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DATE: MAY 9, 2014

What connections do you see between your term project
and any of your other classes?
I took a writing class this semester that focused on writing a decent essay using
ethos, pathos, and logos. The class also focused on using different techniques to
find research for a topic. This really helped me expand the content of my final
into something I could be proud of.
What connections do you see between your term project
and your interests outside of your class work?
I got to study a controversial topic that we experience in our everyday lives.
Almost everyone gets a wedding ring, but not everyone understands where it
comes from. I personally, am glad that I got to learn alternative ways to buying
diamonds that wont support such an evil cause.
How does your term project reflect what you have learned
about ethics at work?
Something I learned in this class that I could relate to my project is that a big part
of the Blood Diamond trade is what a business is willing to do to make a profit. I
learned that monetary means should never justify wasting a human life in the
end. But if we as a consumer continue to support such a terrible trade, the
supplier will continue wasting lives for us. The best way to voice our opinions
would be to just not buy their diamonds.

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