8 Are "ou re!ll" proud th!t the)e police 'omen )hould !rr!i&n our )i)ter)
here!fter8 7e h!ve h!d enou&h of policemen# <ou %no' thi) i) the mo)t tr!&ic development
of thi) Bill# The octor 'ill %indl" note !nd if "ou c!nnot come to thi) hou)e 'ithout the
protection of the ;olice5 'omen police for the 'omen !nd men police for the men5 then 'oe
betide our pro&re))5 our le&i)l!tion !nd our A))embl"# . !m re!ll" ver" )orr"# . no' le!ve the
&ener!l ob)erv!tion) !nd come to one or t'o )!lient point) 'ith 'hich 'e !re concerned
tod!" here !nd before th!t . )h!ll )ubmit ! 'ord !bout the pro&enitor) of thi) le&i)l!tion# . !m
ver" )orr" th!t it )hould h!ve f!llen to r# Ambed%!rB) lot to pilot thi) Bill#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter of 3!') 4 . !m not )orr" !t !ll#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya : . %no' C other'i)e "ou 'ould not be )ittin& )o proudl" in
"our )e!t# The doctor %no') 'h!t . )!id !bout him# . referred to the indomit!ble5 irre)i)tible5
uncon9uer!ble )pirit of r# Ambed%!r5Gfor &ood or for evil5 'h!tever it be# 7e '!nt !l'!")
to )!" th!t the )pirit i) there !nd5 therefore5 'e !dmire him5 but !t the )!me time5 he i) out of
tune 'ith )ociet"#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: He i) perfectl" in tune5 !b)olutel" in tune#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya 4 . do not c!ll him ! mi)!nthrope5 but he i) not ! norm!l
!nthrope5 th!t i) !ll . c!n )!"C the tr!inin&5 the )urroundin&)5 the environment5 the culture5
!ll the)e put him out of tune 'ith the )pirit of the n!tion# He i) one of our be)t intellect)5 there
i) no doubt !bout it !nd . 'i)h he 'ould h!ve he!lth !nd pro)perit" for ! lon& time5 but !ll
thi) doe) not me!n th!t 'e !ccept hi) point of vie' 'ith 'hich 'e c!me into conflict even in
the Con)titution 'hen 'e p!))ed th!t )te!m ro!d roller l!' of ! common civil l!'# Some of
u) re)i)ted5 thou&h in v!in5 'ith the be)t of our mi&ht !nd m!in# No' . rec!ll to "our mind
)omethin& th!t . )!id in the fir)t d!" 'hen thi) Bill '!) introduced in thi) hou)e# . hope m!n"
people h!ve for&otten )o th!t the" m!" not bl!me me for repe!tin& 'h!t . !m )!"in&# .n f!ct5
. m")elf h!ve for&otten the m!in point5 but th!t point '!) th!t5 . t!%e it#5 th!t )oci!l reform in
thi) countr" mu)t be effected throu&h the interce))ion5 throu&h the !dvice !nd throu&h the
in)pir!tion of ! Soci!l Council 'e mu)t brin& into e(i)tence# . then &!ve the e(!mple of the
Church Council of 1n&l!nd in 'hich the eccle)i!)tic!l di&nit!rie) form the m!in element of
)tren&th !nd 'h!tever the" brin& in b" '!" of ch!n&e) in life or l!'5 the Hou)e of Common)
!ccept) 'ithout ch!n&in& ! comm! or ! full?)top !nd th!t i)5 !) it ou&ht to be5 in re&!rd to
reli&iou) or )oci!l m!tter) !nd let u) !dopt )uch ! cour)e# .n :erm!n" there u)ed to be !n
1conomic Council 'hich de!lt 'ith economic m!tter) 'hich re9uire e(pert %no'led&e# The
9!i'hstagg u)ed to !ccept the recommend!tion) of th!t bod"# 3et u)5 therefore5 &o )lo' !nd
deliber!tel" )o th!t 'e m!" %no' e(!ctl" 'here 'e )t!nd#
No' . come to ! fe' point) in the Bill !nd . 'onBt det!in "ou lon&# The Bill cont!in)
)ome ver" &ood point)# . li%e civil m!rri!&e on the top of )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e# 2ere civil
m!rri!&e i) li%e e(ecutin& ! document in order to re&i)ter ! tr!n)!ction bet'een t'o people#
.t i) ! contr!ct# The moment ! document i) 'ritten5 it &ive) ri)e to )trife5 'hether the
intention i) correct5 'hether the con)ider!tion i) p!))ed5 'hether it i) v!lid in l!' etc# but
'hen it i) ! )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e5 there i) no !ppe!l !&!in)t it# The old purohit i) never
c!lled upon in life to )t!nd up in ! court of l!' !nd &ive evidence !) to the &enuinene)) !nd
the bonafid!s of m!rri!&e# The m!rri!&e i) there !nd nobod" 9ue)tion)C it i) li%e the inte&rit"
of the )po%en 'ord# 7hen the n!tion h!) pre)erved the inte&rit" of it) )po%en 'ord5 'hich it
h!) lo)t durin& the Briti)h time !nd under the influence of the l!' court)5 then . )!"5 'e )h!ll
h!ve recovered our ch!r!cter once !&!in# But there !re circum)t!nce) )uch !) tho)e under
'hich ! friend of mine )uddenl" di)covered on the m!rri!&e pl!tform th!t hi) d!u&hter !nd
hi) 'ould be )on?in?l!' 'ere of the )!me gotra. The" could not po))ibl" &ive up the
m!rri!&e even !t le!)t for economic re!)on)5 let !lone reli&iou) re!)on)# So immedi!tel" the"
p!))ed throu&h the )!cr!ment !nd then 'ent to the $e&i)tr!r of m!rri!&e) !nd re&i)tered it#
Th!t it )hould be open to u) to re&i)ter our m!rri!&e) i) ! &re!t privile&e !nd . !l)o li%e th!t
the 9ue)tion of the )h!re of the propert" to the &irl) mu)t be )ettled once !nd for !ll# *or !
lon& time . h!ve felt th!t the d!u&hter mu)t be !n e9u!l inheritor of the f!therB) propert" 'ith
the )on)# No' . )ee th!t it i) &oin& to brin& !bout endle)) complic!tion) in our )oci!l !nd
economic )tructure# There i) ! friend of mine 'ho h!) )i( d!u&hter) !nd one )on !nd . !)%ed
the &irl) one !fter !nother )ep!r!tel" !nd individu!ll" !) to 'hether the" 'ould li%e to h!ve !
)h!re in the propert" of their f!ther# No4 the" )!id5 6 thi) 'ill &ive ri)e to 9u!rrel) 'ith our
brother# 7e do not '!nt thi)# 7e h!ve our hu)b!ndB) propert" !nd th!t !l'!") rem!in) 'ith
u)# 6 .t i) not ho'ever !v!il!ble to them !) the stridhana 'ould be !v!il!ble to them#
Stridhana i) ! mo)t 'onderful thin&5 !nd . )hould li%e to %no' 'here in the 'orld i) there !
p!r!llel to thi) stridhana D The stridhana i) !n in)titution b" me!n) of 'hich the stridhana
&iven to the &irl !t the time of the m!rri!&e become) the !b)olute propert" of the &irl 'hich
c!nnot be touched b" the hu)b!nd or b" the f!ther or b" !n" hum!n bein& !t !ll# .t i) the
re)erve fund of the f!mil" 'hich )he i) )ure of !nd 'hen her hu)b!nd i) ver" ill5 )he &oe) to
the m!r%et to )ell the Ae'el) !'!" for p!"in& the doctorB) fee) !nd if the hu)b!nd live) 'ell
!nd &ood5 but if he die)5 it i) the l!)t )ervice to her 3ord# Such ! re)erve fund i) c!)t off !nd !
)h!re for the 'ife in the hu)b!ndB) propert" under T# =# Se)h!&iri A""!rB) Bill5 'hich bec!me
l!' !bout 1+ "e!r) !&o5 h!) no' come to be reco&ni)ed5 but !fter the de!th of the hu)b!nd5 in
e9u!l me!)ure 'ith e!ch of the )on) !nd onl" !) ! life intere)t# 0ur l!'5 in )pite of the Briti)h
peopleB) un'illin&ne)) not to interfere 'ith the reli&iou) in)titution) of thi) countr" for fe!r
of their politic!l )t!bilit" bein& di)turbed5 h!) been )li&htl" ch!n&ed !) h!) been !lre!d"
de)cribed b" one of the e!rlier )pe!%er) !nd "et it i) not )ufficientl" ch!n&ed# The
unfortun!te fe!ture i) th!t the Briti)h people felt lo!the to interfere 'ith the )oci!l cu)tom) of
thi) countr" for politic!l re!)on) !nd therefore the l!' h!) become petrified# .n ever" countr"
cu)tom &oe) on ch!n&in& !nd 'hen the @in& !dopt) ! ch!n&e in )oci!l cu)tom)5 immedi!tel"
th!t become) the l!' !nd it )et) the tone !nd the p!ce for !ll )ociet"# But unfortun!tel" in our
countr" for ! thou)!nd "e!r) 'e h!ve not h!d indi&enou) %in&) !nd !fter the Briti)h c!me5
the" po)itivel" re)i)ted !ll tempt!tion to m!%e !n" )oci!l ch!n&e) in the )oci!l )et?up#
Therefore the cu)tom h!) become petrified !nd it i) th!t cu)tom5 th!t petrified cu)tom 'hich
'e mu)t m!%e pl!)tic5 'hich 'e mu)t m!%e el!)tic5 'hich 'e mu)t m!%e impre))ion!ble !nd
therefore5 mut!ble# .n)te!d of doin& th!t if 'e )uddenl" thro' one )tone of l!' !&!in)t
!nother of cu)tom5 both the )tone) bre!% !nd th!t i) not the '!" of !chievin& thi) ch!n&e#
Ch!n&e) in thi) cu)tom!r" l!' mu)t be )et in motion in order to brin& !bout )oci!l ch!n&e)#
No' 'ith re&!rd to thi) cu)tom for the &irlB) )h!re . !m 9uite 'illin& th!t )he )hould h!ve
! )h!re5 but . 'i)h to m!%e !n !lter!tion !nd th!t i) th!t the moment )he m!rrie)55 )he
become) ! p!rtner in the hu)b!ndB) propert" !nd th!t 'ill not &ive !n" ch!nce for the
mi)beh!viour of the hu)b!nd !) it )ometime) h!ppen) unfortun!tel"# Then 'e &o to the
divorce 9ue)tion# . h!ve )po%en to m!n" 'omen# Thi) mornin& four 'omen c!me to me#
The" !re &ood people5 hi&hl" cultured5 !nd there '!) !l)o one !mon& them 'ho '!)
introduced to me !) one 'ho h!d been !b!ndoned b" her hu)b!nd5 !nd the" )!id5 it i) not
onl" tho)e 'ho !re h!pp" th!t 'ithheld their )upport from thi) me!)ure5 but !l)o tho)e 'ho
!re unh!pp"5 the unfortun!te victim) of m!nB) fur" !nd t"r!nn"# Th!t i) not the point5 . )!id
to them# The point i) thi)# Ninet" percent of our m!rri!&e) !re e(cellent but 'h!t !bout the
rem!inin& ten percent 8 The" '!nt relief# .n .ndi! 'e m!rr" !nd love5 the 1n&li)h people
love !nd m!rr" !nd then &ive up their love5 bec!u)e 'h!t i) c!lled love !t !n impre))ion!ble
!&e i) ! f!nciful !ff!ir# 0ne doe) not %no' 'h!t it i)# .n Hindu )ociet" there i) ! l!' or rule
th!t in re)pect of m!rri!&e Shr!!, Kulamu, 9oopamu, Bandhu Shr!ni and Sampradayam,!ll
)uch thin&) )hould be con)idered# All the)e h!ve to be con)idered before ! m!rri!&e i)
)ettled# Shr!! m!ans Sampatti or pro)perit"5 then come) Kulam or c!)te !nd po)ition5 !nd
then 9oopamu, th!t i) !ppe!r!nce5 Sowndariya or be!ut"C !nd then Bandhu Shr!ni or
collection of rel!tion) !nd then there i) sampradaya or the tr!dition of the f!mil"# All the)e
five h!ve to be c!refull" con)idered# C!n ! &irl of ei&hteenG9uite m!rri!&e!ble in !&eG
)elect b" Aud&in&5 !ll the)e thin&) 8 C!n )he di)tin&ui)h bet'een one !nd !nother !mon&
the)e thin&) 8 No# The other d!" . !)%ed m" 'ifeB) )i)terB) hu)b!ndB) )i)ter# No5 th!t i) not !
di)t!nt rel!tion)hip5 "ou %no'5 m" 'ifeB) )i)terB) hu)b!nd i) m" brother?in?l!' !nd hi) )i)ter
'!) m!rried# But . le!rned th!t )he h!d )!id )omethin& to her f!ther before her m!rri!&e# .
'ent to her hu)b!ndB) hou)e5 'ith her hu)b!nd !ccomp!n"in& me into the inner !p!rtment)
!nd there . )!id to him5 6 o "ou %no' thi) &irl never m!rried "ou 86 He '!) !&h!)t5 h!lf
!n&r" !nd h!lf )urpri)ed# 6 7h!t do "ou me!n 86 he !)%ed# . )!id5 6 . me!n 'h!t . )!"5 )he
never m!rried "ou#6 6 7h" 86 6 She h!) m!rried thi)5 electricit"5 thi) motor?c!r th!t i) in thi)
hou)e#6 The )tor" i) th!t the &irl h!d )!id to her f!ther 6 . donBt c!re to 'hom "ou m!rr" me5
provided there i) electricit" !nd motor?c!r in their hou)e#6 The poor &irl of )i(teen or
ei&hteen5 ho' could )he Aud&e of thin&) !nd condition) 8 She )impl" thin%)5 6 . h!ve been
brou&ht up in thi) hou)e b" m" f!ther5 he &et) t'ent" thou)!nd rupee) ! "e!r !nd there i)
electricit" here5 there i) ! motor?c!r5 !nd ! p!l!ti!l hou)e# . )hould li%e to h!ve the )!me
condition) there !l)o#6 Th!t i) !ll# But the 1n&li)h mother !l'!") compl!in) th!t her d!u&hter
doe) not 6 m!%e &ood 65 th!t i) the e(pre))ion5 6 2" d!u&hter doe) not m!%e &ood 6 )he )!")#
Th!t i)5 6 2" d!u&hter i) not !ble to %eep ! bev" of "oun& men round !bout her5 d!ncin&
!ttend!nce on her5 )t!ndin& her bill) !t the cinem!) !nd re)t!ur!nt) !nd )o on#6 Th!t i) 'h!t
the mother '!nt)# onBt nod our he!d th!t '!" ple!)e# 7h!t . )!" i) true# Pandit Lakshmi
Kanta Maitra: . !m )upportin& "ou#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya 4 Not "ou5 but the friend behind "ou#
Shri R. K. Sidhva: Are "ou referrin& to me 8
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya: No5 to "our nei&hbour# 7h!t h!ppen) in 1n&l!nd 8 The
mother i) !l'!") !n(iou) th!t her d!u&hter )hould be !ble to !ttr!ct the !ttention of h!lf?!?
doJen )uitor)5 !nd it i) then for the p!rent) to )elect one out of them to m!%e !n eli&ible
choice for ! )on?in?l!'# But the mother !l'!") feel) Ae!lou) of the m!id?)erv!nt5 bec!u)e the
m!id?)erv!nt i) !ble to m!%e &ood5 'hile her d!u&hter i) not !ble to# Th!t i) the tr!&ed"#
7h!t doe) the m!id?)erv!nt do 8 At ei&ht oBcloc% in the evenin& )he ch!n&e) her !pron !nd
&et) into her cle!n )m!rt &o'n !nd &oe) !'!"# 6 7here !re "ou &oin& 8 6 6 2" lover i)
'!itin& out)ide5 !nd . mu)t &o#6 6 No5 no5 m" )on?in?l!' i) comin& no'#6 6 H!n& "our)elf
!nd "our )on?in?l!' b" the ne!re)t tree# 2" lover i) '!itin& !nd . !m &oin&#6
Shrimati Renuka Ray : <ou h!ve5 ! ver" poor opinion of 'omen5 'hether .ndi!n or
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya: But . h!ve ! ver" hi&h opinion of m" 'ife#
No' then5 the mother compl!in) th!t 6 th!t 'om!n i) !ble to m!%e &ood !nd !ttr!ct !
number of men5 but thi) d!u&hter of mine i) not !ble to !ttr!ct them#6 And )o the mother i)
)orr"# Th!t i) the f!)hion# Th!t i) the cu)tom of the countr"# Th!t i) the order of the d!"# And
there i) nothin& 'ron& in it# Th!t i) the )")tem 'hich h!) come into bein&# :o to 2!lb!r !nd
)ee the Marumakkattayam )")tem# Th!t i) !n !lto&ether different thin&# *or three "e!r) "ou
m!" )tud" it !nd )till "ou 'ill never under)t!nd it) )ecret# But it i) ! be!utiful )")tem5 !nd m"
friend 2r# Th!nu ;ill!i '!) !&!in)t ch!n&in& it !t !ll#
Sir5 "our predece))or &!ve m" predece))or t'ent" minute) !fter the bell# But . 'ill t!%e
onl" t'o minute) more#
No' it i) not too l!te to mend# 7e h!ve not &one too f!r# .t i) 'ell th!t 'e h!ve di)cu))ed
thi) m!tter5 !nd di)cu))ed it )eriou)l"5 )o thorou&hl" !nd )o )ombrel"# 7e h!ve &iven )o
much !ttention to thi) )ubAect# No' 'h!t )h!ll 'e do 8 Sh!ll 'e proceed 'ith the me!)ure 8 .
!ppe!l to the hon# the 3!' 2ini)ter to 'ithdr!' it !nd then put it upG!nd ! more )trin&ent
me!)ure ne(t timeG5 'ith due !uthorit" !nd )!nction from the elector!te# Then . )!" no m!n
d!re) !tt!c% u)# He 'ill be )umm!ril" )hot5 bec!u)e . 'ill h!ve the )!nction of the countr"5 .
'ill h!ve the election m!nife)to C . 'ill come !rmed 'ith th!t po'er5 th!t )tren&th !nd . 'ill
h!ve ! ri&ht to do it# No' "ou come 'ithout !uthorit"# <ou )impl" depend upon four 'omen
police for "our protection# Th!t i) ! p!thetic )i&ht for one5 for !n" pro&re))ive Con&re))m!n
to 'itne))#
Then !&!in5 there i) !nother thin&# . tru)t !nd hope th!t 'h!tever m!" h!ppenG!nd .
hope th!t the Bill 'ill not be proceeded 'ithG but if it )hould be proceeded 'ith5 . feel th!t
full freedom m!" be &iven to ever" 2ember of thi) A))embl" to vote !) he ple!)e)# .f th!t i)
&iven5 h!lf the )tin& i) t!%en !'!"# But 'e h!ve !lre!d" f!llen into the tr!p of !llo'in& thi)
thin& to &o on# No'5 friend)5 let me '!rn "ou# Thi) 'ill h!ve ! )eriou) repercu))ion upon our
comin& election# After !ll ####
Shri Mahavir Tyagi: ;o)tpone election) for !nother five "e!r)#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya4 After !ll5 remember th!t 'e !re here !) the
repre)ent!tive) of the people !nd !fter !ll5 remember th!t ninet" percent# of the people belon&
to one communit"5 bound b" one )oci!l l!' !nd one civic in)titution5 one p!tri!rch!l )")tem5
!ll thi) i) there5 !nd people !re not )o intelli&ent !) to di)crimin!te bet'een one thin& !nd the
other# The" onl" feel irrit!ted# The" !re !lre!d" irrit!ted b" more th!n one circum)t!nce#
<e)terd!"B) demon)tr!tion '!) not )o much ! prote)t !&!in)t the Hindu Code Bill !) !n
e(pre))ion of ! cert!in )ullenne)) !nd !n&er of the people 'ith the Con&re)) !nd Con&re))
in)titution)# .t i) no u)e our conce!lin& it5 'herever . &o . feel . !m !))!iled !nd !tt!c%ed# But
throu&h m" &!rrulit"5 m" lon&?'indedne))5 throu&h m" t!l%!tivene)) . m!n!&e to &et over
the thin&# But !t the )!me time5 . %no' on 'h!t delic!te &round . !m tr!vellin&# . )pe!% not
merel" !) ! critic of the :overnment5 but !) ! re)pon)ible member of the Con&re)) 'ho h!)
&iven percent )upport on !ll occ!)ion) to thi) :overnment# . )!" ho'ever th!t he i) not !
'ell?'i)her 'ho )impl" fl!tter)5 or conce!l) the truth from the :overnment# ;erh!p) "ou
remember th!t l!)t )pect!cleGnot ! )cene in H!mletG! )cene in the dr!m! of :erm!n"
'here the @!i)er on the 9th November 1918 )ummoned !ll hi) &ener!l) !nd !)%ed them to
)pe!%# Nobod" 'ould )pe!%5 the" 'ere !ll )ilent# Then he )!id5 the @!i)er order) "ou to
)pe!%5 !nd then :en# 3udendroff )po%e for 'hen the @!i)er order)5 !nd if he did not )pe!%5
he 'ould )hot# >u)t !) 'hen Nueen =ictori! !)%ed ;rince Albert to open the door# She )!id5 6
e!r5 open the door 6 but the door doe) not open# Then )he )!")5 6The Nueen of 1n&l!nd
order) "ou to open the door 6 !nd then the poor fello' c!me !nd opened the door# So it '!)
'ith the @!i)er5 !nd 3udendroff )!id5 6 <our 2!Ae)t"5 there !re onl" t'ent"?four hour) for
"ou to e)c!pe !cro)) to Holl!nd# 6 Then the @!i)er !)%ed5 6 7h" 86# 6 7h" 8 bec!u)e the
!rm" 'ould not fi&ht 6# The @!i)er )!id5 6 . 'ill le!d the !rm" m")elf#6 But the !rm" 'ould
not fi&ht !nd in t'ent"?four hour) thi) m!n '!) tr!n)ferred# 7hen !n unple!)!nt truth i) )!id5
ple!)e li)ten to it5 bec!u)e there i) in it nothin& but the be)t 'i)he) for our conAoint pro)perit"
!nd )ucce))# .f not on principle5 if not on )ound mor!lit"5 !t le!)t on e(pedienc" ple!)e
recon)ider the po)ition !nd m!%e it po))ible for the people to &o !lon& 'ith "ou#
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 in )ome 9u!rter) here i) !n
!pprehen)ion th!t . m!" t!l% !&!in)t the polic" of the :overnment# Thou&h . h!ve )po%en
in thi) hou)e onl" once5 "et thi) !pprehen)ion e(i)t) in )ome 9u!rter) !nd . '!nt to !ll!"
th!t !pprehen)ion# . )t!nd here to )upport the bro!d principle) of the Bill# . do )o bec!u)e .
do not '!nt thi) :overnment to re)i&n upon ! )ide i))ue5 upon ! )oci!l i))ue# . '!nt it to
re)i&n on more )ub)t!nti!l5 politic!l !nd economic i))ue)# . 'ould r!ther '!nt it to re)i&n5
for e(!mple5 !) !n" other :overnment in ! more democr!tic countr" 'ould h!ve re)i&ned5
on the i))ue of the )u&!r muddle5 b" 'hich inf!nt) of the poor could not &et )u&!r but ton)
could be h!d b" tho)e 'ho 'ere prep!red to p!" f!nc" price)# 0n )uch i))ue)5 if thi)
:overnment &oe)5 there 'ill be no re&ret but . do not '!nt it to re)i&n upon ! )oci!l )ide
i))ue # # #
An Honourable Member : Su&!r i) not more import!nt th!n thi) me!)ure#
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani4 <et it i) not !) )'eet# 1ven then . 'ould not h!ve come to
)upport thi) Bill but for the pre))ure th!t . h!d from 9u!rter) from 'hich . could not re)i)t
)uch pre))ure# . '!) told !t home th!t . mu)t )upport thi) Bill# . )!id th!t . '!) innocent of !
%no'led&e of the Hindu l!'5 th!t Hindu l!' r!n into volume) !nd there 'ere m!n" volume)
of comment!r" !nd ho' could . )upport or oppo)e ! thin& 'hich . h!d not under)tood# Then
. '!) 9uic%l" told 6 . c!n m!%e "ou to under)t!nd it#
6 An Honourable Member: 7ho '!) "our te!cher 8
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani : So . )ubmitted m")elf to ! fe' curt!in?lecture)# . '!) !))ured
th!t m" te!cher h!d been in)tructed b" the hi&he)t !uthorit" in thi) A))embl"5 the &re!t r#
Ambed%!r him)elf# After the curt!in?lecture) 'ere over . '!) Au)t !) 'i)e or !) fooli)h !) .
'!) !fter m" te!cher) in )chool or colle&e h!d in)tructed me# . c!me to the conclu)ion th!t
m" te!cher) 'ere more fooli)h th!n m")elf#
7hen . '!) ! profe))or . thou&ht the )tudent) 'ould p!" me the )!me compliment#
@no'in& th!t5 'hen . entered the cl!)) . !l'!") )!id 6 :entlemen5 "our pre)ence i) !))ured
!nd !fter . h!ve m!r%ed the roll c!ll "ou !re free to &o5 bec!u)e . %no' "ou 'ill not &ive me
more credit for m" le!rnin& th!n . &!ve to m" te!cher)# 6
Sir5 . !m pled&ed to )upport the Bill !nd . mu)t )upport it5 bec!u)e . %no' th!t even
thou&h m" 'ife m!" be !b)ent5 'hen )he come) b!c% )he 'ill not onl" t!%e fin!nci!l but
mor!l !nd intellectu!l !ccount) from me#
*or me5 Sir5 it i) not ! 9ue)tion of reli&ion in d!n&er 4 it i) ! 9ue)tion of m" home in
d!n&er# 2uch h!) been )!id !bout Hindu reli&ion bein& in d!n&er# . !m !fr!id . c!nnot )ee
the point# Hindu reli&ion i) not in d!n&er 'hen Hindu) !re thieve)5 ro&ue)5 fornic!tor)5 bl!c%?
m!r%eter) or t!%er) of bribe)K Hindu reli&ion i) not end!n&ered b" the)e people but Hindu
reli&ion i) end!n&ered b" people 'ho '!nt to reform ! p!rticul!r l!'K 2!" be the" !re over?
Je!lou) but it i) better to be over?Je!lou) in thin&) ide!li)tic th!n be corrupt in m!teri!l
thin&)# .t i) thi) ment!lit" of our) th!t brou&ht !bout the de!th of the *!ther of the N!tion# .t
'!) )uppo)ed th!t the murderer '!) ! better Hindu th!n the per)on 'ho lived !ccordin& to
the hi&he)t ide!l) pre!ched in the :it! !nd in the /p!ni)h!d) !nd 'ho)e life '!) lived in the
li&ht of the te!chin&) of our )cripture)# . 'ould 'i)h the Hindu communit" to dive)t it)elf of
)uch f!l)e notion) !bout their reli&ion# 0ur reli&ion '!) not m!de b" murderer) !nd thieve)C
it '!) m!de b" S!dhu)5 S!n"!)i) !nd 2!h!tm!)#
<et5 there i) the other )ide of the 9ue)tion# A &re!t de!l of confu)ion h!) been c!u)ed5 for
one p!rt" )!") th!t reli&ion i) in d!n&er !nd !nother p!rt" )!") th!t the modem reli&ion of
pro&re)) i) in d!n&er# .f "ou do not )upport the Bill "ou !re ! re!ction!r"#
. 'ill tell "ou ho' . '!) converted to )upport the Bill# 0ne re!)on . h!ve !lre!d" told
"ou# Another re!)on . 'ill &ive "ou no'#
There '!) ! 'om!n !nd )he 'hi)pered to !nother 'om!n 6 @rip!l!ni 'onBt )upport the
Bill 4 he i) ! re!ction!r"# 6
Shri B. L. Sondhi: 7ere the" both member) of thi) hou)e 8
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani : The" 'ere hon# 2ember)5 not member)# She in confidence
told me 6 . prote)ted !nd . )!id @rip!l!ni i) pro&re))ive#6 So . '!) put on m" honour# <ou
)ee 'h!t )ubtle %ind of prop!&!nd! &oe) on# 0ne 'om!n tell) )omethin& to !nother 'om!n
in confidence !nd )he brin&) the )tor" to me# No' ho' !m . &oin& to !ct 8 . c!nnot con)ider
m")elf re!ction!r" !nd not pro&re))ive4 . m!" be c!lled ! non?Hindu but for ! modem m!n
not to be modem i) ! &re!ter )ti&m! th!n to be 'ithout reli&ion# . m!" not believe in :od5 but
ho' c!n . not believe in the :od of pro&re)) !) i) in the 7e)t8
. 'ill !l)o tell "ou 'h" the fir)t 'om!n )!id th!t . '!) ! re!ction!r"Git i) ! ver"
intere)tin& )tor"Gbut onl" if "ou promi)e not to interrupt me b" "our l!u&hter# . h!ppened to
be the Ch!irm!n of the *und!ment!l $i&ht) Committee# .n the *und!ment!l $i&ht)
Committee the propo)ition brou&ht for'!rd '!) th!t it )hould be the fund!ment!l ri&ht of
'omen not to be in purd!h# 0f cour)e . !m in f!vour of !ll 'omen &oin& 'ithout purd!hG
!nd 'h!t m!le 'ill not# . !dmire tho)e people 'ho 'ould not5 but . !m not one of tho)e
!dmir!ble people# . )!id th!t . h!ve no obAection to thi) cl!u)e &oin& in the *und!ment!l
ri&ht)5 provided th!t !ll purd!h di)!ppe!r)Gthe !ncient purd!h !nd the modem purd!h# T!%e
! round in the Cit" of elhi# .t i) ver" difficult to )ee the f!ce of ! 'om!n# There i) !l'!") !
m!)%# (An hon# 2ember4 The po'der ) .f the !ncient purd!h i) to be removed the modern
m!)% m!" !l)o be removed bec!u)e the modem m!)% i) even more complete th!n the
purdh!h# The purd!h "ou c!n t!%e off !t 'ill5 but the m!)% c!n onl" be t!%en off !t home !nd
b" cert!in chemic!l proce))e)#
3e)t "ou m!" mi)under)t!nd me . tell "ou th!t . !m ! &re!t believer in hum!n e9u!lit"#
And in hum!nit" . !l)o count 'om!nit"# . '!nt th!t thi) Bill )hould be p!))ed bec!u)e it
&ive) u) e9u!lit" 'ith 'omen# . thin% th!t thi) Bill i) in the intere)t) of our e9u!lit"# . h!ve
!l'!") thou&ht th!t in comp!ri)on 'ith 'omen 'e !re !t ! ver" &re!t di)!dv!nt!&e# *ir)t of
!ll5 n!ture h!) put u) !t ! di)!dv!nt!&e5 bec!u)e if "ou thin% ! little5 "ou 'ill !dmit th!t
ever"thin& th!t ! m!n c!n do ! 'om!n c!n !l)o do# But there !re cert!in thin&) 'hich !
'om!n c!n do 'hich men c!nnot doGnot even in our im!&in!tion5 not even in our dre!m)5
not even in our ni&htm!re)# . c!nnot conceive#
Some Honourable Members: No5 "ou c!nnotK
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani: . '!) t!l%in& of conceivin& in !n intellectu!l )en)e# But )ince
"ou h!ve !lre!d" found out m" me!nin& . need not dil!te upon it# ("n hon. M!mb!r ) 0h5
no#) But . h!ve often been curiou) !nd h!ve even !)%ed 'omen 6 'h!t i) thi) e(cruci!tin&
p!in !nd 'h!t i) thi) )uperb Ao" th!t "ou h!ve in conception 86 !nd the" onl" )mile !t m"
i&nor!nce !nd &ive no !n)'er# . h!ve !&!in !)%ed them 'h!t ple!)ure the" h!ve in nur)in&
the b!b" !t the bre!)t# Then !l)o the" )mile !t m" i&nor!nce !nd &ive no !n)'er# .n the)e
m!tter) . thin% 'e !re !t ! ver" &re!t di)!dv!nt!&e# The" !re &re!t cre!tor)# Arti)t) cre!te
in!nim!te obAect)5 'omen cre!te im!&e) of :od5 'hich )ometime) de&ener!te into im!&e) of
S!t!n# .n the)e thin&)5 of cour)e5 n!ture h!) put ! %ind of bloc% in our '!" !nd 'e c!nnot
!chieve e9u!lit" 'ith 'omen# But in m!n" other thin&) 'e c!n !chieve e9u!lit" 'ith 'omen#
So f!r !) the 9ue)tion of 'omen !chievin& e9u!lit" 'ith men i) concerned5 the" h!ve
!lre!d" !chieved it in .ndi!# <ou %no' th!t !) )oon !) 'e h!d S'!r!A5 'e h!d ! 'om!n
:overnor# T'o centurie) of independence h!ve p!))ed in the /nited St!te) of Americ!5 !nd
there !re fort"ei&ht St!te)5 but . do not %no' if even once the" h!ve !ppointed ! 'om!n !)
:overnor# 0f cour)e m" %no'led&e of hi)tor" m!" be old !nd . )pe!% )ubAect to correction5
but . believe no 'om!n '!) !ppointed !) ! feder!l 2ini)ter# . m!" !l)o )!" th!t in ! countr"
li%e 1n&l!nd5 'here fem!le educ!tion i) 'ide)pre!d5 . do not %no' 'hether up to thi) time
there h!) been ! 'om!n C!binet 2ini)ter# . !m not t!l%in& of the m!n" !u(ili!r" 2ini)ter)
th!t 'e h!ve here tooGthe" !re !l)o c!lled B 2ini)ter) BGbut . !m t!l%in& in term) of C!binet
2ini)ter)# So f!r !) . %no'5 there h!) not been one in 1n&l!nd# Then . do not %no' 'hether
in 1n&l!nd !nd Americ! there h!ve been 'om!n diplom!t)G!mb!))!dor)# And "et "ou mu)t
remember th!t one of our )t!r !mb!))!dor) i) ! 'om!n#
Shri R. K. Sidhva4 7e !re proud of our 'omen# Sir#
Acharya 1# B. @rip!l!ni 4 7ell5 2r# Sidhv! thin%) th!t . !m not proud# . !m ver" proud
of thi)# But . !m thin%in& in term) of e9u!lit"5 not of pride# . )!"5 6 'e h!ve &r!nted 'omen
e9u!lit"5 !nd no' )h!ll 'e be &iven )ome e9u!lit" 'ith 'omen 86 . !m ver" much oppre))ed
bec!u)e . !m !fter !ll !n old m!n# . h!ve le!rned th!t old !&e i) to be re)pected# But 'hen !
chip of &irl come) into m" dr!'in& room . h!ve to !ct Au)t li%e ! A!c%?in the?bo( !nd pop up#
A"t this stag! Mr. D!puty Sp!ak!r (Shri M. "nanthasayanam "yyangar. r!sum!d th!
. did not do th!t in former d!")# Not onl" th!t5 m!" . tell "ou5 Sir5 th!t even 'hen m" 'ife
come) in the dr!'in& room . &et up# o "ou %no' 'h" 8 Bec!u)e )ome boori)h "oun& m!n
m!" be )ittin& there !nd he m!" not %no' the modem m!nner) !nd he m!" not &et upC Au)t to
&ive him !n e(!mple5 . ri)e# . '!nt th!t there )hould be e9u!lit"5 bec!u)e "ou Au)t )ee5 . !) !
m!le !m obli&ed to &et up 'hen ! fem!le come)5 'hile . %no' th!t 'hen even our ;rime
2ini)ter or the ;re)ident or the Con&re)) enter) ! room5 . h!ve )een "oun& 'omen )ittin& in
their )e!t)# Thi) i) ! ver" &re!t inAu)tice to the mere m!le# 2" e(perience h!) been th!t if
there i) ! 9u!rrel bet'een ! m!n !nd ! 'om!n in the b!J!!r or in the m!r%et?pl!ce5Gbec!u)e
. do not %no' !bout )ecret 9u!rrel)Gor in the club5 !nd )uppo)in& ! m!n hit the 'om!n5 do
"ou %no' 'h!t 'ould h!ppen 8 There 'ould be !lmo)t ! riot !nd ever"bod" 'ould c!ll the
m!n ! co'!rd !nd ri&htl" too# But )uppo)in& the m!n '!) be!ten b" ! 'om!n5 do "ou %no'
'h!t 'ould h!ppen 8 . thin% he 'ould loo% ver" ridiculou) !nd in)te!d of !n"bod"
)"mp!thi)in& 'ith him5 he 'ould be the obAect of ridicule !nd ri&htl" too# 7hether 'e be!t
or !re be!ten5 both '!") 'e !re the lo)er)# . '!nt th!t thi) b!l!nce )hould be re)tored !nd
there )hould be )ome e9u!lit" to protect the mere m!n#
There i) "et !nother thin&# Not onl" in )ociet" !re 'e !t ! di)!dv!nt!&e5 but the l!' i)
!l)o !&!in)t u)5 !) even our 3!' 2ini)ter 'ill !dmit# Suppo)in& ! m!n run) !'!" 'ith !
'om!n5 the m!n i) re)pon)ible in l!'# Suppo)in& ! 'om!n run) !'!" 'ith ! m!n5 !&!in the
m!n i) re)pon)ible# . h!ve it on the hi&he)t !uthorit"5 ver" modem !uthorit"5 th!t it i) the
'om!n 'ho i) often the pur)uer# 7hether 'e !re the !&&re))or) or the" !re the !&&re))or)5
irre)pective of !&&re))ion5 the l!' come) do'n upon u)# 7e !re )ufferer) both '!")# .
'ould5 therefore5 re9ue)t thi) hou)e to brin& !bout )ome e9u!lit"5 )o th!t 'e men m!" be
!ble to bre!the more freel"5 )o th!t if 'e !re %ic%ed5 'e m!" %ic% e9u!ll" freel" 'ithout
ridicule5 'ithout the l!' comin& to the help of the )tron&er p!rt"5 n!mel"5 'om!n# <ou c!n
no' under)t!nd 'h" . )upport thi) Bill#
3et u) no' &o into det!il)# There i) fir)t of !ll the 9ue)tion of propert"# . re!ll" do not )ee
ho'5 'e of the Con&re))5 'ho !re pled&ed to the !bolition of priv!te propert"5 "et thin% in
term) of !) to 'hom one )h!re or the other )hould &o# . )ee ! curiou) phenomenon in thi)
n!tion 'hich . h!ve not ob)erved in other n!tion)#
Shri Lakshmmarayan Sahu (0ri))! 4 :ener!l) 4 . '!nt to %no' one thin&# .) the
Con&re)) pled&ed to !bolition of priv!te propert" 8
Mr. Deputy Speaker: Th!t i) the hon# 2emberB) opinion#
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani : . thin% if the $e)olution) of the Con&re)) !re c!refull" re!d5 it
'ill be pl!in th!t the Con&re)) doe) )t!nd for the !bolition of priv!te propert"5 th!t i)5
!ccumul!ted priv!te propert"5 not priv!te propert" th!t i) in u)e# But !) the eput" Spe!%er
ri&htl" )!id5 thi) ! 9ue)tion of opinion# . find th!t !ll people here !re more concerned 'ith
redi)tribution of e(i)tin& 'e!lth# There i) no effort in thi) l!nd to cre!te ne' 'e!lth# 1ven
our Soci!li)t friend) !re not thin%in& in term) of cre!tin& 'e!lth5 but of redi)tributin& the
ver" little e(i)tin& 'e!lth th!t 'e h!ve# . !m indifferent 'here the little bit of e(i)tin& 'e!lth
&oe)5 'hether it &oe) to the 'om!n or to the m!n provided it rem!in) in the n!tion# The
n!tion )hould not be the poorer for it# <ou 'ill be )urpri)ed to %no'5 but . do not mind
people t!%in& bribe) even5 or &oin& in the bl!c% m!r%et# After !ll5 'e!lth doe) not &o out)ide
.ndi!# .t i) )ome'here 'ith the .ndi!n people# . onl" thin% of the mor!lit" of it 'hich i)
de)tro"in& our public life !nd our priv!te mor!l)# So f!r !) 'e!lth i) concerned5 it doe) not
m!tter )o much# After !ll the)e bribe?t!%er) !nd the)e bl!c%?m!r%eter) !re not t!%in& !'!"
'e!lth to !n" forei&n countr"# .f it i) not m" brother?in?l!'5 it i) )omebod" el)eB) brother?in?
l!'# .t i) !fter !ll there# So . do not for ! moment thin% in the)e n!rro' term) of 'here the
e(i)tin& 'e!lth &oe)# . !m thin%in& in term) of the n!tion# The 'hole !ttention in 1n&l!nd
!nd other free countrie) i) directed to cre!tin& more 'e!lth r!ther th!n dividin& the !lre!d"
me!&re 'e!lth th!t e(i)t) there# Therefore5 . 'hole he!rtedl" )upport th!t ! )h!re in !nce)tr!l
'e!lth be &iven to 'omen# .f the" h!ve their o'n )h!re5 the" m!" be more c!reful !bout
their mone"# .t h!) been m" e(perience th!t the e(penditure of ! 'om!n i) much more th!n
th!t of ! m!n# . h!ve )een th!t 'hen &irl) &o to colle&e !nd )chool5 the mother i) more c!reful
!bout their clothe) th!n !bout the bo")B clothe)# The "oun& bo") m!" toddle !lon& to )chool
'!l%in& !ll their '!"5 but the "oun& &irl) mu)t &o either in ! ton&! or in ! bu) even thou&h
the bu) ch!r&e) m!" come to $)# 1+ ! month# So in clothe) !nd in tr!n)port ch!r&e) !nd in#
other thin&)5 'om!nB) educ!tion co)t) more# Thi) i) 'hen )he i) not m!rried# 7hen the
'omen !re m!rried5 "ou c!n loo% !t their dre)) !nd !t our dre))# . h!ve ver" often found !t
'eddin&) th!t the bo" loo%) li%e !n idiot !nd the &irl loo%) li%e ! 9ueen# . h!ve )een it !nd
!n"one 'ho h!) critic!ll" ob)erved it 'ill certif" th!t it i) )o# 0n the ro!d5 . h!ve !l)o )een
modem 'omen !nd modern men &oin& to&ether# The modern m!n &ener!ll" 'e!r) 1n&li)h
dre)) !nd it i) not on ever"bod" th!t the 1n&li)h dre)) )it) 'ill# There !re onl" ! fe'
e(ception)# 0n mo)t of u) it loo%) ver" !'%'!rd# But the 'om!n i) in her n!tive )!ri5 full of
colour5 !nd even if )he h!) not orn!ment)5 )he loo%) better !nd more re)pect!bl" dre))ed th!n
the m!n be)ide herGno'!d!") he '!l%) ! little behind her !nd loo%) !'%!rd# Tho)e 'ho !re
not !c9u!inted 'ith .ndi!n middle cl!)) )ociet" tod!"5 or !re forei&ner)5 'ould thin% th!t
perh!p) )ome 'haprassi i) &oin& behind# Therefore5 . )!"5 Sir5 the" h!ve their o'n propert"5
'e 'ill not be bothered b" the)e thin&)# The" 'ill )pend it !) the" li%e !nd . !m )ure the"
'ill )pend it more economic!ll" th!n 'hen the" h!ve to purch!)e thin&) !nd the bill) come to
u)# Therefore5 . !m ! &re!t !dvoc!te th!t the 'omen )hould h!ve their propert" )h!re !l)o#
Then there i) !nother point !bout 'hich . !m ver" p!rticul!r# . !m told th!t "ou c!nnot
!dopt ! &irl child# . h!ppen to be in the unfortun!te po)ition th!t . h!ve no children#
Shri B. L. Sondhi : 7h!t ! pit" K
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani4 .t i) ! ver" &re!t pit"# . thou&ht th!t !) ! Hindu . could !dopt !
child# But . h!ve !l'!") h!d ! preference for ! fem!le child5 . !dopted ! couple of &irl)5 but
the" r!n !'!" 'ith their hu)b!nd)# . "et '!nt to !dopt ! &irl# . do not %no' 'h" thi)
provi)ion i) there th!t "ou c!nnot !dopt ! &irl# The &irl)5 )o f!r !) the f!ther i) concerned !re
more lov!ble th!n bo") !nd the more )!uc" !nd impudent the &irl i) the more the f!ther love)
her# Therefore5 . re9ue)t th!t if there be !n" defect in thi) Bill it m!" be corrected !nd fem!le
children m!" !l)o be !llo'ed to be !dopted#
About divorce5 Sir5 . m!" tell "ou th!t . !m not per)on!ll" concerned5 bec!u)e m"
m!rri!&e '!) not crimin!l5 but civil# .t i) open not to me5 but cert!inl" to m" 'ife to divorce
me !n" time )he li%e)5 if )he feel) th!t . !m not beh!vin& properl"# But . find th!t )o f!r !)
provi)ion) for divorce !re concerned thi) Bill i) more retro&r!de th!n old cu)tom# A) 'e h!ve
been told b" Shri All!di @ri)hn!)'!mi A""!r !nd ! 'om!n )pe!%er5 there i) ! )imple )")tem
of divorce !mon& the m!))e) in the vill!&e)# There !re no co)tl" proceedin&)5 there i) no
)c!nd!l5 there !re no ne')p!per !rticle)# All thi) i) !voided# . 'ould )u&&e)t# Sir5 th!t ! more
re!)on!ble5 more )cientific !nd more up?to?d!te !ttitude be !dopted in the m!tter of divorce#
Sir5 . h!ve ! )u&&e)tion to m!%e5 for 'h!t it i) 'orth5 for the con)ider!tion of the 3!'
2ini)ter !nd thi) )u&&e)tion 'ould not involve e(penditure5 liti&!tion5 )c!nd!l or ne')p!per
!rticle)# All the m!rri!&e) )hould be for five "e!r) !nd !t the e(pir" of five "e!r) ever"
m!rri!&e 'ould be rene'!ble# The rene'!l c!n t!%e pl!ce b" )ome decl!r!tion before !n"
vill!&e officer or hi) p!r!llel in ! to'n or cit"# <ou c!n !fter five "e!r) &o !nd )!" th!t "ou
do not '!nt to )ep!r!te !nd the m!rri!&e continue)# Thi) 'ill m!%e divorce e!)"5 )cientific5
'ithout )c!nd!l)5 'ithout liti&!tion !nd . tell "ou it 'ill be mo)t up?to?d!te# . m!%e thi)
)u&&e)tion for 'h!tever it i) 'orth !nd . tell "ou it )!ti)fie) !ll the re9uirement) of the ne'
reli&ion of pro&re)) !nd !dv!ncement#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: Sir5 m!" . m!%e ! re9ue)t to "ou# Sir5 to !llot one
more d!" for the di)cu))ion of thi) Bill5 in vie' of the f!ct th!t there !re m!n" hon# 2ember)
'ho 'i)h to )pe!% on it# The hon# the ;rime 2ini)ter i) here !nd he 'ill be !ble to tell u)
'hether :overnment 'ould be prep!red to !llot tomorro' !l)o for the di)cu))ion#
The Honourable Shri 1awaharlal Nehru (Prime Minister) : Sir5 the Hou)e %no')
th!t nothin& i) more preciou) th!n ever" d!" !nd ever" hour of thi) Hou)e# 7e h!ve ! &re!t
de!l of ver" import!nt bu)ine)) to &et throu&h durin& thi) )e))ion !nd there !re not m!n"
d!") left over# Neverthele))5 !) . m!de it cle!r in the e!rl" )t!&e)5 'e '!nt to &ive the fulle)t
opportunit" for thi) deb!te to be c!rried on !nd for !) m!n" member) !) po))ible to )pe!%
upon it# N!tur!ll"5 thi) or !n" other deb!te5 c!nnot be c!rried on indefinitel" to the detriment
of other public bu)ine))# So :overnment h!ve )t!ted th!t the" '!nt to &ive !) much time !)
po))ible5 )ubAect to the deb!te termin!tin& !nd endin&# . !m perfectl" prep!red5 on beh!lf of
:overnment5 to !llot !nother d!"5 th!t i) tomorro'5 )ubAect to t'o provi)o) 4 one th!t the
deb!te termin!te) tomorro'C )econd th!t 'e )it on S!turd!" to conduct other bu)ine)) of the
Shri Mahavir T"!&i4 Sir5 m!" . )u&&e)t th!t it i) ver" difficult for u) to )it on S!turd!"#
The Hon# the ;rime 2ini)ter mi&ht Au)t find time5 bec!u)e he h!) not to devote much time in
the Hou)e# But 'e h!ve to )it from mornin& till evenin& !nd in the evenin&) 'e h!ve to
!ttend meetin&) of Select Committee)5 be)ide) !ttendin& to our other en&!&ement)# 7e h!ve
!l)o to &o throu&h the v!riou) p!per) received b" u)5 dr!ft !mendment) !nd )end them#
S!turd!" !nd Sund!" !re the onl" t'o d!") 'hen 'e c!n do th!t 'or%# . 'ould re9ue)t "ou 5
Sir5 not to t!%e S!turd!"#
Pandit Govind Malaviya (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 . h!ve to )ubmit# Sir5 th!t thi) me!)ure i)
one in 'hich the 'hole countr" )eem) to be more intere)ted th!n it h!) been in !n" other
me!)ure# 2ember) of thi) Hou)e )hould be !llo'ed full opportunit" of e(pre))in&
them)elve) !bout it# So lon& !) there i) ! )in&le member of thi) Hou)e5 no m!tter 'hether he
i) in f!vour of the motion or !&!in)t it5 'ho !) ! repre)ent!tive of the people5 'i)he) to h!ve
! )!" on thi) Bill5 'e )hould !llo' time for it# .f 'e c!nnot find time for it tomorro'5
:overnment )hould &ive more d!") for the di)cu))ion of the Bill# . )ubmit th!t it 'ill not be
f!ir to the people of thi) countr" or to the 2ember) here5 th!t !n"bod" 'ho de)ire) to e(pre))
hi) opinion !bout thi) me!)ure )hould not be !llo'ed to do )o#
2r# Deputy Speaker4 The hon# the ;rime 2ini)ter h!) !lre!d" )!id th!t he 'ill !llot one
more offici!l d!" for the di)cu))ion of thi) Bill# There !re ! number of other Bill) 'hich h!ve
been referred to Select Committee) !nd other) 'ho)e Select Committee report) h!ve been
pre)ented to the Hou)e# H!vin& re&!rd to the bu)ine)) th!t i) "et to be done5 the hon# the
;rime 2ini)ter evidentl" thin%) th!t not more th!n one d!" c!n be !llo'ed for the Hindu
Code Bill# So f!r !) th!t m!tter i) concerned5 it i) !n offici!l d!" !nd . !m completel" in the
h!nd) of the :overnment# .t i) for the Hou)e to !&ree or to reAect# . h!ve nothin& more to )!"
in thi) m!tter# So f!r !bout t'ent"?)even 2ember) h!ve )po%en !nd 'e h!ve t!%en over
)even d!") !nd nineteen plu) five5 t'ent"?four hour)#
Dr. P. S. Deshmukh4 Ho' m!n" !re '!itin& to )pe!% 8
Maulana Hasrat Mohani (/# ;# 4 2u)lim) 4 7h!t i) the &u!r!ntee th!t 'e 'ill be !ble
to fini)h the di)cu))ion even tomorro' 8
Mr# Deputy Speaker: . h!ve !bout thirt"?four n!me) )till 'ho '!nt to )pe!%# The m!tter
)t!nd) there !nd onl" tomorro' i) !llotted !) !n offici!l d!" for the conduct of thi) bu)ine))#
.t i) for the Hou)e to con)ider it tomorro'# No'5 !) re&!rd) S!turd!"5 it 'ill be fi(ed !) !n
offici!l d!" bec!u)e tomorro' i) bein& t!%en up b" thi)# <ou c!n !rr!n&e for the Select
Committee) to meet on )ome other d!"# The Hou)e 'ill no' !dAourn till 1,?4+ A#2#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till a 3uart!r to -l!v!n of th! &lo'k on <!dn!sday, th!
47th D!'!mb!r, 4676.
H.N/ C01G'ontd.
2r# Deputy Speaker : . h!ve received ! letter from 2r# @rip!l!ni th!t it '!) under !
mi)?under)t!ndin& "e)terd!" th!t he )!t do'n# . thou&ht th!t he h!d concluded hi) )peech#
He )!") th!t !) )oon !) . &ot up5 in deference to the Ch!ir5 he )!t do'n# .f th!t i) )o5 . 'ould
li%e to &ive him !n opportunit" to continue hi) )peech5 but . 'ould re9ue)t him to conclude
hi) )peech in ! ver" )hort time#
Ach!r"! 1. B. Kripalani (/# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 Sir5 . th!n% "ou for the opportunit" th!t "ou
h!ve &iven me to conclude m" )peech# . '!nted to conclude it in ! more )eriou) m!nner# .t
!ppe!r) to me th!t !) ! n!tion 'e l!c% ! little humour !nd c!nnot penetr!te to the )eriou)
purpo)e th!t lie) behind the humour#
2" )upport to the Bill i) 'holehe!rted !nd it re)t) upon ver" )ound &round)# .t re)t) on
the found!tion of the ch!r!cter !nd tr!dition of .ndi!n 'om!nhood# Throu&hout hi)tor" the"
h!ve pl!"ed ! ver" di)tin&ui)hed p!rt in our life !nd in our culture# .n !ncient n!me) 'e h!ve
f!mou) n!me) 'ho contributed to the le!rnin& of the time)# 2!n" of them 'ere &re!t 'riter)5
philo)opher) !nd poet)# .n medi!ev!l time) 'hen 'e 'ere do'n !nd out5 'hen '!ve !fter
'!ve of forei&n inv!)ion c!me5 our 'omen confined them)elve) to the home 'ith their
!ncient virtue) undimini)hed# And 'hen 'ounded !nd di)!ppointed 'e 'ent home the"
)oothed our 'ound) !nd %ept the home fire) burnin&# The" 'ere ! con)ol!tion to u)# Not
onl" th!t the" %ept our reli&ion !live# The" %ept our tr!dition) !liveC the" %ept our culture
!live# .t i) in Hindu home) 'ith Hindu 'omen th!t 'e find our culture !nd our reli&ion !t it)
be)t# 1ven tod!" 'hen &entlemen ch!n&e their dre))e)5 our 'omen do not ch!n&e their)# .t i)
thi) tr!it of .ndi!n 'om!nhood th!t '!) reco&ni)ed b" the *!ther of the N!tion !nd th!t '!)
)o !bl" utili)ed b" him#
.n our )tru&&le for independence the" )tood )houlder to )houlder 'ith u)# =er" often .
%no'5 the" h!d to )uffer more th!n 'e h!d to )uffer# 1ven 'hen )ome of them did not be!r
l!thi ch!r&e) !nd did not &o to A!il)5 . %no' the priv!tion) th!t the" h!d to )uffer !nd the"
)uffered them cheerfull"# The" h!ve !l'!") helped u) in ever" '!" !nd . )uppo)e it ill?
behove) u) to thin% th!t the" !re thin%in& of them)elve) !lone# After !ll the 'e!rer %no')
'here the )hoe pinche)# The" %no' 'h!t h!ndic!p) the" !re )ufferin& from# . !m )orr" th!t !
2ember from Ben&!l )hould be ver" enthu)i!)tic !&!in)t thi) Bill not %no'in& the condition)
of the 'ido') in Ben&!l# . h!ve )een them 'ith m" o'n e"e)#
Shri Suresh Chandra Majumdar (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l) 4 Not !ll Ben&!l 2ember)
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani : . '!) t!l%in& onl" of one 2ember 'ho i) ver" enthu)i!)tic
!&!in)t the Bill# A) . '!) )!"in& the 'e!rer %no') 'here the )hoe pinche)# . h!ve no doubt
th!t even 'hen 'omen &et 'h!t the" '!nt5 their tr!dition!l devotion to home5 to their
menfol% 'ill not dimini)h !nd . h!ve ever" re!)on to believe thi)# Sir5 . !m !))oci!ted 'ith
'omen 'ho m!" be con)idered !) modem !nd "ou 'ill e(cu)e me if . &ive "ou ! peep into
m" home life# <ou %no' !nd the Hou)e %no') 2r)# @rip!l!ni5 but "ou %no' onl" her public
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari (A))!m4 :ener!l)4 0n ! point of order# Sir# C!n "ou
di)cu)) !bout 2r)# @rip!l!ni 'ho i) not pre)ent in the Hou)e 8
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani 4 0f cour)e5 . 'ould )eriou)l" obAect if the 2ember di)cu))ed
her5 but . thou&ht . h!d ! little ri&ht to di)cu)) her# A) . '!) )!"in&5 )he t!%e) her full p!rt in
public life5 but !) )oon !) )he i) !t home )he i) !) &ood ! hou)e'ife !) !n" !ncient 'om!n#
Thou&h . do not li%e !n"bod" to do ph")ic!l 'or% for me5 . c!n tell "ou th!t 'hen . !m
not loo%in&5 )he doe) ever"thin& for me5 includin& the bru)hin& of m" ch!pp!l) !nd the
'!)hin& of m" clothe)# . h!ve !l)o h!d the privile&e of )eein& other 'omen 'ho !re
con)idered modem# . !m !c9u!inted r!ther intim!tel" 'ith tho)e 2ember) 'hom "ou )ee
onl" in the Hou)e5 !nd . h!ve )een them in their home )urroundin&) 'ith their children5 'ith
their hu)b!nd)5 'ith their brother !nd . h!ve no he)it!tion in )!"in& th!t the" l!c% none of the
virtue) of the old but the" h!ve !dded ! ne' virtue to enrich their life5 th!t of public !ctivit"
!nd public 'or%# Sir5 . come from ! communit" in Sind 'here mo)t of the 'omen !re
educ!ted !nd !ccordin& to modem ide!) the" m!" be con)idered even f!)hion!ble5 but 'hen
. &o to their home) . h!ve m!r%ed the p!thetic '!" the" love their hu)b!nd)5 their children
!nd their brother)#
An Honourable Member: 7h" p!thetic 8
Acharya 1. B. Kripalani : . !dvi)edl" u)e the 'ord bec!u)e "ou do not %no' th!t thi)
love of their) i) ! ver" inconvenient thin& to u) menfol%# Ho'ever much 'e m!" tr" to
domin!te the home !nd m!%e our 'ill prev!il5 the" &o round u) in )uch ! m!nner5 'ith )uch
devoted )ervice5 'ith )uch f!ithfulne))5 'ith )uch )te!df!)tne))5 'ith )uch p!tience th!t .
h!ve "et to )ee hu)b!nd) in the 'orld 'ho !re more henpec%ed th!n the .ndi!n hu)b!nd)#
The" !l'!") )toop to con9uer# . h!ve )een the)e modem l!die) hi&hl" educ!ted5 !) educ!ted
!) our)elve)5 !nd . h!ve found th!t5 under their )%in the" !re !) !ncient !) !n" of their !ncient
)i)ter)# . thin% tho)e people 'ho !re m!rried to old orthodo( l!die) !nd 'ho h!ve )een their
devotion5 if the" 'ere to )ee the devotion of the ne'5 the" 'ill be )urpri)ed to )ee th!t there
h!) been no ch!n&e !t !llC !nd the)e 'omen '!nt th!t cert!in di)!bilitie) of their) be t!%en
!'!"# .t i) )!id th!t5 if 'omen !re &iven inherit!nce5 love bet'een brother !nd )i)ter 'ill
dimini)h# . do not thin% th!t the love of our )i)ter) i) m!de of )uch flim)" )tuff# .t h!)
centurie) of tr!dition behind# . h!ve )een )i)ter) )l!vin& !'!" )o th!t their brother) m!" be
educ!ted !nd find them)elve) on their feet# . h!ve )een them )!crificin& for the f!mil"# .
come from ! communit" 'here there i) no Aoint f!mil"5 'here !) )oon !) the )on i) m!rried5
he )ep!r!te) !nd live) !lone5 but . %no' bec!u)e there i) no Aoint f!mil"5 there i) &re!ter love
bet'een the member) of the f!mil" A$!ar h!arB !nd it '!) m!nife)ted recentl" 'hen the
Sindhi) h!d to mi&r!te from Sind !nd come to .ndi!# . h!ve )een three or four f!milie) livin&
to&ether in one hou)e# .f !n"bod" h!d ! hou)e out)ide5 if !n"bod" h!d )ettled out)ide Sind
!nd he '!) livin& in .ndi!5 th!t hou)e '!) )h!red e9u!ll" 'ith nephe') !nd cou)in) !nd in?
l!') !nd the" be!r the trouble of thi) terrible con&e)tion ver" cheerfull"# 2!n" of them h!ve
to )pend l!r&e )um) of mone"# So thi) f!mil" love 'hich h!) per)i)ted for centurie) i) not
&oin& to end bec!u)e there i) ! little ch!n&e in the Hindu 3!'#
A) Sir All!di @ri)hn!)'!mi A""!r h!) told u)5 thi) l!' h!) !l'!") been ch!n&in&# .t i)
the pride of the Hindu reli&ion th!t it h!) !dAu)ted it)elf to ch!n&in& circum)t!nce)# .t i) true
to the old5 "et it t!%e) !) much of the ne' !) it i) nece))!r" for the he!lth" life of the
communit"# Time) h!ve ch!n&ed# .f forei&n rule h!d not been here5 our Sh!)tr!) 'ould h!ve
ch!n&edC our l!' 'ould h!ve ch!n&ed# *orei&n rule m!de the)e l!') ver" ri&id5 !nd it i) time
th!t 'e brin& in )ome ne' life !nd ne' li&ht into them5 !nd thi) Bill i) tr"in& to do th!t# . !m
)ure the Bill 'ould be put into )ome )h!pe !nd form in Committee !nd th!t there 'ill be no
compl!int)# . !m )ure th!t our home life i) not &oin& to be di)turbed !nd . !m )ure the love
!nd the lo"!lt" of our 'omen i) not &oin& to dimini)h# Th!t their devotion to their menfol% i)
not &oin& to dimini)h in !n" '!"5 !nd th!t the future 'omen of .ndi! 'ill be both true to
their home !nd to the n!tion# Sir5 . h!ve done#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt (Bomb!" St!te))4 (-nglish translation of th! $indi
sp!!'h. Sir5 ever )ince the Hindu Code Bill h!) been before the Hou)e5 it h!) !&it!ted the
mind) of the people in .ndi!# r# Sen cl!im) th!t the bill h!) !lre!d" been before u) for the
l!)t fift" or )i(t" "e!r)# But5 in the boo%) . h!ve &one throu&h in thi) connection5 no'here5 .
h!ve been !ble to find ! reference to !n" e!rlier e(i)tence of thi) Code# There '!) ho'ever5 !
Hindu 3!'5 ch!n&e) 'herein h!ve5 no doubt5 been en&!&in& the !ttention of the Hindu
)ociet" from time to time#
.t '!) onl" !fter 619D9 th!t 'e h!ve come to %no' of thi) Hindu Code Bill in it) pre)ent
form# There m!" h!ve been )ome t!l% on the occ!)ion# r# e)hmu%h h!d brou&ht the
2!rri!&e Bill before thi) ver" Hou)e in 19D8#
Dr. P. K. Sen (Bih!r4 :ener!l) 4 2!" . Au)t e(pl!in 8 . )!id th!t it h!d been before the
le&i)l!tive !nvil for lon&er th!n F, "e!r)5 i#e# from 18+F or 18++5 but th!t '!) 'ith reference
to the 2!rri!&e 3!'5 not !t !ll in re)pect to other !)pect)#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt 4 . !l)o )!" th!t onl" )ome of it) !)pect) 'ere before
u) !nd before the Hindu )ociet"# .n f!ct )uch i))ue) 'ere not f!cin& the Hindu) onl"5 the
;!r)i) !nd the 2u)lim) 'ere )imil!rl" confronted b" them# . me!n onl" to &ive "ou )ome
&limp)e) of the hi)tor" of the m!nner in 'hich thi) Hindu Code Bill h!) been brou&ht before
the Hou)e !nd the circum)t!nce) under 'hich the Committee c!lled the B $!u Committee B
'!) )et up# . '!nt !l)o to &ive "ou !n ide! !) to the time?limit fi(ed for fr!min& the rule) !nd
re&ul!tion) concernin& the )oci!l )tructure of the Hindu )ociet" popul!tin& over D, crore) !)
!l)o the method) emplo"ed for publicit" !nd elicit!tion of public opinion or for !)cert!inin&
!n" other re!ction# 7hether the Hindu Code Bill )hould be introduced or not5 the Hindu
)ociet" )hould be inte&r!ted or not5 or 'hether or not there )hould be ! )"nthe)i) of the
v!riou) pieceme!l le&i)l!tion of the Hindu 3!' !re not the re!l i))ue)# . '!nt to dr!' "our
!ttention to the f!ct th!t the $!u Committee '!) )et up on >!nu!r" E,51944C the" undertoo%
the 'or% !nd &ot ! r!ft Bill re!d"# The public c!me to %no' of thi) Bill on Au&u)t +5 1944
'hen the" 'ere &iven t'o month) there!fter to )end in their opinion) b" 0ctober +5 1944#
Sir5 . 'ill li%e to point out !l)o th!t onl" 15,,, copie) of thi) Bill 'ere printed b" the
:overnment of .ndi! for ! popul!tion of D, crore)# Sub)e9uentl" D5,,, more copie) 'ere
printed under pre))ure of public dem!nd#
Shri Mahavir T"!&i (/# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 7ere the" printed in 1n&li)h or Hindi8
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt: All the 45,,, copie) 'ere printed in 1n&li)h#
There!fter Shri $!u h!d !)%ed the ;rovinci!l :overnment) to &et ! tr!n)l!tion of the Bill
printed !nd di)tributed# e)pite thi) tr!n)l!tion5 to m" %no'led&e not more th!n +, to F,
thou)!nd) of )uch copie) 'ere di)tributed in !ll in ! popul!tion of D, crore)#
No' . 'ould proceed to )pe!% !bout the e(tent of publicit" !nd circul!tion !mon& people
to !)cert!in their re!ction to ! Bill of thi) t"pe 'hich i) of )o much import!nceC 'hich !im) !t
inte&r!tion of the Hindu )ociet"5 'hich )ee%) to introduce ! ne' '!" of life !nd 'hich i)
con)idered to be ! reform!tor" me!)ure# A time?limit of t'o month) '!) fi(ed for thi)
purpo)e !nd there!fter the committee undertoo% ! tour of the countr"# Their tour l!)ted for D8
d!") onl"# The" did not vi)it !ll the citie) !nd left out !ll to'n) !nd vill!&e)# Never did the"
c!re to &o in the mid)t of people !t !n" time durin& thi) tour nor !ppro!ch !n" 'ido' to
en9uire !bout the re!)on for her mi)er" even thou&h )he m!" h!ve continued to )h!re
propert" in !ccord!nce 'ith the !"!b!&h )")tem of Ben&!l# The" never 'ent to 2!dr!) to
%no' 'h" our )i)ter) !nd d!u&hter) 'ere unh!pp" there in )pite of the m!tri!rch!l )")tem of
)h!rin& propert"# The" did not find out 'hether 'ido') 'ere in di)tre)) in Ben&!l or 2!dr!)
onl" or their f!te '!) the )!me !ll over !nd5 if )o5 'h!t could be the po))ible re!)on for )uch
di)tre))# . c!nBt !&ree to the ple! th!t the" !re in ! mi)er!ble )t!te onl" bec!u)e the" po))e))
no )h!re in the propert"# Thi) i) not the c!)e# Their mi)erie) e(i)t not )olel" bec!u)e of
h!vin& no propert" 'h!t)oever# *ormerl" ! hitch e(i)ted th!t the 'omen 'ido'ed in ! "oun&
!&e could not )ee% 'ordl" enAo"ment)5 there '!) h!rdl" !n" Au)tific!tion in refu)in& !n
opportunit" for )econd m!rri!&e to )uch 'ido')# .)h'!r Ch!ndr! =id"! S!&!r !nd 2!l!b!ri
S!heb m!de effort) in thi) beh!lf !nd thou&h . do not remember it cle!rl" but . thin% it '!) in
18+F th!t ! 7ido' $em!rri!&e Act '!) p!))ed !nd i) in force till?d!te# . 'ould ho'ever li%e
to %no' the number of people 'ho !v!iled it) benefit) or the n!ture of h!ppine)) !nd
pro)perit" to'!rd) 'hich thi) Act h!) contributed# . me!n to )ubmit th!t the mere le&i)l!tion
c!nnot brin& ! ch!n&e in the )ociet" or nothin& m!teri!l c!n re)ult b" thru)tin& )omethin&
do'n the peopleB) thro!t) from !bove# . 'i)h to cite the ;!r)i 2!rri!&e !nd ivorce Act !) !n
in)t!nce# The Act '!) fir)t en!cted in 18F+ !nd Sir Co'!)Ai >eh!n&ir h!d pl!ced ! Bill to
!mend the ori&in!l Act before thi) ver" Hou)e in 19DF# . intend to &o in hi)tor" of th!t ver"
!mendin& Bill# Some friend) of the ;!r)i )ociet" felt the nece))it" for !mendment Au)t !) 'e
!re feelin& !t pre)ent# @rip!l!niAi i) re9uired to )upport the Bill )o th!t hi) home m!" not be
in d!n&er# 3i%e'i)e . h!ve no de)ire to put mine in d!n&er# Should . !l)o )upport it for th!t
Shri Krishna Chandra Sharma (/#;#4 :ener!l) 4 .n thi) re)pect !ll !&ed men beh!ve
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt4 Nuite ri&ht# . donBt 'i)h to repl" Sh!rm!Ai Au)t no'#
He m!" continue to follo' hi) 'ife ever"'here c!rr"in& her co!t#
Shri Krishna Chandra Sharma4 But )he never put) on ! co!t#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt : 2" intention in thi) )ubmi))ion i) to e(pl!in the
cour)e of !ction !dopted b" the ;!r)i friend) once the" h!d thou&ht to reform !nd !mend
their Bill of 18F+# 7h!t did the" do8 The" )et up ! 3!' Committee from !mon& their
;!nch!"!t# And 'h!t did thi) Committee do# .t did no )uch thin& !) to h!mmer out !n
!mendin& Bill5 fi( t'o month) !) time?limit to elicit public opinion !nd !rrive !t the
deci)ion there!fter# The" h!d 'ith them ! 9ue)tionn!ire for four "e!r) 'hich !mon& other
thin&) '!nted to %no' the number of ;!r)i) 'ho on b!)i) of 19E1 Cen)u) mi&ht be one l!%h
in !ll or !t the mo)t one !nd ! h!lf l!%h)# The report '!) before them for !nother four "e!r)
!nd it '!) onl" !fter th!t the" h!d !ccepted the propo)!l# The $eport '!) circul!ted in the
;!r)i Societ" !&!in !nd opinion) 'ere invited on the )!me# The)e opinion) did not come
from Bomb!"# Ahmed!b!d or 2!dr!) people !lone# $!ther ;!r)i) livin& inper)i! !nd Chin!5
m!" be onl" ! fe' of their f!milie) m!" h!ve been there 'ere con)ulted fir)t on th!t $eport
!nd their de)ire !)cert!ined# The educ!ted per)on) !nd the l!'"er) !l'!") pre)ent !n i))ue
in ! di)torted '!" !nd people )omeho' !ccept their ver)ion of ! thin&# Bein& &ifted 'ith !
po'erful f!cult" of !r&ument!tion5 the" !re competent to impre)) other in the '!" of their
li%in& # But the $eport in 9ue)tion '!) circul!ted even !mon& tho)e 'ho po))e))ed no )uch
f!cult"# 0pinion) 'ere invited from &roup) irre)pective of their bein& in ! minorit" !nd !
m!Aorit"# Thu) 'hen ever"one '!) con)ulted in 19DF the Bill '!) )ent in !n !mended form#
So the i))ue embodied in thi) Bill continued to en&!&e their !ttention from 19ED to 19DF !nd
the )!me '!) ultim!tel" p!))ed in !n !mended form#
. h!ve much re)pect for Shri $!u# He h!) l!boured ver" h!rd !nd h!) been of &re!t help
in the fr!min& of the Con)titution# But . 'ill )ubmit th!t he h!) mentioned thi) f!ct !bout
con)ultin& onl" ! ver" fe' per)on) in the $eport it)elf !nd thin%) no h!rm in th!t# He
ho'ever5 did !&ree th!t the )ociet" '!) divided on the i))ue# Si)ter $enu%! i) riot pre)ent
here Au)t no'5 but . h!ve to )!" no different thin& !bout her !) 'ell# She '!) )pe!%in& on the
2!rri!&e Bill in 194D?44# 0n th!t occ!)ion )he h!d l!id ! cl!im th!t if ! referendum 'ere to
be held !nd !ll vote) to be counted then !ll the "oun& men of hi&h )pirit) (>o)hil! A!'!n))
'ill be found to h!ve )upported th!t Bill# She h!d not u)ed the phr!)e B Ao)hil! A!'!n)B# . !m
merel" elucid!tin& the ori&in!l phr!)e viJ# B the "outh B u)ed b" her# . 'i)h to )ubmit it to m"
)i)ter !lon& 'ith the other )i( or ei&ht in thi) Hou)e th!t if the" re!ll" thin% the Bill ! ver"
nece))!r" one in the intere)t) of 'omen li%e our Ach!r"! @rip!l!ni 'ho h!) come round to
)ee in it the liber!tion of our 'omen then5 ple!)e5 do not &ive it ! title li%e the Hindu Code
Bill# N!me it the ;o)t .ndependence Civil $i&ht) of Hindu 7omen Bill or )omethin& li%e
th!t# There!fter "ou m!" proceed to &ive them !) m!n" ri&ht) !) "ou ple!)e# After !ll 'e
h!ve !l'!") )ho'n reverence !nd done honour to our 'omen# 0ur l!die) !ccept their
hu)b!ndB) hou)e !) their o'n !fter m!rri!&e# Si)ter Suchet! h!) )et up ! hou)e li%e'i)e# 0nce
! 'om!n &oe) to her hu)b!ndB) hou)e5 th!t hou)e become) herB) !l)o5 )he c!n cl!im her
f!therB) hou)e !) her o'n no more# .t become) merel" her f!therB) pl!ce from the time of her
m!rri!&e# Her hou)e i) the one into 'hich )he i) m!rried# . need not &o into further det!il#
But our )i)ter) !re 'ron& to thin% th!t it i) ! Bill of their) onl" !nd for them onl"# 2en h!ve !
ri&ht to it !) much !) the 'omen do# . donBt '!nt to di)crimin!te !n"'!" bet'een them on
thi) )core# So no m!n or 'om!n )hould t!%e it th!t the Bill concern) ! p!rticul!r )ection of
the )ociet" e(clu)ivel"# . )h!ll be e(cu)ed if . t!%e r!ther ! lon&er time#
So . '!) tellin& ho' )i)ter $enu%! h!d l!id ! cl!im for the )upport of !ll the enthu)i!)tic
"oun& men in c!)e of ! referendum# .n the $eport )ubmitted b" Shri $!u in 19475 he )!id5 B
0pinion i) )h!rpl" divided )ome to the left5 )ome to the ri&ht# Al)o th!t tho)e in f!vour of the
Bill 'ere per)on) of br!in !nd 9u!lit" 'here!) the other) oppo)in& it 'ere mere idiot)5
devoid of !n" br!in5 po))e))in& no )t!tu) in life !nd 'ithout !n" )en)e to under)t!nd the
)ociet" !nd it) comple(itie)#B 2!" . %no' 'ho then !re tho)e 'ho under)t!nd the )ociet" !nd
it) problem)8 oe) Shri $!u under)t!nd it8 And doe) the '!r%! N!th 2itter re!ll" not
under)t!nd it8 . h!ve nothin& to )!" !bout tho)e people# But there i) no one 'ho could l!" !
cl!im to more 'or% in thi) field th!n 2!l!vi"!Ai5 'ho)e birth !nniver)!r" 'e h!ve celebr!ted
onl" "e)terd!" !nd !c%no'led&ed him !) !n une9u!lled cultured m!n# He5 thou&h !n
orthodo(5 '!) !l'!") in the fore?front in the m!tter) of reform!tion of the )ociet" !nd ri&ht)
of the people# But th!t ver" vener!ble 2!l!vi"!Ai h!d not thou&ht it to be ! proper '!" in
'hich the Hindu Code Bill '!) bein& u)hered in# 7e m!" not heed him# <ou !ll %no' Sir
TeA B!h!dur S!pru 9uite 'ell# He too '!) )econd to none in 'i)dom or intellect# He h!d
decl!red him)elf to be in f!vour of the Bill5 but h!d !&reed th!t it '!) not ! )uit!ble time to
fr!me ! Bill of thi) t"pe# . &o further# Sir Chim!n 3!ll Set!l'!d enAo"ed ! )t!tu) in life not
le)) th!n !n" other m!n !nd h!d !l'!") t!%en ! le!din& p!rt to'!rd) reform!tion of the
)ociet"# He never !&reed to codific!tion on principle but e(pre))ed him)elf in f!vour of
&ivin& ! )h!re to the 'ido') !nd d!u&hter) 'ithout !n" codific!tion# Surel" it i) not ri&ht to
con)ider !ll per)on) to be 'i)e 'ho t!l% in the )!me vein !) "ou do !nd denounced !ll other)
!) mere fool) 'ho c!nnot )h!re "our opinion)# . 'ill re9ue)t m" brother) !nd )i)ter) throu&h
thi) Hou)e !nd Sir5 throu&h "ou5 not to con)ider the Bill in thi) m!nner# And5 to m" Hon#
3e!der5 the ;rime 2ini)ter5 ;!ndit >!'!h!r 3!l Nehru5 'ho i) not pre)ent in the Hou)e# .
'ould li%e to )!" th!t . )hould cert!inl" h!ve Aoined 'ith himG!nd . !m in f!ct 'ith himGin
hi) effort) to evolve ! uniform )et of rule) for the Hindu )ociet" !nd hi) de)ire to !))emble
the )c!ttered provi)ion) of 3!' !nd to form them into ! )")temG! codeGbut . !)%5 h!ve the
public been5 !llo'ed !n opportunit" of e(pre))in& their vie')# T!%e the c!)e of the )m!ll
)iJed ;!r)i Communit"# The" %ept !ll their component p!rt) 'ith them5 !)cert!ined the
opinion of e!ch one of them )ep!r!tel" !nd it '!) then onl" th!t the Bill '!) brou&ht
for'!rd# Then onl" did the" )ucceed for other'i)e the" could not h!ve !chieved their
purpo)e# A bill to !mend the Civil 2!rri!&e Act '!) brou&ht for'!rd in 19E1 'ith the )!me
obAect !) no'# 7h" !re "ou &oin& to fr!me ! Hindu code5 'h" not fr!me !n .ndi!n code 8
All the people live in the )!me countr"G.ndi!C the" ou&ht to h!ve )imil!r '!") !nd cu)tom)#
7hen 'e h!ve decided on one common l!n&u!&e there )hould !l)o be one common code for
!ll the people of .ndi! )o th!t thi) mi&ht le!d to unit" !nd re)ult in ! united .ndi!# . '!nt to
tell "ou !bout th!t period# The Chri)ti!n) !nd the 2u)lim) r!i)ed )uch !n oppo)ition th!t r#
:!ur h!d to )!" 4 .t !rou)ed convul)ive oppo)ition from the 2oh!mmed!n !nd ;!r)i
communitie) throu&hout .ndi!# . h!d no other &o but to drop the Bill !nd brin& ! ne' bill in
And he h!d t!%en th!t cour)e# The Hindu )ociet" i) not tre!ted 'ith !n" re&!rd# No
con)ider!tion i) )ho'n to ! communit" 'hich compri)e) )uch v!)t number)# No
con)ider!tion i) )ho'n to the coun)el of 2!l!vi"!Ai5 le!ve !lone ;!tt!bhi )!hib# Sir All!di
!nd 3!%)hmi @!nt! 2!itr!# 7h!t the" )!" i) of no import!nce# 3et !lone other)5 here i) the
c!)e of $!Aendr! B!bu 'ho i) %no'n !) AA!t)h!tru# He i) ! livin& tre!)ure?hou)e of 'i)dom
!nd intelli&ence !nd i) the orn!ment of thi) countr"# 7ho h!) put the ide!) of :!ndhiAi into
pr!ctice !nd 'ho could e(pl!in them not onl" to thi) countr" but !l)o to the re)t of the 'orld#
He )!")5 B Thi) i) not the opportune timeB# There !re m!n" thin&) in it 'hich !re controver)i!l#
;le!)e )ift them out !nd do not touch upon them# But5 'h!t to do8 0ur le!der) )!"5 B No5 thi)
h!) to be e(pedited#B Then5 let them e(pedite it but the" )hould !t le!)t )ee to it th!t the vie')
!nd !))ent of !ll the people !re obt!ined# There i) one !dv!nt!&e in p!rticul!r )eiJed b" r#
Ambed%!r#5 . 'ill tell "ou 'h!t th!t !dv!nt!&e '!)# 7hen thi) Bill '!) introduced in 1948
'e !ll )!t to&ether !nd decided th!t nobod" )hould m!%e ! )peech on it for the pre)ent#
Neither r# Ambed%!r nor !n"one el)e )!id !n"thin& in p!rticul!r# At th!t time it '!) thou&ht
th!t if the Bill '!) Au)t introduced thi) '!) li%el" to c!u)e )!ti)f!ction to our )i)ter) !nd to
other) 'ho !re reformi)t)5 'ho '!nt unific!tion !nd codific!tion !nd to tho)e 'ho !re
r!tion!l# So it '!) !&reed to let them h!ve th!t )!ti)f!ction# T!%in& !dv!nt!&e of thi)5
ho'ever# r# Ambed%!r thou&ht th!t it h!d been conceded b" the people &ener!ll" th!t the
Bill '!) !ll ri&ht# No# )ir5 'e did not )tud" )ome of it) cl!u)e) )ome of it) provi)ion)# But5
)ince our le!der) )!id5 B3et it move for'!rd ! bit B5 'e )!id B =er" 'ell5 t!%e it for'!rd# Brin&
it in the B!J!!r B# Thu) it h!) come into the B!J!!r5 it h!) been p!r!ded in proce))ion !nd
here 'e !re )eein& it# . )hould li%e to )!" th!t if !ll the deb!te of our) h!d t!%en pl!ce before
the Bill '!) )ent to the Select Committee5 it 'ould h!ve done ! lot of &ood to r# Ambed%!r
!nd our friend) of the Select Committee# The" 'ould h!ve come to %no' 'h!t )h!pe )hould
he &iven to the v!riou) thin&)# No'5 'e !re f!ced 'ith ! )ort of conundrum# 0ur confu)ion
lie) in thi) th!t if 'e )!" th!t it )hould !&!in be )ent to the Select Committee5 it i) not %no'n
to 'h!t ! l!b"rinth of rule) !nd procedure 'e mi&ht be l!ndin& our)elve)# .f5 on the other
h!nd5 'e )!" th!t 'e )hould hold it up for the pre)ent there i) !nother )'ord h!n&in& over
our he!d)# No'5 'h!t !re 'e to do8 7e !re in ! prett" fi( !nd it i) for our le!der) !nd
;rovidence to t!%e u) out of it#
. '!) )!"in& th!t 'e 'ere not c!lled for to introduce thi) me!)ure !t thi) p!rticul!r
Auncture bec!u)e 'e h!ve not "et obt!ined the vie') of the Hindu )ociet"# 7h!tever Hindu
)ociet" h!) been con)ulted belon&) to the to'n)# And ho' m!n" people 'ere con)ulted 8
There !re 1E1 individu!l) !nd 1,E in)titution) 'ho h!ve filed 'ritten )t!tement) or &iven
evidence# No'5 )h!ll 'e )!" thi) i) the opinion of the Hindu )ociet" 8 .n c!)e "ou '!nt to
%no' the opinion e(pre))ed b" 2r# 2itter5 !nd th!t too in re&!rd to e!ch p!rt )ep!r!tel" . !m
prep!red to )pe!% to "ou !bout it# 0ppo)ition h!) been offered to it ever" 'ere b!rrin&
2!dr!)# Tho)e belon&in& to the !"!bh!&! School oppo)ed it in Ben&!l# There i) oppo)ition
from the Bomb!" )ide# Bec!u)e of thi) !nt!&oni)m !nd other c!u)e) it h!) come to f!ce
oppo)ition# .f5 in )pite of thi) oppo)ition 'e 'ere to )!"5 B No5B 'h!t the minorit" )!" i) !lon&
the truth !nd "ou 'ill h!ve to !ccept it# it i) r!ther h!rd# The Hindu )ociet" )hould be unified#
Thi) )hould cert!inl" be done on the b!)i) of ! )")tem# Ho' c!n . )!" the 'omen5 our )i)ter)5
)hould be &iven no )h!re8 But let our )i)ter) them)elve) be !)%ed to )!" if5 !fter the" h!ve
received their )h!re5 the" 'ould )till h!ve !n" love left for their p!rent!l home# Ho' much
love 'ould be )till left8 >u)t !)% one of the reformed 'omen of tod!" 'here her f!ther live)5
'here her brother live)# The" %eep to their o'n cott!&e5 home)te!d or m!n)ion !nd do not )o
much !) &reet ! rel!tive# Such !re the reformed people of tod!"# Hence if it come) to )h!re)
'h!t 'ill become of u)8 Ho'ever 'h!t . '!nted to )!" '!) th!t in )pite of !ll the)e
obAection) 'e !re f!ced 'ith the minorit" i))ue# 1ven thou&h the vie' of ever"one h!ve not
been obt!ined 'e !re bein& tre!ted to th!t %ind of pre))ure# 7e !re ur&ed to !ccept it under
dure))# The" f!il to )ee5 ho'ever5 'h!t complic!tion) !re bound to !ri)e l!ter on#
Hence5 . '!nt to )!"# %indl" find out ! middle cour)e# 0nl" ! middle cour)e 'ould &ive
)!ti)f!ction to u) !nd to )ociet" !nd c!u)e the unre)t to )ub)ide# >u)t !) ;!t!)%!rAi ob)erved to
d!" 'e !re !lre!d" up !&!in)t ! number of difficultie)# 7h" cre!te !nother bi& one !t thi)
Auncture8 7h" pl!nt !nother thorn" bu)h !nd thereb" )poil the p!th renderin& e(tr! l!bour
nece))!r" l!ter on for it) cle!r!nce8 7h" )hould "ou !ct in th!t m!nner8 @indl" !ttend to
)ome other t!)% !nd let thi) one be po)tponed for ! "e!r or t'o# . )hould li%e to )u&&e)t to m"
)i)terG verit!ble &odde))e) !) the" !reGto tho)e of them 'ho h!ve 'elcomed thi) me!)ure
th!t in the intere)t) of the countr"5 the" )hould t!%e upon them)elve) to &o to our >!'!h!rl!lAi
!nd !ppe!l to him th!t thi) me!n) m" be held up for one or t'o "e!r)# Thi) 'ould help in
m!n" '!")# But !) it i)5 their line of thou&ht i) th!t if thi) Bill i) not p!))ed no' or !t !n"
r!te in 19+,5 it m!" never be p!))ed5 bec!u)e tho)e 'ho come here!fter 'ould not !llo' it to
be p!))ed# But let me tell "ou th!t even if "ou p!)) it to d!" "ou )hould %no' 'h!t i) &oin&
to h!ppen l!ter on# Such ! t"pe of people 'ill come in to fill the)e )e!t) 'ho 'ill )!"5 B A)
our ver" fir)t dut" let u) )et ri&ht thi) Hindu code th!t h!) been en!ctedB# Hence# . be& "ou
%indl" to prevent thi) if "ou c!n# .f ho'ever5 "ou c!nnot do th!t then5 m" !dvice i) 4 BNot to
the left5 not to the ri&ht5 come in the middleC find out the &olden me!n# Thi) !lone c!n )!ti)f"
the communit"#
Secondl"5 . 'i)h to refer to 'h!t r# Ambed%!r )!id in repl" to ! point of order r!i)ed b"
2r# S!r'!te to 'hich5 2r# eput"?Spe!%er5 "ou !l)o !dded "our )upport5 viJ#5 th!t thi) Bill
i) &oin& to be !pplic!ble to the province) onl" !nd th!t if it i) )ou&ht to be m!de !pplic!ble to
the St!te) it 'ill be )ent to them5 it 'ill be circul!ted5 before it i) decided 'h!t i) to be done
!bout it# r# Ambed%!r m!de the follo'in& ob)erv!tion 4
6 7hen the occ!)ion come) for the e(ten)ion of the bill to the .ndi!n )t!te)5 no doubt thi)
3e&i)l!ture5 'hen ! proper motion i) pl!ced before it5 or the :overnment of the d!" 'ill t!%e
note of their 'i)he) !nd intention) !nd the St!te) 'hich h!ve come into the .ndi!n /nion 'ill
be con)ulted# 6 .f thi) i) the po)ition then 'h!t i) p!))ed tod!" 'ill be )ent to the St!te) !fter
)i( month) !nd b" the time the )t!te) enforce it "ou 'ill h!ve &one )till further !he!d# The
St!te)B people 'ho !re !lre!d" )ome'h!t b!c%'!rd5 'ill be left even further behind# <ou
)hould therefore5 %indl" %eep th!t point in vie' !nd )ee 'h!t c!n be done !bout it#
. m!" be permitted to )!" th!t the mode of obt!inin& public opinion '!) not perfect# .
h!ve !lre!d" )!id th!t# .t too% u) t'o !nd ! h!lf to three "e!r) to fr!me our Con)titution !nd
even thou&h 'e h!ve proceeded 'ith the utmo)t c!ution5 there !re )o m!n" people 'ho )!" it
i) no &ood# 7e con)ulted the ;rovinci!l :overnment)5 )upplier them copie) of the r!ft
con)titution !nd it '!) di)cu))ed there in their le&i)l!tive !))emblie) !nd c!binet) before the"
)ent u) their vie')# A) "ou %no'5 the $!u Committee never )ent their dr!ft report to !n"
provinci!l :overnment# Thi) i) ho' it h!) come up# Hence5 . 'i)h to point out th!t the
opinion '!) not t!%en full" !nd properl"# The b!)i) of "our cl!im i) !l)o not )ound# . !m in
no doubt on th!t )core# $enu%! B!h!n rem!r%ed5 B H!lf of the countr" 'ill be 'ith it5 but the
report of the $!u Committee )!")5B B The )ociet" i) ver" much divided#B .n vie' of thi) 'hom
)hould . rel" upon8 Should . rel" upon tho)e 'ho &!ve their report in 1947 !fter inve)ti&!tion
or upon $enu%! B!h!nB) )t!tement of 19448
Mr. Deputy Speaker : Sever!l other 2ember) h!ve "et to )pe!%# @indl" conclude it#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt: . )h!ll be clo)in& in five or )even minute)# . )hould
)!" ! fe' thin&) more if "ou permit#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : >u)t !) "ou ple!)e# <ou h!ve t!%en thirt" minute) !lre!d"#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt 4 . )h!ll )pe!% Au)t ! little more !nd then clo)e ver"
)oon# . mu)t )!" th!t it i) the Hindu Communit" !lone 'hich 'ould 9uietl" t!%e 'h!tever
blo') "ou mi&ht &ive it# 3oo% !t the 2u)lim communit"# id !n"one h!ve the cour!&e to
dr!' up ! code for them8 7h" not unite the Shia !nd Sunni )chool) of thou&ht8 Could "ou
Au)t d!re meddle 'ith the l!' of the Chri)ti!n) 8 0r could "ou d!re t!c%le the ;!r)i)8 Thi)
poor communit" !lone mu)t )t!nd ever" thin&# .) it bec!u)e "ou thin% it i) de!d8 r#
Ambed%!r )!" he belon&) to the Shudra c!)te# . hold him ver" hi&h# Someone &ive) him the
title of 2uni ()!int)5 !nother r!i)e) him to the r!n% of $i)hi ()!&e) 'here!) he him)elf )!") he
i) ! Shudr!# Then let him be =i)h'!mitr!# 7h!tever "ou !re5 but5 of cour)e5 "ou !re ! 'i)e
m!n# 7h" nur)e th!t inferiorit" comple(8 He )!")5 B Smritis / continued to be prep!red# The
Br!hm!n) 'ent on 'ritin&# 7h!t el)e h!d the" to do !fter !ll8 7h!t i) the 'or% bein& done
b" "our dep!rtment8
Th!t '!) e(!ctl" 'h!t the 'riter) of Smriti) did# .t '!) ! dep!rtment 'hich !mended
l!') !nd rule) from time to time# >u)t !) "ou prep!re !nd put up !mendment) to l!') the"
did li%e'i)e# . ho'ever do not 'i)h to &o into thi) 9ue)tion# Nor do . 'i)h to &o into other
e(tr!neou) m!tter)# 0ur )i)ter) )!" thi) thin& h!) come to be included in the fund!ment!l
ri&ht !nd th!t tho)e 'ho !re oppo)in& it h!ve not been !ble to comprehend the fund!ment!l
ri&ht)# 6 <ou do not under)t!nd the fund!ment!l ri&ht)5 6 the" )!"# oe) it form the
fund!ment!l ri&ht or even )t!te l!'8 oe) the Hindu Code con)titute St!te l!' or i) it
per)on!l !nd priv!te l!'8 .f "ou 'ere to brin& for'!rd ! bill in re&!rd to !n .ndi!n Code5 .
could )!" 'ith !uthorit" nobod" 'ould oppo)e it5 but tod!" "ou !re out to fr!me ! Hindu
Code !nd to m!%e ! ch!n&e in the Hindu 3!'# But per)on!l l!' i) not St!te l!' !nd
therefore it doe) not !ppl"# :!ur h!d rem!r%ed5 B it 'ill onl" be "vtar 'ho mi&ht come
)omed!" !nd brin& forth thi) Code#B Shri :!ur i) perh!p) )ittin& in N!&pur no' !nd he mu)t
h!ve been &r!tified to le!rn th!t the "vtar h!) m!nife)ted him)elf !t l!)t !nd th!t the Hindu
Code Bill h!) !rrived#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi: i)&r!ced per)on)#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt: S!"in& ! fe' 'ord) more . 'i)h to conclude m"
)peech in ! )hort time# .t i) )!id th!t brother) !nd )i)ter) )hould be e9u!ll" tre!ted# Shri
@rip!l!ni h!) left5 'h" 'ould he he!r 'h!t the other) )!"8 So . 'i)h to )!" 'h" thi) double
ri&ht )hould be &iven to the )i)ter)# She 'ill t!%e her stridhan from her f!therB) pl!ce5 'ill
t!%e !ll the do'r" &iven to her b" her f!ther5 'ill t!%e her per)on!l )h!re !nd !p!rt from thi)
!ll her )h!re in the hu)b!ndB) propert" i) )till there# Then ho' the )i)ter) h!ve become )o
)elfi)h8 The 'omen !re them)elve) pro)perit" inc!rn!te5 'h" do the" '!nt more of thi)
'orldl" 'e!lth8 Shrim!ti @!m!l! Ch!udhri h!) &iven out th!t 'ithout doubt 'e!lth !nd
pro)perit" 'ill !utom!tic!ll" flo' b!c% to the 'e!lth" !nd pro)perou)# 7omen !re
them)elve) 'e!lth !nd pro)perit" inc!rn!te5 'h" do the" '!nt to !dd to their pro)perit" 8
7ith the )li&ht illu)ion !nd f!)cin!tion the" )till po))e)) the" h!ve been !ble to c!pture !nd
)ubdue the 'hole 'orld5 if the illu)ion !nd f!)cin!tion 'ould incre!)e then nobod" c!n
foretell 'h!t 'ould not come to h!ppen# .f the 'e!lth (maya. 'ill undoubtedl" flo' b!c% to
the 'e!lth" then )ub)i)t N!ture !nd N!ture onl" in thi) 'orld !nd e(clude 2!n therefrom# .f
b" thi) e(clu)ion of 2!n the may a i) !ble to )ub)i)t5 then do !ccordin&l"#
0ur friend) from Tr!v!ncore !nd Cochin !re f!r !dv!nced but the" )hould !l)o %eep in
mind th!t ! )olit!r" )'!llo' 'ill not m!%e )ummer# The" )hould m!%e the vill!&er) !l)o
p!ce 'ith them !nd if the" !l)o !re to be t!%en !lon& then %indl" &ive thi) Bill more publicit"
!nd e(pl!in it to them the v!riou) implic!tion) !nd then the purpo)e 'ill )urel" be !chieved#
There i) not the le!)t doubt !bout thi) f!ct# At pl!ce) it i) bein& )!id th!t b" p!))in& thi) Bill !
rever)ed )t!te of !ff!ir) i) bein& cre!ted5 !nd to )ome e(tent thi) !lle&!tion i) ri&ht !l)o# 3et
the '!ter tric%le do'n it) n!tur!l cour)e !nd if b" )purrin& the minorit" vie' point here "ou
'ould rever)e the )t!te of !ff!ir) then tod!" "ou m!" be !ble to do )oC but in future ! time
'ill come 'hen )uch dr!)tic ch!n&e) 'ould be m!de therein th!t 'ould )tun "ou )peechle))#
The inevit!ble mu)t come to p!))# . do not li%e to &o in det!il)#
. 'i)h to )!" one thin& more th!t our Smritikar (l!' &iver) Cagnyavalkya h!) &one ! )tep
!he!d of Manusmriti. 1ven . do not '!nt to enter into the controver)" !) to 'hich of the
Manus h!) been the !uthor of thi) Manusmriti bec!u)e there h!ve been ! number of 2!nu)#
But Shri =i&"!ne)h'!r5 the f!mou) !nnot!tor of <!&"!v!l%"! Smriti, 'ho h!) 'ritten the
Mitakashra !nnot!tion !nd the !nnot!tor) 'ho h!ve 'ritten Dayabhag !nd Mayukh
!nnot!tion) h!ve propounded different !nd di)tinct opinion)# . do not '!nt to 9uote !ll the
illu)tr!tion)# But the" h!ve l!id do'n th!t if ! 'om!n be not &iven her stridhan then )he !l)o
)hould &et ! )h!re in the propert" e9u!l to th!t of the )on# Thi) h!) e(pre))l" been mentioned#
. 'i)h to )!" 'ith !ll the emph!)i) !t m" comm!nd th!t in our Smriti) ! mention i) m!de of
stridhan. The people of 1n&l!nd h!ve not "et codified their l!'# . 'i)h to inform "ou th!t
!ccordin& to the 1n&li)h Boo% of ;r!"er) the prohibited de&ree) of rel!tion)hip for m!rri!&e
'ere determined in 1+F+ A# # The )!me continued to be in force till 191+ A# # !nd in 191+
A# # onl" one !lter!tion '!) m!de in the prohibited de&ree) of rel!tion)hip viJ#5 till no' !
m!rri!&e could not be con)umm!ted 'ith the 'ifeB) )i)ter# So . 'i)h to )!" th!t 'e h!ve
)tepped f!r !he!d !) comp!red to thi)# There the" too% )o m!n" "e!r) to ch!n&e one de&ree
of prohibited rel!tion)hip but here !ccordin& to the Civil 2!rri!&e Act the people h!ve been
permitted to enter into m!trimoni!l !lli!nce 'ith the )econd cou)in) !l)o# Tho)e 'ho li%e
m!n" t!%e recour)e of Civil 2!rri!&e5 but 'h" "ou '!nt to impo)e the )!me re)triction on !ll
other)# The Civil m!rri!&e Act provide) for m!rri!&e) 'ith )econd cou)in)# Tho)e 'ho 'i)h
to !dopt the )")tem m!" follo' it# 7hile fr!min& thi) Bill 'e )hould %eep in mind the
;rinciple of 1u&enic) !l)o# .t i) 'ron& to con)ider th!t our Smritikars (!nnot!tor)) h!ve
mentioned nothin& !t r!ndom# 0ur Smritikars 'ere p!)t?m!)ter) of the Science of 1u&enic)#
The" 'ere not common people# The" 'ere hi&hl" le!rned !nd 'ell informed per)on)#
7h!tever doctrine) the" l!id do'n 'ere perfect in !ll re)pect) !nd 'ere propounded !fter
m!ture con)ider!tion# Their decree) 'ere )o perfect th!t it '!) not !t !ll deemed e))enti!l to
effect !n" ch!n&e) in them )!" !fter F5 85 1, or 1E month)# 0ur Smritikars 'ere ver" 'i)e
!nd intelli&ent# eep medit!tion of hundred) of "e!r) i) e))enti!l to )u&&e)t !n" ch!n&e) in
'h!t the" h!ve 'ritten# /ndoubtedl" "ou m!" m!%e )uit!ble !mendment) there in5 bec!u)e
from time to time )uit!ble !mendment) h!ve been m!de in the)e Smriti!s. But 'e mu)t
con)ider thi) full" 'ell 'hether b" introducin& the)e ch!n&e) the )ociet" 'ill be benefited or
put to lo))#
Shri H. V. Kamath (C# ;# !nd Ber!r 4 :ener!l)4 Are the Hon# 2ember) of thi) Hou)e not
Mr. Deputy Speaker4 ;le!)e &o on#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt: . !m not )o intelli&ent !nd le!rned !) Shri @!m!th
i)# . do not !lle&e th!t the Hon# 2ember) here do not po))e)) intelli&ence# 1ver"bod" h!) &ot
hi) o'n intelli&ence# 1ver"bod" c!n thin%# But . )!" th!t . 'ill not !ccept l"in& do'n !ll th!t
r# Ambed%!r )!") in ! m!nner th!t &re!t men h!ve &re!t vie')# Simil!rl" if !n" ;!ndit
()chol!r) 'ere to come !nd )!" th!t 'h!tever h!) been done for the untouch!ble) i) not !t !ll
Au)tified5 then !l)o . 'ill not t!%e hi) 'ord for &r!nted bec!u)e . do not believe in the m!(im
th!t &re!t men h!ve &re!t vie')# But . '!) )ubmittin& th!t 'h!tever our Smriti%!r) h!ve
done5 h!ve done !fter full" t!%in& into con)ider!tion the future of the )ociet"# .t i) 9uite true
th!t the)e Smritie) 'ere codified !ccordin& to the then need) of the )ociet" # Tod!" our
)ociet" con)i)t) of numerou) c!)te) !nd )ubc!)te)5 the people belon& to different )ect)5 the"
believe in v!riou) doctrine)5 there !re Si%h)5 >!in)5 Buddhi)t) !nd follo'er) of other )chool)
of thou&ht !nd )o on# The" !re divided up into numerou) reli&iou) )ect)# .t i) not !n e!)" t!)%
to inter?blend them in ! )in&le )")tem#
Sir5 . 'ill no' t!%e onl" ! little more time# . h!d Au)t )t!ted th!t the honour!ble r#
Ambed%!r )!id5 6 Cu)tom 'ill e!t into the code !nd therefore cu)tom )hould not prev!il 6 0n
the other h!nd he )!") th!t the l!' &overnin& the )ucce))ion ri&ht) of $uler) !nd A!&ird!r)5
'hich )hould not be there5 )hould continueC !nd 'hen there i) ! 9ue)tion of u)!&e) !nd
cu)tom!r" ri&ht)5 he )!") th!t thi) )hould not be there#
There i) the point of )ucce))ion# Another point i) th!t of !doption 'here he )!") th!t
cu)tom) !nd u)!&e) )hould not be !llo'ed to continue# Both the)e thin&) !re unten!ble# <ou
h!d better put !n end to it5 m!%e it uniform or !boli)h it outri&ht# Sir5 . 'ould !&!in brin& it to
"our notice th!t pett" conference) !re bein& held !t other pl!ce) on !ccount of 'hich . !m
feelin& )ome difficult" in )pe!%in&#
An Honourable Member: He i) repe!tin& the )!me !r&ument)#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (2ini)ter of 3!') 4 .t i) no' one hour )ince the
&entlem!n h!) been )pe!%in&#
2r# Deputy Speaker 4 0rder5 order5 The be)t '!" of !)%in& him not to )pe!% lon&er i)
not to m!%e noi)e but to le!ve him !lone )o th!t . m!" !)% him to complete hi) )peech e!rl"#
The Hon# 2ember %no') th!t m!n" other 2ember) !re !n(iou) to )pe!%# He h!) !lre!d"
t!%en more th!n 4+ minute)#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt4 Shri . !m indebted to "ou# So . '!) tellin& "ou th!t
on the one h!nd "ou )!" th!t the cu)tom i) no problem5 the)e cu)tom) !nd u)!&e) )hould
continueC on the other5 if thi) i) !cted upon it 'ould t!nt!mount to %ill the Hindu Code# . do
not '!nt both the)e thin&)# <ou !)% !) to &ro' more food# .f 'e h!ve to &ro' food&r!in) in
!ll the l!nd in our po))e))ion5 be it ! &!rden or be!utiful l!'n)5 'e mu)t cultiv!te !ll the)e
l!nd)# 0n the one l!ndC "ou '!nt th!t "our l!'n) )hould !l)o rem!in int!ct5 !nd on the other5
"ou de)ire th!t more food&r!in) )hould be &ro'n# Such ! cour)e doe) not !ppe!l to me#
<ou %no' 'h!t i) cu)tom 8 7e )hould under)t!nd f!mil" cu)tom)# vill!&e e!)tern) !nd
n!tion!l cu)tom)G/Shastrad run balysi B (Cu)tom override) the )!cred l!'))# 7h!t i) the
me!nin& of ShastraD B" referrin& to )h!)tr!) !&!in !nd !&!in "ou people 'ould be thin%in&
th!t . !m r!vin& li%e ! m!ni!c# The Shastra i) ! )cience5 ! tre!ti)e !nd ! l!'# Th!t i) ! Smriti#
After thi) "ou 'ill not li%e to !ppreci!te !n" )uch thin&# So he 'ill not li%e to involve him)elf
in !n" )uch controver)" 'hich the divorce problem h!) cre!ted# A m!n !nd ! 'om!n )it in !
Pan'hayat !nd )!" th!t the" '!nt to &et rid of one !nother# The" )!" th!t the" h!ve enAo"ed
the ple!)ure) of the 'orld !nd '!nt to &o to )ome other pl!ce# The" 'ill not involve
them)elve) in )uch ! bother!tion of h!vin& ! recour)e to the i)trict Court or Hi&h Court for
thi) purpo)e# .f the" beh!ve in )uch ! m!nner the rever)e 'ill be the c!)e#
7hen . &o to the vill!&e5 . 'ill tell the people th!t the Hindu Code Bill h!) been fr!med
in )uch ! m!nner !nd it cont!in) ! provi)ion of )uch li%e m!tter)# Tho)e people?'ill then )!"
th!t the" do not '!nt thi) in )uch ! form# The e(i)tin& vill!&e ;!nch!"!t) !re 9uite &ood !nd
the)e )hould be !llo'ed to c!rr" on !) the" !re doin& !t pre)ent !nd the" do not '!nt to
involve them)elve) in )uch complic!tion) of l!' 'hich 'ill en!ble the l!'"er) to thrive !nd
the poor to become poorer# 7ith "our ble))in&)5 !ll the)e thin&) !bund!ntl" e(i)t in the
Hindu l!'#
Sir . '!) Au)t )!"in& 'h!t i) li%el" to be the net re)ult of !ll )uch thin&)# . c!nnot touch
here ever" !)pect bec!u)e . h!ve not &ot )ufficient time !t m" di)po)!l th!t . )hould refer to
!ll )uch thin&)5 !) m!n" of m" brethren !re de)irou) of )pe!%in& on it#
So Sir5 . '!) Au)t &oin& to )!" th!t thi) i) ! 9ue)tion of vit!l import!nce# . 'ould !dvi)e
m" honour!ble friend) )ittin& here 'ho h!ve e(pre))ed their opinion in f!vour of it) bein&
p!))ed to con)ider it once !&!in more c!refull"# Thi) i) not the time for h!)t" !ction# <ou !re
li!ble to be c!lled to !ccount b" the people for "our doin& of it# 7ith !ll due re)pect)5 .
'ould !l)o li%e to re9ue)t our e)teemed le!der the honour!ble ;!ndit >!'!h!rl!l Nehru th!t
thi) 9ue)tion 'hich h!) been brou&ht up before u) i) )o vit!l !nd of )uch ! fund!ment!l
import!nce th!t 'e )hould nece))!ril" con)ider over it mo)t c!refull"# All the more nece))!r"
th!t the public opinion )hould be elicited in thi) m!tter# 2" honour!ble )i)ter Shrim!ti
$enu%! $!" h!d referred to ! referendum# .n thi) connection . 'ould li%e to )!" th!t !) the
election) !re li%el" to be held in the ne!r future5 "ou c!n !t th!t time elicit the opinion of the
m!))e) 'hether or not the" '!nt the Hindu Code# <ou c!n pl!ce it before the public th!t 'e
!re fr!min& ! Hindu Code Bill of thi) n!ture !nd 'hether or not the" li%e it# .f "ou !re !ble to
enli)t the opinion of the people on thi) i))ue5 then "ou !re !t full libert" to p!)) it in thi)
Hou)e# Thi) )hould be !&reed upon !) the b!)i) of referendum# . !m not ! m!n to be )'!"ed
over b" the ne')p!per report)# The ne')p!per) !re &iven to the public!tion of e(!&&er!ted
ver)ion) of )uch m!tter) )impl" to promote their circul!tion# . h!ve &ot no per)on!l &rud&e
!&!in)t the ne')p!per men# . cheri)h )olicitude for them !nd h!ve ever" )"mp!th" 'ith
them# But )o f!r !) the 9ue)tion of holdin& ! referendum i) concerned5
. 'ould li%e to tell m" honour!ble )i)ter Shrim!ti $enu%! $!"5 'ho i) not pre)ent here !t
the moment !nd other )i)ter) th!t !) election) !re li%el" to be held !fter ! fe' month)5 thi)
9ue)tion c!n then be pl!ced b" them before the public# <ou c!n tell the people th!t 'e h!ve
fr!med )uch ! Hindu Code Bill !nd '!nt to p!)) it# .f the people vote in "our f!vour on thi)
i))ue5 then 'e c!n )urel" p!)) it here#
Thu)5 . 'ould li%e to re9ue)t the :overnment to con)ider over thi) m!tter !nd not to p!))
it !t thi) moment# To conclude5 . 'ould )!" thi) much5 6 Not to the left5 not to the ri&ht5 come
in the middle to find out the &olden me!n#6
Shri R. K. Sidhva (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l)4 Sir5 2" friend h!) mentioned the ;!r)i
2!trimoni!l Act# 7ill "ou %indl" &ive me five minute) to e(pl!in8
Mr. Deputy Speaker : . !m not &oin& to !llo' it bec!u)e he did not critici)e it in !n"
m!nner# He )!id the ;!r)i 2!rri!&e Bill '!) )ent round to !ll per)on) !ll over the 'orld# He
u)ed th!t !) !n !r&ument in the c!)e of thi) Bill 'hich involve) three hundred million)
people# Therefore on th!t &round the Hon# 2ember c!nnot cl!im ! ri&ht to )pe!%#
Shri R. K. Sidhva: No# Sir5 He h!) m!de incorrect )t!tement)#
2r# Deputy Speaker : Then the Hon# 2ember mu)t h!ve brou&ht it to m" notice# 7e
c!nnot )t!rt !n !r&ument over ever" m!tter#
Shri R. K. Sidhva4 H!ve . no ri&ht to )pe!% on thi) Bill 8
2r# Deputy Speaker : 1ver" 2ember h!) ! ri&ht to )pe!%5 . h!ve !b)olutel" no doubt
!bout it# 0nl" time doe) not )eem to permit#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 the deb!te on the Bill h!) &one
on for )ever!l d!")# Both )ide) of the 9ue)tion h!ve been put before "ou# . do not '!nt to
repe!t the !r&ument)5 'hich h!ve been &iven on the one )ide or the other# . h!ve onl" t'o
)ubmi))ion) to m!%e5 one to the )upporter) of the Bill !nd one to opponent) of the Bill !nd
!fter th!t . h!ve to pl!ce one )u&&e)tion for con)ider!tion of the Hou)e for )uch ch!n&e) !) .
thin% )hould be m!de in the Bill to m!%e it !ccept!ble to !ll or !t !n" r!te to ! l!r&e p!rt of
the Hou)e !nd !l)o of the countr"# . 'ill !)% the indul&ence of the Hou)e therefore for ! fe'
minute) to permit me to pl!ce m" vie') before it#
The fir)t )u&&e)tion th!t . h!ve to m!%e to the opponent) of the Bill i) thi)# The" )!" th!t
thi) Hou)e i) not competent to touch the provi)ion) of Hindu l!'5 bec!u)e it i) ! m!tter of !
time honoured reli&ion 'hich h!) come to u) throu&h centurie) !nd th!t it i) onl" ! Pandit
Parishad 'hich 'ill be competent to effect !n" ch!n&e# . )ubmit 'ith &re!t humilit" th!t i) !
po)ition 'hich c!nnot be !ccepted for ! )in&le minute# Hindu l!'5 !) h!) been pointed out b"
Sir All!di @ri)h!n!)'!mi A""!r !nd other)5 h!) never been )t!tic .t h!) ch!n&ed from time
to time# 1!ch time 'hen the )tructure of )ociet" ch!n&ed ! smritikar !ppe!redG! )!&e5 !
ri)hi5 ! muniG !nd he m!de )uch modific!tion) !) 'ere )uited to the time)# Thi) proce))
'ent on for centurie) until the countr" c!me under Briti)h rule# urin& thi) period5 the onl"
ch!n&e) th!t could be m!de in the l!' 'ere either b" Aud&e) 'ho 'ere to interpret the l!' or
b" the le&i)l!ture# No ne' )!&e could !ppe!r 'ith the !uthorit" of ! 2!nu or ! <!&n!v!l%"!
or ! =i)'!mitr!# 1ither the Aud&e) 'hoB 'ere dut" bound to interpret the l!' !) the" found it
in the smritis or nibandas could interpret it or the le&i)l!ture h!d to intervene# .t i) idle
therefore to contend in the "e!r 1949 th!t the le&i)l!ture i) not competent bec!u)e it con)i)t)
of !ll t"pe) of people 'ho !re not le!rned in the )mriti)# Th!t i) ! !r&ument 'hich . )ubmit5
)hould be reAected forth'ith# .f "ou )ee the cour)e of event) th!t the le&i)l!ture) of thi)
countr" h!ve follo'ed for more th!n ! centur"5 "ou 'ill find th!t 'henever it '!) found th!t
the Hindu l!' or !n" br!nch of it '!) found to be defective5 le&i)l!tion '!) introduced# .t
be&!n 'ith the $emov!l of S!ti Act in 18E9 under the &uid!nce of l!te $!m 2oh!n $o" The
cu)tom of sati 'hich '!) con)idered to be ! p!rt of Hindu reli&ion5 but 'hich '!) not re!ll"
! p!rt of it !nd 'hich '!) !n !bu)e5 if . m!" )!" )o5 of the principle) of reli&ion5 h!d to be
done !'!" 'ith !nd for th!t purpo)e le&i)l!tion '!) introduced !) f!r b!c% !) 18E9#
Mr. Deputy Speaker4 There i) too much of 'hi)perin& &oin& on# The reporter) !re
un!ble to t!%e note)# . !m !l)o not !ble to he!r#
SAt# $ohini @um!r Ch!udh!ri 4 The Spe!%erB) voice i) indi)tinct# He h!) &ot t'o mi%e)
clo)e to e!ch other# 7e do not he!r him properl" either#
Mr# Deputy Speaker : He i) )pe!%in& before the phone# 1!ch )e!t h!) been converted
into ! )m!ll phone# 7h!t !m . to do8
The Honour!ble 2ember 'ill %indl" re)ume !fter 3unch# The Hou)e i) !dAourned till
E#D, p# m#
Shri A# Thanu Pillai (/nited St!te of Tr!v!ncore !nd Cochin) 4 2!" . m!%e !
)u&&e)tion 8 (.nterruption)# 2" point i) thi)#
Some Honourable Members: The Hou)e h!) !lre!d" been !dAourned#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : <ou !re l!te# The Hou)e h!) !lre!d" been !dAourned
Shri A. Thanu Pillai: . !m )orr"# . did not %no'#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d for 2un'h till $alf Past wo of th! &lo'k.
h! "ss!mbly r!;ass!mbl!d aft!r lun'h at $alf Past wo of th! &lo'k, Mr. D!puty;
Sp!ak!r (Shri M. "nanthasayanam "yyangar. in th! &hair.
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand: Sir5 'hen the Hou)e ro)e5 . '!) referrin& to the Act) p!))ed in
18E9 under the in)pir!tion of Shri $!m 2oh!n $o" for the !bolition of sati. No' !) 'e !ll
%no'5 it '!) !r&ued !t th!t time th!t sati '!) ! p!rt of Hindu reli&ion# .t '!) )!id th!t sati
'!) one of the e))enti!l fe!ture) of our dharma !nd !n" interference 'ith it 'ould be !n
!tt!c% on Hindu reli&ion# But the )en)e of the communit" prev!iled5 the l!' '!) p!))ed !nd
sati ce!)ed to e(i)t# Thi) cu)tom5 !) . '!) )!"in&5 '!) not ! p!rt of Hindu l!'# .t '!) !n
innov!tion 'hich h!) been introduced durin& the5 'h!t !re c!lled d!r% !&e)5 or the mediev!l
!&e)# 3uc%il" th!t '!) removed b" le&i)l!tive en!ctment#
After th!t 'e h!d the 18+, Act for the remov!l of cl!)) di)!bilitie) )o f!r !) inherit!nce
'!) concerned# .f ! per)on or the heir ch!n&ed hi) reli&ion the ri&ht of )ucce))ion '!) not
!ffected# Th!t '!) the )econd &re!t ch!n&e th!t '!) m!de in Hindu l!'# Then c!me !nother
ver" &re!t reform in 18+F 'hen the 7ido' $e?m!rri!&e Act '!) p!))ed# *or centurie) it '!)
believed th!t the Hindu reli&ion did not permit the re?m!rri!&e of 'ido')#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi : 2!" . %no'# Sir5 if the Tre!)ur" Benche) !re repre)ented#
The Honourable Shri K. C. Neo&" (2ini)ter of Commerce)4 :overnment i) one !nd
indivi)ible !nd )o lon& !) there i) one 2ini)ter pre)ent . thin% he i) competent to repre)ent
the 'hole :overnment#
Mr. Deputy Speaker 4 . thin% it i) !l'!") ! he!lth" !mbition for 2ember) on the other
)ide to come !nd )it over thi) )ide#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand : A) . '!) )!"in&5 'ido' rem!rri!&e '!) con)idered to be !n
e))enti!l fe!ture of Hindu reli&ion !nd !n" )u&&e)tion to repe!l th!t l!' or to en!ct !
permi))ible le&i)l!tion 'hich 'ould en!ble ! 'ido' to rem!rr" '!) oppo)ed tooth !nd n!il#
But under the le!der)hip of Shri .)h'!r Ch!ndr! =id"! S!&!r !nd other le!der) of th!t d!"
public opinion !))erted it)elf !nd thi) &re!t di)!bilit" under 'hich Hindu 'omen )uffered
'!) removed b" !nother piece of le&i)l!tion# 7ell5 the Hindu reli&ion did not come to !n end
b" the en!ctment of th!t le&i)l!tion#
After th!t there h!ve been numerou) other Act) b" 'hich Hindu l!' h!) been modified
b" the ;!rli!ment or the 3e&i)l!tive A))embl" of the d!"# 2o)t of "ou 'ill remember the
&re!t !&it!tion 'hich too% pl!ce in 189, !nd 1891 'hen the !&e of Con)ent Bill '!)
introduced# At th!t time the cr" '!) r!i)ed th!t it 'ould be ! &ro)) interference 'ith the
Hindu reli&ion if ! le&i)l!ture con)i)tin& of Hindu)5 2u)lim)5 Chri)ti!n) !nd domin!ted b"
bure!ucr!t) 'ere to le&i)l!te in re&!rd to ! cu)tom 'hich permitted intercour)e 'ith ! child
'ife belo' the !&e of t'elve# .f "ou h!ve ! recollection of 'h!t !ppe!red in the p!per)5 even
!dv!nce p!per) li%e the "mrit Ba8ar Patrika, "ou 'ill )ee in 'h!t %ind of convul)ion the
Hindu )ociet" '!) !t th!t time# But !&!in the le&i)l!tor) per)i)ted !nd th!t Bill '!) p!))ed !
Bill 'hich ultim!tel" h!) culmin!ted in the l!)t )e))ion b" !lmo)t un!nimou) vote of the
Hou)e in the further !mendin& Bill 'hich our friend ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! introduced
!nd 'hich if . remember !ri&ht '!) un!nimou)l" p!))ed b" !ll )ide) of the Hou)e# At th!t
time none of our friend) thou&ht th!t thi) A))embl" '!) not competent to le&i)l!te 'ith
re&!rd to ! m!tter 'hich '!) con)idered to be !n e))enti!l p!rt of the Hindu reli&ion# Comin&
to more recent time)5 "ou 'ill find th!t in 191F the .ndi!n 3e&i)l!ture p!))ed 'h!t i) c!lled
the i)pen)!tion of ;ropert" Act5 !n Act 'hich h!) h!d the effect of repe!lin& the l!' 'hich
h!) been l!id do'n b" ;riv" Council in 'h!t i) %no'n !) T!&ore v!rsus T!&or c!)e# .n th!t
c!)e5 follo'in& cert!in te(t) of the Smritis the ;riv" Council h!d ruled th!t behe)t) or &ift) in
f!vour of ! cl!)) of per)on) 'ho !re unborn on the d!te of the &ift 'ere void !ccordin& to
Hindu 3!'# Th!t h!d continued to be the l!' for !bout )i(t" or )event" "e!r)# .t h!d been
)u&&e)ted th!t th!t '!) ! 'ron& interpret!tion of the te(t)# The m!tter '!) e(!mined !nd it
'!) found th!t cert!in te(t) !ccordin& to their liter!l me!nin& could onl" le!d to the
conclu)ion !t 'hich the ;riv" Council h!d !rrived# Thi) '!) found to be ! &re!t h!ndic!p !nd
! &re!t inAu)tice# Therefore the le&i)l!ture !&!in intervened !nd b" ! un!nimou) vote of the
Hou)e5 it p!))ed th!t Bill in 191F#
After th!t c!me 'h!t i) c!lled the $emov!l of i)!bilitie) Bill# /nder cert!in te(t) of
Hindu 3!' !) enunci!ted b" )ome of the Smritis if ! per)on '!) )ufferin& from ! ph")ic!l
di)!bilit"5 if he '!) blind5 if he '!) de!f !nd dumb he '!) not entitled to inherit!nce# 2!n"
people thou&ht th!t 'h!tever the me!nin& of the te(t) mi&ht be5 thi) '!) ! &re!t h!rd)hip# .f
out of five )on)5 one '!) de!f or '!) blind or )uffered from )ome other di)!bilit"5 it '!)
more nece))!r" in hi) c!)e th!t he )hould &et ! )h!re in the f!therB) p!trimon" r!ther th!n the
per)on) 'ho !re ph")ic!ll" fit !nd c!p!ble of e!rnin&# 7ell5 th!t te(t mi&ht h!ve been of
)ome v!lidit" or of )ome utilit" !t ! time 'hen in !ncient time) the )tructure of )ociet" '!)
)uch th!t in order to incre!)e the f!mil" 'e!lth it '!) nece))!r" th!t !ll )hould 'or%# .t h!d
become ob)olete !nd the Hindu communit" revolted !&!in)t it !nd the !&it!tion '!) )uch th!t
the .ndi!n 3e&i)l!ture p!))ed thi) Act in 19E8 !fter 'hich per)on) )ufferin& from ph")ic!l
defect) 'ere !llo'ed to inherit in the )!me '!" !) per)on) 'ho 'ere ph")ic!ll" )ound# Thi)
'!) !nother inro!d into Hindu 3!'#
Then c!me !nother !nd ver" import!nt Act5 Act .. of 19E9 b" 'hich cert!in cl!))e) of
people5 'ho till th!t time h!d been ruled b" the court) !) not entitled to )ucceed to propert"5
'ere !llo'ed to )ucceed# Accordin& to the te(t of the Mitakshara )chool5 it h!d been ruled b"
the court) in .ndi! !nd ultim!tel" b" the ;riv" Council th!t there 'ere onl" five cl!))e) of
fem!le) 'ho 'ere entitled to )ucceed5 bec!u)e the)e five 'ere mentioned in Mitakshara. The
Bomb!" )chool '!) of opinion th!t thi) li)t '!) not e(h!u)tive but it '!) onl" illu)tr!tive
!nd the &re!t comment!tor Nil @!nth! !nd hi) follo'er) held thi) pr!ctice '!) due to !
'ron& interpret!tion of the Mitakshara in Northern .ndi!# 7ell5 ! Bill '!) introduced in thi)
A))embl" !nd !fter ! &re!t de!l of deliber!tion th!t Bill '!) p!))ed !nd the d!u&hter5 the
)i)ter !nd the )i)terB) )on !nd )o on 'ere !ll included in the li)t of heir)# Th!t !&!in '!) !
&re!t ch!n&e in the )tructure of Hindu 3!' p!rticul!rl" in Northern .ndi!#
<ou !re !ll !'!re of the S!r!d! Act# . 'ill not repe!t th!t# At th!t time !l)o it '!) !r&ued
!nd !r&ued )eriou)l" in thi) Hou)e !l)o th!t fi(in& ! minimum limit for m!rri!&e '!) !n
interference 'ith Hindu reli&ion# 7ell5 the oppo)ition did not )ucceed !nd the le&i)l!ture
per)i)ted !nd the Bill '!) ultim!tel" p!))ed#
After th!t5 'e h!ve h!d 'h!t i) %no'n !) the e)hmu%h Bill# Th!t Bill of 19D7 h!d !
&re!t effect4 it effected ! ver" &re!t ch!n&e in Hindu 3!' of )ucce))ion# .n !re!) &overned b"
Mitakshara )chool5 'hen there '!) ! Aoint Hindu f!mil" !fter the de!th of one co?)h!rer5 if
he left no )on the 'ido' '!) not entitled to !n" )h!re# She '!) dependent upon the brother)?
in?l!' or the hu)b!ndB) f!ther !nd the other cop!rcener5 dependent entirel" upon their merc"
for their m!inten!nce# She '!) to receive onl" food !nd clothin& !nd nothin& el)eC mere
m!inten!nce onl"# /nder th!t l!' it '!) en!cted th!t childle)) 'ido') 'ould be entitled to
the )!me )h!re of the propert" !) her hu)b!nd 'ould be entitled to !nd if )he )o li%ed5 )he
could even !)% for the propert" to be p!rtitioned# .t '!) held !t the time th!t Hindu 'omen in
! Aoint f!mil" bein& entitled to )ue for p!rtition '!) con)idered to be repu&n!nt to the
fund!ment!l principle) of the Hindu 3!'5 but the 3e&i)l!ture !&!in m!de thi) ch!n&e5 !
ch!n&e 'hich '!) '!rr!nted b" the ch!n&in& time)5 b" the ri)in& con)ciou)ne)) not onl"
!mon& 'omen but !mon& the men in thi) countr"5 !mon& Hindu) 'ho '!nted th!t thi)
)hould be done to their )i)ter) !nd mother)5 No'5 !t th!t time !l)o there '!) ! &re!t de!l of
)tir in the countr" but ultim!tel" th!t )tir !l)o died do'n# T'elve "e!r) h!ve p!))ed !nd 'e
c!nnot )!" th!t Hindu )ociet" in !n" '!" h!) crumbled to piece) or th!t Hindu reli&ion h!)
been !tt!c%ed in ! ver" vit!l m!tter )o th!t it i) no' &oin& to piece)#
. come no' to more recent time)# .n 194F5 )hortl" before the pre)ent A))embl" c!me into
e(i)tence5 ! Bill permitted m!rri!&e) !mon& )!&otr!) '!) p!))ed b" thi) 3e&i)l!ture# Th!t
Bill did not interfere 'ith the prohibited de&ree)# 1ven thou&h per)on) 'ere livin& in
different p!rt) of the countr" !nd did not belon& to the )!me c!)te5 "et bec!u)e the" belon&ed
to the )!me :otr! !ccordin& to )ome technic!l me!nin& of the te(t)5 the m!rri!&e) could be
inv!lid!ted5 Such m!rri!&e)5 even thou&h performed in )ever!l p!rt) of the countr"5 their
v!lidit" '!) in doubt# Th!t '!) !&!in !n en!blin& me!)ure 'hich '!) p!))ed in 194F !nd to
'hich no )eriou) obAection h!) been t!%en#
No'5 . 'ould !)% Hon# 2ember) to be!r in mind 'h!t 'e did in the l!)t April )e))ion of
thi) A))embl"# 2" e)teemed friend# ;!ndit Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v! brou&ht ! ver" )imple Bill
con)i)tin& of one )ection onl"5 but ! Bill 'hich '!) of ! mo)t f!r?re!chin& !nd import!nt
ch!r!cter# B" th!t Bill it '!) en!cted th!t not'ith)t!ndin& !n" te(t of Hindu l!' or !n"
cu)tom or u)!&e h!vin& the force of l!' to the contr!r"5 ! m!rri!&e bet'een v!riou) c!)te) of
Hindu) 'ould be deemed to h!ve been v!lidl" m!de# Th!t '!) ! ver" &re!t )tep5 ! )tep 'hich
permitted inter?c!)te m!rri!&e) !nd 'hich removed )uch re)triction) !) one mu)t m!rr" either
in hi) o'n )ub?c!)te or5 !t !n" r!te in hi) c!)te# Th!t '!) the me!)ure 'hich '!) p!))ed b"
thi) Hou)e un!nimou)l"5 !nd )o f!r !) . remember !t the con)ider!tion )t!&e the onl" voice
r!i)ed !&!in)t it '!) th!t of r# Ambed%!r# All other 2ember) orthodo( !nd un?orthodo(5
per)on &overned b" Dayabhaga, Mitakshara, b" the Mayukha, per)on &overned b" trib!l
cu)tom) !nd ever"bod" )upported the Bill# r# Ambed%!r 4 of cour)e !ccepted it on ! ver"
n!rro' &round# He '!) entirel" in f!vour of the principle of the Bill but he thou&ht th!t !)
thi) Hindu Code 'hich '!) ! ver" embr!cive me!)ure '!) before the A))embl" !nd
therefore 'e )hould h!ve ! comprehen)ive me!)ure th!t '!) ! ver" technic!l t"pe of
obAection# 0ther'i)e 'e !ll un!nimou)l" )upported th!t Bill !nd it c!me )ometime l!te !t the
end of April# No' . 'ill !)% m" orthodo(5 friend) 'ho )!" th!t Hindu Dharma i) in d!n&er
!) to 'h!t h!) become of th!t# 7e 'ere )!"in& 'hen the Con)titution '!) under
con)ider!tion th!t 'e '!nt to h!ve ! cl!))?le)) !nd ! c!)te?le)) )ociet"# Th!t i) contr!r" to
cert!in te(t) of Hindu l!' 'hich h!ve been in force in v!riou) p!rt) of the countr" for
centurie)5 but )till the Bill '!) en!cted !nd it i) ! p!rt of the l!' of the l!nd# At th!t time5 if .
m!" be permitted to )!" )o5 nobod" too% !n obAection th!t thi) Hou)e '!) not competent to
de!l 'ith it bec!u)e it h!d been elected onl" for the purpo)e of fr!min& the Con)titution or
for the purpo)e of c!rr"in& on the d!" to d!" !dmini)tr!tion# Abolition of c!)te )")tem in the
m!tter of m!rri!&e) '!) )urel" not p!rt of the d!" to d!" !dmini)tr!tion of the countr"# .t '!)
! ver" vit!l !nd ! ver" m!teri!l !nd ! ver" )ub)t!nti!l ch!n&e in Hindu l!' of m!rri!&e5 the
l!' 'hich prev!il) in )ome form or !nother in !ll the School) from @!)hmir to @!n"!
@um!ri !nd from Ben&!l to :uA!r!t but 'e !ll did it 'ith open e"e) 'hen the Bill '!) p!))ed
!nd 2r# 2un)hi 'ho '!) here !t th!t time )!id th!t the Bill '!) ! f!r?re!chin& one5 thou&h
the Bill i) ! ver" )hort oneC it i) ! ver" bi& ch!n&e !nd ! ver" import!nt ch!n&e# The 'hole
Hou)e cheered him !t th!t5 . 'ill !)% m" orthodo( friend)5 the opponent) of the Bill 'here
'!) their re&!rd !nd their enthu)i!)m for Hindu 3!' or Hindu Dharma !t th!t time8 .
)ubmit5 therefore 'ith &re!t deference to m" orthodo( friend) th!t thi) cr" 'hich i) bein&
r!i)ed5 th!t thi) Bill 'hich i) no' before the Hou)e i) !ll !tt!c% upon the Hindu reli&ion th!t
the found!tion) of the Hindu reli&ion 'ill be undermined5 th!t the 'hole f!bric of Hindu
)ociet" !nd Hindu culture 'ill crumble to piece) or th!t thi) Hou)e i) not competent to en!ct
! me!)ure of thi) %ind )impl" bec!u)e it doe) not h!ve m!n" le!rned p!ndit) or th!t the
2ember) 'ho !re here 'ere not elected for ! )pecific purpo)e# . )ubmit 'ith the due
deference th!t there i) no force in thi) obAection !nd . 'ould mo)t re)pectfull" !)% m"
orthodo( friend) to con)ider the hi)tor" of the le&i)l!tion 'hich . h!d pl!ced before them the
v!riou) me!)ure) 'hich 'e our)elve) h!ve p!))ed in recent time) !nd to con)ider th!t the"
mi&ht !tt!c% the Bill upon other &round)5 but to )!" th!t thi) Hou)e i) not competent either
bein& merel" ! le&i)l!tive !))embl" or th!t 'e h!ve &ot no m!nd!te of the countr" to loo%
into thi) me!)ure to en!ct or con)ider it !nd p!)) it5 . )ubmit 'ith ver" &re!t deference th!t
th!t !r&ument i) not )ound# . 'ill !)% them to e(!mine the Bill upon it) merit) to !ccept it or
to thro' it out# .t i) one thin& to )!" th!t the Bill h!) not been )ufficientl" con)ideredC it i)
one thin& to )!" th!t there !re provi)ion) in the Bill 'hich re9uire further di)cu))ion !nd
e(!min!tionC it i) one thin& to )!" th!t the bill re9uire) to be re?c!)t in cert!in m!tter)# 1ven
tod!" !) . )u&&e)ted !nd !) Sir B# N# $!u in hi) ori&in!l report of the Committee )!id perh!p)
it 'ill be !dvi)!ble to t!%e thi) reform of Hindu l!' in p!rt)# . c!n 9uite under)t!nd th!t5 but
'hen ever" mornin& G1 hope . 'ill be p!rdoned for )!"in& )oG ever" m!il h!) been
brin&in& in letter) durin& the)e month)5 letter) !nd reprint) from )peeche) delivered b"
per)on)5 re)olution) p!))ed b" the Dharma Sangh !nd thi) )ociet" !nd th!t )ociet"5 !ll &ivin&
the opinion of thi) &re!t m!n !nd th!t &re!t m!n !nd )!"in& th!t thi) A))embl" i) not
competent to de!l 'ith them 4 . 'ith the &re!te)t deference !nd in !ll humilit" )ubmit th!t
th!t i) neither correct nor lo&ic!l nor re!)on!ble5 !nd therefore5 . 'ould )ubmit to m" friend)5
the opponent) of the Bill not to pre)) tho)e !r&ument) but to loo% !t the Bill ver" re!)on!bl"5
r!tion!ll" !nd 'ith ! proper point of vie'#
Th!t '!) m" )ubmi))ion to m" orthodo( friend) !nd no' . m!" be permitted to )!" !
'ord to our friend)5 the )upporter) of the Bill#
Shri H. V. Kamath4 Are the" heterodo( or orthodo(8
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand : 7ell let ever"bod" decide it for him)elf# No' the po)ition i)
th!t thi) Bill '!) introduced# .t h!d !) 'e %no' ! ver" brief di)cu))ion !t the fir)t )t!&e#
7hen 'e met in the Select Committee 'e 'ere &iven onl" )i( d!") to con)ider thi)
import!nt Bill !nd 'hen cert!in obAection) 'ere r!i)ed b" 2ember) of the Committee to
)ome p!rt) of the Bill5 'e 'ere told th!t the principle of thi) propo)!l &oe) !&!in)t the
fund!ment!l principle) of the Bill 'hich h!ve been !ccepted b" the Hou)e 'hen it p!))ed the
fir)t re!din& !nd therefore5 'e the 2ember) of the Select Committee 'ho 'i)hed to move
!mendment) to tho)e vit!l m!tter) !re out of court !nd 'e 'ere out of order# 7e )ubmitted to
the rulin& !nd 'e h!d onl" )i( d!") to di)cu)) thi) Bill in the he!t of >ul" !nd 'e did the be)t
th!t 'e could under the circum)t!nce) 'ithin the )hort time !t our di)po)!l !nd 'ithin the
n!rro' limit) 'hich 'ere l!id do'n b" the Hon# 3!' 2ini)ter !t th!t time# Th!t '!) not
onl" the 3!' 2ini)ter5 but there 'ere cert!in enthu)i!)tic 2ember) of the Select Committee
'ho thou&ht4 6 7ell no' i) the time 'e h!ve &ot thi) BillC let u) pu)h it throu&h in thi) ver"
)e))ion !nd before the month of 0ctober or November !rrive)5 it 'ill be ! p!rt of the St!tute
Boo%# 6 Sever!l obAection) !nd )ever!l !r&ument) 'ere &iven4 B 3et u) '!it for ! fe' month)#B
/ltim!tel" the Select Committee decided to proceed 'ith it on ! m!Aorit" of t'o#
Thin&) h!ve &one in )uch ! '!" th!t 'ithin one month thi) Bill could not be put on the
St!tute Boo%# Thin&) h!ve dr!&&ed on due to circum)t!nce) much be"ond the control of u)5
be"ond the control of the m!Aorit" of the )elect Committee# 0ne point 'hich . r!i)ed in the
Select Committee !nd one 'hich . !l)o d'elt !t )ome len&th in m" note of di))ent !nd 'hich
. !)% the permi))ion of the Hou)e to repe!t '!) th!t thi) Bill i) ! ver" h!lf he!rted5 !nd !
ver"5 if . m!" )!" )o5 ! ver" trunc!ted me!)ure# . full" endor)e the vie' !nd . h!ve no
he)it!tion in repe!tin& it5 th!t the time h!) come 'hen 'e mu)t &ive full ri&ht) to our )i)ter)
!nd our d!u&hter)C th!t i) to )!"5 the time h!) come 'hen 'e c!nnot !llo' the old te(t) to
continue5 or their interpret!tion) 'hich h!ve been &iven b" the Briti)h Court) th!t ! 'om!n
h!) not &ot ! full e)t!te5 th!t ! 'om!n i) not entitled to )ucceed to thi) t"pe of propert" or to
th!t t"pe of propert" !nd )o on !nd )o forth th!t mu)t &o# .n the fir)t pl!ce . m!int!in5 !nd .
h!ve !l'!") m!int!ined it th!t !ll th!t i) !&!in)t our ori&in!l Hindu l!'# . m!int!in !nd .
hope to )ho'C if the Hon# eput" Spe!%er 'ill permit me ! fe' more minute)5 th!t thi)
theor" th!t ! 'om!nB) e)t!te i) limited i) ! cre!ture5 ! cre!tion of the Briti)h .ndi!n Court)# .t
i) not counten!nced5 not )upported b" the Mitakshara l!' not b" the Mayukha nor b" the
Smritis. All th!t mu)t be done !'!" 'ith But in order to do th!t5 'h!t )h!ll 'e do8 .
)u&&e)ted th!t )ome ch!n&e) )hould be m!de in the Bill5 th!t 'e mu)t loo% !t it from !nother
!n&le 'hich 'ill &ive 'om!n ! hi&her )t!tu) th!n 'e h!ve &ot in the BillC the" )!id 6 No5 'e
h!ve &ot the Bill h!vin& the imprimatur! of Shri B# N# $!u !nd the !uthorit" of r#
Ambed%!r5 !nd no ch!n&e of ! )ub)t!nti!l n!ture c!n be m!de in it# 6 Th!t '!) the !ttitude of
the )upporter) of the Bill# .f . m!" be p!rdoned for )!"in& th!t5 in the Select Committee !nd
l!ter on !l)o5 the" h!ve not been le)) f!n!tic!l th!n the opponent) of the Bill# The" )!"5 6
7ell there i) the Bill5 t!%e it or le!ve it !nd reAect it if "ou c!n# Th!t i) bein& repe!ted no'
!fter the decl!r!tion 'hich the ;rime 2ini)ter '!) ple!)ed to m!%e ! fe' d!") !&o5 !nd
'hich . %no'5 mu)t n!tur!ll"5 tie do'n mo)t 2ember) of the Hou)e in their vote#6
Some Honourable Members4 No5 no#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand : 7ell5 it 'ill h!ve !n uncon)ciou) effect5 even if permi))ion i)
&iven to ever"bod" to vote !) he li%e)# 7ell5 . !)% the friend) 'ho !re )upporter) of the Bill5 .
!)% m" )i)ter) B oe) thi) Bill do "ou full Au)tice8 .) thi) !ll th!t "ou '!nt8 oe) it &ive "ou
the ri&ht) "ou '!nt8B . )!"5 B no BC . )!" mo)t emph!tic!ll"5 B no5 it doe) notB# .t i) ! mo)t
trunc!ted !nd h!lf?he!rted me!)ure5 !nd if . m!" )!" )o5 it 'ill do the m!(imum of mi)chief
to Hindu )ociet" !nd the minimum of &ood to the member) of the fem!le )e(#
An Honourable 2ember4 Are the" !&ree!ble to "our )olution8
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand4 . do not %no'# No' . 'ill de!l 'ith ! fe' of the provi)ion) of
the Bill# 0ne of the provi)ion) of the Bill i) th!t the ch!pter) rel!tin& to )ucce))ion5 etc# 'ill
not !ppl" to inherit!nce of !&ricultur!l l!nd# 7h"8 Bec!u)e !t th!t time 'hen the Bill '!)
introduced5 the po)ition '!) th!t under 1ntr" 7 of the Seventh Schedule of the :overnment
of .ndi! Act of 19D+5 thi) 3e&i)l!ture5 the .ndi!n 3e&i)l!ture could not p!)) !n" l!' rel!tin&
to !&ricultur!l l!nd5 th!t '!) ! provinci!l )ubAect# 7ell5 th!t '!) the po)ition !t th!t time# .n
19D85 r# e)hmu%hB) Bill '!) e(tended to include !&ricultur!l l!nd !l)o# The m!tter 'ent
then before the *eder!l Court !nd the *eder!l Court !&reed th!t thi) '!) ultra vir!s of the
.ndi!n 3e&i)l!ture# Th!t '!) the deci)ion of the Court !nd th!t '!) the provi)ion of the
:overnment of .ndi! Act5 19D+# And therefore n!tur!ll"# Sir B# N# $!u !nd the Committee5
!) 'ell !) r# Ambed%!r !nd hi) 3!' dep!rtment omitted it !nd the" )!id thi) i) ! m!tter
'hich 'ill h!ve to be left to e!ch ;rovinci!l 3e&i)l!ture to de!l 'ith# But luc%il"5 b" th!t
time5 the r!ftin& Committee of the Con)tituent A))embl" h!d publi)hed it) r!ft
Con)titution# .n th!t r!ft Con)titution it h!) been )t!ted th!t 1ntr" 8 in the Seventh Schedule
be !mended )o !) to include or r!ther to m!%e the )ubAect ! concurrent )ubAect5 n!mel"5 the
)ubAect of )ucce))ion to immov!ble propert" or mov!ble propert"5 includin& !&ricultur!l
l!nd# Th!t '!) the provi)ion# . )u&&e)ted !t th!t time5 in m" minute of di))ent5 both in the
Select Committee !nd in m" minute of di))ent5 th!t 'e mi&ht '!it for ! fe' month) )o th!t
'h!tever me!)ure 'e !dopt to &ive redre)) to fem!le)5 &ivin& them ! )h!re in their f!therB) or
hu)b!ndB) propert" th!t th!t mi&ht !ppl" to !ll %ind) of propertie)# 7h!t "ou '!nt i)
uniformit" of l!'5 !nd . venture to point out th!t in)te!d of uniformit"5 "ou 'ill h!ve
diver)it"5 !nd in)te!d of unit"5 "ou 'ill h!ve confu)ion# .f thi) provi)ion h!d been p!))ed5 the
po)ition 'ould h!ve been5 'hen ! m!nB) immov!ble propert" i) )itu!ted in ! to'n5 'hen he
h!) urb!n propert"5 to th!t mov!ble propert" one l!'5 n!mel" the l!' of r# Ambed%!rB)
court but 'ith re&!rd to !&ricultur!l l!nd )itu!ted5 )ome three mile) off55 the old l!' 'ill
continue# The )on) 'ill h!ve !ll the ri&ht) from the moment of their birth !nd the rule of
)urvivor)hip 'ill rem!in5 !nd nobod" 'ill %no' 'h!t i) the po)ition 'ith re&!rd to the
propert"# See ho' m!n" loophole) "ou !re le!vin&8 .f "ou do not '!nt to &ive the propert"
to "our d!u&hter5 "ou c!n )ell her )h!re in ;oon! !nd &o !nd bu" !&ricultur!l l!nd five mile)
out)ide !nd then "ou c!n deprive "our d!u&hter of her )h!re5 !nd thu) circumvent the
provi)ion) of the Bill# But no' luc%il"5 'h!t h!) h!ppened8 Tod!" 'hen 'e !re !t the end of
thi) fir)t of the )econd re!din& of thi) Bill5 the )itu!tion i) thi)# The )u&&e)tion of r#
Ambed%!r !nd the r!ftin& Committee h!) been un!nimou)l" !ccepted b" the Con)tituent
A))embl" !nd it 'ill5 :od 'illin&5 come into force on the EFth >!nu!r" 'hich 'ill be lon&
before the third re!din& of thi) Bill# . !)%ed the other d!" 'hether he i) &oin& to m!%e !
ch!n&e no' )o th!t thi) p!rticul!r cl!u)e in the Bill 'hich e(clude) !&ricultur!l l!nd be
removed )o th!t 'e mi&ht &ive one fourth or h!lf or full )h!re or no )h!re5 !nd he )!id5 6 No#6
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar4 . do not thin% the Hon# 2ember i) entitled to
di)clo)e ! conver)!tion# All . )!id '!) th!t th!t '!) m" pre)ent vie' 4 l!ter on 'e m!"
recon)ider the po)ition# No' th!t 'e h!ve po'er5 one of the impediment) in our '!" h!d
been removed#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand4 . !m ver" &l!d th!t m" le!rned friend h!) corrected me# . !m
much th!n%ful to him for the correction5 th!t hi) pre)ent intention i) not to repe!l th!t cl!u)e5
but to ret!in the di)tinction but l!ter on###
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : . h!ve not )!id !n"thin& li%e th!t !t !ll# . do not
thin% m" friend i) entitled to u)e ! conver)!tion#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand4 No conver)!tion5 but 'h!t "ou h!ve )!id no' on the floor of
the Hou)e#
The Honourable Dr. B.R. Ambedkar4 The)e !re m!tter) 'hich . !lone c!nnot decide# .
h!ve to t!%e the con)ent of m" colle!&ue)#
Mr. Deputy speaker : The Hon# 2ember m!" &o on 'ith the Bill !) it i)5 )!"in& th!t the
Bill !) it i) doe) not provide for !&ricultur!l l!nd# He need not refer to priv!te conver)!tion)#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand 4 T!%e the Bill !) it i)# 7hether the ch!n&e 'ill be m!de no' or
l!ter 'ith the con)ent of the C!binet or other p!rtie) i) ! different m!tter# But 'h!t i) the
po)ition no'# A&ricultur!l l!nd i) bein& e(cluded# A&ricultur!l l!nd form) more th!n 8,
percent of the propert" of Hindu) in !n" p!rt of the countr"# Therefore our )i)ter)5 d!u&hter)
!nd other fem!le rel!tion) !re e(cluded under thi) Bill from )ucce))ion to ! ver" l!r&e
portion of propert"# Th!t i) !nother re!)on for 'hich it i) nece))!r" to recon)ider the Bill !nd
not to proceed 'ith it in it) pre)ent form 7h!tever l!' "ou m!" h!ve5 "ou )hould !ppl" it to
!ll propert"G!&ricultur!l5 urb!n5 mov!ble or immov!ble#
Pandit Balkrishna Sharma (/# ;# 4 :ener!l) 4 .f m" Hon# friend 'ill &ive '!" for !
minute . 'ould li%e to %no'5 'hether5 if thi) l!' i) !pplied to !&ricultur!l propert" !l)o5 it
'ill not le!d to verit!ble fr!&ment!tion of l!nd# (0nt!rruption..
Mr# Deputy Speaker: 3et there be no interruption)# The clo)ure m!" come in !t !n"
time !nd . !m &ivin& ! '!rnin& to the Hou)e in !dv!nce# The le)) the interruption) the
&re!ter i) the ch!nce for ! l!r&er number of )pe!%er) to t!%e p!rt#
Dr. Bakhshi Tck Chand4 7ith re&!rd to fr!&ment!tion . !m not !fr!id of it# .t i) bound
to come !bout if "ou h!ve ! l!r&er number of heir)# .f ! m!n h!) five )on)5 there i) bound to
be fr!&ment!tion !nd if he h!) t'o d!u&hter) !l)o there 'ill be more fr!&ment!tion# . !m not
!fr!id of fr!&ment!tion 'hether 'ith re&!rd to immov!ble or urb!n propert" !l)o# .f "ou
h!ve one or t'o hou)e)5 t'o )on) !nd five d!u&hter) !nd the" decide to divide the propert"5
there i) bound to be fr!&ment!tion# Therefore5 'ith &re!t deference to both p!rtie) thi)
!r&ument i) 'holl" e(tr!neou) !nd )hould be left out of con)ider!tion#
/nder thi) Bill more th!n 8, percent of the propert" i) bein& e(cluded# Th!t i) one
)eriou) dr!'b!c% from the point of vie' of reform#
0ne of the obAection) r!i)ed i) thi)# A m!n m!" h!ve ! hou)e !nd ! )m!ll bit of l!nd#
Some of the vill!&er) h!ve ! kut'ha )hop !l)o# There 'ill be )o m!n" divi)ion) !nd the )on?
in?l!' 'ill be introduced into the f!mil"# Some )upporter) of the Bill )!" th!t it i) !
re!)on!ble obAection !nd therefore 'e mu)t introduce ! cl!u)e !t the third re!din& b" 'hich
the d'ellin& hou)e of the f!mil" 'ill be e(cluded from )ucce))ion# Th!t i) to )!"5 the
d!u&hter thou&h )he 'ill be entitled to )ucce))ion5 'ill not &et ! )h!re in the d'ellin& hou)e#
.f th!t i) )o th!t 'ill reduce the urb!n propert" )till more# 0ut of the D, crore) of Hindu)5
e(cept ! fe' rich people5 ho' m!n" po))e)) more th!n one d'ellin& hou)e in 'hich the
'hole f!mil" live)8 Norm!ll" in the vill!&e) it i) one hou)e !nd ! piece of l!nd# .f ! tr!der he
h!) ! )m!ll kut'ha )hop !l)o# .f "ou e(clude the d'ellin& hou)e from the inherit!nce of the
d!u&hter5 "ou t!%e out !nother )lice from the propert"#
Another obAection i) th!t the )on)?in?l!' 'ill be introduced5 !nd 'h!t mi&ht h!ppen in
mo)t c!)e) i) th!t the" 'ill cre!te trouble !nd )ince the" could not m!n!&e the propert" in
!nother vill!&e5 the" 'ill !rr!n&e to )ell it to )ome loc!l per)on# Th!t 'ill le!d to the
di)ruption of the f!mil"# To meet th!t5 )u&&e)tion) !re bein& m!de th!t the d!u&hter 'ill no
doubt &et ! )h!re but onl" it) mone" v!lue# <ou mu)t then &ive to the brother) ! ri&ht of pre?
emption 'ithin one or t'o "e!r) of the m!rri!&eC the brother) 'ill be entitled to p!" to the
)i)ter or her hu)b!nd the mone" v!lue of the )h!re !nd %eep the propert"# Th!t !&!in5 .
)ubmit5 'ill le!d to &re!t trouble# .t 'ill be difficult to !)cert!in the m!r%et v!lue of the
propert" !nd thi) 'ill le!d to endle)) liti&!tion !nd confer little on the d!u&hter# A&ricultur!l
l!nd i) e(cluded5 d'ellin& hou)e) !re e(cluded !nd v!riou) other thin&) 'ill come in# .t m!"
be )!id th!t the 'hole )h!re i) too much5 &ive her ! h!lf or ! 9u!rter )h!re5 . !)% 'h" not &ive
her ! full )h!re8
.f "ou !n!l")e the Bill c!lml" !nd 9uietl" !nd not t!%e !) )mriti 'hich h!) come do'n
from the He!ven)5 it 'ill be found th!t it doe) not &ive the minimum of benefit to the fem!le
Thi) Bill 'ill de)tro" the Hindu Aoint f!mil"# 7hether5 it i) &ood or b!d5 people )till clin&
to it# <e)terd!" our revered brother 2r# All!di @ri)hn!)'!mi A""!r pointed out th!t in the
vill!&e) in 2!dr!) it i) )till in force# 2" friend 2r# S!nth!n!m m!" t!%e !nother vie'# But it
i) there# <et it i) there !nd h!) ! hold on )ome people5 'h!tever mi&ht their proportion# All
other principle) of Hindu l!' )uch !) )urvivor)hip5 )ucce))ion5 the )on h!vin& ! )h!re "ou
!re !boli)hin&# 7h!t i) the nece))it"8 The nece))it" i) to en!ble the d!u&hter to &et ! )h!re# .
therefore )ubmit th!t p!rt) +5 F !nd 7 of the Bill introduce dr!)tic ch!n&e) in the Hindu
f!mil" )")tem !nd &ive the minimum benefit in it) pre)ent from to the fem!le)#
. 'ould therefore !)% the )upporter) of the Bill 'hether it i) nece))!r" to pu)h the Bill to
! fin!l vote !t thi) )t!&e either tomorro' or in the ne(t )e))ion# .) it not de)ir!ble to &ive the
m!tter more con)ider!tion !nd to )ee 'hether there i) !n" other '!" of )ecurin& full benefit
to the fem!le member) of ! Aoint Hindu f!mil"5 'hether the" !re &overned b" Mitakshara or
Dayabhaga !nd !t the )!me time c!u)in& the le!)t di)turb!nce to the )")tem) th!t prev!il in
v!riou) p!rt) of the countr"#
. h!ve m!de m" )ubmi))ion) both to the orthodo( !nd reformer friend)# . h!ve to m!%e
onl" one )u&&e)tion# . h!ve not 'or%ed out the )cheme in m" mind5 it 'ill t!%e ! lot of time#
But . )h!ll pl!ce before the Hou)e the bro!d outline) of it And . 'ill !)% r# Ambed%!r5 .
'ill !)% the other le&!l 2ember)5 . 'ill !)% the reformin& 2ember)5 . 'ill !)% the orthodo(
2ember) to )ee 'hether th!t i) not !n !ltern!tive 'orth con)iderin&# .n f!ct5 up to thi)
mornin& . '!) he)it!tin& to )pe!% on the )ubAect !nd m" vie' '!) to pl!ce it before the
Committee 'hich5 it h!) been promi)ed5 'ill be meetin& )hortl" !nd . h!d intended if . !m !
member of th!t Committee to pl!ce it there# But 'hen . '!) c!lled upon to )pe!% to d!" .
thou&ht the be)t cour)e '!) to pl!ce it before the Hou)e# 2" )u&&e)tion i) thi)#
7h!t i) our obAective8 0ur obAective i) to &ive to the fem!le member) of our f!mil" full
ri&ht in the propert"# 7h!t 'e )hould do therefore i) thi)# o not di)turb the Aoint f!mil"# o
not overrule the l!' of )urvivor)hip# 3et them continue !) the" !re !) lon& !) the" c!n# But !
'om!n5 !) )oon !) )he i) m!rried5 )hould in the 2it!%)h!r! f!mil" become ! full co?p!rcener
in th!t propert"# At pre)ent )he i) ! member of ! Aoint f!mil" but not ! member of the co?
p!rcen!r"# . 'ill !)% hon# 2ember) to permit me for three minute) Au)t to pl!ce m" propo)!l
before them !nd then to con)ider it# An" interruption on th!t point 'ill not help# .t i) onl" !
propo)!l for "our con)ider!tion5 for the con)ider!tion of the Committee !nd for the
con)ider!tion of the 3!' 2ini)ter !nd the ;rime 2ini)ter !nd other) 'ho m!" be intere)ted
in thi) m!tter# At pre)ent ever" 'om!n !fter her m!rri!&e p!))e) into the gotra of the
hu)b!nd5 !nd )he become) ! member of the Aoint f!mil" but 'ith ver" limited ri&ht)# /p till
19D75 her ri&ht) !) &iven b" the Briti)h .ndi!n court) 'ere tho)e of m!inten!nce onl"# She
h!d no le&!l ri&ht in the propert"5 )he could onl" )t!" !nd enAo" it#
Th!t '!) the po)ition# .n 19D7 c!me the e)hmu%h Act th!t on the hu)b!ndB) de!th )he
'ill be entitled to ! )h!re of the propert"G the )!me )h!re !) the hu)b!ndG!nd !l)o entitled
to h!ve her )h!re )ep!r!ted if )he could not pull on 'ith the brother)?in?l!' or other
member) of the f!mil"# 7h!t . !m )u&&e)tin& i) thi)# Add to th!t5 onl" one thin& n!mel" th!t
)he 'ill become ! full co?p!rcener# >u)t !) in the Mitakshara f!mil"5 the moment ! )on i)
born he !c9uire) the ri&ht in the f!therB) !nce)tr!l propert" !nd from the moment of thi) birth
become) ! co?)h!rer or co?p!rcener5 )imil!rl" let ! 'om!n from the moment of her m!rri!&e
become ! co?p!rcener5 'ith full ri&ht)# There m!" be her o'n )on) !nd other)# The" 'ill !ll
continue to live to&ether 'ithout !n" nece))it" to )ep!r!te# But if )he thin%) th!t it i) not
po))ible to live to&ether 'ith them )he c!n )ep!r!te her )h!re !nd t!%e it '!"G)ep!r!te it in
the )!me m!nner !) )he c!n do under the 19D7 Act !fter the de!th of her hu)b!nd# Th!t i) one
ch!n&e# .f "ou do th!t "ou 'ill not di)turb the f!therB) propert" !nd "ou 'ill not di)turb the
Aoint f!mil"# 3et the Aoint f!mil" continue !) lon& !) it c!n# Somebod" )!id it '!) crumblin&#
Somebod" )!id it '!) crumblin& onl" for the purpo)e of .ncome?t!(# 0ther) !)%ed !) to ho'
m!n" people p!" .ncome ?t!( !nd )!id th!t 99#+ percent# of the Hindu popul!tion doe) not
p!" .ncome?t!( )till the" h!ve the Aoint f!mil" )")tem# The)e !r&ument) me!n nothin&# .f
the)e !re the circum)t!nce) under 'hich the Aoint f!mil" i) crumblin&5 let it crumble# But let
it continue for !) lon& !) it c!n#
7h!t . !m )u&&e)tin& i) not )omethin& ne' or )omethin& 'hich i) !&!in)t the )pirit of
Hindu 3!'# .f . m!" )!" )o5 it i) in !ccord!nce 'ith the )pirit of the ori&in!l l!'Gthe l!' of
the =ed!5 the l!' !) &iven in the e!rl" Shastra b" >!imini !nd other)# . do not '!nt to
prolon& m" )peech# But . 'ould li%e to )t!te 'h!t the po)ition '!) in =edic time) !nd in
time) 'hich )hortl" follo'ed# <ou ple!)e re!d cert!in portion) in '!r%!n!th 2itterB) boo%
publi)hed in 191D on 6 the po)ition of 'omen in Hindu 3!'6# <ou !l)o ple!)e re!d in
=olume H. of the All!h!b!d 3!' >ourn!l ! ver" le!rned !rticle b" the l!te r# S!ti)h
Ch!ndr! B!nerAee of All!h!b!d5 one of the mo)t promi)in& !nd mo)t eminent l!'"er) th!t
thi) countr" h!d produced but 'ho)e c!reer '!) unfortun!tel" cut )hort b" hi) de!th !t ! ver"
e!rl" !&e# .t i) ! ver" el!bor!te !rticle# Al)o the boo% of r# @# Bi)'!) of ;!tn!# All the)e
cont!in 9uot!tion) from the =ed!) !nd other per)on) 'ho c!me in before 2!nu !) to 'h!t
the po)ition of 'omen !t th!t time '!)# The po)ition of the 'omen !t th!t time '!) th!t5 )he
'!) ! full o'ner of the propert" of the hu)b!nd# 2!h!ri)hi >!imni )!")5 commentin& on the
=edic te(t)5 th!t 6 the 'ife i) entitled to the 'e!lth from the moment of her m!rri!&e !nd
'h!tever i) !c9uired b" the hu)b!nd !l)o belon&) to her# 6 Th!t i) to )!" )he become) ! full
cop!rcener# Then5 de!lin& 'ith !nother te(t5 he )!") 6 Not onl" i) the 'om!n po))e))ed of
the )!me reli&iou) !nd civil ri&ht) !) m!n but !ll 'e!lth 'hich he (th!t i) the hu)b!nd)
!c9uire) i) !t her di)po)!l# She i) entitled to control even the di)po)ition of !c9uired propert"
b" the hu)b!nd 6Ghi) o'n !c9uired propert"# Th!t i) the conception of ! co?p!rcener 'hich
'e h!d# >u)t !) ! )on from the moment of hi) birth &et) ! )h!re !nd c!n control the f!therB)
!lien!tion)5 unle)) the" !re for f!mil" nece))itie) or for Au)t purpo)e)5 )imil!rl" )hould the
'om!n h!ve the ri&ht from the time of her m!rri!&e# 2" )ubmi))ion i)5 let u) &o b!c% to?
the)e old =edic te(t) !nd !ll our Hindu l!' !nd it) &lor" before the period of de&r!d!tion
be&!n !nd the ri&ht) of 'omen c!me to be curt!iled5 !nd let u) m!%e her ! co?p!rcener# Th!t
i) one br!nch of m" )u&&e)tion#
The other br!nch of m" )u&&e)tion i) the one 'hich Sir All!di @ri)hn!)'!mi A""!r
m!de "e)terd!" th!t ! 'om!n )hould h!ve full ri&ht to !lien!te her propert" !nd thi) fiction
of ! Hindu 'ido'B) )t!tu) mu)t be done !'!" 'ith# 7ith re&!rd to th!t . 'ould !)% the
indul&ence of the Hou)e for t'o minute)# All m" friend) 'ho !re oppo)in& the Bill )!" 6 'e
'!nt to &o to the Shastra 6# 7e donBt '!nt to &o be"ond the Shastras, p!rticul!rl" the
Mitakshara 'hich '!) follo'ed b" the countr"# 7ith the e(ception of Ben&!l the 'hole
countr" h!) follo'ed it# 7h!t '!) the l!' of Mitakshara on thi) point 8
1 'ould !)% "ou to loo% to =iAn!ne)h'!r5 Ch!pter ..5 Section 11 ver)e)
E !nd 4 of hi) comment!r" on <!&n!v!l%"! !) to 'h!t i) ! 'om!nB) stridhan. After
9uotin& cert!in thin&)5 th!t i) 'h!tever i) &iven b" '!" of pre)ent) to the 'om!n !t the time
of m!rri!&eG'hich i) not import!ntGhe )!")4 6 And in !ddition to th!t5 the stridhan
con)i)t) of !ll propert" obt!ined b" inherit!nce b" p!rtition5 b" )eiJure (th!t i) b" !dver)e
po))e))ion)6 !nd )oon# Th!t i) to )!"5 the propert" inherited b" the 'om!n from her hu)b!nd
or from her f!ther or !n"bod" el)e ou&ht to be her full !b)olute propert" !nd nobod" c!n
control it# Thi) '!) the l!' l!id do'n b" =iAn!ne)h'!r in the 11th Centur"# Th!t h!d
continued to be l!' until the Briti)h c!me# Another comment!tor of the B!n!r!) )chool N# S#
=ir!m!t!dhir! repe!t) it# Nil!%!nth!5 the !uthor of 2!"u%h! 'hich i) the le!din& !uthorit" in
the Bomb!" ;rovince5 p!rticul!rl" in :uA!r!t !nd the .)l!nd of Bomb!" !&!in repe!t) it#
1(cept in Ben&!l in ever" other ;rovince5 th!t '!) the l!' until the Briti)h c!me# 7hen the
Briti)h c!me the" )!id# 6 7ell5 let u) e(!mine the ori&in!l te(t) of Mitakshara 6# The" )!id it
'!) ! comment!r" upon <!An!v!l%"!# <!An!v!l%"! u)ed cert!in )pecific note) !nd u)ed the
'ord adi !nd adi i) interpreted b" =iAn!ne)h'!r in thi) m!nner# Th!t '!) the po)ition# A
&re!t de!l of )tru&&le 'ent on# 0f cour)e )ome Court) )tru&&led5 p!rticul!rl" 2!dr!)5 for !
number of "e!r)# But ultim!tel" the ;riv" Council )!id5 6 7ell 'e mu)t do it65 thou&h it '!)
9uite contr!r" to the rule 'hich the ;riv" Council it)elf h!d l!id do'n th!t if there '!) !
difference bet'een the Smritikar !nd the comment!r" 'e mu)t follo' the comment!tor# Th!t
'!) the rule the" l!id do'n5 but )omeho' or other the" dep!rted from it here#
So5 . )!"5 &o b!c% to the =edic po)ition 'ith re&!rd to the po)ition of ! d!u&hterB) !nd !
hu)b!ndB) f!mil"5 !nd &o b!c% to the po)ition of Mitakshara. Te!r off !ll thi) m!)) of Audici!l
liter!ture 'hich h!) !ri)en in thi) countr" durin& !ll thi) period !nd &o b!c% to 'h!t '!) the
l!' up to the ei&hteenth centur"# .f "ou do the)e t'o thin&)5 . tell m" friend)5 the )upporter)
of the Bill !nd tho)e 'ho '!nt to reform5 th!t "ou 'ill be &ettin& much more# .f the 'om!n
become) ! cop!rcener in ! hu)b!ndB) f!mil"# <ou donBt di)turb the Aoint f!mil"C the )on) m!"
continue# There m!" be &ood thin&) in it5 there m!" be b!d thin&)5 but let it crumble !'!"
!nd die it) n!tur!l de!th l!ter on# But &ive the 'om!n ! ri&ht in her hu)b!ndB) propert"5 the
)!me ri&ht !) the )on or the hu)b!nd h!)# There m!" be )ome further point) to be con)idered
!) to ho' thi) propert" i) to &o !fter her de!th !nd )o on5 but the)e !re det!il) into 'hich .
'onBt enter# . 'ill !)% Hon# 2ember) to &ive thi) m!tter the mo)t )eriou) con)ider!tion !nd
then to )ee 'hether thi) i) not ! )cheme 'hich i) not much better#
7ith re&!rd to the unm!rried d!u&hter5 . )ee no re!)on 'h!t)oever 'h" )he )hould not
&et ! full )h!re !lon& 'ith the brother) in the f!therB) propert"5 bec!u)e no do'r" h!) been
&iven to her !nd )he )hould not be m!de dependent# Some of m" friend) h!ve been p!intin&
&lo'in& picture) of the love 'hich the brother h!) for the )i)ter !nd ho' the" t!%e &re!t
effort) for the m!rri!&e of the )i)ter# Nuite true )ome people do it5 m!n" do it5 but 'e %no'
of c!)e) !l)o to the contr!r" 'here the brother)5 p!rticul!rl" the brotherB) 'ife comer) the
'hole thin& !nd ver" little i) left b" '!" of do'r" to the )i)ter p!rticul!rl" if )he i) &oin&
into ! f!mil" 'hich i) not ver" )tron& !nd h!) not &ot much influence in the vill!&e# So5 'e
mu)t m!%e provi)ion for th!t !l)o# 2!" . )!" th!t there i) con)ider!ble !uthorit" in the
Shastras !l)o for th!t# Some )!" her )h!re )hould be one?fourth5 )ome )!" e9u!l5 )ome )!" it
)hould be one?h!lf# . !m not for h!lf# *ollo'in& the 2oh!mmed!n l!'4 )he mu)t be &iven
Shri B. L. Sondhi (1!)t ;unA!b4 :ener!l) 4 *or ho' lon& 'ill the unm!rried &irl continue
to enAo" the propert"8
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand: 0nce propert" i) ve)ted5 it ve)t) !nd there i) no 9ue)tion of
dive)tin& it# After !ll it 'onBt cre!te much di)turb!nce in the f!mil"# 7e mu)t m!%e )ome
provi)ionC 'e c!n )ee th!t !dAu)tment) !re m!de l!ter on#
A 'ord re&!rdin& the Ch!pter rel!tin& to m!rri!&e !nd the Ch!pter on divorce# 2"
obAection to thi) portion of the Bill i) ! ver" )imple one# The fir)t p!rt of the Ch!pter de!l)
'ith mono&!m" !nd . !m ! 'hole?he!rted )upporter of the provi)ion th!t ever" Hindu )hould
m!rr" once onl" !nd not more th!n th!t# The m!Aorit" of our people do th!t#
Shri H. V. Kamath: 0nce or not !t !ll#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand : All the !r&ument) th!t there i) no )on etc#5 !re of no u)e#
7here i) the &u!r!ntee th!t if "ou m!rr" three 'ive) one !fter !nother5 one of them 'ill
produce ! )en8 .t i) !ll ! m!tter of ch!nce# Therefore th!t i) !n !r&ument 'hich doe) not
!ppe!l to me in the le!)t# A) ! m!tter of f!ct !nd !) ! m!tter of pr!ctice the l!r&e m!Aorit" of
Hindu) h!ve onl" one 'ife !nd . )ee no re!)on 'h" th!t provi)ion )hould not be put in here#
Shri Lakshminaran Sahu: .n /t%!l there i) !n e(ce)) of three l!%h) of 'omen# .f "ou
)t!rt t!l%in& of one for one5 . )hould li%e to %no' 'here 'ould "ou provide for the three l!%h
e(tr!) 8
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand: Here !&!in reli&ion h!) been brou&ht in# .n B!rod!5 in 19D1
the 2ono&!m" !nd ivorce Bill '!) p!))ed b" ! le&i)l!ture 9+ percent of the member) of
'hich 'ere Hindu)5 under the !e&i) of ! 2!h!r!A! 'ho '!) !n orthodo( Hindu# *or nineteen
"e!r) th!t Bill h!) been in force# C!n 'e )!" th!t Hindui)m in B!rod! h!) come to !n end
bec!u)e of th!t Bill8 .n Bomb!" 2r)# 2un)hiB) Bill '!) p!))ed in 194F !nd bec!me ! p!rt of
the l!' of the l!nd# .n 2!dr!)5 l!)t "e!r5 the 2!dr!) 3e&i)l!ture p!))ed ! )imil!r Bill# Thu)5
'e h!ve &ot pr!ctic!ll" the 'hole of South .ndi! 'here mono&!m" i) ! l!' of the l!nd#
Hindui)m there h!) not been de)tro"ed# All our 2!dr!) friend) !re !) )tron& !nd !) %ic%in&
!) the" ever 'ere# Therefore5 . con)ider thi) provi)ion i) ! ver" )!lut!r" one !nd mu)t be
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt4 .f "ou# Sir5 permit . )hould li%e to !)% one or t'o
9ue)tion) for inform!tion )!%e#
Mr# Deputy Speaker: He doe) not &ive in#
Shri Gokulbhai Daulatram Bhatt : 7h!tever "ou h!ve )!id !bout mono&!m" i) 9uite
true but 'h!t . '!nt to !)% i) 'hether ! m!n i) permitted to rem!rr" in the life time of hi)
fir)t 'ife if )he con)ent) to )uch m!rri!&e8
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand : . !m ver" &l!d5 our re)pect!ble brother :o%ulbh!iAi h!) put
th!t 9ue)tion# . )!" th!t "ou c!n &et ! 'om!nB) con)ent in !n" '!" "ou li%e# . h!ve )een
notoriou) c!)e) of th!t# .n one c!)e there '!) !n old m!n !nd !n old 'om!n# A ver" le!rned
p!ndit5 !n !)trolo&er '!) brou&ht in !nd !fter performin& !ll the pa#ahs he )!id to the
'om!n# 6 <our hu)b!nd i) &oin& to die durin& the cour)e of the ne(t three month)C the onl"
remed" !&!in)t th!t i) th!t he )hould rem!rr" !nd if he m!rrie) !&!in he 'ill h!ve ! )on 6 !nd
!ll th!t# And th!t old l!d"5 thin%in& th!t thi) &re!t c!l!mit" '!) comin& upon her5 &!ve her
con)ent# No' of cour)e5 there i) not onl" one 'om!n but five 'omen in th!t hou)e#
Mr# Deputy Speaker : 0rder5 order# The Hon# 2ember h!) been !n(iou) to )it do'n for
the p!)t h!lf !n hour but on !ccount of the fre9uent 9ue)tion) he h!) to &o on#
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand: . come to the l!)t point5 the 9ue)tion of divorce# 0ne of the
&re!t mi)t!%e) 'hich h!ve been m!de in thi) Bill i) to m!%e the provi)ion) for the di))olution
of civil m!rri!&e) )imil!r to the provi)ion) for the di))olution of )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e)# .n
thi) re)pect5 the Bill !) no' reported b" the Select Committee differ) from the Bill 'hich
'!) ori&in!ll" fr!med b" Sir B# N# $!uB) Committee in 1944 !nd then revi)ed b" him in
194+# 7h!t . )!" i) )o f!r !) civil m!rri!&e i) concerned "ou m!int!in the pre)ent l!' 'hich
&ive) the )!me ri&ht) !) the Bill &ive)# But do not tr" to introduce provi)ion for conver)ion of
)!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e into civil m!rri!&e# S!cr!ment i) ! )!cr!ment# A) h!) been ori&in!ll"
)u&&e)ted !nd !) h!) been permitted b" )ome of our old Smritikars, the rule of divorce
)hould be limited 'ithin the n!rro'e)t po))ible bound)# 7ith re&!rd to thi) B# N# $!uB)
po)ition '!) thi)#
.mpotenc" !t the time of the m!rri!&e 'hich h!) continued up to the d!te of divorce# Thi)
i) ! condition to 'hich no re!)on!ble per)on c!n obAect#
Then the per)on m!" h!ve been !n idiot !nd the f!ct m!" h!ve been conce!led# Thi) i) !
)econd ph")ic!l thin&5 'hich c!nnot be 9u!rrelled 'ith#
.n !ddition to the)e t'o condition)5 "ou c!n !llo' divorce 'hen ! per)on ch!n&e)
reli&ion# A Hindu m!" become ! 2u)lim !nd m!rr"# /nder the fiction in the Hindu l!'5 l!'
th!t the m!rri!&e i) indi))oluble !nd the )!cr!ment )till continue)5 the 'ife i) helple))# 0n
'h!t principle c!n "ou do th!t 'hen the hu)b!nd h!) ch!n&ed hi) reli&ion !nd &one to
!nother !nd m!rried 'ive) !ccordin& to hi) ne' reli&ion8
Shri Mahavir Tyagi: 7ould it not re)ult in thi) th!t 'henever ! divorce i) needed
in)te!d of under&oin& the routine le&!l proceedin&)5 people 'ill ch!n&e their reli&ion8
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand : No5 the" 'onBt ch!n&e their reli&ion# .n !ddition to the !bove
condition)5 "ou c!n !dd de)ertion of the 'om!n for ! cert!in periodC c!ll it five "er!)5 )i(
"e!r) or )even "e!r)# The)e condition) !re5 . )ubmit5 nothin& ne'# The" 'ere %no'n to our
!ncient Smritikars. . feel th!t divorce )hould be limited to the)e three or four c!)e)# H!ve 'e
not )een c!)e) in 'hich the hu)b!nd !fter m!rr"in& h!) !b!ndoned hi) 'ife8 H!ve the)e
unfortun!te 'omen no remed"8 The" )hould h!ve ! remed"# But . 'ould limit it to the)e
three or four condition)# But do not introduce liti&!tion# .f it i) ! c!)e of providin& !dulter"5
evidence c!n be f!%ed# Some )ort of collu)ive evidence c!n be produced !nd the ch!r&e
proved# But . do '!nt to introduce th!t in ! )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e# 2" )ubmi))ion !) in m"
minute of di))ent i) th!t the ch!pter rel!tin& to m!rri!&e !nd divorce )hould be rec!)t# 7e
h!ve t'o %ind) of Hindu m!rri!&e)4 the civil !nd the )!cr!ment!l# .n the one5 "ou %no' the
condition) under 'hich it c!n be di))olved# .n the other5 "ou c!n h!ve !ll "our ne' modem
ide!)# . 'ould !)% the )upporter) of thi) Bill to &ive their )eriou) con)ider!tion to it !nd )ee
'hether it improve) the po)ition of 'omen# .f m" )u&&e)tion) !re !ccepted5 it 'ill m!%e the
pre)ent Bill much better !nd 'omen 'ill ri)e to the full )t!ture of their 'om!nhood# The"
'ill h!ve full ri&ht to propert"# .t 'ill &ive them em!ncip!tion on the economic )ide# /nder
the ne' Con)titution there i) !dult fr!nchi)e# 7e h!ve 'omen 2ini)ter) in ch!r&e of
different br!nche) of Admini)tr!tion# 7e c!nnot limit the ri&ht of 'om!n5 the mi)tre)) of the
hou)e !nd )!" th!t )he 'ould be entitled onl" to m!inten!nce but not other ri&ht)# Th!t 'ould
be ! &ro)) inAu)tice# .t 'ould be contr!r" to our !ncient 3!')# 7h!t '!) introduced in
bet'een mi&ht h!ve )uited the p!rticul!r circum)t!nce) !nd condition) of tho)e d!")5 but
the" !re !ll out'orm# The" !re not p!rt of the Hindu reli&ion !nd )hould be done !'!" 'ith#
7e )hould &et rid of thi) Aun&le &ro'th !nd &o b!c% to =edic conception)# The)e !re briefl"
m" )ubmi))ion) !nd . 'ould !)% ever"bod" to &ive them their )eriou) con)ider!tion#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam (2ini)ter of St!te for Tr!n)port !nd $!il'!")) 4
2!" . !)% one 9ue)tion in cl!rific!tion8 Suppo)in& ! 'om!n become) ! co?p!rcener in her
hu)b!ndB) f!mil" ### 'ill her )h!re be p!rt of the hu)b!ndB) )h!re or 'ill it be )ep!r!te8
Dr. Bakhshi Tek Chand : So lon& !) the" !re Aoint5 it 'ill be Aoint o'ner)hip of the
'hole f!mil" Au)t !) "ou !nd "our )on) !re co?p!rcener) in the propert"C but if there i) !
divi)ion5 then )he 'ill become independent# .t i) ! ne' !ddition Au)t !) ! )on# .t i) ver"
An Honourable Member: Sir5 the 9ue)tion m!" no' be put#
Some Honourable Members: No# no#
Maulana Hasrat Mohani (/# ;# 2u)lim ) 4 . 'ill t!%e onl" five minute)#
Some Honourable Members : rose
2r# Deputy Speaker 4 0rder5 order# 7ill !ll 2ember) %indl" t!%e their )e!t)8 . find !
l!r&e number of 2ember) intere)ted in )pe!%in&5 but !) . )!id "e)terd!"5 if 'e &o on !t thi)
r!te5 'e m!" h!ve no time even if 'e )it for ! month or t'o month)# There i) no tendenc" on
the p!rt of 2ember) to limit their )peeche)# Thi) Hindu Code cover) not onl" Hindu)5 Hindu
l!' of m!rri!&e !nd cu)tom) but it !pplie) to >!in) !nd Si%h) !l)o# .t doe) not !ppl" to
2u)lim)5 Chri)ti!n) !nd ;!r)i)# Eint!rruption..
An Honourable Member4 There !re cl!u)e) 'hich !ffect other people4 !l)o#
2r# Deputy Speaker: Hon# 2ember) %no' full" 'ell th!t 'hen the Spe!%er i) on hi)
le&)5 no 2ember )hould &et up# . need not remind hon# 2ember) !bout th!t# .5 therefore5
propo)e to c!ll ! 2ember of >!in communit" !nd ! member of Si%h communit" !nd then
other)# ;rof# @# T# Sh!h#
Shri H. 1. Khandekar: (C# ;# !nd Ber!r4 :ener!l)4 7h" not the H!riA!n)8
Maulana Hasrat Mohani4 ros!.
2r# Deputy Speaker : . !m not &oin& to !llo' thi) Hon# 2ember to come in no' . 'ill
fir)t )t!rt 'ith the other)#
The Honourable Shri Satyanarayan Sinha (2ini)ter of St!te for ;!rli!ment!r"
Aff!ir)) 4 . '!nt to m!%e one )u&&e)tion# .f the Hou)e !&ree)5 'e c!n )it till 7 oB cloc% tod!"
!nd even !fter th!t5 if member) !re not )!ti)fied !nd there !re )till other) 'ho '!nt to )pe!%
'e c!n )it on S!turd!" !l)o# :overnment i) prep!red to !llot h!lf of S!turd!" for thi)
bu)ine))# There 'ill be no Nue)tion Hour on S!turd!" !nd before 3unch 'e 'ill h!ve more
th!n E? hour)# .f th!t )uit) "our purpo)e !nd if the Hou)e !&ree)5 the Hou)e !&ree)5 then th!t
'ill obvi!te !ll the difficultie)#
Mr# Deputy Speaker: . thin% it i) ! ver" re!)on!ble propo)!l# . h!ve !lre!d" )!id the
Hou)e 'ill )it on S!turd!"# There i) no &oin& b!c% upon th!t# .f o'in& to e(i&encie) of
public bu)ine))5 it i) nece))!r" th!t 'e )hould )it on S!turd!"5 he!ven) 'ill not f!ll# 7e !re
)ittin& on S!turd!") for committee meetin&)# . h!ve re9ue)ted the :overnment to c!ncel
Select Committee meetin&) on th!t d!"# . )h!ll !l)o )ee th!t no Select Committee meetin&)
!re fi(ed for S!turd!"# Hon# 2ember) 'ill be relieved of !ll other p!rli!ment!r" 'or% )o th!t
the" c!n t!%e p!rt in the di)cu))ion on the Hindu Code#
The Hon# 2ini)ter for ;!rli!ment!r" Aff!ir) h!) Au)t )u&&e)ted5 on beh!lf of
:overnment5 th!t the" !re 'illin& to !llot S!turd!"5 'hich the" h!d ori&in!ll" intended for
other :overnment bu)ine))5 for the di)cu))ion on Hindu Code# *indin& th!t more Hon#
2ember) !re !n(iou) to )pe!%5 the" !re prep!red to !llot S!turd!"5 the forenoon of 'hich
'ill be e!rm!r%ed for non?offici!l 2ember !nd the !fternoon5 !llotted to the Hon# 2ini)ter of
3!' for hi) repl"# .n !ddition5 he m!%e) !nother )u&&e)tion for the !ccept!nce of the Hou)e#
.t i) open to them to !ccept it or to reAect it# .n vie' of th!t there !re m!n" Hon# 2ember)
'ho !re !n(iou) to )pe!%# 7e m!" )it till )even oBcloc% tod!"# . le!ve it !t + oBcloc% tod!"5
'hen . )h!ll find out 'hether the Hou)e i) tired or i) )till !ctive to continue the di)cu))ion#
;er)on!ll" . !nd m" friend) of the p!nel of ch!irmen !re prep!red to )it till )even oBcloc%# .
!m entirel" in the h!nd) of the Hou)e in re&!rd to thi) m!tter#
The Honourable Shri Satyanarayan Sinha : Sir5 . )!id on beh!lf of :overnment5 th!t
the" !re prep!red to !llot h!lf of S!turd!" for the di)cu))ion on the Hindu Code Bill# But !)
"ou h!ve !lre!d" )!id th!t the 'hole of the d!" 'ould be !llotted for thi) purpo)e5
:overnment 'ill !&ree to th!t#
2r# Deputy Speaker: . hope :overnment 'ill !ccept the )u&&e)tion 'hich . h!ve m!de#
Pandit Govind Malaviya (/# ;# :ener!l)4 Sir5 . 'i)h to )ubmit to "ou in connection
'ith "our rulin&5 th!t on the !))umption th!t S!turd!" 'ill be ! free d!"5 )ome of u) h!ve
m!de import!nt !nd un!void!ble en&!&ement) el)e'here# Spe!%in& !bout m")elf5 . h!ve &ot
)ome un!void!ble !nd import!nt en&!&ement on th!t d!"# . hope5 Sir5 "ou 'ill %eep th!t f!ct
!l)o in mind# .f 'e h!d %no'n th!t S!turd!" 'ould be ! 'or%in& d!" 'e 'ould not h!ve
done th!t# No' thi) 'ill be up)ettin& !ll our en&!&ement)5 !nd .5 therefore5 re9ue)t th!t
in)te!d of S!turd!" )ome other d!" mi&ht be fi(ed for the di)cu))ion of thi) import!nt
me!)ure# .t i) open to the :overnment to do )o e!)il"# The" c!n t!%e up :overnment 'or% on
S!turd!" !nd !llot )ome other d!" for the di)cu))ion of thi) me!)ure# 7e 'ill h!ve no
obAection to th!t But . hope th!t the Hou)e 'ill !ppreci!te th!t if other) 'ho 'i)h to t!%e p!rt
in thi) deb!te5 !re not !ble to come on th!t d!"5 the" )hould be &iven )ome con)ider!tion#
The Honourable Shri Satyanarayan Sinha : . thin%# :overnment 'ill h!ve no
obAection if Hon# 2ember) 'i)h to )it on 2ond!"# 0n S!turd!" 'e )h!ll t!%e up other
:overnment bu)ine))#
Shri Ajit Prasad 1ain (/# ;# :ener!l) 4 7h" not continue tomorro' !nd fini)h the
di)cu))ion on thi) Bill8
The Honourable Shri Satyanarayan Sinha : 0n S!turd!" 'e !re meetin& for
Tr!n)!ctin& :overnment bu)ine))# :overnment i) prep!red to h!ve the di)cu))ion of thi) Bill
put for 2ond!"5 but !ll the )!me S!turd!" 'ill be !n 0ffici!l d!"#
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam: 2ember) 'ill h!ve le)) time on 2ond!" th!n on
S!turd!"5 But if the member) !re 'illin& to conclude the deb!te on 2ond!" 'e 'onBt h!ve
!n" obAection# But if the po)tponement i) due to dil!tor" t!ctic)# # # #
2r# Deputy Speaker: . !m re!ll" )orr"5 our friend) !re not co?oper!tin&# A )u&&e)tion
c!me from ;!ndit :ovind 2!l!vi"! !nd )ome other Hon# 2ember)Ghe i) !n import!nt
member !nd i) t!%in& %een intere)t in thi) Bill on one )ide or the otherGth!t the" 'ould
prefer thi) me!)ure bein& t!%en up on !n" d!" other th!n S!turd!" !nd :overnment in
con)ider!tion of their 'i)he) '!) prep!red to t!%e it up on 2ond!"# The :overnment
)po%e)m!n h!) )!id )o# Hon# 2ember) !re !'!re th!t on 2ond!" there 'ill be the 9ue)tion
hour# @no'in& thi) full 'ell the" h!ve !ccepted th!t d!"#
SAt# Rohini Kumar Chaudhari: 2o)t re)pectfull" . 'ould li%e to point out to "ou5 Sir5
th!t S!turd!" i) ! holid!" &iven to u) for cert!in purpo)e)# . !m 'illin& to fore&o th!t holid!"
if there i) !n import!nt re!)on for it# No' . '!nt to !)% thi) Hou)e5 i) it convinced5 i) it
'illin& to fini)h thi) Bill !) e!rl" !) po))ible8 7h!t i) the ur&enc" for thi) Bill8 7e h!ve
more import!nt Bill)# 7e h!ve the .n)ur!nce Bill 'hich5 !ccordin& to "ou5 mu)t be p!))ed
into l!' thi) )e))ion# .f thi) Bill#########
2r# Deputy Speaker 4 The hon# 2ember 'ill re)ume hi) )e!t# 7e h!ve been he!rin& thi)
obAection from )ome Hon# 2ember) th!t there i) no hurr" to &et on 'ith thi) Bill# . !m !fr!id
there i) no un!nimit" of opinion in thi) Hou)e )o f!r !) th!t m!tter i) concerned# .f there '!)
th!t un!nimit" 'e 'ould not be thir)tin& for time li%e thi)# .t i) ! 'ell %no'n f!ct th!t
opinion on th!t point i) divided# 0n the mere )u&&e)tion of one Hon# 2ember . do not '!nt
to t!%e the opinion of thi) Hou)e#
No' it i) cle!r th!t S!turd!" 'ill be !n offici!l d!" 'hen offici!l bu)ine)) other th!n the
Hindu Code Bill 'ill be tr!n)!cted# 0n 2ond!" . propo)e to !llo' the non?offici!l member)
to )pe!% till mid?d!" .n the !fternoon . propo)e to c!ll upon the Hon# r# Ambed%!r#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi: Sever!l of u) h!ve been '!itin& lon& to c!tch "our e"e# Sh!ll .
t!%e it !) "our rulin& th!t5 on the Hindu Code Bill no more Hindu) )h!ll be !llo'ed to )pe!%8
2r# Deputy Speaker4 . did not )!" )oC nor 'ould . )!" )o# The Hon# 2ember h!)5
unfortun!tel"5 thou&h he i) ver" !lert5 mi)under)tood me# All th!t5 . )!id '!) th!t5 not one
)in&le >!in or Si%h member5 to 'hom !l)o thi) Bill e9u!ll" !pplie)5 h!) )po%en#
Shri H. 1. Khandekar: 7h!t !bout H!riA!n)8
Mr# Deputy Speaker4 The )pon)or of thi) Bill i) the 3e!der of the H!riA!n)# .t i) no &ood
)!"in& th!t the H!riA!n) do not belon& to the Hindu communit"# . thin% H!riA!n) !re !) much
Hindu) !) !n" other) Thi) c!)te con)ciou)ne)) need not be pur)ued !n" further#
All th!t . )!id '!) th!t >!in !nd Si%h member) 'ill be &iven preference to other
member)# . h!ve no intention of )huttin& out !n" other)#
A) it )t!nd) !t pre)ent5 . find th!t the )u&&e)tion of the :overnment i) ver" re!)on!ble#
The" h!ve )pent )o m!n" d!") on the di)cu))ion of thi) Bill !nd h!ve &iven one more d!"# .f
)till on 2ond!"5 it i) the &ener!l 'i)h of the Hou)e th!t the" )hould &o on5 . !m !b)olutel" in
the h!nd) of the Hou)e# So f!r !) the Ch!ir i) concerned5 it i) )!ti)fied th!t there h!) been
)ufficient di)cu))ion#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi : I prote)t !&!in)t thi)# . feel th!t the Ch!irB) beni&n e"e )hould not
m!%e ! di)tinction bet'een !n" cl!))5 c!)te or creed# <our e"e )hould &o round the Hou)e
'ithout di)tinction of m!Aorit" or minorit"#
2r# eput" Spe!%er 4 The Hon# 2ember h!) thorou&hl" mi)under)tood me# 7henever !
Bill come) up for di)cu))ion 'hich !ffect) cert!in communitie)Gunfortun!tel" there !re
different communitie) in thi) countr"G?! ch!nce )hould be &iven to the repre)ent!tive) of !ll
communitie) to e(pre)) their vie')# .f the Hon# 2ember re!d) thi) Bill5 he 'ill find th!t the
)cope of the Bill include) >!in) !nd Si%h) !l)o# A number of Hindu) h!ve !lre!d" )po%en !nd
)o . mu)t !llo' )ome >!in) !nd Si%h) to )pe!% no'# 7e mu)t %no' their vie'point) before
'e &o throu&h the Bill cl!u)e b" cl!u)e# Shri 2!h!vir T"!&i4 . prote)t######
2r# Deputy Speaker: . c!nnot toler!te thi)# The Hon# 2ember 'ill %indl" note th!t it i)
improper to u)e thi) l!n&u!&e#
Prof. K. T. Shah (Bih!r :ener!l) 4 Sir5 ori&in!ll" 'hen the Bill '!) fir)t introduced !nd
thi) motion c!me before the Hou)e5 . h!d no &re!t intention to intervene in the deb!te# But
no' th!t the deb!te h!) proceeded )o f!r !nd ! v!riet" of vie' h!ve been pl!ced before thi)
Hou)e5 no' th!t there i) freedom of votin& from ;!rt" m!nd!te5 . feel it nece))!r" to m!%e
)ome ob)erv!tion) !ri)in& out of the motion5 !nd of the Bill5 'hich . tru)t5 'ill receive the
con)ider!tion of the Hon# the 3!' 2ini)ter !nd hi) colle!&ue)#
<ou Sir5 h!ve been ple!)ed to )!" th!t . h!ve been c!lled upon !) ! >!in to )pe!% on the
m!tter# . )t!nd here onl" !) ! member of the ?Hou)e5 !nd c!n cl!im no )peci!l ri&ht or
privile&e to )pe!% !) ! member of !n" communit"# . c!ll m")elf onl" !) .ndi!n citiJen !nd
do not re&!rd ! belief in !n" p!rticul!r f!ith ! 9u!lific!tion or ! di)9u!lific!tion for
p!rticip!tin& in di)cu))ion) li%e thi)# . )pe!% onl" !) ! member of thi) Hou)e#
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari 4 0n ! point of order# Sir5 "ou c!lled upon ;rof5 Sh!h to
)pe!% on beh!lf of the >!in) but he )!") th!t he doe) not cl!im to repre)ent the >!in)#
Mr. Deputy Speaker: .t i) no point of order#
Prof. K. T. Shah : . m!" !l)o !dd !t the )!me time th!t . !m &oin& to )upport in &ener!l
the provi)ion) underl"in& thi) Bill even thou&h . h!ppen to h!ve tried to form !n oppo)ition
'hich i) not "et reco&ni)ed# Comin& thou&h5 !) it doe)5 from ! member profe))in& to be in
the oppo)ition5 !nd comin& !l)o from one 'ho h!) con)i)tentl" oppo)ed !lmo)t ever"
provi)ion of the Con)titution5 ever" !ttempt !t le&i)l!tion of ! )tructur!l or reformin& %ind
th!t thi) :overnment h!) m!de# . hope !nd tru)t th!t the )upport th!t . !m no' e(tendin&5
uncondition!ll" !nd unre)ervedl" to Bill 'ill meet 'ith the !ppreci!tion th!t it de)erve)#
/nle)) :overnment feel the 'i)dom of the old )!vin& th!t the evil m!" !l)o 9uote the
Scripture !nd th!t5 therefore !n" )upport comin& from me )hould be loo%ed !t !)%!nce5 it
)hould be 'elcome# .f th!t i) their vie'5 the oppo)ition to thi) Bill 'ould be )erved much
more effectivel" b" me th!n . !t le!)t 'ould li%e to 'i)h#
Holdin& thi) vie'# Sir5 !nd offerin& m" co?oper!tion in thi) m!nner5 . 'ould li%e to )!"
in !ll humilit"5 'ith the utmo)t deference to thi) Hou)e5 !nd even !t the ri)% of incurrin& the
ch!r&e th!t 'e !) ! people l!c% ! )en)e of humor5 . 'ould not li%e to u)e !n" e(pre))ion or
illu)tr!tin& 'hich mi&ht in !n" '!" introduce ! tone of levit" or li&htne)) in thi) di)cu))ion# .
re&!rd thi) m!tter5 thi) )ubAect5 !) )o vit!l to the ver" e(i)tence of our countr"5 . re&!rd thi)
Bill !) of )uch f!r?re!chin& con)e9uence th!t . 'ill not !llo' !n" e(pre))ion or illu)tr!tion to
creep into m" rem!r%) 'hich mi&ht in !n" '!" &ive !n" ob)erver5 !n" out)ider5 !n" )tudent
of our !ff!ir)5 !n !ppe!r!nce !) thou&h 'e !re not )ufficientl" )eriou) in thi) m!tter#
H!vin& m!de the)e ob)erv!tion)5 . 'ould proceed to e(!mine )ome of the obAection) th!t
h!ve been r!i)ed )ome of the ple!) th!t h!ve been ur&ed in re&!rd to the )ubAect m!tter or
even the b!)ic principle of the Bill# The ch!llen&e h!) been m!de# Sir5 'hether thi) bod" i)
competent to de!l 'ith ! )ubAect of thi) ch!r!cter5 'hether the Hou)e h!) been elected on !
cle!r i))ue to determine the content) of thi) Bill5 or 'hether there i) )ufficient ur&enc" in thi)
m!tter to !llo' thi) Hou)e to de!l 'ith thi) propo)ition# . for one do not thin% th!t there c!n
or )hould be ! 9ue)tion !bout the competence of thi) bod" to de!l 'ith )ubAect) of thi)
ch!r!cter# The Hon# 2ember5 'ho )po%e Au)t before me5 h!) &iven ! number of illu)tr!tion)
in 'hich )tructur!l ch!n&e) includin& the Con)titution h!d been propo)ed b" le&i)l!tive
me!)ure) in thi) Hou)e !nd c!rried# 1ven more import!nt reform) h!d been m!de b" the
le&i)l!ture precedin& thi) 'hich '!) not of the )!me )overei&n ch!r!cter th!t thi) 3e&i)l!ture
i)5 !nd therefore the 9ue)tion !) to the competence of thi) Hou)e to de!l 'ith m!tter) of thi)
ch!r!cter )eem) to me to be irrelev!nt5 unbecomin& !nd if . m!" )!" )o5 not 9uite re)pectful
to'!rd) thi) A))embl"5 for 'hile it i) 9uite true th!t thi) )in&le i))ue '!) not pl!ced before
the elector)5 tho)e of u) 'ho recollect the m!nner !nd method b" 'hich 'e h!ve been elected
to thi) Hou)e 'ill re!liJe th!t not on !n" i))ue '!) thi) Hou)e elected e(cept th!t of
!c9uirin& independence !nd )h!pin& ! con)titution for the countr"# .f "ou pre)) th!t !r&ument
too f!r5 . !m !fr!id "ou 'ill render m!n" m!tter) 'ith 'hich thi) Hou)e h!) de!lt 'ith !)
either ille&!l or ultra vir!s. . 'ould not li%e therefore th!t !n" )u&&e)tion of thi) ch!r!cter
c!n be or )hould be !dv!nced )o !) to thro' !n" doubt 'h!t)oever5 on the competence5 the
!uthorit" !nd correctne)) of thi) Hou)e in de!lin& 'ith !nd di)po)in& of )uch m!tter)#
Sir5 in &ener!l election) !l)o5 it i) not po))ible to h!ve e!ch i))ue )ep!r!tel" e(!mined# A)
!ll tho)e5 'ho h!ve !n e(perience of popul!r &ener!l election)5 'ill re!li)e &ener!l election)
!re !l'!") fou&ht on ! multiplicit" of i))ue)# There i) therefore not !n" cle!r indic!tion of !
m!Aorit" on !n" individu!l i))ue of )uch comple(it" !) 'e !re de!lin& 'ith no'# /nle)) the
Con)titution provide) ! method li%e referendum5 unle)) 'e h!d ! con)titution!l device li%e
th!t )u&&e)ted b" 2r# :o%ulbh!i Bh!tt5 'e 'ould find it e(tremel" difficult if not
impo))ible5 to &et ! cle!r verdict of the people on i))ue) of thi) ch!r!cter# There 'ould re!ll"
be no me!n) of !)cert!inin& popul!r opinion# 1ven then there m!" be tho)e 'ho 'ould )!"5
&iven the )t!te of public educ!tion in thi) countr"5 &iven the )t!te or the condition in 'hich
the pre)) in the countr" i) monopoli)ed b" ! fe' individu!l)5 &iven !l)o the l!c% of
e(perience of the voter in m!tter) of thi) ch!r!cter5 the deci)ion of the people5 even if
competent5 m!" be open to 9ue)tion# . 'ould therefore )u&&e)t th!t !n !r&ument of thi)
ch!r!cter ou&ht not to influence the Aud&ement of thi) Hou)e !nd 'e )hould confine
our)elve) to the di)cu))ion of the propo)ition5 !) . !m h!pp" to )ee in m!n" 9u!rter) it h!)
The oppo)ition to the Bill i) led !nd i) m!de up of people for 'ho)e opinion)5 . h!ve
per)on!ll" ver" '!rm re&!rd# . !m not5 therefore5 prep!red to )!" th!t thi) i) !n oppo)ition of
ve)ted intere)t)5 th!t thi) i) !n oppo)ition in)pired b" ulterior motive) or dict!ted b" other
con)ider!tion)# . full" re!li)e# Sir5 th!t the oppo)ition h!) in m!n" c!)e) ver" )eriou) &round)
for holdin& the vie') th!t the" do5 !nd thou&h5 . h!ve the mi)fortune of differin& from them5
. c!nnot for th!t re!)on )!" th!t their vie') !re not entitled to the 'ide)t con)ider!tion 'e
c!n &ive them# 0n th!t )t!ndpoint5 . feel th!t there i) ! &re!t de!l of force in the !r&ument) of
tho)e 'ho 9ue)tion the ur&enc" of the m!tter !nd !re prep!redGif not differ di)cu))ionG !t
le!)t t!%e much more time on the di)cu))ion th!n )eem) li%el" to &ive to thi) m!tter5 but b"
)!"in& thi)5 . )hould not be mi)under)tood . )hould not be under)tood to )!"5 th!t . 'ould
li%e the m!tter to be indefinitel" po)tponed# . )hould li%e thi) bod" 'ho)e )overei&nt"5 .
'ould not 9ue)tion5 to &ive ! deci)ion on thi) m!tter once !nd for !ll5 !nd thou&h . !m full"
!live to the con)ider!tion !dv!nced b" one of the hon# )pe!%er) th!t there i) no &u!r!ntee th!t
the ne(t Hou)e 'ill !ccept the deci)ion5 even if 'e &ive it5 . feel th!t once !n indic!tion i)
&iven5 once ! )i&n?po)t i) erected5 once ! ro!d i) built5 it 'ould be difficult to rever)e the
en&ine !nd &o b!c%# Ho'ever5 th!t i) ! m!tter of f!ith r!ther th!n of re!)on5 of &ener!l belief
r!ther th!n of intellectu!l conviction5 !nd . !m therefore5 open on thi) m!tter5 !lto&ether5 but
t!%in& ho'ever into con)ider!tion the m!in point) th!t h!ve been ur&ed !&!in)t the merit) of
the provi)ion) cont!ined in the Bill5 . feel it impo))ible to !ccord m" )upport to the
opponent) of the )ever!l )ection) of the Bill5 )ever!l ch!pter) in the Bill5 or the provi)ion) in
the Bill# The m!in difficult" centre) round5 )o f!r !) . c!n )ee on the po)ition of 'omen# .
h!ve !lre!d" )!id Sir5 th!t . h!ve not the )li&hte)t de)ire to brin& in the le!)t bit of levit" in
thi) di)cu))ion5 !nd therefore5 )ome of the !r&ument)5 )ome of the point) m!de e!rlier in thi)
deb!te on thi) m!tter le!ve me )ome'h!t cold# 7e !re buildin& up ! countr" of e9u!l citiJen)
irre)pective of reli&ion5 )e(5 cl!)) or creed# .f th!t i) the principle upon 'hich 'e t!%e our
)t!nd5 if th!t i) the pre!mble of our Con)titution !nd the &uidin& principle of the life th!t 'e
!re to build up for thi) countr" here!fter then . thin% th!t the provi)ion) of thi) Bill !re in full
conformit" 'ith the ide!l) enunci!ted in the pre!mble to the Con)titution !nd !) )uch5
!n"thin& 'hich 'e no' propo)e5 th!t 'ould be in !n" '!" different from or dero&!tor" of
thi) provi)ion5 ou&ht not to be !ccepted b" u)# The !ttempt m!de in thi) bill to pl!ce 'omen
on ! po)ition of e9u!lit" in re&!rd to f!mil" rel!tion)hip)5 in re&!rd to inherit!nce5 in re&!rd
to propert"5 in re&!rd to m!rri!&e or divorce5 i) !n !ttempt not onl" in con)on!nce 'ith
condition) no' prev!ilin& !ll over the 'orld !nd comin& into vo&ue in our )ociet" !) 'ell5
but !re condition)5 'hich in m" opinion !re dict!ted b" ! full re!li)!tion of the !ctu!l
condition) !nd ob)erved trend of event) ever"'here# .t i) true th!t for !&e) p!)t5 m!rri!&e h!)
been re&!rded !) ! )!cr!ment5 but there i) nothin&5 )o for !) . c!n )ee in thi) Bill5 to prevent
!n"bod" from re!li)in& !nd tre!tin& it even tod!" !) ! )!cr!ment# After !ll5 . venture to
)ubmit5 )!cr!ment i) ! mere m!tter of "our o'n he!rt !nd cre!tion th!n !n impo)ition from
out)ide# Ho' m!n" )!cr!ment) !re there5 'hich thou&h continuin& to be )!cr!ment) !re d!il"
bro%en5 bro%en in the 'or)t po))ible m!nner !nd di)&r!ce5 both the bre!%er) !nd tho)e 'ho
!re p!rtie) to th!t8 S!cr!ment) c!nnot ch!n&e merel" bec!u)e the l!' &ive) ! p!rticul!r
ch!r!cter to the rel!tion)hip of m!n !nd 'ife !) i) !ttempted to be in thi) Bill# 7hether or
not5 the l!' decl!re) !nd reco&ni)e) ! union to be ! civil m!rri!&e or ! civil contr!ct5 tho)e
'ho !re p!rtie) to )uch ! union5 'ho h!ve ! ver" hi&hl" ide!li)ed opinion of the n!ture !nd
function !nd obAect) of )uch ! union 'ill not ce!)e to continue to do )o# .f ho'ever5
circum)t!nce) develop 'hich m!%e it impo))ible for them !n" lon&er to continue in th!t
po)ition5 if condition) develop 'hich m!%e it impo))ible to m!int!in th!t hi&h ide!l# . for one
thin% th!t it 'ould be much better to di)continue the rel!tion)hip b" !n" le&!l !nd re!)on!ble
m!nner th!t c!n be found th!n to continue it to the mutu!l preAudice5 to the continued mi)er"
of the p!rtie) concerned or the off)prin&# .t i) not ! ver" ple!)!nt m!tter5 Sir5 to )u&&e)t th!t
there )hould be freedom for divorce if union) could be !ll m!de in the form in the ide!l5 in
the )pirit in 'hich the" 'ere )uppo)ed to h!ve been m!de5 but 'e live in ! mund!ne 'orld5
'ith m!teri!l con)ider!tion)5 'ith hum!n 'e!%ne))e) !nd therefore5 it i) too much to e(pect
th!t merel" b" !n ordin!nce5 merel" b" ! firem!n5 'e 'ould continue to %eep !nd m!int!in
union) in the ide!li)t )en)e in 'hich the" h!ve been believed conceived !nd m!int!ined#
;ermi))ion5 therefore to di))olve in ! le&!l5 re!)on!ble public m!nner union) 'hich h!ve
become oppre))ive5 'hich h!ve become ! )ource of mi)er" to the p!rtie) !nd their off?
)prin&)5 i) nothin& more in m" opinion th!t ! reco&nition of the !ctu!l prev!ilin&
circum)t!nce) !nd the development) th!t m!" h!ve in !n" &iven c!)e t!%en pl!ce5 !nd
therefore5 it i) th!t even thou&h one m!" not li%e the ide!5 one mu)t reco&ni)e re!litie)5 one
mu)t f!ce the !ctu!l po)ition !nd !dmit th!t it i) much better th!t 'e )hould di)continue or
di))olve )uch union) th!n th!t 'e )hould continue ! mi)er" for )uch p!rtie)#
The ide! th!t the)e union) )hould be mono&!mou) in ch!r!cter 'hile the" l!)t i) !l)o one
'hich in m" opinion i) the b!)i)5 i) the found!tion!l condition of ! continued h!ppine))5
continued )ucce)) of )uch union)# There m!" be occ!)ion)5 ho'ever5 'hen )uch union) !) .
h!ve Au)t )!id prove unbe!r!ble or intoler!ble b" circum)t!nce) th!t neither p!rt" could
fore)ee5 but in th!t c!)e5 'ithout too much fu))5 'ithout &oin& into !n oper!tion th!t mi&ht
involve '!)hin& of the dirt" linen !nd mere pl!"in& to the &!ller"5 )o to )!"5 b"
)en)!tion!li)m5 'e mi&ht in our l!' devi)e m!chiner" b" 'hich thi) union could be e!)il"
di))olved 'ithout unnece))!r" preAudice to !n" p!rt"# . do not )ee therefore th!t 'e need
in)i)t upon re!)on) or condition) or e(cu)e) th!t !n" other le&!l )")tem) h!ve been m!de
nece))!r" for &r!ntin& divorce !nd . thin% it 'ould be much better if divorce i) m!de e!)"5
)imple !nd ine(pen)ive5 more th!n i) !t !n" r!te5 the c!)e in )ome of the 'e)tern countrie)
'ho)e model 'e h!ve been follo'in&# The 9ue)tion of inherit!nce5 the 9ue)tion of enAo"in& !
)h!re of the p!trimon" i) !&!in one 'hich doe) not )eem to me to be ! Au)t c!u)e for the
de&ree of he!t th!t it )eem) to h!ve evo%ed in thi) Hou)e# After !ll5 in thi) countr" ho' m!n"
people !re in ! po)ition to h!ve propert" !nd le!ve )uch propert" out)ide be"ond their life8 .f
"ou &o b" )t!nd!rd)5 if "ou &o b" me!)urement) )uch !) th!t of the income?t!( )t!ti)tic)5 "ou
'ill find th!t perh!p) le)) th!n ! million people !re in ! po)ition to h!ve !n income of !bout
$)# E+, ! month !nd th!t 'ould include !ll people5 not onl" tho)e 'ho !re re&!rded !)
income?t!( p!"er)5 but tho)e 'ho tr" or m!n!&e to e)c!pe th!t#
.n ! popul!tion of over D,, million)5 the income t!( p!"in& cl!)) number !bout one
million5 or 'ith their dependent !bout three to four million) !nd th!t i) le)) th!n one percent
of the tot!l popul!tion 'ho c!n po))ibl" !fford to h!ve )ome propert" th!t c!n be divided or
th!t c!n be the c!u)e of di)!ffection or of ine9u!lit" of ri&ht) !) bet'een the de)cend!nt) of
common p!rent)# . )ee re!ll" no re!)on 'h" on thi) )ubAect !n" he!t )hould be &ener!ted5 !)
re&!rd) the reco&nition of e9u!l ri&ht) of d!u&hter) !nd )on) in the m!tter of divi)ion of
p!trimon"# Spe!%in& for m")elf5 . m!" )!"5 . do not believe in !n" propert" !t !ll5 !nd the
)ooner the d!" come) 'hen propert" !) ! 'hole i) !boli)hed5 'hen provi)ion i) m!de for
ever"bod" b" the communit"5 provi)ion to )ee th!t ever"bod" &et) 'or% !nd &et) hi) or her
'!nt) or re9uirement) met5 the )ooner th!t d!" come) the better for the communit"# And thi)
)ource of evil5 ! le!rned l!'"er c!lled it the )ource of )trife5 . c!ll it thi) propert" 'hich i) the
)ource of evil5 . )!" th!t propert" )hould be !boli)hed5 !nd the )ooner it i) done the better it
'ould be for the communit" !nd for le&i)l!tion) of thi) %ind# .f it 'ere po))ible !t thi) )t!&e
to )u&&e)t !n !mendment of the %ind . li%e5 . 'ould even )u&&e)t th!t !ll cl!u)e) rel!tin& to
propert" be !boli)hed or deleted !nd ! )imple propo)ition be in)erted5 th!t 'hile propert"
continue)5 propert" of !n" %ind5 both l!nd or per)on!l5 it )h!ll be e9u!ll" divided# Th!t 'ould
be )ufficient for the time bein& !nd 'e ou&ht to ende!vour th!t the d!" dr!') hi&her !nd
hi&her 'hen propert" !) ! 'hole 'ill be !boli)hed !nd ever"bod" 'ould h!ve the )!me ri&ht
to 'or%5 the )!me ri&ht to enAo" ! &iven )t!nd!rd of life !) tho)e 'ho !re !dv!nt!&eou)l"
)itu!ted 'ith p!trimonie) in their h!nd)#
0n the)e t'o cruci!l i))ue) therefore5 one of m!rri!&e !nd the other of inherit!nce5 . )!"
th!t the Bill &oe) no further th!n 'h!t condition) !round u) nece))it!te# .f !nd 'hile "ou
m!int!in !n individu!li)tic )ociet"5 if !nd 'hile propert" rem!in) to be the comer?)tone of or
the found!tion of "our )oci!l )")tem5 !nd the profit motive rem!in) the &overnin& impul)e of
the )oci!l m!chine5 )o lon& . )ee no re!)on 'h" there )hould be ine9u!lit"# The e9u!lit"
)hould not be merel" nomin!l# ;olitic!l e9u!lit"5 the ri&ht to vote 'ould me!n nothin& )o
lon& !) economic e9u!lit" !l)o i) not !))ured to ever" hum!n bein&5 to ever" citiJen of thi)
countr"# 0ne h!) he!rd ! &re!t de!l !nd . '!) ver" &l!d to he!r it !ll th!t in the e))ence of
.ndi!n civili)!tion5 in the e))ence of our )oci!l )")tem5 the hi&he)t honour i) p!id to
'om!nhood# .f th!t i) trueG !nd 0 do not doubt itGthen . do not )ee 'h" mere )!nction of
e9u!lit" in propert" )hould be e(cluded5 if "ou !re re!ll" )o 'or)hipful of 'om!nhood5 if
"ou !re )o re)pectful !nd reverenti!l to 'om!nhood5 'h" do "ou he)it!te !t !ll to &ive her
e9u!l ri&ht to 'h!t !fter !ll5 i) mund!ne propert"5 th!t 'hich mu)t be left behind b" ever"
one of u)# Ho'ever much 'e m!" be !tt!ched to it5 ho'ever much one m!" hold !nd
!ccumul!te propert"5 . do hold !nd . )!" it 'ith the utmo)t reverence !nd the utmo)t
humilit"5 th!t . con)ider th!t in the proce)) of evolution5 'om!n )eem) to be more hi&hl"
evolved5 ! finer or&!ni)m th!n m!n5 it i) not5 ho'ever5 !n" di)p!r!&ement of either )e(# All .
)!" i) th!t5 &iven the function th!t n!ture )eem) to h!ve entru)ted to 'omen5 &iven !l)o the
function !nd the obAect) 'ith 'hich 'om!nhood h!) to de!l in thi) )oci!l )")tem5 'e c!nnot
revert5 'e c!nnot re&!rd or re)pect 'om!nhood too much5 !nd !) )uch . 'ould not li%e the
le!)t )i&n of ine9u!lit"5 the le!)t )embl!nce of differenti!tion or invidiou) di)tinction
bet'een m!n !nd 'om!n5 !) bet'een )on !nd d!u&hter of the )!me p!rent)#
The 9ue)tion5 ho'ever5 of !doption or of &u!rdi!n)hip !nd )o on5 doe) not intere)t me to
the e(tent th!t )ome Hon# 2ember) of thi) Hou)e )eem to be intere)ted in it# Adoption or for
the m!tter of th!t5 te)t!ment!r" po'er) !ppe!r to be !rtifici!l e(ten)ion of the hum!n
per)on!lit" be"ond de!th 'hich i) utterl" unn!tur!l5 in m" point of vie'# .t i) b!d enou&h to
h!ve !nd hold !nd control propert"5 it i) b!d enou&h to h!ve !nd hold the propert" !nd the
profit motive in our mind) 'hile 'e !re !live# 7h" )hould 'e continue to prolon& our
per)on!lit"8 7h" )hould 'e de)ire to in)i)t upon our order) bein& obe"ed even !fter de!th8
7h" )hould there be thi) !rtifici!l e(ten)ion of per)on!lit" b" )uch !n in)trument !)
!doption8 @no'in&5 ho'ever5 th!t it i) !n !ncient in)titution5 %no'in& ho'ever5 th!t it i) !n
in)titution 'hich m!n" re&!rd !) ! point or !) ! f!ctor in their )!lv!tion5 . !m not prep!red to
)u&&e)t th!t here !nd no' 'e )hould !boli)h it# . !m prep!red to )!"5 if "ou re&!rd it !) !
)ource of "our )!lv!tion5 if "ou re&!rd it !) )omethin& b" 'hich "our per)on!lit" i)
perpetu!ted5 "our civili)!tion or culture or 'or% in life i) continued5 then it i) nece))!r"# But5
in th!t c!)e5 "ou need hot h!ve ine9u!lit" bet'een m!n !nd 'om!n# No di)crimin!tion or
le&!l re)triction bet'een m!n !nd 'om!n# The )!me ri&ht )hould be e(tended to ever" one in
the communit"# . b!)e m" )upport of thi) Bill on &round) of )oci!l Au)tice5 economic e9u!lit"
!nd of politic!l propriet"# . )hould thin% th!t the Con)titution th!t 'e h!ve !dopted5 th!t the
ide!l) th!t 'e h!ve held before u)5 th!t the hope) th!t 'e h!ve entert!ined of ! pl!nned !nd
pro&re))ive )ociet" here !fter5 in vie' of !ll th!t5 . thin% 'e c!nnot do better th!n t!%e thi)
Bill !) the be&innin& in the ri&ht direction# 7e c!nnot do better th!n reco&ni)e the provi)ion)
it h!) incorpor!ted5 re&!rdin& removin& !ll ine9u!litie) !) bet'een m!n !nd 'om!n# .t i) not
merel" ! m!tter of recordin& ever" five "e!r) or ever" three "e!r) oneB) vote !t the &ener!l
election# .t i) !l)o ! m!tter rel!tin& to life !nd 'or%5 of e9u!l opportunitie) to he!lth !nd
educ!tion of )t!nd!rd of life !nd the )!me fulfilment of the element!r" '!nt) of hum!n
bein&)5 in the m!tter of food5 )helter !nd clothin&# The)e )hould be !v!il!ble5 !nd )hould be
m!de !v!il!ble if the" !re not !v!il!ble b" the concerted !nd common !ction of our )ociet"
!) ! 'hole# Societ" )hould re!li)e thi) obli&!tion th!t it i) not merel" ! p!per propo)ition th!t
'e h!ve enunci!ted in our Con)titution5 but it i) ! )!cred dut" !nd obli&!tion th!t ou&ht to be
di)ch!r&ed !t the )horte)t me!)ure of time th!t 'e c!n m!n!&e it5 th!t !ll the)e thin&) )hould
be m!de !v!il!ble to ever" citiJen of the countr" )o th!t the hope) !nd !)pir!tion) th!t 'e
h!ve formed5 )o th!t the hope) th!t 'e h!ve entert!ined ever )ince the freedom of thi)
countr" '!) !chieved5 could be re!li)ed# .t h!) been )!id b" ! ver" &re!t Americ!nG
;re)ident 3incoln5 th!t ! n!tion c!nnot be h!lf )l!ve !nd h!lf free# 7hile not e(!ctl" Sl!ve)
one h!lf of thi) countr"5 of our communit" )till feel di)!bilitie) !nd 'e!%ne))e) or invidiou)
di)crimin!tion !&!in)t them5 'hich it doe) not 'i)h5 )hould be !llo'ed to continue !n"
lon&er# .n thi) connection m!" . mention ! )t!ti)tic!l f!ct 'hich perh!p) i) not re!li)ed b"
ever" per)on in thi) Hou)e# .t i) thi)# 7hile 'om!n i) in ! m!Aorit" !t birth5 on the over!ll
popul!tion )he i) in ! ver" )tri%in& minorit"# 7h!tever m!" be the condition) in ! province
li%e /t%!l5 on the 'hole5 in .ndi! 'om!n h!) !l'!") been in ! minorit" !lmo)t be&innin&
from the !&e 'hen m!rri!&e be&in)5 from !bout fifteen on'!rd)5 their number) &o on
thinnin& )o th!t in the over !ll popul!tion 'om!n '!) !nd i) )till in ! minorit"# 7h!t i) the
)i&nific!nce of th!t8
E"t this stag! Mr. D!puty;Sp!ak!r va'at!d th! &hair, whi'h was th!n o''upi!d by Shri.
S. *. Krishnamoorthy 9ao (on! of th! Pan!l of &hairm!n.. B
. for one thin%5 th!t i) bec!u)e of the une9u!l tre!tment &iven to 'omen !) bet'een bo"
!nd &irl5 !) bet'een )on !nd d!u&hter th!t it h!) re)ulted in ! m!Aorit" !t birth bein& reduced
to ! minorit" on the 'hole5 )o th!t th!t ch!r&e) of une9u!l tre!tment mu)t be f!ced# Here i) !
Bill 'hich trie) to remove th!t# There !re m!n" provi)ion) in the Bill 'hich m!" not )!ti)f"
ever"bod"5 even tho)e 'ho on principle !ccept the Bill5 even tho)e 'ho re!li)e th!t it &oe) !
&re!t '!" for'!rd in r!tion!li)in& our )ociet"5 )implif"in& our le&i)l!tion !nd or&!ni)in& our
)oci!l )")tem to ! &iven end# But 'e !re not di)cu))in& det!il) Au)t no'# Specific provi)ion)
!p!rt5 the principle underl"in&?the Bill5 the motive )prin& of the entire )tructure )hould
commend it)elf to the Hou)e !nd . tru)t the Hou)e 'ill !ccept it#
Shri Lakshminarayan Sahu (0ri))! 4 :ener!l) 4 (-nglish translation of th! abov!
sp!!'h. . 'ould li%e to )!"# Sir5 th!t . did not mention thi) thin& !) ! Ao%e th!t there !re more
'omen in /t%!l# The number of 'omen in /t%!l e(ceed) b" three to four l!%h) !nd 'hen it
i) not po))ible to find out ! m!tch for their m!rri!&e5 then the" !re m!rried to ! Sahada tree#
Prof. K. T. Shah: . !m )pe!%in& of the 'hole countr" !nd not of !n" p!rticul!r province#
Therefore it i) not nece))!r" for me to !n)'er thi) p!rticul!r 9ue)tion# 3et it be left there#
Sardar Hukam Singh (1!)t ;unA!b Si%h) 4 Sir5 !t thi) l!te )t!&e of the deb!te5 . feel it i)
not ver" e!)" to !dv!nce fre)h !r&ument) or m!%e ne' point) on the )ubAect on 'hich )o
m!n" di)tin&ui)hed l!'"er) !nd eminent )chol!r) h!ve t!%en p!rt for )o m!n" d!")# But !) .
h!ve been c!lled !) ! repre)ent!tive of ! p!rticul!r communit" to 'hich thi) Bill !pplie)5 .
mu)t )!" )omethin& 'hich )hould repre)ent the feelin&) of m" communit" )o f!r !) thi)
p!rticul!r code i) concerned#
. do not !&ree 'ith m" le!rned friend ;rof# Sh!h 'hen he )!id th!t he '!nt) to )pe!% onl"
!) !n .ndi!n# . 'ould h!ve &l!dl" repe!ted the )!me phr!)e5 h!d thi) code !pplied to ever"
citiJen of .ndi! but !) it )t!nd) it !pplie) to cert!in communitie) onl"# Therefore . feel !nd
believe th!t . h!ve ! ri&ht !nd ! dut" to )pe!% on beh!lf of m" communit"#
Thou&h . h!ve the !dv!nt!&e of h!vin& he!rd )o m!n )chol!r) !t the )!me time . feel .
h!ve cert!in di)!dv!nt!&e) !) 'ell bec!u)e mo)t of the thin&) h!ve been )!id !nd if . repe!t
them the" 'ould loo% )t!le# . h!ve5 therefore5 decided to confine m")elf to cert!in point) onl"
'hich p!rticul!rl" concern m" communit" !nd on 'hich . feel th!t . h!ve to e(pre)) m"
At the out)et . mi&ht m!%e it cle!r th!t . do not '!nt )ociet" to )t!&n!te# . !m not one of
tho)e 'ho 'ould )!" th!t )oci!l l!') )hould rem!in !) the" !re5 . 'ould li%e to ch!n&e them
!) time) ch!n&e# . !m not )o orthodo( !) to )!" th!t 'e h!ve no ri&ht to m!rch 'ith the time)#
Nor !m . of the opinion th!t thi) Hou)e i) not competent to en!ct thi) le&i)l!tion on !ccount
of it) bein& elected indirectl" or on !ccount of l!c% of ! )peci!l m!nd!te !) re&!rd) thi) Bill
or on !ccount of !n" other re!)on5 . feel th!t thi) Hou)e i) competent to en!ct !n" le&i)l!tion
!nd hence thi) Bill !l)o i) 'ithin it) competence# .n )pite of !ll thi)5 . feel th!t . c!nnot lend
m" 'holehe!rted )upport to thi) me!)ure !) it )t!nd)#
.f the ori&in!l )cheme h!d been !dhered to !) )u&&e)ted b" the $!u Committee5 perh!p)
cert!in portion) of thi) Code mi&ht h!ve been p!))ed 'ithout oppo)ition# There mu)t be
un!nimit" on cert!in br!nche) of thi) Code# But . 'ill confine m")elf to cert!in point) onl"
!nd therefore . do not '!nt to touch on !ll !)pect) of the &ener!l principle) of the le&i)l!tion#
The ;re!mble )!") th!t the Bill i) intended to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the
Hindu l!' !) no' in force# But 'hen . loo% into the Bill5 . find th!t there i) nothin& of Hindu
l!' th!t i) bein& codified here# ivorce i) bein& t!%en from the Chri)ti!n countrie) !nd the
l!' of inherit!nce from 2u)lim l!'# To me it i) r!ther ! mi)nomer to c!ll it ! codific!tion of
Hindu l!'#
Dr. Mono Mohon Das (7e)t Ben&!l 4 :ener!l)4 There !re )o m!n" c!)te) !nd tribe) in
the countr" !mon& 'hom the divorce cu)tom i) prev!lent # Are the" not Hindu)8 oe) the
hon# 2ember '!nt to &et rid of them8
Sardar Hukam Singh : .f "ou 'ill permit me5 . 'ill come to th!t 9ue)tion l!ter# . hope
"ou 'ill h!ve the p!tience to he!r me#
A) . )!id . 'ill confine m")elf onl" to cert!in point) )o f!r !) m" communit" i)
concerned !nd 'ill not &o be"ond them# .n the ;re!mble5 it i) )!id5 th!t the Bill i) intended to
!mend !nd codif" the Hindu l!' !nd . repe!t th!t . do not find th!t in thi) Code# .f !) 'e
'ere told b" the 2over !t the out)et th!t 9, percent of the people h!ve divorce5 . h!ve no
obAection !nd let them rem!in !) the" !re# <ou mi&ht c!ll th!t Hindu l!' but not thi) )")tem
"ou !re introducin& in thi) Code#
.n cl!u)e E5 it i) )!id th!t thi) Bill !pplie) to Si%h) !) 'ell# .t 'ould h!ve been ! m!tter of
&r!tific!tion or even of much pride to u)5 if Si%h) h!d been included !mon& Hindu) for the
conferment of cert!in ri&ht)# But 'h!t . find here i) th!t !) )oon !) the embr!ce i) e(tended
in cl!u)e E ! )evere blo' i) de!lt to !ll cu)tom) !nd u)!&e) b" cl!u)e 4# All cu)tom i) &one
!nd u)!&e) elimin!ted# . mu)t )ubmit here th!t 6 cu)tom 6 in cl!u)e D h!) been defined !) 6
h!vin& been continuou)l" !nd uniforml" ob)erved 6 !nd th!t it mu)t be 6 cert!in !nd not
unre!)on!ble nor oppo)ed to public polic" 6# 7h" )hould )uch ! )!cred rule of conduct be
tre!ted 'ith )uch contempt th!t it )hould be ruled over once for !ll8 . h!ve &r!ve obAection to
th!t# 2" obAection i) p!rticul!rl" b!)ed on thi) f!ct th!t m" ;rovince5 n!mel" the ;unA!b5 i) !
;rovince 'here cu)tom i) the fir)t rule of l!'# .n !ll m!tter) li%e divorce5 m!rri!&e5
)ucce))ion5 inherit!nce5 'ill) etc# cu)tom i) the fir)t rule !) i) l!id do'n in the ;unA!b 3!')
Act# The" h!ve tho)e cu)tom) 'hich the" ob)erve from ! lon& time !nd ever"bod" in the
vill!&e under)t!nd) 'h!t th!t rule i) 'hich he i) to ob)erve# There h!ve been Audici!l
pronouncement) on the)e cu)tom) !nd the" !re ordin!ril" under)tood b" ever" vill!&er#
There i) no di)pute !bout th!t5 Therefore5 . feel th!t thi) ch!n&e 'ould brin& !bout ! fre)h
phr!)eolo&" !nd 'ould cre!te complic!tion) for )imple pe!)!nt) 'ho h!ve !ll !lon&
under)tood their l!') 'ell#
2" )econd obAection i) !bout m!rri!&e# . mi&ht m!%e one ob)erv!tion here# .t mi&ht be
)!id th!t the Si%h) h!ve !ll !lon& been &overned b" Hindu l!' up to no'# But 'h!t . obAect
to i) the ch!n&e th!t i) bein& brou&ht !bout# . h!ve no obAection !b)olutel" if the Hindu 3!'
'ere to continue !) it i)# But !) the ch!n&e) !re bein& brou&ht from out)ide5 . feel the Si%h)
mu)t h!ve ! &riev!nce !nd feel th!t either cu)tom) )hould be !llo'ed to rem!in !) the" !re or
the" )hould not nece))!ril" be bound to revolve round the 'heel !) it &oe) on# . '!) referrin&
to the m!rri!&e 9ue)tion# 0f cour)e . feel th!t in Hindu l!' or in Hindu culture the 'ife h!)
)o lon& been !dvi)ed to mer&e her)elf into the 'ill of the hu)b!nd# She h!) been !n
embodiment of )!crifice# Th!t h!) been her nobilit" !nd &re!tne))# .f no' our fem!le) feel
th!t the" h!ve been )ubAu&!ted for )o lon& ! time5 th!t the" h!ve )uffered !nd th!t the" !re
not prep!red no' to continue to )uffer5 . 'ould cert!inl" !dvi)e m" brother) to t!%e up the
)ubordin!te po)ition# But . feel th!t thi) in)i)tence on e9u!lit" in ever" m!tter !nd in home
life 'ould not be conducive to h!ppine)) or pe!ce in the f!mil"#
Then !&!in m" compl!int i) th!t onl" t'o %ind) of m!rri!&e) h!ve been reco&ni)ed in thi)
Bill# 0ne i) the )!cr!ment!l form !nd the other i) the civil form# . mu)t inform the Hou)e5
thou&h . believe5 mo)t of the 2ember) 'ould be %no'in& it !lre!d"5 th!t the Si%h) h!ve
!nother form of m!rri!&e 'hich the" h!ve ob)erved for the l!)t one hundred "e!r)# Th!t i)
c!lled An!nd m!rri!&e ceremon"# Th!t i) ! )imple form# The couple !re brou&ht before the
:um :r!nth S!heb5 the" t!%e ! vo' !nd &o four time) round the :r!nth S!heb5 then offer
pr!"er !nd then the m!rri!&e i) complete# No'5 it i) not civil m!rri!&e bec!u)e it h!) not to
be re&i)tered !n"'here# .t i) not )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e bec!u)e the sapinda rel!tion)hip or the
re)triction) of prohibited rel!tion)hip de&ree) !re not !dhered to )trictl"# Therefore 'h!t . !m
!fr!id of i) th!t thi) form of m!rri!&e th!t 'e h!ve been ob)ervin& for )o lon& 'ould not be !
v!lid m!rri!&e# oubt) !ro)e in the be&innin& of thi) centur" !nd then ! p!rticul!r Act h!d to
be p!))ed in 19,9Gthe An!nd 2!rri!&e =!lid!tin& ActG'hen it '!) en!cted th!t !ll
m!rri!&e) )olemni)ed !ccordin& to thi) form 'ere v!lid# But no'5 !) . re!d it5 . !m doubtful
'hether thi) m!rri!&e 'ill be reco&ni)ed under the Hindu Code# Therefore5 . feel th!t the
Si%h) 'ould feel much concerned over thi) !nd 'ould h!ve &r!ve !pprehen)ion) over thi)
m!tter p!rticul!rl"# . '!nt to brin& it to the p!rticul!r notice of the 2over th!t5 left to
them)elve)5 the" !re not prep!red to fore&o thi) form of m!rri!&e !nd he )hould t!%e
p!rticul!r note of thi)#
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad ( 7e)t Ben&!l 2u)lim) 4 Such ! m!rri!&e 'ould be inv!lid
under thi) Bill#
Sardar Hukam Singh4 . !l)o feel th!t it 'ould be inv!lid under thi) Bill !nd th!t i) 'h"
. !m )ubmittin& the po)ition before the Hou)e !nd before the 2over p!rticul!rl"#
Then . h!ve to )ubmit one ob)erv!tion !bout divorce# .t h!) been )!id th!t divorce i)
!lre!d" there !mon& ! l!r&e percent!&e of the popul!tion# .t m!" be# 2" !ppe!l i) thi)# .f it i)
there let it &o on# o not re)trict it 'ith cert!in condition) th!t 'ould m!%e it more
e(pen)ive# An ordin!r" m!n 'ould feel th!t thi) ch!n&e i) not for the better but for the
'or)e# .f the" h!ve !n e!)" mode of di))olution of m!rri!&e no' !nd !re here!fter bein&
compelled to re)ort to )ome more complic!ted !nd more e(pen)ive method5 cert!inl" the"
'ould not 'elcome it# .t i) !r&ued th!t there !re evil) creepin&# The bill i) ! permi))ive one#
Th!t there i) no compul)ion for !n"bod"5 but 'e h!ve to be on our &u!rd 'hether the remed"
propo)ed i) not 'or)e th!n the m!l!d" it)elf# There !re evil) no doubt to ! cert!in e(tent# But
if 'e loo)en the bond)5 ! )m!ll percent!&e of the popul!tion 'ould be h!pp" to bre!% !ll tie)
!nd )ecure relief from their )elf?cre!ted mi)erie)# But 'h!t !bout the l!r&e minorit"8 7ould
"ou not be openin& ! tr!p for them5 !nd ! tempt!tion to m!%e mi)t!%e)5 !nd h!ve ! tri!l of
their future !) the" 'ill re!li)e th!t there i) ! '!" out to end it8
Then . come to m" )econd m!in point !nd th!t i) !bout !doption# Adoption in m"
province5 th!t i) the ;unA!b5 i) ! peculi!r in)titution# .t i) c!lled the cu)tom!r" !ppointment of
!n heir# .t h!) nothin& to do 'ith reli&ion# .t i) ! )imple decl!r!tion for pr!ctic!l purpo)e)5
'here the o'ner of ! l!nd nomin!te) ! per)on 'ho i) to be hi) !))i)t!nt for cultiv!tion durin&
hi) lifetime !nd !n heir to hi) f!rm !fter hi) de!th# A) . h!ve )!id5 it h!) nothin& to do 'ith
reli&ion# There i) no re)triction !) to !&e or !) to rel!tion)hip# <ou !re no' propo)in& in thi)
Code th!t ! d!u&hterB) )on or ! )i)terB) )on m!" be !dopted but . mu)t conve" to "ou th!t
!lre!d" in the cu)tom!r" !ppointment of !n heir d!u&hterB) )on) !re mo)t ordin!ril"
!ppointed5 )i)terB) )on) !l)o !re !ppointed# There !re !b)olutel" no re)triction)# A "oun& m!n
c!n !dopt ! m!n of hi) f!therQ) !&e5 ! m!n 'ith m!n" )on) mi&ht be !ppointed !) !n heir#
Th!t mi&ht loo% )tr!n&e to )ome people here but . tell "ou th!t it i) ! f!ct# A m!rried m!n5 !
m!n 'ith children mi&ht be !ppointed !n heir# Th!t i) ! mo)t )ecul!r in)titutionC it h!) &ot
nothin& to do 'ith reli&ion# Ho' !re "ou &oin& to provide for )uch !n in)titution8 Are "ou
&oin& to thro' it out8 Surel" th!t h!) the )!nctit" !nd )en)!tion of !&e)5 it i) )o popul!r in our
p!rt of the countr" th!t it c!nnot be thro'n !'!" li%e th!t# ;eople 'ould not )ubmit to it )o
e!)il" !nd )o f!r !) thi) p!rt of the l!' i) concerned5 it 'ould be ! de!d letter if it i) pre))ed
!nd forced on our people there#
Then there i) the 9ue)tion of )ucce))ion# . !&ree 'ith m" friend) th!t our fem!le)5 )i)ter)
!nd d!u&hter)5 )hould h!ve ! )h!re in the propert"5 but . cut it )hort b" )!"in& th!t . !&ree
'ith m" le!rned friend r# B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd 'hen he enunci!ted )ome time !&o th!t the"
)hould h!ve ! )h!re in the f!ther?in l!'B) propert" !nd not in the f!therB) propert" !fter
m!rri!&e# . h!ve p!rticul!r re!)on) for th!t bec!u)e !) . h!ve )t!ted the circum)t!nce) of m"
province !re ver" peculi!r# The ;unA!b i) ! province of )m!ll pe!)!nt)C )m!ll f!rm) of three
or four !cre) !re the ordin!r" holdin&)# Such ! per)on c!nnot be e(pected to h!ve more th!n
t'o bulloc%) 'hich he mi&ht h!ve )ecured !fter r!i)in& )ome lo!n5 one hal !nd one pan#ali
!nd one gadda !l)o to t!%e m!nure to the field or to brin& fodder from the field) to hi) hou)e#
The Code 'ould not !ppl" to !&ricultur!l l!nd5 but 'h!t !bout the mov!ble8 7h!t !bout hi)
bulloc%)8 T!%e the )imple c!)e of ! f!mil" 'ith one )on !nd one d!u&hter# The f!ther die)5
the)e mov!ble) !re to be divided !mon& the)e t'o# ("n $onourabl! M!mb!r ) <hy notD. .
donBt )!" th!t 5 . )!" it mu)t be divided# 0rdin!ril" the" 'ould h!ve ! co' !) 'ell !nd . thin%
the 2over 'ould h!ve to &ive u) the mode of dividin& th!t co'5 hal !nd pan#ali. The )on?in
l!' 'ho come) from ! di)t!nce5 of )!" fift" mile)5 i) intere)ted in th!t p!rt of the countr"C
here he c!nnot live 'ith thi) brother?in?l!' bec!u)e the four !cre) holdin& c!nnot provide
him 'ith !n"thin&# Hi) intere)t i) el)e'here !nd therefore he mu)t divide the propert" !nd &o
!'!"# The )i)ter 'ould dem!nd her )h!reC )urel" )he 'ill t!%e !'!" one bulloc%5 one h!lf of
the c!rt5 one h!lf of the pan#ali !nd 'ould &o !'!" never to come b!c%5 th!n%in& the fr!mer)
of thi) Code5 !nd of cour)e not to be 'elcomed !&!in K ("n $onourabl! M!mb!r) The
brotherB) o'n brother?in?l!' 'ill th!n% him K)#Th!t i) ! ver" e!)" 9ue)tion th!t i) put5 but it
i) not re!li)ed th!t 'hen there !re more th!n one?t'o5 three or fourGbrother) in the 1!)t
;unA!b5 the" Aoin the !rm"5 the" !re !dventurer)5 the" h!ve &one to the f!rthe)t comer) of the
'orld to Ar&entine5 Br!Jil !nd South Americ!# The" brin& mone" from there !nd bu" more
l!nd)5 the" live to&ether 'ith ! common %itchen#
Sir# m" )ubmi))ion i) th!t thi) provi)ion 'ould cre!te difficultie)# . !&ree 'ith m"
le!rned friend r# B!%)hi Te% Ch!nd th!t )o lon& !) the d!u&hter i) unm!rried )he mu)t h!ve
! )h!re in her f!therB) propert"5 but !) )oon !) )he i) m!rried )he mu)t be tr!n)ferred to her
f!ther?in?l!'B)5 there to h!ve !n e9u!l )h!re 'ith ri&ht of p!rtition !nd ever"thin& el)e# . !m
not !&!in)t &ivin& ! )h!re to the fem!le)G . mi&ht not be mi)under)tood in th!t re)pect#
. !m !fr!id th!t our educ!ted &irl) h!ve much lei)ure# An ordin!r" &irl5 'hen )he &et)
educ!ted5 doe) not !b)orb her)elf in the hou)ehold dutie)5 therefore )he h!) not enou&h 'or%
to %eep her bu)" in the hou)e#
A"t this stag!, Mr. D!puty Sp!ak!r (Shri M. "nanthasayanam "yyangar. r!sum!d th!
The St!te )hould provide occup!tion for their lei)ure hour)5 &ive them u)eful !nd
con)tructive 'or% to do# 3e&i)l!tion li%e thi) !nd divorce) 'ould not root out the evil) th!t
"ou '!nt to er!dic!te# Before de)tro"in& the Aoint f!mil"5 the St!te mu)t provide for old?!&e
m!inten!nce5 illne)) !llo'!nce !nd )ever!l other thin&)# .f the piou) dut" i) &one ! mere
ch!r&e on propert" 'ould not do# The effect) of thi) le&i)l!tion5 )o f!r !) . c!n thin% out5 'ill
be further fr!&ment!tion5 love !nd )"mp!th"5 elimin!ted divorce !nd p!rtition court) in l!r&er
number)5 fem!le inf!nticide promoted5 !nd c!re !nd !ttention of children ne&lected#
Shri V. I. Muniswamy Pillay ros!
Shri B. Das (0ri))!4 :ener!l)4 Sir5 !re 'e continuin& till 7 0Bcloc%##
2r# Deputy Speaker: . h!ve no obAection to )it till 7 oBcloc%# 7h!t i) the &ener!l )en)e
of the Hou)e8
Some Honourable Members4 No# no#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 'e c!n )it !) lon& !) there i) !
Some Honourable Members: No5 no#
Mr. Deputy Speaker 4 . h!ve he!rd )ufficientl"# 0ne voice c!nnot multipl" it)elf into
m!n"# Ho' lon& i) the hon# 2ember li%el" to t!%e8
Shri V. I. Muniswamy Pillay (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 About fifteen minute)#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi: Sir5 the ide! i) to &ive opportunitie) to !) m!n"
2ember) !) 'ould '!nt to )pe!%# .t i) r!ther )urpri)in& th!t people donBt '!nt to )pe!%# .
)u&&e)t th!t 'e )it !) lon& !) people !re re!d" to )pe!% !nd 'e !re here to he!r !nd 'hen
there i) no 9uorum 'e 'ill !utom!tic!ll" )top#
Shrimati Purnima Banerji (/# ;# :ener!l)4 The !r&ument for'!rded b" hon# 2ember)
i) th!t m!n" member) '!nt to )pe!% on )uch !n import!nt me!)ure !) the Hindu Code# 7hen
there !re )o m!n" of u) 'ho !re 'illin& to )!" 'h!t 'e '!nt to )!" !nd c!n be
!ccommod!ted 'h!t i) the obAection to )ittin& till )even8
2r# Deputy Speaker : I entirel" !&ree# .f m!Aorit" of the member) !re 'illin& to )it !nd
)pe!% . h!ve no obAection#
Some Honour!ble 2ember)4 <e)5 'e !re 'illin&#
2r# eput" Spe!%er4 =er" 7ell# 3et 2r# 2uni)h'!m" ;ill!" fini)h# 7e 'ill )ee#
Shri =#.# 2uni)'!m" ;ill!" 4 Comin& !) . do from ! communit" th!t '!) !t the out)ide
of the Hindu Societ" for centurie)5 . 'elcome thi) me!)ure of reli&iou) !nd )oci!l reform#
7e5 'ho form one?)i(th of the popul!tion of .ndi!5 'elcomed the !dvent of 2!h!tm!
:!ndhi 'ho revolutioni)ed the Hindu )ociet" )o th!t not onl" C!)te Hindu) but !ll )ection)
of the Hindu) could h!ve !n e9u!l pl!ce# Some of the friend) 'ho preceded me )!id th!t
reli&ion '!) in d!n&er# . do not %no' 'herefrom !nd in 'h!t from their obAection )prin&)#
Thi) countr" i) proud of m!n" "vatars3ord Buddh!5 S!n%!r!5 $!m!nuA!G !nd &re!t )oci!l
reformer) li%e $!m 2oh!n $o" !nd in the pre)ent centur"5 the &re!t 2!h!tm! :!ndhi 'ho
found th!t untouch!bilit" '!) e!tin& into the ver" vit!l) of our n!tion !nd him)elf )ho'ed the
'!" for inter?c!)te m!rri!&e# All the)e reform) )ho' th!t 'e !re in line 'ith the pre)ent !&e#
7henever !n" )oci!l reform c!me up before the le&i)l!ture)5 ob)truction) 'ere pl!ced in the
'!"5 )o th!t reform) m!" not come !bout# Comin& from 2!dr!)# . m!" inform thi) Hou)e
'h!t %ind of trouble 'e h!d 'hen the Temple 1ntr" )cheme '!) before the 2!dr!)
3e&i)l!ture# 1ven in the m!tter of remov!l of )oci!l di)!bilitie) of untouch!ble)5 the
2ini)ter) h!d to find them)elve) in the mid)t of people 'ho thre' chill" po'der in their
f!ce# Such i) the )t!te of !ff!ir) 'hen 'e brin& )oci!l reform in thi) countr"# The &re!t
S!n%!r! 'ho brou&ht "dvaitism to our l!nd5 'hen he '!) !)%ed b" hi) :uru 6 7ho !re "ou8
6 he )!id4
The)e 'ere the 'ord) uttered b" the &re!t S!n%!r!# He never differenti!ted m!n from
m!n5 'om!n from 'om!n# He thou&ht ever" one '!) e9u!l# . do not under)t!nd 'h" there
)hould be )o much oppo)ition to thi) Bill# .n the South the &re!t philo)opher# Thiruv!lluv!r
h!) &iven to the 'orld tenet) !) to ho' ! m!n !nd 'om!n )hould moveC 'h!t !re the
condition) under 'hich the" )hould live# The" !re pe!rl)# . do not under)t!nd 'h" there
)hould be obAection to the 'om!n &ettin& e9u!l )h!re in !ll !menitie) th!t !re &iven b" :od
to the hum!n bein&)#
Some of the member) 'ho preceded me )!id th!t the time i) not opportune# Thi) me!)ure
h!) been before the countr" ever )ince the re)olution of the Centr!l A))embl" '!) !dopted
on E,th >!nu!r" 1944# Thi) Hindu Code h!) re!ched the noo% !nd comer of .ndi! !nd not
onl" educ!ted men but the m!))e) in &ener!l h!ve under)tood the theme of thi) le&i)l!tion# .
do not %no' 'hether )uch member)5 !) told the Hou)e th!t it i) not competent to de!l 'ith
thi) Bill5 !re t!l%in& 'ith ! )en)e of their re)pon)ibilit" to the countr"# . do not %no' 'hether
member) of thi) A))embl" 'ho h!ve the proud privile&e to produce ! Con)titution for thirt"
crore) of people5 'hich h!) been 'elcomed not onl" in .ndi! but in forei&n countrie)5 !re not
competent to de!l 'ith thi) Bill for the uplift of 'omen in thi) countr" #7e h!ve cle!rl" l!id
do'n in the *und!ment!l $i&ht of the Con)titution th!t the St!te )h!ll not di)crimin!te on
&round) onl" of 6 reli&ion5 c!)te5 )e(####6# 7e h!ve &ot !&!in Article 1+ (D) 'hich )!") th!t 6
Nothin& in thi) Article )h!ll prevent the St!te from m!%in& !n" )peci!l provi)ion for 'omen
!nd children#6 A&!in in Article 4F5 it i) )t!ted4 6 The St!te )h!ll promote 'ith )peci!l c!re the
educ!tion!l !nd economic intere)t) of the 'e!%er )ection) of the people ######6 do not 'omen
come under thi) c!te&or" 5 !nd ou&ht the" not to be protected8 After !ll5 thi) le&i)l!tion i) !
permi))ible one !nd ou&ht to be 'elcomed b" ever"bod"#
.f "ou )tud" the rule) re&!rdin& m!rri!&e5 inherit!nce5 !doption !nd !ll the)e thin&) of
Hindu) in the different province)5 "ou 'ill find th!t the" !re not the )!me# The" differ in
m!n" pl!ce)# .n the Con)titution 'e h!ve )!id th!t 'e mu)t evolve ! common Civil Code#
Thi) le&i)l!tion i)5 in m" opinion5 the forerunner before 'e come to th!t )t!&e# . come from !
di)trict 'here there !re ! lot of hill tribe)# Their m!rri!&e ceremonie)5 l!') of inherit!nce etc#
differ )ub)t!nti!ll" from tho)e of Hindu)5 !lthou&h the" profe)) to be Hindu)# Amon& the
picture)9ue oda !bori&in!l communit"5 there i) pol"&!m" !nd due to thi) )oci!l evil the
communit" i) d'indlin&# The ceremoni!l) of the other trib!l communit" of Badagas !l)o
differ from tho)e of Hindu)5 !lthou&h the" profe)) to be Hindu)# The cu)tom !mon& them i)
th!t 'hen ! m!n '!nt) to m!rr" ! &irl5 he h!) to p!" do'r"G 'h!t the" c!ll hiraipanam.
After th!t5 if the 'om!n '!nt) to &o !'!" from the hu)b!nd !nd if !nother m!n 'ere to5 p!"
the )!me do'r" i# e#5 hiraipanam, the 'om!n i) free to choo)e !nother m!n#
.n ! l!nd 'hich h!) produced &re!t )!int) !nd )!&e) !re 'e to continue the)e thin&)8
7hether it i) the trib!l) or hill tribe) the" !ll h!ve to be protected !ccordin& to the Ne'
Sir5 in 2!dr!) province5 !) h!) !lre!d" been ob)erved b" )ome of m" hon# friend)5
pol"&!m" h!) been )t!tutoril" !boli)hed# No'5 unle)) 'e codif" the l!' for the 'hole
countr"5 it i) open to ! m!n to le!ve 2!dr!)5 &et m!rried in )ome other province !nd return to
2!dr!)# /nle)) there i) ! uniformit" in re&!rd to the l!' obt!inin& in !ll the province)5 it i)
not po))ible for the 2!dr!) province !lone to h!ve thi) l!' enforced#
The other c!rdin!l point) of the Hindu Code Bill 'hich i) no' before the Hou)e !re the
ch!pter) rel!tin& to m!rri!&e !nd divorce# .t h!) !lre!d" been pointed out ho' e))enti!l it i)
to h!ve both civil !nd )!cr!ment!l m!rri!&e# Accordin& to thi)5 the Scheduled C!)te) find
th!t the yogam mu)t be performed !nd the ordin!r" thali tied# Then onl" doe) the m!rri!&e
become true# 1ven no' !fter the Civil 2!rri!&e Act) h!ve come into force5 . find people
t!%in& to thi)# . c!n find no re!)on 'h" the )!me method c!nnot be !dopted throu&hout !nd
for !ll Hindu)5 orthodo( or other'i)e#
Cl!u)e DD(f) m!%e) reference to 6!dulter" 6# . 'i)h th!t the 'ord 6 !dulter" 6 h!d not
been u)ed !t !ll in the Code5 for5 !) '!) pointed out b" S'!mi =ive%!n!nd!5 )o lon& !) there
live three 'omen in our l!nd the ch!)tit" of .ndi! 'ill be upheld# . do not thin% Sir# th!t
!dulter" i) l!r&el" prev!lent in !n" )ection of the Hindu )ociet"# There m!"5 of cour)e5 be
r!re c!)e)# But there i) no re!)on 'h" th!t )hould nece))it!te ! )t!tutor" provi)ion#
.n )ub?cl!u)e (E) of cl!u)e 9 !nd cl!u)e 1F5 . find pen!ltie) in re&!rd to people bre!%in&
the l!'# The !mount )pecified i) too hi&h5 p!rticul!rl" for the poorer )ection of the people# .
feel th!t it mu)t be ! ver" nomin!l !mount# .n the m!tter of Audici!l )ep!r!tion it i) !ll ri&ht in
the c!)e of people 'ho h!ve &ot mone" !nd c!n !fford to &o to the court) to &et ! di))olution#
But 'h!t !bout the vill!&e) in 'hich .ndi! !bound)# Commun!l p!nch!"!t) con)i)tin& of
member) cho)en b" ! fe' people 'ill decide the m!tter5 . do not thin% thi) procedure i)
correct# . thin% )ome formul! mu)t be evolved 'hich 'ill le!d to the con)titution of
repre)ent!tive p!nch!"!t) 'hich 'ill decide c!)e) of di))olution#
Ne(t . come to the 9ue)tion of stridhana, th!t i) 'h!t i) &iven to the 'omen either b" her
f!ther or b" her brother)# 7h!t i) to h!ppen
if it i) not properl" u)ed b" the hu)b!nd# . feel Sir5 th!t )ome cl!u)e mu)t be in)erted )o
th!t the stridhana m!" !l'!") rem!in the propert" of the 'om!n#
Cl!u)e 7E 'hich de!l) 'ith !doption )!")4 6 No !doption 'hich h!) been v!lidl" m!de
c!n be c!ncelled b" the !doptive f!ther or mother or !n" other per)on5 nor c!n the !dopted
)on renounce hi) )t!tu) !) )uch !nd return to the f!mil" of hi) birth# 6 . thin%# Sir5 if the )on
or !n"bod" 'ho i) !dopted 'ere to mi)beh!ve !nd )9u!nder the mone" of the f!mil"5 there
mu)t be ! )!vin& cl!u)e 'hereb" )uch ! thin& could be prevented#
Section 9D de!l) 'ith the do'r" to be held in tru)t for 'ife !nd )!") th!t it )h!ll come
into force !fter the commencement of thi) Code# . feel# Sir5 th!t )ection mu)t !ppl" to !ll
c!)e) e(i)tin& before the commencement of the Code#
Sir5 . 'ould fin!ll" point out th!t brin&in& thi) Hindu Code into force 'ill &re!tl" relieve
!ll tho)e 'omen 'ho !re under the h!r)h tre!tment of men# 2!n" people h!ve been )!"in&
th!t the 'omen !re enAo"in& e9u!l privile&e) !nd f!cilitie)# But in re!lit" it i) not )o# .n ! fe'
c!)e) it m!" be )o# But !bout 9, percent of the 'omen !re )till )ufferin& from m!n" )oci!l
h!rd)hip)# 0ut of the four yugas, Krita, r!ta, Dvapara !nd Kali, 'e !re no' in the fourth
yugam, iron !&e !nd !re )tron& to brin& in reform)# 7e mu)t )ee th!t the 'omen enAo" !)
m!n" f!cilitie) !) men# .t i) )!id th!t the h!nd th!t roc% the cr!dle )h!ll 'in the 'orld# Before
the" &r!)p forcibl" the)e f!cilitie) let u) &ive them pe!cefull"# .5 therefore5 )upport the Hindu
Code Bill th!t h!) been brou&ht b" thi) :overnment !nd 'hen it h!) come into fruition .
mi&ht )!" th!t m" hon# friend r# Ambed%!r 'ho h!) t!%en )o much of trouble 'ould h!ve
!dded ! further fe!ther to hi) h!t#
Shri O. V. Alagesan ( 2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 Sir5 "e)terd!" r# Ambed%!r )!id th!t he '!)
ver" &l!d th!t it h!d f!llen to hi) lot to pilot thi) Bill# Sir5 hi) n!me i) )ure to &o do'n in
hi)tor" !) the !ble mid'ife th!t !))i)ted !t the birth of the Con)titution of free .ndi!# Sir5 he i)
!mbitiou)# He '!nt) to !dd ! further fe!ther to hi) c!p !nd he i) Au)tified# Hi) !mbition i) to
)uper)ede the !ncient ri)hi)5 2!nu5 <!An!v!l%"! !nd ! ho)t of other !ncient l!' &iver)#
0ne of the previou) )pe!%er)G . thin% it i) 2r# ;!t!)%!rGm!de ! reference to Section 44
of the Ne' Con)titution 'hich rel!te) to ! uniform civil code for the 'hole countr"# He
ple!ded !nd !)%ed4 6 7h" not 'ithdr!' thi) Hindu Code !nd h!ve ! Civil Code8 .t m!"
)ound li%e ple!din& for po)tponin& the d!" of mi)chief# But 'h" doe) not :overnment come
out 'ith ! )t!tement of polic" on thi) 9ue)tion8 .) thi) ! fir)t )tep in th!t direction8 7ould
the" brin& in more me!)ure) to put into effect Article 44 of the Con)titution follo'in& thi)8 .
do not '!nt to emb!rr!)) the :overnment5 but !ll the )!me . 'ould !ppreci!te ! cle!r
)t!tement of polic" from the :overnment#
Sir5 the other d!" it deli&hted ever"oneB) he!rt to he!r the hon# 2r# S!nth!n!m ple!din&
for mono&!m"# He ch!llen&ed !n"bod" to r!i)e hi) little fin&er !&!in)t thi) in)titution# S!int
T"!&!r!A! !dmir!bl" )ummed up $!m!B) ch!r!cter in hi) o'n inimit!ble m!nner in the)e
Ika mata, oka banam, oka pathni Th!t i) 0ne 'ord5 one !rro' !nd one 'ife# 7e !re !ll
&l!d th!t th!t ide!l h!) been pl!ced before u)# Sir5 . !)%5 i) it &ood onl" for the Hindu)8 7ill
the :overnment brin& for'!rd ! Bill common to !ll !nd m!%e mono&!m" !pplic!ble to !ll
citiJen) of .ndi! 8 . )!" thi) not to emb!rr!)) :overnment# . 'ould li%e to repe!t# 7hen it i)
put in thi) m!nner5 "ou 'ill h!ve to put the problem in it) proper be!rin&# <ou 'ill remember
th!t there i) ! communit" in .ndi! 'hich 'ill obAect to it on &round) of reli&ion !nd "ou 'ill
!l)o remember the unh!pp" h!ppenin&) th!t follo'ed the p!rtition in thi) countr"# <ou 'ill
be )!"in& th!t it 'ill be !n interference 'ith reli&ion5 th!t it 'ill be !&!in)t the )ecul!r n!ture
of the St!te# No' the ;rime 2ini)ter h!) decl!red th!t our St!te i) &oin& to be ! )ecul!r one#
7e )hould educ!te the people on the )ecul!r n!ture of the St!te# There !re m!n" thin&) th!t
!re h!ppenin& on the other )ide of the border 'hich !re )ure to h!ve their re!ction) on thi)
)ide# Th!t St!te i) b!)ed )h!mef!cedl" on ! theocr!tic b!)i) !nd the" propo)e to c!rr" the full
implic!tion) of th!t polic" !nd )uch ! polic" on the other )ide c!nnot f!il to h!ve it) re!ction)
on thi) )ide# So5 people be&in to entert!in mi)&ivin&) !bout the )ecul!r n!ture of our St!te#
The" under)t!nd it in thi) li&ht !nd there i) &ood re!)on for th!t5 th!t )ecul!ri)m me!n)
meddlin& 'ith ever"thin& Hindu5 !nd fi&htin& )h" of !n" other &roup# Th!t i) the '!" in
'hich the &ener!l m!)) of the people in thi) countr" re!ct to me!)ure) li%e thi)#
So in the intere)t) of the )ecul!r St!te th!t 'e '!nt to e)t!bli)h in thi) countr"5 'e )hould
tr" to c!rr" the people !l)o 'ith u)# .t i) no &ood :overnment !lone )!"in& th!t 'e !re !
)ecul!r St!te5 !nd if th!t i) not properl" under)tood5 properl" !ppreci!ted b" the &ener!l m!))
of the people in the countr"5 then the St!te c!nnot lon& continue to be )ecul!r# 7e 'ill be
lo)in& the ide!l th!t 'e '!nt to re!li)e in thi) countr" !nd 'e 'ill be po)tponin& the d!" of
)uch re!li)!tion# Th!t i) 'h"# Sir5 . )!" th!t people !re !t pre)ent not in ! proper mood# The"
!re )ullen# The" !re in ! pi9ueC Au)t !) ! child 'hich i) in ! pi9ue refu)e) to e!t even the
)'eete)t thin&5 people !re not in ! mood to !ppreci!te thi) reform# 1ven thou&h it m!"
cont!in )ome &ood p!rt)# So the be)t thin& 'ould be not to pre)) do'n the thro!t) of the
people !n"thin& 'hich the" do not '!nt# r# Ambed%!r l!)t time 9uoted Bur%e# He )truc% !
&loom" note !nd &!ve u) ! '!rnin& Au)t !) he did !t the conclu)ion of hi) )peech durin& the
third re!din& of the Con)titution He )!id4
6 An"bod" 'ho '!nt) to con)erve )hould be prep!red to rep!ir#6 .t i) ver" &ood# Sir5 'e
)hould be prep!red to rep!ir5 but doe) thi) Bill repre)ent mere rep!ir8 . )hould )!" it pull)
do'n the hou)e in 'hich 'e h!ve been livin&# .t '!nt) to pl!n ! ne' )tructure# .t '!nt) to
m!%e )tructur!l !lter!tion)# .t i) not mere c!rr"in& out rep!ir) here !nd there# .t i) ! )tructur!l
rep!ir# . )hould )!" th!t it i) ! ne' )tructure th!t it '!nt) to put in the pl!ce of the old one#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar4 All rep!ir i) )tructur!l rep!ir#
Shri O.V. Alagesan: . h!ve no obAection to c!rr" out even )tructur!l rep!ir)5 but before
c!rr"in& out )uch )tructur!l rep!ir)5 thi) Hou)e it)elf )hould under&o ! )tructur!l rep!ir# Th!t
i) 'h!t . '!nt to )!"# B" )!"in& thi)5 . do not minimi)e even b" !n iot! the repre)ent!tive !nd
)overei&n ch!r!cter of thi) Hou)e# Sir5 'hen 'e put throu&h other le&i)l!tionG;rof# Sh!h
'!) l!bourin& thi) pointG nobod" i) )urpri)ed# .t i) ! routine m!tter5 but thi) i) tre!ted on !
different b!)i)# Thi) i) vie'ed 'ith )u)picion5 'ith !n&er# Th!t i) the re!)on 'h" . )!" 'e
)hould di)crimin!te5 !nd !llo' the Hou)e th!t 'ill h!ve been )tructur!ll" rep!ired to c!rr"
out thi) reform 'ith &re!ter confidence !nd 'ith ! de&ree of )ucce)) 'hich c!n be !tt!ined b"
Sir5 !nother point i) the !tmo)phere in 'hich thi) Bill i) )ou&ht to be pu)hed throu&h# Sir5
there '!) ! &re!t one in thi) countr" 'ho led our thou&ht !nd !ction# 1ven thou&h 'e 'ere
)l!ve) he t!u&ht u) to thin% !nd !ct li%e free men !nd 'e follo'ed him# Th!t '!) the tr!dition
th!t he e)t!bli)hed# 3on& before thi) countr" '!) technic!ll" free5 he u)hered in !n
!tmo)phere of free thin%in& !nd !ction# But unfortun!tel"5 he i) no more 'ith u) to &uide u)5
but hi) e(!mple i) there for u) to follo'# 1ven on ! m!tter li%e the !bolition of
untouch!bilit"5 temple entr" !nd )uch !llied m!tter)5 he !dvi)ed th!t 'e )hould not
!ccompli)h tho)e 'orth" obAective) b" me!n) of le&i)l!tion# He per)u!ded !nd pre!ched to
the people the nece))it" for )uch me!)ure)# He even impo)ed )ufferin& on him)elf# Th!t i)
ho' he brou&ht !bout thi) mi&ht" reform !nd it h!) become !n e)t!bli)hed f!ct tod!"# .t i)
th!t '!" th!t 'e )hould follo' !nd not force do'n reform) upon the thro!t) of un'illin&
Shri V. I. Muniswamy Pillay: .t i) for "ou to educ!te them#
Shri 0. V. .Alagesan : 7e )hould &o !bout the countr" !nd educ!te the people# The
&ener!l election) !re comin& ver" )horitl" !nd th!t 'ill be the be)t time for it#
Shrimati G. Durgabai (2!dr!)4 :ener!l) 4 Th!t i) the 'hole fe!r#
Shri 0. V. Alagesan 4 Th!t 'ill be ! 'onderful opportunit" to educ!te the people on the
v!riou) provi)ion) cont!ined in thi) Bill# There i) much force in 'h!t the Con&re)) ;re)ident
)!id "e)terd!"# The 3!bour :overnment in Brit!in5 ho' doe) it function8 .t h!) po)tponed !
ver" import!nt me!)ure5 ! Bill for 'hich the" too% the permi))ion of the elector!te# .t h!d the
)!nction of the elector!te but !fter t!%in& note of the )itu!tion in the countr"5 the" h!ve
po)tponed it till !fter the &ener!l election# The" !re &oin& to t!%e the verdict of the people
!fre)h !nd then pu)h throu&h the me!)ure# 7hen )uch i) the c!)e in re&!rd to ! m!tter on
'hich the permi))ion5 the )!nction of the elector!te h!d been obt!ined5 then . )hould thin% it
i) much more nece))!r" in thi) c!)e 'here 'e did not &ive even !n in%lin& of our ide!) to the
elector!te# Sir5 'e h!ve )een the )pect!cle of thi) Bill bein& deb!ted for t'o d!") in ever"
)e))ion# .t i) li%e the promi)e for rene'in& the &old b!n&le) for the ne(t deep!v!li# Th!t i)
ho' 'e h!ve been &oin& on !nd it i) &ood th!t 'e &o on li%e thi)5 bec!u)e5 'ho %no') even
the )i)ter) 'ho h!ve &iven their enthu)i!)tic )upport to thi) Bill m!" ch!n&e their mind)
tomorro' !nd the" m!" tr" to improve it on their o'n line)# After !ll one doe) not rem!in
)t!tic !nd more )o 'om!n#
Shrimati G. Durgabai : There !re !l)o )ome men 'ho ch!n&e their opinion)#
Shri O.V. Alagesan4 The &re!t poet =!lmi%i 'ho i) the Adi%!vi of our countr" )!id thi)#
The reference i) onl" to the &ener!l ch!r!cteri)tic) of 'omen# Thi) doe) not !ppl" to !n"bod"
in p!rticul!r# =!lmi%i )!id 4
Sathahvadhanam lolathram Th!t i) 47omen h!n&e !) li&htin&# Th!t i) 'h!t he )!id#
Simil!rl" the" c!n ch!n&e their mind) !nd tr" to improve# . )hould li%e to !)% "ou !nd the
Hou)e 'hether the" h!ve not &!ined b" '!itin& )o f!r# The" h!ve &!ined bec!u)e in the $!u
Committee recommend!tion)5 the d!u&hter) h!d onl" h!lf ! )h!re !nd no' !ccordin& to r#
Ambed%!rB) Bill5 d!u&hter) 'ill be &ettin& e9u!l )h!re) 'ith the )on)#
A&!in Sir5 if the" '!it5 the" m!" &et more# !u&hter) m!" &et t'o time)# Al)o 'e h!ve
he!rd on the fir)t d!" the hon# 2r# A @# 2enon# The other d!" in ! different pl!ce 'e he!rd
2r# Th!nu ;ill!i#5 The" !re ver" !n(iou) !bout thi) !nd the" feel th!t the" !re bein& pu)hed
b!c% in)te!d of bein& pu)hed for'!rd# 7hile the re)t of .ndi! i) pu)hed for'!rd5 the
2!l!b!rie) ver" )tron&l" feel th!t the" !re bein& pu)hed b!c%'!rd under thi) Bill# Sir5 the"
m!" convince other) !nd the 'hole l!nd m!" come under 2!rum!%%!tt!"!m5 thou&h the
m!tri!rch!l )")tem i) di)!ppe!rin& el)e'here# 0ur friend) from 2!l!b!r m!" be !ble to
convince the other hon# 2ember) of thi) Hou)e !nd then the 'hole thin& m!" be
2!rum!%%!tt!"!m !nd th!t 'ill be ! bri&hter pro)pect# The" 'ill not lo)e !n"thin& b"
'!itin& bec!u)e the" h!ve &ot per)u!)ive po'er)C the" c!n per)u!de5 the" c!n )educe5 the"
c!n m!n!&e !ll the)e thin&)#
Mr# Deputy Speaker: The hon# 2ember need not u)e th!t e(pre))ion#
Shri 0. V. Alagesan : . !m )orr"# #1 'ithdr!' the 'ord# 7e 'itne))ed the 'onderful
)pect!cle in thi) Hou)e5 Sir5 of ! )peech 'hich be&!n !) ! 'onderful )!tire !nd ended in !
)orro'ful )ermon# 0verni&ht the )!tire '!) converted into ! )ermon# So 'hen 'e )ee thi)5
nothin& i) impo))ible# .t c!n be improved even !ccordin& to the prot!&oni)t) of thi) Bill in !
ver" r!dic!l '!" !nd the" m!" h!ve ! better Bill if the" '!it !nd then the" c!n h!ve the
)!ti)f!ction of h!vin& t!%en the permi))ion of the countr" !l)o for th!t#
Sir5 . )hould li%e to put !nother point of vie'# 7h!t i) the !ppro!ch th!t thi) Bill m!%e)
to'!rd) the problem8 The !ppro!ch i) th!t ine9u!lit" e(i)t) in the Hindu )ociet" bet'een
m!n !nd 'om!n# . )hould ver" re)pectfull" )ubmit th!t thi) conception of ine9u!lit" bet'een
m!n !nd 'om!n i) ! biblic!l conception# The Hindu conception i) th!t of "rdhanar!!swara,
th!t i) of m!n !nd 'om!n bein& e9u!l# Th!t i) our conception# Sir5 th!t i) the b!)ic Hindu
conception# . do not )!" th!t it h!) been entirel" tr!n)l!ted into pr!ctice !nd . do not m!%e
th!t cl!im5 but th!t i) the b!)ic conception of Hindui)m# The conception i) not one of
ine9u!lit"5 but it i) one of di))imil!rit"# .f m!n repre)ent) )tren&th 'om!n repre)ent)
endur!nceC if m!n repre)ent) intellect 'om!n repre)ent) enli&htenmentC if m!n repre)ent)
&r!mm!r5 'om!n repre)ent) poetr"# The &re!t poet @!lid!)! h!) de)cribed ;!rv!ti !nd
;!r!me)h'!r! !) 'ord !nd me!nin& !nd th!t i) the b!)ic !ppro!ch# <ou do ! b!)ic 'ron&
'hen "ou !ppro!ch thi) 9ue)tion from the point of ine9u!lit" bet'een m!n !nd 'om!n#
A&!in Sir5 . )hould li%e to point out th!t the pre)ent !tmo)phere i) not ! free !tmo)phere
bec!u)e 'e h!ve never e(!mined our in)titution) !) !n independent n!tion5 e)peci!ll" on thi)
)ubAect# .t i) not <!&n!v!l%"! or 2!nu th!t i) )o much current !) the Briti)h court) !nd 'e
h!ve never h!d on opportunit" to e(!mine our .ndi!n in)titution) 'ith ! di)p!))ion!te !nd !n
unbi!)ed open mind# Al'!") the bi!) of 'e)tern ide!) !nd 'e)tern notion) h!d been there#
Thou&h our politic!l )l!ver" h!ve been removed5 )till the )pell of 'e)tern civiliJ!tion !nd
ide!) continue)# So5 it i) better if )ome time el!p)e) !nd 'e m!" be !ble to vie' !nd e(!mine
both the &ood !nd b!d point) in our in)titution) in !n independent '!"5 in ! fre)h '!" !nd
th!t 'ill &ive u) !n opportunit" to mend thi) Bill !nd even improve#
Sir5 !nother re!)on behind thi) Bill i) ! )en)e of inAu)tice done b" m!n to 'om!n# . do not
'!nt to repe!t !ll the thin&) th!t h!ve been )!id before5 both in humour !nd )eriou)ne))5 but#
Sir5 . c!n cl!im th!t there h!) been no inAu)tice done to 'om!n b" m!n# . )hould li%e to )!"
th!t it i) onl" ! ment!l !berr!tion of hi&h )trun& n!ture) due to un!tt!ched circum)t!nce)
'hich en!ble one to do !n"thin& e(cept le!d ! norm!l life# Th!t i) ho' . 'ould put it# .n thi)
l!nd nothin& h!) been done b" m!n to 'ron& 'om!n# . )hould li%e to e(!mine )ome of the
!r&ument) put for'!rd b" the other )ide# Sir5 . find ! &ro'in& pr!ctice !mon& the occup!nt)
of the Tre!)ur" Benche)#
7hen ! bill i) &ener!ll" deb!ted5 the" )!" )ome people h!ve oppo)ed !nd other) h!ve
)upported !nd hence thi) Bill repre)ent) the l!r&e)t common me!)ure of !&reement# Th!t i) !
ver" e!)" '!" of di)po)in&G !nd . do not thin% the le!rned 2ini)ter in ch!r&e of thi) Bill
'ill do it !nd . h!ve no doubt !bout it# .t i) not the l!r&e)t common me!)ure5 but the le!)t
common me!)ure5 . 'ould )!"#
Then5 Sir5 it i) )!id th!t oppo)ition to thi) bill i) b!)ed on preAudice !nd )entiment !nd not
on re!)on# . )hould li%e to point out th!t )upport i) !l)o b!)ed on the )!me blindne))5 on the
)!me preAudice !nd on the )!me unre!)on# .t i) not !) if )upport i) enli&htened !nd onl"
oppo)ition i) i&nor!nt#
A&!in5 Sir5 it i) )!id in )upport of thi) me!)ure th!t thi) i) onl" !n en!blin& !nd
permi))ive me!)ure# .t '!) )!id in !nother pl!ce th!t the orthodo( c!n &o on in the old '!"
'ithout interference !nd the reformer) !l)o m!" &o their o'n '!" or it permit) )uch of tho)e
'ho '!nt to t!%e !dv!nt!&e of the provi)ion) of the Bill to tre!d their p!th !nd le!ve other)
entirel" free to pur)ue their o'n p!th# . thin% r# Ambed%!r )!id it# Sir5 thi) i) li%e en!ctin& !
&ener!l l!' of licence !nd )!"in& th!t )uch of tho)e 'ho '!nt to t!%e !dv!nt!&e of it c!n do
)o# The ple! th!t it i) onl" ! permi))ive !nd ! en!blin& me!)ure5 in m" opinion c!nnot hold
'!ter# Then it i) )!id th!t there h!) been oppo)ition in the p!)t to Bill) of )imil!r n!ture li%e
the S!rd! Act# Thi) )t!nd) on !n entirel" different footin&# There i) difference bet'een th!t
Act !nd thi) Bill#
r# Te% Ch!nd '!) )!"in& th!t thi) Bill h!) been before the countr" for ! ver" lon& time
!nd )o 'e need not '!it !n" more# .t i) true th!t the Bill h!) been before the countr" for !
number of "e!r)# But then the Con&re)) '!) not in office !nd )o nobod" too% it )eriou)l"# A)
)oon !) the Con&re)) c!me into office !nd r# Ambed%!r piloted thi) Bill !) ! 2ini)ter of the
Con&re)) ;!rt"5 then ever"bod" too% it )eriou)l"5 !nd the" no' %no' th!t it 'ill be put into
force5 !nd th!t i) 'h"5 . )!"5 the people )hould be &iven !n opportunit" to e(!mine thi) Bill#
There i) difference bet'een the po)ition th!t it occupied )o f!r !nd the po)ition th!t it
occupie) no'#
Sir5 .t i) !l)o )!id th!t m!n" 'omen 'ho !re oppo)ed to thi) Bill5 do )o under the influence
of their men?fol%# Thi)5 . thin%5 i) !n unfounded ch!r&e# 2!" . !)% 'hether the 'omen 'ho
)upport thi) Bill !re di)ple!)ed 'ith their hu)b!nd) 8 0r5 m!" . !)% 'hether the m!n 'ho
)upport) thi) Bill do )o under the influence of their 'omenfol% 8 .t i) no u)e puttin& forth
)uch frivolou) !r&ument)#
Shri B. Das: There i) nobod" here to !n)'er the)e 9ue)tion)#
Shrmiati G. Durgabai4 C!n "ou )!" th!t the" !re ple!)ed 'ith their hu)b!nd) 'hen the"
m!rr" !&!in !nd !&!in 8
Shri O. V# Alagesan: . !m comin& to th!t 2!d!m5 ple!)e h!ve ! little p!tience#
Shrimati G. Durgabai: ;le!)e !n)'er th!t 9ue)tion fir)t#
Shri O. V# Alagesan 4 <e)5 . 'ill5 in m" o'n time !nd in m" o'n '!"#
Pandit Govind Malaviya : 2!" . %no' till 'h!t time 'e intend )ittin& 8
Some Honourable Members : Si( oBcloc%#
Some Honourable Members: Seven oBcloc%#
Mr. Deputy Speaker : . !m findin& the Hou)e &ettin& thinner5 !nd thinner5 !nd 'hen it
i) 9uite thin . 'ill &et up#
SAt# Rohini Kumar Chaudhari: 3et u) ri)e for te!5 no' Sir#
2r# Deputy Speaker4 No5 the hon# 2ember 'ill fini)h )oon#
Shri 0. V. Alagesan : Sir5 the Au)tific!tion for ! me!)ure of thi) %ind c!n be t'o?fold#
There )hould be ! con)ciou) dem!nd from the public for )uch ! me!)ureC or ! fe' people5
'ho h!ve )et their he!rt) upon ! me!)ure of reform5 m!" thin% th!t it i) &ood for the entire
communit"5 'hile the communit" m!" not be con)ciou) of the &oodne)) of it# Then it i) the
dut" of tho)e5 'ho thin% th!t )uch ! me!)ure of reform i) benefici!l to the 'hole communit"5
to &o !nd educ!te the people !bout the )oundne)) of their )t!nd# . onl" ple!d th!t the people
'ho brin& for'!rd thi) me!)ure !nd 'ho believe th!t thi) i) ! me!)ure benefici!l to Hindu
)ociet"5 th!t the" )hould &o !nd educ!te the people# . do not '!nt !n"thin& more from the
prot!&oni)t) of thi) Bill#
Shrimati G. Durgabai: The" h!ve done it#
Shri 0. V. Alagesan: 2" )i)ter here )!") th!t the" h!ve done it !lre!d"5 but . )hould li%e
to point out th!t the cl!im m!de b" the)e reformer friend)5 thi) micro)copic minorit"5 th!t
m!" )pe!% on beh!lf of the m!Aorit" of the Hindu)5 i) the t!lle)t cl!im ever m!de# The"
)hould h!ve p!tience5 !nd !) . h!ve pointed out e!rlier5 the" )hould educ!te the people !bout
the &oodne)) of thi) Bill5 !nd not ru)h it throu&h to h!ve )ome )!ti)f!ction#
Another import!nt thin& . 'i)h to point out i) thi)# .f thi) Bill i) ru)hed !nd p!))ed into !n
Act5 then portion) of it 'ill rem!in ! de!d letter Au)t !) the 7ido' $em!rri!&e Act h!)
rem!ined ! de!d letter thou&h en!cted ! centur" !&o# So if "ou do not '!nt it to rem!in !
de!d letter5 but th!t it )hould be t!%en !dv!nt!&e of b" the member) of the communit" then it
i) better to '!it !nd educ!te the people#
No' . 'ould li%e to p!)) on to ! fe' of the import!nt ob)erv!tion) m!de b" r#
Ambed%!r# Thi) Bill )eem) to be ! 3!' of 1(ception)# r# Ambed%!r )!id th!t the
cop!rcen!r" )")tem !llo') ten c!te&orie) of propert" to rem!in out)ide the purvie' of the
cop!rcen!r"# The" form priv!te propert"# So he )!")5 bec!u)e it h!) &r!nted )o m!n"
e(ception)5 let it5 once !nd for !ll5 &o# Th!t i) one of the point) th!t he h!) m!de# And then he
)!")5 'om!n h!) !b)olute ri&ht to Stridhana !nd )o let it be )o for !ll propert"# And !l)o th!t
thi) cop!rcen!r" )")tem h!) the )eed) of di)ruption in it)elf5 !nd )o let the Aoint f!mil" &o# .
'ould !)% himC he h!) Au)t no' p!))ed the Con)titution !nd the v!riou) provi)ion) in the
Con)titution5 !) "ou %no'5 !re riddled 'ith provi)o) !nd e(ception)# *or th!t re!)on5 !re 'e
to m!%e the e(ception) into the m!in !rticle)8 7hen "ou loo% into the ple!din&)5 it loo%) !) if
one h!) to m!%e the e(ception) into the m!in l!'#
Then !&!in# Sir5 thi) Bill !bout 'hich m" )i)ter) !re )o en!moured############ Shrimati G.
Durgabai: Brother) !l)o#
Shri O. V. Alagesan: Thi) Bill doe) not in m" opinion de)erve it# 2ono&!m" h!) been
pr!i)ed b" one !nd !ll# .t i) not )uch ! ne' in)titution# 7omen h!ve been h!vin& mono&!m"
in thi) l!nd# but 'ere there divorce) provided8 A) )oon !) men !re brou&ht5 'ithin thi) l!' of
mono&!m" there i) dem!nd for provi)ion for divorce# A) lon& !) 'om!n '!) under
mono&!m"5 there '!) no provi)ion for divorce5 but no' the" )!" divorce i) the n!tur!l
coroll!r" of mono&!m"# 7h" !re m" )i)ter) )o ver" enthu)i!)tic !bout it 8 7h!t i) the
me!nin& of it8 .f divorce i) the n!tur!l coroll!r" of mono&!m"5 ho' i) it th!t thi) n!tur!l
coroll!r" did not come into e(i)tence )o f!r8
2r# Deputy Speaker: Ho' lon& further 'ill the hon# 2ember &o on8
Shri 0. V. Alagesan4 0nl" ten more minute)5 but . )h!ll tr" to cut )hort# So . )!" it i) not
! ver" ple!)!nt thin& to be &iven the ri&ht to divorce# . do not '!nt to re!d out e(tr!ct)5 but
m!n" 'omen h!ve pointed out th!t thi) divorce 'ould 'or% &re!ter h!voc for 'omen th!n
for men#
Shri A. Thanu Pillai : .) the hon# 2ember !dvoc!tin& mono&!m" 'ithout divorce8
Shri O. V. Alagesan : . '!nt mono&!m" 'ithout provi)ion for divorce# Sir5 'h!t thi) bill
&ive) 'ith one h!nd it t!%e) !'!" b" the other#
r# Ambed%!r5 in Au)tif"in& the provi)ion for divorce5 h!) enumer!ted the difficultie) th!t the
'omen 'ho !re de)erted b" their hu)b!nd) no'!d!") !re m!de to under&o# All the)e
difficultie) the divorced 'omen 'ill h!ve to under&o# The pro)pect for the divorced 'om!n
i) !) ble!% !) the pro)pect i) tod!" for the de)erted 'om!n# .t i) e!)ier for the divorced m!n
to m!rr" !&!in !nd it 'ill not be !) e!)" for the divorced 'om!n#
Dr. P. Subbarayan ( 2!dr!)4 :ener!l)4 So "ou '!nt ! double )t!nd!rd#
Shri 0. V. Alagesan 4 . '!nt m" )i)ter) to m!%e note of it !nd be'!re of the pit to 'hich
it le!d) them#
1ven on other &round) . 'ould ver" )eriou)l" obAect to the provi)ion of divorce# 7h!t i) the
e(perience of other countrie)8 Thi) h!) been touched on b" other )pe!%er) !nd . do not '!nt
to enl!r&e on it# $ecentl" 'e 'ere told th!t the number of divorced c!)e) in ;!ri) !lone
incre!)ed from F,, to 1E,,5 'hich i) onl" 1,, percent incre!)e#
An Honourable Member 4 There i) no ;!ri) in .ndi! #
Shri 0. V. Alagesan: . !m &l!d there i) no ;!ri) in .ndi! Au)t no' but . !m !fr!id the Bill
trie) to u)her in ;!ri) in .ndi!#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi 4 B!rod! i) there !nd 2!l!b!r i) there#
Shri 0. V. Alagesan : .n one of the mo)t !dv!nced countrie) in the 'orld5 Soviet $u))i!5
the f!mil" !) !n in)titution i) bre!%in& up# Soviet $u))i! i) h!rd put to re)u)cit!tin& the
f!mil" !) !n in)titution5 h!vin& !llo'ed e!)" divorce# The" no' '!nt to inculc!te the
)!credne)) of the f!mil" !) !n in)titution !nd infu)e communi)t mor!lit" into their citiJen)#
The" !re tr"in& h!rd to )!ve thi) in)titution 'hich the" h!ve lo)t b" li&htl" introducin&
divorce in their l!nd# 0ne h!d onl" to 'rite ! po)tc!rd to the $e&i)tr!r )!"in& th!t he i)
divorcin& hi) 'ife !nd he h!d hi) divorce# . under)t!nd th!t the" h!ve no' m!de their
divorce l!') more difficult# There i) !n e(!mple before u)#
Shri L. Krishnaswami Bharathi : 7h!t !bout 2!l!b!r8 7h" &o to $u))i! !nd ;!ri)8
Shri 0. V. Alagesan : There the" h!ve tried thi) method !nd found it d!n&erou)# 7h" put
our)elve) in the )!me )itu!tion !nd !&!in tr" to remove it 8 0ur .ndi!n home) tod!" !re poor5
)teeped in i&nor!nce !nd ill?he!lth5 but it c!nnot be )!id th!t our home) !re bro%en one)# .n
other countrie) the" m!" be rich5 he!lth" !nd ver" enli&htened but one i) )orr" to note th!t
m!n" of the home) in other countrie) !re bro%en one) !nd th!t i) entirel" due to the licen)e
&iven in their divorce provi)ion)# Th!t i) m" opinion#
Such !n eminent per)on li%e r# Te% Ch!nd )!id th!t the Aoint Hindu f!mil" )hould be
%ept !nd 'ife be m!de ! cop!rcener in the f!mil"# . )hould li%e to )!" th!t the re!l economic
independence of 'omen 'ould come not b" &ivin& ! )h!re to the d!u&hter5 to 'hich . h!ve
no obAection5 but b" &ivin& her !n e9u!l )h!re in the hu)b!ndB) propert"# Th!t i) ho' )he 'ill
!tt!in her economic independence# .t i) not b" t!%in& ! )h!re from the f!therB) propert"# After
!ll the d!u&hter i) ! tru)t to be &iven !'!" to the )on?in?l!'# The f!ther %eep) the &irl !) !
tru)t !nd it i) therefore better !nd more proper th!t )he i) m!de ! Aoint o'ner or e9u!l )h!rer
in the hu)b!ndB) propert" r!ther th!n m!de to cl!im ! )h!re in the f!therB) propert"# She m!"
cl!im ! )h!re in the f!therB) propert" if )he rem!in) unm!rried#
. do not '!nt to dil!te further but . )hould li%e to end on thi) note# The chief m!n 'ho
conceived the Code (thou&h ! &entlem!n found it difficult to conceive "e)terd!") '!) 2r# B#
N# $!u !nd 'e m!" be )ure th!t he i) ver" !n(iou) !bout thi) Bill# He 'ould '!nt to )ee !ll
hi) propo)!l)5 thou&h in ! modified form to be put into effect !) e!rl" !) po))ible !nd .
)hould li%e to re!d hi) opinion5 'hich h!) !l)o been the opinion of the Hindu 3!'
Shrimati G. Durgabai : There '!) ! )elect committee to con)ider tho)e propo)!l)C not
he !lone#
Shri O. V# Alagesan : The Hindu 3!' Committee h!) )t!ted !) follo')4
6 The !im )hould be !) f!r !) po))ible to !rrive !t !&reed )olution) !nd to !void
!n"thin& li%el" to !rou)e !crimoniou) controver)"# Thi) need not me!n !n" re!l )lo'in&
do'n of the p!ce of reform5 for true reform proceed) b" per)u!)ion r!ther th!n coercion# 6
Sir5 . h!ve done#
h! "ss!mbly th!n ad#ourn!d till a 3uart!r to -l!v!n of th! &lo'k on hursday, th! 4?th
D!'!mb!r, 4676.
H.N/ C01G'ontd.
2r# Speaker 4 The motion th!t the Hou)e '!) con)iderin& '!)4 6 Th!t the Bill to !mend
!nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 !) reported b" the Select Committee5 be t!%en
into con)ider!tion#6
The Honourable Shri 1awaharlal Nehru (;rime 2ini)ter) 4 Sir . cr!ve "our le!ve !nd
the indul&ence of the Hou)e to m!%e ! )t!tement in re&!rd to the Hindu code Bill !nd . tru)t
th!t the St!tement . m!%e 'ill meet the !pprov!l of the Hou)e#
7hen !t the commencement of thi) Se))ion5 . referred in the cour)e of m" rem!r%) to the
Hindu Code Bill5 . )!id th!t :overnment !tt!ched ! &re!t de!l of import!nce to thi) me!)ure
!nd the" hoped th!t thi) con)ider!tion )t!&e 'ould be p!))ed durin& thi) )e))ion# At the )!me
time :overnment 'ere ver" 'ell !'!re th!t there '!) ! v!riet" of opinion on thi) )ubAect !nd
! l!r&e number of people 'ere intere)ted in the provi)ion) of thi) Bill# And5 therefore# . h!d
)u&&e)ted then th!t 'e propo)e to follo' ! cour)e 'hich 'e hoped 'ould le!d to ! bro!d
b!)ed !&reement in re&!rd to ! number of controver)i!l cl!u)e) in the Bill# . )hould li%e no'
to !mplif" th!t )t!tement !nd to m!%e cle!r the polic" of :overnment in re&!rd to thi) m!tter#
7e h!ve h!d f!irl" prolon&ed deb!te on thi) Bill5 not onl" in thi) )e))ion but in previou)
)e))ion)# 7e h!d )et !)ide t'o d!") on thi) occ!)ion !nd !) the Hou)e %no')5 tho)e d!")
h!ve been prolon&ed on t'o occ!)ion)# :overnment h!d no de)ire !nd h!ve no de)ire to
re)trict deb!te on !n import!nt me!)ure of thi) %ind !nd in )pite of the f!ct th!t 'e h!ve been
ver" h!rd pre))ed for timeG!nd 'e h!ve ver" import!nt le&i)l!tive me!)ure) !'!itin&
di)po)!l durin& thi) )e))ionG'e e(tended the deb!te on t'o occ!)ion) !nd indeed to d!"
'!) !l)o fi(ed for it#
7hile 'e h!ve no )uch de)ire to re)trict thi) deb!te5 n!tur!ll" :overnment i) h!rd put to
it to find more !nd more time5 )till 'e !re prep!red to find more time bec!u)e of the
import!nce of the me!)ure !nd the de)ire of )ome 2ember) of the Hou)e# But there '!)
!nother !)pect to thi) 9ue)tion !nd th!t '!) thi)C th!t if 'e !re &oin& to con)ider thi) m!tter
in ! )pirit of tr"in& to find !n !&reement !) f!r !) po))ible5 in re&!rd to controver)i!l cl!u)e)5
if5 !) . )!id 'e !re &oin& to proceed on the line) . indic!ted ri&ht !t the commencement5 then
it i) de)ir!ble for u) !t thi) )t!&e to c!rr" on thi) deb!te !nd perh!p) produce !n !tmo)phere5
or help in producin& !n !tmo)phere5 'hich doe) not le!d e!)il" to th!t %ind of )ettlement8
Th!t '!) !n import!nt con)ider!tion 'hich :overnment h!d in mind# $i&ht !t the
commencement5 !) . h!ve reminder the Hou)e5 'e h!d th!t in vie'# .t '!) no intention of the
&overnment to proceed 'ith thi) merel" b" virtue of ! m!Aorit" !nd complete !ccept!nce of
ever" cl!u)e of thi) Bill !lthou&h there mi&ht be con)ider!ble v!riet" of opinion in re&!rd to
it# The po)ition of :overnment5 )o f!r !) thi) bill i) concerned i) thi)# 7e )t!nd committed to
the bro!d !ppro!ch of the Bill !) ! 'hole# 7e !re prep!red5 ho'ever to con)ider ever" cl!u)e
in ! )pirit of !ccommod!tion# N!tur!ll"5 :overnment h!ve put for'!rd thi) me!)ure !) it i)
bec!u)e the" believe in it# But in )uch m!tter) the" de)ire to h!ve !) l!r&e ! me!)ure of
)upport !) po))ible# No' there i) ! di)tinction bet'een th!t !nd thi) &ener!l con)ider!tion !t
thi) )t!&e 'hich i) &oin& on5 !nd 'hich the" feel h!) been deb!ted 9uite con)ider!bl"5 !nd !
l!r&e number of 2ember) of the Hou)e h!ve p!rticip!ted in thi) deb!te# The" !tt!ch
import!nce to the conclu)ion of th!t )t!&e of the deb!te )o th!t the" m!" t!%e up the ne(t
)t!&e of con)ider!tion5 th!t inform!l con)ider!tion5 !) )oon !) po))ible# No' th!t inform!l
con)ider!tion c!nnot effectivel" t!%e pl!ce in th!t '!" until thi) fir)t )t!&e i) ended#
0ther'i)e 'e rem!in in mid?!ir5 !nd 'e c!nnot &et on to th!t ne(t )t!&e# So our propo)!l
no' i)5 !nd . venture to pl!ce it before the Hou)e5 th!t 'e conclude thi) deb!te5 on thi)
con)ider!tion motion !) e!rl" !) po))ible# . 'ould not mind &overnment &ivin& more time5
even !t the e(pen)e of other le&i)l!tive me!)ure)C but . 'ould )ubmit to the Hou)e th!t if the
&ener!l propo)!l to h!ve thi) inform!l di)cu))ion i) !&ree!ble to the Hou)e5 then it i)
de)ir!ble to &o to th!t )t!&e !nd not to viti!te the !tmo)phere b" !crimoniou) deb!te !n"
more !t thi) )t!&e#
7hen . t!l% !bout inform!l con)ult!tion)5 . )hould li%e to m!%e cle!r 'h!t . me!n# . )!" B
inform!l B5 not th!t . do not con)ider it import!nt5 but bec!u)e . 'i)h to &ive ! me!)ure of
fle(ibilit" to th!t di)cu))ion )o th!t m" hon# colle!&ue the l!' 2ini)ter5 'ho h!) )houldered
the burden of thi) Bill5 !nd 'ho . tru)t 'ill &l!dl" !ccept !nd &ive effect to the propo)!l) th!t
. h!ve m!de5 )o th!t he c!n con)ult not onl" the 2ember) of the Select Committee5 but other
2ember) of thi) Hou)e 'ho !re intere)ted !nd m!" even con)ult other) out)ide thi) Hou)e5
No'5 th!t 'ould be difficult if ! cert!in ri&id procedure '!) !dopted5 !nd !l)o 'hen "ou
!dopt ! form!l !nd ri&id procedure5 it become) ! little more difficult for th!t !ttitude of free
!nd e!)" di)cu))ion5 !nd &ive !nd t!%e 'hich mi&ht prev!il more e!)il" if the procedure 'ere
more fle(ible !nd inform!l# Therefore5 . m!%e thi) propo)!l to the Hou)e !nd . do )ubmit th!t
in thi) m!tter5 h!vin& con)idered !ll the di)cu))ion) !nd deb!te th!t 'e h!ve &one throu&h5
thi) i) ! re!)on!ble propo)!l 'hich )hould meet 'ith the !pprov!l of !ll )ection) of the Hou)e
bec!u)e it i) !n !ttempt5 ! re!l !ttempt on the p!rt of the :overnment to c!rr" )ome thin&
throu&h thi) Hou)e !nd throu&h the countr" 'ith the l!r&e)t me!)ure of )upport# Th!t doe)
not me!n th!t in !n" m!tter over 'hich 'e m!" di)!&ree violentl" 'e &ive up our opinion) or
)urrender to !n"one el)eB) Aud&ement# No one e(pect) !n" 2ember of thi) Hou)e to do th!t if
he believe) in )omethin&# But it i) the e))ence of democr!tic procedure for u) to deb!te !nd
con)ider !nd tr" to convince e!ch other !nd tr" to meet e!ch other) point)5 but )ome thin&)
&ivin& up )ometime )o !) to !rrive !t ! deci)ion 'hich c!n be enforced 'ith the l!r&e)t
me!)ure of con)ent Th!t i) the procedure# . 'ould )ubmit to the Hou)e5 th!t 'e )hould follo'
in thi) import!nt me!)ure !l)o#
. do not 'i)h the hou)e to thin% in the )li&hte)t de&ree th!t 'e con)ider th!t thi) Hindu
Code Bill i) not of import!nce5 bec!u)e 'e do !tt!ch the &re!te)t import!nce to it5 !) . )!id5
not bec!u)e of !n" p!rticul!r cl!u)e or !n"thin&5 but bec!u)e of the b!)ic !ppro!ch to thi)
v!)t problem in thi) countr" 'hich i) intim!tel" !llied to other problem)5 economic !nd
)oci!l# 7e h!ve !chieved politic!l freedom in thi) countr"5 politic!l independence# Th!t i) !
)t!&e in the Aourne" !nd there !re other )t!&e)5 economic5 )oci!l !nd other)5 !nd if )ociet" i)
to !dv!nce5 there mu)t be thi) inte&r!ted !dv!nce on !ll front)# 0ne !dv!nce on one front !nd
bein& %ept b!c% on other front) me!n) functionin& imperfectl"5 !nd !l)o me!n) th!t the fir)t
!dv!nce !l)o i) in d!n&er# Therefore5 'e h!ve to con)ider thi) m!tter in thi) )pirit5 ho' 'e
)hould !dv!nce on !ll front)5 !l'!") %eepin& in vie'5 of cour)e5 th!t the !dv!nce i) co?
ordin!ted !nd meet) 'ith the !pprov!l of the &re!t m!Aorit" of the popul!tion# . )!" thi)
bec!u)e5 !fter !ll5 'e function !) ! democr!tic !))embl" !n)'er!ble to the people of .ndi!5
!nd 'e mu)t c!rr" them 'ith u)# @eepin& th!t in vie' it i) not &ood enou&h for u) !nd for
thi) Hou)e merel" to be led# 7e h!ve to le!d !nd 'e h!ve to &ive the le!d5 !nd in &ivin& th!t
le!d 'e h!ve to c!rr" other) 'ith u)5 !nd 'e propo)e to &ive the le!d in thi) !nd in other
m!tter)5 but !l'!") c!rr"in& other) 'ith u)#
Thi)5 therefore5 i) the procedure th!t . h!ve det!iled5 th!t i) to )!"5 th!t 'e m!" put !n end
to the pre)ent )t!&e of con)ider!tion of thi) motion b" !doptin& it5 !nd then the Hou)e m!"
permit :overnment to t!%e tho)e inform!l )tep) 'hich . h!ve indic!ted in re&!rd to
con)ult!tion !bout the v!riou) p!rt) !nd cl!u)e)# Th!t mi&ht be undert!%en )o th!t 'hen the
m!tter come) up !&!in5 !) . hope5 !t the ne(t )e))ion5 it m!" h!ve the )upport of ! ver" &re!t
m!Aorit" in thi) Hou)e !nd out)ide#
The Honourable Shri Satyanarayan Sinha (2ini)ter of St!te for ;!rli!ment!r"
Aff!ir)) 4 Sir5 . move4
6 Th!t the 9ue)tion be no' put# 6
2r# Naziruddin Ahmad ( 7e)t Ben&!l4 2u)lim) 4 2!" . !)% for ! cl!rific!tion 8
2r# Spe!%er4 . do not thin% 'e need t!%e !n" more time no'5 )peci!ll" in vie' of the
ver" fr!n% )t!tement m!de b" the hon# the 3e!der of the Hou)e Au)t no'# . m!" remind hon#
2ember) th!t thi) )t!&e of the motion h!) been deb!ted for full nine d!") !nd tod!" i) the
tenth d!"# Thirt" three )pe!%er) h!ve t!%en p!rt in it !nd 'e h!ve devoted thirt" hour) !nd
t'ent" ei&ht minute)# . thin% the time devoted i) )ufficient !nd##########
An Honour!ble 2ember4 2!" . %no'#######
2r# Spe!%er 4 . !m not bound to &ive !n" re!)on) 'hen . !ccept ! clo)ure5 but . thin% .
)hould !l)o e(pl!in 'h!t . feel !bout it# . !m convinced from the )t!tement Au)t no' m!de b"
the hon# the ;rime 2ini)ter th!t ever"bod" in)ide the Hou)e !nd out)ide the Hou)e i) &oin&
to h!ve ! full ch!nce of h!vin& ! )!" 'ith re)pect to the v!riou) provi)ion) of the Bill# The
pre)ent )t!&e i) the )t!&e of &ener!l con)ider!tion !nd 'e !re not di)cu))in& !n" p!rticul!r
cl!u)e of !n" p!rticul!r item# .t i) po))ible th!t people m!" differ !bout det!il) !nd "et )o f!r
!) the &ener!lit" of the Bill i) concerned5 there mi&ht be ! &re!t me!)ure of !&reement# .f 'e
'ere to continue our di)cu))ion !t thi) )t!&e5 . !m !fr!id our di)cu))ion i) bound to be ver"
v!&ue5 &ener!l !nd r!mblin&C perh!p) it 'ill con)i)t of repetition) !l)o# The more import!nt
)t!&e5 therefore5 i) the cl!u)e b" cl!u)e con)ider!tion of the Bill !nd before th!t )t!&e come)5
hon# 2ember) 'ill h!ve ever" opportunit" of con)iderin& !ll 9ue)tion) !nd di)cu))in& them
'ith the :overnment !nd !l)o other people out)ide the Hou)e#
Therefore5 . thin% th!t proceedin& 'ith the further con)ider!tion of the Bill 'ill me!n
pr!ctic!ll" ! '!)te of time# . !m therefore inclined to !ccept thi) clo)ure !nd . 'ould then
c!ll the Hon# 2ini)ter of 3!' to )pe!%#
SAt# Rohini Kumar Chaudhari (A))!m4 :ener!l)4 . 'ould li%e to m!%e ! )t!tement#
2r# Speaker 4 7h!t )t!tement i) the hon# 2ember &oin& to m!%e8 .f . permit the hon#
2ember to m!%e ! )t!tement5 ever"bod" 'ill feel entitled to m!%e ! )t!tement# The hon#
2ember 'ill ple!)e re)ume hi) )e!t#
Shri Mahavir T"!&i ( /# ;# 4 :ener!l)4 . '!nt to h!ve !n interpret!tion from "ou# Sir
'hether5 !fter thi) motion i) !dopted !t thi) )t!&e5 'ould it me!n th!t the Hou)e 'ould be
committed to the principle) of !ll the cl!u)e) of the Bill8
2r# Speaker : . 'ill cl!rif" the po)ition# .n f!ct5 'hen the Hou)e !ccepted the motion for
reference to Select Committee5 it !ccepted the principle of the Bill# No'5 in ! Bill of thi)
t"pe5 it i) ver" difficult to decide 'h!t the principle i)5 bec!u)e ever" cl!u)e m!" be m!de
into ! principle# . m!" m!%e the po)ition cle!r# 3oo%in& to the e(tent of the provi)ion) of thi)
BillGit) 'ide e(tentG it i) cle!r th!t the onl" principle !ccepted b" the Hou)e i) th!t it i)
de)ir!ble to codif" the Hindu 3!' !nd ever" provi)ion of the Bill i) open for di)cu))ion5
!lter!tion5 ch!n&e !nd !ll th!t )ort of thin&#
Shri Mahavir Tyagi : Then 'e h!ve no obAection
Sir# Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari: . '!nt to m!%e ! )u&&e)tion to the Hou)e on thi)
motion# Clo)ure m!" be moved !nd !ccepted# . h!ve no obAection to th!t# . do not '!nt !n"
further di)cu))ion on th!t )ubAect# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 in order to cre!te !n !tmo)phere of
compromi)e5 . h!ve m")elf not )po%en in oppo)ition to it# 7h!t . '!nt to )u&&e)t i) th!t thi)
motion m!" not be put to the vote no'# 7e '!nt to convince the oppo)ition out)ide th!t !
pr!ctic!l &!in h!) been m!de b" the !nnouncement of the hon# the prime 2ini)ter#
2r# Speaker : . thin% th!t !fter the )t!tement of the hon# the 3e!der of the Hou)e !)
re&!rd) the procedure !nd 'h!t . h!ve )!id !) re&!rd) 'h!t i) &oin& to be bindin& !nd 'h!t i)
not &oin& to be bindin&5 there rem!in) no doubt !) to the effect of c!rr"in& thi) con)ider!tion
motion# .n f!ct5 it i) not de)ir!ble to %eep th!t point open )o th!t 'hen the con)ider!tion i)
!&!in t!%en up5 there m!" be further di)cu))ion) !nd further inducement) to )peeche)# . 'ill
therefore put the motion to the Hou)e#
Dr. P. S. Deshmukh ( C# ;# !nd Ber!r 4 :ener!l) 4 0n ! point of order# Sir# 7e h!ve !ll
he!rd the e(cellent )u&&e)tion m!de b" the hon# the ;rime 2ini)ter !nd there i) no doubt th!t
the Hou)e i) li%el" to !ccept it# 2" point of order i) th!t the 9ue)tion before the Hou)e i) !
motion for con)ider!tion# The )u&&e)tion no' m!de re!ll" me!n) referrin& the Bill b!c% to
the Select Committee#
Some Honourable Members : No5 no#
Dr. P. S. Deshmukh 4 . put it to "ou# Sir5 th!t thi) i) circumventin& the p!rli!ment!r"
procedure# The onl" procedure ri&thful !nd Au)t5 'ould be to commit the Bill to the Select
Committee5 either the )!me or !n e(p!nded committee# The )u&&e)tion m!de i) !&!in)t
p!rli!ment!r" procedure !nd )hould not be !ccepted# .f the )u&&e)tion i) !ccept!ble to the
Hou)e5 . h!ve not the )li&hte)t obAection5 but the re&ul!r procedure i) to commit the Bill to
the )!me Select Committee or ! Select Committee5 'hich m!" be enl!r&ed#
2r# Speaker : . )ee the force of the Hon# 2emberB) obAection from the procedur!l point
of vie'5 but 'h!t the hon# the 3e!der of the Hou)e h!) done i) not to pl!ce !n" motion for
further con)ider!tion before the Hou)e# He h!) merel" e(pl!ined hi) po)ition# He h!) )t!ted
ho' the :overnment i) &oin& to !ct !nd ho' it 'ill proceed 'ith the con)ider!tion of the
cl!u)e) of the Bill 8 There i) no reference there for further reference to !n" form!l
Committee of thi) Hou)e# .f )uch ! motion 'ere to be m!de5 then of cour)e . 'ould h!ve
been &l!d to !ccept th!t point of order# At pre)ent there i) no )uch motion before the Hou)e5
!nd . thin% it i) not !&!in)t p!rli!ment!r" procedure# 0n the contr!r"5 even if it i) ! little
different from the ordin!r" procedure5 !)5 in m" opinion democr!c" me!n) ! )pirit of
!ccommod!tion !nd &ive !nd t!%e5 'e mu)t evolve ! ne' procedure# . 'ill no' put the
motion to the Hou)e# The 9ue)tion i)4
6 Th!t the 9ue)tion be no' put# 6 h! motion was n!gativ!d.
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar ( 2ini)ter of 3!') 4 Sir5 there !re before the
Hou)e in !ll three motion)# T'o of them !re )pon)ored b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d# 0ne of
them propo)e) ! reference of the Bill to the Select Committee for further con)ider!tion# The
)econd motion propo)e) th!t the Bill be circul!ted for elicitin& further public opinion# .n
!ddition to them there i) m" motion before the Hou)e 'hich propo)e) con)ider!tion of the
report of the Select Committee# . propo)e to )!" ! fe' 'ord) 'ith re&!rd to the motion)
moved b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d# The one thin& th!t . h!ve noticed in the cour)e of the
deb!te 'hich h!) r!n&ed over nine d!")5 i) th!t it h!) h!d no )upport even from the
opponent) of the Bill# At the mo)t5 onl" t'o member) out of the thirt" three5 'ho h!ve t!%en
p!rt in thi) deb!te5 h!ve f!voured hi) propo)ition# The re)t of them h!ve not )upported him !t
!ll# Secondl" it i) 9uite cle!r to tho)e 'ho h!ve follo'ed hi) )peech 'hich '!) for more th!n
)i( hour)5 th!t not'ith)t!ndin& the f!ct th!t he '!) 9ue)tioned from time to time 'hile he
'!) )pe!%in& to &ive u) the re!)on) 'h" thi) Bill )hould !&!in be referred to the Select
Committee or circul!ted to the public5 he h!) in m" Aud&ement not )ucceeded in &ivin& u)
!n" &ood &round for )upportin& hi) motion)# . therefore5 thin% th!t it i) unnece))!r" for me to
'!)te m" time !) 'ell !) the time of the Hou)e in de!lin& 'ith hi) t'o motion)#
No' Sir5 . come to m" o'n motion# A) "ou h!ve )!id5 there h!ve been !lto&ether thirt"
three )pe!%er) 'ho h!ve t!%en p!rt in thi) deb!te# . 'ould li%e to &ive to the Hou)e )ome
ide! of the me!)ure of )upport !nd the me!)ure of oppo)ition e(hibited b" the member) of
the Hou)e to thi) me!)ure# 0ut of the thirt" three member) 'ho h!ve t!%en p!rt in thi)
deb!te5 )omethin& li%e t'ent" three h!ve )po%en in f!vour# 0ut of the)e t'ent" three5 there
'ere onl" t'o 'ho h!ve )!id th!t the" 'ere prep!red to &ive onl" 9u!lified )upport to thi)
Bill# Three rem!ined neutr!lC three 'ere for circul!tion !nd four for the po)tponement of the
con)ider!tion of the Bill# .t i) therefore5 9uite cle!r th!t ! ver" l!r&e m!Aorit" of the 2ember)
of thi) Hou)e !re in f!vour of the BillG!) . )!id5 !) m!n" !) t'ent"three#
SAt# Rohini Kumar Chaudhari : But doe) he %no' th!t thirt"four per)on) 'ho '!nted
to oppo)e the Bill5 'ho)e n!me) 'ere &iven# h!d no opportunit" to )pe!%8
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: . !m onl" m!%in& !n !n!l")i) of the )peeche) of
tho)e 'ho h!ve )po%en# (0nt!rruption..
2r# Speaker: 0rder5 order#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 4 T!%in& the m!tter ! little further !nd
!n!l")in& the )t!nd t!%en b" tho)e 'ho h!ve oppo)ed the me!)ure in order to )ee 'hich p!rt
of the Bill h!) been !tt!c%ed5 . find th!t in thi) Bill 'hich )ee%) to codif" the Hindu 3!'
rel!tin& to ei&ht m!tter)5 there !re five to 'hich there h!) been no oppo)ition 'h!t)oever#
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari : Bec!u)e "ou didnBt !llo' u) to )pe!%# 2r# Speaker:
0rder5 order#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: . hope# Sir m" friend 'ill not interrupt#
2r# Speaker : The Hon# 2ember Au)t no' promi)ed th!t he 'ould not li%e to )poil the
!tmo)phere of ! compromi)e#
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari : He i) not to )pe!% no' th!t '!) the term of the
2r# Speaker: 0rder order5 No runnin& comment!r" no'#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: A) . )!id# Sir5 the Bill )ee%) to modif" !nd
codif" the Hindu 3!' 'ith re&!rd to 2!rri!&e5 Adoption5 :u!rdi!n)hip5 >oint *!mil"
;ropert"5 7omenB) ;ropert"5 .nte)t!te Succe))ion5 Te)t!ment!r" Succe))ion !nd 2!inten!ce#
So f!r !) Adoption i) concerned5 . h!ve )een no oppo)ition to thi) p!rt of the Bill5 nor to the
p!rt rel!tin& to :u!rdi!n)hip##########
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava (1!)t ;unA!b 4 :ener!l) 4 . oppo)ed )ome of the
provi)ion) rel!tin& to !doption !nd !b)ence of provi)ion for !ppointment of heir)#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Nor to 7omenB) ;ropert"5 Te)t!ment!r"
Succe))ion !nd 2!inten!nce# The onl" p!rt) of the Bill to 'hich there h!) been )ome
oppo)ition !re tho)e 'hich rel!te to 2!rri!&e5 >oint *!mil" ;ropert" !nd .nte)t!te
Succe))ion# 1ven 'ith re&!rd to the)e p!rt) of the Bill5 the oppo)ition i) concentr!ted on one
or t'o point)#
SAt# Rohini Kumar Chaudhari4 0n ! point of order# Sir5 <ou "our)elf ruled th!t !ll
the)e m!tter) c!n be di)cu))ed 'hen 'e come to !mendment)#
2r# Speaker : 7ill the hon# 2ember re)ume hi) )e!t 8 . thin% 2ember) h!ve to be
p!tient !nd mu)t not interfere 'hen other 2ember) !re puttin& forth their point) of vie'# The
hon# 2ini)ter mu)t be !llo'ed to &o on uninterrupted5 !nd if hon# 2ember) h!ve to )!"
!n"thin&5 the" 'ill h!ve ! ch!nce l!ter on 'hen the bill come) in for di)cu))ion here#
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari: But5 Sir if "ou donBt !llo' u)############
Mr. Speaker: . do not propo)e to !llo' !n" interference !t !ll#
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari: To e(pl!in the po)ition # # #
2r# Spe!%er 4 Allo'in& to e(pl!in the po)ition i) !&!in to &o on repl"in& !t ever" )entence#
. do not propo)e to !llo' !n"thin& of the %ind# (0nt!rruption.. The hon# 2ember 'ill not no'
interfere !t !ll )o th!t . m!" not be compelled to t!%e ! ver" )eriou) notice of the)e
interruption) or point) of order or )u&&e)tion)# But 'hen . put the motion########
Shri H. =# @!m!th (C# ;# !nd Ber!r 4 :ener!l) 4 id "ou )!"5
Sir5 th!t the Bill 'ould !&!in come up for di)cu))ion8
Mr. Speaker: The cl!u)e) 'ill come up for di)cu))ion#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya (2!dr!) 4 :ener!l) 4 2!" . re)pectfull" m!%e ! )m!ll
)u&&e)tion8 Thi) i) &oin& to be di)cu))ed or notG the 9ue)tion of the con)ider!tion motion
bein& !ccepted# Therefore5 'h!tever )t!tement) !re m!de b" the hon# 2ini)ter in ch!r&e of
the Bill5 the" 'ill &o unch!llen&ed# And )o lon& !) the" &o unch!llen&ed ! vote c!nnot be
correctl" obt!ined# The hon# 2over h!) been !b)ent for ! number of hour) !nd he i) not
po)ted 'ith inform!tion !) to 'h!t h!) been )!id or 'h!t h!) not been )!id# *or in)t!nce he
)!") th!t on the 9ue)tion of B Adoption B there '!) no oppo)ition !nd here i) ! &entlem!n 'ho
ri)e) !nd )!") th!t he did oppo)e tho)e provi)ion)# . 'ould therefore re9ue)t th!t the hon#
2ini)ter 'ill not m!%e hi) repl" controver)i!l#
Mr. Speaker : The point i) !) . h!ve under)tood the hon# 2ini)ter th!t he i) tr"in& merel"
to )umm!ri)e hi) point of vie'#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya: No.
2r# Spe!%er 4 0rder5 0rder# 3et hon# 2ember) not interfere# . believe he is perfectl"
entitled to l!" before the Hou)e hi) point of vie'# .t m!" be correct5 it m!" not be correct#
Therefore5 'hen he i) repl"in&5 hi) repl" h!) to be he!rd for 'h!t it i) 'orth# Hon# 2ember)
)hould not immedi!tel" &et up !nd )!" 6 thi) )t!tement i) 'ron& 6 or 6 th!t )t!tement i)
'ron& 6 bec!u)e 'e 'ill then be driftin& .nto ! controver)"# 3et u) he!r him# And the be)t
method of democr!c" i) to be p!tient 'ith the opponent#
SAt# Rohini Kumar Chaudhari : C!n 'e not repl" to the 'ron& B )t!tement) m!de8
2r# Speaker : No repl" no' bec!u)e the oppo)ition 'ill &et their ch!nce 'hen the cl!u)e
b" cl!u)e re!din& come) in#
Sjt. Rohini Kumar Chaudhari : He 'ill !l)o &et ! ch!nce then#
2r# Speaker: .f the hon# 2ember no' interfere) . !m !fr!id . 'ill h!ve to t!%e ! ver"
)eriou) notice# There )hould be no interruption !t !ll5 no interference !nd no rem!r%)# The
hon# the 3!' 2ini)ter i) entitled to proceed !nd &ive hi) o'n interpret!tion !nd hi) o'n
re!din& of the f!ct) !) he thin%)5 !re correct# 7e m!" not !ll !&ree 'ith it (0nt!rruption..
0rder No replie)5 no !r&ument) no'# . propo)e to !llo' no interruption# The hon# the 3!'
2ini)ter 'ill &o on#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Sir5 !) . '!) )!"in&5 to five p!rt) of the Bill there
i) pr!ctic!ll" no oppo)ition# 7ith re&!rd to the three p!rt) rel!tin& to 2!rri!&e5 >oint *!mil"
;ropert" !nd .nte)t!te Succe))ion5 )o f!r !) . h!ve been !ble to follo' the !ttitude t!%en b"
tho)e 'ho h!ve oppo)ed thi) me!)ure5 . find th!t their oppo)ition i) concentr!ted on cert!in
point) !nd not to the 'hole of tho)e p!rt)# 7ith re&!rd to 2!rri!&e . find the #0ppo)ition i)
concentr!ted on the )ubAect m!tter of ivorce# 7ith re&!rd to >oint *!mil" !&!in5 the
oppo)ition )eem) to be concentr!ted on the rule of )urvivor)hip# And 'ith re&!rd to .nte)t!te
Succe))ion the oppo)ition )eem) to be concentr!ted on the d!u&hterB) )h!re# .f . '!) therefore
re9uired to &ive ! full repl" to the deb!te !nd to the !r&ument) !dv!nced b" tho)e 'ho h!ve
oppo)ed the me!)ure . 'ould h!ve concentr!ted m")elf upon the)e three m!tter)5 n!mel"
ivorce5 the rule of )urvivor)hip !nd the d!u&hterB) )h!re# . mi&ht )!" th!t . h!d thorou&hl"
prep!red m")elf to defend the provi)ion) cont!ined in the)e three p!rt) of the Bill# But in
vie' of the )t!tement m!de b" hon# the ;rime 2ini)ter5 . thin% it i) unnece))!r" to enter into
!n" controver)" no'# . 'elcome the )u&&e)tion m!de b" hon# the ;rime 2ini)ter !nd .
undert!%e to &ive the fulle)t tri!l to the )u&&e)tion th!t he h!) m!de# Con)e9uentl" . do not
propo)e to &ive ! det!iled repl" on the)e m!tter) !t thi) )t!&e# A) "ou# Sir5 h!ve )u&&e)ted .
too 'ould li%e to re)erve m" repl" to ! l!ter )t!&e#
There i) onl" one point 'hich . thin% it i) nece))!r" for me to d'ell upon in order th!t the
Hou)e m!" re!li)e the po)ition in 'hich the countr" find) it)elf# .t 'ill be noticed th!t the
inte&r!tion of .ndi! into one St!te !nd one $epublic h!) brou&ht 'ithin it) territor" ! v!riet"
of Code) de!lin& 'ith Hindu 3!'# There i) the St!te of B!rod! 'hich h!) ! Hindu Code
'hich i) different from the Hindu l!' !) it i) in oper!tion in the province) of .ndi!# Th!t
St!te h!) no' become p!rt !nd p!rcel of the Bomb!" ;rovince# Simil!rl"5 Tr!v!ncore !nd
Cochin 'hich 'ere out)ide the territori!l limit) !nd the )overei&nt" of .ndi! !) 'e %ne'
under the :overnment of .ndi! Act5 19D+5 h!ve become p!rt !nd p!rcel of one .ndi!# 2")ore
'hich h!) !l)o ! Hindu Code of it) o'n in the m!tter of 'omenB) ri&ht to propert"5
con)ider!bl" different from the l!' prev!lent in the ;rovince) of Briti)h .ndi!5 h!) !l)o
become p!rt !nd p!rcel of one .ndi!# Therefore5 on the EFth of >!nu!r"5 19+,5 'hen the
$epublic 'ill be in!u&ur!ted5 'e 'ill be f!ced 'ith ! v!riet" of )")tem) of Hindu 3!' 'hich
'e mu)t do our be)t to co?ordin!te# Ho' 'ould it be po))ible5 for in)t!nce5 for the Bomb!"
;rovince to !dmini)ter t'o )")tem) of Hindu 3!'5 one oper!tive 'ithin th!t territor" 'hich
i) c!lled B!rod! !nd the other in the re)t of the ;rovince5 'hen both territorie) h!ve become
inte&r!ted !nd p!rt of one ;rovince !nd one St!te8 The )!me 'ill be the c!)e 'ith the other
territorie)# Suppo)in& for in)t!nce5 )ome of the p!rt) of .ndi! 'hich !re under the )overei&nt"
of the ;ortu&ue)e or the *rench !nd 'hich 'e hope to be !ble to recover under our dominion5
!l)o h!ve different )")tem) of Hindu 3!'5 'hen the" come in the )!me 9ue)tion 'ill !ri)e
before u)# 7h!t i) to h!ppen to the 3!' 'hich the Hindu) in :o! 'ill be brin&in& 'ith
them8 Are 'e &oin& to !llo' them to ret!in the l!' 'hich the" 'ill brin&8 Are 'e &oin& to
impo)e ! 3!' 'hich i) in e(i)tence !t pre)ent on them8 0r !re 'e &oin& to evolve ! )")tem
of 3!' 'hich 'ould be !ccept!ble to both8 The inte&r!tion of .ndi!5 therefore5 h!) in ! ver"
pointed m!nner brou&ht before u) the problem of the codific!tion !nd the modific!tion of
Hindu 3!' !nd 'h!t . '!nt to )u&&e)t to the Hou)e i) th!t thi) i) ! problem 'hich could not
be po)tponed nor could it be !voided if 'e '!nt to brin& !bout h!rmon" !mon& the v!riet" of
people 'ho 'ould be comin& !nd becomin& the citiJen) of the .ndi!n ominion#
Dr. B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya4 Codific!tion h!) been !ccepted#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar4 Then5 Sir5 . 'ould li%e to dr!' the !ttention of
the Hou)e to one other point 'hich !ppe!r) to me ! ver" import!nt one# The Hou)e5 !t !n"
r!te tho)e 'ho indul&e in oppo)in& the Bill5 )eem to h!ve completel" for&otten the provi)ion)
cont!ined in the .ndi!n Con)titution# Article 1+ of the .ndi!n Con)titution 'hich 'e h!ve
p!))ed )!") in definite !nd cle!r term) under *und!ment!l $i&ht)4
6 The St!te )h!ll not di)crimin!te !&!in)t !n" citiJen on &round) onl" of reli&ion5 r!ce5
c!)te5 )e(5 pl!ce of birth or !n" of them# 6 'ill become void# .) it hi) contention th!t on the
EFth >!nu!r" 'hen the ne' Con)titution come) into force5 !nd the !rticle 'hich he h!)
9uoted cert!inl" come into force5 on th!t d!" !ll thi) portion of the Hindu 3!' become
void !nd there 'ill be ! v!cuum left8 C!n ! more unre!)on!ble pre)umption be m!de 8
2r# Speaker : 0rder5 order# Th!t i) e(pre))in& hon# 2emberB) o'n opinion#
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Sir5 . h!ve e(erci)ed5 if . m!" )!" )o5 ! &re!t
de!l of )elf?control 'ith re&!rd to m" friend r# ;!tt!bhi Sit!r!m!""!# He 'ould h!ve he!rd
me )!"5 if . h!d )!id !ll th!t . '!nted to )!" !bout it#
Mr. Speaker: There !re t'o !mendment) to the ori&in!l propo)ition 4 Th!t the Bill to
!mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!' !) reported b" the Select Committee5 be
t!%en into con)ider!tion# . )h!ll fir)t put to the Hou)e the !mendment)# The fir)t !mendment
i) b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d !)%in& for circul!tion for obt!inin& further opinion thereon b"
the end of 1949# .t i) too l!te to e(tend the d!te#
2r# Naziruddin Ahmad4 2!" . e(pl!in the po)ition5 Sir 8
2r# Speaker: No# The 9ue)tion i)4
6 Th!t the Bill be circul!ted for the purpo)e of obt!inin& further opinion thereon b" the
end of 1949#6 The motion '!) ne&!tived#
2r# Speaker: Then the ne(t !mendment# The 9ue)tion i)4
6 Th!t the Bill be re?committed to the )!me Select Committee5 to 'hich it '!) )ent5 for
! further report thereon 'ith reference to the ori&in!l Bill 'hich '!) referred to it on the
9th April 1948# 6
The motion '!) ne&!tived#
2r# Naziruddin Ahmad: . cl!im ! divi)ion#
Sir# 2r# Speaker : =er" 'ell# . find the B A"e) B !re five !nd the re)t !re B Noe) B# The
motion i) lo)t b" ! l!r&e m!Aorit"# No' . 'ill put the ori&in!l motion# The 9ue)tion i)4
6 Th!t the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 !) reported b"
the Select Committee5 be t!%en into con)ider!tion# 6 The motion '!) !dopted#
Prof. Shibban Lal Saksena ( /# ;# :ener!l)4 Sir5 the B Noe) B h!ve it#
2r# Speaker : . find their number i) onl" )i( or )even# The m!Aorit" of 2ember) !re for
the motion#
H.N/ 2A$$.A:1S =A3..T<
(A21N21NT) B.33 (A21N21NT 0* S1CT.0N E)
Shri Himatemgka (7e)t Ben&!l) 4l be& to move for le!ve to introduce ! Bill further to
!mend the Hindu 2!rri!&e) =!lidit" Act5 1949 (am!ndm!nt of s!'tion >..
2r# Speaker : The 9ue)tion i) 4
6 The le!ve be &r!nted to introduce ! Bill further to !mend the Hindu 2!rri!&e) =!lidit"
Act5 1949 ("m!ndm!nt of s!'tion E)#6
The motion '!) !dopted#
Shri Himatsingka: . introduce the Bill#
H.N/ C01
2r# Speaker4 Th!t brin&) u) to the ne(t item on the !&end!5 the motion of r# Ambed%!r4
*urther con)ider!tion of the Bill to !mend !nd codif" cert!in br!nche) of the Hindu 3!'5 !)
reported b" the Select Committee#
No'5 'ith reference to thi) there !re ! number of !mendment)# . 'ill Au)t c!ll upon
2ember) one b" one#
Shri Tyagi (/tt!r ;r!de)h)4 The Hou)e h!) been t!%en 9uite un!'!re on thi) m!tter# .
feel th!t )ome time )hould be &iven to the 2ember)#
2r# Speaker: 0rder5 order# 0ne !t ! time# H!) the Hon# 3!' 2ini)ter !n"thin& to )!" 8
The Minister of Law (Dr. Ambedkar): .t mi&ht be t!%en#
Mr. Speaker : There '!) )ome )u&&e)tion th!t 2ember) !re bein& t!%en b" )urpri)e#
Dr. Ambedkar: .t c!nnot be )!id bec!u)e the Bill h!) been on the !&end! for the l!)t
Shri 1. R. Kapoor (/tt!r ;r!de)h)4 But tho)e 'ho !re mo)t intere)ted in t!%in& up the
Bill m!" h!ve ! &riev!nce# 2r)# $enu%! $!" i) not here !nd m!n" other) 'ho !re
p!rticul!rl" !n(iou) to t!%e it up#
2r# Speaker : 7h!t . '!) thin%in& !bout '!)5 'h!tever the f!te of the v!riou)
!mendment) or !dAournment motion)5 the 2ember) 'ho h!ve t!bled them !re not in their
)e!t)# . '!) Au)t con)iderin& !) to 'hether it 'ill be proper or f!ir on our p!rt Au)t to c!ll them
out 'hen thi) bu)ine)) i) bein& t!%en up in !n une(pected m!nner# Th!t i) the onl" point
'hich re!ll" 'orrie) me# . find th!t 2r# $ohini @um!r Ch!udh!ri i) pre)ent# . !l)o notice th!t
2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d i) here#
Shri R. K. Chaudhari (A))!m) 4 . 'ould !)% "ou to &ive u) h!lf !n hour )o th!t other
2ember) m!" !l)o be pre)ent#
2r# Speaker: 3et u) proceed# . 'ill c!ll upon 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d#
Pandit Kunzru (/tt!r ;r!de)h) 4 2!" . )u&&e)t th!t the di)cu))ion )hould be&in 'ith !
)t!tement from the Hon# the 3!' 2ini)ter 'ho held ! conference 'ith v!riou) intere)t)# He
h!) circul!ted ! )hort report of the di)cu))ion) th!t too% pl!ce in the conference5 but . thin%
!ll )ide) of the Hou)e 'ill be &l!d to he!r ! fuller !ccount of the conference from him !nd the
re)ume of the !mendment) th!t he h!) propo)ed# . thin% th!t 'ould be ! more proper cour)e
!nd thi) in ! )en)e 'ill &ive 2ember) )ome time#
Dr. Ambedkar 4 . do not %no' th!t . h!ve !n"thin& more to !dd# . too% p!rticul!r c!re to
)ubmit ! )t!tement to "ou 'ith ! vie' to it) bein& circul!ted to 2ember) !t the ver"
commencement of thi) )e))ion5 )o th!t 2ember) m!" h!ve ! full !ccount of 'h!t h!ppened# .
!m r!ther )orr" th!t 'e 'ere not !ble to t!%e ! verb!tim record of the proceedin&) of the
Conference on !ccount of the f!ct th!t )ever!l 2ember) )po%e in )ever!l different l!n&u!&e)#
Some )po%e in Hindi5 )ome )po%e in 1n&li)h5 )ome )po%e in 2!r!thi5 )ome )po%e in :uA!r!ti
!nd )ome )po%e even in S!n)%rit# .t '!) 9uite impo))ible to t!%e do'n ! verb!tim record5 !nd
. thin%5 )ome !l)o )po%e in T!mil l!n&u!&e# .t '!)5 therefore5 9uite impo))ible to h!ve !n"
per)on !) ! )teno&r!pher to t!%e do'n the verb!tim record# 0ther'i)e5 . )hould h!ve been
ver" &l!d to do )o# Con)e9uentl"5 . m")elf5 !ccordin& to m" memor" )umm!ri)ed the point)
th!t 'ere put before the Conference for di)cu))ion5 the point) 'hich . found h!d emer&ed in
the cour)e of the di)cu))ion th!t h!d t!%en pl!ce in thi) Hou)e5 from different )t!nd) of the
Hou)e# The" 'ere pl!ced before them !nd the" 'ere invited to !ddre)) the Conference !nd .
)ub)e9uentl" found out 'h!t '!) the l!r&e)t me!)ure of !&reement !mon& the )pe!%er) 'ho
too% p!rt !nd in !ccord!nce 'ith th!t5 . h!ve )u&&e)ted cert!in !mendment) to the ori&in!l
<ou 'ill !l)o rec!ll# Sir th!t in order to help the Hou)e# . h!ve prep!red t'o different
te(t) of the Hindu Code5 one in ! )eri!l order &ivin& the ori&in!l )ection !nd !l)o the ne'
!mendment) th!t . propo)e to incorpor!te5 )o th!t the" m!" h!ve ! complete vie'# . h!ve !l)o
prep!red ! )econd te(t boo%5 )o to )!"5 'hich cont!in) the ori&in!l te(t of the Select
CommitteeB) )ection) on the ri&ht?h!nd )ide !nd the ne' Code 'ith the !mendment) on the
left?h!nd )ide5 )o th!t 'henever !n" !mendment i) moved not onl" the member) 'ill be !ble
to find ho' the old cl!u)e re!d) but 'h!t the ne' cl!u)e !l)o )!")# . thin%5 . h!ve done m"
level be)t to help the Hou)e to ! proper under)t!ndin& of the provi)ion) of the Hindu Code !)
modified b" the re)ult) of the inform!l committee# .f !n" Hon# 2ember h!) !n" 9ue)tion to
!)%5 . )h!ll cert!inl" be ver" &l!d to !dd or )upplement 'h!tever inform!tion . h!ve &iven in
th!t )t!tement#
Shri 1nani Ram (Bih!r) 4 The Hon# 3!' 2ini)ter h!) )t!ted th!t thi) Bill 'ill be
di)cu))ed for ! d!" or t'o !nd th!t it 'ill be po)tponed#
Mr. Speaker: 7e !re not concerned 'ith 'h!t h!ppened !t the p!rt" meetin&#
Shri R. K. Chaudhari : The Hon# 2ini)ter m!" be ple!)ed to m!%e ! )t!tement in
connection 'ith 'h!t '!) )t!ted in the p!rt" meetin& it)elf#
2r# Speaker: 0rder5 order# The ;!rt" proceedin&) !re not open here#
Shri Sivan Pillay (Tr!v!ncore?Cochin) 4 2!" . %no' if the cl!u)e b" cl!u)e di)cu))ion i)
to t!%e pl!ce no' !nd th!t the &ener!l di)cu))ion on the principle) of the Bill over 8
2r# Speaker: The Hon# 2ember h!) perh!p) lo)t )i&ht of the pro&re)) of the Bill# The
con)ider!tion motion '!) !dopted !nd no' 'h!t rem!in) to be done i) to t!%e the Bill cl!u)e
b" cl!u)e# . 'ould put cl!u)e E to the Hou)e5 but before th!t5 there !re cert!in !mendment) or
cert!in motion) ur&in& the !dAournment of the deb!te# The)e bein& !dAournment motion)
mu)t h!ve precedence !nd5 therefore5 . !m c!llin& upon 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d5 if he 'i)he)5
of cour)e5 to move hi) motion#
The ;rime 2ini)ter !nd 2ini)ter of 1(tern!l Aff!ir) (Shri >!'!h!ri!l Nehru) 4 0ne of the
hon# 2ember) put !)cert!in 9ue)tion to me !nd . thin% it i) f!ir to the hou)e th!t . )h!ll
!n)'er it5 !lthou&h "ou5 Sir5 'ere &ood enou&h to con)ider it !) bein& not nece))!r"# Thi)
Bill i) obviou)l" one 'hich 'ill norm!ll" t!%e ! lon& time of thi) Hou)e5 if 'e &o throu&h it
cl!u)e b" cl!u)e# .t i) ! contentiou) m!tter in 'hich opinion) differ# Neverthele))
:overnment !tt!ch &re!t import!nce to it !nd 'e do 'i)h it to be t!%en up no'5 but 'e
re!li)e th!t it i) in the n!ture of thin&)5 not po))ible to &o throu&h it durin& thi) )e))ion even
if 'e t!%e it from d!" to d!"# Therefore5 :overnment propo)e5 )ubAect to "our !pprov!l# Sir5
th!t 'e mi&ht de!l 'ith the initi!l )t!&e there !re cert!in obAection) !nd if !ll tho)e obAection)
c!n be di)po)ed of thi) '!" or th!tG)o th!t the '!" m!" be cle!r !nd not other'i)e t!%e up
the time of the Hou)e durin& the )e))ion#
2r# Speaker4 o . under)t!nd the po)ition correctl" th!t the !mendment) or motion) b"
'!" of po)tponement )hould be di)po)ed of fir)t !nd th!t cl!u)e b" cl!u)e con)ider!tion m!"
be t!%en up l!ter 8
The 2ini)ter of St!te for ;!rli!ment!r" Aff!ir) (Shri S!t"! N!r!"!n Sinh!)4 <e)# Th!t i)
2r# Speaker : .n li&ht of thi)5 i) it nece))!r" to move !n" !dAournment 8
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad (7e)t Ben&!l)4 No#
Mr. Speaker : He m!" form!ll" move 'ithout !n" )peech5 )o th!t 'e m!" proceed 'ith
the other bu)ine))#
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad: . be& to move4
6 Th!t the deb!te on the Hindu Code Bill be !dAourned to ! )peci!l )e))ion of
;!rli!ment to be c!lled for the purpo)e to en!ble 2ember) to full" con)ider the Bill !nd the
numerou) :overnment !mendment) to the )!me# 6
. do not 'i)h to move the other !ltern!tive)#
2r# Speaker: .) he p!rticul!r for ! )peci!l )e))ion 8
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad 4 . '!nt to pl!ce cert!in vie') !nd le!ve the m!tter entirel" to
:overnment# .t i) not b" '!" of oppo)ition or ob)truction#
Mr. Speaker 4 The point i) 'h!t )hould be the form of the motion# He '!nt)
po)tponement to the ne(t )e))ion# Th!t i) the lon& !nd )hort of it#
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad4 .n th!t c!)e5 . )h!ll5 'ith "our permi))ion5 move the
!ltern!tive) !l)o# . be& to move4
6 Th!t the deb!te on the Hindu Code Bill be !dAourned till ! d!te durin& the ne(t
Bud&et )e))ion# 6 !nd
6 Th!t the deb!te on the Hindu Code Bill be !dAourned to ! d!te !fter the Bud&et
)e))ion i) over#6
. !m entirel" in the h!nd) of :overnment !) to 'h!t form the motion )hould t!%e# The
Hon# ;rime 2ini)ter h!) cl!rified the )itu!tion th!t 'e con)ider cert!in obAection) !nd l!ter
on !t ! )uit!ble time 'e t!%e up the cl!u)e b" cl!u)e con)ider!tion# Th!t entirel" )!ti)fie) m"
point of vie'# .t 'ould be for the :overnment to con)ider !nd fi( ! )uit!ble d!te or time#
7e no doubt technic!ll" !ccepted the principle) of the Bill5 but )ubAect to ! cert!in
under)t!ndin&# Thou&h not incorpor!ted in the proceedin&)5 the Hon# 3!' 2ini)ter &!ve !n
undert!%in& th!t he 'ill )ee% repre)ent!tive public opinion conver)!nt 'ith the Hindu 3!'5
!nd )u&&e)t !mendment) to the Bill# A) . h!ve !lre!d" )ubmitted5 thou&h the fir)t re!din&
'!) p!))ed5 it '!) )ub)t!nti!ll" )ubAect to :overnment bein& !ble to find )uit!ble !mendin&
formul!e to be pl!ced before the Hou)e5 !nd 'hich 'ould be !ccept!ble to both )ide)# . find5
ho'ever5 th!t ! l!r&e number of !mendment) of ! ver" import!nt ch!r!cter h!ve been t!bled
b" the Hon# the 3!' 2ini)ter# . !l)o find th!t ! ver" l!r&e number of !mendment) h!ve been
t!bled b" the member)# There !re 17 li)t) !lre!d" before u) !nd from the ne')p!per report)5 .
find th!t :overnment h!ve decided to hold !nother fin!l )e))ion for cl!u)e b" cl!u)e
con)ider!tion# There i) ever" re!)on to )uppo)e th!t if it 'ere not )o5 m!n" more
!mendment) 'ould h!ve come !nd th!t i) ! m!tter for )eriou) con)ider!tion#
2" point i) thi)# The)e !re ver" import!nt m!tter)# .n cl!u)e b" cl!u)e con)ider!tion5 'e
mu)t not lo)e )i&ht of the f!ct th!t the Hou)e i) ver" )eriou)l" divided in m!tter) of det!il# .n
the)e circum)t!nce)5 it 'ould be better5 . )ubmit5 for :overnment to &ive the Hou)e
)ufficient time to con)ider5 the !mendment)5 !nd find out the point) of !&reement# The Hon#
3!' 2ini)ter )!id th!t he con)ulted ! number of peopleC but he did not5 )o f!r !) . !m !'!re5
con)ult the different )ection) of the Hou)e 'hich 'ere oppo)ed to the principle) of the Bill#
A number of 2ember) oppo)ed the fir)t $e!din& 'ho h!ve not been con)ulted#
Shri Tyagi : All of them 'ere not Hindu)#
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad : At le!)t there '!) one 'ho '!) not ! Hindu5 th!t i) m")elf#
The point i) thi)# All the)e m!tter) could not properl" be di)cu))ed !nd decided upon on the
floor of the Hou)e# The" &o to the fund!ment!l) of the Bill# 1!ch cl!u)e i) pr!ctic!ll" ! ne'
!nd import!nt )ubAect# 1!ch cl!u)e c!ll) for ! det!iled con)ider!tion# Therefore5 m"
)ubmi))ion i) th!t the :overnment )hould &ive u) time !nd )hould be 'illin& to )it !t !
$ound T!ble Conference to )tr!i&hten out !ll the)e difference) )o th!t ! Bill more !ccept!ble
to the Hou)e in &ener!l m!" be evolved# The)e thin&) )hould not be !llo'ed to be decided on
the )pur of the moment !nd on the floor of the Hou)e#
:re!t thin&) h!ve h!ppened me!n'hile# The .ndi!n St!te) h!ve been inte&r!ted# Their
opinion) 'ere never t!%en# . believe !&ricultur!l l!nd i) no' 'ithin the purvie' of the Bill#
Thi) cre!te) !nother ne' )itu!tion# Therefore5 in the li&ht of import!nt !mendment) comin&
from :overnment5 !nd in vie' of the e(ten)ion of the !re! &eo&r!phic!ll" !) 'ell !) to
)ubAect)# . thin% enou&h time )hould be &iven )o th!t full con)ider!tion m!" be &iven to the
Bill b" member)# There )hould be &ood m!chiner" to )ettle the)e difference) )o th!t )ome
!&reed or )ome l!r&el" !&reed formul!e m!" be evolved# 0n ! controver)i!l le&i)l!tion li%e
thi)5 'e )hould be &iven )ufficient time# . )ubmit th!t the point of vie' . )ubmitted durin& the
fir)t re!din& )t!&e '!) full" Au)tified in vie' of the f!ct th!t !t th!t time5 the Hindu
communit"B) !ttention '!) not )ufficientl" dr!'n to it# 2" obAection h!) !&!in been Au)tified
b" the f!ct th!t :overnment5 it)elf h!) come for'!rd 'ith ! l!r&e number of )ub)t!nti!l
!mendment)# 2" t!)% i) done# . )uppo)ed !t th!t time th!t . '!) doin& ! public dut" in
dr!'in& !ttention to cert!in defect) 'hich 'ould h!ve other'i)e e)c!ped !ttention# 7h!t
%ind of l!' 'ould )uit thi) Hou)e !nd the Hindu communit" i) re!ll" prim!ril" ! m!tter for
the Hindu)# . !m not prim!ril" intere)ted in the e(!ct form !nd )h!pe in 'hich the Hindu
Code i) to be p!))ed# 2" po)ition i) merel" to indic!te cert!in pr!ctic!l con)ider!tion) !nd
)u&&e)t !mendment)# *rom the)e point) of vie'5 . thin% :overnment )hould con)ider the
m!tter !nd let u) %no' 'h!t the" '!nt to do5 !nd . !m re!d" to offer con)tructive help to the
p!))!&e of the Bill# The e(!ct )h!pe 'hich the di)puted cl!u)e) 'ill t!%e i) not ! m!tter of
much per)on!l intere)t to me5 thou&h not ! m!tter in 'hich . h!ve no concern !t !ll# . )ubmit
th!t the)e !re m!tter) 'hich 'ould induce :overnment to &ive u) )ufficient time !nd devi)e !
m!chiner" to )olve the difference) of opinion !nd !dopt ! code 'hich 'ould be more or le))
!ccept!ble &ener!ll" to the Hou)e# Th!t i) !ll . h!ve to )ubmit#
Shri Sidhva (2!dh"! ;r!de)h) 4 0n ! point of inform!tion# Sir# The hon# 2ember h!d
t'o !mendment)5 one for !dAournment sin! di! !nd ####
2r# Speaker4 . !m not permittin& th!t#
. '!) Au)t con)iderin& !) to 'h!t 'ould be the be)t form of the motion# 0ne i) for !
)peci!l )e))ion5 !nd the other i) )till ! d!te durin& the Bud&et Se))ionC the third i)5 )ometime
!fter the Bud&et Se))ion i) over# Sh!ll 'e po)tpone till the ne(t )e))ion 8
Shri Naziruddin Ahmed 4 . !m entirel" in the h!nd) of :overnment#
2r# Speaker: The u)u!l !mendment i) of cour)e till the ne(t Se))ion# Sh!ll . )!"4 6 Th!t
the deb!te on the Hindu Code Bill be !dAourned to ! d!te durin& or !fter the ne(t Bud&et
Se))ion 8 6
Dr. Ambedkar : So f!r !) the obAective i) concerned5 there i)5 of cour)e5 no di)pute
bet'een 2ember) of :overnment !nd other) 'ho !re in perfect h!rmon" 'ith :overnmentB)
vie' on thi) )ubAect5 n!mel"5 th!t more time m!" be &iven to 2ember) to )tud" the Bill !nd
to &ive their con)idered opinion)# A) the ;rime 2ini)ter Au)t no' )!id5 it i) not the intention
of :overnment to proceed s!riatim 'ith the con)ider!tion of the Bill5 cl!u)e b" cl!u)e#
Therefore5 m" )ubmi))ion i) thi)5 th!t it )hould be left to :overnment to t!%e up the Hindu
Code Bill ne(t )e))ion 'henever the" '!nt to t!%e it# The" m!" h!ve ! )peci!l )e))ion5 the"
m!" h!ve ! l!r&er Bud&et )e))ion5 )o th!t p!rt of it m!" be devoted to the Hindu Code Bill
!nd p!rt to the u)u!l Bud&et di)cu))ion or it m!" c!ll for )ome other )e))ion !fter the Bud&et
Se))ion# . do not '!nt :overnmentB) h!nd) to be tied do'n b" !n" p!rticul!r motion# A) .
)!id5 . do not propo)e to c!rr" throu&h thi) Bill durin& thi) )e))ion# .t i) 9uite impo))ible#
And it mi&ht prob!bl" b! 9uite unf!ir# All the )!me5 . '!nt to oppo)e the motion5 bec!u)e .
do not '!nt to po)tpone the con)ider!tion of the Bill !) ! re)ult of the motion moved b" 2r#
N!Jiruddin Ahm!d# :overnment h!ve &iven !n !))ur!nce !nd :overnment 'ill !bide b" it#
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad : . do not %no' 'h" . )hould become the t!r&et of the)e
obli9ue rem!r%)#
2r# Speaker : Therefore5 . need not )eriou)l" con)ider the form of the motion#
Dr. Ambedkar : He m!" move !ll the motion) !nd 'e )h!ll ne&!tive them#
Shri T"!&i4 0r 'e m!" move the previou) 9ue)tion !nd thi) 9ue)tion m!" be po)tponed#
2r# Speaker : . do not thin% th!t i) nece))!r"# 7ell5 )uppo)in& . )!" th!t the m!tter i)
!dAourned !nd 'e t!%e the ne(t bu)ine)) 8
Dr. Ambedkar : 2!" . )u&&e)t th!t it 'ould be ver" &ood5 in m" Aud&ment5 if "ou5 !fter
di)po)in& of the motion b" 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d ####
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad: i)po)e of meK
Dr. Ambedkar : .f !fter di)po)in& of it5 "ou merel" )!" th!t cl!u)e E )t!nd p!rt of the
Bill# And then . m")elf 'ill move th!t the further con)ider!tion of the Bill be no' po)tponed#
. !m prep!red to put the Hindu Code Bill !t the bottom of :overnmentB) !&end!#
Shri R. K. Chaudhari: . h!d t!bled !n !mendment5 thou&h . c!nnot )!" e(!ctl" 'h!t it
i)5 bec!u)e . h!ve not &ot the p!per) 'ith me no'# . '!) not prep!red for thi) )ubAect# But if .
remember ! ri&ht5 m" motion '!) th!t 'e m!" h!ve ! )peci!l )e))ion for the purpo)e of
de!lin& 'ith the Hindu Code Bill# 2" &riev!nce !&!in)t brin&in& thi) )ort of di)cu))ion in the
mid)t of ! ver" bu)" )e))ion i) th!t 'e c!nnot &et proper opportunit" to )tud" the )ubAect#
Therefore5 . '!nt to h!ve thi) 9ue)tion con)idered in ! )peci!l )e))ion#
Shri 2# A# A""!n&!r (2!dr!)) 4 After !ll5 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!dB) motion onl" !)%) th!t
)ufficient time )hould be !llo'ed to 2ember)# And the ;rime 2ini)ter h!) !l)o !&reed to
thi)# Therefore5 . 'ould re9ue)t 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d not to pre)) hi) motion5 !nd no'5 in
vie' of the ;rime 2ini)terB) )t!tement5 thi) m!" be !dAourned to )ome d!" ne(t )e))ion# And
it i) for :overnment to fi( the d!te durin& the ne(t )e))ion5 or c!ll for ! )peci!l )e))ion
immedi!tel" there!fter# No' th!t 'e !&ree th!t 'e )hould not t!%e up the cl!u)e b" cl!u)e
con)ider!tion of the Bill5 . thin% both )ide) !re )!ti)fied# Therefore5 let the ;rime 2ini)terB)
)t!tement be !ccepted !nd 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d need not pre)) hi) !mendment# Therefore5
thi) m!" be !dAourned to )ome d!" ne(t )e))ion !nd it 'ill me!n th!t the ;rime 2ini)ter or
:overnment 'ill fi( the d!te th!t i) )uit!ble !nd convenient#
Dr. Ambedkar : 2!" . !&!in intervene 8 . do not '!nt ! repetition of 'h!t h!) been
t!%in& pl!ce in thi) Hou)e# 1ver" time thi) Bill come) in5 )ome hon# 2ember t!%e) it into hi)
he!d to move ! dil!tor" motion# No' thi) thin& mu)t )top# 7e h!ve re!ched ! )t!&e 'hen it
i) proper th!t the Bill )hould be t!%en up cl!u)e b" cl!u)e5 !nd therefore5 in to%en of the f!ct
th!t the Hou)e h!) con)ented to the con)ider!tion of the Bill5 cl!u)e b" cl!u)e5 . 'ould
re9ue)t "ou5 th!t "ou )hould put cl!u)e E to the Hou)e C !nd there!fter 'e m!" !dAourn the
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad: . thin% the obAect of the)e obli9ue rem!r%) i) m" humble
)elf# . c!n &ive even ! fuller undert!%in& th!t . 'ill not brin& in !n" dil!tor" motion#
Mr. Speaker : But there !re not onl" the po)ition) )t!ted b" the 3!' 2ini)ter !nd 2r#
N!Jiruddin Ahm!d5 but there i) !l)o the difficult" of 2r# Ch!udh!ri# Therefore5 . thin% 'h!t
. )hould do i) thi)# . )h!ll pl!ce the motion) before the Hou)e !nd it c!n vote upon them#
Shri R. K. Chaudhari4 But . h!ve to e(pl!in m" motion#
Sir# Mr. Speaker 4 The hon# 2ember h!) !lre!d" e(pl!ined it# . donBt thin% !n" further
time need be t!%en over thi)#
Shri M. A. Ayyangar : 2!" . tell 2r# Ch!udh!ri th!t !) the obAect of hi) motion i) th!t
thi) 9ue)tion )hould be !dAourned to ! )peci!l )e))ion5 'e 'ill !))ume th!t it i) defe!ted# .t i)
impo))ible to h!ve ! )peci!l )e))ion# An"'!"5 let u) le!ve the entire m!tter in the h!nd) of
:overnment# The" m!" t!& it on to the Bud&et )e))ion to fi( )ome convenient time# 7h"
)hould he commit to h!ve ! )peci!l )e))ion 8 .f &overnment find) it nece))!r" to h!ve one5
the" m!" h!ve one# .t doe) not )erve !n" purpo)e committin& them to h!ve ! )peci!l )e))ion#
Dr. Pattabhi (2!dr!)) 4 The !ttitude of :overnment h!) more or le)) t!%en ! ch!n&e
f!vour!ble to ! more lei)urel" con)ider!tion of thi) )ubAect# . do not '!nt to dil!te upon the
)ubAect !t !n" &re!t len&th# But . )h!ll cert!inl" obAect to the Hon# the 3!' 2ini)ter )!"in& in
! ped!&o&ic m!nner th!t thi) %ind of !)%in& for !dAournment 'ill not be !llo'ed# .t mu)t be
!llo'ed# .t i) the ri&ht of ever" member of thi) hou)e to u)e !ll le&itim!te method) of
oppo)ition 'here there i) !n hone)t !nd )incere conviction on the )ide of oppo)ition# . do not
&o the len&th of B!lfour 'ho )!id th!t it i) the dut" of the oppo)ition to oppo)e the
:overnment b" !ll f!ir me!n) if po))ible5 !nd b" !ll foul me!n)5 if nece))!r"# But . 'ill onl"
)!" thi) much th!t if the ;rime 2ini)ter in the !bund!nce of hi) 'i)dom !dmitted th!t there
!re t'o )chool) of thou&ht5 !nd he h!) conceded the !dAournment of the propo)ition ver"
&enerou)l" !nd ver" f!irl"5 in vie' of th!t for the Hon# 3!' 2ini)ter to !))ume thi)
profe))ori!l5 ped!&o&ic !nd pontific!l !ttitude5 i) not de)ir!ble# .t 'ill onl" !lien!te !ttitude)
th!t h!ve !lmo)t been reconciled#
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad 4 And per)on) c!ll up !n oppo)ition 'here there i) none no'K
Shri 1awaharlal Nehru 4 . '!nt to m!%e it perfectl" cle!r th!t . )t!nd b" ever" 'ord th!t
the Hon# 3!' 2ini)ter h!) )!id# The po)ition i) thi)# 1ver"one feel) th!t there )hould be
fuller time for the con)ider!tion of thi) 9ue)tion5 !nd therefore 'e decided to )u&&e)t to the
Hou)e th!t the cl!u)e b" cl!u)e con)ider!tion mi&ht t!%e pl!ce l!ter# 7e )hould decide
cle!rl" the n!ture of the motion# .f it i) ! dil!tor" motion !nd if the hon# 2ember '!nt) the
motion to be con)idered5 let u) con)ider it here !nd no'# 7e !re not &oin& to po)tpone th!t
motion# . do not '!nt to prevent !n" motion# .f 'e h!ve ! dil!tor" motion5 it mu)t be decided
here !nd no'#
Pandit Malaviya (/tt!r ;r!de)h)4 7e %no' th!t there !re ver" emph!tic difference) of
opinion on thi) pointC th!t !cute difference) of opinion e(i)t bet'een different )ection) of thi)
Hou)e# 0ur ;rime 2ini)ter h!) t!%en the pr!ctic!l vie'5 !nd !) 'e h!ve the ri&ht to e(pect
!l'!")5 he h!) &iven u) ! le!d in thi) m!tter !nd h!) )!id th!t thi) i) ! controver)i!l i))ue on
'hich ! &re!t de!l of time h!)5 in the ver" n!ture of thin&)5 to be &iven# 2!" . !ppe!l th!t
)ince the m!tter i) to be po)tponed5 )ince no pr!ctic!l purpo)e i) &oin& to be )erved b" our
continuin& thi) deb!te tod!" on !n" motion or on !n" )ectionC )ince there i) ! ver" %een !nd
definite difference of opinion on thi) i))ueC !nd )ince the 9ue)tion of the en!ctment of the
Hindu Code it)elf 'ill not in !n" '!" be !dv!nced b" it) bein& t!%en up no'5 m!" .
re)pectfull" )ubmit th!t no )ection5 no vie'point5 'ill lo)e !n"thin& if 'e le!ve the m!tter
'here it )t!nd)5 !) the item i) &oin& to be po)tponed# .f the intention 'ere to t!%e the Bill into
con)ider!tion !nd m!%e !n" re!l pro&re))5 . 'ould h!ve nothin& to )!" bec!u)e5 then5 ever"
2ember 'ould h!ve the opportunit" of e(pre))in& hi) vie')5 !nd then 'h!tever the hou)e
decided in it) collective 'i)dom5 'ould come on the St!tute Boo%# But5 )ince5 !ccordin& to
the cour)e )u&&e)ted5 no re!l pro&re)) i) &oin& to be m!de5 . )u&&e)t th!t the ver" &re!t
oppo)ition5 the ver" &re!t !n(iet" 'hich prev!il) in the countr" )hould not be 'or)ened5
)hould not be deepened# . %no' th!t one vie' unfortun!tel" i) th!t it doe) not m!tter 'h!t
the countr" thin%) on thi) m!tter# But there i) the other vie' th!t ever" )ide of the 9ue)tion
)hould be c!refull" con)idered !nd re)pected# . do not 'i)h to &o into th!t m!tter in det!il
no'# But . mo)t e!rne)tl" !ppe!l to :overnment not to do !n unnece))!r" thin& 'hich 'ill
)erve no u)eful purpo)e5 but 'hich 'ill5 on the other h!nd5 cre!te )till &re!ter re)entment !nd
di))!ti)f!ction in the countr"# . )ubmit th!t if 'e !re &oin& to po)tpone thi) m!tter !nd . full"
!pprove the propo)!lG'e )hould do )o 'holehe!rtedl" in)te!d of )!"in& th!t 'e !re
po)tponin& !nd "et 'e !re not po)tponin&5 'e !re not t!%in& it up no' !nd "et 'e !re t!%in&
it up5 'e !re not &oin& on 'ith it !nd "et 'e !re &oin& on 'ith it# Therefore5 if the m!tter i)
to be po)tponed it )hould be po)tponed immedi!tel" !) it i) till )uch future d!te !)
:overnment m!" fi( for it#
Pandit 2# B. Bhargava (AAmer) 4 . h!ve not been !ble to follo' the Hon# 3!' 2ini)terB)
propo)!l# oe) he '!nt the Ch!ir to rule for !ll time to come th!t in thi) Hou)e no
!dAournment motion )h!ll be brou&ht for'!rd 8 .t i) ! con)titution!l i))ue th!t i) )ou&ht to be
r!i)ed !nd it i) for the Ch!ir to rule# A) . under)t!nd it5 it i) !n !b)olute ri&ht of ever"
2ember of the Hou)e to brin& for'!rd !n !dAournment motion !t !n" time# 0f cour)e it 'ill
be for the Ch!ir to !dmit it or not# .f the Ch!ir thin%) th!t it i) ! dil!tor" motion it 'ill not
&r!nt permi))ion# 1ven if the Ch!ir rule) th!t )uch ! motion i) !dmi))ible5 then it 'ill be for
the Hou)e to di)cu)) it !nd then !ccept it or reAect it# But )o f!r !) the ri&ht of ! 2ember i)
concerned5 it i) !n !b)olute ri&ht !nd he c!n move !n !dAournment motion !t !n" )t!&e# .f "ou
put cl!u)e E to the Hou)e !nd )!" th!t !n" time durin& the pro&re)) of the Bill there c!n be no
po)tponement 'h!t)oever5 it i) ! con)titution!l i))ue#
Shri Naziruddin Ahmad : Th!t i) )ubAect to the )pe!%erB) con)ent#
Mr# Speaker 4 . do not thin% . 'ill e(pre)) !n" opinion Au)t !t pre)ent !) to 'hether in
future !n" motion for !dAournment c!n or 'ould be !llo'ed# Th!t 'ill depend upon the
circum)t!nce) e(i)tin& !t the time )uch ! motion i) brou&ht before the Hou)e# The Hon# 3!'
2ini)terB) point )eem) to be th!t the Hou)e i)Gnot con)titution!ll" or le&!ll" butGmor!ll"
committed to the po)ition th!t no dil!tor" motion) Au)t 'ith ! vie' to obt!in the
po)tponement of the Bill )hould be brou&ht for'!rd #####
Dr. Ambedkar: Th!t i) !ll#
2r# Spe!%er4 Th!t )eem) to be hi) onl" point# . do not thin% th!t he me!nt to fetter the
con)titution!l ri&ht) of 2ember)# . 'ould5 therefore )u&&e)t th!t in)te!d of puttin& cl!u)e E
to the Hou)e !nd then po)tponin& the m!tter5 let u) !dAourn )tr!i&ht!'!" 'ithout puttin& the
motion on cl!u)e E of the Bill5 'ith ! decl!r!tion !bout our mor!l commitment th!t )uch !
motion 'ill not be brou&ht for'!rd Au)t for the purpo)e of )ecurin& po)tponement !nd no
other obAect# Some Hon# 2ember)4 No5 no#
2r# Speaker: The point i) ver" import!nt one# 7hile the 3!' 2ini)ter '!) m!%in& !
)t!tement to th!t effect5 thou&h . could )ee hi) point !nd the force of it5 . m")elf !m not
e(pre))in& ! fin!l opinion# . !m open to conviction# No one need thin% th!t it 'ill be po))ible
to b!r e!ch !nd ever" 2ember of thi) Hou)e from brin&in& !n !dAournment motion5 if one i)
inclined to do )o# The Ch!ir m!" refu)e to put it on the &round th!t it i) ! dil!tor" motion but
th!t 'ill depend upon the circum)t!nce) then e(i)tin& 'hen )uch ! motion i) brou&ht
for'!rd# *rom m" point of vie' it re!ll" m!%e) no difference 'hether cl!u)e E i) put !nd
then the m!tter i) !dAourned# Therefore5 !) . )!id C . 'ould m!%e ! decl!r!tion !bout thi)
mor!l bindin& on the p!rt of the member) of thi) Hou)e not to h!ve !n" dil!tor" motion )o
f!r !) thi) Bill i) concerned !nd then !dAourn the m!tter# . 'ould therefore not li%e to h!ve
th!t con)titution!l i))ue r!i)ed !&!in nor %eep it !live for ! )econd time !) to 'hether )uch !
motion could or could not be brou&ht for'!rd# . 'ill proceed to !dAourn the bu)ine)) !nd
:overnment# # # #
Dr. Ambedkar: o the)e motion) then )t!nd out 8
Mr# Speaker : The)e motion) 'ill f!ll throu&h#
Dr. Ambedkar 4 7h!t i) the f!te of the)e motion) 8
Mr# Speaker : The member) do not pre)) the motion)# .f the" h!d pre))ed their motion)5
then . '!) bound to put them to the Hou)e#
Some Hon. Members : The" h!ve not )!id )o#
Mr# Speaker : . h!ve !)%ed them#
Mr# R. K. Chaudhari : Bec!u)e ! mor!l 9ue)tion h!) been r!i)ed . 'ould r!ther li%e to
h!ve m" motion put to the Hou)e !nd the Hou)e 'ill decide 'hether it i) dil!tor" or not#
2r# Speaker : Then the po)ition i) 9uite cle!r# . 'ill )tr!i&ht!'!" put it to the Hou)e !nd
then 'e m!" proceed further# . !m puttin& 2r# $# @# Ch!udh!riB) motion to the Hou)e no'#
Shri R. K. Chaudhari : Sir5 on ! m!turer !nd )econd con)ider!tion .5 do not propo)e to
pre)) m" motion#
2r# Speaker 4 So5 )ince the con)ider!tion of the m!tter i) no' m!ture5 let u) proceed to
po)tpone thi) !nd :overnment m!" fi( ! d!te ####
Some Hon. Members : He )hould 'ithdr!' b" le!ve of the Hou)e#
2r# Speaker : 0ur rule i) 'hen no motion i) moved no le!ve i) nece))!r"#
Shrimati Durgabai (2!dr!)) 4 . '!nt to %no' 'hether thi) !dAournment motion i) under
2r# Speaker : The 'hole thin& f!ll) throu&h# The !dAournment motion) th!t the" h!ve
t!bled f!ll throu&h# Nothin& rem!in) no'# The" h!ve been !)%ed !nd the" do not pre)) them#
A) re&!rd) the other) th!t h!ve t!bled )imil!r motion) the" 'ere not pre)ent 'hen the" 'ere
c!lled upon to move# Th!t i) the po)ition# No' the deb!te i) bein& !dAourned# .t i) not
po))ible to bind !ll people for !ll time# .f the circum)t!nce) !ri)e 'e )h!ll then meet them#
Shri T"!&i 4 0nl" )uch per)on) 'ho h!ve movedP
2r# Spe!%er 4 /nfortun!tel" the hon# 2ember doe) not )eem to h!ve follo'ed the
di)cu))ion# No motion h!) been pl!ced before the Hou)e b" me# /nle)) . pl!ce ! motion
before the Hou)e there i) no occ!)ion for puttin& it to the vote of the Hou)e or even to
'ithdr!' it#
Shri T"!&i 4 There i) no mor!l obli&!tion then 8
2r# Spe!%er 4 The mor!l obli&!tion i) there#
Shri T"!&i 4 . 'ould r!ther prefer to be immor!l#
Shrim!ti ur&!b!i 4 The)e motion) 'ere moved but not pre))ed#
2r# Spe!%er4 The)e motion) !re not moved !t !ll# . h!ve not pl!ced them before the
Shrimati Durgabai : The hon# 2ember moved !nd then did not pre)) hi) motion#
2r# Speaker : 7h!t difference doe) it m!%e 8 .f he move) the motion !nd it i) voted
!&!in)t5 doe) it me!n th!t no )uch motion c!n ever be brou&ht !&!in 8
Shri T"!&i 4 Tod!" onl" 'e !re mor!ll" bound#
2r#Spe!%er 4 .t i) ! mor!l bindin& for !ll time# 3et there be no further di)cu))ion# 7e
)h!ll proceed to the ne(t item of bu)ine))#
Shrim!ti Renuka $!" (7e)t Ben&!l) 4 ros!
2r# Spe!%er 4 The m!tter i) clo)ed !nd there c!n be no further di)cu))ion#

+E+ C#A# (3e&#) M =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Eth ecember 19495 pp# 49F?98#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Eth ecember 19495 pp# 498?+,E#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Eth ecember 19495 pp# +,E?+,4#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Eth ecember 19495 pp# +,4?+,F#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Eth ecember 19495 pp# +,F?+,8#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Dth ecember 19495 pp# +1,?19#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Dth ecember 19495 pp# +19?E7#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) M =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Dth ecember 19495 pp# +D+?4,
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Dth ecember 19495 pp# +41?4D#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) M =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Dth ecember 19495 pp# +4D?+E#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 1Dth ecember 19495 pp# ++E?+8#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 14th ecember 19495 pp# +F,?FE1#
+E+ 0bid, pp# +F,?FE#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..514th ecember 19495 pp# +7F?8+#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..# 14th ecember 19495 pp#+8+?99# N
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 14th ecember 19495 pp# F,E?F,7#
+E+ C#A# (le&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 14th ecember 19495 pp# F,7?1,#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 14th ecember 19495 pp# F11?14#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =.5 ;!rt ..5 14th ecember 19495 pp# F14?E1#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =..5 ;!rt ..5 19th ecember 19495 pp# 78D?8+#
+E+ C#A# (3e&#) #5 =ol# =..5 ;!rt ..5 19th ecember 19495 pp# 787?9E#
+E+ C#A# (3e&) #5 =ol# =..5 ;!rt ..5 1Eth ecember 19+,5 p# 1++1#
+EF - C#A# (3e&) #5 (.=) =ol# =..5 ;!rt ..5 14th ecember 19+,5 pp##
Hindu Code Bill (Clause by Clause Discussion)


Clause-by-Clause Discussion
%F50 Mr. Speaker: The House will now proceed with the further consideration of the Bill to
amend and codify certain branches of the Hindu Law, as reported by the Select Committee.
Sri !. ". Caudari (#ssa$): Sir, before the Hon. Law Minister proceeds with his Bill, may
I mae a most humble su!!estion and it is this" either we finish the more important and shorter
Bills in the a!enda, and then lae up the Hindu Code Bill and finish it, or let it be understood
that the Hindu Code Bill will be considered from now and until the Hindu Code Bill is finished no
other Bill will be taen up. #ither of the two courses must be adopted. It seems that some
people who are $ery much in fa$our of the Hindu Code Bill thin that they are merely playin!
with time by tain! up this Bill, considerin! it for a short period up to one sta!e, and then puttin!
it off further for a lon!er spell of lime. That is rather unfair to e$erybody concerned. Therefore,
my first respectful re%uest is this. Let us finish these shorter and more important Bills, as for
instance, the &re$enti$e 'etention Bill. (nder that )ct, a number of persons who were arrested
were released under the orders of the Hi!h Courts. They ha$e a!ain been re*arrested and the
whole thin! has been held up in e+pectation of a more comprehensi$e Bill which was promised
by ,o$ernment. I submit, Sir, that, in the interests of law and order and also in $iew of the fact
that -ustice should be allowed to run undeterred, we must finish the most important le!islation,
namely, the &re$enti$e 'etention Bill first, then the #mployers. Liability Bill, and then sit down
on the Hindu Code and finish it alto!ether. I hope my su!!estion would be acceptable to the
Hon. Law Minister.
Mr. Speaker: Is this su!!estion acceptable to the Hon. Minister/
%e Minis&er o' (a) (Dr. #$bedkar): 0o. Sir.
Mr. Speaker" So, we will proceed with the further consideration of the Hindu Code Bill.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad 12est Ben!al3" Sir, I ha$e a point of order. The Hindu Code Bill is
before the House for a $ery lon! time.
Meanwhile, some important thin!s ha$e taen place, namely, that the Constitution has been
passed and a lar!e number of )cts and sections ha$e been declared loo be ultra virus of the
Constitution. . The present Bill would seem to offend a!ainst certain definite pro$isions of the
Constitution. 2e ha$e enacted so many thin!s in the Constitution that I was ama4ed to find that
many rele$ant )cts are declared ultra virus There are two pro$isions in the Constitution" 5ne is
that le!islation should not be discriminatory. This is enacted in article 678 clause 163 of that
article says"
9 The State shall not discriminate a!ainst any citi4en on !rounds only of reli!ion, race, caste,
se+ . . ..:
I submit that the Bill is confined to Hindus. 2ithin that e+pression . Hindus ., lar!e number of
classes who would not be ordinarily Hindus are attempted to be brou!ht. #$en apart from that,
there are lar!e classes who will be outside this Bill. I submit that there is discrimination between
different castes and persons followin! different reli!ions. The words . only of reli!ion . do not
seem to mae any difference. There is discrimination between different sections of our citi4ens
on the !round of reli!ion. The phrase . only of reli!ion . does not mean much. for I find there is
no other reason why there is difference between the different reli!ious sects, e+cept on !rounds
of reli!ion. That is one thin!.
The second article, which I would lie to submit for the consideration of the house, is....
Sri %ya+i 1(ttar &radesh3" May I point out. Sir that last lime when we ad-ourned, it was
decided and all a!reed. ;he was also a party;that no dilatory motions will be made.
Mr. Speaker " 5rder, order. He is not main! any motion. He is only raisin! a point of order,
accordin! to him.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" I shall be $ery brief.
Sir. Sri B. Das 15rissa3" But, he is main! a lon! speech.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" The other article to which I would lie to refer is <7163. It says"
9Sub-ect to public order, morality and health... 9 which do not mean....
Sri$a&i Dur+abai (Madras) " In the name of raisin! a point of order, is the hon. Member
allowed to ar!ue the %uestion on the merits of the case /
Mr. Speaker: He is ar!uin! and he is entitled to ar!ue8 let us not be impatient with the people
who differ.
Sri Sona,ane (Bo$bay): 2hat is his point of order/
Mr. Speaer" The hon. Member should hear what he is sayin!.
Shri Sona$ane" Is he allowed to ar!ue it/
Mr. Speaker: I cannot slop a Member, unless I now what he is !oin! to spea, and I cannot
now that unless he speas out. So in order to now what the hon. Member is !oin! to say. I
must hear him, and that is the only democratic way in which we can !o on.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai: But, will he be allowed to refer to certain clauses of the Bill/
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Member nows that e$ery person who wishes to ar!ue his case is at
liberty to spea8 of course, if I find an hon. Member is abusin! the liberty or is repeatin! himself
I shall certainly stop him.
Sri !a- Baadur 1=a-asthan3" Sir, I would lie to now by way of a rulin! from you whether
the hon. Member can use such dero!atory terms as he did, when referrin! to certain pro$isions
of the Constitution. He said that 9 sub-ect to public morality, health, etc. 9 are meanin!less
terms. Can he mae such obser$ations/
Sri !. ". Caudari" Sir, I submit that when a point of order is raised and when the Speaer
is listenin! to that point of order, there should be no interruptions from any hon. Member. Mr.
Speaer" 5rder, order.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ed: I submitted that the words in clause 163 of article <7;9Sub-ect to
public order, morality and health 9 do not really mean anythin! serious. I thin they are the usual
dreamy ind of safe!uards, which ha$e no le!al si!nificance. The article further says"
9 ... all persons are e%ually entitled to freedom of conscience and the ri!ht freely to profess,
practise and propa!ate reli!ion. 9 2ith re!ard to the sub-ect of marria!e, it is considered by all
de$out Hindus that marria!e is part of their reli!ious profession and practice. So far as I now, a
Hindu thins of marria!e as part of his reli!ion, and if a man has no son, he, it is belie$ed, !oes
to a particular re!ion in hell.
Sri %ya+i" 5rder, order, I ha$e no son.
Mr. Speaker" 2ill the hon. member resume his seat/ 5rder, order. I want the hon. Member
not to interrupt.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " In order to ensure a!ainst a particular ind of hell, the man should
ha$e a son, and in order to ha$e that, he must marry. That is one of the ten samskaras of a
Hindu. It is a reli!ious practice, and in order to ha$e son, a man can ha$e one wife or more than
one. Therefore. I submit that this pro$ision curtails the >undamental =i!ht !i$en in article <7163.
I am not raisin! a point which is only of academic interest, for this clause has been utilised by
the Bombay Hi!h Court recently in declarin! a certain )ct; &re$ention of Bi!amous Marria!es
)ct;to be ultra virus.
Dr. #$edkar" By the Bombay Hi!h Court/ I am sure that is not correct. It was probably
some ma!istrate.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " The %uestion before us is whether some of the pro$isions relatin!
to marria!e may not be ultra virus of the Constitution. There is also the !round of discrimination,
in $iew of article 67163 of the Constitution. There are numerous other articles detailin! with
minor aspects of the %uestion, but I thin, these two would suffice for the lime bein!. I am well
aware of the principle that the Speaer cannot rule out a point because the le!ality of it is
doubtful. But these are real stumblin! blocs and I would re%uest you. Sir, to consider the
le!ality of the Bills. )s we all now, a lar!e number of )cts and sections ha$e been declared
ultra virus. Even at the lime the Constitution was passed, ob-ections were raised that these
mi!ht be declared ultra virus. We ha$e enacted these >undamental =i!hts and anythin!
inconsistent with them8 to the e+tent of that inconsistency, would he null and $oid. There is no
way out of it. If there is any law, any )ct, which is in any way inconsistent with these articles,
those laws or )cts. to the e+tent of that inconsistency, shall be $oid. That is the serious %uestion
before us now. Should we pass an enactment which would be declared mill and void / Should
we not reconsider the Bill in $iew of the structure of the Constitution which we ha$e chosen to
!i$e to oursel$es/
Sir, these are some of the matters which I $enture to submit for your consideration.
Mr. Speaker4 . do not thin% . need &o in det!il over the )eriou) point) r!i)ed b" the hon#
2ember5 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d# The )hort !n)'er5 'hich . c!n &ive to 'h!tever he h!) )t!ted5
i) thi)# 7h!t he ur&e) no' m!" be true in re)pect of )ome of the provi)ion) !t the mo)t5 not !ll
the provi)ion)# And the proper procedure !nd lime to de!l 'ith them 'ould be 'hen the
p!rticul!r provi)ion 'hich he thin%) contr!vene) the Con)titution5 come) up lor con)ider!tion5
not till then5 bec!u)e to )!" !ll the provi)ion) !re of th!t t"pe5 !nd therefore there )hould be no
con)ider!tion of the Bill5 'ould be &oin& too f!r#
That is the short way in which I can dispose of all the ob-ections which the hon. Member has
ur!ed. This does not mean that I a!ree with his $iew. But assumin! that his $iew is correct, still
the proper time would be when the rele$ant clause comes up for consideration. This House is
perfectly competent to add to, or subtract from the Bill as presented to the House, if the House
comes to the conclusion that a particular pro$ision is not proper or offends a!ainst the
Constitution. But it cannot be decided by the Chair -ust at the $ery be!innin!.
I do not thin I need !o into the merits of the ar!uments as to how far there is really any
discrimination or how far marria!e is really a %uestion of reli!ion and so on and so forth.
I thin we shall now proceed with the bill, clause by clause.
Clause <; (Application of Code)
.andi& M. B. Bar+a,a 1)-mer3" I ha$e !ot an amendment standin! in my name, proposin!
the insertion of a new clause <, after clause I
Mr. Speaker" ?es, that is ri!ht. The hon. Member may mo$e it now.
Sri %ya+i " Sir, before that, may I refer to a rulin! you !a$e once, and to the rulin! which you
!a$e -ust now/ 5nce when I raised a point about a Bill bein! declared ultra virus, the rulin! was
that it was for the Courts to decide whether it was ultra virus and that it was not within the
pur$iew of the Chair. Sir. do you hold to that $iew now or will you use discretion in declarin!
certain clauses ultra virus or otherwise of the Constitution /
Mr. Speaker" I do not thin I ha$e yet any !rounds for chan!in! my $iew. If howe$er, !rounds
are shown. I may reconsider the matter.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a 1&un-ab3" Sir, ordinarily clause I is taen after all the clauses
are finished. In re!ard to the Hindu Code I find from the amendments to clause I that some of
them in$ol$e %uestions of a $ery substanti$e nature. They relate to applicability of the Code in
certain States. Many amendments to clause I ha$e been put on the order paper and may I
re%uest you indly to consider whether it would be possible to tae up clause I first/
2r# Spe!%er4 The re!)on for t!%in& up cl!u)e . !t the end i) to )ee th!t it m!" be properl"
'orded5 !fter )eein& the fin!l form of the v!riou) provi)ion) in the le&i)l!tion# The hon# 2ember
'ill )ee th!t )ub?cl!u)e (1) of cl!u)e . )!") !) to 'h!t the n!me of the Bill )h!ll be4 )ub?cl!u)e
(E) de!l) 'ith the territori!l e(tent of thi) le&i)l!tion !nd )ub?cl!u)e (D) )pe!%) !bout the d!te
from 'hich the Bill 'ill come into force#
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: Territorial e+tent is a substanti$e %uestion.
Mr. Speaker: #$en in re!ard to that, after !oin! throu!h the pro$isions of the Bill it may be
possible for us to see more clearly. )s to whether the pro$isions of the Bill should apply to all
parts of India or e+ceptions should be made in respect of certain pro$isions in respect to certain
Stales or areas. To my mind, it appears more ad$anta!eous to lae clause I at the end, for then
the House will ha$e a more clear picture as to what the pro$isions of the Bill are. That is a better
procedure and we shall proceed with clause <.
A) re&!rd) ;!ndit 2# B# Bh!r&!v!B) !mendment5 it more or le)) )ee%) to !mend cl!u)e . !nd he
'!nt) to put in ! ne' condition for the !pplic!tion of the provi)ion) of the Bill# r# Ambed%!r4 .t
i) re!ll" !n !mendment to cl!u)e 1#
Pandit M. B. Bhargava4 . m!" be !llo'ed to e(pl!in#
Mr. Speaker" The amendment says"
9 That this Code or only such part of it shall come into force if and when it is ratified on a
referendum by ma-ority of the Hindu electorate of &arliament. 9
Th!t i)5 re!ll" )pe!%in&5 !n !mendment to )ub?cl!u)e (D) of cl!u)e .5 thou&h he pl!ce) it !) !
)ep!r!te ne' cl!u)e# No further !r&ument) !re nece))!r" !nd . )h!ll proceed 'ith cl!u)e E#
Sri Sar)a&e 1Madhya Bharat3 " 2ill the official amendments be mo$ed first or will mine be
taen up first /
Mr. Speaker" I am !oin! by the order so far as the pro$isions of the Bill !o. The official
amendments will come later on.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai" If the official amendments are mo$ed first they may co$er the points to
be raised later by non*official amendments.
Mr. Speaer" 2e will !o by the order.
Dr. #$bedkar: May I mae a su!!estion in the interest of economy of time. ..
Sri %ya+i" 2ithdraw the Bill" that is the best economy of time.
Dr. #$bedkar" That would be too much of an economy. If you loo at the $arious
amendments which stand on the order paper you will see that most of the amendments are
mere $ariants of one another. There is no amendment, which is $ery substantially different from
the other amendments. I was therefore su!!estin! whether it would not be a proper procedure
to permit Members to mo$e their amendments and then to ha$e a !eneral discussion rather
than to permit each amendment to be mo$ed, ha$e a debate on it and then to dispose of it,
thereafter ha$e another amendment mo$ed, ha$e a debate on it and then to dispose of it. I was
thinin! that in the interests of economy of time the procedure I was su!!estin! mi!ht appeal to
Mr. Speaker" In fact, we ha$e been followin! that procedure. 2here amendments in$ol$e a
common point, all the amendments are mo$ed and there is a common discussion. That is the
practice which we ha$e been followin! in the past and therefore, I shall follow that practice here
Sri Sar)a&e" I be! to mo$e" >or clause <, substitute"
9 <. Application of Code. 163 This Code applies to all Hindus. 1<3 The e+pression . Hindu . in
this Code, shall, unless otherwise pro$ided, mean a citi4en of India.
4A6 /otwithstanding anything contained in the pecial marriage &ct, 5@G: 4III of 5@G:6, this
Code shall apply to -indus, as defined in that &ct, and whose marriages have not been
solemnised under the provisions of that &ct prior to the commencement of this Code. D
Mr. Speaker" May I su!!est one thin! more. Those amendments that are printed, as well as
others too, ha$e been circularised. So hon. Members may only mention the number of the
amendment they propose to mo$e and I shall tae it that it has been mo$ed. )ll the
amendments relatin! to one clause and one sub-ect will be mo$ed and discussed.
Sri %ya+i" The point, which the amendments see to amend, will be discussed separately.
Mr. Speaker" ?es.
%e Minis&er o' S&a&e 'or %ranspor& and !ail)ays (Sri San&ana$): Sir, is it in order to
!o a!ainst the fundamentals of the Hindu Code itself. The amendment sees to apply the Code
to all Christians, Muslims and others. 'oes it not !o beyond the Code itself/ I would lie a rulin!
from you. Sir, on that sub-ect.
Mr. Speaker" Let the amendments be mo$ed first.
Sri %ya+i" The amendment sees to Hinduise the Muslims, which is a!ainst the law or
Constitution. #$erybody has been !uaranteed the liberty of practisin! his reli!ion and to brin!
the Muslims and Christians also under the Hindu Code will mean interferin! with their reli!ion.
Mr. Speaker" Let the amendments be mo$ed.
Sri %ya+i" This amendment has been mo$ed and therefore it is out of order.
Sri Indra /idya,acaspa&i 1(ttar &radesh3" I be! to mo$e" >or clause <, substitute"
9 <. This Code applies to all Indians irrespecti$e of their reli!ion, caste or creed9.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: I be! to mo$e" >or clause <, substitute" 9 <. Sub-ect to the
pro$isions of section I this Code applies;
1a3 to all persons who are Hindus, Buddhists, @ains or Sihs by reli!ion8
1b3 to any other person who is not a Muslim, Christian, &arsee, or a @ew by reli!ion8
1c3 to e$ery woman who married any person who was not a Muslim, Christian, &arsee or a
@ew by reli!ion8
1d3 to any child le!itimate or ille!itimate one of whose parents was a person who was not a
Muslim. Christian, &arsee or a @ew by reli!ion8 1e3 to a con$ert to any reli!ion e+cept the
Muslim, Christian, &arsee or @ew by reli!ion.9
1e3 to a con$ert to any reli!ion e+cept the Muslim, Christian, &arsee or @ew by reli!ion.9
Sri 0un-un)ala 1Bihar3" I be! to mo$e" >or clause <, substitute"
9 <. Application of Code.This Code applies to all the citi4ens of India that is Bharat,
irrespecti$e of their caste, creed and irrespecti$e of their belon!in! to or professin! any
Dr. #$bedkar" I be! to mo$e" In clause <,; 163 in sub*clause 163,;
1i3 in part 1a3, for 9 Hindus, that is to say, all persons professin! the Hindu reli!ion9 substitute
9persons who are Hindus by reli!ion 9 8
(ii) in p!rt (d)5 for 6 Hindu reli&ion 6 )ub)titute 6 Hindu5 Buddhi)t5 >!in! or Si%h reli&ion 6C (E)
omit )ub?cl!u)e (4)# Shri N!Jiruddin Ahm!d4 . be& to move4
1i3 In part 1a3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9 Hindus, that is to say, all persons professin!
the Hindu reli!ion9 substitute 9 persons who are Hindus by reli!ion 9. 1ii3 5mit part 1b3 of sub*
clause 163 of clause <. 1iii3 >or part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, substitute"
9 1b3 to all persons who are Buddhists, @ains or Sihs by reli!ion 9. 1i$3 >or part 1b3 of sub*
clause 163 of clause <, substitute"
9 1h3 to any person who is a @aina by reli!ion 8 9. 1$3 In part 1h3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <,
for 9 @aina or Sih 9,
)ub)titute 6 or >!in! 6# S!rd!r Hu%!rn Sin&h (;unA!b)4 . be& to move4 .n p!rt (b) of )ub?cl!u)e
(1) of cl!u)e E# omit 6or Si%h6#
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" I be! to mo$e"
1i3 In part 1c31i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9 ille!itimate 9 insert"
9 who, if he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen years, is himself a Hindu and 9.
1ii3 In part1c3 1i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9 whose parents are Hindus 9 substitute 9
whose parents are or ha$e been Hindus 9.
1iii3 In part 1c3 1ii3ofsub*clause 1l3ofclause <, after 9 belon!s or belon!ed 9 insert 9 and who, if
he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen years, is himself a Hindu 9.
Sri S. .. Misra 1(ttar pradesh3" I be! to mo$e" )fter part 1c3 1ii3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <,
9 1iii3 to any abandoned child brou!ht up as a member of the community, !roup or family to
which such parent belon!s89.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" I be! to mo$e" >or part 1d3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <.substitute"
91d3 to a con$ert to the Hindu reli!ion, sub-ect to his ri!hts and liabilities before his con$ersion.
Bau 1opina& Sin!h1(ttar &radesh3" I be! to mo$e" )fter part 1d3 of sub*clause 163 of
clause <, add" 91e3 to a Muslim or Christian con$erted from Buddhism, @ainism, Sihism or
Hinduism in his life time 9.
Sri Na2iruddin #$ad" I be! to mo$e"
5mit sub*clause 1<3 of clause <. Sardar (uarn Sin!h" I be! to mo$e"
In sub*clause 1<3 of clause <, after 9 &arsi 9 insert 9 Sih 9.
Sri Bra-es)ar .rasad 1Bihar3" I be! to mo$e" )fter sub*clause 1<3 of clause <, insert"
9 1<)3 This Code also applies to any woman professin! any reli!ion who has married a Hindu,
Buddhist, @ain or Sih.9
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" I be! to mo$e" 1i3 5mit sub*clause 1A3 of clause <. 1ii3 5mit sub*
clause 1B3 of clause <. 1iii3 )fter sub*clause 1B3 of clause <, add"
9. 173 0otwithstandin! anythin! in this section this Code shall apply only to such areas or to
such persons or classes of persons in any Slate from such lime or by such sta!es as the State
Le!islature may from lime to lime by )ct pro$ide.9
Sri 0un-un)ala " I be! to mo$e" To clause <, add the pro$iso"
D "rovided, however, that notwithstanding anything contained in the above clauses, this Code
shall not apply to any person, unless such person got his name registered with such authority,
and in such manner, as may be hereafter prescribed by "arliament, within one year after this
Code comes into force and in case of a minor within one year after such a minor attains
maCority. D
Mr. Speaker" I called out each Member who has tabled his amendment or amendments and I
find that Shri Shi$ Charan Lal and &rof. C. C. Bhattacharya were absent when called. But, as
we are followin! a procedure of callin! out the number of the amendment it is possible that
these two Members may not ha$e e+pected that they would ha$e been called so soon as that to
mo$e their amendments. Thou!h I am $ery clear that 1hey should ha$e been in their seats
when the Bill is taen up for discussion, as we are startin! this procedure in the be!innin!. I am
thinin! of permittin! them to mo$e their amendments later on if they turn up in the House and
wish to mo$e them durin! the course of discussion on this particular clause.
Sri 0. !. "apoor 1(ttar &radesh3 " Sir, there are two amendments of which I ha$e !i$en
notice. 5ne of them is an amendment to Shri @hun-hunwala.s amendment 0o. 6D in
Supplementary List 0o. 6.
Mr. Speaker: Is the hon. Member mo$in! further substantial amendments/
Sri 0. !. "apoor: 0o. I may be so called but not 0o. <.
Mr. Speaker: 0o < of course is an amendment to the amendment of Shri @hun-hunwala. That
I am acceptin! for mo$in!.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" So far as 0o. I is concerned, it does so happen that it has been !i$en the
shape of an absolutely ori!inal amendment thou!h I had !i$en it to 1he 0otice 5ffice in the form
of an amendment to Mr. @hun-unwala.s amendment 0o. 6A. To put it in a better form the office
has !i$en it as a separate amendment. Therefore, I hope you will admit it. The whole thin! will
be open to discussion and the admission of this will not in any way interfere with the proper
disposal of the sub-ect.
Mr. Speaker" It is not a %uestion of disposal. If I were to permit amendments at the last
minute, they will he comin! in e$en till the last sta!e of $otin!. Therefore, I am unwillin! to
wai$e . . . .
Sri 0. !. "apoor" Sir, I was main! this submission only in $iew of the special
circumstances of the case. 5ri!inally I had put in the first amendment as an amendment to Shri
@hun-hunwala.s amendment 0o. 6A in Supplementary List 0o. 6. But then to !i$e it a better form
the office thou!ht it mi!ht be put as a separate substantial amendment. If the Chair is so
pleased it can be taen in the ori!inal form.
Mr. Speaker" Eery well. )s it is a chan!e in form only I will permit him to mo$e it.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" I be! to mo$e" 1i3 >or clause <, substitute"
9 <. Application of Code.This Code or any part or parts thereof applies to all the citi4ens of
India that is Bharat, who after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority, declare in writin! that they shall be
!o$erned by this Code or any part or parts thereof, as the case may be, and !el such
declaration re!istered in accordance with rules prescribed for 1he purpose by the Central
,o$ernment.9 I also be! to mo$e"
1ii3 In the amendment proposed by Shri Banarsi &rasad @hun-hunwala, in the proposed
pro$iso to clause <, for the words be!innin! with the words 9unless such person9 to the end,
D unless such person, after attaining the age of maCority, declares in writing that he or she, as
the case may be, shall be governed by this Code, and gels such declaration registered in
accordance with rules prescribed lor the purpose by the Central Government. D
Mr. Speaker" )mendments mo$ed"
6. >or clause <, substitute"
.*<. Application of Code.163 This Code applies to all Hindus.
1<3 The e+pression .Hindu. in this Code shall, unless otherwise pro$ided, mean a citi4en of
1A3 0otwithstandin! anythin! contained in the Special Marria!e )ct, 6DF< 1III of 6DF<3. this
Code shall apply to Hindus, as defined*in that )ct, and whose marria!es ha$e not been
solemnised under the pro$isions of that )ct prior to the commencement of this Code. 9
<. >or clause <, substitute"
9 <. This Code applies to all Indians irrespecti$e of their reli!ion, caste or creed.9
A. >or clause <, substitute" 9 <. Sub-ect to the pro$isions of section I this Code applies;
1a3 to all persons who are Hindus, Buddhists, @ains or Sihs by reli!ion8
1b3 to any other person who is not a Muslim, Christian, &arsee, or a @ew by reli!ion8
1c3 to e$ery woman who married any person who was not a Muslim, Christian, &arsee or a
@ew by reli!ion8
1d3 to any child le!itimate or ille!itimate one of whose parents was a person who was not a
Muslim, Christian, &arsee or a @ew by reli!ion8
1e3 to a con$ert to any reli!ion e+cept the Muslim, Christian, &arsee or @ew by reli!ion. 9
B. >or clause <, substitute"
9<. Application of Code.This Code applies to all the citi4ens of India that is Bharat,
irrespecti$e of their caste, creed and irrespecti$e of their belon!in! to or professin! any reli!ion.
7. In clause <, ; 163 in sub*clause 163, ;
1i3 in part 1a3, for 9 Hindus, that is to say, all persons professin! the Hindu reli!ion 9 substitute 9
persons who are Hindus by reli!ion98
1ii3 in part 1d3, for 9 Hindu reli!ion 9 substitute 9 Hindu, Buddhist, @aina or Sih reli!ion 98 1<3
5mit sub*clause 1B3.
G. In part 1a3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for, 9 Hindus, that is to say, all persons professin!
the Hindu reli!ion 9 substitute 9 persons who are Hindus by reli!ion 9.
F. 5mit part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <.
D. >or part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, substitute"
9 1b3 to all persons who are Buddhists, @ainas or Sihs by reli!ion8 9.
H. >or part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, substitute" 9 1b3 to any person who is a @aina by
reli!ion 9.
6I. In part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9 @aina or Sih 9, substitute 9or, @aina9.
66. In part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, omit 9 or Sih 9.
6<. In part 1c3 1i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9 ille!itimate 9 insert ";
9 who, if he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen years, is himself a Hindu and 9.
6A. In part 1c3 1i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9 whose parents are Hindus 9 substitute 9
whose parents are or ha$e been Hindus 9.
6B. In part 1c3 1ii3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9 belon!s or belon!ed 9 insert 9 and who,
if he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen years, is himself a Hindu9.
67. )fter part 1c3 1ii3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, add"
9 1iii3 to any abandoned child brou!ht up as a member of the community, !roup or family to
which such parent belon!s8 9.
6G. >or part 1d3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, substitute"
91d3 to a con$ert to the Hindu reli!ion, sub-ect to his ri!hts and liabilities before his con$ersion.
6F. )fter part 1d3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, add"
9 1e3 to a Muslim or Christian con$erted from Buddhism, @ainism, Sihism or Hinduism in his
life time. 9
6D. 5mit sub*clause 1<3 of clause <.
6H. In sub*clause 1<3 of clause <, after 9 &arsi 9 insert 9 Sih 9.
<I. )fter sub*clause 1<3 of clause <, insert"
9 1<)3 This Code also applies to any woman professin! any reli!ion who has married a Hindu,
Buddhist, @ain or Sih. 9
<6. 5mit sub*clause 1A3 of clause <.
<<. 5mit sub*clause 1B3 of clause A.
<A. )fter sub*clause 1B3 of clause <, add"
9 173 0otwithstandin! anythin! in this section this Code shall apply only to such areas or to
such persons or classes of persons in any State from such time or by such sta!es as the State
Le!islature may from time to time by )ct pro$ide. 9
<B. To clause <, add the pro$iso"
9 &ro$ided, howe$er, that notwithstandin! anythin! contained in the abo$e clauses, . this
Code shall not apply to any person, unless such person !ot his name re!istered with such
authority, and in such manner, as may be hereafter prescribed by &arliament, within one year
after this Code comes into force, and in case of a minor within one year after such a minor
attains ma-ority. 9
<7. >or clause <, substitute"
9 <,. Application of Code.This Code or any part or parts thereof applies to all the citi4ens of
India that is Bharat, who after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority, declare in writin! that they shall be
!o$erned by this Code or any part or parts thereof, as the case may be, and !et such
declaration re!istered in accordance with rules prescribed for the purpose by the Central
,o$ernment. 9
<G. In the amendment proposed by Shri Banarsi &rasad @hun-hunwala, in the proposed
pro$iso to clause <, for the words be!innin! with the words 9 unless such person 9 to the end,
9unless such person, after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority, declares in writin! that he or she, as
the case may be, shall be !o$erned by this Code, and !ets such declaration re!istered in
accordance with rules prescribed for the purpose by the Central ,o$ernment. 9
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: Sir, I would lie to su!!est a shortcut. There are a lar!e number of
amendments, thou!h !o$ernin! almost the same matter. I thin if all these matters are
discussed to!ether there would be confusion and I thin, from e+perience, that we will not !et
replies to our points. If we consider separately, we can curtail our speeches to pre$ent
repetition. I su!!est this only as a matter of opinion.
Mr. Speaker" If we are all determined not to repeat the same thin! o$er a!ain, we need not
be $ery much afraid of repetitions. 5f course, the Chair may be put to a much !reater strain in
watchin! that there are no repetitions, but the Chair will try its best to do so.
Dr. #$bedkar: )nd apply sanctions to Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad J
Sri Sar)a&e " Sir, at the outset an ob-ection has been raised that my amendment would
enlar!e the scope of the Bill. In the course of my speech, I shall try to show that if it does so at
all, it is not bein! inconsistent either with the ob-ect of this Bill or with the pro$isions of the
K &)0'IT TH)C(= ')S BH)=,)E) I0 TH# CH)I=.L
)s far as I now, there has been no one definition of 9 Hindu 9. The connotation and
denotation of the term 9 Hindu 9 has $aried from time to time and from place to place. &ossibly,
there would be a time when it would come to mean what I ha$e su!!ested in my amendment. I
may %uote certain instances where the term 9 Hindu 9 is interpreted $ariously.
Satyarthaprakash, I am told, does say that 9 Hindu 9 means " 9 whosoe$er resides in India 9.
Savarkar, reformer of Bombay has su!!ested that whosoe$er is born in India and who holds
her as his sacred land is a Hindu. He has su!!ested"
Aa Sindhu paryata, yatsya Bharat huika
!ituhah punyahucshaiva, sarve hinduriti smrutah"
That is to say, one who considers India to be his homeland and also as his sacred land
should be considered as Hindu. I need not point out that in )merica and also probably in South
)frica e$erybody who comes from India is nown as 9 Hindu 9. Therefore, my amendment does
not see to do anythin! no$el but is in conformity with the interpretation which has been tried to
put on this term 9 Hindu 9. )!ain, I may point out that in this Bill itself, the term 9 Hindu 9 is not
restricted to Hindu law, whate$er that may mean. In sub*clause 1a3 of the definitions, it is said to
9 to all Hindus, that is to say, to all persons professin! the Hindu reli!ion 9,
and in 1b3" 9 to any person who is Buddhist, @ain or Sih by reli!ion 9.
So, this Bill sees to e+tend the pro$isions to Hindus plus Sihs plus Buddhists plus @ains. I
need not !o into the history of the Hindu reli!ion. @ainism was certainly at one time opposed to
and contradictory to the Hindu reli!ion, if that means Sanatoria #edic $harma. Whereas
Sanatana #edic $harma relied on the #edas @ainism did not rely the Eedas. Therefore, @ain
and Hindu Sanatana #edic $harmas were entirely different reli!ions.
%he &ouse then ad'ourned for (unch till &alf !ast %)o of the Clock.
%he &ouse re+assemled after (unch at &alf !ast %)o of the Clock.
K&)0'IT TH)C(= ')S BH)=,)E) I0 TH# CH)I=.L
Sri Sar)a&e" 2hen the House rose for lunch I was tryin! to show that in the Bill alon! with
Hindus, persons of other reli!ions are also sou!ht to be included;reli!ions which were
contradictory to and opposed to Hindu reli!ion, i.e., Sanatana #edic $harma. >or instance,
Buddhism was a!ainst Hinduism8 so also was @ainism. But these two reli!ions ha$e been
included in the Hindu Code Bill. So, if the mo$er of the Bill is entitled to include certain reli!ions
other than Hinduism, then I am entitled to mo$e that certain other reli!ions may also be
included and in doin! so I thin I shall not be outside the scope of the Bill.
I was !oin! further to show that the Bill under discussion also sees to codify and reform
Hindu law, if I remember ari!ht, it has been stated in the Statement of 5b-ects and =easons.
&ossibly that has been done to ob$iate or remo$e any possible difficulty that the Constitution
may brin! in at this sta!e or later on. 2hat I mean is this. )rticle <7 of the Constitution lays
down that all citi4ens of India are e%ually entitled to freedom of conscience and the ri!ht freely
to profess., practise and propa!ate reli!ion. If as man were free to practise his own reli!ion,
then he would certainly be at liberty to marry accordin! to the tenets of his reli!ion. But what is
sou!ht to be done by this Bill is that he will be forced to marry in a particular way. The principles
laid down in this Bill may be entirely opposed to the tenets of his reli!ion. I ha$e a feelin! that
ob-ection to this may probably be sou!ht to be co$ered by the subse%uent clause of article <7
which reads "
9 1<3 0othin! in this article shall affect the operation of any e+istin! law or pre$ent the State
from main! any law;
1a3 re!ulatin! or restrictin! any economic, financial, political or other secular acti$ity which
may be associated with reli!ious practice8
1b3 pro$idin! for social welfare and reform or the throwin! open of Hindu reli!ious institutions
of a public character to all classes and sections of Hindus. 9
B" m" !mendment . '!nt to reform 'h!t i) Hindu reli&ion# . '!nt to reform Hindui)m b"
'idenin& it) )cope to !ll tho)e per)on) 'ho !re citiJen) of .ndi!5 includin& Chri)ti!n)5 ;!r)i)5
>e')5 etc#
0ow, Sir, what is Hindu law / Hindu law is said to be based on Shruti and Smriti, that is
#edas. >urther it is said that that is not the only source. The other source is the enactment by
proper le!islature or proper authority. So, let us say that enactment plus #edas is e%ual to
Hindu law. If M represents Shruti and Smriti and ? represents enactment, Hindu law is e%ual to
M plus ?. The $alue of M in the be!innin! was 6II and that of ? 4ero. But as time went on
encroachments were made by enactments one by one with the result that the position was
completely chan!ed.
The $ery basis of the Hindu reli!ion is the caste system and secondly the particular way in
which marria!e is held. It is held to be sacred 8 it is held to be sacramental and therefore it is
said to be indissoluble. It cannot be dissol$ed. There cannot be a di$orce accordin! to the strict
Sanatana #edic $harma as practised by orthodo+ Hindus. But one by one these fundamentals
are bein! remo$ed. >or instance, di$orce is allowed. In certain cases castes ha$e been totally
i!nored and in this Bill it has been said that there will be no caste. So this Bill taes away the
whole basis of . Hinduism . accordin! to the Sanatana #edic $harma. 2hat this Bill sees to do
is that whereas pre$iously M was hundred and ? was 4ero and the total was hundred, M is
sou!ht to be reduced to 4ero and ? raised to hundred. They are e+actly re$ersin! the position.
2hile once the Shruti and Smriti was the whole source and enactment nil, now the enactment
would be the whole source and Shruti and Smriti nil. Therefore, what I am now sayin! is that
instead of !i$in! this benefit only to those who are Sanatana #edic $harmas it should be
e+tended to all. That would be doin! on the professed lines of the Bill. My ob-ect is to !i$e
e%uality to all persons who are inside the limits of India. I am neither partial to the Hindus, nor to
Sihs, nor to anybody else.
It may perhaps be pointed out that I am tryin! to e+tend the scope of the Bill to persons who
were not e+amined8 for instance, Christians and &arsis were not e+amined, and that it would be
unfair. My answer is that it would be unfair to include the Sihs either because they were not
e+amined. So, in point of fairness there is not much to choose between the pro$isions of the
ori!inal Bill and the amendment, which I am seein! to mo$e. The lo!ical course would be to
e+amine those persons who were not e+amined pre$iously and to !et their opinion. If necessary
the Bill may be held o$er or returned to do this.
The chief claim of this Bill is said to be this that it is based on a $ery !ood sense of fair play,
-ustice and e%uity. Suppose it is said, for instance, a person has three sons and three
dau!hters. If he has affection for his sons, he has e%ual affection for his dau!hters. If the sons
are to inherit because they are born of the parents, it follows that the dau!hters also ha$in!
been born of the parents they should also tae the inheritance. That is the only reason that can
be ad$anced for !i$in! the inheritance to the dau!hter, namely, that she is born of her parents,
and therefore she necessarily ou!ht to !et a share in the property of the father. In a way it is
ri!ht. Then it should be ri!ht not only in the case of Hindus but of Muslims and Sihs also8 it
should be so in the case of Christians and others. Therefore, if the law has to be amended it
should be made applicable not only to Hindus but to all citi4ens who happen to be within our
-urisdiction and for whom we can le!islate.
)nd here I ha$e a $ery !ood support. I shall -ust %uote what 'r. )mbedar himself has said at
a pre$ious sta!e of the Bill;i am %uotin! from pa!e AG76 of the report of the proceedin!s of the
9 If my hon. friend.s alternati$e was that there ou!ht not to be communal laws of inheritance
and communal laws of marria!e but there are to be a common Ci$il Code applyin! to all
sections, all communities, in fact applyin! to citi4ens without discrimination as to reli!ion, cast or
creed, I am certainly one with him. 9 He said this in the course of the discussion on the Hindu
Code Bill at some pre$ious sta!e.
)n. Hon. Member" He has chan!ed his opinion.
Shri Sarwate" He should eep his word. There is also a pro$ision in the Constitution in my
fa$our, and that is article BB which says"
9 The State shall endea$our to secure for the citi4ens a uniform Ci$il Code throu!hout the
territory of India. 9 ) Ci$il Code necessarily means a Code, which deals with marria!e,
inheritance, adoption and so on. The scope of the Ci$il Code is co*terminus with and almost the
same as that of the Hindu Code Bill. The article in the Constitution says that 9the State shall
endea$our... 9, which is bein! made by this amendment. So it is but proper that the earliest
opportunity should be taen to put this pro$ision of the Constitution into effect and 'r.
)mbedar should be the first person to accept my amendment.
7hile the di)cu))ion on thi) Code '!) &oin& on in the previou) )e))ion5 )ome of m" 2u)lim
friend)5 !nd !l)o )ome of m" ;!r)i friend)5 e(pre))ed their entire )!ti)f!ction !nd 'ere ver" loud
in pr!i)in& the provi)ion) of thi) Code# . 'ould 'elcome them !nd !ppe!l to them to )upport me#
7hen the" con)ider th!t the provi)ion) !re )o &ood !nd re!)on!ble5 the" )hould follo' up their
conviction) b" )imil!r )peeche) !) the one 'hich . !m !t pre)ent m!%in&5 n!mel"5 th!t the Code
)hould be m!de !pplic!ble to !ll#
I say that the e+pression 9 Hindu 9 in this Code shall, unless otherwise pro$ided, mean a
citi4en of India. I ha$e put in the e+pression 9 unless otherwise pro$ided 9 for this reason,
namely, that if certain pro$isions of this law are not applicable to people of certain reli!ions, if
for instance they thin that adoption is not necessary for them, they can mo$e that for the
purposes of adoption 9 Hindu 9 should not include, for instance, a Muslim or a Christian. The
phrase 9 unless otherwise pro$ided9 would show that it is sufficiently elastic. My definition would
be sufficiently elastic to enable e$ery reli!ion to adapt the Code to its own tenets or whate$er
hon. Members thin that their reli!ion re%uires them to do. So there should be no difficulty in
this way either. >or instance the =oman Catholics thin that di$orce is not allowable in their
case. If they are con$inced they can say that for purposes of di$orce 9 Hindu 9 should not
include a =oman Catholic.
)ccordin! to this Code there can be two ways of marria!e, sacramental and ci$il.
Sacramental marria!e would mean a marria!e done accordin! to reli!ion. It may be any reli!ion
;It may be Hindu, @ain, and Christian. That does not come in the way either. >or instance there
are necessary ceremonies in the Sanatana #edic $harma. 2hat I am su!!estin! is that people
of those reli!ions need not be afraid that their whole reli!ion would be nullified.
Sri %ya+i: 2hat about those who are already married accordin! to another Code/
Sri Sar)a&e: My hon. friend Mr. Tya!i may su!!est the necessary amendments at the
proper sta!e for that.
I, therefore, su!!est that my amendment meets the pro$isions of the Constitution8 it is in
conformity with what has been said by the Mo$er of the Bill, the Hon. 'r. )mbedar8 it meets
also all the claims, which ha$e been made for this Bill, those of lo!ic, -ustice and fair play. I
therefore commend my amendment to the House and to the Mo$er of the Bill for acceptance.
Mr. Cair$an: There are some amendments from the hon. Member Shri ,opinath Sin!h.
They ha$e come today. The rule in this House has been that unless the hon. Member in char!e
of the Bill consents, the Chair does not allow them. The notice has been recei$ed only today8 I
would as the Hon. 'r. )mbedar if he is willin! to accept them.
Dr. #$bedkar: I ha$e not !ot copies of those amendments at all and I cannot say anythin!.
Sri Indra /idya,acaspa&i " (En,lish translation of the &indi Speech) Sir, my
amendment is that the Hindu Code Bill when passed, should be made applicable to e$ery
Indian. There should be no distinction of caste, creed or reli!ion therein. This is my amendment.
In the be!innin!, I would lie to submit as to why I am speain! today, I ha$e been a member of
this &arliament for one year. But I ha$e not taen a sin!le minute of the House. It was because
our Hon. Speaer had said that e$ery minute of parliament costs fifty rupees. Thus I ha$e sa$ed
thousands of rupees of this &arliament, but I am not inclined to mae a sa$in! today. The
reason is that I ha$e a fear lurin! in my mind. The fear is that I feel there would be difficulties
both if this bill is passed and if it is not. I am a staunch social reformer and I want that there
should be such le!islations for social reforms. The State has a ri!ht to frame laws for main!
reforms in the society. Therefore, what I want to point out is that it cannot be said that it is an
interference with any reli!ion. 5n the other hand I am of the opinion that the State and the
le!islature must tae steps to pro$ide for such le!islations relatin! to social reforms. I do not
say that this Bill should not be passed but I am afraid, this bill will not be passed in the form in
which it has been presented althou!h 'r. )mbedar and our &rime Minister ha$e repeatedly
e+pressed the $iew that it would be passed. I thin e$en in a lon! session as the Bud!et
Session, we will not be able to pass it unless the !uillotine is used. But it is not proper to use
!uillotine in the case of such bills, which affect the whole country. So, this is the first difficulty.
The other difficulty is that by passin! the Bill in its present form, we will !i$e encoura!ement to
an e$il which must not be there and a!ainst which we ha$e always stood up. )nd that e$il is
communalism. If we pass the Hindu Code Bill, this e$il of communalism will raise its head
fore$er. )s this Bill is not applicable to all sections of the &opulation. It will definitely !i$e rise to
communalism. If the Bill is not passed, I fear the a$enue of main! social reforms throu!h
le!islation may be closed for e$er. I ha$e $ery little hope of its bein! passed but if it is passed
the feelin! of communalism will arise and what should ha$e been a boon will turn into a curse.
Therefore, when I saw these obstacles and difficulties in the way of social reforms. I decided to
say somethin!. I would clearly submit that I am in fa$our of main! laws relatin! to social
reforms. I do not want to !o into the details of the proposed reforms, but I would lie to say a
few words on sub-ects lie poly!amy. I want that mono!amy should be enforced by law in our
country not only for Hindus but for all sections of the population. In the same way, I also say
that there should be -ustice for women and their economic ri!hts should be safe*!uarded. I do
not belie$e that only Hindu women are oppressed. There are women of other communities as
well who are also oppressed. These atrocities must !o. It is better if the society itself remo$es
these atrocities, otherwise law must inter$ene. If a Constitution can be enacted on principles of
e%uality and e%uity for the whole of the country, why not laws be made for the entire society/ In
the same way I thin, there is the %uestion of di$orce. 2e hear many %uotations from the
Shastras a!ainst it. I do not want to discuss that sub-ect but I can say on the basis of $harma
Shastras as that it is wron! to say that this has not been mentioned in the shastras. #$erythin!
for and a!ainst a certain sub-ect is !i$en there. There are 6AF Smritis. In the principal one i.e.
-anusmrit it is written"
#idvadhi Sevitah Sadhirnityamad)eshara,ihih
&ridayenahyanu,yatoyo dharmastanniodhata Sanniodh.
1meanin! thereby the 'harma is that which is constantly practised by the !ood, the learned
and those who are de$oid of pre-udice and attachment and which is in full accord with the
Manu has himself said that there were Smritis before him. So these Smrities are in e+istence
for a $ery lon! time. It is wron! to say that there should be no reforms in our society. It will put
an end to all the pro!ress in our country. )ll necessary reforms in the society must be made. I
will not !o into details because the Bill will be discussed clause by clause later on and
amendments can be made at that sta!e. Therefore I am not in fa$our of postponin! it. But one
thin! seems certain, that many difficulties will arise if it is passed in this $ery form. In my
opinion, the !o$ernment may enact an Indian Code, but it should be applicable to the whole
country. The reforms should be made for the whole of India.
I will now point out the disad$anta!es of its bein! applicable to Hindus alone. >irstly accordin!
to the Constitution of free India, we do not want communalism to !row. 5urs is a secular state.
(nder these circumstances, the ,o$ernment cannot mae any law for a particular community.
The lawyers can discuss a lot on this sub-ect, but as a layman, I would only submit that in a
State where reli!ion has not been !i$en any place or consideration, it is a!ainst all -ustice to
frame laws for the followers of a particular reli!ion alone, and such a step will always encoura!e
This Bill ori!inated in the days of British rule. 'urin! that time, Hindus and Muslims were used
to be ept apart from each other and e$erythin! was done to encoura!e communalism. Thus,
the Bill started in that form. I want to submit as to why this remnant of the British period be
allowed to stic on while we ha$e thrown out all others so that there may be no discrimination
a!ainst a particular section of the society.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai" 5n a point of order. Sir I understand the hon. Member is raisin! the
%uestion of competency of this &arliament...
So$e Hon. Me$bers: 0o. 0o.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai " )t least that is what I understood him to say. If that is so, I wish to tell
him that that issue had already been decided.
Mr. Cair$an " I am sorry the hon. Member has not understood the point the Hon. Member
was main!. He ne$er said that this House is not competent but, on the contrary, he holds that
this House is fully competent.
Sri Indra /idya,acaspa&i: Let me finish all that I ha$e to say and then perhaps there will
be no doubt in this re!ard.
B" thi) Bill the :overnment '!nt to !chieve ! bi& thin& th!t i) the" '!nt to remove !ll
inAu)tice th!t i) done to the 'omen# . do not thin% there i) !n" .ndi!n )oci!l reformer 'ho 'ill
not co?oper!te 'ith the :overnment in thi) m!tter or 'ho 'ill not )upport thi) move# B But .
'ould li%e to !)% one thin& from tho)e 'ho '!nt to remove thi) inAu)tice done to the Hindu
'omen# Thi) i) !l)o !n inAu)tice th!t ! m!n c!n m!rr" four 'omen !t ! time but ! 'om!n i) not
!llo'ed to do )o# Thi) i) !n inAu)tice# .t 2u)t &o# .) thi) inAu)tice done to Hindu 'omen !lone
!nd not to 2u)lim 'omen !l)o8 . !)% m" )i)ter) 'hether the" 'ill toler!te th!t Au)tice )hould be
done onl" to Hindu 'omen !nd not to 2u)lim 'omen8 Thi) inAu)tice done to them mu)t !l)o be
How it can be tolerated that in-ustice may continue to be perpetrated on them. 2hy do not the
,o$ernment include them in this Law/ It is said that if any such Laws for Muslims and others
are enacted, it would mean interference in their reli!ion. If the enactment of social laws is
interference in their reli!ion, how this law is not an interference in reli!ion of Hindus also. 2e
therefore should mae such a law, which may be applicable, to all. If it is interference in reli!ion,
it is for all. I am of opinion that it is not an interference. The law should be applicable to all alie,
Muslims, Sihs and Christians. There should be no discrimination. There should be no
discrimination about it. It is as much our duty to do -ustice to Muslim women and women of
other reli!ions as we do -ustice to Hindu women. Therefore the present form of this Bill should
not be there.
There is another aspect. 2e may ha$e to face some difficulties re!ardin! this enactment. )s
we now in Bombay the Bi!amy )ct was challen!ed in the Hi!h Court and the Hi!h Court
declared it ultra virus. The news has appeared in the newspapers also.
Se,eral Hon. Me$bers" 0ot Hi!h Court, Lower Court.
Sri Indra /idya,acaspa&i" 2ell, let it be Lower Court. Such difficulties may arise. This )ct
will be challen!ed in the court. In his recent statement in Bombay, 'r. 'eshmuh had in$ited
our attention towards this aspect. 2e will come across such a difficulty if we pass this bill and if
it is challen!ed and the issue is referred to Hi!h Court or Supreme Court then we may ha$e to
face new difficulties. Such difficulties may arise if we mae it applicable only to Hindus. The
,o$ernment may well realise that more than sufficient time has passed since this Bill has been
introduced and why it has not been possible to mae any pro!ress in it. #$en the =eformist
Hindu 5r!anisations do not support it fully. #$en the =eformers are mo$in! amendments to it.
To my mind the reason for all this is that we ha$e adopted a wron! measure for social reforms.
If a few lines are put in wron!ly, there are two ways to correct them. In the first instance we may
draw a line in between them or secondly rub them out and draw a fresh strai!ht line instead. But
what is bein! done is that one line is -oined with the other line, thus forced insertions are bein!
made. In my opinion the best course would be to withdraw it for reconsideration and introduce
such a re$ised Bill that may ha$e full support. )s we ha$e set up uniform political order and
economic order in the same way we should introduce such a social order that may be
applicable to the whole of the country. Such a Bill should be brou!ht forward.
If Hindu women face some difficulties, the Muslim women also face them. 2hen we ha$e
framed such a comprehensi$e Constitution and set up a uniform economic order for the whole
of the country then it is not $ery difficult to draft such a Bill. =emember,, truth is eternal8 place,
time and person cannot pro$e obstacle in it. If this principle holds !ood, then it should be true
for all, and if it is not true then it cannot be true for anybody. I thin the intention of ,o$ernment
is !ood. It would be better if that is utilised for the benefit of the whole country. This Bill should
be redrafted and introduced here.
I want to submit one thin! more, that here we faced the !reatest of le!al difficulties and
complications, all those ha$e been sol$ed and many laws ha$e been passed because of the
fact that today the country wants to mae pro!ress on the basis of e%uality and freedom, and is
willin! to accept all those laws as are based on e%uality. If a Bill is drafted on this principle and
made applicable to the whole of the country surely it would be accepted. This is my $iewpoint.
But this Bill is not so. )lthou!h the ,o$ernment are $ery hopeful, it is $ery !ood that they are
optimist, but they will find many difficulties in !ettin! this bill passed, it will re%uire a three
months. session, e$en then with !reat difficulty they will be able to !et it passed and then e$en
after that there are many obstacles to be faced. #$en if this Bill is !ot passed we will ha$e to
face se$eral difficulties before it is enforced, and we will be in$ol$ed in le!al difficulties. I,
therefore, will as those who ha$e framed this Bill, and especially 'r. )mbedar, who has
laboured hard for it and has wored with firm determination, to broaden their outloo, and with
their abilities of le!al profession, should mae such laws as may be applicable to all Indians
instead of Hindus alone. The present minor drawbacs in the Bill would be remo$ed
automatically as the path of truthfulness is strai!ht.

KM=. S&#)C#= I0 TH# CH)I=.

I also wish to say this to my hon. sisters that as they want that full -ustice should be meted out
to Hindu women, similarly full -ustice should also be done to Muslim women and women of
other reli!ions. They may ar!ue as to who would accept them. But in Turey reforms ha$e
taen place8 it is a Muslim country, and there all ha$e accepted those reforms. )s these reforms
ha$e been accepted in that Muslim country, similarly here also these reforms will be accepted.
Therefore our sisters should adopt the ri!ht course and accept these reforms without main!
any discrimination amon! themsel$es. 5nly then we will be able to !et it passed and if it is
passed under such circumstances, then such difficulties will not crop up. 5therwise we ha$e
!reat difficulties before us and if we !et it passed e$en then we will ha$e to face many
I may tell them that I am not sayin! all this to put hindrance in the pro!ress of the Hindu Code
Bill. I am a staunch reformer and want that it should be passed, and with this $ery intention. I
am submittin! that it should be so modified as to be made applicable to the whole of the
country. It can be made applicable only after such a chan!e, otherwise not.
Sri Si, Caran (al 1(ttar &radesh3" I be! to mo$e an amendment standin! in my name. I
was not present when I was called.
Mr. Speaker: He can mo$e it now.
Sri Si, Caran (al" I be! to mo$e"
5mit the pro$iso to sub*clause 1<3 of clause <.
Mr. Speaker : )mendment mo$ed " 5mit the pro$iso to sub*clause 1<3 of clause <.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: Sir, with your permission, I may read out the amendment on which I
wish to spea, to refresh the memory of Hon. Members, The amendment runs thus"
>or clause <.............
Sri 0un-un)ala : 2hich amendment is the hon. Member referrin! to /
Mr. Speaker: It is an amendment which he has !i$en notice of today. It is not printed in the
Sri 0un-un)ala" 2e ha$e not !ot copies of that.
Mr. Speaker: It was once read to the House8 he is readin! it a!ain.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: The amendment runs thus" >or clause <, substitute"
9 <. Application of Code.This Code or any part or parts thereof applies to all the citi4ens of
India that is Bharat, who after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority, declare in writin! that they shall be
!o$erned by this Code or any part or parts thereof, at the case may be, and !et such
declaration re!istered in accordance with rules prescribed for the purpose by the Central
,o$ernment. 9
Secondly, there is an alternati$e amendment. If this is not acceptable, I would commend the
other alternati$e amendment to the acceptance of the House. The alternati$e amendment runs
In the amendment proposed by Shri Banarsi &rasad @hun-hunwala, printed as 0o. 6D in
Supplementary List 0o. I in the proposed pro$iso to clause <, for the words be!innin! with the
words 9 unless such person 9 to the end, substitute"
9 unless such person, after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority, declares in writin! that he or she, as
the case may be, shall be !o$erned by this Code, and !ets such declaration re!istered in
accordance with rules prescribed for the purpose by the Central ,o$ernment. 9 Mr.
@hun-hunwala.s amendment, as further amended by me, would run as follows"
9 <. Application of Code.This Code or any part or parts thereof applies to all the citi4ens of
India that is Bharat............ 9 and then follows that this will be applicable only to those persons
who would mae a declaration in writin! and so on and so forth8 I need not repeat that.
Sir, I propose this amendment with a full sense of responsibility, and I hope I will not be
misunderstood, as I hope the two pre$ious speaers would not be misunderstood, for my
amendment it is $ery much in line with the two amendments which ha$e already been mo$ed by
my friend Mr. Sarwate and my friend Shri Indra Eidya$achaspati. 5nly mine is an impro$ement
on theirs. I would lie to submit first of all, that in proposin! this amendment, I am actuated
more particularly by the consideration that this Hindu Code should ha$e an easy passa!e in this
House. That is my first consideration. My second consideration is that it should be easily
acceptable to the country as a whole, to the $arious sections of the community, to the $arious
sections of the nation. )nd thirdly my consideration is that it should not be said of us that in this
&arliament, in this country where we ha$e a secular State, where we too $ery !reat pains to
frame a constitution with the bac!round of a secular State, we are now tryin! to le!islate in a
manner which smells of communalism, which clearly indicates that we are tryin! to le!islate for
one section of the community and not for the others, that we are tryin! to le!islate for persons
who profess one reli!ion and are i!norin! the interests of those who profess another reli!ion, or
vice+versa, that we are tryin! to do somethin! to encroach upon the ri!hts and reli!ious
customs of one section of the community and are afraid to encroach upon the ri!hts and
pri$ile!es of another section of the community professin! another reli!ion. Therefore, I submit
that if my amendment is accepted, it will ha$e $ery many ad$anta!es and absolutely no
. '!) ver" h!pp" to he!r the point of order r!i)ed thi) mornin& b" m" friend 2r# N!Jiruddin
Ahm!d5 not th!t . '!) p!rticul!rl" in !&reement 'ith the point of order r!i)ed b" him5 but
bec!u)e of the con)ider!tion) !nd the re!)on) behind hi) point of order5 !nd the con)ider!tion)
'hich 'ei&hed 'ith him in r!i)in& th!t point of order# He r!i)ed the point of order5 th!t the
Con)titution doe) not permit u) to en!ct ! di)crimin!tor" le&i)l!tion# He referred to !rticle 1+ of
the Con)titution# He referred !l)o to !rticle E+# . feel th!t the ide! 'or%in& in hi) mind '!)5 if the
provi)ion) of the Hindu Code !re beneficent !nd u)eful5 'h" )hould the" not be !pplic!ble to
other )ection) of the N!tion !l)o8 And 'h!t i) in hi) mind5 . !m )ure5 i) in %eepin& 'ith the )i&n)
of the time)# He 'ould5 . !m )ure5 be &l!d5 !ccordin& to the point of order r!i)ed b" him5 to m!%e
!n !ttempt to en!ct ! le&i)l!tion 'hich 'ould be !pplic!ble to !ll )ection) of the n!tion5 Hindu)5
2u)lim)5 ;!r)i) !nd Chri)ti!n)# There i)5 of cour)e5 !nother !rticle of the Con)titutionG!rticle
44 to 'hich reference '!) m!de b" m" friend 2r# S!r'!te5 th!t the St!te )h!ll !ttempt to h!ve !
uniform Civil Code# True5 th!t !rticle i) not included in the ch!pter of *und!ment!l $i&ht)5 but it
i) under the ch!pter de!lin& 'ith the irective ;rinciple)# The Con)titution direct) u)
)pecific!ll" th!t 'e )hould m!%e !n !ttempt to h!ve ! uniform Civil Code for the 'hole countr"#
7ell5 thi) i) the fir)t occ!)ion 'hen 'e !re !ttemptin& to h!ve ! Civil Code !nd in thi) ver" fir)t
!ttempt5 'ill it be proper for u)5 'ill it be de)ir!ble for u) to i&nore thi) ver" import!nt !rticle of
the Con)titution8 3et u) not m!%e ! be&innin& b" doin& )omethin& contr!r" to the )pecific
directive th!t h!) been &iven to u) b" the Con)titution# 7hen 'e 'ere )ittin& !) the Con)tituent
A))embl"G 'e !ll 'ere in it5 mo)t of u)5 !nd m!n" other eminent per)on) 'ho !re not here
'ere !l)o thereGm!n" 2u)lim 2ember) 'ere !l)o there5 !nd there 'ere ;!r)i) !l)o5 !nd there
'ere !l)o Chri)ti!n)5 !nd per)on) profe))in& ever" f!ith 'ere there# All of them5 !) f!r !) .
remember5 un!nimou)l" !&reed to the)e cl!u)e) in the Con)titution5 . me!n !rticle) 1+5 E+ !nd
44# 7hen !ll tho)e per)on) profe))in& ever" f!ith5 'ere )eriou)l" !nd cooll" !nd c!lml"
con)iderin& 'h!t )ort of le&i)l!tion 'e )hould h!ve in thi) countr"5 the" !ll un!nimou)l" decided
th!t 'e )hould h!ve ! uniform le&i)l!tion5 )o !) to be in conformit" 'ith !rticle) 1+ !nd E+ of the
Con)titution5 !nd !l)o !rticle 44# 7h!t h!) h!ppened )ince then !nd no' to compel u)5 to
per)u!de u) not to !ct !ccordin& to tho)e !rticle) of our Con)titution8 Nothin& h!) re!ll"
h!ppened )ince then5 'hich )hould per)u!de u) to &o# contr!r" to tho)e provi)ion)# 0n the other
h!nd5 'e find th!t even per)on) profe))in& reli&ion) other th!n Hindui)m5 !re !l)o !n(iou) th!t
'e )hould h!ve ! uniform Civil Code# 2r# N!Jiruddin Ahm!d i) ! repre)ent!tive of the
2u)lim)# He him)elf )!") th!t it i) not open to h!ve ! le&i)l!tion5 'hich 'ill &overn onl" one
)ection of the n!tion5 but th!t one le&i)l!tion5 mu)t &overn !ll the )ection) of the n!tion5 !ll
per)on) profe))in& v!riou) reli&ion)# Th!t bein& )o5 . )ubmit there i) no re!)on 'h" 'e )hould
he)it!te to le&i)l!te for per)on) profe))in& different reli&ion)# *rom the !mendment) th!t h!ve
been t!bled !nd h!ve !lre!d" been moved# . find th!t the Si%h) 'ould li%e to &o !'!" from the
oper!tion of thi) Code# Th!t i) the effect of one of the !mendment) moved b" m" hon# friend
S!rd!r Hu%!m Sin&h# Then . find th!t there !re other Hon# 2ember) 'ho !re !n(iou) th!t thi)
cl!u)e E )hould be )o !mended th!t it )hould not be !pplic!ble nece))!ril" to !ll the St!te) !nd
!ll the communit"# 2" Hon# *riend ;!ndit Th!%urd!) Bh!r&!v!5 !) 'e !ll %no'5 i) ! ver" &re!t
)oci!l reformer5 !nd he i) !l'!") !n(iou) to introduce le&i)l!tion) in thi) Hou)e directed to'!rd)
)oci!l uplift# Accordin& to hi) !mendment 'h!t he '!nt) i) th!t it )hould be left open to the
v!riou) St!te) to !dopt the le&i)l!tion or not# He !l)o de)ire) th!t it )hould be open to the v!riou)
communitie) either to be &overned b" the Code or not#
Sri %ya+i: Surely it will not be territorially uniform in that case.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" #+actly. In order to mae it applicable to all the territories and
communities my amendment should be accepted. It does not restrict the operation of this Code
to one territory or another, nor to one community or another. 5n the other hand it e+tends the
scope of this le!islation and sees to embrace within its ambit Hindus, Muslims, Christians,
&arsis or persons professin! any other faith.
'urin! the !eneral discussion of this Bill some !ood points were made by my hon. >riends 'r.
Te Chand and &andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a. They said that this Bill would operate in a !reat
measure as a hardship on $arious sections of the Hindu community, amon! whom marria!e
and di$orce laws are easy. In some parts of the &un-ab and elsewhere, it was pointed,
marria!es can be easily performed. 2hy should they be depri$ed of this easy manner of their
Dr. Des$uk 1Madhya &radesh3 " #asy marria!e, easy di$orce J
Sri 0. !. "apoor: In the matter of di$orce they ha$e easy laws in $arious parts of the
country, amon! $arious sections of the people. 2hy should those laws be made more difficult/
5n the one hand the contention of some was that marria!e and di$orce laws were made more
and more strict by the Code and on the other, the contention of others was why should these
marria!e and di$orce laws be enforced on persons who did not belie$e in them. My submission
therefore is that this Code in whate$er form it is passed, should not be forced on any particular
section of the Hindu community, or the Sihs or @ains. It should be left open to them to be
!o$erned by it or not. Secondly, some of the pro$isions of this Code;particularly those relatin!
to mono!amy and di$orce, with which I am in entire a!reement and would lie them to be made
a little more liberal;are so !ood that I see no reason why the Muslims should not be entitled to
ha$e the ad$anta!e thereof.
My hon. >riends Shri Sarwate and Shri Indra ha$e mo$ed their amendments. &articularly the
amendment of Shri Indra wants that the whole Code should be compulsorily made applicable to
the Muslims. I do not want that it should be so enforced on Muslims -ust as I do not want that it
should be obli!atory on e$ery Hindu to be !o$erned by this Code. I want that it should be open
to a Hindu, Muslim, &arsi or for the matter of that any person professin! any other reli!ion
hereto or hereafter, in fact it should be open to e$ery citi4en of India either to be !o$erned by
the Code or not.
Dr. #$bedkar" ,reat liberal J
Sri 0. !. "apoor" 0ot only that, I want that it should be open to anybody to pic and choose
$arious parts of the Code. I am main! this statement with all seriousness, because of this
reason. There are $arious clauses in this Bill, which should be readily acceptable to some, but
not to others, similarly there are other clauses, which may be acceptable to others but not to all.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" 'oes my hon. >riend contend that the choice of the person
should be per clause/
Sri 0. !. "apoor" 0ot per clause but $arious important parts of the Code. 2hen I made that
su!!estion I new that it may re%uire the le!al intelli!ence of 'r. )mbedar as also &andit
Bhar!a$a and other le!al luminaries to amend the $arious sections of the Code so as to mae
them fall in line with my amendment. I am sure that this tas is not beyond the capacity of 'r.
)mbedar or &andit Bhar!a$a or other le!al luminaries. Speain! for myself I am particularly in
fa$our of the clause relatin! to mono!amy and di$orce. But there are other clauses, which I
would not lie to adopt. I would therefore lie to ha$e the liberty of main! a declaration to the
fact that so far as I am concerned I would lie to be !o$erned by the clauses relatin! to
mono!amy and di$orce and not others. I would be! of this house $ery seriously to consider the
su!!estion. >irstly, that this enactment should be applicable to the entire nation, secondly, it
should be open to anyone to say by declaration that he wants to be !o$erned by this Code and
thirdly, it should be open to him to say also that he wants to be !o$erned by this or that chapter.
Dr. Des$uk: If the husband and wife differ on the issue of say di$orce, who will decide/
%e Minis&er o' 3orks4 .roduc&ion and Supply (Sri 1ad+il): The child will decide.
Mr. Speaker: Let the hon. Member proceed.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: If the husband and wife differ on the di$orce issue I am prepared to !i$e
the choice to the wife, if thereby I can secure the support of the lady Members here. If my
su!!estion is accepted, of course the $arious pro$isions of the Bill will ha$e to be recast. It is a
matter of principle. 5nce the principle is accepted; namely that we should ha$e one uniform
law for the whole country, secondly that we should !i$e the liberty to e$ery citi4en to say
whether he wants to be !o$erned by the Code or not and thirdly, the liberty to pic and choose
$arious aspects of the Code;proper amendments could of course be drafted. I now how
difficult it is but difficult as it is certainly it is much easier than the tas of !ettin! this Bill passed
by this House and, certainly it is easier than to !et the support of the entire nation for this Bill as
it is, compulsorily enforceable amon! the Hindus, Sihs, @ains and Buddhists.
Therefore, I submit that my su!!estion should be $ery seriously considered. I hope and trust
that if we consider it coolly, calmly, dispassionately and without any pre-udice either for or
a!ainst it, certainly we shall be able to come to an a!reed solution and perhaps within fi$e or
se$en days we may be able to pass this contro$ersial measure. It will satisfy e$erybody. It will
satisfy those who want to ha$e a uniform Code. It will satisfy the orthodo+ Hindus because it will
not be necessary to enforce the Code on them8 it will be open to them to be !o$erned by it or
not. It will satisfy those reformers also who want to ha$e le!islation on these lines because it will
enable them to declare that they want to be !o$erned by this le!islation. It will therefore satisfy
e$erybody and offend nobody. 2ith these submissions I commend my amendment for the
acceptance of the House.
My alternati$e amendment is also on the same lines but it restricts the operation of the Code
to Hindus only. )ccordin! to my first amendment, I want that the whole Code, in whate$er form
it may be passed, should be applicable to the entire nation, sub-ect to the condition that it will be
applicable only to those who declare that they want to be !o$erned by it. If, howe$er, that
su!!estion is not acceptable for any reason then I submit in my second amendment that the
Code should be applicable to the Hindus, Sihs and @ains as has been pro$ided but that there
also it should be applicable only to such Hindus, @ains, Sihs and Buddhists who by declaration
state they want to be !o$erned by it.
Dr. Des$uk" I ha$e two points to mae so far as these amendments are concerned.
There are $arious amendments that ha$e been mo$ed but I should first wish to spea on the
amendment of Mr. Sarwate and then on the amendment mo$ed by the Hon. 'r. )mbedar. I
feel inclined to support the amendment of Mr. Sarwate on constitutional basis, and I feel that he
has certainly brou!ht forward an amendment, which ad$ances the cause of the Constitution, in
case it is accepted that it re%uires ad$ancement. I personally thin it does since there is a
section of Members of this House who do not re!ard $ery seriously what we ha$e embodied in
the Constitution. I would be! of you to !i$e me a few minutes to refer to article BB, which reads"
9 The State shall endea$our to secure for the citi4ens a uniform ci$il Code throu!hout the
territory of India 9.
0ow, this is an article from the 'irecti$e &rinciples of State &olicy. )lthou!h it is not
contemplated that any decision of !o$ernment could be set aside by the Supreme Court or
could be re!arded as ille!al and a!ainst law on this score, I don.t now whether it would be
competent for the Supreme Court to !i$e a rulin!. But if we attach any $alue or wish to !i$e any
serious consideration to the 'irecti$e &rinciples of State &olicy in the Constitution, I am unable
to see how by passin! this Code we would be endea$ourin! to secure for the citi4ens a uniform
Ci$il Code throu!hout the territory of India. 2hat we would be doin! by this Code would be
entirely and directly contrary to what is laid down in )rticle 6B. Because this is not only not
endea$ourin! to secure for the citi4ens a uniform Ci$il Code but tryin! to enact a different Code
for a section of the people. So, before we !o ahead, before we waste any more time, we should
consider this point. )nd I am sure we are doin! nothin! else but wastin! time because for the
ne+t three days I am certain it would not be easy to !o much further than Clause < and we don.t
now how lon! after that we would be touchin! the Hindu Code. ) su!!estion has already been
made that it would ha$e been far better, if we really wanted to pass this Code, that one whole
session should ha$e been de$oted to it. To allot three days durin! which it would not be
possible to ad$ance $ery far I consider, a pure waste of time, ener!y and money of this House.
It can ser$e only one purpose and that of merely satisfyin! the whims and fancies or do!!ed
determination or inclination of certain people. It would be %uite easy when we ha$e !ot a couple
of thousand people obstructin! our way or shoutin! slo!ans to desist Members of this House
from passin! this Code, to find one or two persons who would lie to !o to the law courts to !et
a rulin! that what we are tryin! to do is not only not in eepin! with the constitutional pro$isions
but is directly opposed to what has been laid down.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai: 5thers also will !o to courts.
Dr. Des$uk: Both sides will be there. ?ou will !et a notice at the cost of those people who
!o there first.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai : 5thers will be there on the basis of pro$isions re!ardin! discrimination.
Dr. Des$uk " ?es, there is discrimination e$erywhere and that is e+actly the ob-ection that
is raised. If we enact this Code as it is, there will be discrimination in fa$our of certain people
and a!ainst certain others who are also handicapped similarly, if not worse. That is a point,
which !oes in our fa$our.
My second point on these amendments is that I am opposed to the amendment mo$ed by 'r.
)mbedar. By his amendment 0o. 67 in the printed list, he wants the substitution of the words 9
persons who are Hindus by reli!ion 9 for the words 9 Hindus, that is to say, to all persons
professin! the Hindu reli!ion 9. It is $ery difficult to find out which $ersion really holds the !round
at the present moment when there ha$e been so many re$isions and such a hu!e lot of
amendments ha$e been mo$ed. It is not easy to now where e+actly we stand. I don.t see what
is wron! with the ori!inal pro$ision contained in the Code as it emer!ed from the Select
Committee. The wordin! there is"
9 < 1a3 This Code applies to all Hindus, that is to say, to all persons professin! the Hindu
reli!ion in any of its forms or de$elopments. 9
In his amendment 'r. )mbedar proposes the substitution of these words by 9 persons who
are Hindus by reli!ion 9. I don.t see any difference between the two wordin!s. By the words 9 all
Hindus 9 you refer to all people who are 9 Hindus by reli!ion 9. The ori!inal wordin! further
e+plains the words 9 all Hindus 9 by sayin! it means 9 all persons professin! the Hindu reli!ion 9.
Thereby the Code will apply to any person who claims to be a Hindu. These words are now
sou!ht to be substituted. 0o reasons ha$e so far been !i$en as to why they are !oin! to be
substituted by new words. If they are actually omitted, and if 'r. )mbedar can persuade the
House to omit those words, I thin a $ery real difficulty may arise. If you eliminate 9 professin! 9
how are you !oin! to define who is a Hindu and who is not a Hindu. The words proposed are 9
all persons who are Hindus by reli!ion 9. But how do we now who is a Hindu by reli!ion and
who is not / Is it proposed that e$ery person would be re%uired to mae a declaration / I don.t
now what procedure is su!!ested and how it would be ascertained if a particular person is a
Hindu or not. I would say that the words as they stood in the ori!inal Code as it emer!ed out of
the Select Committee ha$e stood the test of time. So far as my recollection !oes, these words
are there in Mulla.s &indu Code and these words ha$e been used from $ery old times. They
ha$e a sanction of lon! usa!e.
In $iew of that there is, in my opinion, no need for this amendment and I would su!!est that it
should not be accepted. I support the amendment mo$ed by my hon. friend Shri Sarwate on the
!round that if we accept it, we would be actin! in the spirit of the Constitution. 5therwise all
our efforts are liable to be fruitless in $iew of the constitutional difficulty I ha$e pointed out.
Sri Sya$nandan Sabaya 1Bihar3" May I mae a submission in this connection / There are
se$eral amendments mo$ed formally by the authors, but the mo$ers ha$e not made any speech
e+plainin! their $iewpoint. 5ne of such amendment is from the Hon. the Law Minister himself.
Such of us who ha$e not mo$ed any amendment to this clause and ha$e an open mind would
lie to hear the ,o$ernment point of $iew as also the point of $iew of the mo$ers of the other
amendments in order to enable us either to lae part in the deliberations or to decide how to act
in the circumstances. May I therefore su!!est that mo$ers of the amendments should first mae
their speeches and then the clause should be thrown open for !eneral discussion. This would
help the discussion and the decision. In any case, we would lie to hear the Hon. the Law
Minister.s $iewpoint on his amendment, so that we may cither support him or oppose him.
Mr. Speaker " I was thinin! of callin! upon the mo$ers of the amendments one by one, but I
found that instead of the mo$ers who did not appear an+ious to catch my eye others cau!ht my
eyes. That is why I called upon others.
Dr. #$bedkar" The mo$ers ha$e sat bac. In fact, I am myself waitin! to hear them.
Mr. Speaker" The Hon. the Law Minister is at liberty to choose his own time but I did call upon
him now because I thou!ht that if he participated a little later it would be possible for him to
clear the !round.
Dr. #$bedkar" I can spea at any time.
Mr. Speaker" He will be entitled to two speeches8 that is to say, e$en if he participates in the
debate now, he will be entitled to reply.
Sri Sya$nandan Saay" He may reply to the !eneral debate on the clause, but as re!ards
his own amendment he must satisfy the House that there is some reason for mo$in! that
amendment on behalf of ,o$ernment.
Mr. Speaker" I thin his position stands a little differently. He has to tae into consideration
what others say and then he will be able to e+plain his $iewpoint better. That is why I was
thinin! of callin! upon him at a later sta!e, thou!h not at the end.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+" I do not now how the impression has !ot into your mind that the
mo$ers of the amendment do not want to spea on their amendments.
Mr. Speaker " I ne$er said . they ne$er wanted to spea .. I said they did not try to catch my
eye. In between, 'r. 'eshmuh !ot up and I called on him to spea. Se$eral Hon. Members "
Mr. Speaker " I am not sure whether I should call &andit Bhar!a$a at this sta!e;for personal
reasons. Mr. @hun-unwala.
Sri 0un-un)ala" Sir, I ha$e !i$en notice of two alternati$e amendments. 5ne of my
amendments reads thus"
9This Code applies to all citi4ens of India, that is Bharat, irrespecti$e of their caste, creed, and
irrespecti$e of their belon!in! to or professin! any reli!ion 9. )lternati$ely, I ha$e mo$ed
another amendment which reads thus "
9 &ro$ided, howe$er, that notwithstandin! anythin! contained in the abo$e clauses, this Code
shall not apply to any person unless such person !ot his name re!istered with such authority
and in such manner as may be hereafter prescribed by &arliament, within one year after this
Code comes into force, and in case of a minor within one year after such a minor attains
I want to assure the House that these amendments of mine are not dilatory8 nor am I opposed
to all the pro$isions of this Code. The main ob-ect in mo$in! my first amendment is that, as has
been pointed out by my hon. >riend Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad, we ha$e been passin! many laws,
which are bein! declared ultra virus either by the Hi!h Courts or by the Supreme Court. It is
therefore $ery necessary that before we tae any such Bill, )ct or le!islation into consideration
we should mae sure that we are actin! accordin! to the Constitution. If we pass any law and
ultimately that law is declared ultra virus, it will be a mere waste of the time of this House and
also waste of so much money. It will ser$e no useful purpose. (nder article 67 of the
Constitution it is laid down that the State shall not discriminate a!ainst any citi4en only on
!round of reli!ion, race, caste, se+, place of birth or any of them. The amendment that I ha$e
mo$ed maes this Code applicable to all citi4ens of India, that is, Bharat, whereas the clause as
it stands is restricted only to a particular class of persons. If the law that we are passin! is for
the !ood it is !ood for all people. It is not ri!ht that we should discriminate one particular
community a!ainst another. 2e should not discriminate one set of persons who are professin!
one reli!ion from another set of persons who are professin! another reli!ion if our law is for
their !ood. If it is not for their !ood, then it is not ri!ht that we should thrust .any law or
enactment upon a particular community or caste which is professin! a particular reli!ion.
5ne of the points which I wanted to mae out was this " the House should see whether this
Bill is one which &arliament can mae, especially as it is restricted to a particular ind of
persons professin! a particular ind of reli!ion. 2e can ha$e such a law under )rticle <7 of the
Constitution. 0ow let us see what are the pro$isions in article <7 which entitle us to tae up
such le!islation. )rticle <7163 reads"
9 Sub-ect to public order, morality and health and to the other pro$isions of this &art, all
persons are e%ually entitled to freedom of conscience and the ri!ht freely to profess, practise
and propa!ate reli!ion.9
Clause < of the Bill relatin! to the )pplication of the Code reads" 9 163 This Code applies;
1a3 to all Hindus, that is to say, to all persons professin! the Hindu reli!ion in any of its forms
or de$elopments, includin! Eirashai$as or Lin!ayats and members of the Brahmo, the
&rarthana, or the )rya Sama-8
1b3 to any person who is a Buddhist, @aina or Sih by reli!ion 8
1c3 1i3 to any child, le!itimate or ille!itimate, both of whose parents are Hindus within the
meanin! of this section8 1ii3 to any child, le!itimate or ille!itimate one of whose parents is a
Hindu within the meanin! of this section8 pro$ided that such child is brou!ht up as a member of
the community, !roup or family to which such parent belon!s or belon!ed8 and
1d3 to a con$ert to the Hindu reli!ion. 1<3 This Code also applies to any person, who is not a
Muslim, Christian, &arsi or @ew by reli!ion"
&ro$ided that if it is pro$ed that such person would not ha$e been !o$erned by the Hindu law
or by any custom or usa!e as part of that law in respect of any of the matters dealt with herein if
this Code has not been passed, then, this Code shall not apply to that person in respect of
those matters8
1A3 The e+pression 9 Hindu 9 in any portion of this Code shall be construed as if it included a
person who, thou!h not a Hindu by reli!ion is, ne$ertheless, !o$erned by the pro$isions of this
Code 8
1B3 0otwithstandin! anythin! contained in the Special Marria!e )ct, 6DF< 1III of 6DF<3, this
Code shall apply to all Hindus whose marria!es ha$e been solemni4ed under the pro$isions of
that )ct prior to the commencement of this Code. 9
I ha$e not been able to understand why this Code is bein! enacted only for the Hindus, if the
ri!ht has been !i$en;as has been done under article <7;that 9 sub-ect to public order,
morality and health and to the other pro$isions of this &art, all persons are e%ually entitled to
freedom of conscience and the ri!ht freely to profess, practise and propa!ate reli!ion. 9 If this
ri!ht has been !i$en to the Hindus and persons professin! other reli!ions, I do not see any
reason why it is sou!ht to be taen away from Hindus by enactment of such laws, such as the
one now before us. I would as the Law Minister whether he is not encroachin! on the ri!hts of
Hindus of their reli!ious liberty sanctioned by the Constitution. Clause 1<3 of article <7, howe$er
says that"
9 0othin! in this article shall effect the operation of any e+istin! law or pre$ent the State from
main! any law;
1a3 re!ulatin! or restrictin! any economic, financial, political or other secular acti$ity which
may be associated with reli!ious practice8
1b3 pro$idin! for social welfare and reform or the throwin! open of Hindu reli!ious institutions
of a public character to all classes and sections of Hindus.9
But if this piece of le!islation which is now under discussion is bein! enacted as a measure of
social reform and for the welfare of the people, in that case I cannot understand why it should
be confined to persons professin! particular reli!ions and not e+tended to all.
Sri !a- Baadur: May I raise a point of order. Sir. Three or four hon. Members of this House
ha$e raised the point that the scope or application of this piece of le!islation should be
e+tended to all the citi4ens of India. In the course of the first readin! of the Bill the house has
already committed itself to the principle that the Bill shall apply only to the Hindus. Ha$in!
accepted this principle, is it now open to Members to tae up this point anew and afresh/
Mr. Speaker: The point of order practically comes to this;6 am statin! it in my own way.
Briefly stated it would be as to whether some of the amendments which see to e+tend the
application of this Code to communities other than those included in the Bill is not tantamount to
an e+tension of the scope of the Bill;is that the point of order/
Sri !a- Baadur: The House had a!reed that this Code shall apply to one section of the
Indian people alo!b ne. Can we now tae a new decision that it shall apply to all /
Mr. Speaker: It comes to the same thin!. The ob-ection is that the scope of the Bill is bein!
e+tended now;that is the point of ob-ection. &ersonally, I myself was feelin! doubtful about the
admissibility of certain amendments which are now proposed and which apparently see to
e+tend the scope of the Bill but I ha$e not come to any conclusion. I should >irst hear Members
and then decide at the end as to whether I should put the amendments to $ote or not.
Dr. .. S. Des$uk" It is %uite open to the House to e+tender limit the scope of any
le!islation. So lon! as any particular clause is not passed by the House, it is completely at
liberty to do that. Supposin! the ori!inal Bill says that the Code will apply to the whole of India
and the House proposes an amendment by which it e+cludes certain States or vice versa / I
feel certain the House is %uite competent to do so.
Mr. Speaker: The e+tension of the )ct to the whole of India and then limitin! it to a part of
India would not be an e+tension of the principle of the )ct. The principle of the )ct is somethin!
of substanti$e law, which e+tends not territorially but in other respects. It is perfectly competent,
prima facie, to say that it shall not apply to Sihs, @ains or Buddhists8 but the point is whether it
is competent now to say that it shall apply to Christians, Muslims, &arsis and @ews.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : There are two submissions I wish to mae. Before you !i$e a
rulin! I would re%uest you to !i$e us a little chance.
Mr. Speaker: I shall !i$e members e$ery chance.

B. p. m.

")a-a Inai& Ulla 1Bihar3 " )re these amendments which are bein! mo$ed directed to brin!
in Muslims also within the scope of the Hindu Code and directed a!ainst our >undamental
=i!hts under article <7 of the Constitution /
Mr. Speaker : That does not arise. It is a part of the wider %uestion a!ain as to whether the
Code itself !oes a!ainst the spirit of the Constitution.
")a-a Inai& Ulla : It is clear......
Mr. Speaker : It may be clear to the hon. Member, but it is not so clear to me. Therefore, let
us hear what the hon. Members ha$e to say and then coolly consider. There is no use !oin! on
presuppositions. )fter all it is a matter, which affects $itally lar!e sections of people. The
%uestion is whether it offends a!ainst the pro$isions of the Constitution.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" Before you are pleased to !i$e a rulin! on this %uestion as to whether
these amendments are or not in order, may I re%uest you to !i$e us an opportunity to spea on
that particular point, because so far none of us ha$e e+pressed oursel$es about the
admissibility of these amendments/
Mr. Speaker" I thin I shall !i$e them an opportunity. But first of all I want to hear what they
really mean and whether they are tryin! to e+tend the scope of the Bill. I shall !i$e them a
Sri 0un-un)ala: I was pointin! out to the House that if a particular ind of le!islation is
one of reform or is in the interests of public !ood, then this &arliament will not be partial in
enactin! such a ind of le!islation.

K&)0'IT TH)C(= ')S BH)=,)E) /0 %&E C&A/1..

2hen a particular ind of le!islation is bein! enacted for the welfare of the people why should
it be restricted wholly to a certain class of persons and why should it not be e+tended to all / If it
is !ood, it is !ood8 if it is bad, it is bad. )nd if it is bad why should we apply it to the Hindus /
2hy should we thrust it upon the Hindus / 2hy should they not be left free to practise their own
reli!ion and act accordin! to their own ancient ideas / It is said that this Bill is bein! enacted
because the present system of marria!e and other thin!s are not in the interest of society, that
they are spoilin! society and that this particular ind of le!islation is !ood for the society. If a
particular ind of le!islation may be re!ardin! marria!e, may be re!ardin! inheritance, may be
re!ardin! anythin!, I do not want to !o into those details which I shall do when the particular
clauses come;but if, as I ha$e said, particular thin!s are !ood for certain persons. I would lie
to ha$e the reasons from my hon. friend 'r. )mbedar who is described as Manu of modem
a!e as to why the particular piece of le!islation is bad for Muslims, because he is e+cludin!
them, he is purposely e+cludin! them by sayin! that this Code shall not apply to Muslims. I
would lie to now why it should not apply to e$erybody and why it should apply only to Hindus.
If it is !ood it should apply to you, me and e$erybody. )nd secondly, as I said, if it is a bad law,
why should it be thrust upon a particular class of persons/ Lastly, when the %uestion comes up
whether these amendments are admissible or not, -ust as my friend Mr. @aspat =oy Capoor has
said, I would re%uest that we should be !i$en an opportunity to e+plain our position.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: Sir, as re!ards the amendment mo$ed by the Hon. 'r.
)mbedar, I raised at that time a point of order. I should first of all try to e+plain my point of
order, because the other amendments depend upon that point of order. ?ou will be pleased to
notice that this amendment is drafted in a lan!ua!e, which is hi!hly insultin! to the House. It
says 9 In clause <, in sub*clause 163, in item 1a3, for 9 Hindus, that is to say, to all persons
professin! the Hindu reli!ion 9 sustitute 2 persons who are Hindus . and so on and so forth. In
the ne+t item the wordin! is 9 substitute 9 somethin!. In part 1<3 it is a!ain 9 omit 9 somethin!.
This is e+pressed in the imperati$e form. )s 'r. &attabhi on one occasion said. 'r. )mbedar
speas in a professorial and dictatorial tone. This amendment is couched in that lan!ua!e. 0ot
merely this, but all the amendments. I ha$e e+amined one and all of them. They are in the form
of correction slips, or orders by a superior officer of ,o$ernment to his subordinates. So this is
really a direction to the House to do this and that, imperati$ely. The usual form is that 9 for such
and such thin! the followin! shall be substituted 9 or that 9 the followin! shall be omitted 9. That
is the form. I submit that the draftin! has been done so carelessly and so much in the official
style that they cannot be accepted as settin! a new standard of courtesy to the House. )ll the
amendments are couched in that lan!ua!e. I seriously as the House to consider whether this
method of wordin! the amendments will be acceptable at all. I, therefore, lie in some of the
amendments to cure this imperious form. I ha$e su!!ested the usual form. )nd it is not merely
the usual form in this House but in the pre$ious House and in all other le!islati$e bodies. The
%uestion is whether we should permit the settin! up of a new standard entirely its own. ?ou will
be pleased to e+amine all the amendments and they are all couched lie this. The point of
order, which I submit, is whether it is in !ood form. If it is not, then the ne+t amendment, which I
ha$e submitted to cure this, should be accepted in preference to this. 0othin! will be lost but
e$erythin! will be !ained in decorum and official form. Sir, I as you to !i$e a rulin! on this
Mr. Cair$an" I am not impressed by the speech of the hon. Member in re!ard to the facts to
conclude that any point of order re!ardin! my rulin! has been made out. He was main! certain
obser$ations to which the Hon. 'r. )mbedar will in time reply. Therefore there is no point for
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: The two other amendments which I su!!ested depended upon the
re-ection of the form or otherwise of the amendments. That is why I want a rulin! from you. If it
is in !ood form, of course, we shall also indul!e in such forms and the House can also be
allowed to de!enerate to that sort of form.
Then with re!ard to clause <, one important point has been raised by the se$eral
amendments and supported by se$eral hon. Members. It is that the Code should be made
applicable to all persons in India. I was ased to sponsor this idea and when I raised the point of
order, I did nothin! of the sort at all, but my point is that the Bill is bad for the Hindus and when
it is bad, this bad law should not be made applicable to all. ) bad law cannot be made !ood by
main! it applicable to all. If it is bad for the Hindus, it should be re-ected. The point I was
dri$in! at was...
Sri 0. !. "apoor: The fate should be shared e%ually by all the Hindus and non*Hindus alie.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: That is a form of lo!ic which amounts to a -oe and is certainly
acceptable but seriously in a le!islature this cannot be accepted. If a law is bad, it should not be
e+tended to put pressure on those on whom it is !oin! to be applied. Constitutionally this law
will brin! de!radation. This point has been seriously raised outside the House8 it has been
freely taled about and it is more than certain that this law could not be taen before a court of
law. 2e ha$e passed se$eral principles in the Constitution. 2e ha$e worded the clauses in the
Constitution in a !eneral way with the result that they ha$e landed us already into difficulties.
The Constitution stands in the way of this Bill bein! passed.
Sri %ya+i: 2e will chan!e the Constitution.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: My learned friend says if the Constitution is badly drafted and has
landed us into difficulties, why not chan!e the Constitution. I as why should it be that you are
at liberty to pass a law for the Hindus / 2hy should there be a policy of distinction followed
between Hindus and Muslims in their own domestic sphere / I thin it is not lo!ic. It is not !ood.
The Hindus should remain Hindus at home and they should be Hindus in their reli!ious
practices. Similarly the Christians and Muslims should ha$e their freedom of thou!ht, worship
and reli!ion which has been !ranted in another part of the Constitution. I as the House to
consider whether in $iew of the number of defects noticed in the Constitution, it re%uires
re$ision. I thin it is easier within two years of the passin! of the Constitution to amend it than it
would be after two years. So it is time for us to amend the Constitution to mae it possible to
pass a !ood law affectin! the Hindus. So far as reli!ious and semi*reli!ious matters are
concerned the law could not interfere and at least it should not be dictated from the top. This is
a ind of dictatorship which does persist in democratic society.
Sri %ya+i : Marria!e and di$orce do not come under reli!ion.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : I belie$e the Hindu marria!e is one of the Samskaras 3 it is the
tenth Samskara3 it is part of their reli!ion and it is idle to ar!ue that it is not part of their reli!ion.
I say you may abolish reli!ion and the law !i$es you freedom and this House is a so$erei!n
House within the Constitution. ?ou can abolish reli!ion, if you lie but will you !o so far as that/
So far as this is concerned. I do not want to pursue it further but then loo at the condition in
which we e+ist today. 2e ha$e no food. 2e had to spend =s. <II crores for importin! food
from forei!n countries and to mae us li$e for this year. (/nterruption). 2e ha$e no clothes.
There are no shelters for many of our countrymen8 we cannot !i$e primary education at all but
what we !i$e is a free !ift to the Hindus in the shape of the Hindu Code. If you want to mae
them happy, you must !i$e them food, !i$e them education.
%e Depu&y Minis&er o' Co$$unica&ions (Sri "ursed (al): This mi!ht ha$e been a
$ery !ood ar!ument on the motion for tain! the Bill into consideration. 2e are now considerin!
a specific clause.
Mr. Cair$an" I was waitin! to hear the last words of his concludin! remars to now the
inference he proposed to draw from his precedin! obser$ations.
Sri %ya+i" I want to now how is it that a Muslim is %uotin! our scriptures.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : 2e should not thin of this Code but we should thin of more and
more constructi$e thin!s which would mae the people happy, !i$e them elementary education
etc. In these dan!erous times there is the other dan!er of the world situation deterioratin!. 2ar
is approachin! India step by step.
Mr. Cair$an: I am $ery sorry. I do not want to interfere but I thin the hon. Member is at sea
on his ar!uments. He ou!ht to proceed with his amendments.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: I was only submittin! that this is not the proper time to !o on with
this Bill.
Sri "ursed (al" 2e are not discussin! the consideration motion.
Mr. Cair$an: I will as the hon. Member to spea on his amendments. If he wants to say
that so far as the particular amendments of 'r. )mbedar are concerned, they are not ri!ht, I
would certainly allow that but if he !oes on to say that this Bill should not be proceeded with, I
thin it is beyond the pro$ince of any hon. Member at this sta!e to say so.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : I was encoura!ed to mae this su!!estion only for one reason that
it is understood that ,o$ernment has decided to proceed with this Bill only for two or three
Mr. Cair$an: I would as the hon. Member to proceed with his amendments.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: (/nterruption) I rather thin that many hon. Members ha$e nothin!
to thin of e+cept interruptin! . Sir, there are a number of amendments standin! to my credit
and I shall deal with them one by one. The first two amendments 0os. 6G and 6F were
su!!ested to impro$e the form in which 'r. )mbedar.s motion has been tabled. They do not
deal with any other principle e+cept impro$in! the form. Then, I come to amendment 0o. 6H.
In part 1c3 1i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9Ille!itimate9 insert"
9who, if he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen years, is himself a Hindu and 9
I am sorry that a $ery lar!e number of widely di$er!ent sub-ects ha$e had to be mo$ed
separately, and ha$e to be ar!ued upon in a lot. That is why some hon. Members seem to lose
thread of the ar!ument. Sub*clause 163, which I see to amend, reads thus"
9 This Code applies;
1c3 1i3 to any child le!itimate or ille!itimate, both of whose parents are Hindus within the
meanin! of this section.9
Sri Sa&is Candra 1(ttar &radesh3 " This has been read se$eral times.
Mr. Cair$an" Let the hon. Member proceed. To eep up the thread of the ar!ument, he
must be allowed to read.
Sri %ya+i" This thin! about ille!itimate child was not read.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: The child of a Hindu, particularly, if he be ille!itimate, may not
himself remain a Hindu. This sub*clause proceeds on the supposition that a child of a Hindu
remains a Hindu. But, it is %uite possible for him to chan!e his reli!ion. He may discard all
reli!ions 8 he may be an atheist. He may become a @ew, a Christian or a Muslim, and then
a!ain be re*con$erted to Hinduism. The supposition that an ille!itimate child of a Hindu is a
Hindu presupposes that he does not chan!e. )s a matter of fact, he can chan!e. If he chan!es
his reli!ion, certainly, he cannot be a Hindu, and cannot inherit his father.s property and so
forth. )n ille!itimate child of a Hindu father will inherit his fathers properties 8 but if he chan!es
his reli!ion, he ceases to be a Hindu and therefore, he ceases to be the heir.
Sri %ya+i " ) father can ne$er ha$e an ille!itimate child8 a mother only can ha$e.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " That is a le!al %uestion. If a father cannot ha$e an ille!itimate
child, this clause should ha$e been deleted.
Sri %ya+i" The child is............ (/nterruption).
Mr. Cair$an: 5rder, order8 let him proceed.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " My amendment says, 9 if he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen
years, is himself a Hindu......9 That is to say, after attainin! the a!e of ei!hteen years, when he
attains the a!e of discretion and is permitted by law to act in a le!al manner, if he remains a
Hindu, then, of course, he is a Hindu. He is a child of his father entitled to inherit and en-oy all
the benefits of the Hindu Law. This amendment tries to remo$e a lacuna, which e+ists in the
draftin!. )n ille!itimate child, if he attains the a!e of ei!hteen years and if he does not chan!e
his reli!ion, then, of course, he could come in. That is what I ha$e sou!ht to clarify here.
Let us come to another amendment8 it is of a draftin! nature. It reads as follows"
In part 1c31i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for9 whose parents are Hindus 9 substitute 9 whose
parents are or ha$e been Hindus 9.
It may be that the parents of a child are Hindus8 but they may chan!e their reli!ion. So, I want
that in order to ha$e this relationship.........
Sri ". C. Sar$a 1(ttar &radesh3" May I draw the attention of the chairman to the
con$ention of the House that all draftin! amendments be left to the draftmen and the time of the
House be not wasted /
Mr. Cair$an: There is no such absolute con$ention8 it all depends on the particular
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : This only shows that the hon. Member is not listenin! to the
ar!uments, but is only tryin! to find and create ob-ections. )lthou!h this is more of draftin!
nature, I thin it in$ol$es a substantial thin!. The %uestion is this. ?ou say that a child, le!itimate
or ille!itimate of a Hindu, is a Hindu. Supposin! the father chan!es his reli!ion in that case, he
is not a Hindu at the rele$ant time when the %uestion arises. I therefore want to mae it clear
that he is a Hindu or has been a Hindu. It may be that a father was not a Hindu, but has
accepted the Hindu reli!ion at the rele$ant time. If you say, a man who is a Hindu, it means,
who is a Hindu for the time bein!8 he mi!ht not ha$e been a Hindu before. That is why I am
sayin!" 9 a person who is or has been a Hindu 98 who has been a Hindu all alon!. The child of
such a parent would be a Hindu. Suppose there is a Muslim who adopts the Hindu reli!ion
today. The %uestion of the status of his child comes into %uestion. Could his child, who was
born at a time when the parents were Muslims, be a Hindu today because today the father is a
Hindu / That is why I ha$e tried to chan!e the clause. Thou!h it is of a draftin! nature, it has
substantial effects. I submit that these small points re%uire careful consideration. The %uestion,
in effect, is, if a man is con$erted to Hinduism today, whether his child, who may be a Christian,
or a Muslim or a @ew accordin! to the reli!ion of his father before his con$ersion, would be a
Hindu. This is a serious constitutional %uestion, and I hope the House will seriously consider
that. But, the difficulty would be for the Hon. Law Minister to carefully listen to these points and
to reply to them, and for the House to follow all these ar!uments and replies. )s a matter of fact
'r. )mbedar will say, 9 I oppose all the amendments 9 and the House will say, 9 2e
respectfully a!ree 9.
Se,eral Hon. Me$bers: 0e$er, ne$er.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" My ne+t amendment. 0o. <6, I would repeat my ar!ument, enforces
a condition that a man, whose reli!ion is in %uestion, is a Hindu if he is a Hindu after attainin!
the a!e of ei!hteen years8 because at the a!e of ei!hteen, he is entitled to act in a le!al
manner, and if he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen years, he may chan!e his reli!ion.
Therefore, the option of a boy, on attainin! the a!e of ei!hteen years, to chan!e his reli!ion, is
pro$ided for. That contin!ency has not been thou!ht of by the draftsmen. Therefore, I am
submittin! this amendment for the consideration of the House.
I now come to my ne+t amendment 0o. <A. It runs thus" >or part 1d3 of sub*clause 163 of
clause <, substitute"
9 1d3 to a con$ert to the Hindu reli!ion, sub-ect to his ri!hts and liabilities before his
?ou say that a con$ert to a Hindu reli!ion would be a Hindu. It is plain common*sense that a
man has freedom of conscience and reli!ion and he would be fully entitled to con$ert himself to
Hinduism. But, what happens to his ri!hts and liabilities before he is con$erted/ I will e+plain
the position. ) Christian, a married man, is con$erted today to the Hindu reli!ion. 2hat happens
to his wife/ 2ould the wife be automatically di$orced because she is not a Hindu/ ) marria!e
between a Hindu and a Christian would be ille!al. I a!ree that a con$ert to the Hindu reli!ion
should be treated as a Hindu. But, what about his ri!hts and liabilities before con$ersion/ There
are numerous ri!hts and liabilities. I do not wish to detain the House by detailin! the $arious
considerations, which may arise on account of this. I simply put it !enerally that a con$ert
should be a Hindu, sub-ect to all the ri!hts and liabilities he had before the con$ersion. Suppose
there was a non*Hindu possessin! rich property, and suppose he is con$erted to Hinduism.
Should you as him to lose all his property/ If he is to inherit from some one, before con$ersion,
should he lose this inheritance after his con$ersion. There are laws rele$ant to this which occur
to me, but I only submit that we should preser$e all the ri!hts and liabilities ac%uired by the man
who is con$erted, before his con$ersion. The status 4uo of the ri!hts pre$iously ac%uired should
not be disturbed. )ll those ri!hts should not be lost simply by the con$ersion. =i!hts once
ac%uired should not be allowed to be lost.
Liabilities incurred should not be allowed to $anish, all because of a later con$ersion. The
con$ersion should not affect past transactions, past ri!hts and past liabilities.
Then, my ne+t amendment is that sub*clause 1<3 of clause < should be omitted. This sub*
clause is to this effect"
9 This Code also applies to any other person, who is not a Muslim, Christian, &arsi or @ew by
reli!ion. 9
This sub*clause, I submit, is based on erroneous considerations, and on erroneous analo!ies.
In part 1a3 we ha$e said that this Code applies "
9 to all Hindus, that is to say, to all persons professin! the Hindu reli!ion in any of its forms or
de$elopments, ... 9
)nd we also say that it applies" 9 to any person who is a Buddhist, @aina or Sih by reli!ion.9
But the Sihs, I feel, do not $ery much appreciate the conferrin! of the so*called benefits of
this Code on them. My friend Sardar Huam Sin!h is ready to !i$e up the so*called benefits of
the Hindu Code now bein! conferred upon the Sihs. So lon! as he remains a Sih, I do not
thin he would $ery much appreciate the Hindu Code bein! applied to him and......
Sri %ya+i" He can become a Hindu.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " But let Sardar Huam Sin!h spea for his own community. I am
Sri "ursed (al: ?es, you are speain! for yours.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : Then we come to part 1c31l3 which says that the Code applies to
any child, le!itimate or ille!itimate etc. ) Hindu is a Hindu and the child of a Hindu should also
be a Hindu. But what I say is this. Sub*clause 1<3 seems to be somewhat misplaced, because it
states that the Code applies also to any other person who is not a Muslim, Christian, &arsi or
@ew by reli!ion. Looin! at it from the draftin! point of $iew, this is a circuitous way of draftin!
the thin!, and it shows the piece*meal introduction of an idea. If this is the idea, why not say
strai!ht away that all persons who are not Muslims, Christians, &arsis or @ews are Hindus /
Instead of doin! that, you first of all say that Hindus are first of all Hindus. Then you say that
Buddhists, @ains and Sihs are Hindus and then you say that the Code will apply to other
persons who are not Muslims, Christians, &arsis or @ews. I thin the most strai!htforward and
lo!ical way of puttin! this definition would ha$e been to say that all persons who are not
Muslims, Christians, &arsis or @ews are Hindus. It comes to that. Therefore, I submit, at that
time, there mi!ht ha$e been some hesitation in the mind of the draftsmen and this idea was
introduced at a later sta!e. 5therwise there was nothin! to pre$ent them from sayin! what they
actually meant.
But there is a sna! in this clause <, sub*clause 1<3. 'oes it necessarily follow that a man who
is not a Muslim, Christian, &arsi or @ew is a Hindu / He may be a communist, as is su!!ested
by a friend here. 5r he may belon! to the reli!ion of Shintoism as professed in @apan. 5r he
may ha$e no reli!ion at all. How can it be accepted as an ine+orable principle that a man must
be a Christian, &arsi, Muslim, @ew or a Hindu / There may be a person who belon!s to no
reli!ion, or there may be a person whose reli!ion is apart from any of these !reat reli!ions.
Sri %ya+i" Hinduism is a coctail of all reli!ions.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: 5f course, to say that all the rest belon! to the Hindu reli!ion may
sound $ery sweet to Hindu ears. But the %uestion is whether we should force the so*called
benefits of this Code on anybody/ Should we call anyone a Hindu and force the Code on him/
That is the point. Suppose there are some forei!ners here, or their ser$ants or subordinates or
friends. 2e are encoura!in! tourist traffic and we can e+pect many such persons in India. )nd
suppose one such forei!ner dies while in India. 2ho will inherit his wealth/
Dr. #$bedkar: ?ou will inherit his wealth if he dies in India.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " The %uestion is, are those persons who do not belon! to any of
those reli!ions to be the $ictims upon whom the so called benefits of this Hindu Code should be
forced / The Hindu community is docile and in an absolute minority in the House, but outside
there is a !reat deal of ob-ection raised and that bein! the case, should these so*called benefits
be forced on all / Should you force the Code upon all the persons who are neither Muslims,
Christians, &arsis or @ews, and because they do not belon! to any of these reli!ions, does it
necessarily follow that they belon! to the Hindu reli!ion / Should the Code be applied to them /
That is the %uestion which the House will ha$e to answer. I submit that this subclause 1<3 must
be omitted because it sees to enact a proposition which should not be accepted. Let us
proceed !radually. ?ou must not force the Code upon such persons. There may be some who
follow some other reli!ion or who ha$e no reli!ion at all, or a new reli!ion may come into the
world and to them the law should not be made applicable. The application of the law should be
!radual. The impact of this tremendous measure should be !radual. In fact I was $ery much
enamoured with part of the amendment mo$ed by my hon. friend Mr. Capoor. There was a
!reat deal of sense in that part of the. amendment which said that the Code should apply only to
those persons who want it. That was also the purport of the amendment of Shri @hun-hunwala.
5f course there were some differences with re!ard to detail. But the important principle is that
the Code should apply only to those who want it to be applied to them. Therefore this definition
of a Hindu is not warranted. If the Hindu Code was not a contro$ersial one and had been an
acceptable one to all there would ha$e been no difficulty. So by acceptin! that part of the
.andi& "risna Candra Sar$a 1(ttar &radesh3" It means that e$erybody should be
allowed to mae a law for himself.
Shri 0a4iruddin )hmad" ?ou are tryin! to force down the throat of a person a medicine which
he does not lie. Howe$er !ood the Code may be you cannot force it down the throat of the
Hindu community.
)n Hon. Member" 2ho says that/ 2e all want it.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: >irst of all you must tae public opinion on your side. ?ou must
approach them !radually. Mae it first optional and then the law is !ood for e$erybody they will
!ra$itate towards it. They will themsel$es push each other and compete with each other in
!ettin! themsel$es earliest. The law should attract people $oluntarily and not by force. That is
the !reat principle, which underlies these amendments and su!!estions. It is not a case of
e$erybody main! a law for himself but a case of a few persons forcin! the law upon AA crores
of peopleN
#n Hon. Me$ber: 2ho are you to say that/
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya" That is also lately the correct position. ,o ahead. Let them shout
at the top of their $oice.
Mr. Cair$an" Hon. members should not !o on speain! to each other while sittin!. It will
create confusion. Let the hon. Member proceed.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: That is why I heartily support the su!!estion to mae the
application of the Code $oluntary thereby robbin! it of its stin!. Then I dare say that if the law is
!ood !radually e$ery one will come to it. I therefore submit that the law should be made
applicable to those who are fit for it.
.ndi! i) ! v!)t )ub?continent 'here there !re hi&hl" !dv!nced people !) !l)o e(tremel"
b!c%'!rd people# The l!' i) ! &ood l!' to hon# 2ember) bec!u)e it i) &ood to the communit"
from 'hich mo)t of the 2ember) come# .t i) !n !dv!nced l!' )uited to the !dv!nced communit"
from 'hich hon# 2ember) come# But 'h" )hould it be m!de !pplic!ble to hill tribe)5 !bori&in!l)
!nd b!c%'!rd people 'ho h!ve no educ!tion !nd 'ho do not even h!ve t'o me!l) ! d!"# 7h"
)hould it be m!de !pplic!ble to them b" ! )tro%e of the pen !&!in)t their 'i)he) 8 Th!t i) the
point 'hich !ri)e) out of the )u&&e)tion) cont!ined in the)e t'o !mendment)# .t i) e(perience
!nd not lo&ic th!t )hould &uide l!'# . therefore )ubmit th!t the l!' )hould be m!de !pplic!ble to
tho)e 'ho !ccept it !nd tho)e 'ho !re fit for it# :r!du!ll" tho)e 'ho !re )emi?fit for it 'ill
9u!lif" for it############
Sri "ursed (al: That is why it is not bein! applied to you.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: I a!ree that I am too bacward to appreciate the benefits of this
law. This law is a -umble. It does not contain much of the Hindu law. It is borrowed from the
Muslim law, from the Christian law and borrowed all the worst elements of those laws.
Therefore I would prefer to be called a bacward man so as to please my hon. friend Mr.
Curshed Lal rather than be looed upon as ci$ilised and be made to accept a law which is not
applicable to me and which does not appeal to me either. The !reat difficulty is that the
,o$ernment is committed to a principle rather prematurely and the people outside are a!ainst
Sri Bara&i: 2ho are you to say that/ 2ho said that/
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" @ust !o out and see. If you had !one to the ,andhi ,rounds
yesterday you would ha$e seen somethin! of that.
#n on. Me$ber: 2hy did my hon. friend !o there/
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: It is my business to be informed" not to su!!est anythin! to them,
not to control, !uide nor mislead them. It is for me as a Member to ascertain public opinion. If I
now that Hindu opinion mo$es in a particular way, e$en at the ris of bein! called bacward I
would brin! it to the notice of the House. There is no point in tryin! to be fashionable and cle$er
at the cost of common*sense and e%uity.
Some hon. Members ased me in an obli%ue manner, 9 2ho says so /9. They thin that the
Hindu community has accepted the Code and are a!reeable to it. I come from Ben!al. )t the
re%uest of the ,o$ernment of their opinion they said that they were opposed to it......
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay 12est Ben!al3 " 2hat ha$e they said now / Shri Na*iruddin #$ad"
If they are chan!in!, I do not now about that.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai" ?ou too must chan!e alon! with them.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " I do not thin they ha$e e+pressed any recent opinion. )part from
rumours their le!al opinion duly appro$ed by the ,o$ernment has been sent by their @udicial
Secretary and it has been circulated to us. )ny other opinion has not been circulated to us. If
they ha$e been circulated to the pri$ate ears of any Members I cannot tae any notice of it here.
The ,o$ernment of Ben!al is a!ainst the Bill. The bi! people are a!ainst it.
Sri Sondi 1&un-ab3" They ha$e compromised, I am told.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : I do not thin they ha$e put themsel$es in a compromisin! position
at all. ,o to any Bar )ssociation and listen to what they tal. They are !ettin! tired of it. The
$ery ea!erness with which the Bill is sou!ht to be pushed throu!h the House.........
#n Hon. Me$ber : Is it all rele$ant to the amendment /
Mr. Cair$an: I would draw attention to amendment 0o. A6. It is %uite rele$ant.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai" He is only repeatin! himself.
Sri %ya+i: Since the Hon. Member has alle!ed that the Ben!al ,o$ernment was a!ainst this
Hindu Code I want to now from him if the Chief Secretary of the Ben!al ,o$ernment is
opposed to it/
Sri "ursed (al: He is not the ,o$ernment of Ben!al.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : The ,o$ernment of India circulated the Bill and ased for opinion.
The $arious State ,o$ernments !a$e their opinion and those opinions ha$e been circulated to
us. I ha$e no pri$ate communication with the Ben!al ,o$ernment. The public opinions which
ha$e been circulated to us are there, any hon. Member can see them. There you will find that
the Ben!al ,o$ernment opposes the Bill.
.andi& Mala,iya 1(ttar &radesh3" 2hy should they see if it is not con$enient to them/
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: They find that the law is not con$enient to Ben!al soil. 2hat is
more, all the -ud!es of the Calcutta Hi!h Court; I suppose they should be re!arded as
educated people, not orthodo+, not the rabble, they are fine, cultured, intelli!ent men. They are
not mere orthodo+ men;!a$e their opinion -ointly that they are opposed to the Bill.
Sri !a- Baadur: May I now. Sir, whether it is permissible for the member to attac the
$ery foundation and principle of the Bill now / Is he speain! on clause < or on the whole Bill /
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: It was an answer to the interruption on his statement that Hindus did
not want it.
Mr. Cair$an: 5rder, order. So far the obser$ations of the hon. Member were rele$ant under
amendment 0o. A6. But at the same time I would re%uest him not to be $ery !eneral in his
remars. He ou!ht to confine his obser$ations to the particular points made out by him in his
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : The point before us is whether the law should be made applicable
to persons who do not a!ree to be bound by it. If you do not !i$e the option you will be forcin!
the law upon people who do not want it. That is why I thou!ht that in order to stren!then that
point the ob-ection of eminent authorities lie Hi!h Court @ud!es and the ,o$ernment of Ben!al
was rele$ant. It shows that the people are a!ainst it;not the*bacward people but intelli!ent,
ci$ilised people who ha$e some status in society. That was my purpose in referrin! to it.
I, therefore, submit that in $iew of all these ob-ections, the law should be made applicable to
those who are particularly enamoured of it, who thin they will be benefited by it, but it should
not be made applicable to one and all to those who do not want it. I submit that those who are
opposed to the Hindu Code Bill are a minority in the House, but those who are in fa$our of the
Bill are a microscopic minority in the country. The whole %uestion is " is it enou!h for you to be
fired with the idea that the Hindu Code is a !ood thin! if the people do not want it / In a
democratic society you must not force a benefit upon those who do not want it. The people do
not want it. Therefore, you must not force this upon them. I therefore heartily support the two
su!!estions made by the two hon. Members that the law should be made applicable first to
those who want it. Then if we find that there is ready acceptance, that it is palatable to the
Hindus, that they want it, that they readily accept it, then this &arliament may later on e+tend it
do other people or to other classes of people. That should be the proper way. )s has been
su!!ested, if once we accept this principle, mae its application $oluntary, the whole
contro$ersy will $anish. The bitterness of the ma-ority outside and the minority in this House will
disappear at once. Then there will be no %uestion of a difference of opinion. If it is !ood it is
!ood for the hi!hest class of society. It is not !ood to the condition of people who belon! to the
middle classes and to the lower classes. It is for this reason that I thin that the su!!estion in
that amendment should be accepted.
Then, one of my amendments is that sub*clause 1A3 should be omitted. That sub*clause runs
to the effect that"
9 The e+pression . Hindu . in any portion of this Code shall be construed as if it included a
person who, thou!h not a Hindu by reli!ion is, ne$ertheless, !o$erned by the pro$isions of this
Code . 9

It says in effect that thou!h a man is not a Hindu, if the Code applies to him he is a Hindu. It
be!s the $ery %uestion. It could ha$e been said a Hindu is a Hindu J The draftsman was not
satisfied and he tried to mae confusin! words confounded by the addition of subclause 1A3. To
whom would you mae the Code applicable / If you say a man is a man who is a human bein!
it does not help anyone. It simply shows some confusion of mind. ?ou cannot say that a Hindu
is not a Hindu but that althou!h he is not a Hindu pro$ided the Code applies to him he is a
Hindu. I thin a simpler way of approach should ha$e been far more satisfactory and better. If
you say all persons ha$in! two le!s and two hands are Hindus I ha$e no ob-ection. If you say all
Hindus are Hindus e$en that would ha$e made some sense. ?ou say, all Hindus are Hindus, all
@ains, Buddhists, and Sihs are Hindus, the ille!itimate children of those are Hindus and then
all those are Hindus who are not Muslims, Christians, &arsis or @ews. ?ou are not satisfied
with this roundabout and circumlocutory way of e+pression. ?ou say that e$en thou!h a man is
not a Hindu he is a Hindu if this Code applies to him. ?ou should be more strai!htforward, more
lo!ical, more clear in your e+pression. The draftsmanship of this clause shows the hand of
many a person but it has not been properly drafted. That is why there has been so much of
confusion, so much of roundabout e+pression. I therefore submit that sub*clause 1A3 should be
omitted. ) Hindu should be a Hindu, one who follows the Hindu reli!ion. 2ith re!ard to
Buddhists, @ainas and Sihs, I should %uite a!ree to them bein! included pro$ided the
Buddhists, @ainas and Sihs a!ree to be bound by the Hindu Code. Those persons also are
Hindus who are not Muslims, Christian, &arsi or @ew by reli!ion. But you say that a person is a
Hindu, thou!h he is not a Hindu, if he is bound by 1his Code. Somehow or other that is a most
unsatisfactory way of approach.

+ p#m#
Sri %ya+i" He is a de 'ure if not a de facto Hindu.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " If you want loo call a person a9 Hindu 9, I ha$e no ob-ection. That is
a simple way. ?ou simply enumerate him as 9 Hindu 9. 2hy this circumlocutory, round*about
and circuitous way of e+pressin! it/ It shows, I say with respect, some confusion of thou!ht.
Dr. #$bedkar " ?ou are more confounded than anybody else in this House, I am afraid.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " I ha$e other amendments which I shall try to deal with tomorrow, if
I am not interrupted lie this.
%he &ouse then ad'ourned till a 5uarter loo Eleven of the clock on %uesday, the 6th
7eruary, 89:8.
HI0'( C;$Econtd.

Mr. Speaker: The house will now proceed with the further consideration of
the Bill to amend and codify certain branches of the Hindu Law, as reported by
the Select Committee. Clause < was under discussion. Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad
will continue his speech.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad 12est Ben!al3" Sir, at the $ery outset the House is in
a $ery hilarious mood. I belie$e the sub-ect is e+tremely important and it re%uires
$ery !ra$e consideration. ?esterday I dealt with some of my amendments. I shall
now come to amendment 0o. A6 which reads" )fter sub*clause 1B3 of clause <
add the followin! new sub*clause "
9 173 0otwithstandin! anythin! in this section this Code shall apply only to such
areas or to such persons or classes of persons in any state from such time or by
such sta!es as the State Le!islature may from time to time by )ct pro$ide.9
The Bill is hi!hly contro$ersial and it is improper e$en for those who belie$e it
to be hi!hly beneficial to the country to force this Bill upon the entire Hindu
population. I submit that this House should not tae this hasty step. I do not
contend that this House has no -urisdiction, but I do submit that this House
should not tae upon itself the serious responsibility of forcin! a law upon an
unwillin! people. This House was specially constituted to obtain independence
from the British ,o$ernment, and in due course throu!h its constituent side it
passed the Constitution.
%e Minis&er o' (a) 1'r. )mbedar3 " Sir, is this rele$ant at this sta!e / I do
not lie to interfere in the debate but certainly we ha$e spent more than four
hours in discussin! a sin!le clause.
Mr. Speaker: I was -ust watchin! for a minute or two whether the hon.
Member.s reference was leadin! to some sound ar!ument that he was comin!
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: I was submittin! that this House has not the
mandate of the country to pass this Bill. This is a fundamental matter affectin!
the reli!ious and social structure of India. Therefore, it is proper and rele$ant to
consider our e+act position. I am not !oin! elaborately into all the history
because that has been done at the proper sta!e, but I cannot for!et the fact that
a lar!e number of hon. Members of this House are new Members and were not
present at that sta!e. So, a $ery brief resume of those points may, I submit, be
not irrele$ant.
Mr. Speaer" I may inform the hon. Member that, so far as the representati$e
character of this House is concerned as also its competency to consider such a
Bill, that has been sufficiently thrashed out before and the present sta!e is not
the proper sta!e of a!ain raisin! that ind of an ar!ument. 2e are now
discussin! the Bill clause by clause and clause < is before the House, so, he will
restrict his remars only to the pro$isions in clause < and the amendments
before the House. 5f course, the scope for that is wide enou!h, but not for
%uestionin! or e$en doublin! the representati$e character of the House or its
capacity to pass this Bill. That will be unnecessarily repeatin! what was said at
the pre$ious sta!es.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : Sir, I bow down to your rulin!. I am not at all
%uestionin! the representati$e character of the House or its competency. But the
%uestion is that we ha$e not consulted the people. 0ot that we ha$e no
-urisdiction, not that we do not represent the people, but on a social le!islation of
an all*embracin! character lie this we should ha$e obtained some mandate.
That was the point, which I was !oin! to submit. I do not wish loo elaborate it. I
wished to refer to this matter in order to de$elop my ar!ument with re!ard to
amendment 0o. A6.I want by this amendment to restrict the application of the Bill
loo the different States, upon the Slate, by )ct, prescribin! its application, and
also limitin! the conditions on which the Bill should apply, the persons or classes
of persons loo whom the Bill should apply and the sta!e or sta!es throu!h which
this application should come. Therefore, my point, so far as this amendment is
concerned, is that the Bill should not be made applicable to all persons outri!ht.
The State ,o$ernment are in a better position to now the conditions of the
people, their wishes and desires and their needs. It is therefore proper to allow
each State to apply the Law and to such e+tent and throu!h such sta!es as the
Le!islature, by )ct, may pro$ide. I now that so far as reports arc concerned the
,o$ernment of Ben!al has opposed this bill. Thou!h it was !i$en out yesterday
that in pri$ate con$ersation some hon. Member was told, some indi$idual
Minister in Ben!al was in fa$our of the Bill, that is not the official position taen
by the ,o$ernment of Ben!al. I dare say that each State has its different
problems to sol$e with re!ard to this Bill" its sta!e of ci$ilisation, its state of
economic condition and $arious other factors must., I belie$e, obtain in different
de!rees and in different circumstances in the different States. My point is that for
those hon. Members who feel that this Bill is !ood there are a much lar!er
number of hon. Members who feel the Bill is not !ood for them. Therefore, my
submission would be to strie a via media . Let the Bill be accepted by those who
thin that it is !ood for them, but let them not force the Bill upon others.
0ow, so far as the States are concerned, the State Le!islatures would be the
proper authority to apply law, adaptin! the application to suit the differin!
circumstances of the case. Thou!h the Hon. Minister in char!e of the Bill is
enamoured of uniformity in the laws, I thin that it is a principle, which should
yield to practical considerations. I submit that the State Le!islatures are the
proper authority to ascertain the )ctual opinion on the Bill and the application of
the Bill should also be controlled by them. To this principle, there should be no
ob-ection. If, as is claimed, the Bill is a $ery beneficial one, acceptable to the
people, acceptable to the Hindus of India, nothin! could be lost by lettin! the
State Le!islatures e+press their opinion. The State ,o$ernments ha$e their
'epartments throu!h which they are in a position to now the wishes of the
people and the members of the State Le!islatures are also in a position to now
the minds of the people. I therefore, submit that the application of the Bill in
different circumstances and to different people should be left to the local
Le!islatures. If this is done, then much of the stin! about the Bill and much of the
ob-ectionable features of the Bill would at once disappear and the contro$ersy
would immediately stop. The more the supporters of the Bill are con$inced that
the Bill is hi!hly acceptable, the more they should be ready to sub-ect
themsel$es to this test of acceptance of the Bill by the local le!islatures. I submit
that this amendment raises an important principle and if the claims are as hi!h
as they are alle!ed then this principle should be accepted. It is concei$able that
there are corners in the States where this law would )ct ad$ersely. There are
$arious pro$isions bearin! on di$orce and there are $arious customs in different
parts of the country for marria!e and di$orce. If we apply this Bill to them
strai!htaway that would tae away the simplified marria!e and simplified di$orce
and substitute complicated forms of di$orce and marria!e. To that e+tent, their
e+istin! ri!hts would be affected. There are, a!ain, people who do not lie to
en-oy the ri!hts of marria!e and di$orce as prescribed in this Bill. To them also, it
would be a hardship. >rom any point of $iew, therefore, the application of this law
to the peculiar circumstances of each State must be left to the local Le!islature.
Then Sir, I ha$e been -eered and -ibed at many times.

6< 0550

Babu !a$narayan Sin+ 1Bihar3" 0o.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : That has been my pri$ile!e. I belie$e that the delay
that has occurred was due to two reasons, the author of both the reasons bein!
'r. )mbedar himself. >irst of all the Bill was sent to the Select Committee. >or
reasons best nown to him, it came bac from the Select committee in the form
of an alto!ether new Bill. That led to some contro$ersy, which too about si+
months. time. I submit that this portion of the delay was not due to me. If I had
any fault, it was to point out the error and thereafter it was for the House to !i$e a
Sri B. Das 15rissa3" 2hy apolo!ise /
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : That delay was due to 'r. )mbedar himself. I do
not blame him for this. I do not attribute any moti$e to him.
Dr. #$bedkar: He for!i$es meJ
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" &robably, he wanted to impro$e matters and mae
matters worse. The ne+t reason for the delay was......
Dr. #$bedkar: I do not thin any hon. Member of this House has char!ed my
hon. friend with dilatory tactics and I do not see why he should indul!e in a,n
e+planation which is certainly not wanted, so far as I am concerned. He is
wastin! time.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: 0o, Sir. )t least one word by way of e+planation is
necessary. )lthou!h I mi!ht not ha$e referred to it, the char!e has definitely
been made and it !oes in the proceedin!s to be read e$en after 6II years. I
submit that the ne+t reason for the delay was that in the Bill, which was referred
to the Select Committee, there were enormous numbers of substantial chan!es
and those matters had to be put before the House -ust to ar!ue that the
members of the Select Committee had not a proper opportunity to consider them
in detail. Those contro$ersies are !one, but public memory is short and
Ministerial memory is shorter. By a stran!e coincidence, by a stran!e frea of
fate, the delay is attributed to me. I thin it is %uite unnecessary to tae it up and
discuss it. So far as this matter is concerned, as 'r. &attabhi Sitaramayya said
on one occasion, dilatory tactics arc permissible. If any Member is satisfied that a
Bill must be opposed, dilatory tactics are permissible. He may oppose;so lon!
as he may;fairly, and e$en unfairly, if he must. I submit that I do not lae
recourse loo this e+treme step. I belie$e that the Bill is a contro$ersial one and
therefore some amount of contro$ersy is ine$itable. The contro$ersy is
embedded in the Bill itself.
Dr. Des$uk 1Madhya &radesh3 " In 'r. )mbedar /
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " ?es, of course. 2hen the draft Bill was circulated,
the Hindu Law Commission went round the country and collected a lar!e number
of opinions. The opinions were preponderantly a!ainst the Bill. These $ery
women who are supposed loo be an+ious to liberate themsel$es throu!h this Bill
opposed the sittin!s of that Commission in different places in lar!e numbers.
Sri %ya+i 1(ttar &radesh3" Clause < is now under discussion8 what has all this
to do with it /
Mr. Speaker " The Chair is tain! care of it. But if hon. Members want to do so,
they may 8 but in that case his speech will be prolon!ed and may !o on till
tomorrow e$enin!. Therefore, let him !o on in his own way. If he is irrele$ant, the
Chair will slop him.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: Sir, it is these interruptions, which certainly create a
certain amount of difficulty. 2hen a %uestion is ased, it certainly re%uires an
answer. )fter all I am accustomed to these interruptions and nothin! is more
acceptable to me than these interruptions.
Sir, clause < is a $ery important one because it deals with the application of the
Code. Many amendments ha$e been su!!ested to this clause, the underlyin!
idea of all of them bein! loo pre$ent its uni$ersal application strai!htaway,
considerin! the ma!nitude of the le!islation, I for one feel that the house should
tae serious consideration of the su!!estion to proceed slowly and to adapt the
Bill to suit local conditions. If that is done, the impact of the Bill would be more
tolerable and the ob-ections would lar!ely $anish. Sir, I ha$e done.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a 1&un-ab3 " Sir, in re!ard to the application of
the Hindu Code to the $arious sub-ects and peoples who come within the
pur$iew of clause <, I ha$e to submit for your consideration a few words.
I a!ree with the pre$ious speaer that the scope of clause < is $ery wide and
therefore, all these matters which ha$e been submitted for the consideration of
the course are %uite appropriate and should be considered by the House in
re!ard to application of clause <. But at the same time, I am of opinion that by
practical considerations we are compelled to limit the scope of clause < to such
persons to whom the Hindu law applied pre$iously. I am not here loo minimise
the efforts of those who thin that in pursuance of the directi$e principles we
ou!ht to ha$e a Ci$il Code for this country. I am for it, the whole country is for it.
2e should, therefore endea$our to ha$e a Ci$il Code for the whole country and I
would $ery much lie that Hon. 'r. )mbedar who has done so much for this
country in the matter of !i$in! us a Constitution and brin!in! forward the Hindu
Code which affects about thirty crores of people will in time brin! forth a new
Ci$il Code for the whole country.
But at the same time I do not thin it is practicable to say that this Hindu Code
should be turned into a Ci$il Code. (an &on. -emer" 2hy not /3 The %uestion is
bein! ased 9 2hy not/9. I would certainly submit the reason. 0ow, as I ha$e -ust
pointed out. I admire the spirit of the pre$ious speaers Mr. Sarwate, Shri
Eidya$achaspati and Shri @aspat =oy Capoor, when they want one Ci$il Code for
the whole country. )s a matter of )ct this attempt of 'r. )mbedar in
incorporatin! certain principles which ou!ht to ha$e been the real basis of the
Hindu Code is simply laudable. This Hindu Code, accordin! to some, is a Code
which ou!ht not to apply to Hindus alone, because this Hindu Code embodies
principles which are not taen from the Hindu law alone. In re!ard to certain
principles, they are so broad based that I should thin they may e$entually
furnish a basis for ha$in! a Ci$il Code.
)s remared by the pre$ious speaer, marria!e is certainly one of the ten
samskars. It is a reli!ious affair. But in this Code we ha$e .!ot the pro$isions of
the Ci$il Marria!e )ct also. My humble submission is that so far as the %uestion
of Ci$il Marria!e is concerned it ou!ht to ha$e been contained in the Ci$il Code
which we ha$e all in $iew and which will be e%ually !ood for all the citi4ens of
this country. Therefore, the complaint that this Hindu Code is neither based on
Hindu Law nor on any uni$ersal law is correct to a certain e+tent and my $iew is
that the principles of the Ci$il Marria!e )ct which are embodied in the )ct of
6DF< should not ha$e been incorporated in the Hindu Code. I would, therefore,
$ery much lie that these pro$isions are taen away and the Hindu Code
remained only a Hindu Code. This inter*mi+in! of the principles of the Ci$il
Marria!e )ct into the Hindu Code should not ha$e been allowed.
0ow, Sir, I maintain that today we cannot ha$e a Hindu law lie the one which
was propounded by our ancestors. In those days Hindus li$ed in an e+clusi$e
way. The impact of ci$ilisation and other reli!ions had not be!un so far as
Hindus were concerned. 0ow in e$ery Code, in the Muslim Law, in the Christian
Law, and in the Hindu law we ha$e !ot principles which are not !ermane to
those laws alone but which as a matter of )ct ha$e been made uni$ersal by the
impact of other forces. >or instance in this Hindu Code we ha$e !ot mono!amy
which is a special feature of the Christian Law. The authors of the Hindu Code
want that dau!hters should be !i$en a share of the property. 0ow this was not
nown to Hindu law, so far as married dau!hters were concerned for a $ery lon!
time. 5f course, there is no practice or principle, which has not been
e+perimented upon at one time or other by the Hindus.

KSH=IM)TI '(=,)B)I in the chair.

This is a different matter. But today I thin he will be a bold man who would lie
to say that the principles of yore be introduced in the Hindu Code. )s the society
pro!resses there is also a pro!ress of the principles. 0ow if anybody wants to
say that the laws of Manu should be introduced in =epublican India, I thin he
will be a mad man. 'oes any one in this House want that no Shudra should be
allowed to read the Shrutis < 5n the contrary, I for one welcome the Code for the
$ery reason that 'r. )mbedar is supportin! it. 0ow all thin!s ha$e chan!ed and
all $alues ha$e chan!ed. The Hindus ha$e burnt their boats so far. 0ow he will
be a bold man who will come and say, 9 I want that the Caste system of the
Hindus based, as it is, on birth should be introduced in the Hindu Code 9. I will
ha$e notin! to do with this Hindu Code if it is based on the caste theory. I now
that so far as the ori!inal Hindu law is concerned the caste system was not
based on birth. I challen!e anybody in this house, or outside, if he could
con$ince me that the Hindu Law or the system of the Hindus was based on birth.
But what do we find today/ Birth is the real basis of caste, whereas accordin! to
the strict notions of Hindu law and the Shastras, birth has no place in it
whatsoe$er, we find that Hindu society is not what it used to be. )re we now
!oin! to introduce all those laws of Manu, for instance, that a Shudra cannot
read the Shrutis etc./ 0ow we ha$e finished with them.
So far as the criticism !oes that the Code is $ery bad, so bad that it should
apply only to Hindus, Muslims, etc., I am $ery sorry I ha$e to challen!e that
statement and fi!ht it. Some of the principles which are put in the bill are
e+ceptionally !ood, so !ood that I would lie to ha$e this Hindu Code. )s I
stated. I am not an opponent of e$ery clause and word in it. I want that all the
!ood principles, which are consistent with the principles that we ha$e accepted
in our society today, should be passed in this House. I am opposed to certain
pro$isions and I shall ha$e occasion to spea about them at the proper time. But
as re!ards the statement that it is so bad that it should not apply to Hindus or
Muslims, etc. I for one do not a!ree with that statement.
I was considerin! the %uestion whether it should apply to any but Hindus.
Three or four motions ha$e been made, by Mr. Sarwate, Mr. Indra
Eidya$achaspati and Mr. @aspat =oy Capoor had somethin! to say about it. In
re!ard to them my submission is that, if it were possible to do so I would ha$e
myself supported those motions. But may I humbly as the non*Hindus in the
House if they lie this proposal / They do not lie it.
Sri 0. !. "apoor 1(ttar &radesh3 " The non*Hindus ha$e already been
brou!ht within its scope.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: It is entirely wron! to su!!est that. So far as
Muslims, Christians, &arsis and @ews are concerned, it specifically say that the
law shall not apply to them. 2here is my friend.s su!!estion that it has already
been applied to Muslims Christians, &arsis and @ews /
Sri 0. !. "apoor: I said non*Hindus e+ceptin! Muslims, Christians etc.
Mr. Cair$an8 Let there be no interruptions.
Sri !.. ". Cauduri 1)ssam3" 5n a point of information, Madam, may I
now whether the Hindu Law is not applicable e$en now to the Muslims, Bohras
and Cutch*Memons /
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: My friend has anticipated me. The present
Hindu Law as we understand it does apply to many classes of persons. It does
apply to persons who do not call themsel$es Hindus. )nd so lon! they ha$e
ne$er ob-ected to it. So far as Sihs, @ains, Buddhists are concerned, it is the
Hindu Law which is applied to them. )nd it has been applied to them from times
immemorial, from the time that the British ,o$ernment was established. They
ha$e always been usin! it. #$en Muslims ha$e been usin! it. (An hon. -emer "
?ou are e+cludin! them3. 2e are not !oin! to e+clude them. This Hindu Code,
accordin! to clause <, shall apply to all persons who are not Muslims, Christians,
&arsi or @ews. So far as Muslims are concerned and so far as their law is
concerned we ha$e not chan!ed anythin! and we ha$e not made any law for
them. 2e do not want to say that their customs as altered by the Hindu Law do
not e+ist.
>or instance tae the &un-ab. 2e were not bound by the Hindu Law as such. I
am speain! of the $illa!es of the &un-ab. So far as the cities are concerned,
many Hindus and Muslims are !o$erned by the Hindu and Muslim Law. But so
far as the rest of the &un-ab is concerned we were !uided or dominated, or we
were !o$erned, by custom. Custom was the first rule of decision in the &un-ab so
far as Hindus, Muslims and Sihs were concerned. #$en today it is custom which
!o$erns us. May I with your permission. Madam, -ust read out the &reliminary
Section of the &un-ab Customary Law by =atti!an / It says "
9 Custom in this &ro$ince is the first rule of decision in all %uestions re!ardin!
succession, special property of females, betrothal, marria!e, di$orce, dower,
adoption, !uardianship, minority, bastardy, family relations, wills, le!acies, !ifts,
partitions, any reli!ious usa!e or institution, or allu$ion and dilu$ion.9
In re!ard to the Customary Law of the &un-ab, all the Hindus, Muslims and
Sihs in the $illa!e areas were bound by the Customary Law, which practically
was the same for all. )nd it has furnished a $ery !ood basis for the Ci$il Code
because the customs were the same, the result was that we were wedded to the
a!natic theory of succession and all the customs flowed from that. It is difficult for
the &un-abis to accept the principle of inheritance of married dau!hters because
the a!natic theory is there. In fact it pre$ailed in )ssam also before )ssam came
into the domain of the Ben!al Hi!h Court. If we find out what was the source of
custom, all the principles and notions of Hindu Law which pre$ailed throu!hout
the country were the source from which this custom !rew in the &un-ab and in
other parts. 0ot that custom is an e+clusi$e feature of the &un-ab only" in $arious
parts of India custom has to a $ery !reat e+tent altered the ori!inal Hindu Law.
Sri !. ". Cauduri: I am sorry to interrupt. But may I as whether the
Customary Law in the &un-ab will o$er ride the clear pro$isions of the Hindu Law,
or what will be the position of the &un-ab later, that is, after this Bill is passed /
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" So far as the &un-ab Law is concerned, I ha$e
!i$en the source of law, i.e., section 7 of the &un-ab Laws )ct. I ha$e -ust read
from section I from the preliminary obser$ations of =atti!an which is based on
the =e!ulation of 6D<7 and section 7 of the )ct of 6DF<, so far as &un-ab is
concerned. This is the present Law of the &un-ab unless it is altered by this
Hindu Code. This was my difficulty when I !a$e an amendment to that effect "
lea$e the &un-abees if they want to be !o$erned by their own custom. I ha$e
!i$en an amendment in re!ard to clause I to the effect that &un-ab should be
e+cluded from the operation. The reason is that from days immemorial we ha$e
been !o$erned by custom and we want to stic to that custom because that
custom is the mi+ture of the Hindu Law as well as other notions of Ci$il Law.
. m!" be e(cu)ed if . Au)t divert for ! minute to the pre)ent ment!lit" of the
Hindu)5 !) ! 'hole# . '!nt to )ee ! Hindu in thi) countr" 'ho c!n )!" th!t he i) !
Hindu !ccordin& to the old notion) of Hindui)m# The pre)ent ment!lit" of the
educ!ted Hindu) of thi) countr" i) ! )ort of eclectici)m# The" !re follo'er) of
Ar"! S!m!A5 Br!hmo S!m!A5 )ome people h!ve in the b!c%&round of their mind)
or in the inner )ub?con)cience5 cert!in conception) 'hich 'e h!ve imbibed from
2u)lim)5 Chri)ti!n) !nd from other reli&ion) !nd 'e educ!ted Hindu)G1 c!n
)pe!% for m")elf !nd )ome of m" friend)G '!nt to h!ve ! )ort of eclectici)m# 7e
t!%e the be)t out of ever" reli&ion !nd be&in to thin% th!t thi) i) the ri&ht thin&
!nd th!t thi) i) Hindui)m# ;erh!p) thi) m!" be true of the re)t of the 'orld !l)o#
7here i) ! true Chri)ti!n to d!" 'ho believe) in the te!chin&) of the Bible8 . c!n
9uote from the 2uh!mm!d!n 3!' !l)o# 7here i) the true 2uh!mm!d!n to be
found8 7e %no' th!t the ;rophet of 2uh!mm!d!n) m!rried ! &irl 'ho '!)
belo' the !&e of 14# 7hen the S!rd! Act '!) p!))ed5 if hon# 2ember) of thi)
Hou)e remember ver" 'ell5 2r# 2ohem!d Ali performed ! m!rri!&e in the
NueenB) :!rden Au)t to contr!vene the provi)ion) of the S!rd! Act bec!u)e people
'rote th!t the S!rd! Act h!d m!de !n inro!d on the 2u)lim reli&ion b" t!%in&
!'!" the libert" of m!rr"in& ! minor# Tho)e per)on) 'ho h!ve preAudice) !bout
reli&ion) m!" )!" 'h!tever the" li%e but to?d!" !t the pre)ent moment5 there i) no
orthodo( Hindui)m5 no orthodo( 2uh!mm!d!ni)m !nd no orthodo( Chri)ti!nit"#
Thi) i) the b!re truth !nd therefore5 . !m not )urpri)ed if r# Ambed%!r h!)
brou&ht in ! Bill5 'hich i) con)i)tent 'ith the pre)ent time)# 2!n" of the)e
provi)ion) loo% ne' to tho)e 'ho !re !b)olutel" orthodo( but !t the )!me time5
'e mu)t reco&ni)e th!t 'e h!ve pro&re))ed too much on the line) of modern
civili)!tion !nd 'e c!nnot &o b!c%# .f the" '!nt to brin& b!c% !ll tho)e ide!) of
the p!)t 'hich h!ve been pr!ctic!ll" &iven up b" )ociet" in &ener!l5 the" !re
mi)t!%en# A) ! m!tter of f!ct5 r# Ambed%!r h!) m!de !n uncon)ciou) !ttemptP
Sri !. ". Caudury" 2e are !ettin! more and more confused by what the
hon. Member is sayin!. I want to mae it clear whether the hon. Member wants
that the present Hindu Code should !o to amend the &un-ab Customary Law and
whether in the &un-ab Customary law bi!amy is banned or not. If bi!amy is not
banned and if as the hon. Member wants to ha$e the &un-ab to be e+cluded from
the operation of the Hindu Code, may I now his $iews about bi!amous
Mr. Cair$an: The hon. Member should now that he has already made his
point clear and* the hon. Member who is now speain! may be allowed to ha$e
his say and he need not be interrupted from time to time.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: I am $ery !lad that my hon. >riend has put a
%uestion to me. So far as bi!amy is concerned. I ha$e made my position
absolutely clear when some time bac I introduced a Bill in this House. That bill
is desi!ned to enforce mono!amy in the whole of India e$en as re!ards Muslims,
Hindus, Christians and e$erybody and includin! the &un-ab. I want that so far as
this Customary law is concerned, if there are any such customs which a!ree with
the accepted ideals of society and humanity as a whole or a ma-or part of that
society, then those ideals we should adopt. I want that there should be no
bi!amy in the &un-ab or elsewhere. This is my humble reply. So far as the
!eneral %uestion that he has put is concerned whether this Hindu Code should
modify a custom or not, I am of the opinion that so far as our custom is
concerned, I want to stic to it in the &un-ab, and we want to !o on with that
So far as custom and other thin!s are concerned, if my hon. >riend has -ust
studied the amendments which I ha$e already !i$en, he would see that I want
!ood customs in all places should remain as they are, because I am not in fa$our
of $iolently chan!in! the law of the people of this land in this manner in which
this Hindu Code sees to do (&ear, hear). )t the same time, I do not want some
portions of this Hindu Code to be enacted for the whole of India. Since I !ot an
applause with a $iew to pin me to somethin! which I do not myself lie, I want to
mae it absolutely clear that I am not a!ainst this Hindu Code. I want that certain
portions of it should be enacted, but there are certain portions which I do not lie,
(/nterruption). So far as certain principles in this Hindu Code are concerned,
which are of a uni$ersal nature which will impro$e the society, I want that those
pro$isions should apply to the &un-ab and it is for this reason I am supportin!
this amendment. Hon. Members ha$e not read the amendments which I ha$e
already !i$en. The amendment runs thus "; That for clause <, the followin! be
substituted, namely" 9<. Sub-ect to the pro$isions of section I this Code applies;
1a3 to all persons who are Hindus, Buddhists, @ains or Sihs by reli!ion8
1b3 to any other person who is not a Muslim, Christian, &arsee or a @ew by
1c3 to e$ery woman who married any person was not a Muslim, Christian,
&arsee or a @ew by reli!ion8
1d3 to any child, le!itimate or ille!itimate, one of whose parents was a person
who was not a Muslim, Christian, &arsee or @ew by reli!ion8
1e3 to a con$ert to any reli!ion e+cept the Muslim. Christian. &arsee or @ew by
reli!ion. 9
I want that this Hindu Code Bill as it is amended by this House and accordin!
to my wishes should apply to the &un-ab. I do not want that so far as the &un-ab
is concerned the customs that we ha$e !ot there should be $iolently chan!ed by
this Hindu Code but consistently with this I want to adopt such of the pro$isions
of the Hindu Code as are acceptable. )s for bi!amy it should no lon!er e+ist in
the &un-ab. 2e want to ha$e a mono!amous &un-ab.
Sri !. ". Cauduri" Then I withdraw my applause.
Sri 0. !. "apoor : 'o I understand the hon. Member to su!!est that different
portions of the country and different sections of the community should be
permitted to pic and choose particular portions of the Code which are
acceptable to them /
Mr. Cair$an" The hon. Member must address the Chair and he should put
the %uestion throu!h the Chair.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" I am $ery !lad that Mr. Capoor should ha$e put
this %uestion to me. Since I also put a %uestion to Mr. Capoor when he was
speain! yesterday, this is tit for tat. I then ased Mr. Capoor when he was
speain! whether he wanted that e$ery person should ha$e liberty of choosin! a
particular clause and whether he shall be bound or not. His proposition was that
out of the Hindu Code consistin! of so many sections e$ery indi$idual be he a
Hindu, Muslim, Christian or &arsee or whoe$er he may be able to choose a
particular section to bind him and not others.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: 5n a point of personal e+planation, I ne$er said that. 2hat
I said that of all portions in the Code one should be at liberty to pic and choose
any particular portion. There are different parts relatin! to marria!e, adoption and
inheritance etc. It should be open to one to pic and choose the part relatin! to
marria!e and say" 9 I want to be !o$erned by this chapter.9 I ne$er said that one
particular section should be accepted by one and another section by another.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" I am $ery sorry that my hon. >riend
contro$erted the statement that I made. I put this %uestion in those $ery words
and he replied to that %uestion and his reply was that he would rather lie that
e$en a particular section could be chosen. (nfortunately, he does not remember
Sri 0. !. "apoor : I will refer him to the speech which I deli$ered yesterday.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a " )fter readin! the section I found the $ery thin!
that I am submittin!.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: I suppose it is not so.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a : I tae it that what my friend says is the true
May I humbly as my >riend whether he wants that a person can choose out of
the Hindu Code and say that so far as marria!e is concerned he shall be found
by the Hindu Law and so far as succession is concerned, he shall be bound by
some other law/ That would be an impossible proposition for a person to say
that he would be bound only by one Chapter of the Hindu Code and not by
others. The whole law is so interwo$en and interconnected that a person cannot
say that he would be bound by one pro$ision and not by the other pro$isions in
another Chapter. That is entirely a wron! proposition. Succession, maintenance,
!uardianship, all these pro$isions are, as a matter of fact, so inter*connected that
it would be impossible to ha$e a proposition lie that. ?esterday also when I put
my %uestion, it was with a $iew to brin! into relief the wron! proposition that my
hon. friend was wantin! to lay down for the whole of India. )ccordin! to him, a
Muslim may be able to say that he lies a certain Chapter and would be
!o$erned by that and in respect of the rest, he would be !o$erned by the Muslim
Law. I as, is it possible, is it practicable, is it a proposition which can be laid
before the House / I submit, not, I submit that that would be a wron! approach to
the %uestion at issue. In fact, that is not the %uestion at issue.
The %uestion of e$en a Ci$il Code, as I ha$e submitted, is not !ermane to the
sub-ect. 2hile I admire those who want to ha$e one Ci$il Code for the whole of
India, I cannot a!ree, and I do not thin that it would be a practical proposition to
ha$e one Ci$il Code for Muslims, Christians, @ews, etc. 2hat was the reaction of
our friend Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad / He ne$er a!reed to that. He raised the
%uestion of fundamental ri!hts under the Constitution, and said that you cannot
ha$e this Hindu Code. 2hen it came to asin! a %uestion of him whether he
would lie to be !o$erned by the Hindu Code, he said, 9 It is bad enou!h for the
Hindus 8 you want to !i$e it to the Muslims, Christians, etc.9. That was his
attitude. I $ery humbly submit that as a matter of fact, the pro$isions of the
Constitution )ct ha$e not been fully understood by my hon. friends who propose
that this Hindu Code should apply to Muslims, Christians, etc. I can understand
that in a li!ht*hearted spirit. If they want to throw away the Hindu Code Bill they
may say anythin! in order to show the absurdity of the pro$isions. But, I do not
thin that it is a feasible proposition to su!!est that the Hindu Code should apply
to Muslims. Christians, &arsis, @ews, etc.
Sri !. ". Cauduri" The principles.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: My hon. >riend Mr. Chaudhuri says, and I
thin he will a!ain applaud me when I say that the principles do apply. I %uite
a!ree that some of the principles e$en of the old Hindu Law are of such a
uni$ersal nature that they apply to people of all reli!ions, in all circumstances. So
far as that is concerned, that would be the basis of the common Ci$il Code. #$en
now, we ha$e certain principles in our present law which are the basis of the
common Ci$il Code, lie the Sarda )ct, Ma-ority )ct, etc.
=eference was made to articles <7 and 67 of the Constitution )ct and some of
the pro$isions in article <7 were e$en ridiculed. My hon. friend Mr. 0a4uriddin
)hmad said that he cannot mae anythin! out of the words 9 Sub-ect to public
order, morality and health 9 and that they were meanin!less. They are not
meanin!less. They ha$e not full meanin!8 not only full meanin!, but are of $ery
!reat si!nificance. He seems to ha$e failed to realise the si!nificance of articles
<7 and 67. It was said that under article 67, there shall be no discrimination, and
that therefore, we cannot ha$e a Hindu Code, a Muslim Code and other Codes.
My humble submission is this. )lthou!h I would $ery much lie to ha$e one Ci$il
Code for the whole country. I submit that it is not inconsistent with the pro$isions
of the Constitution )ct to ha$e a Hindu Code, a Muslim Code and other Codes. I
am $ery sorry to say that I ha$e heard my hon. friends who are in fa$our of the
Hindu Code Bill say that so far as the pro$isions of )rticles 67 and <7 of the
Constitution )ct are concerned the pro$isions of the Hindu Code Bill are not
consistent. >or instance. I am $ery sorry to submit that I ha$e heard e$en from
the author of the Hindu Code Bill to say that so far as the Constitution is
concerned, there can be no discrimination between brothers and sisters,
between a male and a female so far as the Hindu Code is concerned.
Dr. #$bedkar: 5nly on !rounds of se+.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a " I am comin! to that. That is one proposition
that has been put forward that on !rounds of se+ there cannot be any
discrimination and article 67 of the Constitution will stand in our way. The other
!entlemen, who are opposed to the Hindu Code, also rely on articles 67 and <7
and say that there can be no discrimination. May I humbly as the Hon. 'r.
)mbedar, if there could be no discrimination on the !round of se+, why he has
!ot so many pro$osions in the Hindu Code itself which discriminate between the
Dr. #$bedkar: There is no pro$ision which discriminates only on the !round
of se+.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: This pro$ision of one*fourth for a married
dau!hter and one*half for the unmarried dau!hter 8 why is there a different
succession if a man dies and a different one if a woman dies /
Dr. #$bedkar: That is not anythin! based on se+ only.
Sri %ya+i: 5n death also.
Mr. Cair$an: I thin the Select Committee report has made no such
Mr. ". C. Sar$a 1(ttar &radesh3" That article is not under discussion now. He
may come to his amendments.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: )s a matter of fact, e$en this discrimination
that the married dau!hter may not ha$e a share in the father.s property is not
based on !round of se+ alone, as my hon. friend says. My submission is that it is
consistent to proyide in this Hindu Code that a married dau!hter shall not
succeed to her father.s property. I was -ust now on the ar!ument propounded by
the Hon. 'r. )mbedar. 5n the %uestion of maintenance, a wife is entitled to be
maintained by the husband. Is the husband also entitled to be maintained by the
wife /
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay 12est Ben!al3" 2hy not /
#n Hon. Me$ber: There are many such instances.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" My hon. >riend ass 8 . why not ., I am $ery
!lad that she has adopted this !allant attitude. Has she consulted her sisters /
5ur Chairman does not say so. I submit that it is a $ery wron! principle to
su!!est that on the basis of se+, e%uality should be enforced in such a manner
which is not consistent with certain conditions of life. I maintain that the Hindu
Code would not $iolate any pro$ision if we maintain that a married dau!hter does
not succeed to the father.s estate. She succeeds her husband or father*in*law. I
am dead certain that unless and until we reco!nise the ri!hts of women, unless
we !i$e them full ri!hts, we shall be losin! $ery much in certain stren!th of
character which arises only if women are economically independent. I submitted
when I was speain! at the consideration sta!e, and I maintain it now that we
are all committed to that and we cannot but !i$e ri!hts to our sisters8 we must
see that we !i$e them full ri!hts. The only thin! that I am opposin! is the manner
in which those ri!hts are !i$en.
So far as the &un-ab is concerned, as I submitted, we are wedded to this
theory that a married dau!hter when she !oes to her husband.s family, she
becomes a part of that family, and is the pi$ot of that family. Therefore, the
trouble with the &un-ab is that they cannot possibly accept that a married
dau!hter should succeed to her father.s estate. So far as the other principles are
concerned, we are still bein! !o$erned by them and as I submitted they are
principles which would be a better basis for a Ci$il Code rather than for a Hindu
Code. This is not discrimination on !rounds of se+ at all but due to certain
conditions of life. Suppose you pass a law to*day that all males should coo food
and that females should not8 will that be ri!ht/ That will be entirely wron!.
.andi& "risna Candra Sar$a 1(ttar &radesh3 " 2hat is the clause on
which the hon. Member is speain! / Is all this rele$ant to the clause under
discussion /
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" ?ou ha$e maternity le!islations referred to in
the >actories )ct. Should all that le!islation apply to males also/
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay: How is all this rele$ant to clause < /
Mr. Cair$an: Too many Members speain! at the same time leads to
nothin! but confusion. I thin the hon. Member now speain! may be allowed to
!o on.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a " Those who raise the %uestion of rele$ancy, I
submit, do not seem to now what is rele$ant and what is not. They ha$e all
heard my friend Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad and he co$ered a $ery wide !round and
in the reply also one has to deal with all those points touched upon. ?ou cannot
say that, that was rele$ant and this is not. If what he said then was rele$ant, what
I say now is also rele$ant. Moreo$er, so far as clause < is concerned, it is a $ery
wide one and so the %uestion of rele$ancy cannot arise in connection with this
clause. The %uestion whether the Hindu Code applies to Muslims or not was
dealt with by Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad, and in $iews of that, I find it impossible to
understand how my friend Shri Crishna Chandra Sharma;the able lawyer that
he is,;can say that what I now say is not rele$ant.
Sri !a- Baadur 1=a-asthan3 " Sir, on a point of order, can an hon. Member
of the House tae the seat of the Leader of the House /
Mr. Cair$an : The hon. Member may proceed to his own seat. Shri Tya!i"
2hat is the matter / I would lie to now why I am made the tar!et of this
lau!hter. These seats are, after all for bein! occupied by someone. I found that
one was $acant and I occupied it.
Mr. Cair$an " The hon. Member mi!ht ha$e e+ercised his ri!ht of freedom of
mo$ement in this8 but there is no more to be said on this matter.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a : The %uestion of e%uality before the law has
been raised. )nd $arious other matters ha$e also been raised. )rticles <7 and 67
were referred to and it was stated that the pro$isions of those articles are bein!
$iolated, that in $iew of those articles, we cannot enact a measure of the nature
of the Hindu Code. But as a matter of fact, that is not the case. I would submit
that e$en with the amendments now su!!ested by 'r. )mbedar, this section
will not read %uite well. That is why I ha$e su!!ested my amendments.
Some complaint was made by my >riend Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad that there is
an attempt to apply the Hindu Code to persons who are not Hindus. But my
humble submission is that my friend is not correct in sayin! that because if my
friend taes the trouble to see to whom it applies now, he will find that it applies
e$en now to many persons who are not Hindus in the sense in which the word is
popularly understood e$en to*day. If you loo into ,our.s Commentary;6 thin it
is pa!e 6G7;you will find that a !ood many persons who do not call themsel$es
Hindus are still !o$erned by the Hindu law. It !o$erns many who are
!eo!raphically Hindus, if I may say so. The Hindu system is not a creed. The
term 9 Hindu 9 has a !eo!raphical si!nificance also. Therefore, all those who are
not bound by any other special law lie those of Muslims, Christians, &arsis or
@ews, they are all bound by the Hindu Law. This is no inno$ation brou!ht in by
'r. )mbedar. He does not want that those who are not Hindus should come
under the Hindu Law. This ar!ument raised by my friend Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad
is a wron! one. It is not a %uestion of con$ersion at all. if the Hindu law applies to
a person, he does not thereby become a Hindu. If he adopts some of the rules of
succession, of di$orce or marria!e of the Hindu Law, he does not become a
Hindu. )nd I may also say that this ind of thin! does not help us either. 2hat is
the use of increasin! the number of Hindus or Muslims/ The days of
proportionate representation or special representation are all !one. I don.t care if
a man is a Hindu or a Muslim or &arsi or @ew, as lon! as he is a !ood citi4en. I
do not want anyone to !i$e up his reli!ion. The ar!ument of my friend Mr.
0a4iruddin )hmad is based on the old psycholo!y that the proportion of Hindu
must be more8 or that of Muslims must be less or that &arsi should be more and
so on and so forth. )s a matter of fact the sub-ect matter of clause < is taen
from the old Hindu law. The first part of it says that this code shall apply to all
hindus , that is to say, to all persons professin! the Hindu reli!ion in any of its
forms or de$elopments, includin! Eirashai$as etc. But my humble submission is
that this part of the clause is redundant. If it applies to Hindus, that is %uite
sufficient, and there is no point in sayin! that it applies to all forms of the Hindu
reli!ion or de$elopments of the Hindu reli!ion. Therefore, in my amendment, I
ha$e su!!ested that this Code applies 9 1a3 to all persons who are Hindus,
Buddhists, @ains or Sihs by reli!ion. 9
)nd the ne+t amendment is in the nature of a ne!ati$e proposition. It defines
those persons who are not bound by this Code. There is the customary law and
the special law. >or instance the Muslim of the &un-ab can say, that he is
!o$erned by the customary law and not by the Shariat.%hose laws which apply to
Muslims are not at all touched by this Code. Those customs are all %uite safe.
My amendment says that it applies"
1b3 9 to any other person who is not a Muslim, Christian, &arsi or a @ew by
reli!ion8 9
1c3 to e$ery woman who married any person who was not a Muslim, Christian,
&arsi or a @ew by reli!ion8
1d3 9 to any child, le!itimate or ille!itimate, both of whose parents are Hindus
within the meanin! of this section8 9
&art 1d3 I submit is redundant. 2hen there is a child, le!itimate or ille!itimate to
parents who are Hindus, then there is no %uestion. The child is a Hindu. 0ot that
it is wron! to say that the child is a Hindu, but that is %uite superfluous. The child
of Hindus is ipso facto a Hindu. I ha$e, on the contrary, omitted this part and
proposed that it should apply e$en to any child le!itimate or ille!itimate, one of
whose parents was a person who was not a Muslim, Christian, &arsee or a @ew
by reli!ion.
There is a pro$iso to the clause. May I humbly submit in re!ard to this pro$iso
that it was probably introduced for some other purpose. If taen literally it would
e+clude those persons whom you do not want to e+clude. It would e+clude all the
&un-abees. The wordin! of the pro$iso is $ery wide. If it is allowed to remain as it
is, section 7 of the &un-ab Succession )ct will come into conflict. The pro$iso
9 &ro$ided that if it is pro$ed that such person would not ha$e been !o$erned
by the Hindu law or by any custom or usa!e as part of that law in respect of any
of the matters dealt with herein if this Code had not been passed, then, this Code
shall not apply to that person in respect of those matters.9
It means that the -indus of the "unCab will not be governed by this Code.
#n Hon. Me$ber: 2hat is the harm/
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: The harm is this. I want the whole of the
&un-ab and India to come under the Code. There should be some uniformity in
re!ard to our laws. I ha$e !i$en an amendment that so far as our customs are
concerned they should be preser$ed. I ha$e e$en su!!ested that the sections of
the Code should be rela+ed in such a manner that if our &ro$incial )ssembly
wants certain portions of the Code to be applied they should be applied. I ha$e
!one further and said that in re!ard to our customs, such as relatin! to
succession, we should be allowed to own our law. )t the same time I do not want
to be cut off from the rest of India. In fact that is the basis of the Hindu Code. If I
had heard the speech of 'r. )mbedar, which he made mo$in! for the
consideration of the Bill, he said clearly that he wanted the whole of India to be
!o$erned by this Code and that such thin!s as had crept into Hindu practices in
their pristine !lory should be repaired. If I remember his words he said that those
dama!es should be repaired. I am one with him and I do not want that the whole
of the &un-ab should be taen away from the operation of the Hindu Code. I
would rather lie to be !o$erned by the Code which applies to the whole of India
rather than plou!h my own lonely furrow. Therefore I am an+ious that this
pro$ision should either be taen away or amended in such a manner so that
these persons may not be e+cluded.
If my amendment is accepted sub*clauses 1A3 and 1B3 need not be there at all.
)ccordin! to me all those persons to whom the present law applies do come
under these fi$e cate!ories, which I ha$e mentioned in my amendment. My
amendment really sees to attain the $ery same ob-ect, which the Mo$er of the
Bill has in his $iew. 5nly the wordin! is different. But I a!ree with him that so far
as the scope of the Bill is concerned it should be e+tended to all those persons to
whom the Hindu Law at present applies and only Muslims, Christians and @ews
should be e+cluded. It is not that I want their e+clusion for any purpose but for
the purpose that those people themsel$es would not lie to be !o$erned by the
Code. If they thin that they would lie to be bound by the Code let them pass a
resolution or mae a proposal to that effect. I want that the Hindu Code should
be the real basis of the Ci$il Code. I do not want that such principles should be
introduced in the Code which will not accord with the principles of the future Ci$il
In re!ard to adoption I submitted then and I submit now too that the customary
adoption in the &un-ab is based on the Ci$il Code. It does not ha$e any real
Mr. Cair$an: 2ould the hon. member lie to continue his speech after lunch
or finish now in another fi$e minutes/
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" I would lie to continue after lunch.
%he &ouse then ad'ourned for (unch till half+!ast %)o of the Clock.

%he house re+assemled after (unch at half+fast %)o of the Clock.
KM=. '#&(T?*S&#)C#= I0 TH# CH)I=L

.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" Sir, when we ad-ourned I was speain! on the
pro$isions of adoption contained in this Code. I was submittin! that in $iew of the
fact that many Members of the House desired it there should be a Ci$il Code
instead of a Hindu Code, I was submittin! that certain pro$isions relatin! to
adoption under the Hindu Law ha$e been modified by custom. The present
position is that this old system of adoption has to a $ery !reat e+tent been
modified and now many notions of a character, not strictly reli!ious, ha$e crept
into the $ery idea of adoption. The old idea that by adoption an adopted person
becomes the son of a person adoptin!, has to an e+tent faded away. In the
&un-ab, so far as adoption is concerned, accordin! to custom any person can be
adopted without any ceremonies. It is in the nature of the old =oman nominees
system that an heir is appointed in the &un-ab for carryin! on the name of the
family so that a person older than oneself can be appointed an heir and so such
ceremonies are re%uired as are re%uired under the Hindu system of adoption.
Moreo$er, e$en the incidents of that relationship are a bit different from the
incidents which we find in re!ard to the system of adoption under the Hindu Law.
Sri %ya+i : In the &un-ab your son can be elder to you in a!e /
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" In fact, the %uestion which my friend is asin!
is really not !ermane. )s a matter of fact, when I !a$e the conditions under
which a person could be appointed an heir, an heir is appointed;a son is not
created by the )ct of appointment of an heir. That is the difference. (nder
adoption the adopted son carries on the name of the family, perpetuates the
name of the father and that is the way in which the family continues. In &un-ab
the family continues in another way. )n heir is appointed and he carries on the
name of the family, so that it is not true to say that in the &un-ab the customary
appointment or adoption of an heir is tantament to creation of a son. 2hether
that is not there, under the Hindu Law the underlyin! idea was that a son was
created by adoption, so much so there was a rule in the Hindu Law that the son
of a lady who could not be married to the father could not be adopted and
therefore there was some sort of ban a!ainst a dau!hter.s son so far as adoption
was concerned.
0ow, under the pro$ision of the Hindu Code it is necessary that for adoption a
man should not be married, that he must be less than fifteen years of a!e. These
incidents will not find fa$our in the &un-ab. This pro$ision will be too much to
tamper with the custom of the &un-ab, which does not contemplate any
restriction as re!ards a!e or ceremonies or other restrictions, which are irsome.
Sri %ya+i " Because the son is a man to the father in the &un-ab.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" The child is the father of man in the whole
world. So e$en now in the &un-ab there is the custom of appointment of an heir,
which is ain to adoption. My subscription is that 'r. )mbedar has been ind
enou!h to those systems of law, which ha$e been pre$alent in the South, for
instance, the marumakkathayam. )rran!e the Code in such a way that there is
no $iolent conflict for those who follow different customary laws in the matter of
marria!e, adoption etc. and see that their systems are allowed to continue. This
Code !oes to the root of the Hindu Law in certain matters. So far as they are
wholesome we are prepared to accept them but in so far as there are $iolent
chan!es which conflict with the notions of the people, I would $ery humbly
submit to 'r. )mbedar that where he considers the pro$isions of the Code at a
later date he will be indul!ent enou!h to see that there will be to $iolent conduct.
I now when he introduced this Bill he was pleased to say that he would try to
see his way to accommodate and would be prepared to accept certain
amendments which partae of the character I ha$e narrated abo$e.
In re!ard to two matters;the %uestion of adoption and the %uestion of
inheritance of married women;6 must submit there will be such a $iolent conflict
with the notions of the &un-abis in these two matters that they will not be
prepared to accept the pro$isions of the Hindu Code. #$en if it is forced down
their throats, I submit there will be such a re$olution in the society;6 said on the
last occasion that there will be re$olt8 there will not be re$olt because we are too
stron!. There will be re$olt in our minds and we will certainly not accept a custom
to be forced down our throats that we cannot di!est. 5ne effect of such a step
will be that when the father dies, since you are !i$in! the father the power to
mae his will in any manner be pleases, the result will be that there will be forced
wills by $irtue of which the dau!hter will be disinherited. I am not a!ainst the
inheritance of the dau!hter as such. 2here you can ha$e it, where it is in
consonance with the ideas of the people, ha$e it by all means. There is nothin!
ob-ectionable in it. But the only point is that it is not e+pedient to ha$e it in some
places where it is not wanted. In the &un-ab the dau!hters do not en-oy such a
position that you can say that they do not !et anythin!. I now that in Madras
and other places the dau!hters are not treated so fa$ourably, perhaps, as in the
&un-ab. In the &un-ab at the time of marria!e so much is !i$en to the dau!hter in
dowry. If you !o to any weddin! function in the &un-ab;to the rich man.s place
;you will find the dowry consists of thousands of rupees. So far as self*ac%uired
property of the father is concerned, since the last 7I years our Hi!h Courts ha$e
made a chan!e. Before 6HIH the dau!hter did not e$en !et a share in the self*
ac%uired property of her parents. 0ow if there is no son, the dau!hter succeeds
to the self*ac%uired property amon! all the people. But I do re!ard that this is not
sufficient -ustice with the women of our country. I want that so far as the
unmarried !irls are concerned they may !et as !ood a share as the son does;6
do not want to !i$e her -ust a half. So far as the married dau!hter is concerned I
want that she should be entitled to inheritance, alon! with her husband, to her
father*in*law.s property. That is to say, as soon as a marria!e is performed, the
husband and wife must unite their properties also and you can frame rules by
$irtue of which a married lady !ets full ri!hts of property.
I do not want that the ladies of this country should not !et full ri!hts, but I do
not understand why a lady should !et a ri!ht in her father*in*law.s property as
well as in her father.s property. To that I ob-ect. I want that our notions of society
and family should not be rudely shaen. )t present, the son is the pi$ot of the
family. He continues the family. The woman !oes to another family and becomes
the nucleus of that family. Let this continue. (nless and until our whole notion of
society chan!es, my humble submission is that we should not chan!e it abruptly,
because this chan!e will be !reat that ultimately the ladies will lose on both
sides. )t the time of marria!e, the sons will say, 9 2hy !i$e her so much dowry /
She is !oin! to !et inheritance 9. )t the time of the inheritance, the father will fall
on the lap of the sons and they will !et some deed or will by which the dau!hter
will be depri$ed. Both ways, the woman will !et nothin!. This will not be a fair
way of treatin! women.
2hen you as us, the people to whom this Bill will apply, I would certainly
submit that if you want to ha$e this Code in such a manner that you do not
respect our wishes and our customs which ha$e been in e+istence for the last
se$eral centuries, if you want to create such a conflict, then ultimately we shall
ha$e to say, 9 ?ou indly lea$e us to our own fate 9. This is my humble
submission. Thou!h I am in fa$our of the !ood pro$isions of this Bill, I would $ery
humbly re%uest 'r. )mbedar and those others who are $ery much in fa$our of it
to indly see that our wishes in this matter are respected and we are allowed to
ha$e such customs or such pro$isions of the law as the ma-ority of the people in
our particular pro$ince want. This is, in essence, what we ha$e !i$en an
amendment about in re!ard to &art I of the Bill.
Sri %ya+i " How will the ma-ority $iew be obtained /
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a : In the &un-ab, the ma-ority $iew is clear. ?ou
!o to any $illa!e or town and as any person who will be affected by the Bill8 he
will tell you e+actly what I am submittin! today. There is absolutely no difference
of opinion, so far as &un-ab is concerned. Therefore, my humble submission is
that while you apply this law to &un-ab;and I wish this law to be applied to
&un-ab; you apply it with these reser$ations. This law is not bad, it is entirely
wron! to su!!est that there is anythin! inherently wron! about it. There is
nothin! wron! about it. 2e ha$e li$ed for so many centuries and we must repair
the dama!e done to our nation. Therefore. I am entirely in support of this Bill, but
if the notions and customs which are widely pre$alent amon! the people and
which are $ery delicate are upset, there will be such a !reat amount of liti!ation
in the Hindu society. #$ery family in &un-ab will be affected. There will be nothin!
but liti!ation. ?ou are, in deference to public opinion brin!in! in a pro$ision of the
&artition )ct. 2hat will be the result/ 5n e$ery death, the %uestion will be" 9 Let
us see how we e$aluate the property of the father 9. The property will be
e$aluated and the sons will not ha$e sufficient funds to buy off the dau!hter.s
share and trouble will ensue. I am speain! from my e+perience as a lawyer for
more than forty years.
.andi& "risna Candra Sar$a" ?ou ha$e been worin! in the criminal
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Hon. Members will address the Chair.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a " I for one ha$e $ery !reat re!ard for my friend,
who is also a criminal lawyer. )ll the same, my notions of a criminal lawyer are
%uite different from his. I ha$e been practisin! on the criminal side as well as the
ci$il side, but I tae pride in the fact that I am a criminal lawyer. )t the same time,
I do not !o about with my eyes shut. If a criminal lawyer is true to the description
which my friend has in mind, he should now what is passin! on in society. )s a
criminal lawyer, my friend should now what is passin! on in and around Meerut,
and when I am speain! about Meerut;6 do not now what my friend.s personal
notions are;6 now the conditions in Meerut and I now also that they are not
$ery different from the conditions in Hissar and =ohta. Therefore, when I spea
for &un-ab, I also spea for my >riend and Meerut side, because in olden times
Meerut was a part of this side of the &un-ab.
.andi& "risna Candra Sar$a : >or my friend.s information, I may say that
Hissar is famous for bulls while Meerut is famous for cows.
Sri %ya+i" May I now what ha$e bulls and cows to do with the Hindu Code/
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Hindu Code relates to marria!e, you see.
Sri !a- Baadur: May I now whether coc and bull story is permitted in the
House /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 5rder please.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: 2hen you refer to the %uestion of marria!e, I
must submit that the introduction of the principles of ci$il marria!e in this Hindu
Code is another point which must be considered specially by this House. If this is
a Hindu Code, why brin! in the ci$il marria!e / I want that the pro$isions in
re!ard to marria!e may remain as they are. There is no use repeatin! them
here. If you want to mae a Hindu Code which will not apply to other people lie
Musalmans etc. then do not brin! in ci$il marria!e here. If any Hindu wants to
marry in that manner, he will marry accordin! to the ci$il contract to which the
Muslims, Christians and e$erybody has recourse. That is our -oint Ci$il Code.
Therefore, my humble opinion is that this affair of the ci$il marria!e should not be
included here.
I do not want to refer to all the pro$isions of this Bill. I ha$e spoen because I
thou!ht that we should at this sta!e define our attitude and tell 'r. )mbedar
what we feel about this Bill and what is perhaps the !eneral feelin! in the
country. This Bill is not bad, and since we ha$e decided that we should proceed
with it, we may pass such pro$isions of the Bill as are !ood. In re!ard to those
pro$isions. I do not want to stand in the way or adopt an attitude which smacs
of dilatory tactics or which shows that we .do not want the Bill to be passed. I
want to mae this point clear because it may be in the minds of many people that
those persons who mae lon! speeches do not, as a matter of fact, want this Bill
to be passed. That is entirely wron!. So far as I am concerned. I want the Bill to
be passed but I want those who are $ery much in fa$our of it to indly see that
such pro$isions are not passed as are in $ery !reat conflict with the notions and
customs of the people.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+ 1&un-ab3" Sir, I sympathise with the attitude of my
hon. >riend &andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a. 2hat I understood him to say was that
he wishes the Code to be passed but he does not wish that it should apply to him
and the other people in his part of the country. =eally, I ha$e the same thin! to
say. I also wish that the Bill be passed, but that it should not be applied to me. I
wish I could ha$e made a similar motion and it should not ha$e smaced of a
particular community but what I found was that the application of the Code was
not to certain territories but to certain communities. Therefore, I thou!ht it fit to
mo$e this amendment that it should not apply to the Sihs.
Sir, I am not one of those who wish the society to sta!nate. I belie$e in
pro!ress and I want to mo$e with the times. I can claim that the Sihs are a
pro!ressi$e section of the society. But why I do submit to the House that the
Sihs should be e+cluded from the application of this Code is because it contains
certain pro$isions which are offensi$e to the customs and usa!es that we ha$e
been followin! for so many centuries.

&andit-i made a reference to the pro$iso to sub*clause 1<3 of Clause < which
9 &ro$ided that if it is pro$ed that such person would not ha$e been !o$erned
by the Hindu law or by any custom or usa!e as part of that law in respect of any
of the matters dealt with herein if this Code had not been passed, then, this Code
shall not apply to that person in respect of those matters. 9.
2hat I understood him to say was that perhaps this mi!ht sa$e the custom and
usa!e pre$alent in the &un-ab. But I differ from him, because sub*clause 1<3
9 This Code also applies to any other person, who is not a Muslim, Christian,
&arsi or @ew by reli!ion8 9
and read with this sub*clause, the pro$iso does not refer to the custom or
usa!e of the Hindus or Sihs. Therefore, in my humble opinion this would not
sa$e the custom or usa!e and I, therefore, do not entertain his hope.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" I ne$er said that this pro$iso would sa$e our
customs or usa!e. 2hat I meant was that if it is pro$ed that we are not !o$erned
by the Hindu Law;the words are, 9 pro$ided that if it is pro$ed that such person
would not ha$e been !o$erned by the Hindu Law 9;&un-abis would not be
co$ered by this pro$iso. But our customs and usa!e will not be sa$ed. It applies
to all the Hindus. 2hat I meant was that, as a matter of fact, our customs and
usa!e should be sa$ed by another pro$ision which should say that we are
allowed to be !o$erned by our own customs, etc. But this pro$iso will introduce a
certain amount of uncertainty.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+ : Sub*clause 163 of Clause < definitely lays down that
the Code will apply to Hindus, Buddhists, @ains, Sihs and also con$erts to
Therefore, so far as I am concerned, there is no ambi!uity at all. Be that as it
may &andit-i no doubt a!rees with me to this e+tent that our custom and usa!e
would not be sa$ed at any rate.
Sir, if a uniform Code had been attempted for all the citi4ens of India, then
perhaps I would not ha$e stood up and raised this ob-ection, e$en if I had been
called upon as a &un-abee to mae some sacrifices. I would ha$e made
sacrifices in the hope that if we can !row up as a united nation, as one people,
certainly some sections will ha$e to mae some sacrifices. But that is not the
ob-ect here. 0o attempt is bein! made to weld all people into one nation by this
Code. There is discrimination between one community and another. Therefore, I
thin I am perfectly -ustified in opposin! it.
I should howe$er mae it clear here that so far as some Chapters of this Bill
are concerned, I am in complete a!reement with them. I am only opposed to
three portions of it. If different parts had been put before the House separately,
certainly I belie$e that most of it would ha$e been passed without any
contro$ersy. But as it stands we ha$e to tae them as a whole and, therefore, I
stand up to oppose them, because I cannot permit them to be passed without my
$oice bein! heard.
The pro$isions to which I am opposed are 163 those relatin! to marria!e and its
dissolution by di$orce, 1<3 adoption and 1A3 inheritance. (An hon. -emer " 2hat
is left then /3 Much remains e$en then. It has been said by &andit-i that it applies
to those persons who were already !o$erned by Hindu Law. This is correct. But
if we ha$e consented to be !o$erned by Hindu Law, that does not necessarily
mean that we should be compelled to re$ol$e round the wheel e$en thou!h it
!oes into forei!n spheres and borrows certain thin!s from other reli!ions and
other laws simply because I ha$e once been dra!!ed into it. I should not be
compelled to re$ol$e round it, thou!h it does not remain within its own sphere.
Then a!ain. Sir, there is a misconception. The Hindu Code Bill says that the
Sihs are !o$erned by Hindu Law. 0ow section 7 of the &un-ab Customary Law
;which has already been %uoted by my hon. friend &andit Thaur 'as
Bhar!a$a says"
9 Custom in this pro$ince is the first rule of decision in all %uestions re!ardin!
succession, special property of females, betrothal, marria!e, di$orce, dowry,
adoption, !uardianship, minority, bastardy, family relations, wills, le!acies, !ifts,
partitions, any reli!ious usa!e or institution, or allu$ion and dilu$ion. 9
0ow I as " 2hen I am !o$erned on all these sub-ects by customary law,
where is the Hindu Law that !o$erns me / I find that there is one sub-ect that is
not put down as such, namely, maintenance with which this Hindu Code deals. It
is not put down in the Customary law that I am !o$erned by the usa!e on that
sub-ect also.
A p.m.
I was submittin! that I ha$e three sub-ects on which I ha$e certain ob-ections
and the Sihs do not wish that they should be forced to be !o$erned by the
Hindu Code that is bein! proposed here in respect of them. >irst I referred to
marria!e and the dissolution and di$orce connected with it.
KM=. S&#)C#= I0 TH# CH)I=L

Sir, so far as the Sihs are concerned they ha$e a $ery simple form of
marria!e. 2e mi!ht call it sacramental or dharmic marria!e. It is nown as
Anand marria,e. It is a simple and secular form of marria!e. The couple sit down
in the presence of the =um =ranth Sahe, they tae a $ow that they will remain
united for e$er;so lon! as they are ali$e, of course;and prayers are offered. 5f
course I mi!ht be confronted with this that this would be co$ered, and that it is
not touched by the Hindu Code. But there are some implications which I am
afraid would really affect me. There are certain de!rees of relationship which are
prohibited from marryin! each other and these are strictly obser$ed in all ci$ilised
societies. But so far as our society is concerned the list is not $ery lar!e.
Marria!e between cousins has often been allowed. There ha$e been many
instances of marryin! father.s sister.s dau!hter or mother.s sister.s dau!hter and
they ha$e not been considered as within the prohibited de!ree. )nd I tell you that
you are dri$in! your society towards that direction. 2e are far ahead of you. ?ou
are comin! to that way. 'o not be surprised at that. 0ow that you are proposin!
to !i$e a share to the !irl you are sure to come that way. ?ou will ha$e to march
towards .that direction.
#n Hon. Me$ber" 2hat about Sih @ats /
Sardar Huka$ Sin+" 2hat I am submittin! relates mostly to Sih @ats. The
custom that I am talin! of pre$ails mostly in @ats and @ats obser$e that. 0inety
per cent of the Sihs are a!riculturists and li$e in $illa!es.
. '!) !)%in& no' th!t "ou propo)e to p!)) thi) le&i)l!tion5 b" 'hich the
d!u&hter )h!ll h!ve ! )h!re# Here . mi&ht m!%e m" po)ition cle!r !nd nobod"
need feel perturbed# . !m for ! )h!re for the &irl# . !m not oppo)ed to it# But 'hen
"ou propo)ed th!t5 "ou 'ill h!ve to t!%e the ri)% th!t thi) lon& li)t of prohibited
de&ree) )h!ll continue dimini)hin& !nd )h!ll contr!ct !) time p!))e)# . )uppo)e
the pre)ent li)t i) not !) lon& !) it u)ed to be under the )trict Hindu 3!'# And it i)
)ure to contr!ct !) time p!))e)#
Sri %ya+i" It will come nearer home.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: Surely. ?ou cannot eep the two thin!s apart. 2hen
you tae this from the Muslim law you will ha$e to permit cousins and other near
relations to be outside the prohibited de!rees. There is no doubt about it. Be
prepared for it. ?ou will ha$e to march near it. ?ou cannot eep away from it.
0ow that you are asin! me to come in, that I should ha$e this dharmic
marria!e, the implication would be that these prohibited de!rees would be there.
2hile there is freedom for me to marry such relations as I ha$e described, this
would create a ban on me. )nd it would not be only for the future. There ha$e
been so many such marria!es and all of them would be in$alid. Thou!h you
ha$e pro$ided in clause <6 that I can !et my marria!e, my dharmic marria!e,
re!istered as ci$il marria!e, but thin of the instances and their number. 2e shall
ha$e to run to the courts or to the =e!istrar to !et them $alidated. 'o you want
me, an old man, to !et my marria!e re!istered now /
Dr. #$bedkar" 'o you want to marry a!ain /
Mr. Speaker" 5rder, order.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+ " This Code would create a doubt because the !irl that I
mi!ht ha$e married mi!ht, accordin! to you, be within the prohibited de!rees.
2hat would happen then / I en%uire from the Hon. Minister what would happen
to that marria!e.
Sri %ya+i" )nd to your children also.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+ : ?es, certainly. They will be 9 ille!itimate 9 unless I !et
my marria!e re!istered as a ci$il marria!e now, at this a!eJ )nd the Hon.
Minister wants all those persons now, at this ad$anced a!e, to run to the
=e!istrar and !et their marria!es re!istered as ci$il marria!es.
Sri %ya+i: )s he has done himselfJ
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: Then a!ain there is a marria!e that is usually nown
amon!st the a!riculturists of my part as kare)a marria!e or widow.s marria!e.
0o distinction is made in the present Code as re!ards that. 2hat will happen to
that marria!e, because we will ha$e either the sacramental or dharmic marria!e
or the ci$il marria!e; nothin! beside it. The simple manner in which the kare)a
marria!e is performed mi!ht loo peculiar to some hon. Members here. There is
no ceremony" it is a secular institution alto!ether.
The man and the would be wife sit to!ether, a chaddar is spread o$er them
and sweets are distributed and they become husband and wife. I do not thin.
Sir, the Hon. Minister can point out to me any pro$ision by which such marria!es
would be reco!nised. He is main! this Code more cumbersome. . . .
.andi& %akurdas Bar+a,a : If it is a bi!amous marria!e then difficulty will
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: May I en%uire with your permission from my hon.
>riend what form of marria!e would that be. 2ould that be a $harmic marria!e
without any ceremony. (/nterruption) I do not a!ree with him and that would not
be a dharmic marria!e. )nyhow, I do not want to enter into a contro$ersy here.
I come to my ne+t point, that is, adoption. 2hat I am !oin! to say mi!ht loo
somewhat surprisin! to some of my hon. >riends and in this respect also I claim
that we are much in ad$ance of the rest of the country, so far as this adoption is
Dr. #$bedkar: ?ou are always in ad$ance of e$erybody.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+ : I will tell you -ust now and then you would a!ree with
me that we are much in ad$ance on that sub-ect too. )s has been -ust pointed by
my hon. >riend, &andit Thaurdas Bhar!a$a, it is the customary appointment of
a heir. It has nothin! to do with reli!ion. There is no horror of incest. 2e are not
ea!er to create sons to offer us pindas.
Sri Hussain I$an 1Bihar3" )re there !indas /
Mr. Speaker: Let him proceed further.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: 2e do want that we mi!ht ha$e a heir to succeed to
the property.
Dr. #$bedkar : 2hy do not you allow the property to !o to the State /
Sardar Huka$ Sin+" Then it mi!ht !o to the Hon. Minister and that we do not
want to do. Therefore, this is a most secular institution. There are no restrictions
as to the a!e, caste or any ceremonies. ) simple declaration is there and
perhaps it was obser$ed, last time too I made a remar that a man can adopt
another older than himself. The adopter mi!ht adopt a man of his father.s a!e.
There is no harm in that8 he mi!ht be married and he mi!ht ha$e se$eral
children. This institution you would not find anywhere. I fail to understand. Sir, if
all these usa!es and customs are effaced, what is !oin! to happen to these
institutions, to these customs that we lo$e $ery much, these traditions to which
we ha$e been accustomed for so many centuries.
Then, Sir, I would cite another peculiar instance, which mi!ht interest some of
my hon. >riends and I in$ite the attention of the Hon. Minister particularly to this
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Member may proceed with his speech.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+ : I wanted the Hon. Minister to pay attention to a
sub-ect which is $ery interestin!.
Mr. Speaker" 5rder, order.
Dr. #$bedkar" I ha$e been ased to introduce the ,andhar$a marria!e. It
was that which I was discussin!.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+" I ha$e no ob-ection if our Chief 2hip wants it. Then, Sir,
I was submittin! another interestin! thin! about adoption which the other parts of
the country perhaps do not now alto!ether. I now of instances where !irls ha$e
been adopted. They ha$e been made heir to the property and they ha$e
succeeded. Custom has allowed them and reco!nised them. I humbly re%uest
you Sir, to say whether with the introduction of this Code, all these traditions, all
these customs and usa!es are !oin! to be thrown away to the winds. Is the
society that has been built !oin! to chaos now / I belie$e that the laws should
reflect the sta!e of ad$ancement of society, the pro!ress that it has made, not
that a tar!et be fi+ed and then the society be pulled up to reach that tar!et. It
was tried in Turey but it failed there also. I re%uest this ,o$ernment to !o slow.
There must be cases on the e+tremes on both sides and I belie$e there are
hardships now in certain cases, but you cannot a$oid this. There would be such
cases e$en if this Code is passed. I a!ain stress that . adoption . is a .$ery old
institution which is so dear to us and we cannot afford to lose it e$en thou!h this
Code may be passed.
Then the third thin! to which we ha$e serious ob-ection is about inheritance. )s
I obser$ed a few minutes a!o I am not opposed to !i$e a share to the !irls. I
rather belie$e that this discrimination is only on account of the se+, that she
should not !et an e%ual share. It was remared that it is not only on se+, but I
thin it is only on se+ that she is not bein! !i$en an e%ual share with her brother.
5therwise, there is no reason if they are off*sprin!s of the same parents. I as,
why she should not ha$e an e%ual share. I say on that !round alone, she must
ha$e an e%ual share. My ob-ection is not on that account. 2hat I submitted last
time as well;perhaps it was on the 6Bth 'ecember 6HBH;that I would prefer
that she should ha$e an e%ual share in her parent.s property so lon! as she is
unmarried and she should ha$e an e%ual share with her husband as soon as she
is married, in her father*in*law.s property. She must ha$e a share. This should
not disturb the present society and structure. 2e ha$e peculiar circumstances. I
belie$e this Code would not apply to lands but certain........
.andi& M. B. Bar+a,a 1)-mer3" It will now. The official amendment is there.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: Sir, &un-ab is a State of smallholdin!s. )lready they are
uneconomic. )nother thin! is that we ha$e smaller number of females than
males in the &un-ab.
Dr. #$bedkar i Therefore, their $alue is !reat.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: ?es, Sir8 you are !oin! to increase their $alue but not
to loo to other thin!s. That $alue can be, I should say, ad-usted. )s I said the
number is already fewer. It is well nown that some time bac people did not lie
that they should ha$e sons*in*law and there were female infanticides. I tell you
honestly and not as an ar!ument that you would encoura!e that a!ain, if you
!i$e a share, because that land*holder feels that he has already !ot an
uneconomic holdin!, a pair of bullocs and a cow. It is not possible for him to
part with those animals, which are so essential for his culti$ation. It is no answer
to say that if a father had another son, how could he ha$e dealt with him, he
must ha$e !ot a share. 2e are insistin! that there should be a definite list of
prohibited de!rees, and we want to !i$e the dau!hter in marria!e outside that
list. That is to say, a stran!er would be brou!ht in. He would not li$e there8 he
cannot associate himself with the en$ironments. 2hat he would do is to part with
his share as soon as he marries the dau!hter. There are dissensions in e$ery
$illa!e8 there are parties in e$ery $illa!e. The friends would not buy the property8
but the share would be sold to the enemy. This would create %uarrels, murders
and affrays.
Sri %ya+i: He is ri!ht.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+ " I pray, indly, do not brin! this into the
&un-ab. 5therwise, you would create confusion and disorder there.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya 1Bihar3" 2hat faults ha$e the other pro$inces
done/ 2hy not plead for them also/
Mr. Speaker: 5rder, order8 let us proceed.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+" I thou!ht that if I ad$ocated their cause, somebody
mi!ht %uestion my authority and representati$e character. Therefore, I confine
myself to my own pro$ince, and particularly my own community. 5therwise, -ust
as I said at the be!innin!, I wanted that I should represent the whole of my
pro$ince8 I feared that I mi!ht be %uestioned.
. '!) )ubmittin& th!t th!t 'ould cre!te confu)ion !nd di)order !nd the 'hole
)ociet" 'ould be up)et# Th!t i) not 'h!t i) intended b" thi) Code# Th!t 'ould not
be pro&re))C th!t 'ould not be !dv!ncement5 but 'ould be r!ther ! retro&r!de
)tep# Therefore5 )o f!r !) 'e !re concerned5 do not pull u) b!c%# 3et u) &o on#
<ou )hould con)ider u) to be in the v!n&u!rd !nd follo' u) !) 'e &o further# Th!t
'ould be better perh!p) for u)5 for the 'hole countr" !nd for !ll concerned#
There is another thin! that I wanted to submit.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai 1Madras3" Sir, may I as a %uestion/
Mr. Speaker: It would be better that the hon. Member is allowed to !o on
without these ar!uments and counter ar!uments, if we really want to pro!ress
with the matter. )ll that I would earnestly appeal to all the Members is to be $ery
attenti$e to the ar!uments ad$anced instead of puttin! %uestions at each sta!e.
It is better that hon. Members hear all what a !entleman has to say and then
ad$ance their ar!uments. I am !oin! to !i$e full chance to all people who want to
Sri$a&i Dur+abai: I am -ust asin! a %uestion. Sir,....
Mr. Speaker: 2hate$er that may be, let us allow the members to ha$e their
say. 5therwise, there are these interferences, these attempts to draw replies;6
am noticin! it, there are constant interferences notwithstandin! my appeals not
to interrupt;with the result that not only is the lin of the speaer.s ar!ument
broen, but more time is taen, and I do feel that e$en the seriousness of the
debate is bein! lost. 2e are here le!islatin! on $ery $ital matters. Let us,
therefore, seriously and an+iously hear whate$er e$ery member has to say,
instead of passin! remars or puttin! %uestions, -ust by way of e+planation or
drawin! e+planation on particular words. Let us be patient with the speaer.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: Then, Sir, I come to my last point, and that is rather
painful. I want to brin! it to the notice of the House that the Sihs ha$e already
certain apprehensions8 some mi!ht say that they are unfounded. 2hate$er it
may be, we ha$e this apprehension that there is an attempt to absorb the Sihs
and efface their traditions and culture . . . .
Se,eral4 Hon. Me$bers: 0o. no
Sardar Huka$ Sin+" . . .usa!e and custom. They ha$e certain !rounds.
They ha$e always complained that they ha$e not been fairly treated. 5ne
instance that they ha$e cited is that while it was bein! announced that they are
an inte!ral part of the Hindus, when the &resident had to mae an order about
Scheduled Castes they were ept at a respectable distance. (nder a recent
5rder of the &resident AB castes ha$e been declared as Scheduled castes
pro$ided they profess the Hindu reli!ion. 5nly four castes, and that at the
e+pense of all the safe!uards that we wanted were allowed to be classed as
Scheduled Castes if they profess the Hindu or the Sih reli!ion. 2e ha$e that
complaint that whene$er there is a chance to confer some benefit, then, we are
not included or brou!ht near and we are ept at a distance. But when there is
nothin! to be !i$en, but only these usa!es and customs and traditions are to be
effaced, we are offered an embrace, an empty embrace that mi!ht, rather, I
should say, not be pleasant to us, because we lo$e these customs and these
traditions. 2e ha$e adhered to them for a $ery lon! time. Therefore, I pray in all
earnestness that we mi!ht be e+cluded from the sphere of this Bill.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a " 2ith your permission. Sir, I want to put a
%uestion, in respect of the last point of my hon. >riend. Is it not a fact that the
Sihs themsel$es came to Sardar &atel and a!reed that only these four castes
should be included amon! the Scheduled Castes and no others / If that is true, if
that is accordin! to a!reement, my hon. >riend is not entitled to raise this
!rie$ance here.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: It is a lon! sub-ect. The =e$ered Sardar himself put in
these words that these four tastes could only be acnowled!ed, if the Sihs !a$e
up all the safe!uards that they wanted. It was at the sacrifice of those thin!s that
these four castes were acnowled!ed, and they too only in two pro$inces, the
&un-ab and the &#&S(. They are not Scheduled Castes in other pro$inces.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" That is accordin! to the a!reement.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: 0o. Mr.
Speaker" 'r. )mbedar.
Sri %. N. Sin+ 1(ttar &radesh3 " Is Hon. Minister.s speech !oin! to be in
reply / Se$eral Hon. Members" 0o, no.
Dr. #$bedkar" Sir, I propose first to deal with my. own amendment before I
deal with the other amendments that ha$e been tabled to this clause.

It will be seen that in the amendment which I ha$e mo$ed there are three
specific points. The first point is that I propose to omit the word professin! which
occurs in sub*clause 163. The reason for omittin! this word is that it has been felt
that probably today as the Hindu society is composed, there are people who are
Hindus, but who do not profess the Hindu reli!ion in the theolo!ical sense in
which the word . profess . is used. In former times one could !i$e the illustration
of the Brahmo Sama-ists in Calcutta or the &rarthana Sama-ists in Bombay, two
sects which were formed from out of the Hindu community, which openly
declared that they did not profess the Hindu reli!ion. )s my friend &andit Thaur
'as Bhar!a$a obser$ed in the course of his speech there are many Hindus to*
day who, so far as reli!ion is concerned, prefer to adopt an eclectic attitude.
They lie to ha$e somethin! from some reli!ion, which appeals to them, and to
that e+tent they are prepared to abandon the reli!ion of their ancestors. If,
therefore, the word 9 profess 9. remained in this conte+t, it would be open for
anybody to ar!ue that unless it was pro$ed that a particular indi$idual was a
professin! Hindu this Code would not apply to him. That certainly is not the
intention of the Code. The intention of the Code is that it should apply to e$ery
person who belon!s to the Hindu faith. I prefer the use of that terminolo!y and it
is therefore, to do away with any such !round for an ob-ection founded upon the
word 9 profession 9 that I propose to delete it.
My second amendment relates to clause 1d3. Clause 1d3 as it stands, says that
this Code shall apply to a con$ert to the Hindu reli!ion. 0ow, as the house
nows, we are usin! the words 9 Hindu reli!ion 9 in a $ery broad sense8 not in the
limited sense in which it would apply to a person who belie$ed in the #edas, who
belie$ed in the infallibility of the #edas, who belie$ed probably in the
Chaturavamas, and who also belie$ed in the performance and the sanctity of the
ya,nas as a means of sal$ation. 2e are usin! the word in a lar!e sense, to
include also Buddhists, @ains, Sihs etc. who do not belie$e in these do!mas.
Conse%uently, if clause 1d3 remained that the con$ert who is referred to in sub*
clause 1d3 is the con$ert only to the Hindu reli!ion in the limited sense of the
word. In order to do away with that contention. I propose to use the new
phraseolo!y;9 con$ert to the Hindu reli!ion, Buddhist......9 and so on and so
My third amendment deals with the deletion of sub*clause 1B3. )s the House
will realise, this sub*clause 1B3 did not e+ist in the ori!inal Bill as it was placed
before the House at the time of the first readin!. This clause was introduced in
the course of the proceedin!s of the Select Committee. The idea of those who
sponsored sub*clause 1B3 was this. It was their $iew that since the intention of
the Code was to brin! all Hindus under all denominations under the pur$iew of
this Code, there was no purpose in settin! apart those Hindus who had already
performed their marria!es under the Special Marria!e )ct of 6DF<. It was for that
reason to mae the Bill all inclusi$e, that this sub*clause 1B3 was brou!ht in. I
ha$e howe$er found that there is one point which was, I am sure, not present to
the mind of the Select Committee when they introduced this clause. It is %uite
ob$ious that if sub*clause 1B3 remained and it applied to persons who were
married under the Special Marria!e )ct of 6DF<, they would, in the matter of
succession and inheritance be !o$erned by the present pro$isions contained in
this particular Code. 0ow, anyone who is aware of the pro$isions contained in
the Succession )ct with re!ard to inheritance and the pro$isions contained in
this Bill will ha$e no doubt that so far as women are concerned, the pro$isions of
the Succession )ct are far more liberal than the pro$isions contained in the
present Code. It does not, therefore, seem ri!ht that people who ha$e already
married under a particular law and ha$e on that account, become entitled to the
more liberal pro$isions contained in the Succession )ct should be dra!!ed down
and brou!ht under the present Code which as I said, contains pro$isions relatin!
to inheritance which are somewhat illiberal as compared with the other
pro$isions. It is for that reason that I propose that sub*clause 1B3 should be
0ow, Sir, I will turn to the points made by the critics of clause 1<3. #+aminin!
the amendments that ha$e been tabled, I do not find any difference between
myself and my friend &andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a. His amendments is, more or
less., the same as those contained in clause <. I will presently e+plain why I ha$e
in my draft, named certain communities which he thins is unnecessary. 2ith
re!ard to the other amendments, one can see that there are really three points
which the amendments see to mae. 5ne is this that there is no necessity for a
Hindu Code at all. 2hat is necessary is a Ci$il Code applicable to all citi4ens.
That is one point of $iew which is adumbrated in the amendments. The second is
that this $ery Code which is placed before the House and which, accordin! to its
terms, is intended to be confined to the Hindu community should be made
applicable to non*Hindus, such as Muslims, &arsis, @ews, Christians and so on.
That is to say, it should itself be re!arded as a Ci$il Code. and the third
su!!estion is that the application of the Code should be $oluntary. It should be a
matter of choice either for any particular citi4en or any particular member of the
Hindu society to !o before a ma!istrate and to re!ister his will that he would lie
to be !o$erned by this particular Code. In no other circumstances should this
Code be made applicable in this country. )nd I belie$e there is one su!!estion;
6 for!et now the author of that su!!estion;that this Bill should not come into
operation e+cept on a referendum to be taen after the elections or somethin!
lie that.
.andi& M. B. Bar+a,a: That comes up later.
Dr. #$bedkar: Somebody said that, I cannot recall who.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: He intends to say so later on.
Dr. #$bedkar: ?es.
0ow, I must say that I am $ery $ery much surprised to see some of those who
until yesterday were the !reatest opponents of this Code and the !reatest
champions of the archaic Hindu Law as it e+ists to day should come forward and
say that they are now prepared for an )ll*India Ci$il Code. There is a pro$erb
that a leopard does not chan!e its spots and I cannot belie$e that those leopards
which ha$e been pouncin! upon this Bill e$ery time I came before this House
ha$e now suddenly so reformed their mentality as to become re$olutionary
enou!h to accept a new Code alto!ether. If they want a Ci$il Code, do they thin
that it will tae $ery lon! to ha$e a Ci$il Code / &robably the underlyin! moti$e
why they ha$e made this su!!estion is this. )s it has taen four or fi$e years to
draft the Hindu Code they will probably tae ten years to draft a Ci$il Code. I
would lie to tell them that the Ci$il Code is there. If they want it can be placed
before the House within two days. If they are ready and willin! to swallow it, we
can pass it in this House in half an hour.
2hat is the Ci$il Code /;let me as. The Indian Succession )ct is a Ci$il
Code. (nfortunately it does not apply to Hindus. I do not now if there is any
person with the !reatest amount of le!al in!enuity who can de$ise a better Ci$il
Code than the Indian Succession )ct. )ll that would be necessary to mae the
Indian Succession )ct uni$ersal and ci$il, that is to say, applicable to all citi4ens,
would be to add a clause that the words contained in clause < of the )ct, namely
that it shall not apply to Hindus, be deleted and then you can ha$e a Ci$il Code
tomorrow. If you want the marria!e law as part of your Ci$il Code there a!ain the
te+t is ready. The Special Marria!e )ct is there. )ll that you ha$e to do is to
remo$e the words that it shall not apply to this or that it shall only apply to that.
)ll that you ha$e to say in clause < is that it shall apply to all citi4ens and there is
an end of the matter. I want to now whether those who ha$e made this
su!!estion ha$e done it with a serious intention and pious purpose of really
ha$in! a !ood law on these matters. . .
Sri Sondi 1&un-ab3" Tae them at their word.
Dr. #$bedkar " I am not prepared to do it, because I now them $ery well.
That is the reason why yesterday I did not accept the su!!estion of my friend Mr.
=ohini Cumar Chaudhary. He said, 9 )dopt whate$er measures and either tae
the Code throu!h or if you cannot tae it throu!h, eep it to the end.9 I could
ha$e accepted the word and the su!!estion of my friend Mr. =ohini Cumar
Chaudhary if I could belie$e and trust him or that he will not ha$e any opposition
if I adopted the course that he su!!ested. I now find that he has been completely
isolated. Some of his friends who were walin! with him and formin! a solid
front, I find ha$e now fallen away. They ha$e seen li!ht and they are prepared to
support the measure in some parts, if not on the whole. Therefore, this idea of
ha$in! a Ci$il Code -ust does not appeal to me, because I do not thin there is
either much firmness behind it or, I was almost !oin! to say, seriousness behind
2ith re!ard to the plea that this Code should be applied to all citi4ens, I thin
my friend &andit Thaur 'ass Bhar!a$a has replied to the critics who ha$e made
this su!!estion and I do not thin I can impro$e upon what he has said . I do not
now that those who made this su!!estion could be re!arded as so i!norant;6
was almost !oin! to say so foolish;as not to realise the sentiments of different
communities in this country / It is all $ery !ood to say that we ha$e proposed in
our Constitution a Secular State. I ha$e no idea whether any Members, when
they use these words 9 Secular State 9 really mean what the Constitution is
intended to mean. It does not mean that we can abolish reli!ion" it does not
mean that we shall not tae into consideration the reli!ious sentiments of the
people. )ll that a secular State means is that this &arliament shall not be
competent to impose any particular reli!ion upon the rest of the people. That is
the only limitation that the Constitution reco!nises. 2e are not here to flout the
sentiments of the people.
Babu !a$narayan Sin+: ?ou are doin! it.
Dr. #$bedkar: I am not doin! it at all, as I will show you. 9Therefore, it seems
to me that it is a su!!estion which really lacs e$en common*sense and I do not
therefore propose to deal with it.
0ow in re!ard to the other %uestion that the Code should be made $oluntarily
applicable. I thin this is a $ery dan!erous su!!estion. 2hat does this
su!!estion mean / It means that this &arliament is only a body to recommend a
certain thin!. )ll that the &arliament can do, if we accept the su!!estion is to say
to the people outside. 9 This is a law we ha$e passed. 2e thin it is !ood.
,entlemen, it is for you to say whether you will accept it or not. 9 If that is the
position that we are !oin! to adopt and if we accept this principle now, we shall
be settin! a precedent and there will be no end to such recommendations that
may be made by &arliament, namely that much of its le!islation should be left to
be passed by people outside on a referendum. I do want to say that this
&arliment is a So$erei!n &arliament. Beyond seein! the mandate of the people
it has no obli!ation to the people to obtain their consent. It can decide what it
lies. It is supreme" It has authority to mae a law, to unmae a law. If e$ery time
this &arliament is to be sub-ected to the $ote of the i!norant people outside who
do not now the ).B.C. of the technicalities of the law, this &arliament will ha$e
to be suspended" it would be much better not to ha$e a &arliament at all.
Secondly, I ha$e not seen any sin!le e+ample in the history of the Le!islati$e
)ssembly of this country of such a course bein! recommended to &arliament.
This is not the first time that &arliament is passin! a law dealin! with Hindu Law.
I ha$e made a modest computation of the laws passed by the Indian Le!islature
e$er since le!islati$e power be!an to be e+ercised, practically from 6DAA.
)lto!ether <H laws ha$e been passed, some of them of a $ery drastic character
main! fundamental chan!es, but there ne$er was any plea in this House that
any of those laws should be left to be passed and sanctioned by public opinion
or public referendum. (An hon. Member " They were not elected le!islatures3. It
is worse still. #$en when the le!islatures were not elected le!islatures, they
e+ercised the law*main! power and imposed it upon the people. 0ow when the
le!islature is far more representati$e than it e$er was a plea is made that this
&arliament cannot mae a law for the people.
#n Hon. Me$ber: 0obody has said that.
Dr. #$bedkar: That is what some hon. Members su!!ested when they said
there should be a referendum.
0ow, I will !o bac to some of the comments which were made on the draft of
clause <. These comments were made particularly by my friend, Mr. 0a4iruddin
)hmad, and my friend &andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a. ?esterday you were not in
the Chair, Sir, but . . .
.ro'. !an+a 1Madras3" But the Chair was there.
Dr. #$bedkar : The Chair was there. 2hat I wanted to say was that Mr.
0a4iruddin )hmad started in a $ery accusin! mood. He tried to pre-udice the
House a!ainst me by sayin! that the lan!ua!e of my amendments was
mandatory " 9 sustitute this .9 He thou!ht that the more polite way of puttin!
down amendments was to say, such*and*such words shall be substituted for
such*and*such words 9. =eally speain!, I need not ha$e taen this point
seriously because draftin! is not my business;draftin! is the business of
another body of people who ha$e their set rules of draftin! and I could ha$e $ery
easily said that I am not responsible for it. But I did mae en%uiry into the matter
whether the draftsman in usin! the lan!ua!e which he has used bad really fallen
from !race or from the usual standard. The facts are these. >or instance, the
formula su!!ested by Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad that is, 9 such*and*such a word
shall be substituted 9, I found is !enerally used when you draft an )ct. There
seems to be a distinction between the lan!ua!e adopted in draftin! an )ct and
the lan!ua!e to be adopted in draftin! an amendment. Therefore, as the
draftsman was draftin! the amendments he did not use the usual formula which I
said is used in draftin! an )ct. The second thin! is this. )s the House will
remember, the &resident has issued certain orders under the Constitution which
he is entitled to issue. In that series of orders;6 thin it is a $ery fat boo which
some of my hon. >riends must ha$e seen; the lan!ua!e that is used is the
lan!ua!e which the draftsman has used in these amendments. He says, 9 I ha$e
followed the precedent which has been adopted by the &resident, in main!
these amendments 9. I went further and en%uired, 9 2hy did the &resident depart
from the usual practice 9/ )nd the answer !i$en was that the orders were so
buly that it was necessary to economise in printin! paper and in. Therefore,
the draftsman who helped the &resident in framin! his orders followed this
particular way of puttin! these amendments. My draftsman, therefore, has really
committed no error, no fault, in followin! the precedent adopted in the
Constitutional orders. I, therefore, submit that my learned friend.s attempt to
depict me in rather unsa$oury colours has fallen to the !round. I will not deal with
that further.
0ow, my friend.s ob-ection was to sub*clause 1d3. He said that I am hopin! in
the con$ert to Hinduism. His point, if I understood it correctly, was that I ha$e
made no pro$ision either here in clause < or in any other part of this Bill to ha$e
the ri!hts of the con$ert in the family in which he was born. I must say that my
friend, Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad who le!itimately claims a $ery e+tensi$e
nowled!e of law should ha$e for!otten that there is a $ery old )ct called the
'isabilities =emo$al )ct of 6D7I which was passed -ust for this $ery purpose
namely, to remo$e any disability from a person who wants to chan!e his reli!ion
in order to safe!uard what is called liberty of conscience. It was an )ct which
was passed on the a!itation of the missionaries in this country who found that
the Hindu were not prepared to chan!e their reli!ion because under the ancient
Hindu Law a man who went out of the Hindu fold was a petita petit could not
inherit property. In order to do away with that rule of Hindu Law this particular )ct
was passed and I ha$e done nothin! to abro!ate the pro$isions of the )ct. If my
friend had refered to the Schedule which deals with the )cts which are repealed
by this Code he would ha$e found that the Caste 'isabilities =emo$al )ct is not
included in that Schedule. Therefore, the con$ert will retain all the ri!hts of
inheritance in his father.s family if he wants to chan!e his reli!ion. )nd therefore
Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad.s complaint is absolutely !roundless.
My friend said he had an ob-ection to sub*clause 1<3. Sub*clause 1<3 says*
9 This Code also applies to any other person who is not a Muslim. Christian,
&arsi or @ew by reli!ion 9.

> p.m.
5b$iously this sub*clause 1<3 is what I call a residuary clause, a clause which
refers to the balance of people who are not included either amon! Hindus who
are specifically mentioned or the &arsis, the @ews, the Christians, or the
Muslims. There can be no doubt about it that there are in this country a $ast
number of people who do not follow any of these reco!nised reli!ions, so to say.
2hat are we !oin! to do about it / Certainly this Bill either should say that it
does not apply to them or it should say that it does apply to them. )nd if it said
that it does supply to them, it should say to what e+tent it applies to them.
#$erybody nows that there are in this country a $ast number of people such as,
for instance, the )di 'ra$idas, the tribal people, the -un!le tribes, the bacward
classes, the animists, and so on and so on;one can !o on enumeratin! ad
infinitum. 2hat about them / Surely some pro$ision must be made for them.
Sub*clause 1<3 therefore applies to this class of people whom I called a residuary
class. 0ow, it mi!ht be said that in main! this Bill the ,o$ernment has a political
moti$e, namely, to absorb these non*descript people into the Hindu community
so to say, by a side door. That is not our purpose at all, because you will see
from the pro$iso what we are doin!.
The Hindu Code will apply to them only if it is pro$ed that Hindu customs and
Hindu usa!es are pre$alent in that class8 otherwise, they are free to do whate$er
they lie. There, a!ain, the criticism of my friend was %uite misplaced.
.ro'. !an+a: Can they opt themsel$es out /
Dr. #$bedkar : 5nce they ha$e adopted the customs and so on, they are in8
otherwise they are out.
0ow, Sir, I will deal with certain points that were raised by my friend &andit
Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a and by Sardar Huam Sin!h. Sardar Huam sin!h.s
amendment is that it should not apply to the Sihs. Later on, I suppose, he
moderated his attitude and said that he had only ob-ection to some parts. 2ith
re!ard to the %uestion whether this Bill should apply to persons or communities
other than Hindus in the strict sense of the word, I thin it is desirable to ha$e
some !eneral idea about the matter. The first thin! that I would lie to emphasise
and which I would lie Members of &arliament to bear in mind is this, that from a
sociolo!ical point of $iew the $ariety of reli!ions that we ha$e in India or
elsewhere seems to me to fall into two cate!ories. There are reli!ions, which
ha$e as their part a le!al system, which you cannot se$er from those reli!ions.
There are reli!ions, which ha$e no le!al system at all, which are -ust pure
matters of creed. The peculiarity about the Hindu reli!ion, as I understand it, is
this, that it is the one reli!ion, which has !ot a le!al framewor inte!rally
associated with it. 0ow, it is $ery necessary to bear this thin! in mind, because if
one has a proper understandin! of this, it would not be difficult to understand
why Sihs are brou!ht under the Hindu reli!ion, why Buddhists are brou!ht
under the Hindu reli!ion and why @ains are brou!ht under the Hindu reli!ion.
2hen the Buddha differed from the #edic Brahmins, his difference was limited to
matters of creed. The Buddha did not propound a separate le!al system for his
own followers8 he left the le!al system as it was. It may be that the le!al system
that then pre$ailed was a !ood system8 that it had no blemishes and no faults.
So, he did not direct his attention to main! any chan!es in the le!al system in
conse%uence of the chan!es that he introduced in certain reli!ious notions.

KM=. '#&(T?*S&#)C#= I0 TH# CH)I=.L
In the same way, when Maha$ir founded his own reli!ion he did not create a
new le!al system for the @ains. He allowed the le!al system to continue and I
thin Sardar Huam Sin!h will correct me if I am wron! when I say that none of
the ten ,urus e$er created a law boo as such for the Sihs. The trouble is;you
may call it trouble8 you may call it !ood fortune8 you may call it misfortune8 I am
not particular about words;the fact is this. In this country, althou!h reli!ions
ha$e chan!ed, the law has remained one. That is why the Sih follows the law.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: But now you are main! a new law.
Dr. #$bedkar : It is a new thin! now. The @ains come and as, 9 2hat are you
!oin! to do to us/ )re you !oin! to mae us Hindus/ 9 The Sihs say the same
thin!. The Buddhists say the same thin!. My answer to that is this" I cannot help
it. ?ou ha$e been followin! a sin!le law system and it is too late now for anyone
to say that he shall re-ect this le!al system wholesale and will ha$e nothin! to do
with it. That cannot be done. Therefore, the application of the Hindu Law and the
Hindu Code to Buddhists, @ains and Sihs is a historical de$elopment to which
you and I cannot now !i$e any answer. )ll that we can do is to say that the thin!
has !one wron! and chan!e it, reform it or mae it more e%uitable and this is
what we are doin!. So far as the Sihs are concerned, I find from the -ud!ements
of the &ri$y Council that this %uestion was debated much earlier than e$en 6DAI,
when the decision was taen that the Sihs were Hindus so far as law is
concerned. @ust count from 6DAI to 6H7I;for how many years you ha$e been
re!arded as Hindus for le!al purposesJ
Sardar Huka$ Sin+: It has not been doubted.
Dr. #$bedkar : In law, we ha$e a principle which is called stare decisisa
decision taen a lon! time a!o and on which people ha$e !one had better be
stayed althou!h it is wron!.
Sardar Huka$ Sin+" ?ou are !oin! to chan!e it now. 2hat should I do/
Dr. #$bedkar : 0ow, Sir, with re!ard to the points made by my friend &andit
Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a. I was really $ery happy to hear his speech.
Sri 0. !. "apoor : 0o praise will brin! him into your parlour.
Dr. #$bedkar " I ha$e used no temptations. I now find that really he has been
di!!in! $arious trenches one after the other. He nows $ery well and I see from
the last trench that he nows $ery well that he would not be able to defend the
first trench or the second trench or the third trench. He has !ot a $ery small last
trench which, of course, is concerned with oustin! the married dau!hter and I
thin that if that point could be conceded his opposition would be e+tin!uished
He has raised other %uestions also with re!ard to customary law. I a!ree and I
ha$e e+amined this position with !reat care. The &un-ab Law does show that
certain matters relatin! to personal law shall be decided by customary law, but I
also now and I thin my friend Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a also nows that the
customary law is Hindu Law really. I do not thin that that proposition can be
denied, namely, that what is called customary law in &un-ab is Hindu Law. The
reason why it was not called Hindu Law was because the same customary law
pre$ailed amon! the Muslims, and the #ast India Company was fri!htened about
usin! the words 9 Hindu Law 9 when the law was also applicable to the
Musalmans. But these are merely differences of words. It cannot be said that
&un-ab is not !o$erned by Hindu Law" &un-ab is !o$erned by Hindu Law.
0ow his !reat point was that I was layin! an a+e on their customary laws in the
pro$ince. 2ell, as I listened to some of the instances which both my friends
&andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a and Sardar Huam Sin!h !a$e, I found that these
customary laws were really not applicable in any sense. I would merely call their
marria!e laws marria!e made easy, their di$orce laws di$orce made easy and
their inheritance law inheritance made easy. There is nothin! fundamentally
different about it. Therefore, I am not !oin! to discuss the %uestion on this
occasion,;what e+tent the customary law should be sa$ed 8 to what e+tent the
&un-ab should be e+cluded. But I want to mae this statement that I should ne$er
a!ree to e+empt any pro$ince from the operation of this law. Let there be no
doubt about it at all that the Hindu Code shall be a uniform code throu!hout
India. #ither I will ha$e that Bill in that form, or not ha$e it at all.
2ith re!ard to the second point as to sa$in! customary law, I thin that is a
point that he could raise on the $arious clauses of the Bill where he wants to
introduce the customary law, and if he pro$es that the deletion of the customary
law is !oin! to introduce any ind of hardship I shall certainly consider the matter
with !reat sympathy. I want to mae this Hindu Code as easy as I can possibly
mae it.
Sri %ya+i" )s marria!e in &un-ab J
Dr. #$bedkar: #asy in the sense that I do not want any ind of hostility, or
hostile camp a!ainst the Hindu Code standin! out.
.f m" hon# friend )ee) cl!u)e 4 he 'ill find th!t it doe) not !lto&ether ou)t
cu)tom# Therefore5 'hen !n" p!rticul!r cl!u)e come) up for con)ider!tion5 if m"
hon# friend con)ider) th!t the e(i)tin& cu)tom in the ;unA!b )hould be )!ved from
the oper!tion of th!t p!rticul!r cl!u)e !nd if he c!n m!%e out ! c!)e for
e(emption5 . h!ve no doubt th!t the m!tter 'ill be )"mp!thetic!ll" con)idered# .
do not intend to &ive ! more det!iled repl" to th!t bec!u)e . thin% it i) 9uite
out)ide the )cope of thi) p!rticul!r cl!u)e#
Sri !. ".Cauduri : rose
Sri !a- Baadur" May I now how many more members are there to spea
on amendments.
Dr. #$bedkar: I su!!est that this clause be disposed of today. 2e ha$e spent
two days on it and there has been more than enou!h debate on it.
Sri !. ". Cauduri: Sir, I claim the credit of bein! isolated in the matter of
this le!islation.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya" The hon. Member can come to the front bench
and spea.
Sri !. ". Cauduri " 2ill you let me sit there tomorrow durin! the %uestion
hour /
I confess that in this House I am isolated. But I hope the Hon. the Law Minister
will ha$e the courtesy to admit;which is a fact;that he is completely isolated
outside this House. I do not re!ret the position in which I am placed, because I
find that hon. Members of this House are afraid of speain! out the truth of tellin!
the hon. lady Members of this House what they ou!ht to be told that they are
pro$in! themsel$es far too a!!ressi$e. This, I respectfully submit, is not a matter
to be lau!hed o$er. Hon. Members of this House would ha$e noticed the way in
which my re$ered friend Babu =amnarayan Sin!h was s%uee4ed out of his seat
yesterday. It is only on account of the relentin! heart of a certain lady Member
that my hon. >riend has found his way to his seat.
Sir, I warn this House a!ainst this a!!ressi$e character of our women. I thin it
is time that we spea out. I want to as the Hon. Minister for whom he is
le!islatin! this Hindu Code and who wanted him to push on and proceed with it
a!ainst the wishes of a lar!e section of Hindu Society. Is it not because the hon.
Lady Members of this House ha$e e!!ed him on to do it/
I should, howe$er, lie to tell the Hon. Minister that he is not alone in that
predicament. This House will recollect what our respected friend )charya
Cripalani said at the time we were considerin! the =eport of the Select
Committee, about the attitude adopted by one of his collea!ues in this House
and his companion in this world. He said that he was main! bold to spea
because his . collea!ue . had !one abroad and when she returned she mi!ht as
for an account of the finances of the household, but also his conduct durin! her
That shows, Sir, where we stand today. It is on account of this that you are
prepared to brush aside the sentiments of the less forward Hindu women, who
do not now how to dress themsel$es properly. It is the women who do not ha$e
recourse to !audy and !or!eous sarees, women who do not now how to paint
themsel$es;it is that section of the Hindu women whom you are tryin! to
suppress in the way you are doin! today.
#n Hon. Me$ber : Is all this in clause < /
Sri !. ". Cauduri: I want to mae it perfectly clear that I oppose all the
amendments, includin! that of my hon. >riend 'r. )mbedar, e+cept the one
which has been put forward by my hon. >riend Mr. @aspat =oy Capoor. I support
that amendment because it practically tantamount to an opposition to the Hindu
Code. I will e+plain how it is an opposition to the Hindu Code. It !i$es us the
fullest discretion to mae this Hindu Code a dead letter, because accordin! to
this amendment the Hindu Code will only !o$ern those people who would come
forward in the open and mae a declaration and say that they want this Hindu
Code to be applied to them.
Sri 0. !. "apoor : I am tempted to e+claim . Sa$e me from my supporters .J
Sri !. ". Cauduri" I may tell my hon. >riend Mr. Capoor that he may lea$e
aside the kamli but the kamli would not lea$e him. To the end of this debate on
the Hindu Code I shall follow him where$er he !oes. If my hon. >riend Mr.
Capoor.s amendment is carried, it practically means that we shall be in the
position that we are today. This Hindu Code will be more or less a Special Hindu
Marria!e Code. It will be somethin! lie that. #$en now a Hindu can marry within
a prohibited de!ree if he maes a declaration as is re%uired under the Ci$il
Marria!es )ct. Similarly, if this Hindu Code would only !o$ern those who would
mae a declaration that they want to be !o$erned by it, I belie$e that two*thirds;
not two*thirds but nearly cent per cent;of the Hindus would refuse to come
forward and mae declaration in the manner which has been su!!ested by my
>riend Mr. Capoor. That will mean practically that this Code will e shel$ed and
the Hindu Law which !o$erns us today will continue to !o$ern us.
I was $ery much interested to bear about this &un-ab Customary Laws )ct.
This &un-ab Customary Laws )ct, as was admitted by my hon. friend &andit
Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a who referred to it in this House, did not prohibit bi!amy at
all. 2hat my hon. >riend &andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a wants is that the &un-ab
should be absolutely left out of this Hindu Code, that this Hindu Code may be in
force in the rest of India but not in the &un-ab;which means that althou!h
bi!amy may be an offence in India, it will not be an offence in the &un-ab and my
hon. friend may !o on merrily as he lies. I do not understand this, and I hope my
Hon. >riend 'r. )mbedar will be able to e+plain the position to us. It is this.
2hen custom has !ot the force of law and that custom becomes in$ariable, no
le!islation can really o$er*ride it. 5rdinarily if you are !oin! to pro$e a custom,
the burden is on you to pro$e that the custom is in$ariable, that the custom is not
immoral, and that the custom has been followed. But when tat custom is
embodied in a piece of le!islation which has been in force for some time and
when that custom has not been abro!ated, has, been reco!nised. I do not
understand how the application of the pro$isions of this Code can in any way
interfere with that customary law unless it is stated clearly that all that law has
been repealed by this Code. I may not ha$e thorou!hly studied the Hindu Code,
but my impression is that no such pro$ision has been made in this Code to
repeal the Customary Law )ct of the &un-ab. )nd if that stands unrepealed you
shall ha$e inconsistent le!islation in this country. Hindus in the whole of India
will be !o$erned by the Hindu Code, but those in the pro$ince of &un-ab, where
customary laws ha$e been codified and are in force, will remain unaffected by
this Code. I will as the hon. lady Members of this House whether they are
prepared to allow Hindus of the &un-ab to . commit . bi!amous marria!es
whether they are a!reed at any rate that there shall be no di$orce in the &un-ab
and that they would allow their sisters in the &un-ab to be 9 persecuted 9;it is
their lan!ua!e, not mine. I say no woman can be persecuted. The days of
persecution of the woman ha$e !one. 0owadays it is the men who are bein!
persecuted by the tyranny of women. If any hon. Member of this House had the
temerity to e+press himself clearly, he would say somethin! about the tyranny of
modem women.
Therefore, I would as this House to consider and pause carefully before it
!i$es its assessment to this piece of le!islation. Hon. Members of this House will
remember that the Members of this House had no mandate to support such a
sweepin! le!islation, a le!islation ha$in! such far*reachin! effects. 5ur election
had taen place in an indirect way. I repeat what my hon. friend Mr. 0a4iruddin
)hmed said. It is not that we are not competent to pass this le!islation. 2e are
competent to pass any le!islation today. 2e are competent to pass a le!islation
that the rule which is now obtainin!;the salutary rule which has been accepted
by the ,o$ernment of India;that no married women should be taen in the
Indian >orei!n Ser$ice should be abro!ated, and we can pass a le!islation to
say that none but women shall be taen therein. 2e are perfectly competent to
do that. There is no %uestion of incompetency here. 2omen can become
constables and carry stics8 they can put on py-amas and turbans8 they can e$en
wear beardsJ also as Members of the Constabulary. 2hy can we not pass a
le!islation lie this / 0othin! stands in the way of our doin! this.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: How do all these arise under this/
Sri !. ". Cauduri" I was only !i$in! an analo!y. Then I come to the most
important thin!. )s we had no opportunity of !ettin! a mandate from our
electorate and as we ha$e been i!norin! the ma-ority opinion !i$en or recei$ed
as a result of circulation of this Bill, we must tae $ery !reat care to consider how
far this le!islation will be accepted by us. I therefore a!ree with my hon. friend,
Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad that the consent of the people is necessary for passin!
this le!islation. 0ow, speain! about discrimination, a !reat deal was said
yesterday about the discriminatory character of this piece of le!islation and about
the way in which the Constitution has been ridden rou!h*shod. 'r. )mbedar, if I
remember a ri!ht, himself referred to the %uestion of breach of certain
fundamental ri!hts of the Constitution. He said if the present Hindu law is not
amended, in the manner in which he sees to amend this code, then a %uestion
may arise in the Supreme Court or in the Hi!h Court where it will be ased by the
other parties that the Hindu law maes a discrimination between Sudras and
non*Sudras. ) Sudra of any a!e can be adopted. ) Sudra can be adopted e$en
thou!h he may be related $ery closely and then a Brahmin of a similar position
cannot be adopted. Therefore there is discrimination in the present Hindu law
and therefore he said that unless the present Hindu Code is adopted the present
Hindu law will always be sub-ected to criticism by a court of law on the !round
that it is discriminatory.
0ow, Sir I come to a more serious point. I su!!est that the ar!uments which
ha$e been put forth by me hon. friends. Messrs. @hun-hunwala and 0a4iruddin
)hmad should also be taen into serious consideration. I also want to draw the
attention of the House to one particular point, namely the discriminatory
character of this le!islation which hurts the Constitution itself. My hon. friend Mr.
0a4iruddin )hmad and I are beha$in! as if we are sailin! in the same boat. He is
isolated in one bench here and I am isolated in another. My hon. friend, Mr.
0a4iruddin )hmad;,od forbid;if he were to tae another wife, if he wants to
marry a!ain durin! the life*time of his present spouse, then he will not be liable
to con$iction either under the Indian &enal Code or under the Hindu Code,
whereas I bein! a Member of the same House, bein! a close nei!hbour of his, if
I dared to follow his e+ample and if I ha$e in under!o another ceremony of
marria!e, what will be my fate/ I shall be simply prosecuted, con$icted,
sentenced to imprisonment and probably manhandled when I am taen to prison
by my own friends. There will be a !reat public feelin! a!ainst you that I was
spared in any way. Is this not discrimination/ If that is not discrimination, I fall to
understand the meanin! of the word . discrimination .. 2e are sub-ects of the
same so$erei!n power., we are bound by the same Constitution 8 we are li$in! in
the same realm and while the one en-oys the pri$ile!e of marryin! as many as
four times. I cannot dare to marry more than once. 2hat is then the meanin! of
Sri %ya+i: Bad luc.
Sri !a- Baadur " 5n a point of information, may I now how many times has
the hon. Member married already.
Sri !. ". Cauduri: That is a personal %uestion. #+amples are $ery
conta!ious. My hon. friend Mr. Tya!i says that it was my bad luc that I ha$e
been put in such a discriminatin! position. Let us tae it arithmetically8 if after
ha$in! married once, I am called . unlucy . then what are you to call a
!entleman who has not been able to marry so lon!. ?esterday my hon. friend Mr.
0a4iruddin )hmad mentioned about a certain ind of help which some of my
esteemed friends would !i$e in the way of $ote by %uotin! Hindu Shastras. He
bein! a non*Hindu probably was feelin! delicate and refrained from sayin! what
he wanted to say. Let me mae myself clear. I submit that the first premises on
which those who want to support this Hindu Code is this" Hindu reli!ion is
intimately connected with Hindu law, that is to say the Hindu law is intimately
connected with Hindu reli!ion. 'i$orce of Hindu law from Hindu reli!ion means
nothin!. Here this is a reli!ious %uestion. If the Hon. Minister in char!e of the
Home Ministry were to tae out a census of those people who belie$e that not to
ha$e a son is to !o to Hell, you will find that two thirds of the Hindus belie$e in
that. They belie$e that if you do not ha$e a son, you will !o to hell.
Sri %ya+i" I want to now how can one help it if he has not !ot a son. 2hat is
he to do/ It is not in his hands.
Sri !. ". Cauduri : ?ou need not !o into irrele$ant %uestions. I would -ust
lie to tell my hon. friend that there is no limit of a!e so far as marria!e is
concerned. 'r. )mbedar has been merciful in this respect. He has said do not
marry more than once. ?ou may di$orce a do4en of your wi$es and there is no
bar to your marryin! a!ain. Shri Tya!i" 5ne by one.
Sri !. ". Cauduri : 5nly one at a time 8 not more than one. That is what is
stated here. He does not lay down any restrictions of a!e. ) woman of D7 years
under this new picture of the Hindu Code can marry a youn! man of <7. There is
no ci$ic sense in this Hindu Code.
Sri Desbandu 1up&a 1'elhi3" 2hat about vice versa <
Sri !. ". Cauduri: #ice versa also. I submit that it is most inhuman for the
author of this Hindu Code to su!!est that you can, whate$er your a!e, marry
a!ain if you are inclined to marry.
Sri Bara&i (. "risnas)a$i 1Madras3" 2hat is the rele$ance of this to
clause < /
Sri Depu&y Speaker: He says that the Hindu Code Bill ou!ht not to be
applied to all persons e+cept to those who $oluntarily submit themsel$es to the
Code. Therefore, he is de$elopin! that ar!ument.
Sri !. ". Cauduri" Comin! to the clause under discussion personally, I
would prefer that the pro$ision should remain unchan!ed, so far as professin!
the reli!ion is concerned. My hon. friend 'r. )mbedar and a few others ha$e
sou!ht to amend the pro$ision by sayin! that this Code shall apply to Hindus by
reli!ion. It is $ery difficult for anybody to pro$e that he is by reli!ion a Hindu.
2hat does the word . reli!ion . indicate. The word . reli!ion . is deri$ed from
reli,ion, to bind. Can I say that I am a Hindu by reli!ion / I may say that I am
born of Hindu parents, that I am a son of a Hindu and therefore I am a Hindu. It
would be difficult to say that I am a Hindu by reli!ion. The Hindu reli!ion lays
down a $ery hi!h standard. @ud!ed by those standards, it will be found that most
of the people who call themsel$es Hindus are not really Hindus. I may profess
myself to be a Hindu " I may lie to be !o$erned by the Hindu law or Hindu
Code 8 but I cannot call myself to be a Hindu by reli!ion. I do not follow the
principles of that reli!ion at all. How can I say that I am a Hindu by reli!ion/ )
Hindu is not e+pected to tae meat. )ccordin! to the Hindu reli!ion, it is a
forbidden thin!. There may be many in this house, who may be callin!
themsel$es Hindus, but who would not be a Hindu accordin! to those standards.
Many who may call themsel$es Hindus may be doin! un*Hindu acts. But, still,
they would lie to be !o$erned by the Hindu Code. To say that this Code shall
only apply to those who follow the principles of the Hindu reli!ion would be a
misnomer and is certainly opposed to all principles of honesty. I say that
althou!h I may not be a Hindu, althou!h I may not be a follower of the Hindu
reli!ion, I profess Hinduism8 I say ,that I am a Hindu. So lon! as I say that I am a
Hindu, the Hindu Law or the Hindu Code may be applicable to me. So lon! as I
do not renounce my reli!ion, so lon! as I say that I am a Hindu, because I call
myself a Hindu, I shall be !o$erned by the Hindu Law. 5r as my hon. friend Mr.
@aspat =oy Capoor contemplates, so lon! as a man says that he will be
!o$erned by the Hindu Code, he shall be !o$erned by the Hindu Code 8 not
otherwise. Therefore, I say, how can you lay down this condition that one must
be a Hindu by reli!ion /
In our part of the country, that is in )ssam, the tribal people ha$e been held to
be !o$erned by the Hindu Law. They are not Hindus. They are not Hindus by
reli!ion. They do not follow the principles laid down in Hinduism for marria!e.
They do not obser$e the same ind of the prohibiti$e de!ree of Hindu marria!e.
They do not follow the same rules of adoption. )ll the same they are !o$erned
by Hindu Law, because in some cases they ha$e no other law, and in other
cases they profess to be Hindus. Therefore, if it comes to a %uestion between
the phrases 9professin! the Hindu reli!ion9 and 9Hindu by reli!ion9 I will prefer
the former.
)nd now, let me come to another aspect of the matter. There is this %uestion of
con$erts, and 'r. )mbedar has himself brou!ht forward an amendment in this
respect. But I maintain that so far as Hinduism is concerned, this word 9 con$ert 9
is not applicable. I can understand recon$ersion to Hinduism, thou!h I do not
now much about it, there is no con$ersion to Hinduism because Hinduism is not
a proselytisin! reli!ion. To spea of a con$ert to Hinduism is absolutely
meanin!less. There cannot be any con$ersion to Hinduism. )nyone li$in! in
Hinduism is a Hindu, unless he clearly says that he is not a Hindu, that he is a
Muslim, or a &arsi, or a Christian or @ew. That has been the position from time
immemorial. There cannot be a con$ert to Hinduism. 2ill 'r. )mbedar indly
tell me what are the ceremonies to be performed for a con$ersion to Hinduism/
Dr. #$bedkar: !rayaschitham.
Sri !. ". Cauduri " Can anyone be con$erted into a Hindu/ 'id 'r. )nnie
Besant con$ert herself to Hinduism / Can 'r. )mbedar !i$e any e+ample of a
con$ersion to Hinduism /
Dr. #$bedkar: There are so many decided cases on the sub-ect and if my
friend will only refer to the first few pa!es of Mulla.s Hindu Law he would !et all
the information that he wants.
Sri !. ". Cauduri " If 'r )mbedar is referrin! to 9 Sudhi 9 that is a
different thin!. It relates to a Hindu who has left Hinduism and is a!ain brou!ht
into the Hindu fold. But what is the procedure or the ceremony for con$ertin! any
one into a Hindu / If it is a case of con$ersion, I now the process. The person
concerned must fast for a certain period.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " Is the hon. Member tryin! to fi+ the procedure for
recon$ersions of Hindus, in this Code /
Sri !. ". Cauduri: I am only sayin! that there can be re*con$ersions into
Hinduism, but there cannot be a con$ersion. 'o not use the word 9 con$ert 9
here. (se some other word.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" Courts ha$e decided that there can be a con$ert to
Hinduism e$en thou!h he did not belon! to the Hindu fold ori!inally.
Sri !. ". Cauduri: There can be re*con$ersion, but what about
con$ersion/ The difference is only with respect to that.
Sri /enka&ara$an 1Madras3 "The Madras Hi!h Court in the case of =atansi
Morar-i*$s*the )dministrator ,eneral, has decided that any person can be
con$erted to Hinduism.
Dr. #$bedkar : It related to an #n!lish woman and the %uestion was whether
a Christian could be con$erted into a Hindu and the answer was, yes.
Sri !. ". Cauduri" 2ill the Hon. Minister tell me the procedure or the
ceremony for such a con$ersion / It is ne$er too late to learn, after all.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : The hon. Member himself is $ery particular that Hindu
traditions etc. should be preser$ed. 2here is the harm in !ettin! as many Hindus
as possible and as many people as possible under the Hindu Law /
Sri !. ". Cauduri: I only want that the author of this Bill, 'r. )mbedar
and the founder of our Constitution should not indul!e in words which ha$e no
meanin!. The word 9 con$ert 9 has no meanin! when applied to a Hindu.
Dr. #$bedkar : That is an old anti*%uated $iew of Mr. Chaudhuri.
Sri !. ". Cauduri" Can 'r. )mbedar please refer me to one sin!le
ori!inal te+t of Hindu law where it is said that con$ersion to Hinduism is
Dr. #$bedkar " I can refer the hon. Member to the case of Morar-i*vs the
)dministrator ,eneral.
%e Minis&er o' S&a&e 'or %ranspor& and !ail)ays (Sri San&ana$): )nd
there is a monument in Bhilsa which speas of a ,ree ha$in! been con$erted
into a Hindu.
Dr. %ek Cand 1&un-ab3" )nd many born Christians and Moslems ha$e
become Hindus. If my hon. friend wants he can brin! any such persons now and
they will be con$erted by )ryas to Hinduism and absorbed in Hindu Society. I
ha$e se$eral boos !i$in! cases of con$ersions e$en durin! Moslem rule and he
can ha$e them and read them at his leisure.
Dr. #$bedkar: 5h do not do that, Mr. Chaudhuri ne$er reads.
Sri !. ". Cauduri " I am afraid the hon. Member is confusin! between
con$ersion and re*con$ersion and also between con$ersion and initiation.
)nyone can be initiated into Hinduism. I am not speain! about that.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : But he says there can be con$ersion also.
Sri !. ". Cauduri: Let us abandon that point now Sir.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : I thou!ht the hon. Member has concluded /
Sri !. ". Cauduri : &ractically it is a conclusion for me, for I am !oin!
away to*morrow.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 2ill a few more minutes do /
Sri !. ". Cauduri: 0o. Sir, a few more minutes will not suffice.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Then we may ad-ourn.

%he &ouse then ad'ourned till a 5uarter to Eleven of the Clock on Wednesday
the ?th 7eruary 89:8.
HI0'( C5'#; Contd.

Mr. Speaker: The House will now proceed with the further consideration of the
Bill to amend and codify certain branches of the Hindu Law, as reported by the
Select Committee. Clause < is under discussion.
Sri 1au&a$ 1(ttar &radesh3 " Before proceedin! further, I would re%uest you,
Sir, to clarify one point. I understand;6 was not present yesterday in the
afternoon 8 therefore I am raisin! this %uestion;*that one of the speaers used
some lan!ua!e while discussin! this clause which is ob-ected to by some
Members. Has the attention of the hon. Speaer been drawn to it / I would
re%uest you, Sir, to issue certain instructions so far as these thin!s are
concerned so that Members may be within their bounds and may not hurt the
feelin!s of other Members.
Sri M. #. #yyan+ar 1Madras3 " May I say. Sir, what happened/
Mr. Speaker: He need not repeat those thin!s.
Sri M. #. #yyan+ar 1Madras3 " 0o8 I am not !oin! to repeat those statements
at all, because that would defeat the $ery purpose. ?esterday, unfortunately,
some remars, I thin, %uite unwittin!ly, escaped the mouth of one of the hon.
Members who was speain!. 0o doubt, he always speas in !ood humour and
nothin! is taen e+ception to. (nfortunately, it descended to somethin!, which
was not desirable. )s soon as it was pointed out to me, as I was in the Chair, I
directed that that portion of the statement ou!ht to be e+pun!ed from the
records. I thou!ht the matter was o$er. I thin all are a!reed, and the hon.
Member also e+pressed re!ret for ha$in! made that statement %uite unwittin!ly,
that that chapter is closed. It does not form part of the record. I do not thin there
is any need to brin! up the matter a!ain .to you for any particular action.
Mr. Speaker : I would only say that I trust that members will tae sufficient
note of this and so deli$er their speeches and pass remars that there many be
no occasion a!ain to repeat this ind of thin!.
Sri 5rank #n&ony 1Madhya pradesh3 " ) bad e+ample is set by the Treasury
Mr. Speaker" Let us now proceed further with the Bill.
Sri B. Das 15rissa3 " Sir, I see the debate on clause < has descended to the
le$el of a !eneral debate on the whole Bill. I thin today is the last date fi+ed by
you for passin! this Hindu Code............
Se,eral Hon. Me$bers: 0o, no.
Mr. Speaker: 5rder, order. 'oes the hon. Member want to put any time*limit /
Sever!l Hon# 2ember)4 No no#
Sri B. Das" I want that on clause < there should closure.........
Se,eral Hon. Me$bers" 0o no.
Mr. Speaker: 5rder, order, hon. Members need not say yes no. Let there be a
motion for closure and if it is the !eneral fee that there has been sufficient
discussion, I will accept closure. e$en if I accept it, the matter rests with the
House 8they may ac or re-ect the closure motion. )s re!ards the character of the
det thou!h I do feel that we are !oin! into $ery !eneral remars. I my self do not
now how the discussion could be restricted, particularly in $iew of the nature of
clause <. Some communities are sou!ht to be included8 some are sou!ht to be
e+cluded. There are amendments on both sides. Therefore, a !eneral sur$ey to
-ustify the inclusion or e+clusion of the pro$isions becomes to some e+tent at
least necessary. That is why I was feelin! difficulty in restrictin! debate on that
Howe$er, I belie$e there are no points or e+planations to be Let us proceed
immediately with the consideration of the Bill.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya 1Bihar3 " The debate has now on for full two
days. If the speeches made in this House indication of the reception that the
Code is !oin! to ha$e in the e$en an optimist and ardent supporter of the Code
li Hon. 'r. )mbedar should ha$e no difficulty in arri$in! at the conclusion.
Sri B. ". .. Sina 1Bihar3 " May I point out. Sir, that the supi of the Bill ha$e
not spoen so far.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : It is no fault of the House, or of those who do not
a!ree with this Code if the supporters Bill do not lie to rise and support their
cause. How are we to how many of them in their own hearts support and
outwardly c propose to do so/
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay 12est Ben!al3" Tae the $ote an.
Sri !a- Baadur 1=a-asthan3 " If I understood correctly,S are at present
callin! those hon. Members who ha$e mo$ed amend
Mr. Speaker : )nybody, who wishes to support or oppose t is welcome to do
Sri Sya$anandan Saaya: Sir, this bill has been, in sta!es, before the
country for, if I may say so, %uite a lon! and opinions either in fa$our or a!ainst
the Bill ha$e been e+pressed both in the &ress and on public platforms and e$en
in this House*on many occasions. I ha$e no doubt in my mind that if the opinions
are scrutinised $ery well, they will disclose not merely an opposition to the
pro$isions of the Code.........
Sri Sona,ane 1Bombay3 " 5n ) point of order. Sir. 2e are now dealin! with
clause < relatin! to 9 )pplication of the Code 9. The discussion should be on
scope of clause < and not a !eneral discussion. Is the hon. Member allowed to
ha$e a !eneral discussion on the Code as such /
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: May I, Sir, with your permission, say.........
Mr. Speaker : There is no point of order. I -ust e+plained a few minutes a!o
that when you are discussin! the 9 )pplication of the Code 9, when you want to
include certain communities or e+clude certain communities, it becomes perfectly
competent and rele$ant to show how the $arious pro$isions ad$ersely affect or
benefit the communities. That is why I said it is $ery difficult to restrict the whole
discussion at this sta!e to specifically certain portions of the Bill. >or e+ample, I
belie$e, yesterday, Sardar Huam Sin!h, went into the %uestion of marria!es
and went into the %uestion of succession. It could not be e+cluded as irrele$ant
discussion because it is sou!ht to enact that this Bill should apply to Sihs also.
He is perfectly entitled to show how this Bill ad$ersely affected the Sihs in the
matter of marria!es or customs or succession. That is how the points are
interconnected. Therefore, it will be better if such points are not raised o$er and
o$er a!ain.
Sri Sona,ane: But, Sir...... Mr..
Speaker : 5rder, order.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: )s I was sayin!, if the opinions so far e+pressed
;they are %uite $oluminous;and are in the possession of the Hon. Law
Member himself;are carefully scrutinised, they would not merely disclose the
opposition to the $arious pro$isions of this Code, but would also disclose an
an!uish, a feelin! of an+iety, and a feelin! of !reat concern, amon! the Hindu
community o$er this Code. I now and I fully realise the sincerity of purpose of
those who want to lead the community on a different channel. This is nothin!
new in history. #$ery reformer, perhaps, would not ha$e been a reformer, if he
had not thou!ht that what he himself thou!ht of reli!ion was the ri!ht thin! and
that e$ery other thin!, as was said here by the Mo$er, was archaic. Therefore,
althou!h I may con!ratulate the Hon. Law Minister for e$ol$in! a new reli!ion,
which it is left to posterity to adopt or not to adopt, so far as present conditions
are concerned, I must certainly warn him and ,o$ernment that it would be a
suicidal policy to mae it an obli!atory le!islation.
%e Minis&er o' (a) (Dr. #$bedkar): 2e are prepared to commit suicide.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya " This reform can only be considered either as a
social reform or a reli!ious reform. If it is a social reform, I don.t see why the Hon.
The Law Minister entered a ca$eat yesterday when some hon. Member
su!!ested that it should be made all per$adin!. In that connection he ur!ed that
we ou!ht to ha$e consideration and re!ard for the sentiments and feelin!s of
non*Hindus in this country. I am really surprised that while he ad$ocated that for
the non*Hindus, he does not seem at present to ha$e any re!ard for the feelin!s
of Hindus in this matter. Speaer after speaer in this House, comin! from
different parts of the country, belon!in! to certain different sects or certain
sections of the Hindu community, ha$e e+plained how they feel about the
application of the pro$isions of this Code to them. Therefore, while this reform
may, in the opinion of some, be called for, and ur!ently called for, yet, I do
submit that it will not be fair to mae it an obli!atory le!islation. I ha$e, therefore,
!reat pleasure in accordin! my support to the amendment of Shri @aspat =oy
Capoor who su!!ests that it should be left open to members of the Hindu
community, or for the matter of that of any other community, to accept this Code
and re!ister their will to be !o$erned by it. If on the other hand it is held that it is
some type of a reli!ious le!islation, then I thin 'r. )mbedar will concede that
this is neither the appropriate time nor e$en proper for a secular State to attempt
some ind of a reli!ious le!islation. I consider that this reform is of a social
nature. )nd from time of which we ha$e any record, we ha$e nown that these
social reforms ha$e to be of a permissi$e nature so that people may be able to
adopt them with pleasure. In ci$ilised life, e$en con$ersion by force is not
permissible, and I am sure 'r. )mbedar will not mae any attempt at forcible
con$ersion to the reli!ion, which he propa!ates now throu!h this Hindu Code.
67 N88N

2hen the Minister of Law started his speech yesterday;he will pardon my
sayin! so;6 thin he was a little ner$ous about his case, because normally he is
not opt to !o about hittin! ri!ht and left. He has !i$en this House the $ery !ood
e+ample of $ery sound ar!uments at all time, some of them most difficult, both
here and in the Constituent )ssembly. But yesterday, he started his speech
hittin! ri!ht and left and callin! those who had mo$ed amendments and made
speeches in support of them as bein! absurd and if I remember ri!ht, as bein!
foolish and....
M. B. Bar+a,a (#-$er) " )nd de$oid of common*sense.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya" ?es, and de$oid of common*sense. 2ell, thou!h I
did not lie it, and thou!h it hurt me, still as one who does not a!ree with him in
!ettin! this Hindu Code passed as it is, I felt a little happy that the author of the
Bill was so ner$ous that he was not stable at all.
Sri 0. !. "apoor 1(ttar &radesh3" 2hen the case is poor, abuse the
Mr. Speaker" 5rder, order.
Sri sya$nandan Saaya " 0ow, it we scrutinise the pro$isions of the law
carefully, we will find that there are really some tremendous difficulties which the
mere passin! of this Code is not liely to sol$e.

KM=. '#&(T?*S&#)C#= I0 TH# CH)I=.L

)fter all, a social reform has to eep not merely the indi$idual but the whole
society in $iew. )nd if certain pro$isions of this Code are !i$en effect to, without
any consideration to the particular manner in which society has been runnin! for
a lon! time, it will end in breain! up society as it is today. Therefore, I submit
that it is necessary that this code if passed at all, should e permissi$e so that
people who would lie to be !o$erned by it may do so with their eyes wide open.
1et us also see, what was the original intention of those who decided to have a
-indu Code. I will refer you, ir, and the -ouse to an important recommendation
of the -indu 1aw Committee popularly called as 'au Committee. &t page 5A of
their report in paragraph 89, they say2
O Most of the pro$isions in the Code are of a permissi$e or enablin! nature, and
impose no sort of compulsion or obli!ation whate$er on the orthodo+. Their only
effect is to !i$e a !rowin! body of Hindus, men and women, the liberty to li$e the
li$es which they wish to lead without in anyway affectin! or infrin!in! the similar
liberty of those who prefer to adhere to the old ways 9.
This recommendation, I submit, is $ery clear and it was made after the
committee had toured round the whole country and ascertained the $iews of the
Hindu community. This recommendation must ha$e been made in all
seriousness and I submit there is no reason for us now to depart from this $ery
important decision of the Committee, whose recommendations are the basis of
the Code which we are considerin! today. I do not now whether the mass of
e$idence collected by this Committee has been carefully !one into and if it is so
done. I ha$e no doubt in my mind that the ,o$ernment of India will come to a
similar decision with re!ard to the applicability of this measure.
Some friends yesterday made a su!!estion about tain! a referendum on this
$ery important issue. Here a!ain we find the Hon. Law Minister wholly opposed
to it and not only that but the clima+ was reached when he said that the
electorate are i!norant and they are people who do not now anythin! about this
Sri Bara&i 1Madras3" )bout the technicalities of the matter.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya" ?ou heard his speech and so did 6. The records
are here. It is not a %uestion of technicality at all. #$ery member of the Hindu
community in this country nows fully what he wants so far as his reli!ious and
social laws are concerned and there will be no difficulty, in my opinion, in tain!
a referendum on a %uestion lie this. 2hen I recalled that he who was the main
architect of the Constitution of India and he who was an ardent ad$ocate of adult
franchise should now spea so dispara!in!ly about democratic methods, it was
not only a surprise but a shoc to me and I thou!ht within myself whether what
the Hon. Law Minister himself said yesterday about the leopard not chan!in!
spots was as true today as when it was said. 2e cannot for!et that where$er or
whene$er democracy is inau!urated they do not start it with the entire electorate
bein! as educated, as one would lie them to be. Let us not for!et that
democracy is its own teacher and the more you consult your electorate the more
you !i$e them the chance to e+press their opinion, the more conscious and the
more educated you mae them. I therefore submit for the consideration of the
Law Minister that there cannot be a more appropriate method of consultin! the
electorate today than a referendum on the Hindu Code. )fter all whether the
electorate today is politically conscious to that e+tent or not, it certainly will ha$e
to be admitted that so far as reli!ious sentiments and feelin!s and reli!ious laws
are concerned they are fully conscious and if you as any man in the streets of a
town or $illa!e, he will be able to tell you what is !ood for him. I therefore submit
that e$en now there is a chance and opportunity and the Law Minister will do well
to consult the electorate on a matter lie this.
#n Hon. Me$ber: He is his own electorateJ
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: But if he chooses not to do so as it appears, then
I will submit to him to mae the law a permissi$e le!islation. If he maes the law
an obli!atory le!islation;6 do not now for what he will tae my warnin! worth;
but let me tell him that he will fail in his attempt as did the Sla$e Cin!s of yore;
the Lodis, the Tu!hlas, the Chil-is, the Sayyids and the Mo!uls;who attempted
in $ain to eradicate the old reli!ion and the old reli!ious laws, which he called
archaic yesterday. I ha$e no doubt that his attempt at endin! what he called
archaic laws will fail in the same manner as did the attempts of others similarly
placed in authority for thousands of years. There is somethin! more than mere
laws in the Hindu system of Social Codes. Its foundations ha$e been much more
deeply laid and could not be shaen by le!islations passed in such haste without
consultin! the people affected.
2hen listenin! to the speech of the Hon. Law Minister I was reminded of a
story which for a lon! time was published by the Amrita Ba@ar !atrika year after
year on a particular day. The story was about an old &andit and &andits are
pro$erbially poor. His wife pestered him from time to time about finance for
runnin! the household. The &andit was able to for out a rupee or two now and
then to enable the household to be carried on. 5ne fine mornin! he struc upon
somethin! $ery no$el and told his wife, 9 ?ou need not worry about funds any
more. I ha$e found out a de$ice by which I can !et a lah of rupees.9 The wife
ased him what was the de$ice. He said 9 I ha$e composed a few couplets last
ni!ht and I shall !o to the =a-a tomorrow mornin! and place before him the
couplets. I will tell him that if he could find any &andit in his $urar who will be
able to interpret the couplets then I would pay him a lah of rupees. If, on the
other hand, no one can interpret my couplets the =a-a would ha$e to pay me a
lah of rupees.9 The wife lau!hed and said 9 ?ou must be a fool. Supposin!
some one interpreted the couplets, where are you !oin! to !et the one lah from
to pay to the =a-a / 9 The &andit in his turn lau!hed and said 9 ?ou ladies ha$e
no ima!ination. ?ou people ne$er had any since creation.........9
#n Hon. Me$ber" Is it your opinion /
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: 0ot mine, it is the &andit.s opinion. I cannot spea
so dispara!in!ly of women. Continuin!, the &andit said9 It is $ery simple.9 She
ased what was it and the &andit said, 9 I shall accept no interpretation. The
&andits will come and !o and I shall accept nobody.s interpretation. I will say that
is not the interpretation and ultimately the =a-a will ha$e to for out the one lah
of rupees.9 #$en so whate$er ad$ice or su!!estion or opinion we may e+press
here., if the Hon. Law Minister is in the mood of the &andit what can we do / 2e
ha$e to appeal to him and tell him what is the opinion outside. I ha$e no doubt
that he will depend upon us for !i$in! him such information as we are capable of
!atherin! by !oin! round our constituencies......
Dr. #$bedkar: I ha$e more information than you ha$e.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: ?ou may ha$e more than what I personally ha$e
but I am talin! of the Members of the House and I am not talin! of myself only.
I dare not say that I ha$e more information than you ha$e.........
#n Hon. Me$ber: 2hat about the lah of rupees /
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya " The &andit !ot the lah of rupees all ri!ht.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a 1&un-ab3 " Has the Hon. Minister not admitted
before in this House that public opinion does not fa$our this Bill /
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: Has he / I am $ery !lad. That $ery stron!ly
supports my case. If that is so, then there is no !round for the Hon. Minister to
come to this House at all with this Code. In any case the difficulty arises when
you come into power " then, naturally apart from power, one has also the feelin!
that one has the nowled!e, the information, which no one else possesses. Mr.
,ladstone was once rebued by Pueen Eictoria by remarin!, 9 ?ou must now,
Mr. &rime Minister, that I am the Pueen, the So$erei!n of #n!land 9 )nd
,ladstone hit bac by sayin!. 9 ?es, ?our Ma-esty, but I am the people of
#n!land 9. So, you Mr. Law Minister may be today the So$erei!n of India., we
are the &eople of India, and if you don.t listen to us you will !o the way the
so$erei!ns ha$e !one. 2hether you lie it or you don.t, this is what will happen.
This matter of the Hindu Code, in my opinion, should not be taen; pardon
my sayin! so;as it is bein! taen. =eli!ious reforms and social reforms are
certainly necessary. 0o one could possibly !et up in this House and say, 9 0o,
we shall stay where we are 9. 2hat are we then asin! you to do / 2e are only
asin! that the le!islation be made permissi$e. Let the people now all about it.
Let them thin o$er the matter and ha$in! considered the whole matter if they
thin it is for the betterment of the country, for the betterment of the society, they
will accept it. But do not for ,od.s sae mae it obli!atory.
Sri !. /elayudan 1Tra$ancore*Cochin3" Then what is the meanin! of a
le!islation / 2hy ha$e it /
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : I will e+plain to you presently what is the meanin!
of le!islation. ?ou are perhaps fresh to a le!islature. 5therwise you would not
ha$e ased that %uestion. )nyway I will reply to you in a few minutes.
Sri !. /elayudan: I ha$e read the Hindu Code.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: ?ou ha$e read the Hindu Code. That is !ood
enou!h. Then you will !o to hea$en strai!ht.
If you loo at the le!islation and the different parts of it, you will find that on
$arious details certain e+ceptions ha$e been made in the Code itself. 0ow, the
Code e+cludes in certain respects the two communities followin!
-arumakkattayam and Aliyasantana laws. )nd yesterday the Hon. Law Minister
said that he was omittin! sub*clause 1B3 to allow some type of married men to be
!o$erned by the Succession )ct, that is those who were married under the
Special Marria!es )ct.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: He said it was more liberal.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: 2ell, if it is more liberal for them I do not see why
the more liberal law should not be !ood for e$erybody. He is codifyin! the Hindu
Law;not layin! down any new but brin!in! up*to*date in certain respects the
e+istin! laws and brin!in! in some reforms. If you want you can be more liberal
;who pre$ents you/ But after all, if you claim that one of the main purposes of
this )ct in the first place is to codify the Hindu Law, eepin! in $iew the different
rulin!s and different interpretations and main! the best use of them and also
introducin! pro!ressi$e reforms;if that is so then I don.t see why you should
ha$e one set of succession laws for one class of married Hindus and another set
for another class. If you want to do it, do it. There is no use sayin! that such of
our friends here who ad$ocate the passin! of a Ci$il Code do not really want it.
&ardon me for sayin! so, but let me assure the Hon. Law Minister that it is not
so. The feelin! is that if you want to put the whole country on a certain basis
e$en if it meant some sacrifice, do so and we will !ladly accept it. But you pic
and choose and sin!le out one community who perhaps would not be prepared
to fi!ht with you on that issue. If you pic out that community and do what you
lie with it, and the rest say, 9 'on.t touch our reli!ious susceptibilities 9, then that
is where the real difficulty arises.
Then the Code already e+cludes customary laws which will operate in spite of
the Hindu Code. #+clusion has also been permitted for those who were
!o$erned by separate customs althou!h they may be belon!in! to the Hindu
community " so that it will be found that these differences and these e+clusions,
these permissions to be able to be !o$erned by another law are already found to
the Code. I therefore submit that it is not really asin! too much of the Hon. Law
Minister and of this House to mae this Code a permissi$e le!islation.
There are other difficulties also which I would lie to mention for the ind and
sympathetic consideration of the Hon. Law Minister. >or instance, it is laid down
that all di$orces henceforth will ha$e to be re!istered. 2hen I read this;not only
this but other para!raphs and other sections of the Code;6 felt lie e+claimin!
that the Code was really a hea$en for lawyers, and that if anyone was !oin! to
profit or benefit by this it would be the past collea!ues in law courts of the Hon.
Minister. ?ou may pass this Code tomorrow. Supposin! we all a!ree that we
shall not discuss this le!islation any more and we pass it tomorrow, e$en if we
do so do we really and seriously thin that the people li$in! in the $illa!es, whom
the Hon. Law Minister refuses to consult by a referendum because they are
i!norant, will from day after tomorrow start re!isterin! all their di$orces and all
their marria!es/
Dr. #$bedkar: There is no pro$ision for re!isterin! di$orces.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : I am sorry if I tae time but before the House
rises I shall read out to the Hon. Minister this pro$ision. I ha$e already tabled an
amendment on that clause.
Sri Bara&i" =e!istration for marria!es only. There is no re!istration for
di$orces. ?ou mae a mistae.
Mr. Depu&y-Speaker: The hon. Member e$idently means that there can be
under the Code no di$orce e+cept by a decree of court.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: ?es. The hon. Member has a!ain drawn a
distinction between tweedledum and tweedledee thou!h it was not e+pected that
he of all persons would tae recourse to these. 2ell, if it is not re!istration and if
it is only throu!h law courts, then it stren!thens my ar!ument all the more. Is it
possible to ima!ine, when we ha$e a $ast ma-ority of people;thirty*three crores
;many of them li$in! in rural areas, not nowin! anythin! about procedural laws
and rules, is it possible to ima!ine each of them !oin! to court for marria!e and
di$orce / I had thou!ht it was only re!istration where the lawyers would !et $ery
little fee. But if it is the law courts then I ha$e no doubt, and the house and the
Hon. Law Minister will a!ree with me, that it is a hea$en for the lawyers. In this
$ast country at least for some time to come;6 should say for a lon! time to
come, but certainly for some time to come;there is no -ustification for such an
obli!atory le!islation to be passed. ,i$e them the chance;if they thin it is
necessary then let them adopt it.
2e ha$e said a lot and the Code also claims for itself a $ery !reat and
pro!ressi$e position when you say we are !i$in! this and we are !i$in! that to
the women of our country. I suppose that up to a certain point there is somethin!
to be said about it. But if we study the social conditions today amon! the Hindus,
shall we not a!ree that these ladies in their households are almost each of them
an )le+ander unto herself / ?ou want to reduce that position of bein! the
monarch of all they sur$ey to that of a mere partner and you now what respect
partners e$oe, particularly when you are doin! away with the -oint family
system. In a -oint family system, the partners had a certain respect and position.
There was inter*dependence and therefore one partner cared for the other
partner. But ha$in! done away with the -oint family system, you want to reduce
the women to the position of a partner. If you are a partner, you ha$e your set
ri!hts and your set %uota. Today, the women are the masters of the whole
Dr. #$bedkar: ?es, $ery much.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: Tomorrow, you will mae them partners.
#n Hon. Me$ber: &artners in what /
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya" &artners in property.
#n Hon. Me$ber: 0ot in life /
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: I meant partners in property. )fter all, she !ets
somethin! from her father.s house. She is the owner of that. She feels she has
!ot somethin! by herself. 2hy should you not mae her depend upon the newly
ac%uired house of her husband / ?ou now, after all, properties create
difficulties. I now of families, not one but many, where the power of attorney by
the wife is not held by the husband but by some other person.
Dr. #$bedkar: There may be $ery !ood reason for it.
Shri Syamnandan Sahaya" That is what your Code will reduce the Hindu
community to . If some people lie it, then of course I ha$e no ob-ection to their
adoptin! it.
Sri !a- Baadur: Hence the necessity for di$orce.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: I now youn! people lie you are $ery an+ious to
ha$e di$orce laws, but there are other people who ha$e to thin of your welfare.
So, these are the difficulties about this le!islation and before I resume my seat
I would stron!ly ur!e upon this House and the Hon. the Law Minister to accept
the amendment of main! this le!islation permissi$e. 5therwise, I am afraid it
will not be taen so li!htly by Hindus as ,o$ernment lin. It is !oin! to create a
!reat furore in the country.
Dr. #$bedkar: No.
Sri Hi$a&sin+ka 12est Ben!al3" 'r. )mbedar is not afraid.
Dr. #$bedkar" I don.t thin so at all.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya " I ha$e no doubt in my mind that the Hon. the Law
Minister is not afraid. He need not be afraid either. I had attempted not to say
this, but I am doin! so now. 2hen I was last in my constituency, some people
came to me and said, 9 ?ou ha$e not been a Con!ressman before 9 I said,9 ?es,
I ha$e not been a Con!ressman before.9 They said,9 ?ou also dine with Muslims
and are not orthodo+ and you are not a $ery de$out Hindu.9 I said, 9 ?es. I am
not a $ery orthodo+ Hindu in that sense.9 )nd then they said, 9 Is it therefore that
this Hindu Code has been in$ented which has the effect of a bullet that ills two
birds at the same lime, namely, the Hindu community and the Con!ress / If the
Con!ress ,o$ernment is not circumspect and responsi$e to public opinion e$en
after this, let them !o the way they lie. The country and the people will decide
what to do with them.9
Sri #la+esan 1Madras3 " (nfortunately yesterday the House was plun!ed
into a mood which detracted $ery much from the seriousness of the measure that
is before us. I am !lad that we ha$e now re!ained the proper mood loo consider
it more seriously than before. ?esterday, the Hon. the Law Minister put up a $ery
$i!orous plea for the acceptance of the Code and his amendments. He is always
a superb ad$ocate. )part from the content of his speech, the tone and the
manner of it brou!ht e$en those who oppose him $ery near !ettin! con$inced.
Sri /enka&ara$an 1Madras3" But you were not.
Sri C. Subra$ania$ 1Madras3 " That is why he said 9 $ery near 9.
Sri #la+esan: I would lie to be completely con$inced, but I am sorry to say
that I am not con$inced. I would still ur!e the Hon. the Law Minister to brin!
forward a common ci$il code, thou!h he derided the idea and e$en went to the
len!th of attributin! moti$es to those who wanted such a thin!. >or instance, he
ased" 9 How is it possible that those who oppose the Hindu Code tooth and nail
would accept a common ci$il code /9 He %uestioned their moti$es. But I would
respectfully as him. 9 2hy is it that they ob-ect to this Hindu Code /9 Is it not
due to the fact;partly at least;that it does not apply to the entire nation / It
applies only to one community, howe$er lar!e a section it may be. Thus, this
Code is only a sectional measure and it is not a common measure for all. Is not
the opposition to it, at least partly, due to this fact it does not embrace the entire
nation and the entire community /
)!ain, he said that he would produce le!islation tomorrow, as if anybody
doubted his capacity to produce le!islati$e te+ts. He threatened to brin! the te+t
of a common and uni$ersal code tomorrow and confront the House with
considerin! it. But that is not the main thin! about it. If he proposes to confront
this House with a common ci$il code, then it has to be considered in all its
aspects and bearin!s by one and all and he will be the first person to come
forward with amendments to that code. He said yesterday that no le!al in!enuity
can impro$e upon the Indian Succession )ct, but I am sure, the artist that he is,
he will !o on amendin! e$en the best piece of le!islation. #$en for this Hindu
Code, we find that his amendments are lar!er in number than the amendments
proposed by any other Member. He can amend, and amend because others
want it and desire it.
&gain, he went on to expatiate on the sovereign and supreme nature of this
"arliament. /obody ever Euestioned it, but the sovereignty and the supreme
nature of this -ouse need not have been affirmed at the cost of an insult to the
master of this -ouse. !hat was the unfortunate part of it. !hough we are a
sovereign body, we are subCect to the people$s will and our sanction is the
people$s will.
Babu !a$narayan Sin+ 1Bihar3" Hear, hear.
Dr. #$bedkar : 2hy don.t you li$e in the $illa!e rather than li$e here / ?ou
will be a better master there than you are here.
Sri #la+esan : I wish to put a counter %uestion to the Hon. the Law Minister.
He said that those who oppose the Hindu Code cannot a!ree to a common ci$il
code. It is impossible, he said, because he new those persons $ery well.
#$erybody nows that the new elections will be held all o$er the country for this
&arliament as well as for the le!islatures of the $arious States within a year.s
time. It is not necessary that because this House is so$erei!n and supreme it
should tae upon itself the tas of le!islatin! on each and e$ery sub-ect. It may
postpone some le!islation" it may lea$e, with profit, some le!islation to the
House that will be elected within a $ery short time, and I do not doubt that the
Hon. the Law Minister will concede that the new House that is !oin! to be
elected will ha$e more time and will certainly be better placed and will certainly
reflect the latest opinion and mood and temper of the people than this House can
e$er do. 2ill he not concede that such a House will be better placed to enact this
piece of le!islation than this house is / )nd if he does not choose to do it, if he
does not choose to lea$e the matter in the hands of the House that is to come, is
it due to the fact that he is afraid that this measure will not be passed by that
House/ Shall I attribute such a moti$e to him, thou!h I would not lie to do it/
(An &on. -emer " ?ou ha$e done it.3 2hy then does he fi!ht shy of placin! this
all*comprehensi$e codification of Hindu law, before the new &arliament of this
country / I thin he should satisfactorily answer this %uestion.
But the chief complaint a!ainst the present ,o$ernment, if one can say so, is
this. )fter we ha$e succeeded in our re$olution, we ha$e failed more in the
psycholo!ical sphere than in other spheres. 2e ha$e failed to enthuse the
people" we ha$e failed to strie that emotional chord in the people which alone
binds them to us. #$erybody is worried on this account. 2hy/ It is !ood that we
consider this %uestion and e+amine it a little more carefully. In my opinion, we
ha$e decided lar!ely on a policy of carry*o$er. 2e simply carry on the old
traditions and we ha$e not done anythin! to show a striin! chan!e which
appeals to the people. This Hindu Code is an instance in point. It has been
concei$ed under %uite different circumstances, when we were under the
impression that e$erythin! that is Hindu is wron! and cannot be correct. 2e
wanted to reform, we wanted to chan!e, but not with a proper appreciation, in my
opinion. 2e are simply carryin! that o$er. 2e are tryin! to model the Hindu
Code as a code that will apply to the Hindu community, thou!h it is a $ery !reat
community in this country, and not to all. It is because we ha$e failed to
introduce any inno$ation that we are in this mess. 2e ha$e !ot e$erythin! that
!oes to mae an emotional appeal to the people and yet we ha$e striin!ly failed
in that field. That is somethin! lie a play with all the ace actors and yet the play
fails to impress the audience. 5ur performance I shall lien to that.
2hat is the reaction that we ha$e produced in the country by brin!in! forward
this measure / Supposin! we had brou!ht forward a common measure that
would ha$e applied to one and all. Then there would ha$e been an electrical
chan!e in the atmosphere in the country 8 there would ha$e been an atmosphere
of realism with re!ard to this measure. 2e would ha$e been able to consider this
measure more realistically than we are at present doin!. )nd that we ha$e failed
to do. If we had done that we would ha$e con$inced the entire country that we
are tain! cud!els a!ainst and demolishin! all differences based on caste and
reli!ion in the true spirit of our secular democracy. 2e would ha$e incidentally
translated our ideal of secular democracy into action and would ha$e con$inced
e$erybody. 0ow there is not e$en a ripple on the surface e+cept the placid
placard holders outside this House and the imposin! police cordon 8 and perhaps
occasional crowds in the !alleries in multi*hued saris. 2e ha$e not succeeded in
producin! any !reater effect than this. But, I am sure that if the Hon. the Law
Minister were to come forward with a common code that will embrace all
communities, then the whole country will tae interest in it and try to be more
realistic about it. I may also $enture to say that the reaction outside our country
would also be much better, because at present we are held up to ridicule in the
outside world by interested parties that we are a nation wedded to caste with the
result that our presti!e suffers. ) common code would ha$e done e$erythin! to
dispel such a misunderstandin!.
)!ain, there ha$e already been instance where the Hindu law embraced other
communities. I am told the Moplahs of Malabar, the Cutch Momins and the Cho-a
community, the followers of the )!a Chan, were all followin! the Hindu law and
were !o$erned by the Hindu law up till the year 6HAF when the Shariat )ct was
passed. I am told that e$en the author of &aistan was !o$erned by the Hindu
law. 2hen such is the case why should you fi!ht shy of brin!in! forward a
common code which will embrace all Hindus, Muslims, Christians and so on /
?esterday, the Hon. the Law Minister was $ery pleased with the speech of my
friend &andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a. He was all praise for the Code. He
showered encomium on the Hon. the Law Minister for ha$in! thou!ht fit to brin!
forward this measure. But, he made one $ery important reser$ation. He said all
this only on the condition that it should not apply to the &un-ab. He made an
obser$ation that those who ha$e mo$ed amendments are tryin! to rope in the
other communities, the non*Hindus in this )ct, and he ased whether the non*
Hindus in this House are prepared to come under this measure. He went on to
answer the %uestion himself in the ne!ati$e. But, I ha$e consulted some of the
non*Hindu Members of this House and they are %uite willin! to ha$e a common
Dr. #$bedkar : 0on* Hindus /
Sri #la+esan: ?es, non*Hindus.
Sri Bara&i: May I ha$e the names of those Members /
Sri #la+esan: The hon. Member may ha$e it later from me / )s it is, we are
doin! a !reat in-ustice to the non*Hindu Members of this House. They are unable
to tae any interest in this discussion.
Dr. #$bedkar: 2hy, Mr. 0a4ruddin )hmad has.
Sri #la+esan" He only reflects the opinion of his clients. The other non*
Hindu Members of this House simply sit bac and rela+. They are not able to
tae any li$ely interest in the discussion, if they support it they are afraid of
woundin! the susceptibilities of the orthodo+ section of the Hindus " if they
oppose it they are afraid of still more terrible elements. So they are playin! a
passi$e role.
.ro'. !an+a 1Madras3" They support the Bill.
Sri #la+esan: That is doubtful. It is, therefore, necessary that we should
mae this measure more representati$e. Because, there will be nothin!
ob-ectionable in it. If mono!amy is !ood for a Hindu it ou!ht to be e%ually !ood
for a Muslim.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: Better for him.
Sri #la+esan : The present day Indian Muslim would not, I thin, oppose it on
reli!ious !rounds, because when Muslims were permitted to marry up to four
wi$es perhaps it mi!ht ha$e been on account of the e+pandin! phase of the )rab
#mpire. They wanted to e+pand and conser$e, and so they were permitted to
marry up to four wi$es, perhaps. But now we are faced with an entirely different
situation in this country. Thou!h our &rime Minister lies and lo$es to play with
children and for!et many of his worries, he is not prepared to !reet their first
arri$al in this country. He has said so openly, and the prospect of more and more
children certainly fri!htens him as well as it fri!htens e$eryone. It is a patent fact.
I ha$e no doubt our Muslim friends will realise it and try to fall in line, whate$er
their present reli!ious law or practice may be. So it is not as if there are
insurmountable barriers in the way of e$ol$in! a common ci$il code for this
I would lie to %uote the e+ample of China. It is as ancient as our country.
)part from the ancient te+ts, they ha$e recently e$ol$ed a ci$il law which
embraces and tries to enact the three principles of the people enunciated by 'r.
Sun ?at Sen. These principles, as the House nows, are nationalism, democracy
and popular economic pro!ress. 2e can $ery well follow the e+ample of China,
as we are placed in a similar situation, and try to put in our principles, the
principles that the >ather of the 0ation placed before the country, and mae
them a reality. 0othin! would ha$e pleased him better than the brin!in! within
the ambit of one ci$il code all the !reat reli!ions that inhabit this country.
My hon. friend &andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a wa+ed elo%uent and welcomed
most of the thin!s that are found in the Code because he was sure that they
would not apply to him. He welcomed all the salient features of the Code
because he was sure that they would form the basis for the future ci$il code of
this country, and he felt that this was a ri!ht step in that direction. But I am afraid
I am unable to accept his plea. I am afraid it only side*tracs and postpones the
%uestion of e$ol$in! a ci$il code. 0ow that we ha$e done our best by the Hindu
community we would not bother about a common ci$il code, because the
impression !enerally is;and I thin there is !ood !round for it;that we are
prepared to meddle with e$erythin! that is Hindu but we are fi!htin! shy when it
concerns others.L
.ro'. !an+a8 5ne by one.
Sri #la+esan " I only wish that the prophesy of the professor will come true,
that you will approach others also and try to reform them also. But as it is, the
impression is !ainin! !round;and that is the rulin! impression;that we are
prepared here to !o only to the Hindu community and none else. )nd that in my
opinion is the chief psycholo!ical barrier to the passin! of this measure. I hope
the Hon. Law Minister with all his in!enuity will de$ise somethin! which will
dispel this misapprehension and try to con$ince not only the members of this
House but also the people outside and then launch upon his offensi$e.
Sri Bis)ana& Das 15rissa3" Sir, I than you $ery much for ha$in! !i$en
me a chance to ha$e my say in the course of discussions o$er the Hindu Code
Bill. I was really tryin! to play the role of a bacbencher in re!ard to the
discussions on this Bill. But certain $iews e+pressed by the Hon. Minister of Law
ha$e !oaded me to spea and record my protest.
In the course of his speech;need I say $ery lucid and analytical speech;he
used certain choice e+pressions which are not only unwarranted but uncalled for.
He has declined the demand for a referendum. I am not $ery much in fa$our of a
referendum. I am not $ery much in fa$our of a referendum after all that has taen
place. But to call it . absurd . is as absurd as the absurdity itself. ?ou are !oin! to
le!islate on $ery important matters, namely, %uestions relatin! to marria!e,
di$orce, adoption, -oint family, women.s property, succession, maintenance and
the rest. The Hon. the Law Minister himself has reco!nised and admitted that the
system of Hindu Law in$ol$es not only the le!al frames of the society but also of
our reli!ious precepts would it be fair for him to tae up the le!islation of such
important %uestions which concern the society, the life and li$in! of crores of
people of this country, without consultin! the people themsel$es / In the course
of his speech he stated that he does not now of any country where a plebiscite
is taen for le!islation. #$en in ordinary matters, such as nationalisation and the
rest, important political parties ha$e refused to undertae such responsibility in a
democracy. They dissol$e &arliament and !o and tae the mandate of the
country on such important issues. I would as the Hon. Minister whether the
principles in$ol$ed in the Bill are less important than those in #n!land and
elsewhere where &arliaments ha$e been dissol$ed and a mandate of the people
has been demanded and taen. 'oes it come well from him to say that these are
not matters on which a popular mandate is necessary. Let me not thin of a
plebiscite or e$en a dissolution of &arliament or anythin! of the nature
demanded by some of my friends thou!h those are rele$ant, lo!ical and
constitutional. 2e are an indirectly elected Le!islature. &arliament has to carry
on business till the House is duly constituted. It is more or less in the nature of a
caretaer &arliament I do not dispute the technical ri!ht of this House to pass
any le!islation. But constitutionally, it loos to me odd to say that on such an
important le!islation as this, we are to be refused to tae the mandate of the
people. Is it because he is well impressed of the fact that the people on
consultation would not allow him to !o on with the le!islation/ 5therwise, where
is the need on his insistence not to put off le!islation, which is han!in! fire so
lon! and also to insist upon one %uestion, namely, that it shall be passed only in
this House. I as why in this House/ 2hat sin has this &arliament committed/ Is
it because it is an indirectly elected le!islature/ I would tell him that he is as
!ood a representati$e as myself. I am elected by the &ro$incial le!islature of the
State of 5rissa and he is elected by the State Le!islature of Bombay. I ha$e a
ri!ht to as the Hon. Minister whether he has consulted his electorate and
whether he has !ot the mandate of his electorate in this re!ard.
Dr. #$bedkar: I do not want a mandate.
Sri Bis)ana& Das" ?ou do not want a mandate. That is the sort of
responsibility you owe to your constituency and that is the sort of constitutional
notion that you want to inculcate into the people of our country. I will only refer
my hon. friend to the &reamble of the Constitution which this House has enacted
and to which my hon. friend, the Minister of Law has made a $ery notable
contribution. The &reamble of the Constitution says " 9...... to constitute India into
a So$erei!n 'emocratic =epublic and to secure to all its citi4ens" @ustice, social,
economic and political 8 ......9I want to as him whether this is his sense of
democracy to say 9 I refuse to consult the illiterate masses who ha$e sent me
here, who ha$e !i$en me the chance of representin! the &ro$ince and which has
!i$en me the chance of assumin! the reins of office as a Minister.9 Sir, all this is
under the Constitution. 2e assure all its citi4ens social, economic and abo$e all
political -ustice. I would -oin issue with my hon. friend if he says that he has not
assured political -ustice to the people of the country, because he refuses to
consult them, the $ery electorate that ha$e sent him here.
Dr. #$bedkar" 0e+t time they won.t elect me.
Sri Bis)ana& Das : It does not matter. ?ou can stand by yourself. ?ou do
not need their $ote and that is the reason why you find it an easy safety*$al$e.
Dr. #$bedkar : I care more for the Code than for my election.
Sri Bis)ana& Das : I am not thinin! of my election. I am thinin! of my
responsibility as an elected Member of this &arliament.
Dr. #$bedkar" It is one o.cloc. Ha$e you concluded/
Sri Bis)ana& Das: I will continue in the afternoon.
%he &ouse then ad'ourned for (unch till &alf !ast %)o of the Clock.

%he &ouse re+assemled after (aunch at &alf !ast %)o of the Clock.
KM=. '#&(T?*S&#)C#= /0 %&E C&A/1.

Sri Bis)ana& Das : Sir, in the course of my speech this mornin!, I was speain! how, in
democratic countries, when important, le!islations and %uestions ha$e to be taen up and are
bein! placed on the statute boo, the party foresees the le!islation, ......
Sri !a$ra- 0a-)are 1Bihar3" 5n a point of order. Sir. There is no Member on the Treasury
Mr. Depu&y-Speaker: It is re!rettable that there is nobody to represent ,o$ernment. The
Minister of Law has -ust come in.
Sri Bis)ana& Das "... places its pro!ramme before the country in the form of a manifesto,
then on the basis of that manifesto, elections tae place, and the party !ets a $ote in fa$our of
the principles for which it stands. I claim that nothin! of that ind is possible in an indirectly
elected le!islature as the present &arliament is. 0one*the*less, we ha$e an electorate. That
electorate is an enli!htened electorate. 0either the Hon. the Law Minister nor his friends in this
House or outside this House could say that the electorate to which we ha$e the honour to
belon! is not enli!htened. They are no other than the Members of the State le!islatures. I claim
that ,o$ernment and the Law Minister should ha$e taen necessary steps in this re!ard to
consult the State Le!islati$e )ssemblies on this important le!islation by re%uestin! them to
ha$e their say in the matter, which would ha$e !i$en an opportunity to the country to spea
itself. )t the same time, it would ha$e made the passa!e of this le!islation easy and con$enient"
easy because with the command !i$en by our electorate, it would not ha$e been possible for
the hon. Members of this House to oppose this le!islation without resi!nin! their seats 8
con$enient because no one would ha$e had the audacity to say, 9 I differ from this le!islation
and yet I continue to be a Member of the House 9. 0o one could ha$e it both ways. 0o one
could afford to be a Member of the House and refuse to carry out the mandate of the electorate.
Therefore I claim that the Hon. the Law Minister as also ,o$ernment ha$e failed in this
important respect, which was and is still open to them. I a!ree with the Hon. Law Minister,
thou!h differin! from him that this le!islation is ur!ent, and immediate to be passed in this
By all means do not tae recourse to a plebiscite8 but the time is still there to mae a
reference to the State le!islatures. )fter all, we are not !oin! to pass this Bill in this Bud!et
session. I may, in this connection, state that I for myself doubt the sincerity of ,o$ernment
re!ardin! the need for passa!e of this Bill.
Se,eral Hon. Me$bers: 0o, no.
Sri Bis)ana& Das " My hon. friends who are an+ious may say, no, no. I ha$e a ri!ht to put
forward my point of $iew in presentin! my case before the Members of &arliament. If they were
really an+ious, it would not ha$e come before this House for discussion for three days. 2hat is
the meanin! behind it / I must franly confess that I am unable to understand how in a
le!islation of this nature, in respect of which there are wide differences amon! us and protests
all o$er the country, the Law Minister or the Cabinet e+pects that these could be sol$ed and the
Bill could be placed on the statute boo within three days as my hon. friend Mr. B. 'as was
claimin!. I refuse to li$e in a fool.s paradise. ) le!islation of this nature, unless it is to be
pursued throu!h a party mandate, has to continue from day to day and each person bein!
allowed to ha$e his say in the matter and try to place his points, if possible, for the acceptance
of the House. (nder these circumstances, I $ery much doubt the wisdom of the Hon. Law
Minister in allottin! three days, and that in this Bud!et session when you ha$e not only to pass
the =ailway Bud!et, and the ,eneral Bud!et, but ha$e also forty or fifty important Bills that are
pendin!. ,o$ernment say that they are hard*pressed for money. The newspapers announce
that fresh ta+ation is awaited. I do not now how far that is correct. If there is any spec of truth
in that, I ha$e a ri!ht to as the hon. Members on the Treasury Benches as to what they ha$e
done re!ardin! the passa!e of the #state 'uty Bill which is han!in! fire for the last one and a
half years. I claim that first thin!s should come first. 2hat is the problem that you ha$e sol$ed
up till now/ ?ou ha$e sol$ed no problem8 but you ha$e succeeded in creatin! problems. I
belie$e, therefore, that ,o$ernment, or at least the Law Minister is not an+ious, nor is he $ery
alert to see that this le!islation is passed into law. If they were so, a special sittin! that was
promised by the Leader of the House should ha$e been con$eyed, or a special session could
be con$ened to discuss the Bill thorou!hly and pass it into law.
Sir, you will pardon me if I say that the Hon. Law Minister would not ha$e dealt with the House
in the way he is proposin! to do, hurlin! insults upon indi$idual Members of the House if it were
not for the declaration of the hon. the Leader of the House that he stands or falls with this Code.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : >or!et that. That is not the position now.
Sri Bis)ana& Das: I am not speain! to the Members " I am speain! to you. Sir. I will be
happy if the Members will lea$e me alone, thou!h I $ery much lie and appreciate their help.
Therefore, I claim that the Hon. Law Minister has not .been fair to the hon. Members of this
Then, I come to the second assertion that he made and that is the declaration that there is
lac of common*sense in those who demand a common code for India. 2hy / I should ha$e
been !lad to be fa$oured with reasons for an insult which I claim is not merited. He said not only
that but he proceeded further and said that he could present a Ci$il Code in two days.
Dr. #$bedkar: ?es.
Sri Bis)ana& Das : Then by all means, let him do so. 2e ha$e been waitin! for it for the
last so many months. If it is possible to let us ha$e a common Ci$il Code in two days, by all
means let us ha$e it. Let him then fa$our us with it.
Dr. #$bedkar: That will do, Mr. 'as. ?ou will e+haust yoursel$es. Conser$e your ener!y.
?ou are not in best of health, I find.
Sri Bis)ana& Das: I tae note of the ad$ice tendered by my hon. friend.
I do confess that the caste system will do no !ood to India, that the sooner it !oes the better. I
cannot thin of a society li$in! on the Bhat &andi system, on a system which says that if anyone
touches my pot of Bhat or cooed rice, or my roti, caste is $iolated, because he does not belon!
to my caste. That is harmful. Let us do away with that system. The sooner we do that the better.
)t the same time, do I not realise that my ancestors, my forefathers ha$e founded a system
much nobler and much hi!her than the Bhat &andi system/
Chaturvarnya maya srushta ,unakarma s)ahavashah "
I created the four Earnas 1i.e., fourfold castes3 accordin! to the =unas 1i.e., %ualities3, Aarmas
1i.e., action3and the svahavas 1i.e., natures3
Ha$e the frame*wor on the lines laid down in the ,ita;that will be acceptable to all. Instead,
what does my hon. friend do / Instead of tain! me upwards he taes me downwards. I could
a!ree to !o with him upwards, but......
Sri 0. !. "apoor: To hea$en and not to hell.
Sri Bis)ana& Das: To hea$en or mid*hea$en, but I refuse to !o with him downwards.
Dr. #$bedkar: ?ou do not now how to choose your friends.
Sri Bis)ana& Das: I am !lad I ha$e committed that blunder. 2ell, a common Code is not
unnown. In &ortu!uese India you ha$e it to*day. There are Hindus li$in! in &ortu!uese India.
2hy not ha$e it in India which is far more ad$anced than &ortu!uese India / )nd if it is so easy
to ha$e a common Ci$il Code as my hon. friend says it is, let him come forward with it, and he
will find at least some of those who are now a!ainst him will be with him. But, in respect of this
Hindu Code, we cannot and we will ne$er a!ree to !o alon! with him. ?ou cannot touch Muslim
society, because then it will be the cry of reli!ion bein! in dan!er. ?ou cannot touch Christian
society, then also it will be a %uestion of reli!ion bein! in dan!er. But you can ic Hindu society
and ha$e your new e+periments propa!ated in that society with ruthless uniformity. 2e cannot
a!ree. Bein! a man of si+ty, I cannot a!ree with my hon. friend in his constitution of a society
based on rationalism. In our country there had been eternal strife between spiritualism and
rationality, and in that fi!ht it is spiritualism that has come out and rationalism has !one down,
and the rationalists were branded 0astikas and the spiritualists as Astikas. I refuse to be 0astik.
The form of society that the Hon. Minister proposes throu!h his Hindu Code is nothin! short of
a society for which a!itation was carried on in India in days of yore, and the country as a whole
re-ected it and the country today I mae bold to say, will re-ect and is bound to re-ect it. If my
hon. friend refuses to lea$e it for option, it is because of his apprehension that society will not
!o with him. If he is afraid of a plebiscite it is because of his apprehension that he cannot carry
the country with him. If he is afraid of any other le!islature but a paced &arliament in an
indirectly elected le!islature, it is because of his apprehension that so bitter a pill as this cannot
be swallowed by any other. It is these apprehensions that mae the hon. Minister and those of
his way of thinin! to rush the measure throu!h this Le!islature. Because my leader the Hon.
the &rime Minister stated that he stands or falls by this Code, and thou!h that statement was
made without the concurrence of the party, we ha$e to stand by him. )nd we do stand by him,
and I appeal to him and I do so throu!h the Hon. Minister of Law ......
Dr. #$bedkar: ) bad medium.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: But that is the only medium left.
Sri Bis)ana& Das " If it is a bad medium, I lea$e it and I would appeal to you. Sir, for
that is the only medium left to me now. Mr.
Depu&y-Speaker: This medium is colourless.
Sri Bis)ana& Das: I appeal to him to eleminate the most contro$ersial items in the Code
so that there may be an easy passa!e. I ha$e already stated, and I repeat it, that we cannot
a!ree to this Code, and so far as I am concerned, e$en on my death*bed I will record my
protest and say 9 no 9 to any attempt to constitute Hindu society on a rationalistic basis, as is
bein! proposed in this Bill.
My hon. friend said that he was only main! the le!islation easy. )s a student I new, and
most of my friends here also now that we were accustomed to read not te+t*boos but 9 made
easies 9. Some of the professors of the Calcutta uni$ersity used to mae a lot of money by
brin!in! out such 9 made easies 9 editions. )nd I now the terrible trouble that the students had
to tae because of this. Hon. Members will find reference in the Calcutta (ni$ersity
Commission.s =eport; I thin it is the Sadler Commission.s =eport;to the system of
crammin!. It is called the 9 crammi! system 9 and I refuse to follow that crammin! system in
Hindu Code 8 and I implore my hon. friend not to thin of constitutin! any society;lea$e alone
Hindu society; on the basis of;6 ha$e no other e+pression by which to call it; of crammin!.
To !i$e an illustration from ordinary life there are amon! #aidyas both learned and %uacs.
The learned vaidya ne$er taes to rasa or pashan" they dread them. But a %uac throws open
his atua and immediately treats you with rasa and, pashan, such as mercury and arsenic. I
refuse to ha$e this arsenic treatment from my hon. friend and I would be! of him not to apply
the treatment to a society which has li$ed thousands of years with harmony. Looin! at the
history of the world you will see that the Hindu family or the Hindu home is the only happy home
you find. There may be difficulties in some cases, they are bound to arise in a society of AI
crores of people. But the fact remains that you do not ha$e here the horrible and tra!ic incidents
that mar the social life of the 2est. I do not say that our society does not want chan!es, it does.
Ha$e chan!es by re$olution or e$olution as you lie but let proper consideration be !i$en to
them before you launch on a le!islation of this character.
2hile talin! of marria!e under this Code, my hon. friend from Bihar, who is a-urist of
eminence, stated that in marria!e, the husband and wife are partners. I -oin issue with him on
that. The Bill does not mae them partners. If they were partners I would ha$e little difficulty in
acceptin! it. But the Law Minister is brin!in! contractual relations, thereby doin! away with the
sanctity of marria!es en-oined by samskara. He is introducin! contractual relationship of the
2estern type into our society and enforcin! it in all its ri!idity by means of re!istration. )re you
!oin! to ha$e le!islation for . ha$es . or . ha$e nots . / If you want to ha$e le!islation for . ha$es .
by all means ha$e it with all your pleaders,$ails advocates, etc......
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : . ha$es . do you mean those who ha$e wi$es /
Sri Bis)ana& Das " I am not concerned with them. ?ou !o to the mofussil. India li$es in its
$illa!es and Indian life is $illa!e life. Barrin! the few upper class people, the rest of the people
celebrate their marria!es for ten, 67 or e$en less in some cases. ?ou are now !oin! to ha$e
re!istration departments with all their formalities, main! it more e+pensi$e.
I want to now from my hon. friend whether he has calculated what the e+pense under this
head is !oin! to be to the State. I record my stron!est ca$eat in this re!ard a!ainst the Bills that
ha$e been thrust upon this House without any calculation of the e+penditure that a Bill entails
on State Treasury in its operation. I was a member of the old le!islati$e council and I now that
under the 'e$olution =ules it was a part of the business of the then irresponsible ,o$ernment
to calculate the financial implications of each Bill. I ha$e a claim to as my hon. friend to !i$e us
the financial implications of a Bill of this important nature and the e+penditure it will in$ol$e on
the State treasury.

KM=. S&#)C#= I0 TH# CH)I=L
?ou are !oin! to ha$e your cases mostly decided by the district court, which means a hi!her
court than the Munsiff.s court. )s a member I am bein! called upon to !i$e my assent to this
Bill. I ha$e a ri!ht to now what is the money that I ha$e to spend under each of the items. ?ou
are !oin! to open re!istration department. ?ou are !oin! to ha$e special marria!e courts. I
ha$e a ri!ht to now what you are spendin! now and what you propose to spend hereafter. It
seems to me that the e+pense that the State would ha$e to incur under this head would be
unima!inable. Thin of a population of AA crores. ?ou can lau!h.........
Mr. Speaker: The hon. Member may address the Chair.
Sri Bis)ana& Das : I am sorry. Sir. The Hon. Law Minister may lau!h or others may lau!h.
I do not worry. But I claim that ,o$ernment ha$e the responsibility to place a worin! sheet
before the House to show what they would ha$e to spend to !i$e effect to the $arious pro$isions
of the Bill as used to be done by former ,o$ernments. Tain! one per cent of the total
population as people resortin! to courts your country will be flooded with courts and re!istration
Mr. Speaker : May I point out that we are at present discussin! clause < of the Bill which
refers to the application of the Code. The point that the hon. Member seems to mae relates to
the cost to be incurred in the administration of the pro$isions of the Code. Could that not more
appropriately be taen up when we consider the %uestion of marria!es / In the clause where it
is pro$ided that marria!es shall be re!istered this %uestion will arise. This is not the sta!e of a
!eneral discussion of the entire Bill. 2e are at present at the clause by clause sta!e. Therefore,
instead of interferin! with the hon. Member.s speech now and then, I would re%uest him to
reser$e his remars till we come to the clause which pro$ides for compulsory re!istration of
marria!es. .
Sri Bis)ana& Das : Sir, I than you for the !uidance you ha$e !i$en me, which I bear in
mind. But I ha$e also to mae my submission in this re!ard. There are amendments to clause <
to the effect that State le!islatures may be !i$en the option to !i$e effect to the pro$isions of the
Bill after it is passed into law. Therefore I submit the %uestion of finance comes in prominently in
$arious States. ?ou ha$e been !ood enou!h to refer to marria!e. But it is not about marria!e
that you ha$e to spend money...

A p.m.

Mr. Speaker" I referred to marria!e because the hon. Member was referrin! to it. It was only
by way of illustration that
I referred to it. The State ,o$ernments would be re%uired to !i$e effect only in case the
amendment is carried. But assumin! that that amendment is accepted, still effect will be !i$en
only to such pro$isions as are ultimately accepted by the House. So when we come to any
pro$ision, which in$ol$es e+penditure, then it will be competent for the hon. member to ad$ance
that ar!ument;not at this sta!e. That is what I was pointin! out.
Sri Bis)ana& Das : Than you $ery much. Sir. I would not !o further into it.
Sri Sya$nandan Sahaya " May I mae a submission. Sir, in this connection/ (nder our
new rules e$ery le!islation which in$ol$es any e+penditure has to be presented to this House
accompanied by an estimate of such e+penditure. Therefore, perhaps my hon. friend was
referrin! to those rules......
Mr. Speaker: There is nothin! to be further discussed about it. It does not affect the point of
rele$ancy. But I belie$e this Bill was introduced lon! before rule came into force.
Dr. #$bedkar : ?es, Sir. )nd I can tell my friend that this Bill is !oin! to be a re$enue*payin!
Mr. Speaker : That is another matter. 2e are not concerned with it.
Sri Bis)ana& Das: My hon. friend says that this will be a re$enue*payin! measure......
Mr. Speaker: 2e need not !o into that now.
Sri Bis)ana& Das : 2ell my hon. friend claims the passa!e of this Bill and especially of
this clause on the score that this is pro!ressi$e. If it is so, I ha$e no ob-ection. If he con$inces
me that the le!islation that he has adumbrated is pro!ressi$e, I will certainly !o with him. But I
feel that it is as reactionary in certain respects as anyone could thin of. I would in this
connection in$ite my hon. friend.s attention to the Child Marria!e =estrained )ct, an )ct which
has been in e+istence for the last twenty years or more and is a dead letter.
Se,eral Hon. Me$bers: 0o, no.
Mr. Speaker" Let him proceed. That is his opinion.
Dr. #$bedkar: His wron! opinion.
Sri Bis)ana& Das : I will be !lad if it is really 9 no 9 but my e+perience is otherwise. But
what has my hon. friend the Law Minister done / 2hether the Child Marria!e =estraint )ct is
dead or is ali$e, what has my hon. friend done with his show of pro!ressi$eness / He has ept
up and carried on the same a!e of marria!e of 6D. 2hy should you ha$e the a!e of 6D/ I
cannot see why he is so much enamoured of this 6D. ) boy to be put to married life and
con-u!al bliss in his ei!hteenth year is a thin! unima!inable. I cannot thin of it. I would appeal
to him to consult his ad$isers of public health and as whether such a course is desirable.
#+tend it to twenty or twenty*one years. If you really claim to be pro!ressi$e, e+tend it. If you
want to restrict, let the restriction be on -ustifiable !rounds which will be for the well*bein! of the
!reatest number. That is why I claim that in certain respects the Bill is not at all pro!ressi$e. In
fact in ordinary instance you will not find people tain! to married life at ei!hteen. Eery few
people do it. Therefore, the a!e limits of 6D and 6G that you ha$e fi+ed in the Bill to me loo
retro!rade from the national point of $iew. (/nterruption).
Mr. Speaker : I must be $ery clear on this point that interruptions not only prolon! the
speeches but they add to the irrele$ancies of the debate. I was a!ain !oin! to remind the hon.
Member who is on his le!s that he is !oin! into %uestions which do not form the sub-ect*matter
of clause < or any of the amendments. He is now !oin! into the a!e of marria!e as if this is a
!eneral discussion on the Bill. I do not propose to allow any irrele$ant discussion. 2e are tain!
the Bill clause by clause now8 let us be strictly within the rele$ant scope of the clause.
5therwise we will ne$er see the end of this le!islation. I am not een that it should be passed;
it may be passed, it may not be passed;but at any rate I am een to see that the debate on the
clauses proceeds within the limits of rele$ancy and we !o clause by clause to the end of the
consideration. That is my point. I am not concerned one way or another. Therefore, the hon.
Member will confine his remars strictly to the pro$isions of clause < and the amendments
Sri Bis)ana& Das: Sir, I am $ery thanful to you but my reference was necessitated by the
fact that my Hon. >riend the Law Minister claimed in the course of his speech that his le!islation
is a pro!ressi$e one. Therefore, I was forced to say that it is not.
I ha$e stated that the Code is intended for the 9ha$e*nots9 and I ha$e e+plained it. My
ob-ection to the clause is that the pro$iso to clause < is unnecessary and redundant.
(nnecessary because it creates new complications and redundant because if anythin! is added
without real necessity to the structure of the clause it creates further complications. Therefore,
in any le!islation such a redundancy is always !i$en up.
I fail to see why sub*clause 1B3 is bein! renamed. I don.t mind the dau!hter ha$in! more than
the son or the son !ettin! more than the dau!hter. Let it be a matter between the dau!hter and
the son. I for myself would not hesitate to accept Marumaattayam law instead of acceptin!
di$ision of the family property into bits. That bein! so, if my hon. friend would propose to !i$e all
the property to the dau!hter I would not ob-ect. Let the women ha$e it. In fact, in Malabar, the
women are by inheritance ha$in! almost all the property. Therefore, you may do that or you can
!i$e the dau!hters and the sons e%ual ri!hts" this is not a matter with which I am $ery much
concerned. Speain! for myself. I ha$e no dau!hter to claim any share from me, but I feel for
the dau!hters in !eneral. 0ow, if you add to the share that the dau!hter !ets from her father.s
house by sub*clause 1B3, it means that you add to the financial possibilities of the women. She
!ets her stridhan, her share of the property and also special facilities as pro$ided in the Special
Marria!es )ct of 6DF<. Therefore, the continuance of sub*clause 1B3 is, I thin, unnecessary
also, I belie$e, unwarranted.
I feel that the time has come when somethin! has to be done to chan!e the social structures
of India. That some has to be done with the concurrence of the people and the thinin! sections
of the society. Therefore, I appeal to the Treasury Benches and to you to see that ,o$ernment
remo$e the ob-ectionable features of clause < as also of the Bill, so that the Bill will ha$e a
smooth passa!e.
Sri M. #. #yyan+ar" )t no sta!e of the Bill hitherto ha$e I had the !ood fortune to tae
part in the debate. ?ou, Sir, were absent in the earlier sta!es and I had to tae the chair. I ha$e
always tried to eep my opinions to myself, but the time has come when I should e+press my
opinion re!ardin! this matter. Let me first of all declare to the House and to the hon. the
sponsor of this Bill that I am not wedded to whate$er is ancient merely because it is ancient nor
opposed to whate$er is new simply because it is new. Merely because somethin! is old, let us
not clin! to it 8 nor decry somethin! that is new because it is new. It is up to us, as wise men, to
consider both the pros and cons and accept what is !ood and re-ect what is bad. I shall try
therefore %uite dispassionately to !o throu!h some of the points that ha$e been ur!ed. I shall
not !o o$er the !round and mae this a speech on the second readin! of the Bill, but whate$er
is rele$ant in !eneral I shall address myself to.
I shall, first of all, try to dispose of some of the amendments that ha$e been placed before the
House and the ob-ections that ha$e been raised in re!ard to them by the sponsor of this Bill. It
is said in one of the amendments that because this bill has far reachin! conse%uences it must
be only an enablin! measure, it is said that option should be !i$en to any indi$idual to declare
that he will be !o$erned by the pro$isions of this Bill from the date of re!istration or declaration
to this effect. The Hon. the Law Minister said that down from the earliest times when le!islation
was embared upon in this country by the Britishers, there has been no precedent whate$er for
a measure bein! passed and option bein! !i$en to any indi$idual or class to accept or re-ect
that measure by declaration. I am afraid his memory is too short. 0ow, let us tae the Cutchi
Memons )ct of 6H<I. Indians who !ot con$erted to Islam were $ery often !o$erned by the
Hindu law, the law in which they were born. So the Cutchi memons had the -oint family law and
they also made adoptions amon! themsel$es. But later on it was ur!ed by some reformers that
the Shariat, i.e. the law of Islam, should apply to all persons embracin! Islam. Islam has its own
code of laws re!ulatin! inheritance, marria!e, succession, di$orce etc. The Hindu faith has
attached to it its own law made by the smrithikaras relatin! to the same items which are also
re!ulated by the Islamic law. >or those persons who !ot con$erted to Islam, an enablin!
pro$ision was made in this )ct whereby any Cutchi Memon who wanted to adopt the Hindu law
could by declaration before a prescribed authority do so8 he could either as to be !o$erned by
the Hindu law or by the customary law which pre$ailed before his con$ersion.
Sri !a- Baadur: That was a $ery special case.
Sri M. #. #yyan+ar" I would refer to a !eneral case also. My friend should be a little
patient. (nder the Cutchi Memons )ct, as amended in 6H<A, there are the followin! pro$isions"
; 9 )ny person who satisfies the prescribed authority;
1a3 that he is a Cutchi Memon and is the person whom he represents himself to be8
1b3 that he is competent to contract within the meanin! of section II of the Indian Contract )ct,
6DF<8 and
1c3 that he is resident in British India may be declaration in the prescribed form and filed
before the prescribed authority declare that he desires to obtain the benefit of this )ct, and
thereafter the declarant and all his minor children and their descendants shall in matters of
succession and inheritance be !o$erned by the Muhammadan law.9
0ow, the ar!ument of my hon. friend Shri =a- Bahadur cuts his own case, because this was
not a law intended for the whole of India but was a law specially to safe!uard the interests of a
particular community. This section is an enablin! pro$ision. Cutchi Memons are not the only
Musalmans in this country. The ma-ority of Musalmans far outwei!h the Cutchi Memons. 2hen
HH.H recurrin! per cent. of Muslims follow the Shariat, why should a special pro$ision be made
for the Cutchi Memons/ Therefore, this inter-ection from my hon. friend, far from helpin! him,
helps the other side. #$en if there is one instance, it is enou!h. 0ow, is it possible for you to
enforce Buddhism on me or for me to impose Hinduism on another man/ This law of
inheritance, marria!e, succession etc. is based upon the same tenets. But if a person who !ot
himself con$erted wanted to be !o$erned by the ancient law which pre$ailed before his
con$ersion, he was !i$en an option to chan!e o$er to the other law. Thou!h he !ot himself
con$erted, he had to con$ert himself $oluntarily to the new le!al institutions, chan!in! one from
the other. There was no coercion whate$er. But without the su!!ested amendment, this Bill will
be a piece of le!islation which is of a coerci$e nature, brin!in! $arious other persons into its
fold. So far as Hindus are concerned, if you want to marry out of the ancient law, there is the
Ci$il Marria!e )ct. It was ori!inally intended to apply to persons who had to declare that they
were neither Hindus nor Christians nor @ains nor &arsis. Later on, it was chan!ed. 0o two
Christians could marry unless they disa$ow their reli!ion. 0o two Muslims could marry unless
they disa$ow their reli!ion under the Ci$il Marria!e )ct. But we are always pro!ressi$e. 2e are
self*denyin!. 2e are all*embracin! e$en to the point of self*destruction. 2e ha$e amended this
)ct by sayin! that Hindus need not disa$ow their reli!ion. Hindus, howe$er they are married,
may adopt the Ci$il Marria!e )ct. That is what we ha$e done. 2hat more is necessary / 0ow
you want to con$ert those people who follow the ancient law at the point of the bayonet to your
way of thinin!. 2hy do you want me to chan!e my reli!ion/ I ha$e already %uoted an instance
where a special piece of le!islation was made for the Cutchi Memons, a microscopic minority. It
is because 'r. )mbedar feels that a ma-ority of us are archaic;to use the mildest word;that
he has brou!ht forward this piece of le!islation. It won.t be wron! for me to say that he is still
findin! it difficult at the a!e of si+ty to now to what faith he has to belon!. But he is asin! me
to decide o$erni!ht that I should chan!e. If I may raise my $oice*let me not be misunderstood;
6 am as fit to be in the society as other members can claim to be. I am not ashamed of my
reli!ion. I am speain! not only to the men and women in this country but also to the outside
world, that we ha$e e$erythin! to be proud of the tenets by which we are !o$erned and proud of
the law that our ancients !a$e us. If only the other nations of the world followed our reli!ion and
the principles we ha$e adumbrated there, there won.t be these constant wars and all would be
peace and peaceful. 2e are always accustomed to adopt thin!s which are found wantin! in the
western countries. ) motor car which has been discarded in #urope becomes a model of a car
here8 an institution which has been discarded in the west becomes a model in our country.
In 6HAF we passed a law in this House that in the case of con$erts to Islam, their customary
law accordin! to Hindu system would pre$ail in re!ard to adoption etc. Similarly, in the South
the Moplahs of Malabar had adopted certain of the Hindu customs, thou!h they were Muslims.
It is not e$en a %uestion of adoption " they were born with such customs. Therefore, they
followed one rule so far as their inheritance and succession was concerned and another rule so
far as their faith was concerned. 2e passed in 6HAF what was nown as the Shariat Law. This
is for all India and all Muslims. Section A of the Shariat )ct says "
163 any person who satisfies the prescribed authority*1a3 that he is a Muslim, 1b3 that he is
competent to contract within the meanin! of section II of the Indian Contract )ct 1IM of 6DF<3, 1c3
that he is a resident of British India;may by declaration in prescribed form and filed before
prescribed authority declare that he desires to obtain benefit of this )ct and thereafter
pro$isions of section < shall apply to the declarant and all his minor children and their
descendants as if in addition to matters enumerated therein, adoption, wills and le!acies were
also specified.
Therefore, there is absolutely nothin! no$el in my hon. friend Shri @aspat =oy.s amendment.
This is a measure which ou!ht to be accepted cautiously. ) ma-ority of the community do not
want this, and not only do they not want it, but also they are able to tae care of themsel$es. Is
this House particularly under the leadership of my hon. friend, entitled to tell and ad$ise people
outside that what they are followin! is wron! and that they should chan!e their method / I am
not basin! my ar!ument on the !round that this &arliament is not entitled to do that, thou!h my
personal $iew is that this &arliament cannot enact le!islation in the way it was doin! durin! the
British days. 2e are now !uided by a written Constitution. My own personal impression is that
the personal matters of an indi$idual, and the practice by which he is !o$erned so far as his
marital relationship is concerned are !o$erned by his fundamental ri!hts and should not be
touched by 1anybody. So lon! as the practice which I follow and the procedure I. adopt in re!ard
to marria!e is not opposed to public morality and is not obno+ious, or indecent, it is my own
business and nobody has any ri!ht to interfere with it. Therefore, we ha$e to !o slow in this
So far as the pro!ressi$e elements are concerned, we ha$e made a number of enactments
now. The Hindu 2idow =emarria!e )cts are there. My hon. friend referred to the Child
Marria!e =estraint )ct. True, it has put down child marria!es. But it has put down marria!es
also. #$erywhere a new problem has arisen "there are armies of unmarried !irls today, there
will be no dearth of !irls if only you want to enlist them in the army as nurses or doctors. This is
a new problem that you ha$e created;ha$e you heard of it before / 5ur friends, includin!
&andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a, cried hoarse, that by early marria!e !irls became widows. But is
there any !uarantee that a man will continue to li$e, the moment he marries a !irl of fifteen. I do
not thin ,od in his wisdom has arran!ed that a man marryin! a !irl of fifteen will li$e lon!, and
that a man marryin! a !irl less than fifteen would die early. Therefore nobody can stand
!uarantee on this matter. It is a %uestion of balancin! the con$enience.
2e ha$e not heard of any marria!e e+cept in the human in!dom. )nimals don.t marry 8 there
is no law of di$orce amon! them8 they don.t ha$e family life. It is only with respect to human
bein!s that the institution of marria!e is prescribed as one of the purusharthas with a $iew to
a$oid incon$enience. )s the Maharshi said, of the four purusharthas, the three, that is -oksha,
the other word dharma, maintenance of society, and artha, politics or economics, depend upon
a happy family life. This is one thin! on which all our ancients laid emphasis, whereas in the
2estern society indi$idualism has been all alon! in eBcelsis. Here family is the unit of our
society. I do not mean to say that any human institution is so perfect as to ob$iate any
incon$enience. So far as our marria!e laws are concerned3 no woman remains unmarried
unless she chooses to remain a sanyasin. ) Sansrit sloka says that no woman is entitled to
freedom. But it has been misunderstood. ) woman is not born twenty*fi$e years old. She is born
out of a mother.s womb, has to become an adult, marry and become old also. Both of them,
whether a man or a woman, when they are in their teens are minors, ha$e to be under the
!uidin! hand of some other person. So lon! as the !irl remains a minor the father has to
maintain her. 2hen she becomes old, is there any better person to loo after her than her son/
Therefore at the dawn of life as well as at the close of life both man and woman depend upon
the father or the son respecti$ely. The only %uestion is durin! con$erture. If ,od has created
both man and woman, either the woman should !o and li$e with the man or the man has to !o
and li$e with the woman. In a happy marria!e the woman must li$e with the husband or the man
must li$e with the wife. Is there a middle course / I as 'r. )mbedar 1 An hon. -emer" they
li$e to!ether3. ?es, both of them li$e to!ether. That is what I am sayin!. Therefore either the
man.s $oice dominates in the House, or the woman.s. Let us assume there is a difference. If the
man.s $oice pre$ails there is no trouble. 5r the man must !et himself submer!ed in which case
also there is no trouble. But if there is a difference between the man and the wife as to whom
the !irl should be !i$en, when is the marria!e to be celebrated / I am only thinin! aloud of the
incon$eniences. It is not as if man produces sons and woman produces dau!hters. In all
seriousness I am addressin! this House. 2hat I am submittin! to the House is this. Some
people ha$e misunderstood, merely because some of our sisters are !oin! about with re!ard to
their share and their sufferin!s;on account of the e+periences that they possibly ha$e had;
and the correspondin! chillness on the part of our friends here, that it is a woman.s Code. It is
somethin! lie a husband and wife %uarrellin! 9 to whom does this child belon! / 9 It is not
either to the one or to the other. Therefore, If this Code emer!es, it will belon! both to the men
and women of this country. Let us therefore loo at it dispassionately.
2e ha$e been brou!ht up for three thousand years in a particular institution. I will presently
%uote a number of -urists who came from the 2est and who were attracted by the institutions
that pre$ailed here. Some of them e$en become con$erts and Ma+ Muller created an ashram
also. ?ou ha$e their opinions. They ha$e compared their own institution with that which was
pre$ailin! in this country. They wanted to be con$erted but for their social habits and customs
which wei!hed stron!ly with them. )s they !ot enamoured of our institutions we are also now
!ettin! enamoured of their ways.
3et u) e(!mine 'hether it i) u)eful or not# 3et u) )ee 'h!t the !uthor)5 the 2ember) of the
Hindu 3!' Committee )!id# 2r# $!u him)elf )!id th!t thi) i) ! concurrent )ubAect !nd !) re&!rd)
)uch of the ch!pter) the ;rovince) m!" be left )ome voice !) to 'hether thi) portion )hould be
!pplied to thi) communit" or not# The territor" to 'hich it )hould be !pplied5 'hether it )hould
be en!cted !t the pre)ent time or )hould be po)tponedG!ll the)e !re m!tter) 'hich !n" reformer5
the )pon)or of the Bill includin&5 ou&ht to t!%e into con)ider!tion5 )o th!t there m!" be no
impre))ion let in the mind of !n" per)on th!t hi) con)cience or reli&iou) f!ith or )cruple) h!ve
been trodden over# 7e h!ve to &r!du!ll" t!%e people !lon&# .t i) not !) if 'e !re decl!rin& ! '!r
on Hindu reli&ion# .t i) not !n immedi!te 9ue)tion li%e decidin& 'hether 'e )hould Aoin Americ!
or not in decl!rin& Chin! !) !n !&&re))or# Here !nd there !n inconvenience mi&ht h!ve been felt
b" )ome people# . !m !)%in& thi) Hou)e5 thou&h "ou# Sir5 to )ee the b!l!nce of convenience# .t i)
not !) if !n" hum!n in)titution i) perfect#
2ithout !oin! into details, tain! the %uestion of marria!e, it is a pro$ed fact that till the Sarda
)ct came into bein!, the ma-ority of our women;HH per cent of them;2ere married. 'o you
want to say, let women remain unmarried, let men remain unmarried, let there be children who
ha$e no parents;lie forty thousand war babies to be taen care of by others / Is it ri!ht for
you to do so in our country / ?ou will be creatin! a new problem. Is it ri!ht / So far either the
man had to obey the $oice of the woman or the woman had to subordinate her $oice. 5therwise
where is the house and the household / That is e+actly why the woman is not under the law.
The modern woman who is educated in a forei!n system, who has lost moorin!s in her own
faith, wants that she should inherit the property of her father and not her husband. She is
indifferent. She wants to ha$e the money in her pocet and feel 9 2hy should I be subordinate
to a man /9 I now the difficulty in e$ery household but if I am sayin! these thin!s I am sayin!
so with e+perience. ,irls refuse to marry now because they feel 9 2hy should I subordinate
myself to a man / ,i$e me a portion of the property 9. 'oes my dau!hter e+pect me to li$e
perpetually / It is not money alone that maes for happiness.
Suppose there is a rich man and his dau!hter inherits his property. 2hen she is married does
it pre$ent the other man to belabour her and to beat her/ 2hat pre$ents him from doin! that /
Many people spea supportin! this Code. I am not referrin! to Members of &arliament;they
now e$erythin!. I am only su!!estin! what many people outside are sayin!. Today under the
Hindu Law the !irl is not absolutely taboo. If a man dies lea$in! no children behind, the widow
inherits the entire property. )part from 'eshmuh.s )ct, under the ancient Hindu Law she is the
heir of all the property of the husband in cases where there are no children. Secondly, if there is
a dau!hter and the mother predeceases the father and there are no other children, she
becomes the heir to the entire property. There is absolutely no difficulty. 2hat is sou!ht to be
done here is that simultaneously with the son the !irl also must ha$e a share. The responsibility
of maintainin! the household is that of the boy. 2e are not rich millionaires. The @amindars
ha$e also been li%uidated. 1a'ahs ha$e !one. 5nly the middle class people are there. I am
addressin! myself only to them. There are the poorest people where both the husband and wife
ee out their li$in! by worin! as coolies. )nd what happens to the ma-ority of middle class
people/ The husband may be worin! as a cler !ettin! =s. 6II or =s. <II a month. He
educates his boy and e+pects that when he comes of the a!e of <6 or <7 he would tae char!e
of the family at a time when he is himself fifty of fifty*fi$e. 2hen he retires there are a number of
children to be taen care of. The property that he has accumulated is so small. I now in my
part of the country persons who ha$e any holdin!s o$er fi$e crores are only ten or fi$e per cent.
of the entire persons holdin! land. Land is the wealth in our country. There may be a few
industrialists in Bombay and a few in )hmedabad. But !enerally people ha$e neither industry
nor land. The only industry for a middle class man is to become a cler and earn some money,
and by the sweat of his labour he earns it. The responsibility of looin! after the family is thrown
upon that boy. He may !et a small land or a thatched house as patrimony. The society e+pects
him to tae char!e of his youn!er brothers and sisters and also to maintain the old parents.
2hen the Britishers were rulin! us the officials in the =ailway 'epartment, stationmasters and
others, used to !et passes sometimes in the year to !o round. The pass is for the family. I am
sorry to note that the same practice is still continuin! as re!ards the description of the family,
namely that the family means himself, his wife and children. 2hat about the old parents / This
may be in consonance with the western system where as soon as the boy comes of a!e he
marries and !oes away. The !irl also marries and !oes away. The old people ha$e to be
looin! at each other.s face J 'o we want that ind of animal life in our country / I ha$e no
%uarrel with the rest. It is a misfortune that the indi$idualism is in eBcelsis. The husband and the
wife are one unit and they ou!ht to protect the old people. 5ur -oint family system was brou!ht
about by our ancients many years a!o and that is a natural unit and there the father, mother,
the son and !randson all of them !o to!ether. I say that this is a happy unit where
unemployment ne$er e+isted. &eople who tal of socialism and communism pay lip sympathy
and I say that this tendency is the !erm of Socialism. The husband in a particular family wors
for the maintenance of his own children on the one side and for the maintenance of the older
people on the other side.
In Madras after this marria!e*di$orce law was passed AD applications were filed, (interruption)
Boys alone can marry and no !irl can marry a boy. 5ut of these AD applications for di$orce, AI
applications were filed only by the husbands.
%e Depu&y Minis&er o' 5ood and #+ricul&ure (Sri %iru$ala !ao): )re they from the
middle*class /
Sri M. #. #yyan+ar " Most of them were from middle*classes, most of them were educated
men, unfortunately in western style. )s I said, the ma-ority of the petitions were from husbands.
I thin there was only one case where a woman was said to be sterile. I would brin! that under
this Code. 5ne other case was the husband, an educated lawyer and he is employed in
Bombay. He !ets =s. 6II as salary. The !irl is employed somewhere as a 'octor !ettin! =s.
BII. The !irl wants the husband and the husband wants the wife. The only pull was that the
wife wants the husband to come and li$e with her and the husband wants the wife to come and
li$e with him. )fter marria!e this trouble has been !oin! on between the husband and wife for
three years. The husband said" 9 How lon! am I to be without her company 9 and the Court
found that it was a case of desertion by the !irl and they dissol$ed this marria!e. I as all my
sisters here present and others outside, in a widow re*marria!e after the husband.s death
nobody nows whether the man has not touched the woman before her re*marria!e. #$en after
this the widow*re*marria!e has not pro!ressed considerably, (interruption). My friend says that
what I say is a lecture. 2hat my friend says is all truth. The 2idow re*marria!e )ct was passed
lon! a!o but still it re%uires a lot of persuasion.
There was an hon. Member of the )ssembly;he was a Member from Ben!al;and he
brou!ht a sin!le clause Bill which stated that no widower shall marry a spinster. His idea was
that a widower may marry at least some widows and when some of our friends pooh*poohed
the idea, he withdrew the Bill and said that he committed a mistae. 2hen once a man has
learnt that a woman has been di$orced, would that woman be touched as a wife and married
a!ain as a wife / I do not want the society to be disrupted in that manner to suit the few
con$eniences here and there of some indi$iduals. There are difficulties but the other difficulty is
far more appallin! than this difficulty.
I was told this mornin! that some dele!ation is comin! from &aistan for the purpose of
reco$erin! abducted women. Ha$e you e$er heard of an . abducted man Q/ 0ature has so made
us that without the husband and the wife, there is no unity in this world. #$en amon! the
&ata!onians the wife is as tall as the husband. In any other community the male is taller than
the woman. Is it !ood if I tal lie a woman with a s%uealish $oice and a woman !oes on talin!
lie a man/ Therefore I must be a man and a woman must be a woman. I see I am e$oin!
lau!hter of my friends but I feel that ,od has made the best arran!ement by creatin! a happy
family in which the parents will be protected8 the minor children will be protected. The affection
is not as a result of wealth. Lo$e and affection must flow of its own and it does not depend upon
money at all. Most of us are poor and we marry and !et a son and in our old a!e he taes
char!e of the mana!ement of the household and we feel that since we ha$e dischar!ed the
responsibility to the a!ed parents, similarly he will maintain us in our old a!e. Sanction has the
mi!hty force. That old law has much !reater sanction than any other law, which has pre$ailed
so far for the last A,III years.
2hen I become a member of parliament you do not allow me to sit here unless I tae the oath
of alle!iance, but so far as this marria!e is concerned, I as you all, are you to displace these
old customs such as tain! hold of a woman, tain! her hand and placin! her feet upon straw
and sayin! that 9 our hearts are placed to!ether lie the ,an!es and @amuna 9 / This is not
such a drab affair. Is it for the purpose of con-u!al facility that a man is marryin! and a woman
is marryin!/ 5ur ancient scriptures en-oined it for the purpose of a happy married life and for
the purpose of a !ood pro!eny. It is not open to me to lea$e a le!acy of blind, lame and dumb
children to the rest of the community and as them to tae char!e of them. #$en amon! race*
horses we tal of pedi!ree and for humanity alone any man can marry any woman and still
e+pect the children to be perfect an!les. The new marria!e that is proposed will be lie tyin! a
race*horse to a lame doney.
@ayaswal an able commentator of Hindu Law said that our ancients had bi! herds of cattle
and they were also an+ious to ha$e first*class pro!eny so that they may tae char!e of the rest
of the community. That is an honoured practice of our country. Hitler also wanted a !ood
pro!eny for his country. #$en Mussolini !ot a number of marria!es celebrated in his country.
2e say in our Sastras " C Aputrasya ,athirnashthi C 3 C !unnamno 0arakadyasinath thrayathe
pithatrain suthah C. That is, the son sa$es the father from the 0araka called path. It is that
sanction that has produced a lot of children in our country. 5therwise, we would ha$e had to
!i$e a hundred pounds to e$ery mother to !et children. )re we to pooh*pooh this culture / 2hat
maes me say all this is that it is unfortunate that the Chairman of the =au Committee is a
!entleman who did not marry accordin! to the Hindu law. Many of the Members of the Select
Committee were not married accordin! to the Hindu Law8 some were bachelors who did not
marry at all.
Sri "esa,a !ao 1Madras3 " 2ho says that they were not married /
Mr. Speaker " 5rder, order. I thin we are ha$in! this discussion a little beyond scope.
Shri M. A. A99!"0!r 2 I will come within the scope of the +ill.
.r. peaker2 -e has already taken more than A8 minutes # I am afraid it is rather too long. -e
may be short and to the point.
hri .. &. &yyangar2 I am only referring......
Shri Thir54!l! R!o2 !he reference is too personal with regard to the personnel of the
Sri M. #. #yyan+ar: )fter all, let it not be said outside that that is %uality opinion8 it is only a
%uestion of personal opinion. I am as much a!!rie$ed about this. )m I to bow down when it is
said of the Smritikartas that they had asolutely no usiness to ,o on chan,in, the smritis <
2hat else are we doin! / 2e are passin! a law in the mornin!8 we are amendin! it in the
afternoon. The smritikartas wanted to chan!e the smritis accordin! to the chan!ed
circumstances. They are tabooed as archaic persons. If they ha$e chan!ed, they are e%ually
condemned for ha$in! chan!ed. 2hy are there so many smritis / #ach is addressed to
particular branch of law. My point is this. The re$erence that is due in a chan!e of law of this
ma!nitude is not there. 2e are looin! at the %uestion from a different point of $iew. I submit
that by means of this le!islation Hindu society is cut $ertically, hori4ontally, dia!onally, into bits
and bits. ?ou say, let a man say, 9 I do not belon! to Hinduism 9. #$en the wordin! 9 professin!
the Hindu reli!ion 9 is obno+ious. 2hy do you call yourself a Hindu / 2hat is there in
Hinduism / There are certain thin!s 8 there is the doctrine of Aarma which e$en the Buddha and
the @aina belie$ed. The #edas are not peculiar to me. I belie$e in the hoary anti%uity of the
#edas as an inspired document. 'o not the Muslims belie$e that there is a #eda. #$en the
Sihs who belon! to a reformist reli!ion, worship a Boo. 2hy should I be ashamed of my
#edas and of callin! myself a Hindu / 2hether I am a Brahmo sama'in, or arya Sama-am or a
#aishnav, if I do not belie$e in the #edas, I am not a Hindu.
(nfortunately, in this country, reli!ion has entered into politics also. It is said that on account
of these $icissitudes of castes and creeds, so many Muslims became con$erts. I as, was there
not one reli!ion in China, Buddhism8 was there not one reli!ion in Indonesia, Buddhism /
2here is Buddhism in Indonesia today" 2here is Buddhism in Malaya/ 2ere not a number of
people con$erted to Islam in China / )!ain and a!ain, where$er there is any difficulty you
attac Hinduism and say that it is this ancient system that is responsible for all this. I say, the
remedy is elsewhere. )part from its disad$anta!es, it is the Hindu system of marria!e and not
allowin! a di$orce, of property not bein! dissipated by di$ision amon!st dau!hters also, who
ha$e no responsibility to maintain the family, etc., that has been the source of stren!th to the
people. I would as a simple %uestion. If the dau!hter !ets married, do you as me to li$e with
my son or my son*in*law / It is said " 9 Damatha dasamo ,rahah C, the son*in*law is the tenth
planet. I must be supported by somebody in my old a!e. 2hy not li$e with the son instead of
the son*in*law / 2hat happens if you !i$e a share to the dau!hter / 5f course, she will say, 9
Come and li$e with me 9. But, my fate will be that of Cin! Lear. I am appealin! to all mothers
and sisters to an+iously and seriously consider the situation. Let them not be under the
impression that I ha$e not consulted my partner at home. 2e ha$e deliberated for a lon! time.
In these circumstances, I say, let us !o slowly. 2hoe$er wants to ha$e liberal $iews, let him
ha$e his own way of life. Incidentally, I may say that sati is opposed to morality8 that was ri!htly
put down. ?ou say this is an enablin! pro$ision. 2hy don.t you say that a brother may marry a
sister/ That would also be an enablin! pro$ision. (p to certain limits we can !o8 beyond limits,
we ou!ht not to !o. 2e should not allow incest. The %uestion is whether the marria!e should be
beyond three de!rees or se$en de!rees. I ha$e also read some boos on !enetics. 0ew thin!s
are bein! disco$ered. They say there are three inds of blood and that one does not a!ree with
another. I ha$e also read astrolo!y in the old school. They say that before marria!e you must
consult the 1a''u, Sarpa, and =ana a!reement. This =ana seems to ha$e been disco$ered by
the westerners. The late 'r. =abindranath Ta!ore was a !reat poet 8 but we reco!nised him as
a !reat poet only after the westerners reco!nised him. Similarly we want somebody from the
west to come and say that marria!es should be only of a particular order and that the points in
the old smritis are $ery !ood. I am a conser$ati$e in the sense that I do not want to leap before.
I now that the other !round is steady and stron! I would only ur!e upon this House to stic on
to whate$er has endured you for such a lon! time.
B &.M.
Before I finish, I would lie to refer to one other aspect of the %uestion, that is the
-arumakkattayam la). They are all intellectuals8 practically in the Secretariat, e$ery Secretary
is a Menon, comin! from Malabar. I am proud of them. They ha$e !ot a different way of life. )s
them if they are more happy. 2hy don.t you impose this law on them also/ Tae the
Aliyasanthana Law. ?ou may thin that it is opposed to all nature, where a man $isits his wife
and the wife remains in her house, where the children are maintained by the mother and her
brother, not by himself. To you it may appear stran!e. 0atural affection is different. 2ould I
embrace my sister.s sons with more affection, then my own / 2ell that is their law and we are
allowin! them to continue under this law. But, when my hon. friend &andit Thaur 'as
Bhar!a$a says that there are certain customs in the &un-ab, you say that they should be thrown
o$erboard because my hon. friend is not so $ociferous. )fter all, it is a wron! principle of
-urisprudence. Law does not !o in ad$ance of custom. It is a human institution. It is somethin!
lie sayin! that !rammar does not !o in ad$ance of lan!ua!e. ) child learns to spea first and
then comes in !rammar. It is a wron! principle of -urisprudence to say that custom is a wron!
thin!. It is said that a custom, to ha$e the $alidity of a custom, must be ancient, must be moral,
must be definite, etc. These are principles under which customs will be reco!nised in courts of
law. I say it is wron! to say that, notwithstandin! the $alidity of any established practice, we
abro!ate that because we ha$e come to a different conclusion. 2hat ri!ht ha$e you to say so /
It is not that I am %uestionin! the competence of this &arliament to !o into this matter. I am only
sayin! to my Hon. >riend, let him not force this law on the community. It may become a dead
letter. Let the people come forward and as for these reforms. I would lie to ha$e statistics as
to how many persons ha$e married under the Ci$il Marria!es )ct. 2e may call the people
i!norant8 after all, time will -ud!e whether they are i!norant. Therefore, I would appeal to hon.
Members not to -ump before you are sure of the !round. Let us ha$e piecemeal le!islations. 2e
had the 2idow =e*marria!e )ct. 2e had the )ct to !i$e women the power to inherit property.
2e had the )ct to restrain child marria!es and so on. Therefore, I say, let us wait and see. Let
us !o slow. 0otin! will be lost thereby. 0othin! will be lost because we do not allow di$orce.
)llow it to those who want a di$orce. Let those who ha$e solemnised their marria!es under the
ci$il authority, to -ointly mae a declaration that they will be !o$erned by the Ci$il Marria!e )ct.
If there is a $olume of opinion a!ainst a measure, let us try to chan!e that $olume of opinion.
Let hon. Members consider the %uestion coolly and deliberately. Let us not displace the e+istin!
system merely because somethin! is no$el or stran!e so that you may !o with the rest of the
uni$erse. 2e understand what is meant by Christianity. ,ermany is a Christian country, but
were there no fi!htin!s in ,ermany / 'o not Christians fi!ht with each other/ How can we say
that because of castes and creeds in our country the nation went down to the ,rees / 2hy
!i$e a platform and a point to e$ery other man to abuse us / 2e ha$e pro!ressed, and
pro!ressed considerably. In Swit4erland, they say no woman has a $ote. Then why not our
women !o there and as them to demand $otes / There is no use !i$in! a lurid picture of our
society and of our women. 5ur women ha$e produced Sitas and Sa$itris. They followed their
husbands. &erhaps we ha$e now to follow our wi$es. Let them write our !uranas and say that
men should follow their wi$es, if that would brin! domestic peace. To*day we are husband and
wife. To*morrow I !o to a cinema and see a woman well made up with powered face and all
that. )m I to come home and beat my wife, -ust because she is not as pretty as the one I saw in
the. picture / )nd the ne+t day, am I to apply for a di$orce/ 0o. 2oman is the weaer se+.
&erhaps they may %uarrel with me for sayin! so. But you cannot !et rid of these institutions
unless you pray to ,od to ha$e only women in the world or only men. These institutions are
$ery necessary. They are necessary for the proper balancin! of domestic life. They are
necessary in the interest of economy in the interest of solidarity and in the interest of a$oidin!
unemployment and in so many other interests. If the husband dies, there is the brother*in*law to
tae care of the widow. 2e ha$e also the maintenance laws to !i$e at least a temporary
stren!th to the widow, to stand by herself. I am only opposin! those ladies who want to tae
away a chun of their father.s property and lea$e the husband alone. May ,od sa$e us from
them and from ha$in! an army of unmarried women.
Sri %. N. Sin+ 1(ttar &radesh3" Sir, I ha$e an amendment in my name.
Mr. Speaer " )ll those who ha$e tabled amendments and others also will !et a chance.
Sri !a- Baadur : I ha$e listened $ery patiently to the speeches of the hon. Members who
ha$e spoen before me, althou!h I raised certain pertinent %uestions for them to throw li!ht
upon. KI find myself in complete a!reement with the pro$isions of this Bill.L )nd my support is
based not on any misplaced ethusiasm or the rashness of youth, but because I feel that this
measure is necessary because of the e+i!encies of the moment and the situation created by
the attainment of independence by our country. I feel that unless we ha$e a measure of this
ind and eep peace with the times, we are bound to fail.
It is well nown that perhaps durin! the last three years no other Bill or le!islati$e measure
has pro$oed so much contro$ersy as the Hindu Code Bill, and passion, pre-udice, sentiment
and superstition ha$e ,all come in to cloud our -ud!ements. It is a little difficult in an atmosphere
so surchar!ed with superstiton and suspicion for the country and also for this House to come to
a balanced conclusion, a balanced -ud!ement on the merits and demerits of the Bill.
The critics of the measure can be di$ided into three cate!ories. >irst of all there are the
people who lie the Hon. 'eputy*Speaer !enuinely and sincerely feel that we are definitely
marchin! ahead of the time and the adoption of a measure of this ind would do us harm, that it
would harm Hindu society which would be irreparable. Then there are others who day in and
day out criticise those who are responsible for this measure, and to them what matters is not
what is bein! said, but who says it. These people ha$e clouded the -ud!ements of the masses
also. It is well nown that our masses are i!norant and they are tossed $iolently between these
two e+tremes. It is also well nown that when a country attains Independence, there is a natural
desire felt by the people to ha$e uniform laws and to codify their e+istin! laws. This has
synchronised with national awaenin!. This is not the first time that such a desire has been
e+pressed by the Indian people, throu!h their representati$es in the Le!islature. )s early as
6H<6 there was a resolution to that effect by a Member from the Central &ro$inces. Shri C. @.
Ba!de and Sir Te- Bahadur Sapru was the then Law Member. The resolution was to the effect
that all the $arious branches of the*Hindu Law as then e+istin! should be properly codified.
>rom time to time this %uestion was also raised in the Central Le!islature and I find that as
eminent a person as Shri ,an!anath @ha has put a %uestion on the floor of the House asin!
when the codification of Hindu Law would tae place. 2e may note that that was also a period
of national awaenin! and this desire to codify the law was bein! $oiced at that time.
The option has been e+pressed that this Code should be made applicable to non*Hindus also,
to Christians and Muslims and others also that there should be a common Ci$il Code. )rticles in
the Constitution ha$e been referred to and it has been said that this Code $iolates some of
those articles. But I am sure when the Ci$il Code comes up for consideration, these $ery same
persons would come forward to say that this Ci$il Code $iolates article BB which !uarantees the
liberty of thou!ht or reli!ion. That will be the ob-ection raised, of that I ha$e no doubt in my
mind. The demand for a Ci$il Code, seems to be bo!us and without any meanin!.
If we apply our minds to the present condition of Hindu society we will find that there are
$arious differences and di$isions in $arious matters, in the matter of marria!e, of adoption, of
succession and so on. It is impossible for the country to mae any pro!ress unless there is
some codification of these $arious laws. So far as other sections of society are concerned they
ha$e this in some measure. >or instance, Christian and Muslim women ha$e some ri!hts and
pri$ile!es which are sou!ht to be !i$en to Hindu women by this Code. Christian and Muslim
women are now entitled in some measure to the ri!ht of inheritance. In the case of Muslim
women, di$orce is also obtainable to them.
#n Hon. Me$ber" 0o.
Sri %ya+i" It is not a ri!ht but a liability.
Sri !a- Baadur " ?ou may call it a liability but I would re%uest you to apply your mind to the
pro$isions of the Bill. There are many instances where a Hindu has deserted his wife for more
than fi$e years. Hindus ha$e chan!ed their reli!ion and there are instances where Hindus eep
other women while their first spouse is li$in!. In such cases of immorality will you not come out
with your !alantry or chi$alry and allow di$orce to such miserable Hindu sisters / The ri!ht has
been !i$en to a Hindu male to marry four or fi$e times. If the sanctity of marria!e is there it
should be for both man and woman. If a woman is e+pected to be pure, chaste and faithful to
the husband, is it not for the man also to bind himself by the same obli!ation / 2hy should it be
one*sided. If we say that man is ,od.s fa$ourite creature, it will not help our society or country
in any way.
Let us loo at it from another an!le. In the present state of the world whene$er there is a
threat to the frontiers of a country and there is a war, it is not fou!ht on the old lines. It is a total
war. In the last !reat war while British men went to the trenches and the firin! line, British
women fol applied themsel$es to the $arious tass of national responsibility. >or e+ample, they
ran railways, wored on the buses and in ammunition factories. (nfortunately it is a fact that we
re!ard woman as a liability, as somethin! which is below oursel$es. The common man.s
conception of a woman is that she is lie the shoes on our feet. If they are torn we can throw
them away and tae a new pair.
#n Hon. Me$ber" Is that the conception in =a-asthan /
Sri !a- Baadur" That is so not only in =a-asthan but in most of our rural areas. It is so in
hi!h families also. It is time that we realise the bitter truth. It is time that we reco!nise it if we
want to shoulder the responsibilities that ha$e de$ol$ed upon us as a result of our
independence. If we want to mae our home and this country Bharat Earsh secure we should
ha$e to see that our women fol are brou!ht on a par with man. It is not 2esternism or
Modernism but the e+i!encies of the moment that re%uire it. ?ou cannot face all the threats to
your security as a nation unless you radically chan!e our attitude towards the women of our
country. It is impossible to !o ahead with the tas of reor!anisation of our country unless and
until our women !et the same status as man in our society and it is a patent fact that today that
status is not !ranted to them. (nless and until the law that is there is codified and brou!ht within
the reach of the common man it will be impossible for our people to be unified.
May I in this connection refer in passin! to the difficulties that we are e+periencin! today /
5ur law has been what the British @ud!es in the &ri$y Council ha$e interpreted till now. It is a
well nown fact that conflictin! -ud!ements e+ist on the same points. >or e+ample you can cite
many contradictory rulin!s on either side. )part from that the law as it e+ists today is only within
the reach of e+perts, lawyers or -ud!es and the common man does not now what the law is. Is
it not !ood that by codifyin! the law and main! it more rational by modifyin! it to the e+tent
desirable, we may mae the law within easy reach of the people / 5therwise our pro!ress
towards unification and solidarity will be impossible.
The %uestion before us is not whether we should codify. #$en the bitterest opponents of
codification ha$e $eered round to the opinion that codification is necessary. How far should we
codify it, is the %uestion. There are only three or four points which ha$e aroused bitter
#n Hon. Me$ber: This is not a !eneral discussion.
Sri !a- Baadur : It is a discussion on the points hon. Members ha$e made that the whole
Code should be made applicable to the entire nation.
Bitter contro$ersy has ra!ed firstly about di$orce and marria!e laws and secondly about
inheritance. I will confine myself to these two important points. I would say that the pro$isions of
the Bill and the latest amendments proposed by the Hon. Law Minister may be modified to a
certain e+tent, if we find that we cannot !o whole ho!. But so far as the basic principle of
di$orce is concerned we shall ha$e to reco!nise it.
I mi!ht !i$e you an e+ample. If a man happens to con$ert himself to Islam or any other
reli!ion, at the present time his wife and children are also compelled to do so. Is it not
necessary that at least in such cases our women fol should be allowed to remain within the
Hindu fold / Can anybody ob-ect in principle to di$orce bein! allowed in such cases /
So f!r !) inherit!nce i) concerned . !m not in f!vour of !llo'in& the d!u&hter !n" )h!re !fter
her m!rri!&e in the f!therB) propert"# But if )he i) unm!rried )he mu)t be !llo'ed the )!me !) her
brother# Th!t i) !n !mendment 'hich 'ould meet the vie'point of m" le!rned friend ;!ndit
Th!%ur !) Bh!r&!v!#
In conclusion, I would say that so far as the opposition to the Bill is concerned it has made out
of certain political considerations also. The elections are loomin! lar!e on the hori4on and
people consider any stic !ood enou!h to beat the Con!ress with. &eople outside the Con!ress
are tryin! to whip up passion a!ainst the measure -ust because the elections are comin!. They
want to use it as a weapon in the election fi!ht. It is therefore meet and proper that we should
consider each pro$ision of the Bill as coolly as possible, thrash out e$ery issue threadbare, so
that people may be able to see the Code in the proper li!ht without the mist that now surrounds
it. It is ob$ious that when we come to the clause by clause discussion, most of the superstitions
and suspicions will be remo$ed and contro$ersial matters may be settled by mutual a!reement
and nothin! will be there which will offend public conscience and public morality.
2ith these words. Sir, I oppose the amendments mo$ed and support the clause

KM=. '#&(T?*S&#)C#= I0 TH# CH)I=.L

Se& 1o,ind Das 1Madhya &radesh3" >irst of all I want to say that it would ha$e been $ery
!ood if......
Sri Hussain I$a$ 1Bihar3 " 5n a point of information. Sir8 2ill the Hon. Minister of 2ors,
&roduction and Supply, who is now here, tell the House about the tra!edy of the 'elhi cloc
tower / The 'elhi cloc tower has fallen.
So$e Hon. Me$bers: This is not the time.
Se& 1o,ind Das " ?ou can as that after the speech, not in the middle of it.
Mr. Depu&y Speaer" It is possible some hon. Members are an+ious to now what has
happened. If the Hon. Minister has any statement to mae he may do so after Seth ,o$ind 'as
concludes his speech and we shall ha$e an opportunity of ha$in! more information about the
Minis&er o' 3orks4 .roduc&ion and Supply (Sri 1ad+il) : I ha$e learnt about it only an
hour a!o. Secondly, I am not administrati$ely responsible for what has happened in 'elhi. The
property nown as the cloc tower is mana!ed by the 'elhi )dministration and probably by the
'elhi Municipal Committee. But if it is the desire of the House that it should now some facts I
shall try to contact the proper authority and at about fi$e I may be able to !i$e some information.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: ?es. The hon. Member may continue his speech.
Se& 1o,ind Das: *(En,lish translation of the &indi speech) Sir, I was submittin! that it
would ha$e been $ery !ood if the Hon. Minister has not introduced this Bill at the present time.
2hen I say this, it should not be inferred that I want to stic to the old customs or want to follow
all that is !i$en in our Smrities and #edas. I ha$e some nowled!e of Sansrit and I lo$e my
Indian culture, therefore, as far as Smrities and #edas are concerned, they are not of the same
opinion on e$ery sub-ect. If one #eda or Smriti says one thin! re!ardin! a particular sub-ect
another veda or Smriti says another thin! re!ardin! the same. 2e ha$e always been lo$er of
nowled!e. Cnowled!e has always been !i$en first place in our history and culture. 2e ha$e
admitted the fact that Aalaheden dharma hedah i.e. =eli!ion chan!es accordin! to times. I
admit that we need reforms and reforms should also be brou!ht about throu!h le!islations. I
remember the days when =a-a =am Mohan =ay pleaded the case for the abolition of sati. #$en
in those days there were people in the country who were in fa$our of Sati custom. I also
remember those days when lswarchandra Eidyasa!ar ad$ocated the cause of widow
remarria!e and it was stron!ly opposed. #nou!h has been said re!ardin! Sharda )ct. I admit
that child marria!es ha$e been pre$ented to a lar!e e+tent due to the Sharda )ct and to a
!reater e+tent this Sharda )ct has tried to put an end to this bad custom of ours. Therefore, I
admit that we ha$e always been rational in our outloo. 2e should not follow the #edas and
Smrities blindly and we need laws to reform our society. But I could not understand one thin!
which our Minister said yesterday. He lau!hed at those persons who su!!ested that this Bill
should be made applicable to the entire society as a whole. If we want to !et our different
societies nit in such a way, if we want to create such a society where there should be no class
or caste distinction or so much difference as at present, then I submit that we need such a law
which may be applicable to the entire society without any distinction. ?esterday, the Hon.
Minister made certain obser$ations which in my opinion do not befit him, it is -ust possible that I
may be wron!. I thou!ht that he became somewhat irritated and lost his temper or he felt that
we were puttin! obstruction in the passa!e of the Bill. But this is not the thin!. This is the
opinion of the most of the people, and I am one of them, that it would ha$e been far better had
this law been made applicable to the entire society without distinction. )ccordin! to the Hon.
Minister, it will be a matter of !reat pleasure if such a Bill could be introduced within two days. It
will be $ery !ood if this Bill could be !ot passed within half an hour. It was not a !ood thin! for
our Hon. Minister, holdin! such a responsible post, to lau!h at those people who hold different
opinions than what he holds. It has been clearly stated in our Constitution, it may not be in the
chapter relatin! to fundamental ri!hts but it is in the preamble chapter"
9 That State shall endea$our to secure for the citi4ens a uniform Ci$il Code throu!hout the
territory of India.9
It has been clearly stated in our Constitution. The Bill which has been presented before us
today is opposed to this clause. 2e ha$e suffered a lot as a result of this class and caste
distinctions. )fter attainin! independence, we framed our Constitution and this is the first social
Bill which has been presented before us after the passin! of the Constitution. 2e should ha$e
incorporated some of the ideals in this social Bill and that could ha$e been easily done., if only
this was to be applied to the entire society. If some clauses of this Bill are deleted and the !ood
ones selected then a Bill could be prepared which could be applied to the entire society as a
whole. Then, the people who are opposin! this Bill today would not ha$e done so.
There is one thin! more and which is %uite apparent. There are many !ood thin!s in this Bill
as well. I would rather say that it abounds in !ood thin!s and the points of disa!reement are
$ery few. There is one important point in the fundamental thin!s, which ha$e been laid down in
this Bill. 5ne of the disputed points is that women should also be !i$en the ri!ht of succession
to property. It is easy to say a thin! as my friend Shri Syamanandan Sahaya has done, I hold
him in !reat esteem, by declarin! that we already treat women as masters of our household. I
would lie to tell him that that is ain to the ma+im 9 the safe is yours but let the eys remain
with me.9 2e ha$e seen and are aware of the conse%uences resultin! from non*e+istence of
the ri!hts of women to property. 2e now of the li$es that many women had to lead. 2ill Shri
Syamanandan Sahaya or those who are of his opinion deny the fact that many a chaste and
respectable women belon!in! to wealthy families had to lose their presti!e and status on
account of ha$in! been left without property / )s far as I am concerned, I ha$e, therefore, no
difference of opinion about women.s ri!ht of succession to property. The %uestion is whether
they should obtain share in the father.s property or in the father*in*law.s.
1iani 1. S. Musa'ir 1&un-ab3" There is no ob-ection to father*in*law.s.
Se& 1o,ind Das: So this is a bi! %uestion. Today our system of marria!e is such that the
woman !oes to her husband.s place. There was also a time when there e+isted no system of
marria!e in the society. The story of (ddala and Shwetetu in the Mahabharata clearly shows
that there was a time when no marria!e were held. Then came a period of matriarchy, where
the husband used to !o to the wife.s place and the female child amon! their children inherited
the property. That system still pre$ails in some places, in Malabar for e+ample. Then the period
of patriarchy came. Most of our social structure today comprises of patriarchy, not matriarchy,
and how far would it be proper to mae a woman inheritor of father.s property in such society is
a contro$ersial matter. I would lie to impress that so far as the women.s ri!ht of succession to
property is concerned that must be there, but that should e+ist in such a manner that an
unmarried woman should be entitled to it at her father.s place and a married one at her
There are also some other clauses of this Bill about which there may be a difference of
opinion. So far as this Bill is concerned. It incorporates two thin!s. >irst, $arious e+istin! laws
ha$e been amal!amated. Secondly, some clauses for the purpose of social reform ha$e been
added. )s I had -ust said, it would ha$e been in the fitness of thin!s had this Bill not come up.
2hen our &resident 'r. =a-endra &rasad was the &resident of the Con!ress, he had pleaded
for not presentin! such a Bill and so accordin! to him it had better not come up. But now it has
been carried so far that if it is withdrawn at this -uncture, $arious interpretations shall be
forthcomin! for that. The ne+t election is before the people. I do not !i$e $ery much importance
to the elections and belie$e that the Con!ress is not so ineffectual that if the present Bill is
passed and people are told that the Con!ress has done it, the Con!ress &arty would be
defeated. But if the Con!ress is such a trifle that it can thus be defeated. I would say that the
earlier it is defeated the better. So I differ from those who eep the elections before them and
proceed with that point in $iew. I ha$e recollections of 6H<A and 6H<G when the Swara-ya &arty
went to polls for the first time. I was a candidate for the Central )ssembly from the Ramindar
party and it was bein! said that the Con!ress and 4amindars were far apart, that 4amindars
would not $ote with the Con!ress 8 but still nobody contested my seat. )fter that I stood a!ain
for the Council of State in 6H<7 and then too it was doubted whether the $oters of the Council of
State would $ote for the Con!ress. Sir Mane-i 'adabhai and Sir Hari Sin!h ,our opposed me,
but I !ot three*fourth of the $otes. Therefore, I do not consider the Con!ress to be a touch*me*
not institution which may wane into a defeat if we pass such a Bill, which thou!ht may continue
to !i$e us a constant fear of elections. I am of the opinion that if we are in fa$our of this Bill and
if our leader, our &rime Minister, considers that it should be passed, it would be a mistae for us
not to pass it for fear of elections. It is a different thin! if we do not want to pass it. But if we do
not pass it for fear of elections, there would be nothin! worse than that. )nd I would say a word
to those also who would not lie to see it !o throu!h for fear of elections. If the Bill is not passed
now, they shall find people sayin! that if the Con!ressmen were returned they would do such
thin!s as were not there e$en in the Bill. Such horrid pictures would be drawn before the people
the lie of which we cannot e$en ima!ine today. So we ha$e not to deal with this Bill for
consideration or fear of election. 2e ha$e to deal with it on its merits. In this connection, I
would reiterate before the Hon Minister what I ha$e -ust said, namely, that the Bill has two parts
;one of amal!amation and the other of social reforms. 2e are utterly opposed to many
pro$isions of social reforms. I want that under the pre$ailin! circumstances in the country all
such pro$isions should be left out because their incorporation is inopportune. Thin!s o$er which
there is di$er!ence of opinion should be e+cluded and those of amal!amation may be taen up.
I mae considerable distinction between these two thin!s and wish the Hon. Minister to !i$e
sufficient heed to this su!!estion of mine. I want that so far as amal!amation is concerned we
should tae that up as also the pro$isions with which we are not at $ariance and these
pro$isions may be passed. Those pro$isions that are contro$ersial and with re!ard to which
there is !oin! on a campai!n in the country should be left out. 2e must let the ne+t election
tae place when representati$es would be elected on adult franchise. If at that time we thin it
necessary to brin! up the pro$isions concernin! social reforms, we may mo$e them as
amendments to this present Bill and pass them. Such an approach will co$er both the thin!s. It
would brin! about an amal!amation of the laws and with that we would also a$oid the
contro$ersial points.
5ne thin! more should be done. )s my friend Shri @aspat =oy Capoor said, its application
should not be made obli!atory on all people. 5f course, such social reforms should be brou!ht
about throu!h le!islation 8 but it is imperati$e to mould public opinion in their fa$our. It would not
be ill*ad$ised to mae it applicable only o$er those who accept it and not try to mae it bindin!
on the entire population. Therefore, I would a!ain submit that it were better for this Bill not to
ha$e come up before us at all. I am also of the opinion that in eepin! with the ideals of our
Constitution if we could mae this Bill in the times to come applicable to the entire society,
accordin! to the amendments mo$ed by Shri @aspat =oy Capoor or others we must endea$our
to mae it such. )lon! with this we should also endea$our not to mae it applicable
compulsorily o$er the people. It may be applied to those people only who accept it, or else in
the e+istin! conditions we may lea$e out its contro$ersial portions and so far as the matter of
amal!amation !oes, we may do it in as much as we are unanimous about it.

Sri Hussain l$a$ : Sir, today I also want to spea in my own lan!ua!e as our Seth
,o$ind 'as has deli$ered a !ood speech.
.ro'. !an+a : 2hy not spea in #n!lish, so that we may follow /
Sri Hussain I$a$ : In considerin! the Hindu Code Bill, ordinarily, I would not ha$e taen
part in the debate, because it is a measure applicable to my sister community and as such they
should ha$e the ri!ht to ha$e whate$er they wish for themsel$es.
Sri %ya+i 1(ttar &radesh3" But the amendment co$ers you.
Sri Hussain I$a$: That is the reason for my risin! to spea. Some of my hon. friends
are an+ious to brin! us under the pur$iew of this measure. 2ell, there would ha$e been no
ob-ection on our part to come under a common code had it been in ad$ance of our own system.
But my complaint is that it is $ery much bacward8 and you want to draw up and brin! us down
to the le$el to which you ha$e brou!ht yourself down. I, therefore, wish to be e+cused from
comin! down to your le$el.
I may mention that the Hindu Code Bill has a $ery lon! history behind it. )t one sta!e of it I
had occasion to participate in the Committee on Hindu Law that was appointed in 6HBB*B7. )s
such I ha$e my sympathies with those who wish to ad$ance the cause of the weaer se+. I
belie$e that no country or society can ad$ance if it has !ot submer!ed and suppressed people
in its fold. It is $ery necessary that e$eryone should ha$e e%uality before the law and in the
matter of inheritance and other thin!s. But it would be idle on our part to i!nore the feelin!s of
others. >eel as I may for myself. I must also realise what others are feelin!, and as you. Sir,
$ery poi!nantly pointed out, it is $ery necessary that there should be no dictatorship.
The Hon. the Law Minister in his speech in the Constituent )ssembly, on the memorable day
we completed the drawin! up of the Constitution, said as follows"
9 It is %uite possible in a country lie India;where democracy from its lon! disuse must be
re!arded as somethin! %uite new; there is dan!er of democracy !i$in! place to dictatorship. It
is %uite possible for this new born democracy to retain its form but !i$e place to dictatorship in
fact. If there is a landslide, the dan!er of the second possibility becomin! actuality is much
I commend to him his own speech and as whether it would not be dictatorship on the part of
this house to dictate to the thirty*si+ crores of people of India to come under a law compulsorily,
-ust as the old orthodo+y was denyin! the ri!ht of !oin! forward to the more*ad$anced
members of society. It is a dictatorship which a minority is !oin! to e+ercise on a $ast ma-ority. I
wish to tell my sisters and the reformist brothers that they must tae heart. In e$erythin! there is
a fair way of fructification. They ha$e the whole field before them. I find that orthodo+y is not
only not a!!ressi$e, but is on the defensi$e; is puttin! on the !arb of reformists to fi!ht its
retreatin! battles. It is fast losin! its momentum. 2e ha$e the eternal dilemma of an irresistible
force meetin! an irremo$able mass. But that mass is becomin! e$ery day li!hter and li!hter and
its roots are !ettin! uprooted e$ery day. Therefore, this orthodo+y will not remain adamant, as it
has been in the past. But is it necessary that the reformist should become a!!ressi$e/ Should
they play the !ame of the old orthodo+ people and try to dictate what they feel to be the best to
people who do not re!ard them as the best but as the worst / 2hy should you do that / That is
the %uestion and in that %uestion my community also -oins.
2e feel that our system of law, and our system of distribution of wealth is more democratic
and more socialistic and more, if I may say so, ain to the communistic, than the system which
is proposed in this piece of le!islation before us.
I thin the ma-or amendments to clause < can be di$ided into three cate!ories. >irstly, some
of the amendments, notably amendment 0os. 6A and 6B of the Consolidated List want to
increase its applicability. )mendment 0o. 6A of the supplementary list also. Then there are
certain amendments, lie 0o. 6D which wants to decrease its applicability. Then there is the
third cate!ory, which wants to restrict its applicability to only those who wish to come under this.
I thin it is a $ery !ood media which has been su!!ested by Shri @aspat =oy Capoor and
deser$es the most serious consideration of this House; whether it would not ser$e our
purpose by ha$in! a better code than the reformed Code which 'r. )mbedar has brou!ht
before the House. He had to !i$e some concession much a!ainst his wish.
I wish to state a few facts for the consideration of the House. These facts are that the Bill
sou!ht to be amended by 'r. )mbedar is so materially different from the =eport of the Select
Committee that we should in common -ustice recirculate these amendments and !et the opinion
of the country whether they wish to ha$e this in the form in which they ha$e been brou!ht or
not, and there is no time for that. This House is under dissolution. It will last probably, if thin!s
do not mo$e in an untoward direction;which may %uite possibly happen on account of the war
;for a few more months. 0ow, I as my lady friends and reformists whether it would not be
better for them to tae up the challen!e of the orthodo+y now. )ccordin! to Shri @aspat =oy
Capoor.s amendment it is only a %uestion of how far you are !oin! to !et the co*operation of the
people to come and be under this )ct. There is no occasion better than the election. In the
election booth all the adult population of the country will be comin!. If you ha$e a system of
re!istration runnin! side by side with the election booth and ha$e a re!ister in which e$ery $oter
will put in his thumb impression to indicate that he is willin! to come under this Code, you can
!et the mandate of the people. Then you can confront orthodo+y and come and say that a $ast
ma-ority of the country wants this reform, orthodo+y must !o bac and the day has been won for
the reformists. But you do not do it. If you do not seriously con$ert the people to your idea, why
do you as that this body should !et the odium of thrustin! somethin! on the people which it is
professed they do not want and which you are unable to pro$e they want.
I therefore su!!est that if the Hon. the Law Minister is not prepared to accept the amendment
of my hon. friend Mr. @aspat =oy Capoor in toto, he may at least follow the e+ample set in the
Shariat )ct of ours where parts of it were made compulsorily applicable to all but parts of it were
reser$ed for only those who would come and !et themsel$es re!istered. This is the second
su!!estion which I wish to mae to the Hon. Minister.
Sri 0. !. "apoor : 2ill the hon. Member please say which are those parts /
Sri Hussain I$a$: I wish to state that there are certain parts to which $ery serious
ob-ection has been taen, notably by you. Sir, about the distribution of property to the dau!hter.
If you want that this portion should not apply to all, you can mae it a pro$ision of this nature,
namely, that this part;Chapter IE;may apply only to those who wish to come into it.
I would also mention the possibility of the !ra$e dan!ers which this amendment of 'r.
)mbedar on the %uestion of property has brou!ht in. My $alued friend &andit Thaur 'as
Bhar!a$a su!!ested that the !irls should !et a share while they are unmarried and when they
!et married they should be entitled to the husband.s property in the father*in*laws. s house. But
you must not for!et the di$orced women. How has the modern Manu pro$ided for them/ 'r.
)mbedar has not pro$ided for the di$orced women who are depri$ed of the share. He has
pro$ided for the share to remain permanently for the !irl;half a share for the unmarried !irl and
%uarter of a share for the married !irl. But &andit Thaur 'as-i has su!!ested no share for the
di$orced woman. (nder 'r. )mbedar.s rule she will continue to ha$e a %uarter of a share.
But &andit Thaur 'as-i would depri$e her e$en of that %uarter share because as soon as she
!ets married she will ha$e no share.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" )ccordin! to me she would be entitled to the ri!hts of
partnership in the property of the new husband.
Sri Hussain I$a$ : If she does not remarry / I therefore thin that another dan!er of the
pro$ision made by 'r. )mbedar is that it mi!ht lead to immorality;the pro$ision that on
marria!e a woman will lose half of her property and will be entitled only to a %uarter of the
father.s property. ) rich !irl would ne$er marry a poor husband.
Dr. #$bedkar : 2hy bother about the rich /
Sri Hussain I$a$ : )s lon! as you ha$e not chan!ed the system and do not !o to the
Moscow*&ein! a+is of my hon. friend Bra-eshwar &rasad, you ha$e to care for wealth and
capital. 2hen you come to that day you will no lon!er bother about this. I was rather surprised
that 'r. )mbedar who is a born democrat should ha$e made dispara!in! remars about the
electorate. The electorate with all its i!norance is the only touchstone by means of which we
can test democracy. If that is remo$ed, democracy will become meanin!less, lifeless and only
an effi!y of democracy. Because, what did Hitler do/ He had elections, but a system was
e$ol$ed by means of which elections were made.. .(An hon. -emer" #asy3.. .not easy, but they
were made only a cloa to co$er the dictates of the dictator. The same thin! will happen if we
accept this dictum that the electorate has no ri!ht and the ri!ht is reser$ed to the Members of
&arliament alone to decide whate$er they lie and in whate$er manner they choose to do.
I would a!ain mention one fact, not the competence of this House; I would be the last
person, ha$in! been for twenty years in the Central Le!islature, to %uestion the competence of
this Le!islature;but would it not be better to lea$e a measure of this nature to the popularly
elected representati$es who would come to this House with the direct mandate of the electorate
/ I am su!!estin! this as a method of findin! out the will of the people. )s lon! as we pay at
least lip ser$ice to democracy our ultimate masters and the arbiters of our fate are the electors.
This is !oin! to affect all. I wish to warn the House that as a!ainst the Bill as reported by the
Select Committee, as a result of the chan!e of the Constitution, we are !oin! to hit each and
e$ery indi$idual property. #$en a small farm of an acre of land is not free from the ambit of this
new Bill, because land is now brou!ht in under the pur$iew of the Central Le!islature, whereas
what the Bill as reported by the Select Committee affected was only fifteen to si+teen per cent
of the population. Is it proper, is it democratic for you without !oin! to a Select Committee e$en
to so chan!e the nature of the Bill that it will affect hundred per cent. of the citi4ens of India;
because Land has now been brou!ht into the pur$iew of the Central Le!islature / I $ery
respectfully be! to su!!est that it is not proper for this Le!islature, eepin! self*respect in $iew,
to !o so much forward without e$en the formality of ha$in! a Select Committee to !o o$er it. I
now that now it is no !ood cryin! o$er spilt mil. But I am brin!in! all these ar!uments in
fa$our of main! this Bill electi$e. I do not say, ha$in! ad$anced so far and ha$in! made so
many mistaes in the past, that you should now brush it away. But at least you should ha$e the
decency to say that you will allow the people to ha$e their choice whether they wish to be under
this )ct or not. This choice may be either !eneral as my hon. friend Mr. @aspat =oy Capoor has
su!!ested, or it may be restricted as I am su!!estin! now for the consideration of ,o$ernment.
7 p.m.
KM=. S&#)C#= I0 TH# CH)I=.L

Government have got ample time according to present estimates. !he +ill is not going to be
proceeded with immediately now. !herefore it is possible for Government to reconsider their
position. In all humility I would appeal to Government to give it their best consideration and
make it elective in full and if that is not possible for having it at least in part made elective and
not compulsory. (therwise it will be dictatorship and not democracy.
Mr. Speaker " 2e will now tae up the half an hour discussion.
Sri 1ad+il" ) re%uest was made by hon. Members to let the House now about a certain
accident that has happened in the mornin! in the Chandni Chow.
Mr. Speaker: I thin it had better be taen at 7*AI instead of now.
HI0'( C8D9: contd.
Clause <.;(Application of Code)Contd.

Sri Na*iruddin #$ad 12est Ben!al3" I ha$e a point of order....
Sr$ia&i Dur+abai 1Madras3 " 5n what sub-ect, may I now, is the hon. Member raisin! his
point of order / There is no sub-ect before the House on which the point of order could be
raised. >irst of all the motion should be mo$ed.
Sri Sondi 1&un-ab3 " 2ho are you / ?ou are not sittin! in the Chair (/nterruptions).
Sri$a&i Dur+abai " The motion must be made first.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The business before the House is further consideration of the Bill to
amend and codify certain branches if the Hindu Law, as reported by the Select Committee.
Clause < of the Bill is under consideration.
Sri !. ". Caudari 1)ssam3 " Before anythin! is said or done I would earnestly appeal to
the House throu!h you. Sir, that there need not be any unnecessary e+citement. I am
constrained to say that the conduct which has -ust now been shown by Shrimati 'ur!abai is far
from such and is...(/nterruptions).
>urther more I wish to now whether the attention of the ,o$ernment has been drawn to a
&ress news published yesterday, namely, that e$en if this Bill be passed the &resident may
withhold his assent and so far..... (/nterruptions).
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " 5rder, order.....
Sri$a&i Dur+abai: May I !i$e an e+planation since the hon. Member has referred to me /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : 0ot while I am on my le!s ...
Sri$a&i Dur+abai : ?ou must !i$e me an opportunity to answer what the hon. Member
has said (/nterruptions).
Mr. Depu&yn Speaker" 5rder, order. The hon. Member who ad$ised another hon. Member
not to be e+cited is himself e+cited. 5ne should sit on the ri!ht and the other on the left.
So far as the reference to the &resident is concerned his name ou!ht not to be can$assed for
the purpose of this Bill one way or the other. =ule 67H 1$i3 says that a Member while speain!
shall not use the &resident.s name for the purpose of influencin! the debate. The &resident.s
name ou!ht not to be referred to here at all.
Sri "a$a& 1Madhya &radesh3 " 0ot on a point of order, but on a point of propriety, when
such a measure as the Hindu Code is before the House, is it %uite proper for the Hon. Law
Minister to ha$e such a bi! baset before him /
Sri !. ". Caudari : This does not fit in with the serious topic before the House. I want to
now if it is a fact that the &resident will address this House on the Hindu Code.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 0o reference to the &resident can be permitted irrespecti$e of
anythin! that mi!ht ha$e appeared in the papers. 0ow, what is the point of order of Mr.
0a4iruddin )hmad /
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " rose
Sardar B. S. Man 1&un-ab3 " Before the hon. Member maes his point of order, may I say. Sir,
that you ha$e made certain obser$ations pre$iously in the debate that in your indness you
show certain concessions to lady Members here. 0ow when we are !oin! to discuss this Bill
may I re%uest that henceforward you will treat hon. lady Members and men Members on an
e%ual footin! and no concessions will be shown to lady Members / It is hi!h time for them to
mae up their mind either to ha$e the concessions or to ha$e the Hindu Code Bill
Sri$a&i Dur+abai " I would lie the Chair to !i$e a rulin!. It was a fact that the Chair said
sometime a!o that special concessions were sou!ht or ased for by the women Members and it
is a fact that the women Members had emphatically protested that they did not want any special
concession at all. Therefore, the hon. Member is %uite wron! in sayin! what is not true.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " I am fully aware that lady Members do not want any special
concessions for themsel$es " it could not ha$e been their intention. If therefore, I had made any
such remar I thou!ht that it would be taen in !ood humour and it was not my intention to cast
any reflections. I now $ery well that no lady Member has e$er been in need of any concession
or indul!ence. So far as I am concerned I ha$e !ot both sons and dau!hters, and therefore, I
shall try to be absolutely -ust. 0ow what is the point of order / 2ith respect to points of order I
may remind hon. Members that they may state their points cryptically without any ar!uments,
unless I want some elucidation with re!ard to them. I hope hon. Members will bear this in
Sri Na*irudd$ #$ad: I shall state the point of order and elucidate it $ery briefly -ust to
mae it intelli!ible.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : If I fail to understand I will as the hon*Member.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: My point of order concerns the applicability of the Bill to the former
Indian States, some of which are now nown as &art B States and some others ha$e been
incorporated in &art ) States. The whole point is directed towards that %uestion and I am
directin! my mind to that.
Hon. Me$bers : 2hat is the point of order /
.andi& Mai&ra 12est Ben!al3 " Is it the hon. Member.s point that the Bill has not been
published to them /
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : ?es, the Bill has not been published to them.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : I ha$e understood the point of order. 6I ).M.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : I ha$e to state a few facts.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : 9 >ew facts 9 are not necessary so far as this point of order is
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : There are rulin!s of the Chair on this point. I wish to draw your
attention to this point which was raised by Mr. Sarwate on the <Bth >ebruary, 6HBH ...
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " The House is on clause <. Is this rele$ant so far as clause < is
concerned /
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: ?es, clause < will also apply to the former Indian States.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " The hon. Member nows too well that the scope or the e+tent of the
operation of this Bill is !o$erned by clause 6. Clause 61<3 says"
6 .t e(tend) to !ll the ;rovince) of .ndi!#6
Thi) point of order m!" be relev!nt !) to 'hether in thi) unre)tricted m!nner it ou&ht to be
!llo'ed5 or 'hether5 !) it '!) ori&in!ll" fr!med5 it doe) not !ppl" under the Con)titution# There
m!" be m!n" re!)on) for !nd !&!in)t5 but the point of order m!" be r!i)ed !t th!t )t!&e5 not !t
thi) )t!&e# No' 'e !re &oin& into &ener!l con)ider!tion) 4 if the" do not !ppl" to ;!rt B or ;!rt
C St!te)5 'e 'ill re)trict them 'hen 'e come to cl!u)e 1#
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : It will lead to incon$enience 8 that will no doubt come formally, in
due course " we should not be made to wait till that time.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : I ha$e !i$en my rulin!. The hon. Member does not say that this clause
< will not apply to any State whatsoe$er 8 if it applies e$en to a small $illa!e in a sin!le State in
the whole of India we shall proceed with clause <. 2hen we come to clause I we shall eliminate
all the others where it ou!ht not to apply under the Constitution.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " The difficulty is this. If the Members belon!in! to the States now
before hand that the Bill will not apply to them, they will not trouble themsel$es about the matter
and discussion will be shortened. But on the other hand, if they are in the dar as to whether it
will apply to them or not, they will ha$e to partae in the debate. So, in order to clarify the
situation we ou!ht to now where we are and where they are.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : The hon. Member nows too well that we come bac, after e+haustin!
all the other clauses, to clause 6. )ny hon. Member who is arepresentati$e of the States may
proceed on the footin! that it will apply;he may do so in the first instance. Then he may mae
an effort alon! with Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad to !et it out. There is time enou!h.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya 1Bihar3 " Before we proceed with the Bill, I thin the House is
entitled to now the procedure which has been adopted from the papers we learn that only two
parts of the Bill, concernin! marria!e and di$orce, will be taen. It will be desirable for the Hon.
Minister to e+plain the position so that the House may now in what direction we are proceedin!
and how this matter is ultimately !oin! to be decided. That is one point to which I want to draw
your attention. Sir, and the attention of the House. The other point to which I want to draw your
attention and the attention of the Hon. Minister and of the House is this. 0ow the appearance of
the Bill seems to be such that it is difficult to reco!nise it. )s a matter of fact, the Hon. Law
Minister himself, who is the Mo$er of the Bill, has sent in a $ery lar!e number of amendments
some of which reached us e$en yesterday. ?ou will appreciate the importance of a Bill lie the
Hindu Code. ?ou ha$e also seen the seriousness that is attached to this Code by the Members
of this House. 2e are really in a difficult position to find out suddenly what the amendments are,
what the implications of those amendments are, and whether amendments to the amendments
should be sent because that is what will form the main basis of discussion, namely the
amendments of 'r. )mbedar. These are the difficulties that are facin! us. In order that the
Code may !o throu!h the House properly and ultimately the decision of the House may be such
as to e$oe respect in the country, it is desirable that some time is !i$en so that the
amendments may be read. ?ou will remember. Sir, that when the Bill was introduced and sent
to the Select Committee there was a Select Committee report. )fter that 'r. )mbedar sent a
lar!e number of amendments. 5n the one side we ha$e the amendments, on the other side the
Select Committee.s report 8 now, e$en those amendments are no more there*fresh
amendments ha$e been sent. )ll these are to be consolidated and placed in a manner in which
they can be con$eniently considered, and considered in a manner which the importance of the
Code deser$es. I thin we should adopt some procedure by which these amendments can be
considered carefully. I would also lie the Law Minister to let the House now what is the latest
decision of the ,o$ernment with re!ard to the procedure to be adopted with re!ard to the Hindu
Sri !. ". Caudari " I will put another %uestion so that it may be answered alon! with
this ...
Sri B. Das 15rissa3 " May I submit. Sir. ...
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : 0othin! more.
So far as the amendments are concerned, a set of amendments were tabled by the Hon. Law
Minister ori!inally and subse%uently to these amendments he has tabled another set of
%e Minis&er o' (a) (Dr. #$bedkar) " ) few;$erbal.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " #$en if they were substantial they ha$e all been circulated as early as
the 7th September. But if any hon. Member, durin! the course of the debate, mo$e an
amendment to any particular amendment, and if it is reasonable, we will consider it.
Dr. #$bedkar " Certainly, I ha$e no ob-ection.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " I am not !oin! to be too technical with respect to those matters here.
)fter all, the Hon. Minister has been sayin! that he would lie to ha$e as much as a!reed
solution to these problems as possible. Therefore, e$ery efforts will be made on all sides of the
House towards it. I shall ne$er be wantin!, if it is possible, in tryin! to smoothen and to !et o$er
the rules of procedure or to suspend standin! orders for brin!in! about an amicable settlement
so far as any clauses are concerned. Hon. Members may ha$e no difficulty. But so far as once
a!ain piecin! the amendments to!ether and circulatin! them a!ain is concerned, hon. Members
now too well how we were in an ocean of amendments so far as the 9=epresentation of the
&eople Bill was concerned 8 the Speaer could not now the amendments, a number of new
amendments were !i$en to the hon. Minister himself. This is not such a forest in which we
cannot !et in. )fter all, there are a few amendments to the ori!inal amendments and we can
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : 5ne other submission.
Sir Mr. Depu&y Speaker " Hon. members must mae up their mind to !o on with the Bill.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : That we ha$e made up.
Sri B. Das : Is he permitted to spea a!ain /
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : There is one other submission which I will mae. Sir. 2e ha$e
been followin! a procedure, namely that all the amendments are first mo$ed, then they are
discussed to!ether and then decisions are arri$ed at. I would submit that in the case of the
Hindu Code that will not be possible because e$ery amendment has a particular si!nificance 8 it
is not a %uestion of a cut motion bein! discussed or of a bud!et demand bein! discussed8 it is a
%uestion of e$ery amendment ha$in! a particular si!nificance, ha$in! a particular importance.
Therefore, I would submit that in the case of the consideration of the Hindu Code these
amendments should be taen up one by one 8 each amendment should be taen up, discussed
and then decided upon;either accepted or re-ected;and only then the ne+t amendment taen
up. That, I submit, ou!ht to be the procedure with re!ard to this Bill.
Sri !. ". Caudari: May I as for only one piece of information / There are certain
amendments which ha$e been tabled now after we had a discussion on this Bill in >ebruary last
" these are new amendments which ha$e been tabled since. I want to now whether those
Members who had taen part in discussion in >ebruary will be entitled to spea on the new
amendments now.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " I shall consider the su!!estion when the time arises. So far as these
amendments are concerned what I propose doin! is this. 0ormally the procedure is that each
amendment is taen up and disposed of and then we !o to the ne+t. But here, if there are
amendments of lie nature, e+cept the form of e+pression if the substance is the same then I
will as hon. Members to mo$e all those amendments to!ether so that a sin!le discussion may
proceed. Those amendments which are substantially different. I will place separately. It would
be helpful if the Hon. Minister is able to tell me what all amendments are of lie nature 8 hon.
Members may also consider the point when amendments are mo$ed8 if they find other
amendments which are substantially of a lie nature they may also rise and as that they be
mo$ed to!ether, and the discussion will proceed on all of them to!ether.
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay 12est Ben!al3 " If people are willin!, we mi!ht ha$e a time*limit on
Hon. Me$bers : 0o, no.
%e Minis&er o' 3orks4 .roduc&ion and Supply (Sri1ad+il) " It will be better for the Chair
to select a !roup of amendments which contain the same substance, and that !roup may be put
down for discussion. That will a$oid wasta!e of time.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " That is e+actly what I said. I ha$e no time to !roup them myself. I shall
as hon. Members, as soon as an amendment is mo$ed by 'r. )mbedar, whether they ha$e
amendments of a lie nature relatin! to the same sub-ect. If they ha$e, then I shall piece them
to!ether and ha$e a common discussion. That is for tomorrow.
)s for today, let us proceed with the business. Clause < was under discussion.
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay : 2ould you put my su!!estion to the House, Sir/
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : Has the Hon. Minister !ot nothin! to say on the points that I
made /
My Depu&y Speaker " I do not thin he wishes to say anythin!. 'oes he want to say
anythin! /
Dr. #$bedkar : 0o. Sir.
%e Minis&er o' 9duca&ion (Maulana )4ad3 " The &rime Minister will e+plain it.
The &rime Minister 1Shri @awaharlal 0ehru3 " I am sorry I was not here when the hon. Member
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : He wanted to now if there are any portions of this Bill that are not to
be considered. Clause < was under discussion pre$iously and naturally I wanted the discussion
to proceed and I was about to allow amendments to be mo$ed. Meanwhile, the hon. Member
wanted to now whether the Hon. Minister is tain! up any particular portions of this Bill first
and !i$in! them preference.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : In $iew of the reports in the &ress, I wanted to now the correct
Sri 0a)aarlal Neru : I thin the day before yesterday I did say somethin! on this $ery
sub-ect, that is, we propose to tae up &arts I and II of this Bill and if time permits we shall tae
up more. In any case, we do not want to lea$e the matter unfinished in re!ard to these two
parts. 2e should lie to finish them, e$en thou!h in re!ard to the rest what we shall do depends
on time.
Sri "a$a& : Has any definite number of days been earmared for the consideration of this
Bill /
Sri 0a)aarlal Neru : 2e e+pect that we shall finish it within this wee.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : This month or this wee /
Sri 0a)aarlal Neru : This wee, I said.
Dr. #$bedkar: 2ith your permission, I should lie to mo$e amendment 0o. B, in list 0o. 6.
It sees to substitute .tribe or community . to brin! it in conformity with the rest of the clause. I
be! to mo$e"
In the amendment proposed by me, printed as 0o. A, after part 1l31i3 insert"
91ia3 in part 1c3 1ii3 for .community .substitute .tribe or community .8 9.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : )mendment mo$ed " In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B.
=. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, after part 1l31i3 insert "
9 1ia3 in part 1c31ii3 for . community . substitute . tribe or community .8 9.
'r. )mbedar has already mo$ed amendment 0o. A durin! the last session . That
amendment and this one are before the House. Has any other hon. Member !ot amendments
relatin! to the same sub-ect /; to the same sub-ect, and not to clause < as a whole /
Sri 0. !. "apoor 1(ttar &radesh3 " Is it your intention. Sir, that if we ha$e amendments to the
amendments 0o. A and B of 'r. )mbedar, we may mo$e them /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : ?es.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: So, with your permission, I should lie first to mo$e 0o. H7 of list 0o. <.
)s a matter of fact, I had in my ori!inal notice !i$en it as an amendment to amendment 0o. A of
'r. )mbedar, but here it has been !i$en as an independent amendment. That has been done
by the office for the sae of facility probably. I am mentionin! this only to a$oid any ob-ection
from any %uarter that 0o. H7 is not an amendment to the amendment of 'r. )mbedar. I be! to
mo$e "
1i3 >or clause <, substitute "
9 <. Application of Code.This Code applies to all the citi4ens of India that is Bharat, who
after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority declare in writin! that they shall be !o$erned by this Code,
and !et such declaration re!istered in accordance with rules prescribed for the purposes by the
Central ,o$ernment"
&ro$ided that the pro$isions of &art II relatin! to marria!e and di$orce shall apply to such
declarant only when both the bride and the bride!room before the marria!e, or both the
husband and wife after the marria!e, mae such a declaration.9 Then, in the same conte+t, I
would as your permission to mo$e amendment 0o. HF in list 0o. <, I be! to mo$e "
1ii3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, after part
1<3, insert "
9 1A3 )fter sub*clause 1A3, the followin! new sub*clause be inserted, namely";
. 1B3 This code or any part or parts thereof also apply to any other person who after attainin!
the a!e of ma-ority declares in writin! that he shall be !o$erned by this Code, or any part or
parts thereof as the case may be, and !et such declaration re!istered in accordance with rules
prescribed for the purposes by the Central ,o$ernment"
&ro$ided that the pro$isions of &art II relatin! to marria!e and di$orce shall apply to such
declarant only when both the bride and the bride!room before the marria!e, or both the
husband and wife after the marria!e, ha$e made such a declaration.. 9
I also be! to mo$e"
1iii3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in part 1I 3
1ii3 of the proposed amendment to sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9 Sih reli!ion 9 add "
9 or to any other reli!ion or faith e+cept Muslim, Christian, &arsi, or @ew reli!ion.9
1i$3 )fter part 1c3 1ii3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, insert "
9 1iii3 to any orphan or abandoned child brou!ht up by the State.9
Sri B. ". .. Sina 1Bihar3 " May I su!!est that instead of hon. Members readin! all the
amendments, they may only refer to their numbers. Because the amendments sometimes
tantamount to a speech.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " It is no !ood our closin! our eyes. There is a limit to this ind of
su!!estion. The amendments must be read 8 we cannot rush throu!h lie this. Certainly I will
allow all reasonable debate on the matter. I my self am not able to understand at times. #+cept
on formal matters, when I shall as hon. Members not to read the amendments, the
amendments must be read.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: Than you for your direction. Sir.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" That does not mean that the hon. Member can be dilatory.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: If the su!!estion of my hon. friend were to be pursued to its lo!ical len!th,
we can e$en say that all the amendments standin! in the name of an hon. Member are mo$ed.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 2e need not dilate upon that.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" I be! to mo$e" 1$3 for sub*clause 1A3 of clause <, substitute"
6 (D) The e(pre))ion B Hindu B 'herever it occur) in thi) Code )h!ll be con)trued !) if it
included ! per)on 'ho5 thou&h not ! Hindu b" reli&ion i)5 neverthele)) &overned5 or decl!re) hi)
con)ent in the m!nner pre)cribed b" the Centr!l &overnment in thi) beh!lf to be &overned5 b" the
provi)ion) of thi) Code#6 Then . come to !mendment No# E7E of 3i)t +#
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " I thin we mi!ht tae up sub*clause by subclause. There are a number
of sub*clauses in clauses <. (nless any amendment can be brou!ht under anyone of these
sub*clauses we shall carry on with sub*clause 163. Then we shall tae up the other subclauses.
2hat is the Hon. Minister.s reaction to this su!!estion /
Dr. #$bedkar : I am %uite a!reeable to that.
Sri 0. !. "apoor " May I submit that all the amendments mi!ht be allowed to be mo$ed. 2e
shall follow the procedure we adopted in the Constituent )ssembly from tomorrow onwards.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Today, I lea$e it to hon. Members to mo$e whate$er amendments they
lie. Tomorrow I shall ha$e them consolidated under each sub*clause.
Sri 0. !. "apoor " I be! to mo$e "
1$i3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, for part 1<3
substitute " 9 1<3 for sub*clause 1B3 the followin! be substituted, namely "; . 1B3 This Code or
any &art or &arts thereof also apply to any other person who declares his consent in the
manner prescribed by the Central ,o$ernment in this behalf to be !o$erned by this Code or any
part or parts thereof, as the case may be.. 9 1$ii3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B.
=. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in the proposed amendment to clause <, after part 163, insert"
9 16)3 in the pro$iso to sub*clause 1<3, insert at the end . unless he has declared his consent
in the manner prescribed by the Central ,o$ernment in this behalf to be !o$erned by this Code
in respect of such matters also.. 9
1$iii3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in the
proposed amendment to clause <, after part 163, insert"
91I)3 in sub*clause 1A3 for the words . the pro$isions . the words . any or more of the pro$isions
. be substituted.9 5r, in the alternati$e, if that be not acceptable to the House " 1i+3 In the
amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in the proposed
amendment to clause <, after part 163, insert "
91I)3 in sub*clause 1A3 insert at the end . in respect of any or more of the matters dealt with
herein ..9
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 9 )ny one or more 9 is the usual e+pression. Is it not/
Sri 0. !. "apoor" I a!ree. Sir, to your su!!estion. This e+hausts my amendments to
amendment 0o. A of 'r. )mbedar.
There is one amendment, which I see to mo$e to my own pre$ious amendment mo$ed
durin! the last session. I be! to mo$e "
1+3 In the amendment proposed by me, printed as 0o. HA, to the proposed clause <, add the
pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided that the pro$isions of &art II relatin! to marria!e and di$orce shall apply to such
declarant only when both the bride and bride!room before .the marria!e, or both the husband
and wife after the marria!e, mae such a declaration.9
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: ) similar amendment has already been mo$ed.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" This is an amendment to my own pre$ious amendment. Then I wish to
mo$e my amendment 0o. 6<7. I be! to mo$e " 1+i3 To clause <, add the pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided that the pro$isions of parts II orSand EII relatin! to marria!e and di$orce, and
succession shall not apply to any person unless such person, after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority
declares in writin! that he or she, as the case may be, shall be !o$erned by the said pro$isions,
and !ets such declaration re!istered in accordance with rules prescribed for the purpose by the
Central ,o$ernment"
&ro$ided further that the pro$isions of &art II relatin! to marria!e and di$orce shall apply to
such declarant only when both the bride and bride!room before the marria!e, or both the
husband and wife after the marria!e, mae such a declaration.9
There is only one more amendment, notice of which I ha$e !i$en this mornin!. It is a small
amendment and with your permission I shall mo$e it. I be! to Mo$e "
1+ii3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in the
proposed amendments to sub*clause 163 of clause <, after part 163 1ii3, insert" 9 1iii3 insert a new
part 1e3 as follows" . 1e3 to a con$ert to any reli!ion or faith after the commencement of this
Code.. 9
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " That is, if on the date of the commencement of this Code there is a
Hindu, e$en if he chan!es his reli!ion after the commencement of this Code it is this Code
which will apply to him notwithstandin! the chan!e of reli!ion. Is that the intention /
Sri 0. !. "apoor " The intention is that if any person chan!es his faith after the
commencement of this Code, then this Code shall apply to him. Suppose a Hindu chan!es his
faith after the commencement of this Code and becomes a Muslim, e$en then it will not be open
to him to ha$e two, three or four wi$es at a time as he lies. That is, it should not be open to
anyone to con$ert himself into a Muslim in order only to !et o$er the pro$isions of this Code and
to ha$e more than one wife. There are other implications also of my amendment but I ha$e
e+plained this one important implication.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : 5ne wife will be sufficiently difficult 8 two wi$es would be out of the
%uestion J
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Today I will allow all amendments to be mo$ed to clause <; both to
the ori!inal clause and to the amendments of the Hon. Minister. I shall try to put them to!ether
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a 1&un-ab3" May I now if any of the amendments which my hon.
friend has -ust now mo$ed were mo$ed in the >ebruary session also/ I thin one of the
amendments mo$ed now was debated in the House;the amendment relatin! to a person
declarin! that he will be bound by the Code. I thin he also made a speech on that. I do not
now if that amendment has not already been mo$ed and also debated upon.
Sri 0. !. "apoor : I may assure my hon. friend that I ha$e taen -olly !ood care to see that I
do not repeat any one of my pre$ious amendments. 5f course the sub-ect matter of some of
these amendments was incorporated in some form or another in a pre$ious amendment that I
ha$e mo$ed. But findin! that, that particular amendment would not well suit the purpose, and in
order to meet the ob-ection raised then by my hon. friend &andit Thaur 'as Bhar!a$a, I ha$e
further amended my pre$ious amendment so as to brin! it perfectly within the four comers of
the Code and also to mae it otherwise acceptable.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : I be! to mo$e " To clause <, add the pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided howe$er, that notwithstandin! anythin! contained in this section this Code shall not
apply to any person unless such person !ot his name re!istered, si!nifyin! his will to be
!o$erned by this Code, with such authority and in such manner as may be prescribed.9
Sardar B. S. Man 1&un-ab3 " I be! to mo$e " In clause <, omit 9 Sih 9, where$er it occurs.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The hon. member.s desire, I tae it, is that it ou!ht not be apply to
Sardar B. S. Man" ?es.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: )t each sta!e let us now what the scope of the amendment is/
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: Such an amendment has already been mo$ed. The sub-ect
matter of amendment 0o. <AG is the same as Sardar Huarn Sin!h.s amendment.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : Let us for!et what all has been done. Let us start. The intention of
the House is to proceed clause by clause and ha$e a connected picture;and so there is no
harm if there is a repetition or if it is mo$ed once a!ain so as to focus attention.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a : In that case in the >ebruary session I mo$ed an amendment
and also made a speech on it. Is it necessary for me to mo$e it a!ain /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" It is not necessary.
Dr. #$bedkar: 0o, we now them.
Sri !. ". Caudari8 May I draw your attention to amendment 0o, 6<A / This stands in the
name of Shri @hun-hunwala who was here -ust now. But he ased me to brin! this to your notice
because he has !one outside the House owin! to an ur!ent call. So he will come and mo$e it.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Let him come. )fter he comes he can mo$e it.
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay" ?ou were ind enou!h to say this mornin! that amendments where
the sub-ect matter is the same should be mo$ed to!ether. I want to as whether you are
allowin! such amendments which were mo$ed and on which speeches were made for three
days, to be mo$ed once a!ain.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: They are pendin!.
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay: Certain amendments were mo$ed and speeches made on them in the
>ebruary session for three or four days. I want to now whether those are to be repeated now.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker8 2hat I propose to do is this. If any particular Member who has already
mo$ed his amendments wants to draw attention to them. He can indicate those amendments. I
will mae a note, the office also has a note. So that when the time comes I will put them. In so
far as speeches ha$e already been made I shall tae care to see that there is no repetition of
them. That is all that I can say.
Sri "a$a& : But discussion on those amendments is not barred. 'oes it mean that all
those amendments ha$e been disposed of /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 0o. )ll the amendments are under discussion. 0o amendment has
been disposed of.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" There is bound to be a certain amount of repetition because the
House has meanwhile for!otten e$erythin!.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The hon. Member nows how helpless I ha$e become e$en if
repetitions are made. Therefore, I su!!est to myself that I should be a little more careful.
Dr. %ek Cand 1&un-ab3 " I be! to mo$e "
In part 1a3 sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9members9, substitute 9followers9.
it is only a formal amendment and 'r. )mbedar has a!reed to accept this. The clause will
then read " 9 and followers of the Brahmo, the &rarthana or the )rya Sama- 9.
Sri Ba&& 1Bombay3 " I be! to mo$e " >or sub*clause 1<3 of clause <, substitute"
9 1<3 This Code also applies to any person, irrespecti$e of his reli!ion, who has been
!o$erned by the Hindu law or by any customer usa!e as part of that law in respect of any
matters dealt with herein.9
I ha$e tabled no other amendment. But 'r. )mbedar has used the word . community . with .
tribe ., will he not also put in the word . clan . with them /
Sri Bar$an 12est Ben!al3 " I be! to mo$e " In the pro$iso to sub*clause 1<3 of clause <,
for 9 in respect of those matters 9 occurin! at the end, substitute "
9 in respect of matters which that person has not $oluntarily chosen.9
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : The hon. member wants to !i$e an option for him to come into the
Hindu Code.
Dr. #$bedkar : Somethin! lie that.
Sri Bar$an " My intention is that a person who has $oluntarily chosen to adopt the customs
and usa!e of the Hindu law will not be allowed subse%uently to say that he is not !o$erned by
them, but any third person may challen!e or may pro$e that, that person was not !o$erned by
the Hindu Code and as such as re!ards the other matters the Code will not apply to him 8 but as
re!ards the matter which that person has himself $oluntarily chosen, other persons would be
precluded from challen!in! him.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: If he has already chosen, he will not be !o$erned by the earlier portion
of the Hindu Law. &erhaps the hon. Member wants to mae it more clear.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : I be! to mo$e "
1i3 5mit part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <.
1ii3 In part 1a3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9 Hindus, that is to say, all persons professin!
the Hindu reli!ion 9 substitute 9 persons who are Hindus by reli!ion 9.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: That is the same thin! as the Hon. Minister.s amendment.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: There is a $erbal chan!e.
Then, I be! to mo$e"
1iii3 >or part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, substitute"
9 1b3 to any person who is a @aina by reli!ion.9
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" It is an alternati$e amendment.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: ?es, Sir. Then, I be! to mo$e"
1i$3 In part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9 @aina or Sih 9 substitute 9 or @aina 9.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: He wants to eliminate the Sihs and Buddhists.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " ?es, Sir.
Dr. #$bedkar" There are $erities of amendments.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" Some of them are alternati$es.
Dr. #$bedkar" 5ne amendment says that Buddhists and Sihs should be omitted and
another says @ains should be omitted.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The hon. Member does not want the @ains to be omitted.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: . @ains . should stand. These are different $ariations of
amendments, because hon. Members do not now which will be acceptable to the House and
particularly by the Hon. Minister.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: In all his amendments I find that the . @ains . is the common factor. He
wants the others, that is, the Buddhists and Sihs to be omitted.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: . @ains . I ha$e not ob-ected but the Sihs ha$e seriously ob-ected.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: They are now !o$erned by the Hindu Code.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : The whole %uestion is whether this ind of Hindu law should be
forced upon them / They are Hindus no doubt, but should this ind of non*Hindu Law or rather
un*Hindu Law be forced upon them/ Then, I be! to mo$e "
1$3 In part 1c31i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9 ille!itimate 9 insert"
9 who, if he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen years, is himself a Hindu and 9
1$i3 In part 1c31i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9 parents are 9 insert 9 or ha$e been 9. 1$ii3
In part 1d3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, at the end, add"
6 )ubAect to hi) ri&ht) !nd li!bilitie) before hi) conver)ion#6
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Let me pause here. Let us understand the implications of this. Shri
@aspat =oy Capoor wants that notwithstandin! chan!e of reli!ion by a Hindu after the passin!
of this Code, his ri!hts and liabilities must be re!ulated by the Hindu Code. This amendment
wants that if a person wants to chan!e and become a con$ert, his ri!hts and liabilities under his
ori!inal reli!ion ou!ht not to be affected.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: If he is wron!, I am also e%ually wron!. 2e are in a $icious circle.
That !oes a!ainst the $ery idea of con$ersion. If a man is con$erted, he loses his past and
be!ins a new chapter. )s Mr. Capoor has submitted his amendment, I am submittin! this
amendment. Both should be accepted or both should be re-ected.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Both the hon. Members want to a$oid any chan!e in their le!al or ci$ic
ri!hts as a result of con$ersion. Con$ersion ou!ht not to affect their ri!hts and liabilities with
respect to property, succession, etc.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: There is an old )ct which sa$es the past ri!hts of Hindus con$erted
to Christianity. That also reser$es past ri!hts and liabilities. 1$iii3 Then, I be! to mo$e " )fter
sub*clause 163 of clause <, insert "
916)3 This Code shall not apply to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.9
Dr. M. M. Das 12est Ben!al3 " May I now what ri!ht the hon. Member has !ot to spea on
behalf of the Scheduled Castes /
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad: )t present, I am only mo$in! my amendments. I am not tryin! to
e+plain them 8 I am not now tryin! to con$ince my hon. >riend.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : There are some people who are more loyal to others than others
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" I shall state my reasons. There are certain parts of the Code which
would be too much for them to assimilate. >or e+ample, they ha$e $ery simple forms of
marria!e and di$orce. ?ou are main! their life more complicated.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : The hon. Member for!ets that his ob-ection is to the whole Code. If it is
said that they ha$e !ot simpler forms of marria!e and di$orce and these forms need not be
introduced, that is a matter for consideration. 1The whole Code !oes out as if they do not belon!
to the Hindu community.3
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " My ob-ection is to the whole Code as well as e$ery part;sin!ly as
well as taen as a whole.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" The hon. Member for!ets that there is a consolidatin! portion also 8 by
his amendment e$en those portions for which no e+ception could be taen would not apply. 2e
are only preliminarily discussin! what e+actly the hon. Member wants.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " Then, I be! to mo$e " 1i+3 5mit sub*clause 1<3 of clause <.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " This is the residuary amendment. This seems to be absolutely
meanin!less. 2hat is the Code which should !o$ern / The Indian Succession )ct /
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad " There may be a man who may ha$e a new reli!ion. There is in
@apan a reli!ion nown as Shintoism. If a person professin! that reli!ion comes to India, would
you apply the Hindu Code or the Muslim Code/ He should be !o$erned by his own Code. The
pro$iso says that if it is 9 pro$ed 9 that another law applies to him, then the Hindu Code would
not apply. (pon whom will the onus lie/ Suppose a man comes to India professin! no reli!ion.
He has ci$il ri!hts and liabilities. 2ould he be !o$erned by the Hindu Code/ 2hy not the
Muslim Code or the Christian Code or the Sih Code/ #$ery man should be !o$erned by his
own Code. I shall e+plain this pro$iso at the proper time. This pro$iso also !oes too far. It
throws the onus upon a person comin! into India who is not a Muslim, Christian, &arsi or @ew
by reli!ion, to pro$e his status. How can he pro$e that the Hindu Code does not apply /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " He would be !o$erned by pri$ate international law. Merely because
he comes here, the Hindu Code would not apply.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : The point is that the onus is thrown upon a stran!er who mi!ht find
himself absolutely in hot waters.
Sri 0. !. "apoor : This Code applies to non*Hindus to whom some portions of the Hindu law
or customs under the Hindu Law are applicable. This pro$iso does not apply to anybody to
whom no part of the Hindu law is applicable.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad8 The whole applicability of the Code !oes by the wordin! of the )ct
and not on its so called internal meanin!.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" The wordin! is clear. The pro$iso says" 9 &ro$ided that if it is pro$ed that
such person.. 9 9 Such person 9 means the person referred to in sub*clause < and not a person
comin! from )merica or #n!land.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : I be! to mo$e" 1+3 5mit sub*clause 1A3 of clause <. To me, this
sub*clause is to be! the %uestion. It says"
9 The e+pression . Hindu . in any portion of this Code shall be construed as if it included a
person who, thou!h not a Hindu by reli!ion is, ne$ertheless, !o$erned by the pro$isions of this
Code.9 This is the $ery %uestion we ha$e to clarify. To whom does this Code apply/ 2e say, if
the Hindu Code is applicable to any one, he is bound by it. The %uestion is to whom, apart from
the Hindus, this Code should apply, it is be!!in! the %uestion to say that the e+pression . Hindu
. applies to whom this Hindu Code applies. 2e shall ha$e to clarify the matters. I do not claim
infallibility. But, I ha$e felt some difficulty. Then, I be! to mo$e" 1+i3 5mit sub*clause 1B3 of
clause <.
Dr. #$bedkar: That is also my amendment.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" I also be! to Mo$e " 1+ii3 )fter sub*clause 1B3 of clause <, insert"
9 173 0otwithstandin! anythin! in this section, this Code shall apply only to such areas or to
such persons or classes of persons in any State and from such time or by such sta!es as the
State le!islature may from time to time by )ct pro$ide.9
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" So far as this amendment is concerned, we shall ha$e to consider
whether this is the proper place where this amendment should e considered, or it should be.....
Dr. #$bedkar" It should come under clause 6.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad" If you thin that it will be properly considered alon! with clause 6. . .
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " This amendment stands o$er and will be taen up when we come to
clause 6.
Sri 0un-un)ala 1Bihar3 " I be! to mo$e " To clause <, add the pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided howe$er, that notwithstandin! anythin! contained in the abo$e clauses this Code
shall not apply to such person as will !et his or her name re!istered with such authority and in
such manner, as may be hereafter prescribed by &arliament, within fi$e years after this Code
comes into force and in case of a minor within fi$e years after such a minor attains ma-ority, to
the effect that he or she does not want to be !o$erned by this Code.9
. h!ve moved !n !mendment 'here . h!d pl!ced the burden on the per)on) to &et them)elve)
re&i)tered 'ho '!nt to be &overned5 !nd if th!t i) not !ccepted5 here . h!ve pl!ced it on tho)e
'ho do not '!nt to be &overned b" thi) Code#
Sri Ba&& : I be! to mo$e "
In sub*clause 1A3 of clause <, after 9 ne$ertheless !o$erned 9, insert 9 or desire to be !o$erned
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" I shall formally place the amendments before the House. So far as the
amendments to clause < that were mo$ed last time are concerned, they are already before the
House. Hereafter all amendments must be mo$ed at the be!innin! of the discussion, because if
they continue to be mo$ed when the discussion is in pro!ress, hon. Members who ha$e already
taen part in the discussion may not be able to tae part and spea on those new amendments.
It is not a technical ob-ection. These may be amendments of substance and hon. Members who
ha$e already spoen with reference to other amendments earlier, may not be sole to tae part
in the discussion on these new amendments. But in the present case, if there are any such hon.
Members I shall consider and !i$e them also a chance, if necessary....
Dr. #$bedkar" ) small chance.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" ) small chance. But they may not repeat what they had already stated.
Barrin! that, in future, my re%uest to hon. Members is that all the amendments may be mo$ed
when a particular clause or sub*clause is be!un. 5therwise we will ha$e to !o on repeatin! the
process, allowin! the Members to mo$e amendments, and !oin! o$er the whole matter once
I ha$e already placed before the House the amendment mo$ed by the Hon. 'r. )mbedar
today. I will now place before the House the other amendments mo$ed today.
)mendments mo$ed"
163 In the amendment proposed by Shri @. =. Capoor, printed as 0o. HA, to the proposed
clause <, add the pro$iso"
9 &ro$ided that the pro$isions of &art II relatin! to marria!e and di$orce shall apply to such
declarant only when both the bride and bride!room before the marria!e, or both the husband
and wife after the marria!e, mae such a declaration.9
1<3 for clause <, substitute "
9 <. Application of Code.*This Code applies to all the citi4ens of India that is Bharat, who
after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority declare in writin! that they shall be !o$erned by this Code,
and !et such declaration re!istered in accordance with rules prescribed for the purposes by the
Central ,o$ernment"
&ro$ided that the pro$isions of &art II relatin! to marria!e and di$orce shall apply to such
declarant only when both the bride and the bride!room before the marria!e, or both the
husband and wife after the marria!e, mae such a declaration.9
1A3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in the
proposed amendments to sub*clause 163 of clause <, after part 1l31ii3, insert" 9 1iii3 insert a new
part 1e3 as follows"
. 1e3 to a con$ert to any reli!ion or faith after the commencement of this Code ..9
1B3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in part 1l31ii3
of the proposed amendment to subclause 163 of clause <, after 9 Sih reli!ion 9 add "
9 or to any other reli!ion or faith e+cept Muslim, Christian, &arsi or @ew reli!ion.9
173 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in the
proposed amendment to clause <, after part 163, insert"
9 16)3 in the pro$iso to sub*clause 1<3, insert at the end . unless he has declared his consent
in the manner prescribed by the Central ,o$ernment in this behalf to be !o$erned by this Code
in respect of such matters also .. 9
1G3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, in the
proposed amendment to clause <, after part 163, insert"
9 16)3 in sub*clause 1A3 for the words . the pro$isions . the words . any or more of the
pro$isions . be substituted.9 1F3 in the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar,
printed as 0o. A, in the proposed amendment to clause <, after part 163, insert"
91I)3 in sub*clause 1A3 insert at the end . in respect of any or more of the matters dealt with
herein ..9 1D3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, for
part 1<3.substitute " 9 1<3 for sub*clause 1B3, the followin! be substituted, namely ";
. 1B3 This Code or any &art or &arts thereof also apply to any other person who declares his
consent in the manner prescribed by the Central ,o$ernment in this behalf to be !o$erned by
this Code or any part or parts thereof, as the case may be .. 9
1H3 In the amendment proposed by the Hon. 'r. B. =. )mbedar, printed as 0o. A, after part
1<3, insert"
9 1A3 )fter sub*clause 1A3, the followin! new sub*clause be inserted, namely";
. 1B3 This code or any part or parts thereof also apply to any other person who after attainin!
the a!e of ma-ority declares in writin! that he shall be !o$erned by this Code, or any part or
parts thereof as the case may be, and !et such declaration re!istered in accordance with rules
prescribed for the purposes by the Central ,o$ernment"
&ro$ided that the pro$isions of &art II relatin! to marria!e and di$orce shall apply to such
declarant only when both the bride and the bride!room before the marria!e, or both the
husband and wife after the marria!e, ha$e made such a declaration .. 9 16I3 In part 1a3 of sub*
clause 163 of clause <, for 9Hindus, that is to say, all persons professin! the Hindu reli!ion 9
substitute 9 persons who are Hindus by reli!ion 9.
1II3 In part 1a3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9members9, substitute 9 followers9.
16<3 5mit part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <.
16A3 >or part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, substitute " 9 1b3 to any person who is a @aina
by reli!ion.9
16B3 In part 1b3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, for 9 @aina or Sih 9 substitute 9 or @aina 9.
1673 In clause <, omit 9 Sih 9, where$er it occurs.
16G3 In part 1c31i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9 Ille!itimate 9 insert"
9 who, if he has attained the a!e of ei!hteen years, is himself a Hindu and.9
16F3 In part 1c31i3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, after 9 parents are 9 insert 9 or ha$e been 9.
16D3 )fter part 1c31ii3 of sub*clause 163, of clause <, insert " 9 1iii3 to any orphan or abandoned
child brou!ht up by the State.9
16H3 In part 1d3 of sub*clause 163 of clause <, at the end, add " 9 sub-ect to ,his ri!hts and
liabilities before his con$ersion.9
1<I3 )fter sub*clause 163 of clause <, insert "
9 16)3 This code shall not apply to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.9
1<63 5mit sub*clause 1<3 of clause <.
1<<3 for sub*clause 1<3 of clause <, substitute "
9 1<3 This Code also applies to any person, irrespecti$e of his reli!ion, who has been
!o$erned by the Hindu Law or by any custom or usa!e as part of that law in respect of any
matters dealt with herein.9
1<A3 In the pro$iso to sub*clause 1<3 of clause <, for 9 in respect of those matters 9 occurrin! at
the end, substitute "
9 In respect of matters which that person has not $oluntarily chosen.9
1<B3 5mit sub*clause 1A3 of clause <.
1<73 for sub*clause 1A3 of clause <, substitute "
9 1A3 The e+pression . Hindu . where$er it occurs in this Code shall be construed as it included
a person who, thou!h not a Hindu by reli!ion, is ne$ertheless !o$erned, or declares his consent
in the manner prescribed by the Central ,o$ernment in this behalf to be !o$erned, by the
pro$isions of this Code.9
1<G3 In sub*clause 1A3 of clause <, after 9 ne$ertheless !o$erned 9, insert 9 or desires to be
!o$erned 9. 1<F3 5mit sub*clause 1B3 of clause <.
1<D3 To clause <, add the pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided that the pro$isions of &arts II orSand EII relatin! to marria!e and di$orce, and
succession shall not apply to any person unless such person, after attainin! the a!e of ma-ority
declares in writin! that he or she, as the case may be, shall be !o$erned by the said
pro$isions, and !ets such declaration re!istered in accordance with rules prescribed for the
purpose by the Central ,o$ernment.
&ro$ided further that the pro$isions of &art II relatin! to marria!e and di$orce shall apply to
such declarant only when both the bride and bride!room before the marria!e, or both the
husband and wife after the marria!e, mae such a declaration.9
1<H3 To clause <, add the pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided howe$er, that notwithstandin! anythin! contained in the abo$e clauses, this Code
shall not apply to such person as will !et his or her name re!istered with such authority and in
such manner, as may be hereafter prescribed by &arliament, within fi$e years after this Code
comes into force and in case of a minor within fi$e years after such a minor attains ma-ority, to
the effect that he or she does not want to be !o$erned by this Code.9
1AI3 To clause <, add the pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided howe$er, that notwithstandin! anythin! contained in this section this Code shall not
apply to any person unless such person !ot his name re!istered, si!nifyin! his will to be
!o$erned by this Code, with such authority and in such manner as may be prescribed.9
The other amendments on the order paper a!ainst which an asteris mar is placed and
which were mo$ed in the last session are also before the House. The clause as well as all the
amendments will now be under discussion.
I will ordinarily only re%uest hon. Members who ha$e not taen part in the debate so far on
clause to rise in their seats. If hon. Members who ha$e already spoen want to state any fresh
points arisin! now, I will consider the matter and allow an opportunity, if necessary, later on.
.andi& Mala,iya 1(ttar &radesh3 " Sir, will you allow anybody to mo$e any further
amendments to this clause durin! the course of the discussion /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 2hat I find is, normally that is a $ery difficult affair. It is incon$enient
if amendments are allowed to be mo$ed at later sta!es, for once a!ain hon. Members will ha$e
to apply their minds and ....
.andi& Mala,iya " But in $iew of the special circumstances that e+ist now...
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 5f course, durin! the course of the discussion, for the purpose of
brin!in! about an a!reement or some such thin!, an amendment may be mo$ed, and in that
case the matter will always be considered. But with respect to new amendments I suppose the
House will a!ree that for the reason that they will throw open the discussion once a!ain, they
should not be allowed.
"a)a-a Inai& Ulla 1Bihar3 " 2ould not an amendment that !oes a!ainst the Constitution
be out of order /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : The hon. Member may refer me to the points that are considered as
out of order or beyond the scope of the House at the time the matter arises.
Sri M. Naik 15rissa3" If an amendment mo$ed stands in the names of two or more
Members, will that amendment be taen as ha$in! been mo$ed by only one Member or by all
the Members who ha$e !i$en notice of it/
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: I shall tae it that all of them ha$e mo$ed it.
Sri M. Naik : 2hat happens if the hon. Member who mo$ed it remains absent now /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : I shall adopt the safer procedure. It is true that more than one
Member has !i$en notice of an amendment, and if he is not in his seat, it is open to any other of
the hon. Members to mo$e it. The %uestion is, if all the Members are in their seats, whether all
of them are to be taen to ha$e mo$ed it. By way of abundant caution we may say that all of
them ha$e mo$ed it so that ultimately when there is any %uestion of withdrawin! that
amendment and the Member who mo$ed it is not in his seat, any of the other Members can
withdraw it.
Sri !. ". Cauduri: If I want to oppose any of the new amendments now mo$ed when can
I do so/
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 2hene$er he rises and is called upon to spea. He is entitled to spea
on all the amendments. (An hon. -emer" 5f one cate!ory /3 2e ha$e finished all cate!ories.
So far as clause < is concerned, I ha$e allowed hon. Members to mo$e all the amendments.
Tomorrow I shall try to !roup them for purposes of con$enience accordin! to their substance.
The clause may be discussed as also all the amendments and amendments to amendments.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" ?ou may direct the office to circulate to us a consolidated list of all the
amendments mo$ed today as also on the pre$ious occasion, so that we may ha$e in a
simplified form all the amendments for ready reference.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Thou!h there are $arious lists of amendments, what is done is that they
are put consecuti$ely and, therefore, no further arran!ement is necessary. )s re!ards
circulatin! the amendments mo$ed today, I thou!ht hon. Members would ha$e noted them as I
ha$e done.
Dr. #$bedkar" I ha$e also noted them.
Sri 0. !. "apoor" )mendments to the same part of the clause may be at different places
and for the sae of con$enience it is better they are put in one place.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: I shall as the office to circulate a list containin! the numbers of the
amendments mo$ed instead of once a!ain repeatin! the amendments.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: It should be sub*clause by sub*clause.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Hon. Members ha$e left their homes far away and come o$er here for
parliamentary wor. I do not belie$e the office should do it. Hon. Members should do it. Hon.
Members may tae one $iew and the office may tae another $iew and does the hon. Member
also want the Secretary to spea on his behalf in this matter /
)s re!ards &andit Mala$iya.s amendment I shall allow it as an e+ception. 2ith respect to
other matters from tomorrow I would insist as a rule that I must ha$e a copy of the amendment
as also the Law Minister. Today perhaps hon. Members may not ha$e had sufficient time to
thin about their amendments. &andit Mal$iya may read out his amendment so that we may
note it down.
.andi& Mal,iya " I be! to mo$e " to clause <, add the pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided further that notwithstandin! anythin! to the contrary in this )ct, no pro$ision of this
)ct shall apply to anyone unless a referendum thereupon has been taen in the State to which
he belon!s and the Le!islature of the State thereafter has decided in accordance with the result
of the referendum that the pro$isions of this )ct shall apply to the residents of the State.
>urther, that, thereafter, it shall be open to anyone to declare that he shall not be !o$erned by
this )ct and the same shall then not apply to him. 9
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay: Sir, there are two points which I want to raise. It is a dilatory motion.
The hon. Speaer has !i$en a rulin! durin! the last session....
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" Hon. Members ou!ht not to start off strai!htway, unless I call them. It
may be a $alid point.....
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay" It is a point of order. Mr. 'eputy Speaer" May be. The hon. Member
should first stand up in her seat and I must call her.
Dr. #$bedkar" It mi!ht come under clause I. &andit Mala$iya" It is a matter of application and
not a matter of e+tent.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Let it remain here as it is.
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay: Sir, there are two points which I want to raise. >irst of all this
amendment which has -ust been dictated to this &arliament;a procedure which we ha$e ne$er
nown before;is of a dilatory character...
.andi& Mala,iya: Sir, I ob-ect to the word dilatory.
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay: This amendment is of a dilatory nature and the Speaer has !i$en a
rulin! last time, if you will remember, on this. Secondly, I would lie to now whether this
procedure of dictatin! amendments to the House, while the &arliament waits is !oin! to be a
precedent, which is !oin! to be followed hereafter.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The hon. Member too well nows that so far as dilatory motions are
concerned, it is open to the House to discuss the amendments mo$ed and throw them out, if
the House is not inclined to accept them. I am prepared to adopt the ad$ice of the hon. lady
Member. I ha$e not considered whether it is appropriate or rele$ant or irrele$ant. I will tae time
to do so and if at any time before put it to the House. I find it is best to say that it is not rele$ant
and therefore does not arise. I will do so. I will reser$e my -ud!ement so far as that is
)s re!ards dictation, we ha$e been accustomed to tain! small sentences but I ne$er
e+pected it to be a lon! sentence and therefore I submitted myself to his dictation. Let us now
!o on. Let me place this before the House. )mendment mo$ed" To clause <, add the pro$iso "
9 &ro$ided further that notwithstandin! anythin! to the contrary in this )ct, no pro$ision of this
)ct shall apply to any one unless a referendum thereupon has been taen in the State to which
he belon!s and the Le!islature of the State thereafter has decided in accordance with the result
of the referendum that the pro$isions of this )ct shall apply to the residents of the State.
>urther, that, thereafter, it shall be open to anyone to declare that he shall not be !o$erned by
this )ct and the same shall then not apply to him.9
.andi& Mala,iya" May I mae a re%uest/ It is a $ery serious matter, which we are
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The hon. member will ha$e an opportunity...
.andi& Mala,iya: I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that unless we are all careful
enou!h to use lan!ua!e with a certain amount of restraint we are liely to waste the time of the
House and waste our ener!y. I should lie to tae ob-ection, with your permission, to the use of
the word dilatoriness for this reason "one Member may ha$e one $iew, another may ha$e
another $iew. But if we feel that a certain thin! should be done and if we wish to say it, the tas
becomes rather difficult if it is said that we are dilatory. I thin we should be careful in this
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: I ha$e appealed to hon. members, the same appeal I will repeat" hon.
Members ou!ht not to be too sensiti$e. 9 'ilatory 9 is an absolutely parliamentary word. Hon.
Members may be an+ious to !et throu!h this measure. It is not merely throwin! any slur on hon.
Members;there are some dilatory motions and there are some motions of substance.
Therefore, it is %uite a parliamentary e+pression. But I will appeal to all sections of the House.
12e are en!a!ed in a $ery holy cause.3 This is a %uestion of Hindu Law and the %uestions
before us relate to marria!e and other thin!s. Let us address oursel$es with all seriousness to
this problem. 2e can iron out the differences and not only create a meetin! place here but also
!i$e a lead to the rest of the country which is the intention of &arliament to !i$e so far as this
matter is concerned. Therefore, I hope the best of cheer will pre$ail here and with !ood humour
we will !et into the clauses. Thou!h apparently any particular amendment may be unpalatable
at the be!innin!, let us hear and reser$e our -ud!ement. That is my humble appeal to all
sections in the House. 0o heat ou!ht to be allowed to enter into this contro$ersy. Let us eep
our heads cool.,
Sri !. ". Cauduri : May I as your ad$ice. Sir. ....
Dr. #$bedkar : 2hy do you see ad$ice so often /
Sri !. ". Cauduri: @ust now you were pleased to address Shrimati =enua =ay as
madam. Has any Member !ot the ri!ht to be addressed by the Chair lie that/
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: I am sorry. I would lie to be corrected. I do not lie any Member to be
addressed by any other Member in the first person. Similarly I will not address any Member
directly. I shall try to be careful, but these thin!s need not be pointed out to me. 0ow let us
proceed. 2e ha$e had too much of ad$ice.
%e Minis&er o' Ho$e #''airs (Sri !a-a+opalacari) : I tae it, Sir, that in the last
amendment the %uestion of order is open /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" 5n all amendments, I merely placed that amendment for purposes of
discussion. )t any time it is open to the House or to me to consider it.
No'5 . )h!ll &ive preference to tho)e &entlemen 'ho h!ve moved the l!r&e)t number of
!mendment)5 !nd )o on in th!t order5 !nd ultim!tel" to tho)e 'ho h!ve not moved !n"
!mendment !t !ll !nd 'ho '!nt to )pe!%# Tho)e hon# 2ember) 'ho h!ve !lre!d" )po%en on thi)
'ill &et ! ch!nce5 if nece))!r"5 in the end#
Sri !a-a+opalacari: May I su!!est one thin! / Those who promise and who belie$e they
will mae short speeches should be !i$en preference.
Hon. Me$bers: 0o, no.
Sri !a-a+opalacari: )nd they may !i$e way to others afterwards. If a member who wants
to mae a lon! speech is cut out by another we need not sympathise, but it is unfair that those
who wish to spea for fi$e minutes should be cut out by lon! speeches.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The su!!estion that is !i$en is certainly !ood, but I feel one difficulty. In
the matter of resolutions of !eneral discussion on a particular Bill, I can ordinarily !i$e
preference to those who want to spea for a short time so that there may be a number of
members speain! on it. But with respect to amendments, hon. Members who ha$e not tabled
any amendment at all may occupy the time of the House.
Sri !a-a+opalacari : 2ithout pre-udice to other considerations I am su!!estin! it.
Because, a closure may come at any time and those who may ha$e somethin! $ery important
and brief may be cut out.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a" How will we now beforehand whether a Member will mae a
lon! speech or a short speech/
Sri !a-a+opalacari " This is a battle of the lon! and the short.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 2e should only ha$e a !eneral indication that all Members will mae it,
as short as possible.
")a-a Inai& Ulla : I wish to oppose some amendments which were mo$ed in the last
Mr. Depu&y-Speaker: 0obody pre$ents him.
Sri Bara&i 1Madras3" His difficulty seems to be in re!ard to what you. Sir, ha$e stated that
those who ha$e mo$ed amendments will !et preference.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : I ha$e not said that I am !oin! to cut it short. )ll will ha$e an
opportunity unless and until the House itself puts a ban upon them. I only indicated that hon.
Members who ha$e mo$ed a number of amendments must be !i$en preference. 5thers may
also spea.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee 12est Ben!al3 " rose
Mr. Depu&y-Speaker" 'r. Mooer-ee;thou!h he has not tabled any amendments.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " I happen to be one of those Members. . .
Sri !a-a+opalacari " It !oes a!ainst all rules.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : .....who ha$e not tabled any amendment, nor ha$e I, Sir, spoen on
this momentous measure at any time since the Bill was introduced.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : He was a Minister at the time.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee: Sir, we ha$e met here after about se$en months to tae up
consideration of the Hindu Code Bill. Many thin!s ha$e happened durin! this period. If I may
say so, it is a matter of some satisfaction that ,o$ernment has ept its mind open and has
$olunteered to mae amendments in order to meet criticisms which may be made either in this
House or outside.
Sri 1ad+il" =easonable.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee" I belie$e ne$er in the history of our country has a measure !i$en rise to
so much criticism in support or a!ainst it.
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay: 2hat about the abolition of sati<
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" 0o, hon. Member need interrupt another hon. Member. I already said
that it is liely to !enerate heat. 2hate$er is not to the taste of any hon. Member ou!ht not to be
imposed upon any other hon. Member.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " The clause we are discussin! now is of a !eneral character. It raises
the %uestion of the applicability of the entire Code and from that point of $iew I should lie to
mae some !eneral obser$ations, which will be of a rele$ant character.
The %uestion has arisen as to whether this Code should be made applicable to Hindus as
such or to such other classes of persons includin! Sihs, @ains and Buddhists as ha$e been
mentioned in the amendment mo$ed by the Hon. Law Minister. The %uestion has also been
raised whether the Code should not apply to all citi4ens of India. I now that this matter was
raised on the floor of this House in >ebruary last and I do not wish to dilate upon it $ery much
but I would certainly say that as the Chapter in the Constitution dealin! with the directi$e policy
of the State indicates. &arliament under the new Constitution has really been called upon to
pass a Code, which is to be applied to all citi4ens; an all India Ci$il Code. 2hen this bill was
started to be discussed, we were worin! under a different set of circumstances alto!ether. It is
therefore a matter of re!ret that the new ,o$ernment e$en after the Constitution has been
passed should proceed with a measure of this description applicable only to one section of the
community. It is said that we are a secular State. In fact we suffer $ery often from a new
disease, which may be called . secularities .. How far is it open to &arliament;6 am not raisin!
any technical point;but how far is it desirable for &arliament to pass a law which will be
applicable to only one section of the community/ I now what the reply of the law Minister is,
because he dealt with this %uestion in one of his pre$ious speeches. He said that there was no
difficulty in formulatin! an all India Ci$il Code if the country really wanted it. If that is the answer,
then why not let us ha$e such a Code/ I doubt $ery much if some of the pro$isions which ha$e
been su!!ested in this Code can be proposed to be made applicable to other communities, in
particular to Muslims. 2e are discussin! the %uestion of mono!amy8 I belie$e it is nobody.s
case that mono!amy is !ood for Hindus alone or for Buddhists alone or for Sihs alone. I
belie$e those who are ad$ocatin! mono!amy honestly feel that this system is sound in principle
and it should be made applicable to all;if not to all persons in this ci$ilised world, at least to all
citi4ens in India who are liable to be !o$erned under laws passed by this &arliament. 0ow, why
not ha$e a separate Bill dealin! only with mono!amy and mae it applicable to all citi4ens /
2hat is the ob-ection thereto/ The ob-ection thereto may come from %uarters to which the Law
Minister pointed his fin!er, I belie$e Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad : I am sufficiently troubled with one wife. I do not want two.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : The law Minister has !ot his answer. In any case, if a bill dealin! with
mono!amy is introduced...
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: ) Bill to that effect has been introduced in this House by me.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : If such a Bill is introduced, at least the Law Minister will !et support
from Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad, but the real reason is that ,o$ernment dare not touch the Muslim
Sri Bara&i : 2hy /
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : ?ou mae a test.
Sri 1ad+il : 2ait and see.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee" I am main! a su!!estion. Let the Law Minister declare that the Bill will
be amended and the portion dealin! with mono!amy will be applied to Muslims.
Sri !a-a+opalacari: )re we to mae laws in order to test coura!e /
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " Laws are sometimes made to test the sincerity of indi$iduals and
,o$ernment and therefore the sincerity and the partiality of the ,o$ernment includin! the Home
Minister are $ery much in %uestion today.
Sri Bara&i : 0ot at all.
Dr. #$bedkar : 0o, no.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee: I am not !oin! to tread on this %uestion because I now the
weanesses of the promoters of the Bill. They dare not touch the Muslim community. There will
be so much opposition comin! not from men lie Mr. 0a4iruddin )hmad but from many others
throu!hout India that ,o$ernment will not dare to proceed with it. But of course you can
proceed with the Hindu community in any way you lie and whate$er the conse%uences may
Sri !a-a+opalacari : Because we are the community.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee" My appeal to the House and to the ,o$ernment would be on a
somewhat different basis. I do not wish to mae my speech $ery contro$ersial.
Sri "a$a& " 2hy not / Mae it as contro$ersial as you can.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee: Because I want to create that atmosphere where matters affectin!
social reform can be discussed in a method of !i$e and tae. It is not a &ress Bill which the Law
Minister is sponsorin! on behalf of the Home Minister. 2e do not want the &olice to stand
outside this &arliament to help the smooth passa!e of a Bill dealin! with social reform. That
does not really help anybody. )ny Bill whose ob-ect is to introduce social reform must ha$e the
support of the $ast ma-ority of the people of the country. I see the Home Minister risin!.
Sri !a-a+opalacari " I am not interruptin!. I am only helpin! him. My interruption has !i$en
a twist to the hon. Member.s ar!ument. I was only ob-ectin! to the particular ar!ument. I may be
entirely in a!reement if he proceeds on the other basis.
#n Hon. Me$ber : So, you are a supporter J
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : )s the time of retirement from his office is drawin! nearer and nearer
sense also is dawnin! upon the Home Minister %uicer and %uicer. In any case, if we want to
ha$e social reforms in this country, we would lie to carry as lar!e sections of the people with
us as possible.
I do not share this $iew that parliament has no ri!ht to deal with matters of social reform. I
now the sacredness of our ancient te+ts; #edas, Smritis and Smtis. But historically there
were commentators to interpret the !reat theories which are propounded by the ori!inal law
maers in days of yore. ,radually, the commentators also disappeared and what we ha$e
witnessed durin! the last 67I years is that in many matters affectin! social reform @ud!es
includin! #uropean @ud!es sittin! in distant London and le!islators ha$e from time to time
come forward and made alterations in the social structure of the country. So it is rather too late
in the day for any one of us to say that &arliament should not now ha$e the ri!ht to pass
le!islation which may interfere with the ri!hts and pri$ile!es which may be en-oyed by the
people of this country under the e+istin! law.
.andi& Mai&ra " 0ot this &arliament as constituted at present.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee" So far as the ri!ht of this &arliament is concerned, naturally it is a $ery
delicate matter. >or me bein! a Member of this body it is rather difficult to challen!e its
-urisdiction, but of course so far as its ri!ht to present the will of the people !oes, that is a matter
which will be decided in the ne+t few months and the people themsel$es will !i$e their $erdict. It
is no use either for us sittin! on this side or Members of ,o$ernment sittin! on the other side
claimin! for this &arliament thin!s which may not be actually, honestly and le!itimately claimed
for this body. But my point is this that today there is a $olume of opinion;a stron! body of
opinion, a!ainst some or many of the fundamental features of this Bill. I be! of hon. Members
who are supportin! this Bill to appreciate the depth of these criticisms. There may be some
features in this Bill with which I am in a!reement, but I am tryin! to loo at this measure from
the point of $iew of those who are opposin! it either in whole or in part. @ust as we may
appreciate the depth of the feelin!s of those who are supportin! this measure, so also the depth
of feelin!s of those who are opposin! it must be appreciated. How to find a solution/ >rom the
papers we find that for strate!ic reasons it has been decided to omit the consideration of some
portions of this Bill.
Dr. #$bedkar: Strate!ic reasons/
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " ) sort of toss is supposed to ha$e been taen. 5n the one side are
marria!e and di$orce and on the other side is property and somehow marria!e and di$orce
ha$e won the day, and property has been rele!ated to the bac!round for the time bein!.
#n Hon. Me$ber: &roperty has won the day.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : Is it possible for us on the consideration of the amendments which are
now before the House under clause < to de$ise some procedure whereby it may be left open to
those who desire to come under the Code to tae the fullest ad$anta!e of its pro$isions, and at
the same time !i$e freedom to those who do not belie$e in the sanctity or le!ality or -ustice of
the pro$isions to continue to be !o$erned by e+istin! Hindu Law /
Sri S. Bara&i : That is uniformity.
Dr. .. Mooker-ee : That is a proposal which I am main! in a perfectly rele$ant manner on
the basis of the $arious amendments which you ha$e ordered to be placed before the House for
. h!ve been told b" )ome friend) th!t 'e !re li!ble to critici)m for our b!c%'!rdne)) in m!n"
forei&n countrie)# urin& the l!)t fe' d!") . h!ve been told th!t )ome people h!ve come !nd )!id
th!t in Chin! the" !re '!tchin& 'hen the Hindu Code Bill 'ill be p!))edK
.andi& Mai&ra : In Honolulu too J
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee 8 In )merica some people are supposed to be watchin! as re!ards the
pro!ressi$e nature of the Indian people in relation to their attitude towards the Hindu Code.
Sri 1ad+il: 5ld rishis are watchin! from Hea$en also.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : That I consider to be an entirely irrele$ant consideration. Let us loo
at the )merican laws. I was tryin! to !et some information with re!ard to the )merican laws. I
find that in <G different States in )merica they do not allow marria!e between )mericans and
0e!roes and e$en they !o to the len!th of indicatin! the fraction of )frican blood which will
ne!ati$e any marria!e between an )merican and 0e!ro. In some States marria!e between an
)merican and Chinese is prohibited, or a marria!e between an )merican and a Mon!olian. In
practically all the States there are different marria!e laws. Somebody interrupted me -ust now;
what about uniformity/ I suppose people of the (nited States of )merica are !ettin! on %uite
merrily and %uite well without ha$in! complete uniformity of all marria!e laws. So uniformity is
not the last word on the sub-ect. (niformity su!!ests sta!nation, deadness...
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay: rose
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " ......... and I suppose e$en Mrs. =enua =ay has not reached that
Sri$a&i !enuka !ay : Should we follow )merica /
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee" I am not sayin! that you should follow )merica. I would su!!est that
we should follow the lead !i$en by our own country and that is the lead which Mrs. =ay should
follow and which she has not followed as yet.
That is so with re!ard to )merica. 0ow tae a!ain the =oman Catholics. )ccordin! to their
strict law, accordin! to their reli!ion, di$orce is not allowed. But in almost all countries they ha$e
passed ci$il laws which allow =oman Catholics to adopt di$orce if necessary. But they ha$e not
touched their reli!ion. They ha$e allowed that to remain separate, but those amon! the =oman
Catholics who desire to be !o$erned in accordance with the ci$il laws, it is open to them to do
so. 2ell, 'r. )mbedar is noddin! his head. It is difficult to now whether it is in appro$al or
dissept. In any e$ent, he can e+plain later on;6 am open to correction. It is $ery difficult to !et
these laws. But whate$er boos are a$ailable in the &arliament Library I was tryin! to !o
throu!h them and I find that a clear distinction is made between the two systems.
0ow we are confinin! oursel$es for the present to marria!e and di$orce. 2hat is it that is
worryin! the so*called pro!ressi$es in this country, includin! pro!ressi$e ladies /
Sri "a$a& " In the House or outside /
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee" They are an+ious that there should be a pro$ision for di$orce and there
should be pro$ision for mono!amy. These are the two thin!s on which !reat stress has been
laid. 0ow let us tae di$orce for the time bein!. ?ou ha$e !ot your laws passed by the Indian
Le!islature, which permit di$orce. )t one sta!e a Hindu could not !et married under the ci$il
law, unless he declared that he was not a Hindu. #$en that has been chan!ed. ) Hindu may
remain a Hindu and at the same time contract a marria!e which will be accordin! to his taste or
that of the couple. Similarly, with re!ard to inter*caste marria!e, you ha$e already passed laws
and made such inter*caste marria!es permissible, without tain! away the Hindu character of
the persons in$ol$ed. #$en sa,otra marria!e which is considered to be $ery re$oltin! by lar!e
sections of the people has been reco!nised by laws passed by &arliament.
Dr. %ek Cand : By the pre$ious &arliament.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : By the Le!islati$e )ssembly.
These are indications as to how the demand for a 9pro!ressi$e de$elopment;if I may say so
;of marria!e laws has been met by Le!islatures of this country. This is a sub-ect which is
placed in our Constitution in the Concurrent List and I belie$e Bombay and Madras ha$e
passed laws on the sub-ect. (An &on. -emer" Mysore as well3. There are se$eral States
where pro$incial laws ha$e been passed in some form or another. (An &on. -emer " 0ot in
0orth India3 main! pro$isions which are consistent with the wishes of the people. 0ow the
point is this. 2hy do you wish to mae the new laws obli!atory upon all Hindus / ?ou do not
wish that the system of di$orce should be taen ad$anta!e of or must be taen ad$anta!e of,
by people a!ainst the will of the parties concerned. It is an enablin! measure and that power is
already in e+istence.
5n the other hand, what is the blow that you are !i$in! at the feelin!s of million of people /
0ow you ha$e ept this form of sacramental marria!e on paper. ?ou ha$e chan!ed its
description from sacramental to 9 dharmic C2 in order to !i$e it a little oriental and attracti$e
colourin!. 5f course the substance has not chan!ed. I would as $ery seriously those Members
of the House who are supportin! this Bill " 2hat is it that you are achie$in! by this proposal /
So far as sacramental marria!e !oes, this is an ideolo!y which lies deep*rooted in the minds
of millions of people;educated, and uneducated, literate and illiterate;the indissoluble nature
of Hindu marria!e. That is a matter of reli!ion " it is not a matter of mere body and flesh. 0ow
that is a feelin! which lies deep in the minds of millions of people and I ha$e taled to many
people not only in my own pro$ince but in $enous parts of India. &eople who ha$e not the
remotest chance of tain! ad$anta!e of any di$orce law for $arious reasons are simply shoced
at this idea and many people who are well*intentioned, who are reformers su!!est that if there
are Hindus in the country today who want to tae ad$anta!e of the modem system of di$orce or
want to do away with the reli!ious nature of Hindu marria!e, there is enou!h opportunity !i$en
to them under the e+istin! law. If, howe$er, the law has to be re$ised in order to mae them
ultra*modem and completely up*to*date, let the law be re$ised for their benefit. But why do
away with the fundamental and sacred nature of Hindu marria!e/ 2hat is it that you !ain
thereby/ I ha$e not been able to !et any satisfactory answer to this %uestion. Because it is
nobody.s case that the new methods which are bein! laid down will be compulsorily adopted by
all Hindus. 5b$iously that is nobody.s case. Therefore, if option is !i$en and if people tae
ad$anta!e of that option, naturally your case is won.
I was told that e$en in India, as India is today, there are nearly about HI per cent, amon!
Shudras amon!st whom some form or other of di$orce or dissolution of marria!e e+ists. Eery
well, then the answer is there. ?ou ha$e !ot your Hindu Law, which pro$ides for the dissolution
of marria!e in castes and communities where it is wanted. ?ou may say, well, why should about
6I or 67 per cent. of the Indian population stand a!ainst these chan!es / It is not a %uestion of
anybody.s standin! a!ainst the chan!es. If you want to !o ahead or !o bacwards; whate$er
it may be;you are welcome to do so. But why dra! others who do not belie$e in you and also
who belie$e in somethin! which is perfectly morally -ustifiable and in accordance with the
hi!hest standards of human conduct / I ha$e not been able to !et any answer to this
fundamental %uestion.
2e are told $ery often that our system is bacward. I ha$e !ot with me many e+tracts from the
writin!s of !reat Indians and !reat 2estern scholars who ha$e admired at the way in which
Hindu society has carried on its e+istence in spite of tremendous odds and difficulties. I am not
for a moment sayin! that all is well with Hindu society. I now where the defects lie. But it is
somethin! ama4in!, somethin! unprecedented that our reli!ion or the !reat truths on which
Hindus for !enerations past, for thousands of years, ha$e li$ed, somehow ha$e shown a de!ree
of adaptability and $itality which is hardly to be witnessed anywhere else. 2hat is the reason /
The reason is that whate$er truths were propounded by the ancient sa!es or rishis, or
commented upon by those who came after them, were not do!matic in character. @ust as the
needs of the society chan!ed, so also the laws were altered. In a hu!e country lie India which
is one politically today;and we would undoubtedly lie to see that it !rows politically, socially,
culturally and economically as one solid nation;at the same time, we cannot for!et that in this
country dwell thousands ,and thousands of people in $arious parts, in towns and in $illa!es,
men educated, uneducated, men with $ision and with no $ision and they ha$e built up a
structure of their own consistent with indi$idual and social pro!ress and welfare. Somehow that
society has de$eloped. 'o you find any other country in this world where in spite of tremendous
onslau!hts the social structure has remained one /
India passed throu!h se$en hundred years of Muslim rule. 0ow, many theories were
propounded durin! that period which in the conte+t of today.s circumstances may appear to be
rather conser$ati$e. But they were dictated by considerations for the preser$ation and
consolidation of the society as such, and that is how those particular principles were
propounded by the masters who were in no circumstance less %ualified to spea on matters
with which they dealt than any of us sittin! in this &arliament today.
>rom time to time mo$ements came into this country. =eference has been made to Brahmo
Sama- to )rya Sama- as soon as it appeared that the society was becomin! sta!nant, was
becomin! conser$ati$e, some outstandin! personality raised his head in this land and drew
upon the !reat sources, the fountain head of Indian nowled!e, the #edas or the Epanishads,
!a$e their own interpretation and thereby tried to chec the !rowth of the e$ils of conser$atism
or the moral decay of the society. But what has happened today/ The ideolo!y for which the
Brahmo Sama- stood in this country, say, about a hundred years a!o has practically been
absorbed by the Hindu society as you call the Hindu society today.
The other day we were discussin! about Buddhism, a matter on which 'r. )mbedar naturally
would be the best authority to spea in $iew of his latest transformation to that reli!ion. But in
any case some friends from outside India came, I ha$e somethin! to do with the Maha Bodhi
Society. I happen to be its &resident. (An &on. -emer" )re you a Buddhist/3 2ithout bein! a
Buddhist, I am a Hindu and yet I am its &resident, because I ha$e liberality enou!h to admit the
!reatness of Buddhism and yet remain a Hindu. The point I was about to de$elop was this.
There were friends who came from outside India and they ased with a tone of complaint. 9
2ell, India was the land of birth of Buddha, but India illed Buddhism 9. I do not wish to !o into
those contro$ersial matters now. But one point comes out $ery prominently and that is that
when Buddha started preachin! his !reat doctrines India needed Buddha, not only to sa$e the
world but to sa$e India. )nd Buddha succeeded in checin! the !rowth of certain tendencies
which were about to destroy the $ery life*blood of Hindu ci$ilisation Buddha has been absorbed
by the same Hindus as an avatar. )lthou!h there were people in India who fou!ht with
Buddhism;whether they were ri!ht or wron! is a matter into which I need not enter now;but
!radually it was realised that Buddhism was a factor of !rowth on Indian soil and had to be
absorbed in Indian culture.
Sri 1ad+il : The same thin! will happen to the Code.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : >ar from it. That is a paradise that my friend is creatin! where he may
dwell for e$er.
So far as Buddhism is concerned it went and spread in other countries but the tenets of
Buddhism were !radually absorbed in Hindu ideolo!y. The reason why I am sayin! all this is to
show that we should ne$er tolerate any criticism from any %uarter, especially from a forei!n
%uarter when they say that Hindu ci$ilisation or Hindu culture has been of a static nature or of a
sta!nant nature or of a decadent nature. There is somethin! in our culture and ci$ilisation which
is of a dynamic character and which has li$ed from !eneration to !eneration. #$en when India
was a sub-ect nation people were born in this country, men of our soil, who stood up for !reat
ideals which !a$e a new lease of life under new and modern conditions to the eternal tenets of
Hindu ci$ilisation. This code is destroyin! that fountain*source. I shudder to thin of the effect of
cause B. ?ou read clause B of the Hindu Code. ?ou are closin! the door there. ?ou are sayin!
that e+cept such manners or customs which mi!ht ha$e been reco!nised in the body of this
Code, e$erythin! else will be taboo from today. )nd my friend Mr. ,ad!il says that this will be
another Code of a modern Buddha or Manu or somethin! lie that. (An &on. -emer" 2hat a
fall J3 It is these manners and customs based upon the ancient ideolo!y, which allowed the
Hindu society to !row and prosper from time to time.

6< 0550
Today, this !reat )ssembly;and all of us are honourable and learned men;is solemnly
decidin! that we are the fountain*head of Indian reli!ion and Indian culture and whate$er we
decide to embody in this Code is final for the time bein! and nothin! else will be allowed to be
looed into by @ud!es and Courts. 'oes not the House now that e$en in 6H76 after the
attainment of Independence, our own Supreme Court had to draw from the ori!inal te+ts or their
interpretations and !i$e their $erdict on cases where %uestions of Hindu law were under
consideration, because they could not !et any analo!y from -udicial decisions or te+t*boos /
?ou are illin! today the $ery fountain source of your reli!ion which had !i$en such a wide
scope to !enerations of people to mae it a li$in! reality and you say that it is a forward
measure " it is a bacward measure 8 it is a measure which does not help anybody at all , it only
helps in di$idin! the country. I do not wish to ascribe any moti$e to anybody. )nyone who may
be supportin! it or proposin! it may be actin! with the hi!hest moti$es. I am prepared to admit
that but what I would lie to say is this " 'o not !i$e compulsory effect to the pro$isions in
respect of all people. 1)n &on. -emer 2. 2here is the compulsory effect at all /3 'i$orce is not
compulsory but the breain! away of the sacramental ties of Hindu marria!e will be compulsory
and that is bad enou!h. 2hether di$orce comes or not is a different %uestion alto!ether 8 you
are $iolently chan!in! customs and con$ictions. Somebody said, when I was speain! earlier
that south India was specially pro!ressi$e and many of the laws which we are considerin! are
already in e+istence there today. I say !ood luc to south India. Let south India proceed from
pro!ress to pro!ress from di$orce to di$orce. I ha$e absolutely no %uarrel with south India, but
why force it on others who do not want it. In fact I ha$e !ot a letter with me. I recei$ed it only
two days a!o;it is a postcard and I do not now the !entleman who wrote it.
Sri 1ad+il : >rom the 'ead Letter 5ffice /
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " It is not from the 'ead Letter 5ffice. I can mae a present of it to Mr.
,ad!il, if he lies. It is not a dead letter. This only shows how customs $ary in this country. Here
is this !entleman who writes from 0u4wid, Cistna district.
9 The Bill as published on the Hindu Law contains a pro$ision renderin! the marria!es
between a !irl and her maternal uncle $oid as bein! within the prohibited de!ree. The aforesaid
custom is widely pre$alent in )ndhra and Tamil 0adu and e$en Brahmins consider maternal
uncles of !irls to be the most eli!ible and suitable bride!rooms for their !irls. The prohibition is
not nown perhaps to lawyers and to others. I am sure that the $ast ma-ority of our people are
i!norant of it, in which case marria!es celebrated in i!norance of this pro$ision would operate
as a se$ere hardship. I therefore re%uest you to mo$e an amendment.....9
I do not now why they had selected me in particular and not written to 'r. )mbedar;
9... sa$in! the custom from the prohibition or fi+in! sufficient time to elapse before the chapter
on marria!e, can be brou!ht into force.9
This is -ust by the way, for those who were talin! about the pro!ressi$e nature of the people
li$in! in those territories. 0aturally they ha$e !one $ery far ahead. (An hon. -emer" Is it true /3
I do not now whether the letter came from the 'ead Letter 5ffice but my friends from south
India can tell me whether it is !enuine (/nterruption). I shall refer the writer to Mr. Bharati in my
reply. The point which I am de$elopin! is this.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: It is not a pro!ressi$e State.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : Those who may follow him may consider it absolutely pro!ressi$e. It is
only a point of $iew. I am not challen!in! the wisdom or unwisdom of any State. It mi!ht ha$e
been followed by lahs and millions of people in this $ast country. 0aturally customs mi!ht ha$e
de$eloped in a particular manner. My proposal boils down to this. ?ou do not mae this Code
applicable to all;6 am talin! of marria!e and di$orce for the time bein!;but lea$e it open to
those who will be married in future to mae a declaration that they would lie to be !o$erned by
these pro$isions and not be !o$erned by the conse%uences of dharmic marria!e 8 you lea$e it
open to them to do so. (An hon. -emer " 2hat about past marria!es /3 That co$ers the cases
of those who come in future. 2e are not le!islatin!. I suppose for the purpose of helpin! the
dissolution of marria!e of the e+istin! Members of &arliament. 2e are looin! to the future 8 we
are thinin! of handin! o$er somethin! to the future !eneration, whereby they can li$e in peace
and with !reater comfort. But supposin! you want to apply it to those who are already
Dr. #$bedkar : It does not apply to those who are already married.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee: There also you can mae a pro$ision. Supposin! you want to apply it to
all who are already married, there I will !i$e a solution. ?ou lea$e it open to anybody, say,
within a period of one or two years to re!ister his decision whether he would lie to be !o$erned
by this Code to opt for it, if you can use that lan!ua!e. (An hon. -emer " 2hy not
e$erywhere /3 2ell, . e$erywhere . I do not appro$e for this reason that you are decidin!
somethin! for others for which you ha$e no ri!ht today. ?ou are passin! a law whereby you are
sayin! that the dharmic form of marria!e will continue as now without any modification or
alteration and the other form of marria!e also is open to people who would lie to tae
ad$anta!e of it. Let the people in future mae their choice. There is no compulsion and for
e+istin! people you may !i$e a time*limit or you may not !i$e a time*limit. ?ou can say that if
any particular party desires to be !o$erned by the pro$isions of this Code, such persons may
mae a declaration before the =e!istrar or =e!istrar*,eneral or 'irector ,eneral or whoe$er he
may be and !et the relief as is pro$ided for in the Code. I as in all seriousness what is it that
you lose thereby /
.andi& "un*ru 1(ttar &radesh3 " 2hat do we !ain thereby /
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " 2hat you !ain thereby is that you do not brea the unity of the country.
.andi& "un*ru : This )ct when passed will be permissi$e. It does not compel any couple to
tae ad$anta!e of the pro$isions of di$orce. 9It is perpetually open to a couple to say whether
they are to be !o$erned by that pro$ision or not.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " That is a point of $iew which may be ur!ed with some emphasis. Here
the difference is this " that you destroy the indissoluble nature of Hindu marria!e which is
re!arded as solemn and sacred by millions of people. &andit Cun4ru may not a!ree and many
people in this House may not. I am not %uarrellin! with those people who belie$e that marria!e
is bilateral arran!ement, that it is nothin! but a matter of contract8 I ha$e nothin! to say a!ainst
them if there are people who hold that $iew. Let them hold it, but there are those who hold the
contrary $iew, who !enuinely and sincerely belie$e that this system which has been in $ou!e for
thousands of years is somethin! sacred, somethin! deep*rooted in their traditions and reli!ion.
2hat ri!ht ha$e you to sit in this House and say that you want by one stroe of the pen to tae
this !reat ri!ht away/ That is my answer to &andit Cun4ru. (Shri Bharati" Mono!amy.3 I am
comin! to it. Shri Bharati need not be an+ious I hope he is a!reein! with me as re!ards di$orce
and that is why he wants me to !o to mono!amy. That is my line of approach. Belie$e me,
ri!htly or wron!ly, this country has been di$ided tremendously on this Hindu Code Bill. I do not
wish that that should be so. I want that we should !o on pro!ressin! and main! reforms in our
social structure. But, we will do it in such a way that we can carry the bul of the people with us,
not carry them by force in this House or carry them by threads of sweepin! a!itation outside,
but carry them by appealin! to their lo!ic and to their con$iction. 2hen I discussed this matter
with representati$es of the orthodo+ school of $iew......
Dr. #$bedkar : That is Carapatri-i.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : 0o 8 I ha$e not met him recently.
.andi& Mai&ra : 2hat is the harm if he is consulted /
Dr. #$bedkar : 0o harm. I in$ited him and he e+pressed a desire to come. )fterwards, he
refused to come. I ha$e not shunned him.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee" I ha$e not discussed this matter with Carapatri-i recently. I shall not be
sorry to discuss it with him8 but, I ha$e not discussed.
Dr. #$bedkar : In fact 8 I in$ited him to come and discuss 8 but he has not come.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " I ha$e discussed this matter with many people who represent his point
of $iew and others who are not orthodo+. Somehow, the country is di$ided today. How to
proceed in the matter/ )s I said, it is not a &ress law, that somethin! is in dan!er and so you
must !o and pass the &ress law somehow and operate it. This is not an amendment of the
Constitution. It is not a political matter. In fact, we may differ on matters of politics. But, there
should be a fundamental a!reement with re!ard to the need for introducin! reforms into our
!reat country, which will mae our ci$ilisation more pro!ressi$e and more ad$anced. That
should be our common !round of approach. Those who are followin! the e+istin! practices,
those who are abidin! by the pro$isions of the e+istin! laws are not retro!rade. The tra!edy is
that many of the supporters of the Bill, who ha$e been carried away by their notions of so*called
pro!ress and ad$ance, in their e+uberance thin that what they thin is the last word on the
sub-ect, that they represent pro!ress and the others are retro!rade. That is $ery unfortunate.
(An &on. -emer" Lipstic3. I am not talin! about lipstic at all8 I ha$e taled about pro!ress.
2e should see the other man.s point of $iew, the point of $iew of man who belie$es in the
e+istin! ideolo!y, unless it can be pointed out that somethin! is happenin! in the society, which
is absolutely rotten, immoral, bacward. If that could be pointed out. I am at one with 'r.
)mbedar and those who want to introduce reforms. But, if it is a mere difference of opinion, a
mere difference in outloo, and you !et whate$er you want for those who share your point of
$iew, why then do your force your opinions on millions of others, who do not share your $iew/
That is a point of $iew which I would $ery stron!ly ur!e before the Law Minister and
,o$ernment. If I had !i$en you a formula, which indicated an abandonment of the pro$isions of
the Code for those who belie$e in it, you can blame me. But, I wish you !odspeed 8 !o ahead 8
do whate$er you lie for those people who belie$e in the ideolo!y which you are preachin!
here. But in respect of others who and whose forefathers had proceeded in accordance with the
old traditions and who are no less patriotic Indians than any one who is sponsorin! this bill, why
do you force your options on them/
Talin! of di$orce has the law of di$orce sol$ed all social problems in countries where the
system of di$orce is now in e+istence/
Sri Hi$a&sin+ka 12est Ben!al3 " Created more.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee : I ha$e been !oin! throu!h some of the recent booson sociolo!y.
&eople are perturbed, because this is a comple+ human problem. The word has not found a
solution to these problems. Those who ha$e taen to the system of di$orce, their number is
leapin! up. 'o they find peace/ Ha$e they found happiness/
#n Hon. Me$bers: 0o.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " 5n the other hand new problems ha$e come up. =ead some of the
latest boos on psychoanalysis. There it is clearly pointed out that many of the e$ils which face
the western countries are due to the mal*ad-ustment of the se+es. These are comple+
problems. 2hy blindly copy somethin! from the west because some people from some part of
the world ha$e come and told you that. ?ou are bacward unless you adopt this/ If there are
forward people in this country, who belie$e in this ideolo!y, !i$e them a lon! rope, sufficiently
lon!, so that they may han! themsel$es. But, do not interfere with others who ha$e found a
solution of their problems throu!h different doors alto!ether.
So far as mono!amy is concerned. I shall support it with one reser$ation. Mae it applicable
to all the citi4ens of India. It is not a %uestion that mono!amy is !ood for the Hindus and
mono!amy is not !ood for others. Stand for one social doctrine.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a: 2hy force it on those who do not belie$e in it/
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " If you belie$e that mono!amy as a social system is the best that India
should ha$e, then, do not try to loo at it throu!h the Hindu door 8 loo at it throu!h the human
door and mae it applicable to all. Beha$e lie a secular State at least in this instance. Tae
coura!e in both hands and say that mono!amy will be made applicable to all citi4ens of India. If
you cannot do it, do not do it for one section alone. Here, we are li$in! in days of statistics. 2e
swear by statistics, either real or manufactured. I ha$e been tryin! to !et some information" I
could not. I wanted to now how many people in India ha$e been marryin! a second time.
Sri Hi$a&sin+ka " 5r, eepin! two wi$es at the same time.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee " That is what I mean " marryin! a second wife when the first is ali$e. The
number is e+tremely small. It is really no problem. )lready, on account of ad$anced $iews,
society has ad-usted itself and on account of economic conditions, !eneral public censure etc.,
this system has !one out. 2hy mae a parade of this that you are introducin! a !reat reform
and le!islatin! for this/ If you accept it as a principle, apply it, as I said -ust now to the whole of
So far as the Hindu Code Bill is concerned. I do not now what the decision is !oin! to be.
The &rime Minister has indicated that most liely we will not proceed with the rest of the Bill and
time may not permit us to do so I am prepared to mae this offer. &ass the entire Hindu Code
as it is8 only mae it optional. Those who want it can adopt it. I ha$e spoen to representati$es
belon!in! to the e+treme orthodo+ school of $iew8 I ha$e ar!ued with them. )lthou!h there are
some amon!st them who are a!ainst the passin! of any such Bill whatsoe$er they also realise
that -ust as they claim to thin for themsel$es, others also must ha$e the liberty to do so for
themsel$es and for their future. That would be a splendid be!innin!. I am prepared to admit8
howe$er much there may be opposition to the Code, that this represents a mar$ellous piece of
wor on the part of 'r. )mbedar and those who ha$e been associated with him. I am %uite
prepared to admit that this is a most thorny sub-ect and he has !one throu!h the matter with as
much ability as any one could ha$e. >or that, if he is prepared to accept an honorary de!ree to
be conferred by &arliament, we are prepared to confer a de!ree on 'r. )mbedar. But if you
loo upon it as a measure, which has to be pushed, down the throat of millions of Hindus who
are opposed to it. I say that you will not be doin! a ser$ice to the people of India. The only way
in which you can proceed e$en at this late sta!e is this. Let us not %uarrel amon!st oursel$es8
let us a!ree to do or on this fundamental issue. If you are prepared to point out that there are
certain matters which are immediately anti*social, or corrodin! into the $ery life of Hindu society,
let us a!ree to mae such pro$isions compulsory if there are any. 5therwise, this new !reat
structure which you ha$e prepared, eep it there for a few years and say that any one, whether
a Hindu or not, any Indian citi4en, who desires to accept it can mae a declaration, and the
pro$isions re!ardin! marria!e or di$orce or property, whate$er it is, will be applicable to such
selectors. That would be the be!innin! of a !reat era. >or after all, who is !oin! to decide
ultimately / your elections are comin!. ?ou then !o forward. )s the &rime Minister has said, his
sweepin! wind will come and blow away all opponents and.....
Sri "a$a&: 2hirlwind.
Dr. S. .. Mooker-ee" ?es, the whirlwind will come. Let the whirlwind come with re!ard to the
pro$isions of the Hindu Code Bill. Let them !o and con$ince the people and tell them that they
are not forcin! it on them. Let them say, 9 we !i$e you the option. Here is a hea$en we ha$e
created. Come into this hea$en and attain moksha 9. ,o and e+plain to the people and if they
feel that it is really such a hea$en and not a dilli+ka+laddu they will come and tae it, and tae it
with open hearts. There will be ample time. )fter all, Hindu ci$ilisation has e+isted for thousands
of years, in spite of on slau!hts from $arious %uarters, cultural, political and economic in$asions
and so on. 2e ha$e sur$i$ed all that and we are now a free country, and we propose to sur$i$e
with a much more !lorious future than we had attained in the past. But when you introduce
social reforms in such a $ast country as this, where opinions differ, where attitudes differ and
where ideolo!ies differ, then the only way in which you can do it is to !o at a slow pace. I am
not asin! you to abandon principles, which you belie$e to be true. I am not asin! that for the
time bein!. But please !o and con$ince the people, the Hindu people who still claim to li$e
under canons and codes, which are in no way inferior to those e+istin! in any other part of the
world. ,i$e them scope to choose for themsel$es. That is my appeal to the House and to
,o$ernment and I hope that appeal will be heeded to.
Sri B. ". .. Sina : ) cruel destiny always pits me a!ainst 'r. Mooer-ee, one of the
!reatest orators in the House and in the country. 'r. Mooer-ee and other opponents of this Bill
ha$e brou!ht forward the su!!estion. 9 2hy not ha$e a Ci$il Code/ 2hy not e+tend the scope
of this Bill to co$er all the castes and communities and reli!ious !roups in India/ 9 )nd also they
as., 9 2hy not lea$e it to the different states or different people to adopt the $arious pro$isions
of this Bill / 9 The mo$er of the Bill has effecti$ely replied to these criticisms. The opponents of
the Bill ha$e also referred to the clause in the Constitution re!ardin! discrimination between
different persons. It was their contention that in $iew of that clause, or in $iew of that article of
the Constitution. If you ha$e pro$isions in the Bill applicable only to one community, that will not
be constitutionally $alid. In that connection they also referred to certain decisions of some
Bombay courts and Madras courts. But they were decisions of the lower courts and since then
the Bombay Hi!h Court has pronounced that in the cases referred to there was no $iolation of
the discrimination article in the Constitution and that in spite of that article we can ha$e laws for
the Hindu community, to the e+clusion of other communities. Therefore, that point is settled.
Then there is the %uestion of lea$in! it to the different States or people to decide by
referendum. 2hat are the !rounds on which they ha$e ad$anced this ar!ument/ They say that
the pro$isions of the Bill conflict with the fundamental tenets of Hindu law, that they are
re$olutionary and that they brin! about far*reachin! chan!es in the law, and that these chan!es
are not at all essential. These are the ar!uments ad$anced by them in support of their
contention. Let me scan the pro$isions of the Bill and see what is the substance of their
contention. I will for the present confine myself to the %uestion of marria!e and di$orce, for that
is the only chapter that is !oin! to be discussed.
.andi& M. B. Bar+a,a 1)-mer3" Cindly confine yourself to clause <.
Sri B. ". .. Sina : ?es. I confine myself to clause < and I will illustrate my statements only
from marria!e and di$orce chapter. I will not !o beyond that. 2hat are the features of this
chapter/ It has four features. 5ne that it widens the scope within which one can ha$e
marria!es. ?ou can !o beyond the particular sub*caste or !roup and still the marria!e will not
be ille!al and the children will not be ille!itimate. Secondly, this Bill restricts or narrows down
the field of prohibition. There were many prohibitions. 5ne could not !o beyond certain castes.
5ne could not ha$e marria!e within the same ,otra or pravara and with certain relations which
fell within certain de!rees from the father and mother. This bill narrows these prohibitions. )nd
then it introduces the principle of mono!amy, and lastly it introduces the principle of di$orce.
>irst of all, there is this widenin! of the field of marria!e. )re the pro$isions of this measure
really in conflict with the principles of Hindu Law and Hindu reli!ion / In my opinion they are not.
'r. Mooer-ee said that this measure offends the orthodo+ people, that it offends their reli!ious
sentiments, their reli!ious susceptibilities. I am not ashamed to admit that I consider myself as
much an orthodo+ Hindu as anyone else. Ha$e I not $ery often met 'r. Mooer-ee on the bans
of the ,an!es when we went there for our bath. 2e ha$e also often met in the temple of Lord
Shi$a at Banaras. 5ur orthodo+y is of the same character and of the same e+tent. Still I do not
find anythin! in this Bill that wounds my reli!ious feelin!s or susceptibilities. 2hat was the
pristine or ori!inal condition of Hindu society / That we see in the te+ts of the -ahaharata and
other scriptures. There were no caste distinctions then as they e+ist now. Then there were
di$isions accordin! to the wor.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya : #$ery man is a Shudra by birth. It is by the sacraments that he
becomes a Brahmin.
Sri B. ". .. Sina" But due to certain ad$erse factors thin!s chan!ed. 2ell, I do not want to
%uote and prolon! the discussion, otherwise I will be playin! your !ame. 2ell, as I was sayin!,
there were no distinctions as they e+ist now. #$ery Arya was free to marry any other Arya. ?ou
now that Anuloma and !ratiloma marria!es were permitted by Hindu law. )nd in adoptin! the
pro$isions of this measure. I am sure that we are re$ertin! to the old order of thin!s. But that old
order was disturbed by certain unfortunate de$elopments in the country.
.andi& Mala,iya " 2ill the hon. Member please elaborate that point a bit/
Sri B. ". .. Sina : I ha$e elaborated it sufficiently. 2e will ha$e to tal for se$en days if we
are to !i$e enou!h elaborations.
.andi& Mala,iya " I want to learn. I want to understand thin!s and what the hon. Member
says. I want to now where !ratiloma marria!es were allowed in India.
Sri B. ". .. Sina : ?ou will find in any boo on Hindu laws that Arndoma and !ratiloma
marria!es were common.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Anuloma marria!es were allowed and not !ratiloma marria!es.
Sri B. ". .. Sina : It was not allowed. The children were nown as chandalas but they
formed a branch of the Hindu society.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: )ll that has been settled by )cts of &arliament.
Sri B. ". .. Sina " There are so many )cts of &arliament in this re!ard such as the Special
Marria!e )ct of 6DF<, the Hindu Marria!e Ealidation )ct of 6HBH allowin! marria!es between
Hindus, Sihs and @ains and also between different castes and sub*castes then there is the
Hindu Marria!e 1=emo$al of 'isabilities3 )ct which allows marria!e between sub*di$isions of
the same caste. So these )cts are there and they are of an all*India character and it is open to
any Hindu to marry any other Hindu, Sih or @ain. 2hat we are doin! here is simply re*enactin!
the old laws. 'r. Mooer-ee ased if the laws are there, why re*enact them here/ I would put it
to him that if they are there what crime are we committin! by re*enactin! them in the Hindu
Then I come to the second feature8 restrictin! or narrowin! the field of prohibition. (nder the
Hindu Marria!e 1=emo$al of 'isabilities3 )ct, is it not true that Sa,otra and Sapravara
marria!es are permitted and that nothin! new is introduced in this Code/ This pro$ision is
already a part of the Hindu law. In the Hindu society it was only amon!st the Brahmins, strictly
speain!, that Sa,otra marria!e was taboo. To the Ashatrias and #aishyas =otra had a
spiritual or reli!ious si!nificance only. =otra did not mean to them that they were descended
from the same ancestor. 5nly in the case of the Brahmins the sameness of =otra meant that
they were descended from the same ancestor. In the case of the Shudras Sa,otra marria!e
was always permitted. 2hether under the law as it was or as it is, we find that Sa,otra
marria!es were le!al and $alid and that is only bein! incorporated in this Code.
)nother restriction introduced is that the field of prohibition is bein! narrowed, in the case of
the father.s side to fi$e and in the case of the mother.s side to three !enerations. So far as the
Hindu law and the practice and customs pre$alent in this country are concerned there is not
much of uniformity. Many commentators ad$ocated se$en and fi$e prohibitions" others ha$e
ad$ocated fi$e and three prohibitions. They thou!ht it was not necessary to !o beyond fi$e and
three prohibitions. In the Fa'ur #eda the restriction is three and two and in certain Eedic te+ts it
does not !o beyond two. In this Bill it is my contention that we are only re$ertin! to the old
order, the Hindu law as it was in the be!innin! before it became contaminated with contact with

1SH=I HIM)TSI0,C) in the Chair)

)s re!ards the principle of mono!amy, under the Hindu law as practised today the Hindu
woman shall ha$e only one spouse.
Sri "a$a& : 5ne li$in! spouse.
Sri B. ". .. Snia : Li$in!, or dead also.
Sri "a$a& : 5ne can ha$e one dead and one li$in!.
Sri B. ". .. Sina" In certain cases one only, li$in! or dead. So far as males are concerned,
there is a misconception that the Hindu law allows poly!amy. But I find that there are certain
te+ts of Fa'navalkya, -ann and Apasthamha which ordain and lay down that a Hindu can ha$e
a second wife only in certain well*defined circumstances. 2hen the rele$ant clauses come up
before the House I will %uote the shlokas and the te+ts.
.andi& Mala,iya " 'o you su!!est that /
Sri B. ". .. Sina: I do not. 0ow Bombay and Madras ha$e passed le!islation layin! down
that there shall be mono!amy. This principle of mono!amy has been reco!nised for Hindus in
the Special Marria!es )ct and in the Ci$il Marria!es )ct. I find that this principle, that it is
salutary to stric to one spouse has been reco!nised indirectly by the Married 2omen.s
1Separate =esidence and Maintenance3 )ct which reco!nises that a married woman can !et
separate residence and maintenance if the husband !oes in for another wife or a concubine. It
has been reco!nised that oneness of a spouse is slautary. )ny de$iation from it is bad and in
that case the woman is allowed the ri!ht of separate residence and maintenance.
Sri "a$a& " 2hat about polyandry /
Sri. B. ". .. Sina: Then I come to the other principle, di$orce. 'r. Mooer-ee was furious8
he said that Hindu marria!e was sacramental, indissoluble, immutable. There is no escape for a
man who once commits a mistae in marryin! a certain woman J But I find from some of the
old te+ts that Hindu marria!e was not as immutable, as indissoluble as 'r. Mooer-ee would
claim. I would read out a te+t which tells us that e$en the woman has a ri!ht to !o in for another
husband. This is the te+t of 0arada and !arashar"

0ashte mrute pravra'ite klie cha patite patyau
!anchas)apatsru nari,an patiranyo vidhiyate

9 )nother husband is ordained for women in fi$e calamities, namely, if the husband be
unheard of or be dead, or adopt a reli!ious order, or be impotent or become outcaste.9
.andi& Male,iya : 2ill you indly read also the commentary on that /
Sri B. ". .. Sina8 I will lea$e it for you. So it was not as indissoluble as 'r. Mooer-ee
would lie us to belie$e. There were pro$isions for dissolution of Hindu marria!es in certain
e+ceptional circumstances. Thereby, the principle of contract was reco!nised indirectly.
Moreo$er, the Ci$il Marria!e )ct also reco!nises the principle of di$orce and these authorities
apart, in the modem a!e, in the present conditions of India, If we do not ha$e a law of di$orce
for the Hindu society we must be prepared for the disinte!ration and the ultimate dissolution of
the Hindu society.
In this connection I am reminded of two or three cases which created such a furore in Ben!al,
the home pro$ince of 'r. Mooer-ee. Hindu law as practised there does not lea$e any scope for
di$orce. I now at least of two cases in which the parties belon!ed to the Brahman caste. They
were married. They led a happy life for some time. Thereafter, their life was unhappy. There
was no escape for them. In both the cases, the wi$es went to a famous mos%ue at Calcutta and
were con$erted to Islam and thereby they !ot the marria!es dissol$ed. Society in India has
reached such a sta!e that if you do not ha$e a law of di$orce you must be prepared for such
incidents, I do not now whether 'r. Mooer-ee by standin! a!ainst this pro$ision is doin! any
!ood to the cause of Hindus or lie all fanatical champions he is doin! positi$e harm to Hindu
reli!ion and Hindu society.
Sri Ca&&opadyay 12est Ben!al3 " 'id they not later on become Hindus /
Sri B. ". .. Sina : )t any rate, it is clear that if you want di$orce you ha$e to be con$erted
to some other reli!ion. I ur!e that only.
There are many such cases where parties ha$e adopted some other reli!ion -ust for obtainin!
di$orce. 2e must tae note of ad$ance and pro!ress. 2e must see the sta!e that society has
reached. 2e are not li$in! in an a!e when India had no contact with the outer world. 2e are
li$in! in an a!e when ideas ha$e a nac of crossin! the borders of countries. 2e are li$in! in
an a!e when certain theories of liberty and certain theories of freedom ha$e crept into the
minds of men and women, especially youn! men and women and, if we do not allow scope for
the worin! of those ideas it is my fear that Hindus society as we now it today shall not lon! be
able to maintain its e+istence.
Then some of my friends ur!ed that the pro$incial laws were there and why we should not
lea$e the matter to the pro$incial !o$ernments. That is e+actly the reason 2hy I ur!e that we
should ha$e a Central law. Marria!e, di$orce, adoption, succession and inheritance form part of
item 7 of the Concurrent List. It is open to any State Le!islature to Le!islate on any of these
matters and some States ha$e le!islated. Supposin! we do not le!islate, what would be the
conse%uence / The conse%uence would be that custom, for which 'r. Mooer-ee shed so many
tears, would be abro!ated in all the different pro$inces by the pro$incial le!islations and then
you would ha$e statutory laws differin! from each other in all the pro$inces. If custom is the only
$ehicle of pro!ress and de$elopment, that $ehicle will be destroyed and there would be ri!id
compartmentalised law*<G or AI laws, in fact as many laws as there are pro$inces or States in
India. I shudder to thin what will be the effect of that on Hindu society and ultimately on the
stren!th of the nation, for a stable and uniform society is an essential in!redient of a stron! and
stable nation.
Then there is the %uestion of inter*marria!e. In pre$ious times, people of one territory were
born in their territories8 they !rew up in their territories 8 and they died in their territories. They
were !o$erned by the customs and usa!e of that territory. 2hat do we find today / In this
&arliament, in the !alleries of this &arliament, there are Members from all parts of the country.
Sri "a$a&" 5n a point of order;can the !alleries be referred to/
Sri B. ". .. Sina" I am not addressin! the !alleries. If I can tal of the country, I can as well
tal of the !alleries.
=esidents of $arious parts of the country are assembled here. 0ot only in this City, but in
e$ery important city of this country you find persons from different pro$inces;in Calcutta you
find people from Tra$ancore 8 in Tra$ancore you find people from Bihar and Calcutta. Eery
often, the residents of the different pro$inces, in spite of the restrictions imposed by customs
and usa!e and sentiments of the orthodo+, find ways of comin! to!ether, in nuptial contract.
2hat shall be the effect on them and their pro!eny if we allow these $arious pro$incial laws to
operate/ Suppose a man from Bombay marries a !irl from Bihar and in Bihar he marries
another woman. In Bombay mono!amy is the law. 2hat will happen to his marria!e in Bihar/
2hile his children by that Bihar wife will be le!itimate in Bihar, when they !o to Bombay they
shall be considered ille!itimate and shall ha$e no ci$il ri!hts. 2hat will happen to the hundreds
of couples comin! from different castes and different pro$inces/ 2hat will be the ri!hts of those
children/ If you allow indi$iduals to opt, many anomalies are liely to arise. ) man may opt for
the new Code8 his father may be !o$erned by old Hindu law8 and the optee.s son may not opt
for the new Code. 2hat laws would !o$ern such a family/ If, therefore, the su!!estion of my
hon. >riends were to be adopted, there will be such confusion, that the confusion in the tower of
Babel as compared to this was nothin!. It will tae the @ud!es centuries to clear the confusion.
Therefore, I feel that we ha$e reached a sta!e when in the interests of Hindu society we cannot
but ha$e such a law.
&re$iously in the pro$inces there was certain ri!idity;people li$in! in a certain pro$ince had
one social tradition. &eople of the same caste had almost the same intellectual de$elopment,
the same cultural code, etc. In those circumstances, when one married out of his caste one
went to a different world alto!ether. But today these cultural, economic and intellectual
disparities are disappearin!. Society in India is becomin! one. 2hile pre$iously there was some
-ustification for marria!e within one.s caste or inside the pro$ince, there is no such -ustification
today. because the cultural le$el, the intellectual le$el and the economic le$el of the $arious
communities are comin! on a par with each other. )ccordin! to eu!enic principles marria!e
outside one.s caste under the pre$ious state of affairs would ha$e been bad. Today the laws of
eu!enics point in a different direction alto!ether. They point to a direction in which the hon.
Mo$er of this bill is attemptin! to lead us.
'r. Mooer-ee taled about the intensity and the depth and breadth of feelin! in the country
a!ainst this Code. I am a $illa!er. I do not come from one of those ad$anced cities where the
most modem theories are the order of the day. I now the minds of the $illa!ers on this matter. I
now that there is a lot of misapprehension in their minds about this Bill. That is because the
opponents of this code ha$e for the last fi$e years or so been carryin! on a tearin! and ra!in!
propa!anda a!ainst it while the supporters of the bill ha$e been eepin! mum and slient. In my
area also people were by and lar!e, opposed to the pro$isions of this Bill. But when I e+plained
to them the pro$isions of this Bill in detail I can tell you that at least FI per cent. of them became
con$erts and they realised that nothin! short of this was needed for the society. 2hen 'r.
Mooer-ee says that there is intensity of feelin! I concede that. But when he tals of the depth
and breadth of that feelin! I disa!ree. There is no depth in it because that feelin! is based on
i!norance. There is no breadth in it because the people, by and lar!e, are not a!ainst this
Code. It is only a handful of moneyed people who care more for their property, for their land, for
their shares who are puttin! up such a row a!ainst this measure. I ha$e had intimate tals with
some of these orthodo+ people. They do not care a !rain, an iota for the Hindu Law or the
Hindu principles, or the rishis or the smritis. 2hat rouses them into opposition is the property
Sri !. ". Cauduri" That has been dropped now.
Dr. Des$uk 1Madhya &radesh3 " But wife also is property.
Sri B. ". .. Sina" These are the three lines of my ar!ument. There is nothin! re$olutionary
in this. )ll that we are !oin! to ha$e is already there on the statute boos. Secondly, this Bill
does not !o a!ainst the fundamental principles of Hindu reli!ion. =ather, it tries to brin! the
circle full. The wheel has !one a full circle and Hindu law is bein! restored to its pristine purity.
Thirdly, this law is essential for the e+istence of Hindu society in the circumstances of today.
Since one of my friends from Bihar, Mr. Syamnandan Sahaya, when he spoe last referred to
'r. @ayaar, I would lie to %uote a $ery small para!raph. 2hile writin! his foreword to &indu
(a) in Bharat published in 6H76;and the foreword was written in 6H76;what has 'r. @ayaar
to say about this aspect;not about Hindu Law in !eneral but about the aspect to which I
referred / He says "
9 The author has not omitted to note some of the prominent deficiencies which e+ist in
present*day pro$isions of the Hindu Law, re%uirin! early redress.9
#n Hon. Me$ber" 2ho is the author /
Sri B. ". .. Sina : The author is another person, but the foreword is written by 'r. M. =.
@ayaar;a scholar of Hindu Law, not the politician.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya: )lso a politician.
Sri B. ". .. Sina : &robably my friend Mr. Syamnandan Sahaya referred to 'r. @ayaar,
the politician. I am referrin! to 'r. @ayaar, the scholar.
Sri Sya$nandan Saaya " 'o you mean that politicians are not scholars /
Sri B. ". .. Sina : They are. )nd then 'r. @ayaar !oes on to say in his foreword"
9 He obser$es that in modem times facilities of transit and interchan!e ha$e enormously
increased and $arious causes, appropriate to the times ha$e compelled people of different
races and reli!ions to li$e to!ether in territories !o$erned by different systems of law. These
new factors naturally tend to complicate problems of human life in the sphere of their le!al
relationships. =ules framed to re!ulate municipal and purely local set of circumstances pro$e
inade%uate or e$en out of place to deal with such problems arisin! out of the introduction and
presence of forei!n elements within the territory. The de$elopment of a Body of =ules to co$er
these new sets of circumstances is already o$erdue.9
Dr. Des$uk8 I am afraid probably my hon. >riends who welcomed my !ettin! up to
spea by sayin! 9 hear, hear 9 may be disappointed at what I am !oin! to say today.
Sri !. ". Caudari : Ha$e you chan!ed your mind /
Dr. Des$uk : To a certain e+tent, probably, yes.
#n on. Me$ber : 2ise men always do that.
Dr. Des$uk : I ha$e been member of the Select Committee and I ha$e appended a note
of dissent to the Committee.s report. But that co$ers only four points. That note of dissent itself
shows that apart from those four points, I am in !eneral a!reement with the many pro$isions
proposed to the Bill. )t the same time. I always felt that the time had not come when it was
possible to re$ise, with some other and different ideals in front of us, the whole structure of the
Hindu society and to chan!e it radically. 5urs is a $ast country and the Hindu community is
e+tremely lar!e and numerous. 2e are also hi!hly uneducated and absolutely, illiterate. >rom
that point of $iew if you wish to chan!e the basis of the Hindu society to any $iolent or !reat
e+tent, the people who are not capable of understandin! the chan!es are liely to suffer
considerably. >rom that point of $iew I thou!ht that the reforms so far as the Hindu Law is
concerned should be as and when re%uired and whene$er a certain situation demands them,
and only when the public opinion was ready and well*informed and was capable of followin! all
the modifications in the social structure which we desire to brin! in then alone we should
attempt a thin! of that nature.
Therefore, I hold that the Hindu Law e$en when codified will not help us unless it is your
desire to remodel the whole Hindu society for which the time, I submit, has not yet arri$ed. The
Hindu law as laid down by the Smritis and as interpreted by the Hi!h Courts and the &ri$y
Council is fairly well crystallised8 there may be certain differences of opinion8 there is a
possibility of conflicts in interpretations but they are understandable and we ha$e had this
e+perience of these 67I years and this has not led to any !reat sufferin! or any !reat
Sri (aks$anan 1Tra$ancore*Cochin3" 5n a point of order, are we at the !eneral discussion
or discussion on clause < /
Mr. Cair$an : He is in order.
Dr. Des$uk: My remars are really rele$ant so far as the discussion on this clause is
concerned. 2hat I was !oin! to point out was that if we were !oin! to remodel the society and
chan!e the whole law so as to suit modern times in an ideal manner that would be somethin!
far different from what we are attemptin! here. #$en in what we are attemptin! at the present
moment, I do not thin that the Hindu Code represents a complete remodellin! of the Hindu
society. 2e are after all codifyin! what e+ists althou!h with some chan!es. Because at the
present moment and in this modern a!e, if we really want to follow modern ideas, I do not now
whether the conception of any pri$ate property is !oin! to sur$i$e $ery lon!. 2hat is the use
therefore of discussin! the property law and debatin! whether it is accordin! to the -itakshra or
the $ayaha,a or we are !oin! to introduce the principle of primo!eniture or somethin! else. I
personally feel that so lon! as we ha$e the Hindu laws by which we are !o$erned at the present
time, and so lon! as it is a fairly well understood law, which the whole population and the whole
Hindu community understands, the time has not come when we should attempt a radical and
whole*sale alteration of the law which !o$erns the society. Because, that is liely to create more
trouble than we ha$e at the present moment. )t the same time, I ha$e always ad$ocated and I
am in fa$our of remo$in! those difficulties, those harassments and those persecutions, which
e+ist, and because of which, there is human sufferin!. So far as these thin!s are concerned, I
thin it should be the endea$our of e$ery Member of &arliament to support the Bill8 where$er it
is found that our social structure is liely to suffer, and where it has led to a !ood deal of
incon$enience and trouble, those reforms ou!ht to be taen up and there should be no
compromise with any orthodo+y.

6.II &.M.

Sri "a$a&" 2hile we would lie to hear the hon. Member, there was a half*hour discussion
to be taen up at one oTcloc....
Mr. Cair$an : That has been postponed.
Sri "a$a& : 2e ha$e had no notice.
Mr. Cair$an : It has been struc out here.
Dr. Des$uk " So far as remo$al of difficulties and hardships is concerned, I am prepared
to !o e$en farther than the sponsors of the Bill. The prohibition of poly!amy and introduction
and enforcement of mono!amy are e+tremely desirable reforms. I also a!ree that it is time that
the Hindu society pro$ided for di$orce under the law. There may be some restrictions imposed8
but I do not thin it is possible to shut our eyes to the instances and facts, which come to our
notice. It may be a thin! which my orthodo+ and sanatani. friends may dislie. 5f course, many
of them dislie any chan!e whate$er. (nfortunately that is the position. Here, I must clear a
misunderstandin!. I ha$e been re!arded by some sanatani friends as a staunch opponent of
the Bill on all points and in e$ery respect. It is therefore that I ha$e prefaced my remars with
the remars that my hon. friend &andit Muut Bihari Lal Bhar!a$a will probably not welcome
what I was !oin! to say today. The pro$isions should, howe$er, be confined to these two
>urther, I would lie some pro$ision by which we can better the conditions of our widows. I
ha$e seen a !reat number of instances where they are under!oin! inhuman sufferin!. So far as
widows. ri!hts to property are concerned, we ha$e had amendin! Bills. 2e ha$e passed certain
laws. But, to my nowled!e, they ha$e not benefited those for whom they were intended. I
would lie to persuade the hon. Members of the House that we should mae some pro$ision so
far as they are concerned.
Sri Bara&i : 2e are not discussin! that now.
Dr. Des$uk " I do not now if any announcement has been made in the House whether
we are !oin! to lea$e out of consideration those other sections and confine oursel$es to only
these thin!s vi@+, marria!e and di$orce. Because I was not here, I do not now what decision
has been taen.
Sri Bara&i : 2e are not liely to tae them up.
Mr. Cair$an : Let the hon. Member !o on.
Dr. Des$uk : If it is intended that we should confine oursel$es only to the passin! of a law
that one person can at one time ha$e only one wife, I would not $ery much ob-ect. But, as has
been pointed out by my hon. >riend 'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee, much ado is bein! made
about a thin!, which is dyin! out, by itself. The present stru!!le for e+istence and the economic
forces at play are themsel$es brin!in! about the desired chan!e. Therefore, althou!h it is a
necessary reform, I do not thin it is somethin! that some people may be prepared to die for.
So far as di$orce is concerned, I thin there is much to be said in fa$our of di$orce. )t the
earliest possible moment, this pro$ision ou!ht to be made. )s has been pointed out by many
Members, this is only a permissible reform, merely main! pro$isions for di$orces;*the mere
presence of the pro$ision does not mean that e$ery one will tae ad$anta!e of it and !et a
di$orce. 2hat is the present position/ There are certain States; Baroda for instance, where
di$orce is allowed. )nd many who cannot a!ree between themsel$es or for other reasons who
cannot !et on, merely !o and stay at Baroda for some time and obtain some sort of certificate
that they are residents there and in this way !et their purpose fulfilled. 2here$er a married
couple cannot !et on to!ether, may be for any reason, may be because one of them is sufferin!
from a bad disease or there may be many other factors which cause a deterioration of their
relationship they should be able to separate. It is human to e+pect under modern conditions that
this freedom should be made a$ailable to them and it should be possible for an indi$idual to !et
a di$orce and separate. >rom that point of $iew, I submit that the pro$isions so far as di$orce is
concerned, are desirable. But on one point I $ehemently disa!ree with 'r. )mbedar and that is
with re!ard to not reco!nisin! the customary di$orce. He wants that all di$orce cases must...
Sri !. ". Caudari: I want to !et a point cleared. 'oes the hon. member ad$ocate di$orce
of sacramental marria!es and also at the same time the continuance of sacramental
Dr. Des$uk" I do not thin there will be any difficulty. #$en now a !ood many sacramental
marria!es !et dissol$ed. That happens in $arious communities and under the Hindu law. )nd
who is !oin! to say that marria!e under the so*called bacward communities, which really are
more ad$anced than others are not sacramental marria!es/ They are and they are reco!nised
by custom and their di$orce systems are also reco!nised by customs and by the caste
panchayats. But the Hon. Minister wants that all these cases must !o throu!h an in$ol$ed
method where lawyers will be necessary and all sorts of e$idences will ha$e to be taen and the
whole thin! will pro$e to be a hardship to these people.
Dr. #$bedkar : Let there be customary marria!e also.
Dr. Des$uk: If the pro$isions of the Bill are limited to the remo$al of the defects now
present and we do not !o further than that, then I would be prepared to support and I will not
say that since you are not !oin! to mae it applicable to e$erybody in India therefore it should
not be made applicable to Hindus also. I had raised that point as a ma-or issue, because I felt
that if it was intended that the whole of the Hindu society should be radically chan!ed, then
there was no reason why we should not mae all the pro$isions of the measure applicable to all
the people li$in! in India. But since this is intended as a sort of a reform and the scope of it is
confined specifically to certain sections. I ha$e no %uarrel so far as this point of $iew is
'r. Mooer-ee undoubtedly went too far in asin! that it should be left to the option of people.
If that be the course that we adopt, then e$en the simplest possible reform demanded by
society would be impossible. I do not now why he too that $iew thou!h he has been $ery
reasonable on most other points. This smaced a bit of a no*chan!er. He was prepared to
support the di$orce pro$isions if mono!amy is made applicable to all the communities li$in! in
India. )lthou!h it loos plausible, it smacs more of obstructionist tactics than helpin! the
passa!e of the Code. I for one stand e$en for radical reform, which will not create confusion in
the Hindu society. These pro$isions are not such as are liely to create confusion, because
e$erybody need not resort to di$orce or tae ad$anta!e of the pro$ision. There are innumerable
cases where both man and wife suffer and desire that separation would be ideal. >or such
cases we mae pro$isions by which separation would be allowed and I do not thin it should be
anybody.s business to come in their way merely on the !round that in the remote past we
re!arded marria!e as a sacrament and not as a contract. )s I ha$e already said e$en
sacramental marria!es could be dissol$ed accordin! to custom. )fter all reco!nition of
sacramental marria!e is reco!nition of customary marria!e, because it is !o$erned only by
custom. There are many different forms of marria!e. In some cases there is saptapadi. I hope
the modification, which I ha$e su!!ested, will be acceptable re!ardin! customary di$orce.
5ri!inally it was the intention that all custom should be wiped out alto!ether. I am !lad that 'r.
)mbedar has modified that stand but I am afraid he will ha$e to modify it further. In one place
where he had to e+plain his $iewpoint he said that custom must be such that it must be
sensible, reasonable and satisfy certain other re%uirements. He e+pected custom to answer to
standards of reasonableness. But what is reasonableness/ It can differ from man to man and
from !roup to !roup. 2hat may be re!arded as reasonable by 'r. )mbedar would be entirely
unreasonable to Mr. Camath or &andit M. B. Bhar!a$a.....
Sri "a$a& " 'o you lump us to!ether /
Dr. Des$uk " 5h, 0o J 0ot -ointly but se$erally. >rom the point of $iew of custom I must
say that the learned doctor, must be willin! to !o a little further, because e$ery custom has had
a history and it is not ar!uable on the basis of reason. 5ri!inally the $iew of the sponsors of the
Code was that custom, whate$er it was, was bad. That was why they pro$ided that all 9 custom
9 was bad and no custom will be reco!nised under any circumstances. The whole society was
to be !o$erned by the pro$isions in blac and white of the Code and no $ariation of any ind
was to be reco!nised. >ortunately you ha$e come to a sta!e when you are prepared to
reco!nise custom. But to what e+tent is the %uestion / 5n the one hand you say that it should
be reasonable but in many instances this is a contradiction in terms.....
Dr. #$bedkar : 2hy /
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a : It has to be reasonable before it is reco!nised.
Dr. Des$uk : In customary marria!e one of the thin!s essential and reco!nised as a
necessary in!redient is that the bride and bride!room must tae se$en steps round the fire. I do
not see any reason or reasonableness behind it. 2hat function does it perform / How does it
help so far as the wedloc is concerned /
Sri "a$a& : It is symbolic.
Dr. Des$uk" Similarly.....
Mr. Cair$an : Is the hon. Member liely to continue his speech /
Dr. Des$uk : ?es, Sir, I will tae sometime lon!er.

%he &ouse then ad'ourned till &alf !ast Ei,ht of the clock on %uesday, the 8Gth Septemer,
Clause <.;(Application of Code)Contd.

Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The house will now proceed with the further
consideration of the Bill to amend and codify certain branches of the Hindu Law
as reported by the Select Committee.
Dr. Des$uk 1Madhya &radesh3 " Sir, between the time I left my speech
incomplete yesterday and now, two fine ladies who did not share...
Sri Sondi 1&un-ab3 " 2hat is meant by 9 fine ladies 9 /
Dr. Des$uk : Two cultured and....
Sri Sondi : ?ou may say modem ladies.
Dr. Des$uk : 0o, not so modem as we are accustomed to see. )s I was
sayin!, these ladies placed before me $ery stron!ly and sincerely their point of
$iew. It was clear they $iewed the Bill from a different an!le. )nd while the Hon.
&rime Minister is here I may also say that these ladies complained that their
point of $iew has ne$er recei$ed ade%uate consideration at the hands of the
&rime Minister, and that there ha$e been attempts made to come in the way of
his bein! informed of the stren!th of their feelin!s and the $iew point that they
wished to present before him. If this is a fact, and if it is not too late to do so, I
would feel much obli!ed if these ladies could call upon the &rime Minister to
place before him their point of $iew. They are entirely opposed to the Hindu
Code Bill in any shape or form, includin! the pro$isions relatin! to di$orce and
mono!amy. They say that it is an attac on Hinduism and on Hindu reli!ion
which will be not for the !ood of anyone. They also contend that essentially
these are radical chan!es and these are sponsored by a few....
%e Minis&er o' (a) (Dr. #$bedkar) : >or my own enli!htenment, I would lie
the hon. Member to say what he means by 9 they 9. I could not hear the openin!
part of his sentence.
#n Hon. Me$ber: Two fine ladies, he said.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai 1Madras3 " 2ill the hon. Member !i$e us the names of
these ladies for the benefit of hon. Members, because this may reflect on many
ladies who are not of that opinion.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: Two ladies do not co$er the entire world.
Dr. Des$uk" They are as representati$e as my learned sister here claims to
be in this House. )nd, Sir, it is also their contention that in their discussions they
ha$e been able to con$ert many persons who had a!reed with my hon. sister
here and who were of her inclination. They are opposed to di$orce because they
%e .ri$e Minis&er and Minis&er o' 92&ernal #''airs (Sri 0a)aarlal
Neru): 2ho are they/
Dr. Des$uk: Sir, by this interruption I thin the Hon. &rime Minister has
admitted the statement that he has not seen them.
Sri 0a)aarlal 0ehru" I do not now who they are.
Dr. Des$uk: There is a 2omen.s Lea!ue in e+istence in India and....
Sri$a&i Dur+abai: ?es, nobody denies that8 but we want to now the names
of these two ladies.
%e Depu&y Minis&er o' 5ood and #+ricul&ure (Sri %iru$ala !ao): He is
referrin! to persons who are outside the House and are not in a position to
defend themsel$es.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: There is no %uestion of defence or offence.
Dr. Des$uk" I am !lad Shrimati 'ur!abai admits the e+istence of a
2omen.s Lea!ue.....
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: There are opinions and opinions on the Code. hon.
Members are entitled to say that there is a certain opinion, that some ladies
came to him and represented it to him. >urther reference to the ladies is not
necessary. It is for the House to accept or re-ect such an opinion of those people.
In so far as a Member wants to mention the opinion which he is either !oin! to
support or contro$ert he can do so, instead of sayin! two ladies e$ery now and
Sri 0a)aarlal Neru: The difficulty is that he particularly referred to me and
wants me to see unnown people of unnown whereabouts. How can I do that/
Dr. Des$uk: They will not remain unnown and unseen as soon as they
appear before the &rime Minister.
Sri "arunakara Menon 1Madras3 " )re they abo$e si+ty or below si+ty /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: #$idently the &rime Minister has not !i$en an inter$iew
to those ladies. If the hon. Member is not willin! to !i$e the names, he will
communicate them.
Sri$a&i Dur+abai" (nless they want to remain anonymous.
Dr. Des$uk: 0ot at all. The mere mention of there bein! ladies of a
different $iewpoint has e+cited our sisters here so much. (/nterruptions). They
are also aware that a !ood many ladies, not alone the few ladies who came to
see me, ha$e resi!ned from the )ll India 2omen.s Conference.
Se,eral Hon. Me$bers : 2ho are they / (/nterruption).
Dr. Des$uk: I can !i$e not only their names but if I present them before
you in all their stren!th you will probably be fri!htened. Their number is so lar!e
that it is impossible to !i$e their names.
Sri Sid,a 1Madhya &radesh3 " They are unnown women " they were
can$assin! in the Constitution House yesterday.
Dr. Des$uk: ?ou ha$e seen two of them yesterday.
Sri Sid,a: They were unnown women.
Dr. Des$uk : Those are the $ery ladies I am referrin! to.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The hon. Member will resume his seat. This is a $ery
contentious matter. There is a lar!e body of opinion in fa$our of it and there is
also a body of opinion a!ainst it. It is no !ood talin! of unnown women and
unnown men. It does not add to the di!nity of the proceedin!s of the House.
The hon. Member need not refer a!ain and a!ain to these two women. There are
not only two but two thousand a!ainst the code and there are also two million on
the other side. So there is opinion both for and a!ainst. 2e are here discussin!
the bill dispassionately. Let nothin! be said which is dero!atory to the hi!h
di!nity of the House. (nnown women and unnown men are e+pressions,
which are not rather $ery parliamentary. The hon. Member need not pursue the
matter by sayin! two ladies, a!ain and a!ain.
Dr. Des$uk" I had no desire to do so but for the interruptions. Sir, I will now
come to the $arious amendments mo$ed in the house. My friend 'r. Mooer-ee
su!!ested many alternati$es to the acceptance of the Code. 5ne of them was to
mae the pro$isions of the Code optional. There is also an amendment to say
that there should be a referendum and if the ma-ority of the people supported the
Code in the referendum, then it should be made applicable. I had !i$en notice of
an amendment last time which referred to the Hindu Code as a whole and
su!!ested that it be made applicable in any State after the Le!islature of the
State after the ne+t elections had ratified it. There is a !ood deal of force in the
su!!estion re!ardin! ratification by the State ,o$ernments and State
Le!islatures. )fter all we are not tryin! to !o the way of Hitler and other dictators
who forced social and other reforms on the people. 2e are a democratic nation
and want to stic to democratic methods. If there is to be democracy and since
this is only a personal law and not a law necessary for the maintenance of law
and order or other purposes 1it may be necessary in the $iew of some for the
ad$ancement of the community3 there can be two opinions and one can be as
honestly and steadfastly held as the other one.
In the case of some of the reforms su!!ested the e+perience elsewhere in the
world has not been alto!ether happy. Tae for instance the di$orce law. There
are $arious de!rees of di$orces and $aryin! facilities for obtainin! the same
current in the world. Those who ad$ocated di$orce and wanted to or!anise
society on indi$idual freedom ha$e come to !rief and looin! at these
conse%uences in forei!n countries, when some of our people merely try to
imitate others, because they thin it is more fashionable to ad$ocate that $iew,
some people feel apprehensi$e that this is sheer mad and sheepish imitation.
That spirit of sheer imitation is there and the support for it is also there, because
these people ha$e ne$er had the patience to study the actual results which ha$e
come about in forei!n countries. So the orthodo+ opinion which does not share
the $iew of the reformists is e%ually honestly held and is as well founded. 2hen
we now that the Hindu reli!ion, the Hindu law and the Hindu custom ha$e
sur$i$ed the onslau!hts of history for thousands of years, naturally we feel that
this is the one country or nation or community which has somethin! of its own
and instead of there bein! a flat uniformity, the conse%uences of which ha$e
been e$il in many cases, why not try and e$ol$e a system -ust as it has been
e$ol$ed all these thousands of years. I do claim that the Hindu reli!ion and the
Hindu law are the one reli!ion and the one law which ha$e been e$ol$ed throu!h
the centuries. They ha$e not remained sta!nant and I am sure 'r. )mbedar will
admit that the Hindu law and custom ha$e ne$er been static" they ha$e ad-usted
themsel$es to the circumstances from time to time and are capable of doin! so
hereafter also.
It is %uoted that the Chinese and the )mericans say that we are a bacward
people, because we ha$e not !ot such and such a social system. Before we
accept such comments bearin! upon our society and before we incline oursel$es
to acceptin! their $iewpoint, we must now what those people are. May I as
how far these Chinese and )mericans ha$e studied our reli!ion and our law /
Ha$e they imbibed the spirit of the Hindu reli!ion before they condemn it or
su!!est any reform in our society / That is a $ery pertinent %uestion. Merely
sayin! that a !roup of persons from forei!n countries do not lie it and su!!est
some modifications in our law or custom cannot be accepted. If we merely try to
please a certain !roup of indi$iduals without -ud!in! the bac!round of the $iews
they hold we would be meetin! the fate of the doney, the old man and his son,
who tried to please e$ery !roup of spectators they met on their way. In the
be!innin! they were carryin! the doney and the old man and his son were
walin!. &eople lau!hed at them sayin! 9 Here is a man leadin! a doney
without either he or his son ridin! 9 so the old man !ot up on the doney lea$in!
the son to wal beside him. Still people lau!hed at them sayin!, 9 Here is the old
man ridin! the doney lea$in! the poor little boy to wal alon!.9 So the boy
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: #$ery body nows the doney story.
Sri Bara&i 1Madras3 " 2ho is the doney here /
Dr. Des$uk : I want to impress upon the people that they are doney
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 'etails of the doney story need not be retailed here.
Dr. Des$uk" I would not ha$e referred to this story but since this doneyin!
is !oin! on time and a!ain, $ery sensible people who ou!ht to understand the
$alue of the opinions of forei!ners somehow or other try to persuade us and
influence us by that mere fact. They say because certain forei!ners say
somethin! there should be certain chan!es. I for one would not only not listen to
such opinions but would not lie anybody to !i$e up his own $iewpoint on this
So far as the basis of the Code is concerned it should be introduced only
where we find that the circumstances demand it and not force thin!s a!ainst the
will of the people. It is certainly true that there is a $ery lar!e body of educated
women who are behind this Code. They are said to be $ery firmly of the opinion
that the passin! of the Code is necessary. If we analyse the amount of education
there is especially amon! the women of India, we will realise that these women
are hardly a drop in the ocean8 the number of these women who are asin! for a
radical reform and chan!es in our law is e+tremely small. 5n the other hand,
they are so impatient that they are not prepared e$en to listen to the other point
of $iew of the ladies who ha$e as much sense as they ha$e e+cept their #n!lish
or >orei!n education. 2hen I was referrin! to 9they 9, I was referrin! to those
millions of women li$in! in our $illa!es who ha$e as !ood common*sense, and
who now what they are and what they wish to be8 it is they who are
apprehensi$e of the chan!es that you are su!!estin! because e$en the
introduction of di$orce is !oin! to chan!e the attitude of e$erybody, of the society
as a whole. The %uestion I would lie to as is " )re you !oin! to enter a wedloc
with the idea of di$orce, or are you !oin! to enter wedloc with the idea of
stayin! in it permanently / If you adopt measures of easy di$orce there is !oin!
to be a bi! chan!e of attitude. 5f course we are prepared to ha$e that chan!e
and suffer the conse%uences, but the educated ladies who are sponsorin! and
ad$ocatin! the passin! of this Bill ha$e not thou!ht of all the conse%uences that
are !oin! to be fall especially to the lot of the illiterate women. )fter di$orce an
educated !irl may be able to stand on her own le!s, !et a sufficiently lucrati$e
-ob anywhere, and probably !et a better husband. But what is !oin! to happen to
an illiterate woman/ My lady friends here still complain of the dominance of the
male se+, and to the e+tent that the woman is tyrannised by men, what is !oin!
to happen to the illiterate woman who will be the ob-ect of these $a!aries and
domination of the male se+/ Ha$e these educated women e$er considered the
conse%uences which will result from di$orce for e+ample, the care of children
and their protection/
So, althou!h I ha$e e+pressed myself in fa$our of it, I would lie to caution that
in introducin! any reform or chan!in! any portions of our law we must coolly
study the conse%uences that are !oin! to result therefrom. (nless we do that we
may be tryin! to do thin!s, which may not be necessary at all. I feel that there is
much in the Hindu reli!ion8 there is much in the Hindu Law, which deser$es to
remain, thou!h probably in a sli!htly reformed condition. But the attitude behind
some of the su!!estions is somewhat anti*Hindu" they re!ard e$erythin! Hindu
as suspect and loo down upon it with contempt. They ha$e somewhere or
somehow imbibed the idea that whate$er e+ists in India is absolutely rotten and
that unless they !o on the lines of forei!n nations and imbibe their ideas and
introduce them here, the Hindu society will not come up to the standards they
e+pect of it. lam %uite prepared to admit that they are actuated by honest
moti$es, but at the same time there can be a different point of $iew which
su!!ests that merely by blind imitation you are not !oin! to sur$i$e. The way to
sur$i$e is to modify accordin! to the times and not !o on in a whole*ho!!in!
fashion to chan!e the $ery basis and fundamentals of our law and society. )nd
from that point of $iew I su!!est considerable caution. 2hen I spoe yesterday, I
thou!ht the intention was to pass this Bill with only the marria!e and di$orce
sections in it and that the rest of the bill was not liely to come up. But now I find
that is not the attitude of those who are in fa$our of the Bill 8 they do not wish to
omit the other portions. They are prepared to confine the enactment to the two
chapters only from the point of $iew of a$ailability of time but they do not wish to
!i$e up the rest of the Bill. If that is the idea, then I am afraid many of the
Members of this House will probably chan!e their attitude because it does not
mean it is a compromise which will last as after !ettin! these two chapters
passed they will probably insist upon the property clauses and the other sections
of the Code. If we loo to the history of the codification, we will find that there is a
!reat and important body of public opinion a!ainst the Bill. Most of the bar
associations ha$e not only been a!ainst modification but they ha$e been a!ainst
codification also. The Committee that was appointed for the purpose found,
when it went round the country, innumerable associations and innumerable
indi$iduals who e+pressed their stron! condemnation of the proposals that were
!oin! to be made. (nder these circumstances, I feel that it is not proper that we
should say that after passin! these two chapters we will tae up the rest of the
Bill also and that we will not !i$e it up. It should be definitely understood that so
far as this &arliament is concerned, we should confine to the marria!e laws
pro$ided in this bill. The %uestion of whether there is any possibility of the
property clauses bein! taen up will, I thin, determine the attitude of support or
opposition of certain Members of the House. If it is the idea that the entire Code
should be taen up, then it would be $ery wise to lea$e this to ratification by the
State Le!islatures. Then we will be !i$in! them sufficient time to educate public
opinion so that if the Code is really wanted, if there is any important ody of
public opinion in fa$our of the $arious detailed chan!es sou!ht to be made in the
Hindu Law, then the concerned State can accept it. )nd there is no harm in one
State acceptin! it and another not acceptin! because this is a matter of personal
law and it should be completely open to any indi$idual or !roup of indi$iduals to
choose the sort of law that they want.
2hile I support the pro$isions with re!ard to mono!amy and di$orce and say
that they may be passed, althou!h I would lie to su!!est certain modifications,
and one I ha$e already mo$ed yesterday, namely that the customary di$orce
should be allowed to continue;and I am !lad to find it is liely to be accepted, I
su!!est that the present proposals should be confined only to the marria!e and
di$orce laws and nothin! else should be enacted by this &arliament for the
Sri$a&i 0ayasri 1Bombay3 " I be! to support the amendment mo$ed by
the Hon. Law Minister to clause <. I am !lad that sub*clause 1B3 of clause < is
sou!ht to be dropped. That sub*clause says "
9 0otwithstandin! anythin! contained in the Special Marria!e )ct, 6DF< 1III of
6DF<3, this Code shall apply to all the Hindus whose marria!es ha$e been
solemni4ed under the pro$isions of that )ct prior to the commencement of this

6I*II ).M.

I am !lad that this sub*clause has been dropped, because under the Special
Marria!e )ct the ri!hts that people en-oyed were much broader. This applies to
the Indian Succession )ct also. )lthou!h under the Hindu Code we are tryin! to
brin! about reform, let this Code does not confer the same ri!hts, which are
a$ailable under the Special Marria!e )ct.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" (nder the Special Marria!e )ct, they cannot adopt.
(nder this Code, they can. Is that not an ad$ance/
Sri$a&i 0ayasri : I am sayin! that the inheritance ri!hts there are broader
than under the Hindu Code. So, I am !lad that he has dropped this sub*clause
from the Bill.
2ith re!ard to the ar!ument as to why we should not mae this an ideal and
uni$ersal Code which can be applied to Muslims, &arsis and Christians, I would
lie to say that we must first find out whether Members are prepared to !o so far.
It would be an ideal Code if we could reach to the sta!e of the Indian Succession
)ct and the Ci$il Marria!e )ct, but it is clear that our society is not at present
prepared e$en to accept the reforms under the Hindu Code and !o thus far. So, I
wonder whether Members will accept the broader principles which underlie the
Special Marria!e )ct.
?esterday, 'r. Mooer-ee said that the Muslims also should be ased to accept
the mono!amy principle. I would lie to say that the Muslim Law !i$es much
more ri!hts to women. (nder our e+istin! Hindu Law, women are not !i$en those
Mr. Depu&y Speaker " He was on the %uestion of mono!amy.
Sri$a&i 0aysri: Mono!amy and sacramental marria!e. In re!ard to our
sacramental marria!e, this is what the married couple pled!e themsel$es to do"
9 Ha$in! taen these se$en steps with me, we ha$e become companions. May
I retain that companionship and ne$er part from the nor thou from me. Let us be
united. Let us always tae counsel to!ether, lo$in! each other and e$er ready in
each other.s company, let us be united in mind and !row to!ether in stren!th and
prosperity. Let us -oin in our aspirations, our $ows and our sorrows.9
May I as whether this ideal of sacramental marria!e is ept in our present
society/ I would re%uest 'r. Mooer-ee to !i$e his honest opinion whether he
really thins that no reform is necessary in our. present Hindu Marria!e Law. 2e
all now that our Hindu society allows a man to marry as many times as he lies.
This $ow which we tae durin! the marria!e ceremony is only meant for women.
5ur laws are one*sided. They are only meant for women. 2e all now that when
a man becomes a widower, e$en at the burnin! !round when he !oes there to
attend his wife.s funeral his en!a!ement taes place. So, a man considers
marria!e in such a li!ht manner. )nd still, we tal of our Hindu marria!es bein!
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : 2idows also can marry.
Sri$a&i 0ayasri" 2omen are more conser$ati$e in that way. They still
consider that they would not lie to marry e$en if they become widows. They do
not see to ha$e second marria!es, but due to the one*sidedness of our Hindu
Law 0ariprathishta has !one down.
Hon. Members must ha$e read C. Mushruwala.s article in the &ari'an where he
shows how we are treatin! women in our society at present. 2e all now how in
the Mahabharat the clothes of 'raupadi were remo$ed and she prayed to

HAauravarnavamananamamuddharars)a DanardanaI

19 I am sinin! in the sea of Aauravas. Sa$e me I Crishna.93
Similar cries we hear today from our poor women who are ill*treated by our
society. 2e call our Hindu society Sanatana, that is to say, Sada 0utan 1always
new3;it is always chan!in!. Chan!e is the essence of life. If society does not
chan!e, it becomes sta!nant. >or thousands of years our society has sur$i$ed
because it has accepted chan!es.
The idea has been pressed that we should not ha$e di$orce8 that our
marria!es are sacramental, as 'r. 'eshmuh said -ust now, from olden days we
read in our Smritis (!arasara and 0arad) that under certain conditions di$orce
was accepted. In the Hindu Code today we ha$e tried to maintain the sanctity of
marria!e and the welfare of the parties. The framers ha$e pro$ided prior
remedies for a$oidin! the e+treme step of seein! di$orce and those are
restitution of con-u!al ri!hts and -udicial separation. Therefore, di$orce is not
$ery easy. In Baroda the 'i$orce )ct was passed in 6HAF, and in the analysis
taen in the year 6HAH the cases of di$orce and -udicial separation were B< in
number. 5ut of these, ele$en were due to cruelty8 two due to desertion and
cruelty, se$en due to desertion by husband 8 one due to desertion by wife8 si+
due to cruelty and habitual drunenness of husband and marryin! a second time.
These cases show that di$orces are not $ery easy. 5nly under special conditions
di$orces are !ranted.
)lso we now that di$orces are pre$alent in the lower classes. 5nly in the
upper classes this Code sees to introduce this chan!e. ?esterday, 'r.
Mooer-ee raised the cry of . reli!ion in dan!er .. I would as him whether beatin!
of one.s wife is considered to be reli!ious. ) woman filed a suit in one of the
courts in Madras for assault by her husband. )nd the learned -ud!e !a$e a
-ud!ement that beatin! the wife is allowed in Hindu Law. So, may I as him
whether such cruel customs can be called reli!ious / =eli!ion is always personal
contact with ,od.
! Ish"arah sarva#hutanaa hrddesher$un tishthati%
KI )r-un J ,od li$es in the hearts of all li$in! bein!s.L
It is not by passin! particular laws that reli!ion can be in dan!er. )s I said
Hindu reli!ion is a $ast ocean where chan!es tae place now and a!ain and we
ha$e accepted these chan!es. That is why our structure of Hindu reli!ion has
lasted for such a lon! time. May I also draw your attention to the necessity of
chan!es in Hindu structure. I would say that at present our law is one*sided. 2e
do not !i$e any relief to our women. 2e ha$e our 0ational &lannin! commission
which wants to plan on the present structure. I would say that unless the social
structure is chan!ed, it is no use plannin! on that body which is rotten. I would in
this connection lie to mae some su!!estions for impro$ement in our society. In
a planned society woman.s place shall be e%ual to that of man" e%ual status,
e%ual opportunities and e%ual responsibilities shall be the !uidin! principle to
re!ulate the status of woman, whate$er the basis of society in the plan. 2oman
shall not be e+cluded from any sphere of wor, merely on the !round of her se+.
Marria!e shall not be a condition precedent to the en-oyment of full and e%ual
ci$ic status and social and economic ri!hts by woman.
May I as whether at present the status of woman is such, so that we can plan
properly in the present society. >amily life and or!anisation and woman.s
en-oyment of a share in the property are $ery. necessary. Marria!e and
succession laws !o$ernin! these are also necessary and that is why I feel that
unless some chan!e is made in our present Hindu Law, I do not thin it would be
possible to build on the structure that we find at present.
The 2omen.s Conferences ha$e always ased for a common Code. 2e are
also in fa$our of a common Code. 2e are not asin! that special pri$ile!es
should be !i$en to only Hindu women. 2e all now that at present our women
are sufferin! and are bacward. &arsi, Christian and Muslim women are far
ahead of Hindu 2omen in this respect and that is why at present we are
supportin! this Hindu Code. )s I said earlier, if we mae this Hindu Code an
ideal one, the other communities also will ha$e no ob-ection in acceptin! our
'r. 'eshmuh said that many women ha$e resi!ned from the )ll*India
2omen.s Conference on this %uestion. 5n the contrary I would say that in our
Conference we ha$e from the $ery be!innin!, asin! for these chan!es and it
was due to our re%uest that so many pieces of le!islation on marria!e, ri!ht of
women to property, etc., were introduced. In Bombay when 'r. 'eshmuh of
Bombay wanted to brin! the bill on !i$in! property ri!hts to widows, we
re%uested him not to hurry with this measure, but to wait so that it may include
properties for dau!hters as well as adoption and other clauses. )t that time he
told us that he would lie to hurry with the measure and that he would brin! other
reforms also. Therefore, these reforms are due for a lon! time and it cannot be
said that we ha$e not taen public opinion. #$en this Hindu Code, as you now,
is before the public for the last ten years and it is no use sayin! that public
opinion has not been sounded. I thin enou!h public opinion has been created
and it is $ery wron! to say that $ery few women are supportin! this measure. 2e
ha$e had many public meetin!s in $arious places and women from all o$er India
are supportin! this measure. 5n behalf of women I !i$e my whole*hearted
support to this Hindu Code.
%e Minis&er o' 3orks4 .roduc&ion and Supply (Sri 1ad+il): I heard
the speech of my hon. friend 'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee with !reat attention. I
should say that it was not entirely unhelpful. He said two thin!s, which appealed
to me. 5ne was that in the matter of social reform we should carry public opinion
to the lar!est possible e+tent. Secondly he said that this was not a matter of
politics, this was a matter in which e$ery citi4en of this country was interested
irrespecti$e of his or her political $iews. Because of these two thin!s, I am
somewhat optimistic and I am certain that if we are able to create in this House
an atmosphere of !i$e and tae and of compromise we will be able to put on the
statute boo somethin! about which indi$idually and collecti$ely we may be
proud of.
'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee praised the Hindu culture and called it dynamic. I
share that $iew. It is because Hindu culture has the !enius of adaptation to
circumstances, it is because that it is responsi$e to new trends that it has
sur$i$ed and it has been the pride and !lory of us all. Today there is a !reater
need for the leaders of thou!ht to consider how we shall attempt to pro!ress
further and how we shall brin! the law in line with public morality. The old ways
may not be effecti$e in the modern times and therefore it beho$es us that we
must also ha$e to resort to modem methods. There is no dispute about the fact
that there are certain e$ils 8 althou!h I am a !ood Hindu and I will yield to none in
my admiration for Hindu culture, still I am not blind to the faults which ha$e crept
in our life as a community. By adoptin! a Constitution with the ob-ecti$e of
e%uality of status and social -ustice, we ha$e taen a !reat responsibility. 2e
want to inau!urate a society in which there will be perfect e%uality. If that is the
ob-ecti$e, then surely that cannot be achie$ed by followin! old methods of
shoutin! old slo!ans. 2e ha$e established political e%uality by adoptin! the
system of adult franchise. 2e want to secure social -ustice and remo$e as far a
possible economic ine%ualities by erectin! certain economic institutions which
will secure a better standard of life for those who are down*trodden, by securin!
opportunities for the e+pansion of the personality of e$ery citi4en. )nd that is
only possible in my humble $iew, by nationalisin! at least the means of
production and securin! an ade%uate standard of wa!es, controllin! profits, and
if at all pri$ate effort is to be !i$en any place in the economic system by layin!
down that it shall be under the re!ulation and control of the State. In other words,
by le!islation we are. tryin! to secure social -ustice and tryin! to remo$e
economic ine%uality. If by le!islation we ha$e secured political e%uality, if by
le!islation we are attemptin! to secure economic e%uality or at least to remo$e
economic ine%ualities, it is only lo!ical that by the same process, namely by
le!islation, we must try to secure social e%uality.
My friend 'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee stated that by codifyin! the Hindu Law
you are shuttin! out alto!ether those sources of Hindu Law which ha$e been
functionin! from a!es and which has secured the means of pro!ress so far. I
a!ree that the sources of Hindu Law are smritis, shrutis, sadacham, and one.s
own conscience. )ll that is true. But all that was !ood and $alid enou!h when the
political constitution or the political set*up of the country was different from what
it is now. #$en in the 2est it was considered that a chan!e in the law could be
effected either by le!islation or by le!al fiction which meant that the law
apparently remained the same but in practice it underwent a chan!e and by
custom. #$en in the 2est the modern tendency is to depend mostly or
substantially upon le!islation in effectin! the necessary chan!es which will mae
the law to be in conformity with public morality. Law always follows public
morality. &ublic opinion !oes ahead and pro!resses because that is the life in
the community, not bein! static or sta!nant, continually pro!resses, continually
proceeds, because the law of life. Therefore the le!islation comes behind. But
there should not be such a bi! hiatus between the two so as to endan!er the
happiness of the community. It is therefore the duty of e$ery thou!htful citi4en, of
e$ery person who has the interest of the community at heart to see that the time
la! between the two is as short as possible.
0ow, it is no !ood dependin! always upon the second method, namely of le!al
fiction, and allowin! the -udiciary to strain the meanin! of plain words and asin!
them to try to brin! the law in conformity with the pre$ailin! opinion in the
The third method, namely that of custom, is, I should say, a misfit in modem
circumstances. )fter all, custom was !ood when the le!al power of the State was
not ade%uate, was not sufficiently de$eloped in order to enforce what was
thou!ht to be -ust and proper and what was thou!ht to be in the best interests of
the community. 0ow, in the modern world to tal of custom pre$ailin! o$er law is
a sort of anomaly. If the custom is pre$alent on such an e+tensi$e scale I ha$e
not the sli!htest doubt that le!islators will initiate the le!islation and the custom
will be incorporated and di!nified into a rule of law.
That bein! so I am unable to understand the ar!ument of my hon. friend 'r.
Syama &rasad Mooer-ee that we are doin! somethin! re$olutionary and in such
a manner that the normal sources of law which were a$ailable will be completely
closed. It is not so. 2hate$er we ha$e inherited we ha$e so to say, instead of
puttin! our inheritance into a number of bans consolidated the inheritance and
put it in some ban which has the presti!e and stren!th of a =eser$e Ban,
namely le!islation. That is what we ha$e done. In fact in the present Code as it is
now before this House what is really done is that we are practically co*ordinatin!
what is in e+istence;the present law;to the e+tent of ei!hty per cent. There is
no doubt an element of pro!ress to some e+tent. I will e$en concede that there is
an element, which to some e+tent !oes in ad$ance of public opinion. But I want
to as one %uestion to the Members of this House. Is it or is it not our duty not
merely to thin in terms of the needs of the present moment but to thin in
ad$ance of our society, as we $isualise or as we desire that it ou!ht to be/ If
plannin! is !ood in the economic sphere why should it be bad in the social
sphere / 2e are an+ious that our society should be such. If that is the ideal on
which we are a!reed and on the assumption that we are a!reed;because we
ha$e adopted it as one of the ob-ecti$es in our Constitution;then we ha$e to
consider how we shall mana!e to tae our society to that destination. Can we
follow a policy of laisse@+faire in this sphere or shall we thin ahead, thin in
ad$ance -ust ha$e our tar!et and !radually, throu!h the mechanism of law,
which in due course, become part and parcel of the community.s life and arri$e at
the destination accordin! to the schedule/
Sri !. ". Caudari (#ssa$) " That is %uestionable.
Sri 1ad+il" If we lea$e it to non*official effort I ha$e no doubt that in course of
time, may be two !enerations hence, thin!s will become as we desire now. But
by that time public opinion would ha$e ad$anced much more. In other words we
will ne$er be able to cut the time element between the !rowin! public opinion
and the le!islation. I therefore say that if there is any element of ad$ance
thinin! in this Code it is -ustifiable, and I would say that it is an act of wisdom.
0ow the opposition to this Bill has been from se$eral points of $iew. There are
people who do not lie any interference by the Le!islature in these matters.
There are people who thin that the &arliament, or the Le!islature of the country,
has a ri!ht to interfere but not the present &arliament. They rather prefer that the
matter should be completely looed after and dealt with by those who will come
after this &arliament is dissol$ed. So far as the first school is concerned I thin,
as was said ri!htly by 'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee, it is too late in the day.
Continually, in the course of the last 67I years, le!islation after le!islation has
been passed by the Central Le!islature;whate$er the denomination of that
le!islature may ha$e been;and all those thin!s ha$e become part and parcel of
the Hindu community and its life. 2hen I said that soon after the passin! of this
code, same thin! would happen, my hon. friend 'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee
was not a!reeable. He has accused us, namely the Members of the Treasury
Bench of sufferin! . from 9 Secularities 9. I should say, nowin! as I do, his $iews
of social reform, nowin! as I do that he comes from Ben!al, a pro$ince where
social reform was first mooted, be!innin! with =a-a =am Mohan =oy and carried
on by Cesa$ Chandra Sen, Ta!ore and other people of !reat importance and
conse%uence, that I cannot belie$e that he is seriously opposed to what is bein!
proposed in the Hindu Code, but probably he. is sufferin! from . electionitis . and
if that is so, the cure and remedy will be pro$ided for in the !eneral election. He
a!reed that it is $ery difficult to say on which side is the public opinion. I thin he
is ri!ht. 2e mi!ht claim public opinion to be.....
.andi& Mala,iya 1(ttar &radesh3" 2ill the ,o$ernment be prepared to mae
this Hindu Code one of the issues in the election/
Sri 1ad+il: In spite of the ,o$ernment, it has already become. The point is
that it is difficult to say on which side the public opinion is. I want to as in all
humility one %uestion to the hon. Members of this House. Has or has not the
,o$ernment which still carried the confidence of this House some ri!ht to initiate
social reform, not merely the ri!ht, but a duty en-oyed on this ,o$ernment in
terms of the clauses of the Constitution/ ?ou ha$e !i$en us certain directi$es8
you ha$e laid down the ob-ecti$es. If we do not do anythin! on those lines, the
electorate mi!ht turn round and say" 2ell you passed this constitution merely to
fool us. Half the population in this country, namely, the women will say" ?ou tal
of social e%uality but where is that social e%uality. (An hon. -emer" Puestion3. I
am sure the hon. Member will lose in his own house if he taes a referendum.
.andi& Mai&ra 12est Ben!al3 " 'oes the hon. Member say half a do4en women
of half the population /
Sri 1ad+il : I tae a better $iew of my sisters than my hon. friend is prepared
to concede. Howe$er, as my hon. friend said, the thin! will be e$ident a few
months hence. The point is that the le!islature has pressed a number of statutes
affectin! Hindu life, Hindu marria!e, di$orce, in fact e$ery aspect of the law.
Therefore, we cannot say now that this &arliament has no ri!ht. The %uestion
whether this &arliament has a ri!ht or not. I ha$e already answered. So far this
&arliament has been considered to be competent enou!h to mae a constitution
for this country and it passes my comprehension to accept a proposition that this
&arliament is incompetent to pass an ordinary law.
.andi& Mai&ra : The House was elected for !i$in! a constitution.
Sri 1ad+il : This $ery House passed the Constitution in which they passed
the Chapter relatin! to transitory pro$isions. I do not thin that my hon. friend
&andit Maitra ob-ected then and said that this &arliament should ha$e no ri!ht to
!o$ern from now till the new House comes into e+istence after the !eneral
.andi& Mai&ra : That is nobody.s case.
Sri 1ad+il " I am !lad. 2hat is after all that is attempted to be done / )s I
said DI per cent. is merely a collection of the e+istin! statutes either passed by
the Central Le!islature or passed by the State Le!islature. 'r. Syama &rasad
was $ery elo%uent o$er $harmic marria!e. I do not thin that the Code pre$ents
it. There is free scope from the 'hushyanta Shauntala type of marria!e to
&rith$ira- Sarnyu!ita type of marria!e, namely from =andharva to the 1akshasa
type and all the ei!ht forms can be practised by any Member of this House or by
the public outside. This Code does not pre$ent lo$emain!8 it does not pre$ent
elopin! with bride.s consent e$en a!ainst the consent of the parents. So far as
ei!ht forms of Hindu sacramental marria!e are concerned, they are not affected
in the least. 2hat is the !rie$ance/ Is it because the word . sacramental . has
been chan!ed into . $harmic / It was chan!ed because all of us wished it8 it
con$eys no meanin! and therefore we said " let us tae the word $harmic which
will fit in and con$ey some meanin!, and that is why . $harmic . was used.
#n Hon. Me$ber : It is a misnomer.
Sri 1ad+il : My hon. friend 'r. Syama &rasad was $ery elo%uent o$er the
conception of Hindu . marria!e .. Those noble sentiments I personally share.
Marria!e is somethin! more than mere union of bodies, it is a co*partnership8 it is
-oint endea$our for spiritual uplift8 it is so to say a custodian of confidences and
feelin!s which cannot be e+pressed in any lan!ua!e of the world. It is a noble
conception" I do share that but at the same time it does happen that sometime
an ideal is per$erted. 2e find that in a pro!ressi$e society thin!s happen which
ha$e !ot to be taen notice of by those who are leaders of society and who are
leaders of thou!ht. I today, particularly on account of our contact with the 2est,
we ha$e somehow or other to !o down in certain respects, it does not mean that
our culture is less8 it only means a challen!e to us to reform. 2e ha$e !ot the
!enius to adopt, we had to act, and therefore, those le!islations to which
reference was made by my hon. friend. 'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee were %uite
2hat is this pre$ention of a marria!e between a person belon!in! to one
community and a woman belon!in! to another/ 'oes it sound $ery well in our
modem days, in the year 6H76/ 'oes it sound $ery well that a man because he
is born in a particular community that he must remain outside the boundaries of
the $illa!e perpetually/ 'oes it sound $ery well that because a man belon!in! to
a downtrodden caste today by his merit has assumed a position of !reat
importance and is learned today, he must not be !i$en the same social status,
the same social welcome, the same social reception as we !i$e to a person
belon!in! to another caste/ Is the #arna to be determined irrespecti$e of ,una
or it has to be determined in the conte+t of ,una or in other words 9
accomplishment 9 / That is a challen!e to your sense of e%uality. If today the old
ban a!ainst !ratiloma marria!e is completely broen, you should welcome it.
That is e+actly what is bein! attempted. 2hy should there be such differences/
If marria!e is a matter of free choice, why should there be le!al impediments in
it/ 2hy should a person belon!in! to one section or one community not marry a
woman belon!in! to another/ )ll these artificial man*made impediments must
!o. I do not remember any case in which the son of a Brahmin was born with a
copy of #edas or a Ashatrya born with a sword or a &ari'an born with a broom.
)t birth they are all alie and at death they are all alie. In between the two, it is
the duty of the society and the State to see that the same atmosphere of e%uality
shall pre$ail. )nybody who ar!ues a!ainst this, ar!ues a!ainst humanity, ar!ues
a!ainst the $ery principle, which !oes to mae a man, and ar!ues a!ainst self*
respect. 2hat is bein! done here/ 0othin! contrary to our old traditions is bein!
attempted. 5n the contrary, my accusation a!ainst my friend and collea!ue 'r.
)mbedar is that as he is !rowin! old and old, he is !rowin! less and less
enthusiastic about social reform. Ten years a!o, I thin his lan!ua!e would ha$e
been more $itriolic8 today he is the $ery soul of moderation. He said the other
day, 9 )nyhow, with somethin! chan!ed here, somethin! cut off there, and
somethin! added or subtracted, let me see the Hindu Code throu!h because it
will be considered at least one honest attempt by the present !eneration to put
matters ri!ht 9. He is so an+ious. He is in a mood to be prepared to !i$e and
tae. I would therefore ur!e on the Members who are een on opposin! to see
whether that is not a situation, which we should a$ail of. I warn you that the ne+t
&arliament which will be elected on adult franchise is bound to be more radical in
the matter of marria!e and di$orce...
So$e Hon. Me$bers: Lea$e it to the ne+t &arliament.
Sri 1ad+il: ...... althou!h it may not be so radical to be!in with in the matter
of property. )s re!ards, marria!e, as re!ards di$orce, I ha$e not the sli!htest
doubt, at least to the e+tent I now the mind and !eneral outloo of those who
inhabit my part of the country, Maharashtra.
Sri Ba&& 1Bombay3" Lea$e it to the ne+t &arliament.
Sri 1ad+il: 2e would ha$e welcomed it. I would ha$e a!reed to that if there
had been no duty cast upon us to see that whate$er ideals and ob-ecti$es are
embodied in the Constitution should be !i$en effect to as far as possible. It is
because of this duty. I ha$e a!reed to support this code.
Sri Ba&& : The sies are not failin! today.
Sri 1ad+il: 2ill the hea$ens fall if it is passed/ The sy is abo$e and we are
below. See what thin!s are happenin! down here.
Sri !. C. Upadyaya 1=a-asthan3" That is why it does not rain.
Sri 1ad+il: 0ow 'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee ased. 9 2hy mono!amy only
for the Hindus/9. I as one %uestion. If mono!amy is a !ood ideal, does it
become bad because somebody else does not follow/ 2e tal of 1am 1a'ya. If
there is anythin! in the life and career of the ,reat =ama, it is his Eka !athni
#rath. I want to test your sincerity. )re you for 1am 1a'ya / Then, !i$e support
for this part at least. It is no !ood talin! about 1am 1a'ya when it suits you for
election purposes and when it does not suit you....
Sri !. ". Cauduri " 2hat about $asaratha 1a'ya / 2hat did 'asaratha
who was the father of =ama do /
Sri 1ad+il : That is only an impro$ement by a new !eneration o$er the old.
Because he new the troubles of ha$in! three mothers, he decided that his sons
should ha$e only one. That only shows how thin!s pro!ress.
#n on. Me$ber : 2as there di$orce /
Sri 1ad+il : There was that custom.

0ashte mrute pra$ra-ine libech patite patau
&atiranyatta $idheeyate
K 2hen the husband is lost, dies, !oes to another land, becomes impotent or
morally de!enerate, another one is allowed.L
This pro$es it.
'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee.s ar!ument was that if it is !ood8 let it be made
applicable also to the Muslim community. I ha$e no doubt that the ,o$ernment
either this or the ,o$ernment that will come in power after the ,eneral #lections
will not shir to brin! in a measure of that ind in which this particular law will be
applicable to e$ery one irrespecti$e of reli!ion.
So$e on. Me$bers" 2hy not now/
Sri 1ad+il" )s a matter of fact, I now that in Bombay, when the bill for
Mono!amy was under discussion, the same line of criticism, which was adopted
by 'r. Mooer-ee yesterday, was taen by many a Member in the Bombay
Le!islati$e )ssembly. I remember that the ,o$ernment of Bombay stated
throu!h their Minister that a Bill of that character would be welcome. 'r. Syama
&rasad Mooer-ee somehow or other thins that this ,o$ernment is ner$ous and
may not brin! some thin! which may offend the Muslim community. I as him
-ust to consider if HI per cent. of the people in this country, who are Hindus,
a!ree to this measure, will it or will it not stren!then the hands of the
,o$ernment to pass a le!islation for the remainin! ten per cent / By acceptin!
this, you will stren!then the hands of ,o$ernment. I mi!ht here mention one
instance which I am sure you will recall" not you particularly. In 6HAI, when the
first Child Marria!e =estraint Bill was under consideration, to which subse%uent
amendments were mo$ed by my hon. friend Mr. B. 'as in 6HAG, when the
ori!inal Bill was under discussion in this $ery Hall. Mr. @innah supported it,
althou!h the rest of the Mohammedan leaders who were Members here opposed
it, on the !round that it was interference with the personal law of the Muslim
community. His words are, if there is a conflict between reli!ion and public
morality, the latter shall pre$ail, Mullahas or no Mullahas. ?ou*can find this out
from the reports of the Le!isllati$e )ssembly proceedin!s that this was his stand.
If we are con$inced that to ha$e more than one wife is a!ain public morality, I
thin, we must a!ree to mono!amy. Mono!amy in the first attempt at rationin! in
the social sphere so far. It is necessary in the hi!hest interests of the community,
in the hi!hest interests of indi$idual happiness that there must be mono!amy
and I ha$e not the sli!htest doubt that the pro!ressi$e elements in the Muslim
community will accept it immediately. If the non*pro!ressi$e does not accept it, it
will e%ually be the duty of the ,o$ernment to enforce it. I ha$e no doubt about
that, and if I e$er am in that !o$ernment, be assured that I will do my best to
enforce it. That is so far as my personal attitude is concerned. My point is, if that
is Amrit, because it is not taen by somebody else, does it become poison/ I
thin this is an insult to the intellectual !reatness of this House to ar!ue on these
Comin! to the %uestion of di$orce, nobody ar!ues that e$ery married couple
should !o for a di$orce. )t the same time, if it is the duty of the State to see that
there is less of social tension, and efforts are made to create an atmosphere in
which e$ery indi$idual will ha$e the ri!ht to ha$e ma+imum satisfaction and
happiness, then, it is the duty of the State to create conditions for ha$in! -udicial
institutions or le!al institutions of that character. #i!hty percent, or more in this
country ha$e somethin! lie customary di$orce. They are not worried. But, in the
fi$e per cent. or ten per cent. or whate$er the percenta!e may be, on account of
marria!e conditions or on account of se$eral other factors,;probably the
modern woman is more intellectual;*if she for one reason or another finds that it
is not possible to li$e with a man whom she has married, then, marria!e should
not be a life sentence. It should not be that there will be no happiness unless one
of them dies. 0o doubt, such cases may be few but the e+ceptions are there.
Therefore, there must be some pro$ision made for the same. ?ou may mae it
strict 8 you may not mae it as cheap as in the 2est but speain! for myself, this
is the most orthodo+ and reactionary law that you are layin! down. Left to myself,
I would ha$e said that incompatibility of temper was enou!h !round to dissol$e
the marria!e. )fter all, what is the assumption under the pro$isions for di$orce/
It is that the parties cannot be happy. Should they !o throu!h this tortuous
process of adultery or alle!ed adultery or cruelty or desertion/ 2hat is the idea/
Should they always !o to a hotel and ha$e e$idence of hotel bills, etc./ I thin it
must be a strai!ht and honest and !enuine affair that those who cannot a!ree,
let them part. That will secure ma+imum happiness. &eople thin that this will
end society. But if this custom is a$ailable in HI per cent. of the population and in
spite of that society has continued to pro!ress all these !enerations, I do not
thin the e+tension of it merely to the remainin! fi$e or ten per cent. is !oin! to
chan!e the inte!rity of society. 5n the other hand, the conse%uences that will
follow will all be for the !ood. In fact restrictin! marria!es and all the old
in-unctions that you must not marry in the same ,otra ha$e !ood reasons behind
them. These restrictions were due to considerations of eu!enics. If that is the
case with those in-unctions, then these will ha$e !reater application if the boy or
!irl marries outside the caste. Then there will be !reater $irility in the race8 better
type of persons will come into e+istence. This is a matter, which must be
considered in an atmosphere of scientific understandin!. This is not the time nor
the occasion to dilate on this aspect of the %uestion. I will only add that behind
these in-unctions a!ainst marria!e between sapindas or sa,otras there were
eu!enic considerations. They must be reassessed.
Sri #. C. Sukla 1Madhya &radesh3" )n old man marryin! a youn! woman, is
it accordin! to eu!enics or not/
Sri 1ad+il" ?ou should certainly stop an old man marryin! a youn! !irl.
Sri #. C. Sukla : 2hat will be the position of the child born to an old man
and a youn! woman /
Sri 1ad+il : It will be as healthy as possible. The point is, all those laws or
customs which definitely ha$e affected the pro!ressi$e character of Hindu
society ou!ht to !o. 'r. S. &. Mooer-ee made a reference to Brahmo Sama',
Sadhanan Sama'. >rom =a-a =am Mohan =oy, to =anade, Tila, )!arer there
is a !ala+y of social reformers of whom we are all proud. But why should the
process stop there/ If what was done in the past was !ood we ou!ht to follow
the same principles of pro!ress. )nd if we follow that same line of ad$ancement,
why should you be afraid now/ 2hy should you thin that because Manu was
!reat, therefore there cannot be any man as !reat as Manu in the centuries that
may roll after his death/ I thin Mr. )hmad is as !reat or as !ood as
?a!na$alya, only without a 'enuva. 5therwise he is as !ood an interpreter. )nd
'r. )mbedar is as !reat as Manu or ,ar!ya.
#n on. Me$ber : He is Manu.
Sri 1ad+il " )nd I am as !ood as any other old citi4en. )nd why should we
feel that the present !eneration cannot undertae the tas of social
reconstructions/ India could not be an inte!rated unit under one fla! durin! ten
or ele$en centuries. But if that tas was achie$ed by this !eneration, is not this
!eneration competent to do somethin! in the social sphere to mae society
pro!ressi$e/ I want an answer to that %uestion. ?ou praise us and praise
yoursel$es for ha$in! done somethin! !reat in the political sphere. 2hy are you
afraid of achie$in! somethin! in the social field/ 2hy do you ha$e this inferiority
comple+ / 5f course what was done by Manu was !ood. But;
O tatashhya oopoyamiti bru$ana
shharam -al apurushah pi$anti:
Because this well was du! by my !reat !reat !randfather, and althou!h the
water of it is saltish, I must drin it. 2ell, that is not my outloo.
Sri !. ". Cauduri: Then why not throw away your sacred thread/
Sri 1ad+il : I ha$e thrown it away. Loo here.
.andi& Mala,iya : I belie$e the Hon. Minister puts it on now and then
whene$er he feels lie it J
Sri 1ad+il: 0o, nothin! of the ind. )nd since it is a matter concernin! me,
you will indly permit me to dilate on it for a moment.
Sri Bra-es)ar .rasad 1Bihar3 " Sir, on a point of order. Is it parliamentary
for the Hon. Minister to show the House his tummy/
Sri 1ad+il " 2ell, it was appreciated anyway.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : I am !lad this point was raised. I can only say that it is
not proper for %uestions to be put whether a person is wearin! this or that,
leadin! to unnecessary complications.
Sri Ba&& " I want to now one thin!. Can he ha$e Fa,nopavita at the time of
Fa,na /
Sri 1ad+il: I am prepared to satisfy the curiosity of the hon. Member.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The Hon. Minister need not discard his Fa,nopavita to
support the Bill. He can ha$e it and still support it.
Sri 1ad+il " Some years a!o when I was in Thana @ail and when I started
thinin! about Hindu reli!ion, I thou!ht I was not a !ood Brahmin and could not
be one merely because I had a Deneu and I discarded it. )nd only when I am a
!ood Brahmin, e$en for a moment, I will put it on, and this I did when I attended
the Somnath installations ceremony. Then I felt a moment of inspiration. I felt my
whole bein! ennobled when I was there and I put it on for sometime. Later on I
threw it away because I came from Hea$en to the dust below. I shall only -ustify
a Brahmin usin! the Deneu if he is followin! all those !reat ideals, which are
enumerated in the ,ita.
ahaya, ahinsa, asteya, aar'avam
1fearlessness, non*$iolence, not to commit theft and strai!htforwardness3 etc.
5therwise there is no !ood ha$in! a Deneu and doin! all sorts of thin!s.
The point is whether we are competent to mae any chan!es, the whole
history of Hindu society shows that it is continually pro!ressin! from sta!e to
sta!e. 5therwise how do you e+plain the numerous Smritis, one Smriti layin!
down one thin! and another Smriti another/ How do you e+plain this / Society is
continuously pro!ressin! and somethin! has !ot to be found which is
appropriate to the Sadacham or #yavahara $harina. )nd the definition of
Sanatana 'harma, as !i$en by a !reat Shastri is"
sanatanah nitya nutanah"
KThe eternal is always new.L
Chan!e is the watchword of 0ature. Chan!e or perish. 2e ha$e a pro!ressi$e
society and it is a dynamic society, as was pointed out by 'r. Mooer-ee and so
we must continuously adapt oursel$es to the chan!in! circumstances. 5f course,
that does not mean that there is nothin! steady or nothin! stable.
&andit Maitra " 2here in Sansrit literature is the word Sanatana defined as the
Hon. Minister has -ust now !i$en out / Sanatana means......
sadabhava iti sanatan 4 .t me!n) etern!l#
That is the etymolo!ical meanin! of the word. That is the !rammatical meanin!
of the word.
Sri 1ad+il: I am not prepared to accept the !rammatical interpretation of the
word Sanatana.
Sri Ba&& " Caa Sahib can ha$e his own interpretation.
Sri 1ad+il: That is not of lesser importance. Caa Sahib also nows some
Sanrit. The point is throu!h out history, there is the Hindu community the
tendency to pro!ress. 2hy should we stop now/ Modern conditions re%uire that
chan!es should be effected by le!islation and not by custom. If to*morrow
somethin! else is re%uired, the leaders of the day, throu!h the Le!islature, will
effect that chan!e. I a!ree that this matter which must be considered in an
atmosphere of calmness and understandin!. If we a!ree that there are certain
e$ils, why should we not remo$e them/ I remember while speain! on the
amendment Bill of my hon. friend Shri B. 'as re!ardin! the Child Marria!e
=estraint )ct. I !a$e fi!ures from the 6HA6 census and said that there were
6,AII widows below the a!e of one year. Is not that an e$il/ )nd !irl widows
below the a!e often there were millions. )nd if you pre$ent them from re*
marria!e, -ust consider what will be the effect of it on society/ )nd only !ood has
come out of the le!islation that was passed. Today the position is that the
a$era!e marria!e a!e has !one up considerably. The problem now is not of
marryin! earlier, but of marryin! at all.

88 A.-

There was threat of opposition to this measure in 6HAI and so !reat was the
threat that all the communities were combined a!ainst the measure. I remember
the description !i$en at that time8 that before the )ct was brou!ht into operation
thousands of children were taen from Calcutta to Chandena!ore and married
there, because it was not part of British India, that thousands of children were
taen in the midstream of the Indus and married, because there was no e+tra*
territoriality so far as this )ct was concerned at that time. This element of e+tra*
territoriality was incorporated at the su!!estion of Mr. B. 'as. The point is that
there are undoubtedly e$ils about which there is no dispute and it is not
anybody.s desire to nurse or eep those e$ils !oin! on. )s to whether the
remedy should be strin!ent or less strin!ent is a matter on which the Members of
the opposition can certainly ha$e a discussion with my Hon. >riend 'r.
)mbedar and a via media found out. 2hat I su!!est islet this House tae some
steps towards pro!ress and let us !o down in history that in spite of real or
created opposition this House had the coura!e to tae at least one step towards
the reform of Hindu society. That would be the !reatest tribute to you indi$idually
and collecti$ely and I do hope the whole House will rise to the occasion. That
does not mean that you should accept whate$er is su!!ested nor that you
should re-ect e$erythin! Let us not ha$e a closed mind" let us ha$e an open
mind. Let us a!ree that there is e$il in society and let us a!ree that some remedy
must be found. This is all that I ha$e to say and I do hope that in that spirit the
House will respond to the Hindu Code introduced by my Hon. >riend 'r.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : Before I call &andit Cun4ru to spea I mi!ht say that I
ha$e been hearin! speeches as if on the first readin! and not on clause < which
is before the House. Clause <. consists of four sub clauses and the amendments
refer to them. 0ot many Members ha$e addressed themsel$es to the clause
proper. #$idently they want the House either to accept the option or re-ect the
measure. In fact I thou!ht at one sta!e of acceptin! closure today.....
Se,eral Hon. Me$bers: 0o, no.
.andi& Maitra " It is a most important clause, the $ery life*blood of the whole
Dr. #$bedkar: I am prepared to accept closure e$en on the tenth day.
.andi& Maitra" 'o it on the 67th day. ?ou mae its application optional and we
will pass it strai!htaway.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" 5n this clause at an earlier sta!e about 6F or 6D
members ha$e already spoen.
Sri Na*iruddin #$ad 12est Ben!al3" )ll that has been for!otten entirely.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" That is why I ha$e allowed references to all clauses. The
discussion has been on the details of the Bill as a whole and not absolutely
confined to clause <. 2e must see to the end of the discussion some time. I
therefore, re%uest hon. Members to confine themsel$es to those matters, which
arise out of clause < and the amendments to the clause. I do not want to curtail
discussion but this ind of discussion will be endless. It so happens that
whene$er I call upon &andit Cun4ru to spea I ha$e to mae some su!!estions
to the House but they are not intended for him. &articularly.
Sri !. ". Cauduri: The Hon. Minister who spoe -ust now has to be
answered and should we not follow him/
.andi& Maitra" 2e ha$e now been told that this Bill will be proceeded with in
re!ard to its first two parts. ?ou will realise easily that clauses < and B are the
two fundamental clauses in the whole Code. )fter passin! these two you can !o
ahead at the speed of the >rontier or &un-ab Mail. The main point is the %uestion
of the applicability of the law to the communities mentioned. ?ou should not be
carried away by the mere fact that 6G or 6F Members ha$e spoen. ?ou are
!oin! to le!islate for AI crores of people and therefore a momentous measure
lie this has to be !i$en serious consideration. If the Bill has been taen
spasmodically now and then it is no fault of ours. They introduce it and at one
sta!e when they meet with opposition they put it by. Then they !ather stren!th
and come bac a!ain. That is no fault of ours. If they had taen it up in a special
session the House could ha$e de$oted its whole time and we would ha$e been
in a better position to now what we said on one day and what are our
contentions now. It is not the old bill before us" It is a new thin! that has come
before us.
Sardar B. S. Man 1&un-ab3" Since you. Sir, mentioned the closure motion and
there is the threat thereof may I re%uest you that those Members who ha$e
mo$ed amendments as re!ards certain communities should be !i$en their
chance so that they may e+plain their $iew point. I hope closure will not be
accepted by you till we ha$e had the chance to spea, that is those of us who
ha$e mo$ed amendments.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: My difficulty was that I looed up for those !entlemen
who had tabled amendments. 5thers who had already spoen with respect to
their amendments I did not call. I piced out four of the hon. Members who had
tabled amendments and had not spoen so far. I was looin! round for them to
stand. The whole of yesterday none of them !ot up from their seats. Therefore
they cannot say that no closure can be accepted until they are called to spea, if
they are not inclined to stand up. Today the hon. Sardar B. S. Man sent me a chit
sayin! that he was an+ious to spea, because yesterday he did not catch my
Sardar B. S. Man" #$en yesterday I stood up.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: The !eneral principles of the Bill ha$e been already
discussed fully in the consideration sta!e. 2ith respect to this clause, whether it
ou!ht to apply immediately or it should be optional are matters with re!ard to
which amendments ha$e been mo$ed. But !oin! into the entire framewor of the
Bill and whether it ou!ht to be accepted or not on the analo!y of some other
pieces of le!islation, are not, I thin, %uite rele$ant.
Sri 0. !. "apoor 1(ttar &radesh3" So far as I am concerned I did not stand
yesterday to catch your eye in deference to your direction or $iew that you would
lie to !i$e an opportunity to those who ha$e mo$ed amendments after those
who had not spoen on the pre$ious occasion. That was my reason......
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: #$en if he stands I do not propose to call him.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: 0ot e$en in respect of the new amendments I ha$e
Mr. Depu&y Speaker : I ha$e tabulated all the amendments now and they ha$e
been circulated. 0o new amendment has been !i$en by the hon. Member" they
are only repetitions in another form of the amendments he had already mo$ed.
)fter I finish with the others I will consider those who ha$e already spoen. But
as a rule I would not lie to allow any hon. Member to spea, who had spoen
already. Somehow 'r. 'eshmuh was called yesterday when I was not in the
Chair. If I had been here I would not ha$e called him.
Sri 0. !. "apoor: My amendments fall into two cate!ories" one old and the
other entirely new.
Mr. Depu&y-Speaker: I shall come to that later, after others ha$e been !i$en
an opportunity.
Sri Ba&& : Sir, e+cuse me. I am sittin! opposite to you but am not catchin!
your eye. I ha$e been !ettin! up since yesterday. ?ou said that those who ha$e
!i$en notice of amendments did not stand up. May be, there is some
for!etfulness on your part.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: 5rder, order, the hon. Member need not cast
aspersions, that I had not seen him or I did not notice him. Hon. Members ha$e
no patience to sit and await their chance. 2hen they come they e+pect to be
immediately called and if they are not, they !o away to the lobby. ?ou cannot
e+pect me to bear all this in mind. 2hen I mae up my mind which hon. Member
to call ne+t and if he is not in his seat I am entitled to i!nore him. I cannot call
them by the order in my mind one after the other. That is not the practice e$en in
the House of Commons. I did not find the hon. Member standin! up when I was
in the Chair. I ha$e a note here. I made a note of those Members who ha$e not
already spoen but ha$e tabled their amendments. But they ha$e no patience to
sit here and the moment they are not called they !o away to the lobby.
.andi& Mai&ra" There is absolutely no dissatisfaction at what you, Sir, ha$e
done. I want to assure you that we ha$e the feelin! that we are all !ettin! an
honest and fair deal;absolutely impartial deal;from you. 2e ha$e no feelin!
a!ainst the Chair.
.andi& "risna Candra Sar$a 1(ttar &radesh3 " May I su!!est that the
words used by Shri Bhatt may be withdrawn /
.andi& Mai&ra : He ne$er meant any ob-ection.
Sri Ba&& " 2ith your permission. Sir, I want to clarify the position. )ll I
wanted to brin! to your notice was that I ha$e been standin!, but perhaps you
did not notice it.
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" I shall come to hon. Members who ha$e not spoen and
who ha$e tabled amendments ne+t.
.andi& "un*ru 1(ttar &radesh3" If I may say so, I a!ree with you. Sir, that
we e+pected that the debate on the clause. But important %uestions of
concerned with the merits of the clause. But important %uestions of principle
were raised yesterday and I see that the minds of hon. Members are coloured by
what was said in the course of yesterday.s debate. It is therefore unfortunately
necessary to say somethin! on these points so that the pre-udice created a!ainst
those parts of the bill that we are !oin! to discuss may be remo$ed.
My hon. friend, Shri 0.E. ,ad!il has dealt admirably with some of the points
that were raised yesterday, and I $enture to say somethin! more on this sub-ect
because I feel that what was said yesterday i!nores not merely the spirit of
Hindu Law but the chan!es that are already tain! place in Hindu society. In
considerin! the Bill before us it is not enou!h that we should confine our
attention to the pro$isions of the Bill. It is necessary that we should understand
the character of the society for which we are le!islatin!8 Its most important
character is chan!e8 it is in a state of transition. To mention only one important
factor that is $itally affectin! our society, a !reat deal of awaenin! has taen
place amon! our sisters durin! the last twenty*fi$e years. They ha$e happily
become conscious of their -ust ri!hts and they are main! or!anised efforts in
support of their -ust demands. It is partly to the credit of these educated and
enli!htened women that this Bill has been placed before us. But we ha$e to add
to this the fact that education is fast !rowin! amon!st women......
Sri !. ". Cauduri " ?ou mean 2estern education /
.andi& "un*ru : The education that you ha$e recei$ed and in spite of which
you claim to be a !ood Hindu. 5ur sisters are recei$in! the same education and
there is no reason to suppose that they will become denationalised or adopt an
attitude of disrespect towards their reli!ion or culture. 5ur women are recei$in!
education in e$er*increasin! numbers. They will en-oy the franchise on a footin!
of e%uality, complete e%uality, with men. Is it concei$able that in a society that is
bein! moulded by such forces ine%ualities between men and women will be
tolerated for any len!th of time/ Those who use the name of reli!ion in order to
defend social ine%ualities and social in-ustice are doin! the worst ser$ice they
can to Hindu reli!ion. There is nothin!, I $enture to say, in those pro$isions of the
Bill that we are !oin! to discuss in this session that is in any way in conflict with
the best principles of Hindu Law or with the spirit that has always under laid it.
2hat are the main features of the bill so far as we are !oin! to discuss it now/
They are mono!amy and di$orce. )s re!ards mono!amy, my hon. friend. 'r.
Syama &rasad Mooer-ee said realistically yesterday that in $iew of what had
taen place in the past it was too late today to contend that this &arliament was
not competent to undertae le!islation in respect of social reform. He also said
that he would be prepared to support mono!amy if the Muslims were brou!ht
within the pur$iew of the Bill. I remember distinctly that when the !eneral
principles underlyin! the bill were discussed, some speaers e+pressed the fear
that Hindu society was bein! compelled to imitate the Muslim society in respect
to inheritance. 2e now that amon! Muslims dau!hters ha$e a share in the
father.s property. ?et, we were not in fa$our of assimilation between Hindus and
Muslims in this respect. 2hat ri!ht ha$e we now to as that no le!islation should
be undertaen in respect of Hindu marria!e unless it applies as much to the
Muslims as it will do the Hindus/ &eople who are not prepared to allow women
to ha$e a share in the property of their fathers ha$e no ri!ht to as that the law
relatin! to marria!e that is applied to the Hindus should in all respects be
applicable to the Muslims also.
The ar!uments that ha$e been put forward now were carefully considered by
the Hindu Law Committee. I should lie to remind the House of what this
Committee said with re!ard the ob-ections that had been ur!ed after considerin!
them one by one, it came to the conclusion that they were either far*fetched or
had no relation to e+istin! facts and then said"
9 2e ha$e accordin!ly decided to retain the pro$ision for mono!amy in the
draft Code. It will pre$ent the husband from desertin! the wife at will and
contractin! a second marria!e. There is a substantial body of e$idence before us
that cases of desertion and re*marria!e are increasin! and this problem is best
sol$ed by enactin! mono!amy as a rule of law.9
I thin that the obser$ation of the Committee has !reat force and those who
oppose mono!amy on any !round must deal with the concrete reasons put
forward by the Committee in fa$our of proposin! mono!amy. The Committee
drew attention to the fact that mono!amy had been enforced by law in the State
of Bombay. Le!islation was undertaen there four or fi$e years a!o to pre$ent
poly!amy amon!st Hindus. 2e can now say that there is a similar law in the
State of Madras. Indeed the State of Baroda where there was a Hindu ruler and
whether the lar!e ma-ority of the people were Hindus passed a law many years
a!o in fa$our of mono!amy and di$orce.
Sri D. D. .an& 1(ttar &radesh3 " The =uler $iolated it.
.andi& "un*ru " If the Hindus in all these places ha$e $iolated Hindu Law,
then where can you find real Hindus;only in this House /
It was yesterday that the demand was put forward that the Bill should be made
permissi$e, that is, the enforcement of the pro$isions should be left to the States.
0ow, here are two important States in which the principle of mono!amy is
already in force. There are other parts of the country also, for instance, the
district of Malabar and the State of Tra$ancore*Cochin, where le!islation has
been passed to pre$ent poly!amy amon!st Hindus. In $iew of this and in $iew of
the fact that it was freely admitted in the debate yesterday that in a lar!e ma-ority
of cases, in an o$erwhelmin! ma-ority of cases, the marria!es were
mono!amous, on what !round can anybody now as that pro$ision relatin! to
mono!amy should be made permissi$e / This is the only pro$ision of the bill that
is not permissi$e but compulsory, and it is compulsory for a $ery !ood reason. It
will be compulsory, but that principle appears to ha$e been accepted by Hindu
society at lar!e. In those places where it pre$ails Hindu law has not been
sub$erted. There are as !ood Hindus there as there are amon!st the Hindu
Members of this House. I thin therefore that my hon. >riend 'r. )mbedar is on
stron! !round when he ass that we should lay down as a rule of law that
mono!amy should pre$ail amon!st the Hindus in this country.
The ne+t point that I should lie to deal with is di$orce. Here too it is ased that
the pro$isions should be made permissi$e. But they are already permissi$e.
(nhappy couples will not be under a compulsion when this law is passed to rush
to a court of law and as for immediate di$orce. It will depend upon them
whether they will tae ad$anta!e of the pro$isions of the law. 2hat more can be
done in order to remo$e fears and in order to enable only those people who find
the e+istin! conditions intolerable to see either separation or complete di$orce /
The Hindu Law Committee, dealin! with this point, said"
9 >rom the e$idence adduced before us we should thin that there are
thousands of women in British India who ha$e been deserted by their husbands.9
Then it !oes on to say "
9 Many hard cases were also brou!ht to our notice by other witnesses in which
re*marria!e was both desired and possible but could not be effected by reason
of the e+istin! law. The number of these cases may not be relati$ely lar!e and
reconed in terms of percenta!e the problem may not appear to be a formidable
one. But as we ha$e already stated there are thousands of such cases in India
and if e$en a small proportion of these women desire a di$orce with a $iew to
!ettin! themsel$es remarried the %uestion is whether the law should say up to
them . nay .. #$idence was brou!ht before us that in many cases re*marria!e is
%uietly celebrated and that society tolerates and reco!nises such remarria!e.9
Here, a!ain, the facts are incontestably a!ainst the $iew that there is no need
for ha$in! a pro$ision for di$orce in our marria!e law. 0o one is compelled to
tae ad$anta!e of it. There is no reason why for the sae of the patient sufferers,
those who see relief should be denied. I ha$e already referred to some of the
States where mono!amy is le!ally in force. I may add that the law allows di$orce
in all the States mentioned by me in respect of mono!amy. 0ow what has
happened to Hindu society there/ Has the sanctity of marria!e become less than
it was before/ 'o not the Hindus there re!ard the tie of marria!e as a
sacramental tie/ Ha$e they no respect for Hindu reli!ion or Hindu culture/
.andi& Mai&ra : The sample is here.
.andi& "un*ru " I should $ery much lie to see a discourse between my hon.
>riend &andit Maitra and the people of the States mentioned by me on this point.
He will not find it easy to con$ince them that they are inferior to him in their
re!ard for Hindu culture and Hindu society.
.andi& Mai&ra : Then lea$e it to indi$idual areas to le!islate " why force it here/
.andi& "un*ru " I ha$e already pointed out that there are so many areas in
which this law is in force. In the second place I ha$e taen pains to point out that
the pro$ision will be permissi$e. 2hat do you mean by asin! that it should be
.andi& Mai&ra " Mae it optional for all.
.andi& "un*ru " It will be optional for unhappy partners to see relief under
this law or not. 0obody is !oin! to compel them either to separate or to see
di$orce. 2hat more do you want/
The law in Baroda has probably been in force for a much lon!er time than in
the States of Bombay and Madras. But it appears from the e$idence !i$en before
the Hindu Law Committee that both in 6HBI*B6 and 6HB6*B< the number of suits
by persons belon!in! to castes in which custom does not allow di$orce was
three only. My hon. friend 'r. Syama &rasad Mooer-ee said yesterday that if HI
per cent. of the people could already !et di$orce, where was the need for
brin!in! the remainin! ten per cent. who were followin! a hi!her law and who
re!ard marria!e as indissoluble. 2ell, I am sorry that he is not in his place. But I
should lie to point this out to him.
Besides, we all now what is happenin! in Hindu society. If a husband drins
and beats his wife, or deserts her, is this a sacramental act/ Is this in
accordance with the sacred character of Hindu marria!e/ )n hon. member
behind me as" 9 2hy not chec it/ 9
.andi& Mai&ra : There are also wi$es who beat their husbands.
.andi& "un*ru : I do not say that the wi$es are impeccable. 2i$es ha$e their
own faults, but the law will apply not merely to wi$es but also to husbands. In
$iew of this it is idle to claim that the upper strata of Hindu society, that is men
belon!in! to the Brahmin, Ashatriya and #aishya castes ha$e a hi!her ideal than
the members of the other castes.
)!ain, it has been said that this Bill has caused a !reat deal of perturbation in
Hindu society. I find that this is due to the fact that people are misinformed with
re!ard to the pro$isions of the Bill. 2hen the pro$isions are e+plained to them a
!ood many of their misapprehensions disappear, and I ha$e no doubt that if
those who assiduously $oice the fears of the people in this House will tae a little
trouble to e+plain what its pro$isions really are.....
.andi& Mai&ra : Let the !o$ernment do it.
.andi& "un*ru: .....much of the dissatisfaction that e+ists will disappear.
,o$ernment is doin! what it can to spread a correct nowled!e of the
pro$isions of the Bill, but is it not the duty of those people who belie$e in truth
and in the spirituality that underlies Hindu law to tae a hand in this !ood wor/
2hy should they not see to remo$e the pre-udice that has been wron!ly created
a!ainst the Bill/
.andi& Mai&ra : Lea$e it to them to decide.
.andi& "un*ru" My hon. >riend disre!ards facts completely. I confess that I
am powerless to con$ince him....
.andi& Mai&ra : It is my misfortune also.
.andi& "un*ru : .....if he continues to shut his eyes to facts.....
.andi& Mai&ra : I am looin! strai!ht at them.
.andi& "un*ru " .....and says that nobody in India has before the introduction
of this Bill e$er heard of the words mono!amy and di$orce.
Sri !. ". Caudari : Mono!amy means monotony.
.andi& "un*ru : I thin that those who are supportin! the principle that
underlies the pro$isions that we are considerin!, who are tryin! to brin! about
complete e%uality between men and women, who are tryin! to reno$ate Hindu
society, who are asin! it to !o bac to the !reat principles that once made it
!reat and the en$y of the world, are renderin! the !reatest ser$ice they canto
Hindu reli!ion and culture. I hope that they will perse$ere in the path they ha$e
chosen themsel$es and mae Hindu reli!ion as respected throu!hout the world
now as it was some centuries a!o.
Sri Ba&& : (En,lish translation of the speech) Sir, I am bein! ased to
spea in #n!lish, but as ill luc would ha$e it, I cannot spea in #n!lish. I cannot
e+press my ideas and feelin!s as suitably in that lan!ua!e as I can in
Hindustani. I may be e+cused for that.
Sri !. ". Caudari: Sir, we do not understand hi!h*flow Hindi and we
cannot follow if the hon. Member speas swiftly. 2e can understand if he speas
Sri Ba&& " I ha$e not taen the floor simply in order to reply to what the Hon.
Minister has said, but I am here to e+press my own ideas. 2e are !oin! to
perform a bi! tas and curs is a Herculean endea$our. 2e are descendants of
Bharat and Bha!irath, =ama and Crishna, Manu and ?a!na$alya. The
systematisation and codification of Hindu Law in such a way that we may be in a
position to apply, it to our li$es, is a Herculean effort. )s Shri ,our has said
about #n!land "
9 Earious attempts ha$e been made to codify the laws of #n!land but the
attempts ha$e so far failed.9
#n!land is a pro!ressi$e country and yet its laws could not be codified. In our
country where there are so many complications and anomalies and customs
ha$e a $ery hetero!eneous character, the ma!nitude of our tas is indeed !reat.
)s Hon. Minister Caa Sahib ,ad!il said, if we do not perform this tas, how
would we be able to brin! the di$ine ,an!es and ?amuna to the plains as
Bha!irath did / I con!ratulate him on his coura!e. 2e also want to help him and
not impede his efforts. I want to say that thin!s should be done at an appropriate
time and by suitable methods. I do not say that Hon. &andit Cun4ru wants to
depri$e the Hindu Shastras of their sanctity and importance but at the same time
I do not lie that we should drift towards materialism and see thin!s only from the
point of $iew of our con$enience. 2e do not want to mae his law only to pro$e
its ineffecti$eness in the lon! run. 5ur Hindu Shastras ha$e also been amended.
Today they call 'r. )mbedar as Manu, Shri ,ad!ilis called ?a!na$alya and
Shri ,ad!il can !i$e any such name to Shri 0a4iruddin )hmad also.
Shri Syamnandan Sahaya 1Bihar3 " Call him 0arad. Shri Bhatt " It is difficult to
say today whether we ha$e made any pro!ress or ha$e !one bac. I would say
that from the point of $iew of food, clothin! and li$in!, we ha$e the same
standard, which our ancestors had durin! the Mu!hal period. Is our standard of
li$in! the same as obtained 67I years bac/ 'o we ha$e the same facilities,
which we had thirty years bac/ )pplyin! this standard, we cannot say that we
ha$e pro!ressed. Can we say that we ha$e made pro!ress simply because we
ha$e passed more laws/ 5r shall we say we ha$e pro!ressed as we ha$e
become more healthy and coura!eous and ha$e become true )ryans/ This is a
difficult %uestion8 I cannot answer it not ha$e I the time to do so. It is a new
sub-ect and I do not want to !o into its different aspects. I shall try to confine my
remars only to my amendments and clause <. 5ur Smritis and Shastras ha$e
ept chan!in! accordin! to times. I a!ree with the Hon. Minister in that we ha$e
our $harma Shastras. Shri Maitra may interprete them in one way. Shri ,ad!il in
another 8 'r. )mbedar may e+*pound them in his own way and my
interpretation may be different from those of all these !entlemen, thou!h I am not
a scholar of Shastras 3 all I want to say is that our reli!ion, our Smritis and our
Shastras are eternal. Chan!es ha$e taen place in them and new thin!s ha$e
been incorporated in them at times chan!ed. They chan!e with time and place
and ne$er la! behind. 2ithout showin! disrespect to the scriptures of any other
reli!ion or community I want to say that the Hindu Shastras and tradition li$e to
this day 8 that is why Hinduism has ept place with time. It is in that sense that I
consider them as eternal.
.andi& Mala,iya" )fter the code has been passed it will not remain so.
Sri Ba&&" 2e don.t want to fri!hten them. I remember that the Hindu Code
Bill Committee prepared a draft of the Bill and it was presented to the House in
)pril, 6HBF. In the statement of 5b-ects and =easons was this sentence" 9 There
is a !rowin! public opinion in fa$our of codification and a uniform code.9 Beides
this our hon. Caa Saheb Says,9 It is difficult to say which side is stron!er 9
Mr. Depu&y Speaker: In the 5fficial =eport it will be difficult to understand who
9 Caa Saheb 9 is.
Sri Ba&&: I admit the truth of what you say. )s Caa Saheb i.e, the Hon.
Minister Shri ,ad!il said -ust now and others said yesterday, that the #n!lish
nowin! people and e$en those who do not now #n!lish but ha$e pro!ressi$e
$iews, a!ree to this. But if this is true, why do so many demonstrations tae
place a!ainst this Bill / Both sides demonstrate. )round the &arliament House,
those who are in fa$our of the Code Bill and those who are a!ainst it, both of
them demonstrate. I now both sides ha$e scholars and intelli!ent people amon!
them and also men and women.
Dr. #$bedkar: They are all lunatics. They are out because our lunatic
asylums are too small.
Sri Ba&&: Then Hon. 'r.. )mbedar says that those who are opposin! the
Bill are lunatics. I be! to submit with respect that I want to stand a!ainst this
statement. If you call them lunatics, they would call you a hundred times bi!!er
lunatic. I want to emphasise that if a person calls his opponents lunatics, he is
li$in! in an a!e with which we are fed up. 'urin! British =ule, such ,o$ernment
was here as neither listened to, nor tolerated what others thou!ht. I don.t a!ree
to 'r. )mbedar.s statement, who has been compared to Manu, that his
opponents are lunatics and are out because our lunatic asylums are too small. I
Sri !. ". Caudari " May I say that we are losin! all the humour because
the hon. Member is speain! in Hindi, Those who now Hindi understand but we
are not followin! him at all.
.andi& Mala,iya" It is not humour but !rim humour.
.andi& %akur Das Bar+a,a 1&un-ab3 " My hon. >riend does not understand,
otherwise he would be somewhere else accordin! to 'r. )mbedar.
Sri !. ". Caudari: I understood 'r. )mbedar to say that those who were
opposed to this Bill are mad. Is that in order /
Mr. Depu&y Speaker" He has not said so.
Sri Ba&&" I was sayin! that 'r. )mbedar may hold certain $iews and my
$iews may be different. )fter 6HBF this Bill was sent to a Select Committee,
which presented its report in )u!ust 6HBD. )fter that this bill a!ain came up for
discussion. )s you are aware sir, our ,o$ernment does not want to hurt
anybody, nor does it want to do anythin!, which mi!ht create a sensation amon!
the people. So our ,o$ernment consulted !andits. 'r. )mbedar also listened to
what certain !andits had to say. He !a$e them an opportunity to put forward
their $iews, thou!h not to their heart.s content, but they were !i$en an
opportunity all ri!ht. I do not now whether he accommodated their $iewpoint or
not, but after that he put forward somethin! new and amended it. 0ow he is
brin!in! forward new amendments e$ery day and that is !ood8 there is nothin!
wron! in it. He wants that he should brin! round his opponents, and tain! their
!rie$ances into consideration, put forward an a!reed le!islation. 2ith this idea in
mind the ,o$ernment ha$e introduced this Bill and we are discussin! clause < of
the same. This Bill contains many different thin!s, but if I ha$e ri!htly
understood, for the time bein! only two parts, vi@., those relatin! to marria!e and
di$orce are to be taen up. If we are !oin! to tae up only one thin! as
su!!ested by Shri ,ad!il, who has e+pressed the hope that it would
demonstrate our mi!ht. I would re%uest them to stop there if they ha$e any idea
of what is practicable. I repeat what I said in an earlier speech 8 and that is the
,o$ernment should wait till the ne+t House is elected within four or fi$e months.
Those who will !et elected to the ne+t House, will put this %uestion before their
electorate, before the people. This has become a burnin! %uestion and it will
remain before them. &ut it before the people and the members of the ne+t
&arliament will !et a mandate from them on this %uestion or will tell their
electorates what they would do when they sit in the new House. 2hile speain!
on the Child Marria!e =estraint Bill in 6H<H, Paid*e*)4am @innah had said, 9 It is
necessary that children under 6B should not be allowed to marry. If my electorate
does not a!ree to this, I will resi!n from the House, and they may elect
somebody else to represent them 9. 2e should be definite about what we want.
The idea that we should not anta!onise anybody, now that we ha$e reached the
last sta!e, should not enter our calculations. The best possible draft of the Bill
should be put forward before us and we should clearly now as to how far we are
to !o. 2hy should you put only one thin! before us / 2e ha$e to scrutinise
e$ery clause. 'r. )mbedar has become so impatient that he wants to brin! forth
a child, no matter if it is blind, de$oid of limbs or unable to mo$e. 2hat he wants
is a son so that he may ha$e somebody to offer !indas to him.
#n on. Me$ber" So that he may !et deli$erance/
Sri Ba&& : &ardon me. May he li$e for a thousand years8 I am speain! only
fi!urati$ely. If 'r. )mbedar and &andit @awaharlal feel so stron!ly about
passin! the Bill, we will brin! round those who ha$e been termed as lunatics.
(se whate$er methods you lie to brin! them round, to repress them, we are
with you and may be we would also come under your influence but please refrain
from passin! a le!islation that is incomplete, in$alid and base. 5n the contrary it
should be lofty. 2hy do you say that you do this and you do that -ust to
accommodate us/ 'on.t do it if you thin it is not ri!ht. If we are elected to the
ne+t House we will say with more coura!e that we are armed with the mandate
of the people on this %uestion and we are not !oin! to bow to the directi$es of
anybody else. 2e will bow only to the will of the people. I am a %uiet man and do
not wish to prolon! my remars on this point. ) couple of days bac I had
occasion to !o to a factory. &eople worin! there ased me what all this fuss
about the Hindu Code Bill was. I countered that %uestion with the remar as to
why they were afraid of this measure. They said 9 This is !oin! to put an end to
our reli!ion, there would be chaos in our society and we will deteriorate.9 So I
had a tal with them. Many of them were intelli!ent people, who had read the
draft Bill. 2e should not thin that those who are opposin! this Bill are doin! so
without understandin! it. They referred to the pro$ision about di$orce and said
that these days they can !et di$orce more easily accordin! to the pre$alent
customs. 9 2hy should you 9, they said, 9 dra! us into the court and mae us say
that a woman is immoral and mae the women accuse their men of adultery/ It
is better to discuss these thin! in our !anchayats and people who understand
the truth about a particular couple will separate them.9 0ow, this needs a lot of
consideration. 2ill 'r. )mbedar ar!ue that di$orce rules, where$er they operate
are $ery lenient and should not be so because that will endan!er Hindu reli!ion/
Hindu reli!ion is not endan!ered because of that. There are others who say that
Hindu reli!ion will be endan!ered if this Bill is passed. 2e ha$e to ta+ our brains
to see which side is ri!ht. #$erybody has to thin. Then I ased those people in
the factory as to what else they had in their minds. Then they mentioned the
problem of the share of the dau!hter in her father.s property. 2hat I want to
show is that those who are opposin! the Bill are not lunatics and that they are
not actin! without intelli!ence. Some members of the Adarsh -ahila San,h
came to me and put the same %uestion. 0ow they are also wise and reasonable.
0o doubt, the hon. Member Shri =enua =ay, Shrimati 'ur!abai or other lady
members are wiser and more well*read. But that does not mean that women
outside this House do not understand the si!nificance of thin!s or, as somebody
said, that they are mere blocheads. The ladies I referred to -ust now, started
discussin! and said that we should do nothin! that may brin! down the whole
structure of society. 2e ha$e opened a way by passin! the Ci$il Marria!es )ct.
&ersons marryin! under this )ct can also !i$e di$orce. 2hy should we !o
further/ Let our customs remain as they are. 2e do not say that a certain person
should not do a certain thin!. ,radually people would be!in to understand.
Shri Cun4ru has spoen about mono!amy. &eople don.t ha$e enou!h to li$e
on. In many cases it is difficult to support one wife e$en, how can e$erybody
support two/ Muslims are allowed to ha$e as many as four wi$es, but has
e$erybody four wi$es/ In $ery few cases, men ha$e two wi$es and $ery rarely
one has four. I could not obtain census fi!ures in this respect. 5ur Statistics
'epartment is still far behind. The %uestion now is, how Muslims came to be
allowed to ha$e four wi$es at a time. Ha4rat Mohammad fou!ht the battle of
5had in which a lar!e number of men were illed. The result was a
preponderance of women o$er men, for the protection and upeep of whom
those who could support upto four wi$es were ordered to tae that number of
women as wi$es. This thin! has happened in ,ermany and >rance at different
times. In our country there is more or less parity between the numbers of men
and women. The number of women is some thousands less than that of men.

1&)0'IT TH)C(= ')S BH)=,)E) in the Chair.
But if, unfortunately, the number of women !oes up by two crores, a new
le!islation will ha$e to be passed to meet the new situation. I am !oin! into detail
to show that our laws were made accordin! to the demands of time and place
and e$en now they are bein! made accordin! to the same standards. 'r.
)mbedar wants a le!islation of that sort but that le!islation should ha$e the
effect of healin!. In our country marria!e is not a matter of con$enience only. He
may be of the $iew that marria!e is merely a contract, pure and simple. These
words ha$e been used by leadin! lawyers. But the basis of our society is not
only materialism. 5ur society is based on our ancient Shastrasthe Shastras
pertainin! to a!riculture, 4oolo!y and sociolo!y. >rom the point of $iew of
!enesis the horse and the ass, belon! to the same !enus, as all of us are human
bein!s. But human bein!s differ in different countries. ) person lies the same
sort of climate and en$ironment in which he has been brou!ht up. The same is
the case with other li$in! bein!s. Tae somebody from Hissar to a new place
and see the reaction. Tae the case of trees for instance. Can a tree from
Cashmir thri$e in =a-asthan / Many attempts were made to plant man!o trees in
=a-asthan but they all failed. )fter all there is some principle behind it. Land,
seed, water and climate, e$ery factor has somethin! to do with it. ?ou can.t plant
a tree anywhere. The same is the case with marria!es. ?ou can.t marry
somebody to anybody. #$en for trees one has to consider which tree can be
!rafted upon another. I don.t want to !o into details. My point is that our society is
based on certain political, educational, hy!ienic, eu!enic and se+olo!ical
principles. If you want any proof of this, I will %uote a portion of 'r. Bha!wan
'as.s lon! speech, which he deli$ered while presentin! his Hindu Marria!e
Ealidity Bill. In this speech he %uoted many thin!s from the Shastras. 'r.
Bha!wan 'as said"
9 The hy!ienic and eu!enic and se+olo!ical principle is that e$ery possible care
and caution should be e+ercised and all possible cleanliness and purity secured
in respect of food and marria!e and that persons with similarity of tastes and
habits and purity of temperament should dine to!ether and marry to!ether so
that the indi$idual and racial*health and happiness may be promoted.9 I do not
see much in eatin! and dinin!. #$en before ,andhi-i I did not belie$e in this. But
if you as me to dine with a fish*eater I would as to be e+cused. I do not
consider him an untouchable, but I ha$e formed a habit. If somebody ass me to
marry a certain woman.........
Dr. #$bedkar " There are not so many fish that could be supplied to

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